Hange paced back and forth in front of Erwin's desk. "Are you sure that she should be put on my squad?" Hange asked, "Hasn't she seen enough blood shed and loss?" 
"I put her on your squad because your members are smart and Cecilia Amakata is pretty smart. She was the only one from her squad to survive," he replied barely looking up from his paperwork, "Plus you keep your members safe. Your squad breaths easier knowing you have their backs though you also take their breath away with the stunts you pull."
"That is true," Hange said with a sight smile, "Very well. I will take her under my wing and keep her safe." 
"Very well. Go talk to her." 
Hange almost fled from Erwin's office. Sure she liked the commander but it made her uncomfortable with the atmosphere that hung over him from all of the loss that they had outside of the wall. She figured that it wouldn't be much better talking to Cecilia but she knew she had too. So she found herself at her door and knocked. 
"Hello Cecilia? Are you there?"
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Answer the question your character is associated with
i. animal: Wolf ii. color:  Red/Black iii. month: April iv. song: Monster, Hero, and Rise by skillet v. number: 69/21 vi. day or night: night vii. plant: Venus flytrap  viii. smell: death ix. gemstone:  black diamond x. season: summer xi. place: hell xii. food: brownies xiii. astrological sign: Aries xiv. element: Fire, Lightning, Air xv. drink: Dr. Pepper
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hxnzou-blog · 10 years
Neighbors (Closed)
    After a long night of gaming on his laptop, Hanzou rubbed his eyes and took notice of the sunlight already shining through the closed curtains of the window he was seated in front of. "Great, it's already morning." He made a slight groan before flopping over onto his back and stared at the ceiling in thought. "Mm.. I could get breakfast but it would require me actually leaving the apartment..." The thought of having to go out this early in the morning made him frown, although the moment was short lived as a loud commotion could be heard from outside.
    He pushed himself off the floor and headed outside his apartment to the staircase that led to the first floor of the building. As he leaned on the railing he took a glance around below, noticing what seemed to be someone moving in. Although he couldn't fathom what could have caused said person to move into the building, he was more irritated at the noise they were making so early in the morning. Hanzou made yet another frown before calling out to the stranger. "Could you try to not make so much noise?" 
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baku5ds · 10 years
Not feeling in the best of moods
tsukaharayuna, hirakawa-sama, shslcheshirecat, dancingwithtitans,​ raquel-puchi, mena-chan, and majestic-possessions. I owe you all replies don't I? Yes I do. I don't feel in the best of moods today. I feel like crying so with that being sad, after I take my second nap, I have cramps and naps helps me with those, I will see if my mood has changed. If not, I will still do replies because it is wrong of me to make y'all wait this long. I apologize for the wait.
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femaletitxn-blog · 10 years
I’ve just been tagged by youdrunkasshole.
Share 5 random facts about yourself, then tag 10 of your followers to do this too !
1- I'm currently learning French. J'a m'apelle, Alexa :3 (I really hope I spelled that right.)
2- I'm cutting my hair today :(
3- When I told my friends I watched SNK, they started freaking out because it was the first anime I've ever liked.
4- I’d like to have a tattoo on my wrist.
5- My favorite band is Crown the Empire.
I TAG: Check below!
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[ x ] 
{ ♜ }       Life before the Corp? He...had never really sat and thought about that. At one time, he had wondered what it was like to have a normal life--to be a civilian who did not have to worry about anything other than what they were going to eat that day, work, and other things he wished he could have. Now though, instead of looking out for himself, he had to balance the lives of many on his shoulders as well as playing the political game.
It was exhausting.
It was also what he knew. The military was what he grew up in, and it was what he connected to best. "There are a few things that I miss; listening to gossip among those I considered 'old', watching the local old man feed pigeons with small breadcrumbs, hearing children giggling as they ran down the street...a vast number of things." 
She wasn’t sure of the answer she was expecting, but his was satisfactory. Cecilia had gone through so much to get here, like everyone else. It was just to know it wasn’t wasted.
"I don’t what your life was like before the Corps, but do you ever miss it?" She wasn’t sure if he would humor or with an answer or not, but she was truly curious. "I miss silly things, like macarons or the smell of fresh bread in the morning."
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Fall of man// closed for dancingwithtitans
Damian was asleep in his room at the survey corps HQ nothing intreseting has come up for months. He wasn't very interested in anything at this point. When captain Levi nominated him for his team he declined multiple times. Many of the cadets amd officers question this. Damian was a prodigy he is said to be on the level of the captain himself or that's what some cadets think. It was time to report for a briefing but Damian was still snoozing.
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