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the-one-true-vexxter · 1 year ago
Queen Selena 🌃👑
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Full Name: Queen Selena
Nicknames: Her Majesty, Sel (family only)
Universe: Dalin (modern)
Species: Vampire
Age: 41 years old
Birthday: November 14th
Height: 6'0"
Pronouns: She/Her (cis female)
Orientation: Definitely attracted to men, unsure otherwise
Occupation: "Queen of Vampires" (really just the queen of the main union of vampires in northern Dalin)
Abilities: As a vampire, she would be naturally quick, light, and agile compared to the average human - if she weren't mostly restricted to her castle as vampire royalty. She also has perfect vision in dim light (though daylight is nearly blinding), and heightened senses of smell and hearing. When well-fed, she can quickly heal most wounds (even some that would be fatal for a human) and rarely deals with scarring.
Basic Personality: Selena is serious, methodical, and dignified, and acts the part of a stern yet caring ruler. She easily comes off as cold and suspicious, especially toward humans and other outsiders, as safety has always been her top priority. This goes doubly for her own family, as she's quite the doting (single) mother to her 5-year-old son, Prince Morgan - though she's more than slightly overprotective. Her temper is quick and harsh, and she's not afraid to put others in their place if it's warranted, but underneath it all is an undying commitment to her own people... and the constant stress that comes with defending them from the threat of the Church of Avacus and the League of Huntsmen.
Likes: Coffee, dogs, roses, her family, deep conversations, literature, red wine, safety, sapphires, order, solitude
Dislikes: The Church of Avacus, most humans, anyone who threatens her family or people, chaos, loud noises, the sunlight, feeling exposed or vulnerable, reckless people
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canvasmirror · 7 months ago
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Salvador Dalí (Spanish, 1904-1989) • Soft Self-Portrait with Grilled Bacon • 1941 • Dalí Museum, Figueras, Spain
He wanted it to be an “anti-psychological self-portrait,” to paint the outside instead of the soul, or as he called it, “the glove of myself.” There is also a piece of bacon and ants in the portrait, to symbolize his generosity in offering himself to be eaten by the media, and to act as inspirational “food” that succulently nourishes our time.
– exerpt from MARCOPANTELLA blog: An interview with Montse Aguer, Director of Dalinian studies at The Dalí Theater-Museum in Figueres.Dalí Museum, Figueras
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alexiahulea · 8 months ago
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"The first man to compare the cheeks of a young woman to a rose was obviously a poet; the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot.
I have Dalinian thought: the one thing the world will never have enough of is the OUTRAGEOUS."
- Salvador Dali
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pavindu-mga2022mi6021 · 9 months ago
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my-chemical-rot · 10 months ago
Spending far too much time researching Dalinian symbolism & the paranoiac-critical method & Salvador Dalí’s sex life is great bc now whenever I look at Dalí paintings with people, while they’re going “wow it’s so strange and dreamlike… what could it possibly mean… wow…” I’m going “This is about how scary vagina is 👍”
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motolesechloe · 1 year ago
non accettare idee o immagini che po- tessero dar luogo a una spiegazione razionale, psicologica o culturale. Aprire le porte all'irrazionale. Accogliere solo le immagini che colpiscono senza cercare di sapere perché.
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Se dovessi scegliere i tre luoghi al mondo che hanno lasciato in me l'impressione di mistero più profonda, direi che la scala dello 'Chabanais' è il posto più misterioso e laido a livello erotico, il teatro del Palladio a Vicenza il più misterioso e divino dal punto di vista estetico e l'ingresso della tomba dei re di Spagna all'Escurial il più misterioso e bello del mondo tra quelli funebri. Perché per me l'erotismo deve essere sempre laido, l'estetica divina e la morte bella".
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L'Angelus (1857-59) di Millet, che dipingerà successivamente sotto forma "architettonica", come evocazione di un certo Atavismo del crepuscolo, o con il titolo Reminiscenza archeologica dell" "Angelus" di Millet.
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Dalí accumu- lava le idee che altri, purtroppo, realizzavano senza di lui, o quasi unghie artifi- cali con piccoli specchi per guardarsi, manichini trasparenti per le vetrine con il corpo pieno d'acqua dove nuotavano pesci rossi a imitazione della circo- azione sanguigna, mobili in bachelite modellati sul profilo dell'acquirente, un paio di seni finti supplementari per la schiena che avrebbero potuto rivoluzio- mare la moda nei cent'anni successivi,
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"La bellezza sarà commestibile o non sarà affatto"
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"Mi ossessionava il presentimento della guerra civile. Pittore dei parossismi viscerali, sei mesi prima che scoppiasse la guerra in Spagna terminai Premonizione della guerra civile spagnola, quadro decorato con fagioli secchi bolliti, in cui un grande corpo umano pullula di braccia e gambe che si strangolano a vicenda nel delirio. Premonizione della guerra civile, il titolo che avevo dato a questo dipinto sei mesi prima dell'inizio della guerra, si inserisce pienamente tra le profezie daliniane"
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Metamorfosi di narciso
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Non sono io il clown!", si difendeva Dalí, "bensì questa società mostruosa- mente cinica e così ingenua e incosciente che gioca a far la seria per nascondere meglio la sua follia. Perché io non lo ripeterò mai abbastanza - non sono pazzo. La mia lucidità è divenuta persino di qualità e quantità tale, che non esiste in questo secolo un individuo più eroico e prodigioso di me e, a parte Nietzsche (che, fra l'altro, è morto pazzo), non se ne trova l'equivalente neppure in altri secoli. La mia pittura ne è una testimonianza".
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cityperfumeau · 5 years ago
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Fabulous Srinagar is an invitation to an enchanting journey through olfactory sensations This beautiful collection is available exclusively to @cityperfume - - - #dalihauteparfumerieofficial #dalihauteparfumerie #fabulouscollection #fabuloussrinagar #srinagar #journey #fragrance #eaudeparfum #parfum #nichefragrance #hauteparfumerie #luxuryperfumes #lips #dalinian #sensuality #addictive #elixir #sumptuous #gourmandfragrance #orientalfragrance #savoirfaire #dali #afterpay #qantas #Zippay #amex https://www.instagram.com/p/CAAXaclgpeg/?igshid=7hcg5csd6yb4
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nako-doodles · 3 years ago
Shirley... Honey..... Why I love that lobster holding man so much??????
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hes the greatest lobster phone-wieldjin human <3
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arinewman7 · 5 years ago
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The Trojan Horse, 1971
(The Dalinian Horses)
Salvador Dali
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its-deniz · 3 years ago
Surrealist footsteps of Dali
Surrealist footsteps of Dali
Recently I was at a digital exhibition, sitting in a huge empty building watching clocks melting on the walls and elephants with giraffe legs walking to the music of Pink Floyd and I was smiling ear to ear. This is the world of Dali, maybe the most famous Surrealist artist of all time. I remember seeing the The Persistence of Memory for the first time.  I was in the middle of one of my time &…
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noxeus · 4 years ago
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the-one-true-vexxter · 1 year ago
Ransley 🫖🌑
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Full Name: Ransley Matthew Armandy Nicknames: Rans (not recommended) Universe: Dalin (modern) Species: Vampire Age: 25 years old Birthday: March 16th Height: 6'2" Pronouns: He/Him (cis male) Orientation: Asexual, aromantic Occupation: Gatherer, work partners with Eris (basically, he crosses the border between the vampire and human worlds to bring blood back to feed the vampire community) Abilities: He's quick and agile compared to the average human, even if he's on the slower side as vampires go, and has perfect vision in dim light/moonlit nights (though daylight is blindingly bright). His senses of smell and hearing are also heightened, and when well-fed he can heal most wounds (even those fatal to humans) quickly and rarely with scarring - though he is not completely invulnerable to certain kinds of weapons and attacks. Basic Personality: Ransley is a very up-and-down character. He can go from the rational "straight man" in the situation, to reactive and intense, and it can be hard to predict what you'll get with him. As a whole though, he's responsible and safety-oriented, though he can be overly vigilant and protective thanks to trauma. But underneath all that is an empathetic and kind heart, that can't stand to see others hurt, and a traditional sense of honor. He's mature for his age and more of a listener than a talker, but he does have a dry, matter-of-fact sense of humor. Likes: Tea of all kinds, sleeping, having control over a situation, wit, privacy, antiques, the seaside, safety, quiet places, classical music, Eris half the time Dislikes: Coffee, reckless people, taking risks, priests, most humans, talking about his family, loud people, snakes, his job, crude humor
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maximumslogandensity · 4 years ago
I had decided to make a speech at this exhibit, but from inside a deep-sea diver's suit, to symbolize the subconscious. I was put into the outfit, even including the leaden shoes that nailed me to the spot. I had to be carried up to the stage. Then the helmet was screwed and bolted on. I started my speech behind the glass facepiece in front of a microphone which of course picked up nothing. But my facial expressions fascinated the audience. Soon they saw me open-mouthed, apoplectic, then turning blue, my eyes revulsed. No one had thought of connecting me to an air supply and I was yelling out that I was asphyxiating. The specialist who had put the suit on me was nowhere to be found. I gesticulated in such a way as to make friends understand that the situation was becoming critical. One of them grabbed a pair of scissors and tried in vain to cut a vent in the fabric, another tried to unscrew the helmet and, when that did not work, started banging at the bolts with a hammer. My head pounded like a ringing bell and my eyes teared with pain. I was being pulled and pushed every which way. Two men were trying to force the mask off, while a third kept striking blows that knocked me out. The stage had turned into a melee from which I emerged as a disjointed puppet in my copper helmet that resounded like a gong. At this, the crowd went wild with applause before the total success of the Dalinian mimodrama which in its eyes was a representation of the conscious trying to apprehend the subconscious. I almost died of this triumph. When finally they got the helmet off I was as pale as Jesus coming out of the desert after the forty-day fast.
Dali, How One Becomes Dali
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tamsoj · 4 years ago
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Salvador Dalí, from The Unspeakable Confessions of Salvador Dali, “The Earliest Dalinian Memory”
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huariqueje · 6 years ago
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La Pedrera, Barcelona *  -    Oscar Tusquets , 2019.
Oil on canvas, 116 x 76 cm.
*La Pedrera is located in Calle Provença, but I prefer it to be placed in Cap de Creus, as the Dalinian model in the background  . Oscar Tusquets
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thetransversespectator · 2 years ago
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Dalinian iconography is as diverse as it is opaque. Various reiterative figures such as supports, ants, soft pearls, shoes, jumproping girls, and clocks have been analyzed to reflect a range of psychoanalytic interpretations, and yet no textual evidence exists to support a traditional iconological evaluation of their meaning in light of each figure's facture; its bare existence at a precise moment in time and space, on a unique canvas, for a discrete and critically legible reason. This is perhaps a feature of Dali's method of forming images, in which symbols represent not ideas, but rather impulses. The figure marks a disparate field of associations in the artist's mind as he experiences the urge to create it, not a stable, isolable concept that can be entwined in a semiotic relationship. For this reason, the question of a Dalinian iconography is generally considered a dead one, at least outside of the realm of pop psychology.
However, a different kind of iconography emerges in Dali's portraits, in which the artist utilizes classical iconography in playful and destabilizing ways. It is not until the Portrait of Ann Green, however, that this traditionally iconographic method collides with the impulsive anti-iconography of the paranoiac-critical method. Here, representations of the patron's life coexist with aberrant symbols of the unconscious within a systematic pictorial statement on a psychoanalytic theme: the trauma of birth. Considering this image suggests an outline of Dalinian iconography; an analysis of the picture  thus provides a possibility to define it.
Proceeding from this analysis, we argue that Dalinian iconography is inherently inter-pictorial, and perhaps, many of the opaque impulsive tendencies of the paranoiac critical method may, in fact, encode cogent, methodical statements that have simply never been uncovered.
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