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🎶💃🏾🎶#ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC My DC fam @thevibeconductor is joining resident DJ @natashadiggs on the decks at tonight's @soulinthehorn at @chelseamusichall! Reposted from @natashadiggs Tonight good people @soulinthehorn returns to money makin Manhattan continuing #CancerSeason celebrations as we welcome Philly’s finest bday boy @cosmobaker x Esteemed DC guest @thevibeconductor joinin me on the @chelseamusichall decks feat. live performances by #sith fam @kokayi @katini_yamaoka & all the way live from Kenya @heyheyblinkybill we bringin that horn infused goodness from around the globe so lace up yo dancin shoes get fly free your mind & let yo ass follow.. im settin it off early at 11pm and wanna see all my dancers on the flo.. as always no cover 407 w. 15th st. @ 9th ave nyc happy Birthday all the fly cancers in the building @thomaspiper whattup! #curatedby #DProsper #musicislove #fridaynight #nyc #blowdemhorns 🎺💃🏽🎶❤️🥂#MusicIsLife #DancingIsFreedom #NYNightlife #DJStylus #DanceMusic #Funk #HouseMusic #Disco #TraScapades #ArtIsAWeapon (at Chelsea Music Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz1TI52FjNk/?igshid=1gdm5da4o5bfk
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🇭🇹🎶💃🏿🎉 #ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC #PartyWithAPurpose Tonight DJ @sabineblaizin's #BirthdayFete /#fundraiser to #benefit @ifetayoculture, a 31 year-old African-centered #cultural #arts #academy serving #youth & #families in #Brooklyn. Music by Sabine, @djspinna and @sres360 with @okaimusik on #percussion at @BasquaitsBottle, 1198 Fulton Street, #BKLN, 10PM-4AM. • • Reposted from @sabineblaizin: "I am looking to raise at least $1000 for my personal bday campaign for a very special organization ✊🏾 Ifetayo ... With the rapidly changing landscape of Brooklyn, it is imperative that we keep our cultural institutions & traditions alive & well. Donate at the link in my bio ... It truly takes a village! I wanna see all my friends at once! House heads let’s goooo! 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾 The 3/14 line up is sick! My brothas in sound @sres360 @djspinna are joining me on the decks & my comrade @okaimusik on percussion! @barbancourthaiti on deck 😜 You already know it’s gonna be straight 🔥 #Donate, #share, & #party! 😉 www.tinyurl.com/SabineBdayFeteFundraiser" #PiscesSeason #HouseHeads #Dance #HaitianSensation #TraScapades #ArtIsAWeapon #MusicIsLife #DancingIsFreedom #CelebrateLife #TraScapades https://www.instagram.com/p/B9u5k_cAEaP/?igshid=13k5gis975frh
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💃🏿🎶🗽#ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC - @uptownvinylsupreme #UVSFirstSaturdays at @bronxbeerhall with special guest DJs my girl @natashadiggs, @arumijufanas and the legendary @therealgrandwizzardtheodore celebrating his bday, along with the #UVS squad @uptowndolly, @sunnaay, @joshhubi 9:00PM-2:00AM. #uptownvinylsupreme #UpInTheBronx #IfItWasntForTheBronx #TheBX #DancingForSamBurnsTonight #Vinyl #Dancers #NYNightlife #MusicIsLife #DancingIsFreedom #TraScapades https://www.instagram.com/p/B9dHbLegWWS/?igshid=di5m1wpm42xx
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🥁💃🏿🎶🇭🇹#ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC #Rekòlte at @lebainnyc celebrating resident DJ @sabineblaizin's bday with percussionist @okaimusik, special guest DJ @ianfriday (@globalsoulmusic) and #dance performance by @ladiesofhiphop #NoCover Le Bain at The Standard, High Line, 848 Washington St, #NYC • • #SabinesBdayFete #HaitianRoots #HouseMusic #LeBain #Dancers #Haiti #NYNightlife #HaitianMusic #SoulMusic #TraScapades #MusicIsLife https://www.instagram.com/p/B9adqAYgQgX/?igshid=1f98aztkl0zke
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🔥🎶💜💃🏿🌃 #ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC Tonight we celebrate the solar return of @soulinthehorn 's first lady/resident #DJ @natashadiggs with special guests the legendary @justblaze, @djmaseo of the iconic @wearedelasoul making his #sith debut, opening set by @djlex PLUS live performances by @jhoardmusic, @iqramandtheimmigrantgroove and @official2baba. @chelseamusichall, 10:00pm - LATE - #NoCover. #Curated by #DProsper See you on the #dancefloor #SoulInTheHorn #SITH #NYNightlife #PiscesSeason #musicislife #DancingIsFreedom #blowdemhorns #NYNightlife #TraScapades #Dancers #MusicLovers #SoulMusic #DanceMusic https://www.instagram.com/p/B9IUfiagxe6/?igshid=117vjp12n53ts
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❤🎶💃🏿🗽 #ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC: @djspinna, @natashadiggs & @djmickeyperez at @houseofyesnyc; @koolboblove & #PaulNickerson @dopejams580 @publicrecordsnyc; and @djlisamoody & @ultranatemusic @deepsugarparty at @lebainnyc. Details and info at links in venues' BIOs. __________________ #Discotechnique #House ofYes #DJSpinna #NatashaDiggs #MickeyPerez #DopeJamsValentinesBall #PublicRecordsnyc #BobbitoGarcia #UltraNate #DJLisaMoody #DeepSugarParty #LoveWillSaveTheDay #DancingIsFreedom #NYNightlife #HouseMusic #DanceMusic #SoulMusic #Disco #TraScapades https://www.instagram.com/p/B8my4X_AjoG/?igshid=1r67ig3e8w62
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💃🏿🎶🎺 #ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC at @soulinthehorn celebrating the b'earthday of my girl @iamrimarkable spinning alongside the always dope @djreborn at @chelseamusichall. Also featuring @kimyon and live music by @supanovaslom. #Curated by #DProsper; resident DJ @natashadiggs #SoulInTheHorn #AquariusSeason #MusicIsLife #DancingIsFreedom #NYNightlife #TraScapades 🎨 by @chaparro_art. https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Af0XrAkw_/?igshid=192fdwuzjxaqc
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🎶💃🏿🗽 #ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC @soulinthehorn @chelseamusichall > Reposted from @natashadiggs - The first @soulinthehorn of 2020 setting it off right ... with the illustrious lineup of @lordfinesseditc @taelanaomi @boogieblind & @keithshocklee gracing the decks plus @soulidifiedlive performin live! 10pm start no cover dancin shoes a must celebrating #Capricornseason & new energy flowin in the cosmos #curated by #DProsper #musicislove #highvibrations #blowdemhorns 🎺💃🏽🎶❤️🕺🏽🎷🎨 @chaparro_art #SoulInTheHorn #NYNightlife #DanceMusic #PartyPeople #MusicIsLife #DancingIsFreedom #TraScapades #ArtIsAWeapon https://www.instagram.com/p/B64MA0MgKA0/?igshid=bfm6kw611z4w
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🎶💃🏿🗽#ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC #FamilyReunion with @stinginternational & @djdonnaedwards at @3dollarbillbk... Reposted from @djdonnaedwards - We are celebrating!!! Ricky Warmington presents "FAMILY REUNION" w/ DJ's STING INTERNATIONAL & DONNA EDWARDS! Bringing the Family back together once again to close out the decade and enter anew, BROOKLYN STYLE! On the Sting International THUNDER SOUND SYSTEM 🎶🎼 Lights by the one and only ARIEL DEEP HOUSE & DANCE CLASSICS @ 3DB TICKETS >> https://www.eventbrite.com/e/family-reunion-w-djs-sting-international-donna-edwards-houseclassics-tickets-84114493715?aff=ebdssbdestsearch Doors open 8pm to 3am SUNDAY, DEC. 29th $15.00 adv tix on Eventbrite $25.00 @ the door 3 Dollar Bill 260 Meserole St. Brooklyn, NY 11206 #HouseMusic #DanceMusic #SoulMusic #Classics #TraScapades #ArtIsAWeapon https://www.instagram.com/p/B6q0tQ2gQfv/?igshid=18g75661qxiss
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💃🏿🎶🗽#ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC with some of my FAVES (swipe ⬅️): @yorubarecords with @theladyalma @soulsingah and more at @publicrecordsnyc; @djminxwomenonwax at @lebain; @ultranatemusic at @houseofyesnyc; and @natashadiggs @djsherock @soulinthehorn @grantorinonyc See you somewhere on the dancefloor! #Osunlade #LadyAlma #DJMinx #DetroitLove #SoulInTheHorn #DProsper #NatashaDiggs #DancingIsFreedom #MusicIsLife #HouseMusic #DanceMusic #SoulMusic #TraScapades #NYNightlife #Dancers #Lovers https://www.instagram.com/p/B6l0Y2agQkm/?igshid=fluzbg3bqmfw
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🎄💃🏿🎶🗽#ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC with my brothers @salahananse at @funkboxnyc @chelseamusichall AND @djspinna at @dekalbmarkethall! Swipe ⬅️ 🔃 @djspinna - BASICS! with @djspinna @shawndub365 @son_of_sound @ospanoff. 5:00PM to Midnight @dekalbmarkethall Come join the family for a celebration! Begin to grow a memory with us! Open format and good music. Hennessy Sound System provided by our friends at @goldenrecordnyc Aesthetic Stimulation: @donnyburlin Location: @dekalbstage at @dekalbmarkethall downtown Brooklyn. Advanced tix: $12 (link in bio). Door: $20. Artwork: @maminagase Art installation by @odbkny _____________________________________ @DJTonyTouch & @MrVoodooRay Present @FunkboxNYC with tonight's special guest DJs @atlwkndr founder @salahananse and @timothytriplett at @chelseamusichall Door by @cynistarose & Enigma. 10:00PM. Tickets: www.FunkboxDec22.eventbrite.com #NYNightlife #Dancers #MusicIsLife #SalahAnanse #djspinna #sonofsound #shawndub #rustamospanoff #soul #jazz #house #disco #latin #funk #boogie #world #Basics #Vinyl #TraScapades #DancingIsFreedom https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Yrap8AI16/?igshid=10mxvxw3lducm
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🎶💃🏿🗽#ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC: 🔸️@kdope50 & @marleyskills at @paradiseclubnyc 🔹️@djcosito & @djmarcsmooth @nycdopeparty at @hudsonterrace🔸️@djtoddterry @rissancr & @soulsummitmusic at @elsewherespace. See you on the #dancefloor ... ___________________________________ (Swipe ⬅️) 🔃@kcpicks - we're bringing a night of Legendary House back to NYC where it belongs! Djs KENNY DOPE & MARLEY MARL BRING HOUSE TO PARADISE! Paradise Club The Times Square EDITION 701 7th Ave New York City 21+ ___________________________________ 🔃 @nycdopeparty This Saturday, Come join us at Hudson Terrace for our NYC Dope! Holiday Party. We will have complimentary Ciroc Cocktails from 10PM-12AM to jump the party off properly and to get your mind off of the holiday stress. We also have our DJ Fam, DJs Marlon B, Unkle Chip and Taela Naomi coming through to put it down! You already know the formula for the night, throwbacks and classics with a dose of new joints. We also have the incredible artist Pesu live painting on canvas and we're celebrating his birthday as well. Get those limited $10 tickets by using code xmas at https://dopeholiday2019.eventbrite.com See you there and if you can't make it, HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you and yours! NYC Dope! Holiday Party Hudson Terrace 681 West 46th Street New York, NY 10036 10PM-4AM $20 General Admission _____________________________________ 🔃 @rissancr Tonight! @elsewherespace with @djtoddterry and @soulsummitmusic Free w/ RSVP before 12 hit my website for the link or get tickets @resident_advisor 🤗 Hope to see you there _____________________________________ #housemusic #househeads #TisTheSeason #househeadforLIFE #NYNightlife #DanceMusic #DJKENNYDOPE #djMARLEYmarl #DJToddTerry #DJCosi #DJMarkSmooth #SoulSummit #RissaGarcia #DJs #dancers #danceMusic #SoulMusic #RnB #HipHop #kcmanage #DancingIsFreedom #MusicIsLife #TraScapades https://www.instagram.com/p/B6WIK47AKZO/?igshid=1jhfyncyqtuu4
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🎶💃🏿🗽#ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC This week's @soulinthehorn with resident DJ @natashadiggs features special guests @djscratch & @opmiller1, live music by @iamjustinjones and @ariasvoice, and celebrating the b'earthdays of two badass babes @officiallipgame and @tara_martin1223. @chelseamusichall, 11PM 'til late! Curated by #DProsper. ____________________________________ Reposted from @natashadiggs - Tonight NYC! I’m back in effect @soulinthehorn with special guests the turntable whisperer @djscratch x esteemed producer/ dj @opmiller1 joinin me on the @chelseamusichall decks PLUS we got special live performances from @iamjustinjones & bday goddess @ariasvoice it’s gonna be a Sag into Capricorn celebration whattup @officiallipgame #taramartin #arianadege n more.. soo lace up your dancin shoes get fly and get into it!! Doors at 10pm and I’m setting the dance floor off so get there early!! The last #soulinthehorn in Manhattan of the decade I wanna see you there!! #curatedby #DProsper #nocover #musicislove #letthehornsblow #gratitude #letscelebrate 🎺🎶💃🏽🎷❤️ 🎨by @chaparro_art #NYNightlife #DancingIsFreedom #DanceMusic #SoulMusic #RnB #HipHop #HouseMusic #MusicIsLife #Dancers #Lovers #TraScapades #ArtIsAWeapon (at Chelsea Music Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6TvZFRg7yz/?igshid=se29v3y6bytc
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🎶💃🏿🗽#ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC THANK YOU for the #musicaljourney @djspinna & @casamena!#Dialog @publicrecordsnyc, hosted by #LeesahPitts was so damn good tonight!#DanceItAway #MusicIsLife #HouseIsAHealer #DanceMusic #NYNightlife #DJs #DancingIsFreedom #HolidaySeason #GiveThanks #TraScapades (at Public Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6SZw0agUVV/?igshid=1j9xlm1kj8k90
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🎶💃🏿🗽#ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC #MusicalJourney with @djspinna & @casamena - #Dialog @publicrecordsnyc #DanceItAway #MusicIsLife #HouseIsAHealer #DanceMusic #NYNightlife #DJs #DancingIsFreedom #HolidaySeason #GiveThanks #TraScapades (at Public Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6SGVFagOU9/?igshid=11rc5pxagsvvm
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🎶💃🏿🗽#ArtIsAWeapon #DanceTonightNYC #Dialog with @djspinna & @casamena at @publicrecordsnyc. That #soundsystem bangs and the #dancefloor is buttery! Free holiday punch for the first 100 patrons. Meet me there! Public Records 233 Butler Street Brooklyn NY 11217 Doors at 9pm Hosted by Leesah Pitts. _________________________ Swipe ⬅️ for a taste of how they get down. Reposted from @djspinna - If you missed our 2 hour set on @thelotradio this week you can check it here: https://www.mixcloud.com/thelotradio/dj-spinna-and-carlos-mena-present-dialog-the-lot-radio-12-17-2019/ —————————————————— #NYNightlife #cometodance #soulfulhouse #afrohouse #deephouse #danceclassics #holidayparty #dancers #HouseHeads #DancingIsFreedom #MusicIsLife #TraScapades #ArtIsAWeapon https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Q6QmdAtiJ/?igshid=pg29wrssrk0i
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