#damn i wish river had someone that actually loved her
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Because I was doing this other something (multiverse storm) I didn’t told you but I had this weird dream last night about a girl that was actually an animal that became human and explored the human world and even met this guy (the guy fell in love with the girl but she didn’t) and the friend of the guy knew something was off because the girl and her friends were kind of… curious (let’s remember the world is like…. A victorian? Like in Little Women or Pride and Prejudice? No, maybe earlier… yes, something like earlier)
The weird thing that got my attention was that when the girl and her friends (all were human) wanted to get back to their home and became animals again (because the world wasn’t that cool and the girl wanted to go back to the valley), they didn’t, not all of them, only two of the group managed to became animals again, and when they came back, the creatures at the valley were all becoming human, and they couldn’t get too far from a magic-haunted abandoned house that connected with a river, the girl and her friends for some reason were on that river or near, and three of the group saw something weird and separated, but something like a force got the, into the river, like, they were on a high rock and the river pulled them, two of them fell on the river but the oldest guy of the group, who was a giraffe, fell hard and hit his head and well… he died :v
When they got even closer, the group noticed everyone was converting on humans, including a griffin that was helped by a unicorn, both really slowly but noticeable were also becoming humans, even someone that was before an owl got out of the haunted house because their nest was there and the owlets were becoming humans too and in any moment they could fell because of the weight, by that moment, the guy the girl met before ran after her because didn’t wanted to separate when they noticed the weird situation, nonetheless the guy wanted to help and did as much to do so, then, the dream ended because I woke up
Wanting to establish an ending, I can say that they indeed saved the place and the animals became animals again and everything was okay :D
But it’s sincerely one of the most weirdest dreams I ever had
Now, talking about the characters because I want to gave them names
Rock - Ingrid, a young mole, half-blind but kind-hearted, she’s a sweetie but because of it she’s almost eaten by a wolf that lived nearby, but survived thanks to her giraffe friend. She couldn’t see the star but wished upon it and because of it, he and her friends were given the opportunity to become humans and explore the outside world, far away from the valley. But ended up being caught by a guy that just liked how beautiful she was and kept her and her friends with the power of money
Gilbert, human, rich, nobleman, he took Ingrid and her friends with him because he wanted to marry Ingrid by how beautiful she was, even giving her glasses for her poor vision and a new name, later finding out how good her heart was and decided she deserved more, now he wanted to marry her to take care of her with all that “she deserves”
Alfred, Gilbert’s friend, he knows his friend is damn stupid and only helps him because he’s also his butler and childhood friend
Rainy - August, the giraffe friend, he’s old and wise and despite he doesn’t know much of the human world, he met humans once, he doesn’t like them but he wanted to protect Rock and the group, his jokes are the worst but he cares, he’s the papa of the group (and he actually had a daughter who left at the valley, she’s an adult but still was really worried by her dad)
Cotton II - Collin, a hare, he’s a pain in the tail and an idiot but he still cares a lot, he can be a meanie but loves his friends and family, and went away with the team because he can’t find his wife, who abandoned him for a bigger hare (and he knows but don’t admit it)
Cloud - Angel, a dove with albinism saved by her family of owls because the other doves didn’t liked her for being pure white, she indeed acts like an owl despite being a dove and yes, she can eat meat, she got accomplished with time until she discovered seeds and insects were more easy to eat for her
The four animals became humans by pure magic, yes, but from who? I remember the griffin mentioned a witch, but I do not remember why they became humans, and the haunted house was really old, and I do not remember why humans, lots of things are almost non existing, but I liked what I saw, it was quite interesting, the invisible force had even the force to actually kill, what was happening? Why did everything happened? What was happening?? Why the animals of the valley could actually talk with humans when they’re still animals? Because Rainy met a human when he was just a kid, he talked, and the humans got scared, humans didn’t went to that valley because animals talked, and why the valley had magic even to have magical creatures?
What was all of that???
And I really want to know more, to, at least, connect the dots
If you have any idea or something, you would help me, but even if I wouldn’t do anything with the idea, I want to know what happened! I can’t just sleep another night without connecting the dots!
#Anne’s writings#my stuff#my ideas#writers on tumblr#writer problems#writing prompts#crack stuff#silly stuff
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DW Season Finale Thoughts! (Spoilers below the cut)
Sorry, Mrs. Flood is dead???? WHAT DO YOU MEAN? She was teased the entire season and now she's just dead? WTF
Kate noooooo I miss you come back
Hey wait a second, where's rose?
Please don't nickname the god of death
What's this weirdo ship. Oh. Thx doc. Aw Mel hugging the tie
"We're on fire" gives me the same vibe as "I'm in danger" and I can't explain why
Great work gang.
Now wait a second cause I thought everyone was supposed to be dead except Ruby (based on the episode description)
goddamn it's 73 yards again
Okay this sutekh stuff is fun and all but can we get to the part where River Song is Ruby's mom and also please can River Song be Ruby's mom and also not dead and please can River come back I miss her
Welp. Everyone's dead ig 'cept these three.
Hey wait if everyone everywhere you landed is dying wouldn't that kill the Vashta Nerada on the library planet? Cause that'd be pretty cool actually
Aw nice the motherfuckers (daleks) are dead. A win.
Hey wait a second, why haven't we seen the daleks this season I kinda miss the mfs
oml doctor stop with the pity party it's gonna be okay
okay actually nvm gimme more of the feral screaming cause that's real as hell
Okay but also where is the fun in everything and everyone being dead? What are you gonna do with the rest of your life now Sutekh???? HUH?? Did you think of that???
Okay okay so Ruby is greater than the doctor that's interesting to know... Maybe cause her mom is River Song child of the TARDIS????? (Guys I really want River to come back, I can't help it)
doc if everyone is dead how are you talking to someone? I am confusion
Oh she dead now.
Ruby answer the time window sweetie
oh damn even the god of death wanna know who Ruby's mom is
NO don't tell her she's human please I need her to be River's kid.
"Love a whistle" is holding hands with "love a tomb" gimme my wife back please
hey guys maybe pay attention cause Mel's not okay rn
no. leave Mel on the tardis please
this is the doctor who show. they can't kill doctor who. not permanently
nope nope, turn that screen around doc don't let me see
yessss send her to keep watch good job
poor mel. Sutekh don't hurt my babyyyy
Mel sweetie you're so strong you can fight him please sweetie
don't give him the name Rubes okay you can do it
literally an empty empire sounds so boring like wtf
Doc keep your mouth shut cause baby you ain't helping
is ruby ruby's mom?
shut up scooby doo
hey it's that guy who died behind the tardis last episode. he's okay now
alright so mrs flood who tf are you?
yes welcome back the ood!!!!!
welome back random woman and her child glad you're okay
yo is doc gonna kill sutekh???
ah lit death is dead... Can River come back now??????
doctor sweetie it's gonna be okay
oh neat Susan Triad you doing great proud of you. lmaooo not with the tea then
hey wait a damn minute give ruby the credit she deserves for saving the world
I'm sure louise is great but I wish she was River.
Nah that signpost thing was silly
lmao mel just pats his arm and walks away that's hilarious
Doc you idiot you can't take the girl to her mom and then expect her not to go in and see her mom
stop my adopted ass can't take this and neither can the doctor's cause he is not doing well.
imagine if that wasn't her though cause that'd be real funny
awkward for that store employee too
oh thank fuck I thought he was gonna abandon her
River didn't come back AND he said goodbye to Ruby wtf is this.
Oml mrs flood who even are you leave me alone already.
In conclusion this is how I currently feel:
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The Chikamori Legacy
Chapter One (Part VI)
The next morning

A night’s full of rest may have helped but heavy thoughts still weighed on my mind with regards to my grandmother’s phone call. What side was she on anyway? My mother had done things that I couldn’t forgive her for. A childhood stolen, growing up was supposed to be a time where one felt supported and I hadn’t been.

The thoughts running through my mind must have showed on my face because River looked over at me over breakfast and asked, “You know, you should consider going to therapy…one on one with a counsellor and see if you can dig into how to heal.”

“Docs just tell you to get over it. They don’t do anything to help…” I grumbled looking over at my dish of pancakes. “Or they ply you with chemicals to just numb your pain. I want to feel, I don’t want to be sedated for the rest of my life. When it comes to my parents, I want to feel something even if all I feel is anger and pain…” I paused for a long moment considering whether I should continue, “…and my grandmother…who’s side is she on anyway?” I put my face in my hands trying to massage away the burgeoning mother of all headaches.

“I don’t know…” River was honest in her opinion. “She could be just trying to iron over the situation, to smooth out ruffled feelings.”

I just let out a bitter snort. I felt betrayed. “At least I know now who backs me and who doesn’t.” I said bitingly. River was silent, she didn’t try to tell me any diferent, she just let me have my space to vent and to grieve. I knew that it was just me against my entire family from the looks of things. “I guess I’m on my own…”

“I’ll be your family…” River said as she reached for me. The one person in the world I could trust unequivocally and who loved me deeply. “At least your mother won’t be able to move close to us and cause us trouble.”

“The reason I picked this place was so that she couldn’t move close by and start harassing us.” I leaned back in the chair and looked up at the ceiling. I looked at River pensively. “All my mother thought of me was a nuisance to her – something she never wanted in the first place. All I was in fact was her ticket to gaining acceptance from my grandfather.” My tone was resentful; I had every right to be. “And I was a hindrance to what she wanted in life. Power and prestige with everyone praising her accomplishments…with glowing adulation” I snorted, my words dripping with sarcasm trailing off as I looked out the window at the snow coming down.

“…at least getting it in the open will actually force the issue to the surface and maybe the therapist will be able to actually do something about it so that it doesn’t wreak havoc in anything else you do.” River looked at me. I could see the sympathetic look, “You won’t be magically healed, but at least you won’t be hurting as badly as you do now. You need to get this done for you if not for anyone else. You deserve a good life; not one constantly haunted by the words of someone who doesn’t give a damned shit about you.”
“As long as my parents aren’t a part of this therapy…”
“I don’t know why they would have to be…”

I threw up my hands in frustration. “I wish they had just waited until after Christmas in order to throw this shit at me.” If there was one thing that had always been tough for me to do, it was to shake off adverse events as a learning experience. It was in my nature to stew over things and ruminate. And unfortunately, that never solved any problems. The only thing it did was to make life appear worse than it really was; which was the main problem that needed solving and being worked on with regards to my mental stability.

“So who’s gonna see me? Waiting lists are six months long, thanks to BC Health.” I shrugged my shoulders. There’d always been a waitlist for psychiatric help – it was the Catch-22. Hurry up and wait. Even when you needed help for something that doctors wanted you to deal with right away, there was the fact that there were more psychological problems than there were doctors to deal with all of it. So in essence you had to suffer with the problem while waiting on someone to see you so that you tell him all about the problem that you were suffering from so that they could deal with it and help you move past it.

“At least you can live life without having to deal with all the psychological baggage that you’ve been carrying around for the entirety of your life? Waiting at least six months is far better than if you never bothered getting on the waitlist at all!” River told me archly as I wrapped my arms around her. Her green eyes met mine, “The right way is to go actually go and get some therapy so that you’re not having to deal with these constant tapes running in the back of your mind.”
“Guess it couldn’t hurt.” I grudgingly admitted as I looked around the kitchen. We had things to do today and I didn’t want to get dragged into a long discussion on stuff that may or may not be able to be dealt with by talking circles around the subject.

“Your mom doesn’t deserve to have any more control over you! You deserve to have a life free of her constantly in your head telling you that you’re not good enough.” River insisted as she reached out a hand to rest it gently on my forearm. “She’s spent too many years trying to bring you down to the point where you don’t believe in yourself – that has to change, you have to stop believing in what your mother says, sweetheart.” I guess part of the reason why I was so reluctant to go into therapy was because of one thing: I still clung to the hope that my mother would come around to the truth that she had psychologically beaten me to a pulp and that she would find some sort of remorse in that. However I knew deep down that the likelihood of her apologizing or even coming to the realization of what she had done was on the likelihood of chance of pigs suddenly sprouting wings and throwing themselves off the nearest cliff to soar magnificently with the eagles and other creatures of the air...in otherwords...zero. There wasn’t really any point in trying to get an apology out of her because it just was not going to happen.
Did it make me feel angry? Quite possibly on the order of tossing things through the nearest window degree of enraged, but that wasn’t going to do anything for me, nor was it going to bring her to the conclusion of I need to apologize for my actions. And I was frankly done with the drama and the abuse and I just wanted someplace quiet where I could lick my wounds and heal. I’d heard scuttlebutt from the neighbourhood grapevine that my dad’d had an acrimonious split with my mother and that he was now living at the firehouse – his fire-department partner Aoife was going steady with Leighton Sekemoto and that my dad was on the prowl again or should we say on the market. I guess he finally got a spine enough to ditch my mother where she belonged.
I’d heard that he was planning to re-marry; some Ukrainian woman by the name of Marika Vlyatkova or something or the other.

But that was his life, not a worry of mine. I had things to do and I couldn’t waste my time thinking of what-ifs.
#sims 3 legacy#ts3#the chikamori legacy#river mcirish#sims 3#ts3 legacy#ts3 gameplay#river and haruo#haruo chikamori#sims 3 screenshots#ts3 family#Sims 3 Legacy#sims 3 gameplay#sims 3 family#sims 3 pictures#sims 3 simmer#the sims 3#ts3 screenshots#sims 3 stories
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Some thoughts on series 14/season 1 of Doctor Who, especially on the season finale episodes:
Overall, I greatly enjoyed this season, especially because Ncuti stole the show, and very, very clearly read the assignment when it comes to playing the Doctor. He has the part down perfectly, and I'm so happy for that, but I expected as much since The Giggle.
Ruby is a delightful companion, just wish we got a bit more info on her, but sadly the BBC is a bunch of butts who have been cutting down on episodes for different series, Doctor Who included, as we learned with Thirteen and her ten episodes (and a six episode one too, whoops). However, we do have comics being made with Fifteen and Ruby, which is always fun, and the novels always expand on episodes to give us more. I really, really hope we get some audio adventures with the two of them.
The aliens this season were interesting, all of them new, which is what series 11 did, but I think they did a bit better here with that concept (don't get me wrong, I love Thirteen, but her stories are... hm), and then leaving an old enemy from Classic Who as the overall Big Bad was clever. I liked that a lot. I was already made aware of Suthek from a Tenth Doctor comic story, and went and did my own research on him, but seeing him back on TV after so long was cool.
The season finale was a curious bag of good ideas, dumb ideas, and ideas that I needed to mull over to understand. Ruby's whole storyline with her mother is interesting, when you consider RTD often has the companions as ordinary people, doing ordinary things, but get involved in situations that lead to where we see them at the end. Donna was ordinary, just a temp, but she saved the universe, Martha was a doctor in training, and she walked the Earth to save it from the Master. Rose was a shop girl just trying to get her life back in order when she saved time and space from the Daleks. They are human, and so is Ruby.
Or is she?
We still don't know why she made is snow, why she has a song in her soul that scared the shit out of Maestro, so I suspect we have more to learn about her next season, as we know she'll return as a companion.
I wonder if it's a bit of a reverse of the Impossible Girl storyline, where Clara was such a mystery as to why she kept showing up in the Doctor's Life, and then became just... Clara, a teacher who went on adventures with the Doctor. What if we get something with Ruby starting off so ordinary and human, but next season we learn that there is more to her than suspected.
Also, the Doctor still can't say 'I love you'. Babygirl, open your damn heart to someone again! You do it so rarely, do it for Ruby!
As for the Suhtek plot stuff... it was interesting and scary, and had me freaking out over everything, and then what the Doctor did was a hell of a thing (especially because we rarely see the Time Vortex used as a plot device outside of just getting them from point A to point B). It was a bit silly, and I'm curious if the Beast will show up again, but who knows.
Also, fun fact, but the guy who plays Suthek, and who originally played him in 1975, is also the voice of the Beast from the Satan Pit episodes! So, make of that what you will. :)
It's not my favorite season finale for RTD, that's still The Parting of Ways, but it was honestly WAY better than some of Moffat's overly complicated and bloated season finales (The Wedding of River Song had too much going on for it to be as enjoyable as it should have been...). And WAAAAAAAYYYYY better than Chibnall's, minus Power of the Doctor, I actually really liked that one a lot. And not just because of Fourteen, I thought it was good.
Overall, it was fun, had a lot of good plot stuff, had a lot of hit or miss moments, a lot of... choices, but damnit, it was good. At least to me. And Fifteen is my favorite Doctor, tied with Fourteen, because they come as a set to me. <3
I'd give it a 6.5/10, but it would have been higher if we had more episodes. It maaaayyyyy go up when I get my hands on the novel for Rogue. ;)
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Amended Drabble: Taehyung & Kristin: Friends
Ok, someone sent in this drabble request idea ages ago but I can't find it in my inbox, so I suspect it was part of another thing I already answered. But here it is now!
Request/Summary: "Btw a drabble on Kristen and Taehyung from Amended, I recall she was into him for a long while and I think Itd be nice to explore that dynamic, maybe from her pov … him not being interested at first and then they end up together… it’s really fascinating to me that she actually remained open to him especially after he ignored her feelings for so long even when they lived together and from what jk said would regularly bring other women around…"
Story: Amended Characters: Taehyung & Kristin CW: denial, some dirty jokes
Kristin failed to catch the bag of chips Anna tossed at her, taking the bag of tortilla crisps right to the face. Her complaint turned into a yelp as Anna acted like she was going to throw the bottle of Corona as well only to laugh and set both down on the coffee table –no coasters– between the salsa and guac.
“Limes?” Kristin asked.
Anna’s face scrunched up, “For… what?”
“The beers? Damn, I forgot you’re not a beer drinker–”
“Hey I’m trying here!”
“You don’t have to try to drink something you don’t like, but if you’re gonna to do it, you should at least do it right. Who are you trying to impress though? Not me.”
Anna admitted, “Well, to be honest, I fucked up the sangria.”
“Salt instead of sugar…”
“Damn you make me feel so competent.”
“Hey!” Anna’s laugh was punctuated by a kick to Kristin’s ankles. Kristin, unlike Anna, was a beer drinker, though less enthused about drinking a Corona without the requisite lime. Who had taught her that? She tried to recall, then backpedaled from the memory –Taehyung had taught her about Coronas with lime, the first summer she’d gone tubing at the river with her then-roommates Jimin and Jungkook, and Jungkook’s cousin Taehyung.
“It’s fine without a lime,” Kristin assured her.
“I got the good guac at least!”
“You did! Good girl!” Kristin teased. She settled the chips as Anna pulled up the entertainment of choice for their “self care” day: binging as much as they wanted of the latest season of Love Island. They didn’t often laze around this hard, but why not, when they both had the day and the desire and plenty of snacks?
And then, several episodes in, her phone buzzed. Kristin wasn’t always the most timely texter, but it buzzed while she was already holding it, reading Twitter reactions outloud to Anna as they bickered about the on-screen drama.
[Taehyung]: hey I need a bj
Kristin couldn’t stop the snort, the eye roll, and apparently that was enough to make Anna’s eyes narrow suspiciously.
[Taehyung]: I mean a trip to bj’s
Kristin knew the smug grin he was wearing as he sent the texts. He thought he was so funny. Every fourteen-year-old got a good laugh that the big-box discount store was called BJ’s, but leave it to Taehyung to still be making the joke into his twenties. Leave it to Taehyung to make the joke to a girl who– well, whatever.
[Kristin]: I’m sure you do but I’m busy beg someone else
[Taehyung]: I’m begging you
Kristin sighed through her nose. He knew the things he said. He was such a flirt when he wanted something and it was both an aggravating and endearing trait of his. She suspected he had already pestered Yoongi and been turned down. His own parents had a membership too, though, so why her?
Not for the reasons she had wished for long ago, that was for damn sure. And that was fine. Fine! Even if Anna’s expression made it seem not fine.
“I can tell who it is by your face,” Anna smirked.
“Oh really? The annoyance is that clear?”
“Annoyance? That’s what you’d call it?”
Kristin glared.
Anna sighed, “Kristiiiin…”
“What? I didn’t say anything! It’s just Taehyung asking to use my BJ’s membership.”
“And you want to go. On this, our sacred Love Island–”
“I didn’t say that. I’m not going.” At Anna’s arched eyebrow, Kristin defended, “I’m not going!”
“You always go.”
“I do not. You’re going to piss me off. I tell him no all the fucking time.”
“Ok ok, I know.”
“That ship sailed years ago,” Kristin continued.
Anna nodded, “I know, I know.”
“It’s just friendly. He’s just mooching off my membership.”
“Are you telling me or yourself?”
Kristin huffed, “Well if you’re going to be like this–”
“Sorry, I’ve had too many beers,” Anna frowned, trying to slide across Kristin’s lap even though Anna wasn’t typically a very physical person.
“You’ve had two!”
“Which is enough to buzz me enough to tell you that I just don’t want to see you slide back into sad puppy Kristin just because he seems to be texting you a lot lately.”
Kristin held her breath for a moment as Anna slithered to get comfortable, before pressing carefully, “You think so?” She thought so, but she didn’t think it was anything remarkable enough anyone else would notice. But yeah, though she’d been friends with Taehyung for years now, the last month or so she did think he’d been messaging her more than usual. Not anything important, just to tell her… a band they liked was coming to town, or to make sure she knew they were all heading to the bar, or to ask her to fact check this or that ‘white girl’ thing he’d seen a TikTok meme about. It wasn’t like texting between them was unusual. It just seemed like he was doing it… you know, a little more often.
But that didn’t mean anything and she knew that. How many years of her life had she wasted pining after this guy who saw her as nothing more than his cousin’s former roommate at worst, “one of his bros” at best? Anna knew the whole saga, which Kristin had done her best to downplay over the years. She really had boxed up those feelings and put them on the shelf. Everyone lived with former feelings for at least one of their friends, right? And hers was Taehyung, but it had only ever been friendly with him, and she’d understood years ago that wasn’t going to change. She’d dated other people. Sort of. A little bit. Ok, maybe it was true she didn’t have much luck with guys, which included Taehyung, but she wasn’t just sitting around pining for him. Not anymore!
And he has sure dated other people.
“Just go,” Anna said, stretching to reach for the remote and nearly falling off the sofa. “I want to take a nap anyway. Beer makes me sleepy.”
“I’m not going to go. I’m not going to change my plans just because Taehyung needs toilet paper or whatever! We’re just friends and friends can tell each other no. I tell him no all the time.”
“I do! I’m busy. Start the next episode.”
“Ahhhh they keep it so nice and cold in here,” Taehyung sighed, throwing his hair back, running his fingers through it like someone was taking pictures. Someone ought to be.
Kristin knew she seemed casual and cool. That’s who she was; Taehyung had said so himself before. He had no idea of her feelings, she was pretty sure of that too, that most of their friend group didn’t except Anna. At least nobody had ever said anything to her. Or maybe they thought she was just kind of pathetic, crushing on a guy who didn’t have a whiff of romantic feelings towards her. Maybe she really was pathetic to have spent so long getting butterflies under the sunbeam of his attention, platonic though it was. At least she could say she hadn’t let her heart get too broken up over it. She had known better than to hope for anything. After all, her crush had begun in high school when he was way too cool to even look her way at the next locker over, making the limits of his attraction to her obvious from the start –long before he helped Jungkook move in and she realized her mistake in agreeing Jungkook could have the third bedroom in her place with Jimin.
“That stuff tastes like shit,” Taehyung scowled and literally took the box of Blueberry K-Cups from her hands to put back on the shelf.
Instantly she huffed, “It’s not for you!”
“Yeah? Well you can’t drink it.”
“I can drink whatever the fuck I want.”
“Your breath will smell like it.”
“What do you care what my breath smells like? You don’t even like coffee,” she scowled, because the thing that sucked about being Taehyung’s friend when you used to have a crush on him was that sometimes he said things like that. Who said things like that to their friends?! She’d never figured out whether he couldn’t help flirting with her because he was so charming with everyone, or if it didn’t even register to him that it could sound like flirting because it was her. Kristin. Pumpkin-spice-latte loving, riding-boot-wearing, former marching band trumpet and varsity volleyball playing Kristin. Generic Kristin.
That was another thing about hanging out with Taehyung. He was just so exceptional –in looks, in personality, in style– that sometimes you felt insignificant next to him because he looked like that, and other times he made you feel great about yourself because of his attention, his friendship, and because he was so damn nice. He wasn’t an asshole and he could have been, everyone would have understood if he turned out to be an asshole, looking like that. Instead he was casual and cool and nice and Kristin felt so fucking plain. Not that she was usually so down on herself, usually. She was fine! She did ok! She liked herself overall, she was comfortable in her skin.
But then you stand next to someone who looks like that as he eases a giant box of Coca-Cola off the shelf above his head, forearm muscles twitching, chin lifted and eyes narrowed in concentration, and…
“You aren’t going to help at all,” he realized with a laugh.
“You’ve got it.”
“At least move the paper towels?”
“You’re putting it on the bottom? No, put it in this part–”
“The paper towels can go on top of it.”
“On the bottom of the cart together? There’s not room!”
“I’ll make room, just move it.”
“You can’t just make room–”
“Kristin, just move it!”
“God you’re bossy,” she huffed and tugged the bulk pack of paper towels out of the bottom of the cart so he could finally set the Cokes down with an oomph. She thought it was cute how strong and weak he was at the same time. Sometimes they arm-wrestled when they were drunk and she felt great pride that they were pretty evenly matched. He had no reason to let her win. He was a good sport about losing, yet another positive feature. He had flaws… she just couldn’t remember what they were right now…. Oh yeah, he was stubborn as shit…
She stood back, arms crossed and amusement on her face as she watched him do his best to wedge the paper towels in on top of the Coke box. It didn’t fit, just as she’d warned. He kept trying, clearly determined to prove her wrong, until she couldn’t help laughing.
“So fucking stubborn!” she teased, pushing his arm. “Move, let me show you.” He scowled but let her rearrange the cart to make things fit: the paper towels, the Coca-Cola, the Red Solo cups, the gallon of Goldfish, the 250-count of freezer pops, 120 gallon ziplock bags, 250 yards of tin foil, and so on.
“Wowww,” he said, unclear whether he was teasing or sincere. “Tetris master, huh?”
“You make that same joke every time we come here.”
“I don’t repeat jokes. Sorry, you’ve got me confused with the other guys you do BJ’s with.”
His repetition of another joke made her laugh. She hated laughing, hated that he could make her laugh so easily, hated how smug he looked about it.
“You’re an idiot,” she laughed and began to walk again.
“What part of that was idiot? You don’t mean I’m the only guy you bring to BJ’s.”
“Obviously not,” she quickly answered. “Are you kidding? This membership is a great way to pick up guys.”
“No, don’t let guys use you for your BJ’s membership!”
“Isn’t that exactly what you’re doing?” she pointed out.
“Well I mean except for me,” he quickly corrected. “I’m special.”
“Uh huh.”
She walked along, hands pulled into the cardigan she’d stolen from Taehyung’s car because it was always so fucking cold in BJ’s. Taehyung pushed the card, gaining some momentum and riding on the bar of it until they reached the end of the aisle.
“What, you didn’t bring… what was the guy’s name… uh…”
Kristin raised her eyebrows, genuinely not sure who the fuck he was talking about.
“That guy you went on a couple dates with.”
“What made you think of him? I only went on like three dates with him.”
“Three dates is a lot for…”
“For me?” She gasped and shoved his arm. “Asshole. It’s a lot for you.”
“Maybe it is,” he admitted. “I don’t know, I don’t see the point of getting past date two if I can’t see myself just spending an afternoon at BJ’s with a girl, you know?”
See? Sometimes he said things like that.
Kristin awkwardly pointed, “Ah, raisin bread! I don’t need two loaves of it though.”
“Throw it in, we can split it,” he suggested, so she did, and thankfully the dating conversation got dropped. She didn’t know what had made him think of it, but Taehyung’s mind was a funny one to try and track. You didn’t always know where he was stepping next but he expected you to keep up, he wasn’t going to explain the connections.
They reached the end of the aisle and Taehyung sighed, “Ahhh, should we go through the bakery part?”
“But I’ll want to buy everything. I fucking love bread and stuff.”
“So buy some bread and stuff,” Kristin said. “Isn’t that why you came?”
“Not for cinnamon rolls! I need like… Spam, and pasta sauce and Pizza Rolls and–”
“Wait, have we not gotten anything on your list yet?!”
“Coke and paper towels. Anyway, I don’t have a list, I just get whatever I’m moved to get. I know it when I see it.”
Kristin shook her head and led him to the bakery section, where they spent a great deal of time debating cookies or brownies or cinnamon rolls and who would take how many of each home. She grabbed the 48-pack of Hawaiian rolls, which Taehyung never left without, and rolled her eyes when he fluttered his eyelashes at her and teased her for remembering that.
They wandered down the toy aisles without it needing to be said, and teased each other over being drawn to completely unnecessary things: big boxes of chalk, a plastic tower of off-brand Hot Wheels cars, Nerf guns. Kristin grinned when Taehyung took the pack of bubble wands from her hand and put them in the cart. When she grabbed a toy space gun and pretended to open fire, he grabbed a baseball bat to use as a light saber and ducked around the aisle, their game continuing until two actual children wandered past and Taehyung solemnly handed one his bat ‘to protect yourself from the space invaders.’
The thing Kristin liked about Taehyung is that he never made you feel stupid for being playful, or getting something wrong, or indulging yourself. Other than his tradition of pretending he wasn’t going to load the cart up with bread, Taehyung believed you ought to enjoy life and fuck anyone who bothered you about it. Kristin hadn’t adopted that philosophy completely, but on occasion found it very freeing.
Which was quite the set up for him suddenly pulling a large very floral shirt off the tables with affordable apparel and saying, “You should buy this.”
“Uh… why?” Kristin didn’t take it from him, so he held it up himself. It looked like something a middle-aged suburban woman would wear, which wasn’t a bad thing but it wasn’t Kristin’s style at all.
“It’ll look good on you.”
“Be serious.”
“I am! It’s stylish and you have that kind of feminine sporty leisure style to you.”
“What does that even mean?” Kristin laughed. She had never once in her life considered herself fashionable, and hearing such a lie from the lips of the very fashionable Taehyung was quite the joke.
“No, look, this size will hang off your shoulder. I think it’ll look good.”
“Might as well get that Winnie the Pooh sweatshirt too,” she joked.
“Yeah, why not? You like Winnie the Pooh? I think that’s fashionable too.”
“Wait are you just insulting my style?” she cried.
His face looked sincere as he insisted, “No, I’m serious! You have that look to you, you have that kind of vibe where you can make something like this look trendy and cool.”
Kristin didn’t know what to say to that. He couldn’t mean that, it was an absurd thing to say, but his telltale smirk didn’t creep out as she merely stared at him. She didn’t.
“My style,” she said slowly, “is kind of just that I wear whatever the fuck I want.”
“Exactly, I like that about your style! So I think this would look good on you, that’s all I meant,” he said, turning away. He actually looked sulky about it now and Kristin got the distinct impression he’d been serious. “Whatever,” he continued. “I like it so I’ll get it for me and wear it.”
Quickly she yanked it out of his hands, “No, you said it would look good on me. Better.”
“I didn’t say better.”
“But you meant better.”
He laughed and argued, “I did not. It would look good on you but it would look great on me.”
“It’s for women.”
“Stupid rules are only for stupid people,” Taehyung argued. “Be smart.”
“Well I’m buying the shirt, so…”
“No, I’m buying the shirt,” he argued.
“We’re not getting matching shirts.”
“I guess we are if you don’t back down, because I’m buying the shirt.”
Kristin made a face, “No, I’m not matching with you. Just buy the shirt for me and maybe I’ll let you borrow it sometimes.” She’d said it all in jest. Taehyung was absurd and this conversation was absurd.
“Ok, deal,” he agreed and tossed it into the cart. And there was his smug grin, his eyes flashing as he began to push the cart again, as if this had just gone exactly the way he intended The whole thing was so confusing, but that’s how Taehyung was! He did confusing things, and it amused the hell out of Kristin.
“Wait, I need to buy you one too then,” she said.
“God no.”
“Ah, my style is…”
She tried to pinch his ribs but he twisted away as she cried, “Are you saying I’m not stylish enough to pick a shirt out for you? What happened to being Taehyung Kim, able to wear anything?”
“Ah… yes, that’s true… I can pull off anything– that’s not a dare!” he laughed as she began to dig through the tables. “I picked out something actually good for you.”
Kristin yanked up a t shirt and tossed it at him: a vintage-y looking t-shirt that said Everything I know I learned on Sesame Street with several cast members.
“Fuck, this is really cool,” he admitted, looking it over with a pleased smile.
“Ok ok and then we’ll get the Winnie the Pooh sweatshirts–”
“We don’t need those,” she laughed. “It’s June!”
“Come on, let’s get them to commemorate our day.”
For the briefest moment Kristin could have sworn he said date. But of course he hadn’t. Day. Because that was such a normal thing, to buy sweatshirts to commemorate a shopping trip to BJ’s.
“Not Winnie the Pooh. Something that’s like… more subtle,” Kristin insisted, reaching around him to dig.
Taehyung snickered, “Ok yeah that’s funny, we could wear them and see if anyone notices….”
They wound up settling on a striped blue short-sleeved button up shirt, both laughing at how differently they would style it. It was silly. So was their next debate over whether to get a S’mores kit even though neither of them had access to a firepit, but instead they bought a two-pack of water bottles to split because Taehyung said he needed a new one but only one and Kristin had a hard time saying no to him even though she had a cabinet full of mismatched water bottles already.
At the checkout, Taehyung gave her his (annoyingly) cute boxy grin as she scanned her card, only to protest when she nudged him to pay.
“No, you pay and tell me how much I owe you,” he whined.
“You bought more stuff! You do the math.”
“I don’t do math.”
“Me neither.”
“Kristin. Don’t make me do math.”
“Yes. It’s time you learned.”
“Look, one of us was a nerd in high school–”
“Hey!” she scoffed as he stepped around her to pay, as if they weren’t still arguing. “Being a band nerd isn’t the same as being a math nerd and besides you have since admitted you wish you were in the band.”
“I did not! I said I wished I played saxophone earlier but not in the marching band.”
“Why, too good for marching band?” she taunted.
She should have predicted his answer, “Definitely.”
“You’re such an ass.”
He gave her that boxy grin again as he accepted the receipt and offered, “Well since I’m the ass who’s stuck doing the math, I’ll let you buy me a slice of pizza and a Coke while I try to figure it out.”
“Oh, you’ll let me?” Kristin repeated with a roll of her eyes.
“It’s a good deal!”
“You should buy it, you’re the one piggy-backing on my membership.”
“Ah, that’s almost a good point,” he said, taking it upon himself to push the cart towards the small food court space. “But look at it this way, you got my dazzling company for an afternoon. So I guess you could say it’s not piggy-backing, it’s a symbiotic–”
“Nah, you’re a parasite,” she assured him. And the way his dark hair bounced as he shook his head was so annoyingly gorgeous that she tripped over the voice in her head reminding you don’t have a crush anymore; you’re over him; you’re just friends; this is not a date and you wouldn’t care even if it was because you’re over this and conceded, “Fine, I’ll buy the pizza and Cokes but then I want a coffee while we figure the math out together.”
“This late? You’ll be up all night!”
“What do you know about it?” she laughed.
“Well if you’re up all night you can come over and play games,” he decided. It brought her up short. She didn’t really play games, and it was an odd invitation.
“Oh you’re playing with who tonight, Yoongi? Not Jungkook, he’s so wrapped up with–”
“No, no plans, I don’t even know what I’m going to play yet,” Taehyung shrugged.
The invitation was like a zap of electricity through Kristin. It didn’t really make sense. Like, ok, she and Taehyung were friends. They could go to BJ’s together, though they didn’t do that often. Sometimes they’d bum a ride from each other. They’d joke around at friend gatherings. Once they’d even gone to a movie together just the two of them, but only because Jimin had bailed at the last second. She’d been sleepless with delusions from that “not a date” for days. But they didn’t exactly just go to each other’s place to hang, just the two of them, ever. For Kristin’s self-preservation maybe more than anything, but it wasn’t like Taehyung invited her over to hang just the two of them.
But she knew it didn’t mean anything. Not the way she would have wanted it to mean anything –years ago. Not now, obviously, because now they were just friends and she was fine with that. Taehyung was a great friend. They could have fun together even just shopping at BJ’s.
Her determination to hold her boundary and prove to herself as much as anyone else that she was fine and over it led her to laugh, “Come on, it’s Saturday night, I already have plans!”
“Really? With who?” He carefully edged the cart to the side of a table to claim a spot before they went to get their food.
“None of your business.”
“Fine fine, don’t tell me about your dating life. Guess you won’t mind being up all night then, I’ll buy you the coffee. Meet back here?”
“You betcha,” Kristin grinned, and tried not to read into his curiosity. Taehyung was just a nosy person. It didn’t mean anything.
They were friends, nothing more, and though once it might have been a painful disappointment, by now Kristin just felt lucky. Lucky that this goofy, playful, handsome, charming guy seemed to enjoy spending an afternoon with her. Lucky that she was the one who got to settle down for the greasy meal with him. Lucky she was the one his smile aimed at when she told him about the grease on his chin and threw a napkin and he threw it back. Lucky that when she sipped her coffee, she realized he had put just the right amount of cream and sugar in it, even though he didn’t drink coffee himself. Well, close enough anyway.
After all, Taehyung was the kind of guy it was better to be friends with than nothing. How great to be friends with Taehyung. Kristin was a lucky girl.
“What are you smiling about?” he asked and her stomach did a painful twist.
“You have grease on your cheek,” she lied. “How do you eat like a toddler?”
“Wipe it off for me.”
“I’m not wiping your face!”
“I’ll just smear it around if I try to do it.”
Kristin grabbed the napkin and just slapped it against his cheek. He laughed so hard he choked on the bite he’d been talking around and hurried to slurp down his Coke. She didn’t understand why it was so funny but his laughter made her laugh, she couldn’t stop either. Just two idiots laughing at the BJ’s over pizza grease that wasn’t even there. Friends.
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The Eighth Sense Thoughts
okay so when i watch dramas i always write notes about how i felt after watching an episode, just to like look back on but like they’re actually funny so i wanted to post some on here to share.
since the eighth sense just ended, here are my thoughts while watching the eighth sense. it’s kind of random but if you’ve seen it it’ll probably make sense. don’t take this seriously bc i just word vomit on all of these lmao and the dashes in between indicate a new episode.
---------oh also HELLA SPOILERS AHEAD----------
blueming vibes idk it's university set - bro she built differenttt. the vibes are so different compared to other korean bl's. it's kind of like itsay a bit? but like with better characters and a better story so far. i like jihyun too, his friend tho is so annoying like always bugging him about going out and joining the surf club, like bro he's a country boy in a new city and school, he wants to try new things stfu (it's also an excuse to see the cute guy he met but shhh) - tell me how jaewon's ex has the audacity to be annoyed at jihyun. she's just mad bc jaewon is giving him so much attention and hanging out with him and being close to him, girl did you expect jaewon too come crawling back to you even tho you're the reason why you guys broke up? he was in the military so he definitely didn't do anything to and everyone's saying that she cheated on him so who you think we gon believe? you fucked up ur relationship yourself and you're salty that he don't want you anymore. you're mad that he's content and doesn't think about you anymore, that he found someone else to take care of and be around. stay mad roach lmao - i love this so far omggg. jihyun keeps reminding me of cha junho btw. but like jihyun and jaewon like each other so muchhhh. like it's so natural, the way they constantly find each other and just abruptly hang out. they LITCHRALLY went on a date to the han river. tell me that wasn't a date. and i am living for jaewon's attitude towards his ex. he really couldn't give any less of a fuck about her and she over here embarrassing herself. she acts like she don't care but then she'll squeal to her friends that he went surfing bc of her and asked to partner with her for an assignment, delusional ass bitch lmao. she gets so pissed whenever jaewon is with jihyun, it's funny watching her be jealous. you wish that was you huh? and like jaewon and jihyun are just going with the flow with each other. the touches, the gentle hang holding, asking about dating, how jihyun always makes jaewon smile just by existing. AND THEY ALMOST KISSED AGAIN, THEY LEANED IN UNTIL JIHYUN'S STUPID ASS FRIEND HAD TO BE NOSY. GET LOST BRO. oh and i love jihyun's boss, she cares about him a lot and defended him when jaewon's ex was bullying him. also that girl that seemed to like jihyun is actually one of the girliesss, she just wanted to be friends. but girl you really made it seem like you liked him. i guarantee she did like him but then realized he was uncomfortable but she still wanted to be close so she said she just wanted to be friends. but i am living for this series it's so fucking good, i love the vibes. it does annoy me how much they eat and drink tho like god damn is that all they fucking do? wanna go drink? wanna go get lunch? we should have a meal sometime! i get that 's like the social life of korean university students but jesus christ good thing i ain't studying abroad anymore, i dont think i could survive this shit - BRO THEY'RE SO IN LOVE I'M SCREAMING. god they like each other so much. they are the only ones who fully understand each other. and that kiss scene in the water that started out as teasing but ended with them fully kissing bitchhhh. the tension is real out here. and like then after they were LITCHRALLY cuddling on the beach,, SHIRTLESS bein all cute n shit. like under the covers just messing with each other, biting each other, poking their faces and just enjoying each others company. i am living. but then wtf was that ending. jihyun drowned? but jaewon got him out but it ends with jaewon sitting on the beach alone. idk maybe it was a nightmare or something bc it was after the cuddling scene so they probably fell asleep and jaewon had that dream. either way i need them being sickeningly sweet in front of jaewon's ex, like holding hands, hugging or even kissing JUST SOMETHING. I NEED THIS BITCH TO KNOW HER PLACE, SHE AIN'T JAEWON'S GF ANYMORE SIT DOWN, JAEWON DON'T NEED YOU NO MORE. - JIHYUN'S FINE DON'T WORRY OMG. JAEWON PUNCHED HIS FRIEND WHO MOCKED JIHYUN'S ACCIDENT THO AND ALMOST GOT SUSPENDED BUT JIHYUN SAVED HIS ASS. THAT ROACH IS STILL ACTING LIKE JAEWON LIKES HER AGAIN AND THAT THEY'RE TOGETHER WHICH WE ALL KNOW IS A FUCKING LIE. BUT JAEWON IS ALSO AVOIDING THE SHIT OUT OF JIHYUN AND LITERALLY ASKED HIM TO FORGET ALL ABOUT THEIR TRIP, WHAT THEY SAID WHAT THEY DID, THE FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS THEY HAD, FORGET IT ALL! I KNOW DAMN WELL JAEWON STILL HAS FEELINGS FOR HIM AND SO DOES JIHYUN, BUT JAEWON'S TRAUMA IS MAKING HIM STEP AWAY BC HE DOESN'T WANT THE SAME THING THAT HAPPENED TO HIS BROTHER TO HAPPEN TO JIHYUN. HE THINKS HE'LL HURT JIHYUN SOMEHOW - IT GOT A GOOD ENDING THANK GOD I REALLY THOUGHT THEY WERE GASLIGHTING US IN THE LAST EPISODE BC THEY WERE GETTING ALONG AND BEING SO CUTE, JAEWON SAYING CLEARLY THAT THEY WERE DATING, EVERYTHING JUST CAME TOGETHER PERFECTLY AT THE END I REALLY WAS EXPECTING ONE OF THEM TO DIE OR SOMETHING. them kissing scenes thooooo. and joonpyo and yoonwon got together. but fr like jihyun sent jaewon that conan gray song and that's all it took for him to finally realize he needed to be with jihyun and that man came runnin. but he's such a cute boyfriend, we stan. and even until the very end his annoying ex was trying to get with him, literally like kissing him in front of jihyun and everything. jaewon said no no i don't play that hetero shit no more. SHE HAD THE NERVE TO TRY TO LIE TO HIM ABOUT CHEATING ON HIM UNTIL HE TOLD HER HE LITERALLY SAW HER GO INTO A MOTEL WITH A GUY AND GO ON A BREAKFAST DATE THE NEXT MORNING. SHE REALLY TRIED IT HUH. jaewon caught ur slimy ass and he was so nice about it too, jaewon is better than me cause i woulda laughed in her face if she pulled that shit. but he said it was okay, that he understood and was sorry. I'M SORRY BUT WHAT IS THERE TO UNDERSTAND OR BE SORRY ABOUT??!?! SHE CHEATED ON YOU WHILE YOU WERE IN THE ARMY, SOMETHING THAT YOU HAVE TO DO. SHE KEPT SAYING I WAS LONELY I WAS LONELY, WELL GET SOME FRIENDS, GET A PET GET A DAMN HOBBY. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU TREAT YOUR BOYFRIEND WHO IS SACRIFCING HIS LIFE RN WHILE YOU OUT HERE SNOGGING OTHER MEN. YEAH I SAID SNOGGING. S N O G G I N G. IF YOU REALLY LOVED HIM YOU WOULD HAVE WAITED, NO QUESTIONS ASKED. I WOULD HAVE WAITED. YOU REALLY THAT THIRSTY YOU CAN'T WAIT FOR HIM?? LIKE YOUR LOSS THEN ROACH, YOU LOST YOURSELF A FINE ASS MAN. anyways yes jihyun and jaewon are so fucking cute i love them to pieces, jaewon is perfect boyfriend material. the cuddling, clinging, hand holding, shoulder resting, all of the above. yes. and the ending seemed like they were gonna go to the beach again but it felt like the beginning of a new chapter for them. like they are setting it up for a sequel. it really seem like we might get a sequel for this, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GIVE ME A SEQUEL
Rating: 10/10
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#i'll probably post more#i used to do this a lot before but i kinda stopped lmao#the eighth sense#korean bl#kbl#bl drama#bl series#im jisub#oh juntaek#thai bl#thai bl drama#kdrama#multi bl#asian bl drama#asian bl series#asian bl#blueming
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I would love to know your answer to F! 💕
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
This is an exert from an Avengers fanfic starring an OC that you can find on my AO3 titled 'Not That Lucky'. (The main character is actually the star in the current original project I'm working on.) For context, my OC is spiraling on the anniversary of her mother's passing. She's dealt with anger her whole life and struggles with it. The reason I love this little dialogue snippet is because I always knew the theme of anger was one my character would fight with and the stars aligned and I was able to have her discuss that emotion with a Marvel character renowned for his temper.
"Why are you angry, Aj?" Bruce said in the steadiest voice he had.
She clenched her teeth together, tears pooled in her eyes, and shook her head against her knees, "I don't know. I'm supposed to be sad, but I'm not good at sad, Bruce. I'm only good at angry." Aj lifted her head and swiped at the tears that left her eyes. "I can't even mourn right."
"Why are you mourning?" Bruce asked, but he had a bad feeling he knew the answer.
"December 19th." She replied simply. "It's the sixteenth anniversary of my mom's death."
Bruce sucked in a sharp breath, "Aj. I'm sorry."
"No. I'm sorry." She pressed her face into her hands briefly, "I'm stomping around like a petulant child, snapping and throwing things… It's stupid."
Bruce shook his head, "No, it's not. You don't have to be sorry. Anger is difficult to get a handle on. It's…finicky."
Aj chuckled, "Yeah, that's a word for it."
"Would you like to talk about it? It really does help." Bruce asked. He motioned to the cabinets, "Or I can get you another glass. I know Tony can afford more."
She shook her head with a small smile, "It's stupid—"
"It's never stupid."
Aj paused and then started again, "I don't have anything to be angry at. There's no person to blame. My mom dying…That was just—just a tragedy. Could've happened to anyone. I thought after 16 years, it'd waiver. I know I'll never be fully okay, and I'll always miss my mom, but…it just feels like every single year it gets worse. Time is supposed to heal, I thought."
"Time can heal, but only if the pain is finite. Losing someone you love…that's not something time will just erase, unfortunately." Bruce replied. "Yes, eventually the ache won't be so sharp, but it won't heal. Not like we wish it would."
"How do you do it, Bruce?" Aj asked with a shake of her head. "How do you keep your anger so well controlled? God, my anger just boils over with ease and then the smallest thing like stubbing my toe or—or cutting myself just feels like…"
Bruce smirked, "Feels like you're drowning in it?"
"Yes." Aj nodded desperately.
"You have to let it go, Aj." Bruce replied and her features wilted. He chuckled, "I know, I know. No one likes to hear it. But give me a little trust?" Aj relented and gave him a small nod. He motioned to her, "Anger is like a body of water. Some people live with puddles, lakes, or rivers, but people like us? We got stuck with a damn ocean. And it's a mean ocean. Unforgiving. Aj, you feel things so strongly…you feel that anger and you grab ahold of it. You fight it because it's the natural thing to do. But fighting it is wearing you down, it exhausts you to the point where now even the smallest things can set you off. You need to let go of it. Stop fighting the current. Let it take you where it wants to go because you can't beat an ocean, Aj. You can only ride the storm."
Aj sat in silence for a moment, mulling it over, and then she nodded with a soft smile, "Thanks, Bruce. No one ever explained it to me like that. People usually just tell me to get over it and that usually just pisses me off more."
Bruce stood up and crossed the kitchen to get the first aid kit he knew was in a drawer by the oven. He came back, sat down, and then began to clean the small cut with an alcohol swab from the kit, "What do you usually do on these days? I know people have different traditions."
"Well", Aj chuckled and watched him clean the tiny wound, "Typically, I sleep in until at least noon. Then I go to my favorite bar and drink until I can't see straight." Bruce frowned at that, but then it got worse. "Then after that, I would head to the ring and fight. It was everyone's favorite day because they knew it was the only day they could beat me. I was always too drunk to do well or win. That wasn't my intent though, I just wanted…"
"The pain." Bruce sighed.
Aj nodded, "I've always been better at physical pain than emotional pain. It's a hell of a lot easier to deal with."
"How about we find you a new coping mechanism, hmm?" Bruce asked. "Maybe a new tradition too?" Aj chuckled and gave him a small nod. He pulled out the box of bandages and shook it in front of her, "You want an Iron Man Band-Aid or a Captain America one?"
"They got any Hulk?" Aj grinned.
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October 27 - 2023 Friday
I'm ready to be different, I'm ready to change SOMETHING. Constantly expressing myself feels like it but I want to think of a way to remind myself to do it or ways to practice it. It's weird though because it feels like a completely internal process. Something about the way I'm thinking just isn't letting me repress anything right now. It's easy to let things like that slip though, I'd rather have a physically grounded way to retain what I'm doing right now.
The best way I can describe what is happening is I'm letting my feelings flow like a river or something. They just come and go. If I think of things that hurt me, I let it hurt and it moves on. I know this is working because the deep feeling of dread I felt at almost all times isn't really there and I'm actually able to focus on and appreciate other things I'm doing. That felt impossible before.
God damnit, I was gonna join my friend Ena for Space Rangers tonight but she wasn't on so someone else was hosting and it was a game night that I didn't wanna do so I left. I joined this nanachi creator's birthday party who I don't even like but a lot of people recognized me there. I decided to wear my nanachi for the night which was a mistake because all I could think about was the time when I actually used it and how much energy I put into someone who took me for granted and didn't respect my feelings. As much as I wanted to imagine myself socializing tonight, I wasn't able to keep up the act and left. Maybe I'll get back on for the party because it was popping off but only if I can let myself feel this damned misery and move past it. I kinda also wanted to make a new avatar but fashion design is not my strong suit. I want to make a skater/punk girl outfit for my otter again.
If I get back on to hang out I'll have to find someone to bind to and be their support for the night. Thats how I used to make friends in the past. I have to find someone I actually sort of like in a way to talk to but thats pretty hard. I judge people too harshly.
Yeah, I wish I was talking to Daisy tonight. She's my favorite. It's okay to feel that way, it's an expression of my affection. It's okay to feel a little sad that I'm not. I can still find something else to do and enjoy my night. I am my own person. And I'm happy she's attending the con because I know she loves the socialization. It's okay that I feel just a little lost. There are things I can think of I'd like to be doing but don't necessarily have the energy for. Right now I'm watching Twitch and I'm content. Maybe I'll get back on VRchat but maybe not.
Today's breakfast was the same as yesterday with the addition of a pear cup. I also slept in for an hour on purpose because I felt tired enough, I think it was a good decision. I decided not to stream and put together a different schedule today to try and get everything done. I did most of what I had to do which is good given the circumstances. I did Inktober and today's commission in David's server. Someone in there makes this "tsk" noise with is mouth nearly every sentence and it really got on my nerves. I left when work was done to do my workout which I completed in full. I think workouts have been hard lately due to slight lack of sleep because I didn't have trouble today. Lunch was a fantastic tuna melt with some cereal. I cleaned up afterwards and then completed the picture of Daisy's rats for her and another idea of mine plus some sketching. With work done I took a little break before VR time. I took a very tiny hit to compliment the drink I was having. Like I said before, VR was a bust and I ended up getting off to do a little avatar work and watch Twitch which was chill enough. For some reason at about midnight when I should have been in bed, I decided to ass blast myself with my lovense. I was too drunk to enjoy it which is almost always the case. Nutting just isn't that great drunk.
I've been thinking a lot about certain things I still have to figure out exactly what I think/want to happen. Ultimately I need something to change either internally or externally. But the most important thing for me right now is to keep letting my feelings out.
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I'm not choosing one, fuck that, all of the above.
Missa wakes up and finds his family has fallen into a possibly eternal sleep. He blames himself and vows to protect them for as long as his immortal life will allow to.
One day on his work carrying souls to the after life, three very familiar people hop into his boat and ask for a ride. Missa cries the whole way, apologizing while his kids hug him and his 'platonic' husband lovingly laughs at him at him and reassures him "It's all good mate." It makes driving the boat across the river of souls very difficult but no one complained about the trip taking a bit longer.
Once at their destination, Missa is ready to leave his family behind once again (wet cat energy intensifies), not only feeling undeserving of staying by their side but also aware he still has job to do for Lady Death.
His family says "Fuck That."
They basically kidnap him and drag him to a place unknown, his partner promises him that he and the kids will love it, that it has something for everyone and they'll definitely be safe there unlike the cursed island they just left behind. Missa has no choice but to surrender to his beloved families' wishes.
On the way there, they notice the world shift. Suddenly, they are walking on air with the endless void surrounding them. The blond with stripped hat doesn't falter in his step, quite the opposite, hurrying them along through the ominous darkness. Even their kids have somehow relaxed, yet they keep close to their parents and stick to each other.
Missa recognizes the place a second too late, the presence starting to loom in the distance, making him become a nervous, jittery mess.
He can't remember the last time he saw Lady Death in person, and now at the worst possible time the reaper has the startling realization that he has been kinda, sorta, maybe, probably married to his boss's husband for a bit over a year.
Please, someone kill him..... again.
However, he is not smited the moment the enormous figure of a beautiful woman known as the Goddess of Death sets her gaze on him. On the contrary, he is scooped in her hands, along with his family, and gushed about for a solid few minutes.
She says that she has been doing her best to keep up with them, to try and help, but whatever was on that island kept her from actually reaching them to offer some help. The only exception being during the first Purgatory, where she was able to give her angel his wings back (if only temporarily) and to the reaper's surprise she was also the reason he was able to avoid that particular hell entirely by bringing him back to the Underworld.
"Speaking of." With wave of her giant delicate hand, the blue-eyed father of the family momentarily disappeared in a cloud of what Missa could only describe as stardust. Once he reappeared, magnificent void black wings spread behind the Angel of Death, now completely healed and back to their full glory. His smile was blinding, and the reaper couldn't help but smile back.
Their kids gush over the shiny, healthy feathers, and the avian let's them with pride evident in his face. Missa holds back, but he makes sure to compliment them and relay how happy he was as well that he got them back.
Then, just as suddenly as they were in the void, they were transported to a different location (still within the void if the stars and darkness were anything to go by), this one had actual structures that looked an awful lot like an altar.
"I'm done watching you dance around each other, and I don't know when I'll get the chance to do this again, so I'll be damned if you don't get married right here right now."
"Cómo?!" Missa must have fallen asleep on his boat. There's no way this was happening right now.
Their kids were jumping and squealing, signing happily at lightning speed as they very obviously agreed with the plan of death's deity. He had to stop this ridiculousness.
Missa turned to the man in front of him, ready to apologize and propose they forget about everything, but the moment his eyes locked onto him, the words got caught in his throat. Because his wonderful partner had gotten on one knee and had a gentle, hopeful smile on his face.
"Not really how I planned to do this, but it seems as good a time as any." Philza holds out his hand, a simple gesture that has Missa on the verge of tears once again.
"Are you sure? Am I allowed?" The words escape the black haired man. Gaze shifting to the beautiful goddess that nodded at him reassuringly with an expectant gaze.
"I wouldn't choose anyone else to give my dear husband to, for him to have in the overworld where I can't join him, you're perfect for him Missa." Her words washed over him and relieved him of the invisible weight that had settled on his shoulders ever since that first day on the adoption center. "Oh! And don't worry about Mafer. She said she's fine with it as long as she gets to propose to me as well." She giggles at her husband's perplexed squawk.
Missa can't help but laugh as well. He thinks he's okay with that. It feels right in a way that the ocean could find some kind of bond with the only thing that could rival its vastness.
"Pos', si mi señorita novia lo dice, then who am I to argue." He focuses back to kneeling man in front of him.
He gazes back. Through their eyes, a thousand unsaid words, a myriad of held back feelings are conveyed with both of them understanding all of them and everything in between.
"So?" Missa thinks he imagined the slightly nervous tone in the angel's voice, but the slightly trembling hand holding his tell him otherwise.
"Get up here, Felipe Minecraft." In a sudden burst of bravery, the reaper pulls the avian up to his feet before gently but surely holding the blond, dipping him and kissing him like he always wanted to.
He is overjoyed when Philza kisses him back, feeling his taloned hands finding his neck and shoulders for stability and to hold him even closer.
He is only a little embarrassed when he pulls back to loud cheering and hollering from his children and his... wife-in-law?
They spend the next hours (or days, time in the void is finicky at best) talking, Philza and Kristin catching up as much as they can before they have to inevitably part ways again. The Goddess of Death makes every second count, listening to her husband's stories, talking to Chayanne and Lullah, and even whispering a few tips to Missa's ear on how to ruffle their husband's feathers in the best ways. (Missa makes note to remember every single one of them, even the ones that make his undead skin flush furiously).
But all good things must come to an end. They aren't meant to stay in this place for long, so regrettably, they must leave the realm and it's Goddess behind. They say their goodbyes, some taking longer than others before Kristin points them in a specific direction.
The family of 4 walks along the darkness for a while with nothing to really guide their way. Until it's not so dark anymore.
Blaze rods appear seemingly out of nowhere, and under their warm light, they are now able to see a path of roses leading them further along (when they take a deep breath they can smell a hint of the ocean in the air). The family smiles at the familiar sight and follows.
From one moment to the next, they are out of the endless void, and they lay dazedly on soft grass. Missa and the kids take a moment to regain their bearings, trying to recognize the bright world around them.
There are floating islands, giant trees, different biomes, and a shore right along them, as well as a few structures dotting the horizon and the land they stand on.
The reaper and the two dragonlings are startled from their thoughts by the sound of wings, big ones.
"Well? Welcome to my Hardcore World!"
Philza looks perfect, black wings spread to their fullest, surrounded by sunlight and the air ruffling his hair and clothes. He is finally surfing the sky like he's meant to.
Missa smiles widely, hurrying towards his beloved husband along with their beloved children.
Death family is home.
Okay! So I don't know what took over me there, but here u go! This is entirely self indulgent so do with it as u please.
I'll probably write some more stuff for pissa and death family because I genuinely fell in love with them and I don't think I'll get over them soon. But I'm not used to posting my stuff here or... anywhere really so I won't make any promises.
Anywaays, hope u enjoyed reading this and please keep supporting the pissa, deathduo, death family tags! Have a great one everybody!!
#qsmp#pissa#q missa#q philza#deathduo#death family#tallulah the egg#chayanne the egg#mumza goddess of death#mafer mention#other hc deities are only hinted at#itme#writing
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Summary: When you follow River off a building, you meet a new, old friend.
Paring: River Song x Reader, 11th Doctor x River Song (mentioned), 11th Doctor x Reader x River Song (possible)
WC: 700
A/N: Do you ever just get an idea and you have to write it? No matter if it’s 1 am and it’s not the soundest idea but it’s an idea and it’s something and you haven’t posted in months and you aren’t sure if anyone is actually going to read this or not but you finally wrote something? That was me, then this was born. Enjoy.
P.S.: I’m not tagging anyone on this bc I’m working on a new tag system/update blog so if you’re wanting to know when I post, be on the look out for that :)
“You’re delusional.”
“That’s why you love me.”
She has a point. And damn was that a good point.
“Trust me Sweetie, stay with me for too long and you’ll find out just how delusional I am.” River winks at you. Her smile decorates her face beautifully as she takes your hand. With only mere seconds before the door to roof bursts open with most likely a lot of very large, angry men on power trips, she leaps off the building, gripping your hand tightly as you leap alongside her. River’s laugh carries through the air as you hold your breath, feeling her grip tighten as you close your eyes.
“Do you trust me?”
What a dumb question. “Of course I do.”
“Then we need to jump.”
“Jump? Off the building?”
“Right off, in about 10 seconds.”
You’d trust River with your life, you do trust her with your life. The only problem was the closer and closer the ground got, the more you wish you had her explain this delusional plan to you.
Then the next minute you were safe.
“You can open your eyes now, sweetie.” River’s words take a few moments to register in your brain before you allow one of your eyes to peak open, soon followed by another when you realize you’re fully laying on top of River who is laying on solid ground. At least, you thought it was ground.
With a quick look around your surroundings as you finally get off of the woman and stretch your hand out to help her, you realize you’re in a spaceship.
“Someone call for a pickup?” Your eyes scan for whoever just spoke and you almost come up empty until a bouncy bow tie wearing man pops out from behind whatever that big thing in the middle of the room is. His smile was wide as he looks between you and River.
River takes a deep breath and sighs happily when she’s finally on her feet. “Right,” she grins and walks over the room centerpiece, which are suspecting are the controls with the way River starts pulling and turning all the levers and the spaceship starts moving. “Y/N, this is the Doctor. Doctor, this is Y/N.”
The Doctor was barely able to spare you another glance before he starts trying to shoo River away from the controls. “We’ve met.” He says simply and offers you a quick smile.
You furrow your brows. Surely, you’d remember someone like him and someplace like this. “No, we haven’t.”
The Doctor pauses, looks at you and smiles. “Oh right. Well, never mind then!” You didn’t know what to make of his comments but the name did bring some familiarity.
“The Doctor?” River and The Doctor both hum a yes as you lean against the door behind you, crossing your arms. “So, you’re the Timelord then?” Again, both hum a yes. “So, you’re my girlfriend’s husband?”
There was only one hum this time from River as she kept herself from laughing. The Doctor stood up straighter, his arms falling to his sides and you could see he didn’t really know what to say exactly. You were trying to keep from laughing yourself at his expression before River slaps him on the arm.
“You told her that?” The Doctor whispers but it was pointless as he was quite the loud whisperer.
“I tell her everything.” River shrugs, looking up at you through her lashes with a smirk. “Besides, she’s read my book.”
The Doctor didn’t really know what to say to that. In the time he’s known you, he didn’t know exactly what you knew before you met him.
“Relax Doctor, I’ve been with River long enough to know this is just another part of the adventure.” You smile at River, watching her at the controls as she practically spins around the Doctor. The Doctor hasn’t looked away from you. He was shifting his jaw, his lips lightly lifting up fondly in the corners as he lets River steer you three wherever it was she wanted to go. And he would follow the two of you anywhere.
#River song x reader#River song imagine#river song fanfiction#river song blurb#River song#eleventh doctor x reader#eleventh Doctor imagine#eleventh doctor fanfiction#eleventh doctor blurb#eleventh doctor#eleventh doctor x river song x reader#Doctor who x reader#Doctor who imagine#doctor who fanfiction#Doctor who
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You know that blissful feeling you get when that book you really loved but thought was just a standalone suddenly gets a sequel? Does it need a sequel? Not really, it works just fine as a standalone, but don’t you want a sequel? In fact, wouldn’t you love for it to be a trilogy? HELL YES.
And by that I mean:
PAINTED DEVILS by Margaret Owen!

So Little Thieves is one of my favorite books of all time. I absolutely loved it. If you haven’t read Little Thieves, then the review for its sequel isn’t going to make much sense. So why not go on and go read Little Thieves before you continue? Don’t worry, I’ll wait.
Ok, did you read it? Are you all caught up? You won’t be confused as to why Vanja is carrying around a bag of rubies? Or, you know, who the hell Vanja even is? Ok, good. In that case, Painted Devils picks up shortly after the end of Little Thieves, with our favorite daughter of Death and Fortune stumbling around in the middle of the night, blind drunk.
You know how things go when you're drunk and miserable - you might post something stupid on social media, text someone you shouldn't, accidentally start a cult, you know. Normal drunk person things. It could happen to anyone! Besides, it's not like Vanja set out to start a cult. No, she just needed to get back the rubies she spilled into a river while drunk. It was too cold to gather them all up out of the freezing water herself. So Vanja made up a story about a low God called the Scarlet Maiden (ScarMad?) coming to her in a vision to trick the townsfolk by the river into helping her get the rubies back. A simple trick, no harm now foul. She fully intended to take off the moment she’d gotten the rubies back.
Like so:
Only it doesn't end there. I mean, the book would be pretty damn short if it did. But one "miracle" after another gets attributed to the Scarlet Maiden and suddenly Vanja is the Maidens prophet and…yeah, she's leading a cult.
Vanja keeps telling herself she'll cut and run soon, leaving the little town of Hagendorn behind and letting the cult die a natural death. Only she doesn't leave. She stays, and stays, and the cult keeps growing. Vanja even gets her own place, even if it is just a lean-to attached to the Ros Brothers' house.
There is a problem, though (well, more than just one...). The cult is growing faster than Vanja can keep up with it. So fast, the Prefects of the Godly Courts have sent someone to Hagendorn to investigate this supposed new god. And who else do they send but Emeric Conrad himself.
Which brings us back to the reason why Vanja was drunk and miserable and spilling rubies into a river in the first place. After Minkja, Conrad caught Vanja again, and together they decided to head up to Conrad’s hometown of Helligbrücke. Only a few days out, though, Vanja caught a terrible case of the self-doubts. She didn’t think herself worthy of Emeric, so she wanted to strike out and make something of herself - become someone more than a thief and a liar. So she wrote Emeric a letter saying as much.
...and regretted it almost immediately. But by then it was too late: the letter had been sent, and she didn’t head onto Helligbrücke. Instead, Vanja wandered aimlessly in a different direction, got spectacularly drunk and accidentally started a cult.
And now the accounting ledger who wished to be a real boy, aka Emeric Conrad, aka the boy Vanja is maybe in love with, is here to investigate. He is not amused.
After an incredibly awkward reunion, complete with screaming goats, Emeric and Vanja resolve to talk it out. But before they can even begin to deconstruct everything that’s happened in the past few months, the actual Scarlet Maiden appears, rising out of a red mist like an evil Florence Welch.
Which is pretty damn terrifying, considering the Scarlet Maiden is supposed to be made up.
The Scarlet Maiden promises the people of Hagendorn all sorts of blessings, so long as they hold a feast in her honor at Midsummer and sacrifice one among them who is “unclaimed.” Seeing Emeric, and sensing that he’s “unclaimed,” the Scarlet Maiden marks him as her sacrifice. So now Emeric and Vanja have two months to figure out how to break the Scarlet Maiden’s claim over him before she claims her sacrifice.
And if you think that’s bad, don’t worry, it gets worse! Yay!
See, Emeric is in the middle of the second phase of his testing to become a fully-fledged prefect. With him is basically a supervisor/examiner, proctor Elske Kirkling. Kirkling immediately hates Vanja, thinking her guilty of fraud against the people of Hagendorn in the creation of the Scarlet Maiden. So Kirkling decides to make the Case of the Scarlet Maiden* Emeric’s Finding - a test case that will determine whether or not he can become a full prefect.
Basically, Kirkling is trying to back Emeric into a corner, where he must choose: does he want to be a prefect, something he’s wanted since he was 10-years-old, or Vanja?
Yeah, Kirkling is the worst.
Throughout all of this, it becomes painfully clear Scarlet Maiden means when she says she wants an “unclaimed” sacrifice. She wants a virgin. Meaning, someone who has never had sex. Specifically, penetrative sex. The penis in vagina kind.** Anyway, This sends our poor demi couple Vanja and Emeric into a tizzy. They’d resolved to take things slowly, figuring out what they’re comfortable with at their own pace. So Vanja asks the Scarlet Maiden: what would happen if someone “claims” her sacrifice before Midsummer? The Scarlet Maiden offers up an alternative: if she can’t have her virgin sacrifice, she’ll take one drop of blood from seven brothers instead.
And, as luck would have it, Udo and Jakob Ros, the brothers with whom Vanja had been living, happen to be two of seven. The other five don’t live too far away, either. So, with the help of the Ros sister, Helga, Vanja, Emeric, and Proctor Kirikling head off to track down the remaining five Ros Brothers, which, of course, leads to all sorts of adventures, including a heist in the palace of a corrupt prince, a conspiracy involving brothels and a boat that got stuck in a canal, a haunted ghost doll that doubles as a walking, talking wikipedia, a Wild Hunt led by a powerful Goddess… all that while Proctor Kirkling conspires to have Vanja thrown in prison, and Emeric and Vanja try to figure out their relationship.
Oh, and the Scarlet Maiden keeps getting stronger.
Vanja & Emeric’s life right now:
I absolutely loved every minute of this book. There are multiple storylines going on at once, but it never feels convoluted or confusing. There is so much love and emotion in this book, it’s beautiful and heartbreaking and heartwarming all at the same time. Vanja and Emeric continue to be two of my favorite characters of all time - they can be both equal parts diabolical and sweet, and they care about one another so much. Emeric even spent their three month separation mooning over Vanja, which leads to a hilarious Backstreet Boys reference (I saw what you did there, Margaret Owen. Don’t think I didn’t). There are a lot of scenes of Vanja and Emeric being a normal couple and I love it. They bicker, miscommunicate, get into fights, and then - gasp shock! - resolve said fight by actually communicating with one another. Can you imagine?!? And while they want to be intimate with one another, they don’t want to rush into it. They don’t want to force things, or do anything the other might not be comfortable with. It’s just so sweet and I love them and want to smush their faces like so:
Basically, the moment I finished Painted Devils, I was screaming, crying, throwing up...it's so good you guys. So good. It is the sequel Little Thieves needed, it is everything you will want and more. Your heart will be ripped from your chest and thrown in a bin but in the best possible way. I just love Vanja and Emeric so damn much and I can’t wait to see them again in book 3!
Seriously there are scenes that feel like:
But also scenes that feel like:
It’s just so damn good.
RECOMMENDED FOR: Anyone who enjoyed Little Thieves, anyone who likes a good, Germanic Fairy Tale inspired YA demi romance between two adorable cinnamon buns who are just trying their best, anyone who has ever gotten so drunk that they accidentally started a cult.
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Anyone not a fan of YA, anyone who doesn’t think asexuality or demisexuality is a thing (if you think that, please fuck right off and don’t come back), anyone who thinks that getting drunk and accidentally starting a cult isn’t something that could happen, brothel owners who refuse to pay their workers, proctors who have no appreciation for what is clearly true love, goats who scream exclusively in letters with ring diacritics, anyone who hates joy or long waits for the last book in a series.
RELEASE DATE: May 16, 2023
ANTICIPATION LEVEL FOR BOOK 3: Too high to calculate.
*(which definitely needs to be some sort of Little Thieves/Sherlock Holmes AU crossover fic, please make it happen internet).
**(Yes, that’s right, Vanja, I said penis).
#painted devils#margaret owen#little thieves#vanja schmidt#emeric conrad#scarlet maiden#ya fantasy#ya sequel#book review#vanja/emeric#youre in a cult call your dad#ragne#death and fortune#little thieves 2
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Fire Dogs: End
The trip out to New York is uneventful. You sleep in the car occasionally but you do stop at a couple of hotels you never sleep super well. Besides there’s something about being in a car with your Alpha that just soothes you to sleep. You wake at one point and hear him talking softly on the phone.
“Nat, I don’t want a big party. It’s going to stress her out and she’s probably going to be close to a heat so I don’t want a ton of people around. Just you, Clint, Wanda, Carol and Jarvis.”
“Everyone is so excited though.”
“They’re going to have to wait. Her well-being is my first concern.”
“Natasha.” He warns lowly and you hear her sigh.
“Fine. Fine. I’ve got a few places lined up for you to look at as well as a property so if building your own place is more appealing you can do that. I don’t know how sensitive your Omega’s nose is.”
“I doubt she does either. We’re about four hours out. Thanks for doing all of this Nat.”
“I’m glad you finally found someone worthy of you Alpha.” You don’t love that she calls him Alpha, so you take a deep breath so Steve knows that you’re awake.
“Thank you Natasha. See you soon.”
“Bye.” She says and Steve hangs up.
“How much did you hear?”
“Her call you Alpha.” You admit grumpily and he laughs softly.
“Are you a little jealous?” When you grumble in response he sobers up, “They all do that Omega, not just Natasha. It’s a respect thing.”
“It was jarring. You’re my Alpha.”
“I know, I’m sorry I should’ve warned you.” He soothes, his hand is warm on your thigh when he reaches over. You trace the back of his hand with one of your fingers.
“How close are we?”
“About 4 hours, you need to stop?”
“No, I was just curious. I’m nervous too, I’m meeting your pack.”
“You’re only meeting a couple today. The rest will trickle in when you’re ready, take as long as you need.”
“Okay, thank you.”
The rest of the ride is spent in comfortable conversation and singing along to the radio. He puts you at such ease that you forget to be anxious, at least until Steve pulls off of the freeway.
“Take a breath Honey, it’s going to be fine.” He promises and you cling to his hand as he drives for a couple more minutes then pulls up to a little house. “Let me know when you’re ready to go in.”
“Can, god this is so stupid, can you calm me?”
“Oh Honey I can absolutely do that. C’mere.” He mutters before kissing you softly, his hands cup your face and you feel the sense of calm wash over you. He pulls away from you then kisses along your jaw, before covering your mouth once more. “How do you feel Omega?” He murmurs softly and you hum lowly.
“Yes, as I will ever be.” His calm makes you feel a little drowsy but it’s better than the panic you could be in. Steve gets out of the car and you follow him, Cooper waits patiently in the back to be let out. You take his leash and he walks calmly next to you, Steve meets you at the front of the car. He takes your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze,
“I don’t think anyone is here yet.” Sure enough when he unlocks the door the house is empty.
“Oh god it smells good in here.” You mutter softly, “Can I let Cooper wander?”
“It’s your house too now Honey. You don’t have to ask.” You unhook Cooper’s leash and he wanders around the living room. “You look good in here, you belong here.”
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me Steve.” You tell him giving him a tight hug.
“Oh Honey.” He says gently before kissing your cheek. “Wanna see the house?” You nod and he leads you through the house showing you where things are. The doorbell rings and you tense up and the calm washes over you again as Steve presses a kiss to the side of your head. Cooper barks and you can’t help but smile at the familiarity of it all.
“Thanks Steve.” You follow him downstairs and when the door opens it’s just Sam and Bucky and a pretty blonde woman who you assume is Carol.
“Had to fight Becca to get her to stay home.” Bucky says with a punch to Steve’s arm, “thought she was gonna scream me to death when I told her ‘bout your Omega.” Carol gives you a kind smile as she follows Sam into the house, she smells like Oranges and chocolate.
“Wish she would’ve screamed you to death. Then we wouldn’t have to listen to your dumb ass anymore.” Sam says lowly.
“I see the two of you have had enough time together.” Carol says with a laugh, “Hi Fawn, I’m Carol. Sam’s much, much better half.” She doesn’t try to shake your hand or touch you in anyway which you appreciate.
“Hi, thank you for coming.”
“Thank you for spoiling Sam, he says you’re one hell of a cook.” She says kindly, “We live right next door so when the boys are at work feel free to call if you need anything.” She puts a business card down on the end table then drops down onto Sam’s lap.
Next comes a young woman with auburn hair and a tall man with purple hair. Steve introduces them as Wanda, an Alpha and Viz, a Beta. They’re one of the newer pairs in Steve’s pack but it seems like everyone was just kind of waiting for it to happen. Wanda is a calm in the storm that is the three other Alpha’s currently wresting for control of the remote on your couch.
“Enough.” Steve growls at the three of them as their scents spike and you bury your face into his chest.
Natasha and Clint come next, Nat is the one that you’d heard on the phone earlier and when you see her that little possessiveness rears it’s head. She’s beautiful. “Omega.” Steve rumbles into your ear and you feel so silly for being jealous of her using his title.
“You didn’t do her justice Rogers.” She says giving you a kind smile, one you tightly return. She and Clint are both Betas, she’s more smoky smelling and he’s more earthy but both are pleasant. She calls Steve Alpha once but he quickly pulls her aside and after they talk quietly she doesn’t do it again. Overall the night is a success, and you go to bed happy.
The next day is spent looking at different houses they’re about thirty minutes outside of the city. The first neither of you is thrilled with, the second doesn’t have a yard for Cooper, the third is off a busy street and smells terrible but when you pull up to the plot of land it all clicks.
“Would you be mad if I said I wanted to build?” You ask Steve as you stand at the top of the hill the property is on. The view here is incredible overlooking a river and some woods below you.
“Not at all.” He assures you, a hand on the small of your back, “whatever it takes to make you happy.”
“It’s going to be so expensive.”
“That’s okay. I’m independently wealthy.” You stare up at him for a second to see if his kidding,
“I’m sorry what?”
“Old money. If you didn’t want to you’d never have to do another book again.”
“Why are you a firefighter?”
“I like serving the community, and I’m good at it.” You stare at him for a moment longer then look back out over the property.
“This feels right doesn’t it?”
“Yea Honey it does.” He agrees, so you sign some paperwork and buy the plot of land. You want to get building started before your heat hits and you smell like an Omega and you do so just in time. Apparently Clint runs a very successful construction firm so you get the layout of the house done in two days.
When you wake on the third day you know you’re in your heat. You wake up feeling just as tired as you did yesterday and everything smells so bad except Steve. He goes to get up and you whimper softly, and he freezes as you reach out to him.
“Honey are you in heat?”
“I think so. It’s been so long since I’ve had an actual heat.”
“Do you want to talk to one of our Omegas?”
“You actually have those?” He huffs out a chuckle.
“Yea, not many but we do. Becca is one.” A cramp hits and you gasp in surprise. Steve reaches for his phone and you grab onto his arm.
“No, I just need you Steve.”
“Omega are you sure?”
“Yes, please Steve. I wanted to be sure that without my suppressants you were still my Alpha. You are. Please.” He rolls so that he’s on top of you, his knees between yours an arm on either side of your head and his scent all around you. “You smell so good Steve.”
“So do you Omega.” He grumbles he’s about to kiss you when his phone rings. You both groan loudly before he rolls off of you and grabs it.
“What?” Someone on the other end talks, “No, my Omega is in heat.” He says before hanging up. The phone rings again before he even puts it down so he stalks to the window, opens it and throws the phone outside.
“You know there is such thing as a power button.”
“I was going to smash it so I feel like I should get some credit for my self control.” He says stalking back toward you. This time his mouth finds yours before he’s settled back over you, his dog tags hit your chest and you cling to them keeping him close to you. Steve kisses down your jaw to your pulse point then down to your scent gland.
“Do it.” You whisper, “please.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes.” You’ve never been more sure about anything in your life. You feel his breath on your scent gland and you take a slow breath, then he bites. The pain and pleasure are so overwhelming that you black out. When you come to Steve is still placing soft kisses to your face.
“Omega. You back?”
“That was- indescribable. Thank you Alpha.”
“Careful Honey or you’re going to trigger my rut and then I won’t be able to spoil you.”
“I don’t need to be spoiled.”
“Too damn bad Honey. You’re going to be for the rest of your life. Now, I’m gonna go make some breakfast Becca always said day two was the harder day so I want to make sure you’re up to strength.” He goes to get up but you’ve still got a grip on his dog tags. “Omega.”
“You don’t wanna? I mean I thought-“
“Oh Omega I want you, terribly, but I don’t want to wear you out for tomorrow. From what I remember day one is for lots of sleep and comfort, day two is for sex and day three is for more sleep and comfort. Do you want me to have Bucky come take Cooper?”
“Yea. But you’ll have to go get your phone.”
“Damn it.” He grumbles but he gets to his feet, grabs the shirt he was wearing before bed and passes it to you before getting a clean one for himself. You pull his shirt on and sigh happily brushing your fingers gently over his mark. Steve glances over at you and gives you a small smile then holds a hand out for yours. “Wanna come with me to the kitchen? I can kiss ya some more while we cook.” You nod and climb out of bed with a wide smile taking the hand he offers, you’ll gladly go wherever he goes for rest of your life.
Tag list:
@memyselfandmaddox @thefanficfaerie @patzammit @dsakita @dramadreamer14 @killcomet @thesassmisstress @andahugaroundtheneck @loving-life-my-way @thefridgeismybestie @dumblani @im-just-another-monster @mywinterwolf @giggleberts @biskwitmamaw @geeksareunique @paintballkid711 @lumar014 @also-fangirlinsweden @connie326 @inkedaztec @eralen @valsworldofcreativity @strangersstranger @blackwidownat2814 @sky0401 @winterbuckystan1917 @dontbescaredtosingalong
#steve rogers#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers x reader au#alpha steve rogers x reader#alpha steve rogers#alpha!steve rogers x reader#alpha!steve rogers x omega reader#alpha!steve rogers#firefighter#firefighter!steve rogers x reader#firefighter!steve rogers#firefighter!au#fire dogs story
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SKAJDJSKANAN ive been putting off reading this fic since i learnt of its existence cuz it’s canon compliant and all that. i haven’t even finished it yet and can SENSE my mental health deteriorating by the moment… but i feel like I’m processing it better than when i read crimson rivers and the hand that feeds (GOD THOSE TWO KILLED ME) cuz i had no one to talk to abt those fics so i was suffering in silence so tysm <3.
UR RIGHT. THE PRONGSFOOT. AGSHAHJAHAH. they’re so toxic and i hate it and i love it and it’s all so confusing because i feel sm for them and I can’t understand it all.
“How do you let go?”
“I don’t know”
(You never know.)
fuck. that… wow. just…speechless. i’m speechless rn.
JAMES MY POOR BABY :(( Effie and Monty dying and him just throwing himself off whatever cliff he was on and Sirius being like ‘if we go down we go down together’ too seriously (it’s literally in his name idk what I expected). Sirius being enabler of the century because she’ll love James unconditionally no matter what and the whole anything you can do I can do better thing so they’re basically enabling each other to destroy themselves and continue to destroy themselves.
oh and Remus’ lingering gaze. we see you mf. (so does Sirius but they don’t know wtf it is they want).
OH AND HARRY IN THE WOMB. HARRY POTTER IS IN THE GODDAMN FUCKING WOMB BECAUSE JAMSS FORGOT THE SPELLS AND SJSBSJAJJAJAJAJAJ. they were both grieving and their hopes are all piled onto this child and it’s just so so fucking sad and heartbreaking and they all deserved to live and love and all that corny bullshit they NEVER GOT TO DO. none of them are dead yet (most of them are like halfway there ;-;) and i’m not doing that okay. SIRIUS IS GODFATHER!!! YESSSSSSSS!!! and her being like ‘i don’t know how to love i just know what it feels to not have it’ is just EJHDSHJS WHYYYYYYYY.
Sirius, who exists at ends of two extremes, no middle ground, no fixed point. He is always too much and never enough. A man who cries, and someone crying, who is not a man. Sirius doesn't get to live in absolutes; when he's at his weakest, he wishes he could, just for the ease of it, just to know something and, if he's lucky, not hate it.
hey. my (nonexistent) therapist wants to call you up for wrecking me like this. that was a fucking bomb drop. not cool. i had to take a lap around the room (or 9) after reading this or else i was gonna cry cuz DAMN. WHAT YHE FUCK.
is this like a universal experience? where everyone feels like they’re too much yet not enough at all? cuz like I think it all the time and im sure there are more people who do?? im not at all comparing my situation to that of Sirius’ in this fic, but im just curious. have you ever felt that way before?
WOLFSTAR MAKING UP FROM A NONEXISTENT BREAKUP CUZ THEY WETENT EVEN TOGETHER IS SO THEM. HAVE I MENTIONED HOW MYCH I LOVE THEM?? I DONT THINK SO. I LOVE THEM YOUR HONOR. REMUS BEING LIKE ‘THIS IS GOOD’ AND SIRIUS INTERNALLY COMBUSTING FROM HOW SWEET HE IS LIKE CHRIST SIRIUS HE WAS ALWAYS THERE AND ALWAYS IN LOVE AND ALWAYS WILLIBG TO TRY BUT SIRIUD DIDNT WANT TO BELIEVE IT (cuz of the whole ‘he deserves better and you know it’ and all his other self dialogue that isn’t exactly healthy and happy) BUT ARGEHSJSH. I CANT THINK STRAIGHT WITH THEM. THE FLUFF. LOVE LOVE LIVE LIVE LOVE LIVE LOVE. im gonna ignore the fact that it’s canon compliant rn cuz they’re happy so im happy and the whole world must be happy and allow them to be happy for the rest of time (AHEM IM LOOKING AT U BALDY VOLDY) anyways when i read chapter 9 I’ll be back :)).
the following content has spoilers for a fic called presque vu by bizarrestars.
also Sirius’ whole thing about not wanting to label because why the fuck do you have to label is so real. it’s literally what I tell my friends when they ask why I don’t label and they just look at me weird (except for one of them who said—to my face btw— ‘there’s so many labels just pick one’). anyways Sirius spiralling and being like ew why tf is he making me spiral (abt Dearborn) is SO FUNNY (ik it was like an angsty scene and all but they made me crack up).
Peter yelling ‘don’t forget to use the spells’ is so USHAKAKNS. WHY?! and knowing he’s a spy…. have I mentioned that I want to rip my hair out? No? currently ripping my hair out.
…the chapter ending? the ending of chapter 7??? excuse me??? WHY DID SIRIUS DO THAT. the heartbreak I could feel from Remus. WTF. also I don’t think Sirius did it (the thing with Dearborn) but again, he’s an extremely unreliable narrator so who tf actually knows. idk tho. can I say I’m neutral unless it’s confirmed that he did or didn’t do it? what do u think? wolfstar is so problematic and low key toxic but DHSHJS I LOVE RHEM SM. GAH. also the paranoia in this chapter with Sirius suspecting Remus as the spy… WHY. WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY??!!!!!? canon compliant fics will be the death of me I swear. they’re like a drug you can’t get enough of with the full knowledge that it’s not that good for you. anywho. also Sirius is like ‘I wouldn’t settle down not because you don’t deserve it but because I don’t’ and I find that heartbreaking. :(( Sirius you are loved.
when I finish the next few chapters I’ll post another rant. tysm for reading!!
#marauders#the marauders#presque vu#bizzarestars#marauders era#the marauders fandom#marauders fandom#sirius black#remus lupin
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Part 7
I'm considering our little serial to be completed with this chapter. Thank you @forestwitch7 for the prompts, I enjoyed writing them. I was thinking we could continue our serials with a new prompt, and my asks are open if you want to see something that could be extended over the course of a week or longer. I do have a jealous Elain prompt (non-smutty) and a jealous Lucien prompt (smutty) that I want to complete, so if you're hoping to see either of those things, they are in the works.
As per usual, this is NSFW, 18+, edited with my eyes closed, and more soft than teasing. It's also the longest chapter thus far (as warning). These two dorks can't help themselves.
Elain was nervous when Lucien stepped into the River House, a stack of paperwork tucked beneath his arm. His eyes slid through the room, surveying the occupants without betraying his emotions. If he cared she sat there, needlework abandoned in her lap, he didn’t say. Rhysand met him just outside the hall and gestured for Lucien to follow. He left without a backwards glance. Starfall had happened weeks ago and though they’d had a nice night, he’d left the next day and hadn’t said a word since. She felt nervous and, if she was honest, a little hurt. It had been her first time being intimate with a man that way and she supposed she’d hoped he might…call on her that next day.
Take her on a real date. She’d fretted over his silence to the point of anxiety and now that he was back, she couldn’t untangle what it meant. Had he come to see her or for some urgent political matter that could not wait? Elain turned her thoughts over and over in her head until she was a mess. Feyre joined her, Mor at her side, the two unaware of Elain’s inner turmoil as they drank tea and discussed the previous evening at Ritas. Elain listened absently, letting herself tune out her own thoughts in favor of their excited gossiping.
“Elain?” Lucien’s voice cut through the chatter just as the sun began to set. All three women silenced, their eyes locked on his face. Besides Solstice, had anyone ever seen the two of them friendly in the same space? Judging from the surprise on both Mor and Feyre’s faces, Elain guessed not.
“Do you want to get dinner?” He asked smoothly, arms crossed over his hunter green jacket. His expression was almost a dare. Say no. Reject me in front of your family.
“Yes,” she replied, too breathless. No one in that room believed this was the first time he’d asked her to spend time with him after hearing her response. If there was any doubt, Elain knew she squashed it when she stood quickly, tossed her needlepoint onto the chair behind her, and walked confidently towards him. Lucien was smiling with such open affection it made her heart flutter.
She waited until they were out of the River House and walking down dark, paved streets before she asked, “Are we really getting dinner?”
“I do plan to eat,” he replied, causing her to flush. “Sorry I was gone for so long. There was a disturbance…but I thought I’d show you something.”
“Oh?” She asked, her heart pounding a near painful beat in her chest. Lucien only smiled, both eyes focused straight ahead.
He stopped her in front of a pretty brick building half covered in inching, leafy vines. Lucien pulled a silver key from his pocket, slid it into the door, and gestured for him to follow her. The interior was beige and housed two doors on either side of the walls, with a staircase leading up. Lucien walked her up two flights of stairs to the third floor and opened the door with a shiny number 7 hanging just above a peephole.
“I have an apartment in the city,” he told her with a wink, pressing a spare key into her hands. “I should have told you about it ages ago.”
“That’s okay,” she swore breathlessly, stepping inside. She wondered if Lucien had decorated it or if it came furnished. She supposed it musthave been him, given the rich oranges, browns, reds and yellows that stared back at her. It was very much an Autumn pallet, bright and lovely and put together by someone with an eye for art and fashion.
“You can come even if I’m not in the city,” he continued, walking her through the living room and down a hall where his bedroom lay. “If you ever need to get away…or you miss me.”
He said that last part like a joke. She opened her mouth to inform him she missed him all the time but got tripped up when her eyes fell on a huge, four poster bed hung with sheer white curtains. A bed. On the floor were dozens of fat red pillar candles and with a snap of his fingers, each sprang to life.
“You’ll get wax on the wood,” she whispered, frozen in the doorway.
“A small price to pay,” he shrugged, putting his hands on her shoulders. “You can say no, you know. It doesn’t have to be tonight.”
Elain nodded, her mind forcing her to compare the scene before her with her only other experience. The room had been dark and cold, sparsely decorated and entirely masculine. She’d just assumed that was the height of romance in the moment but even though Lucien’s room, too, was masculine, he’d softened it considerably with the candles and the draped curtains. Even the blankets were a soft brown with a cream-colored throw tossed over a corner, making his bedroom feel warm and inviting. She looked over her shoulder at him, unsurprised by the flame burning in that russet-colored eye. His gold eye was wholly fixed on her face, and she wondered if he could see past her flesh.
And though there had never been a choice in whether they would be together, hearing him tell her she could say no if she wanted, that he wasn’t in a hurry, did something to her. He made her feel seen, feel special.
Loved, even, though she was too afraid to admit that was what was happening out loud. What had started as her attempt to get Azriel’s attention, to distract herself from her own boredom, had become much, much more. She almost laughed at how different things were, how important Lucien had become to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck instead and pressed a kiss to his mouth.
“I want it to be tonight,” she told him softly, her lips touching his as she spoke. Lucien smiled, his skin practically glowing.
“Good,” he replied, hoisting her off her feet and into his arms. “Because I’m tired of waiting.”
Lucien dropped her to his bed, climbing onto the mattress with her. Elain yanked down his neatly made blankets as Lucien shucked off his shoes, jacket, and shirt. Her fingers moved towards the buttons at the back of her gown but he stopped her.
“Let me,” he asked, his voice rough with desire. She nodded, nervous and excited, shivering when his hair brushed over her collarbone and his fingers slid down her spine, quickly undoing the buttons of her dress. She watched, eyes wide, as he slid the sleeves slowly down her arms, the skin of his hands rough against her own.
Lucien leaned back, shirtless and gleaming beneath the flickering candlelight, eyes reverent. “You are so damn beautiful,” he murmured, reaching out to brush her cheek. The way he looked at her and the way she spoke the words made her feel as though her value to him was not just her beauty.
“No, you,” she replied, pleased when a flush stained his golden cheeks. He smiled, charmingly embarrassed by the compliment, before going back to her under garments. She let him fully expose her, resisting the urge to cover herself with her hands as she looked at her again, his jaw slack and eyes wide just as he’d been when she’d come out on Starfall. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. She wanted to tease him but something about his expression made her stop. Instead she settled back against the fluffy pillows on his bed and gestured for him to come to her.
He did without hesitation, his lips slotting between her own quickly. He poured all his unspoken words in the kiss as he settled between her body. She wanted to tell him, wanted to say the words but she was afraid she’d break the spell.
So she poured back. I love you. Don’t leave me again. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Lucien’s hips ground against her, proof of his want and Elain gasped as memory of his cock in her mouth flooded back. He was so very large, much bigger than Graysen had been. Would it hurt, she wondered, running her nails down his back.
“I can feel your thoughts,” Lucien gasped, nipping down the side of her neck. “I won’t hurt you.”
She frowned. Had he felt everything? “Yes,” he replied again, smiling against her skin. His fingers tweaked against her nipples, the sensation hooking roughly in her gut. He looked up, his face resting in valley between her breasts, his eyes impossibly soft. “I love you too, you know.”
She started to say it back, a giggle bubbling in her throat, but Lucien’s mouth clamped over one over sensitive nipple, and nothing felt funny anymore. Desire coursed through her veins, taking over her body just like the day he’d taken her in the garden. She felt needier now, desperate in a way she hadn’t then.
He surged forward again, kissing her hotly, his tongue messy against her own. It was a prelude to what he planned to do between her legs, and she wished he’d stop teasing her and get on with it. She was way too shy to just ask and when he broke the kiss, she whined, pushing his head down her body.
Lucien chuckled darkly, his breath warm on her cool skin. “Say please,” he whispered, rubbing the flesh of her thighs just close enough to the crease of her center without actually touching her. She lifted her hips and wondered if he’d deny her if she didn’t do as he asked.
“Please,” she begged, delighted at the groan that slipped from his throat.
“Embarrassing,” she teased, squirming against his fingers.
“Oh you don’t know the half of it, sweetheart,” Lucien crooned, lowering his mouth to her body. She squealed, delighted by both the nick name and how willing Lucien was to play along. Her thoughts vacated at that first swipe of his tongue, dragging her back to that place of limitless burning heat. She couldn’t take her eyes off him, his hair spread over his broad, muscular shoulders, one hand pressed against her lower abdomen to keep her pinned to the bed. His eyes were closed, the expression on the part of his face she could see utterly lost, as though he were experiencing some form of nirvana just by touching her. She could see his hips grinding against the bed in time with her own and she wished he wasn’t wearing pants. She wanted to see him fully undressed.
She felt electric beneath his touch, building up, up, upbefore she shattered around him with a scream and a fistful of his hair, forcing him to stay clamped between her trembling thighs. He didn’t stop, his tongue sweeping over her in quick, efficient circles until she was sobbing mess. She tugged and he came, his mouth covering hers with an intensity that excited her. She hooked her fingers in the waist of his pants and tugged.
“Impatient,” he tried to tease but the word was more groan. She watched him roll over and stand quickly to shuck off his pants.
“Wait!” She cried, drinking in the hard, naked, muscular body standing in front of her. Lucien shifted his weight from one foot the other other, his cock twitching beneath her gaze.
“Now who is beautiful?” She asked while he crawled back to her.
“Still you,” he promised, kissing her gently. She hesitated when she felt the crown of his cock notch against her entrance.
“Go slow,” she murmured. Though his expression seemed pained, Lucien nodded, his hair creating a curtain between the pair of them. She could pretend they were in their own little world where no one but them existed.
She sighed when he slid that first inch in, her body stretching but not in a painful way. It was pleasant and comfortable and by the time he was fully seated inside her, Elain regretted asking him to go slow. Lucien seemed to be strained above her, his body weight braced on his elbows beside her.
“Are you okay?” He gasped and she nodded, leaning up just enough to kiss him.
“You can move,” she told him with what she hoped was a sweet and not deranged smile. Lucien nodded, sliding himself out too slowly for her liking, grunting as he came back in. She let him for a moment, worried that perhaps he needed to prove to himself he wouldn’t hurt her, before she hooked her legs around him and drove her heels into his ass, forcing him to snap into her hard.
“Oh,” she gasped at the same time he did. “Again.”
Whatever leash Lucien held himself with vanished and Lucien thrust hard, the sound of their flesh meeting punctuating the silence around them. She was building again, writhing beneath him, doubly so when his hand snaked between them to rub quick circles over her already swollen clit. She was panting, begging.
“Harder,” she heard her voice plead, half stunned at the sound. “Don’t stop, Lucien, please.”
Lucien grunted again, sweat dripping down his back. “So fucking wet,” he groaned, the sound more animal than man. “So tight. Fuck, Elain—”
His words were drowned by the sound of her scream, so loud she was sure his entire building heard it. Lucien didn’t stop though the snarl that erupted from his throat made her shudder even as blinding white pleasure stole her last little sense of self. She was an extension of him and he the other half to her. Connected, Elain felt as though life suddenly made sense.
“Again,” Lucien demanded, somehow increasing his speed, pounding into her with an intensity that threatened to drive her mad. She was whimpering, her whole body overly sensitive beneath his hands. She moaned at the feel of one of his hands palming her breast, tweaking her nipples before gliding back to the quivering nub of flesh at her apex. “Again.”
And whatever it was that existed between them, the bond or their connected souls, made her desperately want to please him. She bit her bottom lip so hard she tasted blood, her hips unable to keep up with the pace he’d set, her thighs still trembling from her last release. He didn’t let up, even in the wake of her pleas.
“Please, Lucien. Lucien, Luci—” Her climax was edged with pain, the scream hoarse. Lucien growled with pleasure, pumping once, twice, and then once more before he held himself over her, groaning loudly with his own release. She could hardly catch her breath, her vision spotted, her body utterly wrung out when he collapsed atop her, head buried in the crook of her neck.
“Did I hurt you?” He asked, kissing along her jaw.
“No,” she whispered, her words threatening to turn to hysterical laughter. “You were perfect.”
His teeth tugged along her ear and though she was exhausted, more arousal speared through her.
“Are you hungry?” He asked, withdrawing himself from her body. She frowned, mewling with protest. Lucien merely smiled as he clambered from the bed, padded across the room, and returned with a warm rag to wipe her up with.
Elain propped herself up on her elbows to look at his flagging erection, his beautiful body, his absurdly lovely face. “I love you,” she said, tasting the words as she said them. Lucien beamed, seeming as though he were lit with some inner light only she could see. He tossed the rag back into the bathroom before joining her in the bed again. He dragged the blankets over them, cuddling her into his arms.
She smiled when he kissed the top of her head. “I love you, sweetheart. Are you hungry?”
“Yes,” She admitted, snuggling closer into his chest. “But it can wait.”
“Tell me what you want, Elain.” “You,” she said without hesitation. “With me, all the time.”
His thumb stroked over her cheek. “Consider it done.”
#elucien fic#elucien prompt#elucien smut#elucien#elain x lucien#@forestwitch7#seven whole parts can you beleive???#i had a great time
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Just One Day
Part 11 of the Boys with Luv series
Pairing: Reader x BTS, BTS x BTS
Summary: Someone from her past comes back
Warnings: Physical abuse, mental abuse, rape, swearing, kidnapping, hostage situation, suicidal thoughts
Tags: @calling-dips-on-j-hope, @fic-recs-by-moon, @luvtaeha, @aretha170, @xicanacorpse, @kookieebangtan, @fangirl125reader, @seoul9711, @channiespup , @lindsayjoy444, @fairygirl18, @black-rose-29, @bts-ot7-for-life, @meowmeowyoongles
AN: Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist and what you think of the series so far :) I purple you guys! Also, happy FESTA!!
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
Jungkook stretched and hummed in his chair as he saved the last copy of the song he was working on, his shirt riding up, exposing his stomach to the air conditioning that was circulating crisp, cold air around the room. He preferred his studio to be quite cold while he was working late as it would keep him awake, to the point where he would lose track of time and would only go home because one of his hyungs told him to either by calling him incessantly until he picked up or actually dragging him out of his studio.
He grabbed his bag from the couch behind him and began packing everything up quickly, wanting nothing more than to cuddle with Y/N and love her with everything he had. He grabbed her phone and glanced at the time. It was just past midnight. His gorgeous girl had left just under two hours ago and he felt bad because he had promised he would be an hour at the most. He made sure everything was properly turned off and logged out. He pushed his chair back under his desk with his foot before moving out of the studio and locking the door behind him.
He knew that when he got home everyone would be asleep. They normally stayed up until everyone was home, but if Y/N had told the others that he was close behind then they would have gone to bed, knowing that he would be back soon. He said a quick goodbye to the night guards before moving into the parking lot and getting into his car.
He drove quickly but carefully back. The streets of Seoul were quite quiet since it was the middle of the night, but it was something Jungkook found quite relaxing. He loved the glimmering of the streetlights and neon shop lights against the dark sky. There were no stars tonight - it was too cloudy, but Seoul made up for that, the lights on the tips of the skyscrapers becoming artificial stars. He wanted to take Y/N out for a date like this, driving through Seoul and then eating junk food on the hood of his car somewhere secluded while looking at the sky and scenery, enjoying each other’s presence. He would do that with her soon, when his schedule wasn’t as hectic.
He pulled into the underground parking lot of the group’s flat and jogged to their apartment, not being able to keep away from his gorgeous girl any longer. He needed her in his arms.
He unlocked the door and toed off his shoes, instantly being met with the sight of his hyungs sat together in the living room and no Y/N in sight.
“Where the hell have you been?” Yoongi asked, getting up and embracing the boy before taking hold of his ear and twisting it. Jungkook yelped in pain.
“I was in the Golden Closet. Didn’t Y/N tell you?” Jungkook moved to cup his ear to help with the pain but Yoongi stopped his hand. “Speaking of, where is my gorgeous girl?”
“We thought she was with you, Kook.” Hoseok replied.
“But she left before me, like two hours ago. Sejin-ssi picked her up. She said she would come straight here, hyung.” Jungkook explained, biting at his thumb nervously. His head was instantly filled with negative thoughts. Which if their car had been hijacked by saesangs? What if they had been in an accident?
“Jungkook!” Yoongi yelled, getting his attention. “I asked you a question?”
“I’m sorry, hyung, I didn’t hear you, can you please repeat it?” Jungkook took a shaky breath, feeling himself on the verge of a panic attack.
“I said are you sure Sejin-ssi picked her up?” Yoongi repeated himself.
“I don’t know, I think so. He did text me saying he had got her.” Jungkook collapsed on one of the sofas, holding his head in his hands. “Hyung, what if they got in an accident? What if a saesang intercepted the car?”
“Hey, hey, Yoongi hyung, calm down, you’re scaring him.” Namjoon said, putting his hands on the older’s shoulders and sitting him down. “Okay, now, Kook you need to calm down, okay? Don’t panic.” He noticed the maknae’s breathing speeding up and tears streaming down his face.
“I should have left with her when she said she was tired. I shouldn’t have stayed later. I just wanted to finish the song. It was me who suggested it.” Namjoon sighed and sat down, pulling the younger boy onto his lap.
“How about we call her? It’s most likely that she asked Sejin to stop for ice cream or something like that. You know how much of a sweet tooth she has.” Namjoon suggested, rubbing the maknae’s back to calm him down. He hated seeing him this upset.
“We can’t call her. She left her phone.” Jungkook said. “I should have followed her. I should have chased after her and given it to her when I realised she had left it. I’m a terrible boyfriend.” More tears poured down his face, his doll-like lips becoming pouted.
“Hey, no, you aren’t. We’ll just call Sejin, okay.” Namjoon reassured him. “Jungkook, you are not a terrible boyfriend. You are amazing. She loves you so much.” Namjoon looked over to the rest of the members. “One of you call Sejin-ssi. I’m going to get Kookie some comfortable clothes and then try and calm him down, okay?”
“I’ll call him.” Jimin volunteered, pulling out his phone. He tapped a few things on the screen and put the call on speaker. The ringing tone filled the room for a few moments before someone picked up. “Sejin-ssi?”
It was silent before someone spoke. Someone who was definitely not Sejin. “Hmm, no, how about you try again?” The person replied, making Jimin look up at his hyungs with wide eyes.
“Who is this? Why do you have Sejin’s phone?” Yoongi asked, his voice firm and serious. There was a chuckle from the other end of the phone and a noise that sounded like a whimper of pain.
“I’m surprised she didn’t tell you about me. I used to be her one and only and know she walks around acting like a little whore with not one but seven men and I need to correct that.” The man sounded menacing. Jungkook gulped and looked at Yoongi, his doe eyes full of fear. Yoongi looked like he was ready to murder someone, and Jungkook knew that he was going to take the main brunt of his anger.
“Jackson?” Yoongi had no emotion in his voice. This happened when he was really scared or really angry. It was like his body shut down any way he could be seen as weak.
“Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.” Jackson said snarkily. “I didn’t think your boyfriends were this dumb, but maybe they were in order to actually fall in love with someone like you.” His voice was quieter like he wasn’t talking into the phone. “Maybe you lured them in like the little slut you are. Desperate for attention and sex.” There was a loud thud and a cry of pain.
“Jackson stop! Please!” They heard you beg. Jungkook bit his lip, not wanting to hear his girlfriend being hurt and not being able to do anything about it.
“I never said you could speak, stupid bitch.” There was a slap and a stifled shout. “Wish I could speak longer but I have some things to do.”
“Wait, jagiya, we’re coming to find you. We’re not giving up on you. We love you.” Yoongi shouted just before the call was ended. There was a beep. Jimin shouted in frustration and threw his phone across the room.
“This is all my fault.” Jungkook whispered to himself.
“Damn right it is!” Yoongi shouted, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him up. “Why would you not go with her? How could you let her go by herself! What the actual fuck, Jungkook!”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think-”
“You never do! You only do what you want to do! You’re so selfish, Jeon Jungkook!” Yoongi was seething. Jungkook gulped. “Your sorry doesn’t fix anything! She is gone! She is back with that pathetic excuse for a man and is probably not going to make it! You know what she told me? If she was ever with Jackson again, she was going to kill herself! So tell me, Jungkook, what are you going to do? You’ve sent her down the river to her death! Because of you, she’s going to die!”
“Hyung!” Namjoon yelled, making Yoongi drop Jungkook. The maknae skittered away. There was a slam and then silence. “What the hell are you doing? You know how sensitive he is!” Namjoon was angry.
“Jackson has her, Joon. He intercepted Sejin and kidnapped her. He was beating her on the phone.” Yoongi’s voice was shaky. “And it’s all Jungkook’s fault. He should have left with her. He knows that Jackson is out there!”
“How the hell would Jungkook have known Jackson would have the balls to do something like this?” Namjoon asked with an edge to his voice. “He called Sejin to make sure she wasn’t walking home by herself! If he really didn’t care about her, he would have let her make her own way home.”
“If he cared about her, he would have taken her home himself!” Yoongi wasn’t having any of it. In his eyes, Jungkook was at fault here.
“Look, you’re angry and scared. We all are. But that does not give us the right to argue with each other. We need to stick together if we want to get her back.” Namjoon said, remaining calm. He had to. If he fell apart, they all fell apart. “You need to go and cool off. Go to your room and calm yourself down, and then you need to apologise to Jungkook. You’re his hyung, Yoon, and he needs you right now.”
Yoongi looked at his younger member and sighed. Namjoon was right. They couldn’t afford to be arguing with each other. It would make everything a whole lot worse.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Yoongi’s voice was quiet.
“Come on, hyungie. I think you need some Jiminie cuddles.” A small hand took his and pulled him up to his room. “Namjoon hyung, can you call the police, please.” Namjoon pointed to his phone and nodded.
Jimin lay down on Yoongi’s bed and opened his arms. “I’m the big spoon this time.” He said. Yoongi nodded and climbed onto the bed, settling into Jimin’s arms. It was then he allowed the wall to come down and dissolved into tears.
“She said she was going to kill herself, Min.” Yoongi sobbed. “She said she wouldn’t be able to handle being with him for any longer. I don’t. I can’t deal with losing her. I won’t be able to deal with losing her.”
“It will be okay, hyung. Joonie hyung is on the phone with the police now and since he has Sejin’s phone, they will be able to track it and see where they are. PD-nim had a tracker installed into the phone that can’t be turned off in case Sejin ever got kidnapped or we did. They’ll find her.”
“Yes, but if they find her, will they actually find her, or will she just be the shell of herself?” Yoongi said, resting the side of his head on Jimin’s chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.
Silence. Darkness. Pain.
The never ending cycle that Y/N was going through. Whatever Jackson had used to knock her out had caused the worse headache. It throbbed, each wave of pain being stronger than the last. She winced as she came around.
Her eyes felt like they were glued together. She tried to open them, but failed. Her eyelids felt too heavy. She also knew that if she opened them she would be faced with the impending doomed reality she was forced to deal with. The reality where she was back with Jackson and had been ripped away from her happy life with her boys.
It was then the most horrible thought flashed through her mind. What if it had all been a dream? What if she had made it all up? Those months where all her fear for Jackson had fizzled out, thinking she was safe? It was a false sense of security. In what world would BTS, the biggest boygroup in the world, be her soulmates? In what world would she deserve seven soulmates? There would only be one way to test if it was real. She had to open her eyes and see if everything was greyscale or full color.
She tried to open her eyes again, but failed. Had he glued her eyes shut? She reached up and felt along her eyelashes. It was crusty but it wasn’t sticky. She pried open her eyelids, pulling them apart with her fingers. She hissed slightly.
Her eyelids were unstuck now, but she didn’t want to open her eyes. She didn’t want to open them if the past months had just been a dream. Just open them Y/N, she thought to herself, just open them. You never know.
“Please don’t be grey. Please don’t be grey.” She whispered to herself, gingerly opening her eyes.
She looked around, realising that she was back in that bedroom. Her mother’s lamp was still on the bedside table, although there was a small dark brown stain on it now. Dark brown. That was a color. She breathed a sigh of relief. At least one thing was going well.
“Look who’s up.” A voice drawled. She looked over to the door and saw Jackson lounging against the frame, a belt idly swinging between his fingers. She gulped.
“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” She glared at him, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her head.
“Because I love you and you love me.” Jackson shrugged. “You belong with me, not with them.”
“I don’t love you, Jackson. I haven’t for a long while.” She spat.
Jackson gasped animatedly. “Someone has some nerve talking to me like that. Where are your manners? Guess I need to teach you again. Kneel and face the bed.”
Y/N ignored him, trying to stand up to him and show him that she wasn’t weak anymore and that she knew her worth and wasn’t scared of him. He slapped the belt across her face. Thankfully he was holding the buckle, but the impact still hurt. She cried out as he pulled her up by her hair and forced her into a kneeling position.
“Listen to me, stupid bitch.” He hit her harshly with the belt. “Just a few months away from me and all your training is gone. Looks like I’ll just have to be harsher with you.” He added a few more hits before throwing his belt somewhere else in the room. “Get on the bed.” He pulled her up by her hair, making her hiss in pain. “Now if you make a sound, I will make this so much worse for you.” He threatened.
Y/N gulped and nodded, allowing him to force her into a position on the bed. Her back and shoulders hurt so much. He forced her onto her hands and knees. He groaned. “Now that is a sight I have missed.” He rubbed his hands over her ass.
Y/N’s heartbeat sped up and her breathing quickened. Was he about to rape her? She tried to move away from him, but he grabbed onto her hips. “Stop!” He shouted, hitting her back over one of the open wounds from his belt. She cried out and crumpled forwards. He pressed his hips against her. “See how much I’ve missed you.” He was hard against her. She didn’t want this.
“Get away from me. Don’t. Please don’t.”
“I said no talking!” A harsh smack to her inner thigh followed before he ripped off her panties. She silently scolded herself for wearing a skirt. If she had been wearing jeans she would have been able to fight against this better. She would have had more time. She sobbed as she heard him push his jeans down. Before he could do anything to her, a phone started ringing.
“Fuck sake.” He groaned, answering it as he stroked over her lower back and thighs.
“Sejin-ssi?” It was Jimin. Y/N felt some relief flood through her body. She knew that Sejin had an unremovable tracker built into his phone that could not be switched off and she knew Jackson had no knowledge of it. Jackson dug his nails into her skin before he spoke.
“Hmm, no, how about you try again?” Jackson smirked, knowing he had full power here.
“Who is this? Why do you have Sejin’s phone?” Yoongi sounded angry. Y/N knew that he was not going to rest until he found her.
Jackson set the phone down and whispered into Y/N’s ear. “If you say one thing, I will kill you.” He threatened. “Now, shut up and be good.” He chuckled as he picked up the phone, pushing into the poor girl. She whimpered, the dry friction hurting her.
“I’m surprised she didn’t tell you about me. I used to be her one and only and know she walks around acting like a little whore with not one but seven men and I need to correct that.” Jackson rolled his hips against her, making her bury her head and cry. She didn’t know if they could hear her.
“Jackson?” Yoongi figured it out, but Y/N had just switched off. She hated this. She wanted out.
“Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.” Jackson said snarkily. “I didn’t think your boyfriends were this dumb, but maybe they were in order to actually fall in love with someone like you.” He reached down and grabbed his belt again. “Maybe you lured them in like the little slut you are. Desperate for attention and sex.” He brought the leather down against her skin, this time not holding the buckle. She felt the metal tear open her skin, leaving fresh wounds that would sometimes go over the ones he had already done. It hurt so much. Y/N just wanted it to be over. She couldn’t do this again. He hit her again, making her scream out in pain.
“Jackson, stop! Please!” She yelled, her hands curling in the sheets to relieve some of the pain.
“I never said you could speak, stupid bitch.” Jackson slapped her before grabbing his belt and wrapping it around her neck tightly. She could feel her air supply being cut off. She released a stifled scream, clawing at the leather around her neck. “Wish I could speak longer but I have some things to do.” He said into the phone.
Before he could hang up, Y/N heard Yoongi talking directly to her. “Wait, jagiya, we’re coming to find you. We’re not giving up on you. We love you.”
“Yoongi! I love you all too!” She yelled but Jackson had cut the call.
“Now... where were we?” He sounded menacing. Y/N sobbed as she felt him begin to move.
But now she had that small glimmer of hope that they would be able to find her. One day she would be out of here and she held onto that. For them.
#sub!reader#sub!taehyung#sub!jimin#sub!jungkook#switch!jin#dom!hoseok#dom!namjoon#dom!yoongi#bts ot7#bts#bts smut#bts fluff#bts x reader#boys with luv#soulmate au#just one day
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OKAY! Alright! Time to gather my Bridgerton S2 thoughts...
This post will more than likely be a long one and kinda ramble-y, dive in below the cut at your own risk. 😉
Obviously there will be spoilers. This is your warning, hehe. And please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas with me, I'd love to chat!! (And let us hope I can remember all the things I want to say...)
Overall, I REALLY liked this season. I liked it better than S1, but that's no hate to Saphne and their story. I very much enjoyed both for their own reasons. Also, I wish I had known to bring tissues for this season because SO MANY THINGS MADE ME CRY!
General thoughts on what I liked/didn't like:
I like how they interpreted Kate and Anthony's love story from the books. Meaning, I like how both characters in the show accepted/acknowledged that they loved the other - internally at least - but the reason they fought it so hard we due to a sense of duty. Versus in the book: Kate thinking she wasn't as pretty/desirable as her sister, and Anthony refusing to love because he was sure he was going to die young.
Going off of that, I liked the change that Anthony didn't want to marry for love because he didn't want to be the cause of the type of pain Violet went through if anything ever happened to him. This felt more real - in conjunction with the flash backs - rather than this arbitrary belief that he only had a few more years to live because he obviously wouldn't out live his father.
WOO! That sexual tension! Hot DAMN.
Anything and everything Benedict/Luke Thompson. He fucking SLAYED this season, and no one can say otherwise.
Also, I got to watch Luke dress down, and I am all for more Luke T skin in my life.
Pall Mall was AMAZING.
More Bridgerton brothers fencing!
The Bridgerton's failed ball, but watching Anthony bring the Bridgertons and Sharmas together with the country dance! OMG IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER. EVERYONE HAD SO MUCH FUN! Well for a moment at least.
I didn't like that they hurt Edwina in this story. I like how Edwina in the book cottoned on to how Kate and Anthony felt and helped bring them together. The only reason I am not in an absolute rage about it is because of the badass backbone she grew from the revelation. It hurt like hell to see her go through that when you kept wanting Kate to just talk to her, but Edwina grew so much from the situation and finally became her own person.
They didn't give me enough Newton. Newton is an agent of chaos. We got a few scenes of sass and one scene of chaos - fall in the river. Not nearly enough.
The Sheffields. They are assholes. (Good for the plot, but I just dislike them because they are assholes.)
The whole Jack/Prudence/Portia triangle thing. Like I know Jack wasn't actually involved with Pru, but as soon as he made moves on Portia I was uncomfortable. 🤢🤢🤢🪕🪕🪕
The Featherington mourning dresses. Those browns were rancid.
The fact there was no explanation for Frannie's "disappearance"
Character points:
I am surprised the man didn't have a heart attack in the beginning. Talk about your Type A personality. Granted the flashbacks gave us a lot of insight, so we know why he is the way he is, but holy fuck. I've never seen someone micromanage their life so much.
The fact that I heard him say the phrase "child baring hips" 😡😡😡. Fuck off.
The INTENSITY this man brings to his performance is AMAZING.
Also, he made me cry MULTIPLE times season. Watching Jonathan's face crack as he cries immediately makes me cry. I wasn't ready.
THE BEE SCENE! 1.) I need Jonny to never make that panic/emotional face ever again. That hurt. 2.) The feeling of the hearts!!! What I perfect way to reassure Anthony that she is okay, even if Kate didn't realize how poignant it was!!! BRILLIANT.
His whole speech when he says "I love you" to Kate at the end. BEAUTIFUL. Full heart on sleeve. A++++
It was like watching Anthony from S1. Which I'm sure was the point, but woo! Major deja vu.
Watching the battle of wits between her and Anthony: *chef's kiss*
Watching her struggles was so beautifully acted.
Also, I loved her little chat with Eloise. They played it out that those two could become close in future seasons. I'm here for it because that also plays into Ben becoming close with Kate, which I 1000% want.
I like how Kate kinda ended up being the one to finally give in and take the initiative when they first had sex. She said "yes let us finally do something for ourselves."
I love Kate. She is amazing, especially after she recognizes and acknowledges her issues. Yay for accepting happiness!
How. HOW!? Is it possible to have so much chemistry and have the act of "dancing around each other's faces, nearly touching" be SO DAMN HOT!? What is this witchcraft!? It was hotter than any of the damn sex scenes in S1. Everyone, I give you: the "female gaze". You're welcome.
Once they got together at the end, and seeing them so happy together was so beautiful. And I don't care that they made out in front of family. Those two idiots in love would so do that. And the family was happy for them, so 😛.
The snark from the beginning. Me and my dark ass humor love him.
He fucking MOOED at Eloise. 🐮🐮🐮
Watching him dump a whole ass pouch of drugs into his tea, down it, and proceed to get high af. A++++ However, I thought he was going to do more during the dinner. That scene felt too short 😂.
I guess Benedict and windows are a thing: he yells out of them, gestures out of them, ... and eventually climbs out of them to run to a lake - while sick - to get rid of a boner. Windows. Who knew? 🤷🏻♀️
Not only an artist, but he makes up poetry on the spot!? Sophie's a goner. She won't be able to resist his romantic ass. (I certainly can't.)
I GOT TO WATCH THE MAN STRIP, AND I GOT TO SEE HIS ASS. Not mad about it. 😇 (Frankly, I thought the scene with him sleeping with the model was going to be more of a thing. Guess not.)
I can only imagine how the news about Anthony's monetary contribution killed any and all ideas about who he thought he was becoming. Bring on the "#2/second son" gloomy thoughts. However, I was pleasantly surprised by Anthony's praise at the end when Ben confronted his brother about leaving the school. I'm glad his family seem to appreciate his abilities.
Boy! Did this poor girl go through the emotional rollercoaster this season! Social season stress, almost uncovering Lady W, finding someone she's attracted to, being threatened by the Queen, pushing away the man she's attracted to, scandalized by Lady W and then finding out her best friend has been keeping a secret that she is Lady W. THAT IS SO MUCH.
I felt bad seeing her so uncomfortable and feeling like she can't live up to expectations. However, seeing her with the giant feather in her hair in the beginning was quite humorous.
She did manage to make the Queen laugh, which was unexpected, but I loved!
Bless her for always sticking to her beliefs and ideals. She's a badass.
That last scene with Penelope. Holy. Fuck. SO MUCH EMOTION. But so good. I hate that she's hurt though. I have no idea how they will find their friendship again.
Other characters:
I didn't expect the Colin storyline where he outs Jack and protects the Featherington women. But I liked it! And I also liked how natural his changing feelings towards Pen felt, especially after what Marina said to him. But of course they had to throw in that heartbreaking line at the end. 😬😬😬
Boy, did Pen's Lady W secret really come for her at multiple angles this season! I wasn't expecting how quickly that was all going to happen. And again that ending was devastating between her and Eloise.
Speaking of Marina. I'm glad they seem to be treating her story well. Book Marina's story is very tragic, and I hoped show Marina's story would be somewhat easier on her. The poor thing deserves it. But I have NO idea how the show is going to bring Phillip and Eloise together.
Phillip you big ass botany nerd. 🤓🤓🤓
Seeing how excited Hyacinth became when Anthony asked her to dance! My heart!!! Just being the best big brother 💙.
Justice for Francesca!
I love seeing Lady D and Mama Bridgerton team up to play matchmaker. It makes me happy. Lady D has become this second Bridgerton parent and I'm here for it.
I will say, seeing Lady D RATTLED this year was a shock. I was not expecting that. HOWEVER, I think it made her more... human. Even those with that "fuck around and find out" attitude can hit bumps in the road.
The scene with Violet and Anthony after she tells him that Kate is awake also destroyed me. SOMEONE SHOULD HAVE WARNED ME I WOULD NEED TISSUES!
And Daphne!! I adored this more wise and mature Daphne. You can really see the growth from S1!!! 💙
Okay. My brain is shutting down. I don't think I can think of anything else right now. But PLEASE share your thoughts and feelings! I'd love to chat about this season 😊!!!
#bridgerton#bridgerton s2#bridgerton spoilers#first watch thoughts and feelings#kathony#bridgerton family
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