#danganronpa hostage to despair
loststarphounix · 8 months
imagine the chaos (and angst) in a danganronpa roleswap au if Gundham takes up the role of being a candidate for the Kamukura project (he's also a reserve course student) and Kazuichi being the Chiaki in this situation—
the possibilities...
Yo! There was a fanfic being made with this exact concept except it was Kazuichi that was a Reserve Course and Gundham was very Nagito like teasing him about it lol Their tumblr is still on here I believe, they stated they were rewriting it but there is some art! I’ll try to find it and private message it to you.
But Gundham being apart of the Kamakura project and being the Reserve Course student is interesting! I’m gonna take it a step further and have it be that he and Hajime as still apart of the project and made into pseudo twins. Like the academy probably realized that putting every single talent known to mankind could lead to disastrous results and even worse - not willing to assist them in their goals. So it was decided to have a set of two ideal candidates that can take the burden of possessing so many talents as well as probably being more susceptible to help.
Gundham wasn’t scouted for Hope’s Peak for an unknown reason, but I like to think it’s because his dad somehow interfered. Instead, he is sent to RC so that his dad can still brag to his friends. There he meets Hajime, whose family was going bankrupt to keep up appearances. And though his parents love him, he sympathizes with Gundham and forged a friendship with him.
They meet Kazuichi by chance - I like to think that their meeting in the NWP is a little true. So imagine Gundham and Hajime are sneaking onto the main campus (Gundham making Hajime do bad things let’s go! Lol jk Hajime also makes him bad things 🤣) and they see a gaint, half made machine with legs kicking in the air. They obviously think the persons in trouble and use to help. The guy in the machine isn’t some regular guy, but the ultimate mechanic, who is freaking out that RC’s are on main campus. They promise they aren’t doing anything, just looking around and decide to go back, but Kazuichi doesn’t let them.
He was actually stuck in the machine lol - had been for a whole hour when Nagito was supposed to help him the traitor. As thanks for getting him out, he shows them around. This begins are weird friendship, with the RC’s -mainly Gundham- sneaking in the main course’s campus to visit Kazuichi. Over time, they meet the others and there’s an incident where Kazuichi is jealous of Sonia for getting close to the goth, who’s jealous of Hajime for being so close to Chiaki when it took her almost their whole first year, who is just trying to figure out how to not get overwhelmed by these amazing people and also his stalker “bully” Nagito.
When they’re approached about the Kamakura Project, they do think about refusing at first. Gundham didn’t see the point of having a talent that wasn’t originally his own and Hajime was struggling between accepting he wasn’t exceptional and the what ifs if he was.
But ultimately, Hajime accepts first. Gundham take a while, but he finally agrees because he realizes that wouldn’t be able to see Kazuichi or Sonia again after Hope’s Peak; they’d be out there, making the world better and brighter. And he’d be alone, in the dark shadow of his father. It also didn’t help that Nagito spilled the beans that Kazuichi was not only thinking of leaving because of his cruel father, but that some teen boy from his neighborhood was harassing him within the academy as a late transfer.
If he agreed to the project, then they both would be allowed on the grounds and be apart of classes. They were even offered money. He can keep Kazuichi safe. Their disappearance affects the class, but mainly Kazuichi amd Nagito. The two felt they were the closest to the RC’s, Kazuichi especially. He was finally gonna tell Gundham how he really felt about him, but all he got was a vague text message one morning and nothing else since. Both their phone numbers were unusable and no one heard from them since. Meanwhile, he’s feeling stress by his dads threats and his middle school ex-friend trying to force his way into his life again to get close to his friends - particularly Sonia and Fuyuhiko. It’s been depressing and he cries in his dorm room thinking he scared his only two best friends away.
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salbertwolf · 4 months
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(Additional sketches of ideas under the context-)
I actually haven't played Ultra Dispair Girls I'm sorry-
Komaru Naegi - Makoto's Hostage -Was the second in command to Makoto's gang, the Lucky Clover's, however when he left for Hope's Peak she very much became the new leader. Definetly not having a good day right now.
-Could probably kick your ass and not even try.
-Nobody tell her about Makoto.
-"G-girls? Pretty???" Komaru probably
Yuta Asahina - Aoi's Hostage -Lucky Clover's 3rd in command, wears an eyepatch just because he thinks he looks cool.
-Sees the Naegi's as family, and in turn it led to Hina and Makoto having friction's for a while in Hope's Peak (reason for her murder in case 2 of THH)
-Joins Komaru waaaay earlier, and spends a bit of time with her until he DIES (y'know, for plot!)
-Misses his sister so much
Takemichi Yukimaru "Defectokuma" - Escapee -Due to Daiya being alive and taken as Mondo's Hostage, Takemichi managed to escape, barely, and when the Remants attack the city, Takemichi is captured and locked into a Monokuma head, however it appears the artifact doesn't work properly, as he doesn't attack and seems to appear just out of it. Komaru encounters him in the camp, and becomes a companion for a while.
And now context on what the fuck is happening Sal
So UDG still follows Komaru, however she's trying to figure out what happened to her brother unsure if he's even alive (he's not), along the way she'll help to capture the Remnants of Despair and save the other hostages (if she can)
"But Sal the children!!!" I don't like children dying ngl, they got babysitters that day and were at home yw.
POSSIBLE DUO(s)? Sayaka is still the one that saves Komaru at first (Byakuya's role remember), so I thought about having Mukuro survive THH and join Komaru, but then Chihiro...
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While thinking of this, it also occured to me of making DR2 Talent Swaps as well, and leaving it to fate (random numbers, I have the list dw) actually led me to having probably THE most narratively perfect swaps I could ever wish, maybe I was the lucky student all along...
Anyway Ibuki switched with Kazuichi, and I quote:
Consider, Ibuki and Komaru knew from before because she did modifications to Komaru's bike -Me YOU TORTURE KOMARU YOU MAKE HER SAD - My good friend beans
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Anyway that's all guys ily let me know what you think these drawings are so old lmao
Part 1 <-
Part 2 <-
Part 3 <-
Part 4 <-
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shockersalvage · 1 year
Salvage Showcase - Monokuma Maid
Back to Danganronpa Zero - the first light novel of this franchise. Last time on this Showcase saga we got a look into the eight in one Naruto case that was Madarai. So for this time, I chose someone who, while not as well known as others in her class, serves the theme of Danganronpa Zero pretty well and gives sight into another underrated aspect of the series.
...Well, that and I also want to talk about the only other prominent original female in that light novel. Look at her! Can you blame me? Presenting Zero’s representation in the Mono department: Monokuma Maid!
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Not much is known about this girl’s past prior to joining the Reserve Course, but she must come from a decently well off family, since she could afford to pay the Course tuition to attend the Academy.
Things changed for her after the Tragedy of Hope’s Peak Academy – where the Student Council were forced to kill each other. Junko would send out a mass email that put the blame on Izuru Kamukura the school’s Ultimate Hope. This would anger the Reserve Course who started to riot. One for their mistreatment and the other for the funds they spent being used to, apparently, make a mass murderer. Junko would then use the footage of the massacre and edited with the knowledge of Ryota Mitarai’s brainwashing methods. Creating the Despair Video, this girl would fall prey to it and be driven insane with despair. Like with the rest of the Reserve Course, she became an underling to the Ultimate Despair.
During the events of Zero, Ryoko would wake up to find herself in the Reserve Course’s secret society and be welcomed by the girl, this time wearing her maid dress and Monokuma mask. Monokuma Maid would guide Ryoko about the base, assuming that Ryoko was testing her, and delve into the Reserve Course’s goal of getting their hands on Izuru. Notably, her own blatant insanity, creepyed Ryoko out so much that she used the excuse of needing to use the restroom to quickly leave her. But, in doing so, Ryoko would learn more about the society’s secrets as well. From how they watched the DV on repeat for thousands of times, to even holding two of the Steering Committee hostage (albeit, one dead and the other tortured before eventually being killed as well).
When Junko finally regained command in the finale, the reason the girl became Monokuma Maid was because Junko was just trying out mascot ideas, but decided that people in costumes wasn’t going to work for her next killing game.
Eventually, like with the rest of the Reserve Course that hadn’t died yet in DR3 or became Izuru, Monokuma Maid would meet her on end on the day the Reserve Course invaded the Main Course side, slaughtering every student that wasn’t in Class 78 or apart of the Ultimate Despair. The RC students would commit suicide after Junko would send them Monokuma’s Gloomy Sunday, otherwise known as the Suicide Video. Be it jumping out of the Main Course building or running into its burning wreckage, Monomaid would have killed herself. The Reserve Course mass suicide would go onto the catalyst for the Tragedy that would end the world.
While polite, quirky and eager to please at first, Monokuma Maid is a girl that’s utterly insane, being prone to violent ranting  and cursing over her plight as a Resrve Course student. She is bitter and disdainful to the school she’s affiliated with it, being utterly disillusioned with it. She holds fierce loyalty to Junko, but laments that she feels that she isn’t capable of truly being Monokuma.
I mentioned that Danganronpa Zero’s theme is one of ‘identity’ or, rather, a ‘lack of identity’. Yuto’s whole thing is that he lacks so much presence that people don’t notice him, the Madarai are octuplets that make an effort to be completely indistinguishable from each other to the point people could mistake them as being one person. Monokuma Maid serves this theme from the get-go by way of her own design and name...or lack of it. She is only known as the Monokuma Maid, with her real name being unknown. Her face is complete obscured by her Monokuma mask and her own identity as a maid hammers in the point that she is but a servant. Someone that lives to assist someone else’s life instead of their own. Monomaid’s status compared to the other Reserve Course (that aren’t the Trio most are aware of) is also something to take note of. Sure, while her identity that we know of is literally just a Monokuma Maid, it still marks her as unique compared to the other members of the Reserve Course who get no names, nothing to make them stand out and, in the anime, are depicted as being transparent, near faceless, nobodies. She is unique from the metaphorical faceless crowd solely because she took up a mask to become a literal faceless henchman.
Monokuma Maid easiest point of comparison would be to Mukuro Ikusaba herself. Similarity wise, both are devoted followers of Junko that done disguises or other forms on behalf of their boss. They are also more than willing to go about illegal or immoral actions for the sake of Junko’s plans being completed, with an eagerness to serve her. Though, how they differ, is in their motivations which, strangely enough, Monomaid is more of the autonomous of the two (despite, you know, being brainwashed).
Mukuro’s whole life desire is to serve Junko and make her happy, no matter what, even if it costs the world. Her entire identity is wrapped up in that one desire. Monokuma Maid on the other hand, while essentially being nameless and apart of the masses of underlings involved with Junko, her desire (and by extension the Reserve Courses’s main desire) is to get their hand on the Ultimate Hope and ‘crush him’ as payback, which is why they’re rioting and working with Junko (with video shenanigans for good measure). It's a nice reminder that, despite probably being the least regarded people both in and out of universe in Danganronpa, the Reserve Course’s goal prior to their mass suicide did come from a genuine independent grudge beyond Junko and persists even as they became her underlings.
Personal Thoughts
I really loved Monokuma Maid in terms of design and what aspect she brought to the prequel to the original game. The idea that concept of Monokuma needing to go through stages before becoming the bear that we all knows and, probably, love is a great addition to the world.
Monokuma Maid also serves as a great gateway to a rather undertalked about aspect of Danganronpa, that being the Reserve Course. It’s easy to dismiss them as just ‘Junko’s brainwashed puppets’ ( + three named others of varying importance) and call it a day (DR3 certainly chalks it up to just that), but Zero’s inclusion of Monomaid, and really the other RC students that get depicted in it, really helps flesh out that aspect of them.
Monomaid isn’t a bluefaced nobody that Junko can chuck at a repressed boxer, she’s a perky, unstable, girl with a clear chip on her shoulder in face of an actual injustice. She’s passionate about taking down Hope’s Peak and (while Junko wasn’t herself), this maid actually had the gall to go right up in Junko’s face to yell at her about her grievances. Sure, her being so crazy is due to watching the video, but its an exaggeration of her very real issue with the system.The same goes for the other minor students that got some page time. One of the talking Monohead students (in a very depressed and bitter state) is able to wax philosophical about the mutual killing that transpired in Zero and, when Ryoko runs to the old school building, one of the students disguised as a guard, smirks at her and let’s her in.
They’re proof that even the ‘talentless’ crowd had personality and charm to them just as much as the Ultimates that we all love. Even with the knowledge of them being brainwashed in Zero, you get the feeling these aren’t just zombies Junko can order about and treat willy-nilly, but thinking people that you have to take into consideration. Heck, even Junko and Mukuro talk about them in the end as if they were your regular minions that one needs to work with and around if you want stuff done (which makes DR3′s usage of the DV more annoying but that’s neither here nor there at the moment) It’s characters like the Monokuma Maid that really helps make the DR world message and themes come alive, and why I do wish she got remembered more. Kind of makes me sad that, despite being the sole survivor of the original DR0 cast, DR2 just has the Reserve Course kill themselves without any utilization of her. Makes me sort of wish she took the place of AI!Junko in a way, but what can you do.
With that, DR0 is down once more! Next up is back to the detective side of things with Danganronpa: Kirigiri!
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okthatsgreat · 9 months
So this one may be hard since it feels like your ocs are catered specifically to the V3 meta timeline, but it popped into my head anyways. How would your ocs act as Remnants of Despair? Let's say Team Danganronpa's doing something and needs to make them Remnants (probably for a gacha game, spend 50 for a chance to get Remnant Naomi)
OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD FUCKING FANTASTIC QUESTION im bouncing up and down. this is so cool. A GACHA GAME IS SO FUNNY TOO like the idea that danganronpa is looking to make some money on the side so theyre like Whatever. throw ryobe into genshin impact. who gives a shit anymore
here they are at their edgiest 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
billie: scrawny fifteen-year old kid with no talent or charisma. you'll be so fine. worst case scenario it's some kind of izuru 2.0 best case scenario she's not even there in the first place. likely doing the family guy death pose somewhere
mika: another ultimate lucky student who won't be able to do a whole lot. definitely got a lottttt more edge to her than billie does, can definitely be ruthless but can't hold much influence and doesn't have any relevant skills. she's either in hiding or she's made friends with another remnant and kept herself safe that way
yoshito: just a fucked up guy honestly. his entire ultimate revolves around helping people so i can definitely see him taking advantage of this amount of trust he has accumulated and getting a lot of people into some deep shit but eventually they'll learn his tricks and he'll be a lot less immediately dangerous. definitely a behind the scenes kind of guy can't see him being super influential or anything. honestly i don't even think he's a team leader in this scenario i think he just let's all of them go off on their own GHFDKJG they're probably ALL on each others asses
rie: can't realllyyyyy think of a whole lot for her... this is not to say she isnt extremely persuasive and able to get her way but she is more of a figurehead for despair. an extremely well-spoken salesperson in that regard, very charming and probably on a lot of billboards already. i reckon this is a similar situation to sonia but on a much smaller scale, probably does public speaking kind of events and turns people to despair that way, is definitely somebody to be wary of but you can take her in a fight easy. her bodyguards not so much
naomi: you are not running from this girl. she can reach you anywhere and knows how to use a firearm. its either you learn how to fight better than an athlete with a shotgun or youre dead bud. she is extremely independent though so that is a bonus for you
sae: the only reason she is higher than naomi here is she is a lot stronger and knows a lotttt of hunting tactics that can definitely land you in hot water. you'll really need to brush up on avoiding traps because if she catches you in a position where you arent able to run youre fuuuuuckkeddd. unless you are strong it'll be really really difficult defeating her in any sort of hand to hand combat, especially in this despair scenario where she is genuinely not holding back. the one saving grace with sae is she is not dexterous at all so if youre a good runner with a lot of stamina or hell even a more dexterous fighter you'll maybe be ok
erin: ok so she's probably not the most IMMEDIATELY dangerous person, like if you approach her while shes alone with any kind of weapon you'll probably win. but shes this high up just because the implications of her ultimate talent being turned to despair is actually kinda horrifying. like shes a CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINER. she's most persuasive on KIDS. there are many scenarios that can happen here but all of them involve children so immediately all of them are horrible hgfjkgdhsk. could very very honestly turn into something similar to monaca's plan, attacking her will be pretty difficult considering she has a lot of kids hostage
ryobe: evil mr beast. the worst parts of erin and rie and hell even sae combined. has millions of followers who will do literally anything for him, sets out hundreds upon thousands of death traps everywhere he goes. will absolutely 100% throw more ultimate talents into killing games just for good content. catch him alone and you could probably kill him but you will NEVER catch him alone because he is constantly surrounded by people who can and will die for him while also torturing you for views so good luck
andi: most likely wouldn't be there but just for fun andi but SUPER evil (like. somehow even more evil than she already was) is bad news. super bad news. andi being there means that you are likely in some virtual reality type of scenario which means she has complete and total control over everything around you, everything you eat and drink, and everything you experience. she's a rule-oriented machine so the scenario depends on whether or not she's been given instructions, but quite honestly you'd WANT this to be an instruction-less andi cuz she'd kill you quick
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goshdangronpa · 1 year
Continuing anon's request for the DR character headcanon thing with ...
Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual (she likes genders that only exist in her novels), demiromantic (she doesn't fall for just anyone but when she does, she clamps her teeth around that person and shakes them and doesn't let go)
Gender Headcanon: Nonbinary, but Genocide Jack is a cis girl and a TERF
A ship I have with said character: Tokomaru is the most popular ship for a reason, and not just because it's the closest DR has ever come to canonizing any pairings. The two girls are perfect foils: who can be more opposite to a moody cynic with obsessive tendencies than a painfully average and more laidback optimist? Even their tastes in literature stand in stark contrast. Sure, Toko constantly negs Komaru and disses her at almost every opportunity ... but for all her mellowness, Komaru also possesses a faulty filter and can casually destroy Toko with a single observation, which makes the ship not just work but work wonders.
A BROTP I have with said character: Toko says it herself: she doesn't have any friends, and how could she with her attitude? Is there anyone who could get along with her besides Komaru and her pet stinkbug ... wait a sec. Gonta Gokuhara also has the patience of a saint, and only he would appreciate the special relationship between an unusual girl and her insect. And just imagine him warmly greeting Toko and Jack each time they switch off ... Do you see the vision
A NOTP I have with said character: I'd sooner see her in some screwed-up and severely one-sided 50 Shades-style relationship with Byakuya than with Makoto. For all his niceness, he doesn't take shit with nearly as much mellowness as Komaru. If he and Toko argue, they'll fight until one of them is dead. (Note: I have neither done Toko's FTEs nor seen any vids or read any transcripts about them, so I may be totally wrong!)
A random headcanon: I'm sorry, I'm just hung up on the fact that Ultimate Despair kept her bug alive somewhere as a hostage. Did they have someone make sure it has food and water in its cage? Did they look up the proper care for stinkbugs? When they released the hostages for the Demon Hunt, did they just take the container outside and open it? Anyway, I headcanon that the bug followed Toko's scent on Hiroko Hagakure, and owner and pet were reunited, and even Komaru could only be so happy about a smelly creepy-crawly sharing their bedroom.
General Opinion over said character: If Toko's not the single most annoying character in any Danganronpa game, it's solely because of all the work that Ultra Despair Girls does to deepen her - and even then, she still irritated me for much of the game! That said, she does grow in some truly interesting directions, and her relationship with Komaru completes her. Also, in both UDG and Trigger Happy Havoc, the voice acting performances for her and Genocide Jack are, genuinely and without exaggeration, phenomenal - maybe the best in the series. Nothing but praise for Amanda Céline Miller and Erin Fitzgerald.
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civilight-eterna · 5 months
Fanfic Writing Questions
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Looks like 17, incidentally my lucky number!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
204,980 so far!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, Arknights. If Ex Astris gets any more content though I'll probably lunge for it again. I'm also always open to writing Vocaloid stuff even though I'm a little embarrassed looking back at some of my earlier works. I don't write for RWBY or Danganronpa anymore. I've been kinda hurt by people in those fandoms and I'm baby (or was baby) so it kinda killed my heart for it.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. From Hell to the Moon - 953 kudos My gigantic Touko/Komaru fic from back when Ultra Despair Girls had me in an absolute chokehold. I still love them but I kinda fell off from updating because I got a lot of comments like 'ughh i'm so sad this will never get updated' and the pressure got to me. 2. Between the Li[n]es - 425 kudos Another one I left on a massive cliffhanger for Danganronpa V3, my Miu/Kokichi/K1-B0 fic. I appreciate the support it received so much. I do enjoy writing robot sex. I fell off of updating because I made a friend in the fandom that kinned Kokichi pretty hard and seemed to feel like he was a much 'softer boi' than the way I wrote him and implied that my Kokichi was OOC and even though I didn't really believe it...well, you become your actions, so, by kind of, tolerating their interpretation it kind of neutered my own. We haven't talked in years. Sometimes I think about writing a quickie update chapter but I'm too into my other writing. As one comment put it: "came to nut, stayed for the feels", so I felt pretty damn good about the naughty scenes in this one. One of the more vulgar things I've published.
3. Other Side - 288 kudos My first fic for the RWBY fandom! I wrote it right after the Weiss trailer came out and we knew nothing, so a lot of the story is nothing like how the characters act now. I look back on it pretty fondly because it got me out of a pretty bad writing rut, but it's kinda bittersweet because I've moved on from RWBY. Still a sucker for Ruby/Weiss and I was overjoyed when Ice Queendom came out and gave them some spotlight. 4. Amor fati - 188 kudos My beloved golden child chenmiya fic. It makes me so happy to see this one climbing high into the list even though it's the most recent. A lot of tender love and care went into writing this and reading this is the key to my heart. Nothing excites me more than comments on this or any of my other chenmiya fics. It's basically my love letter to the ship. 5. Secondhand Smoke - 177 kudos One of my early entries into the ~problematic yuri~ genre from when Cinder/Ruby from RWBY had me by the throat. I got a lot of much-appreciated appreciation for writing these two and I remember this being the year that a bunch of my artist friends drew me Cinder/Ruby for my birthday! I'd never had anything like that happen before and I felt so loved.
5. Do you respond to comments? Sometimes! If you leave a lengthy comment I try to at least pop in and cry about how much it means to me haha.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Sour Grapes, easily. But is anyone surprised?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Definitely dodecatheon meadia. If ever I've written something I can consider to have a true fairytale ending, this is the one. This one really healed my heart too! I felt like I had a real fire under me while writing it and these girls have deeply affected me. I don't want to say too too much about it since some people are very likely still finishing the game. But it's also a new feeling to be the first fic in a tag!
8. Do you get hate on fics? Thankfully not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yeah, I sure do, almost exclusively-but I tend to have myself in this hostage situation of, "please make a 50k-100k epic to perfectly justify the characters having sex" that I occasionally escape containment from. I've gotten a little better at just laying the foundations quickly and getting to what I like to write, but it can still be a struggle because I get a little perfectionist with it. Which is funny because to me the 'perfect' smut doesn't exist, and it's made 'perfect' through the imperfections. I think the little bumps and hiccups and misunderstandings along the way are a lot more compelling to me than having everything go without a hitch, but there's definitely exceptions and different circumstances! Like when that's a big part of the story-like a character really really in control for another character's safety. When I write robot sex or medfet there tends to be a bit more detail about the safety side of things because I like to take the reader through the experience of safety too. I never turn right to the camera and go 'and now the safe way to do it is x' but I rely on the characters to express their expertise to each other, and their reassurance, and for the trust of the other character to speak for itself. haha, i rambled.
this is why for the lin/chen/amiya bondage i'm working on writing that i have a notebook with several pages of questions that lin goes through before tying people up. things like 'if you start to cry, does that mean you need to stop, or is that just what you need?'
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really, the only one I've kind of written was the Ex Astris/Arknights one in dodecatheon meadia, based lightly off the fact that the games did a collab and I wanted to acknowledge them with the outfits of those girls from another world that they didn't quite get to know.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Oh, just once. But it was SO long ago and the person was pretty young I think and they were ashamed and took it down right away, so live and let live.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Some kind folks translated Sour Grapes into Chinese! I asked them for a link to where it ended up but I don't think they totally understood what I was asking. I was flattered nonetheless.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, I haven't. I do a lot of rping though still, though less publicly than I used to. I think if I co-wrote anything and published it it would have to be with @lanymme because she's my most trusted peer! When we talk about writing things and whenever she gives me feedback, she is so kind and spirited about it in a way that pushes me to do my best. Her encouragement is truly so earnest and even though I can be a little protective of my writing she has a really nice way about her of discussing how to make it stronger without making me ever feel like I'm not 'enough' as an author. I can't overstate how much I value her companionship; as an editor and a good friend and just lovely person overall. And when she leaves huge comments on my fics spotting all the little painstaking details I put in and mentioning them-what better satisfaction can there be as a writer? I always intend to do the same back but I am always just so floored and wiped out by the quality of her writing that I atomize before I can form cohesive thoughts. It just makes it all the more impressive that she can put together a fucking. bibliography of the story's moments and her reactions. So lanymme I hope you know how much I adore your style. /)///(\
14. What's your all time favorite ship? Chenmiya. I sort of felt inklings of it all throughout the beginning of the story and then chapters 7 and 8 sealed my coffin shut. Amiya sort of represents, I think, the idealism that Ch'en had wanted to believe in growing up. The world was really cruel and Ch'en adapted in her own ways, but she...rejects Amiya a bit because I feel like in her heart she can't let herself get too attached. She knows-or thinks she knows-that Amiya will lose hope and she'll feel that heartbreak all over. But slowly, her optimism and continued efforts to just...keep going, in a world that is cold, a world that shows her cruelty-it reaches Ch'en. And even though Ch'en puts up her front at first, Amiya's ultra-high empathy helps her understand who Ch'en really is, and she has the maturity to not begrudge her for the way she's processed things up to the events of chapter 7 and 8. As she puts it, "I saw the color of her heart", when talking about how Ch'en interacted with the kids in the slums that didn't have anyone else. And then she launches a rescue for Ch'en, and ends up so linked up with her memories and emotions that she just like. Becomes the other half of her soul in that fight. Amiya arrives with her optimism and hopes on the sheer chance that Ch'en is still alive and still needs her help and goes up the tower alone to find her and she does even against all odds. She talks about how she wants to cry when she sees her. In Ch'en's hour of need, Amiya arrives carrying the hopes of what she wanted to be herself, and they fight a battle where they are alone, saving each other, promising each other that they can do it, and they come out alive.
There are so, so so many more details about them. Ch'en's wishes for Amiya to call her by first name in a closer way, the way that Amiya shyly, obstinately continues to add some form of honorific for her. The way Ch'en inherited her abusive father's rhetoric and echoed his lines to Amiya to try to get her to distance herself from her in the beginning, only to apologize at the top of the tower and tell her she wishes she'd met her earlier.
But the main thing I always think about, at the top of the tower, is where black-snake-controlled Talulah puts Amiya in a prison of fire specifically to goad Ch'en. She wraps her in flames and says "I wonder how her melting flesh will smell"/something akin to that and Ch'en loses her mind and yells as her to "don't touch her!" and says "I'm the one you want, let her go!" etc., you know, all the good shit. So my interpretation of the scene is this: since the black snake can't make Talulah do something she doesn't actually want to do, I've always felt that the feelings behind that scene were of Talulah wanting someone close to her to really, truly understand how it feels to lose someone you love, and she saw Amiya to Ch'en as being someone analogous to what Alina was to herself. I think even if you read Ch'en's feelings for Amiya as non-romantic, Amiya was still so so dearly important to her to make her react that way, and that the black snake being cruel enough to try to leverage their relationship to, ultimately, kill Ch'en, who was Talulah's last tether to not losing control of herself fully-was so outrageously heinous. Ch'en could have killed herself trying to get Amiya out, which would have been what the black snake wanted most of all, since it couldn't quite urge Talulah to kill Ch'en directly, and it would have done so by preying on both Talulah's love/sorrow for Alina and Ch'en's love for Amiya.
scrolling up and seeing the wall of text i wrote and. yeah. there's still so much more.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Between the Li[e]s. Danganronpa fandom just hurts too much.
16. What are your writing strengths? Aside from dialogue, I think my other big strength is that I'm not afraid to write what I want even if and especially if it's fucked up. I also feel like another strength of mine is that the characters will take over for me, and get me to write them truly as they are without letting me change them. Even if that results in me writing things I'm very embarrassed and shy about writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I lack discipline. I need to get myself consistently writing more, but it's hard for me to make time to do it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't tend to do more than a few phrases, and only then if it's a character's native language and I want them to call someone a cute nickname or something.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Princess Tutu. I was 13. it was the 4th of July. I was supposed to be in bed asleep. But I was using the string lights illumination to light up my journal and it was then for the very first time I felt the feeling of realizing that I could make anything happen that I wanted.
It was not very good at all! But I treasure the memories of having boundless energy to write with because I was just so excited to see something become real from something that had only till then been inside of me.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
dodecatheon meadia. maybe it's surprising because it's not one of my headliner chenmiya fics, but-it's a secret chenmiya fic if you squint!
and honestly even though the story of ex astris is a little patchy at times, by the end you feel just...gripped by the world building and by yan and vi in particular. so i remember writing for them, desperate to see the happiest ending i could make, weaving it in with the canon with as many of my favorite details as possible, and it felt so good. i wrote pretty much nonstop for a week straight and finished it. the feeling of just-DYING to write was burning under my skin after finishing the game and the satisfaction of finishing the fic was magical, even if it came with the usual...idk, 'fanfic post-partum' of sending your writing out into the world when it's all done.
tagging: @lanymme, @annierosaart, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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dragbunart · 2 years
Shuichi gets kidnapped by the villain of the game and Maki and Himiko have to UDG their way to save him. And Himiko’s magic is real!
Ultra Despair Girls: Dangangronpa Aftermath
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I wanted to include Komaru and Toko on the ally's side but I also wanted to leave it to be able to match HOWEVER you interpret the V3 ending.
If you Beleive Tsumugi was telling the truth then the woman on the left Who i stole from a fanganronpa i've been meaning to make Is the Leader of Team Danganronpa and using Monokuma's she's taken the person she feels ruined all of her hard work: Shuichi. It's up to Maki and Himiko to save him. You occasionally get help from Citizens of the area and former DR fans who want to help them out, but some fans are bitter they helped Shuichi end DR, so they will hinder you.
You also will get hints and help from a mysterious woman with a keytar. (more on her when I talk about 'Game Play')
Since this is my AU, and I can do what I want. And I don't like V3's ending like it's good, but a bit unsatisfying as a fan
If Tsumugi is lying then that Woman is either A) a remnant who worked with Tsumugi, B) a Copycat or C) someone inspired by Junko. She was the Ultimate Gameshow Host and was planning on a Killing Game to hold After Tsumugi's before she was defeated.
I... Don't have a name for her yet. But she has a Monokuma-esque companion who helps her I call Ursagi. They lead an army of Monokuma's similar to the ones in UDG. As well as a few more variants. When the player first starts out these Monokuma's will be colored (like the Monokids) to match the Bullet effectively against them (though as the game progresses depending on your difficulty level they may mix up their colors).
In this version, I imagine you actually get help from Komaru and Toko who are leading the Future Foundation Efforts in the area (and have been officially hired by Future Foundation). Komaru will give you your gun/megaphone and instruct her team to help you upgrade it (you have to earn the trust of Future Foundation to get upgrades). Meanwhile, you actually talk to Toko/Syo for more story-related stuff. If you find something related to a V3 student or their relatives you take it to Toko who will access the FF database and tell you what they have related to the piece you brought it (and probably insult them). Meanwhile, If you find a hostage (like Rantaro's sisters) you can give their location to Syo who will either rescue them or send in her team (the former Warriors of Hope) to go get them.
You play as Maki for the most part. First with a knife and then with a gun/megaphone to defeat monokuma's. Your Ammo is limited but very effective against Monokuma's.
You can switch to Himiko at any time! But if her magic isn't charged you can only use her to get into small spaces and do parlor tricks (like releasing doves or smoke bombs), these can distract Monokuma's enough to get away. If you wait till her magic is charged (or get to a plot point) You can actually use REAL VERY POWERFUL Magic. This can be used to teleport to a shop, walk through a wall, or Heal Maki. But there are no 'recharge' drops to pick up, Everything about Himiko's magic is on a timer.
Throughout the story, you keep running into this mysterious Keyboardist who claims to be mute. Maki is very weary of her, especially since she seems to know more than she lets on about Maki and Himiko.
She's like Servant/Komeda in UDG but she probably isn't working for the Mastermind. If you run into her out of battle you can use Maki to question her. You won't get much other than a hint of where to head next or where a secret might be. Though in certain areas you may get hints about her past. She may see something and you actually hear her mumbling something about her sister.
Her keyboard can also defeat Monokuma's similar to the Megaphone. And she'll help you occasionally in battle.
All Boss Battles are based on Game Shows.
Basically my ideal version of the game would be Maki and Himiko saving Shuichi from a Game Show host.
Form here on out any questions realted to this AU will be tagged UDG:Aftermath
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Rpg Anon: I know that I never really did much for the story of my headcanon but something came to mind and now I have a question. At the beginning of the game, should the player really have access to all the classes/playable characters? If not, that means two questions. 1. How did everyone get separated? And 2. What would the the requirements to recruit them back?
//I imagine that it should go a little bit like this.
//Whoever the enemies are in this game, be it the Ultimate Despair or Organization Zetsubou should attack at the beginning of the game, and take over wherever the game is set.
//As a result of this attack, several characters end up getting captured and held hostage, and one of the big objectives of the RPG, aside from taking back the stolen turf, is freeing them.
//If this is set in Survivor’s universe, let’s say that you get a set list of starter characters, and these would more than likely be the starter characters from Danganronpa S (Makoto, Hajime, Komaru, Shuichi and Kaede (Kuripa and Toko too if we want all the main protags included))
//And the way you free characters and recruit them is that as you take back more turf and clear out more dungeons, special dungeons will open up that feature one of the missing characters. For this example, let’s say Kaito.
//So to rescue Kaito, you need to enter and complete this dungeon, but whichever character you’re rescuing takes up a spot in your party, and you use the remaining spaces for your own characters. Then, if you beat this dungeon, you rescue Kaito, and he joins your collection of usable units.
//I think that’s a simple enough way of going about it.
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shadow-laviko · 3 months
Ok, so, about games, mangas and animes I like- I'll join animes and mangas together And add my favourite character(s) for each, because I think it helps see my type I guess, lol? I'll try to only give one chara, but might give two if I really can't decide) Animes/Mangas :
Ajin (no one really)
Balance Unlimited (Kanbe Daisuke)
One Piece (Trafalgar Law)
The Promised Neverland (never finished, but I liked Ray)
Anohana (no one really)
Assassination Classroom (Karma Akabane)
Black Butler (Ronald or, Grell too, since we know less about Ronald... Okay, maybe Undertaker too. But Ronald first I think)
Blue Exorcist (I'm not up to date, but Amaimon and Mephisto were cool, Rin too)
D.Gray-man (do I really need to say? Just look at my name. Do I really need to say it? Fine, It's Lavi. But uh... Tyki too... and Debit... And Wisely... Too many ikemen... But Lavi really first. My boy... Go watch/read D.Gray-man, it's great!!)
Death Note (... Matt... listen, I know we saw him like 3 seconds, but darn it, I love this man)
Death Parade (long time no watched, but I liked Clavis, the elevator guy (I think?))
Dororor (no one really)
Dr. Stone (Senkuu Ishigami)
Durarara (I'm sure you can tell now, but of course it's Izaya Orihara (and Erika and Celty for women))
Fairy Tail (... Sting- ok, and Levy)
Food Wars (I don't know, I keep forgetting)
Free! (Rin Matsuoka)
Haikyuu!! (Kuroo
Horimiya (Miyamura)
Jigoku Shojo (Ren)
Jujutsu Kaisen (no one really)
Kuroko no Basuke (of course it's fucking Akashi Seijuro (and Aomine... And Hanamiya Makoto for some fucking reason because he appeared in one of my dreams and took my brain hostage ever since))
SnK (of course it's Levi... I swear, Kamiya Hiroshi dubs so many characters I like, I can recognise his voice in just a few seconds, it's crazy)
Ouran Highschool Host Club (Hikaru and Kaoru, but mostly Kaoru, because HAVE YOU SEEN MY BOY IN THE MANGA???)
Osomatsu-san (no one really)
Servamp (oof, I'm not up to date and it's been a while, so I kinda forgot)
Saiki Kusuo (Saiki)
Games :
Professor Layton ((all of them) do NOT test me on the games, I'm a Layton nerd, you will lose. That being said, Clive my beloved)
The Lengend of Zelda ((all of them) Link and Dark Link)
Stardew Valley (Elliott and Sebastian)
Pokemon ((all of them) N)
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Toko and Mukuro)
Danganronpa: Goodbye Despair (Nagito. Of course it's Nagito. And Ibuki for girls I think)
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Kokichi and Rantaro both on 1st place... And honestly maybe Korekiyo in second- LISTEN TO ME- my boy was weird but fine until his chapter. If you forget how dirty they did him in his chapter, he's fine!!)
Master Detective Archives: Rain Code (of course It's Yomi... I'm not okay with this man)
Genshin Impact (Kaeya since day one. Call me a simp, the luck goddess blessed me with the luck of winning him three times on the standard banner) (I have him C6 fully leveled up- I SIMP FOR THIS MAN)
Slime Rancher
The Sims 4
Among Us
Rune Factory Frontier (I will play the other Rune Factory at some point, I promise)
Others :
Kagerou Project (and all other derivated works) (Saeru/Kuroha and Kano and Ayano for the girls I think... Although most of them are really cool... Kido is cool too... And Ene... darn it)
Homestuck (it's been a while but I used to really like Gamzee (is anyone surprised at this point?))
Danganronpa Ghost Despair (a french fanganronpa available on YouTube with subtitles) (Jacques who is my comfort character, and Maxime, because of course I like Maxime, I mean, have you seen this man?? But Jacques has no right to be so high in my tierlist, but for some reason he is comfy...)
I know I'm forgetting something
Almost but not quite exhaustive list
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spookyvance · 5 years
Update for Danganronpa: Hostage to Despair! The roleplay is now closed, and underway! Thank you to all who applied for my killing game.
I apologize if you were not accepted, however, there may be another chance...
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reddpenn · 3 years
hello I really like your Relative Strangers AU and was hoping to know more about it if you're willing :)
Oh boy, this is an extensive and convoluted AU that I have had in my head for a LONG time, and I will probably be drawing more of it eventually!
Relative Strangers takes place in a future where the Remnants of Despair have been pardoned by the Future Foundation, and are living quiet, unobtrusive, heavily monitored lives among the general population. Their identities are for the most part not public knowledge (though there are always exceptions: the kingdom of Novoselic, for instance, considers their king and queen’s statuses as former Remnants of Despair to be a point of national pride). Things are peaceful for them. Many of them have started families. Had kids of their own, or adopted them. The system is overrun with orphans in the wake of the Tragedy, and the background checks on prospective parents are going from lax to nonexistent. Kokichi wasn’t technically kidnapped, but Nagito walked into an orphanage with a library card as his only ID, and they still let him walk out again with a child.
Meanwhile, a multitude of low budget copycat killing games have started popping up around the world, mimicking the one that was broadcast from Hope’s Peak Academy. The Future Foundation has its hands full trying to quell them. Among them Team Danganronpa begins on the dark web, its first season a series of low quality videos of kidnapped people being forced to murder each other in a grimy warehouse. Several seasons later they luck out incredibly when they kidnap off the street, completely by accident, Rantaro Togami, one of this generation’s potential heirs to the Togami Corporation.
Rantaro is one of the few of these kids who knows his father’s entire past. Through him, Team Danganronpa learns about the Neo World Program and the Jabberwock Island and Future Foundation killing games, as well as the identities and locations of the Remnants of Despair and the other killing game survivors. Using the long abandoned Neo World Program and Rantaro’s vast resources, they make a spectacular and cinematic killing game with an all-star cast of hostages - the children of the people involved in those former killing games.
With the Neo World Program’s memory editing abilities they’re able to create fake backstories and plotlines designed solely to mock and enrage those killing game survivors. The Ultimate Nurse’s son dies of a terminal illness. The Ultimate Breeder’s son gets an incest plotline. The Ultimate Imposter’s daughter reveals herself to be the “mastermind,” an imposter all along. Team Danganronpa wants to make an impact, and to do that they intend to get the full attention of a lot of powerful, dangerous people.
But before all that happens, it’s a long, happy lifetime of soft domesticity. And once their parents band together to defeat Team Danganronpa and rescue their kids from the Neo World Program, it can go back to being that way! Except the frightened kids they pull out of those pods still have the memories of their fake lives, and the “families” here to rescue them seem like strangers; actors playing people they’ve been told are fictional characters. They no longer trust their own memories, and aren’t sure which is the truth and which is the lie. There’s a long road of healing ahead of them.
Thus, y’know, Relative Strangers.
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ebonysword0 · 3 years
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Neglect
Not many people know that there used to be a plan for Sayaka Maizono having a younger sister. She became scrapped and only appeared in the artbook for Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls.
There were reasons for her being scrapped:
1.) Sayaka mentions having grown up with no mother and with a father who had to work until late each and every day, which is why she stayed home alone a lot. (No mention of the sister)
2.) It's because of the loneliness that she felt while waiting for her father to come home that made Sayaka turn to watching idols on television and start looking up to them, in turn inspiring her to become one. (Why would she be lonely if she had a sister?)
3.) The reason for Sayaka wanting to commit murder is because of the video of her idol members and her care for them. Had there been a little sister character involved, Sayaka's character would be shown in a different light and seem uncaring which is very out of place for her character.
4.) The theme of the game is that is the conflict between Adults and Children. As she was designed, Sayaka's sister couldn't have a logical placement within the game's conflict, as she would've been too young to be considered a demon and featured as a target on the Hit List.
Maybe there's a way to rectify it.
1, 2, and maybe 3: either Sayaka never told anyone she has a younger sister because when your a celebrity, you end up sacrificing privacy. So maybe she was protecting her sister from fans and paparazzi which might've saved her from being a hostage. (Unless she died in the Tragedy) Or maybe it's a more complicated reason, like her mother died giving birth to her sister, so she and her father felt some resentment towards her because of it. So they never acknowledged her existence.
4: Komaru (who's a year younger than her brother Makoto) and Yuta (don't know many years younger he is to Aoi) aren't adults and yet they ended up being targeted. So why wouldn't she? (It is said that Sayaka's sister is originally meant to be 13 or 14 years old)
I guess this is technically both a reason and a headcanon.
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shockersalvage · 2 years
Guest Profiles - Kagami Sisters
First one up are the Kagami Sisters since they serve a minor role out of the five mentioned, and both are major characters of the titular Kagami Family Saga.
WARNING: These profiles cover everything to do with these guys in terms of Danganronpa: Togami. So spoilers will be in them! Letting you know in advance.
Naomi Kagami and Sana Kagami aka the Kagami Sisters.
Who Are They? (Danganronpa-wise):
DRT minor antagonists that are members of Despair High School. Sana is the Despair High School Level Brother Complex and Naomi the Despair High School Level Dual Personality. As a part of Despair High, they aid in the World Domination Proclamation, serving more in the lines of stealth operations under the Ultimate Imposter. 
While they are introduced in the first volume, their appearance there was merely a minor introduction in the headquarters of Despair High, reciting the school’s anthem with Kazuichi and Sonia. They have a larger role in the second volume, with Sana impersonating Celestia Ludenberg to go along with the Imposter’s guise of Hifumi Yamada. As for Naomi, she creates a new persona entirely in the likes of A54 - allegedly a new recruit to the Togami Conglomerate’s private army: the Needle Force.
They lure Byakuya into Celeste’s hideout convent in Prague, acting as spies and pretending to be Byakuya’s confidants, up until a certain point where Byakuya is left alone and seemingly trapped in his new office (while Blue Ink is separated from her boss by Sana). When they finally dropped the disguises they, alongside the Imposter, took Blue Ink hostage and tried to get into Byakuya’s office…only to realize that Byakuya was gone. Turns out, Byakuya had been expecting their sort of trickery and so he, the actual Hifumi & Celeste, and an untrapped Sakura, sprung a trap to surround the Despair High members. It’s during this interaction where Imposter decided to ‘make the readers scream with glee’.
Meaning both Sana and Naomi finally reveal themselves to be not their own people, but rather Ibuki Mioda and Gundham Tanaka, respectively. This reveal marked the first in the line of Blue Ink being told her perception of reality was off, and that such a thing would eventually lead back into the K2K System.  In retrospect, it was Borges once again overlaying Kagami Family Saga cast onto real people, this time being the aforementioned Ultimates.
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(Sana Kagami)
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(Naomi Kagami)
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(Sana left, Naomi right)
Description wise: 
Sana - face is described as being cherubic and quite youthful. Artwork from KFS depict her as the one with longer hair.
Naomi - She is described as being very small. Artwork shows her as the sister with shorter hair.
In DRT, the only thing they got is being described as wearing Despair High uniforms…which don’t have a description.
Sana is hyperactive, rather childish and overly friendly to even her enemies, with her only notable display of these characteristics being revealing herself to Blue Ink, whom she calls ‘big sis’. Her second introduction to Ink is to meow several times prior to the second introduction to herself. 
Naomi, in contrast, seems a lot more reserved, but is implied to be dramatic in her own right. This is implied by the way she strikes a ‘forced pose’ upon meeting Blue Ink again. She’s also observant and pragmatic, being the one to notice when the office door knob was broken and trying to book it when the odds were against Despair High.
In general, both twins are eccentric enough to go along with the rest of Despair High in their school anthem. That being said, both are also very good actresses, with Sana managing to act as Celeste perfectly and Naomi even managing to pass herself off as a new male recruit to the Needle Force (which might be attributed to her ‘talent’).
Of course, both Sana and Naomi are Ibuki and Gundham in disguise. So their personalities, from the hyperactiveness of Sana to Naomi’s flair for the dramatics, are likely just aspects of the real people behind the guise.
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s-serendipit-y · 4 years
team danganronpa?
ft. chiaki, kokichi, nagito
this has MAJOR spoilers so everything’s under the cut. do not read if your haven’t finished goodbye despair and killing harmony
@melmellimelon asked: I know this is a weird request but what about Chiaki, Kokichi and Nagito having an s/o who is self aware that this is just a game (you know, like Danganronpa 3 last trial)
a/n: i wasn’t sure if you wanted s/o to work for team danganronpa or they just figured it out. so i just wrote both :)
buckle up because this is filled with angst
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——— chiaki nanami
s/o works for team danganronpa™️
it wasn’t supposed to happen
you falling in love with chiaki that is, you already knew she was different than the other ‘characters’
she was an a.i, everything she is supposed to think was programmed thanks to you and team danganronpa
but being apart of the game is different than observing it, and as time went on you grew closer to chiaki then eventually, you fell in love with her
you were ‘helping’ her and hajime try to end the game telling yourself it was for the ratings and the fans who love to see the characters in despair
yet you started to feel extremely guilty for lying to the girl you loved and your friends
so to clear everything up you told chiaki that you wanted to speak to her
it was after 10pm when chiaki showed up to your cottage
“you wanted to speak to me s/o? is this about the traitor,”
“umm no chiaki, there’s something that i want to confess,”
chiaki pauses her game giving you her full attention, then you tell her the real reason why all of you are here
and of course, she didn’t believe you, why would she believe that she and everyone else here was a product of entertainment
“you’re the mastermind… aren’t you?”
“n-no! not technically…”
“end the game! why do you want people to die?”
“i’m sorry, chiaki- the game won’t end until there are only two survivors left.”
she leaves you in your cottage alone, not listening to another word you had to say
you stay in silence, falling into despair as you knew who the next blackened was gonna be
s/o doesn’t work for team danganronpa™️
you weren’t even sure how you figured this out
but somehow you did and it sickened you
there were people out here, who found teenagers fighting for their lives entertaining?
absolutely disgusting
you weren’t even sure how everyone would react if you told them
and on top of that, you don’t know if someone was secretly working with them
so the first person you wanted to tell was the only one you could trust. chiaki.
so you pull her into your bathroom, the only place where there are no cameras and tell her everything you knew
chiaki doesn’t want anyone else to die, so you both plan a way to end this ‘show’
yet you were unaware that your lives in this game were already planned out for you and the girl you loved was about to be executed right in front of you
“don’t give up s/o, find the truth and escape with everyone else. promise me.”
“i promise chiaki, i love you”
“i love you too s/o”
and there was nothing you could do but live up to your promise
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——— kokichi ouma
s/o works for team danganronpa™️
you and tsumugi were working together both acting as masterminds
we both know that kokichi’s main goal was to weed out the mastermind
so after gonta’s death and kokichi revealing himself as the mastermind you and tsumugi were in a tough spot
but unbeknownst to your partner, you had grown close to kokichi
you could relate to him on many things, at first it was for the ratings but soon enough you actually fell in love with him, and you when you confessed he accepted in his own way.
so you really did hope that he would listen to you
yet you couldn’t have been more wrong
you went to where kokichi was keeping kaito hostage
yet when you came in, he said you should hate him since he was the mastermind
but that’s when you told him you knew that he wasn’t
and just by the look on your face, he knew what you ment
you told him about you working with team danganronpa and how all of this was for entertainment for the real world he just laughed at you
“neeheehee~ and i thought i was a good liar s/o”
you wasn’t sure if he believed everything you said, he didn’t crack from his usual facade
even though he wasn’t showing you, kokichi was hurt and felt betrayed
he felt like you were the only person he could trust and it crushed him to know that you were lying to him and everyone else this whole time
s/o doesn’t work for team danganronpa™️
tsumugi did everything she could to tie up any loose ends
or…she thought she did
but somehow you found the secret passageway in the bathroom the led to the library
and that’s where you found all the documents titled danganronpa
you all wanted to participate in this?
that’s not true why would you want your friends to die?
so you grabbed all the documents, running to the only person you believe you can trust. kokichi.
you tell him everything you found in the documents and he first brushes it off as a lie
“s/o you’re not a good liar.”
but your face didn’t change and that’s when he started to take what you said seriously
you wanted to let everyone else know about your findings but kokichi tells you that if you found it in the school, someone here is working with team danganronpa
but what you two didn’t realize, that there were very little cameras watching everything around the school so the mastermind already knew what you two were planning
and just like with rantaro, tsumugi steps in
with the deaths of angie and tenko, there was you all blamed on korekiyo (srry bby <3)
kokichi knew that it wasn’t him, he was with you most of the time. so he knew that it was the work of the mastermind
that’s when he began his plan to end the game once and for all
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——— nagito komaeda
s/o works for team danganronpa™️
nagito claims that he had planted bombs all around the island to find the traitor
you knew that the traitor wasn’t a bad person this time, you wrote it.
it was to put a spin on the original game and bring in more ratings
yet your role in the game was to be close to the main antagonist, nagito, but you didn’t expect to get into a relationship with him
he tells you and everyone else to go find the bombs and he’ll stay in the dining area just in case the traitor wanted to come out
but after everyone dispersed you went back into the dining room
the guilt of lying to him was consuming you, he just wanted hope to win and you being there it was almost impossible
“s/o, my shimmering hope, you’re the traitor? that’s a surprise”
“no i’m not the traitor- but there is something i need to tell you”
you explain to him why you were truly here and how you created this killing game
when you finish, nagito just laughs for a while before responding
“of course trash like me doesn’t deserve someone filled with hope and instead, have someone filled with despair, like you.”
nagito didn’t want to believe that you were who you said but after completing the dead room he knew the truth about everything
of course he burned the evidence so no one else would find it
but you came here and confess to him which hit him with the harsh reality
everyone were the remnants of despair besides the traitor and you, but you… we’re the epitome of despair
s/o doesn’t work for team danganronpa™️
once again, you weren’t sure how you figured this out
this despair you were all feeling, was for someone else?!
you felt sick
so the first person you tell is nagito, you trusted him and he was fighting for hope
he should know what to do
when you tell him what you discovered, he believes you!
you were his hope and he knew the only thing you and everyone else wanted was to end this game once and for all
you both planned what to do next, the real world was fulfilled with despair, is that really a place you’d want to go to?
“team danganronpa…? should we tell anyone else about this? hajime? chiaki?” -s/o
nagito disregards what you say, muttering something about hajime. did he know something you didn’t?
however, you couldn’t plan for what came next, nagito tell you not to worry and that he’ll handle it from this point on
it felt so trustworthy but when he revealed his plan to blow up the entire island you knew you had to step in
nagito was nowhere to be found, you all had to split up and look for him
yet when the factory filled with monokuma merch caught on fire you had a sick feeling in your stomach
and when you and the rest of the survivors could go in, there was your worse fear.
nagito was dead and someone killed him
all of your lives in this game was planned out for you and no matter how hard you all tried you would have to give into despair sooner or later.
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drippingviolets3 · 3 years
Danganronpa AU (not really but there’s no better word for it): School mode timeline
This is a AU I sort of have been working on for the most part, and the best part about it is that no one does :D yaaaaay, no more getting emotionally attached to anyone only for them to end up dying!
Anyways, this is more of a timeline I created to try and connect the school/island modes together and have a AU where no one dies except like, a bunch of nameless background characters and Junko, but that’s not important
This is your spoiler warning for the canon game and school mode. You have been warned
Anyways, let’s get started:
Trigger happy havoc: The beginning
It starts off with how school mode starts off. The kids are awoken in classrooms, find out they’ll have to participate in a killing game, etc. But also like in school mode, Junko forgot to make copies of Monokuma for the killing game, and forces the students to team up and build a copy. Instead, they end up building Usami, Usami destroys Monokuma, ba bam school mode is completed.
But once they leave, they find the world in ruin. Everyone is obviously confused, but that’s where Mukuro steps in. She reveals that she isn’t actually Junko but her twin sister, and explains the situation to them, including the tragedy what lead up to it, everything. She explains that she was originally teamed with Junko, but after spending time with them and forming bonds with everyone, she didn’t want to be on team despair anymore.
Obviously they’re about to fall into despair, but then low and behold Makoto unlocks his talent as the Ultimate hope, and with the help of now hopeful Mukuro, they save the class and go to save the world
They all form a survival group at first, each having certain jobs (Sakura defends them from Monokuma bots, Mondo being their escape driver, Taka helping heal any other survivors to the best of his abilities, etc) until they’re found by the future foundation, who takes them in and returns their memories of their previous school life.
There, the students are able to be of more help, especially with Mukuro’s knowledge of the remnants and Junko. Chihiro is also a huge help due to the training he’s getting from the stronger members and his computer skills thrown in as well. This isn’t that important I just wanted to throw in some Chihiro love-
Ultra despair girls: The second part of the timeline
This is really short because there really isn’t much to say. With the help of Chihiro’s hacking skills and the Future Foundation, everyone finds out that there’s hostages that were going to be used against them in the killing game. Byakuya goes in to save them, gets kidnapped, cue the events of UDG. After the events of it, the Future Foundation takes in Kotoko since she’s the only survivor of the WOH, and after getting betrayed by Monaca, she agrees to work with the Future Foundation. But only with Toko and Komaru (in this AU she kinda clings to them like they’re her older sisters)
Goodbye despair: The third part of the timeline
Now that Kotoko is also on their side, with her knowledge and Mukuro’s they’re able to learn some extra information about the remnants. The Future Foundation plans to kill them like in SDR2, but Makoto gets his class together to help him try to redeem the remnants instead of killing them. So Chihiro helps them create the Neo World Program, and once that’s set up and they’re able to run a few tests on it, sneak it to Jabberwocky Island, and make sure there aren’t any life risking bugs, they go onto the hard part. Getting the remnants.
By now though, you’re probably wondering what the fuck is up with Junko. And to answer that thought, she’s alive, and is conducting attacks towards the Future Foundation, who are trying to kill her (except class 77 that is), but this makes their goal near impossible now.
So yeah as stated, Junko is making the task reeeeaaally hard, especially since she’s stronger then she looks. So how did they defeat her? I actually imagine it was thanks to Kotoko they took her down. She knew how to work the Monokuma robots, and so she used the stronger students as a distraction for Junko as she got one of the Monokuma robots, found it’s control panel, and forced to attack Junko. I also imagine she has a angsty breakdown as she forces it to tear apart Junko, crying about the betrayal she felt and how she never cared about her (I actually might write a one shot on that-) but anyways, long story short Kotoko kills Junko :)
Once Junko is dead, they risk their lives (a lot) but eventually manage to convince (and force) the remnants into the Neo World Program (which was a lot easier thanks to Mukuro) and create a AI based on a dead classmate of theirs, Chiaki. There, the students all loose their school memories and work together to gather all the hope fragments with Usami, who (along with the goal at hand) was based on the robot and goal they had themselves. The remnants get reverted back to their old selves now that they’re free of Junko’s brainwashing. Once they’re out of the program however, the class has to explain to them what the fuck happened to the world and now has to give them therapy.
They stay on the island for a while to stay under the Future Foundation’s radar, and after some time go to their base and tries to show that they’ve changed and want to help fix the world. It takes a lot of trial and error, but they end up getting recruited.
And that’s all I have so far. That’s just the basic timeline of it, obviously there’s gonna be some more issues along the way and I still have a lot of stuff to sort out about it (and finish V3 so I can figure out how to tie that in) but that’s it essentially. Tell me if you like it or not and if you want to see me write for it (which I’ll probably do anyways tbh)
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sock-drawers · 4 years
Mukuro Ikusaba Character Analysis
Mukuro Ikusaba. Junko Enoshima. The Despair Sisters. Together, with the help of Class 77-A, they plunged the world into unmitigated despair. Junko Enoshima has been done to death. I’m not here to talk about her. Let’s talk about Mukuro Ikusaba.
Let’s start off with Mukuro’s backstory. Not much is known or said about her backstory. It’s known that her and Junko were homeless for a period of time; in that homeless period they had it rough. Mukuro had had an interest in the military since her childhood. Just before entering middle school, Mukuro disappeared on a family vacation in Europe. Most people thought she had been kidnapped, but she was never found. In reality, she ran off to join an elite mercenary group based out of the Middle East called Fenrir. She became proficient in a variety of forms of combat and worked hard to become the Super High School Level Soldier.
During her time at Hope’s Peak, she grew to have a crush on a fellow classmate, Makoto Naegi. He was the first person to ever smile at her. She watched him from afar and never grew the courage to tell him how she felt. Because of Makoto, she started to think of the world outside of Junko’s plans, and caused her to be hesitant when Junko unveiled her plan for the Killing School Life with their fellow students, Makoto included.
It is implied that Mukuro was abused by Junko and there are many instances to show that truth. In many cases of abuse, the victims will often sympathize with the abusers. One time, when I was watching the story of an abuse victim they talked about learning someone else’s abuse story. They mentioned that it was almost second nature to sympathize with the other person’s abuser and defend their actions.
Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological response in which hostages or abuse victims create a platonic or romantic bond with their captor or abuser in an attempt to keep themselves safe. The difference between Stockholm Syndrome and a conscious decision to manipulate their captor/abuser is that people affected with Stockholm Syndrome don’t know that what they are doing is a survival mechanism and actually believe themselves to be in love with their captor/abuser.
I believe Mukuro to be a victim of Stockholm Syndrome. I believe this because of Mukuro and Junko’s relationship. There are many times Junko has put Mukuro in forms of extreme physical danger. Despite that, Mukuro believes this is all done out of some twisted form of love for Mukuro. Junko will insult and belittle her sister and Mukuro always believed her.
Now, Junko isn’t dumb, quite the opposite in fact; Junko has Super High School Level Analytic Powers. Junko didn’t just insult her sister to insult her and belittle her, she did it as a form of control, to keep Mukuro compliant. Mukuro listened to her sister, because she believed her sister cared about her. Now Junko has her right where she wants her. Mukuro now believes she is nothing without Junko and the only way she can be good at anything she does is if she pairs up with Junko.
In Mukuro’s Wikia bio, it states that, “When Mukuro talks or thinks about her sister in Danganronpa Zero and Danganronpa 3, she sometimes blushes and appears to be in a state of ecstasy, implying that she has incestuous feelings for her sister.” This is another reason I believe Mukuro to be a victim of Stockholm Syndrome. In a normal sibling relationship, she would recognize that that is wrong and she shouldn’t think that way about her sister. This social response (one ingrained into her by society) can not over power Mukuro’s psychological, survival response (her feelings towards Junko created as a survival mechanism).
This is also a reason I believe it was so easy for Mukuro to flee her home life and join Fenrir. Mukuro was 12 when she ran away from her family. This was easy to her because she didn’t have as strong of an emotional connection with Junko. At this point in her life, I doubt Junko was abusive towards her, due to Yasuke Matsuda’s fond memories of childhood with Mukuro and Junko. That happened later, when Mukuro regained contact with her sister.
I do not believe Mukuro to be a counterpart to Junko at all. Mukuro is her own person, although she may not be aware of that. Mukuro and Junko’s hopes and ambitions do not match up at all. Junko is only interested in despair, particularly despair for herself, but this isn’t a Junko character analysis. Mukuro’s goal is not despair, but her sister's love.
Due to Junko’s Super High School Level Analytical Abilites, she is bored all the time being able to predict everything that will happen to her; The only thing that Junko didn’t find boring was despair. Mukuro does not share these abilities, therefore I don’t believe she shares that same infatuation with despair. There is another reason Mukuro creates despair, for positive attention from her sister.
Junko has backed Mukuro up so far against a wall that Mukuro believes the only one who will ever care for her is her sister. Junko clearly does not like Mukuro to be a free thinking individual, quickly shutting down any ideas or gripes Mukuro has with her situation. Mukuro recognizes the only time she gets positive attention from Junko is when she follows Junko’s plans and creates despair.
Mukuro believes that Junko is the only one who will ever love her, and she recognizes Junko only loves her when she creates despair. Mukuro is not a part of Junko’s plan because of her infatuation with despair, she works with Junko for love and affection. Mukuro is not a villain, or a bad person, but simply a person with good intentions who has been backed up into a corner where she believes the only way out is her sister’s love.
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