majorbratxtheo · 3 years
wren’s face splits into a huge , and relieved , grin when the girl agrees wren can sit next to her . she wastes no time in hopping up on the stool , facing ahead to the bar , before sneaking another glance at the girl . she looks like the no-bullshit  type , which always piques wren’s interest even more . she’s a good judge of character , if wren says so herself . she can almost always find the most UNIQUE characters to befriend . at the introduction , wren gratefully takes her hand , shaking it in a strong grip . “ wren . pleasure to meet you , theo . you lived in roswell long ? “ she asks . “ also , if you’re a prefer-to-drink-in-silence type , feel free to let me know . i can be a motormouth at times , but i understand the need for some well deserved quiet at times too , so i’d take no offence . “
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“As long as a month.” Since the woman was rather beautiful, Theo decided to be polite and amuse her with small talk... even if she did plan on keeping her answers short and sweet as conversation was currently one of the last things on her mind. And while she had just been given an out that would allow her to finish her drink in silence, there was something that stopped her from taking it–something that stopped the brunette from even commenting on Wren’s offer. 
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
She shrugs, but the smile was still on her lips. She liked her full name, too – after all, who didn’t like to be named after an iconic singer? But she wasn’t very well-known in non arab countries, and it was just a mouthful for most people here. Plus, she thought ‘Fai’ was pretty cute. She takes her hand for a shake, “Theo, I like your name, too.” she offers with a friendly tone. “Oh? I noticed the accent but didn’t wanna assume you’re new here.” she notes, ordering an uber already. “I get it, it was a change for me once I moved, too. However, driving is a lot simpler here – in Egypt, it’s like a big game of bumper cars.” 
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“Tack.” Theo thanked the woman for the compliment on her name. If she was being perfectly honest, she hated her name... well nickname. It had only developed because of the fact she’d been named for her late brother and her father used her as a ‘replacement son’. To her, ‘Theo’ was synonymous with the freedom she’d never been blessed with. Though as much as she tried to separate herself from the name, she never could. She’d tried going by her full name of Theodora; and she’d even tried Thea during her time at university in Sweden. But at the end of the day, it always came back to Theo. That’s who she was–even if she hated to admit it. “Oh everyone has a tendency to notice my accent... I’ve had people play guessing games of where I’m from. Thus far, no one’s guessed correctly.” She shared with a slight shrug, her eyes momentarily drifting down to watch Fai order an Uber off her phone. “I take that means you’re from Egypt then?” She deduced. “Beautiful country... It’s near the top of my bucket list.” It was actually number two on her list; only Greece beat it out.
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
         if she was being honest, rox didn’t know much about the neighbour in particular she was heading to bug, except that she seemingly kept to herself. but the same couldn’t be said for the blonde, she was nosey. the type to chat you up while you stood waiting for your underwear to finish in the spin cycle at the laundromat or get in deep conversations the barista that was making her coffee, so to be knocking on her neighbours door just for the hell of it? totally in the realm of normality. 
so, she wasn’t the amazon delivery person – that came as no shock when the other opened the door, rox shooting her a quick smile. “how busy? because if i come back later, or tomorrow it’s going to be the same thing. nobody can be busy all of the time. kept fingertips slide the pocket of her jeans, retrieving a joint that’s quickly flashed in front of her face. “too busy for my girl mj?”
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Theo didn’t really know her neighbor very well; but from what she’d managed to learn since first moving into her apartment a little over a month ago was the fact Roxanne–or Rox–or whatever name she preferred–was the sort of woman who wouldn’t take ‘no’ for answer once she’d gotten her mind set on something... Lucky Theo. “Well I am busy all the time. It’s called having a life.” The brunette could hardly keep a straight face saying that sentence. Since coming to Roswell, a life was the last thing she had. She’d not really made any friends yet { except for maybe Fletcher but she wasn’t sure she’d consider him a friend just yet }; and she could still count on one hand the number of new contacts she’d added to her phone. She was about to just close the door and try to ignore her neighbor; but as Rox spoke up again and removed a particular item from her pocket, it caught the brunette’s eyes. She usually had her own stash on hand; but she’d been slacking lately. It had been a few days since she’d gotten high; and, well, she was kinda craving it. “Consider yourself lucky I’m weak to MJ and all her glory...” She muttered, stepping aside and gesturing for her neighbor to enter her shitty little unfurnished apartment.
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
One of the many things Theo had come to love about Planet 7 was the fact most people had enough common decency to leave her the fuck alone when she sat off to the corner of the bar nursing her whiskey. Whenever she wanted others to strike up conversation with her or was in the mood to flirt with a beautiful woman, she’d sit closer to the action, sometimes even venturing to a table on the outskirts of the club’s makeshift dance floor. Tonight, however, it seemed not everyone got them memo to leave her alone. As someone approached her and began to occupy the previously empty stool beside her, the brunette glanced up, her eyes narrowed in sheer annoyance... annoyance that only grew as the woman opened her mouth and began to speak. “Do I look like I sing bloody karaoke?” If she was drunk enough, yes. Theo actually enjoyed singing quite a lot; but it took a heavy amount of liquid courage to get her to sing in front of others. 
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where: planet 7 for: @majorbratxtheo 
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          hailey might be away from the town for a while, but she can instantly recognize a new face when she sees one. upon seeing the stranger sitting by herself at the bar, hailey takes the opportunity to approach the woman and take a seat next to her. “ it’s a crime for such a pretty girl to be drinking alone, you know. ” this could either go well or bad, but hailey isn’t really one to think about it. what’s the worse could happen anyways? “ it’s karaoke night. if you’re here alone, you should sing with me. ” she lets out a chuckle before adding, “ i promise i’m not the type to hog the microphone and sing everything by myself. i’ll let you shine too. ” hailey gives the other a reassuring nod, as if that would have any effect on the response she’d be getting from the woman. “ so tell me, yay or nay? ”
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
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          bowie is aware of how unsettling running into a stranger in the middle of the woods at night could be but theo doesn’t seem bothered in the least. and they’d be lying if they said that didn’t intrigue them. they follow the woman’s movements and grab two cans in their hands, thinking of possible drawings they could come up with on the blank canvas before them. bowie hums, glancing back at theo. “we share an apartment, it’s kinda hard to hide shit from him. he’s figured out all of my secret spots by now.” they roll their eyes. they could understand that he was just being a big brother but it bothered them nonetheless. they couldn’t wait to have their own privacy. “since you’re helpin’ me out, i’ll let you be the one to pick the vibe we’re goin’ for here. any suggestions?”
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Honestly, Theo never actually partook in vandalism that involved spray paint. None of the individuals she hung out with after running away from her toxic father were into street art or graffiti. If anything, they’d been into taking bats to windows or cars { which she’d always just observed as it wasn’t her thing } or they’d burn shit { which she usually led }. She’d seen plenty of prime examples of the potential vibes she and Bowie could go for; but now that she was being put on the spot by the near-stranger she felt like could one day be considered a friend, the brunette was blanking. “I’ve always been a fan of fuck the government?” She offered up after a long moment’s silence, hoping her suggestion was good enough for now. 
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
As surprised as Fai was at herself for even inviting a total stranger into her home, she was even more surprised that she accepted her offer. I guess she felt a similar good energy from Fai, as did Fai from her. Her mom always told her not to instantly trust a pretty face when you see one – but then again, her mother was talking about men, assuming those would be the only pretty faces Fai would allow into her home. She smiles, “Well, I should probably introduce myself – I’m Fairoz, but you can just call me Fai.” she pulls out her phone, getting ready to order an uber. “Do you have a car? Because otherwise I’ll just get the us an uber.” 
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“Fairoz.” Theo repeated the other’s full name, having to admit she liked the way it sounded and felt on her lips. It was different; and she’d always admired different. “That’s a lovely name.. Though Fai it is.” If that’s what the woman wished to be called, she’d honor that. As someone who went mainly by a nickname too, she understood the desire. “I’m Theo.” She offered out a hand to be shook. “And no. I don’t have a car. Only been in America a few weeks now; and I’m not certain I’d feel comfortable driving on the wrong side of the road.” Most of the places she’d lived or travelled drove on the opposite side of the road as America. To her, it was still a strange concept, one she was curious to see how long it’d  take for her to adjust to.
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
wren is still getting the hang of roswell . the locals . the places to go . the sights to see . the easy way people laugh or talk in the street with each other . the FAMILIARITY of the entire place . every new nook she’s discovered has had her eyes wide in disbelief that such a place , with such character , can even exist . she glances back to the person who spoke up , and wren claps her hands together  - taking the bite for what its worth : a victory . “ a night off ? meeting a great stranger at a bar ? “ she suggests easily . she eyes the emptying glass before them . “ another ? “ wren flags down the bartender , gesturing two more of whatever they’re having . “ annnd . .  is this seat taken ? “ she asks , pointing to the stool beside her . wren welcomes new people . her whole THING is that she loves knowing people and meeting them , wherever her travels take her to . she’s careful to never lay down enough to have too much of a foundation , though . no , just a taste - before she inevitably moves on .
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A night off was definitely good enough reason to be celebrating, especially if one didn’t often get a night off. Theo wondered if that was the case with this woman. If so, she wondered what she did for work that kept her so busy. Regardless, it wasn’t her place to ask as the two were still total strangers at this point and she didn’t wish to pry. Meeting a stranger { though the brunette wouldn’t go as far as saying ‘great’ } at a bar could sometimes be a reason to celebrate as well. That, however, was definitely hit or miss. She hoped for the sake of the woman { and herself }, it was a hit. “Taken by you, I suppose.” She shifted in her own stool so she was best facing the woman, offering her a small smile before extending a well-manicured hand. “I’m Theo.” If she was going to be striking up conversation with this stranger, she felt they might as well get on a first-name basis. 
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
The Wild Pony was a place Theo hadn’t stepped foot into until tonight. She’d become quite fond of Planet 7 and much preferred its atmosphere to most other places she’d been to since her arrival in Roswell. However, she’d felt like maybe it was time to branch outside her comfort zone and give the other most well-known bar in town a try... She was already regretting it. And as the individual beside her spoke up, she feared she was about to come to regret her decision even more. That was, until she heard the other speak and finally turned to face them. “What’s it we’re celebrating?” She inquired, raising a quizzical eyebrow at the beautiful woman. Regardless of the answer, the brunette wasn’t one foolish enough to pass up a free drink—especially since her whiskey was running low.
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đšđ©đžđ§ ! // @roswellstarters​
đ„đšđœđšđ­đąđšđ§ : the wild pony 
“ tonight is my first night off from work in  
 god . “ wren groans , closing her eyes for a second . “ i can’t even remember . that’s how long it’s been . and i honestly don’t know what to do with myself . “ in the short time wren has been in roswell , this feels like the first night she’s ever been able to go fully out and about . she likes exploring when she can , but finds that’s next to nil on the availability scale . now , though , she sits , tapping her fingers on the bar top . alcohol is always a must . wren likes to keep busy with work  - and it gets to the point where every still moment must then be filled with something , and SOMEONE , to keep her mind occupied. she looks over , hoping to find a familiar face in this unfamiliar place .  “ let me buy you a drink . we’re celebrating tonight . “
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
She rolls her eyes, “trust me, I usually don’t. But I just could not be bothered today to get into another argument about that
” as much as Fai couldn’t give a shit about what people thought about her and her choices, she still couldn’t help but let some things get to her sometimes. I suppose it comes with the trauma of her own family doing that to her for so many years growing up. She smiles at her, and pauses for a moment to think about the next thing she was about to say. Or, rather, ask. “– You wanna join me?” he shrugs at her, “I know this is breaking the ‘don’t take drugs from strangers’ rule but I wouldn’t mind a little bit of company.” she offers her a small, friendly smile. 
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Theo had to admit, she was rather surprised when the woman asked if she wanted to join her in getting high. The two had barely met; and the circumstances in which they met definitely weren’t of the variety that usually warranted sharing drugs with strangers. But who was she to refuse getting high with the company of a pretty girl? “I’d be a fool to decline.” She stated, no hesitance to her words. Some company would be nice, especially since the brunette still didn’t know many people in Roswell { or in America in general }. As much as she was a self-proclaimed loner, even she could use a potential friend every now and again. 
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
i don't dress to attract men, i dress to attract girls and crows
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
text ✉ theo
Bryn: wow look at me my brain is in an entire different world, i just get so excited to have human interaction
Bryn: brynmor evans-llewellyn, though i'm fine with just bryn + the american english pronounciation of llewellyn
Bryn: i'm a mortician, i run the funeral home, so i'm usually having one-sided socialization with folks who can't exactly talk back 😬
Theo: It's not exactly proper human interaction if it's through hunks of metal and plastic, is it?
Theo: I suppose it does have to beat conversing with a corpse though... The dead have little way with words; though rumour has it they make excellent eyes and ears.
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
text ✉ theo
Bryn: well we appreciate it! i would say we appreciate it too much but i don't think we can after what the english were doing to my ancestors
Bryn: most can't seem to wrap their heads around me being from the PNW yet sounding the way i do, so that would probably strike fear into their hearts. they're so quick sometimes to try and "fix" stuff that doesn't really need fixing
Bryn: though on my part i think some of it had to do with it being 1991 and me having two moms 😬
Theo: Y'know, shit's getting deep for a wrong number...
Theo: I don't even have your name
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
text ✉ theo
Bryn: well i do consider it a first and native language for myself, even though my parents speak fine english they've always wanted to keep the culture alive. bless them and that welsh resistance and nonconformity
Bryn: which eventually led to me being in kindergarten in portland and the school wanting to sit me in speech class because of my accent 😬
Theo: My ex was Welsh. Lived with her during my college years and picked up a bit of language. Absobloodylutely beautiful language. And culture.
Theo: I wonder what they would've said about the sort of accent you develop when you've lived all over the world and not one person can tell where you're actually from đŸ€”
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
text ✉ theo
Bryn: yep, yep, sorry, mae'n ddrwg 'da fi, my bad, xin lỗi, etc, etc
Bryn: i literally wasd not lookinfgd at who u was textingf
Bryn: OBVIOUSLY i need to start looking, wow
Theo: No need to apologise. I've appreciated the chance to brush up on my Welsh.
Theo: Mae wedi bod yn flynyddoedd.
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
Most people would pass on meeting someone they’d just met in the middle of fucking nowhere at night. But Theo wasn’t most people. She didn’t give a shit. And besides, the vibe she’d gotten from Bowie during their first interaction had been far from one that would scare her away. In fact, it had been one that drew her in. She was almost intrigued by the other. How could she turn down the opportunity for a potential friend ally? 
“I agreed to help, didn’t I?” Theo spoke up, bending down to retrieve one of the spray cans from the ground, opting for the one that had rolled and had ended up just at her feet. “Though it sounds to me you need a better hiding place if your brother’s tossing all your shit.”
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location: frazier woods or anywhere abandoned ! availability: open, @roswellstarters​
          “had to sneak these outta the apartment before my brother could sniff ‘em out. he threw a bunch of my shit away last week, man. as if i’m made out of fuckin’ money.” bowie takes out the spray cans out of their backpack, four different cans of their favorite colors, and tosses them on the floor before them. “so, did you just come to stand there and watch or you’re helpin’ me out with this?”
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majorbratxtheo · 3 years
text ✉ open
Bryn: Dwi'n iawn, stopiwch boeni
Bryn: sorry you are decidedly NOT my mum, oops
Theo: Rydych chi'n gywir.
Theo: Nid fi yw eich mam.
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