#danhausen saying what we thinking lol
danhausensboots · 2 years
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aerodaltonimperial · 2 years
Katy's masterpost of "what the hell is hookhausen and why are you so obsessed with it?????" aka the hookhausen video primer!!!!
It took me awhile and a LOT of help (thank you so much friends!!!!) to get all of these videos compiled and in the right order, and I added a few extra that aren't technically "canon" (after shows, vloghausens) but as far as I am concerned, if it happens in kayfabe, it's canon. If you think you might enjoy insanity and a fucking amazing enemies-to-besties plot line, this might be something you enjoy. I'm still missing a few here and there, but I think this is pretty solid!!!
THE ORIGINAL RUN (Feb-August 2022): the courtship
Hook's interview on Hey! (EW), most for shits and giggles because it never fails to make me laugh, but also is a great introduction to him.
The slow-burn enemies-to-partners video. HUGE thanks to OP for this, because I literally consider this video God's gift to us.
The training montage. I laugh every time.
The May 13, 2022 after-show. Skip to 5:30. They are a package deal at this point as far as everyone in the arena is concerned LOL (another view here, starts at 5:40. 2 days into their partnership and Danhausen is like, "CM Punk owes me money." Hook: "let's go.")
Vloghausen chip tasting. Starts at 2:35. The fact that they had to do this multiple times because all those chip bags are already open tickles me.
Road to Double or Nothing. RJ City is a gift lol
Tag team match!!! Skip to 48:55. It's the little finger wiggles before tags that always gets me. Love is real.
Post tag match interview. Starts at 4:00. They could have refilmed this when Hook lost it and didn't, so that smile at Danhausen is canon now, I don't make the rules.
Literally just ten seconds of them driving the Gator. Starts at :30. SMILEHAUSEN.
Danhausen loves Hook. 1:42:50. Interview show, Danhausen talks about Hook glowingly for 10 seconds.
Hookhausen buys “PT Cruisers.” We are still trying to figure out if Hook actually has a driver’s license.
Why must you hurt me in this way. Starts at 4:30. The "break-up"???? I don't like this video.
Hook and Danhausen sell chips for monies. Another vloghausen gift. They still love each other. TWO fist bumps!!! BLESSED.
Hookhausen hawks their GIANT ASS POSTER. If video does not load on AEW Twitter, plz see back-up link here.
After-show fist bump w/FTW Belt. Starts at 10:47.
The Dark Months (Sept-Dec 2022): nothing sob sob
A NEW ERA???: we have found new wills to live
Hook is click-bait in a vloghausen. First onscreen appearance since August 2022 by the trollhausen of the universe. WE BACK, BABIES.
Danhausen’s good friend Hook! Danhausen says Hook’s name on air!! And there was much rejoicing!
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Immortal Fears (3/?)
The International title has the power to make you question so many things; yourself, your relationships, everything. It makes you believe the only thing worthy of it is you, and vice versa. It is believed that holding it will have… Maddening consequences. Is any of it true? Is this just mind games played by your opponents instead, to get under your skin, to make you think losing the title to them is worth it? But is the current champion Orange Cassidy willing to take such a risk…?
Tags: Kip Sabian/Orange Cassidy (future). Hurt/comfort (eventually). Title Belt Corruption Arc. Enemies to lovers. Slow burn.
Best Friends/Chuck & Trent and Penelope make frequent cameos. More to be added.
On AO3 here
I really wanted to get this done much sooner, but life is a thing lol. Also for some reason just in general writing this one was really hard, I started it over like three times before settling for this one so... Yeah. It is a bit of filler I guess, but we touch up on some stuff that is gonna become a thing later, so it's still important. Also I just really enjoyed writing Chuck and how this chapter ends, so we are all good here!!
Credits for the babe @ss-trashboat for the beta and my beloved @midnightpretenders0 for brainstorming this whole arc with me, it means so much to me <33
Laying on the hotel room bed, Cassidy wasn’t paying attention to the television, despite surfing through the channels on it, lazily barely pointing the remote towards it. The sunglasses and jean jacket had been discarded to the other, empty bed in the room, him fully knowing it wasn’t going to be used tonight. He had been specifically booked into a hotel room all by himself, a rather odd change from the usual as normally Cassidy would room with either Chuck and/or Trent or even Danhausen, but due to the events of the past two weeks now things had been slowly changing, especially with Danhausen. 
Cassidy wasn’t sure why though. He had trusted Danhausen since the beginning, despite what people had been saying about the demon laying underneath the layers of makeup. He was just another misfit in their weird group of friends as far as Cassidy was concerned. He had proven his worth for the longest time, really not giving any of them the need to doubt him or think he was nefarious and up to no good. Up until very recently, that was. 
So why Danhausen had suddenly started to act like this, like winning the matches was all that mattered to him, pushing that agenda by any means necessary and at the same time shoving the friends he had to the side, closer to the edge, none of them had any idea. The past couple of weeks had been the same; Danhausen cheating in attempts to win them the matches, getting into verbal altercations with alternating members of the Best Friends squad afterwards trying to get some kind of an explanation out of him. Though honestly, Cassidy hadn’t been pushing for it that hard, it was mostly Chuck and Trent's doing, but he had to admit to definitely having some questions himself.
Maybe Danhausen was afraid of being the outsider. He had gotten in the group way later than the rest of them, just kind of initiating himself in there without asking anyone else. Trent especially had originally been very much against it, but ultimately he had also just kind of accepted that this was their new weird friend now. At first it worked out just fine; nobody had any objections to how they did things and what role each of them played. The team dynamic worked itself together on its own, they didn’t have to do anything about it.
But maybe that’s why there were cracks forming between them. Since nobody seemingly had put in the work to make sure it all worked. They had just hoped what started as pretty good would continue as so, without actually making sure it would. Best Friends had left everything basically hanging by a thread, without giving it much more of a notice.
Before his mind had a chance to continue to overthink the situation, there was a sudden knock on the hotel room door. Cassidy perked up slightly, clearly not expecting a guest tonight; it was very late already and nobody had reached out to ask if he was available. He waited for a moment as silence fell back into the room, thinking it might have just been someone in the hallway messing with him, only as there was another knock on the door he slowly got up to his feet, making his way to the door.
Cassidy stood by it silently for a moment, staring at the door handle as he saw it jiggle slightly, almost as if someone was trying to get inside forcefully. Almost on instinct Cassidy looked back deeper inside the room, eyes landing on the backpack sitting at the end of the bed he had claimed for himself.
What if they were after it?
There was another knock on the door, much louder this time, followed by a familiar voice calling him out by name from the other side. Almost immediately Cassidy’s features softened ever so slightly, him turning back towards the door and landing a hand on the door handle, pressing it down without any hesitation. 
“Took you long enough, the food is almost cold,” Chuck muttered as the door opened in front of him, but still offered the blond a smile while waving two paper bags in his hands. Cassidy shrugged, just watching as Chuck ducked inside the room past him, closing the door after him.
“I thought you might be hungry, so I grabbed you some food too.”
Slowly turning away from the door, Cassidy observed the other man as Chuck climbed on the empty bed with ease, popping two brown food bags on it in front of him, kicking his shoes off before he sat in the middle of the queen bed with his legs crossed. Rubbing his hands together excitedly, he motioned Cassidy closer, clearly getting ready to devour whatever he had brought in with him. Without much else than a small shake of his head, hands stuffing into his pockets, Cassidy sluggishly made his way to him, stopping at the foot of the bed.
“You haven’t eaten tonight, right?”
Cassidy absentmindedly nodded, not really being sure which answer he meant either. He didn’t really remember much of tonight, if he was being honest. Everything with Danhausen had been such a hassle, making him have to worry about extra things than just himself and his title, that after the tag match he had honestly just been very much out of it. Finding yourself between your closest friends having an argument wasn’t really something that got your appetite going, on top of all the other things he had to stress about, so Cassidy was fairly sure he had skipped catering tonight.
And Chuck seemed to be very much corroborating his blanking memory, seeing that he brought in food and all.
“I was worried when nobody reported seeing you in catering before you left the arena. Have to make sure you keep yourself together.”
Cassidy nodded again, this time seeming a bit more sure about the gesture. Chuck returned a nod of his own back to him before reaching for one bag, handing it over towards him. Cassidy accepted it, walking up to his bed before taking a seat on it again, peeking inside the bag as Chuck was already pulling a burger out of his.
“So, what are you watching?” Chuck broke the brief silence again, nodding his head towards the television before biting into his burger as he peeled it out of the paper wrapper. Cassidy glanced towards the television, honestly not having a single clue what was playing on it. He had just been scrolling the channels until he was distracted with the knocking on the door, and apparently he had left on some sort of a lifestyle channel. He wasn’t interested in it at all, and he was pretty sure it wasn’t Chuck’s cup of tea either, but he chose to leave it on for now, as background noise. Better that than a potential awkward silence.
As Cassidy didn’t ultimately reply to Chuck’s question while observing the television screen, Chuck just dropped it. He had seen Cassidy go through a lot tonight, honestly kind of surprised to see that the man was still somehow in one piece. Not just because of all the fighting with Danhausen, but in general. Chuck had been observing him recently, not just tonight, clearly seeing that he was more distressed than he let on. He didn’t want to push the issue though, unless Cassidy came to him wanting to talk first, but Chuck was very well aware of its existence under the blond's cool exterior.
At first he had chalked it up to a busy schedule and the stress of being a champion, but Chuck also knew that wasn’t the usual type of reaction Cassidy would give to such a thing. Sure, he got stressed just as anyone else would, be in his position or not, but as long as he had known Cassidy, he took his stress very gracefully, and not in this kind of silent and almost brooding way. Forgetting to eat and generally seeming to forget to take care of himself, a clear lack of sleep, physical exhaustion… Most of that he tried to hide behind the sunglasses and uncaring attitude, but Chuck could tell from his demeanor alone that something wasn’t very right with him.
But, he also didn’t want to step over any boundaries. Cassidy was a grown man; if he wanted to talk about things, Chuck was sure that he would, eventually. And if he didn’t, well… Chuck, alongside everyone else, would find out about things the hard way then.
Chuck watched as Cassidy finally pulled part of his food out of the bag, kind of absentmindedly starting to eat the fries, very much to his relief. It wasn’t a lot, but to Chuck seeing him eat at least something tonight was enough for him to be sure that he was still somewhat taking care of himself.
“You’re not with Trent tonight?”
Chuck snapped out of his content trance, staring at Cassidy as he popped another fry into his mouth, but didn’t make eye contact, just stared deep into the bottom of the little fry bag. Chuck just quickly shook his head.
“Nah. He went to hang out with some of the guys.”
“And you didn’t want to go with them?”
Biting his lip carefully, Chuck looked away from him before Cassidy stole a quick glance towards him from under his brows, shoving another fry into his mouth. He didn’t want to make it so clear how worried he was about Cassidy, knowing his worry wasn’t going to be met with as much enthusiasm as he would have wanted, and who knew what sort of results that would yield if he somehow ended up making Cassidy wound up about all of that. Chuck had already been seeing some signs at times recently about how Cassidy dealt with being questioned a lot or shown too much concern towards him, and right now wasn’t the kind of a time when Chuck wanted to cross that line again.
This was supposed to be the down time, the moment he could help his friend to rest and relax, keep him happy and healthy. Or, well, at least keep him fed. Obviously in-and-out burgers weren’t the best overall choice for a healthy lifestyle, but it was the one thing Chuck was able to easily find around without having to wait for hours this late at night for a delivery. But, either way, it was supposed to be a time for them to just hang around, have something to eat, and spend time together, and nothing more. It was supposed to be anything but stressful, mainly for Cassidy, but also for both of them, really. Especially after tonight. 
“Thought you could use the company more, honestly.”
Cassidy looked at him, pondering through his words as he kept chewing the sole fry in his mouth, but eventually he just quietly nodded. He knew it was useless arguing with Chuck when he set his mind on something like this when it came to his friends. And despite how things had been in his head recently, Cassidy had to admit that yes, they were indeed still friends. Even if it at times didn’t feel like it, with all the Best Friends infighting and all, and how he was seemingly constantly questioned about his loyalty now that he was the sole champion of the group…
But they were still friends though, right?
His eyes drifted to the television screen, absentmindedly stopping to look at it as his brain didn’t register any of the images flashing on it as Cassidy kept shoving more fries into his mouth one by one. Chuck had been right, he needed something to eat tonight, and while it wasn’t a lot, it was still better than not eating at all. He had to admit that at moments like this he was thankful for the existence of Chuck in his life, despite the occasional hardships.
Cassidy was just worried that with the way things were going right now, those hardships might get plentiful going forward, and he wasn’t sure how any of them were going to handle them if they became problematic in numbers. Not only him, not only Chuck, but the Best Friends as a whole, as they were already cracking at the seams as it was.
As the silence was trying to fall into the room again, Cassidy shifted slightly on his spot on the bed, reaching for the remote to keep himself occupied with something. With Chuck in the same space as him right now he didn’t really want to go through his thoughts again, potentially giving Chuck something more to worry about if he noticed Cassidy’s mind wandering. It was enough that he was thinking about the potential future breakup with his friends; he didn’t need to give that kind of stress to the one member effectively holding them all still together somehow.
Chuck’s eyes traveled from his friend to the television briefly as Cassidy started to flick through the channels, though it didn’t take long for him to pull his phone out of his pocket. Chuck was always the one to try to keep up with social media and what the people were saying, and with him having to do this whole food run for Cassidy and all, he hadn’t really had time to sit down and go through anything yet. And while they were having this comfortable quiet moment now, it was as good time as any to do it.
Unfortunately that comfortable silence didn’t last for long, as soon enough Chuck let out an annoyed groan, gathering a quick look shot towards him by Cassidy who seemed almost startled by the sudden noise. Seeing his friend glaring at his phone, a wave of worry washed over Cassidy’s stoic being, his eyes squinting as he was trying to read more than irritation from Chuck’s face.
“What? Did you forget how to read again?”
Chuck’s brows furrowed as he looked up from his phone, sending a questioning glance towards Cassidy as a response to his supposedly lighthearted quip, before finally shaking his head.
“What, no. Kip is just being an ass on Twitter.”
Cassidy nodded, the worry vanishing from him quickly. If it was just about Kip, it was fine. That’s just how the Brit was, he was trying to be an annoying menace and get under their skin, nothing more or nothing less. To be honest, Cassidy was slowly starting to grow used to it, especially since Kip was far more talk and much less action, either just trying to speak his way into his opponents minds or using social media to throw insults at them. He was mostly harmless, almost cute in a way, especially with how he used that “mocking” nickname towards Cassidy. 
“‘Too bad about the Zest Friends and their cat-eyed ghoul friend tonight. Who would have thought keeping your enemies closer than your “best” friends would have been more profitable?’ Like what in the hell is his problem?” Chuck shook his head as he read from his phone screen, being visibly irritated about the situation. Cassidy honestly didn’t mind, frankly he just didn’t care that much, but seeing this working Chuck up was slowly starting to get to him too, even if it normally wouldn’t. It really was just Kip being Kip once again, but this time it wasn’t only directed at him and Cassidy was also seeing the effect of his words on others, which really did grind his gears. And he knew that Chuck wasn’t a sensitive one that would get taken aback by just anything, and yet he was getting worked up over this, slowly but steadily.
“Oh, even better, apparently he was in the audience for the match. Great, awesome, amazing.”
As Chuck turned the phone towards him, Cassidy could see the tweet he had been reading out loud, and the photo of Kip sitting in the front row with the box on his head, presumably during the match. He nodded a little, the motion barely noticeable.
“Yeah, I think I saw him.”
“And you didn’t do anything about it?”
Thinking back to it now, maybe he should have done or at least said something, but Cassidy also didn’t want to take his eye off the ball in the middle of the match to confront the man in the audience. Besides, being confrontational wasn’t really his thing anyways; he would much rather leave that to someone else that could better take care of such a situation. And just sitting in the crowd behind the barricade, Kip was mostly harmless, his only asset really being the mind games he was attempting to play with the current champion and his friends.
“He was just there. He’s harmless.”
“You remember what happened last time? And what happened with Pac before that?”
Cassidy just shrugged, not really wanting to go through with this conversation. Of course he remembered. Both times Chuck mentioned, Kip had gone through the crowd to attack his target, after appearing there as innocently as possible for so long that people thought he wasn’t going to take the leap and actually do anything. One of these times being directed at him and almost costing him the match. It was a really hard thing to forget, especially with everything that had eventually followed that interference.
“’I know Clementine can do better than this. You just have to #EmbraceTheChange finally, my friend.’ Kissy emoji. What is his problem?”
Hearing how worked up Chuck was getting about this, Cassidy just sighed, catching his attention as Chuck looked up from his phone.
“Look. He’s just trying to be annoying to get under your skin. You know how he is.”
Chuck just pouted back at him, barely nodding his head.
“Just let him be. Kip’ll get tired eventually if you don’t engage.”
They both knew that wasn’t true in the slightest, if anything getting ignored was just going to make Kip try even harder to be annoying and get the attention on him. But Chuck also understood what Cassidy was trying to say and where he was going with this, so with a sigh he just turned the blue bird app off, dropping the phone from his hand onto the bed, getting maybe the first actual smile from Cassidy since he had stepped inside the hotel room.
“Let’s just… Try to enjoy the evening, yeah? You wanted to hang out so we can just. I don’t know, hang out then. And not worry ourselves with whatever’s happening online or with Kip or… Anything.”
Chuck sighed. He knew Cassidy was right, and after all Chuck had ditched the rest of the guys to make sure Cassidy was looking after himself. And him sitting there, reading more or less negative tweets about their current friendship situation wasn’t exactly helping the case, even if he thought that Kip could do no harm currently. It was still stressful stuff, and the last thing Chuck wanted was to make Cassidy more stressed out than he already seemed to be, whether he admitted that or not.
“You’re right, you’re right. Sorry, he just…” Chuck trailed off, shaking his head, this time it being his turn to offer a smile to Cassidy. “Never mind. Just make sure you eat all your food.”
Cassidy glanced down into his small bag of fries still in his hand, finding it to be almost empty apart from a few small fries that had been spared from their fate so far. Almost on cue Chuck was ruffling through the paper bag in his lap, like he was signaling Cassidy to do the same with his as he pulled out more food from it. Emptying the fry bag into his mouth, Cassidy proceeded to check through the rest of the offerings in his bag as well.
Maybe things weren’t as bad as he was imagining them being. Maybe all of this was just a minor setback, they had gone through worse, especially with Trent’s injuries and stuff before; a little rogue demon friend wasn’t something they couldn’t handle. Sure the constant title defenses and Kip keeping on throwing fuel to the fire didn’t help, but again, just minor setbacks, nothing they couldn’t handle as the team they were.
Not even a team, really. As the friends they were. That should be a power enough to work this whole thing out and come through as not only better people, but also as better and closer friends. Right?
Kip hummed to himself happily, watching the notifications on his phone frequently ping in as the night progressed forward. This had been happening since he had gotten his phone back from Penelope after leaving the show, and it had started while he was still sitting in the audience earlier the night observing the tag team match situation as people watching were spotting him, letting him know that. Even more so after he had shared a piece of his mind about what had transpired inside the ring with the Best Friends and Orange Cassidy.
While he was not surprised how things had turned out tonight, at the same time Kip had to admit that he was kind of taken aback that it was Danhausen that had snapped at the friends first. He would have bet good money that he could have gotten under Cassidy’s skin before that and made him do some dastardly things, but honestly? Kip didn’t mind this either. At least he didn’t have to force his hand to make one of the “friends” act out towards the others, oh no, Danhausen was definitely doing this out of his own free will, which honestly pleased Kip to no end, and made his job so, oh so much easier. 
He felt a hand on his shoulder, then another on the other, slowly sliding down his dress shirt covered chest as Penelope gently pulled him closer from behind, pressing a little kiss on his neck.
“Babe, come on, it’s late.”
Kip lowered the phone from his hand, turning his head enough to see the woman smiling at him, leaning closer to give her a kiss. “You can ruin more lives tomorrow.”
Kip chuckled, but nodded his head. She was right, the Best Friends would probably unfortunately still be there for another day. He had plenty of time to figure out ways to make them even more miserable before it was once again tv time next week. And if he didn’t, Kip was sure now that his words were out on the internet about tonight’s disaster, others would be poking at them in his place, giving them something to think about.
“We sure can,” he smiled at her, allowing Penelope to pull him down against the hotel room bed with her.
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wrestlezon · 2 years
liveblog containment zone for aew dynamite 5/11/22
started like 40 mins late and i didnt even have time to eat my dang burger
me at the beginning of the adam cole vs dax harwood match: if adam wins im gonna be really mad me at the end of the adam cole vs dax harwood match: >:( AND to the sharpshooter??? AUGH my burger will console me
dude i hate impractical jokers so bad its like a lethal amount of secondhand embarrassment oh boy its the cm punk vs silver match!! im exci-- hes. his jersery is so big. boyfriend's jersey. what on this earth wow johnny hungee / cm punk chant hangman just say youre here to support your friend. do it LMAO THE "FUCK YOUR PIZZA" CHANT cm punk and hangman exchanging looks from 500 feet away :)c long island crowd got the chants yeah!!! silver with the kicks!!! brainbuster!! whoa the AUDACITY MY FAVORITE THING IS WRESTLERS USING OTHER WRESTLERS' SPECIAL MOVES OOOOOO CM PUNK... WOOO he loves it when people get mad at him. hes got troublemaker's disease. how can this man continue to be a face
what is this sweetheart filter on this britt baker segment
DANHAUSEN TIME!!!!! WHAT IS THIS THEME DID THEY MAKE A DIFFERENT THEME??? HIS LEGALLY DISTINCT TEQUILA ONE IS SO GOOD THO TONY DIDNT EVEN GET AN ENTRANCE?? LOL i guess they gotta cut for time with all these matches on the card OH MY GOD THEY SQUASHMATCHED HIM ULTRA HEEL HEAT "we're gonna beat up all your internet meme wrestlers" please no leave my favorites alone but also i think orange would kill him so maybe are they going to make hook save him??? LMAO YES HOOK DANHAUSEN ENEMIES TO FRIENDS ARC COMPLETE wish it was a real-er match but whaddya gonna do. someday, maybe...
wardlow time!!! LMFAO A DARK SIDE OF THE RING SEGMENT???? I SAW MJF IN THE BG I KNOW THIS IS FOR JOKES OMG YES this is so good. LOL HES ALSO WEARING A JERSEY staring at this table in the middle of the ring. chekov's table dont tell my friends im only half listening to mjf's speech. he is not my guy ok the winking is almost getting to me though lol mjf loooooves whippin people with his belt oh shawn spears did his 10 bit! did he only did that in the indies cage match? LOL mjf reffing for the cage match? OMG YESSSS TAKE THE CUFFS OFF :) >:)!!!!! YESSS GOT EM NOOOOOOOO oh lmfao the buttons just scattering everywhere CHEKOV'S TABLE!!!!!!!! ok but for reals we know wardlows gonna win at double or nothin now cuz the stakes are too high
ricky starks vs jungle boy! these two guys are just alright. i do not hate them, or even mildly dislike them, but i also do not go nuts for them. pure neutral here im apparently missing out on some insane commentary work swerve why are you h-- oh no jungle boy... OH! its christian cage! is he going to be evil now. i keep hearing people wanting him to be evil more interpersonal conflict is developing... cage.......... HUG ok hes a good guy. thats cool im all for it
jas time! is eddie going to show up with a bandaged face. like a mummy. i want this "you wanna know what turns me on?" lmao "YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT GETS MY NIPPLES HARD" i continue to love and appreciate 2.0 jericho: look in your heart. you know it to be true. long island sucks oh dont adultery eddie's made-up wife jericho. thats no good OH!!!!!!!! ITS EDDIE'S WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES BCC ASSEMBLING LMFAO AOHFAOUHGH EDDIE'S HALLOWEEN FACEPAINT KILL!!! MURDER!!!!!!!!!! REGAL ATTACK!!! YAY!!!! BCC EDDIE SANTANA ORTIZ TEAM lmao @ eddie tearing up the podium in the background like an angry dog dude jericho's team is gonna get wrecked. unless jericho starts casting blizzaga theyre done for
toni storm vs hayter... :)c toni's outfit. very red exchanging punches... i actually dont know who to root for here! baker vs hayter is like, well, i hope this tears their group apart. but toni storm is cool and i think itd be neat to see her fight baker too. or whoever the jonker is. i think hayter is cool and i want to see her wrestle more tho. im invested :o well that answers that
omg sammy telling kazarian that scorpio is a bad guy and kazarian rejecting this advice...
LOSING MY MIND AT THESE PPV MATCH ANNOUNCEMENTS OHHHHH HOOKHAUSEN BUY-IN MATCH REAL ?? wow i got my real match faster than i thought id get it. then again nese is tagging with sterling so... hmmm i guess i better figure out how im going to buy the ppv sooner rather than later, esp if fite is crackin down on vpn stuff... i dont update my phone apps for storage reasons so i think im good on that front but i already had a little bit of a struggle buying revolution 2022 as is (had to do a roundabout thing of getting google play credit and using that)
what the why are you looking at my liveblog when youre in voice chat with me dont yell at me for being blazé about your mjf man. and i WAS paying attention despite it all!!! he is just too funny to ignore unfortunately
darby vs jeff hardy. theyre going to kill each other love jeff hardy's outfit here he looks like a piece of candy as much as i love shirtless men i feel like you really miss out on the accessorization opportunities. leaving that torso slot unequipped, man. i joked earlier about this match just being darby and jeff hardy pulling out taller and taller ladders to jump off of and here they just pull out the 100 ft ladder at the start staring at the chekov's chair setup just sitting over there. unharmed. not a wrestler on it oh no what the NO THAT LADDER IS TOO HIGH AND THAT IS NOT THE-- THATS THE GROUND ITS NOT EVEN PADDED. THOSE CHAIRS ARENT GONNA BREAK YOUR FALL ok yea just come down the other side thats fine OH NO DARBY NOT YOU TOO AGHGUGHGHGHHGHH insane. ough the ring apron is hard. not as hard as that ladder and chairs but oof SWANTON ON THE STEPS bruhh ;o; (crying emojis) OHHHHH JEFF HARDY WITH THE PIN!!! lmfao "you know how he [won?] in a no rules match, he did a wrestling move!"
very exciting matches for us on friday and also wednesday. didnt realize that double or nothing is so soon theyre gonna have to speedrun these trials for wardlow huh. gonna be good
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aerodaltonimperial · 19 days
i got tagged yesterday, but wasn't at my computer until now, so here's the ao3 meme! anyone who hasn't been tagged who wants to do it, jump on in! (i have no idea who has gotten tagged already lol)
Rules: go to your AO3 account and find the following:
What ratings do you write most of your fics under? Teen And Up Audiences (134)
What are your top three fandoms? All Elite Wrestling (113), Jpop (37), Teen Wolf (TV) (17)
What is the top character you write about? Jungle Boy | Jack Perry (81)
What are your top three pairings? Darby Allin/Jungle Boy | Jack Perry (62), Donovan Danhausen/Hook (38), Akanishi Jin/Kamenashi Kazuya (17)
What are the top three additional tags? Kayfabe Compliant (100), Explicit Sexual Content (33), Getting Together (23) [bonus #4: The Author Regrets Nothing (15)]
Does any of this surprise you? No LMAO. Does it embarrass me? ... I mean, maybe a little bit, but this was probably a lot more surprising last year, when my AO3 account slowly became a Jack Perry content machine. Mostly because I don't actually think anyone could have seen that twist coming when Jack first got entangled with Hook in late '22, early '23, given how ANGRY I was over JungleHook at its inception, but here I am, holding down nearly 20% of Jack's AO3 content by myself. The 81 count on his character tag feels a bit excessive LOOOOL.
I will say, however, that the number count on the AEW fics really shows how much I respond to constant input. that's the thing about wrestling: there's always more wrestling. and instead of a 6-episode show that i binge-watch in two days and get briefly into and then drift away from, wrestling is a never-ending waterfall of content and stories, and it's the single most impressive inspiration i've had in easily a decade+. i know people on tumblr have talked about how much we miss weekly shows that span a year, and clearly, i did, too! i got this constant flow of new content hooked into my veins and end up producing at breakneck speeds, and i really do think this has so much to do with the fact that there's just always NEW STUFF.
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
Prompty thing for Hookhausen if you feel so inspired (or another two idiots if you don't feel inspired lol)! : should we talk about it?
(because I love you lol, like pulling teeth 🧡🖤)
Hook is midway through pulling his joggers on when his heel slides a little and the floor gives a damning creak. He freezes, wincing, but it's too late; a head pops up from the blankets sporting some impressive bedhead. "Hook is leaving?"
"Ah," Hook says, with a weak sort of laugh. "I, uh, should go meet my dad?"
"Oh." Danhausen frowns. There's a crease across his face from the pillow, a red line that travels from his temple down to his nose across his cheek. He rubs at it absently, as though he can feel the intrusion on his skin. "Yes, Tazhausen will be waiting."
"Should..." Shit, what should he do here? Have they fucked everything up? Hook doesn't normally stay until the awkward slip-away the next morning for this exact reason, but this one seems to carry more weight than others might. "Should we talk about it?"
"Should we?" Danhausen parrots. "Danhausen is not sure. Is there something in particular Hook wishes to talk about?"
Hook waves his index finger between them a few times. "This thing? This thing that happened? Between us? Last night? You don't want to talk about it?"
"Do we need to?"
Fuck. Do they? Danhausen seems so unbothered, his skin illuminated with golden lines from the slightly-open blinds. Maybe it's only Hook putting a significant amount of importance on this. And that shouldn't sink his stomach the way that it does, really, it's just that...
"Uh," Hook tries. "I mean, if you think—"
"Danhausen thinks we could talk about it later," Danhausen offers. "Maybe, at dinner."
Danhausen shrugs, and the blanket falls from his shoulder. "Were we not already going to get dinner tonight, before the filming?"
"Oh." That's...that's unexpected, but eases Hook's anxiety almost entirely. If Danhausen still wants to get dinner, then they're still them. Nothing has been irrevocably changed. And maybe, just maybe, he'll be open for doing this again. "Okay."
"Okay?" Danhausen repeats. His face smooths.
Hook nods. He finishes pulling his joggers on. "See you later today, then."
Danhausen grins. "Looking forward to it."
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aerodaltonimperial · 2 years
Now you know how I feel
please !
(lol - this is NSFW, cut offered)
Time is moving so slowly Hook is pretty sure it's going backwards.
It's not like he hasn't had just an absolute helluva night. After all, last night went from middling-poor to horrendous to amazingly fucking great in a span of about two hours, and, like, okay, this morning? Waking up and being able to roll over, slot his arm around Danhausen's waist? Fucking outstanding. 10/10, no notes.
But now they're standing shoulder-to-shoulder at the front desk because heaven forbid this cesspool of a motel have automated check-out, listening to the dulcet sounds of the clerk's porn playing behind the counter.
The guy is counting out the money one bill at a time, licking his fingers between every bill. There has got to be so much cocaine residue on that, holy shit, and what kind of fucking place demands cash in this day and age? Now Hook has to hunt down the reimbursement form on the company intranet, which he could be doing now, but the moans are making him so uncomfortable that he sort of can't move. His fingers twitch ever so slightly in his jogger pockets.
"Thirty-one," the clerk mutters. Another moan, accompanied by some sort of slap. A pause. "Thirty-two."
Dear god in heaven, he's going to do this through the whole stack. The entire stack. Which, thankfully, isn't all in ones, because Hook isn't a stripper. But it's so slow Hook thinks the entire lobby has been transported into another dimension. A painful dimension.
Another moan, with a breathy, "give it to me, daddy," and Hook is going to tunnel straight through the floor to the other side of the earth. China has to be better than this. It has to be.
"Forty-two," the clerk says, licking a stripe down his thumb.
A low groan. Another smack. Something wet-sounding.
"Oh my god," Danhausen breathes, face twisted into something caught between horror and incredulity.
"Forty-three." The clerk looks up. He makes eye contact, like a sociopath. "You guys have a fun night last night?"
"What?" Danhausen sort of squeaks. Hook has never heard him make that noise before.
"You know," the clerk says. Shrugs. "Fun?"
"—oh, yeah, fuck that pussy, fuck that—"
"It's all there," Hook blurts out, and grabs Danhausen's arm. Nope, nope, nope; he is out of here. This is absurd. He wants to die. "We don't need a receipt."
He practically flies them out of the lobby and into the blissfully cool air outside that doesn't smell like moldy carpet and fifty years of constant cigarette smoke.
"How are we going to get reimbursed without a receipt?" Danhausen asks. "Accounting is very prickly about these things."
"I don't care," Hook moans. "Christ, we need to leave this place immediately. I can never be in this state again. C'mon, let's go."
"The car isn't here," Danhausen tries, but allows himself to be pulled towards the road.
"Then we are hitch-hiking," Hook hisses. "Get your thumb up."
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wrestlezon · 2 years
liveblog containment zone for aew dynamite 7/27/22
you know im raring to see that ricky starks vs danhausen match
rush vs moxley! i havent seen the ROH ppv but i might catch up on it soon, sounded interesting. at least daniel garcia vs yuta it wouldnt be a match with regal on commentary if he wasnt complimenting excalibur gasp! he didnt even let moxley finish his entrance. rude HE JUST... SITS ON THE SECURITY GUY'S LAP.... HE HAD TO CRAWL AWAY................. EW DONT LICK HIS FOREHEAD BLOOD cable!!! choking!!!!!!!!!!! rush is powering up by getting damp. damper lmao his little fakeout into a soft little headkick slap trade oh that rope counter suplex manuever was cool! softest stomps ive ever seen oh man rush is doing some reaaaaal close-to-the-turnbuckles move on that one forehead bite moves ahh ref distraction tactics into andrade appearance... ok the lucha bros are chasing him off. thats still a thing going on (i do not like that feud because there was too much unmasking going on) moxley wins! ravioli ravioli sign
NO NOT JERICHO.................. anna jay why are you hanging out with these chumps. theyre being heels by annoying me with their work boooo... boo ok anna jay.a.s. is pretty good tho im weary of jericho. eddie got that big ppv win but the rest of this feud... so weary moxley is my champion. i agree with him. he speaks the truth
DANHAUSEN VS RICKY STARKS ricky starks' video here is so fucking good LMAO omfg he is so much LMAO DANHAUSEN stealing ricky's pose!!! POSE OFF dive!!! AUHGHGHGHH HSQUASH MATTHCHCHHH ok if they actually do a double match this time i wont be mad
HOOK............................ ok i am not mad that was a squash match now what the!! punch moves!!! is that allowed WHOA sick flip from hook DIVE MOVES counter into chokeouts!! HE TAPS OUT............!!!!!! hook... :)c danhausen helped indirectly OC GET ADBLOCK sign lol
ricky ring promo.... ;_; ricky starks i think youre super cool and stylish!! WHAT THE HELL?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
i saw the acclaimed say something but im still reeling from hobbs betrayal
sammy guevara vs dante martin oh dante kiss skye blue? lots of dating going on in aew it seems sorry im still thinking about the ricky starks thing between that one interview where he was like "damn mjf has some points with all these ex-wwe people picking up the spotlight >:/" and this promo where he was like "people keep telling me to wait for my time but hell!!! im tired of waiting my time is now!!!" really got me thinking about how cool a ricky starks mjf team up would be. ricky and mjf vs the world. theyre going to fight back against all the ex-wwe... oh the match ended. wait who won? sammy??
the best friends rule. i want them to be on tv all the time, i am thoroughly entertained by their antics them carrying off orange cassidy like a plank of goddamn wood. SO GOOD
hey its jungle boy oh my god jungle boy getting SPICY LMAO WOW hes taking tough guy cues from christian cage in the process of feuding with christian cage :)c thats cool omg cage interrupting him when hes trying to get to the most personal part of his speech feud feud feud feud
hey its the bucks oh! trios belt. whos gonna be your third bucks? cutler is angling for the position OH... HANGMAN ENCOUNTER...................... THE BUCKS........ OMG THE DARK ORDER APPEAR the drama.....
swerve strickland vs tony nese and mark sterling i think the concept for this match is good :D haha. its goofy. i love lopsided matches like these-- i mean, i know swerve is still gonna win but still. im here for the antics and mark sterling tagging with tony nese is all antics by design
malakai black: we live in a society
travelling belt match updates: pac fighting! thunder rosa fighting! waow also lol at excalibur having to pause because of weird mic things going on-- was that tony schiavone doing a simultaneous readout in the background? or an echo
miyu vs thunder rosa ok i think ive had enough time to calm from earlier matches to focus on this one heck of a dropkick HECK OF A CHOP!!!!!!! HELL OF A HOP OFF THE APRON INTO A COUNTERHIT my connection lagged at thunder rosa's suplex pin. held in super suspense ohhhh shit miyu's german suplex there???? WOW and that was a cool swing kick too!! i only noticed thunder rosa doing this mouthguard thing in this match and the previous miyu match. is this a new powerup move or have i just not been paying attention aww shaking hands and nuzzling. good terms
so many match announcements. adam cole and redragon are coming back!!! im SOOOOO excited about the best friends trios match on friday :DDDDDDDD the best friends! and orange!! yay
daniel garcia vs bryan danielson daniel vs danielson. holy SHIT that running jumpkick dropkick thing on garcia's head hes straddling him. hello slapping him. hellooooo bryan danielson im glad youre back and im glad youre back just in time as daniel garcia is at full horny or whatever jericho: IM HOT RIGHT NOW JIM wow bryan danielson rebounding off the fence into garcia lmao omg this poor security guard has been bothered all day. they keep stealing his seat whoa scary. dont spook me about concussions, announcers whoa!! what a backflip!!! what the... ok its in character theyre working it. okayyyy... i know danielson does this... im rearranging my mental furniture bumpin into the camera guy concrete!! vicious!!!!!!!!! oh BRYCE is SOOOO MAD man this match super slowed down. are they trying to buy time because this is a bit dragged out for just dramatic effect ok its picking up again bro these cornercam angles. all my friends are concerned... danielson............ r u ok @_@ LMAO WTF WHO WAS THAT... MYSTERY ARM FROM UNDER THE RING DRAMA OHH MY GOD DANIEL GARCIA WON... SUBMISSION HOLDED
oh the mystery arm was hager. ok....... :/ i was hoping it'd be 2point0 or something. you know. one of daniel garcia's wrestledads. what ever happened to that i like that dynamic between two barking mobster henchmen and their aloof moody wrestleson but no its....... *SIGH* jericho and hager................... daniel garcia you couldnt beat bryan danielson on your own... what kind of tough guy are you man they really drew that out to the last minute though dedication to the time slot. but at what cost :/
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