#danica helkin
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ratasum · 1 year ago
In honor of my dad, who I realized I have based many of my guys on.
Tag your ocs who are constantly like "No no it's fine don't worry about it yeah I just got stabbed I'll walk it off."
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wall-legion · 2 years ago
WIP Whursday
I meant to post this yesterday and I forgottttttt I blame being sick. I was tagged by @forsaken-constellation.
So I don’t really have WIPs so much as ideas in my head for writing projects, so here are a few snippets of those. “Certain” She was sure everything was perfect to surprise him. She had sent him over to Lion’s Arch for the day with the longest list of things they needed to restock around the house that she could think of, in order to give her enough time to get his favorite dinner made, get herself washed up and changed, and put the letter from her doctor down at his place at the table. Rissia didn’t think she’d ever felt more nervous in her life as she waited for him to get back, pacing the kitchen floor while resting a hand on her stomach that wasn’t even showing yet. “The First Flowers” Barend Robbasson was a simple man. He was good at being a warrior, good at being a drunkard at moots, and good at telling tall tales to those who met. He thought he had no other wants in life other than the chance for adventure, once his little sister Signe was old enough that he felt comfortable leaving her and their mother behind, to build upon the legend that their father had started.* Then he met Danica Helkin, and in an instant his priorities were rewritten to include her. He found a flower merchant within an hour of their introduction and asked for an appropriate bouquet. Moments later, he held a small bouquet of hollyhock, clovenlip toadflax, purple lilacs, and a single blue rose, and went to seek her out again. *: His and Signe’s father died to Svanir, defending Bear’s shrine. Their mother has been unwell ever since, and moved them into Hoelbrak so the family would be better protected. After Signe was injured in a Svanir attack at Snow Leopard’s shrine when she was 9, Barend resolved that he would not go far from home until his little sister was ready and able to defend herself. **: The symbolism for the each of the flowers/plants in the bouquet are as follows- hollyhock - please remember me clovenlip toadflax (worst flower name ever) - please notice my feelings for you purple lilac - first love blue rose - love at first sight (also mystery and attaining the impossible)
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rataprimus · 7 years ago
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I just spent a disproportionate amount of time doing this. The breakdown:
says fuck, but sparingly: Deshauna, Vezz, Laxzzi, Rhoslinn says fuck all the time: Liath, Qirri, Silfiell, Ympp has accidentally said fuck before and regrets it: Teall has not said fuck before, but can do so if desired: Danica, Agaue, Butch has not said fuck before and refuses: Pheazza, Luxxai legally cannot say fuck: Oaklinna, Macen, Avitus
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ratasum · 1 year ago
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I had two birthdays hit between yesterday and today, and Danica's was the first, so here's my charming, protective norn necro, Danica Helkin! Head empty full of love.
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ratasum · 9 months ago
Pride Month Showcase - Danica Helkin
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A fierce adherent of Bear and a surprisingly talented necromancer, Danica may not be the brightest of norn but she's beloved for her ability to embellish a story and for her peculiar usage of necromancy: resurrecting the recently dead to find out how they died before the magic fails. A lover of drink and soft furs, she is a key force in helping spread the commander's legend. Danica is bisexual!
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ratasum · 2 years ago
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I don't think I've ever actually shown off Danica!
Danica Helkin is my norn scourge. She's very tall and very boisterous. She loves to cook and is very much a protector to the younger members of Misfits Incorporated, and Dragon's Watch to a degree. She figured out some time ago how to make gelatin move using necromancy, so she will make gelatinous cubes dance to make someone laugh if they seem upset.
More wine aunt than mom friend but great to have around regardless. Loves to sing and isn't too bad at it! Even if her nigh constant companion Barend is the opposite in talent.
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ratasum · 2 years ago
[@forsaken-constellation] Moon, Neptune, & 12H for Danica? <3
Astrology ask game ☄️
moon ⇢ do you suppress your feelings?
"Never! I see absolutely no reason to not let the people around me know how I feel! They're my friends, my family!
They deserve to know that I care very deeply for them. Not always in words- I sometimes make them food to make sure they're well fed and warm. Food is as much love as anything else!
I've only ever once hidden how I felt, and that was when we feared we may lose Qirri after the fighting in Maguuma against the jungle dragon. Someone had to be strong for the others, and I was in the frame of mind to do so."
neptune ⇢ are you a rational or intuitive person?
"I think I would say I'm intuitive. Rational is for the asura and all their clever little gadgets. No, I go with my gut!
That's all you really need sometimes. To understand what your gut is telling you, and the determination to see those feelings through! IT hasn't failed me yet. I've got the guild, I've got Barend, and I've got a legend building any norn would be proud of."
12H ⇢ which is/are your biggest fear(s)?
"I have so few. I suppose my greatest, then, would be something terrible happening to the guild. To any of them, really.
They're intense and driven, but so rarely care for their own health at all. I worry a great deal for all of them. Perhaps I should see if Barend would be interested in stepping in, letting them take some time to themselves to recover..."
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ratasum · 2 years ago
The most well adjusted women in my pile are Danica, who figured out how to use necromancy to animate gelatinous cubes while cooking, and Pheazza, whose four year old daughter was kidnapped and almost murdered by the Inquest before being saved by her ex-Inquest ex-krewemate.
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ratasum · 2 years ago
I forgot to ask, does anyone else know about Zaige's spirit being in Vezz's sword?
A few people do, mostly in the guild! Vezz can actually talk to him and most of the time it's arguing or Zaige trying to tear him down.
The ones in the guild who know are the team's revenants, Deshauna and Zanthe, and the other necromancers, Danica and Rissia. As of right now, Zatte does not know that her brother's spirit is in his greatsword.
That's probably not going to go well when she finds out.
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ratasum · 2 years ago
12 for Macen, 7 for Oaklinna, 14 for Danica
GW2 Ask Meme 3: back and worse-er than ever
7. Do they have any skills or abilities that their class wouldn't normally have/just go about their class differently in some kind of way?
All of the trap abilities Oaklinna uses as a Dragonhunter look far more like vines and branches than the actual guardian abilities themselves. She doesn't know why, either. And the vines, if she's using her abilities at night, actually glow with the same color as her bioluminescence.
Some of the asura in the guild have speculated it was her connection to Trahearne, though no one knows why it would have started manifesting like this so much recently.
(This partly plays into my bestie @wall-legion's Trahearne is the New Pale Tree fic but.)
12. Have they "completed" the map? What does that look like in your canon?
Macen and his brother have only very recently started their exploration of mainland Tyria, and Macen at least is very interested in seeing as much of it as possible. They grew up amongst the Olmakhan, so their knowledge of the greater world is much more limited than other charr from the High Legions.
Though they've started in charr lands, Macen himself has an interest in traveling to the sylvari lands, finding the strange, plantlike race to be incredibly fascinating.
As far as what it looks like in my canon, it just mostly encompasses being well traveled. And he's keen on being just that.
14. Biggest misconception about them?
There aren't very many, but one of the big ones is that because Danica tends to just be a very jolly, positive person, she's not very emotionally intelligent. Quite the contrary: she's very emotionally intelligent, and motherly towards the younger members of the guild.
Of course, it does mean that she tries to be the positive one when things get rough, which can be very taxing on her emotionally. It's also why Oaklinna's been spending a lot of time around her. She's more than happy to do what she can to make their bubbly little twig-head feel better, even if it's only for a little while.
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ratasum · 2 years ago
Some Voices
In lieu of a video since I don't have editing software, some voices that aren't Vezz and Qirri:
Agaue - Heather Headley
Makko - Carrie Ann Moss
Oaklinna - Minnie Driver
Deshauna - Toks Olagundoye
Kaill - Zach Barack
Rhoslinn - Aimee Atkinson
Liath Slaughterclaw - Rachel House
Laxzzi - Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (I'll add a clip when I can find a good one)
Teall - Jensen Ackles (I don't even like the man he just has a great Cop Voice)
Danica - Lianne Marie Dobbs
Zatte - Deanna McGovern
I'll make another list when I think of more but these are the ones I've got so far.
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ratasum · 2 years ago
Did this bc I saw @catmanderratmander post the meme.
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This was surprisingly harder than I thought it'd be.
Liath being at the top, Qirri on the right corner, and Vezz on the left, though. That was simple.
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rataprimus · 7 years ago
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I’m still in a pretty nasty downswing but I’ll finish my last commission and the giveaway art this week. In the meantime, have these screenshots of my norn necromancer, Danica Helkin. She just hit level 80 today.
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rataprimus · 7 years ago
👹 for all dem necros
Invasive Questions for your Characters!
👹 - (For necros) What was the first thing they tried to reanimate? 
The first thing Vezz reanimated was a sick bird that had gotten in and died. He didn’t do a great job at it, but it did open up his fascination about necromancy.
The first thing Danica reanimated was a rabbit. It wasn’t exactly the best reanimation job, but she loved it a lot, even giving it a name and keeping it as a pet as long as she could get her magic to sustain it.
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rataprimus · 7 years ago
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All my current toons (in order!). Click em for the names.
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rataprimus · 7 years ago
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Cleared out one of my character slots that had a character who wasn’t going to be really used, and in their place, meet Danica Helkin, my giant peppy norn necro who is everyone’s friend and quite fond of purple and pink.
If you are her friend, there is a 99.99999999% chance she’ll pick you up in a bear hug at least once if possible. You may get a headlock + noogie if you can’t be lifted. And she’s big on platonic greeting cheek smooches and forehead bumps as ways of showing she cares.
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