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“Shut up, Lady. Altaca, you’re coming with me.”
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seaquestions · 3 months
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hugs & pets :3 | van @ mtl 11.12.23 & fla @ van 12.14.23
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ghostofhyuck · 4 months
10:00 PM
"And Haechan's"
"Muk2U!" the two shouted in unison. Followed by a small applause.
"This episode is going to be different from the other episode," Doyoung started.
"Right, this episode our guest is not an idol, but she is someone who's been with us for a long time," Haechan introduces. The camera pans to you who's standing awkwardly at the side. You gave them a small smile.
"Everyone please applause for Muk2U's head producer, yn-nim!"
Everyone claps as you enter the set. You gave them a bow in which the two reciprocated. They offer you to take a seat in front, and as you settle down, the atmosphere became tense.
"For our audience, please introduce yourself once again." Doyoung instructed once again.
You introduced yourself once again, eyeing on the camera with a small and little wave. There, the two explained the mechanics of the show. They introduced where they are right now, it's a local Dak Galbi restaurant that's been trending for a while. They ordered food and while waiting, they began interrogating you.
"Well, I'm a bit nervous actually," you laughed, smiling as you watch Haechan offer you the utensils. He gives you a glance, and you knew what it meant. You only gave him a small smile before focusing your attention to Doyoung.
"Oh don't be! This is just a casual show," Doyoung said. "I mean, czennies! don't think too much okay? She's just the show's producer."
"Hyung, you're too wary of dating rumors," Haechan slipped making both you and Doyoung look at him with wide eyes.
"Just being careful," Doyoung explained. "Dating rumors --- I mean, it's okay if I can say this? There's a lot of dating rumors showing up."
"Right, but don't worry, these two are just a close friends of mine," you added, making Doyoung laugh.
You ignore the way Haechan's eyes shifted the second you said, "close friends" yeah right. Close friends who visits each other's apartment and kisses each other when no one's around.
When the food arrived, the three of you started eating. Doyoung kept you entertained by asking you question about your producer life. You only answer it with diligently.
"yn-ah, do you want more rice?" Haechan offered out of nowhere. You only nod as you accept the bowl of rice from his hand. Electric shock sending waves as your hands touches his.
"Oh, Haechannie is sweet today," Doyoung points out.
"Hyung! I'm always sweet to every guest," Haechan rebutted.
"But you're extral sweet to yn."
"Why not? I want to," Haechan justified.
You only laugh as you take a spoonful of rice, you glance at Haechan once again who gives you a lovestruck look. Looks like he doesn't care about the dating rumors at all.
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kimyoonmiauthor · 6 days
The whole Haitian Grill Hoaxes.
Warning: Talks about Haitian history of slavery briefly and of cooking animals.
Not my usual line of posts, but meh, I kinda want to so some solidarity, education and attempt at least to weave in some talk of anthropology and worldbuilding with it.
First off, Anthropologists are required to take as undergraduates Physical Anthropology. We have to be able to tell the difference between a carnivore, an herbivore and a omnivore. And also are taught things like how to tell the difference between human bones and animal bones. No lie, this was one of the most difficult classes I took and I spent for probably the first time in a long time studying my ass off. I usually don't study, but for this one I studied really hard. 'cause you have to memorize the names of bones and how they differ. (Cue me crying because I still remember frontal parietal and occipital and semi-have nightmares about this class. I still have mandible, but then semi panic about the names of all of the nose bones.)
This isn't what I thought I'd be using my degree for, but here we are.
Next, I 100% do not condone and 100% condemn everyone being AHs to Haitians who've had enough crap in their history, such as, but not limited to Columbus depopulating the Island of Taino (It's a word that starts with G), enslaving a bunch of Africans, and then people getting upset when they overthrew their slave owners. This is designed as a defense against the racist who accuse them of eating an animal rarely eaten in human history especially WITHOUT ANY FLAVOR. WTF. Only people who are from the Europe do that. Did you really get insulted by Tim Walz making fun of the white American Palate and then confirm he was correct? Yes, you did.
I'm pulling out my love of food anthro for this too. lol Did I almost write a book about it? Yes, yes I did. Also, I have graphic design knowledge to be able to tell things.
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This is the image. Those are chickens, whole, not free of their internal organs.
Might be 3-4 chickens, but this is my best guess:
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That's the anatomy break down.
Basically, the tail is not a rabbit tail. The tail is also not a cat tail. It matches a bird tail.
The legs are not rabbit legs—they are too long and there is a claw. There is a wing in the picture. Cats don't have the anatomy. They have longer tails and it wouldn't look that way.
For reference, the Sphinx Cat. (which is really expensive, BTW. They've been catnapped before.)
The red in the picture is glare from a window because the person is standing and as the video goes, if you focus on the glare you can see it is a white person taking the video—or at least very light skinned wearing a red t-shirt and dark pants. Might even be a Trump T-shirt, but I couldn't confirm it on repeated viewings. This means the window is pretty big. It's not a car. The way the person shifts within the video means they are likely in their own house. There is a level of comfort there. This was also likely taken with a phone because the resolution is terrible. The way the camera shifts as the person shifts their position, etc and the bad camerawork, suggests amateur with a phone. (Also didn't expect to use my graphic design knowledge for this)
Dude, just go outside your house to film.
The second reason this isn't from a car like some people suggest is there is a fence that goes along the back of the property where the beveling of the fence suggests it's to protect the current yard. This means the fence likely goes the entire perimeter of the yard which would mean it's not visible from the street. The majority of grills are set up to face the house, not the street, unless you're planning on selling it.
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Sphinx is an all furless cat. This looks nothing like what is in the picture. Those are birds.
It was pointed out to me that it might be stewing chickens, i.e. after they've been retired from egg laying. The kind you make into something like Dak Komtang. This means the picture was 100% faked.
Now, why is it a badly faked image: Cultural Anthropology and food anthropology here.
In order to cook any animal in a BBQ setting, every culture I know of where you are physically using a grill: You would have to chop it up so it cooks evenly and if you don't do that, put it on a spit to cook it whole. It *is* possible to cook a whole chicken, however, one would have to have taken out the giblets, and then dressed and marinated it thoroughly so that the breasts are correctly tied, plus you would have to tie it up so that the wings are tied to the body: https://bluejeanchef.com/cooking-school/how-to-truss-a-chicken/
Truss it tight. This helps the chicken to cook evenly. Similarly with rabbit you'd have to empty the main cavity of the innards.
No one leaves the chicken feet on in that case. It's better to take off that part of the legs and do something else with them, like say Chinese Chicken feet for dim sum.
Nunzio pointed out that the chickens were likely stewing chickens, i.e. retired breeders.
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based off of this picture. i.e. terrible for grilling on the barbecue because it's much tougher meat.
In addition, while there are cultures that do eat chicken heads, often to make the chicken cook more evenly, they are cut off of the body and grilled/cooked separately because the rate at which the head cooks is faster than the rest of the body. In the picture you can see the chicken combs.
The next point of clue that this is a faked image is that there is NO FUCKING FLAVOR ON THE CHICKEN.
White food travel shows, Haitians themselves when making their food, my own mouth is going to tell you, that is is packed to the gills with flavor. OMG, some of the food is so spicy, even this Asian feels like they were crying. C'mon now, that's a crime to say that Haiti people are going to cook anything on the grill with no flavor.
You know the only cuisine in the world that gets close to doing that? Europeans and people of that direct descent. And I've eaten my way through South America, Central America, North America, Texas BBQ, Louisiana, NE America, South West America, Italy, France, England, Germany, Poland, Russian, Hungarian, Iranian, Armenian, Tunisia, Nigeria, Ethiopian, Greek, Chinese (Northern and Southern, BTW), Japan, Korea, most of SE Asia, Philippines, and some of the South Pacific (Working on it). There is only one continent that does not flavor their meat before putting it on the grill—effing Europe. WTF.
The rest of the world is begging you to at least marinate your meat. !@#$ Even effing Texans are begging you to marinate your meat.
Anyway, no self respecting home chef or any type of cook would cook their meat this way.
Food experience
I've eaten and cooked whole rabbit, whole chicken, whole turkey, whole goose, venison (legally hunted and shot), beef, lamb, goat (not whole), and !@#$ there is no way someone is cooking it that way without any heat on the grill first. In order to grill anything, you need a lot of prep time to make it work, even for smoking. You need to heat up the grill.
Let me tell you as a kid when I first arrived to the US, my mom would serve up crap meals which consisted of mediocre rice, fish sticks, and carrot and celery sticks. God, I hated the cooking. And she kept saying how she would not ever put in more effort into our meals. Having some semblance of foundation about cooking, I watched cooking shows, read cook books, and managed to get the foundations of cooking from asking and doing.
This meant by the time I was a teenager I was making the majority of the meals for the house. In fact, my parents made me do the majority of the cooking some nights AND clean the dishes I cooked with sometimes because they were seriously assholes.
They also would have me heat the briquettes for the grill ALONE. --;; Unsupervised. Yeah, not recommended, and I would never ask kids to do it on their own. Don't do as my parents did.
On the list of things they had me cook was things like venison and goose. When I flunked out of college the first time due to lingering trauma, they also had me do all of the cooking for rent and made unreasonable demands on me.
Fuck. Go back to your fucking fish sticks.
The point is that I know the foundations of cooking meat very, very well. I got so good at it, I could sense the difference in smell to know when it was cooked versus not cooked.
I made up recipes too.
Anyway, there is NO way you would be cooking meat like that with the head still stuck on. For the cultures like Ireland that eats things like brains, the head is ALWAYS cooked separately from the body. The brain is squishy in there and can make the skull explode in some cases because it cooks at a different rate from the rest of the body. The same with the internal organs. Those are removed in every culture or taken out, rinsed and carefully placed back into the cavity of the animal to cook *with additional* things added (sometimes rocks, sometimes extra meats, etc.) Again, if you don't do that, the inside will explode. (And in some cases make things really bitter like gall bladder tastes nasty. You can see people eating the gall bladder on Youtube.)
This is why this is a faked picture.
In addition, the cultures that do eat things like cats are usually ravaged by imperialism, therefore, poverty. And I know how much imperializing nations like to make fun of other cultures they imperialized to the point of crippling their food supply and their inability to get new technology like refrigerators.
This is why I think it's best to not ridicule other culture's foods.
And don't believe hoaxes like this. Including the whole This is a dog without canine teeth video hoax. It's simply not worth it.
And I'd also beg you to fact check, fact check before you perpetuate rumors. But I suppose this is a lesson in racism and xenophobia too.
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liselicanis · 10 months
Even Dreams Fall Apart
[AO3] [Good Things Fall Apart] Chapter 1: I Am Tired of This Dream
"You're welcome to try and come rip me apart if you can, I'll be waiting."
Ah. It was this dream again.
She's not hurt this time. The wound that had momentarily incapacitated her did not exist here. Her pistol was in her hand, trained onto the middle of his faceplate, finger poised to pull the trigger at any second.
Sometimes the Ravager, no...Ramattra, yeah that was his name, right? Sometimes he was bound, but most of the time he was not, just as it was in reality.
He never leaves, always waiting patiently for her to do something, say something, but the dream almost never progresses beyond this point.
Yet this time, it's almost different. Rather than the street where he found her by her ruined mech, she's standing in the alley where she found him, but he's whole. She's not wounded, no casts on her body at all. Both are the best possible versions of themselves now.
The staff he holds is pointed at her, both of them in a standoff before the dream Ramattra lowers it and tilts his head.
"Do you hate me?" he asks casually, as if the omnic had merely asked her for the time, and she just stares blankly at him, unable to fully process the change in her dream.
Her mouth opens to answer that of course she hates him. Hates the fact that she had unknowingly helped begin another Crisis. Yet nothing comes out. Instead she shakes her head and lowers her firearm, even though instinct is telling her that it's a bad idea.
"I...I kind of..." The Girl Who Is Hana and Not Hana begins, her mouth suddenly feeling dry and when she looks up again, the scene has once more changed. No alley, no street, no ruined structures or Tokki. She's back in her workshop, her hand now pressed against his metallic one. That is now attached to his body. Palm to palm, flesh and metal.
The Ravager Who Is Ramattra and Not leans down and vents out air like a sigh near her face and repeats, "Do you hate me, Hana?"
Brown eyes blink and open slowly, the sound of a phone beeping somewhere close by. Sluggishly, the girl searches for the offender under her covers until her right pinky brushes against something metallic. Closing her hand around it, Hana sits up from her bed and glares at her phone's screen, pressing 'X' to dismiss her alarm.
She knew she had to get up, there was supposed to be a meeting briefing after breakfast today, and she had promised Alek-er- Zarya, that she would do some weight lifting with her before that.
"Bright and early." The former weight lifting champion had said. And yeah, that should be...right now. Yet Hana is slow to get out of bed, fingers pressed to her temples as she reflects on the dream she has just awakened from.
Why did she keep dreaming about that memory? And why was it that this time, it was different? It had seemed almost too real. Part of it had been of course, since it stemmed from her own memories, but even so...
"Do you hate me?"
A frustrated groan escaped her mouth as her hands tangled themselves into her hair and scratched at her scalp. That wasn't even a fucking question. It was fact that she hated Ramattra. So why was he plaguing her dreams with that?
And then there was that...she brought her right hand down to stare at it, still somewhat remembering the feel of his hand when she had been working on it back in Busan. She remembered agonizing over the details for days and still coming up with something less than desired, but still operational enough to deem 'usable'.
Fingers that he had replaced when they met again. She had noticed that, even through the haze of destruction and the pain at her side. Rubbing the scar she had obtained from that, Hana made a face before finally making the decision to get up. It wouldn't serve any purpose to continue thinking about her dream, or that omnic in particular. At least not in the capacity that she's been doing lately.
On that day, she had promised him. One that she fully intended to keep. Right after her training with Zarya and breakfast though.
"30....31...." ugh, not even close to halfway done with her workout and Hana can already feel her arms protesting as she readjusts her grip on the monkey bar. 
“Come on D.Va, you can do pull ups faster than that!” a heavily accented voice eggs her on from somewhere behind her and she tilts her head just so so she can look at Zarya’s face. The former heavyweight competitor was lifting a barbell that was easily twice Hana’s weight, yet the Russian Amazon was barely breaking a sweat. 
Instead of answering her, Hana stuck out her tongue and continued her pull ups, up until 50 when she finally allowed herself to drop down to the mats below. Placing a hand on her hip, she flexed her left arm, showing Zarya the smallest of biceps and triceps. It wasn't like she had nothing to show, but she was no bodybuilder. “Probably in a few weeks I will, I don’t necessarily need a lot of uh, physical strength for piloting Tokki.”
Zarya only shook her head and let the barbell drop with a loud thud at her feet. “No, but what will you do when your mech is too damaged to pilot. Like in Toronto?” She walked closer to Hana and stopped just a few inches away from her, easily towering over the small Korean. “I am not saying to fight off an omnic with nothing, but let’s say you do need to be physical. Do you think you could hold off that omnic until your team reaches you?”
Crossing her arms, Hana bit her lips and pretended to think hard about it. Technically she had once, but it wasn’t because there had been an actual confrontation. Not a physical one at least. Just a Ravager who was the leader of their current common enemy. Actually, she shouldn’t have thought about it because it was making her angry. So instead, she finally shrugged and turned back to the monkey bar, jumping up to grab ahold of it once more to do another rep.
“Hana?” Zarya’s tone was concerned, in the way an older sister would be, or perhaps an aunty. 
She shook her head as she began to pull herself up. “No, you’re right, I should push myself a little more. If I can’t even defeat one Slicer with my bare hands in such a case, then I'd just be a cringe-fail loser, el-oh-el.” Punctuated with a giggle. Classic D.va.
Zarya laughed, and Hana inwardly gave herself a pat on the back. She had never told anyone about her meeting with Ramattra, because then…
It would only bring her even more guilt than she was already feeling.  
After training was a quick breakfast, and then it was on to the mission briefing in the Gibraltar war room. The older members of Overwatch had already assembled earlier than the new recruits which consisted of Lucio, Zarya, Brigitte, Baptiste, and herself so far. She didn’t know if more people would join them, but she certainly hoped so. They were so few while Null Sector had the advantage over them in numbers. The only saving grace is that the new omnics being produced by the Null Sector omniums weren’t gifted with sentience.
After everyone had gathered, Winston, with the help of Mei, had handed everyone their mission details. The folders contained different profiles for all the Null Sector units they had come across thus far. Slicers, Eradicators, the Null Titans (that one she hadn’t caught a glimpse of yet, but given the sheer size she was a bit grateful. It reminded her too much of the Colossus), and Stalkers. Hana looked down at her own files, thumbing through the pages before finding one that caught her attention. 
It was a slightly out of focus headshot of Ramattra. Again, she found herself frowning, instantly reaching towards one of the pens that had been left on the table and quickly doodling all over his picture. Beside her, Lucio noticed and he lightly tapped her arm so that she would pay attention. Vivian had taken the floor.
Vivian Chase. Sojourn. She had once been one of the captains for Overwatch before the Petras Act forced the shutdown of all their operations. She had been the one to find Hana in Toronto after Ramattra had left, nearly passed out from blood loss. She never mentioned the cloak that Hana had bundled herself up in while she waited for the rest of the team. Angela had been furious, instantly flooding her body with the nanobiotic energy from her staff. 
Hana had to endure an hours-long lecture on the flight back to Gibraltar from them both.
“Glad to see you back with us, Miss Song.” Sojourn said, before clicking on the remote she was holding and bringing up a holo-screen showcasing a world map. It was littered with small red dots, no doubt places where they would all be dispatched to later to deal with whatever the problem was. It seemed it wasn’t just Null Sector. Talon was also a problem. Cairo, Lijiang, Suravasa…there were so many places. Her eyes flicked from dot to dot, hoping that wherever she was going, that Null Sector would be there. 
‘ And with luck…he could be there too .’ she thought to herself, gripping the pen harder in her hands.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Quinn Hughes Edition (Part Eleven)
previous: ten
next: twelve
***i’ve had to check and recheck my notes on this game and i’m still not convinced i got it right but it’s fine
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liked by _quinnhughes, jackhughes, and 9,744 others
yourusername welcome to my postgame penalty box show: quinny edition! tonight was an amazing game for the canucks! they won 7-2 against the sharks with goals by phill, driesy, garly, dak, kuzy, millsy, and podz! that’s seven different players! twelve different canucks got a point tonight, with six of them having a multipoint game!
during quinny’s 23:39 minutes of ice time (surprisingly, not the highest of the team this time) he did NOT get a penalty, but he did get an assist! he’s now tied his record from last season for most points by a d-man in a single season for the franchise! can’t wait to see you break this record and find out what record you hold at the end of the season!
this is your season, bestie! i love you sfm and can’t wait to see what the rest of the season brings for you!
p.s. welcome to the team filip hronek!
p.s.s. i’d like to note that when petey got hit from behind, quinn immediately dashed over to defend him instead of scoffing at the possibility of a scrum<3
tagged _quinnhughes
view all 206 comments
_quinnhughes i love you, too, best friend!
yourusername *bestie
_quinnhughes i love you, bestie!
jackhughes @_quinnhughes SAP
_quinnhughes @/jackhughes all it takes is a look from y/n for you to cater to her every will don’t even
yourusername hughes brothers = saps
user1 if di giuseppe’s goal was quinn’s he would’ve had his 6th goal of the season as the 6th goal of the game😭
canucks happy point night!
yourusername my favorite kind of night!!
user2 emotional night for hughes nation
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 has a lot to live up to
yourusername do NOT say that to my son! he is his own person!!
_quinnhughes he’ll do great
lhughes_06 @/yourusername thanks mom!!
edwards.73 @/yourusername what about me, mom???
yourusername @/edwards.73 you’ll be beautiful out there, love!! you’re an honorary hughes!
_quinnhughes @/yourusername i don’t think you can deem eddy a hughes when you’re not a hughes??
yourusername @/elblue6 MOM
elblue6 @/yourusername @/edwards.73 you’re both a hughes❤️
user3 this game was everything to me
trevorzegras ah yes, i remember when i was only at one game since my last penalty
_quinnhughes you’re at two???
trevorzegras how’s the view of my ass on the streak ladder?
_quinnhughes i will pull you off of it and take you down with me
yourusername “if we burn, you burn with us!”
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras is she crying over finnick again?
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale is she crying over finnick again?
jamie.drysdale @_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras she put on part two as soon as the games ended. send help.
user4 i’m becoming a y/n fan page
lhughes_06 i’ve been instructed to tell you i’m proud of you and i love you
yourusername you weren’t supposed to say that you were instructed to!! you’re no longer my favorite son
lhughes_06 then who is?!?!
yourusername z and eddy are tied, obviously
_quinnhughes i’ve been instructed to say thank you and i love you, too, moose
yourusername i never thought i’d see the day where jack is my favorite hughes…
user5 she says z and ethan are tied for favorite son, but she has yet to bully ethan
colecaufield this really is his season, huh?
yourusername full of record and nose breaking!
_quinnhughes @/yourusername *insert curse word here*
yourusername @_quinnhughes go on, say it. i dare you.
colecaufield @_quinnhughes it’s a trap
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes it’s definitely a trap
jackhughes @_quinnhughes i’m her favorite hughes now i’ll fix it🫡
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ummumukhbita · 2 months
Talaqqi Qira’at Riwayat Imam ‘Ashim
Hanya 10 hari, rasanya belum cukup untuk menggali ilmu Allah yang sangat luas. Sementara diri ini sangat terbatas. Meski sebentar, tapi kenangan setiap harinya akan terus membekas.
Aku akan selalu rindu suasana komplek PT PUSRI yang rindang lengkap dengan masjid Aqobahnya yang sangat “hidup”. Hingga malam-malam panjang saat itu terasa singkat seperti Ramadhan. Syahdu, penuh keberkahan🥹
Aku juga tidak akan lupa momen-momen sulit ketika talaqqi pertama yang bahkan untuk menyelesaikan 1 juz butuh waktu 6 jam lamanya. Dari isti’adzah bahkan sampai ketika mengucapkan lafazh “Barakallah” saja tak luput jadi bahan koreksi ustadz. Betapa semakin belajar kita akan sadar bahwa masih banyak lagi yang perlu kita pelajari.
Selain halaqoh talaqqi yang penuh kenikmatan, berkumpul dengan orang-orang sholih juga menularkan semangat. Ada pensiunan pejabat PUSRI yang meski menjadi paling senior di antara kami, tapi semangatnya paling membara. Ada juga Pak RT yang di tengah kesibukannya mengurusi umat tetap berjuang untuk bisa hadir di setiap halaqoh. Yang jauh dari Muara Enim pun ada. Belum lagi para pekerja yang meski tidak libur, tapi tidak menjadikan itu alasan untuk meninggalkan kesempatan emas ini.
Di sana juga aku dipertemukan sengan sahabat baru yang meski baru bertemu dan kenal di saat itu juga, tapi terasa seperti saudara yang sudah kenal sejak lama. Mitha yang sejak halaqoh pertama tak pernah putus asa untuk berlatih huruf isti’la, qolqolah dan semua catatan yang diberikan padanya. Bahkan baru juga membuka mata di pagi hari, ia sudah siap meminta bacaannya dikoreksi. “Mbaa, bener dak bismillah aku?” Hahaha
Juga Resty yang meski harus berbagi waktu dalam kesibukannya tapi tetap berjuang dengan maksimal. Melihatnya aku seperti diberi gambaran “mastato’thum” dalam kehidupan nyata. Meski di malam terakhir demam dan kedinginan, ia tetap hadir dengan jaket tebal yang menyelimutinya.
Dan dua bersaudara Dhiya dan Syasya yang punya sosok ibu luar biasa sehingga di usia muda mereka meraih prestasi yang jauh melampaui usianya. Bacaan mereka jangan ditanya, wong mereka murid Ustadz dari sejak belia🥹 masya Allah.
Ah rindu sekali,
Rindu juga sama kamar 210 Wisma Delima yang serasa hotel bintang 4nya PUSRI dengan kamar mandi estetik yang ada showernya😅 Rindu juga jokes bapak-bapak yang receh tapi menggelitik juga. Rindu ngebandrek untuk nahan ngantuk halaqoh malam. Rindu makan 3x sehari yang hampir selalu nasi padang🤭
Masya Allah. Nikmatnya berkumpul dengan orang-orang sholih. Semoga Allah beri kesempatan untuk terus belajar Al-Qur’an. Aamiin.
Palembang, 11 Juli 2024 || Baru 4 hari berlalu, sudah rindu🥹
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cyclone-rachel · 3 months
thoughts on The Boys, season 4
Episode 5:
okay, going in completely unspoiled for this one
*Dak Prescott voice* YEAH, HERE WE GO
oh yeah I forgot how soul-crushing last week’s episode was
Shout-out to everyone who watched Gen V
gosh, is this a parody of D23
also haha, yeah, you would use 52, nerds
Homelander going on face journeys
you would know about bread and circuses
gosh this is so funny
this is going to lead to disaster soon probably
nobody tell him
is snapple the old people drink
Hughie’s mom continues to be kinda shady
fuck off, Firecracker
hell yeah
if he’s a hallucination, that definitely sounds like Butcher
How would he know about that?
Hey. Hey.
Also didn’t she say last season she wasn’t his gun?
who made Kimiko sad
Fuck off, Butcher
You sure about that?
aww Annie and Kimiko trading looks
Do not want either of them to be hurt
Why do we care so much about Neuman?
You’d think she wouldn’t be wearing that outfit if that was the case
Bro you were in a cult two seasons ago
I love her
Oh I think she knows
Mr. Edgar!
I forgot he was in prison
that’s what you needed to say, I guess
I feel like she has to be real, if both Hughie and his dad can see her
Ah yes, Pigeon Forge
Even she knows he’s down bad for Annie
She tried?
You named the cat Jar Jar?
Is he okay
Where exactly are they?
also I love Kimiko’s outfit
Oh no there she is
Makes sense
This series is on-point with its fake trailers
I love this show so much
Disney isn’t there yet, but I feel like they could
like there has to be at least one headline about that
He must think he’s too good to be in a school
bro you’re in Toronto
That’s an understatement, Homelander
Stop using that metaphor right now
Most accurate description of Homelander
Dammit, Butcher
His what?
Fuck yeah, Sage
You are
Dammit, Annie
You will join the Rebel Alliance
Where did he go
Is he okay
What the hell
That’s disgusting
You’re still saying that wrong
That is also disgusting
Way to use a slur
She does not sound enthusiastic
He does not think it’s great, that goes against what he told ryan earlier
He’s a fast learner
Aww, Annie
I really like this
I think she could handle it
Well, shit
Go off, MM
That is the smartest plan
Although they would need to be able to make more
Aw, Hughie
That’s a good question
Fuck you, Homelander
Ashley pulled through, I guess
Bless you, Kimiko
How did he think that was a good idea?
“wee Hughie”
Is he going to be in a coma or just dead
Yes, of course that’s the plan
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rbvcdeluxe · 5 months
Ah. Yes. Dak.
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eastgaysian · 8 months
no idea what dak-wai is but i pronounce it daiquiri
you don't know them....? my friend dak-wai????
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they're my video game character weird autistic butch who kills things with hammers. dak-wai is pronounced how it looks pretty much, 'ah' leaning 'uh' in dak, long i in wai, throw 德威 into a cantonese text to speech tool if you must
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blubushie · 1 year
HI I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS! why did you drink your own pee? what did that taste like? whats your favorite snake? whats your favorite lizard? favorite turtle? whats your favorite australian saying? whats your favorite sea animal besides killer whales? what color is your hair? how about your eyes? how tall are you? whats bushgender mean? do you play any instruments? whats the model of your car? what color is it? can you get custom license plates in australia? do YOU have a custom license plate?
Ah, Christ. Knew telling you cunts that would come back to bite me in the arse.
Why did you drink your own piss?
I was dying and thirsty. My pride and dignity is not more important than my life. So I drank my own piss. On the plus side, it worked. I had enough moisture in me to keep trekking for two days until I found actual water and then I was so half-lucid with dehydration that I almost drowned myself trying to drink it. On the plus side I got one helluva story and a new name!
(Don't do dehydration, kids.)
What did that taste like?
What's your favourite snake?
The one in me daks. Really though, probably Oxyuranus microlepidotus, or the dandarabilla. Most venomous snake on the planet, but not the most dangerous since these snakes are only really found in a VERY small region of the Outback in which VERY few people live, so you're very unlikely to encounter one. That said they do have the most toxic venom of all snake species on the planet (with the highest untreated lethality rate of all snake species at OVER EIGHTY PERCENT) and their venom goes into effect about 30 minutes after envenomation, and fatality usually occurs within 45 minutes of envenomation. So if you get bit you're fucked, basically.
Unlike many snakes, the dandarabilla ALSO has an envenomation rate of OVER EIGHTY PERCENT. That means that over 80% of the time they're going to inject venom. Venomous snakes can do something called a "dry bite," which is usually used as a warning strike and consists of them biting you without injecting venom. But the dandarabilla says "fuck that and fuck you, cunt" and INJECTS VENOM OVER EIGHTY PERCENT OF THE TIME.
Compare that to Crotalus atrox, the western diamondback rattlesnake, who only injects venom 60% of the time.
What's your favourite lizard?
The one in me daks. (For those of you that don't get it, chucking a piss is also called "draining the lizard" here.) My answer is Varanus giganteus, the perentie. I saw one eat a cat once. They scare me. I like them. (Also I fought one for rights to a pig carcass that I shot so they have no fear of humans.)
Favourite turtle?
The one in me- Okay this joke isn't working now. Macrochelys temminckii, the alligator snapping turtle. They're cool as hell, look fucking prehistoric, and can bite my fingers off. I think they're neat.
What's your favourite Australian saying?
"Well I'm not here to fuck spiders." City roos will tell you that we made that up as a joke for tourists but it's bullshit, we actually do say that in the Outback. We also use the alternative "Well I didn't come here to finger dingos." We're very crass, us Aussies.
If you ever want to find an Aussie in the wild just shout "AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE" and any Aussies in the vicinity will immediately reply "OI OI OI!" It's our mating call.
I also love our age-old curse of "May your chooks turn into emus and kick your dunny down," which literally translates to "May your chickens (chooks) turn into emus and kick your toilet (dunny) down."
Also "dry as a dead dingo's donger," meaning you're very thirsty, "don't come the raw prawn with me," which means "don't try to pull one over on me," and every meaning of our slang usage of the word "piss."
What's your favourite sea animal besides orcas?
Octopodes are cool as. I love giant isopods. Siphonophores are pretty spiffy. I'd like to see marine iguanas.
What colour is your hair? How about your eyes? How tall are you?
I was born a strawberry blonde, but as I've gotten older it's darkened to a dirty blonde (I've got some neat natural highlights though). On good days (and with a lot of sun) it really lightens up to a golden blonde but that's usually only visible at the bottom of my mullet that gets sunlight. Most of my hair is obscured by my hat so it stays dark. I have light blue eyes that sort of alternate between blue and grey depending on the amount of light (grey in a room, light blue in direct sunlight). I'm a manlet and that's all I'm going to say about my height (I got my mum's shortness).
What's bushgender mean?
Honestly, I just... don't care about gender? It doesn't exist out in the bush. There's just my own biology and I'm not reminded of gender at all until I interact with people. I like it that way. I'm not necessarily nonbinary since I'm a bloke, it's just that gender is a complete afterthought to me so I just don't think about it. My gender is the bush. I am a bushie. The land doesn't care what I think of myself so why should I?
Do you play any instruments?
I can make dove calls with my hands. Also I play the harmonica but I'm terrible at it.
What's the model of your car? What colour is it?
'99 Ford. Not telling you the model because I don't like stalkers lmao but it's a ute with a camper in the tray. It's white. The paint reflects heat instead of absorbing so my engine is less likely to overheat in the Outback sun. Also white's an inoffensive colour so it stands out less in the bush than, say, black or blue or red or whatever.
Can you get custom number plates in Australia? Do you have a custom number plate?
Yes you can and yes I do! I run a business after all! I need to have something that identifies me!
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iuteamstarcandy · 1 year
IU - CHAT-SHIRE album lyrics
All lyrics in this album are written solely by IU.
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1. Shoes
Lyrics by IU, Composed by 이종훈
Hello, did you wait long?
You were bored right?
I run and I run and I run and I run
I run and I run and I run and I run
My current mood is totally perfect
No thoughts that would spoil my mood
On enamel flat shoes, tta-da-dak
Wearing red pointy shoes, tto-gak
Stepping in front of a tall mirror
I spin lightly in a circle
You’re still dancing, Mr Red Shoes
Knock your shoetips together like Dorothy
Wearing shoes that match my feet perfectly
I’m ready to go over to you
My heart is fluttering, gosh
Tiny swirls in my heart
The gentle and sweet breeze makes me excited
Steep steps, narrow alleys, I’ll go anywhere
I’ll wear new shoes that suit my heart perfectly
How’s your condition today?
Are you prepared to spend the day going around with me?
I’ve made up my mind resolutely
No thoughts of going home early
The wonderful music goes ppa-la-bam
My heart becomes our rhythm, ppa-dam
Dance with us, madam
I spin lightly in a circle
With excited feelings, animato
From here on shall we pick up the speed, allegro
Putting in special effort here, accento
From the chorus, one more time
My heart is fluttering, gosh
Tiny swirls in my heart
The gentle and sweet breeze makes me excited
Steep steps, narrow alleys, I’ll go anywhere
I’ll wear new shoes that suit my heart perfectly
How wonderful it is, under a blue sky
It’s a wonderful day to fall in love
Hold my left hand tightly
Now we’re going to run
My heart is fluttering, gosh
A white pinwheel in my heart
Until the smiling crescent moon appears in the sky
Steep steps, narrow alleys, I’ll go anywhere
Step by step, let’s walk across the whole world
My heart is fluttering, gosh
Tiny swirls in my heart
The gentle and sweet breeze makes me excited
Steep steps, narrow alleys, I’ll go anywhere
I’ll wear new shoes that suit my heart perfectly
Translated by squishy with love
2. Zeze
Lyrics by IU, Composed by 이종훈 and 이채규
It’s interesting
Look at you lift the corners of your mouth
I can tell just from your smile
You’re clearly a mischievous boy
Ah, ah, you’ve got a really nice name
That I want to keep calling out
Your nasty thoughts that I can’t speak of are lovely
Using your tiny fingers to touch the sound
Using your ticklish voice to sing the colours and scenery Yeah
** Zeze, hurry and come up the tree
Kiss the leaves
You musn’t fool around
You musn’t hurt the tree, you musn’t
Zeze, hurry and come up the tree
Take the youngest leaf from here with you
Pluck the one and only flower
Climb up me
Climb up me
Like the flowers that have bloomed
Look at your two cheeks that have become rosy
Although you’re really innocent,
You’re clearly cunning, aren’t you?
Seemingly transparent like a young child, yet somewhat filthy
There’s no way for me to figure out what’s living inside you
Even though right now sunlight shines above your head
I can vaguely see the dark clouds gathering inside you Oh
(Repeat **)
I want to touch you one more time
I wait for you here everyday
Come and take everything with you
I want to call out to you again
I wait for you here everyday
Even if you sneak away
You’ll come again tomorrow night to see me, right?
(Repeat **)
Translated by squishy with love
3. Twenty-three
Lyrics by IU, Composed by IU, 이종훈 and 이채규
I’m twenty three
I’m a riddle Question
Try to guess the answer
I’m twenty three
Don’t be wrong Because
I’m very sensitive
Try to guess
A bunch of twenty three
Now becomes a little feminine
Trust me to some extent if I pretend to be a grown up
Cunning twenty three
Still long way to go, girl
If I pretend to be immature
Please be sort of fooled
I, yes, like now for sure
No, frankly I wanna give up
Oh right I want to be in love
No I’d rather make money
** Try to guess
Which one is it?
You cannot tell with my face
Making an opposite facial expression to the heart
is really simple
Which one is it?
Actually I don’t know either
At first, I never wrote even a single line of lies
Pretend to be a fox that pretends to be a bear
that pretends to be a fox
Or something completely different
Which one is it?
Choose only one whatever it is
Being seen through the sunglasses,
I’m used to it now
Check it out
There’s nothing I’m afraid of
Even if I act rudely
People are always kind to me
The woman saying hello to me
Is she still smiling after going round the corner?
I’m always anxious
I wanna be a child forever
No, I want to be a moist woman
Ah I’ve decided
I will live silently as death
No I will turn everything inside out
(** Repeat chorus)
I want you to like me
Can I be a little nasty?
I want you to like me
Can I be on the top of your head?
(** Repeat chorus)
Modified by squishy from official Youtube MV lyrics
4. The Shower
Lyrics by IU, Composed by IU
I already knew that day, that it would become like this
That I would keep thinking about it
Right in that moment, I knew it
A pitch black sky, the sound of crickets chirping
The small hand I held tightly
You softly descend
Pooling in the parts of me that have run dry
I stand there for a long time
While I slowly get soaked, just like that
The bluest night of my summer, that night
What would your memory of it be like?
What colour would it be?
Did you ever cherish the image of me reflected in your eyes?
Above my head, clouds roll by
In the midst of that, a breeze blows past
You softly descend
Pooling in the parts of me that have run dry
I stand there for a long time
While I slowly get soaked, just like that
The bluest of my summer
Our lovely conversation smothered by the sound of rain
My heart that sprouts a tiny bud
And in my summer that is spread thinly like a picture
The only thing that is clear is you
You softly descend
Pooling in the parts of me that have run dry
I stand there for a long time
While I slowly get soaked, just like that
The bluest night of my summer, that night
I already knew that day
Translated by squishy with love
5. Red Queen (Feat. Zion.T)
Lyrics by IU, Composed by 이종훈 and 이채규
With no facial expressions, that woman
The one everyone hates, that woman
Even you would know her, that woman
Oh how pitiful, that woman
The one everyone is afraid of, that woman
The one you know, that woman
Should I tell you a fun story?
(Even though it could also be sad),
Whether you believe it or not, it’s small talk
(Please keep this a secret) Ah well you know,
There’s that woman
That woman who is so fearsome
As blue as the azure blue sky
(There was a time when she would be laughing like that)
Men and of course, women too, even those who are not human,
To the point that everyone fell in love with her,
They said her smile was that beautiful
Wearing a dress and chatting innocently
Her pale cheek is now barren of colour
Oh Red Queen
With a pretty smile, that woman
The one everyone loves, that woman
Even you would know her, that woman
The one everyone loves, that woman (you know)
She’s so beautiful, that woman
The one everyone would call pretty, that woman
The one you know, that woman
The one everyone loves, that woman
Shall I continue our story
(If there was one more thing to say)
How far should I take this?
This is just small talk, right?
(Please don’t misunderstand pointlessly)
I mean, about that woman
A long time ago
the hand she used to stroke the back of someone crying
(Was unbelievably warm)
Children and of course, adults too, even those without life,
To the point that everyone fell in love with her,
They said her heart was that beautiful too
Even when she looked at something really small and shabby
Those dull and gloomy eyes used to be so bright and sparkly
Oh Red Queen
With no facial expressions, that woman
The one everyone hates, that woman
Even you would know her, that woman
The one everyone hates, that woman (you know)
Oh how pitiful, that woman
The one everyone is afraid of, that woman
The one you know, that woman
The one everyone hates, that woman
That woman’s red hair
And even redder scratches elsewhere
The fine veins in her eyes
Will anyone ask her the reason why?
Hey, why are you so angry?
Hey, why are you shouting?
The unhappy woman’s red hair
And something much much much much redder elsewhere
With a pretty smile, that woman
The one everyone loves, that woman
Even you would know her, that woman
The one everyone loves, that woman
Oh how pitiful, that woman
The one everyone is afraid of, that woman
The one you know, that woman
Now that I’ve said it, it’s rather trivial
It’s just nonsense, isn’t it?
Whether you believe it or not, it’s just a silly story
Everyone just forget what I said
Translated by squishy with love
6. Knees
Lyrics by IU, Composed by IU
(Song was first posted by IU as a “voice reply” on dc gall, then released through LOEN’s official youtube channel after MAMA.)
On a night when everyone’s asleep, deep in thought, I’m sitting alone
Still awake as I’m unable to let go of the day that has passed
Am I waiting for someone or are there things left to be settled?
If it’s not that, then could it be a place I want to go back to which I miss dearly and happened to recall?
If I lie down and rest my head on your lap,
just like when I was young,
you tuck my hair behind my ear.
Even if I lightly fall asleep from the touch of your hands,
let me stay in that position for a moment.
Don’t wake me up, I’ll sleep really deeply.
As your calm eyes fall upon me,
will I still be able to smile serenely like before?
I think I’m tired. I’ve held on for really long.
I wish there were a shortcut for me to return to you.
If I lie down and rest my head on your lap,
just like when I was young,
you tuck my hair behind my ear.
Even if I lightly fall asleep from the touch of your hands,
let me stay in that position for a moment.
Don’t wake me up, I’ll sleep really deeply.
Zzzzz zzzzz I’ll sleep really deeply…
Zzzzz zzzzz really deeply…
Translated by squishy with love
7. Glasses
Lyrics by IU, Composed by IU
Beyond that smiling expression
Unable to see through the real feelings
I’ll just laugh along, that’s all
Even if someone left hints
They’re too tiny for me to read
There’s no choice but to solve this bit by bit
Even so, I’m not going to put on glasses
All day if I keep my eyes open, just looking at obvious things
Makes me busy enough
I’m already tired enough now
I don’t want to look at your dark inner thoughts
I’m already tired enough without doing that
I don’t want to read even smaller writing
Weaknesses that you try so hard to hide
I don’t want to be so mean to uncover them all
I’ll just be kind of deceived by you, that’s all
What’s there behind a rainbow?
It’s too far for us to see
We’ll just have to imagine that it’s something amazing
Even so, I’m not going to put on glasses
Deceiving and being deceived, yet I still believe
I’m busy enough imagining and being disappointed
I’m already tired enough now
I’m not even curious about anyone’s flaws
I���m already tired enough now
I don’t want to look somewhere further
I’m already tired enough now
I’m not going to put on those heavy glasses
I’m already tired enough without doing that
I’m not going to put on the more squarish glasses
Translated by squishy with love
8. Heart (Bonus track)
Lyrics by IU, Composed by IU and Kim Jae Hwi, Produced by IU and Kim Jae Hwi
Hah If I’m laughing out loud, that’s because of you
Thud If I’m shocked, that’s because of you
Sniff If I’m filled with tears, that’s because of you
Boom If there are tremors, that’s because of you
When I look at you,
my breath gets hot
You must be the reason why
I feel hurt
It’s alright even if you don’t acknowledge me
Even if you don’t look for me
Only these small lights that don’t fade away
remain shining brightly here
Shining alive forever
I can’t take my eyes away
My eyes are cold all day
You must be the reason why
I feel sad
It’s alright even if you don’t reply to me
Even if you don’t comfort me
Only these small lights that don’t fade away
remain shining brightly here
Everything in this world dies and has a rebirth
Even as I grow older again
Only this heart of mine, with no wrinkles
remains shining brightly here
Shining alive forever
Shining alive forever
Translated by squishy with love
9. Twenty three (Bonus track)
Lyrics by IU, Composed by PJ & 이종훈
I’m twenty three
Ah, it might be painful
I’m twenty twenty three
But don’t you lose this chance to grab me
I’m twenty three
Just wait for one night
I’m twenty twenty three
I blossom in your bosom
Baby I’ll leave once the moon is out
I’ll light the red candles
Black and melty red
Don’t think of trapping me
I’m really sensitive
I’ll wear clothes I’ve never worn before.
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
I’ll put on an expression I’ve never had before.
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
Look at me
I’m twenty three
Ah, it might be painful
I’m twenty twenty three
But don’t you lose this chance to grab me
I’m twenty three
Just wait for one night
I’m twenty twenty three
I blossom in your bosom
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
I blossom in your bosom
Baby, what flavour do you like?
What colour do you want?
I want to know everything
Where is your switch?
Can I look for it?
Show me a place you’ve never been to before
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
It’s fine if you take me to places until I’m out of breath
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
It’s fine
I’m twenty three
Ah, it might be painful
I’m twenty twenty three
But don’t you lose this chance to grab me
I’m twenty three
Just wait for one night
I’m twenty twenty three
I blossom in your bosom
Black and melty red
Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet
Black and melty red
Sweet, sweet, sweet
I’m twenty three
Ah, it might be painful
I’m twenty twenty three
But don’t you lose this chance to grab me
I’m twenty three
Just wait for one night
I’m twenty twenty three
I blossom in your bosom
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
Translated by squishy with love
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penuntutilmudotnet · 28 days
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🤔Kenduri Berkhatan🤔#2016 #S_DR._MAZA "Berapa kali dah tanya ni, he he. Buat kenduri, ah, tak payah pakai tangan katan tu. Cuma, dah ramai-ramai, kut, tak mahu bagi budak terkejut. Kita ni pun satu hal. Orang nak berkatan, nak pi berhimpun ramai-ramai, nak tengok apa, patutlah tak dak lah kan. Dulu orang buat kelambu orang berkatan kan, lah pakai doktor. Dah okey, mai sorang duk selak tengok, mai sorang duk selak tengok, bentanlah apalah, macam-macam. Tak dak satu pasal hang nak tengok, hak dia buat apa, tengok hak hang sendiri, ah. Jadi, tak payahlah duk. Tapi, kalau kita kenduri nak bagi budak tu happy dan tak terkejut tadi, nak bagi makan ramai-ramai, tadi makan tak lalu, bolehlah atas dasar tu. Bukan dah dasar berkatan tu...." https://penuntutilmu.net/soal-jawab-pt/kenduri-berkhatan/?feed_id=854&_unique_id=66cad41e6bc4c Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/penuntutilmu.net/ Telegram Channel: https://t.me/PenuntutIlmuDotNet Thread: https://www.threads.net/@penuntutilmudotnet
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keukenhoffsya · 1 month
Siang tadik lepas training mekduak ju g makan rah noms. Nak lepak kejap before balit bah. Then we were talking about sukma. Nya pdh dolok masa sukma 2016 ya ex nya wakil negeri main so nya g ngga la support. Aku alu terus ingat hahahahahahaha dolok masa sukma 2016 ya aku kira baruk juak gerek ngan mal pasya aku g tgga tinju ngan nya & dak kwn nya. Becerita la mekduak. Pasya duak duak perey sbb both dah jd ex. And both kenangan masa sukma. And then nya crita la psl nya ngan ex nya camne putus. Aku gik rasa sedeh dgr. Bygkan ah kau gik sedeh sbb kehilangan seorang bapak utk selamanya pasya gerek kau tiba tiba menghilang alu ajak putus. Yarabiii. Tapi at least ex nya sik curang laa. Nya tyk aku knk ku break. Aku pdh aku knk curang jd aku pilih aku putus jak lah sbb bukan skali tapi duak kali dgn org sama. Nya shock gila dgr. Terus nya pdh ngan aku "kmk pike ktk pande ooo sya duhal sama taduak bodo segal laki" ahhh anjay ayat ya hahahaha. Aku sikda go into detail lahh psl mekduak mal. Ku pdh ada hikmah knk Tuhan berik kita dugaan camya & temukan kita dgn org mcm sidak. Untuk berik kita pengajaran & untuk temukan kita dengan orang yang lebih baik. Now nya pun sik lamak gik beranak and aku pun sik lamak gik kawen. From talking about sukma pande melelat hal ex 😂 also nya tyk dolok sapa yg kaco dolok, ku pdh semua ex aku sik penah aku dolok yg kaco and semua ex aku yg mula dolok. Aku sik pande start conversation hahaha. Now ngan tunang pun gia. Aku sidai nya dlok aku bencik ngan nya dolok and now tengok la hahaha dah jd tunang. Dah nak kawen dah pun 😂 nya pun cita kisah nya ngan husband nya. Lucu da jak kisah mekduak tok.
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casbooks · 2 months
Books of 2023
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Book 73 of 2023
Title: Only The Light Moves Authors: Francis A Doherty ISBN: 9781399057011 Tags: A-1 Skyraider, AH-1 Cobra, B-24 Liberator, B-52 Stratofortress, Boeing 720B, Boeing Stearman, de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver, F-4 Phantom II, FAC, GER Bavaria, GER Germany, GER Kirch Gons, HKG Hong Kong, HKG Hong Kong - Kai Tak Airport, KHM Cambodia, KHM Cambodian Air Force (Cambodian Civil War), KHM Cambodian Civil War (1967-1975), KHM Norodom Sihanouk (King / Prince / Prime Minister), KHM Operation Daniel Boone / Salem House (1967-1975) (Cambodian Civil War) (Vietnam War), LAO Laos, LAO Pathet Lao, LAO USA MSS Leghorn (Eagle's Nest / Gibralter / Golf-5) (Vietnam War), Lockheed Constellation, McDonnell Douglas MD-88, MMR Burma, MMR Yangon/Rangoon Harbor, Nungs, O-1 Bird Dog, O-2 Skymaster, OH-6 Cayuse/Loach/LOH, T-28 Trojan, THA RTAF Royal Thai Air Force, THA RTAFB Ubon Royal Thai Air Base, THA RTN Royal Thai Navy, THA RTNAF U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Airfield, THA Thailand, U-1 Otter, U-6A Beaver, US CA California, US CA Los Angeles, US CA Los Angeles - LAX Airport, US CIA Central Intelligence Agency, US NY JFK International Airport, US NY New York, US OH Kent State University, US OH Kent State University Shootings (1970) (Vietnam War), US President Richard M. Nixon, US TWA Transworld Airlines, US USA 185th Reconnaissance Airplane Co (RAC), US USA 185th Reconnaissance Airplane Co (RAC) - Pterodactyls, US USA 18th Aviation Co, US USA 219th Reconnaissance Airplane Co (RAC), US USA 219th Reconnaissance Airplane Co (RAC) - 2nd Plt, US USA 219th Reconnaissance Airplane Co (RAC) - 4th Plt, US USA 219th Reconnaissance Airplane Co (RAC) - Headhunters, US USA 220th Aviation Company (RAC), US USA 220th Aviation Company (RAC) - Catkiller, US USA 223rd Aviation Bn., US USA 3rd Armored Division, US USA 4th ID - Ivy Division, US USA CCC RT California (Vietnam War), US USA CCC RT Pennsylvania (Vietnam War), US USA Fort Knox KY, US USA Fort Knox KY - Armor Officer Basic Course, US USA Fort Lewis WA, US USA Fort Ord CA, US USA Fort Ord CA - USATC US Army Training Center, US USA Fort Rucker AL, US USA Fort Stewart GA, US USA United States Army, US USA USSF 5th SFG, US USA USSF Green Berets, US USA USSF Special Forces, US USAF 20th TASS - Covey FAC,
US USAF 7th ABCCC Airborne Command and Control Sqd - Hillsboro, US USAF MAC Military Airlift Command, US USAF United States Air Force, US USAF Wright-Patterson Air Force Base OH, US WA Spokane, US WA Spokane - Menock Bridge, US WA Washington, VNM 1968 Tet Offensive (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM Ban Me Thout, VNM Batangan Peninsula, VNM Ben Het, VNM Camp Holloway (Vietnam War), VNM Central Highlands, VNM Chu Lai, VNM Command and Control Central/FOB-2 (Vietnam War), VNM Command and Control North/FOB-1 (Vietnam War), VNM Command and Control North/FOB-4 (Vietnam War), VNM Command and Control South/FOB-5 (Vietnam War), VNM Da Nang, VNM Dak Bla River, VNM Dak Seang, VNM Dak To, VNM DMZ Demilitarized Zone - 17th Parallel (Vietnam War), VNM Dong Ha, VNM DRV NVA North Vietnamese Army, VNM DRV VC Viet Cong, VNM Duc Co, VNM Duc Co Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM Hill 484, VNM Ho Chi Minh Trail (Vietnam War), VNM Hue, VNM Hue - Tay Loc Airfield (Vietnam War), VNM Hue - The Citadel, VNM I Corps (Vietnam War), VNM Ia Drang Valley, VNM II Corps (Vietnam War), VNM III Corps (Vietnam War), VNM Kontum, VNM Kontum - MACV Advisory Compound (Vietnam War), VNM Marble Mountain, VNM Montagnards, VNM Montagnards - Rhade, VNM My Lai, VNM Nha Trang, VNM Operation Arc Light (1965-1973) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Prarie Fire, VNM Paris Peace Accords (1973) (Vietnam War), VNM Phu Bai, VNM Plei Djereng, VNM Plei Djereng Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM Plei Trap Valley, VNM Pleiku, VNM Polei Kleng, VNM Polei Kleng Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM Project Ford Drum (MACVSOG - OPS-32) (Vietnam War), VNM Quang Ngai, VNM Quang Ngai Province, VNM Qui Nhon, VNM RVN ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam, VNM RVN ARVN LLDB Luc Luong Dac Biet Special Forces, VNM RVN ARVN Vietnamese Rangers - Biet Dong Quan, VNM RVN SVNAF South Vietnamese Air Force, VNM RVN Vietnamization Policy (Vietnam War), VNM The Bra Area (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV Military Assistance Command Vietnam (Vietnam War), VNM US MACVSOG - OPS-32 Air Operations (Vietnam War), VNM US MACVSOG - OPS-32 SPAF Sneaky Pete Air Force (Vietnam War), VNM US MACVSOG (1964-1972) (Vietnam War), VNM US MACVSOG Hatchet Force Teams (Vietnam War), VNM US MACVSOG Spike/Recon Teams (Vietnam War), VNM US USA Pleiku Air Base (Vietnam War), VNM US USMC DHCB Dong Ha Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM US USMC MMAF Marble Mountain Air Facility, VNM USAF DASC Direct Air Support Center (Vietnam War), VNM USAF II Corps DASC / 505th TCG - Carbon Outlaw (Vietnam War), VNM VC Valley, VNM Vietnam, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975), Vultee BT-13, Walter Cronkite, WW2 CBI China Burma India Theater of Operations (1937-1945), WW2 World War 2 (1939-1945)
Rating: ★★★★★ Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.Aviation.US Army.FAC, Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.Specops.MACVSOG
Description: About the Author: Francis Doherty, a former U.S. Army captain, piloted a small, unarmed, airplane over sections of the Ho Chi Minh Trail during the war in Vietnam. Captain Doherty spent ten months flying in support of a covert unit of the Army’s Fifth Special Forces, which waged a clandestine war against the North Vietnamese Army, interdicting their supply line through Laos and Cambodia. Only the Light Moves is his first book. After leaving the military Captain Doherty spent thirty-two years as a commercial airline pilot. His essays have appeared in The Journal of Creative Nonfiction, Afterwords, the Veterans Writing Workshop Journal, 0-Dark-Thirty, the publication of the Veteran’s Writing Project, and several essays for The Bark, a monthly publication by the International Bird Dog Association. Additionally, the essay published in the Journal of Creative Nonfiction has been nominated for the Pushcart prize.
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postsofbabel · 3 months
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