#damn they're literally rays of sunshine
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hehether · 1 year ago
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writinginatree · 3 months ago
Too Sweet
Relationship(s): Xaden Riorson/female!reader
Summary: Xaden never understood how opposites could attract — not until he meets you and realizes that he doesn't have to understand your sweetness to cherish it.
Anonymous requested: I was thinking in a xaden fic based in "too sweet" from Hozier, where he's all like wanting the reader but also thinking like she deserved more, but with a happy ending ( maybe smutty too ✋🏻
Part 2
Xaden never understood that opposites were supposed to attract. On a physical level, sure. But when it comes to personality and ideology? How could anyone be with someone so wildly different from themselves that they can't possibly understand the other? Someone whose whole attitude to life is completely unlike their own? To him, it just seemed like a recipe for heartbreak. Then again, the saying only claims that opposites attract, not necessarily that they're compatible.
Since meeting you, this is something he's been thinking about a lot.
You're everything he is not; happy, bubbly, energetic, adored by just about everyone and making friends left and right. You're... sweet. There's no other way to put it. What someone like you is doing in the Riders Quadrant, Xaden doesn't know.
He tries to keep his distance at first — liking people is dangerous, and you're much too likable. Needless to say, it doesn't work. Being in the same squad, he constantly finds himself in your presence, and while he keeps to himself as much as he can, he finds it hard to outright avoid you. Almost against his will, he slowly gets to know you. He can't exactly help it, seeing as you sit next to him in almost every class, seek him out at mealtimes, asking him to come sit with the rest of your squad, offer smiles every time you pass him in the halls. You're everywhere, a persistent ray of sunshine piercing into the darkness of his life.
He doesn't understand you. Doesn't have a clue why you're so nice, or how you always manage to be so sociable, no matter what time it is or what lethal bullshit you're about to face, let alone why you seem to genuinely like him. Unlike most others, you have no prejudices against the marked ones, but even so, Xaden is not an easy person to like these days. He can't afford kindness, weakness. Not with all the lives that quite literally rest upon his back.
But no matter how curt he is, no matter how often he only gives one-word answers to your steady stream of chatter or declines your offers to study together, your friendliness never wavers. Every morning your beaming smile greets him in the gathering hall at breakfast, and as days turn into weeks, he often finds his gaze automatically scanning the room for you upon entering, hoping to catch a glimpse of that precious smile. Your presence becomes a comforting part of his routine, always there and yet never intruding. For all your persistence in trying to include him, you're never overbearing. You don't push him when he doesn't join your squad's study session, give him opportunity to join a conversation should he want to, but accept when he doesn't.
He shouldn't get too used to your presence — two of your year-mates have died already, and there's no guarantee you won't be next. Life is dangerous in the Riders Quadrant, and Xaden keeps wondering why someone so sweet would choose this life. You seem more like the type who would be a healer — or maybe even a baker or gardener, far away from the cruelty of war. And yet you thrive even in this environment. He supposes he could just ask you about it, but he doesn't want to get to know you, gods damn it.
Thinking back later, Xaden will realize that the superficial attraction he felt for you from the first starts to grow toward something more the first time your squad leader pairs him with you for a sparring session.
He has already seen you fight at Assessment, but facing you on the mat himself, he gets a much more intimate feeling of your fighting style. You're fast, full of the same energy that is in everything you do, smiling even as you struggle to dodge his punches and get past his defense. You're good. Not as good as him, but your enthusiasm makes up for that. Xaden has to admit — at least to himself — that sparring with you is actually fun. The training session seems to be over in the blink of an eye, and as you step off the mat, both of you sweaty and breathing hard, Xaden is already looking forward to the next, hoping he'll get you as his sparring partner again.
For once he allows himself to be drawn into conversation, answering your questions on how to improve your technique as you walk out of the gym side by side.
The better he gets to know you, the more he has to keep reminding himself to stay away from you, that you're too sweet for him. But, oh, it's hard; he enjoys your company so much. Garrick has caught on, too, teasing him about what he calls his crush on the sunshine girl every time he sees him talking to you. And though Xaden vehemently denies having such a silly thing as a crush, he can't even convince himself of that, let alone his best friend. Having known him as long as he does, Garrick always sees right through him.
The relief Xaden feels at Threshing when he lands and spots you already standing on the flight field in front of a Red is immense. He quickly shoves the feeling down, preferring not to think about what it implies. He does not have a crush, and the last thing he needs is for his dragon to think him a lovesick fool and change its mind about bonding him while it still can. He feels the unfamiliar presence of her in the back of his mind, her golden eyes piercing into him after he dismounts.
He feels all the other people's gazes on him, too, the disapproving stares from where leadership is seated on the dais, their disdain for him permeating the very air. He keeps his head high as he walks to the rollkeeper, refusing to so much as look at the people who'd doubtlessly been hoping he would meet his end in the woods today.
Blood keeps trickling into his eye from the cut Sgaeyl gave him. It stings, but the annoyance of it is worse than the pain. Pain is fine. But constantly having to blink away the blood blurring his vision, feeling it run down his cheek like tears — it makes his skin crawl with discomfort. He's not going to seek out the professors giving first-aid, though. Bothersome as it might be, it's just a little cut, and he can't afford to look weak.
As he walks back to Sgaeyl, his eyes automatically find you in the crowd of mingling first-years, just as they always do. You're watching him, too, but unlike everyone else whose gazes darken, you smile at the sight of him. When you notice him looking, you wave and start toward him. As you get closer, Xaden notes a split in your lip and a blood-soaked bandage around your thigh, but since you're hardly even limping, Xaden assumes that the injury can't be very bad. No, if anything, there's even more of a spring to your walk than usual, your hair bouncing with every step.
Instead of stopping in front of him when you reach him, you throw your arms around him, squeezing him tight, and suddenly, Xaden doesn't remember how to breathe. No one just hugs him out of nowhere like that. No one would even dream of hugging him at all. And yet here you are, doing just that and apparently thinking nothing of it, judging by the easy smile on your face when you let go after a couple of seconds.
"I'm glad you made it," you say. "I mean, I never doubted it, but still."
"I'm glad you made it, too," he admits, quiet enough that none of the people nearby will hear. He allows himself to return your smile, just for a moment, absentmindedly lifting his hand to wipe blood from his eye again. Your gaze immediately snags on the cut, a small crease appearing between your own brows.
"Your dragon?" you ask.
Xaden nods.
"You'd think the relics they'll give us should be enough to mark us as theirs, but apparently not. Mine stabbed me in the thigh."
"Swordtail. Went right through and back out on the other side, but luckily she didn't cut through anything important." You shrug, the grin reappearing on your face as you tilt your head to the side, studying him. "That'll be one hell of a badass scar you're gonna have there."
Xaden bites back another smile, watching with slight confusion as you remove the kerchief you're wearing around your neck today. For a moment, Xaden catches a flash of glitter dotting the black cloth, then it's too close to see clearly as you bring the balled up fabric to his brow and dab up the blood. Your touch is much gentler than his own, and, with the cloth soaking up the blood, much more effective, too.
After a few seconds you pull back, pressing your now bloody neckerchief into his hand. "Keep it."
"Thanks," he mutters past the lump he suddenly seems to have in his throat.
He'll never get used to how kind you are. It's such a little thing, to notice how much the blood in his eye was bothering him and do something about it, and yet it means more to him than you could ever know. It'll probably take a while until the wound completely stops bleeding, but with your kerchief to wipe at it, at least it won't bleed all over his face anymore.
He pretends to listen as you start rambling about your dragon and the thrill of the short flight here, and though Xaden agrees that there's nothing that can compare to the feeling of flying, he can't focus enough to keep up with the sheer endless rush of words. It should be annoying, he thinks. The constant happy babbling, the needless touching — even now you're standing much closer than necessary, shaking his arm as you bounce on your feet while telling him about a particularly exciting part of approaching Milis. If anyone else did that, he'd shove them away to get some space, tell them to stop being so childish. But for some reason it doesn't bother him when you're the one doing it.
Spotting Garrick in the crowd, Xaden hurriedly uses the excuse to walk away toward his best friend. Turning his mind to more practical matters, he forces his thoughts away from you with great difficulty, still reeling from your unreasonable kindness.
After Threshing, something changes, and Xaden finds himself spending more and more time in your company. Maybe it's just that you and him are slowly crystalizing out to be the most powerful in your squad. Or maybe he's going down a slippery slope, no idea where it might lead but unable to stop the descent.
Too sweet, that's what you are. But then, Xaden has always liked sweet things. He remembers when he was a child, being told that all those sugary things he liked so much would hurt his teeth. With you, he feels similar to how he did then; afraid of the hurt he might be causing himself in the long run and wishing to preserve himself from it, but unable to resist the immediate temptation of sweetness. He craves it, that contrast you bring to the usual bitterness that is his life.
And it's refreshing to be around someone who isn't scared of him, even if he still doesn't understand why you aren't intimidated of him like everyone else. Despite your easygoing attitude and bubbly personality, you're far from a fool, unrelenting and self-preservative when need be.
It's an uncomfortable thought, the idea that maybe you're seeing past the stoic facade he keeps, know that he wouldn't hurt you unless you hurt him first. He's not used to people seeing him for who he is anymore, only for who he has to be. The Great Betrayer's son, the heir apparent, the revolution's leader. Traitor or hero, depending on who you ask. But with you, he can simply be Xaden. It scares him, that vulnerability you bring out in him, but he'd be lying if he claimed not to like how simple everything seems when he's with you.
The only difficulty is the secrets he is forced to keep. Luckily, you're very understanding when he says he doesn't want to talk about anything to do with his father's rebellion, and if you suspect that he's up to anything illegal, you don't show it. Some of it — like the meetings with all the marked ones in the quadrant to make sure everyone is helping each other get by — he could probably trust you with. By now, he knows you well enough to know you wouldn't immediately jump to the worst conclusions, would probably even help him sneak out. But in a way, the worst possible conclusions are uncomfortably close to the truth, and he can't risk revealing even such a comparatively harmless secret. No, the less you know, the better — for both of you.
Enjoy your company as he might, sometimes it does grate on his nerves, that seemingly endless happy energy you radiate. Like today, sitting at breakfast and tired out of his mind as he sips on his second mug of coffee when you come bouncing into the gathering hall, fresh from the gym. If he didn't know you get up before sunrise every morning to lift weights with another girl from your squad before breakfast, he'd think you came straight from your bed after a full night's sleep. Of course, even with getting up almost two hours earlier than necessary, you're most certainly still getting more sleep than he is.
Sliding into your usual seat beside him, you greet everyone with more enthusiasm than anyone should have at this time of morning. Xaden returns only the barest of nods, which is more than he's spared anyone else so far. He can already tell this is not going to be his day, and he doesn't feel like wasting energy on being sociable.
You know better than to take it personally, humming a happy little melody under your breath as you start to eat.
As much as Xaden normally enjoys the sound of your voice, the noise in the hall is already bad enough, and he doesn't need you adding to it. "Would you stop that?" he snaps, more harshly than he had intended.
You fall quiet with an apologetic smile, and Xaden immediately feels bad about losing his patience on you.
He downs the rest of his coffee, contemplating whether or not getting another mug of it would help his mood. Probably not, but it's worth a try to keep from snapping at you again. You're trying to be considerate, doubtlessly having noticed that the dark circles under his eyes are even more pronounced than usual, but it simply isn't in your nature to be quiet for long. He likes that — most of the time, at least. The silence he takes refuge in can feel suffocating at times; having you around to break it makes life decidedly more bearable.
"Maybe you'd be less tired if you tried going to bed a little earlier," you tease.
The glare he levels on you is the kind that would have a lesser person shrinking in their seat, as evident by the wary looks from your squadmates, but you're not intimidated in the least. If anything, your smile only widens.
"How do you want to know what time I go to bed?"
You shrug. "You know I have the room next to yours. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, and when I look out of the window then there's always light coming from your window."
"Stalker," he mutters, rolling his eyes when you giggle. The sound effortlessly melts away the worst of his irritation, leaving him still tired and moody, but decidedly less likely to kill anyone for testing his patience.
"I wasn't stalking you on purpose," you defend yourself, the laughter lingering in your voice, "I just like looking at the snow in the moonlight. It's always so pretty, don't you think?"
Xaden shrugs. It's been a long time since he's spared any thought to the beauty of nature. The next time he can't sleep — which is almost all the time — he'll try to enjoy the nightly view from his window too, he decides, if only so he can understand what you like about it.
"The snow would be all nice and well if we didn't have to fly in it," your squadmate inserts themself into the conversation. "Have you seen how much is coming down right now?"
You nod. "Maybe it'll let up until our turn on the flight field. Milis says if this keeps up, she and the other dragons might just refuse to show up." Quieter, only for Xaden, you add, "Let's hope they don't, then you can use the time for a nap instead."
"I don't need a nap," he grumbles back, just as quietly. Truth be told, he probably could use one, but if he were able to sleep, he wouldn't be this tired.
"You sure? I'll even sing you a lullaby if you'd like."
You wink at him, grinning in that way only you can, and Xaden knows that despite your playful manner, you're serious about helping him fall asleep if you can.
He shakes his head, smiling against his will. "You're a dork."
"And you're an insomniac."
"I'm fine."
"Whatever you say."
People's intimidation of him turns to outright fear once his signet manifests, shadows stirring wherever he goes. As usual, you're the exception. Your eyes shine with awe and something like pride as you watch him demonstrate his newfound powers to you with rapt fascination, not a trace of fear to be found.
"That's amazing!" You bring a hand to the shadow closest to you, gingerly brushing your fingers along it. Xaden feels goosebumps rise on his skin, as if it had been him you touched. "They're actually solid! How is that even possible?"
"No idea," Xaden admits. "I'm only just starting to figure out how it works."
As his signet grows stronger, your shadow is the one he's most aware of. Even when you're not in the same room — or even the same building — as him, he always knows exactly where you are and what you're doing. It's not what he should be using this power for, but the shadows seem to have a mind of their own. They're very attached to you. Or maybe he's just making that up to excuse his embarrassing lack of control. It's not like he wants to be some kind of obsessive stalker; he simply can't help the fact that you're constantly on his mind.
If you have noticed that the shadows near you always seem more alive than is natural as of late, you haven't mentioned it. Not very surprising, considering you're occupied with trying to control your own water wielding signet. Xaden has taken more than one involuntary bath since it manifested a couple weeks ago, and has learned to keep his distance from you while drinking water. When you lose control, it's always him getting drenched, as though your water is drawn to him the same way his shadows are to you. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't the middle of fucking winter. You always try to remove the moisture from his clothes afterwards, but while you have already gotten a little better at it, even your best efforts don't get them any less than damp, so Xaden — or whoever else falls victim to your flood — is left either freezing his ass off in wet clothes, or making himself late to the next class by returning to his room to get changed.
Worst of all, Xaden can't even bring himself to be mad at you about it. He's no better; the only difference is that, so far, his shadows haven't tried to drown anyone.
He probably shouldn't be thinking about that incident as often as he does, and he definitely shouldn't be so giddy about it. It was hotter than it had any right to be, watching you almost murder someone on his account. It also made his heart flutter with a whole array of feelings he can't even begin to name. While Xaden obviously doesn't need your protection, the fact that you're willing to publicly stand up for him means a lot. The knowledge that you got so angry in defense of him, that you wielded enough water to flood a whole stairway without even meaning to because someone had been talking shit about him... Just thinking about it makes him more emotional than he'd like.
But while your signet can be wild and destructive, the water is usually gentle. It's an accurate reflection of you, he thinks, untamed and unpredictable, inherently soft but just as capable of terrible harm when provoked. When you're calm and in control, the water flows steadily along like the ever present stream of your chatter, lively and somehow soothing at the same time. Xaden enjoys watching it, how it can flow through even the smallest crack, how it glitters in the light. He enjoys watching you wield it even more, the look of concentration on your face, the beaming smile when you get it to do what you want. It's hypnotizing. A dangerous distraction he really can't afford. He loses track of everything else all too easily when he's with you. You're an undertow, irresistibly pulling him in, and Xaden would happily drown in your sweet waters.
When his lips finally meet yours for the first time, you taste as sweet as Xaden's favorite chocolate cake, and he's instantly addicted.
Afterward, he's not even sure how it happened. You'd been sitting in commons after doing homework together, enjoying a few more minutes of quiet in each other's presence before turning in for the night. You'd rested your head on his shoulder, smiling up at him as he teased you about already being tired so early in the evening, the only other sound the dripping of the melting snow outside the window. Then, before he even knew what he was doing, Xaden had leaned down and kissed you.
Lying in bed that night, he still can't believe it. Even harder to believe is the fact that you'd kissed back, smiling from ear to ear and gracing him with another peck of your lips when he'd wished you a good night and fled to his room. He still feels the ghost of your lips against his, imagines he can still taste you as he licks them.
Trying to form a coherent thought feels like swimming through an ocean of thick, cloying sweet honey. When he closes his eyes, there's only you. Your bright smile and soft eyes, the sound of your laugh, the feeling of your lips, over and over again. The tiny part of him still capable of logic is telling him he made a mistake, that he should stay the fuck away from you. Indulging the feelings for you, which he is no longer able to deny, can't lead anywhere good. He should turn back while he still can, for your sake as much as his own.
You deserve someone nicer, someone you won't be in danger for associating with, who doesn't have so much to hide. Someone who can openly worship the ground you walk on, prioritize you over everything else. Xaden wishes he could be that person, but the burden he took on after his father's death won't allow it.
He plans on telling you as much, but when he sees you in the hall the next morning, he can't bring himself to get the words out. Your face lights up at the sight of him, the awareness of the joy his presence brings you making his heart ache. Then you come skipping over and peck his cheek, first making sure nobody is watching, which has Xaden melting all over again. No, as much as he knows he should end this before it can really start, he simply can't.
You walk to breakfast in companionable silence, which Xaden is very grateful for. He's not ready to talk about whatever this is that's developing between you. You'll have to, eventually, he knows. He'll have to decide if he wants to accept that he's smitten and just see where this will go, vulnerability and problems that would come with it and all, or if he wants to try and shut you out. It's barely a choice, considering how he loathes every moment he's apart from you. He should have never allowed himself to get this close in the first place, but now it's too late.
"You shouldn't be seen with me so much," he tells you a few days later. The both of you are late for math because you'd been too busy making out in an empty corridor to hear the bells, and he can't help but worry what everyone will think when they see you walk in together, kiss-swollen lips and all. "People will say you associate with traitors."
The roll of your eyes is a stark contrast to the gentle tone of your voice when you reply. "People see us together all the time, Xaden. It's not any different just because we're more than friends now. And I don't care what they think, anyway. You're not a traitor, and anyone who thinks you are is an idiot and doesn't matter."
Xaden has to bite his lip to keep silent. If only you knew what he's been up to. Dragging you into the revolution is the last thing he wants, and yet, he can't help but imagine how much nicer it all would be with you by his side. With a sense of justice as strong as yours, you would certainly want to help if you knew the truth of what's out there. No matter. He's not going to put you into that danger, not with how uncertain everything still is.
Twice him and Garrick have managed to smuggle weapons out now, chancing upon a friendly drift by mere luck the first time. Twice is not enough to determine whether they'll get away with it in the long run. For all he knows, someone could already be suspecting them — which is exactly why you should not be seen with him. Even unaware as you are, it's not safe.
And what if you catch on? Xaden knows you know he has secrets, and adores you even more for not pushing the matter, but eventually, your curiosity is bound to get the best of you. If you find out about the weapons runs, he'll either have to tell you what leadership has been hiding — which will sound like madness when he has no way to prove it — or let you believe him to be a traitor without reason. He can't imagine either.
Unfortunately, you choose just then to say, "You know, I missed you at dinner yesterday."
Xaden acknowledges your comment with a nod but doesn't reply, unwilling to lie but unable to tell you that he'd snuck out with Garrick to deliver the weapons they'd stolen for the fliers.
"I'm not saying that because I want to stalk you or anything," you continue. It's become sort of a running joke between the two of you to call the other a stalker for such observations. "It's just that you had me worried. Maybe next time you could let me know when you're going to be busy?"
"Yeah. I can do that," Xaden says, praying you won't ask where he's been.
"Thank you." You smile, briefly halting your steps to give him another kiss, and Xaden is too lost in the sweetness of it to notice you've already reached the classroom until you open the door.
Despite his resolution to not let your relationship — or whatever it is — progress any further, he does. It's like any time he's near you, he loses all common sense.
Sgaeyl is getting annoyed with him, telling him to make up his mind. It is clear he's already made his decision, she says, so he might as well commit to it. She's right, of course, even if Xaden hates to admit it.
He doesn't want to be the selfish asshole he feels he's being by letting himself bask in your presence every chance he gets, by allowing himself to dream of a future with you by his side. It's unattainable, no matter how much he wants it, and yet there's a tiny part of him that dares to hope and refuses to settle for less. You may not have actually talked about your feelings so far, but Xaden knows you want a real, deeper relationship with him as much as he does. It could all be so perfect, if there weren't all those responsibilities Xaden has to think of, the lives depending on him. He can't drag you into that mess in good conscience; just imagining that inherent joy leaving your eyes as the truth destroys your faith in humanity makes him feel sick.
Maybe he could be with you without letting you find out? You always respect his privacy, never probe about the secrets you know he has.
But no, he can't keep you in the dark forever. He'll tell you, sooner or later. You deserve to know the truth, terrible as it is. You deserve to fight by his side, if you so choose. Whatever horrors the future holds, Xaden wants to face them together with you.
"I don't know if this is such a good idea," he admits one night, lying in your bed. One last, half-hearted attempt to make you see he's bad for you. And if you brush it off like you always do, he'll accept that you want him too, consequences be damned.
"What isn't?"
"Why not?" you ask, voice as soft as the drizzle of rain falling outside the window.
There's more than a dozen reasons he could list, but most of them have to do with matters he can't — won't — tell you about. Someday he will, if the world keeps turning long enough, but for the time being, it's better you don't know.
"I'm not sweet like you," he mumbles instead.
You just smile, the way you always do when he's being difficult. "No, I guess not. But you're not the bad guy you want people to think you are, either."
"You can't possibly know that."
He thinks of everything you don't know, the secrets he's hiding. Would you still think the same of him if you knew the truth about him, everything he really is?
"I do, though. You're not a bad guy," you repeat with a gentleness he doesn't deserve. "You're just you. A survivor. Maybe a bit broody. But that's okay, 'cause I love you just the way you are."
Your fingers brush a few stray hairs from his forehead, and the last of Xaden's resolve crumbles. Neither of you had dared use the word love so far; hearing it now, Xaden wants you to say it over and over again.
"Good. Because you're not getting rid of me anymore."
"No. Even if you probably should."
"Good." You smile, ignoring the second half of what he said, and brush your lips against his. "Now stop worrying so much and go to sleep."
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yuimatsumatsuno · 10 months ago
Hi! May I request platonic headcanons about the matsu brothers befriending the reader after reader moves to japan? They're very friend shaped to me and I would love more platonic x readers out in the world
Thanks for the req!!!! I absolutely adore platonic matsuno x reader it���s always so cute 😭😭
matsuno siblings x gn!reader
TW//CW: ???
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Osomatsu is really easy to make friends with! Although this guy is an irresponsible slacker, it is still easy to start communicating with him. Of course he is a complete idiot, but this idiot values ​​​​you. he often complains to you about how his younger siblings do not listen to him and he is glad that he can talk to you. he invites you over for a beer or a game of pachinko because he loves your company. when he is drunk, he can sometimes come to you, reclining on your couch and talking about some kind of nonsense. you have to bring him back home when he falls asleep.
Ooooh damn, if you become friends with Karamatsu, you will never know what peace is. This guy adores you like a sibling. Sometimes you can go shopping together and look at his new outfits, which will be DAMN painful. You are almost the only person who does not offend him and treats him well, so he appreciates you and likes spending time with you more. Sometimes he may ask about the country in which you live, sincerely interested in the culture. (he's a really nice guy please let me hug him 😭😭😭)
Choromatsu considers you better than all his siblings, so he prefers to spend time with you. He complains to you about his clueless brothers and endlessly talks about his plans to find a job (he doesn't even try). You are the only person with whom he shares his anime figures and manga, discussing his impressions and thoughts. There are times when you both manage to get to the concerts of your favorite performers, where this “serious” person turns into a crazy fan.
I have only one question - HOW. How did you become friends with such a dark and scary guy like Ichimatsu..? Seriously, he’s shocked that such a nice person like you paid attention to him. You have to invite him for walks yourself, because he is damn shy. His favorite thing to do with you is when you are in the park and there is silence, just feeding the street cats, without saying a word and allowing your mind to rest. Sometimes he shows you funny and cute cat videos that calm him down. You are the closest person, since his brothers don't really pay attention to him, and other people find him scary. he truly values ​​you as a close friend.
Aww, you're really lucky with Jyushimatsu. he is literally the kindest ray of sunshine! you quickly became friends, as he is an open and cheerful guy. Every morning he comes to you with a baseball bat, begging you to play with him. You can just watch him play from the sidelines, he just wants to spend time with you. he talks incessantly, sharing his emotions and impressions. Even though he's clingy, it's nice to have someone who's always there to cheer you up.
Todomatsu is literally a wolf in sheep's clothing. you will meet in the cafe where he worked, when he will make his cute face and serve you, forcing you to give up your number. in correspondence, he often sends you his selfies and asks which ones are better, asking you to like them all on Instagram. In that one episode, he will still take you on a double date, since you are the only adequate person he knows. he is a real gossip, telling you all the gossip and shameful stories about his brothers, pretending to be innocent in front of others.
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fanmoose12 · 1 year ago
Hiya moose!
I am craving for some cozy levihan where Levi thinks to himself how lucky he is to have Hange besides him and him getting extra wuggly cuddly. Hehe.
Lazy mornings just like this are Levi's favorite.
The quietest moment of the quiet days when he knows he's not needed elsewhere - there is no meeting he has to attend, no report to write, no training to oversee, no expedition to prepare to.
The world outside fades to the background, ceases to exist altogether, and what's left is only Levi, his warm and cozy bed, the fluffy blanket that he spent half of his salary to purchase and since then not once regretted doing so, the rare rays of sunshine filtering through heavy curtains, and, most importantly, a person that he's sharing all of it with.
Levi slightly shifts, peeking at them beneath half-lidded eyes. He watches how the rhytmic raise and fall of their chest, listens to the quiet snores that at some nights seem obnoxious, but right now, he finds them utterly adorable, raises a hand to sweep away the bangs that get in their face.
Hange is beautiful, even if they haven't showered for days at end, even with eyes bloodshot and face pale from exhaustion, even covered in grime and blood, they're always beautiful to Levi. But this Hange - relaxed and at peace, and so warm in his hands - is the one he loves to look at the most.
He's probably the only one who had seen them like this. He's the sole bearer of the sacred knowledge that they sleep with their mouth slightly open, that they take up too much space in bed, that at nights they tuss and turn, but in the mornings always end up in his arms somehow.
It's in the mornings such as this that Levi lets himself wonder how he got so damn lucky.
Despite his mighty title of humanity's strongest soldier and his performance during expeditions, he knows he's not a match to Hange, not really. They're brilliant in ways he can't even comprehend, and they're kind in ways that always catch him off-guard.
And Hange is so many other things too. They're funny and sometimes sweet, they're strong and so, so brave, and it's in the moments like this one, where there is no danger, no threat looming over their future that Levi asks himself what they've found in him.
They must have found something, otherwise why would they be in his bed right now? Why would they pick him out of literally everybody else?
There must be a reason, a far deeper one than his fighting skills that Hange can gush about for hours on end, or his dry humor that seems to endlessly amuse them, or his face and body that, when they're alone, Hange can't stop complimenting.
There must be something unique about him, something that Hange's brilliant mind picked up on and their incredibly kind heart decided to embrace. But that, Levi decides, is a conversation meant for long and cold nights, not lazy and warm mornings.
"You're staring like a creep, you know?" Hange whispers, catching him off guard. He didn't even notice that they have woken up. "Can't get enough of my handsome face, eh?"
"Can't understand how I got involved with a nuisance like you," he retorts and instantly chastices himself for it. It's not what he meant to say, it's what he was thinking at all, but Hange - brilliant, kind Hange - sees right through him, knowing better than anyone that in moments such as this one - what his mouth says and he actually feels are two very different things.
They snuggle closer to him, placing a head onto his chest and mumble, still a bit sleepy and so, so cute, "And yet you love that nuisance."
Levi kisses the crown of their head and for once - makes an effort to be honest, "That I do," he confesses softly.
Hange looks up at him, meets his eyes and gives him a smile so gentle that it snatches all breath out of his lungs.
He pulls them closer, eager to taste that smile on his lips.
The kiss is soft at first, nearly chaste, but Levi knows it'll grow much more heated, that much more passionate soon.
Lazy morning like this one, after all, are only meant for love making and joy.
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thefloatingstone · 11 months ago
Question, so far in BG3 what do you think about each companion and who is your favorite ? Personally, like many, I pick Karlach !
I like the companions but I am still figuring them out (which is funny considering I have 50 hours into the game which is longer than the entirety of Mass Effect 1).
Lae'zel - Completely out of her depth culturally but at this point unaware of it. Very black and white in her thinking regard right and wrong... and yet surprisingly VERY quick to move someone from the "wrong" side in her head over to the "right" side. I was shocked by how she instantly liked Karlach the second Karlach explained her situation to us, and had 0 problem in immediately being like "this is a good one." despite her history. Thinks she's big and tough but is actually just a tsundere. Reminds me of Worf.
Gale - shockingly quick to latch on and trust people. To a degree that suggests he's a little bit desperate for affection. However it's not manipulative or anything, it's very genuine. He just trusts too quickly and will drink up any positive interaction like a man dying of thirst. possible praise kink.
Astarion - Like I said in the other post; essentially a cat that's been mistreated its whole life and will now swat and hiss at anyone trying to be nice to him simply out of fear. Constantly afraid but is hiding it behind sass or bitching. Only member left in the team who is still stuck on neutral in terms of relationship with Tav. Is constantly annoyed with me for being nice to the broken the beaten and the damned. Almost certainly because his experiences have taught him if you're not powerful you will be abused by those who are and it's upsetting to see someone who doesn't follow this internal logic of his. Needs a hug and a hot chocolate.
Wyll - Guy of all time. But he does come with hot demon mommy so that's a plus.
Shadowheart - obviously grew up a spoiled little princess by people who are actively grooming her for some fucked up religious role and have been telling her for her whole life that it's TOTALLY awesome and TOTALLY special and that she's TOTALLY special for being trained for it when really they're just brainwashing her into thinking getting used and and forced into something without her consent is something she actually wants and she should be proud of it. She hasn't figured this out yet tho and mostly still has amnesia about it which is 100% just more grooming. For some reason unlike my friend who found her insufferable and bratty, she's been very nice to me. Sucks to use in a fight tho.
Karlach - Ray of fucking sunshine. Somehow both the mom friend AND the little sister friend. Most purehearted member of the whole lot. Has the ADHD experience of literally vibrating in place but getting told by the entire world to "calm down" and "sit still". Uncomplicated but not in a bad way. Nothing but good vibes all the time. Has never had a bad thought about anybody. Deserves the fucking world.
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
would you do platonic ships???? 👀 nami x luffy and nami x sanji. i think luffy and sanji would both be very supportive of nami after she comes out as a lesbian. every time a random guy tries to hit on nami, luffy runs and screams “SHE’S A LESBIAN!!!!” luffy is way too honest but he’s got the spirit
you're asking me literally the best things ever!!! i'm gonna kiss your forehead c'mere--
i'm INSANE for platonic ships. most people don't often pay attention to the beauty of nami's relationship with the guys (especially with sanji and luffy) since they're always being shipped romantically with her. they make me physically unwell. they're so so so important to me. if i could talk about platonic sanami and platonic lunami all the time without it constantly being seen as shippy, believe me, i would be the most annoying person on this site.
btw, i literally choked on my drink while reading what you said about luffy yelling "SHE'S A LESBIAN!!!!!!!!!" because it's so damn real and canon and it's so fucking funny to picture him just- running from one side of the room to the other while yelling that,, he's so protective. maybe too intense about it, but yeah, he's got the spirit!
luffy and nami's relationship is actually really important to me personally because her story and background really resonate with me. i cried so damn much watching arlong park,, not gonna go into detail here, because you all know how important their dynamic and relationship are in canon, but they make me ill. nami spent years without having any friends because she didn't let herself trust others and even less, let herself deserve to have friends. and luffy just appears like a motherfucking ray of sunshine and helps her get out of that toxic and harmful situation she's in. she's herself with the crew. she can be rude and harsh sometimes to keep them in place and yet they still see her as the sweet, fun, caring girl she actually is. she is a thief and a menace and a bit of a bitch (in the BEST sense of the word) and they all know she's always going to be there for them. and she knows they're going to be there for her, too, always. the fact that luffy is always looking after her and protecting her no matter what? the way the first thing that always comes to his mind whenever they're in danger and he has to leave, is to tell either sanji or zoro to look after her for him? it makes me want to curl up and sob. it's not that he thinks she's weak, it's that he knows her fighting style is more to defend herself or others only when needed, and he won't let her be in danger like that. she's the brains, he's the captain. that's HIS navigator. i love the platonic possessiveness of it all. i love them clingy and sappy and holding each other whenever they are sad and always supporting each other. currently, i'm watching wci (everyone knows this because i'm the most annoying sanji fan so ofc i won't shut up) and the fact that she didn't run away when luffy told her so and stayed with him to fight?? the way she stays with him after the fight with sanji???? they are so,,, i just love them so damn much i'm gonna cry. and this is just the example i choose NOW because i'm in a wci mood, but i could talk about them for hours.
i love platonic clingy lunami. i want him to hug her like a koala. i want her to kiss his forehead when he's asking for attention. i want luffy to come to nami when he's feeling bad about something. i want nami to fix the straw hat while he sleeps on her lap. i want them to sleep together and cuddle and-- that scene in punk hazard where she casually feeds him???? that was so cute (this happening while the kids where literally crying makes everything funnier lmao). they understand each other so so well and they're both so protective of each other,,, it's INSANE. it also has to do with the fact that the romance dawn trio will always be at least a tinyyyy bit more personal and intimate than the others, being the first crewmates and all. never forget strong world for giving me so much lunami content. luffy loves her so damn much,,,,,,
she puts luffy in his place whenever he's acting a bit too stupid and he supports her no matter what. i think that's beautiful. because she's always labeled as scary when she gets mad (i mean, understandable) but he still sees her for who she actually is. and it's,,, so,,, so beautiful,,,
and as a lesbian??? i'm not gonna go into detail as to why lesbian nami is important to me because then i wouldn't shut up in ages, but she is so so so so personal to me. and luffy would be so damn supportive of her it makes me cry. in fact, i love the headcanon of the monster trio being all protective when it comes to men flirting with her. because she might know how to handle men to get what she wants, but sometimes guys just fucking suck and they will try to have their way with nami,,, and uhhhh that dude will probably end up dead. don't flirt with nami if you're a boy because you'll probably most definitely die in the hands of these three protective boys.
besides, there's nothing more personal and intimate than the friendship between an aroace and a lesbian. mutual 0 attraction to men, and full room to act clingy without it having to mean anything. i love them to death.
and yeah,,,,, sanami. platonic sanami. don't get me started on platonic sanami, i might actually die before being able to finish writing this whole thing.
i just,,, they make me,,, they make me so happy,,, i,,, cuteness and happiness overload,,,
i hate that i can't talk about them without people thinking it's romantic. I DON'T WANT THEM ROMANTICALLY I WANT THEM TO BE CLINGY AND SUPPORTIVE OF EACH OTHER IN A VERY PLATONIC HOMOSEXUAL WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there's nothing more powerful than a lesbian and her golden retriever simp who's also a wet cat and would do anything for her. and oh! turns out the guy is actually very very genderfluid and bisexual and has so much trauma regarding gender and sexuality comprehension that she needs to help him get out of that mindset.
tl;tr: sanji bi trans is so repressed he needs a lesbian to help him.
the vinsmokes fucked up his mindset so much and tbh zeff's views on masculinity (love him tho, he's a great dad) didn't help either. but it's fine because nami is there to help him!!!! her!!!! them!!!! any pronouns sanji, woo-hoo!!!! ivankov would be proud. (projecting my genderfluid lesbian ass in this whole thing lmao)
anyway, the thing with platonic sanami is that i think they're perfect for each other. he simps for her but not only because she's pretty, but because everything nami is. he's constantly talking about her brains and strategies and he knows how fucked up her life has been and how strong she is. he admires her so so much,,, and tbh in my mind, where transfem genderfluid sanji is a thing, they admire her bc that's exactly how they want to be (using all pronouns here for her bc why not, c'mon). and nami might be a bit uhhh tired of sanji's behavior, but she loves him nevertheless. she went through so much during wci, watching sanji fighting with luffy and having to witness it??? when she slaps him in the face and doesn't use 'sanji-kun' like she always does?? it killed me. it hurt worse than a fucking breakup. and then she tells him that she won't let him go away again, and,,, it broke me. she cares so so much for him. she knows he's had a very fucked up life too. they make me go insane. he respects nami and cares about her opinion the most, and i'm tired of people always seeing their relationship as "funny simping guy x mean girl" NO!!!! SHUT UP!!! THEY'RE BEST FRIENDS AND THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO SO MUCH!!! THEY DESERVE TO BE HAPPY TOGETHER!!!!
forever thinking about how the code for the fridge is nami, robin and sanji's birthdays combined. they literally just- sat together and thought about a code. and they're the only ones who know this. it's so cute,,,
he respects and admires nami, and nami understands why he acts the way he does. and it's,,, so beautiful,,
i think that once she's helped him figure out his identity, they'd be even closer. i'm a sucker for clingy platonic relationships, as you can see, and them finally being able to be clingy would make me so happy. i enjoy sanami fanarts and content only bc i see them like that. they're so real. lesbian/trans bi solidarity.
also, we talk a lot about usopp and nami being gossiping besties, but i think nami and sanji would be the same. they judge you from the other side of the bar. they talk shit about you. be scared of the judgemental gays.
thriller bark. whole cake. skypiea. they have so many moments there,,, they make me so happy. whenever sanji saves her or whenever he's worried sick about her? i die. people die. it's me i'm people and platonic sanami kills me every time.
and you haven't asked me about these but shout out to usopp and zoro also being nami's protective besties. they all love her to death. don't hurt nami, you'll probably die.
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devilruin · 1 year ago
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【 Please note! 】 ⎯⎯⎯ Please remember to look at each author's do not interact criteria and blog rules before interacting with them! Also, please check each work for specific tags!
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if a link to a piece is :
⛧ ⋅  italicized ― it contains explicit content
⛧ ⋅  bold ― it contains dark content
⛧ ⋅  italicized and bold ― it contains both dark and explicit content
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✧ @abbacchiosbelt ― hayley has such great ideas that i just want to pick apart their brain to see how they come up with such splendid thoughts! they're honestly such a fun person, i want to give them all of my love and then some!
personal picks : stuck in a wall with genshin men (reader's just like "oh won't someone come save me? wait... not like that!") , glory and gore with toji (funny story, i didn't know they wrote this and posted the link in a server we share and they were like !!! i wrote that! needless to say i was super embarrassed) , yandere kaeya headcanons (i just think he's neat when he's unhinged) , arranged marriage with diluc (oh nooo what a terrible thing to have to deal with...), and someone great with gojo (gods he walks the line of infuriating/bearable every damn day)
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✧ @after-witch ― theo has perfected the art of suspense. her immaculate pacing within her stories always blows my mind, and there has been a few times where i've gone "WHAT!?" while reading some of her works!
personal picks : good as gold (the ending of this! i love the implications sm), wife or death (its always morally correct to make a deal with the devil in one's time of need), alone in the dark with gojo (he's is such a vile pos here... not that i'm complaining!) , a gift with sesshomaru (adore the chance to see sesshy being soft for once), love is the honey with chrollo (honestly reader, same.), welcome home lord scaramouche (the absolute level of bitchiness this man possesses...), glass half full with dazai (him taking advantage of another person's feelings? its more likely than you think!), character development with fyodor (how to gain his approval: read books together), suffrance with chrollo (seeing such a normally calm character snap will never not be satisfying to me), and act of contrition with chrollo (my hand twitched at the end with the physical NEED to slap this man)
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✧ @bye-bye-sunbird ― big sis sunnie!!! sunnie is literally a ray of sunshine, she's so sweet and warm-hearted, she always makes me feel so happy when i chat with her! i swear her smile can melt ice and make flowers bloom!
personal picks : necessity with scaramouche (this absolute menace, i hope a bird poops on his precious hat) , yandere diluc soulmate au (diluc refusing to lose the few things that bring him joy, no matter what the cost is, is so delicious) , waltzing with the harbingers (note to self: do not step on their toes) , blaphemous with pantalone (the gods do not exist here in these snowy lands, but don't fret, for pantalone exists in their stead) , and forced marriage with diluc (fuck there's something so sexy about diluc when he snaps...)
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✧ @cinnamonest ― lena is a dark content creater / momcon enthusiast / CEO of feral razor / raging kurapikasexual that never misses with her works (did i mention she's got a great sense of humor paired with a big brain?) i love her mei mei series and hope to use her profile template in the future!
personal picks : dad kaeya with his daughter (love all of this series tbh) , the genshin boys' reactions to being slapped in the face (her rankings are always spot on) , genshin boys' dick headcanons (all i can say is yes, this is permanently engraved in my brain) , genshin boys' choice of womb tattoos (sex magic go brr) , dad diluc with his daughter (he'd be such an insistent and possessive father for sure) , moribund with childe (i wonder how many people he'd kill in one go while coming after you. surely he can't go after too many... right? right???) , and crepus with his daughter (thank you lena for always indulging my depraved thoughts!)
honestly everything from her is just so good!
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✧ @ddarker-dreams ― lock's mastery of the english language is always a sight to behold! she seamlessly connects minute details from the original work (anime / manga / show / etc. ) or even from some of her own works into her writings, sometimes with no one noticing! scarlet bindings with diluc has a few different references (most of which are obvious) ! she's also a giant sweetheart who i absolutely adore bouncing off ideas with, and wrote cold to the touch with kaeya for me!
personal picks : tempting fate with scaramouche (lil sadistic gremlin will get what's coming for him... eventually) , "your body won't lie to me" with chrollo (he's such a bastard here, i love it) , yandere tartaglia with a fatui recruit darling headcanons (the chilling realization that reader is stuck with him as a superior...) , break a leg with gojo (his insufferableness bleeds through the words here) , the snowstorm with childe (imagining the bloodthirsty look in his eyes as he's coming after reader is just hngh...) , entanglement with kafka (she really is both the unstoppable force and the unmovable object) , smoking gun with johan (the realization johan has after speaking to reader is so good... i could feel the heaviness in the air) , loaded question with arlecchino (i always did believe that she's the type to play with her lover in more way than one...) , aftertaste with kaeya and diluc (never a good time with both of them, that's for sure) , in your eyes with izaya (gaining his attention never ends well, does it?) , exodus with chrollo (ngl, chrollo you're looking real smackable right now) , entrenched with kaeya (the audacity of this man never ceases to astound me) , comfortably numb with chrollo (what is numbness if not acceptance? what is ideation if not desire?) , quid pro quo with chrollo (going to be completely honest this piece lives in my mind rent-free) , and hell within reach (this series has such a special place in my heart, i love lady avalor sm)
not gonna lie, you could probably read any of her works and leave full and happy (or binge them all for a good time!)
(fun fact: lock was the first person i followed, and is one of my biggest inspirations for writing, which is why i like to call her the goddess of yanderes, suspense, and horror)
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✧ @dear-yandere ― vanny (or as i like to call her, the yandere queen or queen of yanderes) is another one of the great yandere writers of tumblr! she's also the owner of a big heart (honestly i think she possesses enough love to fill a few blue whale hearts) and is such a compassionate person, whose writing (and artwork) is top tier!
personal picks : diluc's crush dating kaeya (a jealous yandere diluc is always a good pick! ) , acquiescence with pierro (oh yeah, love this old man so much) , little dove with columbina (she's so hauntingly beautiful and also frighteningly eerie) , vladimir (league of legends) at a bar with his darling (can i bite him back? please???) , shuu sakamaki being slightly tsundere + mean (he says he's not looking out for a walking blood bag, he's just upholding his father's rule (like he ever cared about it in the first place)), hisoka being his usual perverted + creepy self (ugh he's so hot like that though) , mafia boss dazai osamu drugging his darling (mafia dazai just hits different) , memento mori (chillingly ironic since it's starring mori ougai) , and little lover (shared harbinger darling) , honestly another writer where you just can't go wrong with any of her works
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✧ @hypnoswrites ― their way of crafting stories is like a master painter. each line is a brushstroke and every word brings a new color to the piece. by the time i've reached the last sentence, my jaw is on the floor, my eyes are wide, and i have to take a moment to compose myself (in a good way!) after reading.
personal picks : nightly visit with astarion (fuck he's insufferable like this and im all for it) , quality time with shalnark (the only words i have is oh fuck, he's so manipulative with a soulmate) , heard through the grapevine with shalnark (all i can say is holy shit. i love reader's nen in this and the pacing is exquisite!) , spider cave with chrollo (the utter despair of knowing that everything you did was for naught is such a bitter taste and i gulp it down like the sweetest honey) , to prove oneself with hisoka (fuck yeah reader get his ass!) , and dissonance with demiurge (anti-magic runes? engraved in the walls. hidden listening device? secretly planted. hotel? nazarick.)
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if you would like to be removed from this list, please let me know!
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© 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐧 — 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝟏𝟏-𝟏𝟑-𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
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animeaandp · 2 years ago
Figure You Out
Pairing: Izuku x reader
Warnings: explicit language, nsfw (not really yandere but maybe a bit??)
Summary: You've been in a relationship with someone that everyone knows isn't a good match. He's not a bad guy but the two of you couldn't care less about the other, let alone have any real feelings left. It's obvious the relationship has run it's course so your friends leave you be; you'll end things when you're ready. However, a 'gentle nudge' never hurt anybody.
Note: Inspired by the song 'Figure You Out' by VOILA (creative title I know)
Midoriya was said to be a literal ray of sunshine, or a cute little bunny, as sweet as could be. When you transferred into the hero course your second year, he was the only person you knew of other than your best friend Shoto. You'd heard only good things about Midoriya but when you finally meet he's nothing of the sort. He didn't smile back, said maybe two words, then refused to look at you a day after that. It didn't make sense but you found some comfort in that everyone else was just as confused. Later when his friends quizzed him about it, he didn't give a straight answer, waving off the interaction as nothing. Then halfway through the school year, once you started dating your boyfriend, 'nothing' become the only way Midoriya treated you. He's maintained this disposition for two years. And now, in your final year, you could manage a brief conversation albeit far from friendly. Like tonight.
While walking back to the dorms from a party, Midoriya acted as disinterested in you as always, but every time you walked faster or slowed down so did he. Everyone else was either still partying or turned in for the night hours ago. You left once you started feeling too lightheaded to keep dancing, and didn't realize Midoriya had been walking with you the entire time. He rolled his eyes when you finally noticed him but nothing else. Otherwise, it's a nice quiet walk and the night air refreshing, so if Midoriya was going to babysit you then he'd have to enjoy it as well. "Even if he is a big dumb dummy."
"You know most people act nicer when they're drunk."
"I'm not drunk yet and you're still you."
"There's not enough alcohol in the world Izuku."
"*scoff* fucking brat.." "Hey." "What." "How come you only cuss around me? Everyone else swears you're a saint but you're closer to a rotten sailor."
"No one else bothers me like you."
"Well why do I bother you.?"
"So damn chatty." Midoriya ignores your question until your footsteps fall too far behind. His hand drags down his face as he turns around, "Now what. Need to puke.?" but you're standing still, watching the tears bouncing off your shoes, just as confused as Midoriya. He takes a few steps closer and you snap out of it. You wipe your face, "I'm sorry; sorry, I don't know where that came from."
"...It's probably all the blood rushing to your head. Try sitting down."
"Yeah, okay."
You find a bench and take deep breathes but the tears keep falling and you keep apologizing to Midoriya. The expression he's giving you is some mixture of concern and irritation. Still, he sits quietly until you've calmed down enough to keep "AH!!" "Y/n?!"
Should you cling to your twisted ankle or scraped knees? Trying to stand was a mistake because maybe-just maybe-you were a little drunk, and the first (attempted) step proved it. Midoriya jumped to help you up and back onto the bench but instead of checking if you were okay like a decent human being, "WHat the hell were you thinking?!! If you weren't ready to get up then fucking say so! There's no point getting hurt just bc you don't want to admit your drunk-what if I hadn't been here?! What if something worse happened!?! If you can't be responsible and handle your alcohol then stop going to these damn parties! You don't-!" "SHUT.THE.FUCK! UP!" "!?!?!" "Shut up-shut up-SHUT UP already!! FOR FUCKS SAKE do you ever get tired of yelling at me!!?!?! I get it-you hate me(!) just shut up for a FUCKING SECOND-CHRIST do you not see that I am hurting-" The words catch in your throat so you turn away and silently cry, waiting for things to just go back to normal.
"...? Huh-? Wait! What are you doing?!"
"It's getting cold. We need to get back to the dorms."
"What part of that means picking me up?!!?" You squirmed in Midoriya's arms but a weak breeze was more of a nuisance to him. "Isn't it obvious; you can't walk so I'm carrying you."
"But-!?! Why...like this?!"
"Least amount of strain on your injuries...worried you're too heavy for me to carry??" "NO! Asshole...but if my boyfriend found out-" Midoriya's laugh vibrated against your side and your righteous fury melted into shame. It's a common occurrence now a days, and no one laughed more than Midoriya did. He was just the only one to do it to your face. "That 'boy' wouldn't have jack to say about it. I bet he didn't even know where you were tonight. Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong."
"...No; you're right...and he couldn't care less."
"I know that he's not a good boyfriend okay-everyone knows, even he does I think. We hardly see each other anyways, so there's no point pressuring him to care. Things are just easier this way." You clear your throat, not wanting to start back up. "Besides, it's not the worst treatment; not like you could do any better so quit bugging me about him." You expected a typical Midoriya retort but he's quiet and continues walking. 'Whatever, I'm tired anyways.'
The dorms are up ahead and you start thinking about if the first aid kit in your room would have everything to treat your wounds. The scratches on your knees weren't that bad but your ankle needed proper wrappings immediately. Midoriya carries you inside and to the elevators, patiently holding you until the doors reopen but you're confused, "This isn't my floor Izuku." "It's mine." He takes you to his room and places you on his bed like it's no big deal. You immediately try to get up but "Don't be dumb" a soft shove sends you back down. He grabs his own first aid supplies, then sits at your feet. After re-inspecting your injuries, he begins tending to them one by one. The guy is the most accident-prone person you knew so you trust he knows what he's doing and look around his room. It's unsurprising how much Allmight merchandise there is but you did expect more of a 'guys' room than this; it's very clean and organized, even smells nice.
"Your favorite color is yellow"
"Hm? What was that?"
Midoriya's eyes are fixed on your ankle but "that's why your go-to snack is a banana, even though you prefer crunchy foods over mushy ones because of that time you accidently ate spoiled yogurt as a kid." "Wha-how did you know that??" "The question is why doesn't your boyfriend know that." His eyes look up between the ends of his hair and send a shiver up your spine. "*scoff* You don't think that I could do a better job than that idiot? Not by much, but I've known you longer, and easily know you better than he does, so don't insult me like that again. I'd be a far better boyfriend for you." Finished with your ankle, Midoriya's eyes trail up your legs, following his rough hands that push your dress up and out of the way. If he notices he doesn't say anything about the blush flooding your face right now. What was he saying-what was happening?! He begins treating the scrapes on your knees, only addressing your squirming with a quick regrip on your thighs that said 'you're not going anywhere.'
"You like to wake up early to go watch the sunrise, but you're not a morning person and go back to bed afterwards. That scar on your arm is from falling off your bike as a kid, that scar on the back of your left calf from falling out a tree. You're always falling, fucking klutz, and listening to music while walking around is why there's always a knot on your forehead; you've run into every lamppost on campus. You like watching scary movies with Tokoyami but they keep you up at night, then spend the next few days jumping at every.single.sound. *sigh* Your favorite animals are bees, again they're yellow, and you think that pollination along with their ability to fly is fascinating, all regardless of having been stung a dozen times because you don't know how to keep your distance." He switches knees. "You want to retire from being a pro hero one day; get married, have a big family, and be one of those over the top stay-at-home 'Pinterest moms'. I bet you'd be really cute with a little belly."
Your knees were both bandaged now but Midoriya's hands held on like the worst thing in the world would be moving an inch. His gaze was burning a hole into your thighs while your breathing was the loudest thing in the room, barely surpassing your heart pounding. His fingers inch further up "I could love you with my eyes closed; you have no idea how easily I can read you y/n. It's obvious how you like to be held" his fingers crawl higher "how you like to be touched" higher "how you like being praised" he looks up, knowing exactly what he'd find. With dark and hungry eyes that make you shiver, "What is it you like being called again.? Pet?" Midoriya starts lifting himself up between your thighs, face getting closer to yours, hands long gone under your dress "No, that wasn't-...pretty girl? Was that it.? Hmm no...ah, that's right. 'Puppy'." strong hands digging into the meat of your hips "Yeah that's right. You love being such a good puppy you melt. How embarrassing when Allmight playfully called you that and everyone saw how red you turned. He's been your favorite teacher since."
Your lips tremble trying to form a word but Midoriya pulls away to swim in dangerous waters. "I could praise the clumsy puppy too. The oh so dumb little puppy...I know her favorite music, cat café to visit on the weekends, even her sleeping positions." The first kisses over your thighs are electric and the lick of his tongue pulls the first of many strangled gasps out of you. "I'd make the puppy feel things...tell me that I can." His nose brushes back your dress further and you think of anything to do or say other than stop. This trance makes lifting your hips effortless, and laying you on your back. Midoriya stretches your thighs further apart "I'm gonna praise my dumb puppy" face lowers "tell her how good she's doing for me" then disappears "then she'll thank me with the prettiest sounds..."
You're free to squirm, rut, buck, and shake as much as you want. Midoriya wasn't letting you go. A world of color erupts in your mind and keeps you high in the sky. Things like "come on puppy" and "that's a good puppy" grow louder as Midoriya replaces his tongue with his fingers. They're relentlessly trying to send your eyes to the back of your head. "God you're doing so good, such a good puppy-dumb little thing.." His teeth graze your jaw and nip at the strained vein in your neck. "Cry for me more puppy; say my name...that's it...Izuku is so sweet to his puppy isn't he, spoiling her bc she fell down again. Such a big girl right now though" Your fingers dig into the arm picking up it's pace as he seethes in your ear "now ruin my fucking sheets.!" Broken whimpers and moans accompany the teasing kisses Midoriya's dragging across your face, the muses only pausing as that white-hot feeling washes over you and you forget how to breathe.
You remember as his hands maintain a vigorous pace and you’re begging him to stop. “Not until you take it back” Midoriya cages your neck in his other hand “I’d be a way better boyfriend than that pathetic excuse-APOLOGIZE.” But his hand was squeezing too tightly. You reach out to push him away but your strength can't compare.
“You better figure it out. Now. Before things get painful.” But they already were; that warm feeling faded away and was replaced by a painful twist in your gut. You're spent. Midoriya is just abusing your body now by continuing to keep his unrelenting pace “come on puppy, take it back” he forces his fingers even deeper “don’t be a bad girl” and squeezes your neck tighter. Strangled gasps escape his grip and you try to but “Aw puppy, don't cry. I know it hurts, you should've apologized, but you’re almost there, so hold on and try not to pass out yet.” He presses deeper-harder-not hiding the lust in his eyes watching you struggle. You begin clawing at his chest and at the hand on your throat "There it is.!" he cheers seeing you panic, and starts putting his back into it. Because you're feeling it. That radiating pain finally built up into the most painful knot, so much so you’re scared of the snap. You begin struggling under Midoriya but it’s no effort to keep you pinned, but “SIT.Still.!? Should’ve apologized. Now be a good puppy and give it up.! Come on, one more-stop.!struggling.! I swear if you're gonna be bad girl-!? Ohh that’s it, ha-YES. There you go puppy.!…atta girllll…that's such a good girl look at you, aw puppy yesss...yes. So pathetic-so fucking.dumb. Just how I like you-GOD I wanna just-!!”
Midoriya sits up to revel in his masterpiece. You're on the verge of passing out and it's absolutely stunning. He leans down before your eyes fully shut, smiling innocently through his own sweat and labored breathes, as if he didn't just make the devil himself beg forgiveness for the past two hours. He drags a kiss across your face, "...Insult me again puppy; I believe I’ve made myself clear what will happen...sweet dreams, y/n. We'll get started on that family first thing in the morning."
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feartheoldblog · 2 years ago
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4. A character you rarely talk about?
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a "sunshine"?
12. Name an OC that isn't yours but who you like a lot
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they're going?
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Apologies for the large amount, I just adore your ocs xD
I am so glad that you like my OCs bc I also adore yours, they are amazing 🙏🙏🙏
This ended up super long sorry so I’ll put it under a read more
4. A character you rarely talk about?
I’m going to use this opportunity to talk about my latest OC who I’ve literally never talked about other than a single sketch I dropped. He has no official name yet (I’ve been calling him Monty lmao) but he’s a Pthumerian that came to Yharnam as part of the excursions into the underground labyrinths. He came willingly and with ease, following the scholars and prospectors who were of course eager to learn about him. His reasoning? Boredom and curiosity, essentially. He’s always been the inquisitive sort of person and loves to learn. What better way to do that than willingly reach the surface? Unfortunately, this doesn’t go too well for him and he ends up half-naked chasing innocent citizens around with a sack- the total opposite of his initial reason for his excursion. He was happy until he wasn’t. Damn the Church and Mensis! Poor Monty.
His sister is also a Bell Ringing Lady and they don’t get on too well, and he wasn’t too keen when she decided to follow suit and leave with him. However, he does care for her and tried to persuade her so stay behind. Of course, the Pthumerians were ‘encouraged’ to go with the tomb prospectors so they didn’t really have much of a choice in the matter.
His worst trait? Pretending that he doesn’t understand the Yharnam language so he doesn’t have to talk to people if he’s not in the mood. On the contrary, he speaks and understands the language fluently. I pity the scholars that tried to speak to him on a bad day lmao
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
Unfortunately, no. I’ve been in fandom for far too long and seen so many bastardisations of characters and I wouldn’t like my OCs to suffer the same fate. However, I am a sucker for plotting stuff with mutuals etc. and I think that’s the best way
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a "sunshine"?
Honestly, the only one I could describe as a ‘sunshine’ is Aoife. She’s literally just a total ray of sunshine with mostly everyone that she meets and is definitely the glue that holds the band of Cleanrots together. She does have her murderous traits of course but they don’t hold any malice behind them; she does her job, and she does it efficiently. Outside of that? The loveliest person ever.
12. Name an OC that isn't yours but who you like a lot
Okay I can’t just name a single OC, I need to appreciate my mutuals’ 10/10 OCs properly.
I love your character Elizabeth and I’m extremely excited to see how her story develops in Stolen but mostly in Scarlet Butterflies, of course. She just seems like such a good person and the type of individual you’d love to be your friend.
@smoughenthusiast ‘s OC Felix is a dickhead but I can’t help but love the lad. He is indeed a murderous cleric but it’s impossible to despise him. I also adore Mathilda and her ways. I support her wholeheartedly 🙏❤️
@gehrmansbignaturals ‘s OC Phobos is also amazing and I love her lore and interactions with the world that she’s in. Her design is also lovely and her relationships with characters are so intricate and well developed.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they're going?
Oh god, probably all of them for different reasons. Freyja is naturally curious and also prefers to travel alone if she can so she’d definitely disappear during the night, explore for a bit and then return as if nothing happened. If he was interested, Phulgrax would stroll into the abandoned house with full confidence and zero regard for any spirits that are potentially haunting the property. He has absolutely zero fear and just assumes that he’s stronger than literally everything. Braith is sly about it, and would only go if there was something inside that she wanted. Treasure for her to sell would be the easiest way, and of course she must travel at night and not tell anyone lest she gets in trouble. Out of my Gilded Rot crew, definitely Bastian or Lithrion. They’re both exceptionally gifted in the art of stealth and you probably wouldn’t even notice that they’re gone. Bastien is curious and enjoys exploring whereas Lithrion would be looking for potential dangers that could be lurking inside.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
I think the only characters I could see with stuffed animal toys would be Aoife and potentially Finlay (her childhood runebear teddy of course). However, Braith absolutely has taxidermy animals scattered around her living quarters so I guess that also counts… as morbid as it is.
I do also think my Pthumerian took a liking to a soft toy sheep in the window of a toy shop in Yharnam and took it with him because of it. He’s totally unaware of it being an odd thing for a 9 foot tall man to keep but he adores it nonetheless.
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leafkingofbirds · 5 months ago
Hmm what about modern TCH? Like what do you think their modern professions would be, their styles, how they would act. I can already picture the mc being a nurse or doctor but I would like your take on that.
Also I feel like we should have gotten like Jack/Longclaw cause throughout the book I was like "damn are they really going to romance each other?" And then it never happened lol
how funn!
Gotta admit, the moment you said you saw MC as being a doctor or nurse, I had an image of MC being a Claire Fraser character, going "back in time" to a more primitive Fae world with all her modern-day knowledge, and them thinking she's a witch for making people wash their hands or trying to explain germ theory. LOL
But! Assuming they're all in a modern AU with no magic...
Kieran: I can't see him working for a living, lol. He inherits a multibillion dollar company from his parents but doesn't do any actual work, he just shows up to board meetings sometimes. He lives in a very private, very tasteful mansion in a remote area with a very small staff, because he hates being around people and he just wants to be in nature and by himself. Also, he's getting his private pilot's license because he loves flying. He only wears the finest, most expensive clothes by a designer no one's ever heard of, tailored perfectly, but they're also very understated and classic. Even his casual clothes are tailored. Money means nothing to him because he has an endless supply of it.
Oleander: Kieran's best friend from college. Either an adjunct humanities professor working on their PhD, or a law student about to take the bar. Was cut off financially from their rich homophobic family for being gender nonforming, so lives in Kieran's mansion and Kieran pays for their schooling. (Kieran expects Oleander to repay him by being his personal lawyer or PR person so Kieran doesn't have to deal with the public.) Mentors trans youth in their spare time, and maintains a niche fashion Instagram page with lots of "dos and don'ts." Still wears a lot of vests.
Jack: He's like...hmm, he works as maybe a server or cook in a restaurant and he HATES it, has big dreams of fame and fortune. A city boy who pickpockets and cons rich business men for extra cash 0 but is rarely caught because he can lie so well with a straight face. Keeps trying to encourage his coworkers to form a union and that's part of why he can't keep a job long. But he keeps getting hired back because he's fast and efficient, even if he doesn't have any people skills. He wears eyeliner, black leather jackets, with lots of earrings and a chain necklace passed down to him from his mother that he never met, and he's very mysterious and emo about it if anyone asks. He's the lead singer and songwriter of a metal band that's trying to get off the ground and they're actually pretty popular small-time. He has a ton of admirers and fans, but he's too laser focused on his career to notice any of his groupies.
Longclaw: Like Kieran I think she is a nepo baby, but she doesn't seem to realize it because all her time is spent helping charities for kids and animals. She has her own cooking/gardening/design talk show a la Martha Stewart and her designs are praised as being very classic, feminine, and welcoming. She can go out in public and not be recognized because she doesn't wear makeup and wears simple (but feminine) clothes from Target or The Gap. Most of her estate is dedicated to all the stray animals she adopts, because she can't help but take home any poor animal she meets, and she has a whole team to take care of them and find them homes. A literal ray of sunshine in human form. Universally beloved.
MC is either a hardworking newbie resident doctor or underpaid, overworked nurse serving an impoverished area. Maybe an ER, or a nursing home. They live in a basement apartment and have a huge amount of student loan debt. Most of their clothes are from thrift stores and they live in jeans and a t-shirt. They're still working their way up in the world but are praised at work for having exceptional bedside manner and getting to know their patients on a personal level, which has sometimes led to them catching some clue that more experienced doctors miss and helps to turn their treatment around.
Anyone that I missed??
(God this makes me want to write this AU where MC runs into Kieran after some emergency (car accident?) and treats them without knowing who he is, then he demands they come work as his personal on-site medic or something?? Anyway haha.)
Also yeah!! If Longclaw had stayed Fae (and I kind of wish she did, her human form is GORGEOUS) I could totally see them being together, or at least being friends. Longclaw is very motherly and Jack never had a mother, so maybe they wouldn't work romantically. Also there is the issue of him having killed Sir Monty. But! He'd still like her very much because she's the opposite of every Fae stereotype he knows, and Longclaw physically can't hold a grudge for long!
But, if they got together and had kids, it would make the royal families related by blood 😬 idk how that would work haha
Thanks for this diverting ask! 😁 Lmk what you agree/disagree with haha
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elxgantcaptain · 2 years ago
🍓 :3x
@mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u!
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First off, literally can't get over how amazing a character H is and how well thought out they are! We haven't been rping for very long but oh gosh I LOVE IT.
I love how much sass and how much of a damn tease Hieron is to Hook and I love how they danced with Terry at the ball too <3 that was the most precious thing ever and I adore that.
I really love your design and the way you write, the way H reacts to things. They're a character that I can really see existing in real life! I just really love seeing this glorious purple ray of sunshine on my dash! <3 I am so much in love with them and I really hope we can rp more.
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sleepygamerotaku · 3 years ago
Chuuya Nakahara Comfort Headcanons
Chuuya Nakahara x reader
Content Warnings:
Lmk if there's anything triggering pls!
Reader pronouns:
Not mentioned
Authors note:
I think this is the quickest I've ever written anything. Usually it takes at least a few weeks for me to finish something and i finished this in one day. Anyway @chuuyas--boo this is dedicated to you!
♡ Chuuya absolutely hates seeing you sad. He wants you to be happy. You're like a ray of sunshine for him, and it really upsets him to see you so down.
♡ If it was someone who said or did something that made you feel like this, they'd better pray that Chuuya takes pity on them. Someone had the audacity to hurt his love? Chuuya will make them go through hell for that.
♡ But if you're just feeling sad then Chuuya will pull you into his lap(doesn't matter if you're taller than him or not, the mans got thighs of steel/hj) and hold onto you while telling you everything he loves about you.
♡ Will literally cuddle you until you either feel better or tell him to stop. Of course if you tell him to stop he'll get all pouty and disappointed.♡ Chuuya loves you're smile so much it isn't even funny. He would give almost anything to see you smile and hear you laugh.
♡ Will try distracting you with cuddles and affection. If that doesn't work well just have to tickle the sadness away.
♡ He is a low-key softie and nobody will tell me different. At first he seems really blunt and acts as though he doesn't give a damn about anyone or their feelings.
♡ But in private? That's a completely different story. He can and he will give you affection for hours on end. He doesn't have off button either.
♡ He will do absolutely anything for you. Wether it be doing something for you or simply being they're. He's all hands on deck if means you're happy.
♡ Also i know that i already mentioned this but he will not hesitate to throw hands with whoever tries to hurt you in any way. He is very protective of you.
♡ If you need anything don't even bother getting up. Chuuya will immediately make you sit back down, and then he'll wander off. He'll end up coming-out lol t back with whatever it was you needed as well as a warm blanket and cup of hot chocolate, with a bonus gravity hug.
♡ Words of affirmation go brrr
♡ "I'm so proud of you babe" "you have no idea how lucky i am to be with you" "I love you so much. I hope you know that" "Your so strong" "you deserve all the hugs and kisses in the world plus more!"
♡ He love's kissing you in certain areas and telling you why Loves them. Hell kiss you're nose and say that it's so cute and fun to boop. He'll kiss you're knuckles and tell you that he loves holding you're hand and how he wishes he could never let go. The list goes on and on.
♡ If you ever say that there's something you don't like about yourself he will tell you at least 68 reasons why he loves that about you.
♡ He wants you be happy so whenever you're sad you can count on him to make you feel better.
♡ He love's you too much to see you hurting. All he wants is for there to be a sincere smile on your face and happiness to loom in your eyes. Because to Chuuya, everything about you is perfect in every way.
thank you for reading! reblogs are greatly appreciated<3 please don't copy/translate my works to different platforms.
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tripthelightfandomtastic · 3 years ago
If we are still doing smutty asks, how do you think each of the gvf boys feel about period sex?
Y'all can always read my mind or something because I'm on my period rn and I've also had period sex (I'm very seasoned lol it helps my writing, idk how tf I wrote smut before I had sex what was I doing?) I truly don't think they would care, I find most decent men don't care about period blood, they just want to fuck you and a week is a long time to wait. I feel like they would all just be super sensitive about what makes you feel good and maybe what doesn't feel right.
I feel like Danny would read something to see what he could do for you while on your period to help your pain and found that orgasms can help relieve cramp pain, cut to him laying out a towel on your bed and fucking you however you need him, asking you to tell him whatever you'd need no shame necessary.
I could see Josh being the most selfless of all lovers, maybe because he is a ray of literal sunshine, he is how the summer sun feels on your skin, he is just so sweet I think he would just want to take care of you. I think Josh would want to just make you cum to help you feel some release knowing it could relieve your headaches, holding a vibrator against your clit, and fucking you with his fingers, blood be damned. Kissing up your neck, whispering sweet nothings in your ear while his hands and voice bring you over to your orgasm, "such a good girl" "always so sweet" "you always feel perfect"
Sam I feel may be very inexperienced with period sex and to keep him from being worried by the amount of blood by taking a shower with him, letting him fuck you under the flowing water, letting the water wash the blood away, easing Sam's trepidations fade away, I feel like Sam would only be worried about hurting you. I think he would easily let it all melt away as he fucks you. Loving the way you feel so wet for him, the way he rolls his hips against you.
Jake would be so gentle, asking you if anything hurts, and worried if anything doesn't feel good. He's a sweet lover that is very attentive to your body, kissing you all over your stomach, something you cried over in the mirror when your jeans didn't want to button because you're bloated. Feeling stressed over your body image, but you never have to feel self conscious with him, he adores you all the time.
They're all so sweet I doubt it would ever be a problem.
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thefloorisbalaclava · 2 years ago
as a writer (and a very good one btw..i've re-read your Ghost one again and ...like anything on your list) u can do whatever u want...now let me tell u something that's been on mind for a while.
about Konig like women on the thicker side.
now imagine this (excuse my poor english, i'm italian)
-As a fairly new recruit you've been relocated from base to base you ended up to the one where Konig is as well.
-Since you joined, even if you're skilled (and a damn good driver) you've always been picked up for your size "not being standard".
-You didn't give it a care until your old captain made a harsh comment and not choosing you for a particular mission.
-Your training is harsher than the other because of that but you're used to keep a straight face (being bullied all your life).
-It all changes when you're being transferred.
-It happened by accident, you were working on an off-road vehicle and you clearly heard some comments while you were under it both men know you can hear them so they're doing it on purpose.
-But then they suddenly stop, you didn't notice but Konig appears behind them and that's enough to scare them away.
-Then he comes to talk to you and his sweet voice startles you as well as his height .
-After that he was always not much far away from you.
-He kinda starts to like you because you're literally a ray of sunshine when he got to know you better and made him smile.
basically the scary dog priviledge...(something that i love)..oh and..you can use this idea if u want, I'm writing a different one rn so
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biqherosix · 4 years ago
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ keith with an s/o who is a literal ray of sunshine
rise with the moon, rise with the sun - headcanons
fluff, angst
(voltron legendary defender — romantic! keith kogane x reader)
while you rise with the moon, keith has always risen with the sun. your bright, shining personality catches his fire, temperamental heart which leads to a surprising dynamic
cw / none
a/n — i thought this was gonna be strictly fluff, but it ain’t a true keith akira kogane piece by yours truly if there ain’t angst in it woohoo !! anyway enjoy ily tell me what you think bc i appreciate the feedback :) have fun !!
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contrary to popular belief, keith would actually get along super well with a sunshine s/o
i mean come on guys he hangs around with people who practically have sunshine pumping through their veins (example a: all of team voltron with an emphasis on hunk and coran)
so you shouldn't be surprised when he's very much used to the rambunctiousness and chaos surrounding the bright personalities
but like everyone on the team makes fun of keith anyway bc of the difference in dynamic and even just dating you bc they either thought he'd turn up alone or date someone that mirrored his personality (lance's idea lmao)
they're just jelly as you balance him out, and keith definitely gets the love he mf deserves when he's with you
and i mean it when i say that keith was so touch starved before he dated you
but as your relationship goes on you'll just be holding onto him in any shape or form and making sure to tell him you love him as you give him a sweet kiss
in front of the paladins he doesn't reciprocate your affection, with you leaning your head on his shoulder and holding his hand during meetings or just nuzzling into him while lounging around
but like in private, you can actually get him to cuddle with you and you lay your head on his chest as you play with his fingers and babble until you're lulled to sleep (and when keith wakes up he smiles because he sees you with a ghost of a smile as you subconsciously tighten your grip on his waist and he thinks about how he doesn't deserve you in the slightest)
sometimes he even pretends to not like it when you take a few of lance's face masks and self care products
but then he hears your laugh while he brushes a sticky purple goo on your cheeks (mainly bc he sticks his tongue out and furrows his eyebrows in concentration and you think it's just such a cute look) so he begrudgingly does one too even though you know he's particularly fond of the red face mask
don't tell anyone but you even got him to put on one of those thick fluffy headbands to keep his hair out of the way
okay but sometimes you get in a rush outside paladin work (you spend a lot of time tinkering with pidge, just keeping them company and making sure they actually get the breaks they deserve) so you give him a quick kiss on the cheek and a bright smile before pidge drags you away
you also like to leave little notes of positive affirmations in his room and when he goes off to train you stick them onto his bayard so he actually sees them, and he doesn't write back but is sure to give you a chaste kiss on the forehead and hug you a little tighter when he sees you after
but damn the shift in attitude surrounding his leave was like instantaneous once the doors closed like who were you gonna cling onto now? like heck yeah you're so supportive about him doing what he feels is right, but you're gonna miss him obviously
though before he left for the blades and got stuck in that stupid time abyss for two years he spent all of the night before just writing out little notes and affirmations of his own and placed them in this little jar that he stole from lance bc he already made his decision
keith was like this close to making some morale boosting videos but then he remembers the disaster that coran set him up with during paladin diaries so that was a no go
he leaves the jar of notes in your room, as well as his jacket bc it's the least he can offer when he leaves (you cry when you walk in after he leaves and you see it in your room and read the note in the pocket)
though they didn't see your breakdown and you're definitely still trying to keep up the positivity, the team definitely feels bad because they notice your eyes don't shine as bright, or when you turn around to act out the little quirks you do around keith and keith only but then you remember he isn't there
allura is convinced she saw coran's heart break when you turned around to whisper with a smile that there's the planet you'd be landing on but you're met with coran instead and your smile falters coran had to leave the room so he could cry for you
they try making you feel better by doing little activities in their downtime to keep your mind off it
and even gorgeous man coran helps out bc he cares and is concerned !! just dad things you feel me, he has you accompany him to get some local planet flowers and you place them around the castle as he sings the altean alphabet and just assures you everyone is here for you
but they don't know keith isn't doing well either
he'd be lying if he said he wasn't used to your constant affection and he craves it by now
one of the only good things in the time abyss besides meeting kosmo though, was befriending romelle
bc honestly dating you helped keith get used to being around romelle everyday for two years and she kinda reminded him of you (he spilled everything about your relationship when romelle caught him holding out his hand and retracting it bc he was so used to you grabbing it, then he just has this low-key burst of anger and kicks the dirt or something)
romelle ever the curious would ask more questions and he just couldn't help but talk about you
let's just say krolia was a wreck after keith fell asleep that night bc he's so far from one of the people who took care of him while she was gone and it hurts for him to be in pain (well guess what it hurts coran too okay)
y'all remember reuniting so vividly like yay cheers !! but also lotor is about to kill us !!
but omg okay so the castle is malfunctioning right and pidge forces you to get supplies and tools as if coran isn't right there but you do it anyway but bc you love pidge with your whole heart so you do it
your timing is actually so off though bc keith the mf contacts them in the control room and gets back to the paladins with romelle and krolia and kosmo miraculously as the castle starts up again without you in the room
you notice everything around you brighten, but just in case you've got the supplies in hand bc with pidge you can never be too careful
keith is already skimming the room for you and he's sad but coran is too busy giving him a lecture and pidge sees romelle and assumes some stuff
they really forgot they were in a war for a fat second for y'all that's true love
"you're alive?? y/n was so worried about you! now why is there an altean with you >:( did you replace them 😡 so help me king groggery the infirm 🔪🔪🔪 you have no idea how sad they've been? morale has been low since you left! 😤"
"get ready to hold me back guys !!!" - pidge, a 5'2 icon ready to throw fists against keith who went through a second puberty
you come back to a huge crowd and you don't really notice bc you're too busy balancing your supplies like "hey pidge where do you want this?" everyone is shook bc they forgot you weren't there bc pidge was honestly ready to go at it
and it's like this dramatic moment where they all move away from each other gradually and you see him
you fr widen your eyes, gape, and drop the supplies (pidge can fix them it's okay the love of your life is in front of you and god he looks hot)
also yk how sokka sees suki and does that thing where he's like "🥰 !!!!" that's how you are when you see him
"keith?!" and he just looks back at you with the softest smile (and he sees you wearing his jacket and you look like an angel bc no one else can pull of the look of his jacket other than him) and you can't help it you're already crying and you just run up and jump and tackle him in a hug
and it's like a full hug as in you tightly wrap your legs around his waist and steady yourself by wrapping your arms around his neck crying into his shoulder because he's really with you !!!
his balance falters because the impact was a little heavy but he softens up quickly, wrapping his arms around your waist and letting his chin bury into your shoulder bc he's missed this, he's missed you
he doesn't let any tears fall, because keith being soft in public? he can't take it but he hasn't seen you in two years so dammit he's getting that hug
but lance and coran are sniffling like??? the audacity for you to be this cute and happy omg sunshine and blink-182 are back in business :) then there's hunk who's sobbing and holding onto pidge who are wiping away their own tears
keith helps you get your feet back on the ground and places a kiss on your forehead and adjusts his your jacket before diverting your attention to the three unfamiliar figures in the room and lance scoots over to whisper in your ear explaining everything
"guys i was gone for a tick and you meet another altean and keith's mom without me?! and you got a dog!!!" - you, shaking keith's arm and eyes bright as ever before kneeling down to pet kosmo bc kosmo supremacy
okay anyway remember when i said he was prepared for the peppiness upon meeting romelle? what he wasn't prepared for was having you and romelle not only being best friends as well, but becoming attached to his hip with some optimistic shit (pidge, lance, and hunk do reenactments of keith, you, and romelle in that order it's the funniest thing ever but also mel swoons over your relationship too it's so embarrassing for keith but you just find it entertaining)
as well as stealing his dog (he just looks away with this smile whenever you sneak in some kosmo cuddles bc you don't want him to know but it's just so blatantly obvious)
but back to you and romelle, keith is pretty sure if you weren't dating him you'd be dating romelle; honestly though he's just glad his sunshines get along
also omg krolia also didn't expect you to be the way you were but she knew she liked you after she came back to earth and saw you blatantly punch james griffin in the nose with the sweetest smile for insulting the paladins
granted you screamed about it right after bc it hurt and your knuckles are bruised but krolia pulled you aside and cleaned your knuckles thanking you for taking care of keith
to which you respond he didn't need taking care of, just someone to lean on and you're glad to be that person even if y'all have opposing personalities
so even though you rise with the moon and he rises with the sun, you know what they say: opposites attract and your relationship with keith is the epitome of just that
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ferally-ships · 2 years ago
🍓 (not me shaking in my boots💀)
Hahahahaha Oh I'm going to have fun replying to this...
Okay I seriously cannot remember how we became mutuals friends considering we haven't spoken directly with each other in the DMs. Our form of communication is screeching in the tags, screeching in the comments or gentle advice in the comments. We've never had a proper conversation and yet...here we are. Living the 2023 life of a HBO ho before bro.
It's a vibe and I won't ever change it.
Your tags always make me laugh. And if they're not making me laugh, they're making me melt. You're a literal gem. A warm ray of sunshine on a depressing, tumblr blogging day. Like, literally...how can one be with the grumbles when you actively use our special hashtag that we just, one day, decided it was a thing?
It's small moments like this that make me adore coming online. Plus I see you in my Notifs here, on my GK blog and my BoB blog. It's like I'm surrounded by the presence of your friendship. It's like a nice, warm, fuzzy blankie. A literal gift from the wifi heavens.
I'm glad I met and got to connect with you. I promise I will slide into your DMs like an HBO ho. Just you wait.
My tumblr newsfeed is all over the place, and out of place, so I'm always missing what people reblog. But most of what you reblog is literal 'OMG SAME!' vibes.
I just adore that you have this warm friendship that's been accepting and supportive from day one. The fact I can't remember our very first interaction is kinda awesome because than it basically feels like we've been friends for god knows how long, even though it's only been maybe a month or so?
It'll be a friendship that I'll always adore. You're a very warm and supportive person. And I'll be damned if I let anyone say otherwise!
Also your writing is just GORGEOUS! Like...your stories, particularly the series for BoB and GK literally have me on edge. I literally can't wait for the next chapters. Every time you post something about them, I get a little (a lot, let's be honest) excited!! || For this ask game
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