#izuru kamukura project
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arsonemo · 11 months ago
I cannot for the life of me draw hajime’s hair in the “canon” way :,)
Anyway messy rushed and poorly rendered hajime sketch woohoo!!! :D (+Nagito)
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eebooduh · 1 year ago
Do you think Hajime ever feels like Frankenstein's monster? Does he think that he is the collection of traits from people now long deceased? A creation never meant to exist? A creation so vile he brought about the destruction of the world? Do you think he thinks that? Do you think he lives with that? How does he move on?
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chaoticstarlightwonderland · 11 months ago
Spy x Family Naegiri + Izuru Kamukura AU
Kyoko Kirigiri as the spy suddenly tasked with making a family appear out of thin air. As a young girl, her father died in the early bombings and her mother, fearing for Kyoko’s safety, sent her on a train to her estranged grandfather. Said grandfather was the leader of an intelligence agency and from then on Kyoko was trained in all things related to spying. Even after her grandfather’s death she still continued with this career, believing that it was her duty to give other people a peaceful lifestyle that she will never be able to truly understand.
Makoto Naegi as the assassin who needed to swallow his moral quandaries to look after his sister. As he has gotten older he felt like he couldn’t leave because a lot of his targets were dangerous people. The current peace is so fragile, he wants to do everything he can so that more people can have hope for the future.
But who would their telepathic child be? I know Shuichi is often depicted as a naegiri baby but I don’t think he is chaotic enough to get into the same shenanigans that Anya does. What character would purposefully cause so much chaos for their own amusement?
Izuru (Kamukura) the young telepath who is desperate for anything to escape the eternal boredom. Everyone’s thoughts are so predictable. Even going to the outside world quickly become boring for the young boy.
Izuru is definitely smarter than Anya in canon, but not as smart as he is in DR. He is good at the sciences, the technical stuff and the hard rules the language and arts, but he is so apathetic that he struggles with emotional nuances in all these subjects. Perhaps the reason why scientists thought he was a failure is because Izuru didn’t care enough about what people thought and the results of the tests.
Whether he escaped or was kicked out, Izuru survives using his telepathy. He decides to use a different name to cover his tracks, calling himself “Hajime” when other people ask. Through all this, nothing reduces his boredom and he never tries to bond with anyone. He gets adopted for his intelligence and kicked out for his creepiness 4 times.
Then one day Kyoko arrives at his orphanage, and Izuru reads the most interesting mind he has ever encountered, the mind of a spy. Surely if there are any people in the world that could keep Izuru entertained, it would be the thrilling, dangerous life of a secret agent. Izuru also supposed they have something in common since Izuru created the “Hajime” identity.
The two have a different bond than Loid and Anya initially. Kyoko and Izuru initially find a decent rapport due to their naturally stoic and analytical personalities. Their first roadblock is when Kyoko has to get Izuru to do something he is not interested in (Such as studying subjects he is not interested in or befriending kids/targets). Kyoko realises the two haven’t actually been acting like parent and child before then. Kyoko buys parenting books for research and realises that Izuru’s behaviour may be a trauma response for his past. Izuru experiences an unknown emotion having an adult not throw him out when he’s being difficult. Also, Kyoko understands Izuru more than other cuz she herself can be very detached to individual problems. For Kyoko it’s due to her upbringing and because she is usually busy focusing on the bigger national issues.
In comes Makoto who takes Yor’s role as the “emotionally intelligent parent” in the family. Izuru immediately wants this harmless-looking deadly assassin under his roof, and tries to set the two adults up. Unlike Anya who sings about she wants a mama, Izuru is probably like “Hello, my mother is a single woman who is considered attractive by many people. How would you like to snatch her up before the rest of the competition.” Complete deadpan 5 year old here. Makoto and Kyoko are very shocked, but they do end up talking and eventually settle into the arrangement they do in canon.
Here Makoto acts as a stronger emotional glue to Kyoko and Izuru as the two are too stoic to develop a proper bond on their own. Makoto is also very caring towards Izuru and tries to be supportive when he knows that Izuru struggles with emotions. Both with his own or other people. Izuru is a soo a bit shocked by this because before he was always demonised for supposedly having no emotions but Makoto accepts Izuru just the way he is. I think Izuru quickly becomes attached even if the boy can’t explain why, and Makoto is happy to have such a cute stepson.
As for how Makoto covers his assassin skill, unlike Yor with clumsy lies, Makoto has a “talent” for disguising attacks and assassin skills as dumb luck- sometimes good sometimes bad. You know that martial art that is based on the fighter being drunk during? Well Makoto is similar except it’s not drunkenness but clumsiness that Makoto uses. Partly out of practice to disguise his skills, and partly due to Makoto-brand luck, it often looks like he slipped and accidentally hit someone so hard they passed out. Or he slipped, tumbled down a hill and landed on the bad guy. Kyoko never gets suspicious because Makoto’s klutziness is so extreme it can’t be faked. Surely.
Like the original all 3 grow to become a family, even if they don’t realise it for a long while. Perhaps the character who ends up with the most change by the end is Izuru turned Hajime.
I see Izuru’s character progression in this AU like this:
In danganronpa, a boy named Hajime turns into lab creation Izuru Kamukura.
In this world, a lab creation called Izuru becomes a boy named Hajime.
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dealerlover · 6 months ago
what if instead of the izuru kamukura project it was called the izuru kamufreakura project and this happened instead
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skateironicallycantskate · 1 year ago
Matsuda: my mom died from memory loss and the closest person to me went mad due to boredom
Steering Committee: lol that sucks. anyways, wanna take away some guy’s memory and make him fall into boredom?
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templegate · 3 months ago
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Part 4!
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justsomedumbstuff · 7 months ago
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somekindofsentience · 19 days ago
i need more information on the person between hajime hinata and izuru kamukura. more than this.
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this line shakes me to my core, like. that's horrific. what a scientific and dissociated way to frame what you did.
i need more kamukura project information. i need to know what happened to him. i need to know what they did. i need to know what the person between the two of them was like. i need this for analysis purposes.
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karugoround · 11 months ago
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I fell asleep to the sound of your heartbeat.
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mortemlifeness · 5 months ago
In fact, hatred is a strong feeling, akin to such an emotion as despair. This news would obviously revive her, but it would also break her. Trigger, I guess.
Her loved one became a test subject for an inhumane project, this makes her feel despair... However, this person understood her and treated her humanely. The man who seemed like a soft-spoken bastard turned out to be a good leader, has a strong personality and can put you in your place if necessary.
But now her favorite person became omnipotent. Allowed himself (or maybe not?) to become Ultimate Everything... Ultimate Hope. Perhaps, his personality remains the same... Or some parts of him. But there is something.
But Junko would obviously be angry... And this would only fuel her desire to cause a Tragedy. Junko will want to make the world feel even more strongly what she feels...
Naejunko/Naeshima, but Makoto Naegi became the Ultimate Hope thanks to the Izuru Kamukura Project.
Delicious AU.
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penguwastaken · 10 months ago
I always get so confused when people say that the reason Izuru cries when Chiaki dies in Danganronpa 3 is because "deep down inside, his inner Hajime remembered chiaki" because that's never been implied. He doesn't cry because he remembered her deep down, he cries because he CAN'T remember her no matter how hard he tries.
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Izuru isn't some emotionless husk, he does feel things and it actually makes him sad being the way he is.
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So seeing someone reach out to him so desperately genuinely made him sad because because this person who was seemingly once so important to him was just an afterthought now. She's supposed to be important to him, so why can't he remember? Did he really forget something that mattered so deeply to him in a world where everything that brings him happiness is fleeting? It's so easy to portray Izuru as calm and calculated person who's always bored and feels nothing but that's just not who he is and he's more than that. Izuru is a person who's so smart that nothing interests him anymore because he knows everything, and that's depressing to him.
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eebooduh · 2 years ago
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chaoticstarlightwonderland · 11 months ago
If someone in class 78 went through Izuru Kamukura project…
Sort of inspired by @theamityelf multiple Kamukura AU, and just ideas of a general class swap AU, I was wondering who, if anyone from class 78 would go through such a thing. Who is the most desperate for self-improvement. Then it hit me.
Chihiro Fujisaki, our fav insecure programmer.
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Picture it: Chihiro wants to be stronger, braver, both for him self esteem and to better fit into what he thinks society wants him to be. He is then presented with an… “edited” explanation of the Kamukura project.
Chihiro’s mind and body will be improved upon. He will learn things, his body will be stronger to handle the skills of a mixed martial artist. Maybe they offer to make him taller as well just to sweeten the deal.
While Chihiro does have supportive classmates, maybe he hasn’t told them his true gender identity, or maybe he has but is frustrated with the lack of results of the hard work he is doing.
Chihiro says yes, and then is slowly picked apart until all that is left is his programming skill. And then a bunch of other skills are added.
Maybe class 78 falls into despair about what Hope’s Peak manipulated Chihiro into doing to himself. And the fact that society at large pushed Chihiro into this mindset.
What would this ‘Chizuru’ person be like, compared to the Hajime version? Firstly, still apathetic like canon. But maybe they still have the mindset of analysing a person’s imperfections, but instead of being internalised/self-directed, Chizuru instead looks down on everyone else. The shape of their bodies, their behaviour, all contrasting to the amazing things Chizuru can do. It doesn’t help that the scientists are constantly talking up how amazing the project result is.
Keeping that in mind, maybe why Chizuru decides to take part in the tragedy is to get rid of the most weak of society and make the strong prevail, while also giving the chance for people to become strong through this process.
Bonus: If he has created an “Alter Ego” before this transformation imagine Chizuru finding the AI and deciding to use it to find out more about who this body once belonged to as a natural curiosity. And Alter Ego is desperately trying to keep their master from being too much of a monster.
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thesillay · 10 months ago
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yass queen???? or smth???????
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harudrawsanime · 1 year ago
Izuru Kamakura Project
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templegate · 11 months ago
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How does it feel to both be invaders of the same corpse?
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