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yavvyeterbee · 2 years ago
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izartn · 2 years ago
Mm. Ep 12 of Itaewon and I'm feeling like Yiseo is more likely to end with Saeroyi??!?! Which is great bc I can't stand the bitch of So'ah and her "oh poor little me" act. Every time they try to make her sympathetic I go eugh. As if she doesn't have control over her actions and it's all the fault of her boss and Saeroyi. When Yiseo is there trusting Saeroyi and doing her utmost so Danbam grows it's no wonder So'ah comes across as stupid besides agoist.
Geun-soo is interesting, but he won't end up with Yiseo now he's left Danbam and the narrative didn't pivot from Yiseo confession to a resounding "no hope of it ever" from Saeroyi, bc this ep really contrasted Yiseo favorably against So'ah for him.
Mmm. I still like Geun-soo but he's being very stupid and I have a limit for traitors. Still he's more consistent than So'ah and not making excuses. He's in Jangga so he's behaving Jangga, that is, like an asshole. Very funny the way he showed his ruthlessness, you can totally see why he loves Yiseo even when she's being awful at him or the world, he totally admires her ability to go for what she wants without giving a fuck and took to heart the way she was disappointed by his lack of aim in life. He's going about it very self-destruction bc he burnt those bridges to his friends in Danbam but I have hope for him at the end.
(also Geun-soo, I understand you seeing parallels with your father and Saeroyi but don't say Saeroyi would do as your father again please, that's like. A major misunderstanding of Saeroyi character.)
Very interested in how the story goes!
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ldngwkshsbnd · 10 months ago
you know SaeRoYi. i want to do DanBam like him. exactly like him, without the prison.
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naoehalara · 1 year ago
Minha mãe, Park Seojun e a gaveta de memórias que a Coreia me proporcionou
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Antes mesmo de deixar a Coreia do Sul, em julho de 2023, eu pensava no que poderia fazer, quando voltasse ao novo-estranho da casa que sempre foi minha, pra me lembrar do novo tipo de aconchego que só senti quando estive longe.
A primeira coisa que vinha à mente, enquanto passeava pelas ruas monocromáticas de Seul, era como seria divertido assistir doramas com a minha mãe ao voltar com uma perspectiva totalmente nova. Tanto que não assisti sequer um episódio quando estava por lá; não teria graça viver essa novidade sozinha, sem dividir com quem viraria a noite só pra saber o que aconteceria no capítulo seguinte. Pensar que poderia falar à minha progenitora, mais entusiasta do que eu pelo Park Seojun e por tudo que envolve o maravilhoso mundo da cinegrafia coreana, que eu havia passado pelo bar DanBam, em Itaewon, ou subido todo o caminho até a torre Namsan era, pra minha personalidade ansiosa, quase tão incrível quanto de fato estar nesses lugares.
Voltei. Meus olhos e ouvidos atentos buscavam qualquer referência visual, auditiva ou afetiva e exultavam de alegria ao entenderem sozinhos um kamsámnidá ou um pegu paiô sem precisar de legenda. "Kuêntchánaiô quer dizer 'tudo bem'", dizia mais pra mim mesma, orgulhosa da minha própria conquista – um grão é muito no papo da galinha –, do que pra qualquer um que estivesse na sala, claramente mais interessado no enredo rocambolesco e nas paixões de tirar o fôlego do que nos pequenos detalhes que compunham todo o pano de fundo.
Era exatamente nisso, porém, que eu estava interessada e prestava a maior atenção do mundo. Nos escritos em hangul que eu conseguia ler, na rua que havia caminhado, nas expressões verbais e faciais que vi e ouvi tantas vezes, na comida que tinha comido. Não que não quisesse saber se o second lead iria finalmente desbancar o protagonista e ficar com a garota no final – a resposta é sempre não –, mas, fala sério, lembrar o gosto da comida de rua de Myeongdong em um come��o de noite ou poder concordar com o personagem em relação ao preço absurdo de uma unidade de banana é muito mais prazeroso e particular do que prestar atenção na trama em si.
Particular no sentido de só eu saber exatamente a sensação de entender um compartimento novo que foi criado, quase como se abre uma gaveta, em alguma parte do meu cérebro. Não sei se foi o tempo sozinha, o primeiro voo solo, o desafio de conhecer e compreender uma cultura totalmente diferente da minha e em um lado totalmente oposto do mundo, ou tudo isso junto, mas o fato é que tem sim um espaço novo dentro de mim que entende e captura novas coisas. E nem estou entrando no mérito de ser uma pessoa totalmente nova e tentar me conciliar com quem eu era antes enquanto me moldo pra tentar ser quem eu quero no futuro – isso fica pra outro texto. O microfoco de hoje vai só, realmente, pra como é bom poder assistir a Park Seojun na televisão de casa com minha mãe e minha irmã novamente, sentadas no sofá da sala ou em um colchão no chão, exatamente como quando assistíamos Itaewon Class um tempo atrás e minha mãe se apaixonava perdidamente pelo "cabeça de castanha", mas agora tendo, nessa nova gavetinha dentro de mim, memórias e memórias que transbordam e pedem pra sair sempre que se reconhecem na tela.
Era um mundo totalmente novo pra mim, antes de eu ir, esse da Coreia do Sul. De doramas, tinha ouvido falar, mas só sentei pra tirar a prova em um dezembro em que uma árvore de Natal me fez querer viver um amor de verão. Foi o meu primeiro, Our beloved summer, embalado pela trilha sonora de V e estrelado pela estrela de Parasita, que já tinha me tirado o fôlego um tempo antes e me atiçado a curiosidade. Relembrei o que era ansiar por alguma coisa, e as segundas-feiras de uma pandemia ganharam um brilho inesperado sempre que a Netflix me notificava que mais dois episódios tinham chegado. Eu tinha sempre que esperar pela minha mãe, é claro, que achou tão bobo que continuou assistindo por várias vezes depois que eu dormia, vidrada, e quase terminou tudo sem mim.
"Não é assim de verdade", meu pai me alertava quando eu estava me preparando pra viajar. Acho que ele tinha medo que eu fosse tão bobinha quanto as protagonistas dos romances mais água com açúcar possíveis, só pra que um oppa pudesse me salvar quando nos esbarrássemos por lá. Acho que nunca ouvi tanto a frase "você tem certeza mesmo?" na minha vida. Sim, pai, eu gostaria de casualmente ver Choi Wooshik no supermercado, mas o máximo que eu pediria seria uma foto na qual eu me odiaria por ter saído com um sorriso tão animado que acabaria virando uma careta. Desde 2009 carrego o fardo de ser fã demais – os Jonas Brothers e todo o dinheiro que dei pra eles que os digam – e sou formada em romances de José de Alencar desde os 14; a onda hallyu é fichinha pra mim.
Eu nunca esperei que nada fosse igual, porque não é, e todos nós sabemos muito bem todas as complicações que o mundo real e o capitalismo submetem a qualquer lugar do mundo, principalmente a um de modernidade tardia freneticamente acelerada pelos Estados Unidos e dividido em dois por uma guerra que não completou nem 71 anos – e isso pode ficar pra outro texto também. Mas não deixa de ser incrível observar de perto uma cultura de tradição milenar ser, não consumida – pelo menos não em sua totalidade –, mas absorvida e contemplada pelo moderno, garantindo espaço em um mercado fechado e preconceituoso que aprende a se abrir aos poucos – em passos de tartaruga mesmo, mas ninguém esperava que fossem de lebre.
Vestir roupas tradicionais coreanas pra visitar um palácio gigantesco e magnificamente preservado da era Joseon, ou andar por entre vilas de casas hanok e mercados que servem as mesmas refeições de duzentos anos atrás, preparadas da mesma forma. Claro que sempre tem um Starbucks ou um McDonald's na esquina, mas é impossível anular todo o resto por causa disso – e o hamburguer de bulgogi até faz jus à tradição, mas até quem é estrangeiro prefere trocar a batatinha por outras frituras tradicionais preparadas nas ruas agitadas pra acompanhar um topoqui.
Não é difícil imaginar, então, a mágica que foi assistir Hwarang pela primeira vez, meses depois de voltar pra casa dessa aventura sensorial pela Ásia. E não, não só por causa do Park Seojun – quantas vezes já mencionei Park Seojun neste texto? –, até porque minha torcida do começo até o fim não foi pelo personagem dele – o principal, é claro, que me tirou do sério e a quem odiei muitas vezes, pra decepção da minha mãe –, mas pelo second lead interpretado por Park Hyungshik.
Minha conquista mais audaciosa não foi nem entender que a tradução pra oraboni vinha na legenda pro português como o nome do personagem em vez de "irmão mais velho", "mano", ou qualquer outra palavra que desse mais sentido à dificuldade que a personagem Aro tinha de pronunciar pra demonstrar fraternidade por aquele que ela amava. Me senti realmente vitoriosa e expert em cultura coreana mesmo quando entendi, logo no primeiro episódio – que, por Deus, é péssimo e eu só terminei de assistir mesmo por muito amor à minha irmã, que adorou –, as locações Dayiseo e Okta.
Quando o personagem Mak-moon pergunta, logo ao chegar escondido à capital, o que são esses dois lugares, recebe olhares desconfiados e um decisivo "você não é daqui, é?". É impossível ser da capital e não saber o que são Dayiseo e Okta, os pontos mais frequentados pelos jovens do Reino de Silla, assim como é impossível passar pela Coreia do Sul e pelo menos não ouvir falar dos pontos nos quais eles foram inspirados.
Do famoso clube Octagon, em Gangnam, só minha curiosidade pré-viagem ganhou conhecimento, logo nas primeiras pesquisas sobre a agitada vida noturna em Seul. O clube mais conhecido da Coreia e um dos mais famosos do mundo fechou permanentemente em 2020, durante a pandemia. Ainda que estivesse aberto em 2023, era difícil que eu pisasse por lá com a minha turma de estrangeiros. O medo de sermos impedidos de entrar em uma balada pelo simples fato de não sermos coreanos nos fez ficar bem longe, pelo menos no que diz respeito a clubes, dos padrões exigentes de Gangnam, que, como o bairro mais rico de Seul, é conhecido por lugares exuberantes que dão abrigo até a idols, segundo às más línguas.
Não é à toa, então, que em Hwarang conhecemos o personagem de Minho, rapper e vocalista do Shinee, justamente no ambiente agitado da taberna Okta. Tem bebidas, performances musicais, salas vip separadas e tudo mais que o clube ainda oferecia em 2016, quando o seriado foi lançado – mas, claro, ambientados mais de 1.500 anos atrás. Certamente ele não frequentaria os clubes do bairro de Hongdae comigo e meus amigos, mesmo na Idade Média, pro alívio do meu pai e de todas as caretas de todas as fotos que eu tiraria.
Se não fui no Octagon, certamente não posso dizer o mesmo da loja japonesa Daiso, que acompanhou toda a minha estadia e salvou por diversas vezes esta intercambista falida com o papel higiênico mais barato de Seul. Não consigo contar todas as vezes que visitei alguma de suas filiais, espalhadas estrategicamente por todos os distritos que visitei, seja pra voltar com uma panela de vinte reais embaixo do braço ou com um pacote de salsichas de peixe sabor queijo que me causaram a maior ânsia de vômito da minha história.
No drama, a mercearia Dayiseo "está por dentro das últimas tendências". Leques, joias, espadas, acessórios: é possível encontrar de tudo, assim como é impossível entrar em uma Daiso em Seul, principalmente se for a de 12 andares em Myeongdong, sem sair com pelo menos um pacote de balinhas ou um lencinho pro cabelo por oito reais – os preços variam entre 1 e 5 mil won.
Também dou menção honrosa à profissão de Aro, que me fez recordar das minhas incríveis, não obstante tediosas, aulas de literatura coreana. Na Coreia antiga, contadores de histórias se profissionalizavam a partir do momento em que conseguiam prover suas necessidades por meio do dinheiro que ganhavam com isso: eles paravam de contar a trama em um momento ápice e só continuavam quando alguém pagasse. Se nos atentarmos a isso, é sensível a escolha de personalidade que deram pra personagem de Go Ara, que topa tudo por uma grana extra.
Pra completar minha satisfação em entender referências – nem tão – ocultas em Hwarang e tirar da gaveta mais memórias afetivas dos meus tempos na Coreia do Sul, só faltou mesmo uma versão medieval da conveniência CU em cada esquina da capital. Ou ter esbarrado em Park Seojun – mais uma menção pra conta –, ou melhor, em Park Hyungshik pelas ruas de Seul pra poder dizer à minha mãe que vi o rei de Silla, em pleno 2023, com meus próprios olhos.
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jihuxblog · 4 years ago
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Itaewon Class (2020)
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creatingnikki · 5 years ago
Itaewon Class
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I love how this show had 2 strong female leads instead of the typical two strong male leads. And by strong I mean they were both solid characters and had their own development and redemption and honestly until the very end if wasn’t quite sure which one was the first female lead and which was the second (though I was rooting for Yi Seo from the very beginning). 
Park Sae Ro Yi. How can I articulate what I feel about him? Other than he is now my top 3 kdrama male leads right up there with Captain Yoo Shi Jin from Descendants of the Sun and Ryan Gold from Her Private Life. I am going to write a whole list of why later! 
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Edit/gif by @sclcncsblog​
I love how the newer kdramas are really talking about issues that matter. In Her Private Life they navigate homosexuality so very well with Ryan Gold’s view of it. In Itaewon Class Hyun-yi being trans was one of my highlights. 
Then with Toni and racism and with Choi Seung-kwon being from the background he is thinking is life is done for but how seeing Sae Ro Yi’s outlook on life and self-worth really turning his life around - oh my gosh. 
I like how by the end of it Park Sae Ro Yi truly becomes a businessman while keeping his values and dignity in place. How he doesn’t treat Chairman Jang in a mean or harsh way - rather makes him soft tofu stew and talks politely - but he doesn’t let his weeping and pleading change his mind about the takeover since that’s a business decision. 
Also I mean can we just acknowledge how the first actual kiss in this kdrama is right at the end of it? And how it could - like most other kdramas- make us feel so much without having to have intense kiss/sex scenes. I mean that is true art. 
I love how Sae Ro Yi takes his time to realise and confess his feelings for Yi Seo. And when he finally tells her - that intensity, that sincerity, that sureness - you can never doubt a man like Sae Ro Yi. 
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Edit/gif by @thingskateknows​
Yi Seo was, of course, my favourite character - right after Sae Ro Yi. She is strong, a little crazy but pure-hearted and a perfect match for Sae Ro Yi. She isn’t weak. She isn’t a coward. Yes, she can be a little too harsh but in the moments that matter, she always rises up to the occasion. Whether for Hyuni-yi or Toni. Her final conversation with Geun Soo where she apologises to him and acknowledges his feelings and how she’s treated them - that was her redemption. 
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Edit/gif by @kdramanewbie​
I really didn’t like Soo Ah. I get that her background wasn’t privileged and that she was at a disadvantage but still...she was just no match for Sae Ro Yi. The kind of man he is, he needs a woman like Yi Seo rather than Soo Ah. But of course, by the end by being the whistler blower and not asking Sae Ro Yi for anything but just to be happy...she redeemed herself. And I love her ending too - starting her own cafe, looking so happy and elegant and pretty and maybe falling for hew new chef (Park Bo Gum!)? I was genuinely happy for her. 
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You know what I really liked about Itaewon Class? The fact that Sae Ro Yi wasn’t above it all. The fact that he let revenge fuel him. And in the end, he got what he wanted but he also admitted that it didn’t make him feel happy and that it had been really fucking tough living life that way. I like how irrespective of how perfect he was, he had his flaw because it’s honestly only natural to have such flaws. Him kneeling down before Chairman Chang to save Yi Seo - I love how he didn’t even have to think about it for a second and how easily it came to him. 
The show truly was about people. And trust. And bonds. Lee Ho-Jin becoming Sae Ro Yi’s friend and then financial manager - loved that. Toni’s grandmom being the badass investor - loved that. I love how all the characters in the show are SO majorly flawed but in the end, mostly good at heart and have their own special/unique set of strengths. In the end, the key to a person’s support, trust, respect and love is sincerity. It really is that simple. 
And the fact that someone can be important to you but not all the time. That’s something Yi Seo understood and Soo Ah didn’t. Like when shit went wrong with the 10 billion investment and Soo Ah told Sae Ro Yi to leave everything and come to her and they could be happy...how could she! Despite knowing, despite actually being right there when Sae Ro Yi’s life fell to pieces back in school. That, along with 100 other reasons is why Yi Seo and Sae Ro Yi always made sense. 
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Edit/gif @kdramatelier​
But the point isn’t that. The point is that everyone has their priorities and people - no matter how much you care about them - they can’t be your constant priority. Hence, you have to be strong enough to be there for yourself. 
In the end, all I can say is...
How did it taste?
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Image by @maricisthebest​
It was SWEET. 
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Edit/gif by @dramaintherain​
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koreaisliiifeu · 5 years ago
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alright-3 · 4 years ago
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이태원 클라쓰/Itaewon Class (2020): Episode 12
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kim-lexie · 5 years ago
itaewon class.
this drama was absolutely incredible an absolute gold mine. i was originally interested because park seo-joon is a part of the cast and let’s be real every drama he touches turns to gold. i loved how dynamic the characters and plots were present throughout. i loved that it attempted to touch various topics including racism and class structures. it had a little bit of everything. 
this drama follows sae-ro-yi, a steadfast and determined individual. it starts with him going to high school and protecting a fellow classmate. which ends him up in a debacle with the school bully, jang geun-won who is the son of the great jang ga group, jang dae-hee. this is the company whom sae-ro-yi father helped build from the bottom up. sae-ro-yi holds to his beliefs as he was protecting a fellow student he doesn’t bow in apology, and he ends up getting expelled and his father losing his job. through all this, his father continues to encourage his son and saying how proud he is of his son for standing for what is right. shortly after, his father is killed in a hit and run accident. when sae-ro-yi comes to find that it was all geun-won’s doing he violently beats him ending him up in jail. while in jail he desires to finish opening his restaurant that his father and himself started dreaming. it leaves him with a 10 year plan landing him in itaewon, where he comes to open danbam pub with a close knit group of soon to be lifelong friends. 
i would highly recommend this drama it was dynamic and i never knew what to expect coming from the various characters we had the pleasure of following. i thoroughly enjoyed the duration of this drama from seeing how he overcame his time in prison, and raising money to get to a place to open his pub it was great.
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*spoilers ahead * you have been warned.
sae-ro-yi. this man was incredibly steadfast in the pursuit of his dream. at first it was interesting, because it appeared to be a revenge plot to get back at jangga group. but by the end he realized that he had more to fight for. he went through years in prison, and a fishing boat, to make it to a place to raise enough money to open a pub in itaewon. he grew this pub with trusting those around him and learning the world of investments and stocks to then eventually be able to buy out jangga group after their countless scandals. it really came full circle for him. and it was because he was unwavering in his goal of making people the priority. 
jang geun-won is at the center of the incredible character development of sae-ro-yi. this kid. i am still conflicted on how to feel because at the center i feel that a lot of his evil qualities stem from his raising. his father made him kill a chicken and consider all the people around him livestock as the only way to get through life. then when he did screw up and ran away from a hit and run, he got it covered up by someone else. when one is taught with that perspective how can you not be a completely and utterly twisted human being. but then again he had many opportunities to switch his direction. when he was talking with soo-a all those times when she was like nah you’re not great, get it together. but then he went and kidnapped yi-seo because he knew it would get sae-ro-yi out so he could kill him. like that’s messed up. sooo yeah i take it back he was a horrible person. terribly twisted character. 
jang dae-hee. his man is messed up and i find it difficult to find that he was so thrown off by sae-ro-yi. it may be because he found a bit of his old self in him. because sae-ro-yi was steadfast in his beliefs where as the ceo wavered and changed with the times to further the company. i also need to add, that this man is an incredible actor especially as they had him age dramatically throughout this show. 
soo-a this woman was also messed up and worked for jangga group even though she knew that sae-ro-yi’s dad was killed by the son and covered up by the ceo. what a crap friend. i did not appreciate how in the last few episodes they wanted me to like her character because she did finally develop a conscience and payback sae-ro-yi’s dad two fold and turned in jangga group for all the crap they’ve done over the years. but sae-ro-yi pursued her for so long and then when he developed feelings for yi-seo is when she got woke and was like wait hold the phone. ya know what sister, you lost your chance, so good bye felicia. 
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yi-seo. this girl. *insert slow clap* i came to truly love this character. she was crazy and still is crazy but she has her lovely qualities as well. sae-ro-yi needed the balance in his life, and he was living his life in a deep revenge scheme, she was there to advocate for the best for him. she had no regards for herself in some instances, when she recorded geun-won confessing to killing sae-ro-yi’s dad, and how she got slapped dang. i appreciated that he finally got woke and realized that all this time he had feelings for her. when it came time to try and find her after geun-won had kidnapped them and the ceo jang was the only one who knew where they were, he easily got down on his knees because he knew that he needed to save her and that he had something worth more than his pride. 
i’m willing to do it thousands of times. 
there’s nothing easier than this. 
i love how sae-ro-yi also kept her in line, because she could never hold her tongue. and she hurt those around her without realizing the consequences of her actions. (also his little head pat thing TT)
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jang geun-soo. this kid should have been majorly twisted at the start, having the same raising as geun-won, but he was a sweet precious bean who found a friend in yi-seo. however, she never saw him in the same light he saw her. and that twisted his outlook and pursuit of his goals. he easily threw her feelings for sae-ro-yi under the bus and exposed her, and then went off to work for jangga to take over the company and win her heart. in the pruusit of his he released information about hyun-yi to the media during the cooking competition. and he became a different person. then at the end he came to his senses and went to apologize to the crew at danbam. i must also add i loved the hyung relationship that sae-ro-yi had developed with geun-soo even before he knew his family. and this lasted throughout the drama he was always there to offer advice and stand up for him, as well as forgive him when need be.
the danbam crew. choi seung-kwon went through major character development in the time he knew sae-ro-yi. he woke him up and showed him that he can change his perspective and elevate himself. he didn’t need to be a gangster even if that was his past self. and this was insanely prominent after yi-seo was kidnapped and he went to his previous gang to find out where they were, and he ended up calling the cops to solve the issue rather than doing so with his fists. he also developed in his perspective of those around him, especially in his growing feelings for ma hyuun-yi. she was the character who experienced a gender transformation in the early episodes of the show. her character was so great (and i must say that i love lee joo-young ever since ‘weightlifting fairy’). her character was insanely strong and went through so much as a part of her that she wished to be kept personal and secret was released to the public. she was strong and continued to hold her head high through it all. toni kim this boy brought light to the issue of racism and how deep set it is in the culture. i love that he started working there and how kim soon-rye, the investor and someone opposed to him, ended up being his grandmother. i found that all the members of danbam really enhanced each others qualities whether good or bad. and if bad they grew and developed to overcome them. 
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sae-ro-yi’s father, park sung-yeol. this man was such an encouraging force for sae-ro-yi. he helped him finally realize what life was and how it should be lived. 
i’m going to embrace my yearning heart and continue tot love my life. 
you finally got it that is what life is. you can overcome anything as long as you’re alive. 
and the whole drinking alcohol thing, when it had been bitter tasting for so long and how it ended up being sweet in the end because he had the joy from those around him. i wept. 
plot & themes. 
i felt that they attempted to tackle large issues from transgender, racism, and social class structures. i found that they were are lightly touched and resurfaced every once in a while. i appreciate that they brought it to light, however i was disappointed that it was never fully addressed, but then again they did a lot considering other dramas don't even try. 
sae-ro-yi went through so many hardships and it really developed his character. being thrown in jail. having to work on a fishing vessel to raise funds. from having jangga company taking over his original building, to having to buy his own building to continue danbam. and all the twists from the cooking show they participated in and how even geun-soo realized information about hyun-yi in hopes of deterring their win. then as time went on they grew the company, our yi-seo ends up in the hospital and gets kidnapped. when sae-ro-yi goes to find her he gets run over just like his dad, another hit and run. then when he goes to ceo jang to find their location he gives him the go around and makes him bow to him. then when they find out where she and geun-soo are they get beaten up again. literally his bean went to hell and back again. i am glad that we saw them in the last clips as they found joy in their day to day, and he finally confessed to her as 
my head and heart are all filled with you. 
i love you. 
and how yi-seo now goes around asking him, ‘do you like me?’ and he makes the clarification nah i don’t just like you ‘i love you.’ i really appreciate this distinction because he followed soo-a around for years saying he liked her, and that this is different. 
there were so many favorite moments (sad happy and everything in between) throughout the drama so here are a few in no particular order:
yi-seo determining that she wants to help sae-ro-yi overcome everything and anything in his path
when sae-ro-yi opens up to yi-seo about his past and she sees all his scars and she cries while he holds her. 
when sae-ro-yi encourages hyun-yi to do what she wants even though it would throw their investment opportunities if they failed the best pub cooking show. but if it was best for hyun-yi that is what he was going to back.  and then how she is an incredible boss and says...
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yi-seo finally confessing to him, and all he has excuses as to why it wouldn’t work. when we all know he loves her but is too stubborn to see anything but soo-a. even though i knew her feelings weren’t reciprocated at the moment my heart still shattered into a millions billion pieces when he said he never had feelings and when she confessed saying she loved him and he made up excuses  and told her not to love him. 
when toni finds out that the investor ahjumma is his grandmother, and that they are family and she welcomes him in with open arms. 
when sae-ro-yi finally cries. because dang was this a moment. when he wakes up after being run over and realizing that he didn't save yi-seo and that he is at a total loss. it’s a breaking point for him, and really everyone in the room felt it. 
park bo gum being that handsome chef in the end at soo-a’s cafe. 
i hope everyone enjoyed this drama as much as i did, and as always i am sure i missed things, and it just ended so i am still processing. but dang this one was really good, and i’d rate it a 12 out of 10. 
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pynk-moon · 3 years ago
Boramiyu ig story 210824
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sdikinom · 5 years ago
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please leave a ♥ if you save/use.
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jar-of-moonshine · 5 years ago
I made this bc I'm obsessed with Itaewon Class atm and I'm probably gonna make more fanart pretty soon
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clearrinq · 5 years ago
Me after finishing the last episode of Itaewon Class:
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jjb25 · 5 years ago
Okay but can we talk about how perfect Choi seung kwon was and his character development .. i mean that growth with the :
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Going from that to:
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Wow wow wow wow !!!!!! This scene literally made me cry and inspired me so hard !!!!! I mean you can really pick yourself up from anything .. you can conquer anything as long as you’re alive. It is never to late to start again !!!!!! I mean.. also not to mention i bawled my eyes out here but just.. phenomenal man !!!!!! And to think Searoyi had such an influence on him, on all the characters. God damn, i love this show.
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rzzy · 5 years ago
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netflixmarathonreviews · 5 years ago
Itaewon Class (2020)
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Itaewon Class is based on the webtoon with the same title. 
I have to admit - Itaewon Class is one of my most awaited Korean Dramas of the year because of its interesting plot and charismatic cast. Congratulations to the whole team!
I don’t think it’s full of plot twists as one scene after the other were pretty obvious from the start. Though, I do commend how the actors and actresses portrayed their roles. It may been a usual rags to riches kind of story and a quest to plot his revenge on his enemy, but how they tackled the impending issues of society, such as gender inequality and social class discrimination, became its launch pad to secure a spot in the Top K-dramas of 2020. 
It taught people the following life lessons:
I - nvest in good and loyal people.
T - hink of your weaknesses as your strength.
A - chieve your dreams no matter what the circumstances.
E - mbrace a productive day. Know your goals and have a plan in mind.
W - ork hard to gain what you want. No pain, no gain.
O - pen your heart to someone who helps you grow, not to a person who only wants to satisfy herself/himself using you.
N - ever think that your past defines your future. You are the author of your life. You can make changes easily.
C - ome and be yourself. You do not have to be sorry for having different principles.
L - eave the negativity behind. If it’s not helping you grow, let it go.
A - ct accordingly. Do not be gullible.
S - tart with people. Businesses should be about the people, not money.
S - imilar goals create a great team. Trust them.
I recommend Itaewon Class to people who need a motivation to carry on with their goals. Do not give up on your dreams. Just hold on, you will get through this.
Also, listen to the original soundtracks as these songs strengthened the whole series! I’m looking forward to more Korean dramas with Park Seo Joon and Kim Da Mi with their adorable chemistry!
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