#damien wayne and marinette dupein cheng
Mari: Oh.
Damian: Oh.
Mari (frowns): Then why-
She watches Damian's face contort in restraint and confusion. He's never been good with feelings, never been good at holding back when he wanted to lash out. But she knew Dick had been teaching him control, and contrary to what most of his family believe, her new friend really has been trying his best at being normal.
Damian: I- I don't know, Marinette. I didn't grow up in a normal family or home for that matter. I was raised an heir to someone who calls himself the demon lord. But you already know my past, and you still accepted me. That means a lot to me. So surely, it should make sense to you that I am extremely protective of the few people in my life who for some unfathomable reason are able to accept me for who I am? Lila Rossi was a dead girl walking the moment she decided she hated you and lied about you. I do not care for her simpering flock that are your classmates and ex-bestfriend. But any threat to you, any attack on you, intentional or not, is an item added to my target list. You are not someone whose pain I can ignore. Not from the moment you pretended to be on a diet, broke your macaroon and shared half with me. And yes, Jon told me you asked him what flavor I liked because you just had to add your lucky guardian power to it so that it alleviates my agony from being dumped in the Lazarus Pit. I was horrible to you. You didn't have to show me compassion, and to help me, you went out of your way. So you can't blame me, Angel. Total evisceration is the kindness I could offer your enemies.
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One day at the park after class when the weather is fine...
Marinette: Tell me something I don't know.
Jon: (lifts a brow)
Marinette: What? Go on.
Jon (smirks): Alright. Damian loves you.
Marinette: No he doesn't.
Jon: Alright. Let's treat this logically. Why would he call you Angel if he isn't infatuated?
Marinette (calmly answers): Because we're friends and that is his friendly nickname for me.
Jon (looks offended): How the hell is vomited alien from planet K friendly to me then?
Marinette (chuckles): Ask him.
Damian (walks right on time, throws his things on the table and sits beside Mari): Here's your bag, Angel. And I got you ice cream. Strawberry vanilla with chocolate and pistachio, just as you like.
Marinette (beams and kisses his cheek, like a friend of course): Thank you.
Damian (blushes and coughs but hides it in a book.)
Jon (looking at Mari): Tell me I'm wrong again. It's obviously mutual.
Mari (licking ice cream): No, it's not.
Damian: What are we talking about?
Jon: The fact that you're an unfair friend since you didn't get me ice cream.
Damian (scoffs, pulls out a chocolate bar from his bag and flicks it at Jon.)
Jon: Oh, chocolate! You know me so well. Thanks!
Marinette: (laughs and leans her head on Damian's shoulder)
Damian (adjusts to accommodate her): Sleepy?
Marinette: Jon told me something today.
Damian: What is it?
Jon: That you love her.
Damian (freezes.)
Marinette (burries her face in her hair and tries to pull back.)
Damian (recovers): Oh.
Jon (looks outraged at the nonchalance): Oh? What oh? YES OH!
Damian: Well, he's not wrong.
Marinette: (freezes then)
Damian (calls softly, looking her in the eyes): Angel...
Marinette: Ye-yes?
Damian: Does that make you uncomfortable?
Marinette: Uhm...n-no. It really doesn't.
Damian: Ok then.
Damian (smiles subtly. Mari thinks he looks radiant. He picks up her hand, and she lets him.)
Jon (jumps up from his sit, eyes wide like an owl before exploding into manly squeals on their behalf): YES!!! I WIN! The bats owe me a hundred bucks each!
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Marinette and Damian walking leisurely at the park...
Marinette: (stops walking then takes a deep breath)
Damian: Angel?
Marinette: You know what I think?
Marinette: I think...I think you love me.
Damian: (freezes)
(30 seconds of silence)
Damian: What- what makes you say that?
Marinette: You just...(sighs) Everything you do, and everything you say, and everything I hear people say you do and say behind my back...They all point to the same conclusion. You love me Damian Wayne. Do you deny?
Damian: (looks somewhere between torn and constipated, but still manages to look handsome, it's ridiculously unfair)
Marinette: (bites her lip not to chuckle, her eyes and brows giving him a bold look that says 'I dare you to lie to me')
Damian: (lips twitches to restrain a very, very rare smile of his own)
Damian: (takes all of five seconds to decide, and when he's done, he squeezes the hand he's been holding since he'd opened the car door for her, before pulling her closer to him so they're almost chest to chest, she blushes)
Damian: What makes you think I just love you? I'm mad for you. I'm absolutely, unabashedly, reverently in love with you...(cradles her cheek with his free palm)...Marinette Dupein-Cheng.
Marinette: (squeaks, but he wouldn't let her move away)
Marinette: I- I-
Damian: (smirks)
Damian: But tell me. What gives? Why ask me now Angel?
Marinette: (looks everywhere but him)
Damian: (brows rise as he gives her a look that says 'Go on. I need to hear this.')
Marinette: Dick said that-
Damian: Replacement said what?
Marinette: You know it isn't polite to call your big brother that-
Damian: You're evading, Angel. It's unbecoming of you.
Marinette: (stomps her foot and pulls away. This time, he lets her.)
Marinette: He said that you always look happy when I'm around, and that your aura is just different...lighter, like you could breathe freeier...like the weight isn't there...He said that he likes seeing you like that so I should come over more often...
Damian: (looks stunned)
Marinette: (looks up to shyly meets his gaze)
Damian: Well, he's not wrong.
Marinette: (blinks)
Damian: So what do you want me to do about it?
Damian: (suddenly looks uncomfortable, nervous and dare she even say, afraid)
Marinette: (takes her time staring, awed that she could cause such a reaction from him)
Marinette: (shock morphs into a blinding toothy grin, and surprises them both when she crosses the very short space between them to wrap her arms around his torso)
Damian: (looks surprised for a moment, arms already moving to embrace her back before his brain could remember a simple truth. As if he could ever deny her)
Damian: Angel?
Marinette: (buries her face in his collarbone, eyes tearing in overwhelming happiness)
Marinette: Nothing. Just...just keep being you. I really like who you are now Damian...But if you decide to change one day, can you just keep loving me anyway? Because I think...I know...that's what I want to do.
Damian: (breathes loudly and hugs her tighter)
Damian: Of course.
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