#dang he looks good in red or in any color really
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darlingshane · 1 year ago
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Jon Bernthal at the Bob Marley: One Love premiere in LA on Feb. 6, 2024
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justagalwhowrites · 25 days ago
Get to Know Your Moots
Thank you for the tag, @burntheedges! I know it's been a minute but this one looked so interesting I just had to go back and do it when I had time.
what's the origin of your blog title?: Title is from when I was talking with a friend of mine about how Leia is the only consistently competent person in the original Star Wars trilogy and how she has to tolerate Han and Luke being dumbasses on the regular and one of us (I can't remember which) said "They may as well call the original trilogy Leia's Intergalactic Tour of Ineptitude" and that seemed like a great fit for the stuff I post here.
OTP(s) + shipname: Han and Leia were my first ship but hell if I know what their ship name is. Ron and Hermione (I would throw down over this one back when I was a bigger HP fan before JKR ruined the fun for everyone) aka Romione. Richard and Kahlan from the Sword of Truth series (deep cutttttt!)
favorite color: red! Also a big fan of emerald green and yellow.
favorite game: I think this means video games but I don't really play those SOOOOOO board games it is! Wingspan for sure. Takenoko. Clank Legacy. Everdell. Brass. Abomination.
song stuck in your head: Francesca, Hozier.
weirdest habit/trait?: I feel like I'm a poor judge so I asked my husband and he said it's the fact that my mom and I have a secret language that we use with only each other lol. I think it's also probably the fact that I sing to and about the people and animals I'm closest to. I also need to eat my food in a specific order otherwise I enjoy it less.
hobbies: writing is the big one obvs! Reading, D&D, baking, cooking, playing board games, hiking.
if you work, what's your profession?: Corporate communications. I handle environmental communications for a major corporation.
if you could have any job you wish what would it be?: Writer. I want to just be able to tell my silly little stories and send my imaginary friends on adventures in my head all day.
something you're good at: very little lol I'm an OK writer, an alright cook and baker. I'm not sure that I'm GOOD at it but I'm very comfortable speaking and presenting in front of large groups. I think I'm good at decorating and organizing my house? I like how I did it, anyway. I'm good at empathizing with just about anything.
something you're bad at: most things lol honestly if it's a basic human function I'm probably bad at it. I'm incredibly clumsy, I'm very bad at sleeping, sometimes if I try to breathe too deep I choke on my own spit. I'm very bad at being purposely aggressive or mean to people on my own behalf. I'm not great at really aggressive board games because I don't like being mean to people I'm playing with. I'm terrible at singing but I love to do it so I sing constantly so everyone send pity to my husband!
something you love: writing! Making people food they really love. Hiking where I can really hear the trees. Sex in the water.
something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: Joel Miller (obviously.) U.S. media law. The gentrification of cultural foods. Star Wars. Board games. The patriarchy.
something you hate: Besides the obvious (Trump and the right wing, Zionism, bigotry, etc.), something that's very minor that drives me crazy is when movies give away the whole plot in a trailer. Let me experience the story dang it!
something you collect: Swatch watches, mugs, postcards.
something you forget: how much I like almost any specific fruit until I eat it again for the first time in a while.
what's your love language?: Being noticed and remembered and treated as though I matter. That whole to be known is to be loved thing.
favorite movie/show: TLOU and The Mandalorian of course! Arrested Development. The Sopranos. New Girl. Family Guy. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Star Trek: Voyager. Inglourious Basterds. Elf. Baby Driver. It's a Wonderful Life. Star Wars. 500 Days of Summer.
favorite food: A really good burger, fresh pasta, fudge-y chocolate cake, my grandmother's chicken paprikas, caprese made with perfect summer tomatoes.
favorite animal: cats of all sizes (the fact that a tiger will just go chill in a box makes me so happy) and horses.
are you musical?: I LOVE music but I'm not remotely musically inclined. I can play piano and flute but not terribly well. I love to sing but I'm VERY bad at it. I do (I think) have a sense of rhythm though so I've got that going for me, which is nice.
what were you like as a child?: obsessed with books lol my dad was digitizing old home videos and found one from when I was two years old on Christmas morning and there was a book by my stocking and I immediately did not care about anything else. My mom tried to get me to pay attention to the toys Santa brought but I just kept looking at the book. I've always been sensitive and an easy crier, that was true then too. I really liked to pretend, I was very imaginative.
favorite subject at school?: English in my younger years, eventually journalism. Theater was another favorite, as well as psychology. I loved science before it got too math heavy.
least favorite subject?: MATH. I'm very bad at math.
what's your best character trait?: oh I have no idea. I think I love really hard and I hope that's a good thing?
what's your worst character trait?: I'm very big emotionally. I get very excited, I can be very loud without realizing it. I'm just a lot as a person. I very much wish I wasn't, I wish I didn't have incurable and chronic cannotshutthefuckupitis but I do. I feel like I'm probably pretty insufferable as a person honestly, especially for anyone who has to actually spend time with me in person. I just haven't really ever managed to change that about myself!
if you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be?: My in office desk chair is kind of trash on my back so my upper back is just mad at me. I'd love for that to go away!
if you could travel in time who would you like to meet?: Such a good question! Maybe Oscar Wilde?
recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love!):
I had a slight inconvenience last week so I ended up back reading @netherfeildren's Fear of God for the umpteenth time, no regrets.
I'm loving Falling by @damneddamsy, her writing is so wonderfully vivid and I think her Joel is just fabulous.
Cherry by @mirrormauve has be in a complete chokehold right now and I'm in love with them your honor.
NP tags: @dundienominee, @interdimensionaldrey-blog, @dancingtotuyo, @whocaresstillthelouvre, @mysticnightmarewrites
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c0la-queen · 1 year ago
Heya, I just sort of stumbled across your blog and I’m genuinely so impressed by how good your writing is! I ended up binge reading a bunch of your works lol. I was wondering if I could request something for Eddsworld? Honestly, your last Tord piece has been stuck in my mind so I was thinking of a situation where the reader is either uncomfortable because of some other guy or even something more dangerous like being followed and Tord ends up being involved. I know it’s really cliche but I’m interested in how he would handle it and what he would prioritise first. Obviously, I know you’re gonna be busy for a while so don’t feel pressured to get this done soon or at all if you don’t feel up to it. Hope you have a wonderful day/night ❤️
HIII OMG reading this made me so giddy!! I had free time this weekend and your request got my neurons firing so I HAD to write a piece for this right away!!! Thank you so much for your sweet words, and I hope you enjoy it! Mwah mwah!
Scary Dog Privilege | Tord x Reader
Warnings: Creepy incel guy, heavy misogyny, homophobia if you squint, I cringed writing this guy, Tord makes a threat
Words: ~1.9k
The windows were down on Tord's car, letting the breeze in. It whipped your hair around, sometimes blowing a few strands into your face. It only made you giggle. A huff to your right drew your attention to the driver's side. Tord had one hand on the wheel, his other arm rested on the windowsill. His vape was in his hand.
"What are you laughing about over there?"
He blew a cloud out of the window before answering you.
"You're being silly. It's cute."
You settled back in your seat as you came to a stop at a red light. Without the rumble of the engine, the music playing from the speaker floated out into the town around you. You glanced at the display screen on the radio. fuK u lol by CORPSE. Your head bobbed as you took in the sights of the town. There was an older couple in the lane beside you. The woman seemed to be eyeing you suspiciously. It didn't bother you, though. You looked down, smoothing down the fabric of your outfit. White skirt, black tights, strawberry cardigan, and pink converse. Heart shaped earrings danged from your ears, and a matching heart shaped purse was at your feet. You felt cute and happy. Tord had, at least, put on a different outfit for your date, rather than wearing his usual red hoodie combo. It was still red themed, but you didn't expect any less. If your boys were anything, they were consistent.
You and Tord had always been opposites in most things. He was all doom and gloom, ice cold glares, vapes and cigarettes, black clothes and heavy rock music. He was blunt, he seemed apathetic, and often was rude. You were energetic and sweet. You loved bright colors and cutesy things. Cake and frappes with lots of whipped cream. You loved to share compliments with others, had a big heart, and cared deeply for others. That's not to say that you and Tord were incompatible - your relationship had been going strong for a couple of years now. Your opposite traits seemed to balance each other out. When you got too overwhelmed or worked up, he was there to douse you with a healthy round of realism, grounding you back to the present and calming you down. You were there when he started to feel like he wasn't himself, when he started to slip back into the person he was forced to be in the cold winters of Norway, you reminded him of the warmth of home.
And, over time, you developed similarities. Before you met him, you had dipped your toes into anime, but he let you watch them with him and soon it became a tradition of yours to binge-watch shows together. Tord had stopped drawing since high school, but watching you mindlessly doodle on blank paper while he tinkered away at his work desk reminded him of the joy it had brought him as a teen - so he started again. Plus, he had a brand new muse this time. Or if there was things that one of you enjoyed doing that wasn't quite the other's thing, that was okay too. Tord would sit at the kitchen table while you baked, scrolling away on his phone and occasionally showing you Tik Toks that you'd like. You would sit on his lap while he played PC games, either playing calmer games on your Switch or watching his gameplay until you fell asleep.
It looked strange to others, but for you and Tord, it worked.
You zoned back in as the car pulled into a parking space. Tord turned to you as he parked.
"Where'd you go, hm?"
"Nowhere. Just thinking of you."
Tord gave you a scrutinizing look, attempting to see if you were lying to him or not. (He always said you had a knack for downplaying your feelings. You insisted you had no idea what he was talking about.) Seemingly satisfied with what he found, he hummed and shut off the engine. You climbed out of the car, stretching out your legs.
The manga store that you and Tord liked to frequent was only a 20 minute ride into town from your neighborhood. It wasn't a little hole-in-the-wall, five sets of aisles in a tiny room type of place. This store was actually fairly popular, seeing an average flow of customers throughout the day. It helped that the owners had implemented a café area, where you could order anime character themed drinks.
The girl working the café counter waved at the two of you as you walked in. You smiled and waved as you walked over. She was familiar with you, since she worked on a lot of the days that you came in. You and her got along really well.
"Hi, Ruby! You dyed your hair a new color! The lavender looks really good on you."
"Thank you! I did love the red, but it was starting to get a little boring for me. Thought I'd spice it up."
She set down the equipment she was cleaning and walked over to the register.
"You guys gonna have your usual or do you wanna try something new?"
Tord was likely going to just have his usual drink, but you decided to give a new drink a chance. You looked up at Tord.
"I wanna try the Squirtle Sour Candy Boba."
He nodded, then ushered you off to the aisles. That's how things usually went during your outings here. He'd order your drinks while you went wandering off into the aisles, and he'd find you after the drinks were ready. It had taken a bit of argument between the two of you for you to give up trying to pay for your own drinks - he was just as stubborn as you were sometimes. You came to a compromise, though, when he let you buy your own manga and merch.
As usual, your first pit stop was to the romance manga. There weren't too many other customers - an older alt couple looking at the Jojo manga, a teenage boy at the BL section, and a small group of teenage girls giggling softly in the isekai aisle. You hummed softly as you looked over the covers, seeing if anything new caught your eye. You stopped once you reached the section you were looking for. Komi Can't Communicate.
You crouched down so you were level with the more recent volumes. Most of the time, you bought three volumes at a time. You huffed softly when you realized that this time, they were missing one of the ones you needed. Volumes 12, 13, and 15 were there - but no volume 14. With an exasperated sigh, you reached out and picked up volume 12, only to nearly drop it when a voice startled you.
"You know, there are more tasteful series that you'd probably enjoy more than that one."
You looked to your right. Someone had walked into the aisle with you when you weren't paying attention. It was a man, looking to be in around his 30s or so. You could feel yourself fight back a physical reaction to his appearance, and not in a good way. He had on what you could recognize as a Deadpool shirt on underneath a black zip-up hoodie that looked like it hadn't been washed in far too long. The ensemble was topped off perfectly with a leather necklace cord and a metal pendant that you would've guessed was a Naruto symbol of some kind (admittedly, you had never watched Naruto, and Tord mentioned that it wasn't really worth it in his opinion.)
Alarm bells were going off in your head at the sight of him.
"Oh. Is that so?"
As you stood up straight, you gave him a smile that you hoped wasn't too obviously forced. If he noticed, he didn't care.
"Since you're here by yourself, clearly you're a female of sense. You should start off with Dragon Ball. It is the very zenith of anime culture, and anyone who hasn't experienced it doesn't deserve to call themselves an anime fan."
Your alarm bells got louder.
"Actually, um, I know what Dragon Ball is. I've watched it since I was little - my older sibling showed it to me."
You hated the way an excited glint flashed across the man's eyes. He stepped a little closer to you.
"It seems I was right about you. You do have taste. It's not every day I meet a female who is familiar with real anime. Usually its only females who have been brainwashed by social media to think that they're bisexual, who come in here to read trash like Haikyu."
He stepped closer again. You tried to subtly shift backwards.
"Shows like that shouldn't even be categorized as anime. Its all woke propaganda that makes females change their dating standards for submissive men. But I can tell that you're different. You-"
"There you are."
Something solid and warm pressed against your back. You felt yourself immediately relax in Tord's presence. Turning to him, you gratefully took your drink from his hand.
His eyes weren't on you.
Tord was staring down the man in front of you, eyes the color of cold steel. He was easily taller than the other man, and definitely stronger. The man seemed to cower slightly.
"I was, uh, just talking to the lovely girl here-"
Tord cut him off by saying your name. Only when you tilted your head back to him did he finally glance at you.
"Get your other two volumes."
He didn't need to tell you twice. Ignoring the now blubbering man, who was once again the focus of Tord's piercing gaze, you dipped down and grabbed volumes 13 and 15. You could look for 14 some other time.
"Go to the plushie aisle. I'll meet you there."
You only spared one last glance at the man before slipping past Tord, heading around to the aisle filled with plushies and other merch. You couldn't see or hear Tord and the man, and you weren't sure you wanted to.
Standing in front of the bin of plushies, you slid your phone out of your purse and pulled up your private messages with Edd. You typed out a quick message to him.
'Tord might beat a guy to death.'
Edd, who was working on some commissions today, replied fast.
'Nothing new. What was it this time?'
'Creepy guy wouldn't leave me alone. Gave off incel vibes.'
'Yikes. I'm on Tord's side. Hope he kicks the guy's ass.'
Before you could continue the chat, you felt arms wrap around your waist. Tord rested his chin against your shoulder.
"You shouldn't tattle on me to Edd."
"Edd doesn't care, as long as you don't get yourself hurt. What did you do to the dude?"
Tord huffed. He was grumpy.
"Told him that if he was ever a creep to you again, I'd saw his balls off with a rusty scalpel and shove them down his throat. It was effective. He ran away, like a little bitch."
Despite it all, you couldn't help but giggle. You turned, and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
"My hero. Let's go look at the Jujutsu Kaisen section."
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yona049 · 1 year ago
𝕄𝕚𝕘𝕦𝕖𝕝 𝕆'𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
Part 2
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
> Head trauma
>Passing out
>Slight sleep paralysis
[ I wrote this at 3am and there is a big chance there are typos, and grammer issues. - _ - Please let me know if there's anything that needs to be corrected. Enjoy~]
Children laughed as they ran through the kindergarten playground. Teachers sat on small chairs with colorful coffee cups in their hands.
One small boy, maybe 3 years old was swinging back and forth on the swing. His hands lifted into the air as his swing went alarmingly high. One of the teachers seem to notice. "Ethan! Careful on there!" she stood up quickly.
Ethan looks up at her, before his small body slips from the seat and he flies off the swing.
A flash of read zooms by before Ethan hit the ground. Spider Woman 2099 landed with the boy in her arms.
"Thank goodness you got here-" the teacher is cut off when Ethan is shoved into her arms.
"Hurry! Evacuate the children immediately!!" Y/n urges on.
"There's trouble heading this way!" quickly she rushes all the children back into the classrooms and hopefully to the exit.
Lyla pops up to Y/n's side. "ETA 3 minutes, he is moving really fast."
As soon as everyone is off the playground Y/n uses her webs to secure the door.
"I don't understand, where did he come from? Doc Ock died almost 70 years ago!"
A sudden tentacle slams into the ground just as Y/n manages to jump out of the way.
With the use of his tentacles he effortlessly clumps over the playground wall with his hands resting behind his back. His coat made from a black material with white glowing stripes and circles to decorate. His goggles also looked like he had white lights for eyes.
Y/n lands on the roof of the jungle gym before yelling. "Hey! Tron wants their wardrobe back!"
Once Doc Ock spots Y/n he sends another tentacle flying in Her direction only to break though the plastic of the roof.
Y/n dodged again only to grab hold of Doc ock's 3 other tentacles. She rips it out from underneath him and he almost lands flat on his face if it wasn't for his 5 other tentacles.
"Dang It!" Y/n swears under her breath.
Lyla pixels herself back into Y/n's point of view. "This isn't gonna be as easy as the others, you've never been up against someone like Doc Ock."
Gritting her teeth she sends a web into Doc's chest before sliding underneath him. Using the web to yank him down into the ground.
"So what are you? Like a fan boy? Or a Doctor Octavius under study?" she questions before her leg is grabbed and she's yanked across the playground into a classroom wall.
Doc Ock growls before smirking. "I've said it once, and I'll say it again! I am the one and ONLY Doctor Otto Octavius!"
Three more tentacles shoot toward Y/n. She reacts quickly and claws shoot from her finger tips. She swiftly slices the tentacle that grabbed onto her foot and jumps our of the way.
"He seems to be pretty set on that answer. Lyla? Any theories?"
"Well, Judging from the scan, I think he might be right. His Dna doesn't match Doc Ock's from 70 years ago, he doesn't match anyone's dna on our database for that matter."
Realizing she can't keep dodging she quickly searches for anything she could use that could land the Doc out of commission.
"Ok, this might be far fetched, but do you remember Alchemax End of Year Party 3 years ago?"
"Yeah! You wore that short red dress, Miguel couldn't stop growling at everyone even looking in your direction."
Y/n smiles at the memory before shaking her head. "Focus Lyla! That night we got talking to another Doctor about the Multiverse theory."
"I remember, Miguel had his theories but he never spent alot of time on that. You think this could be another universe Doc Ock?"
Before Y/n could answer, she's grabbed and held in the air with no hope of moving.
"Finally! Now tell me where Spiderman is before I rip you in two!" Doc growls.
Y/n yanks her one leg free bed kicking doc in the jaw. "She's right here!"
While he tries to recover she kicks the tentacle with her heel to break free but he recovers to quickly.
"You asked for it!" Y/n feels the tension as her body starts getting pulled apart. Her arms felt like they might get detached from her torso.
Just before she could let out a painful scream, the sound of a motorcycle catches her attention.
Doc Ock is suddenly rammed into finally dropping Y/n. "Lyla, What was that?"
"It's called a rescue!" a strangers voice answers instead of Lyla.
Y/n looks up at 2 other Spidermen. One with a white pink look and one who jumped straight out of a 70's magazine.
"I'm Gwen, and this is Hobie. You ok?" she introduced herself as she lifts Y/n from the ground.
Y/n looks around a little confused. "I'm fine, but a little confused? You're-"
"Spider men~" Hobie hums putting his hand on his side. "From another universe, 'course!"
"So, My theory was right! I'm guessing he's from your universe?" Y/n makes wave movements with her hands trying to Imitate Doc Ock.
Gwen snorts and waves her off. "Nope! He's just not from this one!"
Just then Hobie and Gwen twitch before jumping to the side.
"What the-" A plastic table flies straight into Y/n and knocks her back. Grumbling she sits back up.
"Shit!" she yells before the pixels dissappear to above her nose to reveal a bloody nose when Hobie helps her up once more.
"Ey, sorry 'bout that! No spider sense huh? I mean makes sense."
Gwen looks down at her watch before hitting some buttons.
"Well, their spider verses are literally right next to each other."
Y/n was just about to object when her head started spinning a little, Gwen grabs hold of her arm but she pulls it away.
With her hand on her head she mumbles a quick "I'm fine."
Hobie looks back at Jess who's been holding Doc Ock back the whole time.
"Step back, Love. We got it from here." he turns with his hands in his pockets but Y/n grabs him.
"No way! I got this."
This caused Hobie to smirk before swiftly swinging his leg under her and knocking her back on her ass once again.
"Yeep! Definitely stubborn like the that old geezer!" he shoots some webs onto Y/n's hands.
"Brb!" he swings off with Gwen.
"Hey!!" Y/n yells in frustration yanking her hands back and forth trying to break free.
Claws out but her hands were too stuck. "Damn kids, damn head!"
Finally her head drops back and her eyes roll back into her head. Out cold.
"I swear, Mi amor! You'll be the death of me!"
Miguel laughs when Y/n smeers cream onto his nose. They were standing in the white modern kitchen, cooking utensils and ingredients scattered across the table.
"We have so much cream left, and all the Cream cake is already coated-"
Miguel interrupts Y/n when he nuzzles his nose into her neck and hugs her from behind.
"¡Dios mío! Then use the cream for the coffee, mariposa. Not to smother me." another bright smile when he rests his chin on her shoulder.
Y/n brings her head to the side of his face and pushed him closer to kiss his cheek.
"Hmmm, mari-... posa? New one. It's cute! What does it mean?"
Y/n continues mixing, feeling Miguel's voice vibrate when he talks. "Mariposa... Is a small butterfly that falls pray to the great and dominant spider."
His voice teases when his hand travels under her top. This earns him a smack with a spoon full of cream to the face!
He stumbles back a bit and smeers the cream out of his eyes. Y/n struggles to to contain her laughter until finally she starts belly laughing still holding a wooden spoon in her hand.
"¡Ahora lo pediste!" (Now you asked for it!)
Miguel teases and quickly storms toward Y/n. She reacts quickly and dodges is grabbing hug. She starts running down the hall from the kitchen still having a giggle fit.
Miguel rather unfairly, using his web to shoot from his wrist and yanks Y/n back into his arms.
Y/n presses her lips together trying to keep from laughing. "Oh no what is little Mariposa to do now?"
Miguel smirks and gives her a small kiss with a cream filled face.
Once he pulls back Y/n licks some cream off her lips and giggles again.
"Te amo, mi mariposa." (I love you, my butterfly.)
He whispers while looking at her eyes as if they had him entirely enthralled him.
"I love you too, My spider."
Y/n's head was pounding. The force she felt on her scull managed to muffle most of the sounds and voices she heard.
"She's going to be fine. But she can't stay here."
"Jess, listen. You've seen her file! She's more than suited for the Spider Society!"
"And what if Miguel sees her?"
A completely different voice quickly chips in. "Maybe it could do some good. He's gonna Botch it anyway when he finds out what universe we had to go to for the mission!"
"Just try Jess. Maybe he could use this. For the better." Gwen begs.
Jess sighs "Alright, but keep her mask on for now. It's her choice. Her Miguel wasn't so lucky either."
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starstruckodysseys · 3 months ago
step through the portal (could you take the risk?) —
completed, microfic/drabble/whatever
everything is as it was, as it has always been, as it will always be.
why, then, is there a pit in your stomach telling you otherwise?
(or: lanie (you’re still you, right?) gets a little more than she bargained for upon walking into work. mostly in the form of heart wrenching anxiety and weird televisions)
(or or: the beginnings of the reverse!nsbu au <3)
read right here :]
it’s a beautiful day in lake elsinore — just as it was yesterday, and the day before that, and all the days before that, and all of the days to follow. you pull into the parking lot of the strip mall, gravel crunching under the tires of your bright red convertible. you park in your usual spot, lean up to check your reflection in the rear view mirror — jet black hair, cream colored cardigan, thick black-framed glasses over gray eyes. everything is as it was, as it has always been, as it will always be.
there’s a thought, as inconspicuous as it is unrelenting, in the back of your mind, whispering that something is wrong. you shake it off as you climb out of the car — you probably just forgot to take your medication again. you decide not to tell jenna her reminders are hardly working. she doesn’t need the stress with her wedding so close.
your phone buzzes with a text, which is a little strange, but nothing really out of the ordinary. alyssa’s sent you a good morning text, even though it’s nearing noon already, and you laugh fondly as you respond.
the tape over dave’s name on the video store’s sign is peeling. you make a mental note to tell russell about it later, as well as letting anyone but dang write the the on the makeshift sign. it’s three letters. how do you write it that poorly.
no matter. you push the door open, but your greeting to your coworkers dies on your lips, your smile fading as you look around. the doorbell rings throughout the tiny building, your converse echoing against the tile as you search for any sign of anyone. you’re a little early, sure, but you’re not often the first person to show up.
“wendell?” you call, voice sounding embarrassingly anxious to your own ears. “dang? liv? usha?”
you’re running out of names. the others don’t even work here full time. “paula?” you try anyway. “russell?”
one of the televisions around the store flickers to life — odd, you thought they were already on? — as you call out. your heart leaps into your throat, blood crashing like ocean waves in your ears, and you wipe your suddenly sweaty palms on your light-wash jeans. the tv shows only static, black-white-gray grains on the old fashioned screen, but it stays, and it stays, and it stays.
you bite your lip. glance around the space. take a breath, and then a step toward the television, peering closer. your reflection in the glass seems distorted, almost, colors filling out your frame you’ve never seen, reds and greens you don’t recognize on yourself. there’s a pull that feels magnetic dragging you closer, and closer, and closer, until you’re nearly pressed up against the screen, ready to fall—
the door swings open, the shrill doorbell breaking the silence, and you pull back. your heart races in your chest like a stampede of wildebeests, your breathing shallow as you turn to face wendell, who looks for all the world like the kind of jock that would have peaked in high school, and yet somehow it works for him. you’re biased, of course, but still. he looks at you with something like amusement, or concern, or some combination of the two, like he’s worried but also trying not to laugh at you.
“lanie?” he asks, like he’s not quite sure it’s you.
you sigh. “just, uh. checking the tvs. y’know, they’re probably due for an inspection and all. who knows how old they are.”
he raises an eyebrow. “what’s the verdict?”
“pretty fuckin’ bad, actually,” you say, and grin when he laughs properly.
you’re about to ask if he’s seen any of your other coworkers when he sobers up, gives you another look that nearly pierces your soul, a weight to it that makes you want to shrink away. you don’t.
“for real, though,” he says, “are you good?”
it takes all your willpower to not glance back at the tv.
“yeah,” you say, and hope you don’t sound as haunted as you feel. “just, y’know. tired.”
you slept fine. you always do. why does it feel wrong to say so?
wendell gives you another look, like he’s searching for something in your face, but only sighs. “right. uh, i’m gonna go�� clock in, then?”
you nod. if you speak, your voice is going to break, splintering into shards of glass on the floor. you don’t know how you know this, but you know it to be true.
as soon as he turns away from you, you stare back into the television. your own reflection looks back, just as you remember it. just as it always has been. just as it always will be.
static fills your ears. you shake your head — you do feel tired, suddenly — and go to follow wendell. you still have to clock into work, after all.
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simplyclary · 1 year ago
I Loved How Good You Looked: A TZP 2023 Fashion Wrap-Up (Part 1)
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(Edit by yours truly)
In the world of fashion, every outfit tells a story, and 2023 has certainly been a memorable year for rising Hollywood star Taylor Zakhar Perez.
From his lead role in Amazon Prime's hit movie "Red, White and Royal Blue" to his unforgettable fits throughout the year, Taylor shows no signs of slowing down in both the acting world and the fashion world.
As 2023 comes to a close, it's time to take a glamorous stroll down the Taylor Zakhar Perez fashion memory lane! I'll unravel the variety of trends that graced the catwalks, adorned the red carpets, and became street-style staples.
This TZP fashion wrap-up promises a dazzling lineup of looks that defined the essence of elegance and daring creativity that made 2023 unforgettable, especially for Taylor and his ever growing fanbase.
Join me as I unwrap the fashion moments that left fans breathless, inspired, and utterly in love with the one and only Taylor Zakhar Perez.
So get comfortable, grab a drink and some snacks and let the fashion show begin..
Vanity Fair London- February 2023
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Ahhh, look at how dashing he is in that black suit? Already slaying and it's only February!
Anyway, Taylor in this black ensemble is nothing but perfection. Also, the way that his hair was styled up and his clean-shaven look adds a bit of a pristine vibe to the overall look.
Give me Taylor in a black suit any day and you would just catch me swooning over it for the rest of the day.
Cyclops x Moncler Genius Show- February 2023
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This is the lighter contrast to that of his look during Vanity Fair London, because instead of donning an all-black outfit, Taylor opted for more lighter colors like white, light blue and a dark(ish) aqua green shade.
For this event, he opted for a t-shirt with the name of the brand on it under a plaid flannel like shirt and dark aqua green pants that also has the brand's name on it.
The one thing that I didn't really like is the shades that he wore. It's too big for me and I would've preferred that he went without the shades. However, if he was going for an outer-space alien vibe with this look, I think he nailed it because those shades definitely looked like the eyes of an alien that's coming to invade or seek peace on Earth.
Versace Cruise 2024 Show- March 2023
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This is one of Taylor's look that live rent-free in the minds of fans. I mean, how can it not? He looks so handsome.
This mesh tank top with leather pants is a combination that I never thought would work but it actually could, on Taylor at least. I love how his bits of jewelry added a bit of sparkle to the overall darkness of the outfit, similar to stars in the night sky.
I need Taylor to rock more outfits like this come 2024, because this look definitely had fans wanting more.
Green Carpet Fashion Awards-March 2023
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I swear to the angels, this look is giving me real Rhysand vibes, and I'm not mad about that.
Just another all-black Taylor outfit for the year (trust me, I know you know this ain't the last all-black outfit he wore), and dang, he looks absolutely handsome. With the clean-shaven look and his hair that styled up, this is a vision of a Night Court prince right here.
Yep, I'm just here throwing out my fantasies, but it is what it is.
Woolmark Trip to Australia-March 2023
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One of his memorable supply chain trips that he took to further understand the fabrics that go into the very clothes that people wear.
For the first photo, it was a good choice that he wore a sweater to Australia because he went there during the fall season in the country (which runs from March to May). It's also a good pop of color and compliments really well with the green of the grass (and the white of the sheep).
As for the second photo (which was taken when he was in one of the shops looking at fabrics), he wore a plain whitish-grey shirt underneath a navy blue blazer. It exudes simplicity with a dash of elegance. I also love how it was during this time that he made a custom-wool suit for himself.
I love a man who cares about the environment. Men like him are a rare breed nowadays.
BMW x Coachella- April 2023
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Be honest with yourselves, when you look at this picture, what did you look at first? The scenery? The car? Or Taylor? It would be the third option, obviously.
This was a collaboration of BMW with the summer music festival Coachella and to have Taylor as a model for it is perfect because it's like mixing together adventure (with the car) and music & fun (I mean, that's one of the reasons people go to Coachella, right?), which sums up Taylor's personality in a way (adventurous and fun-loving).
For this, Taylor wore a summer look, with a white tank top underneath a black jacket with black shorts and green rubber shoes. I love how the green adds a touch of color to his overall neutral outfit. It's a simple combination but he makes it look like a masterpiece, if I'm being honest.
Ralph Lauren Event- April 2023
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Taylor, why are you wearing gray? What do you have against color (Kidding..)
To be clear, I have nothing against the color gray. It's just not my first pick for a color. It comes off as dull and boring for me, but that's just my humble opinion.
For this event, Taylor wore a grey and white ensemble, with a gray shirt paired with a gray blazer and white pants. The overall look may lack color, but do admit that Taylor looks good in it (he looks good in whatever color he wears, to be completely honest).
International Woolmark Prize (IWP) Event- May 2023
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Knowing Taylor, he would not pass up on an opportunity to advocate about fashion sustainability while still being fashionable himself, which I honestly love.
During this event with The Woolmark Company, he wore a navy blue ensemble, which is composed of a white tank top and a striped navy blue button-down that is layered by a navy blue coat. He completed his look with black loafers and a pair of necklaces, which add a little shine to his outfit. Again, a simple combination but on him, it looks like a masterpiece.
Take it from Taylor, folks. This is how you advocate for a good cause while also looking good yourself.
Prada (Spring/Summer 2024 Menswear Show)- June 2023
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*This is also an excuse for me to post Taylor's unforgettable shirtless entrance photo*
The iconic Prada SS24 Show!! Taylor's fashion week debut (he said so himself during the "Get Ready With Me" video). He really said "this is my first fashion week so I gotta make it memorable". And it was memorable indeed, maybe more for the fans, but regardless, it was an iconic event.
Taylor's photos from this event was one of the first photos that I ever saw of him the moment I became a fan, and it will be one of those events that will forever live rent-free in my mind. I mean, how could I not? Look at the stunning assembly of looks he pulled off for the show. From stepping out of the car shirtless to wearing a white Prada tank top at the end of the day, he surely made the 2023 summer even hotter.
I also love how he made it a designer summer. Prada is a designer brand and then he combined it with some summer essentials like a white tank top and sunglasses. Personally, I love that theme.
Maybe Taylor will be able to beat this on 2024, if he gets invited to the Prada event again (I have faith that he will be).
Givenchy Event- June 2023
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It's one fashion show after another, I take it. After Prada (or before, I'm not sure), it's Givenchy.
I got to be honest, this all-black jumpsuit outfit is not my favorite, but I'll make an exception because it's black which is one of my most favorite colors on Taylor. What I love about this is that he made the jumpsuit ensemble not too plain-looking by adding silver jewelry and sunglasses.
This is more of a practical look but hey, something that's both fashionable and functional is what people really look for nowadays.
Tag Heuer Event- July 2023
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Let's be honest, it's not Taylor if there was no picture where he does the peace sign.
In this particular photo, I love how his outfit was the dark contrast to the light colors of his background and even to the very couch he's sitting on. His dark outfit is something I can see a warrior in a fairytale wear and I'm not one to complain about that.
This ensemble is something people can wear in the summertime, consider the varying degrees of heat that the summer season brings in every country during the summer months.
Miu Miu Event- July 2023
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I would like to point out that this look is very similar to the one Taylor wore to the Tag Heuer event, only with a different brand, but I'll look past that, I guess.
With this look, it still has the summer vibes. I can see people wearing this type of outfit during the summer time where people often opt for sleeveless clothes.
Maybe pair this outfit with your favorite pair of sunglasses, get on a boat and go sailing off into the ocean with the sea breeze in your face and you'll have an unforgettable summer.
Red, White and Royal Blue Billboard Sighting and NYC Street Style- August 2023
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Ahhh August, the month where Taylor was catapulted into even more fame (and also the month that I knew of him).
August was the month of the premiere of "Red, White and Royal Blue" where Taylor played his first lead role as Alex Claremont-Diaz. It also premiered in the middle of the 118-day SAG-AFTRA strike, so sadly, there was no red carpet event for the movie but Taylor had to show off his style one way or another.
In the first two photos, it's just Taylor casually walking in the streets but he still looks so good. In the first photo, he wore a blue-black ensemble (two of my favorite colors on him) and the second photo was a contrast to the somehow dark ensemble of the first photo because it shows him wearing a much lighter outfit, which includes a cream vest and green track pants with sneakers.
The third photo is special because it was when Taylor was in New York (Times Square to be exact) with his parents and they went to see the billboard that had the poster of RWRB on it. His outfit is a wool (or cotton) shirt with a mix of orange, brown, black and white colors paired with dark jeans. It was a more casual outfit as compared to the magnitude of what he saw on Times Square that night.
Aperol Spritz Event- August 2023
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I suddenly want to have a drink with Taylor and just chill. I mean, don't we all?
With this event, Taylor wore a white tank top underneath a blue striped button-down with matching pants of the same design. I honestly love how the color of his outfit compliments the color of the drink (In art class, blue and orange are known to be complimentary colors because the darkness of blue makes the lightness of orange pop off).
The darkness of the grassy green background also makes Taylor stand out, especially with the angle of this photo, so this outfit is a yes from me. Plus the slightly tousled hair and the little scruff adds more to the chill vibe of the event.
Vogue World: London- September 2023
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This was the event that cemented Taylor's status as a prince in my mind. As an avid fan of fairytale stories, his two looks during this event was how I sometimes imagine princes when I read.
The white top with the attached waistcoat and the flared bottoms gives me the vibes of what people in the olden eras of London would wear. Think Victorian/Edwardian era. The second look of the night was this sparkling sleeveless number which is also unforgettable and provided a good contrast to the pristine white top.
I would also like to note that the grey sleeveless top is cropped so a bit of midriff was shown but I'm not complaining since Taylor is cut and fit anyway. These two outfits were really fit for a handsome prince like Taylor who is off to a stunning night in London.
Burberry (Spring/Summer 2024, London Fashion Week)- September 2023
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If there's one thing I'm sure about, it is the fact that Taylor will slay even the most common of clothing. In this event, he wore a trench coat that is almost like a raincoat over a plaid long sleeve. It could be a common outfit for people who experience the rainy weather more often, but Taylor rocks it like a masterpiece meant to be exhibited in a fashion show, which is also a lovely idea.
I don't adore this outfit as much as I do the others, but one of the things that I like about this one is the practicality of it. It's a trench coat that can be used as a raincoat if one does not have an umbrella on hand and the rain suddenly started pouring.
Another thing was the idea that Taylor went to London Fashion Week and it generated like the highest media value. Like, that is a record and I'm not mad that he was one of the reasons that happened.
London and Milan Street Style- September 2023
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Taylor is one of those people who could make street style look absolutely stunning. He could wear like a super casual combination of clothes like jeans and sneakers but combine that with his charm and you get a photo of him walking the pedestrian lane as if it's a fashion runway or him standing outside of his hotel yet it's gonna look like he posed for a fashion magazine shoot.
His street style in between the gorgeous ensembles he wore attending fashion weeks in London and Milan had fans gasping. Why? Because he looks so good in them.
These are four of my favorite Taylor street-style looks because it’s style and comfort, casual and preppy at the same time. All his clothes look plain at best but it still has the element of shimmer because of his accessories like his signature necklaces and bracelets, which is always lovely to see.
Ferrari (Spring/Summer 2024)-September 2023
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Taylor was in his Doctor Strange era during this fashion week and I was so here for that era. It also made me scream because if you don't know, Doctor Strange is one of my most favorite Marvel characters ever!
Taylor could've played a variant of the character because to me, he kind of pulled the reverse version of Doctor Strange. Instead of wearing an all-blue outfit like the character, Taylor wore a dark red turtleneck top with a set composed of a dark trench coat and pants. He kind of completed his Doctor Strange look with tousled dark locks and a bit of stubble.
Honestly speaking, he also gave me a bit of Sherlock Holmes vibes with the trench coat which I honestly love, because I love the Sherlock Holmes stories.
Other than the fact that I completely rambled and disassociated, this look gives immense fall vibes to me, and it's perfect for that chilly stroll around the city while drinking a cup of cocoa or a cup of pumpkin spice latte.
That's A Wrap....for now...
Well, due to the limited amount of images I can put on here, I'm gonna need to put a part 2 for this fashion wrap up. This only means that Taylor had so many good looks this year that this site couldn't keep up with the insane amount of photos (kidding!).
But anyway, here's a link to Part 2 of the TZP Fashion Wrap-Up, so head over there if you want to see more of Taylor's fashion for the year.
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flare-the-pyrowing · 29 days ago
ISAT update
Quietly. Very quietly losing my shit over act 4. And how we got to act 4. And how the fake smile is failing and they're noticed somethings wrong and Siffrin is always. Always so hungry.
Remembering the Crossiant Incident hurt. Everything. Everything leads back to that nameless country. And why does Sif suddenly remember the language that used to hurt his head. O AND!
I had I passing thought like: I wonder with there will be colors in this game, given the books and such. Bet the first color will be red.
AND I WAS RIGHT! Man that scene was insane. I honestly. Honestly cannot believe I was actually gullible enough to fall for that when I came back that One Last Time. The king just. Sits there and sobs. Sure he's strong but. But I really hadn't considered his capacity for actual harm. I thought he pathetically spread his curse across the land then holes up in the house but. Man. We have a core common goal but. I could really never make him give it up.
Siffrin. Dear gods poor Siffirin. This poor guy continues to unravel. The world is a stage, a perfect play. And I have to wonder if it was his own making. Cause. Cause the 1 thing. The 1 singular thing that you never do again after the loops start. Is make a wish at the favor tree. And all of them have to do with your party.
Could Siffrin not bear to let go of the family he found? When they were so clear on parting ways and going back to normal when he has no normal to return to. No home. But at the same time how could they have set it up? Sif got crushed by a boulder for goodness.......hey hang on wait wouldn't that get in the way of the wish. Was the tree enough of a ritual for something so small then? Mhm. Something to consider for sure, even if Sif didn't know it would happen, in a weird way, isn't this what they wanted? To spend time with them? Get to know them better?
This have something to do with the star at the start? That they are truly stuck and chose to forget? Mhm. But there's that. There's that book. There's that book behind that one blasted door that I just got into. What's that about. Who wrote that. Why was the room sealed off and dusty. It's near the dorms but there's no bed in that room...Maybe I'll learn in due time.
Despite it all Im very glad to be able to read that damned nearly dead language. Gonna recheck some of those tear blocked rooms cause I haven't gone up in that one intersection in a while, and there's so. So many bookcases to look into.
Anyways we're 45 ish loops in on act 4 (also losing my shit over the segments being called Acts. Not chapters. Acts. Like a play.)
Blew up the king with a bomb at the start of the fight, finally made the dang thing! Think I used it wrong tho it was kinda underwhelming. But satisfying to finally do. Especially after what he did.
Wonder what that glass shard is for.
Anyways all the subtle shit is wrecking me and it's probably not gonna get any better. A small sliver of me hopes. Hopes for the time loop to break and for Siffrin to rest. And get to explain it all to his family. Cause he's so pressured to hide it all. I hope Odile finds out. Even if Sif doesn't want the help, he needs it.
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bibibbon · 2 months ago
Hi, I'm looking to show interesting facts about the characters in my version, as well as facts about the story (Rewritten):
First with Izuku:
. Unlike the original, Izuku trains a lot. He is always training before and after school in his garage. He trains his body because, according to him, he wants to believe that this might activate his quirk.
. Izuku knows how to fight, especially boxing. He was taught by his father, Hisashi. For Izuku, this is training, but for his father, it is a way for Izuku to defend himself from bullies. Hisashi was the first to find out about bullying.
. Izuku was diagnosed with depression. His diagnosis happened after his custody was received by All MightStar. He is also autistic, so much so that when he is on the subway, he always listens to music, but he never wears headphones at school, for fear that Bakugou will attack him by surprise.
. Izuku loves to draw. He has several drawing notebooks. He himself says that if his desire to be a hero wasn't so bigger, he would want to work in games and comics. A funny fact: his sneakers were white, but he customized them with green and red colors.
. Izuku had a breakdown when he finally realized that Bakugou was never his friend, to the point of staying in bed for a week, feeling bad about everything that happened to him.
. Izuku sees All MightStar as a father to him, especially after what happened to his parents. All MightStar always makes Izuku feel accepted in his house, so much so that when Izuku went to live in All MightStar's house, he made Izuku's favorite foods.
. Izuku had a friend at Aldera, but she was unfortunately suspended after trying to defend Izuku from Bakugou, in addition to the blonde having influence over the school's directors. Izuku blames himself for this, especially after finding out that his friend had to leave Japan.
. A cute but at the same time sad fact: All MightStar always checks on Izuku before going to sleep, because there are times when Izuku ends up having a nightmare, either about Bakugou or about his parents.
. Due to bullying, Izuku almost had a panic attack on his first day at his new school. He kept repeating that it's not Aldera and that Bakugou isn't there.
What do you think?
Hi @lorddog45 👋
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! It made no sense for izuku to do absolutely no training even though he wanted to and planned to be a hero. I think a difficultly you could have izuku face is the mental barrier to training. People keep bullying him, telling him he isn't good enough, and he believes them, which causes him to struggle in really believing himself and putting the full effort to training. Another challenge you can have izuku face is his lack of resources and expertise when it comes to physical training, which cause for him to not be able to train to the best of his ability.
Finally, inclusion of hisashi and having him next active in the plot. I feel like hisashi in izuku's teen life won't be as active due to work abroad, but he would try his best, leaving his son with a few things here and there. Hisashi being the first to find out about the bullying and teaching his son the ropes of finding is a good idea however, even with this I think izuku's own abilities are outmatched by his classmates for various reasons again leaving him insecure.
Love autistic izuku!! I wonder how you will handle izuku's own depression and I wonder how UA as a school would handle izuku's mental issues and if they will offer any support.
Artist izuku is so Canon to me!!! I love seeing people include more of his artistic abilities in their fics. He can be really detailed, and I feel like art is a way for him to express himself and let things out
Realistic tbh adding izuku's reaction with him also being autistic as a reason and deep understanding that bakugo was never his friend and is incredibly horrible to him
Oh, so izuku loses his parent here, dang. Orphan izuku strikes again. This is an interesting plot point, and having all mightstar take him in would cause some scandal talk, I imagine. I wonder what happened to inko and how you will be characterising her here.
Izuku having a friend before ua but her suffering a horrible fate and leaving him would definitely make him think that he isn't worth having friends and would make him making friends with team ultra more difficult. Add this with her probably being the only person to help izuku after what happend to his parents and finding out that bakugo was never his friend this ends up hitting hard
All mightstar and izuku both trying to find comfort in one another is such an intriguing thing to me. I can imagine that with the izuku angst of him having nightmares ends up being matched with all mightstar and his own issues of wanting to protect but not being able to do anything as izuku suffers from nightmares
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graythefae · 1 year ago
Ramble post about this pic!!!: :D
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Okay okay so like everything else I do, I made this up as I went along, but I put a slightly unhealthy amount of thought into everything. This is basically just the part where I infodump random details that I’m proud of
Kaeya has stars in his hair, Albedo has a crescent moon on his belt, and Klee has sun emblems on her dress and in her hair ☀️🌙✨ I am obsessed with sun, moon, and star dynamics and it shows (Albedo also has stars on his boots but that’s just cause I couldn’t think of anything else to put there so shhhhh)
Klee’s signature color is red, and Kaeya’s is blue, so Albedo is wearing purple. I cried when I had the idea
Kaeya’s wearing a black shirt and light pants. Inversely, Albedo’s wearing a white shirt and black pants. Klee’s mimicking both of them with a light shirt and pants. (This was completely on accident and I only thought of it after I had colored everything)
They’re matching a little by all having braids in their hair. They had a little braid train and helped each other do their hair
Albedo also had a ridiculous amount of alternative outfits because I just could not decide what he should be wearing
This was the first one I tried, but it looked kind of Fontainian to me and I just wasn’t feeling it
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Somewhere along the way I drew him in an ao dai because his English VA is Vietnamese and I’ve been looking for excuses to draw ao dais since I used to wear them as a kid
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And then here’s a few of the many, many variations of his final outfit:
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I liked the idea of a cape, but I just couldn’t find one that felt exactly right, so I ended up leaving it out
For Kaeya, I scrolled through the desi Kaeya tag and looked at different arts of him (fellow Kaeya enthusiasts, if you haven’t done this yet then please go do it all these artists make him look so good) and searched up a few different fashions/traditional wear for inspiration. I tried to be respectful while also interpreting the outfit loosely but seriously someone please tell me if I did anything disrespectfully cause I really don’t want to do that
I do kind of feel like he’s lacking in details and color range, and I sort of wish I’d included some peacock feathers, but I was having trouble visualizing any intricate details for any of them. I think the most complex decals is either the stars in Kaeya’s hair or the sparkles on Klee’s skirt
Kaeya also went through a couple different hairstyles; I started with his normal hair, tried a bunch of random stuff, and eventually settled on my take on the braid from his Sailwind Shadow skin
Here’s a couple that I tried during the process:
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Hmmm okay now that I’m looking at these pictures I’m thinking I need to draw him with a high ponytail again sometime. And also the bun. And the chunky braid too. Dang it Kaeya, stop being so beautiful (I’m joking please don’t)
And as for Klee, she really didn’t change much from beginning to end. I had pretty much finished both Albedo and Kaeya by the time I even started on her, so I was both in the zone and losing steam, so I kinda just went with my first attempts at everything. Pretty much the only change was I tried drawing her with braids instead of pigtails for all of thirty seconds before I decided that the pigtails were just too iconic and couldn’t be left out
Anyway, that’s my ramble on this drawing! Thanks for reading! <3
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totaldramafan-lauri · 2 years ago
Eurovision 2023 final thoughts
Well, it’s been a few days since the final....the post-Eurovision depression is surely hitting many people like it is me. That feeling of “......now what? We have to wait a whole year?” after the dust clears......
But, I don’t feel like it’s truly over until I give my full thoughts on the results after I’ve calmed down and rewatched, so.....here goes!
MAN this was a good year. I’m not sure I can call it one of my favorites - it wouldn’t be fair to do that since it’s still fresh in my mind - but it’s certainly up there! Not only ending with a worthy winner and a worthy runner-up, but the production was incredible! You would’ve never guessed that this contest has given the UK so much grief over the years, cuz you can TELL that they still love it. I-it’s like....an unhealthy relationship, pfffff......
B-but I’m getting ahead of myself.....so, here goes.
Just a warning: I-I may come off as a bit....harsh at times here. I’ve just....seen some things I don’t agree with, and I wanted to respond to them in my own way....None of what I say is meant as an attack on any specific people, and you don’t have to read this if you don’t wanna. I-I just think it’d feel good to....release it all at once, both my happiness and my frustrations.....
This is coming from an unbiased American perspective, keep that in mind. Also, I’m someone who loved both Sweden AND Finland, so if you expect the venting I mentioned to be about me taking a side, it’s not.
Thoughts under the cut!
O-OK......so, first of all, production-wise....I really loved the co-hosting this year. I thought it was really unique, and it worked super well! I loved how the interval acts incorporated music from both countries, how the hosts were from both countries, Eurovision alumni from both countries were brought back, etc. Super cool and heartwarming at the same time. I did look it up, and yes, this IS the first time this kinda thing has happened, so I’m surprised at how well it worked.
That being said, the intervals weren’t my favorites ever.....but I personally LOVED the Sam Ryder song (”Mountain”, I think it was called), and I liked the Liverpool Songbook (the highlight of which being Daði Freyr  FINALLY getting to sing live at this dang contest, complete with the audience singing along with him), but the covers weren’t all-time greats for me, and a similar thing already happened in 2019 with former contestants singing each others’ songs, which I thought was more entertaining. Still, I had a good time! However, I think my favorite interval was actually the drag queens in the second semifinal. (I can’t remember the last time I preferred a semifinal’s interval.....this might’ve been the first time?)
The energy in the arena was contagious throughout the whole thing, as usual (especially when they absolutely lost it whenever Finland got points and chanted “CHA CHA CHA”), and of course we also had Graham Norton just.....being himself. I loved getting to hear his comments without having to wait for cheeky fans to provide links to BBC feeds I’m geoblocked from. That was cool. Also, thank GOD they got him to host, even if just for the final. It would’ve been a huge missed opportunity if they didn’t. XD The other hosts were good too, but he stole the show.
My only real “complaint” (besides the jury vote segment being less varied and fun to watch), and I use that lightly, is more of a nitpick, and that’s.....there was WAY too much red. I have no idea why this was, like.....there’s no way the lights were THAT limited, so it had to just be a really weird coincidence, right? But this is just a nitpick. It wasn’t awful, it was just....pretty distracting in points, how we’d have multiple songs in a row where everything is just RED. I get wanting to use a striking color, but I really could’ve used more variety in places. XD
As for the results, it’s....mixed. I agree with a lot of what did well, but there were a FEW songs I think deserved better than what they got. I don’t have a LOT to complain about, especially when looking at these numbers, but there were a few results I was absolutely scratching my head at. I think this year had more of those moments than other recent years.
I-I’ll do my best to try to understand those results......but FIRST.....I have some choice words.
(This is your last chance to stop reading)
So, I’m SUPER happy Sweden won. I think it was a well-deserved win, even if a bit predictable. Their song was amazing and well-performed by Loreen. While I don’t like “Tattoo” as much as “Euphoria”, it’s still a masterpiece, and her voice is still incredible and elevates it further into greatness. Not only that, but this is one of those songs that I like more when watching the live performance. It’s such a BIG BIG BIG song, that having it boom and resonate throughout a full arena just feels so right. And finally, one thing that I cannot praise enough is the EMOTION she sings it with. Especially in the final, and especially at the end of the song, I got goosebumps cuz it legitimately sounded like she was tearing up at the slow bridge. She knows how to sell you on every emotion this song wants you to feel, and almost comes off as....unpolished, but in the best possible way. Sometimes, vulnerability helps a lot in music.....
So, yeah, even though I DID want Finland to win, since I loved them more, I literally have no complaints with Sweden winning. It was a moving performance, one of the best vocals of the night, a beautiful song, the staging was great too....yeah, it was pretty much flawless. And I think Sweden were FAR overdue for tying Ireland’s record, since they’ve given 100% effort every single year, are absolutely in love with Eurovision, they know how it works and how to send quality. Ireland clearly haven’t been the masters of this contest for a LONG TIME, and it’s pretty obvious who took over.
THAT. Being. Said.....
While she HAS gotten a lot of love, I’m not gonna act like it’s all sunshine and rainbows. And the way some of Käärijä’s fans have been taking Loreen’s win, particularly on Twitter and even YouTube comments, has been just downright toxic. I can’t even read it after a while. Not saying they’re ALL like that, far from it......I’m just talking about the ones who say things like:
“The contest was RIGGED!” “The juries are ALWAYS biased towards Sweden, no matter what they send!” (they aren’t, but OK) “The result was predetermined from the start!”
Um.......did you miss the part where she came SECOND IN THE TELEVOTE!?!?
With Sweden’s highest televote score in....probably close to a decade!?
She did win the jury vote, yes, but jury winners have lost before. Heck, that exact thing happened to SWEDEN before. And Sweden have gotten poor televote results before, and they ARE able to finish on the right side of the scoreboard, which happened in 2021. The system is NOT rigged towards them at all, from what I can tell. And heck....I’ve been watching this contest since the votes were split, and literally the ONLY TIME the juries have piled votes on Sweden that they didn’t deserve was 2018 with “Dance You Off”. That’s it. (And before anyone says “well what about 2019?” THAT song was INCREDIBLE and it DESERVED its jury score and should’ve had more love from the televote, FIGHT ME) Yes, “Dance You Off” wasn’t that good a song, and didn’t deserve finishing in the top five. But it was elevated by its staging, so I can somewhat rationalize it? But that was literally the ONE TIME.....
From an unbiased point of view, I can say that Sweden ARE just that good at Eurovision, and people just LIKE their entries that much. This one, they brought back not only a former winner, but a near-universally-loved one, with an honest-to-god emotional powerbomb of a song. You shouldn’t immediately shout “RIGGED” when the juries love that, OK?
And AGAIN, even though their lead in the jury was by a wide margin, it wasn’t an insurmountable lead by any means! Finland would’ve won...
....if YOU PEOPLE didn’t vote for her so much, too!
You liked her. You loved her, even. Stop acting like you suddenly don’t love her anymore, just cuz she wasn’t the winner you personally wanted. Shouldn’t you be happy that A song you liked won, even if it isn’t your number one? C’mon....it should go without saying, right?
I myself would’ve LOST IT if Finland won, don’t get me wrong. Finland were my number two this year, and Sweden were my number eight (six in the final). So, yes, I WAS rooting for Finland. But I do love them both, and either would’ve been a worthy winner. Even though Loreen wasn’t my ideal winner, I still celebrated when she won, cuz hey, a song I loved still won! A good song, that deserved its acclaim! Even if it wasn’t the one I wanted more.
......I-I probably shouldn’t dwell too much on this.....There’s barely ever a winner that doesn’t have discourse around them in recent years....It’s in a Eurofan’s nature to be competitive....so, I-I’m sorry for going on about this. I-I just....got really bothered by the people claiming this win wasn’t legitimate in some way. I think it’s gross. This was a clear fan-favorite song, people loved it, and it got a lot of votes!
If there ARE people who actually didn’t like the song, and NEVER liked the song, and didn’t contribute to its win, then......I can’t, and won’t, force you to like it. And I get being salty when something you didn’t like won. I would be a hypocrite if I called you out on that, cuz I was in that exact position in 2017. I still remember how disappointed I was. But do you know how I dealt with that in 2017?
I kept my complaining to my personal bubble (this blog) and didn’t attempt to shove my opinions in people’s faces. I didn’t try to directly insult the artist or his fans when I did. I didn’t try to claim that he cheated! I just let off some steam, and talked about how I hated the song and didn’t agree with the win, and once I got it all out, I moved on. I got over it. No matter how I felt, he won fair and square.
And Loreen won fair and square. If you wanna cry about it, go ahead, but don’t claim the system is rigged just cuz you couldn’t handle it. The system is fine. She came first in the jury vote and second in the televote. That means she won. If you can’t deal with that, then cry about it where we who support her can’t see you....
Also, while a lot of people do agree with me on this, I still feel like there are some people who don’t realize how amazing a second place is for Finland. Normally such an underdog in Eurovision, this is literally their FIRST second place and only their SECOND TIME in the top ten after their win in 2006. Heck, it’s their FIRST time in the top FIVE since their win in 2006. All other years, either DNQ or towards the bottom in the final, no matter what they send. Good song after good song, overlooked. This is AMAZING for them. I don’t think anyone over there is complaining about this result. Even if they go back to the status quo next year, they can be proud of this one runner-up for a looooong time.
Not to mention that runners-up can be winners in their own right! Look at how iconic “Dancing Lasha Tumbai” has become! Heck, I even made a comment on Twitter saying something like “Why do I get the feeling that ‘Cha Cha Cha’ will be to ‘Tattoo’ what ‘Dancing Lasha Tumbai’ was to ‘Molitva’“. I was partly joking when I said that, pffffff...but I did make that parallel. The goofy, fun runner-up that was a huge fan-favorite, and the emotional winner that won people over come the contest proper. Which one of those two songs is the one that keeps showing up and has been kept alive as a symbol of the Eurovision spirit? That’s right....And there’ve been plenty of other songs that didn’t win, yet still became iconic. Ooh, ah, just a little bit~! Heh, so yeah, I really do think that Käärijä could easily become a Eurovision icon. You don’t have to win to become one of those~
Actually, since I’ve said all I wanted to about Sweden and am moving on to Finland.....Even if they didn’t get that win, they actually.....still did BETTER than I was expecting? I was legit worried about their jury score. I didn’t know how much the juries would like such a strange song, especially the live performance when the music kinda swallows him in the second half. But Finland actually got fourth with the juries, which made me super happy! They DO know how to have fun!
In my rankings post before the contest, I called “Tattoo” a masterpiece, but now that I think about it, I think “Cha Cha Cha” is a masterpiece too. I loved the song from first listen, but I mainly loved it for its catchiness, its wild energy, and how intense yet fun it was. But when I really listen to it hard, it’s kinda....INSANE how well it works? The two halves are so distinct from each other, yet they transition into one another so seamlessly, it’s crazy! If I tried to tell past me that I’d be in love with a song like this, and tried to describe it in text, I wouldn’t believe myself. On paper, this sounds like it’d be super disjointed and messy. “So, the first half is an intense nu-metal rap, and it turns into a happy party song in the second half“. WHAT? The fact that this works so well just means it was put together expertly and I HAVE to get credit where it’s due. I guess that could be part of what the juries saw in it too.
This might not be my overall favorite Finnish entry (that’s “Jezebel”), but it’s definitely in my top five favorite Finnish entries now. Could not be happier that it did so well and got Finland their second-best result ever. This song deserved to be the one to do that. They might’ve not beat Sweden, but they were the true underdog story this year. Finland CAN DO WELL IN EUROVISION, they can send bangers of songs, and people have FINALLY put respect on their name. WOO!
So.....I-I think that’s all I have to say about the top two......So, on to how I feel about the rest of the results. I-I’ll try to go a bit faster now.....
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So, Israel in third......I-I didn’t totally call this at first, but after watching the performance, I realized how badly I underestimated them. Their song is normally only one that I can enjoy when I’m not thinking too hard, cuz the lyrics bug me and are, uh, hard to take seriously.....but as a spectacle, I enjoyed it a lot more, and I totally got swept up in it. It got the crowd energized in the similar way Finland did, and the dance break was the best one this year. It’s still far from a favorite of mine, but I get what people saw in it. I will admit that, once I figured out that they were gonna do a lot better in the jury vote than I expected (and Sweden weren’t super far ahead yet), I was briefly scared. I-I think I’ll always be scared of Israel winning in the upcoming years, cuz it’s.....it’s not worth the....everything that a win from them would cause, even if their song is good, so.....Yeah, I was briefly worried, but there was nothing to be worried about in the long run, so that was on me for having my mind jump to that, pffffff.
Italy did a LOT better than I expected in both votes. I did think the juries would like it, but I didn’t see this as a top five song, and I especially didn’t see it doing so well in the televote. This was definitely one of the best vocals of the final, hands down, and the song itself is gorgeous, yet I still underestimated it.....This is probably because I was comparing Marco’s result in 2013 with a similar ballad, and was like “this is of the same quality as that, so it’ll probably do about as well”. I....I have to stop underestimating Italy. They clearly know what they’re doing. Their streak of top five finishes does indeed continue....Do I agree with this result? Hmmmm.....um, not sure. I think I do. Like I said, one of the best vocals in the final. Definitely the best male vocal.
And Norway round out the top five! This was one of my favorite songs, and the favorite of so many other people to. I think that this is one result this year that literally no one will have a problem with. Even on Twitter, I have seen NO hate for this song. Everyone loves it. It’s the perfect example of a great, solid entry that doesn’t take huge risks or anything, but instead aims to just be a good dang song, and it succeeded at that. Everything about this song works and comes together perfectly. A top five finish feels so RIGHT for this cuz it just does its job so flipping well. Do I wish they did better with the juries? Of course, but I wasn’t worried about them for a second. I knew this would be in the top three in the televote. Again, everyone loves this song, or at least, no one dislikes it.
Ukraine came sixth. I did originally call them finishing in the top five, but Italy doing much better than I expected pushed them down. XD I was actually really impressed with their staging! I thought it was really creative, and probably one of the best of the final. And no, I’m not saying this cuz it was one of the few that didn’t use nothing but red. XD I thought the screens were cool, and there was always something interesting to look at. The song’s still not one of the best, but I saw their 100+ televote score coming, so I didn’t mind it. They didn’t do nearly as well as last year, that’s the important part. Don’t wanna open that can of worms again....
I’m really happy Belgium finished in the top ten! I thought that was definitely a top ten-worthy performance! It was cool to see them get multiple 12s from the juries, too! I expected their televote score to be, ehhhh, a BIT higher? Cuz it really felt like the arena really got into the song, so I thought people at home would too. But I cannot complain with this result, cuz it’s still Belgium’s best in a few years. The song’s fun and was performed well. And I gotta remember that Sweden, Finland, Norway, Italy, and Israel stole a looooooot of the televotes this time around, so songs like this probably suffered from it.
If you ask me, probably the one song I underestimated the most was Estonia’s. This was the only song I was indifferent to. I liked the vocals and the lyrics, but thought it was too boring music-wise to keep my attention. And that opinion does stay true, but I can see why others would like it. I can especially see why Estonia did so well with the juries. This is the kinda song the juries eat up every year. Even with 100% televoting in the semifinal, at least one of these songs still got through, heh....But I can’t say I’m surprised. They did well in the semi, but in the final, they were stuck between Italy and Finland. Their televote score surely suffered from that.
Coming in ninth are my semifinal-winning, best-of-the-worst kings, Australia! Look, I’m not even gonna front, I adored Finland, but my actual favorite song was this one. I ADORE this song and I’ve been quoting it constantly all week. It’s just such a perfect song to me with how it captures an emotion I feel all the time, and to have a song I can listen to when I’m in that mood is SO nice. I’m gonna be listening to this song many times in the future whenever I wanna be told everything’s gonna be alright, while also in the mood to shout at the top of my lungs at same time.....Not every comfort song has to be happy and cheerful, or soft and sweet, right? It’s perfect. And I literally cannot complain with their result either. Do I wish they got more televotes after that kinda performance? Yes. 21 points is way way waaaaaaayyyy too low. (And yet it’s Australia’s best televote since 2019, so blegh) The only real justification I can come up was that Finland took votes from them, or Belgium took votes from them (Belgium performed right after them) But at the same time....they broke even, like I said before. I expected a higher televote score, but I also expected a WORSE jury score, by like, a LOT.....but the juries had them so firmly in the top ten that they stayed there after the poor televote score! That’s nothing to complain about, not to mention that this is the best result a number one favorite of mine has gotten since.....really? 2016? Gosh, my luck with favorite songs hasn’t been the best since my lightning-in-a-bottle year....So yeah, ninth! Solid ninth! Considering Australia’s luck AND my luck, that’s awesome!
I read that this might’ve been Australia’s last Eurovision. Took long enough, honestly.....but, y’know? They finished well. Part of me still thinks they overstayed their welcome, but this song made it worth it. I also think it’s kinda funny that, if this ends up being true......then, the only Australian entries that’ve been in my top five were their first one and their last one. Pure poetry, huh? XD
Rounding out the top ten is Czechia, one of their best results! Another country who didn’t do super well in the televote, and for good reason - they were stuck between Finland and Australia. It was EASY for them to get overshadowed (and yet, I think they still got more points than Australia? I think?) Still, tenth place for a normally underdog country is solid, and I think they deserve it.
Right outside the top ten is Lithuania, who also did better than I expected with the juries, but the televote....Look, songs that qualified from the second semi, even that semi’s winner, didn’t do well in the televote in the final (Estonia were carried so high by the juries). The two semifinals were SO lopsided this year, to the point where it was a slight problem. NONE of the songs from the second had any winning power when put up against the ones from the first, and I’m pretty sure everyone knew this. The only possible exceptions were Australia (who I already talked about) and Austria (who I’ll get to soon). I really hope that next year, this isn’t that bad of a problem, cuz seriously, having ALL the hard-hitters in one semi makes that one semi overly stressful and the other feels like it has barely anything going on, or it gets your hopes up for some songs doing better than they end up in the final once they have stronger competition. Lithuania did well with this, eleventh is a great result, better than I expected, and her vocals were great which was definitely the reason, but the same can’t be said for the other second semi songs (except Estonia and Australia cuz, again, juries).
Another song I majorly underestimated was Cyprus. While I don’t agree with them doing better than Austria, I will freely admit that they made me eat my words. Before the contest, I wrote them off as a non-qualifier, cuz, and I quote “It’s not catchy enough, or emotional enough, or punchy enough. It’s just....there, and I say that as someone who likes it” (I’ve always liked the song, but cuz of slight bias reasons). Come the live performance, I was VERY impressed. It was staged well, and he sounded great. I couldn’t complain with being proven wrong. I do think they deserved to be in the final. I don’t think they quite deserve twelfth in the final, but it’s still a song I like. It’s not their fault, it’s just that I believe multiple songs below them should’ve done better. XD
Then we have Croatia at the bottom of the left half, and aside from the top two being the top two, this was easily the most predictable result of the final. I called it a MILE away. Of COURSE this would rank toward the bottom with the juries, and of COURSE they’d be saved by a 100+ televote score. Especially since they performed second-to-last. Have you heard this song!? The result writes itself! This isn’t so much of a song as it is...an experience. And it wasn’t an experience the music professionals wanted anything to do with, but for the audience? I could hear them singing along. There was no way this was gonna do any worse.
Now we move to the right side of the board, which is where the problem results are for me.....Armenia’s fine. It’s whatever. I know a lot of people loved them, and their staging was really good, but for me, there were plenty of better songs than this one. They were still good, but this was still about as well as I thought they’d place in the final.
No, the problem results for me start with Austria and France. What the heck- O-OK, I don’t really have THAT many complaints with the top ten we got, but that doesn’t change the fact that I really believe these two should’ve been up there. And yes, they still scored more than a hundred points each, so they weren’t flops. But come ON! What happened!? These were fan-favorite songs! Consistently both in the top ten in the betting odds, too! And both of them had great performances!
With Austria....you CANNOT convince me that they were penalized THAT HARD just by opening the show. Songs that’ve performed first can still do well in the televote and score highly! Ukraine 2014, Belgium 2016! This song should’ve done as well as those! It had it in the bag! Everyone I know loves this song! So.....what happened? I can think of two things: one is that the staging didn’t make them stand out well enough (I do agree that their staging should’ve been better), and the other is that the people who would normally vote for them voted for Croatia instead, who was fresher in their memory. But still, even if those things happened, it’s not much of an excuse!
But at the very least, Austria did get one set of 12 points from a jury. We got to see them celebrate that. France didn’t even get that much. Again, this wasn’t a flop like last year, so I guess my prediction of “justice will be served” was....true? But more like “justice will be technically served”.....Still disappointing for such a good song that was seen as a darkhorse for so long. And I can’t even think of a reason for this one other than just “it’s France”! Being performed so early is not an excuse when SWEDEN also performed early, and the staging was pretty, and the live voice was great....My brain hurts trying to think of what happened.....Maybe I can just chalk it up to “there were just songs people liked more”, but that still doesn’t excuse that the juries also mostly overlooked them, so.....I-I’ll just move on....
After those two is Spain.......Look, I don’t like their song. I’ve never liked their song. But I still respect it, and I respect Spain for taking a risk with it this year. And I was still surprised by this. Coming last in the televote.....Even if it was my least-favorite song, I still respect it enough to kinda think it was unfair? I mean, it was unique, and the live performance sounded just like the studio version! Shouldn’t it have...stood out more? Then again, maybe it stood out in a bad way.....I-I didn’t expect that many people to be on the same page as me....I thought this was an unpopular opinion.....but no! How should I feel about this.....? I dunno....I guess I’m happy I don’t look like an uncultured idiot for not liking the song? But I’m also kinda stunned....? I-I’m not used to feeling these kinda....mixed emotions....
After THAT are the last of my top five favorites, Moldova and Poland in 18th and 19th, doing worse and better than I expected respectfully. I thought Moldova would be in the top 15, but this wasn’t that far off, and their televote score was respectful (I think it was over 60), so I can’t complain. I’m glad there are people who loved their beautiful song as much as I did. And while Poland tanked with the juries like I called, getting over 80 points in the televote blew my mind! I remember when I was told how HATED their song was....I believed it. I believed it, cuz of the stories I heard, and how it really is just a catchy, mindless song that doesn’t make you think too hard. That’s why I love it, but that could also be why others hated it.....but now.....geez! You played them dirty, but now who’s laughing? Sure, 19th is 19th still, but for a song I was surprised even qualified for the final? Again, no complaints! Poland really went all out with their staging, too, so I could tell how much effort was put in to make people like this song. And surprisingly, they succeeded.
Switzerland....I find that I can only slightly enjoy their entry when I’m trying not to pay attention to the lyrics and just focus on his great voice, but it’s hard, especially when part of the staging resembles.....y’know what...raining down....I still don’t like this one at all, but the staging is disgustingly good, and his voice is great, so I actually did expect it to do better. I predicted this’d be in the top ten with the juries, actually. But again, like with Spain, more people were on the same page with me than I expected. Good. Stay down there. Send something fun next year, or if you’re gonna send a singer that good again, give them a song that doesn’t leave the listener feeling depressed. I couldn’t be happier that this was performed third. Got it outta the way. XD
Slovenia, I expected better from, since they were so late and also sounded good live. Can’t think of what happened to them other than they just got overshadowed, perhaps due to going right after Israel. Still, the people who loved Slovenia, REALLY loved Slovenia.....I guess they were just fewer in number than I thought. Albania and Portugal did about as well as I expected, so not much to say about them.
Serbia, tho....I do feel bad for them, but I also get it. After learning that they were only three points away from not qualifying for the final, I’m just happy to have them there at all. I really do like the song, it was in my top ten, but let’s be real, it was always a guilty-pleasure type song. It’s.....OUT THERE, and not everyone’s thing. The whispery vocals were hard to hear in places live, too. I didn’t mind since the vocals aren’t my fav part of the song (I love the instrumentals), but that might’ve cost them a bit. They’re LUCKY. If the semifinals still had a jury vote, they definitely wouldn’t have qualified and we would’ve had Latvia instead (whether that’s an improvement is up to you).
Every few years, there’s an entry where the song isn’t the best, but the live performance is a spectacle, having creative and fun staging, and/or the artist having a great stage presence, and when that entry doesn’t qualify, fans online fly into a rage, crying out “Why didn’t they qualify? They were so fun! They know what Eurovision spirit is!” and maybe pin the blame on a ballad that got in over them. Off the top of my head, there’s “Igranka”, “Space”, and last year had two of these in “Eat Your Salad” and “Stripper”. “Samo mi se spava” was SO CLOSE to being one of these. It just BARELY made it to the final, getting the respect it deserved. If it had lost to Latvia, the fan outrage would’ve been massive. And I’m so happy for that, cuz I really do like this song (and its staging) a lot. I really hope Serbia keep sending out there and experimental stuff. Their entries have been so interesting the last couple years.
And finally, at the bottom of the board once again, are the UK and Germany. These are the other two songs I 100% believed deserved better, especially Germany’s. The UK’s song was a lot of fun and had cute staging (that WASN’T RED), but I can.....kiiiiiinda see how it’d be overshadowed? Germany, not so much. That song should NOT have been overshadowed. If that kinda music isn’t everyone’s thing, that’s fine, but that can’t be the whole story, right? Rock music has done well in recent years....I know rock and metal aren’t the same, but there’s overlap! What happened? They performed toward the end, and they sounded great! The audience really got into it too! I guess that’s the kinda song that probably goes over better in the arena than at home, since, like I said before, it’s the kinda song that was MEANT to boom throughout an arena, filling every corner.....At the very least, Germany actually got points from BOTH votes this time, but still, I feel awful for them. I REALLY want them to do well again. It’s been years. This should’ve been the song to break their streak, and people just weren’t feeling it for whatever reason. =/
And......I can’t believe I’m saying this, but.....that’s it for this Eu-red-vision! Overall, good results, with only four songs I think were either slightly (Austria, France) or majorly (Germany, UK) robbed, but up top, I have little to no complaints! I’m happy for both Sweden and Finland, and MAN I can’t wait for next year. Sweden KNOW how to host Eurovision. There were a lot of different factors that added up to 2016 being my favorite contest (I can’t list them all right now), and their production was one of them. “Love Love Peace Peace” part two, anyone? XD Also super excited for the return of Luxembourg! I never watched any contest they participated in (they dropped out before 1997), so this’ll be a first! I hope they send a good song, or else that’ll be a major anticlimax....if they DO send a good song, their return will definitely be a highlight of the year. We’ll see how it goes!
(Also, one final note: I’ve been watching......SOOOOO many reaction videos on YouTube over the week, and it got me a bit motivated to.....maybe....KEYWORD: MAYBE.....t-try to.....record some audio next year? Like....instead of my normal text rambling for my rankings, I could try that? Again, I DUNNO if it’ll happen....it’s too early....but I’m kinda in the mood to try it right now, so maybe....? O-one of my new year’s resolutions this year was to be nicer to myself, and one of the things I’ve always hated is my voice, so I’ve posted videos on Instagram with my voice in them to start....maybe I can try working my way up to something more elaborate....? I-it really depends on how I’m feeling next year tho, and how reception is, so maybe I’ll try some small things first)
See you next year! Cross my heart till the sky turns red in the sunrise!!
Promise me it’s gonna be alright! (BE - AL - RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT) ALRIGHT!!!
And a final “thank you” if you were one of the people who contributed to Malta’s three points in the first semifinal. You were doing god’s work. XD
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gay-for-the-snz · 3 months ago
Day 27: "This is non-negotiable." (M, unspecified)
Elliott prompt for the soul, hanging out with his daughter's cat who he thinks is the most handsome little creature on the whole entire planet (a fat red mackerel tabby). He loves him so so much, even though he is a horrid little beast. 2.2k
"--eow! Meow!" He starts, dragged out of his sleep by the feeling of whiskers on his cheek and the sound of a beautiful, fat tabby meowing directly in his face for attention. He tries to lay there, but he knows that the cat already saw him move. There's no hope for him to pretend like he's still asleep.
So he sits up, listening to Arthur meowing in anguish as he bonks his cheek hard against his arm, practically headbutting his chest to try and will him to move further. He glances at the alarm clock on the nightstand, displaying the fact that it's about two o' clock in the morning. Great. He rubs a hand down the length of his face with a deep sigh, and sleepily shifts the blankets off of his lap.
Arthur bites the back of his arm, earns a yelp in response from the act of 'affection'--though he doubts, sometimes, that it really is being affectionate. He clearly isn't moving fast enough for his highness's liking, so he gets up and stretches, listening to every single joint in his body cracking like the thing is a dang glow stick.
He shuffles towards the living room, following Arthur as he tries to lead him along, meowing and stopping every couple feet to turn back around him to look at him and make sure that he's following. He stops by Warren's door, leaning into the cracked doorway to peek in, and finds that she's snoring softly. He's glad that at least she's able to sleep if he isn't.
Arthur is standing next to the food dish, purring hard as he paces around it and waits for Elliott to get close enough that he's satisfied that he's being social. He meows repeatedly until he's standing so close he's practically touching him with his bare shin.
"Okay! Okay, I'm watching. Are you ready? Am I close enough?"
He must be, because Arthur gently splays his rotund form across the carpet so he can lean down and begin delicately eating his dry crunchies out of his bowl.
He lets his mind wander as he sits there listening to the sound of him crunching his kibbles, staring vaguely into the middle distance.
He feels vaguely sneezy. He can feel the soft, gentle itch, somewhere in the back of his nose. He sniffs, congested. He doesn't really feel like a cold is coming on, nor does it feel like his allergies are really acting up in any way. It's just sort of the fact that he's been sleeping--there's nothing to do about it, except that he's always congested when he wakes up. It'll wear off in a bit when he's been awake for an hour or two--or it won't. He isn't entirely sure how it'll go.
Arthur cries at him, sadly, because he isn't paying enough attention to him eating his dry crunchies, at two am, when he's been dragged out of bed to play audience to his midnight feasting. He returns his gaze to the young (old) man standing at his feet, roughly the size, shape, and color of a pumpkin. He's already fifteen, he can't imagine this beautiful, wretched creature is going to live more than, like, another five.
Ah, but that makes him sad to think about. He squats down to pet him, scratching down his back and watching him arch it into his touch. "You're a handsome man who's going to live forever, right?" He's met with the tiniest, daintiest little meow ever, and laughs when he hears it. "Good, I'm glad we're on the same page about this."
While he's squatted down to see him, he can feel that tickle shift from the change in position. He wrinkles his nose, feeling it grow in intensity somewhat. He sniffles again, gently knuckles at his nostrils. He's going to sneeze. He knows it, but he also knows that it's going to take its time, here.
With the cracking of both knees--and a grimace at the sound and feeling--he straightens back up, letting Arthur continue eating. Why he never eats his food before bed, and occasionally decides that he wants to go eat it in the middle of the night instead, is beyond him. Why he always relents and comes to watch him is also beyond him. He really shouldn't be rewarding this behavior, because every time he does, he's just teaching him that he can do this and get the attention that he wants.
He leans a hip against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest as he shivers in the living room. He drops the heat at night for obvious reasons, but he regrets it now while he's standing here and listening to Arthur crunching on some kibbles he's finally decided are good enough to eat. He sniffles, feeling the congestion shifting in a way that he can't sniffle back as it wets the rims of his nostrils.
"Hh...hh-! 'zzhhyue! Huh-! uuzzhieww!" He sneezes openly towards the floor--and winces when he sees the little droplets glittering on the cat's fur in the light of the Christmas tree. Ew, Christ have mercy. He brings cupped hands up to shudder the next several into. "Huh--uh--! huUZzhhiew! 'dDZzhhyue! 'zZHhyue! Huh...h-huH-! heezzhhyue! eezzhhue!"
He wipes his palms off on his nightgown with a grimace, and plucks a couple of tissues from the box off of the end table. He definitely isn't done yet--it's just starting, his nose buzzing with irritation, now. He blows his nose into the tissues, trying to do something to rid himself of the tickle, even if he knows it's to no avail. It does, however, help to clear some of the congestion that's settled into delicate sinuses overnight.
Arthur walks over, puts a paw on his foot to bat at him a couple of times to get him to return from his--extremely rude intercession and distraction!--from paying attention to him eating his dinner. He hears the message loud and clear: "this is non-negotiable!"
He walks back to shake the kibbles flat again, filling the hole in the center so this poor creature thinks he's gotten a little more to eat. "Are you almost done? I wanna go back to bed."
Arthur rubs against his legs, purring so loudly that he can't imagine that there isn't secretly some little engine inside of him to be able to make a sound like that. He scratches underneath his chin, and the man in question returns to munching and crunching and purring and doing whatever else it is that he wants to do right now.
His lashes flutter, and he feels his nostrils flare in response to the irritation rising again. "H-huh...huUZZhhue! hH'DZZHhue! eEIDZZhhieww!"
He snuffles into the sleeve of his nightgown, the tissues he'd previously grabbed left abandoned in a loose fist. He can feel that his nose is getting a little pinker, a little damper at the edges. He massages at his sinuses, feeling the shift of congestion beneath his fingertips. He's going to sneeze again, but he forces himself to look down at Arthur, because the faster he can get this beautiful beast to eat his dinner again, the faster he can crawl back into bed and--hopefully--go back to sleep.
He waits for the little beast to finish his midnight meal, and finally he seems to be satisfied, because he stops hearing the crunching, nor the meowing that typically follows and says that he is not being a very good audience.
Thank goodness. He scoops him up, even though he wriggles against his embrace to try and be set down, and carries him back to Warren's room, deposits him on the floor in front of the doorway to let him go back to sleep on her bed.
He crawls back into hiw own, scooting under his blankets and letting himself close his eyes with a deep sigh of comfort.
It's probably only a minute later when he hears the jingle of a little collar bell, and the feeling of a rotund tabby hopping up onto the mattress with him. He purrs hard, leans in to sniff his face and gently paw at his head.
"Aw, come on, you've got a kid who wants to snuggle you. Why aren't you curled up with her?"
The answer to his question is to get slapped in the face by a little paw, no claws out this time--this one serves as merely a warning shot.
He rolls over, and attempts to ignore the creature that's curling up against the back of his head, now, intent on laying here like a little hat boy. "Fine. But we're going to sleep. This is my non-negotiable."
He really is giving it his best shot to lay there peacefully, but if there's any way to ignore the old man rumbling against his skull, it's beyond him. He reaches up, pinching at softly pink nostrils. He's still going to sneeze--the congestion is less heavy than it was when he got up initially, but that doesn't mean that it's actually solved the issue of his sinuses being irritated. He closes his eyes, furrows his brows as he waits for it to resolve itself.
Arthur lovingly kneads at the pillow next to his head and beside him, claws digging into the mattress as he snuggles closer to him. His tail wraps around him now, sliding over his eyes and brushing against his face--
--and then the tip of his tail runs beneath sensitive nostrils, the soft fur caressing the irritated nasal walls.
He drags in a ragged gasp, and shudders down into his blankets, burying his nose into the disorganized stack of quilts. "Heh'ZZHhue! heH'EEIDJZZHHue! H-heH--! heEEDZZHHyue!"
Arthur yowls in protest at the sudden sound, practically springing back from him out of surprise.
He sighs, the congestion making the sound damp and miserable. He reaches across to grab the roll of toilet paper he's got on the nightstand, tears some off and blows his nose vigorously. He doesn't think he has any hairs actually sticking in his nose, but he can almost swear that he can feel one in there.
He's scrubbing hard at his nose, blushing the skin a deep pink from his attention, when he sees the movement out of the corner of the one eye he cracks open. Arthur's come back around, apparently having decided to forgive him, because he bonks his head against his shoulder again in an affectionate gesture.
"Is that a bless you?" Arthur meows, his big beautiful body trying to heft itself up over his side to walk across his chest, to try and step over the top of him and get comfortable to curl up on him. "I'll take that as a yes. Thank you, Mr. Handsome. My little man. My beautiful son. My sweet darling. Look at you. You're so handsome. You purr so loud."
He's kissing the top of his beautiful, silly little head. "That's my other non-negotiable. You have to keep being handsome, forever."
He's sure he can manage that, because as much of a pain as he often is, he is also devastatingly handsome. In his opinion, at least. Arthur lacks the little white socks and tummy that he thinks are especially charming, and is somewhat ragged from the time he spent as a stray--the top of his right ear is torn off--but the mackerel stripes on him are pretty handsome. There are little blotches of color by his eyes like eyebrows that make him laugh sometimes, and he is beautifully round, his little (large) pouch swinging when he walks.
That tickle seems intent to tease him again, because he slows down on stroking this beast's soft fur, fingers twitching against him when he sniffles hard, then brings a hand up to knuckle at his nose. Thankfully his cat allergies are pretty mild, more in his chest than in his nose, because he's had his hands all over Arthur this morning. He can't help but to rub, to try and do something when the itch is only growing more urgent by the second, but it's taking its time to reach a point where it's actually actionable yet.
His lack of petting doesn't go unnoticed. Arthur mewls pitifully to try and pluck at his heartstrings and express the depth of his anguish at being unloved, even if it's only for a few seconds to rub at his nose. "I'm going to sneeze." His warning isn't being heeded, nor does he really seem to care that he's being given a reason. He is clearly abandoning and neglecting his son, because he is cruel and unloving and there is no compassion in his cold, shriveled heart.
"hH-! eEIDDZHhue! hyEEZHhue!" He crumples into his sleeve, groans in the aftermath of it. At least it seems to be slowing down. He delicately touches a knuckle to his septum and sniffles, though the action is interrupted by a fuzzy head looping through his arm to try and press into the loosely curled fist.
"Okay, okay okay okay, I'm petting you." He lays down fully, pulls the cat towards him to snuggle despite his protest, and snuggles him in close. He doesn't seem particularly fond of this action (except when Warren does it), but he tolerates it now, because he is purring like a freight train and getting petted down the length of his belly.
He closes his eyes, hums contentedly as they're snuggled together under the blankets, and lets sleep overtake him once again.
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christaspirit · 9 months ago
Damian's eyes snap open, and he sits bolt upright. He quickly glances around.
"Damian? Oh, thank goodness..."
His eyes snap over to the voice. Some odd man in a black suit. Around him were several other people. Adults, it seemed, in several colorful but dark suits, most with black hair, but the only girl had orange hair. There was an old man as well.
"Damian, are you okay?" a boy in a red and black suit asks.
Damian scans the people, then his surroundings. It looked like a large cave.
"Who are you people?" he asks. "Where am I?"
They exchange glances, filled with worry.
"Damian, chum," the man in the black suit says. "Its us. Your family."
Damian slowly shakes his head.
"No... no." He slides his feet off the bed he was on. "No, your not my family. Where am I? Why did you take me away?"
"Dami, it's us," says an adult in a black suit with a blue symbol across his chest. "You're in the Batcave."
What kind of idiot came up with that name?
"Where?" Damian asks more forcefully. If he can get an actual location, he can get back to home.
"Under the... manor," blue symbol says.
"What manor?" Damian asks. "Where am I? Who are you?"
"I'm... I'm Dick. Your older brother," blue symbol says. "We're your family."
"No, you're not..." Damian says, his voice shaking. Dang it, no!
"Do you not remember us?" red and black asks. "I'm Tim. You tried to kill me to take the Robin mantel."
"Robin?" Damian asks with a frown, and he looks down at his clothing. "What am I... wearing?"
It was a mix of red, green, and yellow, though with a fair bit of black.
But he recognized it, and his eyes went wide.
"No... this is... this was what I was..."
No... he couldn't have...
"Chum..." black suit says.
"You... you revived me," Damian mutters. "That means I'm... no."
He stares at his hand, trying to activate his abilities. He squeezed his eyes shut.
C'mon, something, anything!
He opened his eyes, and could only faintly see his body.
Invisibility was working then.
Damian slipped off the bed and pushed past the people around him.
How did he get out of here?
An elevator!
Damian ran toward it and slipped in, hitting the button.
What was he going to do?
How were Dad and Ellie going to find him?
His powers were still working, so was he like Dad and Ellie now?
Except Dad started out alive, and Ellie was created.
What did that make him?
The elevator dinged, and he rushed out.
Nothing looked familiar.
His invisibility flickered out.
What was he going to do?
Bruce's attempt to resurrect Damian using the chaos shard... didn't go as planned.
Damian was alive, yes. But... he didn't remember them.
Dick stood under the shower, letting the water run over him.
"You... you revived me."
Damian had known he was dead. He claimed they weren't his family.
What had happened?
The Damian that they had revived... he didn't act like Damian. Not entirely.
Damian had been rough, brash, self-important. Always ready to spring to his feet for a fight, he was so violent. Some of those tendencies had mellowed out a bit.
Damian spoke formally.
But this Damian...
He acted more like the ten-year-old kid he really was.
He didn't recognize Robin. He didn't recognize any of them.
Dick turned off the shower and stepped out, toweling off.
They didn't know where Damian had gone. He'd taken the elevator up, but had vanished by the time they had gotten up there.
Well, he'd vanished before that, by somehow turning invisible.
Dick pulled on normal clothes, and left his room.
He paused, and turned. There was soft sniffling coming from down the hall.
Dick walked down, and stopped at Damian's room.
The door was open. Dick's eyes widened, and he pushed the door open.
Inside, he spotted Damian's Robin suit, discarded on the floor, much more carelessly than Damian would have ever done before. Damian's dresser was open.
Damian himself, was curled up on his bed, crying.
Damian jerked his head up, then looked away.
Dick walked over, and sat down next to him.
"How are you feeling?" Dick asked. "Probably weird, suddenly coming back to life?"
No answer.
Dick let out a sigh.
"Bruce has been looking for a way to bring you back since you died," Dick said. "We all kinda thought he was crazy, but then, well, it worked. Only been a couple of months."
Damian's body tensed.
"But I guess... being dead wiped your memories?" Dick said. "But Dami..." he moved to put an arm around his little brother, but Damian pulled away. "...we love you, you know that right?"
"...I want to go home."
Dick frowned.
"I want to go home," Damian muttered. Gosh, he sounded so young. "I never asked to be revived... I liked my afterlife. I liked my family. I want to go back."
"Damian, we aren't going to kill you," Dick said. "Dami, we missed you."
"You were my living family," Damian said. "But I don't know you. Most don't remember their living families. It doesn't matter. I loved the family I had. Send me back!"
Damian vanished from sight, and when Dick tried to reach out to grab him, he found nothing but air. Dick's heart stopped.
He hadn't even heard a sound.
"I've checked everywhere, he's gone," Ellie said, pulling at strands of her hair. "Dad... I don't think he's in the Realms."
Dad grimaced.
"I'll try to locate his ecto-signature again, but it's weak," Dad said. His eyes began to glow as he tried to locate her little brother.
After a few minutes, his eyes stopped glowing.
"I've tracked down which universe he's in, but I can't find a precise location," Dad said.
"We can't search an entire universe, that would take forever!" Ellie said.
"He's on this universe's Earth," Dad said. "We've got someone there who will need to help us."
"Patchwork guy?" Ellie asked. Dad nodded. Ellie grimaced. A guy that careless surely wouldn't be much help, would he?
A neon green portal opened up in front of him.
That... was not good.
Two eldrich looking beings floating out of the portal?
Even worse.
One of them wearing a crown made from the Aurora Borealis and the other wearing a tiara?
Much much worse.
"You're majesty," John said, dropping into a bow. "To.... what do I owe this pleasure?"
What in the name of every demon he's ever made a deal with before was the King of the Infinite Realms doing here?!
"John Constantine," the King said, with a reverb in his voice. "My son has vanished and is in your dimension. Do whatever it is you can, but you need to find him. Otherwise..."
"O-of course," John said.
Since when did the High King of the Infinite Realms have a son? It had only been a few months since he had checked in with the realms. Though, with the inconsistent flow of time in the Realms, that didn't mean much.
With that, the King and the Princess vanished.
John took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.
He grabbed his communicator and messaged the Justice League.
"We need to find the son of the King of another Realm or we're all doomed."
When Damian died by the heratic, he woke up as a ghost in the Infinite Realms.
From there, the 10 year old murdered ghost of a child meets Ellie Phantom.
12 year old Ellie Phantom really wants a younger sibling. There's no way her Dad, with his protection obsession, wouldn't see this child ghost and adopt him immediately.
He's the biggest motherhen, she swears.
Everything's pretty great with the Phantom Family until Damian gets revived by the chaos shard. Well, partially anyway.
Now, the King is furiously looking for his son.
Reverse halfa Damian. He goes from ghost to half-alive
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danydarkly · 2 years ago
Hi! I just wanted to say, thank you so much for making the Red & Wolf comic. I just found it by accident and read through the whole thing in one night, I am seriously loving it so far. I'm autistic and I've always had a strong interest in wolves, specifically Little Red Riding Hood versions of wolves, and always wanted to read a story about the wolf having a sort of redemption or it being more than just "big bad wolf is evil and wants to eat the girl". There's hardly any content for me to dive into in regards of even just the fairytale itself, most stories are very gruesome, the short films online are incredibly dark and uncomfortable since those are the adaptations of the original grimm telling, or all of the red riding hood movies are horror films instead of fairytale adaptations. Or some sort of like... idk love triangle thing where it's all modernized or something for televesion where Red is wearing jeans and the Wolf isn't even a real wolf? But yours... this is like finding gold. I was hooked immediately and I couldn't stop reading.
Your story of Scarlett and Leikos... it's just so gorgeous, your art work has such clean lines and the way you draw eyes and hands especially is so beautiful. The design for Leikos' hair is my favorite!! And the panel you made where Scarlett is lying down on the grass/tree stump and she's blushing while Leikos is talking with her, oh my gosh, that's my favorite panel out of every chapter so far. Just... the vulnerability of these two growing closer, like... augh clutching my heart when Leikos is like "no don't cross the path you're gonna get hurt :(" and she's like "but I want to dance with you :)" like!!! she trusts him and he refuses to hurt her even when instincts kick in!! HIS BACKSTORY? BRO? I'M IN SHAMBLES?? Ugh your art is so GOOD and this STORY is so GOOD and I am just so thankful to be able to dive into a Wolf/Red story that has action, romance, suspense, all the good stuff. It's so perfect.
Thank you for working so so hard to make this comic. I'm an artist as well and I could never have the patience to upload one comic page, let alone several. Laying out panels is difficult and time consuming and not to mention you're shading and coloring the entire thing. Your poses are always fluid, never stiff, you have good perspective and composition, most ppl who make comics can easily just draw one single pose and one facial expression for 20 panels, but you've always had the expressions and body language shift and change and the camera view as well... and you gotta draw all those damn trees omfg. The flower meadow in the first chapter must have taken forever to draw too! Your hard work really shows in your art and I am so happy to have stumbled upon your comic. If you make any more merch for Red & Wolf on your Etsy, whether it's prints or charms or stickers or really anything, I would be more than willing to throw some money your way. Or if you open commissions as well someday, ahh, I love your stuff so much I would totally pay you to doodle Leikos hehe. Please have a wonderful day and take care! <3
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What a lovely message! Thank you so much, Anon! I really needed to read this today <3 I'm truly at a loss for words, like you basically complimented me on everything I'm mad-insecure about?? It's really nice, like maybe I really am too hard on myself?? Whenever I look back on my old panels (which I've been doing a lot lately since reformatting Red & Wolf for print), I always feel like I put way too much effort and kind of only see what I did wrong, but if you and others recognize the effort and like what I did - then maybe it wasn't a waste of time after all. That makes me feel way better about it, thank you :' ) Also, your favorite panel is one of my favorite panels too, where I felt "dang, I kind of nailed it here" - which is SUPER rare for me, haha. I should read this lovely message whenever the impostor syndrome kicks in, it really lifted my spirits <3
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h2bakugou · 5 years ago
4k special | WAP dance reactions
a/n: it’s here! the big moment!! (edit 9.12.2020 - requests are closed and will reopen again soon!)
thank you for 4,000 followers, and as of editing, we’re at 4.3k, it’s insane, thank you so much, i love writing, and your support is what makes it possible. here’s to more in the future. thank you for all your love and support <3
dance credits go to @/ besperon on tiktok!
all characters aged up 18+ au!!
headcanon: them reacting to their s/o doing the wap dance
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, suggestive themes, fluff, no smut but 16+
»»————- ★ ————-««
katsuki bakugou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Before you even start the dance, you’re pumping yourself up. The song is playing, and you’ve just decided you’ll dance to the part when it gets to it.
You practiced hard enough, and you had a few injuries but now you were ready.
Bakugou’s watching you closely. This song was very interesting to him.
All of the analogies in the song are shocking him the more he listens to it. It’s kind of groovy though.
Bakugou’s waiting, and as he reaches for his phone the ending hook comes and he’s frozen as you kick your leg up and begin to dance.
He watches as you bounce back in forth, your curves moving to the music.
He’s shocked by the way you move, he’s never seen you do anything like that before. But he’d certainly like to see you do it again.
“What was that?” Bakugou smirks. You catch your breath and stand up, smiling.
“The new dance I learned, did you like it?” You question, walking over to him.
“Oh I loved it.” Bakugou smirked. You rolled your eyes and sat down on his lap.
“Glad you enjoyed it.” 
“Could you teach me how to do it?” Bakugou’s eyes were speaking for him, you knew exactly what he meant, but before you’d show him the dance privately, you’d worked his ass out and had him learn the dance.
He nailed it-
»»————- ★ ————-««
shoto todoroki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
You’ve been practicing this dance for about a week or two now. And you were so excited to see Todoroki’s reaction of it.
“Hey Sho?” You call for your boyfriend and he emerges from his room. You were at his house, and thankfully there was plenty of space for you to do said dance.
“Yes baby?” He asks, standing in the doorway of the large studio you’d been warming up in.
“I have a dance I’d like for you to see me do.” You smile innocently.
You begin to play the music, just before it gets to the part you’ll be dancing too and Todoroki’s face is already red.
And when the beat drops, you’re kicking your leg up and dropping down to the floor, popping your ass out and going at it.
Todoroki is entranced as he watches you, completely mesmerized by how you’re moving.
It’s so beautiful.
When you get to the split, Todoroki’s eyes widen as you move. He’s blown away.
“That was amazing.” Todoroki compliments. It was hot.
“I’m glad you liked it.” You whisper to him, pecking his cheek as his face reddens even more.
“Hey wait.” Todoroki grips your wrist and looks down. 
“Do you have a few minutes?”
“Do you want a private dance lesson?”
“Yes.” Todoroki whispers.
»»————- ★ ————-««
izuku midoriya
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Be prepared. Because Izuku is going to be a blushing mess before and after.
You’ve practiced, and he’s heard the song you practiced too. It was all over social media and he accidentally interrupted you while you were practicing.
But you shooed him out and finished up alone without any interruptions.
Deku can be a shy boy but he can also be dominant. A true switch.
“You ready?” You ask as Izuku sits down on the couch nervously. He nods and relaxes, sitting back into the dark green sofa.
The music starts and you sway your hips, waiting for the beat to drop, and when it does, you do too.
Izuku’s eyes are glued to you as you kick your leg up and land on the floor, throwing your ass out and following the routine.
Midoriya’s cheeks flush red as he watches, but he can certainly tell how hard it must’ve been to learn the dance, let alone how badass it was as well.
When you finish the dance, you bow and smile at Izuku, who’s trying his best to contain his excitement and fluster.
“That was amazing!” He was proud of you. He knows how hard training can be.
“Did you like it?” You questioned innocently, striding over to him on the couch, taking a seat on his lap.
“I loved it! You did great!” Deku beamed, no longer trying to hide his blushing face.
“There’s a lyric, in this song...”
“Yeah?” Deku’s hands rest on your hips.
“I think I’d like to spell my name out for you sometime.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
denki kaminari
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Horny. Jail.
If anyone knows this song, it’s Kaminari. He knows it word for word, and it’s probably one of his most played songs at the moment. Not for its lyrics, but because he genuinely finds it pretty groovy.
He also finds the ‘touch that little dangly dang that swing in the back of my throat’ part funny.
He’s probably also seen the dance a few times, he’s woke when it comes to tik tok culture.
So when he overhears you practicing the dance, he’s very curious.
“Whatcha doin’?” He peaks his head into the room and you quickly snap out of the position you were in.
“Nothing! Go!” You shoo him away with a smile, closing the door so you can finish practicing.
Kaminari has an idea of what’s going on.
So when you perform the dance for him, he’s aware and he knows what he’s expecting, but at the same time, he did not expect it at all.
The way your body moved and flowed with the music, you looked good, really fucking good.
“Shit.” Kaminari cursed, biting his bottom lip as you brought your leg back around, bouncing into the final split as you bounced up and down.
Kaminari’s never really seen you move like that before, but he knows now that he loves every second of it.
“What’d you think?” You ask, stepping over to him.
“I-It was good.” Kaminari had drool leaking from his mouth as he stared at you, his entire body threatening to short circuit.
“I’m glad you liked it.” You lean down and kiss his cheek, knowing that he was going to be smitten for you even harder.
»»————- ★ ————-««
eijiro kirishima
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»»————- ★ ————-««
He’s heard the song maybe once or twice thanks to Kaminari. He likes the song and thinks it’s actually pretty good.
He doesn’t know there’s a dance for it, and he certainly doesn’t know that you’re practicing it.
So when you bring him into your bedroom and sit him down on the bedroom, he’s a little confused.
And when you start dancing, his faces turns a shade of crimson, very similar to the one he dyes his hair.
Your body moves swiftly, and Kirishima’s eyes never seem to leave you as he watches you dance.
From the way you move your hips, to the point of your toes as you kick into the split.
Watching you do something like that is impressive, Kirishima is impressed.
“Wow.” Kirishima utters as you rise to your feet, clapping your hands together with a big grin on your lips.
“Did you like it?” You question, excitement bubbling inside you. It’d taken hours, probably close to a few days in fact, of practice to nail it. And it was well worth it.
You felt sexy, and validated, and strong, and badass.
“I loved it. You did amazing.” Kirishima smiles, trying to ignore the heat on his face.
“You’re blushing Kiri.” You comment, teasing the red-head as you walk over to him.
“I’m not! I’m just...”
“Being manly. I know.” You kiss his cheek and sit on his lap, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“Are you tired?” Kirishima asked quietly, his large hands resting on your hips.
“Why? Do you have something in mind?”
»»————- ★ ————-««
tamaki amajiki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Tamaki is flustered just being around you. He’s a nervous kind of guy, granted he can swallow his nerves when he needs too, but generally speaking, he’s gonna be a blushing mess when you mention even holding hands.
It’s no surprise what this song does to him.
Between the loss of words, and the sheer heat that radiates off of the bright blush on his cheeks, he’s flustered.
Even more so when you begin to dance.
It’s not like he’s embarrassed of sex, or songs that mention it, he just happens to get flustered easily.
Especially when you dance. 
And you dance well.
He’s battling watching you or looking away and not trying to imagine the dance as anything more than a dance. It’s hard, but you wanted him to watch you. Why should he feel bad?
“B-bunny.” He stutters quietly as you transition into the split, popping your hips out, bouncing off the ground.
When the music fades out, he covers his face to hide the enormous blush on his cheeks.
“Awe, Tama-”
“Bunny. T-That was so beautiful.” He stutters, peeking through his fingers to look at you as you approach him.
“Thank you. Are you alright, your face is really red.” You peel his hands away and get close to his face, admiring your boyfriend up close.
“I-I’m fine. J-Just a little hot.” Tamaki gushes, looking away quickly.
“You don’t have to be so flustered about it, I wanted you to see me dance! It’s okay Tamaki.” You kiss his cheek and hold his hands, earning his gaze.
“Bunny.” Tamaki pulls you on top of him and you laugh at him for a second before admiring him even closer.
»»————- ★ ————-««
mirio togata
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Ass man ass man ass man.
He literally sticks his ass out of a bush and you’re gonna tell me he isn’t-
He’s sold the second he hears the song, he already knows what’s about to happen because he’s kind of into the whole tiktok thing.
He watches in antcipation as the song plays, waiting for the moment you drop to the floor.
And he’s so into it. He’s grinning like an idiot, practically drooling over you as your hips move in ways he’d only ever imagined them to move.
More so, when you do the splits, he’s curious about how long you can do them for.
And when it’s over, he’s clapping.
“That was amazing, I had no clue you could move like that.” Mirio hus as you walk over to him.
“I’ve been practicing. I’m glad you liked it!” You smile, giving hin a short hug.
“Could I see those moves again sometime?” Mirio asks cheekily. You giggle and sigh.
“I guess I could teach you a little about them.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
hawks/keigo takami
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»»————- ★ ————-««
This motherfucker.
He knew from day one what you were going to do. Just from hearing the song a little more often from your shared room, and the denial of him entering said room while it was playing-he caught on really quick.
So he did a little research.
And after watching a few videos of people dancing to it, he couldn’t fucking wait.
To see you do those moves? To see you move like that? Oh god he was foaming at the mouth.
He’d purposely try and spy on you while you were practicing, even daring to peep in from the window by flying outside of it.
But at the same time, he wanted it to be a surprise. He’d catch himself in the act of trying to watch you practice and he’d curse himself for being so impatient. Being patient was going to make the final experience even better.
And oh how happy he was to have waited.
Watching you pop your ass and move your hips, laying on the floor and bouncing your ass upward and even doing a split.
He was impressed.
And he was even more so, very intrigued.
“You gonna put all that training to use, Babybird?” Hawks’ sly smile and relaxed position on the couch made the comment that much more sensual.
With his arms stretched out over the tops of the cushions, and his legs pointed outward, you crawled and sat right between them, gazing up at him with bright eyes.
“You’d be lucky if I even let you sleep in the same bed with me tonight, horny ass.”
“Hey- I’m not even in season yet!”
“Shut it bird brain! You can test them out for yourself!” You joked as you got up, walking away from the winged man.
“Oh Babybird, you have no idea.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Much like Hawks, this bastard is way too horny to not know what the fuck is going on when he hears the song WAP playing.
Even more when you practically beat his ass for barging into your apartment without knocking.
“I’m busy! What do you want?” You ask as you push him out of your bedroom, into the hallway toward the front door.
“I’m just checking in on my baby. Is that illegal?”
“Dabi, you’re literally a criminal-”
“A criminal of love baby.”
“Get out. I’ll text you if I need you dumbass.”
Back to practice, it’s tricky. The dance is very fast-paced, but you nail it. after way too many ice-packs and ‘fucking shit’s said later, you have mastered the WAP dance.
Around ten minutes after a ‘come over’ text, Dabi arrives to your apartment.
With candles set out, awaiting Dabi’s blue flames to light them and set the mood, you’re dressed simply in one of Dabi’s favorite outfits.
“Oh baby.”
“Light the candles and sit down.”
With no further questions, Dabi does as he’s told and takes a seat on the couch which he quickly notices is pushed back further than it usually is. Come to notice even more, most of your living room furniture is moved out of the way entirely.
When the music begins, you begin to dance as well, not wasting a second as the lyrics float into Dabi’s ears.
Watching your hips and your ass, Dabi is clearly interested in what you’re serving him. You look good too, but when you move like that, of course he’s going to be a drooling mess.
In a less sexual way, he’s impressed with your moves, he knows training is a big step to anything, so he wonders how hard you worked, and for how long, it took you to master this dance.
“Come here baby.” Dabi ushers for you to come to him with his pointer and middle finger after you finish dancing.
You take a seat on his lap and smile.
“We’ve already set the mood, why not continue? You could give me a private lesson on those moves you just did.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
overhaul/kai chisaki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
He has no clue what you’re doing. You asked if you could show him something and now he’s in a room alone with you.
You’re setting up some music and he can’t keep his eyes off of you and the way you’re dressed. He was thankful he was alone in the room with you or he might’ve had to tell people to step out.
You were his angel after all, not anyone else’s.
When the music starts, his the tips of his ears begin to burn bright red. This music is raunchy and sexy, but he likes it. It’s got a good tune, and it’s empowering, and then he sees you.
You’re swaying your hips to the music until a certain point and you drop to the floor, popping your ass and grinding against the floor, dancing to the music erotically.
He’s impressed. Not as much that you’re dnacing on the somewhat dirty floor, but he’s impressed nonetheless.
“Angel, that was riveting.” Chisaki comments, his arms crossed over his chest. He can feel his pans becoming tight but he decides to ignore it.
“So did you like it? I worked extra hard on it.” You look so innocent as you approach him, your pink lips pursed and begging to be kissed as you stand in front of him.
“I loved it.” Chisaki nods, a smile rests on his lips under his mask unable to be seen.
“I could show it to you again up close if you’d like.” You hint at something a little more physcial which only stirs Chisaki more.
“That sounds like a good idea, angel.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
tomura shigaraki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
I’m not sure if Tomura is a big tik tok guy. He’s into video games, and probably graphic novels too, but depending on his fyp, he probably won’t even get close to hearing the WAP song or know anything about the dance.
That being said, he’s gonna get annoyed if he hears “now from the top, make it drop’ one more time.
Currently wishing he could grip a sound wave and decay it.
But, when you pull him away from a video game, or say a meeting with league and sit him down in a chair in a dark room with some rather unpleasant lighting, maybe just enough to illuminate the two of you and nothing else, he’s confused, but also very interested in what you’re about to do.
And there’s that stupid line- ‘now from the top,’ and- you’re dancing.
His crimson eyes lock onto your figure as you dance, the growing urge to turn the music off suddenly dies as he watches you bounce and pop your hips.
The way your body moves, he’s addicted. Like you’re administering some sort of drug, he can’t look away.
When you lay on the ground and roll onto your back, spreading your legs as you roll into a crawl and then into split and continue to bounce your ass, he’s completely speechless.
The very definition of no thoughts, head empty.
And the aftermath of it all.
forget whatever the fuck he was doing before, forget the grudge he was holding against the lyric’ now from the top, make it drop’, forget the terrible lighting, he’s getting down to the bottom of whatever you just did.
“What was that?” Shigaraki ask, his hands daring to scratch at his neck.
“Did you like it?” You ask, batting your eyes at your flustered yet confused boyfriend.
“I liked it yes.” He mumbles, looking at you from the chair, you’re still sitting on the ground as he stands and walks over to you.
“You’re really flexible. Why didn’t you tell me that before?” He towers over you before squatting to your height.
“Meet me in my room in ten minutes.” He whispers.
»»————- ★ ————-««
eraserhead/shota aizawa
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»»————- ★ ————-««
A man addicted to black coffee and funny cat videos on youtube has no knowledge of WAP or it’s current dance craze on tik tok. But do not let that discourage you.
After hearing the song a few times while you practice your dance, unbeknownst to him, of course, he might get a little curious.
You’re being secretive and it leads him to do a little research. Simply typing in a few lyrics, he finds the song and the dance shortly after.
He’s more or less very interested in what you might have to be doing. Because if you’re learning this dance, he might not know what to do with himself.
Sure enough, you come striding out of your shared room one day, wearing something cute for Aizawa.
“Got a minute?” You ask, pulling him away from grading papers. 
Sitting him on the couch, you step back and turn on the song, smiling as he watches you.
And watch you he does. From the second you kick your leg up, to the second you bounce your ass the last time, ending the dance.
His eyes never leave you. The way you crawl, the way you lay on the floor and pop your hips up, he’s not the least bit uninterested.
“Where’d you learn all that Kitty?” He asks, folding his arms over his chest, his long raven hair parted to watch you even better.
“From the internet. Why? Curious to learn it too?” You tease, crawling over to him.
“Only if you teach me.” He says slyly.
“You’re supposed to do the teaching not me.” You smile up at him.
“Is that how you want to play?” Aizawa smirks and crosses his leg, cutting you off from crawling between his legs.
“You tell me, Kitty cat.”
»»————- ★ ————-«« 
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urautismdiagnosis · 3 months ago
Oh man I don't know that kwazii mentioned the captain snoring XD I just remember that one episode in the arctic (the hidden lake I think?), where kwazii legit used two eye patches to sleep and block out the light lol. pretty sure he was snoring XD, but honestly they can both snore (and both complain about eachother snoring-)
Honestly if the captains floors ARE metal (if we gotta be similar to ice lol) then kwazii would actually die in his room XD
for kwaziis floors I tried to use similar colors to the show, but I just adjusted the colorscheme to match with all his other stuff a bit better lol. the carpet on the main floor is from the show, but I did wanna use rich and darkly colored silk/high quality rug stuff cuz of the association of it with stolen traditional goods.
i also forgot to mention the others don't know about his weapons shelves lol, they're not actually visible lol
speaking of polar bear strength in regards to the anchor thing I need to make a post about height charts and stuff cuz I basically have like a whole mini system of determining their heights? also their species and all that jazz
ive made a handful of my own stories for the octonauts and my own reimagined lore for how their world works lol so a good amount of it wont be like canon compliant ngl
but I do wanna share that 1. polar bears are the LARGEST AND TALLEST land mammal with paws and 2. I HAVE MADE HIM 8 FEET TALL
and the thing is like there's generally 3 levels of heights that I've made
level 1: based on irl animals that are around 2 feet long. Which is like most of the crew tbh, so stuff from rabbits, to penguins, cats, racoons, badgers, servals, bobcats, skunks, whatever. maybe a coyote on the taller end They're generally anywhere from 4 to 5.5 feet tall depending on the species
level 2: based on irl animals that are generally around 5 feet long, think wolves, giant river otters, red kangaroo, etc. so they could probably be from 5.5 to 6.5 feet generally depending on species
level 3: is the DANG level which would include tigers, lions, bears, etc, basically any irl animal that's around 10 feet. Barnacles or polar bears in general are in this level btw cuz yk irl they're like THIRTEEN FEET TALL???? So most would from from 6.5 to 7.5 but polar bears rl are just THAT MUCH HUGER than like most other large mammals so uh, yeah 8 feet tall it is I have the power to draw it.
its really funny when u realized that like half the crew are either like level 1 height maybe nearly being close to level 2 m a y b e and then captain barnacles is just T H E R E . its so funny to me lmsooo he just looks down to his crew and they just big eyed lookin up at him like =0v0=_/* OvO V ^v^V =!O.O!=
id actually cry fr if I were him, could u just imagine him holding his crew mates hands I just-
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floorplan: Captain & Kwazii
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rough sketch up here^ honestly ik the captain has his rooms at arctic temperatures and all, but I wonder if its the same temp as a polar bear den, somewhere between 32 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit tops?
i just imagine that since I gave them like a shared bathroom with two doors that the cold seeps through the middle lolll so kwazii just have to deal with this freaking frozen ah bathroom 😭
also you just know that the captain can hear kwazii snoring through the walls lol
i like to think that the captain carved those lil carvings on his shelves on his own, also we all know that plant isn't even real man it'd be DEAD. lol kwazii probably got it for him as a gag gift lmso
kwaziis room is usually more of a mess (random clothes, ADHD induced sticky notes, random papers on Storm Patterns/info on ports and supply station for the octonauts/ water currents/ animal migrations/Navigation Stuff tm that takes into consideration their needs, I like to think he helps the captain with that, random stuff on all surfaces) but yeah his room is "clean" here
hes got some charms and etc cuz I think hes a bit superstitious but more in the spiritual way lol
also why does the captain have a whole freaking anchor in his room, like I get the nautical theme with he ship steering wheel and all but??? sir??? I'm sure its just decor but eh lol
i love how kwazii just Has A Barrel like what could be inside~~
i love the captains color scheme of Just Blue and Just White
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sgcairo · 2 years ago
My Genshin OC Masterlist
Happy 300th post! It's time to break out the OC's, because the Babytorre AU is growing, and I also have a hoarding problem. So here we go, all the characters I have (so far)! Do keep in mind that these are just overviews and ones like Sveta's (and a few others) will be a little confusing because of plot reasons, and because I tried to cut them down to the bare bones as much as possible. These are all over the timeline in terms of their main appearances, but here's a general grouping:
Pre-current Genshin timeline: Brighella, Argadros.
Current Genshin timeline: Sveta, Gei Yue, Gei Limei, Irnes, Sasha, Miriam.
Post-current Genshin timeline: Anastasiy, Earl, Gei Huojin, An Xishin, Mo Hengzhu, Jing Ya.
Be warned: this is a really long post. I'm scared of it, honestly. But it runs through the basics of every character and their affiliated stuff. If you do have questions, run to my asks! I don't bite (usually).
[Quotes are from many media, not from my own works.]
Anastasiy Danya-Ilya
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"I'll bless my homeland, 'til I die..."
Known as "babytorre" and Pantalone's adopted son. An anomaly in a cloning experiment which bore a successful and healthy child, rather than a dying image of the past. A mirror image of Dottore as a child, minus the part where he went down the mad scientist route, as Anastasiy went down the arsonist route instead. His poofy and curly hair is his staple, which partially covers his right eye, and he wears the Harbinger uniform, as his honorary position is to assist the Sixth Harbinger, Aurelio.
In terms of weapons he uses small vials filled with a mysterious red liquid: a fire potion, except it's a carefully balanced chemical formula that he hand crafted himself. When thrown, they create an explosion, which is further magnified by the quantity of vials used and the concentration that's within them. He also has a pyro delusion, but it is a last resort, and should not be used under any circumstances. There are a few hidden blades on his body, a trick he learned from Pantalone, but he has yet to use them.
His childhood was relatively painless, compared to what it could've been. Pantalone did his best to keep Anastasiy out of his work and well protected, which was fairly successful. With the additional protection from his creator, Il Dottore, Anastasiy was one of the best kept secrets of the Zapolyarny Palace, only known to the Harbingers and their few trusted associates. Those who dared touch him are now six feet under, taken care of by his father and папа, never to be seen again.
Anastasiy is oddly kind, which is a trait that no one knows the true origin of. Perhaps it is merely his childish nature, perhaps he is just to sympathetic for his own good. But he certainly did not pick it up from either of his parents, their cruelty knows no bounds. Anastasiy knows true love towards all things, while their greed will be their downfall, taking what is not theirs. He's too trusting, his fatal flaw, which ultimately led to his own destruction. A scar over his chest reminds him every day of his own foolish trust, though he continues to reach out to those who have hurt him.
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"To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer, The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles..."
Earl is no anomaly to Il Dottore's experiments, he is a triumph. A fusion of Il Dottore's and another Harbinger's genetic code, he looks uncannily similar to Pantalone, minus the white streak in his hair and eyes the color of blood. Experimented on endlessly to see his full potential, not allowed rest lest research be lost. Blood is taken from him to the point that he is sickly and hardly able to walk, let alone reach his full potential as the corrupted blood of ancients runs through his veins. He is little known through the palace, as he is hidden away where no eyes other than Il Dottore's can behold him.
The details of his corruption are vague, but when actively in danger, his corruption will activate and put him into a bloodthirsty haze, in which he is not directly in control of his body or his mind. He becomes increasingly more violent the longer the threat persists, and in the occasion of an extreme threat, red lightning and sparks have been known to manifest, a sign of elemental energy being stored unnaturally in his body.
His own weapon is a geo vision, granted after leaving Snezhnaya and settling in Liyue. While he doesn't have a specific weapon, he is quite skilled in using a catalyst, and his geo attacks are more focused on disarming and neutralizing, rather than the intent to maim or kill. His constructs are startlingly similar to ruin guard arms and pieces, perhaps derived from Irnes' fascination with ruin guards that he passed to Earl, perhaps out of his own subconscious protection.
Earl is tired, more often than not. Weary, aged beyond his years, hardened by his experiences in the Zapolyarny Palace. Though beyond that, he is also subject to the strange fascination that the other clones of the Doctor have shown, and wishes to explore new world that he has encountered. But at the end of the day, he is a somber individual, a bit shy and quite worried most of time. It's hard to catch him in a completely serene state.
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"What’s the matter my dear, don’t you care for tea?"
Yet another error in Dottore's experiments, but for a very different reason. It is said that he emerged from incubation early, and no one was there to catch him, leading to a nasty fall and a scar on his forehead where he hit the floor. No one's sure if that's what actually happened, but he's been a strange individual ever since. Dramatic, bouncing off the walls- not to mention strangely affectionate-, he leads the clones as their honorary "older brother". Most love him, some hate him- but he's especially loved by both Anastasiy and Earl, and takes care of them in turn. He has a strangely affectionate attitude, which is very uncharacteristic of the Doctor's clones, but makes him much beloved as a result.
In terms of dress, he's quite peculiar, wearing a classic grey waistcoat and slacks, with the most horrendous blue striped bow tie you ever did see. It's horrible. A disgrace to fashion. But he's never caught dead without it, and Anastasiy likes it, so he keeps it on at all times except for when sleeping. His outfit out of the palace is a lot more formal, in a big coat and usually with a letter in hand. His boots can be heard from across the palace, and are especially ornate around the heels- Pantalone did say that silver looked rather stunning on him, after all.
The other clones aren't sure what his job is: after all, Irnes isn't typically seen doing jobs around the lab, due to his outgoing and sometimes quite clumsy nature. It's suspected that he works for Her Majesty as a messenger, especially for her more discreet business. He's also a master escape artist on top of that, which is an issue for many reasons. The main one being that he regularly is found outside of the lab, and it's a pain to wrangle him back inside. It does make for a wonderful messenger when things get messy, however.
He once worked as the overseer of the ruin guard factory in Liyue (which was shut down after Il Dottore's interest waned), which was how he got all the burn scarring on his arm, along with the broken bones and torn flesh that sourround it. No one's sure how he got them, but there's a rumor that his arm got stuck in some of the mechanics and was permanently damaged as a result. He favors his left arm for a reason.
Scapino (Sveta)
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" She used me very badly; and I felt so enraged against the ingratitude of our age that I determined never to do anything for anybody. But never mind; tell me about yourself all the same."
The tragic escape artist, and the successor of La Signora as the Eighth Harbinger, though short lived. Known for her unusual cruelty despite her friendly deposition, Scapino was made to be the Jester's blade, his ward and successor when the time came. But fate twists in strange ways, and with the untimely death of Signora, Scapino was brought into the lofty position of a Harbinger for her prowess in battle and survival through the years, to keep the people of Liyue in line with the Tsaritsa's wishes.
Scapino's crescent blades are the nightmare of recruits, as they cut viciously and spare no one. Those who do go up against them have scars from the encounter, and Scapino's heavy yet agile fighting style makes for a difficult opponent. She's unpredictable and relentless, with laser focus on her prey. Few escape unscathed, and her icy delusion stops the blood in the veins of the fools who challenge her. The pyro vision at her side gets very little use, but those who have witnessed its power refuse to face it again, and for a good reason.
It is rare that a Harbinger will find romance, especially of their perpetual enemy. But it is well known that Scapino fell for a Liyuen soldier- Gei Yue by name- which caused her to defect. It is tragic that she was lost to the hold of the abyss shortly after her recognition of her love for Gei Yue, her heritage finally coming back to claim her. Through many battles, did Scapino win her freedom from both the abyss and the Harbingers, but all good things come to an end. The Harbingers always come back to claim what's theirs- Scapino was brought back to the homeland in chains.
Few know her as the Imperial Tutor, in scarlet, fur-lined uniform. It is said that she taught the Gli Innamorati everything they know, though her complexion has long since lost the glow of a brilliant smile that it once held. So much is hidden behind eyes that resemble the glaciers that coat Snezhnaya's mountains, pain that has twisted her body to the point that a gold cane accompanies her down the Zapolyarny Palace's corridors. And it won't stop until she is free.
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"My only love sprung from my only hate. Too early seen unknown, and known too late!"
Not much is known about Brighella. Only that she was the Fourth Harbinger, before her untimely death, and quite close with the Jester. Some even say he was infatuated with her, though it remains to be seen if her death truly impacted him, as he was silent and unreadable at the funerary service. Though she was known for being reliable and quite energetic, a cold blooded killer was hidden under the surface, which enjoyed the chase above all else.
Her weapon was notoriously a greatsword, as Brighella was a tank before anything else. Her bodily build was unfit for the agile and quick style of fighting that many of the other Harbingers favor, making her favor the greatsword over any other weapon. Her charges were enough to nearly knock Capitano back, and the two often trained together for this very reason. Her thirst for blood was known among the legions, and few sparred with her as a result.
One of her missions bore unfortunate and strange fruit, that being the encounter with an Abyss Lector, deep in the woods. A general by the name of Argadros, gifted with the crown of frost. Matched against the holder of a cryo vision, it was a duel that shook the surrounding forest, two equally matched forces doing their best to draw first blood- unsuccessful for hours. Once the two finally stopped, it was clear that the General would win because of his supernatural abilities alone, not his skill. That was the beginning of a series of meetings, which bore not only a union, but an unknown child that was lost in the many villages that dot the countryside of Snezhnaya.
Brighella's death was cause of the Harbingers alone. Upon hearing of her tryst, she was deemed a traitor, and hunted until she was speared seven times, killed in the icy hills beyond the palace. Even in her last moments, did she beg Pierro for her life, which the mighty Brighella had never done in her life. Only in that moment did Pierro regret giving the order for her death, as he held her close, surrounded by her lifeblood in the cruel cold.
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“Fire and water looked so lovely together. It was a pity they destroyed each other by nature.”
It's said that Sasha originally got his vision after nearly drowning in a frozen lake as a child. A gift straight from the Hydro Archon themselves, and a mark of his Fontainian heritage. Born from an arranged marriage between his father, a Snezhnayan nobleman, and his mother, a Fontainian patron, he inherited the snow white hair of his father, the Tsaritsa's blessing. His position as Scapino's second and the sole male mirror maiden makes him quite prestigious and well known within the ranks, especially with his adept healing abilities and illusions.
His childhood was relatively easy, though he was trained in the use of his vision earlier than most. He was taught so young that it's practically ingrained in his blood, the use of its power. His illusions are small, but near impossible to tell from ordinary and actual objects, his healing powers impeccable. His only flaw is his attitude- which has made for some troublesome encounters under other Harbingers or officers. He was almost disbanded for his refusal to heal them over petty scuffles, but becoming friends with Scapino ultimately saved him from being discharged permanently.
Sasha is known for his pointed critiques of Scapino, and is the voice of reason between the two. It's true, Scapino doesn't know what's good for her, and that's why Sasha is there to set her straight. Though she ultimately makes the mistake of not listening to him, and the consequences are... grave. A word of advice- listen to what he has to say, he's been through some rough stations. He knows how the world works, especially under the Tsaritsa's rule.
Ironically enough, Sasha is also in an arranged marriage, much like his father. Though his future wife is a part of the Adventurer's Guild in Mondstadt, and she's quite the inventor from what he's heard. They occasionally exchange letters, which never fail to make Sasha smile. He has never seen or met her, but from the way she writes so happily and excitedly in her letters... He knows that he loves her. Truly. His parents might not have had the most loving relationship, but he will treat his fiance the way she deserves. That's the least he can do.
Gei Yue
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“It hurts to breathe. It hurts to live. I hate her, yet I do not think I can exist without her.”
As any good story begins, Gei Yue's has a noble start. Born to a prestigious family of vision holders, she is the oldest daughter of the Gei Family, renowned for her skill with the spear and her family's legacy within the Harbor. Though she has little claim to it, as her vision never appeared, and she was left as one of the only members in her family to never receive one. Her sister instead received a geo vision at a very young age, leaving Gei Yue in her shadow, despite being the older of the two.
Gei Yue's weapon, the spear, is commonplace within the Millelith, which she is a part of. But she wields it much differently from the others, with the grace of the wind on a mountain peak, and with moves that are more akin to water than the earth. It impresses Scapino to the point that she remarks that Gei Yue would be an excellent soldier under her command, though Gei Yue refuses. The two sparred quite often, mostly out of Gei Yue's hatred for Scapino (and Scapino's provocations) and her need to prove herself without the use of a vision.
In fact, Scapino and Gei Yue were at each other's throats the first time they met, and their loathing for each other when they were younger has long since faded, giving way to tenderness. Though Gei Yue did try to decapitate Scapino at least once. Their sparring gave way to begrudging companionship over time, especially after Scapino gets seriously hurt because of her delusion. Gei Yue didn't have the heart to cast her aside, and Scapino grew on her somewhat.
While Scapino is back in her homeland, Gei Yue finds herself on the docks often, watching for the cold steel of the Snezhnayan fleet, though it never comes. Their son, Gei Huojin, is born shortly after Scapino is dragged back to Snezhnaya, and Gei Yue does her best to raise him as best she can. It's hard, especially with his appearance, but their family has nothing left to lose, and she has to try. For Sveta.
Gei Limei
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“The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it...”
The younger sister of Gei Yue, she is the prodigal daughter of the Gei Family, and the one who took over their generational business in healing. Her geo vision is known to resonate and emanate healing pulses, which fits well with her gentle and accepting nature. She tends to act as a counterbalance to her sister's impulsivity, but also notices how Gei Yue triest to distance herself as much as possible- because of jealousy.
Gei Limei's abilities are somewhat limited in the combat aspect, but her unique geo resonance is known through the Harbor as an excellent way to relax the muscles and relieve tension. Many of her clients find that just her presence soothes them, and her vision's abilities are well known and praised by those who know her. Collecting herbs for her healing concoctions is also easier, as she uses her vision to track the tunnels in the earth that the roots leave behind.
Gei Limei is considered of the marriageable age, and has several suitors as a result. Despite her distance, Gei Yue is adamant about not letting any of them pressure her younger sister into marrying them, which Limei is silently grateful for. Though she has a crush on a certain someone... Gei Yue has yet to figure out who it is.
She's quite close with Herbalist Gui, given how similar their occupations are. In fact, he's like her older brother, and she often hangs around Bubu Pharmacy whenever she has free time, not only to purchase the harder to find herbs, but also to talk to him about her new balms and incense. Of course, she's the one who got Earl the job at Bubu Pharmacy through some sneaky suggestions, which Baizhu gave her the look for. Though he's indebted to her due to an accident that ended with her carrying him back to the pharmacy, so he can't complain.
Gei Huojin
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“You must perform amidst the pain, this is the act of perseverance.”
The son of Gei Yue, under extraordinary circumstances. As the son of two humans, logically he should have been born as a human, which led to the peculiar event of his birth... as a half adeptus? Especially of the draconic nature. While it was originally considered the blessing of the Archons, many of the people in the Harbor are convinced that Gei Huojin is the reincarnation of Rex Lapis. Though there is no telling if this is merely the intervention of celestia, or the doing of an ancient adepti hiding among the people of the Harbor.
His weapon is a spear, which he was taught from the moment he was able to walk. Lined with gold, the head so brilliant that it catches the light and the eye of those who set eye on it, his spear is a distinct shape, made by his own hands in the deep forges in Jueyun Karst. When he performs with his troupe, it is the signature of his character as Rex Lapis, known to the people as Skysplitter, like the mountains it was made from.
He lacks a geo vision, but his power as an adepti allows for a full draconic transformation, as well as his own manipulation of the earth. His powers will never match those of Rex Lapis, but they are impressive nontheless, as his signature move involves a shockwave that can overturn earth easily.
His troupe travels to the places around the Harbor, a small group formed by Yun Jin with the mission of reviving the old arts and tales of Rex Lapis and the Guili assembly. Huojin himself usually performs as Rex Lapis, and is extremely flexible as a result. It's also how he met Earl, straight off the ship from Snezhnaya and looking like death. That was the beginning of a lifelong friendship, over a plate of bao, perhaps even more, once Huojin becomes the new Prime Adeptus of the Harbor. But that's still a ways off... or so Cloud Retainer says.
An Xishin
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“Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.”
It's said that Osial had many attendants, but An Xishin was one of the few that managed to escape Rex Lapis' wrath. Though his corruption nearly consumed him in the process, leading to the battle that created the watery crater in Bishui plane, where the Oceanid now roams. Rex Lapis was generous enough to spare him, however, and as a result, An Xishin received his name and a cleansing of the corruption that had rid him of his mind. Every few months or so, he must be cleansed of his corruption once more by Xiao, but he lives a mostly peaceful life as a performer in Gei Huojin's troupe, and with his friend Mo Hengzhu.
An Xishin is known for being a pacifist. While he may seem helpless or a pillow princess, for lack of better words, he is anything but. His form closely resembles that of Rex Lapis, but his true abilities lie in shapeshifting, as his body is technically composed of condensed water, which can be hard to pin down and versatile in how it defends itself. However, An Xishin tends to flee instead of confront.
His friendship with Mo Hengzhu started curiously. As a young geovishap, Mo Hengzhu was quite cuddly, weirdly enough. And from being exposed to Rex Lapis' power, his human characteristics began to manifest over time, eventually in the form that is known so readily around the Harbor. An Xishin watched it happen, and practically taught Mo Hengzhu everything he knows, and they've been as close as brothers ever since their first meeting.
An Xishin is something of a mother hen to the troupe, and readily takes in new recruits without batting an eye. His role as Osial in performances may give him a standoffish reputation, but he is anything but- Earl was taken under his wing with no hesitation, and he's always cooking or providing food for the group, as they must "keep their bodies strong". He's quite adamant about taking care of others, as he was never shown the same kindness.
Mo Hengzhu
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“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
The backbone of the troupe, and the most physically strong among them. His geovishap origins as a son of Azhdaha give him poor vision, but his tunneling abilities and physical prowess easily outweigh the disadvantages of his heritage. As the performer that typically plays Azhdaha, he's very popular among the people of the Harbor, and his strength allows him to assist the people in many ways, as kindness was the first thing he was taught.
His name was originally given to him by An Xishin, when the other first found him. As a geovishap, an indirect son of Azhdaha, he holds high prestige within the existing Adepti, and his formal title is Prince of Hongda Ravine. Though a landslide destroyed and filled what remained of the ravine, Mo Hengzhu still holds the title as its honorary prince and protector. He visits whenever he has the time, though his birth place no longer exists on the map, and has been taken over by a small village in the recent years.
His friendship with Gei Huojin is very close, as Mo Hengzhu helped Gei Yue raise him. In Sveta's absence, the Adepti filled in, and Hengzhu taught Huojin most of what he knows in terms of the manipulation of geo- which is a big part of the reason why Gei Huojin's attacks are of the impact type, similar to a vishap. Mo Hengzhu also acts as the "uncle" to many of the other children in the Harbor, along with An Xishin, as he has a particular soft spot for children.
Mo Hengzhu is not exactly the brightest, but he's definitely intent on learning new things. An Xishin is considered the brains of their friendship, while Mo Hengzhu is the brawn, but he also enjoys asking about seafaring vessels. While he's most comfortable on the ground because of his poor eyesight, he thinks that boats are marvelous (and scary) inventions, and is very interested in how they work. They do separate him from the ground, where he uses the vibrations to see, but they also are just so masterfully crafted...
Jing Ya
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“If you are a boat that wants to sail in windy weather, you must be more stubborn than the waves!”
Many have commented on how oddly similar both Xiangling and Jing Ya look, but they are quite different. For starters, Jing Ya was blessed by Barbatos, and has a glaring anemo vision that is known for its soft breezes to contrast her standoffish nature. Having grown up with Gei Huojin, she's quite stubborn, and one of his closest friends. In fact, they started the troupe together with the help of Yun Jin, with Jing Ya still playing the part of Guizhong to this day.
Her bull-headed nature is considered rude by many people, but in a family with eight sisters and three brothers, most of them younger than her, she has to be. Her shouting is considered a disturbance, but the boys are used to it by now, and most are shocked that she's the same person onstage. Her dark green hair concealed and soft makeup aside, her role as Guizhong is gentle, which is a rude awakening for most when they find out how brash she is.
Her talents lie in the martial arts, though she also has a bow and arrow at her disposal, which she despises but keeps around regardless. She's often found wrestling or sparring with Gei Huojin or Mo Hengzhu, as she's one of the few that can actually give them a challenge, with her agile disposition and palpable physical strength. Though they can both overpower her easy, her anemo vision makes it harder for the blockheads to pin her, giving them an actual challenge.
Ironically enough, no one has approached her for marriage, or even with a romantic prospect in mind. The Millelith have tried to recruit her many times, with no success. She's perfectly content with her troupe, and someone has to keep the blockheads in line, else they destroy something. Her haggling is also unmatched, so An Xishin doesn't get tricked into paying double for the cor lapis he's often found munching on as a snack.
Miriam Brusset
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"To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk."
The marvelous inventor, Miriam Brusset! Born and raised in Mondstadt, her inventions are known far and wide for being peculiar yet useful. From small flying machines to lights that use electro to illuminate a room, she has made creations that put Fontainian innovators to shame, all in the service of Mondstadt's branch of the Adventurer's Guild. Her brilliant smile and upbeat attitude never fail to bring joy to the hearts of those who know her.
Her arranged marriage was decided long before she was born, to a wealthy Snezhnayan aristocrat. In a time of need, his family provided much needed funds to the Guild, in exchange for his hand in marriage to one of their own. Their reasons remain a mystery, though it is suspected that it has something to do with the Doctor's plans- likely surrounding the corruption in Mondstadt's ancient ruins.
She regularly receives letters from this mystery fiance of hers. He writes quite eloquently, and often talks of his days in the Snezhnayan military, under someone called Scapino. The amount of stupid or chaotic stories she receives is through the roof, but hearing from him after a long day of failed experiments definitely brings a smile to her face. He promises that once his time is over, he'll come to Mondstadt to visit. She can't wait for the day.
She's often found with Bennett, making sure he doesn't get too hurt while adventuring. She even makes the medkits that he carries on him, and a few little gadgets to help with his burns that he often gets from his vision. Though she enjoys visiting old ruins with him particularly, she finds the Ruin Guards very fascinating, and doesn't mind if she gets a little scraped up because of his bad luck. It's for science!
Abyss & Khaenri'ah
Argadros, the Frozen General*
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“To love is to destroy, and that to be loved is to be the one destroyed.”
How tragic the tale of Argadros is. Fated to love, destined to lose. A general of the darkened underbelly of Teyvat, he was once a young soldier, with eyes full of light, sent by his king to defend his lands. But the gods ruled otherwise, and the destruction of Khaenri'ah ripped his family and life from him, leaving him half dead on the outskirts of the once beautiful nation. Now, he seeks his vengeance, to pay back the pain that the Archons and their kin inflicted on him, all while his body rots itself to death.
It is little known that he once had a little sister, Remidra. His family was small, just his father, his sister, and himself. He originally joined the forces of the king to get enough money to cure his father of Eleazar, which a pompous and manipulative merchant had tricked him into believing. He took great pride in his work, wearing his badges with little shame.
But the fall of Khaenri'ah came, and it's said that he was cleaved in half. However, through the intervention of the Abyss, his body was reassembled, but at a price. The rot in the wound was never extinguished, and it continues to spread, to someday consume him completely and make him nothing more than a walking corpse. His ability to use ice has slowed it down, though it continues to spread, feasting on his body for as long as it lives.
His love for Brighella bore them a child. One he eventually returned to claim, to replace him as the new general once his body gave out. Though she fought against him, tooth and nail, resisting him until she was dragged back in near-death. The scar across her throat is a reminder of how far he would go for his family, as she is the last of his kin, and his beloved daughter. Twisted, horrible love fills him, which once possessed Brighella, and he loathes the Fatui for her death along with the corruption of his daughter. He will not stop until his family is reunited, even if it is in death.
(List is subject to change)
If you made it all the way down here, congratulations! You just went through forty years of plot in a few minutes!
Anyways, more soon! Toodles!
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