#daniel simpson fanfiction
myveryownfanfiction · 27 days
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen
warnings: drinking, swearing, d-day tries to drink and drive
D-Day helped me off his motorcycle in front of the Delta house. The party was in full swing and he adjusted his toga. Smiling at me, D-Day offered me his hand.
"So remind me why this party is happening? I thought you guys were on suspension. No parties." I laughed as D-Day led me up the steps.
“Because! It’s our last fling before they kick us out for good!” D-Day called above the music. “If our grades are as bad as wormer says they are, the deltas are gone. We might as well go out with a bang!” I laughed as he spun me around before kicking in the door. Everyone cheered as we walked in. “Hey!” D-Day took off, probably looking for drinks. I watched as bluto came down the stairs and smashed someone’s guitar.
“sorry.” He said before handing the guy back the broken bits.
“hey bluto.” I called above the music. His face lit up and he jumped down the stairs to hug me.
“(Y/N)! How ya been?” Bluto cheered. “Haven’t seen ya for a while. Thought maybe D-Day had done something to piss you off.”
“nah. I had finals. Same as you all.” I said, letting him steer me with an arm over my shoulders towards the basement. “Though I imagine I did a whole lot better than you all.”
“we’re on double secret probation. Have been for a while. Once those grades are public, well…” bluto shrugged. “The deltas won’t be welcome here anymore. Hey you know why boon is avoiding Katy?” I nodded. “Something we should know?”
“the rest of the deltas? No.” I shook my head. “But I already told D-Day and if he hasn’t told you yet he will so I might as well. She’s fucking Jennings. And buying weed from him.” Bluto looked at me surprised.
“no fucking way.” He breathed out. “Well shit.” I nodded as we met up with D-Day. He smiled at me and wrapped an arm around my waist. I grabbed his beer and took a drink.
“hey.” He whispered, leaning his head against mine. I smiled at him as I took another drink.
“hey.” I whispered back. “How many you have already?” D-Day shrugged. “Good enough for me.” I laughed.
“let’s dance.” D-Day ran his nose down my cheek and kissed my neck. I laughed as he dragged me onto the dance floor, holding my hands tightly as he spun me around. I smiled at him as he pulled me close as the song changed. D-Day put his hands on my waist as he gently swayed to the beat. I put my hands on his chest, curling my fingers into his toga.
“I like this.” I said softly. D-Day ducked his head and kissed me.
“yeah.” He agreed, mustache tickling me. I giggled as he smiled. “We should do this more often.” I nodded before pulling him back into another kiss. He hummed against my lips. We spent the rest of the night drinking and dancing. “Let’s go home.” D-Day slurred, stumbling up the stairs with me in tow. “Well fuck. Bike should be right here.” I leaned against him as we stared at where his bike had been parked earlier.
“who moved it?” I asked, staring at him with wide eyes. “No one knows how to drive it except you.”
“might have been bluto.” He groaned. “I’m sorry. I guess we’re stuck here for the night.” I nodded as D-Day turned to look at me. We turned around and headed back into the frat house.
“boon isnt here. Maybe we can crash in his room tonight.” I said. D-Day nodded before heading up the stairs and down the hall. We crashed into the room and passed out on the bed.
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apoptoses · 10 months
Something that's been on my mind is seeing the idea that in order for smut to be valid to write it has to have a purpose. It has to say something about the characters, it has to serve as a tool for the plot, it has to have some deep meaning beyond the sex acts involved.
And honestly, that's not true no matter how much some very vocal people might insist that smut without a 'purpose' is just porn and porn is shameful to make and consume.
It's okay to write smut because you think the concept is hot. It's okay to write it just because you want to give your readers jerk off material about their favorite characters. It's absolutely, 100% fine to write smut for smut's sake.
And sure, you want it to be in character, you want to write it so that you can't just file the names off and replace them with anyone. But you can just write something because you think character X should fuck character Y in this very specific way and have that be the end of it.
Call it smut, call it porn, call it whatever. Write the stuff you want to write. You don't have to do literary gymnastics in order to make it 'valid' for anyone, and you especially don't have to make excuses to yourself to justify writing it in the first place.
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banannabethchase · 2 years
Somebody placed mistletoe all over the arena. It is a tradition, after all.
Thank you to @sarahcakes613 for the prompt! This is fun and fluffy and my favorite parts of fanfiction. I wish you a relaxing and soft Sunday, and I hope you enjoy and have restful and meaningful holidays if you celebrate :)
Mini playlist (we're going with some of my favorite weird as hell holiday songs): Mixtape for Christmas - Hey Monday Christmas Past, Present, and Future - Ashlee Simpson All I Want for Christmas Is You - Bowling for Soup Merry Merry Merry Frickin' Christmas - Frickin' A
They sneak in at five in the morning, bribing a security guard to let them in. They have devious, hilarious plans in store for the AEW roster. Something that will provide them with blackmail and, maybe, just enough holiday spirit to pick up the energy of the place.
Wheeler is somewhere in the hallway of a San Antonio arena, too distracted by the pain in his neck to think straight.
He blinks as best he can, glancing around, trying to focus his gaze. He just has to get to the trainer’s room. He thinks that, maybe, he should have listened to Mox and waited for him.
“What’s wrong with you?”
Wheeler turns around to see Daniel Garcia, standing in the hallway. He’s pretty sure he’s standing still, but he can’t be positive about it. Either way, one of them is swaying back and forth.
“Hi, Danny,” Wheeler says, trying to seem normal. “I’m trying to-to find the trainer’s room. Know where it is?”
Danny looks behind himself, then back at Wheeler, rolling his eyes. “Come with me.”
“That promo you did with Sammy,” Wheeler says, because he can’t remember how to shut his mouth, “he called you a tightass,” Wheeler laughs. He trips over his boot. He only manages not to collapse on the floor because Danny grabs his arm and hauls him back up normal.
“Shut up,” Danny says, shoving him halfway across the hallway. Wheeler stumbles and bumps into the wall, but it’s enough of a jolt to get his head on a little straighter.
“You can’t push an injured guy,” Wheeler says, shooting him a grin.
Danny rolls his eyes, “You’re fine.” He pauses, eyeing Wheeler. “Right?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Wheeler replies. “Rush got me good.” He winces as he rolls his neck, feeling Danny’s eyes on him the whole time. “He hits hard.”
Danny laughs. “Please.”
“Not as hard as you do,” Wheeler offers. “But hard.”
Danny straightens up, and Wheeler can tell he’s preening, just a little bit. “I mean, my specialty is submissions and his is just, like, wailing on somebody until they crumple. Like you did.” He grins at Wheeler, a little mean.
“Oh, bite me,” Wheeler says.
“Gladly, you little shit,” Danny says. “The trainer’s here.” He pauses in the doorway. And Wheeler notices something.
“Um, am I concussed, or is that mistletoe up there?” He nods upward, the action making his entire body ache.
Danny burns bright pink. Wheeler thinks its cuter than he probably should. “Oh.” He laughs, a little low, rubbing his neck. “Yeah, I guess so.”
Wheeler makes a decision, and slides in next to Danny in the doorway. “I mean, it’s there, right?”
Danny licks his lips. “I – I guess so.”
“Plus, you told me to bite me in that match, and I haven’t followed up on that, and then I just told you to, so…”
Danny grins. “Oh, that’s how it is?”
Wheeler would respond, but instead, he’s leaning in, lips pressed to Danny’s, and the aching is replaced with something fresher, newer, brighter.
“Quit making out and get checked out!” shouts somebody in the trainer’s room.
“You’re the one who put up the mistletoe!” Danny snaps back. He shoves Wheeler in through the doorway. “This dumbass got lost in the hallway. He probably needs ice.” He leaves his hand on Wheeler’s lower back, though, for just a few moments longer than he has to.
“Talk to you later?” Wheeler asks, and he won’t let himself cringe at the hopefulness in his voice.
Danny nods, though. “Yeah. I’ll text you.”
“Hangman, the handsome cowboy,” Adam sings along with the video. He grins at the way the Dark Order used to be, the joy, the comradery. The absolute confusion in his eyes at the idea that these people loved him.
He misses it.
He sings along with the bastardized lyrics, leaning up against the wall of the arena, letting the nostalgia settle over him like a blanket.
“Hey,” comes a quiet voice from behind his screen.
Adam looks up to see Matt Jackson in front of him, with a smile on his face. He hasn’t seen that smile directed toward him in, god, years. “Matt.” His voice is too gentle, too soft, too fond. “Hi.”
“It’s the, uh, season of giving,” Matt says, fidgeting with the end of his hair. “And love or whatever. And I wanted to say, um, I wanted to say I’ve got your back.”
Adam blinks at him. “You do?”
“Yeah,” Matt says. “I mean, Mox is being a big ol’ bitch out there.” He grins, like he’s proud of himself for swearing. “I, uh. When you have the match, I wanted to tell you, I’ll be your second.”
Adam pushes off the wall, walking toward him. He always forgets, until these moments, how much bigger, taller he is than Matt. How much of Matt’s height is ego and attitude. How much smaller he becomes when he lets it go and allows himself to just be Matt. “Really?”
Matt nods, looking up at him, those big brown eyes honest. “Yes.”
Adam feels some of the ice in his heart crumble at that, some of the loneliness melt out of him. “Want to grab lunch?” he thumbs to the door. “Unless, I mean, unless you’ve eaten.”
“No, yeah, sure,” Matt says. “Catering’s got a really good salad bar today.” He lights up. “They have pickled beets!”
“Ew,” Adam says automatically, but he’s lucky. Matt’s face doesn’t fall, his demeanor doesn’t shift back to cold distance. “I hate beets.”
“That’s because you’re boring,” Matt says. He shuffles the two of them into catering, where he pauses. “After you.”
Adam tilts his head back to shake the hair out of his face, when he notices something hanging from the sprinkler. His first thought is it must be a major fire hazard. The next is that it’s mistletoe. He makes a strange, strangled little noise.
“What – oh.” Matt’s followed Adam’s gaze up. “That’s mistletoe.”
“Yep.” Adam looks down at Matt, expecting him to be spooked.
“Well,” Matt says, steadying himself. “Kiss me.”
“It’s a tradition!” Matt exclaims. “Oh, come on, you can’t not know about mistletoe, Hangman.”
“I know what mistletoe is, obviously,” Adam replies, flustered. “I just – I’m surprised you want me to kiss you, is all.”
“You don’t have to,” Matt says, brown eyes looking so miserable that, even if he didn’t want to, Adam would probably kiss him just to make it stop.
But he does want to. He glances around, checking to make sure nobody is watching, then rests his hand on the side of Matt’s neck. Matt looks up at him through his eyelashes. It doesn’t feel fair.
“You gonna kiss me?” Matt asks, voice breathy and soft.
His answer is a gentle press of the lips, something they’ve done once or twice before, and it feels like friendship renewed.
“Moxie!” Eddie yells down the hallway. “You got your ass beat by the cowboy again!”
“Get in here,” Mox snaps, grabbing Eddie’s arm and dragging him into his locker room. Eddie’s still grinning, though, and Mox is halfway to throwing him back out in the hallway if he could trust Eddie could shut up for a second.
“Aw, Mox, gonna be like old times?” Eddie crowds into Mox’s space. Mox lets him, getting pressed up against the wall, fingers threaded with Eddie’s.
“Not if you’re gonna be a dick,” Mox says back, and Eddie laughs against his neck, pressing kisses. “Come on, you don’t get to give me a hickey after making fun of me. Quit it.”
Eddie pulls away, eyes sparkling. “What, you don’t think it’s funny?”
“I don’t,” Mox says, but he doesn’t shove Eddie off. “Hangman’s got a chip on his shoulder. That’s not my fault.”
“You knocked him out.”
“Again, glass jaw, not my fault!” Mox throws his hands in the air. “Look, man, why the hell is everybody all mad at me for? Ooh, sweet baby Cowboy got hurt. Mox is a bad, evil man for being good at his job and winning his match.” He slumps back against the wall. “Everybody is a big fuckin’ whiner.”
Eddie studies him. “You had a smoke recently?”
Mox thinks about it. “Uh. No.”
“That’s why you’re being bitchy,” Eddie says, more to himself than to Mox. “Come on. We’re going outside.” He grabs Mox’s arm, and he goes along without much of a fight. Because Eddie’s right – it’s been a while since his last cigarette.
Unfortunately, this day is destined to piss him off.
“Hangman,” Mox says, steeling himself for a fight.
Adam Page rolls his fucking eyes at him. “God damn it, Moxley, can’t I go take a piss without you in my face?”
“You’re the one who can’t keep his hands off me,” Mox says. He puts his hands behind his back, grinning. “Take a swing, baby. I’ll even let you try to knock me out, yeah?”
“While this is fun,” Eddie says, “I think you two should look up.”
He looks at Page, then looks up, and looks back at Page, who looks, surprisingly, fatigued. “Oh, god,” Page says, “not another one.”
“Another one?” Mox says. “Aw, Cowboy, you been puttin’ your lips on somebody else? I thought you were all about me right now.”
Page stares at him, blue-green eyes unblinking for a moment. Then he strides toward him, grabs Mox’s face in his hands, and gives Mox the kind of kiss that makes him go a bit weak in the knees. Mox finds his footing, though, and gives back just as hard, clacking teeth with it. Page pushes him away as fast as he came at him. “I’ll kick your ass later,” Page says, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, which definitely should not have given Mox a boner. “I gotta get back to my hotel before somebody else does some more stupid shit to make me stay here.” He nods to Eddie, like this isn’t weird at all, and walks past the two of them without another look back.
“I like him,” Eddie decides. “I know he’s your arch enemy right now or whatever, but I like him. The man’s got balls.”
“I…” Mox finds his fingers touching his lips, his brain a little dizzy. “Did that just happen?”
Eddie studies his face, then his eyes drop down to Mox’s crotch. “Oh. Of course. Your horny bastard. Alright, go back to the locker room. Fuck first, then cigarette.”
Mox shrugs. He can work with that order of events.
“First, though,” Eddie grabs Mox by the neck and hauls him in for a kiss, less angry than Page’s, but more possessive, more demanding. Mox loves this kind of kiss from Eddie. “Alright. Better.”
“Better?” Mox asks. “What the fuck was wrong with me?”
“Uh, I can’t put my dick in your mouth with you having Hangman spit all up in there.” He pats Mox’s cheek. “Now you’re better. Let’s go.”
Kenny Omega is fucking tired.
“You gotta do this bit, Omega-man,” Matt says, practically vibrating. “If you don’t start now, we’re missing a whole storyline detail, and then new people won’t know who the eff Ibushi is when he shows up at Revolution, and then we’ve lost the audience.” He perches on the side of the table, hops off, does a little jump on his toes, and goes right back on the table. “Come on. Please?”
Kenny exhales and turns to Matt. “Okay. Fine. But you and Cutler are out of here once we’re done.”
Matt nods. “Totally. Definitely.”
“You had another one of those Death coffees again, didn’t you?”
Matt shrugs. “Gets the job done. Don’t judge me.”
They run the bit, something practically invisible unless you know who Ibushi is, know that he’s Kenny’s favorite person and the biggest heartbreak he’s ever had. He wishes he knew how to tell Matt that this, the ex, is off limits. But he can’t.
“We good?” Kenny asks, curling up on the couch. “I need a nap.”
“We have EVP duties,” Matt says, frowning.
He might scream, later, when he’s back in his hotel room. “Can’t you and Nick take care of it?”
“It’s a three man job, and Tony’s on the phone yapping at somebody to stay for interviews,” Matt says. “So it’s the Elite taking over.”
Kenny follows him and, too late, realizes he forgot his phone in his locker room.
“I swear, I’ll be there,” Kenny promises Matt. “Seriously. Just give me five minutes.”
“Five minutes,” Matt repeats.
Kenny nods, because he knows what this is. “Five minutes.” He turns on his heel and makes his way back to his locker room, one closest to the exit. On the final turn to the room, he sees him.
He’s on the phone, by the exit, talking frenetically and fidgeting with his belt buckle. He looks no different than before, when they were whatever they were. Champions, he guesses, but there was always so much more. Most unfortunately, though, he’s leaning up against the door of Kenny’s room.
He promised Matt five minutes. If he breaks that promise…
Kenny straightens his back, girds his loins, as they say, and walks toward the door like everything is normal. “Hey,” he says. “My locker room. Can I get in?”
Adam’s eyes are a little panicked, a little wild. He looks upwards, looks at Kenny, looks up again, and relaxes. “Sorry. Yeah. Uh.” He slides to the side. “Go right ahead.” He turns back to the phone. “Yeah, I’ll think about it. Give me a minute.”
“Nah, you’re good,” Kenny says, waving it off. He feels too hot all of a sudden. Before he thinks about it, he pulls his shirt off over his head as he pushes into the locker room, then comes out with his phone. “You can, uh, go back there.”
Adam stares at him. “In front of a door? I, uh, I’m good here.” He wiggles his phone. “Tony’s trying to convince me to do some sort of interview later, but I’m exhausted.”
“You should,” Kenny says automatically. Adam raises his eyebrows. “Stay, I mean. I think people are really going to want to hear your plan for Moxley.”
Adam lets a small smile escape. “What, like, other than me wanting to drag him to hell?”
Kenny shrugs. “There could be more to it. I’m not in your head.”
Adam flinches like he got slapped, and Kenny wonders why he constantly fucks up with this man. “Yeah, you, uh, you’re not.” He pushes his hair out of his face. “You know where Tony is?”
“Yeah, I think he’s in the office. I’ll take you there.” It feels like an olive branch, at least to Kenny. Adam asking for help, allowing Kenny to give it. It feels like healing.
It’s devastatingly boring small talk on the short walk to the EVP office, talking about the weather and the traffic, but it’s more words between them without rage than they’ve exchanged since 2020.
“There’s a hallway between here and his office, but, uh, I’m sure he’ll let you in.” Kenny offers a smile to Adam, doing his best to be okay, be calm. To not spook him.
Adam nods. “Thanks, Kenny.” His eyes are locked onto Kenny’s. “I mean it.”
Kenny makes a strange little gesture toward the door, and his hand brushes against something hanging on the doorknob. He looks down, confused. “Oh.”
Adam follows his gaze, then groans. “Again?”
Kenny snaps up to look at him. “What, you’re just finding mistletoe all over the place?”
“Actually, yeah,” Adam says, looking a bit frazzled. “Like, this is the third one in the venue. It’s getting weird.”
Kenny laughs, but it’s too high pitched to be normal. “Weird. I didn’t put them up.”
Adam studies his face. “Why would you say that unless you’re the one who hung them?”
“I didn’t!” Kenny says. “Dude, I swear. I have nothing to do with the mistletoe.”
Adam’s fighting a smile, Kenny can tell. It’s one of the best looks for Adam. “You swear?”
“I swear,” Kenny says automatically.
Adam sighs. “Well, I’ve done the other two. Come here.”
“Kissed somebody,” Adam explains, “with the mistletoe. It’s a tradition.”
“I know the tradition,” Kenny says. “I just – I’m surprised you’re – with me.” He swallows.
Adam’s smile turns kind. “It’s just a kiss, Kenny. If you don’t want to, we don’t.”
Kenny thinks about it for a minute. It’s a horrible decision. They’ve been through too much, hurt each other in too many ways, been away for too much time. This could be enough to shatter them both again.
He steps into Adam’s space, leaning in where Adam does, and their lips meet. It feels like warm honey in a cup of tea at home, like a heavy blanket on a snowy night when you know you’ll get a snow day the next morning. Kenny leans into it, resting a hand on Adam’s arm, drinking in the moment. If this is the last moment he shares with this man, a moment he never imagined possible, he wants it to echo.
They pull apart, and Kenny watches as Adam’s eyes flutter open.
“Okay,” Adam says, quiet. “Um. I’ll – I’ll be. Um.” He smiles, and it tattoos itself into Kenny’s soul, just like the rest of Adam.
“Yeah,” Kenny says. He hope his smile echoes his thoughts. “I gotta get to Matt and Nick. EVP shit, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Adam says. He reaches out to Kenny’s hand, though, and squeezes. “Talk later?”
Kenny feels the weight of the world float away. “Of course.”
When he gets back to Matt and Nick, Matt’s sitting there with a timer on his phone. Seven minutes and thirty-six seconds.
“Okay,” Kenny says, “I can explain.”
“You see Wheeler?” Willow asks, hopping up to sit next to Ruby. “He got absolutely flattened by Rush. I hope he’s okay.”
“He’s Blackpool,” Ruby says, waving the concern away. “He’ll be fine.”
“I hope so,” Willow says. She bounces her legs against the edge of the table. “So, this tag match. Got any ideas?”
“Kill them,” Ruby deadpans. Willow waits. “Okay, like, don’t give me that look. I’m thinking submissions – just make them cry about it.”
“That feels mean.”
“Sweetheart, you beat people up for a living,” Ruby says, purple-painted lips in a mildly condescending smile, “mean is literally your job.”
Willow huffs. “I’m not mean!” she argues. “I’m – firm! Decisive! I tell stories.”
“Through hitting people.”
“Okay, yeah, fine. By hitting people.” She bumps Ruby. “I am a little excited about punching Anna and Tay. They could use a good fist to the face.”
“Okay, see, while I like the tenacity, if you closed fist them, we get disqualified. And that’s the opposite of the goal.”
“Fair,” Willow concedes. “Elbows?”
Ruby grins, patting her own elbow. “All of ‘em.”
They plan out the match together, tag methods Willow’s never thought of before, moves Ruby’s sure she can pull off that Willow was always hesitant about.
Ruby says something, and Willow laughs so hard she falls backward. When she opens her eyes, she sees something on the ceiling. “Hey,” she says, forcing the words through giggles. “What’s that?”
Ruby looks up. “I think – oh.” She grins down at Willow. “Mistletoe.”
Willow shrugs. “I mean. Why not?”
Ruby leans down and kisses her, soft and sweet and quick. She pulls away, smiling. “You’ve got my lipstick all over your face.”
Willow grins back at her. “Tag team shit?”
“Tag team shit.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Come on, just a kiss on the cheek!” Kenny says, grabbing at Nick’s arm. “EVP cheek smooches.” He pouts. “You used to do cheek smooches for Adam Cole.”
“Oh, shut up,” Nick says, but he makes the mistake of smiling. Kenny smells blood in the water, and Matt jumps in.
“Nick,” Matt says, “it’s a tradition. It’s either kiss him on the cheek or on the lips.”
Nick wrinkles his nose. “Ew. Okay, fine. Get over here. I hate both of you.”
“You love us,” Matt retorts, and Nick kind of wants to strangle him.
He and Matt kiss Kenny on the cheek underneath the mistletoe, and Brandon films it for BTE, with Kenny giving a rambling diatribe about how he’s going to find the person who posted all the mistletoe and destroy them.
“Okay, well, that’s a little much,” Matt laughs. “We’re not going to destroy anybody.”
“I might destroy you,” Nick mutters. “God, I just wanna go home. When’s our flight?”
“Not until later, baby brother,” Matt says, and he gives Nick the worst noogie since high school.
“Get off me!”
“Today was fun,” Matt says, throwing an arm around Nick’s shoulders. “Where’d you get the idea for mistletoe?”
Nick pauses, and Matt half stumbles over himself. “What?”
“The mistletoe,” Matt repeats. “That was you, right? Putting it all over the arena.”
Nick shakes his head slowly. “No. I thought it was you.”
They turn to Kenny in tandem. “Was it you?” Matt asks.
“No, I thought it was Matt, actually.” He stares Matt down, and Nick joins in.
“I didn’t do it!” Matt insists. “Why would I ask you about the idea if it was me?!”
“Because that’s how you would bring it up,” Nick says. “It’s annoying. You’re annoying. That’s how you’d bring it up.”
“You’re more annoying,” Matt grumbles.
“You two are missing the point,” Kenny interrupts. “If it wasn’t one of us putting the mistletoe everywhere, who the hell was it?”
Max giggles and jumps like a toddler. “This was so good!” he laughs, spinning in his seat.
“Shh!” Anthony says, yanking his arm to sit down. “They still don’t know who it was. Do you want to ruin it?”
Max gets himself under control. “Did you have any idea Mox and Eddie were, like, together?”
“Um, duh,” Anthony says. “Jesus, for somebody this gay, you sure are oblivious.”
“You’re gay,” Max retorts.
“Yeah,” Anthony says. “Focus. We now have blackmail on the entire company. What do you want to do with it?”
Max goes quiet for a minute, stewing. “Actually, you know what I want to do?”
He grins at Anthony. “I want to go flirt with MJF.”
Anthony collapses backward onto the floor, groaning like somebody just hit him. “Stop flirting with the devil. He’s never going to love you back.”
“It could be a Christmas miracle!” Max says, leaping to his feet. “We could It’s A Wonderful Life this shit.”
“You did not understand the themes of that movie,” Anthony grumbles, but he follows Max anyway, and that’s enough of a Christmas gift for him.
He looks up. “Anthony,” he singsongs, “look what I found hanging from the ceiling!”
Max does not get kissed under the mistletoe. He gets tackled.
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o-neillwith2ls · 3 years
I like that in you
Original/Fanfiction: Fanfiction
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Rating: General auidences
"Sam, what are you doing?" Pete asked her.
"Umm?" She asked, her head snapping up almost manically. "Nothing, nothing." She said her head going back down scrubbing the bench. "Just cleaning." She said, scrubbing harder.
"You saying I'm a slob?" He asked her, as he watched her frantic movements.
"No, no." She denied, shaking her head, although she actually thought the opposite. The reason why they spent most their time at her place was that hers was always organised, neat and tidy. Her OCD needed the quietness of a clean house. Especially after the mission she had just came back from. Having tidied her house, Daniel's apartment, and Jack's house, it had done nothing to declutter her mind from those damn replicators. This was her last shot at keeping her mind at bay, so while he sat and watched another stupid show, she could tidy her mind to relaxation.
"Just relax." Pete told her.
She winced. Didn't he know this was relaxing to her?
"Please, Pete, just let me clean!" She said.
"So now I'm dirty?"
"It's not about the dirt or the disorganisation, Pete." She told him, trying to ignore the whine in his voice.
"I don't want you cleaning."
'Then clean up every once in a while.' She thought to herself. Instead, she said out loud, "Pete, I just--"
"Look, no one wants your help organising their lives, Sam, not everyone has an impulsive need to have a place for everything and there's not a guy out there who wants you in his stuff!"
Sam swallowed suddenly worried about the fact she had reorganised both Jack's and Daniel's places. 'God!' She thought horrified, 'They don't want me in their stuff.'
"Sam, it took you an hour to drive up here. Now, just relax."
Sam could feel the tears pricking in her eyes and the deep-set panic began to set in. "I have to go." She said, removing her gloves, and getting up from the bench.
"What?!" He spat as she grabbed her purse and keys.
But before he could really react, she grabbed her purse and keys and was out the door.
Jack entered his house, placing his keys in the bowl by the door. He went into the kitchen, opened his fridge, and smiled. Chinese food containers closed on the top shelf, the beers stacked neatly beside them, all the out-of-date yoghurt, milk and eggs had been replaced with new ones.
He chuckled slightly and made a mental note. He heard his cell phone and pick it up and read a message from Daniel. “Sam was here.”
Her close encounter with the replicators must be playing on her mind enough to stress her out than usual if she had been at both of their houses. He needed to call her to make sure she was okay, and maybe invite the team over for team night.
After getting the beer out the fridge, he sighed with relief that he wouldn't need to search through his VHS tapes to find the right Simpsons episode since Sam would have organised them by season and episode. His blanket would be neatly folded and placed on the back of his sofa. His bed sheets changed, and his bed would be made, along with clean fluffy towels hanging in the bathroom. He knew that his entire place would, in fact be, be spotless.
A big part of him hated seeing Sam stressed.
The only bonus was that he loved everything being within easy reach. Her OCD gave everything a clean and precise place. Perfect for his hyperactive mind.
It put him at ease. He always slept well when everything was in place.
He got out his cell phone to call her when he heard a car pull up. He peeked out the front window and saw her sitting in her car. He smiled and opened the door in time to see her walking up the driveway.
"I was just about to call you." He told her with a smile, but it disappeared when he saw the look of distress on her face. "What's wrong?" He asked her, concern in his voice.
"I came to apologise." She said, the distress obvious in her voice, fingers twisting in front of her. "For, umm, for messing with your stuff, I -- I didn't think you wouldn't want me to," then she burst into tears, an action that Sam rarely did. She hated showing weakness, even to him, but despite that, she was always able to show her true self to him.
"Hey, no, come on." He said, wrapping an arm around her and ushering her inside, shutting the door behind them with a shoulder.
"What was I thinking all these years? I could just break in your house--"
"You have keys--"
"And tidy your house--"
"I do leave it a mess."
"What makes me think that I can touch your stuff!" She exclaimed.
"But I like that in you." He told her.
She stopped suddenly and looked at him. "Really?" She asked, sniffing quietly beside him as they stood in the front entryway.
A little fond smile grew on his face. "I was looking forward to the peace of mind that everything is in the right place. You can't have any idea what a relief it is, to know where everything is, I put stuff down and its 'poof!' just gone. You organise it and suddenly-- it has a home." He stepped in closer and looked into her eyes. "I don't like the events which trigger your OCD, but I like having a home." He told her desperately wanting to add on the end of it 'with you.'
"You like me? It in me?" She stuttered out.
"Well, yah." He shrugged shyly before he quickly schooled himself. "Wanna stay? You shouldn't be alone." He asked her. "I can order takeout from the pizza place you like. I'll be able to find the takeout menu now." He completely ignored the fact that he had the phone number memorized and that they always order the same items.
"Left hand top drawer, kitchen."
Jack grinned. "Yup, sorted by alphabetized genre of food followed by SG1 favourite to least favourite."
"Yeah." She blushed.
"You see, love it." He told her, placing a hand on her back and leading her to the living room.
"Thank you, sir." She nodded shyly. "I think I'd like to stay."
He nodded "Alright, A-Z movies on the bookshelf, lady's choice."
He smiled when he came back through to the living room and saw she had chosen 'Singing in the Rain'. The VCR was soon playing, the blanket over them and his arm around her.
The pizza was gone, and four empty bottles were placed side by side on the coffee table when Jack looked over at his guest, lying quietly beside him. He peered down and saw her sleeping and kissed her on top of her head. It might not be his bed, but this really did feel like home.
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afarcrythrone · 3 years
FC5 OC INFO | Junior Deputy Daniel “Danny” Rook
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face claim: dan stevens
gender: male
age: 23
positive traits: affable, compassionate & courageous
negative traits: impulsive, rebellious & withdrawn
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Danny Rook has always been a bit of an outsider. He slowly lost much of his hearing as a child, and when he decided to pursue a career in law enforcement he felt half his training was spent convincing skeptics he could do the job. He eventually found an ally in Sheriff Whitehorse of the Hope County Sheriff’s Department who was impressed by his calm and compassionate handling of a near-violent incident in a store.
If it isn’t the hearing aids that make you dismiss Danny, his baby blues and kind smile probably will. However, there is a capacity for violence in him, a depth he has yet to sink to that sometimes keeps him up at night.
Shortly after his transfer to Hope County he became involved with the uprising of the Eden’s Gate cult. It begins to seem like the man that was Deputy Rook is only a mask he wears.
sing along - sturgill simpson
arsonist’s lullaby - hozier
man on a mission - oh the larceny
fated, faithful, fatal - marilyn manson
sheperd of this flock - jt music
kanye’s in my head - boy epic
go to war - nothing more
blood // water - grandson
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quote: "What happens when this is all over? This feeling inside me isn’t going to go away... It’s like a stain... What am I? Who am I anymore?”
links soon...
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x-wingkc · 3 years
Sexy Ice Cream
Fanfiction: Stargate SG-1 Rating: Mature (no explicit) Warnings: Adult language, Adult content, Relationships: Samantha Carter and Jack O'Neill Fictober 21 Prompts: #13 He walked inside the building just as Daniel walked to the counter to get the ice cream for everyone. This was their favorite ice cream place. They’d been coming here for at least eight years now. The ice cream was homemade. The building was an old saloon from the 1800’s. The inside was lined with wood panels that stood the test of time.
They all had their favorites. Teal’c always got the flavor of the week, no matter how awful it sounded. He said it was his way of making sure he ingested all of Earth’s sweet delights. Daniel almost always got something that had the store’s french vanilla as a base. Carter would normally get something with strawberries, and if they didn’t have that, she’d get something with caramel. O’Neill was a simple man. Normally opting only for vanilla or chocolate. He was the last to arrive. He entered the store and found where they were sitting. He moved seats to sit at the round table across from Carter. Teal’c was still standing, and had his back turned to him. He glanced over at Carter, and found her smiling and talking to Teal’c. He was lost in her smile.
Her smile has always been what comforts him. Her smile is what immediately attracted him to her all those years ago. Her smile is burned in his mind and in his soul. She glanced over at him.
He knew he must have had his fuck me eyes on because the moment she looked at him, he watched her eyes darken, and her smile soften. He wanted nothing more than to take her home and open her up on the deck right now.
Daniel came out with an ice cream cone for all four of them. He sat down next to Carter and they all started eating.
Transposed to the time warp of the decor were the stainless freezers that held about twenty-five different homemade flavors of ice cream. The lighting was a mix of replica chandeliers and LED fixtures in the ceiling that added some much needed light to the otherwise dark interior. He figured under different circumstances that the inside could be rather romantic.
Hanging on the walls were old pictures of what Main Street used to look like back in the early days of the city. The street looked as if it ended at the foot of the mountains. Present day the road was paved and had parking spaces for cars. But in the old pictures, there were just a few buildings and a dirt road.
All four of them talked in between bites of ice cream. O’Neill was to fly back to DC in two more days. Carter smiled across the table at him as he discussed his endless boring meetings. They all knew he hated paperwork. Now that’s all he does. The three of them knowingly smiled at him. He told them all to shut up.
O’Neill looked over at Carter just as a little bit of melted ice cream began to run down her hand. She lifted her cone to her mouth, and ran her tongue along her hand, up the side of the cone, and around the remaining scoop of ice cream at the top. O’Neill straightened in his seat, and crossed his legs a little. He noticed a familiar twitch between his legs as he watched Carter lick that cone.
She let out a satisfactory moan, and closed her eyes as she ingested the tasty frozen treat that she was holding in her hand. Daniel gave her a sideways glance, then immediately looked to Teal’c. Teal’c had one eyebrow raised already, and he was looking at O’Neill. Teal’c found O’Neill staring at Carter, not able to remove his eyes from the scene in front of him.
Daniel and Teal’c began to rapidly eat their ice cream, and immediately tried to change the topic.
“So. T. New fedora?” Daniel asked. “It is, indeed, DanielJackson,” T replied. “It’s a good color on you,” O’Neill interjected. Teal’c bowed his head to them both before taking another large bite off of his cone.
Carter then let some ice cream drip down her chin. She stared at O’Neill, her eyes darkening knowing exactly what she was doing to him. With her mouth slightly open, she took her index finger and wiped the drip off of the side of her mouth. She salaciously stuck the sticky, sweet finger into her mouth, and swirled her tongue around her finger.
All three of the men at the table saw her do that. One of the men at the table immediately had a problem. There was no way he could stand up right now and not have everyone in the store know what Carter had done to him. He reached beside him to the garbage can, and threw the rest of his ice cream cone away. “Does the ice cream not please you, O’Neill?” Teal’c asked, almost with a smile on his face. “Teal’c. Was that a joke?” O’Neill asked.. “It was, indeed, O’Neill.”
Carter slowly licked her lips as she continued to stare at O’Neill. “Well, gentlemen. I have to go. I have dinner plans with Doctor Lam,” Carter said, slowly standing and reaching over to the garbage can to throw the remainder of her cone away.
Daniel and Teal’c also stood quickly, more to get out of the cross fire of tension between their two best friends. “Ya. Us too. Ready, T?” Daniel quickly asked. “I am, indeed, DanielJackson.”
“You, uh, need help, Jack?” Daniel asked like a true smartass would in this situation. “Funny. I’m fine,” O'Neill quipped back. “You sure, sir?” Carter asked with her chest puffed out a little bit, and a sinful smile on her face.
O’Neill just smiled back at her with pure lust on his face. “Oh, I’m very fine, Carter. Have a good dinner,” he said, waving his hand for all of them to just go and leave him alone.
They each smiled or laughed at him, then all three turned to leave the ice cream store. As the door closed behind them, Daniel and Carter laughed, and Teal’c just cleared his throat. “You know. You really are mean,” Daniel said. “He’ll be fine. He always is,” Carter said with a smile. “Indeed,” they heard Teal’c.
Back inside the store, O’Neill squeezed his legs together one more time before trying to stand up. He discreetly put a hand between his legs and arranged himself so he was not so obvious. Thankfully he had on baggy pants and an oversized flannel shirt to help hide this predicament. “Damn that woman,” he whispered to himself.
After a few minutes, he stood and quickly left the store. He went straight for his truck, and fumbled his keys as he tried to unlock the doors. He finally got the door open, and sunk into the seat. He started the truck, and locked the doors.
He undid his pants, and ran his palm over his bulging shaft trying to relieve the pressure that Carter had left him with. He put his head back on the head rest, and lightly caressed himself as he took in big breaths.
“Dammit, Carter. The things you make me do…”
When he thought he could drive, he put his seatbelt on and started the drive home. But he couldn’t stop thinking of Carter and the ice cream. He wanted to tie Carter’s hands to his bed with his own neck ties, and then take that ice cream and put it all over her body. He wanted to lick her body clean, and make her scream his name over and over as he ate off of her.
This was not helping. His dick was hard and wanted to be inside Carter. He put his hand back down his open pants. Just then the driver of a passing truck glanced down into his vehicle. It was a woman driver, who got a huge smile on her face seeing him with his hand down his pants. “Great,” he said, slowing down a little to let the truck pass him. As he slowed, the tip of his cock rubbed the fabric in his boxers, eliciting a rather pleasurable sensation. He pulled his hand out from his pants, in an effort to not come in his pants. He sat up a little more, trying to rub his nuts against the seat through his pants. He needed to come, or he needed to let this one deflate. He hoped driving would give him time to deflate. It didn’t really work. He couldn't stop thinking about Carter. That would be like trying to stop the sun from rising. It can’t be stopped. Although if anyone could stop a sun, it would be Carter. “Not helping,” he said.
He pulled into his driveway and turned his truck off. He got out fast, and tried to put himself back together, but it was too late already. The slightest touch of his hand against the fabric. Too much stimulation. Too much thinking about Carter’s body covered in ice cream, and him licking it all up. Too much thinking of being inside Carter.
“Not this again,” he said dejectedly, looking up to the stars. “What am I, thirteen again?”
He could feel some start to drip down his inner thigh. He went inside and went straight to the bathroom. He turned the shower on, and stripped out of his clothes. He used his boxers to wipe up as much semen as he could, then jumped in the shower to get clean. When he got done and dried off, he threw his wet boxers in the garbage can. He put on a tshirt and sweatpants and went to the kitchen to find something to eat. After watching The Simpsons marathon for a few hours, he went to bed.
Around 11:30 PM he heard his door open. He slowly got up, and quietly moved to look down the hallway where his front door was. He saw the kitchen light turn on. He padded to the kitchen. “How was dinner?” he asked. “How was your ride home?” she asked with a big smile on her face. “Very funny. You know damn well what you were doing,” he said, adding a little smile at the end. “What? Little ‘ol me?” she purred. He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her and gave her a searing kiss. He held her ass with one hand, and lovingly held the back of her head with the other. “Yes. You,” he said in between kisses. “As your wife, it’s my job to know how to push your buttons,” she said, running her palm in between his legs. She heard him grumble, their chests pressed tight. “You want dessert?” he asked. “Do we have any ice cream?” she asked.
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blue-jello-queen · 4 years
Ship Asks
Another thing I saw on tumblr to pass the time in Quarantine!!! I know people are supposed to ask these but I dont really get asks so I thought i’d just fill it in myself and just pick out some of my favourite ships :P Please ask me these questions for a particular ship though, I never get asks! <3
what is your absolute favorite ship? Sam and Jack, Stargate
what ship do you hate most? Regal Believer (romantic). Just no. Incest is a no from me.
what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from? River and the Doctor, Doctor Who
explain why do/don’t ship [pairing] Janeway and Chakotay, 100% ship them because Resolutions!! He made her a freaking bathtub!
how did you start shipping [pairing]? Daniel and Vala, because ‘you’re a fruitcake’. <3
is there a ship that you used to ship, but don’t anymore? Not sure, really, when I dig a ship, I don’t normally loose the love :P
what’s a ship you like that most people don’t? Helen and John, Sanctuary, I know I probably shouldn’t because of their history, they just have so much chemistry!!
what’s a ship you hate that most people like? Helen and Will, Sanctuary. Can’t stand them as a ship, but love them as a brotp. 
what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion? Luke and Lorelai, I just don’t see enough of those beans on tumblr.
what is the most overrated ship, in your opinion? Captain Swan, I get it, but its just not for me. Emma was just so much stronger without him.
do you prefer [pairing] as an otp, brotp, or notp? Seven of nine and Chakotay, Star Trek Voyager, notp.
why do you think [pairing] is so popular? Scully and Mulder, because its slow burn at its finest with actual pay off!!
why do you think [pairing] isn’t popular? Jodie and Donna, supernatural, I just think the main ships e.g. Destiel which I love, and sastiel over power it alot, but would love to see them together.
rate [pairing] from 1-10 and explain why Got to be Sam and Jack 10/10. The slow burn, their quiet moments together are so fleeting but so meaningful. Its so obvious how much they care about each other. The way Sam laughs at Jack’s jokes. Its just too perfect. Also WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY!
what’s your favorite headcanon of [pairing]? Sam and Jack are living together in Jack’s cabin, married. Also Daniel and Vala got together! I just want vala to be happy okay!!
what’s your favorite canon moment of [pairing]? For sam and jack, the moment where they talk in Heroes Part 2 :(
favorite AU ideas for [pairing]? I love Swan Queen AU’s where Regina is a buisness woman, I can’t get enough :P Dont really enjoy stargate AU’s.
rant about [pairing] Honestly I could rant about Sam and Jack and Captain Janeway and Chakotay forever. Why tease us like that and then never pull through!!
what’s a meme/quote that reminds you of [pairing]? Any simpsons memes I automatically think of Sam and Jack <3
what song(s) remind you of [pairing]? All coldplay songs remind me of Sam and Jack because fanvids!!
what kind of dates do you think [pairing] would go on? Sam and jack would defo go on fishing dates omg! And to the pub to play pool :)
realistically, do you think [non-canon pairing] will ever be canon? why or why not? Janeway and Chakotay are the pairing i’m most bitter about here. Although since Seven wasn’t with Chakotay in Picard, fingers crossed!
have you ever written fanfiction/drawn fanart of [pairing]? would you consider it? I’ve written Swan Queen Fanfiction but never posted it because its awful :P Would like to write stargate fic one day 
any other questions? If anyone wants to ask me these questions for a particular ship please do!! I never get asks <3
I’m tagging @tinknevertalks @mudblood-and-proud @samcaarter @majorsamcarters @endofalways @theletterb either to do this themselves or to ask me one of these for a particular ship! <3 Happy quarantine 
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HPHM MC character family : Ada Shelby's family
Faceclaims :
Anthony Marcus Shelby : Jared Harris
Lucy Marie Selby née Miller : Sarah Paulson
Connor West : Daniel Craig
Margot Caroline Durand : Eva Green
Luke Anthony Shelby : Jimmi Simpson
Miranda Morgane Shelby née Durand : Ruth Wilson
Jacob Luke Shelby : Robert Sheehan
Ada Margot Shelby : Daisy Edgar Jones (with glasses)
I think I'm starting to be get little obsessed over this family I have created ... I think the next step is to write a full fanfiction about this family. Would you like to read some fanfiction about them ?
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cockslutpadalecki · 6 years
i was tagged by my beautiful @jewelswrites-ish, ilu bae 🖤
Height: 5′5?
Relationship status: very much taken
Where I live: the uk
Time: 23:21
Followers: 4804
Following: 76
Favourite season: autumn
Favourite fruit: strawberries and red grapes
Favourite flower: lillies
Favourite animal: probably raccoons, i love those trash pandas
Favourite instrument: piano. there’s something so soothing listening to piano music
Favourite smells: an air freshener called “magical forest”... it literally smells what i imagine dean smells like, armani code and jack daniels honey
Favourite colours: black and purple
3 favourite foods: anything indian, garlic bread and tgi friday’s jack daniels sesame chicken strips
Favourite fictional characters: dean winchester, negan, captain america, every character in parks and recreation, mulder and scully, wade wilson, gil grissom 
Coffee/tea/hot chocolate:  it used to be hot chocolate but i am literally a tea fiend now
Average hours of sleep: 7-8 if i can help it. i’m grumpy af if i don’t get that
Cats or dogs: both though
# of blankets I sleep with: one at the moment, wait till it gets colder it’ll be like 5
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick. i don’t go anywhere without it. i honestly have like one in every room of the house
Song stuck in my head: "lisa it’s your birthday” from the simpsons cause y’know
Last song I listened to: hello by adele
Last movie I watched: venom
Top 3 tv shows: supernatural, parks and recreation and x files
Books I’m currently reading: i can’t even remember the last book i read, i read too much fanfiction...
Last thing I googled: lyrics to hello by adele
tagging these beauts: @footballffbarbiex @catharticallysarcastic @covered-byroses @daisysouthmoore @annablack1102 @negansdirtygirl22 @letsby @prettyepiic @sculptorofbeginnings @mystra-midnight 🖤
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Secondary characters
Just a list of other main OCs that I have them all in one place again. I really need to stop this ideas business. All of these are working ideas at the moment; I’m so bad at this, I literally suck at picking Faceclaims that look like how I think the characters are, but I tried for no reason other than procrastination.
Original Stories
Iain De Caestecker as JD Franks – The Cure Series
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Rosamund Pike as Greyhound – The Cure Series
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David Morrissey as Doctor Ramshaw – The Cure Series
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Avan Jogia as Pigeon – The Cure Series
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Robbie Kay as Squirrel – The Cure Series
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Bradley Simpson as Gnat – The Cure Series
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Cameron Monaghan as Owl – The Cure Series
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Marina Nery as Possum – The Cure Series
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Matthew Hitt as Hyena – The Cure Series
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Jackson Hale as Boar – The Cure Series
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Janet Devlin as Mockingbird – The Cure Series
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Maurice Sinclair as Cheetah – The Cure Series
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Gregg Sulkin as Morris – The Cure Series
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Holly Earl as Josephine – The Cure Series
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Gary Carr as Theo – The Cure Series
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Nathan Sykes as Zachary – The Cure Series
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Michelle Keegan as Amelia – The Cure Series
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Harriet Cains as Ava – Zombie story
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Dominic Sherwood as Jason – Zombie story
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Lucas Till as Charles – Zombie story
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Luca Hollestelle as Beatrice – Zombie story
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Katherine McNamara as Brooklyn – Seeing countdowns
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Daniel Sharman as Darren – Seeing countdowns
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Max Minghella as Bertrand – Seeing countdowns
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Hannah Murray as Avalie – Seeing countdowns
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Ella Eyre as Belladonna – Guardian angels
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Bobby Lockwood as Beauregard – Guardian angels
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Sam Strike as Curtis – Guardian angels
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Bonnie Wright as Amy – Guardian angels
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KJ Apa as Hector – Crime story
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Currently Writing
Colin Ford as Roberto ‘Robbo/Junior’ Laverna – Sidekicks and Criminals (Supergirl Fanfiction)
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Scott Eastwood as Gabriel ‘Gabe/Boss’ Laverna – Sidekicks and Criminals (Supergirl Fanfiction)
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Sarah Hyland as Cassandra ‘Cassie/Cass’ Harris – Sidekicks and Criminals (Supergirl Fanfiction)
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Nico Tortorella as Matthew ‘Matt’ Fredericks – Sidekicks and Criminals (Supergirl Fanfiction)
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Christian Serratos as Lexi James – Sidekicks and Criminals (Supergirl Fanfiction)
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Nolan Gerard Funk as Leonard ‘Leo’ Harris – Sidekicks and Criminals (Supergirl Fanfiction)
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Mads Mikkelsen as Sebastian Laverna – Sidekicks and Criminals (Supergirl Fanfiction)
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Paige Turco as Maria Laverna – Sidekicks and Criminals (Supergirl Fanfiction)
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Robert Sheehan as Mitchell ‘Mitch/Hacker’ Tyler – Sidekicks and Criminals (Supergirl Fanfiction)
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Tom Hopper as Harry ‘Butch’ Oswald – Sidekicks and Criminals (Supergirl Fanfiction)
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Nonso Anozie as Archie ‘Beefy’ Smith – Sidekicks and Criminals (Supergirl Fanfiction)
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Lesley-Ann Brandt as Kalie ‘Flirty’ Saunders – Sidekicks and Criminals (Supergirl Fanfiction)
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 On Hold
Tom Hughes as Edward ‘Eddie’ Cobalt – Elements, Brains and Fangs (Teen Wolf Fanfiction)
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Pixie Davies as Vanessa ‘Van’ Cobalt – Elements, Brains and Fangs (Teen Wolf Fanfiction)
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Simon Baker as Robert ‘Robbie’ Cobalt – Elements, Brains and Fangs (Teen Wolf Fanfiction)
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Eva Green as Penelope ‘Penny’ Cobalt – Elements, Brains and Fangs (Teen Wolf Fanfiction)
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Aiden Turner as Oscar ‘Car’ Cooper – Elements, Brains and Fangs (Teen Wolf Fanfiction)
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Bob Morley as Patrick ‘Pat’ Cooper – Elements, Brains and Fangs (Teen Wolf Fanfiction)
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Maddie Hasson as Tabitha ‘Tabby/Blondie’ Matthews – Elements, Brains and Fangs (Teen Wolf Fanfiction)
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 Want to Write
George Mackay as Mackenzie ‘Mack’ Webb – Scream Tilly’s older twin brother.
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Ricky Wilson as Archibald ‘Archie’ Webb – Scream Tilly’s paternal uncle.
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Louis Hynes as Joshua ‘Josh’ Webb – Scream Tilly’s younger brother.
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Francesca Capaldi as Ava Webb – Scream Tilly’s younger sister.
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Jonathan Bailey as Barnaby ‘Barney/Barn’ Webb – Scream Tilly’s older brother.
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David Thewlis as Cameron Webb – Scream Tilly’s father.
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Emily Watson as Tabitha Webb – Scream Tilly’s mother.
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Matthew Daddario as Matthias ‘Matty’ Jones – Riverdale Octavia’s older brother.
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 Just ideas
Alberto Rosende as Luca – Sidekicks and Criminals (Supergirl Fanfiction) Robbo’s best friend in the new gang.
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Cykeem White
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Pixie Lott
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Nathalie Emmanuel
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simptasia · 7 years
I was tagged by @haroldwrens
Favourite cookie biscuit: Chocolate tim tams! Ooh, also scotch fingers.
Favourite artist: Fuck knows, I just like pretty things
Favourite food: Pasta, pizza, chips (both hot and cold), tomatoes...
Favourite movie(s): All the X-Men movies, Prince of Egypt, a fuckton of disney animated features... Star Trek: First Contact, Back to the Future trilogy...
Favourite show: Star Trek (especially Next Gen & Voyager), LOST, Doctor Who, and like cartoons count right? I love Futurama
Favourite instrument to play: I like piano, like... I can play that. Doesn’t hurt my fingers or lips or lungs... it’s easy
Favourite social media platform: Tumblr!!! 
Favourite animal: I love dogs and also rodent-y things
Favourite colour: Fluro orange
Favourite books: Watchmen is my favourite book. In general I read Simpson & Futurama comics. I had a children’s bible as a kid that I absolutely loved
Favourite hobby: watching TV shows/movies, playing computer games (mostly sims), watching other people playing games, writing (when i actually do it, i’m happy about it) and reading fanfiction
Favourite school subject: i was always relieved on days that had drama or home ec scheduled... like i could relax. science was pretty good too
Favourite flower: i like roses best. roses are the only flowers that don’t give me allergies. also they smell the nicest
Favourite fictional characters: Kurt Wagner (X-Men), Pippin Took (LOTR), Hugo Reyes, Ben Linus, Charlie Pace, Daniel Faraday (LOST), River Song, Rory Pond (Doctor Who), Ray Stantz (Ghostbusters), Abed Nadir (Community)
and many many more
i tag @saintalia, @future-mrs-frost, @llavenderblood and @yahooanswer
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Here’s the list of everyone who’s signed up for the exchange, plus their prompts and their DNWs/triggers, in case you wanted to make a treat for them in addition to your assignment.
Those of you who didn’t sign up for the exchange but still want to participate somehow are welcome to post treats as well!
Just a reminder, treats can be: fanfiction less than 1k words; art at any stage of being finished; graphics or edits; fanmix of 10 songs or less; a headcanon list with 15 or less items.
On to the prompts!
1. stimset / windowns98
Prompts: Love Live!, Eddsworld, Yume Nikki, Stardew Valley, Pokémon, Elsword
DNWs:  CSA, toothpaste (please!!!) drugs & alchohol
NSFW?: Yes
Okay with recieving: any
2. vengeanceoftheflowers / stormphrax
Prompts: Daniel Jackson, Sam Carter, Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Jonas Quinn (Stargate); Malcolm Reed, Julian Bashir, Spock, Scotty, Data (Star Trek); Andrew Carter (Hogan's Heroes); Frank Burns, Radar O'Reilly (M*A*S*H); Rincewind, Sam Vimes (Discworld); Michael Garibaldi (Babylon 5); Leonard Church, Michael J Caboose, Agent Washington, Agent Carolina, Sarge, Dick Simmons, Agent Maine (Red vs Blue); Mr Norrell (Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell); Chowder, Ransom, Jack (OMG Check Please); Faye Vierra (Grimnoir Chronicles)
DNWs: Spirk / McSpirk, Death Cab For Cutie, A/B/O dynamics, photographs of large dogs, watersports, the first name Lucas, images / gifs of kinetic sand, harm to stuffed animals, sexual McShep
Okay with recieving: any
3. platypusbunny
Prompts:  hyper fangirl (nostalgia critic) candace flynn, phineas flynn, ferb fletcher, heinz doofenshmirtz, lawrence fletcher, irving dubois (phineas and ferb) logainne schwartzandgrubenierre, olive ostrovsky, william barfee (putnam county spelling bee) dexter, dee dee (dexters laboratory) dj, zoey, dawn, courtney, sierra (total drama) dr horrible / billy (dr horribles sing along blog) peridot, steven universe, connie maheswaran, ronaldo fryman (steven universe) john egbert, jake english, karkat vantas, dave strider, jade harley, rose lalonde, nepeta leijon (homestuck) ted moseby (how i met your mother) twilight sparkle, moondancer, pinkie pie (mlp fim) nigel bottom, portia (something rotten!)
DNWs:  head trauma, cutting yourself, animal abuse, medical needles, spit/drool, snot
Okay with recieving: Fic, art, headcanons
4. widowgaycer
Prompts: any major death note character, any major persona character except villains, symmetra/tracer/lucio/mccree/genji/hanzo/sombra/junkrat from overwatch, any pokemon character except giovanni/ghetsis/lusamine, any harry potter character except villains, annie or kat from gunnerkrigg court, any member of the order of the stick, artemis fowl
DNWs: unsanitary (even mentions of it), mayonnaise (don't ask), anything even remotely to do with axis powers hetalia, depictions of ableism/homophobia/etc, i also don't want shippy things
Okay with recieving: Fic, art, headcanons, graphics or edits
5. idlewildly
Prompts: Matt Murdock (MCU Daredevil), Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock or Elementary), Endeavour Morse (Endeavour), Tony Stark (MCU Iron Man/Avengers), Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter), Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Voyager)
DNWs: (none listed)
Okay with recieving: Fic, art, headcanons
6. bitae
Prompts: Kaworu and Rei from Evangelion (Eva is my SpIn!!!!!), Noiz from Dramatical Murder, Kenma from Haikyuu, The Prince from Katamari, Homura from Madoka Magical, Jyushimatsu from Osomatsu-san, and Peridot from Steven Universe.
DNWs: Lots of holes.
Okay with recieving: any
7. chibifukurou
Prompts: Fred Jones ( Scooby Doo: Mystery Inc), Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, and/or Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter), Georgia Mason ( Newsflesh), Tsukimi Kurashita (Princess Jellyfish), Parker, Hardison, and/or Eliot (Leverage), Clark Kent( DC), Tony Stark and/or Peter Parker (Marvel), Christain and/or Justine (The Accountant), Wander ( Wander over Yonder)
DNWs:  No abuse, rape, or gaslighting please
Okay with recieving: anything non-auditory
8. seriouslyfedupyo
Prompts: Anything Marvel, The Flash TV show, anything Disney, Hamilton, Simpsons, Family Guy, Voltron, Bob's Burgers, Back to the Future
DNWs:  No post-apocalypse or sex of any kind. Anything else is fine.
Okay with recieving: Fic, art, headcanons
9. spaceautie / forsakeofabetterusername
Prompts: Any character from Steven Universe, Welcome to Night Vale, Voltron, Undertale and Star Wars, and Abed (Community)
DNWs: NSFW, extreme gore, shipping any characters (apart from Cecil/Carlos and Rey/Finn/Poe or some combination thereof)
Okay with recieving: fic, art, headcanons, stimboards
10. autistic-mouse
Prompts: Tunnel Rat (gi joe renegades), Meada Yoshiaki (apocalypse no tride/fort of apocalypse), Iwakura Gou (apocalypse no tride/fort of apocalypse), Ripcord (gi joe renegades), Scarlet (gi joe renegades), Agent Washington (red vs blue), Symmetra (overwatch), Nightcrawler (x-men)
DNWs:  rape, cannibalism, detailed animal deaths
NSFW?: Yes
Okay with recieving: fic, art, headcanons
11. bookhobbit
Prompts: Discworld: Rincewind, Granny Weatherwax, William de Worde, Ponder Stibbons, Susan Sto Helit, Polly Perks. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell: Gilbert Norrell. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Julian Bashir. Yu Yu Hakusho: Hiei, Yukina.
DNWs: (none listed)
NSFW?: Yes
Okay with recieving: any
12. prettyboypatrick
Prompts: chowder- omgcp, jack- omgcp, cecil- wtnv, carlos- wtnv, lyra silvertongue (his dark materials), hermione (harry potter)
DNWs: nsfw
Okay with recieving: any
13. kyrfiore
Prompts: Kyr Fiore or Gregor Hartway from Thrilling Intent, Dalinar, Renalin, Shallan, Kaladin, lift from the stormlight archive, Steris and Wax from Mistborn, anyone from Harry potter or homestuck
DNWs: blood/gore, alcohol,
Okay with recieving: any
14. the-gay-shakespeare-expert
Prompts: Anyone from Pacific Rim, anyone from The Adventure Zone, anyone from Welcome to Night Vale, anyone from Romeo and Juliet, anyone from Good Omens (but especially Crowley and Adam Young), Chidi Anagonye from The Good Place
DNWs: Bullying
NSFW?: Yes
Okay with recieving: any
15. loverabidfangirls
Prompts: All Harry Potter characters and lore
DNWs: No incest
NSFW?: Yes
Okay with recieving: fic, art, headcanons
16. iamthestrangerinmoscow
Prompts:  The Doctor (Doctor Who), Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock BBC), Hermione Granger (Harry Potter), Gregory House (House MD), Abed Nadir (Community), Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)
DNWs: (none listed)
NSFW?: Yes
Okay with recieving: any
17. autisticpavelchekov
Prompts: Pavel Chekov, Spock (Star Trek), Ned (Pushing Daisies), Willow Rosenberg, Rupert Giles, Dawn Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes)
DNWs: Sexual content, choking, asphyxiation, allergic reaction, (also prefer no romantic content, but platonic or QP relationships are great!)
Okay with recieving: fic, headcanons, playlists
18. mint-and-parsley
Prompts: Any Star Wars characters!!
DNWs: cannibalism, detailed self harm
NSFW?: Yes
Okay with recieving: any
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overwhelmedbyfeels · 7 years
I know a bunch of people tagged me, but tumblr never leaves stuff on my tag and I could only remember @somewhereisaplacethatziamknow. Anyway. I don’t know who’s done it or not, so I’ll skip tagging. If you feel like doing it, feel tagged.
Rules: tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
Nickname: Tévez Zodiac sign: Cancer Height: 1,72m (I THINK) Last Thing You Googled: loft suite   Favourite music artist: Kelly Clarkson, Lifehouse, McFly, Jason Mraz, Alanis Morissette, Maroon 5, Justin Nozuka, Jordin Sparks, David Choi, James Morrison, The Saturdays, Frankmusik, Marina & the Diamonds, The Higher, The Classic Crime, Matt Duke, Lana Del Rey, Keane, One Direction, Papa Roach, Finger Eleven, There for Tomorrow, Corinne Bailey Rae, Josh Hoge, Matt Wertz, Adele, Crossfade, Daughtry, Rise Against, Stone Sour, いきものがかり, Hoobastank, Wynter Gordon, Fall Out Boy, Jon McLaughlin, Trapt, Ryan Cabrera, The Script, Sia, Guy Sebastian, 12 Stones, Lacuna Coil, Groove Coverage, Daniel Powter, Jason Reeves, ATB, Tiago Iorc, and many more. Song stuck in my head: The Bench on the Hill and Tom Ramblewood. Last Movie you watched:  Whole? Kiss the Bride. If not necessarily whole, The Sex Movie. What are you wearing right now: blue vest and short shorts. What do you post: toilet humour, One Direction, writing, fanfiction, world events, hot guys, queer stuff, photography, animals, babies, etc. Why did you choose your URL: My first URL didn't make sense any more (I’ll give a prize to anyone who remembers the first one I had). I messaged someone in the Sterek fandom and she replied, “I am also overwhelmed by feels.” The name stuck after that. Do you have any other blogs: Liam, Zayn, Ziam, and NSFW art blogs. Also, two for writing. What Did Your Last Relationship Teach You: Kelly Clarkson - Never Again Religious Or Spiritual: Spiritual. Favourite Colour: Blue Average Hours Of Sleep: 6 hours. Lucky Number: 7 (when I happen to be lucky) Favourite characters: Stiles Stilinski, Phoebe Buffay, Homer Simpson, Brenda Meeks, Leslie Knope, Lisa Simpson, Seth Cohen, any Betty White has played. How Many Blankets Do you Sleep With: ??? Just one. Dream Job: What are even dreams in this society? *stares into the void*
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