#dankovsky lore
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meirimerens · 2 months ago
Because you mentioned Daniil‘s mama, does she ever meet artemy? What does she think of him? Does she ever find out about him and daniil being together or does daniil even come out to her? <3
she's at the wedding❤️ not said in jest btw she is.
I've mentioned it a few times in my #dankovsky lore and/or #yeva nazarovna dankovskaya tags (latter one including images of yeva interacting with burakh. Need to remake them but they're here and real still) dankovsky has been out to his mother since he was 15 after he realized age 11. for a while he didn't say anything because at age 12 like who cares but later it became that he kinda needed to say something lest he gets asked over and over about a fiancée so he preferred to readjust his mother's priorities before it became annoying. she's taken it better than his father, for this stuff I'll send you to the tags mentioned above because rewriting that in full kinda tires me a bit so you can read it [here] or [here].
she loves her grandkids because she was all on his ass with "you can still adopt right 🥺" even as he hadn't gotten a companion in his entire life. she's particularly fond of murky because murky looks Just Like Him For Real and is sad that she dislikes bangles and jewelry because yeva had kept all her jewelry for a future wife of her son's, then when that became obvious that That'd Be A No Ma'am for a future adopted daughter of his.
But Before That she has to kinda Meet Burakh indeed. after coming back to the city after his Hell on Earth countryside trip, dankovsky starts visiting more often from a feeling of "damn [scratches head] like is kinda precious and I should hang out with my mom before she's gone" and it becomes more and more obvious to her he has someone because he's like. Brighter psychologically. Less like the annoying stuck-up he's been. Mentions needing to travel back to the steppe often with a fondness that's not Colleagues-Only Related. so she starts "so is there someone👀 there is someone riiiight👀" and eventually he admits it. she's so excited to meet the guy (his dad a bit less because while he had made peace with him being gay [cf lore tag] he didn't really make it with dankovsky Having A Companion). Eventually yeva manages to convince her son to convince burakh to visit. and he does. a bit awkward. she thinks her son has good taste. both parents are quite in awe at the guy their son managed to bag because they're quite a bit smaller than him. yeva thinks it's so fun because she can ask him to fetch things on the shelves but dankovsky senior A Bit Less until burakh asks about the beetles collection and they get to bond by senior Proudly Discussing his and his son's collection. she reads his palms and is like I See👀 A Long And Prosperous Marriage 👀 [they hadn't even discussed that before]. Eventually burakh invites the dankovskies to ToG where yeva, who's a rather modest orthodox christian woman, is Vaguely Struck by the herb brides [cf this thing 2021 art jumpscare] but she respects the tapestry of the cultures of the world so she eventually just goes "what strong and athletic women🙏 I used to dance when I was younger um NOT LIKE THIS PERSONALLY but I did. But my knee… you know" And indeed eventually they are at the wedding. Love wins.
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thanatika · 21 hours ago
The Bachelor's Pharmacy
I made a list of all of the metabolism-affecting consumables I could find in the Quarantine game files. @humancork was asking to see this, but I'll put it in the tag in case anyone else wants to see.
Stimulants (Increase Mania/Decrease Apathy):
Camphor Stimulant, a rubefacient. Causes irritation, just like everything in this damned place.
Coffee   Coffee is imported from overseas, so I must conserve my supply. Besides, the delivery of goods to the town is delayed, so the price of coffee can be outrageous. Addictive, with each use, the effect becomes weaker.
Adrenaline (Called "Stimpack" in game files) A hormone produced in the adrenal glands as a response to stress. When administered, it activates the body's fight or flight response. In my case, it increases running speed.
Strychnine A poison. Which is the same as medicine. Invigorating in small doses. Addictive. With each use, the effect becomes weaker.
Concentrated strychnine   The word repulsive doesn't even begin to describe its taste, especially in such a dosage, but it clears your mind like nothing else. You can't become addicted to it, even if you want to.
Tobacco It is believed that cigarettes have a calming effect, but in fact nicotine is a stimulant. Addictive. With each use, the effect becomes weaker.
Taurine Taurine is extracted from ox bile—perfectly fitting for a town built on bulls. It stimulates the nervous system and supports energy processes in the body.
Depressants (Increase Apathy/Decrease Mania):
Bromide Increases inhibition in the cerebral cortex. In other words, dulls the brain. Sometimes that's exactly what I need.
Etorphine A powerful analgesic. An overdose can lead to sudden feebleness or even death.
Morphine Relieves any pain, both physical and mental. In return, it asks only for your sharpness of thought. Many people take that deal. Addictive. With each use, the effect becomes weaker.
Refined morphine   Strong, robust. Each time it hits you like the first one. However, it's very rare. Use with caution to avoid overdose.
Valerian extract   Sedative. Sometimes even Bachelor Dankovsky drinks valerian extract, just like his grandmother used to.   [Alt: Sedative. Can't go wrong with valerian.]
 Dankovsky's special (Called "BachelorBrew" in game files, lol) A remedy I made myself. When administered, it allows the body to postpone any current pain and spread it out over time for approximately [Y] seconds. Unlike morphine, this drug doesn’t inhibit the psyche or cause apathy.
Makeshift tonic pill (Called "Craft_Pill_Apat" in game files) Partially mitigates the negative effects of apathy. Effectiveness unknown.
Makeshift stress relief pill (Called "Craft_Pill_Psycho" in game files) Partially mitigates the negative effects of stress. Effectiveness unknown.
Twyrine (Called "Tvirin" in game files, no description)
Swevery extract Serves as a natural tonic. It would be good to cultivate the local herbs...
White Whip toxin The White Whip an endemic species of the Gorhon Steppes. Contains a poison that, in its pure form, is lethal. There have been known cases of murders involving its use.
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lukashaaa · 8 months ago
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Drawing over blobs of colour is fun
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fleurbeaufermo-za · 17 days ago
I watched a 2 and something hours long video(shout out to Philippe), more than 3 times, about Pathologic 2 lore.
And what did I learn? That pathologic is one of best pieces of art ever made by the humankind still don't know the lore tho
This is what makes us gamers
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shogoakuji · 10 months ago
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the changeling brothers, artemy and ersher burakh. the false haruspex, daniil dankovsky
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julijbee · 2 years ago
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no, keep going. i think you're finally getting somewhere.
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shmowderslut · 9 months ago
I recently started a "im going to read EVERYTHING" bachelor playthrough, and im surpriced i havent seen anyone talk about the many-legged fugitive side quest. Im sick and feel like my brain is filled with rats, so here's my unorganized and unholy feelings about it.
First of all the house you need to go in is *not* easy to find, it is not the nearest house to the staircase (also theres two of them!) and definetly isnt visible from the stillwater. I have to confess, i needed to look it up online, and even the guide had misplaced the marker! As always, the frustration fuels me, and makes my love this game even more. And this is day 1! Its a nightmare and i love it. If youre stuck here, its okay, it seems like so many people were too.
Plot and character spoilers under the cut!
Okay now into the juicy stuff. Technically not about the quest yet, but we're getting there.
You get the quest talking to Lara Ravel, after learning about her from talking to Yulia in the main mission. A thing i dont think is mentioned a lot is that Yulia dislikes Lara Ravel. Now Yulia being a queer woman in stem (i will not accept criticism on this) She raves about all the other women like theire goddesses (they are) but she sees Lara as ungenuine and almost sad.
"She pities everyone she comes across, for she knows they will all die just like her dearly departed. She sees a corpse in everyone she looks upon"
And maybe i havent been paying attention, but this is very different from how Lara is usually portrayed, as a literal angel and a philanthropist. She always stood out to me as a surprisingly simple and good character is pathologic, so i was exactic to find out this detail of hers. Also the relationship says a lot about Yulia and her no-nonsense attitude, that she values honesty over good deeds.
Then we finally get to the quest in itself, where Lara tells you the children have brought an old dangerous game back. They used to play doctor using a dangerous mix of medicine and pretend healed eachother. She asks you to find a secret stash these kids hid and destroy all the shmowders (again, i went a lil insane trying to find the house). Unfortunately the bachelor is just too late, again, and the stash has been distributed among the children.
Theres 2 dogheads you can talk to, one of them tells you more about shmowders. That they doent believe in shmowders and its the little kids who are playing epidemic with deadly conjuctures. They blame Capella for distributing them, and all the kids should just go to the polyhedron to stay safe.
The second doghead tells you that yes, the shmowders do work and they came in use the last outbreak. That the kids were safe in the polyhedron, but some of them wandered out and made shmowders. Shmowders that were stored in this stash, but have now disappeared. Also as a fun fact, he tells you the spesific people who made the shmowders. Now i dont recognize these, but if you do please tell me.
"The original ones were made by Catchfly, but they were no good; the disease would pass, but the person would pass away along with it. But then Beaker's brothers made some nice ones. Crowfoot's weren't too shabby, and neither were Flanky's..."
I just think its neat to have an in universe reason the pumpkin girl sometimes carries a shmowder. Also this plays into what i think is the most prevalent pathologic theme, two impossible truths existing at the same time. The shmowders are a live saving medicine AND poison. Its childrens imagination AND real. You get the jist, my head hurts and im going to sleep
Also if you read this far, thank you?!? I am in no state to check this for clarity, but im pretty rambly (battling to not write a fanfic about this quest) and this is not my native language
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fruityharuspex · 2 years ago
i've become addicted to character.ai and i'm talking to Artemy on there, roleplaying as Daniil, and i'm making them talk about their feelings but also i make them sleep because they've been up for 7 days straight at this point. it's like therapy but for pathologic fans. also i make them kiss (and they are both boys) teehee:33 it's almost as if i actually have them both in a fish tank and i can tap on the glass
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styxnbones · 2 years ago
Pathologic Vampire The Masquerade AU bc apparently I'm not the only person in the middle of this venn diagram of fandoms
Artemy: Tzimisce, from a long line of Kolduns, though with little knowledge of sorcery himself. More capacity for Vicissitude than Isidor (his sire, obv) had, though mostly focused on Animalism and conventional Protean.
-Rubin: Was ghouled by Isidor, with the expectation that he would one day be embraced. Hence, there's some tension between him and his 'brother' Artemy, who was embraced, especially when it appears that Artemy killed diablerized? Isidor and ruined Rubin's chances. Since Isidor's death Clara has become his regnant.
Daniil: Tremere. He's an arrogant academic who the fuck else would embrace him. I also like to think he's got connections with the Ministry back in the capitol (snakes <3), and is only very begrudgingly operating under the Powers That Be Ivory Tower. He got in touch with Simon to hopefully learn Oblivion/Necromancy in a Know Thine Enemy type way as part of his quest for a greater understanding of death/undeath.
-The Kains: Hecata Family 100%, like they literally canonically have necromancy. Simon is the lowest gen, of course, with Georgiy and Nina being his childer (though Georgiy was only embraced shortly before Simon's "final death"). Nina, as well, embraced Maria, just before her own. Victor is just a ghoul, the poor guy, because his brothers still needed someone who could walk in the sun to actually run the town. Kaspar is still human, I think.
-The Stamatins: Twin Toreadors. Though they came to WoDToG as humans, their reputation preceded them and had already caught the attention of Farkhad, their future sire. Though it's thought he sired them both, in actuality Farkhad only embraced one of them, before being staked by the other- who was then embraced by their twin. Rumor has it that the two didn't just put Farkhad to final death, but that he was diablerized by the second childe. (Though no one has proven anything, and which twin would be the diablerist is anyone's guess.) They also both knew Daniil prior to his embrace.
Clara: Antitribu Malkavian. Crawled from the grave, in true shovel-head fashion, and took on the mantle of a saint to those lurking on the fringes of the WoDToG. Her madness manifests as her 'twin,' though in this au they are truly one and the same.
-The Humbles: All ghouled by Clara, with the exception of Katerina and Aspity. (In the Humbles ending her "sacrifices" are embraces to form a sabbat pack.) Katerina was already a Caitiff, though she was embraced by the Nosferatu? Gangrel? Rat Prophet, and not dealing with it very well. Aspity is her own mysterious thing (aka I can't make up my mind about her, but she's definitely not one of Clara's ghouls).
This is all ive got so far, though if anyone else has ideas/opinions id love to hear them. Also, though this has been lurking in my head for a while, the posting of it was spurred on by @cabbagege's awesome art and chatting w my friend @dykeferatu so im gonna @ both of you
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plan-3-tmars · 2 years ago
(@doomed-bythe-narrative) my daniil propaganda is that he's a doctor who is trying to (naively) defeat death and even when he learns theres a deadly plague in the town that keeps getting worse as the days go by his main quest of curing death never changes
UNTIL he learns on the last (12th) day that he is just a doll in a children's game and he's not real and none of it is real does his quest change to say that it was all in vain because, it was
all his hopes of curing death and later of finding a vaccine was a literal game all of his work and research is just made up
this suffering was a game for fun
(pls give this prickly prick ur vote)
Doomed by the Narrative: SEMIFINALS - 1
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meirimerens · 2 months ago
Do you think daniil and/or artemy can ice skate? Who would you think is better at it/enjoys it more? I love your brain
Yessiree I do.
Dankovsky is better at it because he's had more practice — regardless of if the Capital is Moscow or St-Petersburg (depending on when one thinks Pathologic takes place [pre- or post-1917 revolution]), he grew up here and both of these cities from what I'm gathering have a history of popular ice skating spots. He'd go with his mama and kept going until her legs became too bad to ice skate. As a grown man he's sometimes slipped away from his lab to melancholically ice skate to clear his mind. This much is true.
Burakh also got to experience ice skating a bit, but less: the Gorkhon river, because it is full of animal blood and guts and lard and the machinery rust and oil from the Termitary, doesn't freeze over very well, and his dad had multiple times told him to not wander on the ice because it was unstable. At most, and he and his friends needed to wait until the tributaries of the gorkhon to the south froze over, and even then it was sloshy ice. When he was sent to the Capital to study, he did indulge in ice skating at the same rinks Dankovsky is familiar with.
Nowadays with his bad leg he does not ice skate as much... but when visiting Dankovsky at the capital, if he lets himself be convinced, he'll follow. He'll have him pull him like a work work so he doesn't have to move his legs too much. Childish behavior!
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thanatika · 2 months ago
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crazy how viktor can't take a shit without people trying to claim that the shape of it is somehow him trying to brand himself with the talis family crest because being romantically obsessed with jayce is his whole personality now apparently.
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maetersart · 11 months ago
I've been really curious about your ocs, the ones for your universe "Utroba" specifically your lady doctor (does she have a name?) cause I adore her design but what's her personality? Does she have any supernatural abilities? Is she a hero or villain? Stuff like that.
Oh wow question about UTROBA, god yesssss thank you for asking. A lot of things in this project are still really raw and we only share concepts and some art, but we have something to tell about this lovely woman
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Her name is Grigora Vocula. She is the second main character of one of our UTROBA stories after Temir and his companion-partner. She is a doctor of medicine, and also a teratologist and aberration consultant — think of her as a special pathologist who studies the original mutant monsters (aberrants), and also helps in investigating cases with them and sometimes with local cultists
She's not the villain in our story, but she's not a hero either. She's just a very good doctor who knows how to do her job, but she gets involved in a very big story. Her personality is inspired by characters like Dana Scully, Dankovsky, Gregory House, Filipp Preobrazhensky, Kim Kitsuragi... Grigora is cold, emotionally closed, authoritative, cynical, but lives her work like a real nerd and can really be passionate if we talk about her as a professional. She doesn't see personalities in people and is surprised when they see a person in her
While she lacks empathy, she is faithful to her personal principles and the law, viewing the world around her as a system of rules and logic. She is used to being alone, living alone, and working alone. Okay, not entirely alone; Grigora has a little dog — proof that someone can be really dear to her, even though she denies it. In any case, dead bodies have become much better friends for her than colleagues... However, Temir destroys everything one day when he suddenly decided to awakens on her table right before the autopsy. It’s a looooong story
She doesn't have any supernatural abilities, but at some point she will have to face the risk of becoming what she is fighting against — an aberrant, and it will look something like this
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And a few lil facts about her
She's tall. Like.. really tall. 192 cm of authority
A heavy smoker
Grigora is a lunar. Lunarism is similar to our albinism in UTROBA, but with its original lore. It also affects her appearance, making her skin and hair colorless, and her eyes moon-yellow. So she make up her eyebrows and eyelashes to make them black
Loves crosswords and card games
A representative of the intelligentsia and has a privileged status in communist society
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enlitment · 8 months ago
Thanks for the tag!
Omg you got Elle Fanning inThe Great? That's a massive W! Jealous! (actually kind of scared now to open my camera roll –)
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Danill Dankovsky from Pathologic! You know what, he may be insufferable, but I'm not complaining (+1 for annoying Latin quotes +1 for canon knowledge of anatomy +1 for sad wet cat vibes)
(actually strictly speaking the first person on my camera roll was Žižek, but I don't think he counts as a fictional character)
Tagging @sparvverius @cattus-catos @katrina20lh @gloomth-and-wanderings & @theamazingmurderrocks ✨
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^tagged by @soctherapy but the post was getting too long
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this isnt a win for me.......
Tags!: @rae-unbeloved @lil-gae-disaster @fictionalcharactergraveyard @livelaughlovelams @alexanderhamiltonhasafatass
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rathologic · 4 days ago
{Items.Metabolism.Valeriana.Description} Sedative. Sometimes even Bachelor Dankovsky drinks valerian extract, just like his grandmother used to.
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hayheadd · 8 months ago
How would u represent the dogheads as warrior cats?
This is a hard one!
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Now. I try to stray (bark) away from the canon of both pathologic and warrior cats as little as possible, within reason. It gets hard when pathologic's whole thing is mindfuck magic shenanigans and architecture, something that cats ... can actually do in warrior cats, they cat build to some extent and are smart. But making masks and theatre performances is something that cats usually don't do...
I have considered eeeveything to make it fit. I have considered things like the warrior cats pathologic happening like 2 km away from the actual real pathologic with the humans, I have considered the powers that be actually still being human children but they're just playing with their warriors ocs instead. Don't worry the first one is scrapped but the second... Mmmm... Anyways. It would make sense for say, Executors to have weird looking above average sized raven skulls and for Oyun to wear an actual bull skull since he's a big cat and being able to carry bones of an animal that weighs up to a ton all the time would be a testament to his strength. Tragedians though? Hm. Apparently in the lore of p1 Mark actually dug the masks up from the ground with them being relics of some sort of kin tradition, like the Executors being the birds of death. So that backs up the bull and the ravens, but what about the vaguely human mime mask? To be fair TO ME the game doesn't explain their lore either, so I can just say it stays a myyystery... But if you care, maybe the tragedian masks were something that the old cat kin made out of like, a big bone then cut holes in it. They still have the abattoir, and no, cats killing bulls isn't silly, cats canonically have GOD and they can ride trains and go to the mall (which happens in Tigerheart's and Riverstar's books, I may know my cat lore...) and also do surgery with fucking rocks
I have explained them having the polyhedron and cathedral and weapons applicable in gameplay (within reason). But dog heads are something that cats absolutely cannot make. A flower cloak, sure. A bone mask, whatever. They don't have plushies though. They can't stitch... They don't have cloth production. And I like to keep my pathologicisms recognisable. I put the outfit patterns on cat fur so you can take a look at it and definitively say, hey, that's mister Danny Dankovsky D. Diddles Dickhead right there. So making the dogheads completely unrecognisable would be very unfortunate. So after that pretty long ramble I am going to inform you that I am taking the easiest possible cop out! The heads are plushies that they have because they do. Because they have the plushies and there is not an issue. They tie it to themselves with grass for stability and there's stuffing spilling out which is very patholgicly. Here's a quick doodle on cat finch, that's the ginger kid who eats knives.
Or maybe I can use the elaborate web of cop outs that IPL have constructed for themselves. See, co-author, it makes sense because god is children and children are stupid. Actually no, this makes sense because this is a videogame! No this isn't a videogame, this is a theatre performance! Goodnight!!!
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