#dan spivey
muldoonlives · 5 months
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guyincognitojr · 2 years
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WCW Worldwide July 4, 1992 (Review)
Sub to my channel for more: https://www.youtube.com/@oldschoolwrestlingrambles595/videos
@wrestlingeditsdaily @wcwworldwide @1980s-90sgifs @steveaustin00 @brianpillman
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The Skyscrapers vs. The Ding Dongs (NWA Pro, July 18, 1989)
The Skyscrapers vs. Avalanch & Mike Blackwell (NWA World Wide Wrestling, August 5, 1989)
“Psycho” Sid Vicious vs. Lee Scott (NWA Main Event, August 15, 1989)
My reflexive answer to the question “What is your favorite match of all time” is KENTA vs. Bryan Danielson for the ROH World Championship from ROH Glory By Honor V Night 2 because it was 1) an incredible match 2) featuring Bryan Danielson, my favorite wrestler of all time 3) that was lucky to have seen live. Competitive epic matches like KENTA vs. Danielson are ideal combinations of athleticism and emotion that use physicality to heighten the drama that is only possible in professional wrestling.
Sometimes, however, you just need to see glistening and statuesque giants destroy the mortal men who, out of a desperate need for a quick check or simple hubris, try to measure their arms vis a vis their ability to box with God.
On this occasion, we revisit these three remarkable jobber matches to memorialize Sid Eudy, aka Sycho Sid, Sid Justice, Sid Vicious, and simply Sid. RD Reynolds wrote about both these tag matches for WrestleCrap’s Squash of the Week column, and they summed it up nicely in the review of the Skyscrapers vs. the Ding Dongs: “The match consisted of a few forearms, a kick, and only two more moves. Unfortunately for Ding and Dong, they would be these two moves: [gifs of a rough Spivey falling powerbomb and an even rougher Sid powerbomb].”
Sid worked best in these quick squashes that accentuated how larger than life he was. I am not interested in seeing Sid play at showing vulnerability. His power and presence are intense, and prolonged exposure is not ideal for him or us. Sid had IT, that ineffable quality that made him remarkable.
Similar to how the Kelvin and Rankine temperature scales are defined by a particle’s motion relative to absolute zero, Sid’s mightiness can only be defined relative to the poor schlub who’s jobbing for him that night. So, kudos to Lee Scott, who made Sid look like an impossible challenge, the Ding Dongs, who made Sid and Dan Spivey look vicious and dangerous, and poor Mike Blackwell, who made Sid and Spivey look minacious and hazardous to their opponents’ health.
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jvpw · 2 years
'WCW WORLDWIDE' 01.02.93 - Steamboat & Douglas vs. Windham & Pillman, THREE Dustin Rhodes Appearances
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AIRDATE: January 2, 1993 COMMENTATORS: Tony Schiavone & Jesse “The Body” Ventura
The inaugural Worldwide of 1993 features a Unified Tag Team Championship main event as Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas defend against Barry Windham & Brian Pillman. Also on the show Erik Watts takes on Bobby Eaton in a Bounty Match and Dustin Rhodes wrestles not once, not twice, but THREE times.
WCW/NWA UNIFIED WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat & Shane Douglas
Dan Spivey vs. Scott Allen (SQUASH)
Dustin Rhodes vs. Danny Deese (SQUASH)
2 Cold Scorpio vs. Chris Sullivan (SQUASH)
BOUNTY MATCH: Erik Watts vs. Bobby Eaton (*1/2)
Dustin Rhodes vs. Dan Spivey (*3/4)
Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas [c] vs. Barry Windham & Brian Pillman for the WCW/NWA UNIFIED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP (**1/2)
-LAST WEEK: A brawl breaks out between Ricky Steamboat, Shane Douglas, Barry Windham, & Brian Pillman leading to this week’s main event for the Unified Tag Team Titles.
“Dangerous” Dan Spivey vs. Scott Allen
Spivey dominates right from the bell, clubberin’ and clobberin’ and putting Allen out of his misery in short order with a DDT.
Dan Spivey defeated Scott Allen via pinfall (1:22)
-Eric Bischoff hosts this week’s WCW Magazine segment about the booming tag team division in WCW, showcasing a music video for up and coming team Tex Slazenger & Shanghai Pierce. HELL YEAH BABY, IT’S GODWINNS TIME.
-Ventura welcomes Tony Atlas to the interview stage. Atlas asks when Van Hammer is going to accept his arm wrestling challenge (it’s happening January 13th at Clash of the Champions but I guess the Power Hour crew doesn’t talk to the Worldwide crew).
“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes vs. Danny Deese
Ventura mocks Rhodes’ theme song, saying studies have shown cities where “goat-roping” music is popular have higher suicide rates. Made me laugh but also YIKES. Not much to the match, Rhodes wins with a Bulldog.
Dustin Rhodes defeated Danny Deese via pinfall (1:45)
Schiavone welcomes the victorious Rhodes to the interview stage. Rhodes tells Barry Windham to watch his back because he’s going to finish what Windham started. Dan Spivey interrupts and challenges Rhodes TONIGHT, Rhodes agrees. Yeah alright, lessgooo.
2 Cold Scorpio vs. Chris Sullivan
Sullivan surprisingly is all offense to start, including a slap that sends Scorpio flying off the apron, but Scorpio quickly regroups and gets the win with a slingshot 450 Splash.
2 Cold Scorpio defeated Chris Sullivan via pinfall (1:19)
JON’S THOUGHTS: Chris Sullivan is billed from Hawaii but looks like a bus driver from Ohio. Go outside once in awhile dude YOU LIVE IN HAWAII. Scorpio switching it up with a slingshot 450, which is somehow even more impressive than his regular one. How did WCW ever get a wrestler so damn cool and innovative as 2 Cold back in the early-90s? You’re right, it was money. (SQUASH)
-Eric Bischoff is here with the second WCW Magazine segment of the night, this time focusing on the feud between Erik Watts and Rick Rude. Rude beat Watts on last week’s Saturday Night but Watts got the shine by beating the count after Rude tried to put him out with a Rude Awakening on the floor. Watts is in action next!
-EARLIER TODAY: Arn Anderson is upset that he has to relinquish his shot at the bounty on Erik Watts’ head due to injury but his partner Bobby Eaton is going to take his place. They’re the dirtiest players in the game and Watts will be the sacrificial lamb.
BOUNTY MATCHErik Watts vs. “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton [w/ “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson]
Eaton attacks Watts in the aisle, Watts sends him flying with a backdrop and enters the ring. Anderson gets in his face, Watts sends him packing with a right and goes back to Eaton, connecting with a monkey flip and series of rights. Watts goes for the STF, Eaton quickly scurries to the ropes to force a break and bails to the ground. Ventura announces that Rhodes/Spivey WILL be happening after this match. Cool. Watts bounces Eaton off the concrete floor and follows up with a 3 Point Stance lariat. Anderson distracts Watts, Eaton wipes him out from behind. Anderson gets a shot in, Ventura applauding him for returning the favor from earlier because he’s the fairest commentator of all-time. Eaton connects with a neckbreaker and comes off the top with the Alabama Jam, Anderson distracting the ref so he doesn’t get DQed (top rope moves are banned in WCW at this point still), and covers for the 1…2…WATTS KICKS OUT. Anderson intervenes, Watts double noggin knocks the dastardly duo and locks in the STF on Eaton for the win!
Erik Watts defeated Bobby Eaton via submission (3:40)
JON’S THOUGHTS: Erik Watts was set up to fail by his father, who ran WCW at the time he made his professional debut. Just cruel to put his son’s feet to the fire in such a high profile way. He ended up being pretty okay in the end but it didn’t end up mattering, sadly. ANYWAY the match itself was alright, Anderson & Eaton did what they could. Not sure why there’s a bounty or what the bounty is, it was only mentioned on commentary and not by the ring announcer. (*1/2)
“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes vs. “Dangerous’ Dan Spivey
Spivey attacks Rhodes right at the bell, leveling him with a clothesline. Rhodes stuns Spivey with a bionic elbow and sends him scurrying with a pair of dropkicks. Rhodes follows him out and gets his head rammed into the apron for his troubles. Rhodes catches Spivey with a kick and rides him to the canvas with a lariat. Rhodes works Spivey’s arm, Spivey backs him into the corner but misses a running elbow and Rhodes takes him back to the canvas with an armdrag. Spivey yanks Rhodes’ bad arm (he’s got a cast on thanks to an attack from Barry Windham last year) and goes on the offensive, slamming Rhodes on it for the 1…2…Rhodes kicks out and Spivey gator rolls the arm over the apron, snapping it on the hardest part of the ring. Rhodes charges, Spivey connects with a Japanese armdrag and covers for the 1…2…Rhodes kicks out. Rhodes counters Spivey with a belly-to-back suplex and catches him with another lariat for the 1…2…Spivey kicks out. Rhodes and Spivey knock the wind out of each other with a double clothesline, Rhodes gets to his feet first and heads to the top. Spivey tries to slam him off, Rhodes hangs on and turns it into a cover for the 1…2…3!
Dustin Rhodes defeated Dan Spivey via pinfall (5:27)
JON’S THOUGHTS: Disappointed, to be honest. I don’t know WHAT I was hoping for necessarily but that wasn’t it. Liked the finish though. (*3/4)
Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat & Shane Douglas [c] vs. Barry Windham & “Flyin” Brian Pillman for the WCW/NWA UNIFIED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP
Both teams continue their brawl from last week, Steamboat putting Windham into the lights with a backdrop followed by a double axhandle and double chop. Douglas tags in and grabs a side headlock. Windham counters out with a drop toehold and makes the tag to Pillman. Pillman & Douglas trade shots, Douglas fights out of the heel corner and grabs a wristlock, Steamboat tags in and slams Pillman on his now bad arm. Pillman begs off, Steamboat gives no f*cks and connects with another hammerlock slam. Douglas tags in and the champs hit a double back elbow. Pillman blinds Douglas and tags Windham, the challengers connecting with a double clothesline. Windham cleans Douglas’ clock with a right hand, Douglas reverses a whip and connects with a powerslam for the 1…2…Windham kicks out. Windham regains momentum with a flying forearm followed by a scoop slam. Douglas tries to make a tag, Pillman keeps the legs tied up and tags Windham who attacks Douglas. Douglas gets tossed over the top rope behind the ref’s back, Pillman rams him into the side of the apron. Windham snaps off a suplex, floating over into a lateral press for the 1…2..Douglas kicks out. Windham covers again, Steamboat stops the count. Pillman tags in and distracts the ref, Windham chokes Douglas and Steamboat runs over to put a stop to it. Douglas has Pillman pinned but the ref is too busy trying to send Steamboat back to his corner. DAMMIT DRAGON. Pillman slows it down with a chinlock, Windham giving his partner extra leverage by grabbing his legs. Windham tags in and bounces Douglas’ head off the top turnbuckle for the 1…2…not yet. Windham follows with a lariat for the 1…2…Douglas kicks out once again! Pillman tags in, Douglas counters a flyin Brian with a kick to the teeth.
Windham tags in but SO DOES STEAMBOAT AND IT’S DRAGON TIME BOYS! Double chops and slams to Windham and Pillman, Steamboat sends Windham to the floor with a chop. Steamboat pummels Pillman, Windham takes Douglas out of the match with a DDT ON THE CONCRETE FLOOR. Hope Douglas took it better than Steamboat did back in ‘86. Windham launches Pillman onto Steamboat for the 1…2…STEAMBOAT KICKS OUT. Windham tags back in and connects with a belly-to-back suplex for the 1…2…not yet. Dustin Rhodes runs out and checks on Douglas but he’s out of it. Steamboat tags Rhodes in, WHICH THE REF ALLOWS FOR SOME REASON, who pummels the hell out of Windham. Pillman attacks Rhodes from behind, Steamboat attacks Pillman but gets sent to the apron. Rhodes fights off Pillman and nails Windham with his cast for the 1…2…3!
Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas/Dustin Rhodes [c] defeated Barry Windham & Brian Pillman via pinfall to retain the WCW/NWA UNIFIED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP (11:52)
JON’S THOUGHTS: I’m with Ventura, Rhodes interjecting himself and taking over as Steamboat’s partner was unfair and should not have happened! MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE, A PLAGUE UPON THEIR HOUSES, etc. and so forth. Good match overall, Steamboat being the consummate babyface while acting like a sh*tbag heel is the best. (**1/2)
-It’s Eric Bischoff again with the third and supposedly final WCW Magazine segment of the episode, taking it to Van Hammer who accepts Tony Atlas’ arm wrestling challenge. 
-Schiavone and Ventura interview Barry Windham & Brian Pillman, who are still steaming about their loss. Pillman says he’s been participating in organized athletics since he was a child and has never experienced such a despicable display. Windham vows to paint Rhodes’ rear yellow as the odds are never even when they battle.
If you’re into Dustin Rhodes then you’re gonna love this episode of Worldwide. Three matches in the span of an hour? Somebody in the office likes this guy. Good episode, lots happening start to finish and Bobby Eaton being the consummate professional by helping make Erik Watts look pretty damn good out there.
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ringthedamnbell · 9 months
Wrestling With Sin: 467
Wrestling With Sin: 467 featuring Mean Gene Okerlund, Dan Spivey and much more...
Brian Damage This is the 467th installment of the ‘Wrestling with Sin‘ series. A group of stories that delves into the darker, underbelly of pro wrestling. Many of the stories involve such subjects as sex, drugs, greed and in some cases even murder! As with every single story in the Sin series, I do not condone or condemn the alleged participants. We simply retell their stories by researching…
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razor-ramons-thighs · 2 years
We’re getting Waylon Mercy promos now, he’s almost here
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puppymask · 25 days
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According to a post on his son's (Gunnar) Facebook, Sid Eudy passed away today at age 63 after a many years long battle with cancer.
He will be remembered fondly by wrestling fans throughout, whether as "Sycho" Syd, Sid Vicious, or Sid Justice: Master and Ruler of the Universe.
At the beginning of his career, he tagged with Dan Spivey as the other half of the Skyscrapers. Later in the WWF and in WCW, he would go on successful solos runs. He held the WCW Heavyweight belt and the WWF Championship belt twice each.
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fundieshaderoom · 19 days
Major Fundie (and Adjacent) Birthdays in September
September 1-
Lori Alexander turns 66.
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September 2-
Susanna Keller and York Bridges celebrate 5 years of marriage.
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September 4-
Paul Olligies turns 35.
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September 5-
Jeremy Vuolo turns 37.
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September 6-
Amy Duggar and Dillon King celebrate 9 years of marriage.
Allie Beth and Timothy Stuckey celebrate 9 years of marriage.
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September 8-
David Waller turns 38.
Joe Duggar and Kendra Caldwell celebrate 7 years of marriage.
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September 9-
Dwain and Lana Swanson celebrate 26 years of marriage.
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September 10-
Sierra Jo Dominguez turns 35.
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September 12-
Mason Duggar turns 7.
Ryker Bates turns 1.
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September 13-
Michelle Duggar turns 58.
Shoshanna Pearl Easling turns 41.
Bethany Baird Beal turns 36.
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September 14-
Becky Keilen and Timothy Forman celebrate 5 years of marriage.
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September 15-
Brandon Keilen turns 35.
Judson Bates turns 14.
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September 17-
Amy Roloff turns 62.
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September 18-
Rob and Hilary Spivey celebrate 25 years of marriage.
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September 20-
Jeremy and Audrey Roloff celebrate 10 years of marriage.
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September 21-
Whitney Perkins Bates turns 31.
Luca Olligies turns 2.
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September 23-
Dan and Sandra Webster celebrate 52 years of marriage.
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September 26-
Anna Keller and Josh Duggar celebrate 16 years of marriage.
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September 28-
Maegan Forsyth Ballinger turns 33.
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September 30-
Rob Spivey turns 51.
Amy Duggar King turns 38.
Hannah Rodrigues turns 16.
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guyincognitojr · 1 year
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lokifreign · 2 years
hearing aids and music. it took time, a month or so, to really bring the two together. for a while I'd take them out to listen to music; it just didn't gel, it didn't work. over time my brain adjusted and leaned toward wanting all those frequencies instead of trying to shut them out or disclaim them.
would have imagined I'd go to all the teenage albums, but instead I've been bingeing Cab Calloway, Steely Dan, and various operas lately, more or less nonstop. Also a lot of Halvorsen arrangements for folk instruments.
Last week it was 100% early 20th century blues, like coffee can recordings. Victoria Spivey, Dick Justice, Cleo Brown, Woody Guthrie, Hank Williams. Some warblers. A not-insignificant Harry Chapin blip for a minute, before that, I have no shame about it; I think Lisa Germano might have actually swerved me into the Chapin. Somehow.
younger me would be so confused
I still don't like stuff I didn't like before, but the need to variegate my audio environment has come on, strong. Seems loud, too, but according to the sliders I'm less than half. Huh.
have people been tolerating the loudness of my media all this time
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vbartilucci · 2 years
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The best deep cut of Bray Wyatt’s return last night was having the live-action version of Mercy the Buzzard clad in a Hawaiian shirt, further cementing the fact that she’s a hat-tip to Waylon Mercy, Dan Spivey’s short-lived character who Bray used as partial inspiration for the initial iteration of the Eater of Worlds.
Dan not only gave his blessing, he helped craft the character with Bray.
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therasslingrob · 1 month
III) WrestleMania II: What the World is Coming To!
April 7th, 1986
Nassau Coliseum in Long Island, NY
Rosemont Horizon in Chicago, IL
Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena in Los Angeles, CA
Attendance: 40,085 (combined)
1.) Don Muraco (with Master Fuji) vs. Paul Orndorff (4/10)
2.) Randy Savage (with Miss Elizabeth) vs. George Steele (Intercontinental Championship, 5/10)
3.) Jake Roberts vs. George Wells (3.5/10)
4.) Roddy Piper (with Bob Orton and Lou Duva) vs. Mr. T (with Joe Frazier and Haiti Kid) (Boxing match, 4/10)
5.) Fabulous Moolah vs. Velvet McIntyre (Women's Championship, 1/10)
6.) Corporal Kirchner vs. Nikolai Volkoff (with Freddie Blassie) (Flag Match, 3/10)
7.) WWE vs. NFL Battle Royal (André the Giant vs. Jimbo Covert vs. Pedro Morales vs. Tony Atlas vs. Ted Arcidi vs. Harvey Martin vs. Dan Spivey vs. Hillbilly Jim vs. Haku vs. Iron Sheik vs. Ernie Holmes vs. B. Brian Blair vs. Jim Brunzell vs, Big John Studd vs. Bill Fralic vs. Bret Hart vs. Jim Neidhart vs. Russ Francis vs. Bruno Sammartino vs. William Perry) (6/10)
8.) Brutus Beefcake and Greg Valentine (with Johnny Valiant) vs. British Bulldog and Dynamite Kid (with Lou Albano and Ozzy Osbourne) (WWE Tag Team Championship, 7/10)
9 ) Ricky Steamboat vs. Hercules Hernandez (6/10)
10.) Adrian Adonis (with Jimmy Hart) vs. Uncle Elmer (1/10)
11.) Terry Funk and Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Tito Santana and Junkyard Dog (6.5/10)
12.) Hulk Hogan vs. King Kong Bundy (with Bobby Heenan) (WWE Championship, Steel Cage (8/10)
Here we are with WrestleMania II, otherwise known as the tri-venued WrestleMania. The Orndorff/Muraco bout was good, but short. Just as the opener was revving up, there was the dusty finish. The matchup could have gone a few more minutes, giving a clear winner in the curtain jerker. The Savage/Steele encounter, although short, was good for what it was. An early match in Savage's WWE run to get him over. The same could be said about the Jake/Wells. They could have had Savage and Jake face off and not have two jobber matches consecutively at a WrestleMania, For the New York main event, did they really introduce Joan Rivers as Joan Crawford? Nice flub there, Fink. The boxing match (Piper/Mr. T) was a measly 4 of 10. Two for the match itself, with two extra points just for the ending.
The Chicago subset of this WrestleMania was nothing special. The quick Women's Championship (as was the style at the time) and the Flag match just kinda happened. The battle royal was not that good, but battle royals are still cool. Like bad pizza, it's still pizza. The best of the Chi-Town section was the Bulldogs/Dream Team Tag Titles match. They may have been called the Dream Team, but the 2000s Dream Team was imminently and immensely better.
On to the Los Angeles front, there ain't much to say. Steamboat/Hercules was an okay, albeit slow match. Elmer/Adonis was just ridiculous, and the Funks/Tito and Junkyard Dog tag match was good. The main event was the best of this WrestleMania as a whole, and it doesn't even seem close.
This just seemed like a mediocre WrestleMania in retrospect. It may have been only the second in the chronology, but the booking seemed nearly non-existent. Five of the twelve matches had any semblance of an angle to them.
55 of 120 … 45.833%
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vm4vm0 · 1 year
@harrystyles ‘Music For a Sushi Restaurant’
Written and Directed by Aube Perrie @aube_perrie
Production Co: @PulseFilms Production Service: LFR Productions Executive Producer, Pulse Films: @beatrik Executive Producers, LFR: Luigi Rossi & Francesco Rizzo @luigirossi.tv @currynneon Producer: Josh Sondock @_Sondock
Label: @columbiarecords Commissioner: Bryan Younce @bryanyounce Creative Director : Molly Hawkins @mollyjane_x
DoP: Legend Chris Ripley @christopher.c.ripley Production Designer: Patience Harding @patienceharding Casting Director: Kate Antognini @kateantognini Photographer: Adm Powell @a_damp_owl Special Makeup Effects Designer & Prosthetic Makeup Lead: Legend Chelsea Delfino @chelseadelfino_artistry @chelseadelfino_sfx Stylist: Lindsey Hartman @lindseyhartman Hair: Zuleika Acosta @zuzubeauty Make-up: Ashley Di Sarro @ashleydisarro Location Manager: Jennifer Quesenbery @tank_the_chihuahua
Production Supervisor: Brooke Elito @broookeee21 Coordinator: Debby Tickenoff @debb_louise 1st Assistant Director: Amazing Donna Imbarrato @donnadonnamarie 1st Assistant Director: Abbey Hansen @aunt_craycray 2nd Assistant Director: Maria Villena @Ria_on_Set Art Coordinator: Caroline Jackson @womanhood
Editors: Gwen Ghelid @gwenghelid & Aube Perrie
Color: Thomas Mangham @thomasmangham 2D Lead: Toby Aldridge Post: @blackkitestudios Post Producer: Jade Denne Sound design & Mix: Mark Hellaby @onegearconvert Sound House: @750_mph Producer: Olivia Ray
Stills Artist: @james_siewert_artwork Director’s Rep: HANDS @handsldn
2nd Unit DP: Doug Durant @dougdurant Steadicam Op: Kyle Fasanella @vilekyle 1st AC: Nick Wiesner @nwiesner 2nd AC: Justin Mulroy @just_dropped_in Loader: Laura Eraud @Snoufy18 Camera PA: Raheem Stanley @raheemtystanley
Gaffer: Omar Nasr @Omarknasr BB Electric: Agustina Biasutto @agustinabiasutto Board Operator: Brandon Woodruff @tropical___products Electric: Alex Blum @light.blums Driver/Swing: Matt Lundy Key Grip: Keve Huggins @burnzgood BB Grip: Patrick Graham @impockets Grip: Dwane Harris @watch22 Grip: Mithin Thomas @mithintvm
Lead: Erick Benavides @erickbenavi Set Decorator: Abby McCreary @abigailmccreary Set Decorator: Phil McGill @papermatador Set Decorator: Lissette Emma @lissette_emma Prop Master: Zach Adams @georgggy Art Assistant: Jorge Almengor @influenced_5000 Art Assistant: Alexandra Massillo @ok4yso Art Assistant: Julye William @Jeezjulye
Harry Styles’ Skin: Dotti @therealistdotti Harry Styles’ Hair: Matt Mullhall @mattmulhall Harry Styles Stylist: Harry Lambert @harry_lambert Harry Styles’ Stylist Assistant: Ryan Wohlgemut @ryanwohlgemut
Prosthetic Makeup Artist: Sasha Glasser @sashaglasser
Tail produced by: Legend Jason Hamer’s Hamer FX @jasonhamer @Hamer_fx Sculptor: Mario Tores & Greg Polutanovich @gregpolutanovich Mold makers: Kyle Konkle, Eric Mullins,  @theartofseanpatrick & Emily Faunce Fabrication: Reggie Rizzo Painter: Eric Harris
Shrimp mask fabrication: Santino Ferrese @sffxstudios
Wardrobe Assistant: Amber Simirigilia @ambersimiriglia HMU Assistant: @meezamua Meliza Generoso
VTR: Steven Carlson @Steven.CR2 Script Supervisor: Carolynn Cecilia @carolynncecilia Playback: Tim Race @bigblissband Covid Compliance Manager: Mary Kate Kremar @marykaos  Covid Compliance Manager: Christian Peguro @christianpeguero Covid Compliance Assistant: Harrison Lipton @harrisonlipton Covid Compliance Assistant: Jabiece Benbow @janiecerisa Medic: Ali Colorio @alii_cat
Craft Service: Benn Goldschein Producer’s Assistant: Amy Teboul Truck PA: Ross Sloan Wardrobe Truck: Michael Spivey Camera Truck: Xavier Jeffers Set PA: Madison White AD PA: Dahvielle Lucas Set PA: Tahlia Munoz Set PA: Damien Cruz Set PA: Yvano Cajuste Set PA: JT Tsuchiya Driver PA: Duwayne King Driver PA: Santiago Deriquin Driver PA: Adde Abihzber
BTS Photographer: Lloyd Wakefield @lloyddddddddddddddddd
OCP Talent Owners: David Arrow @davidarrowactor & Amber Paul @amberpaulnyc Cook: Dante Fiallo @dantefiallo Handyman: Tony Wave @ryde_the_wave  “Can I touch your tail” Guy: Zeus RocanCourt @zeusrocancourt Prawn, Trombone: Jessica Stanley @jessstanleymusic Prawn, Trumpet: Sophie Manoloff @sophietrumpet Prawn, Saxophone: Reveka Pasternak @rvekap
Background Talent: Dawn Davis, Donna Tsufura, Eugene Farley, Glenn Wernig, Kenneth Geronimo, Kevin Kusinitz, Kimberly Solano, Michell Diaz Perea, Guy Richman, Laang T. Stewart, Josh Tolentino, Lorre-Ann Fisher, Troylynn Roberts, Bryant Salazar, Kseniya Yermakova, Mizan Taylor & Yanilsa Delacruz
Background Casting: Background Inc. 
Tail Handlers: Quentin Collins & Bryce Owen @quentinpcollins & @bryceowen_
Location: Legendary Sugar Hill Supper Club @sugarhillsupperclub
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