debilouwho · 7 years
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Happy birthday to the angel that came into my life before my own. I think about you all the time. You may only be here in spirit but your spirit burns bright and continues to fill the lives of the people that knew you with sunshine. You changed my life and my heart at seventeen and have continued to have an impact on the choices I make today. I think about you and your mom as I'm raising my own daughter and I can't thank you enough for being such a beautiful example of love and courage. You may have only been here for a few short years but you will never be forgotten. Thank you for the gift of love and light that you gave the world and thank you for bringing your mom into my life. I love you, Mila. I hope you can feel us celebrating you today and everyday. Happy 13th birthday!! 💗💗💗
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debilouwho · 9 years
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So in love with this little girl already.
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debilouwho · 9 years
So, this happened.
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debilouwho · 10 years
Wait for someone who says, “Holy crap, how did I get so lucky?” when you walk in the door, absolutely exhausted from work at 6pm after being married for 30 years. Wait for that, it’s more than worth it.
My grandpop’s advice to me today (via melaniejoyous)
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debilouwho · 10 years
Better titles for HIMYM:
How I Met My Consolation Prize
How We Destroyed 9 Seasons Worth of Character Development
How Your Mom is Basically Another Girl That I Banged
How I Got Over Robin — Oh, Just Kidding
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debilouwho · 10 years
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debilouwho · 10 years
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debilouwho · 10 years
You are not unwanted by the world just because the boy you like, doesn’t like you back. You are not unloved by your family just because they sometimes say things that hurt you. You are not a failure just because you got a C on a test you studied hard for. You are not unneeded just because your best friend starts hanging out with other people. You are not boring just because you like to spend your friday nights reading a book. You are not uncool just because you don’t want to get drunk with people who you actually don’t like. You are not a drama-queen just because you sometimes start to cry when you don’t know how to handle something. You are not ugly just because that guy at a party wanted to dance with your friend instead of you. You are not unimportant just because not many people at school know your name. You are you. And you are fucking wonderful. Every little detail about you is amazing. Now go own that red lipstick that your friend said you look stupid with and make them regret hurting you.
things I wish someone had told me. (via praying-to-be-happy-again)
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debilouwho · 10 years
She wears short skirts I wear t-shirts and we’re both getting sent home from school because its distracting to boys apparently
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debilouwho · 10 years
'Dont I get a hug' most cringeworthy line
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debilouwho · 10 years
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What a loss to spend that much time with someone, only to find out that she’s a stranger.
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debilouwho · 10 years
I am so unbelievably stressed right now. I can't wait to go to California for a few days and just be able to breathe.
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debilouwho · 10 years
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debilouwho · 10 years
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Jack, Sally, and Jade talk poison (x)
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debilouwho · 10 years
Girls are trained to say, ‘I wrote this, but it’s probably really stupid.’ Well, no, you wouldn’t write a novel if you thought it was really stupid. Men are much more comfortable going, ‘I wrote this book because I have a unique perspective that the world needs to hear.’ Girls are taught from the age of seven that if you get a compliment, you don’t go, ‘Thank you’, you go, ‘No, you’re insane.’
Lena Dunham (x)
Why I love her and why you should too.
(via taylorswift)
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debilouwho · 10 years
Moscato, goldfish, and a new episode of 19 Kids and Counting. I haven't been this relaxed in a long time.
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debilouwho · 10 years
The journey of a thousand orgasms begins with a single quiver, or so they say.
Needed this.
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