#dal quor
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lowtideandhightea · 2 years ago
im being SO normal abt the quori appearing in dnd tonight
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nephrastar · 1 year ago
I'd like to hear how queer friendly Eberron is.
You got it.
The biggest part of this would be two of the races in Eberron -- Changelings and Kalashtar.
Changelings are the end result of a millennia of doppelganger/human relations, and therefore are capable of being whatever gender they damn well please. And, at least in 3.5e, they're canonically altersex in that they can have both sets of genitals at once.
They're the closest thing to genderfluid you can get, and for them in particular, switching genders is about as much of a habit as us flipping a light switch. While this isn't necessarily confirmed by the lore, it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of Changelings were utterly confused by the social construct of gender because of this. It was definitely the case of Ash when they were younger. Nox knew from a young age only because his father is human, but they still think gender as a social thing is bullshit anyway.
Some changeling cultures also embrace polyamory in the sense that they've got multiple partners, but they only show specific personas for those partners, or in Ash and Nox's case, they'll fool around with other people on their own time in differing personas, but only get intimate in their true changeling forms with each other and nobody else.
Then you've got the Kalashtar, who are basically a combination of humans who have willfully fused themselves with Quori Souls. The Quori are basically aberrations from the plane of Dal Quor that tried to take over the world of Eberron 40,000 years ago but dragons intervened and shunted their plane of existence away so that it can never be in the same space-time as the material plane. 1,800 years ago, a handful of rebellious Quori escaped Dal Quor, by means of human monks from Sarlona who were willing to merge with them, giving birth to the Kalashtar.
In particular, if you read both Races of Eberron and Secrets of Sarlona, you'll notice that the Quori Taratai (who's female) is referred to as both female and male, because she bonded with the human monk Hazgaal (Who's male.) If you read Keith Baker's blog (which, considering that he made the setting, is considered canon as far as I am concerned,) he addresses this, saying that there is a lot of similar disconnects between human/quori mergings, and therefore there is a great deal of gender fluidity within kalashtar culture, but more on a spiritual/social level than a physical level like Changelings are (in my interpretation at least.)
Kalashtar in 3.5e are kinda weird for a couple of reasons, for one, they use psionics rules, which psionics in that edition was... well it was a mess. And for two, the lore made it sound like the Quori just took over human bodies and it was left open to interpretation on whether or not that was consensual. Both in 5e and in Keith's writings since though, he's made it clear that it's a consensual merging. So less spiritual possession fuckery and more... weird magic/psionic marriage. lol.
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kythriscourierseberron · 8 months ago
Ah, yes. I forgot to mention. Chalice temporarily became the first Warforged aasimar, we uncovered a dragon that was cursing Sardon’s family, we started to rid Sharn’s Deneith house of the Quori infestation, the elves can dream (and apparently Elaen is a champion of Shan Tolai?), Shae Tirias Tolai has been restored, Mayari killed a Quori and sent it back to Dal Quor, and there are now 67 kalashtar lineages as opposed to 66. So… we have been quite busy, as you can imagine.
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jaesmart · 1 year ago
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My new D&D character now that my kalashtar wizard Lavinia has (maybe??) ascended into Dal Quor as a dream dragon! His name is Bison Wardrider, he’s a Shifter drakewarden, and he can tell this adventuring party ain’t from round these parts. He and his ornery drake companion Cowbird are local guides in Argonnessen, and they’ll gladly point the way to the nearest rogue dragon…
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xykos-of-eberron · 1 year ago
The creation of eberron
Now while the eberron you live on is rather different than mine. It is quite interesting how it is told to be made
First! Three primordial dragons!
Siberys, Khyber, and Eberron! Now these sisters made all of the planes! Dal quor, kythri, mabar, all of em!
Eventually they all collaborated on crafting the material plane! But Khyber wanted it all! She saw it and decided to attack siberys! Her blood spilling and granting magic to the world! Eberron seeing this, and knowing she couldn't beat Khyber decided to imprison her in herself. Khyber became.. well Khyber, eberron became the earth, and siberys became the ring!
His story is amazing and speaks as to how your native dragons are more adept with magic and seem... Allergic to psionics!
My next chapter shall be about your strange dragonshards made from your blessed dragons
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angelsndragons · 2 years ago
so what i’m getting here is that ruidisborn are exandrian kalashtar huh. from the eberron book:
The virtuous spirits tied to the kalashtar fled from the dream-realm of Dal Quor to escape evil spirits that dominate it. The rebel quori believe that through meditation and devotion, they can change the fundamental nature of Dal Quor, shifting the balance from darkness to light. Most kalashtar communities focus on acts of devotion known as the Path of Light. But the dark powers of Dal Quor have their own plans for Eberron. Through the force known as the Dreaming Dark, these monsters manipulate the folk of Khorvaire to eliminate kalashtar whenever possible.
Many kalashtar defend themselves from the Dreaming Dark by focusing on devotion to the Path of Light. Others, though, seek out the agents of the Dreaming Dark and oppose their plans, or protect the innocent however they can. Still other kalashtar grow up isolated, knowing nothing about Dal Quor or the Dreaming Dark. Such orphans might use their abilities for personal gain or otherwise act against the virtuous instincts of their quori spirits; this can cause internal conflicts and violent mood swings.
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thetrevisostabber · 1 year ago
on one hand: confirmation of the alternate timelines, and that connor has died a lot of times as well as been a risk to others by getting possessed by quori (some idiot got tied to dal quor in the first timeline by the giants of xen'drik and she's weird now)
on the other hand: connor has a date
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reddragoncrush · 2 years ago
what were your characters' tests of siberys like, if that was a thing for them?
many of them did take their test of siberys! for any non-eberron followers, the dragonmarked houses will often test their younger house members to induce a mark in them- in my dm's world the tests take place in pocket dimensions of dal quor so the entire test can be a reality that is shaped around the test-taker and the goal of it is to induce heavy enough stress that the mark manifests for survival or just because the subject is fucking worked up enough.
notable exception is aurora "motherfucker" d'cannith, who had an ocd-induced panic attack at age 9 and accidentally made it appear.
becket d'deneith: took it at 15. his test was a military struggle as you would expect from deneith, but his test was not on fortitude or mettle, it was about strategy, and was effectively from the perspective of the queen in a chess game. ultimately he had to make a call to sacrifice half his forces in order to win. it was a lesson that, while becket passed and earned him his dragonmark, he failed to like. and what was kinda the straw that broke the camel's back wrt him staying near any deneith enclave.
connor delacey, former thuranni: took it nearing 80. she failed her test and it was a nasty thorn in her side for a while. her #1 fear is of heights, so naturally her test was shaped around overcoming that fear- she could either chase her assassination target through an active construction site in the city of towers, dangerously high in the air and on unsteady terrain, or she could fail. ultimately her fear of heights locked in too hard and her target escaped! whoops. this contrasted badly with her brother ilixidor passing with flying colors.
elijah i'm still figuring out lmao. ripley, ario, and ilixidor each have their own stories, but they're also not my ocs so! and any other marked characters i have are aberrant marked and thus just got a nasty surprise at some point <3
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the-dragonshard · 7 months ago
Manifest zones/planar portals:
Dal Quor (theoretical) or Syrania
Dolurrh or Shavarath
Risia or Syrania
Caves are weirder and more varied than you think
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 5 months ago
Al via il Pride Park di Napoli
Ha aperto i battenti a Piazza Carlo III, la seconda edizione del Pride Park di Napoli. Anche quest’anno, nello storico palazzo monumentale si alterneranno eventi culturali, politici e artistici nel segno dell’inclusione e della condivisione. L’Albergo dei Poveri ospiterà anche, martedì 25 giugno, alle ore 10.00, alla presenza del Sindaco Gaetano Manfredi e dell’Assessore Emanuela Ferrante, la conferenza di presentazione del Napoli Pride 2024 in programma a Napoli, sabato 29 giugno. "L’adesione del Comune al Pride – ha affermato l’Assessora Ferrante – è il segnale di quanto questa Amministrazione sia sensibile al rispetto delle persone e pronta a condannare qualunque forma di discriminazione. Con i tempi che corrono, è necessario manifestare e diffondere tale messaggio con un segnale forte e colorato, affermando con determinazione l’impegno e la costanza nella difesa dei diritti" Pride Park di Napoli, seconda edizione La seconda edizione del Pride Park di Napoli, fortemente voluta dal Sindaco di Napoli, Gaetano Manfredi, è organizzata dal comitato Napoli Pride (Antinoo Arcigay Napoli, ALFI le Maree, Associazione Trans Napoli e Pride Vesuvio) in collaborazione con il Comune di Napoli.Tra gli ospiti della prima giornata l’ex Presidente della Camera, Roberto Fico, da sempre vicino alle istanze delle persone LGBTQIA+, e ad aprire il Pride Park l’Assessora per le Pari Opportunità Emanuela Ferrante. Sabato 22 giugno, alle ore 17:30, nella sala conferenza del Pride Park, avrà luogo un talk su CENTRI ANTIDISCRIMINAZIONE E STRUTTURE D’ACCOGLIENZA PER PERSONE LGBTQIA+ a cui interverranno: SERGIO MAZZOCCA (Servizio antiviolenza e pari opportunità del Comune di Napoli), ALESSANDRO BATTAGLIA (Presidente associazione Quore e referente progetto ToHousing), GIORGIO ZINNO (Sindaco di San Giorgio a Cremano), ANTONELLO SANNINO (Casa delle Culture e dell’Accoglienza delle persone LGBTQIA+ di Napoli e Codice Rainbow Caivano), CARLO CREMONA (Casa accoglienza LGBT Questa casa non è un albergo), PAOLO RUSSO (Centro antidiscriminazione LGBT Pomigliano d’Arco). Da remoto, si collegheranno i delegati dei Centri d’accoglienza di diverse città italiane. Nella stessa giornata, alle ore 21:00, un gruppo di attrici e attori del format di successo DIGNITÀ AUTONOME DI PROSTITUZIONE, creato e diretto da LUCIANO MELCHIONNA, irromperà con la sua consueta esuberanza iconoclasta nello spazio del Pride Park. Il programma per domenica La giornata di domenica 23 giugno sarà dedicata, invece, a tematiche connesse alla scuola e alla legalità. Dalle 18:00 alle 19:00, nella sala conferenze, si svolgerà un talk su scuola, identità alias e bullismo, a seguire avrà luogo l’evento centrale della giornata, dedicato al lavoro e al drammatico fenomeno dell’usura a partire dall’opera teatrale CRAVATTARI del drammaturgo e regista FORTUNATO CALVINO, pièce che, proprio quest’anno, festeggia trent’anni di successi. Sarà l’occasione per assistere al film tratto dallo spettacolo teatrale e per approfondire l’argomento con un talk a cui parteciperanno lo stesso FORTUNATO CALVINO (drammaturgo e regista), GILDA CERULLO (Scenografa  e insegnante all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli), VITTORIO CICCARELLI (Direttore generale per la Campania della Fai), ROSARIO D’ANGELO (referente regionale FAI), NINO DANIELE (Presidente del Premio Amato Lamberti , LUIGI FERRUCCI (Presidente FAI -Federazione delle Associazioni Antiracket e Antiusura Italiana), DIEGO GUIDA (editore), RENATO LORI (Scenografo e insegnante dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli) e alcuni attori del cast di Cravattari.  Coordinano il talk Mara Biancamano e Claudio Finelli. La due giorni di lunedì e martedì Le giornate di lunedì 24 e martedì 25 giugno, dedicate rispettivamente alla Transizione ecologica e all’immigrazione (24 giugno) e alla Costituzione (25 giugno), recepiscono il supporto organizzativo dell’Associazione Aperitivo Resistente. Lunedì 24 giugno, alle ore 19:00, dopo lo svolgimento di una conferenza internazionale organizzata dall’associazione iKen, sarà la volta del talk LA PACE PER L’AMBIENTE: CRISI CLIMATICA, GIUSTIZIA AMBIENTALE E DIRITTI a cui parteciperanno: ANNAMARIA ARNESE (Greenpeace), ANTONELLA CAPONE (Alfi Le Maree), ANNA FAVA (Italia Nostra), MARIA LIONELLI (Slow Food), ROBERTO MEZZALAMA (Ingegnere Ambientale) , GUIDO SANNINO (Rigenera) , ANTONELLO SANNINO (Antinoo Arcigay Napoli). Modera: VINCENZO CAPUANO (Aperitivo Resistente). Diritti e Costituzione Martedì 25 giugno, sempre alle 18:00, si discuterà di Costituzione con l’evento: DIRITTI E COSTITUZIONE: NON VOGLIAMO CAMBIARLA VOGLIAMO ATTUARLA, Tavola Rotonda organizzata da Aperitivo Resistente con FRANCESCO AMORETTI (ANPI), MAURIZIO DE GIOVANNI (Scrittore), EMMA FERULANO (Chi Rom E Chi No), ANDREA MORNIROLI (Dedalus), CHIARA PICCOLI (Alfi Le Maree), MASSIMO VILLONE (Coordinamento Per La Democrazia Costituzionale), NOOR SHIHADEH (Attivista). Modera e interviene per Antinoo Arcigay Napoli: Vincenzo Capuano. Martedì 25 giugno sarà la volta anche dell’evento dedicato alla GIORNATA INTERNAZIONALE DEL RIFUGIATO con la presenza di MATTIA PERADOTTO, coordinatore dell’Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. La conclusione Dal 26 al 28 giugno, il calendario diventerà ancora più fitto d’eventi con OMAGGIO A ENZO MOSCATO a cui prenderanno parte ISA DANIELI, CRISTINA DONADIO, IMMA VILLA, GINO CURCIONE, EMILIO MASSA e GIUSEPPE AFFINITO (mercoledì 26 giugno alle 18:30); con la giornata dedicata al corpo e alla libertà (giovedì 27 giugno); con gli eventi politici e culturali imperdibili dell’ultimo giorno del Pride Park, dedicato a politica e diritti. Read the full article
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dragonsfell · 9 months ago
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so CK's eberron campaign, which was homebrew, had a pretty disjointed story but i will be making some references toward that
most of this won't be super important or make CK powerful, but things that are vaguely canon to Ck, that they can reference as more fun lore for me to share in BG3 based interactions (causse i love lore/world building and PLEASE INFO DUMP AND WORLD BUILD AND LORE SHARE with your ocs and canon and muses in threadss with me; i loveeeee when people go off )
Grek as a character, was a princess and from House Cannith, which Cannith was being used as a BBEG
Cannith was kidnapping and doing unwilling experimentation ofn people
They were building a time machine in one of their bases of operation to try to study The Mourning and then bottle and create The Mourning
Grek had a pretty heavily involved there; but the storyline in the campaign started to get scrapped due to the player causing conflict with other players and the dm
We somewhat kept some of the Cannith stuff cause it fed into "Eberron and all its planes" were dying
Cora'kesh plotline / story revolved around the kalahshtar, the quori, Dal Quor, and the Inspired; and that the quori boundd to kalashtar were dying and sending entire bloodlines of kalashtar into comas
Quori and the race of people tied to quori were all changing and Cora'kesh was the one to see this coming
Cora'kesh would get visited by what would have been deemed an evil quori from the Dreaming Dark whom was unbound, and came to CK in their sleep (the first time they ever dreamed) and came warning that something was happening to Dal Quor and quori ( honestly i found the notes and it was not unlike how Raphael courts the player in bg3 [our eberron game took place before bg3 early access released lol]
I'm still in contact ith that DM, and they toldd me the quori's name was Naveten ( i don't think i ever found that out )
Cora'kesh was a circle of stars druid for the first parts of the campaign, but i was leaning way heavily into psionics/physic stuff; that the DM helped me out and let me trade some druid levels to multiclass into aberrant mind sorcerer; and how this happened and why Cora'kesh has a purple eye, CK bound Naveten to themself; giving them two quori spirits, with Naveten causing Cora'kesh to dream and whom they could communicate with directly as opposed to Kesh, their quori spirit that's been bond to their bloodlines for centuries.
Kalashtar in Sharn, whole bloodlines in the community started to fall into comas/endless slumbers as a result of this plotline. CK's childhood friend Lan'hareth (whom would wake up) as well as CK's father, and a few other npcs we had met would go into this coma; including the community leader; and it was kind of CK's shoulder to bare this burden
Warforged every where were starting to be able to feel pain and an uprising as well as feel like things were very wrong, that was Unti-8B's plot (player character)
Thelanis, the Faerie court/Eberron eqaul to Feywild; had a growing and rotting vine growing through out it; which was our Satyr's party members plot line
CK, our Satyr (im blanking on the name; it was a complicated invented on), and Unit-8B all began to think this was linked to The Mourning and everything happening to each of ourselves was related; so we'd help each other.
CK could feel pain in all things; just as the Satyr could feel sorrow in all thing; Unit 8B could feel fury in all things. This was another plot thread we had gotten right before the campaign was cancelled.
( this is where some player drama happened cause Grek's player really only caredd for Grek's plot and made ssome "in character" decisions against others and started telling Ck like "it's only you alone. and you'ree gonna fuck up" which like yeah and then started beef with our other two players and campaign fell apart / it was weeks and weeks of yikes and just ugh if the one player had been yeeted a lot earlier, maybe the dm wouldn't have burnt out; cause thee other three players (me included) were all just eager for each other and nice with eeach other and patient)
I am gonna treat everything as resolved, and try to clean some of this up; and change or remove some details, and not be as big; and suuuuch... but just things. cause i'm just.
eberron setting beloved. and cora'kesh. and im nervocited bring them to roleplay writing, cause like "hi im writer who lieks to buildd big storis andd LOVE when people do that with their OCs and pleease give that to me" so im doing that with CK and hoping they are received but like /none of this can matter/
im just.... excited to write my little aberrant mind/stars druid kalashtar; cause thy are special to me. my most good character.
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anarcho-sin-dicalist · 1 year ago
Ohhhh Dal Quor is supposed to be the plane of water too
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jaesmart · 1 year ago
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Inktober Day 1: Dream. Lavinia’s vision was bathed in red. The kalaraq quori didn’t quite bleed so much as they oozed primordial red light that smoked and writhed into the atmosphere of Dal Quor, agitated by the violence of their death throes. Their swirling aura of eyes was always the last to go still. Piles of shadowy dream corpses lay piled in Lavinia’s wake, but her work was not yet done. The Devourer of Dreams still lay ahead, ensconced in his nightmare palace. Sometimes Lavinia glimpsed flashes of her life before she took this form — a precocious blue-haired gnome, a bespectacled sphinx — but they quickly faded into the hellish dreamscape before her.
For my first Inktober drawing this year, I wanted to illustrate what I imagine to be the fate of my kalashtar character when she ascended to become a dragon in Dal Quor, the plane of dreams.
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lavakri · 5 years ago
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daemons-and-deathrays · 7 years ago
Horrors of Khorvaire and Beyond - Dal'Quor
Horrors of Khorvaire and Beyond – Dal’Quor
“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.” – Edgar Allen Poe
Beyond the realm of Khorvaire lies many horrible things.  Some exist upon the Prime Material Plane, while others are haunted remnants of old conflict.  The wasteland of Cyre lures curious onlookers hoping to know more of the Last War.  An…
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changeling-rogue · 4 years ago
Dal Quor combat map
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I’m excited to have them fight on this map…. I normally just sketch them in a grid paper notebook and leave it at that but I had some time….
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