forestduck · 2 years
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daisyful-gvf · 1 year
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roommates // by daisyful
pairings: jake x reader
word count: 5k
tags: sex toys, roommates!au, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, pwp basically, pet names because i can’t help myself, dirty talking
notes: i never thought i’d write this many fics with a vibrator involved, but here we are lmao. This happened bc of this post . minimally edited.
“You’re fucking kidding me”
Of course, today of all days, the batteries would die. You huff out a few more curses and remove the lifeless vibrator from between your legs, throwing it on the bed beside you.
For a moment you lay there and frown, wondering if this is a sign you should just go to bed. Today had tested you far too frequently, and you couldn’t deal with much more. The thought of trying to get off any other way after you’d been so close with the toy seemed not worth the hassle.
Then, your brain throws you a hail mary: there’s batteries in the kitchen drawer. Perfect.
You tug on a pair of cotton underwear and smooth out your oversized t-shirt. It settles at the tops of your thighs, and you figure that’s decent enough for a run to the kitchen at 2:00 in the morning.
Your body carries you to the kitchen through the darkness, only broken by the light of the TV your roommate must have left on.
It causes you to roll your eyes—an old western is playing. You never had the pallet for them, even in an ironic sense. But Jake—your roommate of about a year now—loved them, for some reasons he had droned on about before when you expressed your disinterest.
You go straight for the drawer by the fridge, full of scissors and charging cords and pennies and mail, fishing around for the AA batteries.
“Whatcha need?”
“Fuck!” Your chest pounds as you clutch dramatically at your shirt, whirling around to see the source of the voice.
Jake blinks at you, eyebrows raised in amusement. He lays on the couch, in his plaid pajama pants and t shirt, feet covered by a throw blanket.
“You up to something sneaky? Why so jumpy?” He grins.
“Fuck off,” you roll your eyes, “It’s dark, I didn’t see you,” you grumble.
“Jesus,” he laughs, “Bad day?”
You just nod, rummaging again through the drawer for the batteries.
“You need help?” He asks, his voice getting closer as he walks into the kitchen.
“Where are our batteries?” You murmur, closing that drawer and trying the next.
He ‘hmm’s for a second, and then answers, “Why the hell do you need batteries at 2am? You building something?”
“Yes, a robot,” you deadpan, “Mind your business. Do you know where they are?”
“Damn, what’s wrong?” you can hear the smile in his voice and you finally look up at him, growing impatient.
“Do you know where they are or not?”
He looks you over, seemingly trying to understand the situation, and then, you realize that you’re in only your shirt and underwear. You can see him swallow and avert his eyes to the cabinet as he seems to realize the same.
“I think so,” he says softly, “Hang on.”
He fetches a shoe box from the hallway closet and brings it back to the kitchen, plopping it on the counter. There’s various tools and nails and command hooks, and then, alas, he pulls out a small container of AA batteries. Gently, he puts them in your hand.
“There,” he says softly, “You good?”
You nod and mutter a soft thank you before making a quick escape, looking forward to no longer being in front of him in your underwear.
You know it’s no big deal, and that you two have gotten comfortable. But there’s this tension, sometimes. Mostly like this, at night, sometimes intoxicated. Where the stares between you two linger a bit too long, and your mind begins to wonder. You always push it down, because it’s not a good idea, and you know that. And when the light of day comes around, you’re always relieved that things feel normal again.
So that’s what you do; push it aside. Back to the matter at hand: you latch your bedroom door behind you and head straight for the vibrator, popping it’s plastic plate off and fishing out the old batteries. And then you realize. They’re the wrong size.
You take a shaking breath, irritated and tired. Without thinking, you throw it back on the bed and walk back out into the living room, where Jake has cozied up on the couch.
“Do we have triple A?” You ask flatly.
“Hmm?” He looks up at you. His eyes land on your bare thighs again, then flick back up quickly to your gaze.
“Triple A? Batteries?”
“Honey, what is this for?” He mumbles, getting off the couch again to help.
“It’s nothing,” you huff out, beginning to go through the shoebox again.
“Gotta tell me if you want help,” he smirks. You look up and he’s got a cocky hand on his hip, standing a couple of feet away. His hair is messy in the dim blue light, and he looks amused with himself.
No longer in possession of any patience to make up a story or fight off his questioning, you answer.
“My vibrator.”
His lips part in gentle shock, and the cocky expression leaves his face at once.
“Yeah,” you sigh, “You just had to know, huh?”
You laugh, because he looks so shy and unlike himself all the sudden. Possibly delirious from the late hour, he laughs too.
“Sorry,” he murmurs. You can see him blushing even in the low light.
“It’s fine,” you rush out, “I’ve just had a bad day, I’m just—” you give up looking through the box, rubbing a hand over your face, “I’m just frustrated. And I just needed—nevermind,” you shake your head, “It’s dead, I just need the batteries.”
He nods and pulls the shoebox closer to him on the counter, picking through the nails and thumbtacks and tape.
“Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Honey,” he says quietly, “But I don’t think we have any.”
“It’s fine,” you sigh, “I’m gonna go to bed,” you pad a few steps away from him, “Goodnight. This didn’t happen,” you point a finger at him.
He salutes you and grins, headed back to the couch. Shoving your embarrassment down, you head to your room again and prepare for sleep. You can’t be bothered to mess with it again.
You’re just picking up the vibrator and putting the back piece back on when there’s a soft knock at the door.
Tucking the toy behind your back, you crack it open to reveal none other than Jake.
“Um,” he holds up the TV remote, “This has triple A batteries,” he says softly.
You look between the remote and him, a furious blush making its way across your face that he would care so much as to come tell you.
“Oh,” you say, eloquence evading you.
He passes it towards you and you open the door further, taking it from him in your open hand. You other stays tucked behind your back, hiding the toy in a way that feels very scandalous.
“Don’t you need this?” You ask, “You’re watching TV.”
He shrugs, “Not as bad as you do, apparently,” he grins and you can’t help but chuckle. “No, but, seriously, I’m probably gonna go to bed.”
You nod slowly, “Okay. Um,” you swallow. You should feel more nervous than you do. More embarrassed. There’s a bit of it, sure, but not much. It feels oddly comfortable. “Thank you.” You murmur.
He nods, and then licks his lip. You stare, because it seems to be almost in slow motion, and his bottom lip is left glossy. Here it is again: the tension. So easy to form in the late hours of the night.
“Mmhm,” he acknowledges your gratitude and he takes a breath, like he’s about to speak, but then his lips shut. He does it again, like he’s working up to saying it.
“Do you wanna make sure they work?” He asks, “Cause I can—if not, I can check my room, or something, um,” his hand grips the doorway and his fingers fidget with the wood. He’s doing a terrible job of acting casual about it, but you find it endearing.
“Sure,” you murmur, “Um,” you fumble with the toy behind your back, “Here, hang on.”
You turn around, just enough that he might not be able to plainly see it in your hand as you mess with it. But you can’t pop open the remote and the toy with both things in your hand, you realize quickly.
“Here,” he says gently, pushing your door open and touching you on the shoulder. He comes around to your side and takes the remote from your hand.
You watch him as he does, and while he looks a little bashful, you appreciate him not acknowledging what’s in your other hand.
With daft fingers, he removes the batteries from the remote as you take them out of the vibrator. You toss the old ones on your bed, and let him place the new ones in your palm. When you click them into place, the toy immediately buzzes to life.
“Oh—shit—“ you breathe, fumbling quickly to turn off the toy. You look at him in a panic, and mutter a soft, “Sorry. Thank you.”
He nods, but doesn’t say anything. He’s got an odd expression, and you think twice before asking, but then you can’t help it.
“What?” you ask.
“Uh,” he chuckles, “I don’t—um,” he runs his hand through his hair and looks back and forth between you and the vibrator, “Nothing.”
He doesn’t move, though. Doesn’t walk to the door, even a little bit.
“Jake,” you sigh, “What is it?”
“I just—“ he starts, and then he nibbles on his bottom lip again, “I probably…shouldn’t…”
You raise your brows at him, wondering what the hell he’s talking about.
“I just—“ he clears his throat, “If—if you had a hard day and you need…I mean, if you need to get off and—and if you just need, y’know, if you don’t wanna have to do a lot of work, I mean, if you’ve had a hard day—“
“Jake,” you giggle at his nonsense, “What?”
He collects himself with a breath, “I can help,” he says finally, “If you’d want that.”
“Help?” Your mouth goes dry at the thought that he’s saying what you think he is.
He nods, “Help. Just this once. Forget about it tomorrow, act like it never happened, all that good stuff, y’know.”
You know you’re standing there with a ridiculous expression on your face, but you can’t help it. You’re stunned.
“Oh,” you finally manage.
He just looks at you, perhaps scared to say anything else.
“You can say no,” he gives you the out, “Or you can say yes. It’s up to you.”
You note how quickly your thighs clench together at the thought, and how your cheeks heat. It’s undeniable that the offer sounds nice. Your day did suck, it would be nice to not have to think about it, just have someone else do the work. Especially someone as attractive as him, who you feel safe with, who you know would take care of you.
“Hm, Honey?” He reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, “I don’t even have to touch you, I can just use the toy, but maybe—“
“Sure,” you surprise yourself with the answer.
“Yeah?” He trails the back of his knuckles over your jaw, “Sound nice?”
A shaky breath leaves you as his fingers graze softly.
“Okay,” he murmurs, “And really,” he licks his lips, “We’ll forget all about it tomorrow. S’just a favor.”
“Okay,” you agree.
“Wanna lay down?” His voice is lower, gentle still, but almost gravelly.
You nod and sit near the top of your bed, watching him intently as he pushes the remote aside and touches your ankle softly. There’s nothing but the soft whir of the fan for a moment as he looks up at you. Suddenly, he looks so much like himself. So familiar. It puts you at ease, and he must see it.
He traces his palm up from your ankle to the inside of your thigh, where he touches softly.
“That okay?” He murmurs. When you nod, he settles more, laying on his stomach between your ankles.
His palms are large and warm over your thighs, where they work to help you relax through broad sweeps over your skin. The only light is from the salt lamp on your dresser, so he glows soft orange.
You can feel the tension unwind as he sweeps his palm again and presses a kiss to the inside of your knee.
“Can I have that?” he smiles as he nods toward your hand, still clutched around the vibrator.
Quietly, you pass the slender silicone wand to him. He takes it in his large hand and flips it, the side with the button in his palm. He skims it down the inside of your thigh, warming you up to the touch. It steals your breath.
“Relax,” he soothes, kissing your thigh again, “Just me.”
You nod, inhaling and exhaling slowly.
“Help slide these off for me?” He nudges the hem of your shirt up on your hip and tugs at one side of your underwear.
Doing as he asks, you slip fingers under the other side and with him, you drag them down and off your ankles.
He tosses them to the floor and comes back to you, skirting the toy up your thigh again, closer and closer. He’s looking up at you for a moment, and you hold the eye contact and your breath, but then finally he spares a glance to your center.
His breath shudders from him and his eyes close momentarily. When they open, for the first time you see him turned on. You can’t pinpoint what it is in his demeanor, but it’s undeniable. It lights a fire in your belly so quickly you wonder why you didn’t do this ages ago.
“Honey…” he sighs, then a groan sounds from the back of his throat, “I don’t wanna keep you waiting, is that okay? Or you wanna go slow?”
“No,” you answer quickly, “Don’t have to go slow.”
He nods and hits the button on the toy, sending it buzzing to life. You can just barely hear the sharp intake of breath from him.
A bit too slow, even, for your liking, he drags the toy up your thigh again, before finally letting the it rest over your clit. You try not to cry out, instead biting down on your lip hard, and pushing your hips up into the touch.
“You don’t have to do that,” he says calmly, “You don’t need to be quiet. Helps me know better what to do if you’re not quiet.”
“Oka—” it’s cut off with a groan as he nestles it more firmly against you.
“Feel good?” He asks, voice still low. You nod frantically, “You can—“ you sigh, a bit scared to say it. Too turned on to think much more, you just do, “You can touch me, if you want.”
He looks up at you quickly, and oh, his eyelids are heavy with lust.
“Yeah?” he says, as if he’s not sure he’s heard you right.
“Mmhm,” you nod, “Please.”
“Fuck,” it rushes out of him, “Yeah, Honey.”
He moves the vibrator aside for a moment, letting it rest just to the side of you. He removes the hand that was holding your thigh and licks the pad of his thumb before he brings it to you, greeting your clit with slow circles. The touch burns a trail through your body, immediately heating your face and chest.
“Jake,” the way you say his name is nearing pathetic.
“Yeah?” He sounds almost in pain, his voice is tight.
“More,” you shudder.
“How—Jesus Christ“ he clears his throat, “Do you wanna tell me how you like it, or you just want me to—“
“Just—,” you feel frantic, like your skin is too hot, and you don’t know what you need. You reach for him, and your hand lands in the crown of his hair, “Please, something—I—”
“Okay,” he soothes, “Okay.”
Slowly still, he moves the toy down and eases against the slick of your entrance, and when you push your hips into it, he takes it as permission to ease it into you.
“Fuck,” you bite out.
“Good?” he checks in, kissing your leg.
“Yeah,” you gasp.
“Good,” he murmurs, and then he’s settling down, pressing kisses further and further along your inner thigh, until finally, he meets your clit in a gentle kiss.
“Jake,” you groan, loud, “Ohmygod.”
He hums against you, and then before you can even catch your breath, he licks a full stripe, stealing whatever sanity you could have possibly had left.
“Don’t stop,” you know you’re whining but you can’t help it, not even a bit. He licks and sucks slowly, letting the buzz from the toy and the warmth from his mouth carry you to your end. Your hand stays buried in his hair at the roots, where you try not to squeeze it too hard.
It’s almost humorous, that earlier you were trying so desperately to get off, and now that it's a hair’s width away, you wish you weren’t so close. You don’t want the sweet warmth of his tongue to leave. Sadly, you don’t have a choice.
“Gonna cum,” you warn him, so he can back off if he wants, but he just groans into you, and keeps his motions steady.
You can’t breathe when it hits you, nor can you help the way your thighs tense around him. You’re pretty sure you almost pass out for a moment, as your vision goes all white when your eyes roll back. After it passes, and you can take a deep gasp of air again, he’s coming up for air.
“Fuck me,” he groans, “Fuck.”
You blink a few times so you can finally see him in the dim light again. He slides the vibrator from you and clicks it off, then wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. Almost like he can’t help it, he gets up on his knees and grips the length of himself through the pajamas, his eyes rolling back and his lips falling open.
His eyes snap open to meet yours, and his hand falls away.
“Sorry,” he sighs quickly, “Sorry, I—“ he shakes his head, at a loss.
“It’s okay,” your chest heaves as you recover still from the orgasm.
You try to read him, to know where to go with this. Do you thank him? Do you offer to return the favor? That wasn’t part of this, though, maybe—
“Can I do it again?”
Your eyes meet his in some fiery standoff.
He licks his lips, “Can I make you cum again?”
When you’re still silent for a moment, he adds, “Please?”
The groan that comes from you is much too loud and enthusiastic, and before you know it you’re reaching for him.
“Come here,” you plead, and he obliges, slotting with you and hovering over you, meeting you in a warm kiss.
“Fuck,” he says against your mouth, “I promise we can still forget about this tomorrow, if you want—“
“Shut up,” you smile, kissing him harder. He groans back and snakes a hand between your legs, where suddenly he’s nudging two fingers against you.
“Yes,” You answer before he can ask.
You gasp when they sink in, warm and full, so much better than the stupid vibrator.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he says against your cheek, as he’s nipping and licking a trail down your face, “I would—“ he swallows, you can hear it close to your ear, “I would fucking love to be inside you.”
“Oh my god,” it rushes out of you without thought, “Please.”
He groans, but pulls back.
“Are you sure—“
“Yes, Jake,”
“No, Honey, listen to me,” he holds your jaw in his hand, “We can still just pretend this didn’t happen tomorrow if you want, but please think about it for a second. I’m alright with it. Are you?”
You take a deep breath, and yeah, even when you think about it, even when it’s him, you want it. And you know he’d never hold it against you.
“Yeah,” you nod, “Yes.”
His lips curl into a wide grin, and then he’s back against your mouth, matching your fervor with his warm tongue. His fingers work still inside you, curling perfectly over and over.
You want him so badly all at once you can barely stand it, and without a second thought, it comes out of you:
“Can I ride you?”
His fingers halt and he groans so loud you almost wonder if he’s hurt, his head falls to your shoulder. Quickly, he collects himself, pulling his head up to look at you. He’s disheveled, and it’s hot. His hair is everywhere, his lips are swollen.
“As hot as that is, no, babe, this is still about you. Don’t want you to have to do any of the work.”
You’re trying to respond, but the way he said babe rings around in your head deafeningly loud.
“I’ll make it worth your while,” he kisses your cheek, “I promise.”
Numb from the pleasure, you nod as he withdraws his fingers. He smiles as he slips off the bed and tugs his shirt over his head. You follow his form, tugging your shirt over yours. His eyes slow for a moment over your chest, and you both take each other in.
You’ve seen him shirtless, as he cooks breakfast, or when he comes home from a jog. You know he has soft sides, a defined chest, and wonderfully strong shoulders. It still makes you speechless.
Even more, when he tugs the string of his pajama pants loose and eases them gently down his hips, letting them fall to the floor, you can’t find words. The curve from his hips to his waist makes your mouth open in an intrigued shock. And god, the thick length of himself that he takes quickly into his hand is enough to stun you forever. You’re shocked you can find words to answer him when he asks,
“You want this?”
It’s low and sultry as he palms himself. His head is cocked just to the side, making dazed eye contact with you.
“Yeah,” you sigh, “I—can I touch you?”
He bites on his bottom lip and nods, stepping closer to the side of the bed so that he’s within reach. Timidly, you reach up to take him into your hand. His hand moves, allowing it, and as your fingers wrap around him, your thighs clench. He releases a slow, shaky breath when you stroke him.
He’s warm, and thicker than at first glance. You can’t resist a peek up at his face as you move your hand slowly over him. His eyes are locked onto your hand, his lips parted in a sigh.
“Feels nice,” he thrusts experimentally into your grip, and his eyes roll back, “Your hand is so soft.”
You can’t help but giggle at that, and his eyes flit to your face. He chuckles too, pushing into your hand again.
“Fuck,” he hisses, “You ready?”
Nodding quickly, you greet him on the bed by sliding your legs back open, letting him kneel between them.
“Slide down a bit, babe,” he says quietly, touching your hip with delicate fingers.
You lay flat on the bed, letting him lean over you and prop himself up with his forearm by your head.
“Hi,” he grins.
“Hey there,” you giggle.
“Gonna kiss you again,” he murmurs as he leans in, his plush lips meeting yours in a lovely embrace. As you’re busy licking at his tongue, he rolls his hips against you, and you’re gasping at the warmth of him sliding against your clit.
“Shit,” he gasps into your mouth, “You’re gonna soak me, Honey. You always this wet, or am I doing that good a job?”
“I refuse to inflate your ego even more this evening,” you smile into the kiss.
“Understandable,” he’s smiling too, “I hope you can tell by how fucking hard I am that you’re doing something to me, too,” he grinds fully into you again and you’re whimpering as he licks at your lower lip.
“Jake,” you whine.
“Tell me, Honey, what is it?”
“Just fuck me, please.”
“Mmm,” he hums as his lips press to your cheek, “Gonna fuck you until you can’t remember the bad day you had, or anything else.”
If you say anything coherent, you can’t recall. It’s mostly a desperate groan, begging without words.
He reaches down and eases himself in, and you force your eyes open to watch his expression as he does. His mouth gapes, his eyes roll back. You wish you could watch it a million times.
And god, he’s warm as he stretches you, as his hips roll flush to you. He’s just big enough that it approaches a mild sting, but it’s welcomed. He props his other forearm on the other side of your head, and his hair falls around you, blanketing you in his body heat.
Just when you’re sure his hips are flush to you, he rolls them hard, sending your eyes back into your head.
“You like that, hm?” He shudders, “You feel so damn good.”
You just nod, struggling to keep your eyes open to look at him.
“Baby,” he says, sugar sweet, “Just take it, Honey, you don’t have to do anything else.”
He pulls his hips back and then rolls back into you, and suddenly that sneaking warmth is building in you again.
With his nose, he nuzzles your head to the side. As he begins to work at a slow, deep pace, he sucks gently on your pulse point. Your head is all blurry stars, your eyes rolling back far too often to see anything, and all you can smell is his shampoo and sweat.
You’re not sure if you’re making noise; you don’t think so, it feels like you can barely breathe. But then, Jake says,
“I know, babe, I know, let go.”
And you’re guessing you’ve said something to clue him into the fact that you’re on the precipice of a second orgasm.
With a sturdy roll of his hips, you’re scratching at the soft skin of his sides and drawing a whimper from as you clench around him like a vice, slamming into a somehow even more visceral orgasm than the first.
As it washes over you, you can hear yourself saying his name like a mantra.
“So good,” he’s still fucking slowly into you.
“Don’t fucking stop,” you whine, “Please, Jake, don’t stop.”
“Not gonna stop,” he kisses your cheek, “Gonna give it to you til you’re a cock-drunk mess, Honey, don’t worry.”
You shudder off a string of curses at his vulgar response, and you draw him even closer, one hand on his side, and the other wrapping into his hair. He resumes sucking on the side of your neck, something that makes your stomach flutter. He bottoms out over and over at a wonderous pace, somehow each thrust just as good as the last.
“You like this? Slow and deep?” He murmurs the question against your skin and punctuates the question with a lick.
“Yes,” you whimper.
“You wanna cum around me again?”
“Yeah,” you gasp, “Yeah, fucking—please,”
“Take your time, Honey,” he breathes, “I’m not going anywhere. Just gonna fuck and fuck you.”
“Kiss me,” you plead. He answers you quickly, his warm mouth on yours in an instant, warm and fervent. It’s embarrassingly quick, how soon you feel like you can cum again. But you can’t find the shame; he’s working himself perfectly against you.
“Close,” you confess against his lips.
“Good,” his voice is distant, “Let me have it.”
It hits you slow and unhurried, creeping hot vines up your torso and neck, gripping at your cheeks and burning a bolt of pleasure through you. You’re a floating, dizzy version of yourself when you come down.
“Fucking beautiful,” he’s sighing, “Gonna cum, Honey, you feel too good.”
He pulls out and balances on one of his arms as he shoves a hand down around himself. He looks the most beautiful that he ever has, in your opinion, as he cums.
His cheeks are flushed and his brow furrows, and his bitten lips curse softly when he loses it. For a moment he glances down between you, watching as he makes a mess.
You could watch it on repeat forever, and almost lament the moment before it passes.
Finally, he looks up at you. It’s quiet for a second before he grins.
“Hi, Honey,” he smiled wide.
“Hi,” you giggle. He unsticks a piece of his hair from your face as he catches his breath.
“Gonna kiss you again if that’s alright,” he sighs. You nod quickly, and he’s kissing you soft and slow. It’s so tender, you know you probably shouldn’t want it as bad as you do.
He must be on the same page, though, because he just kisses and kisses, licking slowly at your tongue and your teeth.
Some long while later, he comes up for air.
“Let me get my shirt for you,” he says, easing himself off the bed.
He fetches his discarded tee and cleans you with it gently, then wipes himself quickly before he climbs back beside you.
“So,” he breathes, reaching out to skim a finger over your chest, “Why was your day so bad, hm?”
“Jake,” you laugh. You can’t fathom why he’s asking you this right now, and you can’t recall a single thing that happened before the moment he was in your bed.
“Tell me about your day. What was it, hm? That got you so frustrated you had to make yourself cum so bad,” he smirks.
“Jake, Jesus Christ,” you blush, “I have no idea anymore, it was just—“
“So it worked?”
You blink at him.
“I fucked you ‘til you forgot?”
If he was trying to make you laugh, it works, as the giggle that escapes you is borderline maniacal. He joins though, laughing lightheartedly beside you.
“Sorry,” he laughs, “Dumb joke.”
As the giggling winds down, the room is quiet. The thought pops into your head with conviction, and it feels only right to say it aloud:
“You know… I wouldn’t be mad if we didn’t forget this tomorrow,” you offer quietly.
He sighs and smiles at you, his eyes sparkly. He looks like himself; like the Jake you know, but closer, and warmer than before.
“I was kinda hoping you would say that.”
*tag list in progress of being updated*
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ageofbajabule · 1 year
Fic Recommendations
I’ve been working on this for a while, and will add to it the more fics I read and will recommend.
Some of these are completed series, some are WIP series.
All of the work is 18+ NO MINORS: Some of these will contain smut, some might not. So read at your own discretion.
One Shots
Something About You - @abeautylives
Feather Light - @tripthelightfandomtastic
I Know You Are, But What Am I? - @indigostardustchords
Drift - @gretavangroupie
In Every Life - @joshkiszkasears
Divinity - @gretavanlace
Valtava - @gretavanlace
Long Time Coming - @builtbybrokenbells
Love Me Tender - @holybananafuck
Varansai - @lightmylove-gvf
Bloom - @gretavangroupie
Endless Summer - @anthemofgvf
Deception - @obetrolncocktails
The Professor - @gretavanbear
Strawberry - @stardustshelb
Abaddon - @garbagevanfleet
One Shots
Voyeur - @gretavangroupie
Give Me Shelter - @gretavanfleetposts
Give Me All You Got - @alwaysonthemend
Use Somebody - @sunshinevanfleet
Cream & Sugar - @sacredthefran
Hands to Yourself - @sinsofstardust
Vigilance - @gretavangroupie @gretavanmoon
Covet - @jakeyt
Lazarus - @garbagevanfleet
One Shots
Thrills In The Night - @sparrowofthedawnsworld
Rebel Yell - @tripthelightfandomtastic
Four Weddings and a Funeral - @hearts-hunger
One Shots
Andante, Andante - @gretasmokerising
Not So Strangers - @gvfgal
Pink Lemonade - @garbagevanfleet
One Shots
Crossfire - @daisyful-gvf
Just For Me - @jake-kiszkas-smirk
Kismet - @gretavangroupie @sacredstarcatcher
Shake My Faith - @capturethechaos
Skin Deep - @streamingcolors-gvf
Stardust Chords - @indigostardustchords
Sugar - @gretavanlace
Poppins - @gretavanlace
Simultaneous - @lightmylove-gvf
One Shots
Guilty Pleasures - @builtbybrokenbells
Ignition - @obetrolncocktails
One Shots
Let’s Share - @joshym
Forbidden Twins
Cruel Summer - @sacredstarcatcher
Gold Dust Woman - @builtbybrokenbells
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jakescaravel · 7 months
My Fic Recs!
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If there are any more you feel are deserving of being on this list, send em my way 😏😏
Jake Recs
Lazarus @garbagevanfleet
Cream & Sugar @sacredthefran
One Shots
Cabin In The Woods @gretavanlace
Smile Pretty @sinsofstardust
Call And Response @gretavanlace
Decorum and Refinement @spark-my-nature
Roommates @daisyful-gvf
As You Wish @jake-kiszkas-smirk
Crimson Lace @meetingthestarcatchers
Led Zeppelin @gretavanfleetposts
Josh Recs
Valtava @gretavanlace
Feather Light @tripthelightfandomtastic
Dance For Me @gretavanfleetposts
Jake and Josh Recs
Gemini @garbagevanfleet
Sugar @gretavanlace
Skin Deep @streamingcolors-gvf
Poppins @gretavanlace
Sammy Recs
Carried Away @ageofnations
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alwaysonthemend · 1 year
Best Jake writer?
Best Josh writer?
Best Sam writer?
Best Daniel writer?
In your opinion?
okay so it is literally impossible for me to choose just one writer for each of the boys so im j gonna link some of my fav fics - which is also rlly hard bc there's so many amazing writers on here. so here are just a FEW that come to mind :)
also i mostly read jake fics with a few sprinklings of josh fics so im very sorry that i dont have as many sam and danny recs
anything by @jakeyt
anything by @gretavanlace
anything by @sparrowofthedawnsworld
anything by @lightmylove-gvf
you first by @geminisecrets
little wing by @daisyful-gvf
so sweet by @profitofthedune
indifferent by @indigostardustchords
a night of revelry by @threadandlace
you don't even know by @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine
behind closed doors by @anthemofgvf
cursed by @lightmylove-gvf
karaoke nights at the hooded crow by @finestoflines
reflection by @vanfleeter
pick yourself up by @ageofhearingloss
imperfect moments by @abeautylives
bring the rain by @tearsofstarlust
anything by @joshym
trinity by @lightmylove-gvf
trip around the sun by @abeautylives
stars collide by @gretavanlace
knock at the cabin @tearsofcaravel
the sex scene by @lightmylove-gvf
woman in a dream by @rhinestoneskye
endless summer by @anthemofgvf
piano man by @losfacedevil
distorted hues by @jakeyt
stroke me by @hyperfixated-gvf
a cowgirl's dream by @hearts-hunger
laundry room shenanigans by @allieisacrybaby
fade into you by @builtbybrokenbells
can't hold back by @spark-my-nature
why don't you make me by @joshym
best bad habit by @sinsofstardust
reflections by @sunshinevanfleet
to be loved by you by @sacredjake
sweet peach by @hearts-hunger
this is the hardest thing i've ever done 😭
there's so many good fics but this is the best i can do rn. honestly i might j keep adding to this when i can
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Fic Recommendations
Just a place to store all of my favorite fics from around the internet.
18+ Minors DNI
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Lavender - @ourtearsofrain
Ceilings - @anthemofgvf
Touch - @obetrolncocktails
Patience - @alwaysonthemend
Strawberry (Series) - @stardustshelb
Something About You - @abeautylives
The Varanasi Series - @lightmylove-gvf
Promise (1) | Promise (2) - @theweightofakiteofdreamsingold
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Sweet Surrender - @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine
Roommates - @daisyful-gvf
Rock or Bust - @alwaysonthemend
You First - @geminisecrets
Carpe Noctem - @alwaysonthemend
Three Knuckles Deep - @obetrolncocktails
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Feel Good - @ourtearsofrain
Need - @theweightofakiteofdreamsingold
Stroke Me - @hyperfixated-gvf
Laundry Room Shenanigans - @allieisacrybaby
After Dark - @sacredjake
Helping Hand - @threadandlace
Show Me - @vanfleeter
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Simplicity of Love - @holybananafuck
Strangers - @jake-kiszkas-smirk
Neglected | Pretty Little Thing (Sequel) - @jake-kiszkas-smirk
Change (A Farmer’s Market AU) - @losfacedevil
Mirrors and Reflections - @anthemofgvf
Union - @gretavangroupie
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Ménage a Quatre - All x Reader - @alwaysonthemend
Save a Horse - Sam x Danny - @ourtearsofrain
Danny Does Dallas - Sam x Danny - @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka
Let's Share - Danny x Josh x Reader - @joshym
Full of Surprises - Sam x Danny x Reader - @jake-kiszkas-smirk
Gold Dust Woman - Sam x Reader, Jake x Reader - @builtbybrokenbells
You Don’t Go to Parties - Sam x Danny: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four - @ofthecaravel
Between Us - Sam x Danny x Reader: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four - @satans-helper
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This is mostly an indefinite place for me to plop fics I read that I liked so I can find them later to reread. I have not read much so I am always open to fic recommendations!
*most if not all of these works are for 18+ readers only. Please read the tags for each work
✨Highly recommend
𝓙𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓚𝓲𝓼𝔃𝓴𝓪:
Bound by @gvfgal
Bootleggers and Wildflowers by @writingcold
Roommates by @daisyful-gvf
A Lovey Promise: part 1, ✨part 2 by @jakescaravel
1+1=3 by @scarletvanfleet
I Wanna Be Yours by @lipstickitty
Bound for Earth by @vanfleeter
𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓷𝔂 𝓦𝓪𝓰𝓷𝓮𝓻:
Show Me by @vanfleeter
✨Strawberry Wine by @frozenlight-gvf
𝓢𝓪𝓶 𝓚𝓲𝓼𝔃𝓴𝓪:
A Cabin in the Woods by @asacredthebread
𝓙𝓸𝓼𝓱 𝓚𝓲𝓼𝔃𝓴𝓪:
Endless Summer by @anthemofgvf
✨Iced Chai Universe by @gracev0609 *includes x Danny
But You Look So Cool by @ofthecaravel
Autumn in Vermont by @hyperfixated-gvf
Fire/Fear by @hyperfixated-gvf
It Takes Three to Tango by @spark-my-nature (f/m/m)
✨Brandy by @ofthecaravel
✨Heaven in Time by @ofthecaravel
To the Hunter From the Prey by @stardustbarbarians
I Was Born to Love You by @gracev0609
Slow it Down by @ourtearsofrain
Scream For Me by @satans-helper
Keep Going by @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine
✨Cabin Fever by @i-choose-the-road
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gretavanglimmers · 10 months
Glimmers Fic Recs
My personal library of favorites. Bedtime stories and rainy day reading. Fics that I was unable to stop thinking about. Stories that stay with you. Step into my office...
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Bootleggers & Wildflowers - @writingcold
Vigilance - @gretavangroupie & @gretavanmoon
Make her Happy & Give me Shelter - @gretavanfleetposts
Lazarus - @garbagevanfleet
The Ugly Duckling - @ficthots
Skin Deep - @streamingcolors-gvf
Studio Fifty Forget me not & Rosa - @lvnterninthenight
London - @wildbluesorbit
I see hell in your eyes - @joshsindigostreak
Landslide - @the-tripping-and-the-touching
Written in the Stars - @takenbythemadness
Landslide - @gretavanbrie
Smoke & Ribbons - @profitofthedune
Perfidy - @earthlysorrows
Gold Dust Woman & Capital Vices - @builtbybrokenbells
Skin to Skin & Sleepless without you - @capturethechaos
Crazy Train - @losfacedevil
Landslide - @aflame4goinghome
Sativa & The Vanishing - @fleet-of-fiction
Down the hall & Down the hall 2 - @milkgemini
All eyes on me - @gretavanbear
My name or nothing at all & Imperfect Moments - @abeautylives
Roommates - @daisyful-gvf
Hands to Yourself - @sinsofstardust
Behind closed doors - @anthemofgvf
Like real people do & Menage Quatre - @alwaysonthemend
Contentment & Angel of small death - @ascendingtostardust
Jammies - @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine
Dirty little secrets & Tell me baby - @jake-kiszkas-smirk
Eyes on me - @farfromthehomelands
Missing Buttons & Sugar - @gretavanlace
For death or for glory & Dirty little secret - @vanfleeter
Wattpad Recs -
Stardust Chords - Mahoganyapples
Dreams in Gold - Katlin291
Breaking Taboo & The Master - gather-around
My way soon - Wittywitch
Tongue Tied - Eva
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builtbybrokenbells · 1 year
t’s fic rec list
well hello everyone 😁 i think it’s about time i put out some love, and this is the best way i know how. below I’ve compiled a list of my most favourite fics (which is definitely not complete). these are just a couple off the top of my head from absolutely fantastic writers that have not only blown me away, but even inspired me to write some myself. i will be adding to this as time goes on, but i do not have enough time to read as much as i would like, so bear with me.
Josh Kiszka
Drift - @gretavangroupie
Purple Haze - @gretavanlace
Jake Kiszka
Cream & Sugar - @sacredthefran
Covet - @jakeyt
Little Wing - @daisyful-gvf
Imperfect Moments - @abeautylives
Make Her Happy - @gretavanfleetposts (i think abt this fic all of the time btw)
Sore Loser - @sparrowofthedawnsworld (one of my favs of all time)
Wilt - @gretavangroupie
The Ripe and The Ruin - @gretavangroupie & @gretavanmoon
Le Morte d'Arthur - @joshym
Sam Kiszka
Burn - @gretavangroupie
Danny Wagner
Four weddings and a funeral - @hearts-hunger
Struck - @gretavangroupie
Poppins - @gretavanlace
Valor - @gretavangroupie & @gretavanmoon
to be continued! im definitely missing a whole lot more, but for now this is what I’ve got. thank you to all of the fantastic writers who put out such amazing content 🫶🏻
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fleet-of-fiction · 10 months
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In my endeavours to always support my fellow writers here, I felt it was time to compile a list of recommendations for any potential readers. These are works of fiction that have captured my imagination over the last couple of years. It is my greatest hope that they capture yours too.
Everything A/U
Bootleggers & Wildflowers by @writingcold
Best Laid Plans by @writingcold
Siren & Rosa by @lvnterninthenight
Clandestine by @lvnterninthenight
Lazarus by @garbagevanfleet
Roommates by @daisyful-gvf
Valor by @gretavangroupie
For death or for glory by @vanfleeter
Le Morte D'Arthur by @joshym
Josh Kiszka
The Ugly Duckling by @ficthots
Unchartered Territory by @ficthots
My name or nothing at all by @abeautylives
Patience by @alwaysonthemend
Something About You by @abeautylives
Grovel by @gvfgal
Drift by @gretavangroupie
Jake Kiszka
Capital Vices by @builtbybrokenbells
Wild Child by @writingcold
Like real people do by @alwaysonthemend
Vigilance by @gretavangroupie
Down Under by @jakeysbuttsheeks
The Lemon Song by @milkgemini
His Turn by @vanfleeter
Animals by @sacredjake
The Green eyed monster by @builtbybrokenbells
Vagabond Blues by @gretavanglimmers
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anthemofgvf · 2 years
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Greetings and Welcome!
-some info about me-
~name: noel (she/her)
~age: 21
~current lane: twin lane!
-in this pinned post you will find….-
~master list of all my fics
~my taglist
~my recommendations of gvf fanfics!
this is a guide to all of my fics! requests are always open! :)
smut~ ★ fluff~ ❥ series~ ❀
Josh Kiszka:
★ ❥ Ceilings
❀★❥ Endless Summer (completed!)
★ ❥ White Roses
❀★❥ You’re The One (coming soon…)
Danny Wagner:
❥ Harvest Moon
★ ❥ Cool to The Touch
★Drummer Boy (coming soon…)
Jake Kiszka:
★ ❥ Deja Vu
❀★❥ Behind Closed Doors (completed!)
★ ❥ Groupie Love
★ ❥ Promises (coming soon...)
Sam Kiszka:
★ Mirrors and Reflections
★ ❥ Teacher’s Pet
do you like my fics and want to be notified when i upload more? follow the link here and add yourself to my taglist! <3
Noel’s Recs:
my favorite fics are below the cut <3
smut~ ★ fluff~ ❥ series~ ❀
Josh Kiszka:
★ ❥ The Great Outdoors - @indigostreaksammy
❀★❥ Uncharted Territory - @ficthots
★ ❥ Feather Light - @tripthelightfandomtastic
Jake Kiszka:
★ Blurred Lines - @gretavanlace
★ Roommates - @daisyful-gvf
★ ❥ The Weight - @sunflower-gvf-fanfics
❥ Amongst the Stars - @samkiszkasfacialhair
Sam Kiszka:
★ Birthday Boy - @vapelordjoshy
❀★❥ Pink Lemonade - @garbagevanfleet
Danny Wagner:
★ ❥ Dirty Laundry - @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine
★ ❥ Drunken Secrets - @ageofbarbarians
★ Brat - @sunshinevanfleet
★ ❥ Bugs, Bears, and a Thunderstorm - @builtbybrokenbells
★ The Hot Seat - @streamsofstardust
★ ❥ August - @ficthots
★ ❥ Hush - @gretavanfreaky
Greta Van Fleet:
❀★❥Sinners and Saints - @basiccortez
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ageofbajabule · 6 months
Cassie’s Fic Recs🤍
I’m updating my fic recommendations list!
All these fics are 18+ and contain smut. So if you aren’t 18+ please move along.🫶🏻
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Something About You - @abeautylives
Errant - @gretavangroupie @sacredstarcatcher
Drift - @gretavangroupie
Valtava - @gretavanlace
Feather Light - @tripthelightfandomtastic
The Meditation Room - @fleet-of-fiction
Absolutely Smitten - @alwaysonthemend
Travelers In Time - @samkiszkasfacialhair
Vengeance - @samkiszkasfacialhair
Brightest Blue - @garbagevanfleet
Abbadon - @garbagevanfleet
Cabin Fever - @hearts-hunger
Praises and a Punishment - @streamingcolors-gvf
Endless Sunmer - @anthemofgvf
Knock, Knock - @kissthesungvf
Edible - @gretavangroupie @sacredstarcatcher
Voyeur - gretavangroupie
Covet - @jakeyt
The Vanishing - @fleet-of-fiction
Muse - @joshym
Capital Vices - @builtbybrokenbells
Just A Kiss - @aflame4goinghome @dancingcarbon
Watered Down - @spark-my-nature
Lazarus- @garbagevanfleet
Hands To Yourself - @sinsofstardust
Satin - @daisyful-gvf
Enrapture @gretavangroupie @sacredstarcatcher
Illicit Affairs - @aflame4goinghome @gretavanstink @childinthegardenn
Thrills In The Night - @sparrowofthedawnsworld
Exposure - gretavangroupie sacredstarcatcher
Pink Lemonade - garbagevanfleet
Union - gretavangroupie
Kismet @gretavangroupie @sacredstarcatcher
Shake My Faith - @capturethechaos @earthlysorrows
Skin Deep - @streamingcolors-gvf
What Is & What Should Never Be - @sinsofstardust
Shake Your Foundations- @alwaysonthemend
Poppins - @gretavanlace
Lex Talionis - @builtbybrokenbells
Valor - @gretavangroupie @gretavanmoon
Guilty Pleasures - @builtbybrokenbells
Forbidden Twin
Vigilance - @gretavangroupie @gretavanmoon
Gold Dust Woman - @builtbybrokenbells
Cruel Summer - @sacredstarcatcher
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shutupdevvie · 1 year
any good friends to lover recs? preferably danny
i’m going to use this ask to make kind of a friends to lovers masterlist so that will include danny ofc :))
friday, i’m in love by @finestoflines
white roses by @anthemofgvf
sunshine on my shoulders by @sacredthethreadgvf
cabin fever by @hearts-hunger
blame it on the mistletoe by @hyperfixated-gvf
sweet as berries by @daisyful-gvf
missing buttons by @gretavanlace
bookshop lovers by @watchingovergvff
it's never over by @sunshinevanfleet (friends to lovers-ish i guess)
you're my best friend by @finestoflines (THE friends to lovers fic)
we are the land by @spark-my-nature
my sweet lady by @hearts-hunger
electrified by @builtbykittie
somethin' stupid (like i love you) by @mountain-in-springtime
carried away by @ageofnations
sunshine daydream by @hearts-hunger
soul meets body by @geminisecrets
got you in my head by @spark-my-nature
whatever he wants by @watchingovergvff
follow me down by @spark-my-nature
fearless by @goldenlikedayl1ght
four weddings and a funeral by @hearts-hunger
hush by @gretavanfreaky
burnin' for you by @madneedshelp
rendezvous by @hyperfixated-gvf
honestly might come back and add more but this is what i have for now :))
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oceansssblue · 3 months
WARNINGS: ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE INSPIRED BY THE BRIDGERTONS, REFERENCES/IMPLIED CLASSISM AND ARRANGED MARRIAGES. SMALL AGE DIFFERENCE MENTIONED (nothing happens until reader is an adult). PERHAPS SOME HISTORICAL INACURANCIES. THIS ONE'S ALL FLUFF AND A BIT OF SMUT IN THE END (virgin reader). No name of female reader is mentioned, but I kinda needed to give us a surname, so we're lady Everhart now.
This one is SO long y'all! I still wanted to publish it under one single post, so I decided to name each part so you can find it easier if you can't read this one in just one go.
Read below the cut!
In a society were appearance was almost as important as reality, your family stood at the very top of the piramid. It made walking around town without being recognised an impossible task; but your life has always been like that. Since you were a small child, mother and father have always reminded you to behave as if there were more than a pair of eyes studying you. People in Mandalore –and in any other country, for that matter– like to speculate and gossip; more so in the higher classes, and people tend to be specially critique and less permissive with those who hold more money or power than them, perhaps because of simple envy. And your family is very envied; but also well respected, and some are –daresay– even fond of you three, because for all the money you have, your family has always been polite and considerate. A small donation was made each year to the local orphanage and hospital. Those who worked for the family were never mistreated; and though your parents may be strict to you, they are, generally, kind people.
You have always been a sociable, friendly girl anyways –while also a tad shy at the same time–; so all the recognition doesn't bother you that much, and you make your way to the town's florist with a happy spring on your step, smiling and answering greetings, and even stopping for a quick chat with one or two fellow mandalorians, if only for courtesy. You've just celebrated your twelfth birthday; and for the first time in your life, your parents have allowed you to visit the town center without them. Without their guiding hand. Of course, you are still in the company of your chauffeur –who has been asked to make sure you remain safe and doesn't let you walk more than a few steps ahead of him–; but still, the ilusion of a bit of independance is thrilling.
You've had a nice stroll through town; stopped to have a taste at your favorite bakery's delicatessem and decided to finish the visit adquiring some beautiful flowers for your mother. You have a hard time choosing; they are all their own brand of magnificent, and you've always been just a tiny bit undecissive. You finally end up buying a stunning arrangement of purple Limoniums and daisyes; a few magnolia leaves in between to act as a background for the main artists. Purple is your mother's favorite colour, and both of you share a love for flowers and other flora. Your favorite spot at your family's main estate is probably the gardens; where you like to read or sketch.
It is upon the short walk back to the horse carriage in which you came in when you recognise someone else. The oldest of the Fett girls –Ashoka, if you rememember well– is holding a conversation with the only descendant of the Krells; a family almost as rich as yours but nowhere near as charismatic. You quietly observe the interaction; quickly reading between lady Fett's frown and her pursed lips. You can't blame her for not doing a better job at masking her disdain. You haven't really had the chance to personally talk with sir Krell yourself; but you have been in the presence of his parents –Marie and Pong– several times, and it has never been an exciting experience.
Your own frown can't help but make it's way through your face when you see the man closing his hand around lady Fett's wrist; the older girl –she should be fifteen or sixteen, you suppose– visibly unhappy about it. After a brief moment of hesitation, you decide to step in. Ashoka and you are nowhere near as friends. You've barely exchanged more than passing greetings with her; but you have often watched her family from affar –it's inevitable to feel curious, if only because for how many Fetts they are– and they had always been perfectly polite and kind. You can see she is on her own today as well. Perhaps you're exagerating the situation, but just in case, you'll offer her the chance to flee the scene.
"Lady Fett!" You bring a pleased expresion of surprise to your face, coming to a slow stop besides her. Your chauffeur waits patiently for you a few steps behind, giving you some space. "Oh, this is such a wonderful coincidence! It has been so long since we last had the oportunity to chat with each other... I was just on my way to the carriage that will take me back home. I'm not sure if you came here on one of your own, or if you have finished with whatever has taken you to center town... But I wonder if you wouldn't mind sharing mine on the way back so we could use the time to get reaquainted?"
You'll give her some credit; her blue eyes –a unique trait of hers, since none of the other Fetts share that eye colour– only widen fractionally for a second before she's following you on your made-up excuse, smiling instantly.
"Lady Everhart" Ashoka gives a tiny half nod half bow in courtesy, which you replicate inmediately. "A wonderful surprise indeed. It is a brilliant idea, it would be wonderful to get reaquainted. Are you in a rush, dear?"
You can almost imagine the silent conversation between you and the older girl's eyes. You fake a bit of hesitance and worry and gesture towards the arrangement still in your hands.
"Oh, I'm afraid so! You see, I had just bought this beautiful flowers for my mother, and I worry they'll go to waste if I don't put them in water soon. I hope it doesn't pose a problem if we retire now?" Then, you turn your body to fully face sir Krell and smile sweetly. "I really am sorry for cutting your meeting short, my lord. I hope you find kidness in yourself to forgive me".
There's really no such thing as kidness in the Krell's name; but the man knows a lost battle when he faces one, so he gives you a forced smile back and makes a small gesture with his hat.
"It is already forgiven, my lady" is his polite answer. "I wish you both a good rest of your afternoon".
He shoots a last lingering glance at lady Fett before he courtesys again and retires. Ashoka lets out a sigh of relief and you smile gently at her, gently redirecting her towards your carriage.
"Follow me, lady Fett. Our transport is just around the corner here".
It's only until you're both sitting down in the carriage and you've given the chauffeur instructions to make a stop at the Fett's estate when the young woman finally allows herself to fully relax and alludes to the situation you've helped her escape.
"I can't thank you enough for that, lady Everhart" she starts. "Lord Krell doesn't appear to understand the decline of an offer when he hears it".
You wash it off instantly; and though you've always felt irritated by the general gossip, you can't help but ask her directly.
"Please forgive me for inquiring, and do not feel the need to answer if you'd prefer not to... But I assume he is interested in courting you, then?
Lady Fett sighs again; an exasperated one, this time.
"He has always paid... Particular attention to me, yes. The fact that I will have my presentation in society next year seems to have duplicated his efforts, no matter how clearly I've shown my desinterest. You would think he couldn't get more obnoxious than he normally is; but oh, believe me, he can".
Ashoka's eyes widen again, almost as if that last part was blurted out and caught even herself by surprise. You certainly weren't expecting it –people are always so carefull with what they say around you, perhaps afraid of offending you– and you laugh and giggle at both her comment and her expresion. Seing at how you're not bothered at all, lady Fett chuckles quietly as well, though with a tint of embarassment on her cheeks.
Both of you have a nice chat while the carriage takes you to the Fett's. This is the first time you've really interacted with Ashoka; but you take an instant liking to the older girl.
When lady Fett invites you to a cup of tea upon arriving to her house, you're unable to say no to those big blue eyes of hers. Ashoka really is a beautiful girl; with incredibly long, almost white hair that ends right past her hips, and that bronze skin inherited by all the Fetts. She has a small nose and plush dark lips; and a wide smile that stretches from side to side of her face. She's not as tall as her brothers. Where they have wide shoulders and a strong build, she's more on the leaner, agile side; but you can definitly see the resemblance between them. Now, the similarities between the Fett boys themselves... That is astounding; other mandalorians often joking about their parents having somehow pre-selected the same looks for all of them. As far as you know, there are two girls and eleven males in the Fett family; ages ranking from twenty-six to eight. The fact that so many children had lost both their mother and father –the first during labour, the second one in war barely a year after her death– was terribly saddening. At least they all seemed to be a loving family, support each other; and they were doing well.
To your relief and joy, Ashoka inmediately asks a maid to find a place for the flowers you've bought to remain watered and safe; and so you're able to follow her through her home without worrying about them. You curiously study the rooms as you walk by them; never having visited the Fett's before today. Wether your family ocuppies the top of society's piramid, Ashoka's family stands on the bottom part of nobility; though your parents have always been fond of the Fetts and that same distant but sincere fondness seems to have passed onto you. Most of the other higher families share the feeling; the Fett name is undeniably linked to a long list of brave soldiers and warriors, and Mandalore takes great pride on its army. If you remember correctly, only one of the Fett boys has followed an alternative path; Kix, who must be just a year older than Ashoka, and has been recently apointed as the town's doctor new apprentice.
Lady Fett guides you to the gardens; and inmediatly upon stepping outside, you can hear laughter and different sets of voices calling to each other and half-shouting. You quickly find out what's the funny scene. One third of the Fett boys have their eyes blindfolded while they try to catch the second third –and Omega, the youngest of all at only eight– with their hands; while the last small group of them watches the scene a bit further apart, sitting down around a small table and enjoying conversation over tea.
Ashoka shoots them all a smirk.
"I see you're all entertained" she comments, making herself known, and the Fett's sitting at the table all turn around to happily greet her.
You stand a few steps behind her, still watching the game with a tiny smile on your face.
"Ashoka! You're back earlier than we expected" Gregor –third oldest– frowns and worries. "Is everything alright?"
The older girl steps aside so you're in their line of view as well and gently beckons you to her side. You focus your attention back on the gentlemen.
"Yes, thanks to lady Everhart. She just happened to pass by and aided me at escaping sir Krell's hands".
Quiet groans and mutters spread through the table, and you have to reign in the need to laugh. Apparently, the rest of the Fetts are as irritated by sir Krill as Ashoka herself. You see some other more serious, clenched jaws as well. You should have guessed this soldiers would be particularly protective of their sister.
"Lady Everhart" the oldest of the brothers, Cody, inmediately stands up to greet you, and you give him a small courtesy in response. "Your presence is more than welcomed into our home. Would you like to join us for tea?"
You nod politely at the offer, shyness mixing into your feelings. After all, you're in a house full of strangers; you'll need some extra time to feel more comfortable around them.
"Thank you, Sir Fett" you quietly answer. "If you're sure I won't interrupt..."
Cody waves a hand in nochalance.
"Of course not, please" he turns and gestures for you to take place in one of the spair chairs.
You elegantly sit down, mindfull of your dress, and Ashoka takes the spot besides you. You smile amicably to the rest of the Fetts.
"Evening, sirs" you greet them, receiving a wave of choruses back.
Cody sits down again as well.
"You'll have to forgive the noise, lady Everhart. Sometimes finding new ways to entertain Omega and Tup can get to be a bit too much".
You read the underlaying wariness and worry under his words and their facial expresions; and so, you answer with an unbothered, sincere smile.
"It poses no problem at all, sir Fett. I wish I had someone to play with me like this when I was a child. It looks like fun...".
There are some relieved smiles and smirks in response to that; and soon you're inmersed in annecdotes and stories about Ashoka's family, the atmosphere turning less formal and more relaxed with each set of chuckles and laughs.
A general picture of the Fett's starts to form in your mind. Commanders Cody and Wolffe are the oldest ones; followed closely –just by one year apart– by Gregor, and then sargents Rex and Howzer. The twins, Fives and Echo, stand at the middle of the bunch; Kix being the last adult of the Fett siblings at seventeen years old, just one year above Ashoka. Jesse and Dogma are fourteen and thirteen, respectively; and then you have the youngest siblings at last, Tup and Omega, with ten and eight. It is clear they all love each other just the same.
For all their physical similarities, their personalities are vastly different. Commander Wolffe is the most intimidating one of the group; his few interventions almost coming off in quiet mutterings and irritated snaps. He's still polite and it's clear he's just as caring towards his family as Cody; he's just a bit more rough around the edges, perhaps as a result of his experiences at war. You try not to glance twice at his eyepatch.
Cody has all the qualities of a good father; since he had to basically take the roll of one. He's firm but patient; and has impecable manners. Gregor's character seem to be less sharp and more openly friendly; the kind of person who'll make anyone feel instantly at ease.
Kix and Gregor seem to be the more affectionate of the bunch. You can't make a picture out of Howzer because he really doesn't interact much; you suspect he's a bit on the reserved side.
Rex is like a mix of everyone; he's similar to Cody, holding that same self-confidence and firmness, while holding Kix and Gregor's warmth –even if he shows it in a quieter, more subtle way–, and adding a bit of the twins traits.
Fives is one of the most straight-forward people you've met; while also being the chirpiest –for a lack of a better word–. He's all bright smiles and cheekiness, jokes and laughs; it's hard to picture him in battle with a personality like that, though you have no doubt he makes an excellent soldier. Echo is a quieter version with much more irony and sarcasm.
Observing the rest of the younger siblings playing, you can tell there's a bit of brotherly rivalry between Jesse and Dogma; the first one acting more carefree and mischiveous while the second follows rules to perfection. Tup and Omega are just inocent sweethearts; the boy more shy and the girl more curious. You're surprised at how fast you've managed to catch everyone's twist; how much their differences shine.
The rest of the evening passes by; and it's soon time for you to return home –mother and father might start worrying now–. You say your goodbyes to the family and Ashoka guides you back to main entrance; a maid quickly stepping forward and politely reminding you of the flowers you left in the vase before. You wait patiently for her to bring them to you. It is on that short wait when Sargent Rex and Omega make their way to the staircase; and the maid reappears with the stunning flower arrangement. The youngest of the Fett's makes a surprised sound while she changes the direction of her steps.
"Oh, wow!" She exclaims, eyes wide open, aproaching slowly with his older brother at his back. "I've never seen such vibrant purple flowers before!"
You smile and show them to her; Omega peering curiously and glancing up at you as if asking for some sort of explanation.
"This ones right here are Limoniums" you point, voice soft and gentle. "They come all the way up from Naboo, and it is said they represent hope and beauty. And you probably recognise the daisies. Did you know they're often used in medicine? They help wounds heal faster and reduces inflamation".
Omega looks at you in surprise.
"Really? I should start to collect this then, I'm somehow always falling around!" She blurts out, making the three of you chuckle inmediately.
Rex squeezes her shoulder affectionately.
"It would help if half of your games didn't require you to wander around with your eyes closed, 'Meg" he points out in good humour, and you smile wider at Omega's response and pout.
"But they're the most fun..."
Sargent Rex chuckles and nods in acceptance.
"Okay, okay".
You glance at the flowers and back at the eight year old girl. You quickly make a decision and hand them to her.
"You know, it's a rocky trip to my family estate and I wouldn't want this beautiful flowers to go to waste. If you promise you'll take care of them, I'll leave them here under your care".
Before any of Omega's siblings have had the chance to shut the offer down for her, the girl is already jumping up and down in excitement.
"Oh, I promiss I will! Thank you!"
She quickly takes them in her hands and approaches the maid again, gesturing happily while the woman tags along and indulges her while they walk away. You smile so wide your cheeks hurt.
"That was a very nice gesture" the sargent comments, Ashoka nodding in agreement. "Which unfortunately means you'll return home with your hands empty. Are you sure you don't mind?"
You shake your head to the sides, still smiling honestly.
"We're not lacking flowers at home" you shyly joke. "And I have a feeling my mother wouldn't have been as enthusiastic as Omega. I can always buy another one for her."
A pair of days later, a similar purple arrangement is delivered to your family estate; a small card that signs "the Fetts" with a slightly messy scribble that you suspect is Omega's masterpiece. The detail brings a fond smile to your face.
Hera Syndulla has always been your best friend. Her family had moved in from Ryloth decades ago –and mandalorians were not exactly welcoming to strangers–; but the Syndulla's carried a good name and fortune with them, so your grandparents –you never had the chance to meet them, for they had died long before you were born– had all but encouraged their friendship. Your respective parents had therefore grown together; so it was only natural that the two of you, both girls that were used to attend the same social circles, happened to grow close as well.
You're on one of those socially aceptable entertainments today; the anual horse race in honor of the Cuy'val Dar; those who no longer exists with us. Hera is right by your side on one of the stands; both of you chatting excitedly and making comments about the form and beauty of the horses or the rumoured ability of their jockeys. Spring has just arrived to Mandalore, and the weather is specially pleasant today; every man and woman taking the chance to show their best attires and dresses, transforming the public stands in a wide spectrum of fabrics and colours. You've chosen a light blue for today; where Hera wears her classic lime green dress, one of her all time favorites. It compliments her well.
Still talking with your bubbly friend, your eyes flicker distractedly over the rows of fellow mandalorians; taking in known faces and spotting other unfamiliar ones here and there. It is in that lazy scan around you when you lock eyes with a set of almost golden ones on the stand next to yours; and your attention inmediately zeroes there. Rex Fett smiles politely and makes a greeting elegant gesture with his hat towards you; never ceasing to talk with the gentleman at his side –Sir Skywalker, you believe–. You return the courtesy with a slight, almost imperceptible blush to your cheeks. You've heard that Rex has been promoted to captain –while the twins had just finished ARC training–; and you know you're not the only fifteen year old that has been thinking about the handsome soldier lately. You've heard other girls your age –and older– gossip about him; and about how dissapointing it is that he never takes another woman other than his sister to dance. You've heard a bit of resentment and venom in those words too, as well as another few ill-words; but you have no doubt Ashoka's brother had tried nothing but letting them down gently, never intending to humiliate or hurt them. And you're confident that he doesn't give in because he thinks better of himself than those who had insinuated anything close to interest. By what you can remember of him from that one ocasion at the Fett's and the very few interactions between each other through the following years, he's nothing but considerate and gentle. Perhaps he hasn't indulged another woman before because he hadn't been particularly interested and he didn't want to consciously play or hurt anyone. It is unusual; but you respect that.
Unfortunately, all that rambling inside your head makes you lose the trail of your conversation with Hera and your friend quickly notices why; pointing it to you with an amused smile.
"Ah, so I finally learn what is your type, then..." she comments, voice humourous.
You tear your eyes away from the captain and look back to Hera; uncontrollably blushing harder at her unexpected and very direct comment.
"I have said no such thing" You answer, perhaps with a bit too much emotion for that comment being far from the truth. "Besides, Captain Rex is a few years older than me. It isn't like that. Why does your dirty mind always have to jump to that?
Hera laughs.
"Alright, alright. No need to act so offended, my lady" she jokes. Her bright green eyes flicker upwards behind your back. She then grins widely. "He just glanced back at you again, by the way".
Your face twists in surprise, and you carefully take a glance back as well; finding him completely absorbed in a new conversation with a readhead that can only be Lord Kenobi. You frown in confusion, and your friend starts cackling quietly. You look in her direction again and quickly understand it was her way of proving her point; and you have to roll your eyes and chuckle inevitably. Hera is a little sneaky thing.
When the race is announced to be about to start, and the jockeys may ask for a token of a lady of their choice to bring them luck, both you and Hera are truly surprised when Lord Vizla asks you for your handkerchief. Pre Vizla is only three years older than you; however, you've never really interacted with him and he definitly has never shown anything akin to interest before. But there's eyes on the two of you now –unbekownst to you, Rex's as well–; and he's from one of the most powerful families of Mandalore, so you smile politely and hand it to him.
Lord Vizla ties it to his wrist and smirks; and you can't help but think he's a different kind of attractive as well. Ah, hormones really make a young woman's body and mind a mess when they're fifteen.
You're seventeen; and a few months after your birthday, right at the beginning of the summer, Mandalo'r Kryze organises the anual royal ball for all men and woman of your age to be presented into society.
Saying you are nervous would be an understatement. This is no ordinary ball. You're aware of how much this ocasion could change your future; women in nobility marry young. Your soon-to-be husband could ask you for a dance today; or perhaps feel pushed to take you off from another gentleman's hands after this ocasion and pursue you in the ones to come.
You wait in line with the other seventeen year old girls –woman, now– trying to mask your nerves. Every single one of you are dressed in your finest attires. The dress you've chosen for this ocasion is a special emerald green with a lighter tone for the lace and embroidery; as well as the usual white elbow-length gloves and silver jewelry. The delicate tiara that holds your updo is lined with five small diamonds; another two teardrop-shaped ones hanging from each ear. In the space between your collarbones a heart-shaped emerald rivals for the attention of the dress she was sumoned to match with. Your tight corset and heels might feel uncomfortable; though you have to admit you've never felt better with yourself than when your mother had finally allowed you to look at your reflection before taking the carriage to the Mandal'ors palace. You've never considered yourself vain -there are so many other important qualities, after all-; but you had to admit you had felt relieved and satisfied with what you could see. You know everyone's eyes –and gossips– would be upon the group of debutants today; and you can't help but want to make a good impresion.
Soon, you're all parading down the marble staircase towards the salon that will hold the ball; and you promptly make it to your father for the first dance of the night, who gives you a little smile to reasure you and soothe your nerves. You gratefully smile back at him and prepare yourself for the first note of the violin.
All too short, the first dance finishes; and almost inmediately, the first brave gentleman of the night ask for your father's permision to substitute him for the next one. Your father nods and leaves you in his hands. You smile –a bit nervous still– at him before placing your hand on his arm and concentrating in the next set of steps. You don't personally know this gentleman; he's not unpolite, though he barely whispers a word to you either, and soon he is forgotten on the line of faces of good sirs you dance with through the night.
More or less at half of the songs list, Pre Vizla asks for a spot on your dance card; and you happily indulge him in one. You notice a few glances and whispers around you when the two of you make your way to the center of the room; but you make your best to ignore them and focus on the man in front of you. Vizla is impecably dressed. You can tell he has asked for Mandalor's best seamstresses for the way the fabric of his suit shines with the inflection of the light, and how well it fits him inch by inch. There's not a single wrinkle were it shouldn't be.
He's a good dance partner; he doesn't stumble, doesn't hesitate, and directs you over the floor efortlessly. He makes small chat with you afterwards, complimenting the emerald that hangs from your neck and the intricacy of your updo; and you can't help but feel flattered and excited about possible prospects with him. You know mother and father must be feeling satisfied and proud somewhere in the room, looking at the two of you.
After a brief uncomfortable incident in the following dances, you hear your name being called by someone standing behind you. Hera's eyes widen in shock in front of you; and you turn towards the voice with curiosity and intrigue upon your best friend's reaction. You can't help but gasp quietly as well, eyes widening too in honest surprise. In front of you is none other than captain Rex Fett; more handsome than ever with his light hair and amber eyes contrasting with the dark blue jacket of his formal attire.
"Lady Everhart" he calls you again, nodding politely in greeting, studying your reaction quietly. "Would you happen to have a spot on your dance card for me?"
It takes you a few seconds to react; and even then, you answer without thinking on how your sentence could be misinterpreted. You open your dance card and chuckle.
"I'm afraid I can't write your name in here anymore, sir Fett".
He's quick to mask his dissapointment; though you can see the hurt through his gaze. His eyes are so expressive; even if his face stays in polite understanding.
"I see. Well, I don't want to steal your time..."
You frown in confusion. Hera points at your dance card urgently at the Captain's back; and you suddenly remember your half blurted answer to Rex's invite.
"Oh!" Your cheeks redden upon your own embarassment. "Please forgive me, I forgot to give you the context for my denial. My dance card... Just happened to be monopolised by one gentleman in particular, who decided to take the pencil from my hands and write his own name in every single one of the dances left..."
You let him have a look at it and the man's expresion softens in understanding at sir Maul's –a very unpleasent, narcissist individual– messy caligraphy scribbled on every single spot on your dance card. You quickly show him a bright, enthusiastic smile.
"But even if I couldn't write your name down, it would be my pleasure to save the last dance for you" you accept, and the Captain nods, giving you a small smile before retiring to patiently wait for his moment.
As the night comes to an end, you feel more and more exhausted, energy slowly being drained; your feet hurt and you feel like you can barely breathe properly at this point of the ball. Some of the other debutants have left already, their dances completed; but there is only one more song you have reserved for someone, and so your eyes scan the salon to find him.
Captain Rex is chatting with Ashoka, her husband –another soldier for the Mandalorian army, you believe–, and one of his younger brothers –Jesse–. She catches your eye first; joy quickly brightening her features while she greets you all the way through the other side of the room. You smile right back at her with the same emotion bubbling inside of you.
The interaction pulls Rex's attention back to you; his eyes fixed on yours now, questioning. You nod to indicate you're ready for him and he closes the conversation with his family before making his way towards you. Your heart accelerates inside your chest. Your nerves had died out through the night until now; but you somehow hold a special kind of respect and admiration –and perhaps attraction as well– towards sir Fett, and you feel them return to you at full force. For how social you are and how you've been confidently behaving throughout the night, you now feel a bit shy. You're also aware that he doesn't usually actively participate in this kind of events; and the knowledge that he has decided to step in for you, that he might be interested in you in that way...
Rex seems to notice this, for he gently directs you to a less-centered spot for the both of you to comfortably dance along the rest; quickly trying to put you at ease by speaking of Ashoka -a common ground- and asking about your friend. The small chat is enough to help you keep your own nerves at bay in order to enjoy this last dance and not make a fool out of yourself.
And oh, how you enjoy it... There's something about Rex. Where with others -even with Vizla- you've felt evaluated, almost as if they were looking or at least paying attention -waiting- for an error on your part –both in the dancing and in your general behaviour or conversation–, the Captain makes you feel comfortable; almost normal. He doesn't glance around the room. His eyes don't flicker to the top of your breasts under the excuse of admiring your jewelry or dress. They stay focused on yours; such an undivided attention making you feel flustered and warm at the same time. He's a perfect gentleman; and when the dance finishes and you talk some more with him, it feels like he's really listening, and not politely waiting for you to end your phrase before redirecting the conversation to something more of his interest.
A few minutes later, your mother smiles at you and makes a small subtle gesture with her head towards the door; and you know it's time to go back home. Rex nods in agreement; his amber eyes momentarily glancing upwards towards your hair.
"Lady Everhart, before we take our different ways, I wanted to compliment your..." he momentarily hesitates, or perhaps gets lost in his words, and you try to finish the rest of the sentence for him with a kind smile on your face.
"Let me guess... You admire the complexity of my updo? Or the elegance of my tiara?" you smile knowingly.
It's what most of the gentlemen have commented about; along with your necklace and dress. Mother had really helped you to pick the best choice.
To your surprise, Rex shakes his head, focusing on your face again.
"They're beautiful, of course... But that wasn't my first thought of the night upon seing you" he answers politely, then almost quietly whispers, warmth in his eyes. "I wanted to compliment the beauty you are yourself. You look lovely today, if I may say".
"Oh" your cheeks are on fire after his answer, and you swear you almost feel the butterflies moving inside of you. "That's so considerate of you to say. Thank you, sir Fett. If I may... You... You look lovely as well".
Your eyes take sudden interest in the floor in front of your feet; and the captain chuckles quietly, thanking you for your kind words as well before taking your hand in his and giving your dorso a kiss in a heartfelt goodbye.
"I shall let you return to your family, my lady. Perhaps we could see each other soon in a less crowded setting".
You see the way he's calmly observing your reaction now; trying to figure out wether you'd be truly interested in that or if you agreeing to dance with him has been nothing more than kind politeness.
Not knowing exactly what to say, you give him a shy nod and hope he can read it all in your face.
The next couple of days are nothing but hectic to the Everhart family. Your worries of not having made a good impresion in the royal ball are inmediately washed away when letters and gifts start to arrive to your estate at your name. Your mother is almost as excited as you; while your father just observes the situation with a mix of pride and melancholy. You know it's difficult for him to get used to the fact that you're not a small girl anymore; that you may get married soon and leave their home. You try not to dwell on that fact either; even if you're excited about all of this, it scares you too. Thankfully, you still have a sociably acceptable couple of months before taking any permanent decision.
Pre Vizla gifts you a delicate piece of jewelry each time you both meet. First it's an amethyst bracelet; then a new set of diamond earings -this ones in a perfect rounded shape-, and finally a tiara of small, beautiful emeralds that he points would match perfectly with the one you wore in a necklace for the royal ball. You thank each one of them with a smile and honest gratefulness; and when others are gently led down either in person or by letter, Pre Vizla stays on the top part of your favorite suitors. He's consistent in his interest.
You had been initially somewhat dissapointed to find out Captain Rex hadn't been along the ones who had sent you a gift; thinking he might have changed of opinion and he was no longer interested in pursuing you in a romantic way. But a week and a half after your presentation in society, your father tells you Sir Fett has reached out to him via correspondence and that he has set up a date for the two of you to pass some time together -with your maid as a carbine, of course-. The hope that you had pushed down inside your chest reignites ten times stronger; and when the day arrives and he greets you with a purple flower arragement you know well, your heart melts.
"I wish I would have known your favorites so I could get them for you" he says, voice and eyes warm and honest. "But if I recall correctly you were fond of Limoniums and daisies as well".
It moves you; the fact that he hasn't chosen any random flowers or the most pricey or classical ones, but an arrangement he knew would mean something to you instead. It moves you; the fact that he remembers -or has bothered to learn- even the names of the flowers as well.
You show him a smile so wide and bright it hurts the side of your cheeks.
"My favorite ones are pink lilies" you tell him softly. "But this is an excellent choice as well. Thank you, sir Fett".
Rex nods and the rest of the afternoon flies by. You find yourself completely engrosed with him.
The next few weeks your mind and heart are pulled into two different directions. Pre Vizla and Rex Fett hold your complete attention now; and your days pass meeting with one and the other, trying to find out who you like best and who would be a better match for you. You have trouble deciding. Both gentleman are excellent suitors; and each of them have their own qualities. Your heart is more partial towards Rex; while your mind tells you Vizla is best. You start to feel stressed. You don't want to regret what probably is the most important decision in your life; but even your parents are shooting you that "you have to chose sooner or later" look now.
Perhaps noticing your rollercoaster of emotions, Pre invites you to a picnic in his family estate. You are thankfull for the change of scenery; you've always liked nature and spending time under the sun -though your mother has always reminded you to protect your skin from it since you can remember, pointing out that developing different tan spots wasn't very lady-like -. You talk with sir Vizla for an hour -listening attentively- before he suggests a small boat trip. Mandalore has several lakes; and the Vizla family had built their mansion centuries ago right besides one of them. You nod and follow his directions excitedly; the only chance you get to be near the water is when Mandal'or Kryze organises a summer evening for all society to attend to -as the palace is built next to the biggest lake of Mandalore as well-, and that won't be until a week's time.
Pre pilots the small boat perfectly; rowing efortlessly to take the boat further into the lake -not too far away either- before leaving both paddles inside and re-starting the conversation. Your attention is split between the view and him until the wind pushes a dandelion in front of you. You smile and innocently try to catch it, enthraced; not noticing how the boat tilts to one side dangerously with the suden shift of your weight. Vizla has barely had the time to shout out a warning before the boat is completely tilted over and you're both plumeting into the water.
You gasp and resurface with a cough; a mix of surprise, understanding, and embarassment showing in your face.
"I'm so sorry!" you inmediately say, fighting against the weight of your now heavy dress to keep your head afloat while Pre quickly takes hold of the boat and miraculously manages to scramble back inside of it.
He mutters under his breath, soaked, and carefully tugs you back to safety.
"Didn't you realised what was going to happen?" is the first thing he says that you can actually hear. "What were you doing anyways?"
You play with your own fingers in uncomfortable guilt. Pre's face is set on a deep frown –lips pursed–, and experimenting obvious irritation and anger.
"I was trying to catch a dandelion" you whisper quietly, shivering now that the wind plus your wet clothes are really making the cold noticed. "It's supposed to bring you good luck for a whole year".
Vizla scoffs and tries to re-arrange his expensive and very wet attire into place. He lowers the paddles back into the water and asks you to sit back down –carefully– again.
"We should get back inside and warm up if we don't want to catch a cold" he states, starting to row again, voice cold and condescendent. "Next time think better of what your actions may cause before ruining a day for such childish reasons".
You nod in silence, lowering your head. Your eyes remain focused on your own hands for the rest of the trip. You feel horrible; though you don't want to cause a scene on top of everything, so you swallow every emotion down until you're safely tucked that night in bed. The next day, you receive a letter from Pre where he apologises for reacting so harshly in spite of the wrong of your actions. He sends flowers with it this time –red roses–; and it makes you feel marginally better.
You fear for the situation repeating itself. Just one week later, as usual, Mandal'or invites all nobel families to an evening by the lake, and several boats are available for those who want to take them for a stroll with their companions. The weather is warm and sunny, and everyone seems to be in good spirits for the ocasion. You have only been talking with Hera for a few minutes when the Fett family joins you; and shortly after, Rex asks you if you'd want to spend some time together in one of the boats. The unpleasant ending of your last date with Pre Vizla quickly crosses your mind; but you don't find it in yourself to say no to those warm amber eyes, so you accept.
Rex steps into the boat first, politely extending a hand towards you to help you jump inside. You give him a cautious smile and take him on his offer. He carefully tugs you towards him; and soon you're sitting down in front of him, boat slowly moving towards the center of the lake. Other couples around you share the same idea. Everyone seems to be having fun.
The accident with Vizla never leaves your mind. Suddenly, you find yourself asking and thinking on how would the captain react. Would he get angry as well? Roll his eyes in exasperation? Perhaps clench his jaw and reign in his condescendant words? Or call you out loud on it? It's all you can think about; and you feel the absolute need to know this. Mother had told you years ago that marriage wasn't all attraction and butterflies; that small fights and disagreements were common too, part of a married couple's life. When you had once asked her if she was happy wtih father, she had replied with words you'd never forget; "Yes, my flower. Your father and I may not hold the most ardent love for each other; but we take care of the other's well-being. We find common ground in our arguments; we try not to take each others small mistakes too seriously. If you want to be happy one day, my little flower... Chose the one that knows how to laugh at inconsequent things and let them slip away instead of quietly punish you for them". You hadn't quite understood those words then; but you think you do now, and you feel the unstopable urge to know this about Rex.
You make the same error; knowing perfectly well it will end with the two of you falling into the lake. This time you're expecting it and you surface faster, quickly taking a deep gulp of air in and blinking the drops of water away from your eyelids; eyes holding the Captain's confused, worried ones.
"Are you okay?" He asks inmediately, one hand taking hold of the edge of the boat before gently helping you to reach over as well. "What happened there?"
"Sorry" you whisper guiltily, cheeks heating up in embarassment even if this was your plan all along. "I... Wanted to catch a dandelion. It's supposed to bring you luck for a year".
Rex blinks in surprise. Then, he chuckles quietly and shakes his head; drops of water flying everywhere from the movement of his short hair. You study his reaction in silence; almost waiting expectantly.
"I'm sorry" you tell him again, glancing away in convincing acting. "I know it's childish".
A hand softly tilts your chin upwards; and Rex's warm voice soothes you instantly.
"Accidents happen. It's okay".
He's gentle and understanding from the way he talks and looks at you to how he carefully helps you back into the boat and tries to distract you from the incident. He even offers you the jacket of his suit so you can shield yourself from the cold with it. His reaction is so drastically different from Vizla's... Suddenly, you have everything clear. You don't want your husband to be someone you feel pressured to look and be perfect with; someone that makes you feel like you're under the magnifying glass, that you need to make an effort to be with them. Someone who doesn't really like to listen to your interests but expects you to pay full attention to his. Who is polite but cold. Who would criticise you at every mistake, demanding you to be better, instead of showing you understanding and support. You don't want a Pre Vizla; you want a Rex Fett.
After comforting a worried mother and father and a few more conversations with acquaintances and friends, the sun hides between the mountains, and it is time for everyone to say their goodbyes. You wait for your carriage in line in front of the Fett's; and you can't help but surreptitiously graze yours and the captain's hands together, shyly glancing back at him. His bright eyes are already set on yours. His hand twitches, and his fingers carefully and softly caress your skin; the slow gesture much more intimate and nerve-wracking with such an intense uninterrupted stare. Those eyes tell you secrets you had somehow been oblivious to until now. You know he truly cares about you; he'll treat you well.
After what feels like endless -and at the same time, too short- seconds, your fingers find reluctant distance. Before hoping up onto your family's carriage, you shoot a sweet hopefull smile towards sir Fett.
Two days later, your mother finally voices your parents concern. You're both in one of the small salons of the house; she's inmersed in a book while you draw and paint. The sun gives a soft warm glow to the room. Sparrows chirp outside. It's one of those slow, peacefull summer mornings; not a rush in sight.
An hour or two in, your mother abandons her reading, placing the book down on the small desk in front of her and turning towards you with a pensive expresion on her face. You sense the importance of what she's about to ask, and you set your pencil down, pausing your sketch.
"Honey..." she starts, voice patient and soft. "Have you decided yet?"
It sends your mind in a whirlwind. You have; but you're afraid of your parents answer, of what they'd think about it. What if they're dissapointed? What if they don't accept it? What if... What if they marry you to another anyways? The thought of being forced to live the rest of your days with another man sends goosebumps all over your skin. You know yourself. You're stubborn. Once you take a decision, it's almost impossible to make you sway; but you know that your thoughts won't matter if it came to that. Your father has the last say.
"I know who you'd like me to pick..." you answer quietly, nervously wringling your fingers together.
Your mother shows you an understanding little smile.
"But you like Sir Fett" she guesses.
Your heart is sent to a frenzy.
"Yes" you admit in barely a whisper, though it's a self-assured one.
Your mother sighs and takes your hand in hers; squeezing softly.
"My flower... The Vizla family shares a similar status to ours, and you'll never lack any luxury with them. Pre is also closer to you in age. Yes, I have to say he is who your father and I were picturing you with. But if you think you won't miss this things and your heart calls you to Captain Rex... Then you should listen to it. The small age gap might make some uncomfortable, but it's certainly not scandalous, and the Fetts are still very much respected here. Lord knows that that family has done more for Mandalore than the rest of us combined..." she gives you a tender smile and squeezes your hand a second time. "Do not fret, my flower. If Sir Fett is the one you'd like to marry, your father and I will support you on your decision".
Tears spring into your eyes; and you can't help but hug her tightly to yourself like you did when you were a child.
"Oh, mother... I will forever be gratefull to have such wonderful parents" you tell her sincerily.
She chuckles and gently presses your foreheads together in a Keldabe.
"Shall we then invite sir Vizla one last time, before we organize a dinner with the Fett's a few days after that?" she suggests, caressing your hair.
You nod excitedly.
Letting down Pre Vizla goes easier than you'd initially thought. You were a bit afraid of him reacting too strongly and somehow criticise you for your decision, tell you you'd regret it; he doesn't. Perhaps he had realised you weren't what he was looking for either. He takes the notice well, and is surprisingly neutral throughout all of your conversation with him. Not that it would change anything by this point; but it confirms you you're making the right choice. He doesn't seem to care wether he's with you or not; you'd rather be with someone who did.
It makes you feel so relieved. When your parents invite the Fett's over for dinner a few days later, and you see Rex for the first time since privately taking your decision, you're so happy it almost feels like you're shining. Your smile is radiant throughout the whole dinner. You're chattier and bubblier than usual; and you can't stop glancing at him. He's so handsome, with his light blonde hair deliciously contrasting with his bronze skin, the warmth and intensity of his amber eyes, his strong nose and jawline, the shape of his body in those elegant blue clothes... Rex catches you quietly admiring him, and he tilts his head to one side curiously. You blush inmediately, and that gives him the answer to what you were really thinking. He smirks in a satisfied, seductive way you haven't seen in him before. The sight sends warmth and desire through your veins.
"Honey, why don't you take our dear Captain to visit the gardens?" your mother asks after dinner has finished and you've all moved to the salon. "Ashoka, dear, will you go with them? We'd like to have a word in private with Commander Cody here".
Your pulse quickens. You know your parents will take this moment alone with the head of the Fett family to discuss wedding arrangements.
Both you and Ashoka nod at her suggestion; and the three of you walk towards the gardens, Rex and you falling into a comfortable conversation while Ashoka follows you a few steps behind. Rex offers his arm to you; and you give him a little smile while you place your hand around his bicep. He asks you about the flowers around you and you lose yourself in your knowledge about them, explaining their origins and properties and pointing at your favorites here and there.
"Pink lilies" he remembers, pausing in front of them and examining the colorful flowers with a fond smile on his face. "I should have guessed you'd have your favorites here as well".
He bends down to further study them; and you can't keep it to yourself any longer.
"Captain..." you breathe out delicately, instantly calling his attention. "I... I..."
He patiently waits for you to finish, eyes holding a mix of curiosity and hope that makes your heart clench. This is it. This is your future husband and you... You can't be happier about it. He's so gentle, so considerate, so kind; attentive, confident, and oh, so handsome...
You muse up your courage and finish the sentence for him.
"I ended Sir Vizla's advances a few days ago. I'd like to accept your proposition of marriage, if it still stands".
Surprise is what his face shows first; then, it quickly morphs into happiness and tenderness. His eyes hold more warmth than ever before when he releases a pleased sigh.
"Oh, mesh'la... Of course it does. It would be an honour to be able to call you my wife".
The way he looks at you makes your heart burn. Your cheeks heat up while he closes the distance between the two of you; your eyes sparkling with eagerness when he slowly and very gently cups your face between his hands.
"May I kiss you?" He whispers quietly, eyes flickering down towards your lips.
You melt at this; your hands carefully making their way towards his shoulders.
"Please" you quickly accept, tilting your face up for him.
He caresses your cheeks with his thumbs softly before he slowly closes the distance and presses his lips against yours; a small, delicate first kiss. You sigh in delight and your body relaxes onto his; one of his strong arms reaching down to hold you against him while the other hand tugs you closer to deepen the kiss. It's unhurried and gentle, but passionate at the same time; it makes your nerves tingle and your desire to grow as seconds pass. He kisses the way he is; soft but firm, considerate but demanding. You forget your own name, your mind emptying at the attention of his lips.
When you're both forced to stop to breathe, Rex smiles and rests his forehead on yours, pushing gently. An involuntary smile makes its way to your face as you answer him fondly.
A sudden enthusiastic voice breaks the delicate silence of the night.
"Alright, can I hug you both now?" Ashoka almost jumps in excitement, coming to a stop besides you. "This is the best news, I'm so happy for you!"
Rex grins and you chuckle happily. You pull Ashoka into a welcoming hug; Rex observing with a fond smile.
Ashoka replicates Rex's euphoric grin.
"Oh, I can't wait to see our brother's reaction!" She chirps, almost bouncing excitedly.
You laugh and tilt your face up to look at Rex again. He gives you a tender smile before affectionately kissing your hair.
"They've been hearing me moping around talking about you since we started courting" he tells you quietly, chuckling. "I think they deserve to know".
You take the courage -and liberty- to tenderly caress his left cheek with your fingertips. To your surprise, a faint blush spreads through the captain's cheeks. It brings a soft smile to your face.
"I like your family" you admit to him, watching the positive impact your comment has on him. "You can tell them as soon as we get back, if you want".
When you return to your family house, a nod and a grin is all it takes for everyone to start celebrating and giving the both of you their best wishes and congratulations. You tightly hug your mother and father first. Then, you're swiped in a Fett hug; first by Fives -definitively the most loud and openly enthusiastic one- and Echo -who is more quiet but equally happy about it-, then Kix, Howzer and Gregor -Commander Wolffe had stayed back at home with the rest of the younger Fetts-. They're all so welcoming and truly happy for his brother and you, that you can't help but think you'd be the luckiest woman in the world if at some point in your life you'd be able to have your own family half the affectionate than his.
Your wedding looks and feels like a dream. It's a big celebration; society would talk about it for weeks, and your parent's don't skimp on expenses and don't dissapoint the high expectations everyone has on one of the richest families on Mandalore. Even Mandal'or Kryze is present with his shiny beskar'gam; the greatest honour one could only hope for, really.
When the golden doors opens and your father guides you to the royal armorer that will officiate the wedding, you discover that your soon-to-be-husband is also wearing his. Rex's armour is the 501st legion's blue; bucket clipped onto the belt that holds his kama. A rush of pride spreads through you at seeing him all soldiered up like this. Mandalore has always given great importance to akaan'ade -army- and aliit -family-; and you're about to form a new clan with him.
The hall that holds the wedding is nothing short of magnificent; flowers decorating every corner and cristal chandeliers demanding attention here and there. Half of nobility is here; as well as all of Rex's brothers and sisters, and other more distant relatives. Hera stands with his too soon-to-be-husband -a coruscanti named Kanan Jarrus who had quickly swiped out any other possible competition for your friend- behind your parents. And yet, even with all of this, your sole attention is focused uniquely on Rex.
His amber eyes are almost shining in the light of the salon. His posture is firm and self-assured; though he relaxes slightly upon seing you entering the room, a tender smile inmediately drawing in his handsome face. Your eyes never leave each others until you're both standing in front of the armorer and he starts the ceremony.
You're only a tiny bit nervous when you recite the mandalorian vows in front of everyone. You're confident on your decision; your heart atuned with Rex's. Hearing him saying those vows warms your insides; and when you turn to look at each other again, afterwards, you feel like you can't keep all your emotions at bay. Your eyes crystallize, but you don't let the tears fall down your face. Rex gently cups your cheeks in his rough hands and join your foreheads in a delicate, heartfelt Keldabe kiss. The public starts clapping -and there's some whistling and cheering probably coming from Fives, if you had to guess-; and soon you find yourself in the middle of a hundread of congratulations and small repetitive chatts here and there.
You progressively grow more impatient and nervous the longer the celebration extends. Finally, some hours later, it is time for the newlyweds to head to their new residence; and mother and father both say their goodbyes for now while Rex helps you step into the carriage that would take both of you to your new home -a gift from your parents, one of the Everhart's properties-. You had once been there before; when you were smaller, a child, on one summer vacation. You remember the house -and the landscape around it- being beautiful, and not too far away from the rest of the town by horse.
Neither Rex nor you can keep your hands to yourself in the short trip there. He asks to kiss you as soon as you're both sitting down on the carriage, away from others gossips and gazes; and you inmediately grant his wishes, nodding and surrendering to his lips. It starts slow and soft; but when he moves his peppering kisses from your face down to the curve of your neck, a small pleased sound of yours sets him on fire. He goes back to your lips, kissing you with more passion and impatience this time; and you cling to his shoulders with your fingertips, tilting your face upwards for him to take and take. He has you reduced to a whimpering, hot mess in just a matter of minutes. When his hands temptatively graze the sides of your breasts, you can't help but arch and whine over his lips. Rex groans and presses his forehead against yours, panting out of breath.
"Sorry, mesh'la" he whispers, voice lower than usual. "I know this is not exactly apropriate, and I probably should learn to be more patient... But Manda, cyar'ika, you're such a pretty sight I can barely contain myself".
You blush and close your eyes, breathing in and trying to calm your speeding heart in this Keldabe. You give him a smile.
"It's okay, ner riduur. I understand".
Rex groans again and squeezes his hands over your hips.
"Stop tempting me like that" he mumbles staring at your lips.
You chuckle quietly.
"I'm not!" you happily laugh.
Rex steals a quick kiss. He nuzzles his nose with yours affectionately.
"Totally are".
You laugh and kiss him again. You'll soon become addicted to it.
That first night you're a mess of excitement, nerves and worry. Of course, you've never been intimate before; and the thought of not looking good or doing something wrong scares you. Rex notices this as soon as you start playing with your own hands upon entering your new bedroom; and gently soothes your worries. He softly tells you there's nothing you could really do wrong in your bed; that he just wants to share his affection with you, to touch you, hold you, make you feel good, and that he doesn't expect anything other than you enjoying yourself. The fact that he tells you, in his wedding night, that you don't even have to have sex with him yet if you're not comfortable and that perhaps you'd feel safer once you'd shared some nights or weeks just innocently sleeping with each other melts your heart and makes it easier to push through your initial discomfort and give yourself to him.
You're almost constantly burning in half embarassment half shyness throughout the first half of it. You're relieved to see that the rush Rex seemed to have back in the carriage has dissolved now; he's patient and gentle, telling you what to do and what to expect, and the way he encourages you and talks you through everything is one of the most unexpected sexiest things you have ever heard.
He undresses you slowly, caressing the naked skin that shows with reverent fingertips; shivers running up and down your legs and spine. He kneels down on the floor to help you step out of your heels. You brace yourself on one of his shoulders; and he gently, sensually kisses your thighs and knees. He looks up at you while he does it, and it makes you weak.
You make a soft sound with your throat; and Rex smiles. He stands back up again and tugs your chin between his thumb and index for a long kiss. Now just in your white underware, you shiver involuntarily; pressing your body against his without even noticing what you're doing or asking. He sighs and softly redirects you towards the bed til you're sitting on it.
In front of you, the handsome captain opens the seals of his armour and plate by plate stacks it on the floor besides him. His movements are slow and confident, while his expresion vulnerable at the same time; and you watch him, enthraced. He tugs the long sleeved black shirt of his blacks over his head; and your eyes freely roam through each muscle and scar revealed,devoring the sight in front of you. Your core burns.
"Rex..." you call him, almost in a begging tone.
He breathes heavily and takes a few steps towards you until he's standing right in front of you; his legs caging yours -pressed together impatiently-.
"Yes, mesh'la?" he asks you patiently, gently, and you squirm right where you are.
"I... I..." you want to tell him everything. Want to let him now how beautiful he is, how much you want him, need him. How he's making you feel. How happy you are of now being his. How excited you are of your new future together. You want to tell him this and more, and yet, you can only try to convein it together in a heartfelt, teary "More".
Rex smiles fondly, one hand coming up to caress your cheek.
"Let's get this off of you, cyare" he whispers, and soon you're completely naked in front of him. "Lay down and open your legs for me, darling".
You blush and comply in silence; breathing heavy and eyes locked on Rex.
They inevitably close when he hops onto the bed as well, knees on the space between your legs, and his mouth latches onto your neck, sucking gently at the skin; shifting to a new spot after a few seconds to not leave too many marks on your neck. Then, his mouth trails a wet path towards your breasts; and you whimper while he plays with them, both with his hands and his lips, moaning and arching towards him when he carefully closes his teeth around a nipple. You tug at his short hair and push your body against his.
"I have you" he whispers, his kisses trailing down your sternum and stomach towards your hips. He caresses your sides with his fingertips. "I'm going to kiss you here, okay?" he says, one hand grazing the inside of your thighs and swipping against your growing wetness carefully. You whine and squirm below him. Rex pecks your hip bone. "It will probably feel good, but do tell me if you want to stop or don't really like it".
"O-okay" you stutter, and Rex then pushes your knees further apart, getting comfortable between your legs before he's kissing you there, where the fire grows and burns, and you tense momentarily before you're transforming into a puddle next. "O-Oh... Oh, Rex..."
It does feel great. His wet tongue slides between your folds, caressing you gently, coming up to tease your nub from time to time. He's slow and cautious at first; amber eyes looking up at you and checking your reactions attentively. Once he sees you're really enjoying yourself, and your hips start to squirm impatiently under his attention, he groans and closes his eyes, working his tongue over and inside of you and relishing in your moans and taste.
"R-rex" you call him, feeling a wave of pleasure slowly growing inside of you.
He hums and slowly pushes a finger inside of you; just holding it there while you whimper and clench around it. It's only a finger, but it already feels so good, so much. Your inner walls hug him involuntarily again, and he groans thinking on how that would feel on him.
"I... I'm..." you try to tell him barely a few seconds after that, your mind too lost in pleasure to find the way to word it.
Rex kisses you one last time before he's slowly pumping his finger in and out of you, golden eyes searching you. Understanding, fondness, and desire are mixed in his gaze.
"I know, cyar'ika. Just let go for me" he encourages you, mantaining eye contact while he opens his mouth again, sticks his tongue out, and gently and firmly strokes your nub around with it.
"Rex!" you moan his name, your hand flying to his hair while the other closes around the bedsheets, your pleasure exploding in a million of nerves and colours. You squeeze your eyes shut while you throw your head backwards, core clenching around his finger, orgasm spreading through your body.
Rex smiles proudly, lapping your aftershocks and then kissing your pelvic bone affectionately. His cock is throbing inside of his pants; and he can't help himself and push it down against the matress, trying to find some relief.
"Shh, just like that" he pecks you a few more times, left hand caressing your hip. "You're beautiful. I've got you, cyare".
You relax against the bed; and Rex pulls his finger out of you, carefully moving upwards until he's laying down on top of you, slotted between your legs. Your cheeks redenned upon feeling his bulge pressed against you; but your core tightens again, and you bite your lip with a new wave of want and desire rushing through your veins.
"You okay?" he asks you softly, caressing your cheek and searching for the truth with his amber eyes.
You smile at him.
"Yes" you answer honestly, pecking his nose before confessing in a whisper. "I've never felt that good before, not even when I've... When I've tried finding pleasure myself".
Rex's smile can only be defined as a radiant satisfied grin.
"Well, I'll be happy to make you feel good whenever you want, mesh'la" he answers, and you both chuckle quietly.
You kiss him again.
"Rex, I..." you're shy, and you don't know how long it will take for you to share your more or less dirty thoughts freely with him.
Fortunately for you, he guesses them quickly.
"You want more, cyar'ika?" he asks, gently moving his hips on top of yours and giving you both some very welcomed friction. "Want to try taking me inside of you?"
You squeeze your eyes shut and nod. Rex kisses your forehead and stands up on the floor, getting rid of his pants and underware. You watch -half hungrily, half scared- at the way his cock bobs.
"Will it hurt much?" you ask hesitantly.
You've heard so many different things about sex you no longer know what to believe in.
Rex smiles at your innocent question. His hand slowly comes down to stroke his lenght twice.
"It's different for everyone, or so I've been told... Usually it can hurt or at least be a bit uncomfortable at first, yes. But not too much; not if the man knows to wait and cares about the woman's well-being. And I care about you, mesh'la" he soothes you, looking at you fondly. "I'll move very slow until i'm seathed inside of you. And if you need to stop at any point and just breathe and get used to it for a bit, you'll tell me and I'll wait. Okay?"
You let out a small breath of relief.
"Okay" you agree, gratitude and affection swimming inside of you at his consideration and words. "Thank you, Rex".
He pecks your lips and then re-acomodates your body under him; pushing your knees wider to the sides and bending them so he has better access to your entrance. He taps his weeping hardness against you a few times and slides his length over you, hand cupping the side of your face, giving you time to get used to the movement and both of you being this intimate. The friction of his cock feels delicious over your slippery folds; and you tilt your hips towards him, asking for more impatiently. Rex smiles and nods; one hand dissapearing between your bodies to position his hardness right over your entrance; the very tip grazing your hole.
"I'm going to start pushing inside" he warns you, voice calm, and eyes locked on your face. "Tell me if you want to stop, mesh'la"
You nod eagerly. You've never had sex before and yet you feel like you'll die if you don't get to have him inside of you in the next few minutes. You want him that much.
His cock pierces you; and you can't help but clench tightly arround him, eyes falling shut with a pained whimper. It feels so big; it feels so full, so much.
Your whole body has tensed; and even if you don't say anything, Rex stops pushing in, and kisses your cheek.
"Okay?" He asks, waiting patiently. His forearms are braced on either side of your head, holding his weight.
It's only when he stops when you notice how strong you're sinking your nails into his shoulders; and you instantly stop clinging to Rex, guiltily.
"Sorry" you whisper with shattering breaths, overwhelmed. "So..."
Rex smiles softly.
"You can do that if it helps you cope with this new feelings better" he gently pushes his forehead against yours. "I don't mind".
You sigh and your hands make their way back to the back of his shoulders; this time with your fingers splayed over his warm skin.
It's only a matter of time before you've grown used to it; and the short scare resulting from the pain and the novelty of the situation receeds. Rex finishes slowly pushing all the way in; and the next minute is passed between kisses and caresses. Then, Rex starts to rock his hips gently; your mouth hanging open in a mix between confusion and pleasure and just the tiniest bit of pain. His patience pays off; soon even that dissapears, and you're left feeling nothing but overwhelming joy.
"Please" you moan, tigthening your hold on him.
Rex groans and snaps his hips against yours. You whine and ask for more of those.
"Don't want to hurt you" he mumbles, half lost in pleasure and desire, half concerned.
You pant bellow him.
"Please Rex" you beg him, half lidded eyes swimming in ecstasy. "Give me more please, I'm okay..."
Rex squeezes his eyes shut and moans, giving up on his self control and speeding up his movements, tugging your hips to his and pounding inside of you so deep and raw it turns your voice into a constant whimper-whine-moan-silent open mouth cadence.
You lose all concept about time and outside reality while Rex fucks you like this. His cock sliding inside of you feels incredible, and so does the friction of his pubic bone over your nub; bringing you closer and closer to a second orgasm. Rex pants over your lips, ocasionally stealing and demanding a kiss or two, hands alternating between giving him better suport over you or moving to caress your body and face or squeeze and hold your breasts. You arch and present all of yourself for him to take. And he does it expertly; hips strongly snapping against yours and pushing you into a mind-blowing orgasm that has you clenching your walls tightly around him.
"F-fuck!" He curses for the first time, and watching him lose his composture with you is one of the greatest gifts. His breathing grows heavier, and his movements sloppier. "So close, so close, so close" he chants, brow furrowing, and you kiss him passionately while recovering from your own rush of pleasure.
"Let go, ner riduur, finish with me" you whisper to him, cheeks on fire but wanting to help him find his culmination as well.
Rex whimpers; then groans, tenses, and cums. You feel his warm seed inside of you; the knowledge making you clench and squirm. He sighs and drops his now relaxed body slowly on top of yours; breathless. With his eyes closed and a happy satisfied hum, he nuzles his face against your neck.
"Forgive me for not finishing outside" he mumbles after some seconds of peaceful comfortable silence. "We haven't even discussed children before".
You chuckle and caress his spine with your fingertips. Rex nuzzles closer, almost like a puppy. He's so affectionate after this.
"It would be nice to have a few months to adapt to our new joined life before starting to try" you admit. "But if I happen to get pregnant before that it wouldn't be a big deal. I'm very fond of you already, and I know our children would want for nothing. And I want to have a big family".
"Like mine?" He asks, resurfacing from your neck and leaving his face inches from yours now.
You laugh quietly.
"Mm. Well, I think you're a bit too many for my taste" you smile, and before the hope is able to melt away from his eyes you add "But I think we could stop at half".
Rex grins. His softening length is still seathed inside of you, and you can't help but think on how this feels even more intimate than the whole ordeal. Somehow, your perception of the captain has changed as well; you feel closer to him now, he feels more familiar to you. You notice he looks younger right now; and even more attractive in his disheveled state.
"Six is a good number" Rex agrees, kissing your shoulder affectionately. "I'd be worried if you'd have to go into labor more times anyways".
You remember the fate of his mother; and you hug him tightly.
"I won't leave you" you can't help but whisper to him.
Rex sighs and kisses you softly before staring into your eyes. It feels nice, being skin to skin.
"I think I could be very happy with you" he confesses, the moment turning vulnerable and delicate. "I'm enthraced with you already; and I think I might be half in love with you too".
You blink your tears away.
"Don't get me emotional now, sir Fett" you say in good humour, then leaving jokes aside and caressing his cheeks fondly. "I think I might be as well, Rex".
Your lips join again, and a fullfilling sensation of peace melts each of your muscles into a puddle of relaxation and happiness. Rex finally slips out; but he doesn't move away or grow any colder towards you, carefully finding a place to lay comfortably in bed besides your body instead and affectionately tugging you closer.
You go to sleep feeling safe and happy; and the next morning, when you wake up before him and watch Rex sleep peacefully and naked in front of you, with the sunlight giving a warm glow to his beautiful brown skin, you can't help but caress him and think with a smile on your face that you definitly made the right choice. You softly kiss his lips; and he sighs contently before squeezing your body closer to his, humming affectionately.
"Good morning, riduur" he greets you, eyes still closed and voice full of sleep.
You lay down with him and relax again.
"Morning, mesh'la".
You find your courage easier today; and you're rewarded by the small shy smile on his still tired face.
If last night and this morning are any indication of how the rest of your married life with Rex Fett would go, then you're sure you'd be the luckiest woman in the world. But even when it isn't –for a long marriage rarely doesn't face problems and disagreements– you're happy knowing that your riduur is someone who you can talk and work with; instead of against.
Taraaa! PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU'VE THOUGHT! This one took so long... And seing others reaction really helps me feel motivated to keep publishing. Likes and reblogs are very much appreciated too!
With this work we have the third prompt completed for the 100 followers celebration –you can read the others in the masterlist below–. 7 left!
I'll be writing the PORNSTAR AU with HUNTER next, and so many more, so stay tuned!
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in anything. Remember you can find this set of stories under the tag "100blueprompt" or "100blueceleb" !!
Main masterlist (so many other sw stories) here:
18 notes · View notes
{Author Commentary: So... I was unable to stop thinking about this & this... and I was  enabled  encouraged by the lovelies @daisyful-gvf @shutupdevvie @allieisacrybaby @earthlysorrows @jake-kiszkas-smirk and as always beta read by my dear @sing-against-the-sky }
Pairing: Josh x reader
Word Count: 1.4k
CW: 18+, minors DNI. (spoilers) subby/sleepy Josh, hand job/blowjob, cum tasting. spit sharing, biting m-recieving, nipple play m-receiving, slight edging, slight overstimulation
When you got home from work you’d immediately pried your shoes off at the door, not wanting to make any extra noise. A head of fluffy curls visibly peeking over the armrest from the couch told you Josh was snoozing there. You hung up your bag and coat, before padding over to the living room area, peering over the back of the couch. You had to hold a hand to your mouth to muffle a giggle. He was so sweet, his features were soft, and the tan, waffle knit one-piece long johns you’d gotten him for Christmas hugged every gentle curve perfectly. The top half was mostly unbuttoned, his hand resting on his chest obscured the exposed strip of skin. Your eyes followed the line of cream-colored buttons down his front to a noticeable protrusion between his legs. You smirked to yourself, stepping around the couch.
You sat on the very edge, halfway down the couch, looking at his soft expression. You placed your hand over his on his chest, running your thumb across it. His eyes fluttered open, a sleepy smile forming on his face as he registered your face smiling down at him. “You're home… ” his voice was pleased, still faint and sleepy, his eyes fluttering closed again. “I am, baby…” you leaned down to press a kiss to his cheek. He hummed, turning his head slightly, asking for your lips. Your hand that wasn’t holding his hand raised to cup his jaw, as you met his lips. His head lifted slightly to chase your lips as you pulled away. His brows tented as a soft whine sounded in his throat. You smirked, running your thumb along his lower lip before trailing your hand down his neck to play with his open collar. “You need something?” “hmmh… I always need you” a sleepy smirk curled on his lips as he looked up at you properly.
You pulled his collar open a bit more so you could lean in and close your lips over the fluttering vein in his neck. “-uhuhh!” he let out a short sigh that turned into a gasp, extending his neck as he impulsively arched into you. You sucked a pink mark into his sweet skin, licking over it appreciatively. Another sweet whine told you he was fully at your will. You moved his hand off his chest so you could slip yours under the parted fabric. Your fingers fanned out, each fingertip flitting across his nipples, over the curves of his pecs. You withdrew your hands to begin working at the still-closed buttons as your kisses trailed down his chest. You kept them soft, teasing, only occasionally broken by the edge of your teeth when you couldn’t resist what was being offered up to you. You stopped with the buttons parting just below his happy trail, where the hair grew thicker. You kissed down his stomach, the muscles flickering slightly as you did.
Then you were sitting up again, your hand slipping under the soft fabric to wrap around his now fully hard cock. His lips pursed before opening as his jaw dropped in a soft moan. Your thumb trailed the leaking precum from his head down the thick vein along the underside of his shaft. You brought your thumb up to your mouth, his eyes locking with yours after they followed your retreating hand with rapt attention. As you placed the pad of your thumb on your tongue and wrapped your lips around it his tongue poked out, wetting his bottom lip. “Oh, did you want some too?” you leaned over him, tugging his bottom lip with your still-damp finger. His tongue extended to meet it as you opened your own mouth. You strategically allowed a single drop of saliva to trail down your tongue. It hung suspended at the very tip before falling to land perfectly on his. He tucked his tongue back in his mouth, biting his bottom lip before exhaling a breathy “fuhhk…”. His eyes were wide, fixed on yours like he was seeing the moon for the first time.
You licked over your palm before wrapping around his length again, giving him a few reliving strokes that had his eyes rolling back. He reached for you, his arm pulling the fabric with it, slowing your motion. He paused to hurriedly shuck the sleeve off that arm. The fabric hung open, draped against the couch, revealing more of his side, and the curve of his hips. So sweet and cozy, yet so lewd. His hand settled on your thigh, gripping it earnestly as your strokes continued. After a faster interval, you formed a tighter ring with your thumb and pointer finger at the base, pulling a pointedly slow stroke all the way up under the tip. "Ohg- oh god-" his hand spasmed, gripping and ungripping your leg as he arched again, unwittingly.
"Please- pleasepleaseplease-" he didn't voice what he was begging for, he probably didn't even know himself. You stroked back down, leaving his leaking head neglected. You got up, parting his legs so one of them bent at the knee, his calf swinging off the couch. You settled in the new space between his legs, running your hands over his cotton-clad thighs. You couldn't resist squeezing them, sinking your nails in, which he felt through the thin barrier. You finally hooked two fingers in the crotch of the jumpsuit, tugging it down to properly unveil his leaking cock and his balls. His hand brushed the sweaty curls from his forehead, running through his hair as his freed arm curled behind his head, propping him up a bit more to watch.
You held him steady, trailing your tongue up the sensitive seam of his head, gathering the effluence again. You closed your lips around him, swirling your tongue around him. He hummed then keened as you pulled off. Your palm cupped over his head, using the sufficient slick of your saliva to resume stroking. You kissed along his happy trail before veering off to appreciate the newly exposed skin of his side. You took your time exploring each dip and swell, every inch warm familiarly musky skin painted by your tongue. Your tongue traced the outer curve of his pec before you raked your teeth across it, catching the supple flesh in a loving bite. His inhale hissed through his teeth, expanding his chest. You moved on, exhaling a warm breath over his already perked nipple. You watched the surrounding skin prickle to attention, your eyes flicking to his, to make sure he was watching as you dragged your tongue across it.
His bottom lip was keeping him placated, sucked between his teeth as he watched from over the flushed peeks of his cheeks. Your tongue flicked over it repeatedly then lathed over it once again when he squirmed and closed his eyes. You left it with a quick nip before moving to his other nipple. While you were flicking your tongue over him, your hand that was still stroking languidly began speeding up. You felt him throbbing and he began shaking his head fervently from side to side. You slowed again, pulling away, leaving his nipple exposed to the cool air. “D’you need me to stop, baby?” he hadn’t said anything, but he seemed to be nearing overstimulation. The red in his cheeks had crept down his neck and his rising and falling chest was beginning to shine in the dim light. “Nono- don’t stop, whatever you do- I’m so- ‘m gonna-” his stuttered stream of phrases was loud and clear to you. You leaned your head by his, kissing his cheek as you continued to work over him. He practically mewled. “That’s what I like to hear baby, come for me, make it messy, paint your stomach all pretty for me” you breathed the filthy praise against his ear and felt his whole body tensing. His cock pulsed in your hand as he shot across his stomach, letting out a choked moan. As your strokes slowed to a stop you couldn’t resist licking along the shell of his ear, sucking the small hoop in his lobe between your lips to deliver a last light nip. He shuddered before going limp with a final soft exhale. You kissed the side of his face, making your way to his lips as you cupped his jaw with your clean hand. “Stay here, I’ll be back with a towel for you.” He nodded as you sat up. He caught your wrist, holding you for a second as he opened his eyes, looking up at you through his haze “...fuck, I love you.”
Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think!
{Tag List: @star-boxer @doodle417 @greta-van-chaos @weightofdreams-gvf @prophetofthedune @gretnabancheese @shutupdevvie @jackiidk @t00turnttrauma @groggyvanfleet @garagebandvanfleet @gretavanflowerpower @joshkiszkasunshine @razorbladekiszka @hyperfixated-gvf @kkdarling @joshkiszkaenthusiast @dannyandthekiszkas }
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daisyful-gvf · 2 years
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blueberry wine // by daisyful
pairings: jake x reader
tags: fluff, europe!jake 🤭, making out, drinking
word count: 1.6k
notes: i wrote this in an hour cause i couldn’t stop thinking about it. barely edited oops. no taglist cause i’m feeling so lazy i’m sorry
The sun filtering through his hair as he walks is almost a hazard as you follow him through the lush rows of vines. You’re more than buzzed, and it’s hard to walk steadily as you stare.
Your pace is lazy, holding one of his hands with a couple of your fingers as you let him lead. The field is deep green and coupled with the alcohol in you, you feel almost dazed in its peaceful wake.
“Can’t go to a vineyard and not explore the fields, doll,” you can barely hear him over the rustle of the leaves in the wind.
“Surprised we’ve made it out this far,” you giggle, “You sure you wanna make the walk back?”
He finally spins to face you, and he’s sporting a lighthearted grin.
“No,” he weaves his fingers with yours fully. He’s leaned in close, “Not sure I do. We could just stay out here, lay down forever,” he kisses your forehead, “Eat grapes til we’re sick, eventually rot with the vines.”
“Sounds lovely,” you laugh and kiss his cheek. His skin is warm from the Italian sun, and a tad salty.
“Mm,” he hums in agreement. He brings the open bottle of blueberry wine he’s been toting around to his lips and takes a long pull.
“I don’t know how you convinced them to let you drink from the bottle,” you roll your eyes affectionately.
“Cause m’charming,” he grins wide, “People let me have my way.”
“Oh, is that right?” you laugh and bury your head into the nape of his neck. He smells like him and summer.
“Mmhm,” he drops your hand so that he can settle it instead over your waist, gently bunching the fabric of your sundress in the process. He presses a soft kiss to your jaw, and you can’t help the light sigh that leaves you.
“Jake,” you say quietly, both a warning and a question. What is he up to?
“Hmm?” He kisses your temple, “Just a kiss, baby,” he soothes.
“Is it?”
His hand is holding your waist in a fashion you’re familiar with. Usually, you’re pressed up against a wall. Not in a field with strangers a hundred yards away.
“It is,” he promises, kissing your cheek again.
He pulls away, taking another long sip of his wine. When he’s done, he offers a closed mouth smirk.
“See?” he says, seemingly hoping for some praise that he hasn’t ripped your dress off.
“Sure,” you laugh. He eyes you for a moment like he wants to say more, but then settles on a deep breath.
“M’having a really nice day,” he says, with a genuine smile, “Glad you’re here.”
“Me too,” you smile back and with your free hand, you slip your hand just under the white linen of his blazer to press your fingertips to his bare side. He smirks devilishly at the touch.
“Now who’s getting handsy?” He chuckles.
You opt for the final sip of your wine instead of an answer, and the way that he watches you drink makes you wish you could get handsy.
“You like that wine?” He asks.
You nod as you swallow, “Favorite one of the day.”
“Blueberry?” he nods to his own bottle and holds it up. You answer him with a nod.
“Me too. We’ll have to ship some back to the states, hmm?”
You nod again and bend down to set your empty glass on the ground beside you. When you’re facing him again, you have a free hand to brush his hair from his face. He closes his eyes for a brief moment and lets you touch him this way, soft and close.
The sun shines fully on him, and you think in that moment you’ve seen nothing more beautiful. When he opens his eyes and the light makes them glow like polished amber, you’re proven wrong.
“You look beautiful,” he smiles.
“Funny, I was going to say that to you,” you smile back.
“Come here,” he says, low and inviting. He leans in and kisses you slow and warm.
He tastes fully like the sweet wine, and if you weren’t drunk from the alcohol, you’d be drunk from this.
“Baby…” you say as a mild warning against his lips, “People.”
“Shh,” he says so gently you want to melt, “Don’t care.”
You kiss him back, and it deepens instantly. He sucks on your bottom lip, then lets you come back in to suck on his. You’re trying not to whimper in public. Eventually, it ends, and you’re left with flushed cheeks, clinging to him in the row of grapes.
“Mm,” he smiles and kisses your cheek again, “That was nice.” His voice is low and meant just for you, and it makes your stomach tickle.
He takes another swig of his wine before offering a sip to you, which you take. When you pull the bottle down and hand it back to him, you notice a small splash of purple on his blazer’s front.
“Oh,” you point to it, “I don’t know if that’ll come out, babe,” you frown, fussing with the little splotch. He shrugs.
“I’ll just buy another.”
You look up at him and smile, “Oh yeah? Just call your linen guy and order another like it didn’t cost a few hundred dollars?”
He blushes but tries to hide it. He takes another long drink and then sets the bottle down by your glass. Finally, he holds you more firm; his hands wrap around your waist and bring you snug to him. His lips are purplish red in the middle, from the kissing and the wine.
“That’s exactly what I’ll do,” he grins. His thumbs stroke the small of your back endearingly, “Have you forgotten who has been buying you expensive wine all day, hm? Who flew you out here first class?”
His smile is betraying his attempt to be causal about it all, “Or how about this nice dress here?” He grips some of the fabric at your back, “Who got that for you?”
He doesn’t do this much, or really ever—brag about his wealth. But he is now, just to you, someone who knows how truly grateful he is. He’s doing it just to fluster you, and it’s working.
“You,” you say softly.
“That’s right,” he nods and leans in against your cheek to smile, “Now where were we?” He kisses your cheek.
“Jake, there’s people like…” you sigh, unable to form a full thought with the way his lips brush your skin, “Over there,” you finish.
“I don’t care,” he murmurs and kisses your jaw, “I wanna kiss my girl while I’m half drunk in Italy,” he punctuates it with another kiss to your jaw, “It’s not like we’re gonna get naked. So what if they see us make out.”
“You sure? What if—“
“I’m sure, doll,” he brings one hand around to cup your face in his hand. He presses a light kiss to your lips, “Very sure. We’re far enough away. Just kiss me,” his last sentence is hushed and almost needy in a way that makes your spine tingle, so you oblige quickly.
Immediately, there’s more urgency in the kiss. He groans softly against your mouth, and if you had any kind of hesitancy left, that erases it. His tongue slips against yours in a way that makes your body curve up into his, and he notices, holding you tighter by the small of your back.
He sighs in between kisses, and by the way he’s pulling you along slowly through the passionate display, he’s enjoying it as much as you are. He thumbs against your cheek as he licks at you, and he pushes into your touch against his hip.
He says ‘i love you’ in a breath against your lip, and it makes you smile. He doesn’t need to say it; you can feel it entirely in the moment. You say it back, though, just so he knows.
“Got enough?” he asks breathlessly as your movements slow. You shake your head and dive back in, thirsty for more of him. He chuckles into it.
There’s always a way that he licks at your teeth that makes you putty for him, and while you almost hope he doesn’t do it while you’re in the middle of a field, you want it too badly to care. You do it to him, hoping he’ll take the hint, and he does. His tongue slips against the back of your upper teeth, and you could melt right there. You whimper against him, and then suddenly he’s pulling away.
He’s dazed, whether from the wine or kissing it’s unclear, but the smile he wears is lazy and sweet.
“I know myself,” he bites his lip as he looks at yours, “And I gotta stop, or I’m going to get put in Italian jail for indecent exposure.”
The laugh that escapes you is genuine, and his smile back to you is lovely.
“Let’s not have that happen,” you say softly, “One more kiss, though.”
He nods and obliges, pressing his lips to you once more.
When you part, he brings his other hand around to hold both sides of your face.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” he smiles, “Feels like a dream.”
“Yeah,” you sigh and lean into him, breathing in the fresh smell of his blazer, “A perfect one.”
“Mm,” he agrees and presses a kiss to your hair, “Let’s get back, pretty girl. I’ll buy you some more wine and we can go eat some pasta.”
“And then?” you smile as you grab your glass and take his hand to head back to the entryway.
“And then we’re gonna see what happens when we’re wine drunk in the hotel together,” he looks back at you with a playful grin, “I’ve got a few ideas”.
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