moonchild don't cry
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sophie | 18 | mexican + american | probably sleeping |
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moonchildpages · 2 years ago
a belated 'small things in life' readathon tbr
i can’t believe it’s been a year- to the month!- since i’ve posted on the blog! lots has happened in between! but a quick run down: i’ve officially finished two semesters of college (lost my mind in the fall and then had a pretty chill spring), took ceramics and had tons of fun but also kind of wanted to bash the clay in a few times lol, became a military wife T.T (not actually; the bangtan boys…
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moonchildpages · 3 years ago
healing cinematography, over the top hilarity, and my next potential favorite // a kdrama update
healing cinematography, over the top hilarity, and my next potential favorite // a kdrama update
i had so much fun blogging about my current reads recently that i’ve been on a sort of blogging high haha. ideas have been brewing, that’s for sure! i thought i’d write about the kdramas i’ve been watching. i’ve been able to make some progress on some due to me being sick with covid recently and having to quarantine in my room. i’m all better now, alhumdulillah! i got tested a week ago and was…
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moonchildpages · 3 years ago
fantasy, rom-coms, and poetry // current reads
fantasy, rom-coms, and poetry // current reads
today is definitely a blogging day. i’m sitting in a barnes & noble starbucks with my brother, sipping on a caramel macchiato and inspecting the oreo brownie i bought, thinking i definitely should have asked if it had nuts. wondering if it’s worth it to take a bite and risking me ruining my time at the cafe (because it looks yUMMY), but i didn’t bring my allergy medicine with so… maybe no? also,…
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moonchildpages · 3 years ago
in this essay i will scream about percy jackson….. because of course i must
in this essay i will scream about percy jackson….. because of course i must
*rolls up sleeves* hi, hello. longtime no see! it’s been five months since i’ve been on this site, and i’m coming to you from the corner of my bed, freshly showered after work, sipping an iced matcha i made for myself, and ready to write. of course, it would be percy jackson! oF COURSE IT WOULD BE PERCY JACKSON THAT WOULD KILL ME DEAD AND THEN REVIVE MY BODY FROM MY GRAVE! ALL AT ONCE!! *ahem*…
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moonchildpages · 3 years ago
where do we go from here? // a babble post
where do we go from here? // a babble post
as we near the end of the year and i realize that my blog has been inactive for the better part of the latter half of the year, i realize my priorities have shifted. this blog has blended into the background of my life, become something i return to when the feeling strikes, rather than it being apart of my day to day. i don’t spend time drafting up posts anymore and thinking up more content,…
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moonchildpages · 4 years ago
some awesome book clubs to check out!
some awesome book clubs to check out!
book clubs are magical things to be apart of, a group reading a book together and having fun discussing it. drawing different opinions and perspectives on the same book, together. i’ve always loved the concept of community reading. when i was younger i used to read books with my brothers, like big nate and diary of a wimpy kid series. then with my sisters, the first book we all experienced…
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moonchildpages · 4 years ago
a little life update + a small tbr for summer (also bc i'm free from school for the time being and want to reeeaad!!)
a little life update + a small tbr for summer (also bc i’m free from school for the time being and want to reeeaad!!)
hola, lovelies!! i’m back!!! it is the fabled returnnn, and now i shall cry! i’ve missed blogging so so much and i’m glad i’m back from my unplanned hiatus T.T i had to take some time off because school was getting hectic and intense and required all my time and brain power but!! i’m on a break now, until i get reenrolled for the following year. i’ve mentioned it before but idk how many of you…
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moonchildpages · 4 years ago
[blog tour] somewhere between bitter and sweet by kemp // book review
[blog tour] somewhere between bitter and sweet by kemp // book review
Somewhere Between Bitter and Sweet by Leakan Zea Kemp // ★★★★★ trigger warnings: mention of self-harm, anxiety, depression, an instance of arson, mentions of ICE and deportation As an aspiring pastry chef, Penelope Prado has always dreamed of opening her own pastelería next to her father’s restaurant, Nacho’s Tacos. But her mom and dad have different plans — leaving Pen to choose between…
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moonchildpages · 4 years ago
dominicana by angie cruz // we read latine book club
dominicana by angie cruz // we read latine book club
Dominicana by Angie Cruz // ★★★ trigger warnings: child marriage, domestic abuse, rape, racism, colorism, ethnocentrism, cheating, use of the ‘r’ slur, and death of a loved one Fifteen-year-old Ana Cancion never dreamed of moving to America, the way the girls she grew up with in the Dominican countryside did. But when Juan Ruiz proposes and promises to take her to New York City, she has to say…
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moonchildpages · 4 years ago
fantasies, cute romances, and a nonfiction! // recent reads #1
fantasies, cute romances, and a nonfiction! // recent reads #1
heyo, lovelies! and welcome to a new series on the blog where i talk about books i’ve recently read! as i mentioned in my 2021 goals blog post, i’m going to be doing this as an alternative to wrap-ups. because wrap-ups and i just don’t seem to get along. i’ll be typing one of these up each time i read five books! it’s almost mid-march wow! i’m so excited i get to post one of these now! my…
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moonchildpages · 4 years ago
the undocumented americans by karla cornejo villavicencio // we read latine book club
the undocumented americans by karla cornejo villavicencio // we read latine book club
The Undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio // ★★★★★ One of the first undocumented immigrants to graduate from Harvard reveals the hidden lives of her fellow undocumented Americans in this deeply personal and groundbreaking portrait of a nation. Writer Karla Cornejo Villavicencio was on DACA when she decided to write about being undocumented for the first time using her own name.…
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moonchildpages · 4 years ago
my anticipated march releases // #sincerely created
my anticipated march releases // #sincerely created
hola, lovelies! and welcome to march’s edition of sincerely created! there are so many books on this list, wow. i guess march is just a good month for book releases hehe. i hope they all do well, and that you find some that sound like your type of book! the goodreads links are in the titles as always! i've also used a little emoji star (🌟) to indicate debut authors' books! and i've included all…
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moonchildpages · 4 years ago
a kinda long post on how i use my notion~!
a kinda long post on how i use my notion~!
heyo, lovelies! i’m doing something new today! i’ll be showing yall how i use my notion. some of my friends have been asking me to share lol and i thought i’d put it on the blog for people struggling to know how to use notion. or how to organize their lives lol. notion can be a little overwhelming when you’re first getting to know it. and i hope this provides you with some lil ideas of how you…
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moonchildpages · 4 years ago
notes on ~january~ // monthly reflections
notes on ~january~ // monthly reflections
hola, lovelies! it’s been a while since i’ve done a chit chatty blog post. actually, i don’t even know if that’s true but it definitely feels that way. so much has happened in my life all within the span of a few weeks, many things my pea brain has had to quickly consume and cope with in a condensed amount of time…. but i’m okay. i think. not 100%…. maybe 85%… and that’s okay. it’s only…
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moonchildpages · 4 years ago
my anticipated february releases // #sincerely created
my anticipated february releases // #sincerely created
hey guys! i was meant to post this sooner, but the whole traveling thing had occupied my time for a while. but now that i’m settling in for quarantine, i thought i’d crank this post out! i’m so excited for these books!! and thanks for those who gave their anticipated releases! the goodreads links are in the titles as always! i've also used a little emoji star (🌟) to indicate debut authors'…
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moonchildpages · 4 years ago
[blog tour] fat chance, charlie vega by crystal maldonado // book review
[blog tour] fat chance, charlie vega by crystal maldonado // book review
fat chance, charlie vega by crystal maldonado // 3.75 stars genre: YA, contemporary, romance representation: plus-sized latine mc, black bi side character, adopted asian love interest, lesbian moms! trigger warnings: fatphobia, internalized fatphobia, mentions of racist/fatphobic actions, toxic/boderline emotionally abusive parental relationship Coming of age as a Fat brown girl in a white…
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moonchildpages · 4 years ago
why representation matters: a love letter to ~ nocturna~ (ft. cielo @bookrokosmos!) // we read latine book club
why representation matters: a love letter to ~ nocturna~ (ft. cielo @bookrokosmos!) // we read latine book club
hola, lovelies! i’m here today to end our lovely book club read of this month, nocturna, with a very special blog post! i’ve been keeping this post very top secret because i’ve been very excited for it lol! for those of you that follow my insta, you know that nocturna is one of my favorite novels (and that it was in my favorite books of 2020). and my love for it is something i’ve screamed about…
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