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snicketstrange · 1 month ago
The Mystery of Kit Snicket: Lies, Retcons, and the Role of R in ASOUE
The story behind the story is very important. Lemony wrote to a supposed sister in TSS. Here we discover that Lemony has a sister named Kit Snicket. And without using any means to try to hide information (as he had done in TCC and TSS), he openly said that he was trying to save the life of his sister Kit. I think we can say with complete certainty that when Lemony published ASOUE in his universe, several years had already passed since the main events narrated in the series.
The important question is: If Kit dies during the main events narrated in ASOUE, how could Lemony try to communicate with her and save her life many years after her death (that is, at the time of the publication of ASOUE)? While some argue for the idea of a "plot hole," I argue for the idea of a "conscious decision made in TE to retcon and make this woman, referred to as Kit at the time of publication, an imposter whom Lemony knew was an imposter and knowingly collaborated with."
In fact, in LSTUA, there were already some hints of this. Consider the original title of chapter 12 of LSTUA: "Is there anything a concerned citizen can do if he or she wants to help the Baudelaires?"
On page 192, we find Lemony’s response to this question. Note who the response letter is addressed to:
"My dear sister, I understand how desperate our situation has become, but it is dreadful enough for people to have to read about the Baudelaires. I cannot imagine who would be brave enough to help them. With all due respect, Lemony Snicket."
What happened here? Someone sent a question to Lemony (the question in the chapter title), and he answered with "my dear sister." Interestingly, in THH, the VFD people handing out balloons and singing at the hospital explained to Klaus that "brother and sister" doesn’t necessarily mean biological siblings but can refer to people in the same organization with the same goals.
With this in mind, we see the development of DH’s idea about Lemony’s "dear sister." In THH, we learn brothers and sisters aren’t always family. Then, in LSTUA, Kit appears as Lemony’s real sister (published in our universe after THH). At the same time, another “secret” character is introduced: R. LSTUA is what truly allowed the world-building from TCC onward to become so consistent.
In a recent 667 interview (well, more like questions sent through Semb), DH said he made outlines for LSTUA and that we could take it seriously. LSTUA laid the groundwork for the Sebald Code, Jacques working on a submarine, and many other things. But back to Lemony’s “dear sister.” LSTUA shows that VFD members sometimes pretend to be other members (and not just Olaf with disguises).
To get straight to the point: I’m saying that R took Kit’s identity and Lemony knew it. Lemony knew Kit had died on the island, her death witnessed by a few people whose whereabouts are now unknown.
Now, look at what R wrote to Lemony on page 25 of LSTUA:
"There are not many of us left, Mr. Snicket, but we are ready to help you in any way we can… Gone are the wigs I used when I wanted to disguise myself as you disguised as someone else."
R promised to help Lemony and was known for going undercover. Did DH forget or ignore R in the main story? No! In fact, R is mentioned in TGG, which proves DH included her in the narrative. Of course, the quotes in TE and TBL are more obvious, but even in TGG, R’s presence is "felt."
In ch. 8 of LSTUA, we see the story about "Miss K" at Prufrock Prep and the photo of a woman Lemony wrote about: "Will I ever see her again?" At first, maybe DH’s idea was that Miss K was Kit. But after TE, we know Miss K cannot be Kit. Kit died before the publication of TBB in the ASOUE universe, while Miss K brought one of ASOUE’s published books to Prufrock Prep. This means Miss K became someone else, not Kit. Probably a retcon, but that’s fine, since it’s never revealed that Miss K is Kit. There are enough loopholes to suggest she’s someone else—most likely R.
As a result, the secret message in TCC and the letter in TSS couldn’t have been sent to Kit. ( Note: R is only a suspect). Since Lemony is an unreliable narrator capable of lying or making mistakes, the recipient could even be Beatrice, whom he believes is alive (maybe she is, maybe not). With Lemony’s unreliability, there are so many possibilities that I have to establish guiding principles for investigating the Baudelaire case.
The fact that Kit is described as alive in TGG, called "my sister Kit" by Lemony, is clear evidence that Lemony lied. When he called her "dear sister," it could’ve been ambiguous, but naming her outright makes it a direct lie. The purpose seems to be to mislead anyone in his universe reading ASOUE to gather intel to capture Lemony or his allies.
By the time TGG was published, Kit had been dead for years. Lemony knew this. Most of his detailed knowledge of the Baudelaires’ thoughts and actions comes from the book written by the island castaways. That book told him how Kit died and where she was buried. This allowed him to write such a detailed account of the Baudelaires, including their private thoughts and actions.
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fausto-giurescu · 3 years ago
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COUNT OLAF Ayer estaba queriendo dibujar algo por el cumpleaños de Jim Carrey, pero no llegué porque son dias infernales. Pensaba dibujarlo como el personaje que mas me gusta de él, Joel Barish de "Eterno Resplandor de una Mente sin Recuerdos" Pero eso iba a desencadenar que vuelva a ver la película unas seis veces mas y todos sabemos como termina eso. Asi que al final me decidi por el Conde Olaf de "Una serie de Eventos desafortunados". Amo la saga, es una locura, y la serie es espectacular, pero no hay comparacion con la version de la película. Lo que va a desencadenar leerme de nuevo toda la saga, los libros orbitales, la serie, la película y es un abismo sin fin. Cual es su personaje de Jim Carrey favorito? ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ #jimcarrey #countolaf #baudelaires #lemonysnicket #baudelaireorphans #theworldisquiethere #vfd #aseriesofunfortunateevents #sunnybaudelaire #danielhandler #klausbaudelaire #violetbaudelaire @lemonysnicketlibrary (en Corrientes, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY4E6cmrvF7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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moonchildpages · 5 years ago
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anyone ever read a book that they absolutely were excited for and when you finish you’re just feel eh about it... yeah that’s this book. read it two ? years ago. didn’t like it. but the artwork is so pretty and 😫😫 why couldn’t it have been good?? ——— what’s a book that didn’t live up to the hype for you? ——— #bookstagram #booksofinsta #illustratedbooks #hypedbooks #dissapointingbooks #whywebrokeup #danielhandler https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mAGSdgLCH/?igshid=1iy9s2ygunv0s
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clasicosyruidosos · 6 years ago
Lemony Snicket: Una serie de eventos desafortunados (2004)
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A Violet Baudelaire (Emily Browning) le fascina inventar artilugios; a su hermano Klaus (Liam Aiken), leer todo libro que llegue a sus manos sin importar su temática y a la bebé Sunny (Kara y Shelby Hoffman), morder cosas. Claro que esto que practicaban por hobby acabará volviéndose imprescindible para la supervivencia del trío.
Y todo por culpa de un incendio tan atroz como enigmático que destruye su casa y mata a sus padres. Y, si es verdad aquel dicho que reza que es mejor estar sólo que mal acompañado, además deben afrontar las siniestras acechanzas del malvado Conde Olaf (Jim Carrey), tutor de los chicos y actor con más ínfulas que talento, y su equipo de peculiares colaboradores. ¿Y qué quieren? Nada menos que recibir la cuantiosa herencia del trío Baudelaire, labor para la cual desconocerán todo límite, aunque deban enfrentarse a otros personajes a cual más estrafalario, pero amables.
No es una historia para los que gustan de películas con duendecitos, pero sí para que la disfruten aún aquellos que no han leído algunos de los trece libros que conforman la saga creada por el verdadero Lemony Snicket (que se llama Daniel Handler). Tres de ellos (“Un mal principio”, “La habitación de los reptiles” y “El ventanal”) han sido adaptados para conformar esta obra dirigida por Brad Silberling (”Casper”). Que cuenta con un elenco brillante en el que se apuntan Meryl Streep, Jude Law, Billy Connoly, Timothy Spall, Jamie Harris, Luis Guzmán, Catherine O´Hara, Dustin Hoffman y Jane Lynch.
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sweettimemachineexpert · 6 years ago
Person A: so you like to read books as well? Who's your favourite author?
Person B: well I can't pick one there are so many. There's Dan brown, Agatha Christie, Rick Riordan, Daniel handler and lemon snickers.
Person A: ....do ...you....mean... lemony Snicket...?
Person B: .......... lemon snickers
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inge-universe · 3 years ago
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#newin #nieuwbinnen #bookmail #boekenpost Daniel Handler aka Lemony Snicket @lemonysnicketlibrary #lemonysnicket @authordanielhandler #danielhandler @uitgeverijlannoo @lannoopublishers Lemony Snickets afschuwelijke avonturen - Het treurige tweede boek Het duistere derde boek Het verderfelijke vierde boek Was al een tijdje benieuwd naar deze serie. Nu heb ik dus 3 van de 4 delen. Mis deel 1 nog. Wie heeft deze boekenserie al gelezen? Wat vond je er van? Lemony Snicketserie is een vdmeest succesvolle reeksen na Harry Potter. ............ Beste lezer, Het spijt me je te moeten vertellen dat dit boek bijzonder onaangenaam is. Het vertelt het ongelukkige verhaal van drie ongelukkige weeskinderen: Violet, Klaus en Sunny Baudelaire. Ze komen in de klauwen terecht van een onsympathieke man, graaf Olaf, die op hun familiefortuin uit is. Als je houdt van verhalen die goed aflopen, ga dan maar een ander boek lezen. Met vriendelijke groeten, Lemony Snicket Inhoud: Lemony Snickets de afschuwelijke avonturen vertelt de belevenissen van de weeskinderen Violet, Claus en Roosje Baudelaire, die na een brand hun ouders zijn verloren. De kinderen hebben het niet gemakkelijk. De verwaande Graaf Olaf, die steeds in een nieuwe vermomming opduikt, bedenkt 101 sluwe listen om het familiefortuin van de kinderen te bemachtigen. Slagen Violet, Claus en Roosje erin uit zijn klauwen te blijven? 3e deel worden Violet, Claus en Sunny ondergebracht bij tante Jozefien, een angstige vrouw met een passie voor grammatica, die aan het Melancholiameer woont. Maar er wacht hen nieuwe rampspoed in de vorm van een orkaan, vleesetende bloedzuigers en... graaf Olaf, die zich deze keer heeft vermomd als kapitein Nep. Zijn ze hem ook deze keer weer te slim af? 4e deel worden ze naar een houtzagerij gestuurd, waar hen alleen maar ellende en rampspoed wacht. Gaat over angstaanjagende machines, hypnose en n man met n rookwolk waar je n hoofd zou verwachten. ............ #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #bookstagramnl #bookstagrammers #boekstagram #fantasy #dutchbookstagram #dutchbookstagrammers #dutchbookstagrammer #boekenwurm #booktrovert #jeugdfantasy #jeugdboeken #juniorfantasy https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc-th3cokrE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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trixie-and-ames · 4 years ago
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Weather, Weather By Maira Kalman And Daniel Handler This arrived in the post today and I couldn't be more happy. After reading The Principles of Uncertainty by Ms. Kalman I wanted to fill my head with more of her work and that brings us to Weather, Weather. In reading this I found that it's the third in a series of collaborations involving Kalman, Handler and MOMA. Safe to say I'll be acquiring the other two books in future. Handler ( better known as Lemony Snicket) composes sparse though provoking prose which juxtaposed beautifully with the photographs from MOMA. Miss Kalman recreated several of the photographs on canvas ( as seen here) to bring added depth and her art helps the photos and words swirl and mingle in such lovely fashion. Many famous photographers work appears in this volume including Ansel Adams, Henri Cartier- Bresson, Alfred Stieglitz and Dorothea Lange. Poetry and art coming together to create a mind frame in which to ponder the most common question. What's the weather like? #weatherweather #mairakalman #danielhandler #booksbooksbooks #booksofig #ilovetoread #booklover #moma https://www.instagram.com/p/CMqCkoSFdZG/?igshid=11yix523mni6d
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hayallerdibenibenyapan · 4 years ago
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Talihsiz Serüvenler Dizisi(a series of unfortunate events) Önce kitap sonra film 💞 #talihsizserüvenlerdizisi #lemonysnicket #lemonysnicketsaseriesofunfortunateevents #danielhandler #film #kitap (@ Alanya) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL_7pHhhLNv/?igshid=8fuvsrqhhwow
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mila-ferreira · 7 years ago
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Bom dia, amados! Comecei a ler "O Clube dos Oito" achando um livro muito doido e confuso, mas agora estou amando! Tô louca para falar mais sobre ele para vocês! 📖📚😍 . #OClubeDosOito #TheBasicEight #DanielHandler #lendo #instabooks #instalivros #instalibros #bookstagram #books #bookslover #bookaholic #DeLivroEmLivro #DLL
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fausto-giurescu · 6 years ago
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THE VERY UNFORTUNATE ORPHANS BAUDELAIRE After several days without being able to grab a pencil, I'm very happy to do what I love doing again. Time heals all. I hope so. @unfortunate @daniel_handler . . . . . #baudelaire #baudelaireorphans #klausbaudelaire #sunnybaudelaire #violetbaudelaire #lemonysnicket #countolaf #netflix #danielhandler #faustogiurescu #vintage #artnouveau #victorian #vintage #artwork #illustration #victorian #goth #dark #gothic #retro #comic #fantasy #procreate (en Corrientes, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0cvZ5APNp/?igshid=f2nbli9qv06m
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bibliophiliacthings-blog · 5 years ago
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“Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another.” ― The ever witty, incredibly crafty and seemingly sentimental, one-in-a-million... Lemony Snicket
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hipsterprincess22 · 8 years ago
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Getting ever closer to ending this childhood favorite of mine. I'm so excited to see where it leads them and a step closer to it's end. #thepenultimateperil #theseriesofunfortunateevents #book12 #bookbinge #bookbinge2017 #lemonysnicket #danielhandler #hoteldenoument
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leavingourpapertrail · 8 years ago
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Who else has watch Netflix's A Series of Unfortunate Events??? I looooved it! Absolutely cannot wait for season 2 and I'm really hoping it will cover my favorite of the books, The Carnivorous Carnival! This might be my favorite Netflix series now, the casting and aesthetic were so on point! What did you think? • #aseriesofunfortunateevents #asoue #thebadbeginning #thereptileroom #thewidewindow #themiserablemill #lemonysnicket #danielhandler #vfd #theworldisquiethere #yalit #yaliterature #yalovin #bookstagram #bookish #bibliophile #booknerd
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spidervices · 8 years ago
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"It was a secret time and place, you next to me, untraceable and out of this world." ♥️💎#danielhandler #selfie #piercedgirls #tattooedgirls #bra #blonde
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deeeepsteep · 8 years ago
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"I should finish reading the books I have now before buying new ones." I tell myself as I buy more books. #twinpeaks #dishonored #danielhandler
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thuandraws · 8 years ago
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i love A Series of Unfortunate Events, books by lemony snicket and netflix series. i did drawing of the three awesome Baudelaire siblings, Sunny, Klaus and Violet. 🎤there are no happy endings, not here and not now 🎤. (actually i really want a happy ending for these three kids :)0. drawn listening to 'what is love' by haddaway, not sure why, just because i like the song :P
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