#dance with me in the moonlight: diego&volt
familylightfox · 9 months
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@hexellent asked:
The canine smiled at the large cat's entrance, right on time. He watched the feline rub his body against them both, laughing a little when pawed at. With a little difficulty, he squats down, petting and scratching at Fafo's cheeks and chin. "Did I summon you? Were you havin' fun outside?" He was more than aware of the concerned looks directed toward him, and it makes him a little anxious. Watching them leave, despite the kind smiles and cookie snatches, for some reason stung. He didn't want to seem like a burden, and he hoped he wasn't ruining or interrupting anything. Still, he waved politely and pushed himself to stand. "Ok ok, I get it. I never thought I'd be herded by a cat." Chuckling, he wanders over to the couch, dropping onto it with a soft sigh. He smiles at Volt, shaking his head. "You're busy. I didn't mean to interrupt. Actually, do you need help?"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Mrrrrrroooooowwwwwlllllll~" The snow covered paws were slightly damp while papping at hands. For as much fun as he was having outside, he loved those inside the inn just as much.
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In true content cat fashion, Fafo was eager to get Diego to sit down so that he could make himself comfortable across their lap. It was enough to draw a few more chuckles from those who were heading out the door, but they all made sure to give their waves before they did so. The scritches to his fluffy cheeks had already got the motor of a purr going and Volt only shook his head at the sight.
Once they were seated, the feline had wasted no time in rolling over so he could get as many belly rubs as possible while Volt went to the counter to grab something. That something being the brush used to keep the kitten's coat from becoming matted.
"Just cuz I'm busy doesn't mean I can't check up on ya love." Yes, things were hectic. But they weren't so hectic that Volt couldn't look after his partner. Even if Fafo was taking over the majority of it, he was still a little worried.
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"I don't need any help at the moment with anything. This is my second year with the Yule Festival so I've got a bit o' a routine. But if ya wanna brush him out while he keeps ya company, that will make it easier for him."
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hybridafterdark · 3 months
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@sexellency asked:
“Hey V, have you seen the- uh-“ Diego stops in his tracks, staring at what was definitely his partner but something felt off. The fur on the back of their neck raised, sensing something but not entirely sure what. Slowly, he approached, preparing himself for worst case scenario. Though, he was confident Volt wouldn’t hurt him, not on purpose anyways. “Hey, you okay?” They called gently, ears at attention to catch any sound he could.
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Something had been off lately. It had been bugging for the last few days as he'd been working out in his garden. A scent... No, that wasn't it. He couldn't put his finger on it, but the annoying part was the constant fuzzy feeling he had in his head.
That day, he'd been working in his garden, tending to the strawberries that were only starting to produce fruit. It would be a few more weeks before he could start to pick them.
He didn't know when it happened or what was going on in general, but the sound of a voice drew his gaze towards the door.
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Blackened eyes took in the familiar face, their scent allowing for a small amount of recognition. The question was regarded with a slow blink, followed by a side to side motion with his head. Not a no, but not a yes either. Carefully he pushed himself up from his crouched position and took a few steps closer.
Ears folded in submission, brow relaxing and head ducked slightly as he took another step. One hand reached out, palm up. It was the best he could manage to show, he was of no harm to them.
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familylightfox · 10 months
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Nothing beats being able to lay against a super soft, and fluffy, chest like Volt's. He enjoys every second of it since it allows him to be close to those he cares about.
Hopefully, Diego is ready to be spoiled with it often.
Free to Reblog/Do NOT Repost
Diego belongs to @hexellent Volt belongs to me
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familylightfox · 9 months
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@hexellent asked:
The smell of strawberries and baking dough wafted from the kitchen, Diego having been in and out for hours at this point. He seemed to be in his own little world, bustling about the kitchen, rotating rather systematically between prepping treats to bake, to notebook he had propped open, to the oven to check on the current batch, then to the sink to wash what he used. Baking tools either currently being used, waiting to be cleaned, or sitting in the drying rack to be used again. Diego himself was dressed in a t-shirt and loose sweatpants with a black apron with moons on it, hair and bangs pulled back with a hair tie and bandana, and slightly tinted glasses. He barely seemed to notice anyone who came across him, but did sense when someone finally entered the room fully. Without looking up from his work, he gestures to the fresh strawberry puff pastry tarts sitting on the counter cooling, chocolate bits sprinkled in some. "Can you try those? I was thinking of making them for the festival. I was thinking I could make different types to accommodate for any allergies or dislikes."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The smell alone that had begun to fill the lobby was enough to draw attention to the nearby kitchen. Most of the regulars who had stopped by to chat with the hybrid behind the counter snickered as they noticed his occasional glance over his shoulder. After the third or fourth time, they teased him enough to finally take a look at what was being made while he was busy.
And what a sight to see. The snacks looked delicious, but seeing his partner the way he was; now there was something Volt was enjoying immensely as he entered into the kitchen fully. One was picked up and popped into the hybrid's mouth with a purr soon filling the room. From that moment, he had crossed the space and gently brought his arms around Diego to draw them close.
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"They're delicious love." And to prove it, a kiss was given to share the taste. "I think anyone who comes by and tries one is gonna be wantin' t' thank ya for 'em."
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hybridafterdark · 3 months
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@sexellency asked:
He’s never done something like this before. And frankly, he’s not always the one to wake up first, sleeping in longer and longer in recent weeks. But for once, Diego finds himself awake before Volt, face smooshed against his chest. At first he just lets his mind wander, idly tracing light patterns in his partner’s fur. But at some point, his thoughts wander a touch too far in the wrong direction, and he finds himself getting worked up. It isn’t long till he starts getting ideas either. And through a lot of mental back and forth, Diego finds himself scooted under the covers and between his boyfriend’s legs. Surely a little bit of coaxing and teasing won’t be too bad right? Alternating between licks and kisses with the occasional brush of fingers, nerves about waking the other up somehow adding extra excitement to the whole ordeal. He never thought he’d be into this kind of thing, or have the balls (hah) to do it. But there’s a first time for everything. If he can coax his partner’s length to show itself, he’d call that a win.
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It was true. Typically, Volt was the first to wake up and prepare breakfast for them in the kitchen before starting the rest of their day. But there was something so comforting about having his boyfriend's warmth next to him that Volt was still sound asleep when Diego lifted his head.
The hybrid's lips were parted, breath even and soft as slumbered with just a subtle smile visible with his one arm around the canine's shoulder.
Rather than stirring from the idle touch, a low-volume purr begins to rise in the hybrid's throat.
Even the shifting of the sheets didn't rouse him. Volt was fast asleep and didn't seem too willing to wake yet. But that could certainly change as those lips sought out his lower half. At first, the fur only twitched against Diego's lips. Eyes remained shut, but lips parted further as a shuddering exhale escaped.
Volt's body shivered, and the sheath grew slightly firmer before the slick, tapered tip began to slide into the air. Another heavy breath as fingers worked along his torso, drawing more and more of the hybrid's arousal out until it was finally on full display before his partner.
It twitched in the open air, stiff and throbbing as Volt shifted against the mattress with a breathless moan as his eyelids fluttered.
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familylightfox · 7 months
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@hexellent asked:
The scent of baked goods, strawberries and breakfast fills the kitchen, accompanied by some music playing quietly from the radio. Diego bustled about the kitchen, having gotten up at an ungodly hour to cook. He had hoped to catch the hybrid before he got up for the day, but he may have spent a little too long trying sipping coffee to wake up. Nearly fell back to sleep at the counter even! Still, a tray lay on the counter, breakfast already set up on it. A ding from the oven brought the canine over to it, pulling out a fresh strawberry pie. Heart shaped tin and everything. Gods, he felt so mushy… But it was worth it to repay all the…love from Valentine’s Day.
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Volt wouldn't admit that he had woken up when his partner had gotten out of bed. Mainly because he was curious as to why Diego was being so quiet. It wasn't until the scent of breakfast and music reached his ears that he smiled and started getting himself out of bed.
A satisfying pop came as he stretched his arms up and made his way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. He smiled as he snuck his arms around his partner's middle from behind with a kiss to one shoulder. The soft purr from his throat grew as he looked over everything that was waiting for him and only let go when the time went off.
The pie was just the cherry on top in his opinion.
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"It all looks delicious love." The space between them was closed again for a sweet kiss. "But ya know 's even better when ya share it."
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familylightfox · 9 months
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@hexellent asked:
It may not show on his face, but Diego was incredibly nervous about the present in his hands. It’s been quite some time since he’s made something for someone he deems important, and he can feel his palms start to sweat. It takes everything in him not to shove the box at the hybrid and bolt. Inside was handmade jewelry. There were two sets of earrings, one being a short dangle set, adorned with amethyst pieces. The other were simple little hoops, one with a strawberry and one with an apple. Those were mostly for funsies. “Happy Yule. I uh…also got Harmony a gift card if she wants it, one of those ones you can use anywhere.” He’s fidgeting nervously now. “I know it’s a cop out— but I didn’t know what she’d like just yet and I didn’t wanna leave her out— a-and I also made some cinnamon blondies if you guys want those too, uh—“ he wishes he could stop fucking rambling like a moron.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If anything would hopefully keep his partner from bolting, it was hopefully the hand catching his wrist. Volt smiled and closed the space for a soft kiss and also to place a box of his own in Diego's hands.
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"Happy Yule love." It seems they had both gone for handmade items as the gift for the canine was leather braided ties for his hair and a messenger bag for when he went on grocery runs inside the village. As Volt looked over the earrings, he took out the normal hoops from his ears so that the ones with amethysts could replace them. They might take a bit of getting used to, but he loved them.
And he showed as much in the light kiss he placed on his partner's lips just before Harmony came into the room.
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"'S okay. I wasn't sure what t' getcha either so I made ya somethin' instead." With a wag of her tail, the teen held up the necklace she had made with snowflake obsidian beads and a pristine quartz crystal secured in soft cord.
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familylightfox · 9 months
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@hexellent asked:
Diego was once again wandering about the Inn, bringing a batch of cookies to the front for passing visitors and customers alike. However, if looking hard enough, something seemed slightly off in his gait. Setting down the wicker tray with a cloth under the cookies, he sighs, raising a hand to the back of his neck and rolling his shoulders. A light grimace on his lips. "Fafo around? Was hopin' he'd agree to being a weighted blanket."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
With the Yule festival just on the horizon, Volt was busy. Rooms needed to be cleaned and checked, and he had only just been pulling a load of clean sheets from the laundry when he heard his partner. Violet eyes has turned, noticing the few concerned glances from those within the lobby before he ended on the canine. His own brows furrowed as he set the blanket he had been folding back into the laundry basket.
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Speak of the feline and he shall appear. In from the snowy porch if the flakes on his dense fur were anything to go by. It didn't take him long to come closer and rub the length of his body against both of their legs before stretching up and pawing at Diego with another vocalization.
"Mrrrrrpppppp." Volt had a chuckle as the kitten seemed insistent on getting the other to take a seat on the couch that some of the regulars were quick to vacate. They could gossip later and waved their goodbyes (after sneaking a few more of the cookies on the way out).
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"Did ya want me t' grab ya anythin'?"
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familylightfox · 10 months
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@hexellent asked:
Diego is leaned up against the kitchen counter, earbuds in his ears. His head bobbed to the beat as his hands moved. At first glance it might look like random gestures, but it was actually sign language, accompanied by very soft humming. An egg timer ticked beside him as the scent of apple pastries begins to fill the air.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If anything could draw the attention of a certain teenager, it was the smell of apples filling the kitchen and out onto the back porch. Harmony had just finished with a few of her usual chores when she picked up the scent and her curiosity got the better of her. When she came inside, she expected to see her father hard at work at the counter but smiled when she saw who it was.
Watching, it took only a moment to recognize some of the gestures. A wag of her tail started and listened for a little longer to the humming before finally speaking up.
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"Hey, Diego. Whatcha makin'?" She raised a hand to wave and hopefully not startle him as she crossed the rest of the space to sneak a peek into the oven through the little window. A pause as she stood back up with a grin.
"If yer really lookin' t' spoil my dad. He loves strawberries." And just like that, she was making her way back outside.
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