#dandywonderous asked
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pinetreevillain · 2 years ago
ok well I'm basically dead lol the end of Confrontation killed me in the best way
you may have said this before but are you cool with fanfic of your Tim series?
asking for no reason in particular...............
I’m glad u enjoyed Confrontation, I was THE MOST excited to release that one 👐👐
And ya know?? YEAAAAH why not! I like to encourage creativity, and I feel comfortable with the things I’ve shared about Timothy that I can trust you guys to characterize him well (if you ARE writing about Timothy that is lmao)
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callmehere-iwillappear · 1 year ago
7 for the expression challenge with ghosty boy?
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why is that the most leo option of all the expression options available. pls
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rbtlvr · 2 months ago
flower for you from the WIP meme if no one's asked it
yessss okay so that one i dont have a WHOLE lot for just bc its like. short and sweet oneshot territory (actually legitimately this time LMAO) but its basically siffrin remembers the whole 'in the forgotten countrys culture u give flowers to ppl who are important' thing and puts that together with 'loop keeps refusing the flower' and goes and annoys them until they take it. bc i think about that whole thing a normal amount
ummm snippet:
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kiaxet · 2 years ago
for the fake title game: "Learning how to think when I'm alone" (it's a song lyric lol)
A four-chapter introspective fic, with each chapter focusing on one of the turtles during a different point in their lives - when they really didn't want to be alone but had to figure out how to process something/succeed while apart from their family.
(We never really do get enough of Leo in the Prison Dimension, do we.)
(...and then I get ambitious and write chapters about Splinter, April, and Junior too, because why not.)
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theashemarie · 2 years ago
5, 7, 13 for the writer asks!
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
Honestly, I pretty much always write whatever I come up with, but while I was on a Leverage binge I wanted to write a rottmnt heist fic, but shelved it because it required coming up with… y’know… a heist. Also a rottmnt/H*rry P*tter crossover, but I’ll never write that, obviously
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
Ah, right now… Eight, but I counted the two that will never get written, so six, including the three I have posted right now. Usually I have a couple ideas in the pipeline, but I’ve been consumed by one idea for over a month now and it hasn’t left room for anything else.
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
It depends on the fic, but honestly I usually like to have a solid idea of the initial conflict(s) and see what happens from there. Generally, I want to have an idea of what the ending will be (in loose terms) as well, but I hate having anything more solid than that for the middle. I’ll loosely outline MAJOR (and i mean major) plot beats so I know what I’m working toward, but I usually work more with anchor scenes (scenes I plan chapters around) than any sort of outlined arc.
For example, for The Old College Try, I know whereabouts the fic is going to land, and I knew what I wanted to grapple with (education vs. instincts, knowledge vs. wisdom, masking, body dysmorphia, identity, leadership, etc.) but not necessarily how it would manifest. Originally the fic was supposed to be a twoshot, but we see how that turned out haha.
And for this new fic I’m working on (tentatively called Time Capsule), I want to make sure everything is TIGHT so I’m trying to get it all written before I start posting. I know a LOT about where it’s going and how we get there, the character beats, the ending, the middle, the arc… I don’t know EVERYTHING because I have to leave my brain room to explore while writing, but it’s already mostly planned.
I find both styles of writing very rewarding, but my eternal, everlasting, and unchangeable flaw is that I never ever write any planning down. I just keep it all in my head. And I regret it every time.
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goodlucktai · 5 months ago
16 for the dialogue prompts?
dialogue prompts
16. “God, I’m so sorry, it’ll be over soon, I promise.”
@dandywonderous im so sorry about this in advance 🥹
When they were little, and they started wearing masks because Mikey wanted to be like the heroes he watched in Saturday morning cartoons, Donnie asked Splinter to cut the tails of his short so they wouldn’t get in his way.
Leo thought that was a crazy decision, because if the tails were short they wouldn’t match Raph’s. 
“So?” Donnie said, unscrewing the bottom panel of the oscillating fan he stole from Splinter’s room. 
“So what?” Leo said. 
“So what if I don’t match Raph? I don’t have to,” Donnie pointed out, a seven year old at his most reasonable.
His twin blinked, then his striped cheeks puffed out, brow furrowing, fully not understanding the question. He wanted to do everything Raphie did, but denied it when anyone told him so. 
This certain proof of that behavior made Donnie smile, quiet and indulgent the way he only ever was for his other half, but only when it was just the two of them. 
Leo whined and kicked his feet but Donnie wouldn’t tell him what was funny. 
Those long blue mask tails are sodden and heavy as Donnie shifts them out of the way, leaving a sickening trail of red where they drag against Leo’s neck and shoulder. 
They’re pinned down, what’s left of the tunnel groaning and shifting around them, at least three Technodromes filling the sky outside. Donnie can feel the hum of impending doom in his teeth. 
“Hush, Nardo,” Donnie whispers, hand clamped over Leo’s mouth hard, even though it cuts him to have to do this. “You can’t scream, mellizo. Hush.”
His twin writhes, digging at Donnie’s grip with desperate fingers. His chest is heaving, eyes wild with pain. The rosy glow of Raph’s ninpo is all they have to see by as the projection hovers above them in case of another collapse. In the dim light, Donnie can almost pretend it’s mud he’s kneeling in, warm and slick and pooling at an alarming rate from the slab of concrete that Leo’s right arm has been crushed under.  
The safe zone has been compromised. It’s devastating, but not at all surprising. Two of their scouts didn’t report in when they should have, baseline humans who didn’t have a hope of resisting the Krang’s method of interrogation, so it was only a matter of time before the enemy came knocking. 
April, Mikey and Cass have been evacuating their people and transporting supplies in and out of sunny orange portals all morning while Draxum, Hob and Usagi guarded their every move with eagle-eyed vigilance. 
Donnie, Raph and Leo were holding the Krang at bay for every extra second that they could, but they stayed out there a second too long. 
Now Leo is bleeding and the Krang hounds are prowling, their horrible faces scraping the ground as they sniff out that rich source of life, and Donnie’s mind is blank with panic. They’re trapped, and if he lets go then Leo will scream and bring death down on them, and if he doesn’t then death will come anyway, with teeth and venom.
“Shhh, Lilo,” Donnie tries to soothe, imagining Leo’s sweet, bright ‘shhh yourself, Dodo!’ in place of the uncomprehending whine he gets in response. “God, I’m so sorry. It’ll be over soon, I promise.”
Maybe we should pray, he thinks wildly. Not to god, because that would be a spectacular waste of breath, but to one of the people who left the party early and might be willing to toss a miracle or two in their direction. Papa, or Gram-gram, or April’s mom. 
The red projection surrounding them begins to shrink. Slowly, making sure the rocks above and around them won’t shift, until the ninpo is just a warm glow beneath Raph’s skin. Donnie feels a rush of relief and anticipation—Raph has a plan, Raph will tell him what to do. 
Raph puts one arm around Donnie’s shoulders and cups Leo’s face with his other hand, stroking his cheek with the pad of his thumb. Blood smears beneath his fingers. His expression is hard to read in the dark underground. 
“You’ll be alright, big man,” Raph murmurs, all conviction, as if he can make it true out of sheer love. If anyone could, it would be him. Then he says, “Donnie, can you cut him out?”
The question makes his stomach lurch with nausea, bitter and acidic, but it’s a question that he can answer. After fighting in a three-turtle team for the better part of two hours, Donnie’s ninpo feels like coffee dregs left in the bottom of an empty pot. He has enough strength left that he could summon a tool for an emergency amputation, but only that. 
“Not quickly,” he says pointedly, “or quietly.”
Raph nods. He just sits there for a minute, holding them. They don’t have a minute and Raphie knows that but he’s just holding them. Donnie’s heart begins to race in a brand-new direction, some frightened thing in his very center sitting up and taking notice. 
Donatello has always been an incredible number of things, not all of them good or noble or worth bragging about, but above all else, at the end of each and every day, he was Raphael’s little brother. 
Donnie didn’t imitate him when they were kids—didn’t wear his mask tails long or find reasons to follow him around—but he was every firm hug Donnie needed to keep his skin from itching when life got too loud. He was an attentive, listening audience when Donnie had to talk about the things pingponging around in his mind without being interrupted or he’d scream. He was the large hands that held Donnie’s, the snaggle-toothed face that smiled in encouragement, when Donnie learned to walk. 
Donnie knew him fundamentally. Intrinsically. A textbook he never had to study, knowledge that grew up with him from the first moment he opened his eyes to the big, bright world. That’s how he knew what was about to happen the second before it did. 
“No,” Donnie says hoarsely. “Please don’t.” 
“Raphie’s gotcha,” Raph says warmly, the last steadfast and solid and remarkably kind thing left in the apocalypse.
He reaches down and presses the panic button on Donnie’s gauntlet. The alert activates with a bright pinging sound effect, echoing twice in their little disaster-made cavern as it’s received by Leo and Raph’s comms, and the Krang hounds nearby whine and bark in excitement. Their claws churn up earth and rock as they start to run.
Raph spares a second to press a kiss against Donnie’s temple, and another to Leo’s forehead, and then he’s gone. The light goes with him. Donnie shakes like a leaf, unreasonably cold, unable to think. 
Leo is half out of his mind by now, sobbing and jerking at his trapped limb, but all his agony is soundly drowned out by the brutal battle Raphael is leading far away from them. 
“Hush,” Donnie whispers, eyes stinging so badly he can hardly keep them open, tears dripping endlessly down his face. “It’ll be over soon.”
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intotheelliwoods · 2 years ago
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I love nearly singlehandedly providing this fandom with the Present and Future Leo fluff it did not know it needed <3
I mentioned it a bit in the ESSAY in this post, but to restate, I do not have any plans on having the two fight. Or have any form of resentment! There will never be such a time do not worry :)
They are both very impressed and astounded over how much the other has grown!
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2AL absolutely slayed no doubt about that. I would have reblogged or said something about it, but honestly it was just really funny watching my mutuals fight the bloody battle in my honor lmao
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I actually mentioned this a good bit in this post! I have indeed thought about this on multiple occasions!
Regarding Future Leo and Splinter: OUghh I will forever think about how their reunion would go, but so many other people have done their own take on the reunion to the point where I do not see much of a need to add my own take, since it would not be very different from the others (as in it would involve crying, hugging, face cradling, something about getting so big, you know, the usual)
Regarding Present Leo and Splinter: Ok now THIS could actually actually go somewhere as a new concept, I ended up just doodling this thinking about it haha. Splinter would be very pained over the whole situation, it already hurts him to see his sons go off on dangerous missions, its another to see that one now bears a permanent wound from it. I think Splinter, along with mostly everyone else, would avoid looking at the missing arm as much as they can, until the proshetic comes in anyways. Leo meanwhile, is definitely using "it was bound to happen no matter what I did" as his excuse and reasoning for why no one should feel bad about the ordeal
Though before I do literally anything with Splinter I need to stop being a coward and finally get to work on the Casey comic oops
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I am assuming this is from the arm cut off scale, in which case, congratulations anon you are a normie
2 through 4 <- the normie range /j
Little sidenote meanwhile: I am begging you all to have a little bit of mercy when sending in art requests/suggestions. Little doodle requests are fun! Asking me to create a full comic or something that will take me multiple hours is not fun. I was not going to bring it up but seeming as its happened multiple times now I thought I should just say a something.
The only reason the last comic was "inspired" by two anon asks was because one of them actually genuinely inspired me, and the other was nice and vague enough that I could incorporate it into its story.
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unpredictable-probabilities · 11 months ago
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @dandywonderous
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
19. I'm fairly new to fanfics, I only started reading and writing them in 2020.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm currently writing for The Sandman, but most of my works and my WIPs are for Twisted Wonderland, and I had written one chapter of a fic for Love Never Dies.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Granting Favors (Twisted Wonderland) 2. The Two Princes (Twisted Wonderland) 3. A Way In (Twisted Wonderland) 4. Tomorrows Over Centuries (The Sandman) 5. Post-Gala Celebration (Twisted Wonderland)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I love interacting with my readers in the comments section~ Sometimes it takes me days to respond sdkjfkdslfj but I do respond! And I'm trying to make a habit of replying sooner.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, I always write happy endings, but currently The Repertoire Continues (Love Never Dies) and A Dragon's Soft Spot (Twisted Wonderland) have angsty endings, but only because so far I've only written their first chapters 😅
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Tomorrows Over Centuries (The Sandman). Mostly because almost the entire fic is the characters just having a fun time. (Also it's Explicit because of the third chapter, just a heads-up in case you wanna check it out.)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
So far no. I'm actually low-key scared of getting some, haha.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yup. All smut I write have a lot of Feelings, even if there's no plot to the fic. It's always romantic smut. It's just fun to write.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
So far no. Though I really wanna write a The Sandman and Good Omens crossover someday. The idea itself is a bit daunting for me, haha, but I've read a fic with that crossover, and I genuinely wanna attempt it myself.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, that would be super cool, though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, I've co-written a few fics with @patchyegg87~
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling (The Sandman) Azul Ashengrotto/Jamil Viper (Twisted Wonderland) is a close second!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I would like to believe that I can finish all of my WIPs, haha. But the one that would probably take the longest to finish is The Repertoire Continues (Love Never Dies), which I realize is ironic given the title alskjdfsldf. I rarely see any other content from the fandom so my brainworms for it don't get activated. I would still like to finish it someday, though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and emotions. Character voice is one of my favorite things to write, discovering how different characters would have various reactions to the same situation. I've often had to modify outlines because I'd realize that the original flow of the scenes didn't make sense anymore because the characters' reactions wouldn't lead them to that outcome. And bringing emotions out of characters is fun too, especially the stoic and tsundere characters. It's why I like writing Hurt/Comfort, haha.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing descriptions for places, outfits, and food 😣 Especially places. I have a hard time imagining what a place might look like. That's usually what I ask @patchyegg87 for help with when we co-write fics. And she has recently taught me how to use Pinterest as a reference when writing descriptions for stuff, and I'd been practicing that. I really wanna get better at writing visual descriptions, it's always so cool when I read a fic that has such vivid imagery.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have no problem with it. The very first fic I'd written, A Rival in Scarlet (Twisted Wonderland), has some French sentences in it that were translated into English when the POV switched to the French speaker's. Fanfics are for having fun, and sometimes part of that is incorporating another language you know or are trying to learn~
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Twisted Wonderland
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ooh, I don't know, that's a hard one. Granting Favors (Twisted Wonderland) would always have a special place in my heart because it's my first multi-chapter fic and I honed much of my writing skills in that one. "I Do": The Long-Term Deal (Twisted Wonderland) is also very fun to write and that's the fic where I really learned to write character voice well because it's post-canon and the characters have aged a few years, and it was fun to figure out how they had changed in that time while retaining their core personalities. And of course Tomorrows Over Centuries (The Sandman). I'd read a lot of Dreamling fics before writing that one, and I was so happy to finish a Dreamling fic of my own. I love them, Your Honor.
and anyone else who wants to do this!
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Thank you for tagging me, @basuralindo!
I don't know many writers here either, so I'll just tag who I can remember at the moment: @patchyegg87, @pingguins, @cerealmonster15, @anzynai, @dandywonderous
Here's an unedited excerpt from the next chapter of "I Do": The Long-Term Deal that @patchyegg87 and I are working on.
"Ah, dinner is served," Jade chuckled then turned back to Jamil. "Now, what made you propose to Azul? How did you decide it?" 
Jamil hummed in thought as he took a pizza roll. "What made me propose . . . Perhaps, after travelling around and coming back here, I decided that as much as I enjoyed it, nothing makes me happier than being by his side . . . Or is that too cheesy?"
"It's perfect," Jade smiled pleasantly and took note of it on the tablet. "And what made you say yes?" he asked Azul. 
Azul took a moment to think about it. "I realized that through all the years of meeting people and making connections, I feel most comfortable with Jamil. And I liked the idea of coming home to him every night."
"How touching," Jade typed in Azul's answer. 
"Ya better phrase it better than that in the actual interview, Azul," Floyd said. "That didn't sound romantic enough."
Azul just rolled his eyes. 
Meanwhile, Jamil's picturing the image of welcoming Azul home, or maybe even vice versa. The thought of coming to a warm meal, a hug, maybe even a . . .
He blinked himself out of his stupor, clearing his throat as he looked at Floyd. "How would you know what did or didn't sound romantic? Have you dated anybody before?"
Floyd made a face. "No, but I know Azul can do better than that! What happened to yer fancy words?" he demanded to Azul. "Ya talk fancy in interviews, right?" 
"We're just practicing the questions," Azul reminded him. "The flowery words can come later." 
"Here's a question for ya, Sea Snake," Floyd said. "How do you deal with your fiancé when he's too stubborn to eat?" 
"Floyd," Azul said in annoyance. 
"Don't gimme that face!" Floyd said, pointing at Azul with a pizza roll. "You fainted that one time because you weren't eatin'!" 
"You will not say that in any interview," Azul glared at him. 
"You did?" Jamil whipped his head at Azul's way. "Why weren't you eating?" 
He glanced at their food and offered one for him to take. "Surely you don't have to worry about keeping up appearances so much that you'd turn down a warm pizza roll now, would you?"
Azul hesitantly looked at the pizza roll, then looked at Jamil. He sighed and took the food. 
"I had a photoshoot for a magazine coming up in a week, and I got too stressed about not gaining weight," he said quietly, nibbling on the roll. 
"But you had started eating normally again three days before the photoshoot, right?" Jade gently reminded him. "And it turned out fine."
"I suppose it did," Azul mumbled. 
"Super fine, according to Nikolai Pennington," Floyd snickered. "He asked you out when that magazine issue was released, right?" 
"He just wanted arm candy for the red carpet of his new TV series," Azul waved a hand dismissively. 
"Who's Nikolai Pennington?" Jamil asked, feeling the familiar wave of jealousy prickling his skin. He has half a mind to bring his phone out to search him up. "Is he some kind of actor?"
Tag Game
Tagged by @voxofthevoid in this post here! (sorry to take so long, friend, it's been a bit hectic, but I really wanted to respond to your tag!)
My understanding of the rules is; post an excerpt, then count the lines and tag as many people....so here's a piece from what I'm working on for chapter 3 of my Blue Exorcist fic, Inconvenience Store:
               “Ryuji!” Lewin’s voice crackled through the line. “I need you to go into my room and get the new paint scrapers. They’re needed at the convenience store.”                “What? Why can’t they use their own paint scrapers?” Ryuji asked. Konekomaru ate quietly next to him. “And where are you calling from? What happened to your phone?”                “These ones are special! They’re a bunch I went and got blessed by Father Fujimoto and then anointed by a bishop,” Lewin replied cheerfully. “Bring them to the store please, I have to go! I’m busy doing important gu – things, important things!”                “Wait, what?! Why are paint scrapers being anointed?!” Ryuji demanded.                “Talk to you later!” Lewin ignored his question. The phone beeped as the call ended.
I'm having so much fun writing this! If you do decide to follow the link above, be sure to mind the tags :D
Ok, so I counted in my document and it's nine lines, so I'll be tagging nine people...if I can: @kimium, @kamikazequail, @azurexsnake, @collisiondiscourse, @sithmonarch, @sailormew4, @walmart-brand-vampire, @thedevilsfamiliar, @anonymouslylovesyou
No pressure, feel free to participate if you want to!!
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tmntaucompetition · 1 year ago
Hello! Just wondering, was Firefight/Sidelined vs Portal Baby supposed to go up today? It was in the last round of polls so I’m not sure if this is a mistake or we’re doing a rematch
YEAH that was supposed to go up yesterday, I accidentally posted it Tuesday though. So I just deleted the one that was put up yesterday haha.
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callmehere-iwillappear · 8 months ago
🌹 🌹
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callmehere-iwillappear · 9 months ago
for the WIP game: hand
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callmehere-iwillappear · 5 months ago
6, 13, 18 for the WIP game, for whatever WIP you want
permafrost it is!
6. Does this chapter/fic have any twists that you’re proud of?
ohohohohoho yes. yes it does. i think u know abt it too i'm pretty sure i talked abt it in dms (for the fic overall not the next chapter i don't think there's any big twists in the next chapter lmaojfdslkfd)
13. What common trope(s) do you feel are used in this chapter/fic?
uhh i mean. time loops obviously ;ajflkdsjflkd i am not gonna be good at answering this question bc i don't. actually know a lot of tropes or how common they are LMAO like does time loops actually count as a common trope??
uhhh ig there's a couple i could name but 1. i don't remember the name of them just a vague description and 2. they're spoilers for said twist from the previous question </3
18. Share the scene you just wrote, written from another character’s POV.
i'm gonna keep it real with u i am not gonna be able to write an Entire Other Scene so i'm just gonna. summarize alfjdklsjfd also it's . the scene i most recently wrote is a very big spoiler for a future chapter so uhh. it will also be vague
raph doesn't know about the time loops obviously and watches leo do something incredibly fucking stupid and fucked up with the (reasonable) assumption that time is going to keep going after this and is like leo what the FUCK
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callmehere-iwillappear · 8 months ago
27 and 29 for the TMNT asks!
27.) What is something you love to see in TMNT art/fics?
i mean im always a sucker for disaster twins and/or hurt/comfort so those are generally pretty safe bets a;fjkldsdslf
29.) What is one headcanon that you have?
leo trans i will die on this hill /hj
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callmehere-iwillappear · 8 months ago
“Crying” for the WIP game
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callmehere-iwillappear · 2 years ago
def Leo drawing the mustache on Donnie and the following breakdown during which Donnie STILL has the mustache on his face help PLEASE
but also I think about Donnie working himself to the bone trying to build a portal machine a lot a lot a lot
(I am also biased oops)
YEAH THE MUSTACHE THING WAS LIKE. part of me was worried it would ruin the mood but he absolutely wouldn't have bothered to wash it off by that point (and once he knows it was Leo who did it he's choosing to not wash it off out of sentimentality but he will NEVER admit this. if anyone asks he just forgot it was there)
and same. same. god. I have so many thoughts abt Donnie's entire [gestures at him post-invasion] and idk how to say half of them coherently but it's just. augh
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