#danganronpa 3 goodbye hopes peak academy
pof-soc · 2 years
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hi im alive hopefully,, I've been working on anatomy!!! so here you go :)) i yassed him for you. lets pretend he knows how to tie his shoes.
so tall,,, may you scroll forever. >:)
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eebooduh · 10 months
Do you think Hajime ever feels like Frankenstein's monster? Does he think that he is the collection of traits from people now long deceased? A creation never meant to exist? A creation so vile he brought about the destruction of the world? Do you think he thinks that? Do you think he lives with that? How does he move on?
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knightscanfeeltoo · 1 year
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I don't think Makoto ever Encountered One of (if not the army) the Remnants of Despair like this but that would've been Funny if he did...
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kamimint · 1 year
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"Mean girl keeping loser as pet"
"Full disclosure, this is basically just a joke ship that I thought of way too late at night. They're both otakus who are way too invested in fantasy, Ryota works too much, to the extent that he forgets why he started, and Celestia is only focused on the material possessions that her work can get her, so maybe they can balance each other out. Or not. It'll be interesting either way. Regardless, they definitely met at an anime con."
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violettever · 2 years
okay let me tell you guys about my hajime headcanons! (i say ‘you guys’ as if anyone actually sees these posts LMAO)
but anyway, hajime.
after the simulation hajime wasn’t just magically himself. sure, somewhere in there hajime existed, but he couldn’t pull himself to the surface for months. we’re led to believe that hajime and izuru now share a body, right? but after having his emotions removed and his body enhanced he couldn’t force himself to feel for the longest time.
how do i put this.. hm… some people like to think that hajime now suffers from DID or that izuru is just gone but i think they physically share a body. hajime is more in control but izuru still exists in the mind. (izuru is originally more in control but as time progressed hajime gained more authority) so not exactly like DID more like two people in one. two for one sale, that’s a hell of an offer! (sorry bad joke) i feel like his body would be more like a vessel then a person, y’know? anyway when they wake up from the simulation his hair is still long, he’s wearing the suit, all that jazz. the others are pretty terrified at first, hajime isn’t like he was in the neo program at all. he’s silent, barely talks. his eyes are a dark red, his glare is deadly. even the future foundation is hesitant. but he shows no hostility, despite his horde glare he keeps calm. while izuru shows no signs of danger or violence, hajime does. mostly out of fear. i mean how would you feel if you were trapped inside a body, unable to surface, to feel or express anything. it’s difficult for anyone to decipher who is in control for the first few months, they both show no expression. izuru doesn’t feel like it and hajime physically can’t. the only indication they have that hajime is still there is if the body either harms itself or others.
occasionally, hajime would have these freak outs. he’d harm himself in many ways in order to feel something. izuru would put no work into stopping him even though future foundation begged. he said he found no use for it, that the others actions were meaningless. once hajime had walked out to the Hotel Restaurant where they usually meet in the mornings. the others say he looked deadly pale, his eyes opened wide, blankly staring forward. it was frightening. saying nothing, he sat down at the table, motionless. not wanting to interact too much with the man, they served him breakfast while the others chatted mindlessly, hoping to free up the tension in the air. that was until hajime picked up a knife and slammed it straight through into his hand, still staring at nothing, no indication of pain on his face. the others went silent in shock for a few moments before the room erupted in screaming. mikan was still in her pod, they had been relying on izurus nurse abilities but with him out of commission they were lost with what to do.
another time, he had collapsed on the walkway due to starvation. other times due to blood loss. in conclusion, hajime was incredibly unstable.
it took months for him to express properly. he had to completely relearn emotions and feelings. he lacked empathy and proper etiquette. they were worried he would never recover..
eventually that one eye turned green again and it felt like he could finally breathe. he had been watching everything from the back, as if he watching a movie of his own life play on the big screen. but now he was there. he was actually there, it wasn’t just izuru. after that, the outbursts started to slowly stop. he started working with the future foundation directly instead of giving instruction from the sidelines. people started to wake up. first mahiru, then hiyoko, then gundham, and so on..
the ones who were able were sent out to the fight monokumas in towa city. hajime, having a completely reconstructed body was obviously sent out first. actually let’s talk about that!
the izuru kamukura project wasn’t just a simple procedure. this was months of torture. his brain was picked apart and put back together. so we’re his legs, his arms, his feet, his hands.. all were reconstructed to be better then a regular humans abilities. he was stronger, faster, trained in hand to hand combat, his reflexes were enhanced. they tried everything. (a part of me wants to say he had like psychic abilities but i feel like that would be silly. they’re talented, not magical. although that would be super cool) they didn’t care about hajime hinata, they wanted to create something inhuman. a creature able to showcase true hope. their experiments were risky, inhumane. they hadn’t killed his pain tolerance until later in the procedures, he was forced to withstand it all. he desperately hung onto his hope of obtaining a talent, it was the only thing keeping him sane. how they didn’t end up kill him is a miracle. ah, but i suppose in a way they did. hajime was erased. they had gotten rid of any trace of what hajime hinata is, of who he was. it’s not like anyone knew him, and if they did they wouldn’t care. he was a reserve course student after all. many had died or gone missing, all was covered up. he didn’t have a talent, no friends, no job, and his parents were “taken care of” by the school. it was almost like hajime hinata hadn’t existed at all.
ahaha okay, i could rant more but this is getting too long. soo ima stop it here! i love hajimes character sm, i feel like everyone ignores his trauma and story. ESPECIALLY in fanfics omg. like i get it, nagito is fucked up BUT LIKE SO IS HAJIME??? if anything, they’re both fucking insane at this point. like there’s so much to work withhh! omg okay pause i might get hate for this but does anyone know zakikos work?? you probably know him from that limbless hajime meme thing that went around for a while. i hate to say it but his stories are SO FUCKING GOOD. PLUS THE ART STYLE?!! UGHH!!! ITS AMAZING. i don’t even read it for the porn, the ideas and angst this man creates are right up my alley. i’m such a fucking whore for angst istg. I STARTED RANTING AGAIN SHIT. OKAY IM DONE IM SORRY
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the-backwards-eel · 2 years
Playing danganronpa becomes like ten times funnier if you replace every time a character says “kill” with “fuck”
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lilothestitch16 · 3 months
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Chiaki Nanami and Kenny confront Aoba and Tao.
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!Hope's Peak Academy!
-Spoilers from all games/anime of DanganRonpa will appear.
-Characters and ships will also be involved that you may not enjoy/love! The ships won't have a huge effect unless asked about them, no one's really dating yet.
-Adding to the other rule, I don't mind drawing plenty of other ships! Consider ships a side plot/everyone loves everyone thing here I guess?
-Headcanons exist here and I'm willing to take suggestions.
-If you have questions about projects that have blogs already, please ask them in those blogs!
-I'll mostly be playing the Hope's Peak Academy AU here, though I don’t mind crossovers.
-I might not use many of the anime characters but you can still ask away!
-Please be respectful here, this is all for fun and I won't be harming anyone.
Please let me know of some requests you have with anything here, thank you for stopping by! More may be added as time goes on, I'll probably draw little comics either digitally or traditionally. All my other art is usually posted here: https://www.tumblr.com/unpopularshipperoboro
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danizbunbunz · 3 months
- AU AND ART BY @danizmomota -
TW/CW: Blood, Implied Cannibalism, Graphic Injuries, (in the form of writing and imagery) Basic Danganronpa stuff
Main Concept: Hopes Calamity (or AKA Remnant of Despair AU) is a "What If" universe of what if everyone had been captured and brainwashed by Junko and turned into her personal despair subjects? However, despite them being brainwashed, these remnants still have their own feelings and weaknesses. Unfortunately Junko completely ignores that and treats them like crap anyway.
Inspiration: Danganronpa 2, Goodbye Despair & Danganronpa 3, The End of Hope's Peak High School.
^^Does this AU follow the canon story?: Sort of, it follows Danganronpa's concept of Remnants of Despair, but doesn't go with canon (of D2) since it's everyone being turned into ROD'S, again it's a "What if" AU.
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Characters//Remnants: (Please note these are only characters that have been drawn, so only a few are here and not EVERYBODY is on here srry srry)
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"Subject is very hot-headed, yet very cooperative. He seems to enjoy jewelry, punk music, and overly decorated clothing. Reports say his Head and Wrist injury seem to be somewhat healed the fall. Although, subject has been acting suspicious with SUBJECT_YH lately.. reports have been known that they hang out, but sometimes for a little too long..."
☆ Extra Facts/Info:
Leon was escaping Hopes Peak Academy along Yasuhiro as it was collapsing around them, only for the ground to crack underneath Leon's feet and make him fall into a giant pit. Fortunately he had survived the high fall, but he unlucky to have a terrible injury to his head and wrists, and to have fallen right where Junko wanted him.
Whenever he was taken in to be subjected to Junko's experiments, she didn't care to fix Leon's injuries, and claims she rather just "let them heal on their own."
When Leon was given his bat, he didn't like how it was just a regular baseball bat, so he forged his own spiked baseball bat, kind of like a mace! (He also changed it so it's easier to bash peoples heads in)
Leon canonically (In this AU) has gotten an ear infection because he tried to make his own jewelry from metal scraps and apparently didn't clean them well.
Leon's weak spot is his goatee, it hurts like hell whenever it's pulled.
Leon was planned to be executed as a sacrifice for Yasuhiro, mainly because Junko was breathing down their necks when they had unfortunately failed a mission, and Yasuhiro had no more strikes before he's executed, and Leon decided to take that fate for him, however this sacrifice would take a massive mental toll on poor Hiro.
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"This Monokuma is known to act a lot like their owner, just as chaotic, but has a redeeming quality of being able to carry a heavy spiked bat. (which was also its owners.) Although this Mono also seems to be... very decorated. its owner must of had fun adding all of that useless jewelry."
☆ Extra Facts/Info
One of the first few Monokuma's to be made, hence why his subject name is "MONO3_LK."
The Tongue piercing is actually its Off & On button, which is convenient, but not whenever your talking.
Sometimes Leon and his Monokuma sing like as if they are in Karaoke. (They do NOT sound good.)
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☆ SUBJECT_YH (Remnant of Despair Yasuhiro Hagakure)
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"Subject was originally apart of Makoto's little "Hope Group." so this subject should know more about how to finally wipe hope from existence... However reports say he hangs out with SUBJECT_LK for a suspiciously long time.. Also, he himself had mentioned about having constant bleeding from the forehead. Along with reoccurring nightmares..."
☆ Extra Facts/Info:
After successfully fleeing Hope's Peak, Yasuhiro managed to hold out along with Makoto, Kirigiri, Togami, Toko and Aoi to defend what was left of "Hope." However the tables turned when they were taken off guard and Junko was able to get hands on Yasuhiro, Toko and Aoi, Hence making them the first subjects of Junkos experiments. And since they the first, the went through the worst.
Yasuhiro wears his blindfold constantly, he only rarely takes it off whenever it gets too dirty. (or drenched in blood that is...) However he risks letting the Enhancement Drug activate. And speaking of his blindfold, it's worn to conceal his dry blooded slit eyes that are a result from Junko's "Remnant Transformation process." And he only gets his eyes changed in surgery later in the story. But more off of Yasuhiro's injuries, on his forehead he has an eye carved into his forehead that was very loosely stitched back on, so whenever he is really stressed, he tends to bleed from there often.
He's normally seen hanging out with Leon, but that's only because Leon is the only person who actually treats him decently. They are pretty much best friends. Until Leon is executed, that is.. in fact, whenever Leon is deceased, Yasuhiro buries him so he didn't die in vain. (He kept a couple rings too.)
Yasuhiro was actually one of the first remnants I had designed, and a lot was taken in and out from his design. Mainly because at the time he was one of my biggest favorites and the favoritism was going so hard.. one of the few first concepts of Yasuhiro is that he wasn't actually blind (despite his eyes being slit almost in half) and that he can see with his "third eye" and or his crystal ball that he carries with him. But this was quickly scrapped since it seemed "unrealistic and pretty much impossible, so Yasuhiro relies more on sound then visuals, yet he is one of the most feared Remnants.
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“Subject is very energetic and out there. seems to enjoy hanging out with SUBJECT_MH, stargazing and using his trusty brass knuckles we provided him. The Robotic eye seems to be functioning properly. No malfunctions have been recorded. however, I'm thinking of replacing some limbs... Oh, and before I forget, be sure to separate KM away from SUBJECT_KO after missions, they seem to have a record of fighting each other... and almost killing each other in the process."
☆ Extra Facts/Info:
Kaito was fleeing along with Maki and Shuichi to safety, only to be caught in the crossfire of the other remnants. Kaito had been left behind, but Maki couldn't bare to lose him, so she ran back and joined him as together they sealed their fates.
It isn't really shown in the picture, but Kaito was planned to have a purple star mark/tattoo on his left eye, mainly to indicate where his "robotic" eye would be. Speaking of, Junko had basically had removed his left eye then replaced it with an eye that has a laser sights on it, that way he can see enemies from afar, and assess them, Also, Kaito was actually planned to be given a robotic arm and leg to help with movability and strength, but I had never officially made a reference for it.
^^More on his robotic eye, if his eye is damaged, the Enhancement Drug will activate.
He also wears a giant fur cape, similar to his regular jacket, he has space patterns inside the coat. it's not the "Ultimate Astronaut" without it!
SUBJECT_MH is Maki, and he loves to hang out with her because he feels superior, like a king. (She's his bodyguard, and she secretly likes doing it, but hates when he's so full of himself.) Speaking of other friends of his, He's also good friends with SUBJECT_GG, Which is Gonta! He helped Gonta to walk once he gained his insect-like legs, and Gonta has appreciated him ever since.
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☆ SUBJECT_KO (Remnant of Despair, Kokichi Ouma)
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"Subject has been injected with small doses of the “Enhancement Drug.” Although it probably wasn’t a good idea…. Eh, he’ll be fine, he consented with it anyways. Subject has been reported to shake and laugh hysterically often. He also seems to love seeing objects, buildings and people explode. Oh, and SUBJECT_KM seems to hate SUBJECT_KO…. Subject_KO even tried to blow SUBJECT_KM’s head off…."
☆ Extra Facts/Info:
Whenever Kokichi was captured by Junko, he tried to lie his way though, but in his attempt of bluffing, backfired heavily. he ended up being one of the most unstable remnants there was.
Kokichi absolutely wants to see Kaito's demise, constantly helping the enemy (ex: Makoto) by giving them tips and or giving them classified information about Junko. Oh, and since he's a professional liar, sometimes even Junko can't tell if he's telling the truth or not. Not behind that clown mask, So she has trouble figuring out if he doxxed her new hideout location again.
Speaking of the mask, it's actually stuck to his face... Literally. If you try to pull it off, you better be ready for an unpleasant sight... Plus, he's already been on the Enhancement Drug for so long that keeping him from putting dynamite in your mouth.. is gonna be pretty difficult.
Kokichi doesn't really care about SUBJECT_MH, (Maki) but he finds her slight crush on SUBJECT_KM (Kaito) to be stupid. But while on the topic of "Friends," he's actually quite good buddies with SUBJECT_GG! (Gonta) They do normal friend stuff like telling jokes, blowing up buildings, doing dynamite tricks, all that good stuff! He's totally not manipulating Gonta at all... Right?
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☆ SUBJECT_GG (Remnant of Despair, Gonta Gokuhara)
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"Subject was...quite the challenge to contain, but now I have him all to myself... I have been wondering about something though. According to his records, he's the Ultimate Entomologist," going by that logic he must really love bugs huh? Well in case, I wanna try something new this time..."
☆ Extra Facts/Info:
Gonta had put up a good fight against Junko and her other subjects, however, he was quickly out numbered and defeated. Junko then had made sure he was contained, because she wanted to try something else with this Entomologist. she decided to conduct a series of experiments to test out if she can give someone the properties of an insect, such as limbs, wings, antae, etc. And thus, Gonta was strapped down, and given new body parts. (which technically does imply that Junko had to.. saw some things off.. ouch.)
Once given his new limbs, he could barely walk in them, And Junko didn't seem to care about him anyways, So she let him suffer on his own. That was until SUBJECT_KM (Kaito) had noticed his struggle, and decided to help out a fellow man in need. Kaito was astonished on how cool he looked, which reminded him of a king and a dragon, so Kaito decided to befriend Gonta and help him out with his new body. Ever since, Gonta has been close to Kaito. But when it comes to other people, one person he dislikes heavily is SUBJECT_KO. (Kokichi) But he can't do anything about it. Kokichi is constantly treating Gonta like nothing but an object, Hurting him with his dynamite, constantly insulting him, any sort of insult or bullying you an think of. (Which in most cases Kaito interferes and makes Kokichi stop, but worst case is Kaito is out doing a mission, and Gonta can't do anything but listen to what Kokichi says.)
Since now Gonta is like an insect, he needs certain types of food to survive, he mainly enjoys meat, but due to food being so scarce in his AU, Kaito usually has to feed him human meat. (Which by the way, Gonta HATES eating, but will eat anything to survive. Poor guy.)
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...And that's all I have for now! I'll be making some more posts about this AU soon! Hope you enjoyed my endless yapping :} - Dani
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angelicsatin · 2 months
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Olivia Taylor ˙✧˖°🎬 ༘ ⋆。°🎬💻 | Ultimate Media Critic ૮꒰˶  - ˕ -꒱ა
Name: Olivia Taylor Pronouns & Gender: Cis Female + She/Her Nationality: American Relationship Status: Dating Kazuichi Soda  SHSL/Ultimate: Media Critic Game: Goodbye Despair Killing Game Status: Victim (Chapter 3, replaces Ibuki’s death) Status: Alive (in the real world) Birthday: 05/07  Zodiac: Taurus Personality Type: INTJ Enneagram type: 4w5
Olivia doesn’t only criticize and analyze films like most ���film critics,’ but rather all forms of media. Films, television shows, live-action or animated, books, comics, video games, and so on are all things she reviews. Her opinions and reviews are well respected due to how critical she can be — even to pieces of media she personally adores, she will break down every fault. Hope’s Peak Academy scouted her while she lived in the States after her website took off and she’d began working with different major media outlets — thus spreading her name and reviews. She’s introverted, but with an inner vulnerability she isn’t quick to admit and a resting bitch face she can’t help, but despite that she still seems to catch the never ending attention of one Kazuichi Souda. 
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finally getting to reveal the official design for my danganronpa self insert to be shipped with my f/o kazuichi <3
Olivia's standing & pixel sprite by @ makineun on insta ! report card & intro card by @ makineun on Instagram !
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eebooduh · 1 year
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the-only-teruteru-fan · 2 months
So- Danganronpa became a big enough fandom for me that I decided to make a side blog for it! And because…I need a community my dudes
I’m @snickerzanddoodlez, you can call me whatever you’d like! I’ve finished the first and second games, but I intend to complete the series so please avoid spoilers for DGNV3 when interacting with me! I did finish the Danganronpa 3 anime (you know, with the different arcs) though!
My favorite characters are Teruteru, Gundham, Ryoma, Byakuya, Kaito, and Togami! Fuyuhiko, Gonta, and Monokuma are very close behind :) (NOTE: I don’t support all of these characters’ actions! You know who this disclaimer is about, haha! And my affection of said individual doesn’t exactly extend to the End of Hope’s Peak Academy anime…) Also, I haven’t played Danganronpa v3 yet, but I think I’ll like that weird little guy who looks like Mineta
EDIT: I love Gonta and Ryoma (weird little Mineta) so far!
EDIT: screw this game
I’m a Warrior Cats veteran, so…the things I make might end up being a little weird!
I also sell cute lil’ Danganronpa stickers!
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I do commissions, too!
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The ask box is always open for questions, discussion, suggesting incorrect quotes / art / animatics, etc!
By the way! I like to be incredibly needlessly angsty and cringy- so we don’t judge here! I’m still getting a feel for what does and doesn’t fly in this fandom- so give me the best you’ve got! All of your angst and ideas- maybe I’ll draw them!)
Just stay generally SFW (suggestive jokes and the likes are fine!) and keep in mind that I am 16!
I’m up for (canon-character) Danganronpa RPs! As long as it’s not involving the third game! (Oh, also I will be unlikely to want to do it unless I can be Gundham and / or Teruteru. Preferably both but alas…tbh, you could just send me an ask with a prompt and I would prolly accept that. Maybe I’d even do some of my responses in drawings. Who knows. :3)
EDIT: Currently occupied with a few!
Oh! FYI, I tag posts that fit into the same niche the same way! Here’s the list!
Incorrect Quotes - dgnincorrect
Headcanon - danganheadcanon
Posts I Look Back On for Comfort - my happy posts
Animatics / Animation - danganimatic
-The Teruteru Essay
-Animatics (Even Unlisted Ones!)
(If you are on this list and uncomfy with it let me know!)
Please note! As long as it isn’t incestuous / predatory, I don’t really mind what people ship- these are just my biggies! I’m also a really big fan of weird / unconventional ships, despite the lack of them on this list. Not PRO-ships, let’s get that straight, just ships that make you think about ‘em for a minute…like, “who came up with this??” I dig those.
Ishimaru x Mondo
Makoto x Kiyoko
Byakuya x Toko / Genocide Jack (I like to pretend they love each other)
Sakura x Aoi
Yasuhiro x Aoi (they are adopted siblings your honor)
Celeste x Hifumi (I’m not active in this ship, nor am I even sure it actually exists I just think they should fix each other)
Gundham x Sonia
Akane x Nekomaru
Fuyuhiko x Peko
Monokuma x Monomi (silly)
Hajime x Nagito (I have no feelings towards angst / serious art around them- I just think the memes are really good)
Chiaki x Hajime
Kazuichi x Ibuki
Tsumugi x Gonta
Korekiyo x Kirumi (Kokichi is their son) (don’t even ask)
Miu x Keebo (Monotaro is their son)
Kaito x Maki (one of my OTPs for this fandom, honestly)
Shuichi x Kaede
Ryoma x therapy
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hopeymchope · 2 years
Just your standard tumblr blog manifesto
Hi! Whether you’re new to my dumb corner of Tumblr or a longer-term follower who just hasn’t particularly noticed (or cared) how I’m doing my thing here, I thought I should sum up my basic principles for this blog in a (somewhat?) useful fashion.  1) I try to always post spoiler tags for EVERY piece of official Danganronpa fiction before discussing any spoilery info OR sharing spoilery artwork. Why? Because it only takes a second to tag posts for people, and you never know who is new to the fandom/hasn’t gotten around to everything yet/is trying to still remain pure on certain subjects. For your spoiler-blocking needs, the tags for each are as follows:
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (game/anime/manga) — #dr1 spoilers
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (game) — #dr2 spoilers
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls (game/manga) — #drae spoilers
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak Academy/High School (anime) — #dr3 spoilers
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (game) — #drv3 spoilers
Ultimate Talent Development Plan (AU mode/sub-game within V3) — #utdp spoilers
Danganronpa Zero (light novels) — #dr0 spoilers
Danganronpa IF light novel — #drif spoilers
Ultra Despair Hagakure light novel  — #udh spoilers
Danganronpa Kirigiri light novels — #drk spoilers
Danganronpa Togami light novels  — #drt spoilers
Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp (game) — #drs spoilers
2) I reblog (and rarely even do original posts of) A LOOOOT of fan art here, but I make it a point to only share things either posted by the original artist OR which are shared with the permission of the artist. I had it impressed upon me earlier in my Tumblr career that some artists legitimately don’t want their stuff shared on other sites without permission, and I try to always respect that. (And yes, I realize that just saying “permission obtained from the artist” or something is HARDLY a foolproof system. We’re on the honor system here; we can only assume such disclaimers are honest.) If you catch me sharing art that is copied or posted by someone other than the artist without any expressed permission, please let me know — I’ll take it down! 
3) I’ll almost always respond to asks submitted to me, but I’m sorry if it takes a while. I’m typically WAAAAY behind on such things. Sometimes it takes me a few days or even, rarely, weeks. Sometimes I just don’t know what to say at first. But sometimes I’ll respond ASAP because the ask is easy to answer or just ignites a bunch of thoughts within me. Or on rare occasions I’ll, uh, never answer because I couldn’t think of anything to really say (sorry?) or because the ask is basically just a troll. 
4) I sometimes post asks/commentary that are very critical of certain characters as people (as in, not criticizing them as fictional characters or how they were written; criticizing their behavior as good/bad people). If you don’t like seeing your faves harshed on, I tag those criticism/negativity-centric posts for easy blocking, too! So feel free to block tags like #anti-kokichi ouma or #anti-hiyoko saionji or whomever. (But let’s be honest; Those are the two most common ones.) 
5) This Tumblr originated as a Naegiri-focused one, actually. That’s not something that comes up too terribly often these days, but.. you can definitely still expect me to heap extra attention on any Naegiri-centric content I come across (or, in rare instances, create myself). :) So... that’s just a heads-up.  6) If you came across this user handle elsewhere and are wondering if this blog is run by the same person, I can only confirm that the Hopey McHope on AO3 and the HopeyMcHope on FF.net are, in fact, me. Anyone else you see by this name might be the same person as me, or it might not. I guess you should just ask me here.
7) If I blocked you... I probably assumed you’re a bot. If you don’t have ANY posts or ANY reblogs or ANY profile pic or ANY heading wallpaper? I have to assume you’re a bot; it’s a problem around here. If you’re not a bot, please do something, anything to make your account look like a real person’s. Say two words on your blog, change your blog title to be ANYTHING else, give yourself a profile pic or even a header image that ISN’T the default... just, anything. 
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kamimint · 2 years
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hopes-archives · 2 years
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Calling all Danganronpa writers! Hope's Archives is ready with our first casting call of 2023 — and we're looking for some new writers to join our Danganronpa RP Server.
Hope's Archives is an +18, non-despair, canon divergent discord roleplay server started back in 2020. With our in-depth lore and monthly despair events, there's always something happening to keep the slice-of-life fun and upbeat! Join us as your character will walk the walls of Hope's Peak Academy: making friends, foes, and everything in between.
Aspiring applicants — make sure you check out our LORE and read MORE ABOUT US Either submit your application through tumblr, or join us in-server through our frequented DISBOARD LINK
We're glad you asked! While our MEMBERS PAGE is updated regularly, feel free to check out a complied list of open muses below the cut.
Join Hope's Archives today! We hope to see you soon! - Admin Nico
Aoi Asahina, Hifumi Yamada, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Sakura Oogami
Akane Owari, Chiaki Nanami, Imposter, Nekomaru Nidai
Angie Yonaga, Gonta Gokuhara, Himiko Yumeno, Kaito Momota, K1B0 (Kiibo), Korekiyo Shinguuji, Kirumi Toujou, Tenko Chabashira, Tsumugi Shirogane
Misaki Asano, Ruruka Andou, Ryouta Mitarai, Seiko Kiruma, Sonosuke Izayoi
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