#loud mouth maine coon: fafo
familylightfox · 9 months
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@hexellent asked:
The canine smiled at the large cat's entrance, right on time. He watched the feline rub his body against them both, laughing a little when pawed at. With a little difficulty, he squats down, petting and scratching at Fafo's cheeks and chin. "Did I summon you? Were you havin' fun outside?" He was more than aware of the concerned looks directed toward him, and it makes him a little anxious. Watching them leave, despite the kind smiles and cookie snatches, for some reason stung. He didn't want to seem like a burden, and he hoped he wasn't ruining or interrupting anything. Still, he waved politely and pushed himself to stand. "Ok ok, I get it. I never thought I'd be herded by a cat." Chuckling, he wanders over to the couch, dropping onto it with a soft sigh. He smiles at Volt, shaking his head. "You're busy. I didn't mean to interrupt. Actually, do you need help?"
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"Mrrrrrroooooowwwwwlllllll~" The snow covered paws were slightly damp while papping at hands. For as much fun as he was having outside, he loved those inside the inn just as much.
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In true content cat fashion, Fafo was eager to get Diego to sit down so that he could make himself comfortable across their lap. It was enough to draw a few more chuckles from those who were heading out the door, but they all made sure to give their waves before they did so. The scritches to his fluffy cheeks had already got the motor of a purr going and Volt only shook his head at the sight.
Once they were seated, the feline had wasted no time in rolling over so he could get as many belly rubs as possible while Volt went to the counter to grab something. That something being the brush used to keep the kitten's coat from becoming matted.
"Just cuz I'm busy doesn't mean I can't check up on ya love." Yes, things were hectic. But they weren't so hectic that Volt couldn't look after his partner. Even if Fafo was taking over the majority of it, he was still a little worried.
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"I don't need any help at the moment with anything. This is my second year with the Yule Festival so I've got a bit o' a routine. But if ya wanna brush him out while he keeps ya company, that will make it easier for him."
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familylightfox · 9 months
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Ingredient Run in the Snow
Whenever Lyra comes to visit them in the village, she always has an escort in the form of Fafo and her uncle. It just so happens that she's small enough to be able to ride the massive Maine Coon and he doesn't mind at all.
Partially based on an ask
Free to Reblog/Do NOT Repost
Lyra belongs to @emeraldtied / @tatsdoodles Volt & Fafo belong to me
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familylightfox · 1 year
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@chaosworthy asked:
The air was a little...tense. Maybe it hadn't been the greatest idea to bring Bolt along with them on their latest visit to the Inn, but the hawk had flown through their warp ring before the couple had been able to stop her.
And now? She was staring daggers at a certain feline. As if daring them to get close to Lyra, whom she was laying in the lap of.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
At some point, Volt knew this was going to happen. Had a feeling if anything with how much a certain feline looked forward to his little charge coming to visit. The fact that he trotted right into the lobby with his tail raised high said as much as he greeted the couple first with a few passes of their legs with his entire body.
It wasn't until he turned to make his way over to Lyra that he noticed the hawk.
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"Mrrrrrrrr?" A questioning chirp, even a soft chittering cats were known for when looking out the window. His tail never bristled, his hackles never raised, just a minor tilt of his head before he closed the space between them on the floor.
He purred and rubbed the side of his head along Lyra's without another single care in the world to the glare sent his way, even licked her hair. Then without a single care to any protest, scooted his fluffy body right into Lyra's lap to share the space with Bolt.
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"If I didn't know any better... I'd swear he's doing that just t' piss her off."
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familylightfox · 1 year
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@tentaplenty asked:
"I want to meet the beast cat." Not so much a request as it was a demand. She was still working on that part of being civil.
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While it was true and Rya's request could have been a bit more gentle, neither hybrid was going to fault her and Volt looked to his daughter with a nod of his head. They weren't sure how their friend would handle being away from the ocean for so long, so it only seemed fair to bring the 'beast cat' to her.
Thankfully he was well trained to never wander far from either of his family, but the moment he hopped through the open Warp Ring, there was a curiousness to the golden eyes.
A flick of his fluffy tail before it was held high in the air and he was back to looking around.
"Mrrrrrrrrooooooowwwwwwwwwwllll." The sand felt so different under his paws but he soon found himself looking up at the larger woman as he explored. Not an ounce of fear to be found, the feline trotted right over and rubbed himself against what he would assume was a leg while Volt and Harmony looked on.
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"If ya want t' pick him up, just make sure ya support his back legs or he might accidentally claw ya tryin' t' keep his grip."
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familylightfox · 2 years
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Anyone wondering what the kitten in the lobby looks like, this is it. Fafo is currently 8 months old and pure bred Maine Coon. He’s still got a lot of growing to do, but he’s double the size of a house cat. He just might get to be slightly shorter than Harmony when standing on his back legs. 
And yes, he will take chunks if you mess with either Harmony or Volt while he’s around. 
Free To Reblog/Do NOT Repost
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familylightfox · 1 year
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Anonymous asked:
Harmony, how does Fafo feel about headpats? Is it ok if I give him one?🥺🥺🥺
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"As long as ya ain't being a jerk t' anyone first, he dun mind 'em. But if yer just here t' cause trouble, he'll smack ya real good wit his claws." Harmony looked over to the lounging feline after answering the question. Mostly to catch his attention.
With a purring yowl, he slipped off the counter and made his way over with tail high in the air. If there was ever a chill cat, it was Fafo. When he wasn't having to beat the snot out of a toy... Or the local ferals.
"Mrrrrooooowwwlllll?" Well nonnie, are you just going to stand there and stare?
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familylightfox · 1 year
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"Least he lives up to his name." Volt was glad Boomer was safe from that incident and that Fafo was no worse for the wear beyond a few scratches. The local ferals would think twice before coming into the garden again, that was for sure.
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familylightfox · 2 years
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Anonymous asked:
I still can’t see how a cat would do that much damage to those two brothers that took Volt. 
                                                ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
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     “Take a good look at him and I think you’ll figure it out.” Volt pointed over to where Fafo was currently laying, sprawled out across the entirety of the coffee table nearby in the lobby as if it was the most comfortable place in the world. For a kitten, he was almost double the size of a house cat and not even a year old. A few clicks of the hybrid’s tongue and the feline raised his head with a wide yawn, stretching his paws and claws in the process. 
     “We’re pretty sure he was the runt o’ the litter when Harmony found him, but as far as we can tell.. He’s a purebred Maine Coon” Now that he was awake, it was time to demand attention from the only worthy one in the lobby. Jumping from the table to the counter in one swift move, Fafo rolled over to have Volt scratch at his belly and chest for a bit. 
     “Just cuz he’s not a Mobian, doesn’t mean he can’t do some damage.” Volt smirked. “There’s a reason Harmony named him Fafo after all.”
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familylightfox · 4 months
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@emeraldtied asked:
Lyra had refused to leave her cousin's side that afternoon for some reason. Maybe she was just bored of adults or maybe it had something to do with the flowers in the teen's hands catching the toddler's attention. Likely the latter given that Lyra had picked a few of her own along the way and looked up to Harmony expectantly. Holding them out, she only had one thing to ask. "Crown?"
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Having company on a walk along the trails was something that Harmony never minded. Especially when it was her cousin. She even got a kick out of the fact that not only did it seem they had a feathery tag along, but also a massive feline.
But when they stopped in a flower field to take a break, the teen had to grin when she spotted the flowers being held up. Now there was an activity that she didn't do often that brought back so many fond memories.
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"Sure and we can make 'em for your mom and dad too, okay?" She knew the answer and gestured to another patch of wildflowers. "Go grab some more, and we can get t' work."
Once the toddler returned, Harmony was more than happy to show her how to weave the stems carefully so they would hold in the shape of a crown. The first was placed on Lyra's head, the next was the teen, then Fafo, and finally Bolt. Fafo purred at his gift and made a point to thank the toddler by rubbing against her back before laying back down so they could keep working.
By the end, there were fewer flowers around their chosen spot to sit, but there was a crown for each of them and three more for their families.
"Ya did great. Look at all the awesome colors ya picked!" Harmony beamed and wagged her tail before standing up and offering one hand to hold the crowns and the other to her cousin.
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"Let's get back, and ya can show off how cool they look."
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familylightfox · 7 months
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@fabulousflynn asked:
"I brought something for Fafo." The boy's excitement was obvious as he placed the small box down and pulled out what looked like a cartoon mouse and a small remote. After setting the former down he used the latter to make the small robotic rodent move around at speeds that were far from slow. "I've never had a cat before so I can adjust some things if you think he'll like it more."
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Harmony was excited to see her friend again and waved in greeting as he entered the lobby. But she wasn't the only one to pick up their head. A certain feline who was lounging in the nearby window rolled over and came over to say hello.
Which included rubbing himself all over the human's legs while purring.
Curiosity now had the better of those within the lobby, mainly what the teen had brought for the cat, but there was soon a hearty laughter from all who watched Fafo immediately start to chase the toy all over the lobby and dining area.
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Oh, he was having the grandest time and it was just fast enough to stay out of his occasional play swipes. It took a bit more work to finally pounce on it, but probably the funniest part of it all.
Was that the feline brought it right back to Phineas' feet and dropped it with a few chitters being given.
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"I think he likes it."
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familylightfox · 7 months
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@wanderingshadxw asked:
"So... this village got any strong drinks?"
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"Depends on who ya ask." When the striped hedgehog had made his way down into the lobby that night, a part of him had been expecting to be asked that question. The poor guy looked like someone who just needed a break and was instead ending up on the wrong side of shit creek.
At least he seemed comfortable enough with coming around while there was still some daylight left. Not much but enough for the hybrid to point out the large windows to where the center square could be just seen down the hill.
"If ya want somethin' that can knock even the biggest Mobian on his ass, you wanna ask for Brutus' special down at the tavern. If you're just lookin' t' take the edge off, I do have a few beers on tap and some aged whiskey in my cabinet. Take your pick."
The entire time the hybrid spoke, golden eyes seemed to notice the other in the room and jumped up on the counter with a 'fwump'.
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"Mrrrrrrrrrrp?" Did he forget to give a certain feline his pets? That won't do at all.
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familylightfox · 10 months
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Anonymous asked:
Not sure why you are so defensive. Him and your dad aren't on talking terms, and I doubt you have seen him. Also, how can you call him a friend knowing what he has done? Is genocide cured because he is all sad, and the power of 'friendship' fixes all his wrongs?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Some Masked Mobians really didn't learn. They only managed about half of their words before Harmony had growled and that had been all it took. For what some would still consider a kitten, Fafo was larger than a typical cat. Those fluffy paws hid the large claws that quickly raked against an ankle.
The defensive yowl caused quite the scene for the rest of the patrons who had been relaxing in the lobby, along with the older hybrid who excused himself to see what was going on. He opened the door that separated the lobby from their living area just in time for the grey form to fly over the counter from a well-placed punch.
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"I told ya t' shut yer fuckin' mouth but ya had t' keep going." Fafo had darted over the counter and launched directly onto the chest of the Masked Mobian, staring at them as if to dare them to move. The rest of those in the lobby had already begun to get up from their seats.
Anyone who managed to piss off the teen definitely was not going to continue. But they were willing to let her get out the rest of her anger with her words before they dragged them off.
"Ya don't know shit about our village. We don't judge anybody for anything they've done cuz if they're here, they're tryin' t' better themselves. You just show up with the rest of you grey faced pricks t' start shit and cause problems and we don't stand fer it." If it wasn't for Buddy's sudden hand on her shoulder, she might have followed right along with Fafo in pouncing on them, but she stopped. His arms came around her shoulders and brought her close while Volt offered the boy a nod.
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"I might not know what's going on, but I'm not about t' let you speak t' my daughter like that. You can leave..." A pause while looking around the lobby. "And if I were you. I wouldn't come back."
0 notes
familylightfox · 1 year
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@dyadhogs asked:
❝ is he always like this...? ❞ 'he' in this case being the large feline that couldn't seem to leave the speedster alone, much to amy's amusement and sonic's utter confusion.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As much as Volt wanted to feel bad for Sonic. It was his own fault for sitting down next to the best spot to catch what was left of the sunlight at that hour. The hybrid had just barely managed to stifle his snicker as Fafo wasted very little time in sprawling himself completely across the speedster's lap.
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Grinch like paws reached up to bat the brown neckerchief. Partially because he wanted attention and partially because it was something to play with while he was lounging. This time Volt was unable to hold back the snort and offered an apologetic look.
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"At least he ain't usin' ya like a tree this time." A pause as the kitten stretched again. "But t' answer your question... Yes."
Sorry Sonic. You're stuck there until the feline decides to move.
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familylightfox · 1 year
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Anonymous asked:
"Harmony does your stupid serpent bite/eat people?" the masked Mobian asked nervously.😅
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Did they really just refer to him... Well if the beady red eyes didn't look judgemental before, they certainly did now with the glare fixed to those dark glasses.
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"If he bit ya it'd be yer own damn fault fer bein' an asshole." The teen managed to get her pet to stop giving the hairy eyeball by using her claws to scratch under his chin. "He ain't gonna eat somebody cuz I feed him regularly and he dun consider Mobians food. But if yer gonna continue t' be a dick about it. I'm gonna have Fafo take a chunk outta yer ankle."
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"mrrrrrp?" Said feline just picked his head up from the counter. Oh did someone say he could teach someone the reason for his name~
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familylightfox · 1 year
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@dyadhogs asked:
it wasn't much, but after the other night amy had to put something together for volt. what better way to cheer a friend up than with some cupcakes? strawberry, of course.
"we thought they would make you feel better."
❝ and i put the icing on. ❞ and he was proud of himself too. even if it was a rather messy application.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
He didn't want to admit how exhausted he was from the night before. How little he had actually slept. But there was a soft fondness in his smile as he looked from Amy, to Sonic, then allowed his attention to go to the cupcakes. Carefully one hand reached out to take one and peel the wrapper to take a bite.
A soft sound, a purr rose from his throat at the taste and despite the messy application of icing, it was happily eaten right then and there. That had hit the spot far more than the hybrid's friend likely realized, but his eyes gave that away.
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"Thanks." He crumpled the wrapper and tossed it into the trash before gesturing towards the lobby. "I made some tea earlier that I think will go nicely with them if ya'd care t' join me."
He'd only just made it around the counter when Fafo had jumped it, wrapping held in his mouth, and proceeded to bat it all around the lobby floor. "And we can give him a few more toys to play with in the meantime."
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familylightfox · 1 year
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@stardusted-hearts asked:
It wasn't long after Volt sat down that Boomer appeared. Trilling as she approached and giving a few mews while butting her head against his arm or hand, whatever part of him she could reach. Her ultimate goal, however, was to curl up on his thick tail. She had to make biscuits on it for a few minutes first of course, but didn't take too long to settle down, purring up a storm.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Thankfully any cleaning that needed to be done still could wait till later. Volt chuckled and took a few minutes to pamper Boomer with some pets and scritches, completely oblivious to the feline's plan until it was too late. By the time she was settled in, Volt had only shook his head and leaned back on the couch.
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"You're so lucky Fafo used t' do the same thing..." Using one hand, he reached over and began rubbing her ear. Not long after, the mentioned kitten jumped up and curled up right around Boomer.
Looks like he wouldn't be moving anytime soon.
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