#dancing and drinking and riding bicycles
aprillikesthings · 8 months
Being in a relationship with a sizable age gap is mostly not any different from any relationship.
(I am 44 and Daci is 29, and they started flirting with me when we were 39 and 24.)
But tonight I was bicycling home from work and the combo of music I was listening to and the smells outside reminded me of going to Midnight Mystery Rides in like 2009, getting drunk and/or high surrounded by other people on bicycles and having fun.
So I’m having a moment of hardcore nostalgia, right? And then remember I was 29 that year. Which is how old Daci is.
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soulprompts · 7 months
now before i give this list, i want to address two things: 1) i'm enclosing a list of reasons for people to go on dates, because i want to, and also because there's some very good reasons for dates, and 2) i plan to write another list that's not as modern and contemporary, for my historical and fantastical and science-fictionally minded angels! for now, bon appetit: remember, your muses might be undercover, on a blind date, on a first date, matched online, a platonic date, trying to make other love interests jealous, like there are so many reasons, don't be shy, and DON'T ADD TO THIS LIST.
[ LEARN ]: the sender and receiver attend a class together (e.g. for cooking, baking, dancing, pottery, etc.) for a date.
[ ARCADE ]: the sender and receiver decide to visit an arcade together for a date.
[ DRINK ]: the sender and receiver meet each other at a bar for a date.
[ SANDY ]: the sender and receiver go to the beach together for a date involving strolling, a picnic, swimming and watching the sunset!
[ STRIKE! ]: the sender and receiver meet at a bowling alley for a date to practice their bowling skills.
[ MORNING ]: the sender and receiver decide to meet for a breakfast date rather than a dinner one.
[ FOREST ]: the sender and receiver take a weekend break in the woods, staying in a lovely cabin surrounded by nature.
[ TENT ]: alternatively, instead of finding a cabin to stay in for the night, the sender and receiver pack their tents and head out for a camping trip instead.
[ POPCORN ]: the sender and receiver opt for the classic date option of going to see a movie at the cinema together.
[ CAFÉ ]: going for a more relaxed option, the sender and receiver arrange to meet up for coffee and cake at a local café for a date.
[ MUSIC ]: finding tickets to their favorite band's concert, the sender and receiver head out for the night to listen to them play.
[ BICYCLE ]: the sender and receiver mount their bikes and head off to cycle in the countryside together.
[ DUO ]: the sender and receiver set up the bluetooth speakers and dance together in the peace of their own home to the sounds of their favorite songs.
[ DIY ]: the sender and receiver are about to go out for a date, but instead end up staying at home to complete a DIY project together.
[ ESCAPE ]: the sender and receiver attempt to solve an escape room together for a particularly exciting date.
[ COMMUNITY ]: the sender and receiver visit a local fair, festival, market or parade together for a date.
[ PLUS ONE ]: the sender and receiver put on their glad rags and attend a very fancy and prestigious event together.
[ WINNER ]: the sender and receiver set up a game night (card games, board games, video games, etc.) at home for their date.
[ GELATO ]: the sender and receiver head out to the best ice-cream parlour in town for a cold and sweet date.
[ SPEED ]: the sender and receiver go to a go-karting track for a particularly competitive date.
[ HIKE ]: the sender and receiver lace up their hiking boots and head out to a scenic hiking route together.
[ SADDLE UP ]: the sender and receiver take the reins and head out for a scenic horseback riding session together.
[ UP ]: the sender and receiver take an unforgettable ride in a hot air balloon for a date.
[ SING ]: the sender and receiver find a local karaoke bar and take turns singing solos and duets together.
[ PAGES ]: the sender and receiver find a cozy library-café and spend an enjoyable date reading books and drinking coffee together.
[ CHEF ]: deciding to stay in for the evening, the sender and receiver decide to make dinner together in the comfort of their own home.
[ HOLE IN ONE ]: the sender and receiver find a nearby mini-golf course and decide to play a few holes together.
[ MOVIE ]: the sender and receiver pick a few movies to watch for the evening and curl up on the sofa with some snacks to watch them together.
[ PAST ]: the sender and receiver go to a museum or an art gallery together to see the displays and get to know one another better.
[ CLUB ]: the sender and receiver get dolled up and go to a very popular and newly opened nightclub together.
[ PORTRAIT ]: the sender and receiver get canvases and paints and begin to paint one another at home, leaving plenty of peace and quiet to get to know each other.
[ AIM ]: the sender and receiver get suited up to go for a paintballing session together.
[ OUTSIDE ]: the sender and receiver get their nicest blanket, their favorite refreshments, and head out to a park for a nice relaxing picnic.
[ ITALIANO ]: the sender and receiver attempt to make their own pizzas at home together.
[ DINNER ]: the sender and receiver go to a nice restaurant together for a dinner date.
[ ROAD ]: the sender and the receiver embark on a long but worthwhile road trip together.
[ ROWING ]: the sender and receiver get into a rowboat together and guide the boat down the river.
[ QUICK ]: the sender and receiver meet one another for the first time at a speed dating event.
[ ROLLER ]: the sender and receiver put their roller-blades on and hit the rinks together.
[ RELAX ]: the sender and receiver head out to a luxurious spa resort together for some well-earned rest and massages.
[ COMFORT ]: the sender and receiver transform their home into a makeshift spa and give each other facials and massages for the evening.
[ STARS ]: the sender and receiver stretch out on the rooftop/lawn/back of a truck etc. for a night of star-gazing together.
[ WALK ]: the sender and the receiver go out for a nice, relaxing stroll together to see the sights.
[ POOL ]: the sender and receiver go out to the pool, beach or lake for a swimming session together.
[ SHARE ]: the sender and receiver split the evening in half to teach one another a skill that they're particularly good at (e.g. the sender teaching the receiver how to paint, etc.)
[ QUIZ ]: the sender and receiver go out together and find a local pub that's hosting a table quiz event, which they decide to enter.
[ AWAY ]: the sender and the receiver decide to indulge in a long vacation somewhere that they've both wanted to go for a long time.
[ BREAK ]: in the spirit of compromising, the sender and receiver book a nice quiet weekend break together.
[ SIP ]: the sender and receiver book tickets for a wine tasting event in a local vineyard.
[ SAIL ]: the sender and receiver go out on a yacht for the evening.
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floridaboiler · 4 months
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What a Young Man Should Know, 1933. A checklist for becoming a proper man.
This was published in the March 1933 issue of Harper’s Magazine.
The writer, Robert Littell, details the abilities, skills, accomplishments, and extra-curricular proficiencies that every man should have if they are to become a self-sufficient and well-rounded human being, ready for life, and eventually, marriage and raising their own children. The learning starts from a very young age.
Here is the (short) list:
1. He should know how to swim at least a mile, dive creditably, and not feel panicky under water. He should be able also to revive those less skilful than himself by rolling them on a barrel and pumping their helpless arms.
2. He should be able to drive an automobile well. And he should not be altogether helpless when a car breaks down. He must know how to change a tire and offer some sort of diagnosis when the engine sputters and dies.
3. He ought to know how to clean, load, and shoot a revolver or a rifle.
4. As for self-defense, a man should certainly be able to take care of himself in a scrap. He need not learn jujitsu — old-fashioned boxing will be enough.
5. He ought to know the rudiments of camping, how to build a fire, how to chop wood, how to take a cinder out of his eye, how to deal with a severed artery, how to doctor himself for ordinary ailments.
6. He should also be able to take care of other people in emergencies, to apply first aid, set a broken bone, revive a drunk or a victim of gas, deal with a fainting fit, administer the right emetic or antidote for a case of poisoning.
7. And he should be able to feed himself, to cook, not only because some day he may need to, but because cooking is one of the fine arts, and a source of infinite pleasure. He should be able to scramble eggs, brew coffee, broil a steak, dress a salad, carve a chicken, and produce, on occasion, one first-class dish, such as onion soup. The more he can do, in these days of the delicatessen store and the kitchenette, the better. It is not effeminate, it is not beyond him, and the best chefs are all men.
8. He should know how to use paint brushes, a saw, a hammer, and other common tools.
9. He should also have a beautiful and distinguished handwriting. But the bulk of his writing, particularly if he is a professional man who has much of it to do, should be done on a typewriter, capable of turning out three thousand words an hour.
10. He should play one outdoor game well, and have a workable smattering of several more. An American who cannot throw and catch a ball seems pathetic and grotesque.
11. The bicycle has gone, yet every young man should know how to ride one.
12. He should also be able to skate, sail a boat, and handle a canoe passably.
13. Fishing is a specialty, like chess.
14. Walking is a noble but neglected sport. Americans “hike” once in a long while but seldom walk.
15. He should know a great deal about animals and how to take care of them.
16. He should know how to ride a horse.
17. He should learn how to stay in a saddle with pleasure to himself and a minimum of annoyance to his mount.
18. He should learn how to dance.
19. He should know to play at least one card game.
20. He must have knowledge of how to tip naturally, justly, without fear and without reproach.
21. On the matter of alcohol, he should learn his capacity and stick within its limits; he should know something about the different kinds of drink, and which drinks produce chaos within him when mixed.
22. Where s:x is concerned, nature clearly intended us to make many mistakes in her hope that some of them would be productive.
23. He should know the rudiments of gambling. But gambling might be placed on the same plane as drink — the less use one has for it the better.
24. Higher than almost any other accomplishment on the list is knowing music. There is no reason why any young man who is not absolutely tone-deaf should not learn how to play one musical instrument well enough for it to be a self-resource and a tolerable pleasure to others.
25. A civilized man should know how to read. The ability to read, or rather the habit of reading, is very rare even among intelligent people, and has to be taught and kept up if it is not to become rusty.
26. He should have knowledge of at least one foreign language. French or German preferably both. German children learn an amazingly good brand of English without ever crossing their borders. Why can’t we? For one thing, we don’t really want to. Yet we should. An American who knows only English is blind in one eye.
27. He should know to travel well, efficiently, without fuss or complaint.
28. A young man should be able to express himself clearly before a crowd of strangers, without shyness, muddle, or a pathetic resort to “so much has been said and well said” or “I did not expect to be called on.”
29. The British adult can get to his feet, propose a toast, introduce a stranger, voice a civic protest, heckle a windbag politician, and give utterance to an unembarrassed thought.
30. A a man should command the elementary tool of written language, and be able to put simple things on paper in clear words.
31. He should have a good workable understanding of the structure of business, investments, and banks.
32. Let every educated man, as a necessary part of his education, be thrown into the muddy stream of American industry and see what it is like to swim alone on daily wages.
33. He should before reaching twenty-two have done something because he wanted to, whether other people wanted him to do it or not.
34. He should not acquire property unless he needs it. Insensitiveness to his personal property, unless of course it is extraordinarily beautiful, is a desirable skill for any man to have; It must be learned and worked at.
35. Unusual though this young man may be, he should not seem so. Is not a parent’s basic ambition for his child that he be very different from other people, yet manage to seem almost exactly like them?
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bondshotel · 1 month
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July 6, 1964 - The Beatles' first feature film, A Hard Day's Night, had its première at the London Pavilion.
A Hard Day's Night is a 1964 British musical comedy film directed by Richard Lester and starring the Beatles—John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr—during the height of Beatlemania. It was written by Alun Owen and originally released by United Artists. The film portrays 36 hours in the lives of the group.
The film was a financial and critical success. Forty years after its release, Time magazine rated it as one of the all-time great 100 films. In 1997, British critic Leslie Halliwell described it as a "comic fantasia with music; an enormous commercial success with the director trying every cinematic gag in the book" and awarded it a full four stars.[The film is credited as being one of the most influential of all musical films, inspiring numerous spy films, the Monkees' television show and pop music videos. In 1999, the British Film Institute ranked it the 88th greatest British film of the 20th century.
The movie's strange title originated from something said by Ringo Starr, who described it this way in an interview with disc jockey Dave Hull in 1964: "We went to do a job, and we'd worked all day and we happened to work all night. I came up still thinking it was day I suppose, and I said, 'It's been a hard day ...' and I looked around and saw it was dark so I said, '... night!' So we came to A Hard Day's Night."
Bound for a London show from Liverpool, the Beatles escape a horde of fans ("A Hard Day's Night"). Once they are aboard the train and trying to relax, various interruptions test their patience: after a dalliance with a female passenger, Paul's grandfather is confined to the guard's van and the four lads join him there to keep him company. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr play a card game, entertaining some schoolgirls before arriving at their desired destination ("I Should Have Known Better").
Upon arrival in London, the Beatles are driven to a hotel, only to feel trapped inside. They are tasked to answer numerous letters and fan mail in their hotel room but instead, they sneak out to party ("I Wanna Be Your Man", "Don't Bother Me", "All My Loving"). After being caught by their manager Norm (Norman Rossington), they return to find out that Paul's grandfather John (Wilfrid Brambell) went to the casino. After causing minor trouble at the casino, the group is taken to the theatre where their performance is to be televised. After rehearsals ("If I Fell"), the boys leave through a fire escape and dance around a field but are forced to leave by the owner of the property ("Can't Buy Me Love"). On their way back to the theatre, they are separated when a woman named Millie (Anna Quayle) recognizes John as someone famous but cannot recall who he is. George is also mistaken for an actor auditioning for a television show featuring a trendsetter hostess. The boys all return to rehearse another song ("And I Love Her") and after goofing around backstage, they play another song to impress the makeup artists ("I'm Happy Just to Dance with You").
While waiting to perform, Ringo is forced to look after Paul's grandfather and decides to spend some time alone reading a book. Paul's grandfather, a "villain, a real mixer", convinces him to go outside to experience life rather than reading books. Ringo goes off by himself ("This Boy" instrumental). He tries to have a quiet drink in a pub, takes pictures, walks alongside a canal, and rides a bicycle along a railway station platform. While the rest of the band frantically and unsuccessfully attempts to find Ringo, he is arrested for acting in a suspicious manner. Paul's grandfather joins him shortly after attempting to sell photographs wherein he forged the boys' signatures. Paul's grandfather eventually makes a run for it and tells the rest of the band where Ringo is. The boys all go to the station to rescue Ringo but end up running away from the police back to the theatre ("Can't Buy Me Love") and the concert goes ahead as planned. After the concert ("Tell Me Why", "If I Fell", "I Should Have Known Better", "She Loves You"), the band is taken away from the hordes of fans via helicopter.
From beatlesbible:
The première was attended by The Beatles and their wives and girlfriends, and a host of important guests including Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon. Nearby Piccadilly Circus was closed to traffic as 12,000 fans jostled for a glimpse of the group.
“I remember Piccadilly being completely filled. We thought we would just show up in our limo, but it couldn't get through for all the people. It wasn't frightening - we never seemed to get worried by crowds. It always appeared to be a friendly crowd; there never seemed to be a violent face.”
~ Paul McCartney, Anthology
It was a charity event held in support of the Variety Club Heart Fund and the Docklands Settlements, and the most expensive tickets cost 15 guineas (£15.75).
After the screening The Beatles, the royal party and other guests including The Rolling Stones enjoyed a champagne supper party at the Dorchester Hotel, after which some of them adjourned to the Ad Lib Club until the early hours of the morning.
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porterdavis · 5 months
Well, I'm not much at dancing...
What a Young Man Should Know, 1933. A checklist for becoming a proper man.
This was published in the March 1933 issue of Harper’s Magazine.
The writer, Robert Littell, details the abilities, skills, accomplishments, and extra-curricular proficiencies that every man should have if they are to become a self-sufficient and well-rounded human being, ready for life, and eventually, marriage and raising their own children. The learning starts from a very young age.
Here is the (short) list:
1. He should know how to swim at least a mile, dive creditably, and not feel panicky under water. He should be able also to revive those less skilful than himself by rolling them on a barrel and pumping their helpless arms.
2. He should be able to drive an automobile well. And he should not be altogether helpless when a car breaks down. He must know how to change a tire and offer some sort of diagnosis when the engine sputters and dies.
3. He ought to know how to clean, load, and shoot a revolver or a rifle.
4. As for self-defense, a man should certainly be able to take care of himself in a scrap. He need not learn jujitsu — old-fashioned boxing will be enough.
5. He ought to know the rudiments of camping, how to build a fire, how to chop wood, how to take a cinder out of his eye, how to deal with a severed artery, how to doctor himself for ordinary ailments.
6. He should also be able to take care of other people in emergencies, to apply first aid, set a broken bone, revive a drunk or a victim of gas, deal with a fainting fit, administer the right emetic or antidote for a case of poisoning.
7. And he should be able to feed himself, to cook, not only because some day he may need to, but because cooking is one of the fine arts, and a source of infinite pleasure. He should be able to scramble eggs, brew coffee, broil a steak, dress a salad, carve a chicken, and produce, on occasion, one first-class dish, such as onion soup. The more he can do, in these days of the delicatessen store and the kitchenette, the better. It is not effeminate, it is not beyond him, and the best chefs are all men.
8. He should know how to use paint brushes, a saw, a hammer, and other common tools.
9. He should also have a beautiful and distinguished handwriting. But the bulk of his writing, particularly if he is a professional man who has much of it to do, should be done on a typewriter, capable of turning out three thousand words an hour.
10. He should play one outdoor game well, and have a workable smattering of several more. An American who cannot throw and catch a ball seems pathetic and grotesque.
11. The bicycle has gone, yet every young man should know how to ride one.
12. He should also be able to skate, sail a boat, and handle a canoe passably.
13. Fishing is a specialty, like chess.
14. Walking is a noble but neglected sport. Americans “hike” once in a long while but seldom walk.
15. He should know a great deal about animals and how to take care of them.
16. He should know how to ride a horse.
17. He should learn how to stay in a saddle with pleasure to himself and a minimum of annoyance to his mount.
18. He should learn how to dance.
19. He should know to play at least one card game.
20. He must have knowledge of how to tip naturally, justly, without fear and without reproach.
21. On the matter of alcohol, he should learn his capacity and stick within its limits; he should know something about the different kinds of drink, and which drinks produce chaos within him when mixed.
22. Where s:x is concerned, nature clearly intended us to make many mistakes in her hope that some of them would be productive.
23. He should know the rudiments of gambling. But gambling might be placed on the same plane as drink — the less use one has for it the better.
24. Higher than almost any other accomplishment on the list is knowing music. There is no reason why any young man who is not absolutely tone-deaf should not learn how to play one musical instrument well enough for it to be a self-resource and a tolerable pleasure to others.
25. A civilized man should know how to read. The ability to read, or rather the habit of reading, is very rare even among intelligent people, and has to be taught and kept up if it is not to become rusty.
26. He should have knowledge of at least one foreign language. French or German preferably both. German children learn an amazingly good brand of English without ever crossing their borders. Why can’t we? For one thing, we don’t really want to. Yet we should. An American who knows only English is blind in one eye.
27. He should know to travel well, efficiently, without fuss or complaint.
28. A young man should be able to express himself clearly before a crowd of strangers, without shyness, muddle, or a pathetic resort to “so much has been said and well said” or “I did not expect to be called on.”
29. The American adult can get to his feet, propose a toast, introduce a stranger, voice a civic protest, heckle a windbag politician, and give utterance to an unembarrassed thought.
30. A a man should command the elementary tool of written language, and be able to put simple things on paper in clear words.
31. He should have a good workable understanding of the structure of business, investments, and banks.
32. Let every educated man, as a necessary part of his education, be thrown into the muddy stream of American industry and see what it is like to swim alone on daily wages.
33. He should before reaching twenty-two have done something because he wanted to, whether other people wanted him to do it or not.
34. He should not acquire property unless he needs it. Insensitiveness to his personal property, unless of course it is extraordinarily beautiful, is a desirable skill for any man to have; It must be learned and worked at.
35. Unusual though this young man may be, he should not seem so. Is not a parent’s basic ambition for his child that he be very different from other people, yet manage to seem almost exactly like them?
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hockeymusicmore · 19 days
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little-mouse-gardens · 11 months
Rottmnt ocs
So..I just finished up making my rottmnt ocs, just basically an overview of them.
Note - none of the images belong to me. The picrew I used is by @baby_carrot_art
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Full name : sunny rose mora
Nicknames : sunshine, sunny-D, sunflower, sunrise
Species : half human + mutant. appears human on the outside but has mutant capabilities and genes on the inside. She and her sisters would be mutated In the first episode of season one in rottmnt with prototype of ooze developed by draxum. The last creature sunny had come into contact before being mutated with was a cougar at a zoo
Ethnicity - Hispanic American
Gender/pronouns - she/her
Sexuality - Demi + pan
Age : 23 (aged up outside of the show timeline to twenty three or older depending on the au and timeline. So for actual the rottmnt show timeline/events she is around the same age as Raphael in season 1, 2 and the movie)
Birthday : November 2nd
Languages : her main language is English, Spanish and Portuguese
Height : 5’6
Body type : triangle
Skin : freckled deep brown
Eye color : dark brown
Hair : black with dark brown undertones under lighting, curly when it’s down but she usually keeps her hair in braids.
Ear piercings and nose piercing : yes
Tattoos : yes, later on she gets sunflowers and wildflowers tattooed Along her arms and across her back when she’s older.
Personality traits - nurturing , strong willed, level-headed and outspoken
Likes : plants, cottage-core aesthetic, scented candles/wax melts, riding her Bicycle through the park and city, collecting squish-mallows, and
Hobbies - clay charms, pottery, cooking, gardening, sewing/making plushies
- favorite food - raspberry lemon muffins
- favorite drink - iced vanilla coconut milk
- Favorite color - pastel yellow
- Favorite animal -humpback whale
- Favorite aesthetic - cottagecore
Main Family - Her mother Adriana , her three sisters Marcy, Skye and Angie, maternal uncles, and maternal grandparents
Pets - her orange tabby cat pumpkin and her duck cinnamon
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Full name : Marcy Sofia mora
Nicknames : Mar-mar, mars, m&m, mariposa, marshmallow, dr fashion
Species : half human + mutant. appears human on the outside but has mutant capabilities and genes on the inside. She and her sisters would be mutated In the first episode of season one in rottmnt with prototype of ooze developed by draxum. The last creature sunny had come into contact before being mutated with was a otter at a zoo
Ethnicity - Hispanic American
Gender/pronouns - she/her
Sexuality - Demi + demi
Age : 22 (aged up outside of the show timeline to twenty two or older depending on the au and timeline. So for actual the rottmnt show timeline/events she is around the same age as Donatello in season 1, 2 and the movie)
Birthday : august 8th
Languages : her main language is English, Spanish and Portuguese
Height : 5’5
Body type : bottom hourglass, a little bit rectangle
Eye color : soft brown
Skin : warm honey beige with a beauty mark on her cheek close to her right eye
Hair : short curly black hair styled into a curly pixie cut
Ear piercings and a nose piercing : yes
Wears glasses : yes
Tattoos : yes, later on she gets fossils and types of fish tattooed Along her arms
Personality traits - clever, creative, understanding, sarcastic
Likes : digital art, fashion design, shopping or picking up books at the local library or bookstore, thrift shopping for clothes, remaking old machines into something new, playing video games, 80s and 90s music
Hobbies - sewing, digital art, gardening, painting (both digital and traditional), journaling, reading, roller skating, woodworking, video game design, insect collecting, fish keeping, programming and dancing
- favorite food - stir Frye and rice
- favorite drink - fruit flavored water or fruit punch
- Favorite color - orange or just anything fall related
- Favorite animal - beta fish
- Favorite aesthetic - artist, cozy core or dark academia
Main Family - Her mother Adriana , her three sisters sunny, Skye and Angie, maternal uncles, and maternal grandparents
Pets - her many fishes, with her largest being a koi fish she calls sindel
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Full name : skye renato mora
Nicknames : Skyfall, sky-sky, skyler, breezy, cloudy
Species : half human + mutant. appears human on the outside but has mutant capabilities and genes on the inside. She and her sisters would be mutated In the first episode of season one in rottmnt with prototype of ooze developed by draxum. The last creature sunny had come into contact before being mutated with was a serval at a zoo
Ethnicity - Hispanic American
Gender/pronouns - she/her
Sexuality - Bi + Bi
Age : 22 (aged up outside of the show timeline to twenty two or older depending on the au and timeline. So for actual the rottmnt show timeline/events she is around the same age as Leonardo in season 1, 2 and the movie. Also she is just a few months younger than her sister Marcy)
Birthday : August 7th
Languages : her main language is English, Spanish and Portuguese
Height : 5’5
Body type : rectangle leaning slightly hourglass
Eye color : greenish brown
Skin : warm reddish brown with a heart shaped birth mark on her left shoulder blade
Hair : short wavy almost curly black hair that stops at her shoulders, usually keeps it half up half down
Ear piercings and a nose piercing : yes
Tattoos : yes, later on she gets butterflies and types of bats tattooed Along her arms, across her back and down to her hips
Personality traits - Confident, laid back, fun-loving, impulsive
Likes : skateboarding and customizing them with stickers, space and stargazing, sitting on the rooftop listening to music, playing guitar
Hobbies - roller skating, skateboarding, video games, singing, playing instruments such as the keyboard or guitar, stargazing, swimming, writing, surf boarding, parkour, volleyball, listening to music, collecting records and cds, customizing things
- favorite food - empanadas
- favorite drink - soda
- Favorite color - green
- Favorite animal - Luna moth
- Favorite aesthetic - a mix between kid core and skater
Main Family - Her adoptive mother Adriana , her three sisters sunny, Skye and Angie, adoptive maternal uncles, and adoptive maternal grandparents
Pets - a tarantula she named godfather
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Full name : Angie ciara mora
Nicknames : Angela, cupcake, angel, Angelica, Angie-pie, Angelina, angette
Species : half human + mutant. appears human on the outside but has mutant capabilities and genes on the inside. She and her sisters would be mutated In the first episode of season one in rottmnt with prototype of ooze developed by draxum. The last creature sunny had come into contact before being mutated with was a fox at a zoo
Ethnicity - Hispanic American
Gender/pronouns - she/her
Sexuality - Pan + Pan
Age : 20 (*aged up outside of the show timeline to twenty or older depending on the au and timeline. So for actual the rottmnt show timeline/events she is around the same age as Michelangelo in season 1, 2 and the movie*)
Birthday : June 5th
Languages : her main language is English, Spanish and Portuguese
Height : 5’4
Body type : pear leaning round
Eye color : warm green
Skin : warm golden brown
Hair : waist length curly dark brown hair, usually keeps it up in a bun but her hairstyle tends to change based on how she feels each day
Ear piercings: yes
Tattoos : yes, later on she gets a bunch of different cute tattoos across her arms and scattered randomly throughout her body
Personality traits - Sweet, energetic, imaginative, feisty
Likes : soft things, anime, drawing or just art forms of any kind, scrapbooking, baking and cooking, collecting manga, fairy lights, being with her friends and family, naps
Hobbies - baking, cooking, collecting manga, watching anime, skateboarding, video games, exploring abandoned buildings or places, hair styling, collecting plushies, drawing, trying new forms of art, DIY, making jewelry, hiking, bird watching
- favorite food - fruit pancakes
- favorite drink - strawberry boba tea
- Favorite color - pink
- Favorite animal - pika
- Favorite aesthetic - a mix between kid core and soft core
Main Family - Her adoptive mother Adriana , her three sisters sunny, Marcy and Skye, adoptive maternal uncles, and adoptive maternal grandparents
Pets - three rats named peach, Daisy and Rosalie and her horse sugar
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hannahwatcheshorror · 16 days
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Stunning visuals and cinematography. The scenes and colors are so soothing, everything is so beautiful, just the glasses of water look incredible. Wild ride from start to finish. Creepy, weird, odd, and strangely fairytale like? Save for the medical aspects of it and the violence and blood… This movie is pretty fucking wonderful. I was grinning violently by the end. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys artistic horror but still wants a story to follow. (For more artistic horror films see MIDSOMMAR review)
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Blue eyed baby boy is a young Wall Street gent, goes into a castle in the mountains to fetch a partner from the spa (as one does). Has a freak accident that causes him to become a patient of the sanatorium and hobbles around on his broken leg for more than half the film.
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Beautiful as it may be, this place is creepy as hell, but there is a girl named Hannah! She has no eyebrows, but does have great tittle litties. Hannah is special and Hannah No Eyebrows is also special. Her and Blue Eyes try to escape but never get to pass GO or collect 200 dollars (or whatever currency they use here, I believe that it's teeth). Also eels are everywhere. In your drinks, in your blood, and obviously in the toilet.
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Daddy dearest finds his daughter of age and, due to historical significance or indifference, he is inclined to sleep with her so they can have the third inbred child of this line. Hannah No Eyebrows, shockingly, doesn't wanna fuck her dad. He responds like anyone would by deeply smelling her vagina (something that will stay with me long past watching the film). Blue Eyes comes around to set dad on fire (because the first time it didn't really take) but is chucked down a set of stairs. It is up to our beautiful Hannah to stab a shovel into papas head and send him swimming with the fishes, I mean eels.
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Fire cleanses the rest of the damned place while the unwell dance. Blue Eyes and Hannah No Eyebrows escape via bicycle and he is offered his old position at work… He declines and rides away grinning like a madman, covered in blood. Truly a fairytale ending.
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sweeethinny · 2 years
silly me to fall in love with you
just something that came to my mind, maybe a little too inspired by something that happened :)
Lily pinning over James but James having moved on
Lily always thought he'd realize that she wanted him, that she was flirting with him, that sometimes she lowered her head and it was just because she was embarrassed and she felt like a fool for it. What was her problem anyway? They chatted sometimes, so it shouldn't be a problem to look at him and say a simple 'hi' right?
She'd always found her cheeks burning, her laughter slack, the way she dressed up just for him to see her, going to lunch and dinner when she knew she'd find him, looking for him around the room and in the crowd during outings to Hogsmeade, finding reasons to be around him and show off even a little bit, using the drink to try to lighten up and show that yes, she wanted to flirt with him.
But then, during Black's birthday party, the euphoria taking over the common room, drinking and loud music, side conversations and people dancing, she saw him approach, hoped, created a whole scenario in her head, Lily will say exactly what she's been thinking the last few days… He approached, as handsome as ever, smiling and ruffling his hair…
James walked right past her, heading for another girl, bending down to speak to her over the loud music… He was flirting with her.
Lily stopped, looking at the situation not knowing what to do, a feeling of inadequacy took possession of her, she felt so wrong, so lost; she had done her hair in a way she never did—and even felt insecure about doing it—just because she thought maybe he would think it was beautiful, she had put on makeup, chosen her outfit for the afternoon so confidently, had rehearsed every possible scenario of happen… But no, she had lost.
She felt weird, too different to be in that room—and she left, heading aimlessly out the hallway—the other girls were all alike in some ways that Lily wasn't, and it was as if all the painting were now screaming at her, yelling that she was ugly and weird, that she didn't belong here, that she didn't belong here, that she was supposed to just give up and get on with life, because it was obvious that James Potter wouldn't be looking at her in that sea of people.
Of course he would have other bodies to look at before yours! Her brain screamed.
Lily sat alone in the bathroom, hugging her knees to her chest and began to cry, like a child who has been injured riding a bicycle and is now waiting for an adult to save her.
But no one came, and she would have to do it herself… Lily allowed herself a few minutes of hope that someone had seen the scene along with her, but she was alone, crying next to the Moaning Myrtle over a stupid boy who hadn't seen her more than a friend.
In a few minutes she was going to walk out of there, act like nothing affected her and all that shit didn't matter, but in a little while, because now she would cry some more, just a little longer until the whole cloud was off her... just a few more minutes and she would put her armor back on.
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oskarlevant · 4 months
What The Young Man Should Know, 1933. A checklist for becoming a proper man.
What A Young Man Should Know, 1933. A checklist for becoming a proper man.
This was published in the March 1933 issue of Harper’s Magazine.
The writer, Robert Littell, details the abilities, skills, accomplishments, and extra-curricular proficiencies that every man should have if they are to become a self-sufficient and well-rounded human being, ready for life, and eventually, marriage and raising their own children. The learning starts from a very young age.
Here is the (short) list:
1. He should know how to swim at least a mile, dive creditably, and not feel panicky under water. He should be able also to revive those less skilful than himself by rolling them on a barrel and pumping their helpless arms.
2. He should be able to drive an automobile well. And he should not be altogether helpless when a car breaks down. He must know how to change a tire and offer some sort of diagnosis when the engine sputters and dies.
3. He ought to know how to clean, load, and shoot a revolver or a rifle.
4. As for self-defense, a man should certainly be able to take care of himself in a scrap. He need not learn jujitsu — old-fashioned boxing will be enough.
5. He ought to know the rudiments of camping, how to build a fire, how to chop wood, how to take a cinder out of his eye, how to deal with a severed artery, how to doctor himself for ordinary ailments.
6. He should also be able to take care of other people in emergencies, to apply first aid, set a broken bone, revive a drunk or a victim of gas, deal with a fainting fit, administer the right emetic or antidote for a case of poisoning.
7. And he should be able to feed himself, to cook, not only because some day he may need to, but because cooking is one of the fine arts, and a source of infinite pleasure. He should be able to scramble eggs, brew coffee, broil a steak, dress a salad, carve a chicken, and produce, on occasion, one first-class dish, such as onion soup. The more he can do, in these days of the delicatessen store and the kitchenette, the better. It is not effeminate, it is not beyond him, and the best chefs are all men.
8. He should know how to use paint brushes, a saw, a hammer, and other common tools.
9. He should also have a beautiful and distinguished handwriting. But the bulk of his writing, particularly if he is a professional man who has much of it to do, should be done on a typewriter, capable of turning out three thousand words an hour.
10. He should play one outdoor game well, and have a workable smattering of several more. An American who cannot throw and catch a ball seems pathetic and grotesque.
11. The bicycle has gone, yet every young man should know how to ride one.
12. He should also be able to skate, sail a boat, and handle a canoe passably.
13. Fishing is a specialty, like chess.
14. Walking is a noble but neglected sport. Americans “hike” once in a long while but seldom walk.
15. He should know a great deal about animals and how to take care of them.
16. He should know how to ride a horse.
17. He should learn how to stay in a saddle with pleasure to himself and a minimum of annoyance to his mount.
18. He should learn how to dance.
19. He should know to play at least one card game.
20. He must have knowledge of how to tip naturally, justly, without fear and without reproach.
21. On the matter of alcohol, he should learn his capacity and stick within its limits; he should know something about the different kinds of drink, and which drinks produce chaos within him when mixed.
22. Where s:x is concerned, nature clearly intended us to make many mistakes in her hope that some of them would be productive.
23. He should know the rudiments of gambling. But gambling might be placed on the same plane as drink — the less use one has for it the better.
24. Higher than almost any other accomplishment on the list is knowing music. There is no reason why any young man who is not absolutely tone-deaf should not learn how to play one musical instrument well enough for it to be a self-resource and a tolerable pleasure to others.
25. A civilized man should know how to read. The ability to read, or rather the habit of reading, is very rare even among intelligent people, and has to be taught and kept up if it is not to become rusty.
26. He should have knowledge of at least one foreign language. French or German preferably both. German children learn an amazingly good brand of English without ever crossing their borders. Why can’t we? For one thing, we don’t really want to. Yet we should. An American who knows only English is blind in one eye.
27. He should know to travel well, efficiently, without fuss or complaint.
28. A young man should be able to express himself clearly before a crowd of strangers, without shyness, muddle, or a pathetic resort to “so much has been said and well said” or “I did not expect to be called on.”
29. The British adult can get to his feet, propose a toast, introduce a stranger, voice a civic protest, heckle a windbag politician, and give utterance to an unembarrassed thought.
30. A a man should command the elementary tool of written language, and be able to put simple things on paper in clear words.
31. He should have a good workable understanding of the structure of business, investments, and banks.
32. Let every educated man, as a necessary part of his education, be thrown into the muddy stream of American industry and see what it is like to swim alone on daily wages.
33. He should before reaching twenty-two have done something because he wanted to, whether other people wanted him to do it or not.
34. He should not acquire property unless he needs it. Insensitiveness to his personal property, unless of course it is extraordinarily beautiful, is a desirable skill for any man to have; It must be learned and worked at.
35. Unusual though this young man may be, he should not seem so. Is not a parent’s basic ambition for his child that he be very different from other people, yet manage to seem almost exactly like them?
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alfamuzcina411 · 5 months
What a Young Man Should Know, 1933. A checklist for becoming a proper man.
This was published in the March 1933 issue of Harper’s Magazine.
The writer, Robert Littell, details the abilities, skills, accomplishments, and extra-curricular proficiencies that every man should have if they are to become a self-sufficient and well-rounded human being, ready for life, and eventually, marriage and raising their own children. The learning starts from a very young age.
Here is the (short) list:
1. He should know how to swim at least a mile, dive creditably, and not feel panicky under water. He should be able also to revive those less skilful than himself by rolling them on a barrel and pumping their helpless arms.
2. He should be able to drive an automobile well. And he should not be altogether helpless when a car breaks down. He must know how to change a tire and offer some sort of diagnosis when the engine sputters and dies.
3. He ought to know how to clean, load, and shoot a revolver or a rifle.
4. As for self-defense, a man should certainly be able to take care of himself in a scrap. He need not learn jujitsu — old-fashioned boxing will be enough.
5. He ought to know the rudiments of camping, how to build a fire, how to chop wood, how to take a cinder out of his eye, how to deal with a severed artery, how to doctor himself for ordinary ailments.
6. He should also be able to take care of other people in emergencies, to apply first aid, set a broken bone, revive a drunk or a victim of gas, deal with a fainting fit, administer the right emetic or antidote for a case of poisoning.
7. And he should be able to feed himself, to cook, not only because some day he may need to, but because cooking is one of the fine arts, and a source of infinite pleasure. He should be able to scramble eggs, brew coffee, broil a steak, dress a salad, carve a chicken, and produce, on occasion, one first-class dish, such as onion soup. The more he can do, in these days of the delicatessen store and the kitchenette, the better. It is not effeminate, it is not beyond him, and the best chefs are all men.
8. He should know how to use paint brushes, a saw, a hammer, and other common tools.
9. He should also have a beautiful and distinguished handwriting. But the bulk of his writing, particularly if he is a professional man who has much of it to do, should be done on a typewriter, capable of turning out three thousand words an hour.
10. He should play one outdoor game well, and have a workable smattering of several more. An American who cannot throw and catch a ball seems pathetic and grotesque.
11. The bicycle has gone, yet every young man should know how to ride one.
12. He should also be able to skate, sail a boat, and handle a canoe passably.
13. Fishing is a specialty, like chess.
14. Walking is a noble but neglected sport. Americans “hike” once in a long while but seldom walk.
15. He should know a great deal about animals and how to take care of them.
16. He should know how to ride a horse.
17. He should learn how to stay in a saddle with pleasure to himself and a minimum of annoyance to his mount.
18. He should learn how to dance.
19. He should know to play at least one card game.
20. He must have knowledge of how to tip naturally, justly, without fear and without reproach.
21. On the matter of alcohol, he should learn his capacity and stick within its limits; he should know something about the different kinds of drink, and which drinks produce chaos within him when mixed.
22. Where s:x is concerned, nature clearly intended us to make many mistakes in her hope that some of them would be productive.
23. He should know the rudiments of gambling. But gambling might be placed on the same plane as drink — the less use one has for it the better.
24. Higher than almost any other accomplishment on the list is knowing music. There is no reason why any young man who is not absolutely tone-deaf should not learn how to play one musical instrument well enough for it to be a self-resource and a tolerable pleasure to others.
25. A civilized man should know how to read. The ability to read, or rather the habit of reading, is very rare even among intelligent people, and has to be taught and kept up if it is not to become rusty.
26. He should have knowledge of at least one foreign language. French or German preferably both. German children learn an amazingly good brand of English without ever crossing their borders. Why can’t we? For one thing, we don’t really want to. Yet we should. An American who knows only English is blind in one eye.
27. He should know to travel well, efficiently, without fuss or complaint.
28. A young man should be able to express himself clearly before a crowd of strangers, without shyness, muddle, or a pathetic resort to “so much has been said and well said” or “I did not expect to be called on.”
29. The American adult can get to his feet, propose a toast, introduce a stranger, voice a civic protest, heckle a windbag politician, and give utterance to an unembarrassed thought.
30. A a man should command the elementary tool of written language, and be able to put simple things on paper in clear words.
31. He should have a good workable understanding of the structure of business, investments, and banks.
32. Let every educated man, as a necessary part of his education, be thrown into the muddy stream of American industry and see what it is like to swim alone on daily wages.
33. He should before reaching twenty-two have done something because he wanted to, whether other people wanted him to do it or not.
34. He should not acquire property unless he needs it. Insensitiveness to his personal property, unless of course it is extraordinarily beautiful, is a desirable skill for any man to have; It must be learned and worked at.
35. Unusual though this young man may be, he should not seem so. Is not a parent’s basic ambition for his child that he be very different from other people, yet manage to seem almost exactly like them?
What do you think? Doable or unreasonable? And now that you know what is expected of women in the 1930s, is it fair?
#1930s #1930sstyle #vintagehistory #historylovers #historyfacts #vintageaesthetic #didyouknowfacts #howtobeaman
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sophichatter · 2 years
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{⋅-: ⚘  :-⋅}  task 25:
                       𝕒𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣 (𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕣) 𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟
ᴛʜɪs ɢᴇɴᴛʟᴇ ɢɪᴀɴᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ᴀʟᴀsᴛᴏʀ ᴏʀ ᴀsʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴄᴀʟʟᴇᴅ. ʜᴇ ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴇʟᴅᴇsᴛ sᴏɴ ᴏғ sᴏᴘʜɪᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴏᴡʟ. ʜᴇ ʜᴀs ᴀ sᴛʀɪᴋɪɴɢ ʀᴇsᴇᴍʙʟᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴏᴡʟ. ᴡᴇʟʟ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ʜᴏᴡʟ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ʜɪᴍ. ʟɪᴋᴇ ғᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʟɪᴋᴇ sᴏɴ. ᴛʀᴏᴜʙʟᴇ ᴊᴜsᴛ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴛᴏ ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ʜɪᴍ. ʜᴇ ɪs ᴀ ᴘʀᴏᴜᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ ᴏғ ғɪɢʜᴛ ᴄʟᴜʙ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ʙᴏʀɴ ᴄʟᴏᴡɴ. ʜɪs ᴅᴀʏs ᴀs ᴀ ᴘʟᴀʏᴇʀ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʜᴇ ɪs ʟᴇᴀʀɴɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ʙᴜᴛ ʜɪs ғʟɪʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴅᴀʏs ᴀʀᴇ ғᴀʀ ғʀᴏᴍ ɢᴏɴᴇ. ᴅᴇsᴘɪᴛᴇ ʜɪs ᴍᴇɴᴀᴄɪɴɢ ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ, ʜᴇ ɪs ᴛʜᴇ sᴏғᴛᴇsᴛ, sᴡᴇᴇᴛᴇsᴛ ᴍᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ. ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ᴍᴇss ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ʜᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴇs ғᴏʀ, ᴏʀ ʜᴇ ᴍɪɢʜᴛ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴜᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴏss ʏᴏᴜ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴀ ғᴇɴᴄᴇ.
                          {⋅-:  pinterest - musing - spotify - bio :-⋅}
inspired by :peter quill (mcu), shinjirou chikami (belle), derek shepherd (greys anatomy), tidus (final fantasy), finn (adventure time), damianos of akielos (captive prince), hopeless opus - imagine dragons ( song ), etc.
{⋅. GENERAL .⋅}
birth name: alastor pendragon nicknames: asher, ass        date of birth:   aug 27   age: 30      gender: male     pronouns: he/him  powers: alchemy, teleportation, spell casting, elemental manipulation species: wizard / mortal           sexuality: bisexual  place of birth: unknown-somewhere over france  current residence: elias, california    occupation: botanist
zodiac sign: leo mbti: ESTP temperament: sanguine dominant hogwarts house: gryffindor moral alignment: chaotic good
height: 6′8. hair colour/style: blonde wavy with highlights due to the sun. kept long.   eye colour: ocean blue piercings: none. tattoos: your name on his buttock. notable markings: scar on left upper thigh from motorcycle accident. glasses/contacts? no. faceclaim: brock ‘o’ hurn 
{⋅. HEALTH .⋅}
physical ailments: pretty healthy. allergies: none. sleeping habits:  just give him a sleeping bag. he prefers the floor over bed.  dominant hand: left.  drugs / smoke / alcohol? no, no, yes.
( + ) traits: intuitive, open-minded, generous, creative, kind ( -  ) traits: motionally driven, conflict averse, unfocused, impractical usual mood: energetic likes: crickets,traveling, rivers, the feeling of dirt, fishing, comedies, chicken nuggets, christmas, watching circe dance, paredes, camping, the smell of fall , foraging, the intoxicating feeling of falling in love, pumpkin spice,puddle jumping,long hikes, sunrises and sunsets, sleeping bags,rock music, growing your own fruits and veggies, driving motorcycles in long roads, storm chasing,rock climbing, being late, honest smiles, hot air ballon’s.  dislikes: being early to anything,being alone, technology, high expectations,obscure trivia, strategy games, warm anything, not being wanted or needed, drama of any kind, not living in the moment. bad habits: drinking enough water, finishing other people’s sentences.
parents: howl pendragon and sophie hatter siblings: philemon pendragon, theodosia pendragon, kieran adrastus.  children: elias aster mcqueen  birth order: eldest  significant others: circe hawkins closest friends: dante mcqueen, benjamin teague, kieran adrastus, leo lemos-teague, josh axion, elise mcqueen and you!
languages spoken: english, french, latin  drive? yes.  jump start a car? yes.  change a flat tire? yes. ride a bicycle? yes.  swim? yes. play an instrument? no. play chess? no.  braid hair? yes. tie a tie? yes.  pick a lock? no.          sew? no.
compassion.          10/10.
empathy.          10/10.
creativity.          3/10.
mental flexibility.          7/10.
passion.          5/10.
luck.         2/10.
motivation.  6/10.
education.          5/10.
intelligence.          7/10.
charisma.          3/10.
reflexes.          10/10.
willpower.          10/10.
stamina.          10/10.
physical strength.          8/10.
battle skill.          10/10.
initiative.         6/10.
restraint.          8/10.
strategy.         10/10.
team work.         10/10.
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rentnhope · 1 day
How to Organize a Silent Disco Bike Party Through Delhi's Nightlife Districts
Have you ever wanted to mix the sounds of a silent disco with the excitement of a bike ride? Now fasten your seatbelts, because we're about to take you on an exciting two-wheeled dance across Delhi's nighttime regions. An exploration of the city's lively nightlife is made ideal by a silent disco bike party, whether you are a visitor or a local. You can make your night out special by pedaling around some of the coolest areas in Delhi with ease, thanks to convenient alternatives for bike rental in Delhi. Let's explore how to plan this incredible mobile party and bring life to your Delhi evening. 
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Why a Silent Disco Bike Party?
Imagine yourself, your buddies, and a bunch of partygoers who share your interests, riding around the streets of Delhi while dancing to your favorite song on headphones. A silent disco bike party is great because the freedom of the ride is just as important as the music. There are no loudspeakers or complaints about noise—just pure, unadulterated fun. Additionally, getting a bike on rent in Delhi gives you the freedom to discover new areas of the city, turning every stop into an exciting new experience. 
Getting Started: Delhi Bike Rental
You'll need some wheels before you hit the streets. Fortunately, there are several options available for bike rental in Delhi. Seek out dependable suppliers who provide well-kept bicycles with cozy seats, strong brakes, and safety equipment. To make sure you're prepared for a fun and safe nighttime ride, some rentals even include helmets and lights. A fantastic place to start is Rentnhop, which has a variety of bikes to fit your needs and flair. 
Planning Your Route and Stops
After organizing your bikes, it's time to map out your itinerary. Delhi has a variety of nightlife districts, each with its own distinct atmosphere. This proposed itinerary takes you to some of the most famous locations:
1. Connaught Place (CP)
Begin your celebration at Connaught Place, the epicenter of Delhi's vibrant nightlife. This space is full of vitality, and it's a terrific place to start because of its circular form. This is the place to set up a meeting so that everyone can put on headphones and listen to the music together. Since there are several cafes and pubs in the area, you may quickly get a drink before the trip. You're ready to go when you get a bike on rent in Delhi. 
2. Sarojini Nagar
Ride your bike to Sarojini Nagar, which is well-known for its colorful street markets. This place's energetic ambiance is ideal for some pre-party shopping or a fast snack break. There are brightly colored kiosks, street food vendors, and several photo opportunities as you ride through the marketplaces. Before continuing your trip, this is a nice place to stop, take some pictures, and take in the local atmosphere. 
3. Hauz Khas Village
Go on to Hauz Khas Village, which is renowned for its upscale dining options and bohemian atmosphere. With its varied mix of clubs, art galleries, and historic ruins, this area is a popular hangout for Delhi's youth population. Take a ride around the Deer Park and Hauz Khas Fort to take in the picturesque surroundings and the local artistic culture. This place's eccentric atmosphere is ideal for chic selfies and spontaneous dance routines. 
4. India Gate
Ride your bike toward India Gate, a representation of Delhi's magnificence. The region surrounding India Gate is exquisitely illuminated at night, providing an exquisite setting for your silent disco. Park your bikes, stroll around, and do a stargazing dance. This place has enough room to spread out and enjoy the music without bothering anyone.
5. Chandni Chowk
Arrive in Chandni Chowk, one of Delhi's busiest and oldest markets, to end your ride. In stark contrast to the preceding stops are the congested atmosphere and small roadways. Discover the old-world beauty of this place with its lively bazaars and ancient monuments. With the noises of the city blending with your quiet disco tunes, it's the ideal place to end your celebration. 
Tips for a Smooth Ride
1. Optimize Your Bike Fit: Make sure your bike is appropriately adjusted for your height and riding style before you head out. When pedaling, slightly bend your legs at the knee by adjusting the seat height. You'll be able to dance and ride more comfortably and without becoming tired. Never be afraid to request a fast fit assessment from your bike rental company, such as Rentnhop, if you're renting.
2. Use Handlebar Phone Mounts: Install a handlebar phone mount on your bicycle. This enables you to conveniently utilize navigation apps while maintaining visual proximity to your phone. It's quite useful for sticking to your itinerary or locating places to stop for pictures or refreshments along the way. It also makes sure you maintain contact with the other members of your group. 
3. Pack a Small Tool Kit: Keep a small maintenance kit for your bike including a multi-tool, tire levers, a mini-pump, and a spare tube. In the event of a flat tire or little changes, having these necessities on hand can save the day. It's an easy but important step to make sure you're ready for any unanticipated obstacles in your path. 
4. Choose the Right Music and Volume: Keep the enthusiasm up by making sure your playlist is well-balanced and has a nice variety of genres, as this is a silent disco. To improve your listening experience and drown out outside noise, think about investing in noise-canceling headphones. For your own safety, adjust the volume so that you can still hear background sounds and be aware of your surroundings.
5. Plan Rest Stops with Scenic Views: Include picturesque rest areas on your itinerary. Select locations that provide breathtaking vistas or intriguing landmarks so that you can stop, hydrate, and take some pictures. Locations such as the green areas in Hauz Khas Village or the Ridge close to India Gate make ideal party settings. In addition, these breaks allow people to mingle, refuel, and recover their breath before continuing on to the next section of the journey. 
A silent disco bike party through Delhi's vibrant neighborhoods is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to blend music with bicycle excitement. With Delhi's alternatives for bike rental in Delhi, you may quickly rent a bike and ride around the energetic streets of the city while dancing to your favorite music. Every stop along the way, from the busy Connaught Place to the ancient lanes of Chandni Chowk, enhances the mystical atmosphere of the evening. So get ready, take your headphones, and embark on this extraordinary journey. You'll have an unforgettable experience exploring Delhi's nightlife with Rentnhop's bike rental services. Let's have fun and ride.
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villagetrails · 8 months
Adventure Resorts in Hyderabad - Browntown Resort
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Hyderabad is the perfect place for adventure seekers. From mountain biking to trekking, there are plenty of activities to explore in and around the city. And what better way to enjoy these activities than by staying at one of the many adventure resorts in Hyderabad? Villagetrails offers a range of glamping resorts and night camping resorts that will make your stay in Hyderabad truly memorable. If you’re looking for adventure resorts in Hyderabad, Villagetrails is the place to go. It is dispersed in a forested area that slopes gently in all directions. You can take part in a variety of adventure activities in addition to taking in the stunning vistas all around you. 
The best location to have fun and get entertained with family, friends, and other guests is at adventure resorts in Hyderabad. On the expansive grounds of villagetrails you can enjoy the stay in tents and bonfire with music and many more.
You can take pleasure in the outdoors’ attractions while gazing up at the night sky at the Villagetrails Resort. It offers a wide variety of events for people of all ages.
The activities at Hyderabad’s Villagetrails retreat are created to unleash your inner adventurer and satisfy your need for thrills.
One of the best adventure resorts in Hyderabad is Villagetrails Resort, which offers activities like rope climbing, mud pits, and obstacle races. You can enjoy the finest outdoor activities thanks to it. 
Where is Villagetrails Resort Located?
One of the top adventure resorts in Hyderabad is Villagetrails. A short drive from the metropolis is where the resort is situated in Ghatkesar. It offers some of Hyderabad’s most exhilarating adventure activities. So pick your rides wisely and have fun travelling outside of the metropolis.
Things to do at Villagetrails Resort:
Go on a mad mud rush:
For a physical thrill, Villagetrails Hyderabad offers a variety of outdoor sports centred around mud pits. Be prepared to skid through the tires, tunnels, mountains, and other unexpected obstacles you come across.
Rope walks:
The Villagetrails Hyderabad adventure resort also offers high-rope and net activities. For games like plank walk, goat walk, and many others, there are distinct setups. You can aim high with the help of the activities.
Explore the Forest:
The resort offers ATV bikes and cycles so that guests can experience the outdoors and get an adrenaline thrill. In order to experience the resort, you can also go racing around on a bicycle.
Enjoy outdoor entertainment:
For those who feel like throwing a dance celebration, the resort can also set up a music system. You can engage in other outdoor pursuits besides music.
Camp on the grounds: 
The resort offers wide lawns with tents so that you can experience outdoor camping. With your pals, you can enjoy a fun-filled barbeque night while listening to the crackle of the bonfire. For those who require the comforts of a home, it also has safe tents, ranging from camping tents to triangle homes.
Eat under the stars:
One of the finest adventure resorts in Hyderabad, Villagetrails Resort also has one of the city’s best restaurants. You can sip a drink while gazing at the sky or relax in the shade while admiring the magnificent sunrise. The menu at this eatery is filled with mouthwatering options to please even the pickiest adventurers. You can also place a takeaway order at your camp or one of the triangle homes
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dustedmagazine · 8 months
Bela Koe-Krompecher — Love, Death and Photosynthesis (DG)
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In Love, Death and Photosynthesis, Bela Koe-Krompecher chronicles an often overlooked but vibrant underground scene around Columbus, Ohio in the 1980s and 1990s.  Told in an episodic, even fragmentary fashion, with short entries that jump around in time, the book doesn’t glamorize the music life. People live in awful apartments and scrounge for rent and drug money.  They imbibe liver-destroying quantities of beer and hard liquor, and they are loyal but not always kind to each other.
And yet, while base level existence is somewhat bleak, it’s at least possible. For a brief time in the least celebrated parts of the Midwest, people could scrape by on crappy part time jobs and make art and music the focus of their lives. I don’t know where you could do that anymore.   
Much of the action takes place at Used Kids Records, a ramshackle operation at the center of Columbus’ scene. Says Koe-Krompecher, “Music may have been a commodity out in the world, but at Used Kids, it was an inherent right. It was tiny, just a cramped shoebox of a store, with thousands of records crammed in every corner. The décor was made up of hundreds of flyers from various punk and indie shows and old LP covers.” Founded by Ron House of Thomas Jefferson Slave Apartments and Dan Dow of the Gibson Brothers, the shop became a meeting place for the oddballs and misfits and geniuses who made up Columbus’ unlikely indie scene, and in these days of streaming, when you can hardly find a record store anymore, it sounds like paradise.
Everybody who was anybody came through Used Kids. Robert Pollard turned up whenever he was in town. Jim Shepherd could be spotted huddled in a corner with Mike Rep. Lamont Thomas of Obnox did a shift or two behind the counter. Joey Ramone made a once a year stop when the Ramones played Ohio. The New Bomb Turks were regulars.
This is all really just background, though because the book centers on two characters who never got to be very well known: Jerry Wick and Jenny Mae Olds.
Jerry Wick was the lead singer in Gaunt, a nervy, volatile guy who loved music in the same desperate way that Koe-Krompecher did. “Almost nightly we bounced between the Dube and Stache’s; we watched Scrawl, the Afghan Whigs or Tar. And endless parade of bands travelling across the stage of our lives,” Koe-Krompecher wrote. Moreover, the two friends didn’t experience music passively. They had to dance.
“Jerry was quite a good dancer, one who would let his emotions empty out of his body, his pointy teeth poking out of a grin cast towards the heavens, beer in one hand, the other raised high above his head,” Koe-Krompecher writes. “At live shows so many of our friends in the underground rock scene were too self-conscious to dance…Jerry and I would be in the front of the stage at any show. The opportunity to be transported was too precious to waste.”  
Gaunt’s first single, split with New Bomb Turks, launched Anyway Records, the label Koe-Krompecher and Wick started (which continues to put out records today). Like many American bands of the late 1980s and early 1990s, Gaunt got swept up into a signing frenzy and was subsequently dropped. Wick, himself, was killed in a hit and run accident early in the morning on January 10, 2010. A punk to the end, he had never owned a car. He was riding a bicycle home when he was stuck.
The other indelible character is Jenny Mae Olds, Koe-Krompecher’s high school sweetheart who decamps their rural town for Columbus after high school and becomes a fixture in its indie scene. Her story is heartbreaking, a mash up of talent and alcoholism, originality and mental illness, which ends in homelessness, hospitalization and finally death.
“Jenny was confounding as an artist, at times brilliant and at others a pathetic mess who would rather smash her equipment and drink beer than practice or play shows out of town,” Koe-Krompecher writes. Though the two of them are only a couple for a few years, Koe-Krompecher spends the rest of his life looking after her. Koe-Krompecher eventually quits drinking, qualifies as a social worker to help other addicts, marries and has a family. Olds is an alcoholic her whole life and refuses to even think about stopping.
And yet, you can feel the pull of her charm, how she’d disappear for days and turn up somewhere, holding court and entertaining strangers with her imaginative stories and art. Even when confined to a nursing home, she wheels wildly through the halls, making friends with everyone, getting laughs in the most desperate places.
“Some people burst quickly, like a living firework, or in small twinkles, the flashing of a firefly. Jenny was both—at first she burned brighter than the surface of Mercury and then later she was transformed into something small, bleak and feeble. Her light was extinguished by drowning it gulp by gulp over the years,” writes Koe-Krompecher.
Koe-Krompecher describes Jenny Mae and her music so vividly that readers may end up wanting to hear her music. He was kind enough to send me a copy of Jenny Mae’s What’s Wrong with Me, a 2021 compilation of her singles and unreleased tracks, which is harrowing and lovely, a pop garage lost classic that, like its singer, can break your heart.
As a person who grew up in an alcoholic home, I found some parts of this book very hard to read.  However, no question that it’s a really fascinating glimpse at an under-covered corner of the indie-rock world. Koe-Krompecher was right there in the middle of it all. He somehow not only survived but took good notes.  He continues to maintain the excellent Anyway Records, one of the best small garage punk labels in America, supporting the scene without, like so many of his friends, succumbing to it. 
Jennifer Kelly
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mojo72400 · 9 months
After seeing It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown and the Ren McCormack skit from Robot Chicken
I was wondering what if there was Footloose-inspired Peanuts special with Charlie Brown as Ren McCormack. Maybe have it titled, It's Footloose, Charlie Brown. Here's my pitch for the warehouse angry dance scene. In this version, he rides a bicycle with a basket holding a handheld radio/tape player and instead of drinking beer and smoking a cigarette, he's drinking from a glass milk bottle like this...
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and eating a chocolate cigar based on this commercial.
Charlie Brown will be dressed in his winter outfit but removes his hat and puts it in his bike basket and later removes his jacket during the dance to reveal his iconic yellow shirt.
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Snoopy will be there in this scene to follow Charlie Brown and watch his dance and maybe even join in. The scene will end with Heather coming out to cheer for him and tell him that he's not alone in this town since there are eyes everywhere.
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