#damnatio kira
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the-black-bulls · 4 months ago
Luck: Well, we all knew Gauche would kill someone.
Damnatio: So, you think he's capable of it?
Magna, jumping in: No no no, we don't. At most, Gauche would brutally assault somebody.
Gauche, who is being held under suspicion of murder: Would somebody get these two the hell out of here?!
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whackdreamer · 11 months ago
Black Clover Thoughts
What crime did you think Damnatio's father commit?
My personal headcanon is that papa Kira cheated on mama Kira which is why Damnatio took his father's case personally.
(Damnatio: Raise an objection? That's not what you raised when you cheated on mom.)
Just curious but what are BC fandom thoughts on this? What is papa Kira's crime?
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ladymiraclewings · 10 months ago
Damnatio Kira: I have to stop asking the Black Bulls how stupid they can be. Julius Novachrono: Why? Damnatio Kira: They’re starting to take it as a challenge.
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goffilolo · 2 years ago
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I dunno, if I was Damnatio I would've let him go
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mishy-mashy · 1 month ago
Has anyone mentioned that Damnatio looks relieved here?
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(Ch. 367)
When he realizes he was saved, he looks relieved. The hint of a smile. The bags under his eyes. The most genuine and not-stoic we've ever seen Damnatio, actually
The fact Damnatio says "saved". He knew they were saving him, and he was probably waiting for it; thus, the "to think [..] by the Black Bulls".
But more on what I'm trying to say in the above point, is that he knew he was in trouble. He knew he needed someone to stop him. Someone had to save him from himself and Lucius
His relief and itty bitty smile; like Lily, he was glad to be freed from Lucius's control
The soul may have been warped to believe Lucius—but the soul is still conscious. The mind is still present.
Damnatio and Lily still saw, and knew, and lived, those days as Paladins under Lucius's control.
In Damnatio VS Black Bulls, we see his thoughts. It's the most detail we get about what goes on in Damnatio’s head; he speaks and thinks the most here.
But that's why I also think this panel is interesting.
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(Ch. 365)
Look at the way the panel is split, between Damnatio’s outside, and inside. The thoughts are different too, with different tones.
Outside, as a Paladin, he goes with the religious "Wretched cur!" like he's cursing them.
But inside, he's calm and.. praising them?
"They're certainly great at stalling."
It's like the original Damnatio is watching from inside, on the sidelines.
As a judge, he's supposed to take facts. Not like his Paladin self, who goes on what he believes is right, without any basis beyond what he feels (there's no written law or social norm in believing Lucius).
He only thinks in this battle on three occasions. The first is the below
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(Ch. 365)
Damnatio mentally observes them. But what he shows and says on the outside is different. Which brings the next point,
Damnatio’s thoughts are the real Damnatio, while what comes out of his mouth is from the Paladin Lucius made him into.
In thought, Damnatio is calm and analyzing them and their methods. Above, he goes, "these people", "that woman", "that man".
But outwardly, he simply says "Fools."
Damnatio is thinking and observing them. But the Paladin in him takes those observations so he can administer his "justice", speaking out the conclusion of those thoughts.
1) They're fools for being suicidal, and 2) Grey is the lynchpin.
The second time Damnatio thinks is the split panel of alternate thoughts; and the third is his relief at Asta stopping him.
The sides of Damnatio are purposely split. Whenever we view Damnatio from his left side (as in, Damnatio’s own left), it's the Paladin talking. But from his right, it's Damnatio talking. Look
When it's his left side,
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"Wretched cur!"
"You're the lynchpin." (about to attack Grey)
And when it's his right side,
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"They're certainly great at stalling."
He's being freed from Lucius's control.
"Unbelievable... to think that I'd be saved... by the Black Bulls."
He still maintains that calm dialogue we otherwise saw throughout the fight from him internally.
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That's why when he looks at Gauche and Grey, and determines it's Grey at the center, we only see his left eye's pupil. Even though the right eye is also drawn in, and should have its pupil visible, since it's facing ahead too.
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vilandel · 1 month ago
Crush, the Emerald Turtle ☘️
(Black Clover OC Profile ☘️)
This is an OC I share custody with @chaptersonetoinfinity and it's also basically my first animal OC AND it's even a species we invented for the world of Black Clover. So, please welcome Crush, the Emerald Turtle and more than pet of house Silva 💕
Basic Information
Name: Crush, also Crush Silva on gatherings
Age: when found, a bit more than a week, currently 1 year
Birthday: 8th of July (the day he was found)
Sign: Cancer
Human Friends: The four Silva Siblings plus their respective partners
Birthplace: Beach of Raque
Current Location: Clover Kingdom, Silva Palace
Species: Emerald Turtle
Likes: Humor, laughing, his human friends
Dislikes: When his human friends are hurt, VERY loud noises
About Emerald Turtles: Emerald Turtles are a special kind of turtles that belong to the animals born with mana. Which means that they have runes on their shells and can emanate natural mana, especially once adult.
Like normal turtles, emerald turtles live in groups or to be more accurate, in a bale. They lie their eggs on beaches and once out of the eggs, the baby turtles join the sea.
As babies, the shell of emerald turtles is the same for males and females, a dark nacreous green. It's only after each molt that the shell becomes shinier and that the difference can be seen. Male turtles have a shiny emerald green shell while females have a marbled jade green, but both have runes on it, shimmering with mana.
Emerald turtles are also known in Hino, but under the name of jade turtles. They're a bit considered like divine creatures or guardians from the gods back there, since jade is also considered a divine gem. The beliefs in Hino are saying that it brings misfortune when someone hurts a jade turtle.
In fact, emerald turtles or rather their shells are very well searched for their natural mana. Of course, once they molt, it is possible to take the pieces of the molted shells, the mana won't fade from it. But of course, stupid beliefs are strong and many corrupt nobles believe that only a whole shell is worthy, so they chase emerald turtles and kill them to gain the shells. The hunt of emerald turtles is illegal in Clover and no matter how much power a noble has, Damnatio Kira is one of the most radical fighters against the hunt of Emerald Turtles and even of endangered species in general. Damnatio won't be bribed when it's about this topic. Any noble who get captured hunting emerald turtles, can't except any mercy from Damnatio on that matter... the punishments are very big.
The shell of the baby turtles are rather fragile, while the ones of adults are very solid, except when it's time to molt. Also, emerald turtles are glowing in the dark. The shells more of course, the rest of the body is more subtle.
Emerald turtles, unlike normal turtles, are rather fast and can themselves back around once they're one their back. They also have a sense of humor and are known to have a sweet, pearly laugh.
Last but not least, emerald turtles have a very long longevity. The oldest emerald turtle known was over 500 years old at the moment she died.
Shell Color: Dark nacreous green as baby, a shiny emerald green with some runes as an adult.
Eye Color: A very dark green
Skin Color: A brighter shade of emerald green
Height: 5 cm when born, 120 cm as a full grown adult
Crush is a very humorous turtle, always in mood for a laugh. He is also very attaching, as he grow to love the Silvas and preferred to stay with them instead of going back to the sea.
Like any emerald turtle, he munches on clothes when he imprints on someone, which he did first with Solid and Rosette, then with the others. He likes being held as a baby, going on people heads for example. Even Nozel let him rest on his head. As for Vanessa, Crush likes being under her witch hat, sometimes he popped out of it with a pearly laugh.
Crush is more easygoing, but he can go feral when he has to defend his family. As an adult, his bites can hurt a lot. He is not often in this mode, only when it's to protect the humans he came to love. In his mind, those are his bale and so, he has to defend them.
He can also be very empathetic and give some kind of comfort when one of his favorite humans are sad.
As an adult turtle, he adores being a ride or even a sled to the next generation of Silvas.
Last but not least, Crush adores being petted.
Depending on the story I write (or the stories written by @chaptersonetoinfinity), some details about how Crush became the Silva Turtle differ, but the basis remains the same. In most of them, though, it's Solid and Rosette who find Crush first.
Crush was born like his littermate on the beach near Raque. But as he was about to go the sea with the rest of the baby turtles, he found himself catches in a fisher net and part of his shell got broken as he got out after a while. So, Crush remained on the beach while the other babies joined the bale.
Luckily for Crush, Solid and Rosette went on a small vacation on Raque, just the two of them, while they were still engaged (and only slowly starting to fell in love with each other). One day, Solid stumbled on Crush. Seeing that it was a baby emerald turtle with a broken shell, Rosette convinced Solid to bring the little guy too Owen.
Owen was able to repair the hole in the shell, but said that the little guy has to wait for the next molt to get an unbroken one. Meanwhile, Crush grow actually attached to Solid and Rosette, starting to munch on their clothes. Which meant, according to Owen, that he imprinted on them and somehow considered them as his "mama" and "papa".
Which also meant that Solid and Rosette had no other choice than bring this little guy with them back to the Silva Palace. There, after a huge surprise from the rest of the family (and some cursing from Nebra and Zora), all of them started to grow attached to the little guy. Especially Vanessa, who got inspired to make turtlenecks and clothes with turtle patterns for each of them. As for Crush, he ended up imprinting on Nozel, Vanessa, Nebra, Zora, Noelle and Asta as well (even though he bit Asta in the fingers first, because obviously Asta was way too loud).
It was Solid in the end who gave Crush his name, as he stated that he almost crushed himself when found him. But Vanessa interpreted it as having a crush on someone.
Crush was more a new family member than a pet for the Silvas. He was free to go around, got his own water tank with his own room, was free to swim in the palace pool and most importantly, was loved. Which is a lot coming from the Silvas, with their past and the fact that usually, animals didn't like them. But Crush was different, he loved the Silvas immediately (Zora is still shocked by that fact).
Crush was named after the sea turtle in Finding Nemo.
Since emerald turtles have a long lifespan, Crush became some kind of Guardian for house Silva over many years, making turtles the second animal of the house, next to eagles.
When he died at a very old age, he was buried among the Silvas.
Yamis density about Charlottes feelings never stopped making Crush laugh.
Solid won't easily admit it, but he's a real softie for Crush. In a way, like with Rosette, Crush was one of the first creatures to like him immediately... and that meant a lot for him.
Rosette has read a lot about emerald turtles and so, knew how to handle Crush. She even read him stories and he loved that.
Crush is also a shipper. For example, he nudged Asta in Noelles direction once, laughed while observing Zora and Nebra flirting aggressively or closed a door when he saw Nozel and Vanessa kissing.
Nozel grew very attached to Crush that sometimes he took him with him at the Silver Eagles. But no one dared to mock or to say something, as Nozel would glare coldly at anyone mention something.
It also meant a lot for him because Crush is in a way the first creature to love him immediately from the start since his mother died.
Vanessa loves to baby talk Crush, who laughs about it.
She likes doing turtle themed and green clothes because of him.
Nebra came to talk to Crush as she was casually talking to someone else. And since Vanessas turtle inspired clothes, she grew fond of some shades of green.
Zora loves to use Crush to make small pranks. Crush laughs about it.
Noelle finds Crush one of the cutest not annoying things in the world.
Asta might have been bitten when he first met Crush, but he adores the turtle. When Crush grew older, Asta took him to do workout. Crush once slapped his head, because it was getting too much.
Yami calls Crush a jade turtle instead of emerald turtle. A habit from Hino. He also has the supersticion that it brings misfortune to hurt a emerald/jade turtle... and that it would bring him luck in gambles to have Crush with him.
He often tried to bring Crush to his gambles, but the Silvas refused, as well as their partners. Yami gave Vanessa, Zora, Noelle and Asta huge cleaning toilet chores after some refusals.
Crush is one of the very rare ones to actually like Damnatio.
Crush becomes friends with Salamander, so Fuegoleon often comes over so that those two can have a play date in a way.
Of course, you can imagine that Julius adores Crush and emerald turtles in general.
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cygni-cygni · 5 months ago
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This man is such an asshole but GOD DAMN IS HE FINE. He’s fine as FUCK. Clean ass mf. Sharp. Elvis-ass haircut. Damn bro
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mercillery · 7 months ago
Your writing is so goooood, I’m hooked! Damnatio SFW alphabet, I’m begging 🙏🏼
NOTES: I had to do a retake because I could’ve sworn I did a Damnatio SFW alphabet but apparently not? 😦 I got a bit dry and lazy at the end, sorry!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
In public? Absolutely not. Public displays of affection are not his style. I’ve stated this so many times and will continue to do so: Damnatio is a private man. He does not want the whole world to know you are together. He values privacy a lot. The most he’ll show affection for you in public is by simply letting you lock your arms with him or just holding his arm, nothing more. The man’s idea of romance in public is letting you walk slightly closer to him than usual. Don’t take it personally, though. It's just Damnatio being—well, Damnatio.
In private? Well, he rarely initiates physical affection on his own. It's not that he doesn't enjoy it—he's just more reserved, even when it's just the two of you. However, if you take the lead and initiate a hug or a kiss, he'll certainly reciprocate. It’s not that he doesn’t want to show affection; he’s just not the type to start it. So, while you might not get spontaneous cuddles or surprise kisses, Damnatio is definitely not going to reject your advances. Just make sure the curtains are drawn and the door is locked—he's all about keeping things dignified and private.
Damnatio shows his affection through words of affirmation and acts of service. When you’re going through your toughest moments, and it’s just the two of you, he’ll reveal a small part of his vulnerability, telling you how proud he is of you and how much he cares. Alongside these heartfelt words, he'll offer logical advice to help you navigate whatever difficult situation you’re facing. Sometimes, he doesn't even need to say the words outright; you can tell what he wants to convey with just a glance. This subtle communication might go unnoticed by others, but you can read him like a book, and you appreciate these unspoken moments of understanding.
If you’re prone to forgetting things, worry not—Damnatio is your knight in shining armor. He’ll remind you of every single task you have for the day, even going as far as writing a to-do list and sticking it on the fridge, complete with a little doodle of his face in the corner 😐 as a small humorous reminder. You can almost hear him emphasizing the "to-do list" part with that stern yet caring look of his.
Damnatio also rises with the dawn, and one of his acts of service is preparing breakfast for both of you. It’s these small, subtle things he does that really show how much he cares, even if you don’t realize it immediately. But if you’re attentive, you’ll catch on to these gestures and appreciate them all the more. So, while Damnatio might not be the most physically affectionate partner, his love shines through in these thoughtful actions and supportive words, making you feel cherished and cared for in his own unique way.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As a best friend, Damnatio Kira would be a steadfast and reliable presence in your life. He’s not one to form superficial connections; he values depth and sincerity, so his friendships are built on a solid foundation of trust and mutual respect. Damnatio's reserved and serious nature might make him appear aloof at first, but once you’re his best friend, you’ll see a side of him that is considerate and deeply caring—in his own reserved way, of course.
Damnatio isn't the type to engage in small talk or frivolous activities, but he excels at offering sound advice and providing a balanced perspective, especially during difficult situations. He thinks logically and can see through the chaos to offer a clear, reasoned solution. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, he’s the friend who will very firmly help you sort through your thoughts, providing both support and practical guidance. His serious demeanor might mean he’s not the life of the party, but he’s the one who will always have your back, no matter what.
I think the only way you could possibly start a friendship with Damnatio is by working alongside him in the Magic Parliament. Given that he’s all about justice and holds the position of chairman, it's hard to imagine him forging friendships outside of this context. He’s dedicated to his work and principles, and that’s where his social interactions naturally occur.
If you share his commitment to justice and find yourself in the same professional environment, you have a solid chance of getting to know him. Being colleagues provides common ground and opportunities for interaction that might not exist otherwise. Whether it's collaborating on a case or engaging in discussions about the law, these shared experiences can pave the way for a deeper connection!
But don't expect it to be easy or quick. Damnatio values depth and sincerity in his relationships, so building his trust will take time and effort. You’ll need to demonstrate your dedication to justice and your competence in your role. Over time, as he sees your commitment and integrity, he’ll begin to open up. So, while it might seem like a tall order to become friends with someone as reserved and focused as Damnatio, working in the Magic Parliament alongside him is the most realistic way to bridge that gap.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
As mentioned in part A, Damnatio isn't one to initiate affection, or much of it at all. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy it. If you take the lead and initiate physical affection, Damnatio is likely to reciprocate—as long as it’s behind closed doors and away from prying eyes. So, if you were to suddenly cuddle him, he wouldn’t mind at all. In fact, he does appreciate it, though his appreciation can come across as a bit reserved.
Damnatio's way of liking affection is more about the quiet comfort it brings than grand displays of emotion. So, while he may not be the most outwardly affectionate partner, he still values and enjoys those intimate moments you share. It’s a quiet kind of affection, but it’s genuine all the same. This part probably should’ve gone to part A, but whatever.
As for how Damnatio likes to cuddle, he's adaptable and goes along with however you want to cuddle. He doesn’t have a preferred cuddling position; he’s more about making you comfortable and happy. But if you’re curious, he does have a small habit that shows his affection—he’ll always have an arm around you. It’s a subtle yet meaningful gesture that signifies his return of affection. So, whether you want to snuggle up close or just rest your head on his shoulder, he’s perfectly content. And that arm around you? It’s his quiet way of holding you close and letting you know he cares, even if he doesn’t say it out loud.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
THE BIG QUESTION: DOES HE WANT TO SETTLE DOWN? No, yes, maybe, no, yes, yes, no, maybe, no, no, yes, no, no, no, yes, maybe, maybe, maybe, yes, no, maybe, yes, no, no, maybe, yes—MAYBE. The answer here is maybe.
Damnatio has thought about that stage in life, but he’s never put much serious consideration into it. His mind is always occupied with upholding justice, so he just kind of sees where life takes him. So whether he decides to settle down depends on several factors, primarily how much he loves and trusts you and whether you want to settle down yourself. He hasn’t ruled it out, but it’s not at the forefront of his mind. If he develops a deep trust and love for you over the years and you express a strong desire to settle down, he will consider it. 
Damnatio is a man of principles and dedication, and if he believes you’re the right person, he’d be willing to make that commitment just for you. So, while the answer might not be a definitive yes or no, it hinges on the strength and depth of your relationship. If he’s convinced that you’re the one and you want to build a future together, he’ll settle down to make you happy.
Oh, he can definitely cook and clean. Just because Damnatio is a royal doesn't mean he's spoiled. In fact, he’s quite skilled in both areas. He’s a very good cook and a competent cleaner, though he excels more in the kitchen. I’d even go as far as to say that he’s like Gordon Ramsey level when it comes to cooking.
Cleaning? Well, he's good at it, but it's clear his passion lies more with cooking. He approaches cleaning with the same meticulous attention to detail, ensuring everything is spotless. So, while there’s not much to say about his cleaning skills beyond the fact that he’s proficient, his cooking is where he truly stands out. Whether it’s a casual dinner or a special occasion, you can count on Damnatio to deliver a meal that’s nothing short of extraordinary!
Someone edit Damnatio with a chef hat right now.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If you lose him, you fumbled so badly I’m sorry.
No, but seriously, if Damnatio ever had to break up with you, he’d approach it with his usual stern and stoic demeanor. You’d be faced with the same composed and detached side he shows to everyone else, which might make you feel like a total stranger. It's not really his intention to make you feel this way—he just wants to be respectful and get it over with efficiently.
He’d be straightforward, explaining his reasons without sugarcoating anything. He believes in honesty and clarity, even if it’s painful. Despite the emotional weight of the situation, he’d maintain his composed exterior, making it clear that this is a decision he’s thought through carefully.
After delivering the news, he’d bid you well, expressing his genuine hope for your future happiness. It’s his way of being respectful and closing the chapter with dignity, even if it comes across as cold. In his mind, he’s doing what he believes is the right thing, treating the breakup with the same seriousness and integrity he applies to everything else in his life.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
How does he feel about commitment? Well, Damnatio takes commitment very seriously. If he's so dedicated and devoted to upholding justice, imagine how seriously he treats your relationship. He’s absolutely loyal and dedicated, treating your relationship with the same gravity and respect he gives to his role in the Magic Parliament. He doesn’t play games when it comes to commitment. When he’s in, he’s all in. He values trust, honesty, and mutual respect above all else, and he expects the same level of dedication from you.
He wouldn’t want to get married too quickly. Damnatio strikes me as a man who likes to take things slow and at an appropriate pace. He wants to learn and know more about you—your flaws, imperfections, perfections, non-flaws, and every single little thing that makes you who you are. He’s thorough and meticulous in all aspects of his life, and his approach to marriage is no different. He wants to ensure he’s not marrying someone who’s breaking the law, and he also wants to be absolutely certain that he’s 100% committed to the idea of marrying you.
For Damnatio, rushing into marriage without truly understanding each other isn’t an option. His careful consideration means that when he does decide to marry, it’s a decision made with full confidence and commitment. So, if you’re with Damnatio, be prepared for a journey of discovery and understanding. He wants to make sure that both of you are ready and fully aligned before walking down the aisle. This thoughtful approach might take time, but it’s all about ensuring a lasting and meaningful relationship. <3
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
His emotional gentleness is definitely an area where he could improve. Damnatio is heavily inclined toward logic and reason, often prioritizing them over emotions. While he understands that people have different emotional needs and he does make an effort to grasp those, he also wants others to use logical thinking more. So when you’re facing a stressful situation, he’ll default to logic first. His approach to offering advice is practical and well-reasoned, but it tends to lack the emotional warmth that might be comforting.
In essence, while his advice is undeniably useful and well thought out, it can sometimes come across as emotionally detached. He’s more focused on solving the problem than on providing the emotional support that could come with it. It’s not that he doesn’t care; it’s just that his method of caring is more about helping you find a logical solution than offering emotional comfort.
Physically, Damnatio is fairly gentle but with a firm touch—about a 50/50 mix, if that makes sense. He’s not excessively soft or overly forceful. It’s not really something that requires much reasoning; he’s just right in the middle.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
His hugs usually last only a few seconds—nothing too prolonged.
Damnatio doesn’t hug often, so it’s likely that you’d be the one to initiate hugs first. However, if it’s just the two of you, he’ll return the gesture.
His hugs might come across as somewhat dry, if that makes sense. While he appreciates the affection, he finds hugging a bit awkward. It’s not something he’s used to, and before you, he’s probably never hugged anyone—at least not that he can recall. But despite this, he values your attempts and will respond to them in his own way.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He will say the L word only when he’s absolutely, positively, surely, and completely certain that he truly loves you. This means it could take some time for him to reach that point, as he needs to be entirely confident in his feelings. But once he does say it, you can be certain he means it with all his heart. He doesn’t throw around such words lightly.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He’s not someone who’s easily jealous. If someone hits on you, whether it’s in front of him or not, he trusts that you’ll handle the situation and let them know you’re already taken. His trust in you is absolute, so there’s no room for jealousy. Sure, it might disappoint him slightly to see you being flirted with, but it’s more of a mild inconvenience than something that stirs up jealousy. His confidence in your relationship means he’s rarely, if ever, jealous. For Damnatio, it’s not about being possessive but about having faith in you and the strength of your bond.
Now, in those rare moments when Damnatio does feel jealous, he handles it with a great deal of maturity. He’s not the type to make a fuss, place blame on you, or lash out at the source of his jealousy. Instead, he might initially try to ignore the feeling, thinking it’ll go away soon, but if it becomes overwhelming, he’ll address it with you directly and calmly—like adults.
Damnatio believes in maintaining the integrity of your relationship, so he won’t let jealousy disrupt what you have. He understands that such feelings are natural but doesn’t see them as a reason to jeopardize your bond. His approach is thoughtful and measured, ensuring that even if jealousy arises, it’s managed in a way that’s respectful and constructive.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Again, if you initiate affection yourself, he will return it—kisses included. His kisses are never rough; they're always soft and gentle.
He doesn’t really have a preferred spot, but he usually goes for your cheek, considering it the most affectionate area to kiss.
He’d be the biggest liar in the world if he said neck kisses or jaw kisses didn’t affect him. Those areas are his weaknesses, and he can’t deny the effect they have on him.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Unfortunately, there’s not much change in his demeanor. He maintains his stern, reserved nature and unwavering commitment to justice, even in the presence of kids.
Need an example? Well, remember that time he tried to execute a 10-year-old girl? Yeah, it wasn't exactly a shining moment. Her eye magic indirectly caused harm to people, and despite the fact that she was possessed and had no control over that, Damnatio was ready to enforce the harshest punishment. Not exactly the poster child for “fun uncle” material.
He doesn’t soften up or become more approachable around children. He’s still that same coldly committed figure, focused on the letter of the law and the principles of justice above all else. So, if you were hoping to see him get all gooey-eyed and playful with kids, sorry to disappoint. Damnatio stays true to his stern and serious self, even in situations that might call for a bit more warmth and understanding.
So while he might appreciate the innocence and potential of children, his rigid sense of duty and justice overshadows any softer feelings. Maybe one day he’ll learn to relax a bit, but for now, kids get the same stern treatment as everyone else—sorry!
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He who wakes up at the crack of dawn. Damnatio has duties to accomplish, work to finish, and justice to uphold—so he starts his day early and strong with a cup of coffee to prepare for whatever lies ahead. By the time you wake up, he’s likely already out of bed, preparing coffee for both of you.
If you’re someone who wakes up late, expect a gentle nudge or a soft call to get you up. He’ll make sure you join him for that morning coffee, believing it’s important to start the day together. He might even turn you into an early riser with his persistent yet caring morning routine.
His mornings are structured and purposeful, setting the tone for a productive day. Sharing that morning coffee with him isn’t just about caffeine; it’s more like a quiet moment of connection before the busyness of the day takes over. So while you might not be naturally inclined to wake up at dawn, Damnatio’s routine has a way of bringing you into his world, one early morning at a time!
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He rises early and falls early, meaning he goes to sleep early as well. Before going to sleep, he always makes sure to remind you not to stay up too late, almost sounding like a concerned parent. He doesn’t insist that you go to bed at the same time as him; he respects your sleep schedule as long as you don’t push it to unreasonable hours like 3 or 4 in the morning.
Believe me—this man will literally scold you if he catches you wide awake at those late hours. He’s serious about maintaining a healthy routine and genuinely worries about your well-being. It’s not just about enforcing a rule; it’s about ensuring you get enough rest to be at your best. So, while he might come off as a bit strict, his intentions are rooted in care and concern for you.
So if you’re a night owl, be prepared for some gentle (or not-so-gentle) reminders to hit the hay at a reasonable hour.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He starts revealing things about himself only when he's absolutely sure he trusts you—when trust is firmly established. This process definitely takes time and requires a good deal of patience, so prepare.
While you might feel a bit impatient or frustrated with how reserved he is about his himself, it's crucial not to rush him. Pushing him to open up before he's ready might actually make him take even longer to share those deeper parts of himself.
Once he feels fully secure, he’ll start revealing everything about himself more openly. It’s like peeling back layers—each layer reveals a little more, and eventually, you get to see the whole picture. At first, he might just share small anecdotes or thoughts, but over time, he’ll delve into his deeper experiences and vulnerabilities.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Not that easily angered unless it involves someone breaking the law. But even then, he’s not too angry, just really fierce about upholding justice.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Despite his mind being constantly occupied with work and upholding justice, Damnatio remembers almost everything about you. His attention to detail extends beyond his professional life and into your relationship. He might occasionally forget the very small things momentarily, but they eventually come back to him with a bit of thought.
Whether it’s your favorite book, a story you told him in passing, or the way you take your coffee, he makes an effort to remember. So even though he has a lot on his plate, you’re never far from his thoughts, and he values every little detail that makes you—well, you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moments in your relationship are when you’re by his side after a particularly stressful, work-filled day and it’s just the two of you alone. Honestly, just being around you after a stressful day makes him feel at ease. These quiet, intimate moments where you both unwind together are what he cherishes most. Whether you’re talking softly about your day or simply sitting in comfortable silence, your presence alone is enough to bring him a sense of peace and relaxation. You’re like his charging station lol.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Unless you’re particularly vulnerable or lack any fighting or defending capabilities, Damnatio isn’t overly protective. He trusts that you can handle yourself just fine without him constantly hovering. He has confidence in your strength and abilities, and this trust allows him to give you the space you need.
However, if you are more vulnerable or less capable of defending yourself, he still won’t be around every corner you turn. Instead, he’ll adopt a more balanced approach, checking up on you from time to time to ensure you’re okay. He believes in giving you the independence to manage on your own while still providing support when needed.
Damnatio has never really been the one receiving protection; it's usually him doing the protecting. Because of this, he doesn't have a strong preference for how he likes to be protected. As long as you somehow look out for him, he genuinely appreciates it and makes sure to thank you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts effort into all aspects of your relationship equally—and quite a lot of it, too. Damnatio understands the importance of dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks, and he ensures that each one receives the attention it deserves.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
His cold devotion to justice. While it's admirable how dedicated he is to upholding justice, he can be incredibly ruthless about it. You sometimes wish he’d show just a little bit more mercy, but that's just how he is, and it's unlikely to change.
His unwavering commitment to justice means he often views situations in black and white, leaving little room for compassion or leniency. This can be frustrating, especially when you see the potential for more humane solutions. However, this relentless pursuit of justice is a core part of who he is, and it's deeply ingrained in his personality.
You understand that his dedication is rooted in a desire to create a fair and just world, but you can't help but wish he’d soften his approach sometimes. Unfortunately, this is one aspect of Damnatio that remains steadfast, and learning to navigate this part of his personality is a challenge you have to face together.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He isn’t too concerned with his looks. As long as his hair is perfectly combed back like always and his green robe is free of dirty marks, he’s content. Basically, he’s focused on maintaining a tidy and professional appearance rather than worrying about fashion or trends.
Damnatio’s priorities lie in presenting himself as competent and respectable. He doesn’t spend much time fussing over his appearance beyond these basic standards. His hair is always meticulously styled, and his robe is kept immaculate, ensuring he looks polished and ready for his duties.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes, Damnatio would feel incomplete without you. If, for whatever reason, you decided to leave him or something happened to you, it would undoubtedly affect him deeply. He would definitely be thinking about it, and it might even distract him from his work just a little. Despite his stoic exterior, Damnatio isn't immune to the pain of loss. The bond you share is unique and significant, and its absence would leave a noticeable void in his life.
While he would try to maintain his composed demeanor and continue his duties, the emotional impact would be undeniable. In those moments of solitude, his thoughts would inevitably drift to you, reflecting on the times you spent together and the connection you had. It’s not something he would easily move past, and it would likely stay with him for a long time. Yeah, for such a stoic and stern man, it’s kinda crazy that you’ve got him this way. But he makes sure to hide his pain well, not wanting others to notice and wanting to keep his professionalism.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He plays the piano. That’s it. That’s the headcanon. I imagine he finds a unique kind of solace in playing it. For him, playing the piano isn't just a hobby; it's a way to unwind and express himself in a deeply personal manner.
I’m saying this because every piano player I’ve ever met seems to exude a certain majesty…
…which aligns perfectly with Damnatio’s own regal presence, y’know?
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone who BREAKS THE LAW. That’s it. If you’re a law-breaker, that’s the biggest and immediate red flag for him. He has zero tolerance for any form of illegal activity, and he’s ready to reprimand you without hesitation.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Always sleeps on his back.
And he adheres to a very strict sleep schedule.
The man needs his beauty sleep.
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valtoswife · 1 year ago
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Here’s a bunch of old mini colorings from an abandoned project
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Damnatio with some Fae blood has been gnawing my brain, so have a coloured edit
Original under the cut
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lyranova · 11 months ago
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Chapter 14: Confessing My Crimes?
Hello everyone! I’m sorry this chapter is extremely late; I started college recently, so my muses and time have been stretched pretty thin lately! But I finally got enough time, energy, and motivation to write the next chapter for this series 🥰. This chapter was written in part by @thoughtfullyrainynightmare through a discord conversation we had a couple of years ago 😆! Also Salutaria belongs to her as well. I hope you all enjoy~!
Word Count: 3,677
Warnings: None
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“ Welcome back Captain!” The Golden Dawn saluted as William and his team returned from the mission with the Black Bulls.
He gave them all a small and curt nod before walking past them to go inside the base. Klaus, Yuno, Mimosa, and Neva all exchanged a worried look between them; they had hoped maybe his time away from the Golden Dawn base would help improve his mood…
“ Langris, is the Captain any better?” Klaus asked their Vice-Captain as he began to walk past them.
When Langris let out a disappointed sigh, the quarter already knew what his answer would be.
“ He’s the same, maybe a little worse,” Langris admitted. “ He was nearly ambushed by a few of the mages we were sent to apprehend. I hate to admit it; but if Captain Yami hadn’t been there, there’s a good chance that the Captain would have gotten injured or worse out there.”
The quartet gasped softly before looking at each other; the Captain was worse then they had all originally thought. If this behavior continued, someone, maybe even the Captain himself, was going to get killed! But their gazes averted to the ground, what else could they do? They went and talked to Zera, and they tried to talk to the Captain, but neither one would listen…
“ Hopefully Zera will think about what I said,” Neva muttered under her breath as Langris walked away, Yuno turned towards her with a small frown.
“ What did you tell her?” He asked quietly so Mimosa and Klaus wouldn’t hear. Neva turned slightly towards him.
“ I told her that this break up was literally killing them,” She replied. “ And it looks like I was more right than I initially thought.”
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Later That Afternoon
Langris paced slowly up and down the hall as his mind raced. How could he get him and Ms. Cassia back together? Maybe he went the sneaky route and tricked them into being in the same room at the same time? Or perhaps he could just drag Ms. Cassia back to the base and force her and the Captain to talk things out? He sighed in irritation as he ran a hand over his face.
The Captain wasn’t dumb by any means, and would probably figure out Langris’s plan well in advance…
“ Vice-Captain,” A voice called out behind him. Langris slowly turned around to see Alecdora standing there with a worried frown. “ Is everything alright?”
Langris laughed humorlessly.
“ No Alecdora, everything is not alright,” He replied as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “ The Captain’s a mess, and at this rate he's going to get himself killed on a mission all because of his break-up with Ms. Cassia. I keep thinking he’ll get better with time; but it looks like he’s only getting worse instead.”
“ What do you suggest we do then?” Alecdora asked as he crossed his arms.
“ We get them back together by any means necessary.” Langris responded firmly, but frowned when he saw the taller man look hesitant.
“ That’s…gonna be hard to do with her being in jail,” Alecdora explained hesitantly, and Langris blinked at him.
Ms. Cassia…was in jail?!
“ What are you talking about Alecdora? How is Ms. Cassia in jail?” He asked, his tone growing more and more serious.
“ When I went to drop the prisoners off at the Magic Parliament I saw Ms. Cassia heading towards Damnatio Kira’s office,” Alecdora explained. “ So I’m thinking that she probably went there to turn herself in.”
Langris stared at him in disbelief for a moment…Ms. Cassia was turning herself in? This wasn’t good…it wasn’t good at all!
If she turned herself in, and Damnatio found out that she and Captain Vangeance were engaged…he would lose everything! He would lose his squad, his nobility, and there was a good chance he would be thrown in jail too!
Even on the off chance that Damnatio didn’t know the two were engaged it would still be bad. Because if Ms. Cassia was sent to jail and Captain Vangeance could never see or associate with her again…it just might kill him. Literally.
He had to stop this!
Without a word Langris turned on his heel and ran down the hall towards his office, and after that he was going to go to the Captain’s office.
It was finally time that he told him the truth about Zera.
Despite the chaos going on outside in the hallway, William’s office was dead silent aside from the ticking of the clock on the wall.
There were no sounds of paper rustling, or of a quill tip scratching against the rough parchment. There were no heavy sighs as he tried to figure out what to put in his reports. The room was just…silent.
But William’s thoughts were loud.
“ I’m glad, and very touched that you’re trying so hard to make this work. That you’ve even gone as far as to convince yourself that you’re in love with me, but this…all of this…was really just a joke,”
“ So now…now I’m dropping the joke and am letting you go. I don’t want you to feel like you’re being forced to marry someone that you don’t truly love.”
“ I’m not worthy enough to be your wife. Our marriage won’t last. Not when you get to know the real me and all the things I’ve done, so just find someone else, someone more worthy...”
“ I’m sorry…William.”
William sighed heavily and he closed his eyes as the memories from that night appeared in his mind. He knew it wasn’t right or healthy to continue thinking about it; but, he couldn’t stop himself. He replayed the memories over and over, wondering if there was something could have said or done that would have changed the outcome of that night…
He scoffed; this was pointless. No matter how many different outcomes he created in his mind, the reality would be the same. She was gone.
“ Maybe Yami has a point; maybe I should go see her and clear things up,” William thought aloud. “ Maybe that’ll help me get over her.”
“ Or maybe it’ll only make you want her more,” His mind argued back, causing him to sigh in frustration.
He slowly opened his eyes, and they immediately focused on the engagement ring that sat on his desk.
As it sat there unmoving, William couldn’t help but feel like it was mocking him in some way. Mocking him for falling for her trick, mocking him for falling head over heels for her, and mocking him for letting her go…
Why did he let her go?
Suddenly, the door to his office burst open, and Langris walked in.
“ What is it, Langris? I thought I told you I didn’t want to be disturbed unless it was an emergency.” William muttered as his gazed moved from the ring on his desk to the young man standing in the doorway.
“ Well sir, this is an emergency,” Langris said somewhat breathlessly as he walked up to his Captain’s desk with a file in his hands. “ It’s about Ms. Cassia-.”
“ I also thought I told you that I didn’t want to talk about her?” He asked, cutting Langris off.
“ Sir, Ms. Cassia is at the Magic Parliament, and is currently being held in Damnatio Kira’s custody.” Langris said, ignoring his Captain’s words.
William’s eyes widened and he sat up straighter in his chair.
“ Zera’s in custody?” He asked, his tone and demeanor turning serious. “ What happened? How did she end up there?”
Langris looked hesitant for a moment, but eventually he handed William the file in his hand.
“ I’m sure it has to do with this,” William frowned and hesitantly took the file from his Vice-Captain.
“ What is this?” He asked as he opened the file and began to look over the pages.
“ This is…Ms. Cassia’s criminal file,” Langris began hesitantly. “ It has a list of her crimes, most of which are smuggling, and even has a potential arrest warrant.”
William’s eyes moved slowly across the pages; there wasn’t a photo, but the description of this ‘Cinnamon’ person matched Zera to a T. From how they looked, to the things they smuggled, even their alias of ‘Cinnamon’ matched Zera’s last name!
By the time he had finished reading the file everything made sense; the ‘harassment’ she was getting from the Golden Dawn members, her jokingly asking if marrying him granted her immunity, her having so many rare and exotic flowers, and her saying that he deserves someone better and more ‘worthy’ of being a Captain’s wife. It all made sense…
“ She can’t go to jail for this,” He muttered under his breath as he closed the file and stood up.
“ Sir?”
“ I won’t let Zera go to jail for something like this. Firstly, there’s more than enough reasonable doubt in this file to exonerate her. Secondly; there’s no proof that she’s still smuggling today, because if there was, we would have already arrested her by now.” William explained as he walked around his desk and began to take determined strides towards the door.
“ But sir, knowing Lord Damnatio he probably won’t care if she’s still smuggling or not,” Langris pointed out as he followed the Captain out of his office. “ He’ll still try her, and when she’s convicted he’ll throw her and her entire family in jail. Including you if he finds out about your engagement!”
William stopped walking.
“ If that happens, then…I guess I’ll just go to jail,” He told Langris simply, making the younger mans eyes widen in surprise.
“ Captain?!”
“ If we’re both being honest here; I should already be in jail for the crimes I committed against the Kingdom,” William pointed out as he glanced at the other man over his shoulder. “ but because Lord Julius stepped in and vouched for me, I was spared. But this time, I won’t allow anyone to step in, and will instead accept whatever punishment Damnatio deems appropriate.”
“ Sir, you could lose everything over this! You could lose the squad, your title, everything! Is Ms. Cassia really worth risking all of that for?” Langris asked, and when he saw the look on his Captain’s face as he slowly turned around, he knew what his answer would be.
“ She’s more than worth the risk, Langris,” William declared firmly, and without another word he turned back around and rushed down the hallway.
Langris stood there stunned as he watched his Captain disappear around the corner.
“ I can’t believe that worked,” Alecdora said in bewilderment as he stepped out from a side hallway. Langris smirked a bit as he turned to face his squadmate.
“ I can. The last time Ms. Cassia was in trouble the Captain rushed out to save her, and when they came back their relationship had improved significantly. I would even go as far as to say their relationship took a step forward after that.” Langris said as he crossed his arms, a satisfied look slowly making its way onto his face.
“ So, the reason you told the Captain about Ms. Cassia’s criminal file was in order to get them back together?” Alecdora asked, and Langris nodded. “ But why? I thought you’d be happy that she was gone since you didn’t like her.”
“ I was happy that she was gone, just like you were. But…after watching the Captain the past two weeks, I’ve realized that he needs her. So, in order to bring our old Captain back and get our squad back on track, I’m willing to put my dislike for Ms. Cassia aside.” Langris responded with a shrug. Alecdora sighed but nodded in agreement.
They would both put their dislike for Ms. Cassia aside in order for their Captain to be happy.
Meanwhile, William rushed down the halls of the Golden Dawn base looking for someone, anyone with Spatial magic. He needed to get to the Magic Parliament now, before he lost Zera for good!
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The Magic Parliament
Zera’s heart pounded anxiously in her chest as she stared at the large wooden door that seemed to loom over her. Well, it wasn’t actually looming over her, but it sure felt like it!
She cleared her throat and wiped her sweaty hands on her dress. She had to do this… she had to turn herself in, atone for her crimes, and accept whatever punishment was given to her. That was the only way to make things right with William.
She took a deep breath, held her head up high, and she knocked on the door.
“ Come in,” The voice on the other side called, and she did as he said and walked into his office.
“ Good day, Damnatio sir,” Zera said politely while using her professional voice. Damnatio nodded and waved her towards the chair that sat in front of her desk.
“ Good day. My assistant said you had something to discuss with me.” He said, getting straight to the point, which Zera appreciated. But at the same time it made her just a little more anxious.
“ That’s right, I do. You see, sir, I would like too…” She paused for a moment but then continued. “ Tell you that I’ve been importing flowers, and various plants from other countries as well as ones from Clover.”
Damnatio frowned.
“ And?”
Zera opened her mouth to speak, but a sudden knock on his office door made her stop.
“ I apologize for the interruption,” Salutaria, Damnatio’s assistant, said as she walked into the office and moved towards his desk. “ But I’m here to deliver the documentation you asked for.”
Damnatio nodded as he took the documents from her.
“ You may continue,” He directed towards Zera, who cleared her throat and took another breath.
“ And I…well, there’s been an investigation on it.” She finished softly as she couldn’t help but wring her hands nervously in her lap.
“ So, you mean to tell me that you’ve been importing goods illegally?” He asked sternly, and she quickly shook her head.
“ Well no,” She told him, but added ‘not anymore’ in her head. “ I have all the proper importation documents. At least I think I do.”
“ So, the reason you’re here is because…?” He asked with a slightly confused look.
Zera paused for a moment and a frown worked its way onto her face. Shouldn’t…shouldn’t he have her warrant since it was currently active? So, why was he asking all of these questions? It was as though he didn’t know what she was talking about. Unless…
Unless he really didn’t know what she was talking about, and if that was the case then what exactly was she confessing too?
“ I’m here because…I don’t want Captain Vangeance to get wrapped up in this…mess?” She offered in confusion, which only made Damnatio quirk an eyebrow.
“ Is Captain Vangeance covering for you?” He asked seriously, but she once again shook her head.
“ No, not really. It’s actually the opposite; he and his squad are the ones investigating it. But as I said; I have all the proper documents.” She responded, and the room fell into a confused silence.
“ So…he’s been harassing you?”
“ Well…I wouldn’t say that-.”
“ Because if he has, then that means Captain Vangeance has acted against his duty, which is a crime. His crime to be exact.” Damnatio pointed out, his tone growing serious again. But Zera quickly waved her hands and shook her head.
“ No! You see that’s the whole reason I’m here; I’m the one who committed the crime, not him!”
“ And your crime is…importing plants?”
“ That’s right!” Zera said with a firm nod.
“ With the proper documentation?”
“ …Yes?”
“ And Captain Vangeance has been making sure all the paperwork is legal?” Damnatio questioned, and Zera tilted her head.
“ …Sort of? I mean, he’s seen all the documents at my shop and hasn’t said anything. So, I assume everythings in order.” She muttered in thought.
The room once again fell into a confused silence. A very confused silence.
“ Let me see if I understand this right; you’re here to confess to a crime you’ve committed so that Captain Vangeance doesn’t get caught up in it, but the crime you’ve committed is…importing plants with all the proper and legal documentation?” Damnatio asked.
The room fell silent.
“ Yes…?”
“ And Captain Vangeance himself hasn’t committed any crimes? Well, anymore crimes?” Zera nodded.
“ Yes, sir.”
“ So…based on all of this information, no one here has committed any crimes.” He said after a moment of thinking, and Zera blinked at him in surprise.
“ You mean…I’m off the hook?” Zera asked in surprise, and Salutaria nodded.
“ I’m not sure you were on the hook to begin with,” Salutaria admitted with an unsure laugh.
“ Also, while the two of you were talking I went and checked some of the files and warrants that the Golden Dawn has. The only importing, or well ‘smuggling’, warrant they have is over three years old by now. Which means...” She trailed off, and Damnatio nodded.
“ The Statute of Limitations on the warrant have run out. So even if you were the person who committed those crimes, there’s no way we can prosecute you for them now.” Damnatio explained.
“ So…you’re telling me the guilt I was feeling, the awful break-up I had with the man I love, and this entire dramatic confession was all for nothing?!” Zera exclaimed in bewilderment as she jumped up from her seat.
Damnatio and Salutaria looked at each other for a moment before looking back at her.
“ It would appear so,” Damnatio said slowly, and his assistant nodded in agreement.
“ So…I’m free? I’m a free woman?” Zera asked, and Salutaria nodded.
“ You are-.” She began but Zera didn’t bother hearing the rest of her sentence as she quickly rushed out of Damnatio’s office; throwing a quick ‘thank you!’ over her shoulder as she ran out the door and closed it swiftly behind her.
As she stood on the other side of the door, Zera felt all of her guilt, anxiety, and stress melt away. It was all just a silly misunderstanding…which meant now she could go back to William, talk to him, and hopefully patch things up and go back to how they were!
But then, her heart sank to her stomach and her excitement died. After how she broke up with him, and after all the things she said that night…there was a good chance that she had completely destroyed their relationship.
Even so, she was still going to talk to him! If their relationship was unrepairable; then she would at least apologize to him, give him closure, and hopefully allow them both to move on.
However, she sincerely hoped that it wasn’t too late and that their relationship could be saved…
“ Zera! Zera, are you here?!” A familiar voice shouted, and Zera frowned.
That voice…that voice belonged to-?
As soon as she turned she saw William round the corner. His face was red and he was out of breath, his hair and clothes were a bit of a mess, and his beautiful purple eyes were wide.
William felt his heart stop dead in his chest as he stared at Zera. It had been so long since he had seen her in person that he nearly forgot how beautiful she was…but he quickly shook his head and proceeded to look her up and down. She wasn’t in handcuffs, and there were no guards around to escort her to jail, so…did that mean she was no longer under arrest?
Before he could open his mouth to ask, Zera ran towards him. As soon as she was close enough she jumped right into his arms, and her arms and legs wrapped around his neck and waist tightly.
Luckily for them, William had already had one hand braced against the wall for support, so the two were able to remain standing.
“ Z-Zera?!” William stammered as his heart began to race and his face began to burn red with embarrassment. But Zera didn’t say anything, instead she just hugged him tighter, which only caused his heart to race even more!
“ What happened with Damnatio? Are you being arrested? Langris told me you came to turn yourself in.” William questioned as he set her down on the ground, but the two kept their arms around each other.
“ William Vangeance; you’re looking at a free woman!” She announced proudly with a bright smile on her face.
“ A free woman?” He repeated, causing Zera to nod. “ What do you mean?”
“ I mean; that the crimes I thought I committed, and well admittedly the crimes I did commit, are no longer valid! So I’m off the hook and I won’t be going to jail!” She explained with a small laugh.
She watched as an unknown look crossed Williams face, and it made her feel slightly nervous. She looked down, and realized that the two were still holding onto each other.
“ Ah…sorry,” Zera apologized softly, and as she went to pull away William’s grip on her tightened and he pulled her close and held her against him.
“ What a relief…I’m so relieved Zera,” William admitted softly as he buried his face into her shoulder.
“ W-William?” She stammered nervously as her heart began to race, but she didn’t try to push him away.
“ When Langris told me that you were here to turn yourself in I…I couldn’t help but fear the worst,” He admitted softly. “ I thought that maybe I had lost you forever, and just the mere thought of that…terrified me.”
“ I’m sorry for scaring you…I’m so, so sorry.” Zera apologized as she buried her face into his shoulder, she could feel some tears pricking at her eyes, but she quickly rubbed them away.
The two stayed like that for a few more moments, but William pulled away slightly to look at her.
“ You and I need to talk,” He told her softly, and she nodded in agreement.
“ We do, shall we go to the Golden Dawn base?” She asked, and he nodded in agreement before he gently took her hand and began to lead her out of the Magic Parliament.
Finally, the two of them were going to talk and clear up all of their misunderstandings.
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Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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the-black-bulls · 5 months ago
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whackdreamer · 10 months ago
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Perhaps Papa Kira's biggest mistake was sending Damnatio to law school. More context with this post.
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favficbirthdays · 5 months ago
Happy Birthday
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Damnatio Kira (16th October)
Black Clover
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goffilolo · 2 years ago
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No, don't ask me how they're able to text in medieval times, that's irrelevant
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outsiider · 9 months ago
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