#daisuke: I HAVE EDGE
dnangelic · 1 year
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can't get over the way sugisaki draws him post hiatus whenever he gets kind of angry. there is literally 0 threat in this boy
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oukabarsburgblr · 2 months
Yuh yuh okay hawk ptuh lesgo
Aito Sousuke...
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Flaming red hair, its length barely grazing over his upper back and his face that just screams masculinity and dominance...Yeah you aint ever topping him.
He really likes to manhandle you, constantly putting you in positions where you feel suffocated and could only focus on the shape of his cock thrusting inside of you.
His favourite position was either doggy or the one where your half-laid on the bed and hes holding your legs up while fucking his dick into your ass, him leaning down to suck on your tongue.
I would say hes one of those pleasure doms where he sees you cumming or squirting a whole lot is the best and most satisfying for him. It reflects of how good of a job he did pleasuring you.
Hes not entirely focused on his own sexual gratification. But he is horny 24/7. Not all the time but whenever the both of you are alone, you bet hes sticking his tongue down your throat.
He doesnt try to explore, he only needs your skin against his and hes a-okay. Hes not shy to use his tongue, in fact one of his favourite things to do with you is the 69 position, with you on top. Hes a MUNCH. Like if he could hed have a fucking badge of it.
Sometimes he'll let you crawl on top of him, maybe riding him or even let you lay down during the 69 position although he'll thrust his cock into your mouth while fingering your ass.
Theres no clear signals for boundaries or the sort. He knows your body well and he knows when to switch it up if youre too stimulated in one position. Your mouth is his favourite part.
Hes not into voyeurism, your body during your intimate acts are for his and his eyes only. He doesnt talk a lot during sex. Only moaning into your ear, mumbling how tight your little hole is.
Unless it just involves another party actively participating in sex together...which leads us to him.
Daisuke Yuichi
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Smooth pale skin and a mop of black hair, Daisuke Yuichi can be presumed to be a prince of some land, especially with his status and he'll proceed to be one in bed.
He's very teasing, always edging you, jacking you off and clenching your tip. Foreplay is his middle name. The best at it.
He enjoys long make out session with you, especially if your in his lap. He gets to shove his hand inside your pants and just grope, squeeze and massage your soft cheeks. He'll even tease you when if your tongue was flat, asking you to stick it out more while scratching at your rim.
Every inch of your face would be coated with spit, him licking cheeks, your lips, he would bite at your throat before sucking it softly.
He's a clear cut dom, the one that tells you what to do, but he prioritises your limits, constantly needing a verbal affirmation from you before proceeding with his ludicrous acts.
He loves seeing you work for it, forcing you to masturbate in front of him, crawling and kneeling in front of him to give him a blowjob. He doesn't manhandle you a lot, only if you like to do it against the wall.
Favourite position is the mating press, he get to see your panicking or cockdrunk face while rutting his dick deep inside you. He loooooves to come inside you. Especially on your face.
He doesnt always to use his tongue on your ass though, only if you ask for it since he prefers to finger you instead. Like his pecs, his fingers are thick so it was enough to stuff it in you. He loves roleplay and using copious amount of lube just to hear your hole squelch.
Your sounds are his favourite, whether it be crying of pleasure, slapping of skin and especially moaning his first name, he gets off of it so baddd.
@tehyunnie @rainnyydaysworld @webwanderer @a-short-ass-disappointment @chikai-k @mello-life25 @miyuuuki @simpsations @sugar-p0p @kiiyoooo @helloanime @garlicforthewin @jaxyy219 @mikahrh @gayaristocrat
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arom-antix · 1 year
Why Yuuri (before 2017) should not be allowed to write an autobiography
Okay, to those who might not follow figure skating as closely, I just need to point out that Yuuri, despite what he insists (unreliable narrator), did not do badly in the Sochi GPF.
We know from the flashback in episode 5 that Yuuri during his free skate fell on at least two of his jumps and touched down on one and it can be assumed he didn't do too well on his others. He says in episode 4 that he falls on jumps and makes up the gap with Program Component Scores (how artistic it was) which can also be seen on the protocol from his short program where his PCS is higher than his Technical Element Score (how technically sound it was). This is not how those scores usually relate except in certain cases (see Jason Brown, also known for his high PCS and (relatively) low TES though this is by choice).
This is Yuuri's short program protocol. If you don't know how to read this then all you need to know is that his total score was 82.80, 40.42 of that being TES and 42.38 being PCS.
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Now, to relate that to the real world, in the 2015 Grand Prix Final, Daisuke Murakami scored a total of 235.49, scoring 83.47 in his short program and 152.02 in his free skate and placing 6th. As we can see, that's pretty darn close to Yuuri's score (82.80 in the short, 149.79 in the free, 232.59 total) and I would not be surprised if they were inspired by his scores since they're also PCS centric.
Sidenote: Looking at Yuuri's PCS here and comparing them to Murakami's, Yuuri's are higher, not having anything lower than 8.00. Based on the fact that he was likely very off-kilter, I'd say this is still a very respectable score (duh, Yuuri just can't accept that he's good). Boyang Jin who took 3rd in the short, 5th overall in the 2015 GPF had way lower PCS scores.
Anyway, here's Murakami's free skate protocol.
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Murakami has 8 jumping passes in his free, 7 of which he lands with a two-footed landing on one and a stepout on another. He only falls ass on ice like Yuuri does once on his second quadruple salchow (which was supposed to be a combination. The << and REP are explained at the bottom of the protocol). He does not touch down at any point. Otherwise his jumps look fine to me, most of them barely having any ice spray and only his 3Lz+1Lo+2S combination getting a warning for an unclear edge.
If you don't know, falling is (kind of) the worst mistake you can make on a jump and the judges are required to both give a certain negative GEO (grade of execution) and a deduction of 1 point. Other mess-ups just give negative GEOs.
Murakami's FS score is 73.26 TES and 79.76 PCS which would mean Yuuri's scores are likely very similar. But he fell on two jumps, not one meaning his PCS would likely have been higher to make up the difference.
And if Yuuri's insinuation that he flubbed all his jumps in some manner is true (which I find highly unlikely, have some confidence) and he missed elements by either popping (opening too early which costs rotations but saves you from a fall) or just not doing them, his PCS would have needed to be even higher to make up for that.
Missing elements, like popping a double, triple or quadruple axel into a single (at least one double is required), results in that element not being counted at all. Zero. Zip. Nada. You get nothing for it if you can't make up for it later in the program. Even falling on a jump is better because that's at least a few points. So if that happened, he'd have a big gap to make up with his PCS.
To sum up: with everything that could have gone wrong for Yuuri, this is still a very good score, even on the international scene. And to highlight that, Murakami is happy when he finishes, even fist pumping.
And yes, there was still that 103.17 point gap between Yuuri and Viktor which is the same (okay, 94.95) for Murakami and Yuzuru Hanyu who took gold in the 2015 GPF. But, and I cannot stress this enough, Hanyu broke 3 world records with that score meaning Viktor likely did as well. No wait, scratch that, I know he did because Hanyu's score was 330.43 which Viktor beat by 5.33 points. Of course it's not going to be even close, are you kidding me?
Looking at the World Championships in 2016, Yuuri would, with that 232.59 score, still have taken 11th place. He'd have taken 16th in 2023 and that's with a single quad (I don't trust his quad salchow yet) in the age of quads (and that quad being the one with the lowest base value). I'm positive he'd have been able to do a Jason Brown whose PC scores are so good that he in 2023 placed 5th without a single quad and would have placed 3rd in 2016. Now, take that and throw Yuuri's quad toe loop and some confidence in there and you've got a Worlds podium finish before the series even starts.
And then in the season the show is in, he has his quad toe loop, quad salchow and quad flip. He might even have gotten the quad loop down in the 3.5 months between the Barcelona GFP and Worlds. I definitely see a world champion on the next level (if they'd give us it >:[ )
And scores always get higher over time, the world record having gone from Hanyu's 330.46 in 2015 to Nathan Chen's 335.30 in 2019 still standing in 2023 which is still less than Viktor's Sochi GFP score (335.76) (yes, the system has changed since 2015 but it's close enough that it doesn't really matter in this context. Viktor is OP no matter what).
Really, the fact that Yuuri's in the GFP at all should be all we need to know that he's insanely good. It might not technically be Worlds but my stars, Yuuri, it does basically make you 6th in the world.
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Lavender Jacket Series Jacket Overview: Jigen Daisuke
Find Yata's Overview Here: Thank you @pixelateddork for the art.
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Next on the list for the Jacket Overview series is a fan-favorite and one that I'm especially happy with.
Jigen Daisuke For his BASE PALETTE, Jigen sports his tradition getup, but it is more of the TWCFM set up of colors: his typical wardrobe as always sticks to the ashy-grayish black suit, light-blue dress shirt, white-tie and his traditional fedora which like the rest of his outfit ranges within the ash-grey tones see here (thank you screenshot recolors)
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Like many shows we have seen regarding the pair, Jigens palette is often made to coincide or at least generally fit well with Lupin’s palette, even if he often does head toward the more traditional route with his colors- the blues, the blacks, the grays and so on and so forth. While Lupin took on the more softer Lavender colors in this series, Jigen however sports, not so much a different look, but one that I believe fits well with Lupin’s as well as the Lavender Jacket series as a whole
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In LJS, Jigen’s tradition of typically wearing a darker set of colors compared to Lupin’s lighter shade still stands strong. However those traditional colors have since moved on from the typical  colors he’s most famously known for and instead now he sports colors that one may not have typically seen on Jigen outside of Part 3.
The First of the new colors presented are a Green Suit and Pants. Traditionally Green has always been a color that symbolizes many things, though the meanings of green can vary by shade similar to blue or red. For example: Bright green often symbolizes rebirth and spring while Olive green represents tranquility, earthiness and elegance. In Jigens case, Dark green or various shades of it, can often represent things such as fertility, greed, money and drive. For some shades, it also carries connotations of wealth and success but can sometimes signify greed and envy.
In Jigen’s case, the color green is often a double-edged sword; while things like  tranquility do not come easy for him until much much much later in the storyline, his drive to right his wrongs at times may also to many seem admirable at best and maybe suicidal at worst. Despite this, he still holds an elegance to him even during some of the worst times of his life which fits him strutting around in green very well.  The Darkish Red of his hat and tie also symbolizes things as well. Wine Red is a deep Red that often comes in many shades and often symbolizes traditional things like sophistication, passion, and luxury, few things that Jigen can’t afford to lose yet enjoys all the same as well while he can.
Especially passion. Throughout LJS, Jigen often finds himself being thrust into Lupin's role in more ways than he often anticipates, outside of simply just Leadership. In addition to this, he often finds himself shocked, about how often he ends up trading one vice, his alcoholism, for something better. The Act of Sex The moment Fujiko and him hook up in LJS, Jigen is often led to believe it’s the sex in which his body craves, like some new hyper-drive in his borderline dead sex-drive. While this turns out to not fully be the case, (he realizes later on down the line that its not simply the sex but the touch his body craves, not just the outcome that comes with it because Jigen usually hides how touch starved he really is) the need for sex is often a driving force between the pair. It’s why he often goes to her for "companionship"  when he’s drunk. Because, as shocking as it is for him, he had found something he finds fun, entertaining. In fact it revitalizes him, entices him, he finds that he enjoys it and it's strange because he never thought he would, especially with a woman like Fujiko, because it's also strange to him how quickly he fell into Lupin's role in the group
even down to his preference in partners.
Since red is the color of blood, it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger, and courage. Modern surveys in Europe and the United States also often show that  red is also the color most commonly associated with heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love, and joy. All emotions Jigen knows well and is slowly getting to know.
And it's not just the colors that often hold symbolism. Since their creation, cufflinks and lapel-pins have been seen as a symbol of status for gentlemen with luxury gold and gemstone cufflinks seen as a symbol of wealth, power and reputation, while Lapel pins are frequently used as symbols of achievement and belonging. While not shown directly on the reference sheet, Jigen does happen to wear and own two
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In addition to being the Lupin Family Flower, The lupine flower stands for imagination, admiration, and overall happiness. Whether given as a gift or grown in your garden, the lupin brings the energy of inner strength to recover from trauma.
For Jigen it often fits all too well. But while he is not versed in the language of flowers like his partner might just be, he knows deep down that the flower means something to him. Ever since he was younger, the Lupin family, often consisting of just Lupin’s Grandpa and Lupin himself but now extending to the mains and servant’s, had been more of a family to him than even his own. The stability, while crazed and dangerous, was something that he had come to love and enjoy.
Jigen pledging his loyalty to Arsène the First, thus essentially pledging his loyalty to the entire Lupin family, was something that he never thought he would ever do again since leaving the Mafia life behind him for good. But Issei had become almost a father figure to him, let alone someone who had earned his loyalty and his admiration. And following Jigens official pledge to the Lupin Family, he has always keep on him a little piece of Lupin and the new life he was given in the form of a Lupine Flower Pin. He never wore it, but after everything that had happened during the events of LJS, he figured now would be the best time. 
The Pin always stays on his Lapel, close to his heart no matter what, where it will always stay.
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Jigen’s third and “secret” palette is often used as a joke palette in a way, but is also just another I've grown to love. 
Essentially, I had come across this palette in a Discord server I am in
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And naturally I had fallen in love with it. It had part 4 vibes but gloomy and tired and somewhat sad which seemingly worked very well. Lupin's design in LJS IS his Part 4 design but tweaked. Of course since the palette felt right I decided to give it to Jigen as sort of a “party” outfit; one that he often uses when he goes out with Fujiko, or for special occasions!
But then a friend had pointed out that Zenigata got the jigen palette in the picture set, with the blue vest and orange undershirt and green tie, and I thought of course it was funny. . . Until I realized that this image also exists
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Which fits because Jigzeni, or as we lovingly refer to the ship as Hattrick, is a ship found in LJS
It seems Zeni can’t stop stealing the gunman’s clothes How they fit him we will never know
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beescomet · 7 months
V E L O C I T Y || PART 1
A/N: WOOP WOOP, finally part 1 is DONE, I've been writing it for so long now lmao. Anyway, I, once again, ask everyone to go and thank @crackedpumpkin for giving me the courage to write this (and also go read their fics, it's literally a masterpiece like 💖). There might be errors as I haven't proof read this yet, so if you find anything lmk please !! Enjoy!! (Also it's 2 am here, and I got a lecture in the morning, so I'm genuinely warning yall, there might be some odd mistakes)
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The smoke hangs thick in the air, twisting and billowing like ghostly tendrils as it mingles with the sharp tang of burnt rubber and the pungent scent of gasoline. From the haze, You watch as the familiar wave of energy flows all around you and the people present. Gray mist, speckled with red, similar to the mist after a night of rain in your street, the red from the lights illuminating the road. You feel a smile threatening to form as you absorb this energy.
You nearly jump in surprise when a familiar voice speaks through the earpiece you're wearing—a reminder of why I'm here in the first place. "These damn kids and their cars," the voice says, frustration evident. "Can't tell a damn difference between a wrench and a screwdriver even if it slapped them on the face", You let out a breath of amusement from your nose at the complaints . You slowly turn the steering wheel, guiding the car to it's dedicated position for the race. "Behave now D, that's not why we're here. You got eyes on me?"
The atmosphere is electric, charged with anticipation and excitement, sending a shiver down your spine as you drive into the dimly lit space. Around you, the cavernous expanse is alive with activity. Sleek, customized vehicles gleam under the low lighting, their polished surfaces catching the colorful splashes of graffiti art that adorn the walls.
"You know I do, I even got the cameras set up on the track and possible escape routes."
The crowd buzzes with energy, a lively mix of spectators and racers moving in a chaotic dance. Mechanics hustle around, their tools clinking and clanking as they tinker with engines, striving for that perfect performance. Drivers, their faces set in determined expressions, huddle in small groups, discussing tactics and strategies in hushed tones. Onlookers lean against the walls, their eyes wide with anticipation, eagerly awaiting the start of the races.
You watch them all from the safety of your car, the music and shouts muffled by the glass. You recognise a few of the people around, your nerves now on edge. You start to speak, your voice lowered to a whisper, following the group with careful eyes. "They're here"
A crash sounds from the earpiece, followed by a string of curse words. "Wait really? Fuck, you really hit the nail on the head with that one. How many can you see? Ah wait never mind, I got eyes on 'em. Damn that's a lot of screens to look at-"
You tune him out, deciding to focus on the group ahead instead, counting the members. 1, 2, 3. An annoyed sigh escapes past your lip as you rest your head on the steering wheel, muttering a curse. "Three, I was counting on at least four to get enough cash.."
The sound of laughter grabs your attention, slowly lifting your head as your eyes narrow at the sound. "Well about that, you don't need to have more than one person against you in that race.."
You immediately grab your phone, looking at your bank account and checking the balance. You choke on air once you see the number, sitting up straight and nearly hitting your head on the car roof. "Daisuke what the hell did you do! This better not be Amelie's college funds or I swear-"
Another laugh, interrupts your rant, this one louder than the last, your eyes going to glare right at one of the camera's set in the location. "Relax, this isn't my kid's college fund.. it's some of my retirement money my wife and I saved up back when she was alive. It's no use to me right now, so I thought it would help."
You could feel your heart drop, the anger in your eyes quickly replaced by one of guilt. "Daisuke I ca-" You start, closing your mouth as he interrupts you once more. "Don't even try to send it back Y/N, you went through hell for Amelie and I, this is just how I'm saying thank you. Now focus, you need to kick ass and bring the winning money back home!"
A pained laugh leaves you because of his words, bringing your hand up to rub your nose as you sniff. You could feel the tears threatening to fall, but you gather yourself together before you start breaking down.
You step out of the car, reaching for the duffle bag next to you before you do, and start heading to the middle of the room.
Every sound, every sight, adds to the cacophony of excitement that fills the air, creating a palpable tension that crackles like electricity. It's a world unto itself, this underground car meet, where the rules are few and the stakes are high. You get caught up in the whirlwind of activity, feeling the pulse of adrenaline coursing through my veins. You can feel it, all of it —the energy, the anticipation—it's all here, waiting to be unleashed. Your eyes flicker to the metal bracelet on your wrist that had started beeping, a number flashing on it.
A confident smile now on your face, the night is only just beginning. Oh how fun this is going to be.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
The duffle bag hits the table with a loud thud, silencing the group of people in the area as their attention shifts to you. But you keep your eyes on one man, the gray mist around him thicker than the others around him.
He tilts his head to the side, his smile growing once he sets his eyes on you as he adjusts his stance, leaning on the hood of his car. His grey eyes holds your E/C ones. He tilts his head back for a moment, chuckling. "Well then, look who we have here, the Red Devil has finally graced us with her presence. Come to race against me then?"
An annoyed huff leaves you, crossing your arms over your chest as you glare at the man, raising one brow. He stares back, grinning, a golden tooth glistening under the neon lights. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of the tooth, how can you not? You were the reason he had to get it done in the first place.
"I was planning to, unless you give me the money that I'm going to win anyway, would make this whole ordeal go so much faster" You state, shrugging your shoulders as you hear some people laugh. Kaji growls, standing up and going to the table standing between you two, opening the duffle bag and peering inside. He looks back at you, the scowl quickly replaced by his infamous grin. "That's a lot of money, are you confident you'll win?"
"That damn bastad, why I outta-"
You ignore Daisuke's words, keeping your attention on Kaji as he waves two fingers to the other two goons with him, they bring in three duffle bags, placing them next to the one placed earlier. You glance at them, unfolding your arms from over your chest and reaching to the duffle bags. You open the first and quickly check the cash placed inside to make sure none were fake, repeating the same process with the other bag.
You nod, stepping back as you watch someone (who you assumed would be this race's starter) shove the duffle bags into a locked box, placing the key on a chain around their neck. You turn around and begin heading back to your car, raising both hands as you yell over the crowd who began to gather around the both of you.
"Be at the track in 10, I got more important places to be at later, and I'd hate to be late because of you"
The bracelet beeps once more. Your focus shifts to it.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
"You sure you want to do this Y/N?"
You snap out of your thoughts once you hear Daisuke's voice from your earpiece, nodding your head for a moment and letting out an affirmative hum. You could hear the sigh from the ear piece, and you can just imagine him in your head shaking his head and rubbing his temple.
"Just stay safe out there would ya? God knows none of us needs anymore loss"
A grin forms on your face, a soft laugh as you nod once more. "You got it captain" You look ahead as the cars pull up next to yours, people starting to gather around the track and the screens mounted on the wal starts to broadcast the race.
Your heart hammers against your chest, causing your breath to come out staggering. This was it, the moment you and Daisuke have been planning for the past year. You close your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath before opening them again, your hands on the driving wheel as you stare right ahead.
You have to win.
Losing was not an option.
A quick glance to the metal bracelet on your wrist, checking the number.
The starter started counting down, the sound of engines rumbling, adding onto the excitement that filled the air. You could see the red specks in the mist growing, showing that what happens after would be utter and pure chaos. That was exactly what you needed.
Beside you, Kaji, revved his engine, glaring at you from his car. You roll your eyes, any other time you'd have given him the middle finger, but right now you needed to focus.
Kaji shot forward like a bullet, his car a sleek silhouette cutting through the darkness. The gleam of determination in his eyes was unmistakable, a silent promise of fierce competition to come. You weren't far behind, both your engines growling with power as you both jostled for the first position in the opening moments of the race.
Behind you, two other competitors fought tooth and nail for their place in the pack, their cars weaving and swerving in a frantic dance of speed and skill. The air crackled with tension as the four of you raced, Kaji at the lead, you second, and the kther twi battling it out for third.
You let out a curse, glancing at the rearview mirror as you watch the others separate from behind you. You look at the side-view mirrors, seeing them going to either side of you.
"Watch out, 3 o'clock. He's speeding up, seems like he's gonna try and crash into you."
You look to your right, and sure enough, hes speeding your way, eyes on your vehicle as he tries to have you crash into the other one on your left. His eyes meet yours, and you couldnt help the smile on your face as you move your hand, raising the middle finger to him. You see the anger in his eyes as he swerves to your direction, and you quickly hit the brakes, your car slowing down and creating space between you and him faster than he could react. You watch as he barely misses your car, a fleeting moment of eye contact before he crashes into the other car.
A laugh escapes your lips as your foot quickly went back to the gas pedal, your car revving back up to life and going to catch up with Kaji.
Two down, one to go.
"Holy FUCK-! Y/N are you okay?"
"Just perfect! Cant say the same for the other two though" You snicker, glancing at your rear-view mirror to look at the crash site, the two guys getting out of their busted cars and telling at each other. "What's the power at??" You ask, turning your attention back to the road ahead, taking a sharp right and finally Kaji's car is back into your line of sight.
"75% and counting, did you purposely make them crash to suck the energy?”
You didn't answer, so he took your silence as confirmation.
As you hurtled down the straightaway, the neon lights of the underground tunnel flashed by in a blur of color, casting strange shadows upon the sleek surfaces of the racing machines. The pounding of your heart echoed in your ears, a steady rhythm that drove you forward, pushing you to new heights of speed.
"Two laps left"
A curse leaves your lips, your eyes glancing at your bracelet as you watched the number slowly increases. The space between you and Kaji was so small, yet to you it was almost oceans apart. Your teeth grits together as you think, shaking your head after a moment.
"D, What's the nearest shortcut to the front?"
The man at the other end sighs, you can hear him move around from his desk and the sound of him pressing buttons on his keyboard. "Take a left in a minute, you'll be in the market area, after 5 minutes with the speed you're at take a right, you should be ahead of Kaji by then."
You nod, quickly turning the steering wheel as the sound of the tires skidding reaches your ears, you can imagine the confusion on Kaji's face as he watches you disappear from behind him, the thought making you laugh a bit as you continue to drive.
Daisuke was right, you found yourself driving near the marketplace, swerving left and right through trucks and wagons filled with food. You glance at the clock, 2 minutes before the turn.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
Kaji looks at the rear-view mirror slowing down as he sees you disappear. He looks around him, trying to find any signs you were going to appear but...nothing. He started laughing, pressing harder on the gas pedal, he could feel it, the sweet taste of victory, his victory against the infamous Red Devil.
The finish line was close, it was right there. He couldn't believe it, not only did he just guarantee a win, but he had won thousands from this race alone. He started cheering, hitting the car horn as people started to circle around the finish line.
But just then, he could see something coming out of an alleyway from the corner of his eyes, causing him to swerve as he saw the familiar grey car appear from the shadows. "What the fuck! Where did she come from!?"
You grin at him, giving him a quick salute as you turn the car, you had just stolen first place from him! You laugh, your head thrown back. Kaji never thought he could despise you more than he already did, but clearly he was wrong.
You glance at your bracelet, seeing the familiar number beeping, 100%. "Let's fucking go"
You look at your hands, watching as the energy mist you had been absorbing starts to leave you, your veins glowing gray and some sparks of red. The energy transfers from your arms to your car, you close your eyes, the familiar feeling of your element around you. Pure chaos.
You open your eyes, glancing at your reflection in the mirror, and sure enough, the familiar waves of energy come out of you like waves of an ocean during a storm, feeding more power to your car as it increases in speed.
This was one of the very few perks of being able to control the element of chaos. And arguably, your only favorite.
Cracks had started to form on the ground beneath the car, but it didnt matter, the finish line was right there. And with one final burst of power from you, your car reaches almost unnatural speed, finishing the final lap in a matter of seconds.
You drift your car, shutting your eyes tight as you press on the brakes to get it to stop before hitting the forming crowd, the sound of your wheels screeching against the road before it halts. There was a moment of silence, the only thing you can hear was your heartbeat. Then loud cheers erupt from around you, people running up to your car and shouting your title.
"Holy fucking shit we actually did it. WE WON! Y/N YOURE GETTING OUT OF HERE-"
You flinch at the screaming in your ear, your hand reaching up and muting the earpiece as your eyes looks for the man holding your prize money. You step out of the car, taking deep breaths as you try to ignore the hundreds of eyes on you.
You feel a hand on your shoulder and you jump in surprise, quickly turning and seeing who it was. You visibly relax, seeing the man carrying the three duffle bags and handing it to you.
"Good race there Red, I have to ask though, why did you take that shortcut? It could have cost you the race" He asks, watching you as you throw the duffle bags into the backseat. You shrug, glancing at him from the corner of your eyes.
"I got lucky... Now, if you'll excuse me, i need to be somewhere"
You get back into your car, the crowd parting as you quickly make your way out from the underground parking. You sit in your car in silence as you make your way back to Daisuke's location, every nerve in your body on edge. This was it. You were finally going to leave.
The mechanic shop wasn't that far, so you managed to get there in time. Quickly getting your car into the garage, Daisuke runs up and closes the garage entrance after you. "Holy fuck, we did it, for a second there I thought that was it!" Daisuke yells, running up to you and opening your car door. You step out, handing him your car keys then you grab the duffle bag, setting it on the nearest workbench.
"It's not over yet, I still need to sneak past Kaji's people and reach the city." You remind him, opening the bags as you started to count the money to be able to split them. "Did you get the other car ready? I can't leave with mine. It'll stand out" You ask, glancing at him for a moment before pausing and seeing a familiar set of keys in your face. Your eyes wide and you grin, quickly snatching the keys.
"Daisuke you did not-" The words leave your mouth faster than you can think things through, looking at the otherside of the garage and seeing the car you were meant to take. "You said it would take you months to fix it up!!"
You look at the car, a 1957 Cadillac series 62 painted navy blue. You walk around it, your fingers running over the smooth surface of the car. If it was possible to marry a car, you would have done so already. You pause, realising that he was actually giving you the cat, you look back at Daisuke and you see him smile at you. You move your hand, trying to hand back the keys. "I can't accept this, the money, the car-"
He raises his hand, and you close your mouth, your brows furrowed together in annoyance. He takes a few steps towards you and places his hand on your shoulder, giving you a small smile. "Y/N, you listen to what I say and listen well.."
"I want to give these to you. You've done so much for me and my daughter already, and you still continue to do so when you didn't have to in the first place.” You turn your face away from his gaze, biting the inside of your cheek as you fight away the tears threatening to spill. “Hey, hey look at me-" He gently grabs your chin, turning your face back to him, similar to what he would do with his daughter when he has something important to tell her.
"I'm so grateful for you, Amelie as well. You've come a long way to get to where you are now. Your father would have been proud of the person you became" He states carefully, pulling you into a tight embrace. You wrap your arms around him, burying your face into his shirt as you hold him tight.
"I'll come back for you, all of you, I promise"
He laughs, wrapping his arms around you and patting your hair in a calming manner. "I know you will kid, you're too kind for your own good" he muttered, his voice wavering. You both pull away from each other, looking at each other before you give him a sad smile.
"I'm serious, I'll come back and help you leave, then we'll open up a car repairs shop together and restore beauties like this one" You push, pointing at the cadillac nearby.
Daisuke laughs dryly, shaking his head for a moment before crossing his arms. "Alright alright, I trust you, now you better get going, you need to be out of this goddamn hell hole before sunrise, chop chop!" He urges you back to your new car, opening the door for you and you get in. "I already put your bags in the trunk, Amelie left you some snacks in a lunchbox, but i'm pretty sure it's some form of clay" You laugh at the comment, shaking your head as you think of the little brown haired girl you had grown to love.
"Thank you.. for everything" You state softly, looking at him with a soft smile. Daisuke smiles back, giving you a curt nod as he steps back, opening the garage door once more.
"Don't mention it kid, now go, I'll hide the other car later tonight" You nod, backing out of the garage and into the night, the Cadillac perfectly blending into the darkness of the town.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
A figure watches from afar, his hand going up to run over his beard. Wu watches as the young girl drives away, a heavy sigh leaving him as he turns to leave. He reaches up and runs his hands over his dragon, carefully mounting it as it soars up into the sky.
"She gets stronger everyday, I fear we may not have enough time to prepare”
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Since Erwin is cheerful and even goofy in every official modern AU depiction, do you think that's his "real" personality and the one he showed to Levi?
The way that Erwin always appears so s o f t in official art always kills me. Yams is absolutely the worst offender with sweet natured History teacher Erwin in his School Castes AU, and Neetwin, wishing he could laze around all day eating chips and reading manga.
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Imagining what Erwin's life might have been like if he hadn't been burdened by guilt and fighting for the existence of humanity has been be fertile grounds for writers and artists, with many portraying him as a sweet, goofy nerd who's a bit of a disaster when left to his own devices. (Personally I like modern AU Erwin to retain his intelligence and his edge, but I'm very fond of soft nerdy disaster Erwin too.)
It is interesting to speculate if this soft sweet man is Erwin's "real" personality. There are enough hints in supplementary canon material to suggest that he is. In the Smartpass stories and various games Erwin buys gifts for the other Veterans, procures contraband tea for Levi, helps Nile write love letters to woo Marie, and places a cryptic advert in a newspaper to lead Nile to a personal letter congratulating him on the birth of his third child. What a sweetie.
As to whether Erwin let his guard down to let Levi see the person behind the commander's implacable facade, I think he did. They couldn't have trusted each other the way they did if he hadn't. Daisuke Ono's description of Levi as the last store of Erwin's humanity confirms that Levi sees Erwin as a human being first and foremost, not as a monster or a military commander. The fact that Erwin and Levi publicly tease each other in canon is also very telling. Levi is clearly comfortable taking the piss out of Erwin and he knows that he will respond in kind. The fact that their weird teasing leaves everyone else completely bemused just makes it all the more touching.
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Thanks for your ask Anon, and apologies as always for taking so long to reply.
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genork-the-fandork · 2 months
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Word Count: 571 Prompt: Third Meeting A/N: In case it wasn't clear, I'm sort of interconnecting all of these drabbles. This one calls upon the other two a bit as Hikari and Takeru ponder the adventure ahead of them (02). I love the idea that they're not sure if they belong on this adventure, but they're very much needed. They're very necessary. @takariweek
"Is this Adventure really ours?" Takeru asked, his leg bouncing as he stared up at the sky. They were waiting for the others, waiting to tell them what had transpired today. How Daisuke had come with them to the Digital World, how evolutions were near impossible at the moment, how a Digiegg held the secret to fighting the strange new power at work. 
Hikari's head had been swimming with all this new information ever since they'd returned in a heap on the computer room floor. She shook her head, unsure. "We can't leave Daisuke to fight this, this Digimon Kaiser alone. Not when Tailmon and Agumon and Patamon are there." With a shiver, she put her hands on her arms. "I'm worried about all of the Digimon. I want to help."
"But they can't evolve. How are we supposed to fight anyone if Tailmon and Patamon have no chance?"
She frowned. He had a point. It made little sense to leave such a task up to them with no way of fighting their enemy. Because it always came down to fighting when it came to Digital World business. She hadn't liked it much as a younger child, and it made just as little sense to her now. Still… "Maybe we were always supposed to be the second generation of Chosen. Someone has to help Daisuke learn about the Digimon. Miyako and Iori, too."
"How is it that I happened to move into a building with two other Chosen?" Takeru murmured incredulously. "This is Hikarigaoka all over again."
Bumping her shoulder with his, Hikari pointed out, "The Digital World moves in mysterious ways."
"Too mysterious," he joked, nudging her in the side. They both laughed. Even after not seeing each other for a long time, it was as easy as breathing, being with Takeru. Hikari knew it was something akin to love, what she felt for her friend. It would be a shame (mostly for Daisuke's sake), to care so much about someone at this age, were it not for their history together. How Hikari had gone a day without him in her life, she would never know.
"But you know," Hikari added. "At least Taichi didn't give his goggles to either of us." She grinned. "Can you imagine trying to be like him?"
"Not in a million years. I can barely keep up with my own brother, much less yours." Takeru folded his arms behind his head in a very Taichi-esque gesture. Yet his pose was very Yamato. Hikari knew that neither of them would admit that they were very much the product of their brothers. But neither of them were quite meant to take their places in the group of Chosen, either. "I wonder if Daisuke can handle it."
"He's rough around the edges," Hikari mused. "But I think he's up to it. All he needs is a little hope."
"Maybe some light?" Takeru raised an eyebrow.
"Something like that. He'll be just fine. And if something goes wrong…" Hikari held out her pinkie.
Even though their unspoken promise to each other had not been sealed by pinkies in the slightest, Takeru understood. He interlocked his pinkie with hers. Maybe their Digimon's powers were limited right now, but they would still fight to protect the partners that had come to mean as much to them as they meant to each other. Even if they were the last two Chosen standing.
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flowering-thought · 2 years
hi hi hi another kawahara sibling simp here but also this is a general request for all your ocs and the hidden one! how would they react when they saw their darling wearing their clothes for the first time?
Oooo big brain and the perfect lovely situation <33
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Daisuke doesn't expect it. His clothes are usually form-fitting but his hoodies aren't.
And when he comes home after kicking out a rough customer all he wanted to do was crash. But there you were, buzzing around in the kitchen in one of his hoodies, humming some tune as you prepared what looked to be something for him to eat.
The bar ran late usually and yet you still tried to make him something if you were up when he got home. And what he noticed was the cute way the arms of the hoodie were a bit too long along with the way it dropped down barely stopping above your thighs.
He couldn't help but hug you from behind and rest his head between your neck. It's like all the stress leaves him and he can feel alive just from your presence.
"You look adorable darling.."
⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚.
Rowan has all sorts of clothes. Usually, loose clothing he can easily put on and occasional nicer clothes for events or when he just wants to dress up and take you out somewhere nice.
So when he remembers that he left one of his long-sleeved shirts and sweatpants that's a lot looser than normal due to him usually sleeping in it during winter he wasn't expecting to see the sleeves reach past your hands and a pair of sweatpants hanging off your waist.
He blushed so hard you could see it reach down his neck and onto his back. You didn't notice him yet in your house and you were just standing near your bookshelf organizing some new books you ordered. He came up right behind you and grabbed you by the waist, a starting to suck on your shoulder that was exposed to his sight.
"Oh pumpkin you're so cute I just have to eat you right up!"
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As for Irene? She has mostly form fitting clothes and not many of them anyone could fit into due to nobles always ordering things specific to their exact measurements. But nightgowns and blouses are the only things that are loose and flowing.
So after she's finished her seemingly endless paperwork all she wants to do is go find you and head to bed. She asks one of the maids and finds that you've already went to bed as you were extra tired.
She usually ordered your nightgowns to be different from hers. She enjoyed seeing the way your curves look in a more fitted and decorated nightgown with lace. So she entered your shared bedroom and finds you draped over the bed in one of her long blouses which she usually tucks into her pants.
The sight of you nearly made her heart stop before she sat on the edge of the bed and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
"What am I to do when you tempt me like this hm?"
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Mila has an odd assortment of clothing. Some are three times her size and some are perfect. And then there's an occasional item of clothing she bought just cause it called to her and it wouldn't even fit her shoulders cause the hole for the head and neck is so big her petite body just lets it slip right off.
So what is she supposed to do when you both get caught in a storm and she brings you to her place only for the absolute best opportunity in front of her. She silently looks at you before handing you a bag with clothes to change into and then leaves her bedroom to go make some tea.
And when you step out in an old comfort shirt of hers and a cute pair of fluffy shorts she bought a long time ago she nearly squeals before tackling you-
"I can't believe you're so cute! Ah you should just wear everything in my closet at least once!"
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Takeo meanwhile has all sorts of clothes. The man has a huge closet and it's filled with all sorts of fashionable clothes and things he's thrifted all sorted out in his closet.
And poor Takeo after a long session and an aching hand comes home to an amazing scent of food. He's so happy he can't help but smile as he heads to the kitchen.
And there you are, wandering around in one of the band shirts he thrifted hanging off your shoulders a bit and reaching down your thighs. Hands plating up some food before he twirls you to face him and gives you a kiss on the forehead.
"If you greet me like this more often you might have to move in-"
⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚.
Makoto has all sorts of clothes. He has quite a bit of suits but he's also made some things as well by knitting or crocheting. But his favorite clothes are these big soft shirts that look a little fuzzy but they even hang off of him a bit-
And he had already invited you to his place, wanting a recharge of your adorable face after he had a difficult client. When he got home he found you there in one of his big fuzzy long sleeved shirts and he felt himself melt.
He couldn't help but smile when you greeted him and all he did was pick you up and plop on the couch, keeping you on his lap as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
"You're far too cute, can't you just be mine all the time?"
⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚.
Dante is well... not very fashionable. He has no taste for clothes and has someone pick out clothes for him as he doesn't really care. If he wanted to he'd probably just wear some weird shirt with a weird saying on it and call it a day. Only rarely when he comes across something warm and soft does he actually buy something himself.
And sometimes he leaves clothes at your place by accident as it completely slips his mind. So he's on the way to your tiny apartment and knocks on the door, you open it up in one of the soft and big sweaters he had left at your place and found that you were also wearing a pair of his boxers-
He found himself dumbfounded as you blushed and tried to say something along the lines of "Well I washed it and it was so soft and the boxers are big and stretchy! And you leave so many things here I couldn't help it-" and continue rambling before he smiles and let's out a big laugh, his cheeks turning red as he leaves a kiss on your cheek.
"Don't worry baby, keep em. They look a lot better on you than they ever did on me."
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hexpea · 4 months
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Ch. 4 - Daffodils Daffodils are known as the ultimate spring flower, a symbol of hope and rebirth.
After a few days of enduring Naoya's relentless arrogance, your patience wore thin. You actually wondered if you'd be able to stick this one out and if Daisuke may have been right after all. Naoya's constant attempts at exerting control and dominance left you on edge, and you found yourself eagerly awaiting the emergence of spring with the arrival of March as well as the arrival of your belongings from Kyoto. The Zenin estate had become a battleground of wills and you were determined to navigate the treacherous waters with your composure intact. Naoya's antics ranged from belittling remarks to imposing absurd rules, all under the guise of establishing dominance. He flaunted his status as the heir to the Zenin clan, treating you as if you were an accessory to his power. The few days felt like an eternity, each encounter with your fiancé a test of your resilience.
Finally, the awaited moment arrived as your belongings were delivered to the estate. With a sense of relief, you began unpacking in what was the guest room you'd stayed in. Considering Naoya had no intentions of sharing a bedroom with you, you figured you could commandeer the space. As you meticulously unpacked your things, arranging things with a touch of familiarity, Naobito crossed paths with you in the hallway. His usually aloof and cold demeanor was amplified by the subtle scent of alcohol that clung to him.
"Kamo," Naobito acknowledged with a nod, his eyes narrowing as he took in the sight of you turning one of the guest rooms into something resembling a personal space. "Care to inform me as to why you're unpacking your things into one of my guest rooms?"
You met his gaze with a composed expression. "Zenin-sama," you greeted respectfully with a light bow. "I'm simply settling in as my things have arrived."
Naobito's gaze lingered on the unpacked items, particularly the enclosures for your snakes, a hint of disapproval flickered across his features. "This is a guest room, not your room, Kamo."
You realized this was your chance to throw Naoya under the bus. You held back a smirk as you stood straighter with a sense of immaculate poise. "Naoya refused to share a room with me, so I thought it would be more suitable to unpack my belongings here. I apologize if I was wrong to assume."
Naobito's eyes narrowed with irritation. "Unacceptable," he declared coldly. "The designated guest room will remain just that...a guest room."
Perfectly timed, Naoya rounded the corner with an air of aggression. His eyes narrowed, locked onto the scene before him. As he realized his father's presence and scowling expression, he slowed down slightly, attempting to regain composure in the face of the brewing storm he already sensed.
Naobito, his cold gaze fixed on his son, wasted no time in unleashing his orders. "Naoya," he barked, his voice cutting through the air, "come over here!"
Naoya, with a deliberate pace that mirrored his arrogance, approached his father. The tension in the air was palpable and you couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction at the impending confrontation.
Naobito's eyes bore into Naoya, his voice a cold blade as he declared, "you will share a bed with your wife. It is a matter of duty and tradition." As if Naobito actually cared about any of that stuff, you thought, he just wants his guest room back...and probably wants to keep his son in his place.
Naoya's cruel smirk only deepened, his eyes glinting with defiance. "Duty and tradition? You might want to consider catching up with the times. We're not living in some ancient era where I'm shackled to a woman and a bed."
Naobito, unyielding in his desire to get his guest room back and maintain his dominance over Naoya, shot back with a cold retort. "Your disregard for authority is appalling, Naoya. You will share a room with her."
You watched with wide eyes as the two continued arguing. You almost wished you could grab popcorn as your eyes flickered between the two as each spoke.
Naoya's arrogance continued to clash with Naobito's authority. "I won't be confined to such stupidity," he sneered with disdain. "This is my home, too, and I won't bow to your outdated bullshit."
Naobito's eyes narrowed, his patience continuing to wane. "Your defiance won't change reality, boy. You will share a room with Kamo as our customs dictate!" Naobito growled toward his son, looking slightly upward as Naoya was just a bit taller. It was very clear to you that this was all a struggle for power. You knew Naobito to not care about such things as tradition.
Naoya's lips curled into a derisive smile. "Customs that should've faded away back in the Heian era. I won't comply."
The standoff reached its peak as Naobito, fueled by a stern resolve, delivered his favorite ultimatum. "Enough, Naoya. You will assist Kamo in moving her belongings to your shared room. Unless you want me to erase your title. That is the end of this discussion."
Naoya, seething with silent rage, begrudgingly acquiesced with no other choice when his precious title was threatened. "Fine," he spat out," the word laced with venom. "But this doesn't change anything. I'm not going to play house."
Naobito, his cold gaze lingering on Naoya with a final warning, turned away with a curt nod. The tension subsided slightly as the patriarch of the clan left, leaving the two of you standing in silence besides the distant stomping of Naobito's feet down the wood floor.
Naoya, now with crossed arms and a scowl etched on his face, turned his piercing gaze toward you. The room felt like it had shrunk under the weight of his glare. Without a word, he leaned against the doorframe, an unspoken challenge in his eyes. You unwaveringly stared up at him, just waiting for him to stir up some other form of trouble.
You, undeterred by his demeanor, broke the silence first. "Well, are you going to help me or not?" You asked, a hint of defiance in your tone.
"Why would I? You've got arms and legs, don't you?" Naoya retorted dismissively. "This whole charade is idiotic. I don't see why I should be bothered."
You sighed, not letting his dismissive attitude deter you. "Look, it's not like I'm thrilled about this arrangement either. But it seems like your father has made up his mind, and we're stuck with it. So, are you going to make this easier for both of us, or should I start carrying all my belongings to your room alone?"
Naoya's gaze narrowed as he considered your words. "Why should I care?"
You decided to play a different card, subtly invoking his father's authority. "Your father seemed pretty adamant about erasing your title if you don't comply. You wouldn't want that, would you? It seems he's willing to go to great lengths to enforce this tradition."
His eyes flickered with a momentary flash of concern, but he quickly masked it with his defiant scowl. "He won't go that far."
You raised an eyebrow, challenging his confidence. "Are you willing to risk it? Just because you don't care about traditions doesn't mean your title is immune to your father's decisions. And, I mean, he did say to help me get my things to our room."
Naoya's lips tightened into a thin line, a visible struggle between his pride and the potential consequences. After a tense moment, he relented, his voice laced with annoyance. "Fine, I'll help. But don't expect me to enjoy it."
You hid a small smile as you began packing up your things to move them to his room. "Great, let's get this over with, then."
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After a couple hours of begrudging cooperation, you and Naoya managed to relocate all your belongings to the now-shared bedroom. The enclosures for your snakes were neatly arranged against one of the walls, their presence seemingly irking Naoya more than anything else.
As Naoya eyed the snakes with evident displeasure, he couldn't help but voice his dissatisfaction. "Do they really need to be in my bedroom?" He whined, his tone filled with annoyance.
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow, unimpressed by his complaint. "Where else would I put them?" you retorted. "They need proper care and attention."
His expression turned sly. "Maybe you could get rid of them...permanently. It's not like they're necessary, and they're taking up valuable space."
You rolled your eyes at his insinuation. "Nice try, but that's not happening. These snakes are essential for my technique."
Naoya scoffed at your response, "cursed technique or not, they're still a nuisance. Why don't you find another way to hone your skills without bringing them into my bedroom?"
You shot him a defiant look. "Our bedroom. And I don't see why their presence bothers you so much. They're contained, and I take care of them. You won't even notice them. It's not like they're dogs that can bark."
Naoya, persistent in his attempts to assert dominance, insinuated with a smirk. "Maybe you should learn to control your cursed technique better, weakling. Then you wouldn't need those snakes cluttering up our space."
You took a deep breath, suppressing the frustration building within you. "My technique doesn't work like that. I can't just generate venom out of thin air to manipulate. I'm not getting rid of them, Naoya. This is non-negotiable."
He crossed his arms, a challenging look in his eyes. "Non-negotiable? We'll see about that."
You raised an eyebrow, deciding to pull out the 'daddy' card once more. "You remember what happened back there with your title, right? I'm sure your father would love to hear how you're trying to disrupt our living arrangements. The snakes stay, whether you like it or not."
Naoya's expression shifted, irritation and realization crossing his face. "Fine, keep your snakes." He averted his gaze with a pout before muttering, "bitch."
You smirked, satisfied with the resolution and choosing to ignore his insult. You had to choose your battles carefully with him. You then glanced around the room, your things now in their place, you couldn't help but wonder how this forced cohabitation would unfold, especially with the constant clash of personalities between you and your 'fiancé.'
With your things comfortably set up in your now shared room with Naoya, you prepared to collect venom from your snakes -- a routine you did most evenings to stockpile reserves for combat. With a calm demeanor, you approached the enclosures one-by-one, your movements fluid and confident. 
You first turned your attention to your saw-scaled viper, a snake known for its irritable disposition. With bare hands, you reached into the enclosure. The viper, sensing your presence, coiled defensively, its forked tongue flicking in and out as it assessed the situation. Naoya watched you carefully with a mix of disgust and intrigue, his features contorted into a grimace as he observed your handling of the venomous serpent. He couldn't understand how you remained so composed in the presence of such a dangerous creature, your technique aside. His discomfort was evident with how he shifted uneasily on his feet. As you gently coaxed the viper into position, your fingers deftly moving around its body, Naoya couldn't help but shiver involuntarily. The sight of you fearlessly handling the snake sent a chill down his spine, a subtle reminder of just how different you were from the women he was accustomed to.
You moved on to your next enclosure where your red-headed krait was kept, the snake known for it's deadly neurotoxin. You approached it with the same nonchalant attitude. You opened the lid with ease, revealing the sleek serpent coiled inside. Its vibrant red scales seemed to gleam in the dim light of the room, contrasting its dark, beady eyes. Naoya's gaze remained fixated on you as you reached in to retrieve the krait, his breath catching in his throat as you effortlessly lifted the snake from its enclosure. The krait, seemingly unperturbed by your presence, slithered lazily in your grasp, its tongue flicking out occasionally in a silent warning. 
With a wicked gleam in your eye, you noticed Naoya's discomfort and decided to tease him. Ignoring his obvious unease, you brought the krait dangerously close to him, the serpent's tongue darting out inquisitively as if sensing his fear.
Naoya recoiled instinctively, his face pale as he took a step back from the venomous snake. "Get that thing away from me!" He spat out, his voice tinged with fear and revulsion.
You couldn't help but smirk at his reaction, relishing in the opportunity to unsettle him further. "What's the matter, Zenin? Afraid of a little snake?" You taunted, your tone laced with amusement.
Naoya's face twisted into a scowl as he regained his composure, refusing to let your taunts rattle him further. "This is ridiculous," he sneered, attempting to dismiss the unease your snakes had stirred in him. "I'm not afraid of some...overgrown worms!"
You chuckled, thoroughly enjoying the effect your reptilian companions were having on the seemingly unshakeable Naoya. "Overgrown worms? I'd say they're more capable of making a big impression, especially on someone who's so insistent on flaunting their dominance."
Naoya shot you a glare, his usual arrogance pushing him to regain control of the situation. "Save your pathetic attempts at intimidation, Kamo. Your little circus act won't change anything."
Undeterred, you continued your teasing, the corner of your lips curled into a sly grin. "Well, aren't you in for a treat then? I was just thinking, maybe tonight, my boomslang can keep you company. They have quite the unpleasant reaction."
Naoya's eyes narrowed, a hint of wariness seeping through his defiant facade. "You think you can scare me with your threats, Kamo? Pathetic."
With a casual shrug, you continued. "Who said anything about scaring you? Just a friendly suggestion. I mean, I'm sure you'll enjoy bleeding out of every available orifice in your body. It's quite the bonding experience, don't you think?"
His jaw clenched, clearly irked by your provocations. "Shut your whore mouth."
You simply winked at him as you put the krait back into its enclosure after successfully milking its venom. Satisfaction gleamed in your eyes knowing you got under his skin. "I aim to please, Zenin."
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As the day turned to night, you went about your nightly routine, preparing for bed. The tension seemed to linger, and as you glanced at Naoya's bed, crumpled and unmade as always, a moment of contemplation swept over you. The thought of laying down in the same spot where he might have been with other women sent a shiver down your spine, but you swallowed down the discomfort. Deciding not to let his past actions bother you, at least for the time being, you climbed into one side of the bed, making yourself comfortable. As you scrolled through your phone, winding down for the night, you couldn't help but wonder how this living arrangement would affect your sanity.
Naoya eventually entered the room, and his eyes widened in surprise as he found you in his bed. The arrogance that usually defined his expression shifted to annoyance.
"What the hell are you doing in my bed, brat?" He demanded, his voice sharp.
You looked up from your phone, a calm demeanor masking any hint of discomfort. "Where else am I supposed to sleep?"
He scowled at your audacity and pointed toward the built-in cabinets across the room. "There's a futon in one of the cabinets. Use that."
You smirked pridefully and refused, wanting to make the situation a bit more challenging for him. "I'm already comfortable here. Why should I bother with a futon?"
Naoya's irritation grew, and he argued, "because it's my bed. Get out."
"You mean our bed," you grinned, enjoying the challenge you were bringing him. It was almost as if you were two bickering children.
He huffed in frustration and went to the built-in cabinet, pulling out a futon and an extra pillow, tossing them carelessly on the floor. "Use them," he pointed to the fabric on the floor, his jaw clenched as his gaze pierced your calm expression.
You pretended to weigh your options, loving that your refusal was clearly bothering him. "You know, I'm quite comfortable here. I think I'll stay."
As Naoya's patience wore thin, he abandoned his previous attempts at verbal persuasion. With a growl of frustration, he stormed over to the bed where you lay, grabbed your arm fiercely, and yanked you up with surprising strength. You stumbled, your phone dropping to the floor, caught off guard by his sudden aggression, and found yourself pinned beneath him on top of the disheveled futon.
"Use. The. Futon." He demanded, his voice low and commanding. His grip on your wrists only intensified with time as he pinned you, pressure building with each word he spilled as its own sentence.
Despite the intensity of the moment, you couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement at the proximity between you, even if it was fueled by frustration. With a mischievous grin, you taunted, "c'mon, I won't bite." Your grin widened. "But my snakes do."
Naoya's gaze darkened with anger at your teasing remark, but he quickly regained his composure. "Futon," he repeated firmly, releasing you from his grip. "And I won't tell you again."
Undeterred by Naoya's commanding tone, you maintained your smirk and began to fix the futon on the floor for sleeping, deliberately taking your time to irritate him further. Meanwhile, Naoya, now seemingly indifferent to your presence, started to strip out of his clothes. The room was filled with the rustle of fabric as he discarded each piece, revealing that toned and muscular body that you couldn't help but notice. You had seen it before, that very first day when he had given you the tour, but now you were able to see him up close. His chest was broad and well-defined, his abdomen showcasing the results of his rigorous training.
It was hard not to look. Who wouldn't? You thought. He saw women as objects, so you might as well treat him the same and stare all you'd like. You found your gaze momentarily lingering on the lines and contours of his physique. His arrogance and demeanor aside, you couldn't deny the physical allure of his body.
Naoya, catching onto your brief staring, raised an eyebrow with a smug expression. "Like what you see, princess?" He remarked, his voice dripping with arrogance.
You quickly averted your gaze, denying any interest in his physique by paying attention to your phone that you had grabbed while he was undressing. "Don't flatter yourself, Zenin. I've seen better."
Naoya's smirk widened as he stood up straight, his abdominal muscles flexing against the dim light of the single lamp lit in the room. "Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that."
Rolling your eyes, you proceeded to get into the futon you had set up on the floor. Naoya continued his undressing routine, now clad in only his boxers, and made his way to his bed.
As you settled into the futon, Naoya preparing to turn out the lamp, he couldn't help but resist another jab. "Don't go getting any ideas, Kamo. Just because we're sharing a room doesn't mean I'd ever consider sleeping with you."
You shot him an incredulous look, unimpressed by his arrogant remarks. "Trust me, Naoya, the feeling is entirely mutual."
He chuckled, the sound filled with smug confidence. "Well, if you wake up and your mouth starts to water, just know I'm not offering any midnight snacks."
You chose to ignore his crude comment, unwilling to engage in his game of verbal sparring. Instead, you turned over as Naoya turned off the light, plunging the room into darkness.
As the two of you settled in for the night, a palpable tension lingered in the air that made it hard to fall asleep. You could hear as Naoya turned over in bed with the rustling of his covers. The room quickly fell into a deafening silence. It eventually became too much for you to bear and you had to say something to relieve your anxieties.
Deciding to break the silence, you quipped, "well, aren't we living the dream? Sharing a room and all."
Naoya shot you a disdainful look in the dark, staring down at you on the floor before he began muttering. "Dreams usually involve something pleasant. This is more of a nightmare."
Deciding to leave the banter behind, you huffed a quiet chuckle and muttered, "nightmare or not, I hope you don't snore."
Naoya shot you another glare, but this time you couldn't see it in the darkness. "I don't snore."
"Guess we'll find out," you teased, adjusting the futon beneath you and attempting to settle in for the night.
The room remained silent for a while, the weight of the awkwardness pressing on both of you. Eventually, the steady rhythm of Naoya's breathing signaled that he had drifted off to sleep. As you laid there, trying to let the fatigue take over and bring you sleep, you couldn't help but notice that he was occasionally grumbling and fidgeting. Curiosity got the better of you, and you found yourself listening intently. Naoya's sleep talk began to emerge, his voice low and filled with an unusual vulnerability.
"Mmnngg...M-mom...Don't go. Plmm...Please... Please don't leave," he mumbled, his words barely audible. You had never heard such a whimper from him before.
You blinked in surprise, caught off guard by the unexpected glimpse into Naoya's subconscious. His usually composed and arrogant exterior seemed to crumble in the vulnerability of his dreams. The tone in his voice carried a hint of desperation and pain, a stark contrast to the confident demeanor he projected during waking hours.
Naoya continued to grumble and shift uncomfortably in his sleep, his pleas becoming more coherent. "I...hmmnn...need you, M-mom. Don't leave me hmmnn...alone..."
Despite the constant clash of personalities and the ongoing issues between the two of you, there was an undeniable moment of empathy. It was a side of Naoya you hadn't seen. Uncertain of whether or not he was aware of your presence or not, you chose to remain silent for a moment, letting him wrestle with the demons in his dreams. You laid there for a moment, contemplating whether to let him continue in his vulnerable state or intervene. Eventually, the subtle turmoil in his sleep talk prompted you to take action. You pondered how to wake him without revealing much concern.
Light bulb! You grabbed your pillow and tossed it lightly in his direction. The pillow landed on his side, causing him to startle awake. He shot up instantly, cursing under his breath as he fumbled for the lamp switch on the nearby nightstand.
"What the hell, Kamo?!" He grumbled, his eyes squinting against the sudden light. He looked incredibly irritated and confused.
You couldn't help but laugh at his disheveled and sleepy appearance. "You were having a full-on conversation with someone in your dreams. Thought you could use a reality check."
Naoya scowled at you, clearly not appreciating the interruption of his sleep. "Mind your own business. I don't need you meddling in my dreams, too."
You shrugged nonchalantly, catching the pillow he tossed back at you. "Just making sure you don't reveal any Zenin family secrets in your sleep. Wouldn't want any surprises, you know?"
He shot you a cold look. "There's nothing you need to know about my family."
Ignoring his attitude, you decided to push a little further. "Speaking of family, remind me tomorrow to ask you about your mother. I'm curious."
Naoya's eyes flashed with a hint of annoyance. "There's nothing you need to know about her. Stay out of it."
You couldn't resist the opportunity to playfully tease Naoya about his dreams, knowing it would likely get under his skin. You chuckled, raising an eyebrow in mock concern. "Having sweet dreams about mommy, Zenin? Didn't know you were such a mama's boy."
His irritation reached a boiling point, and he shot you a glare that could freeze Hell over. "Shut up, you cunt! It's none of your business."
You continued your taunting, ignoring his warning as you relaxed onto your pillow with your hands behind your head. "Oh, I get it. The fearsome Zenin Naoya has a soft spot for mommy. Who would've thought?"
Naoya, unable to contain his anger, clenched his fists. "I said shut up! Or I'll make you regret it!"
Feeling a mischievous thrill, you pushed further. "Does mommy still tuck you in at night? Maybe she can come here and sing you a lullaby. Would that help you sleep better?"
Naoya's face reddened with rage, and in a swift motion, he got out of bed and roughly grabbed your wrist, yanking you up halfway, his grip tight and unforgiving. "I warned you, Kamo. You're playing with fire."
You winced at the intensity of his hold but didn't back down, a defiant spark in your eyes. "Seems like I struck a nerve, Zenin. Didn't think the great Naoya would be so touchy about his mommy issues."
In a sudden burst of fury, Naoya snapped. "Enough!" He released your wrist and stood up, pacing the room like a caged animal. "You think this is a joke? You have no idea what you're talking about."
You sat up all the way, propping yourself up with your hands. The amusement faded from your face as you sensed the seriousness of his reaction. It was more than his usual 'Naoya-ness' of being bratty. This was real emotion. "Naoya, I didn't mean to--"
He cut you off, his voice seething with anger. "Just stay out of my personal life, Kamo. My mother is none of your concern."
You realized quickly that you hit a sore spot. You chose to heed his warning this time, recognizing the need to tread carefully around certain subjects. Naoya, still fuming, climbed back into his bed without another word. The room fell into uncomfortable silence, unresolved emotions lingering like fog in your minds. You laid back down on your futon, watching his back as he laid facing away from you. It was clear that beneath his tough exterior, there were wounds and vulnerabilities that he kept guarded.
Dates: March 2, 2018 - Y/N's belongings arrive from Kyoto. That night, Naoya's sleep talk reveals a vulnerability.
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baileypie-writes · 4 months
Hi! Is it possible to have Jigen Daisuke x male reader. The reader has burns on his body and face, and has long hair, and Jigen helps with his hair.
Thank you
A/N ~ Sure! I hope I understood your request correctly, apologies if I didn’t. Hope you enjoy!
~Hair Care~
Jigen Daisuke x Male!Reader
Fandom: Lupin the Third
Fanfic Type: Oneshot
Reader: Male, has long hair
Relationship: Romantic
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Synopsis: Since you’re unable to take care of your hair, Jigen lends you a hand.
Warnings: Burns(Reader), interrupted kiss.
~Lupin the Third Masterlist~
Disclaimer: I have only seen the 2019 film, and Castle of Cagliostro. I have not yet seen the series. So if anything is inaccurate, I apologize.
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A groan erupted from your chest as your body punished you, yet again, for moving just a few inches. Your body was covered with burns, the result of a heist gone wrong, and you’ve been bedridden for the past few days.
You felt disgusting. You were unable to shower, brush your hair, or basically anything to take care of your hygiene, since every time you moved even slightly, it felt like your skin was being ripped off. The only thing you could bring yourself to do, was brush your teeth. But even then, that didn’t do much.
“Hey.” You heard a familiar voice say, following a knock at your bedroom door. It was your boyfriend, Jigen.
“Come in.” You said, in a clearly miserable tone. The door handle turned, and Jigen walked in holding a bottle of burn cream.
“Time for your treatment.” He said. You groaned, knowing it was gonna be painful. He helped you sit up, being careful around your burns. After squeezing out some cream, he gentle applied it to them. You hissed in pain, and Jigen mumbled out a small apology.
“The bottle’s almost empty, so Lupin and Goemon left to get some more.” He told you. You hummed, currently in too much pain to form an actual response.
After the treatment was done, Jigen got up from the bed. You could just barely see him hiding a smirk from under his hat. “What’s so funny?” You asked, annoyed.
“Nothin’” He tried to brush it off. But a small glare from you got him to spit it out. “Okay, fine. Your hair’s just a mess. It looks like a birds nest.”
You sighed. “Yeah, I know. I just haven’t been able to take care of it lately. It feels so greasy and gross.”
Jigen hummed. “Hang on a minute.”
You watched as he left the room, curious as to what he was doing. A few moments later, you heard a faucet running from the bathroom. It went on for a minute before stopping. A few more moments later, Jigen returned carrying a large tub of water, with shampoo, conditioner and some towels tucked under his arms.
“Aw, thanks Jigen.” You said. He just smiled, and placed the tub on a tall stool. He moved it to the edge of the bed, and patted the mattress to call you over. You did as he said, with some struggle and pain, laying down with your head hanging off the edge, over the tub.
Jigen grabbed an empty cup from your nightstand, and filled it with the water. “Ready?” He asked. You nodded.
He dumped the water over your hair. It was warm, and felt pleasant, so you closed your eyes. Over and over, Jigen wet your hair until it was completely soaked. After that, the sound of a bottle opening let you know that he was about to wash your hair. The slightly cold sensation of the soap soon followed.
Jigen gave your hair a thorough scrub, leaving no strand unwashed. The feeling of his fingers massaging your scalp relaxed you, to the point where you started to drift off a bit. More water came to rinse off the suds and bubbles, waking you right up.
The conditioner was next. It was the same routine; Jigen massaging the soap into your scalp, then rinsing it all out. Afterwards, he squeezed your hair, getting all the access water out. He then grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around your head.
“Here, lemme help you sit up.” He said. He held the towel in place with one hand, and placed his other on your back, pushing you up.
You were about to thank him, but he suddenly started aggressively rubbing the towel on your head. “Ack! Jigen, hey!” You could hear him chuckle through the sounds of the fabric.
Finally, he released your head. And while you couldn’t see it, you knew your hair was a mess. “Now it probably looks worse than it did before.” You groaned in annoyance.
“Relax man, I’ll take care of that in a second.” Jigen said, then smacked your back playfully, forgetting about your burns. “Oh, sorry.” He apologized after you hissed in pain.
He gathered the soaps and the tub, and left the room with them. You just remained sat on the bed, waiting for him to return. You heard water being dumped out into the bathtub, and moments later, Jigen came back with your hairbrush.
Standing behind you once again, he carefully began undoing the knots in your hair. He started from the very bottom, gently guiding the bristles of the brush through it. Once there were no more tangles, he moved up. This repeated again and again, until he reached the top of your head. At that point, he was able to move the brush completely down your hair without running into a knot.
“Alright, you’re done.” Jigen said, patting your back, gently this time.
You ran your fingers through your hair, feeling its smoothness. It felt amazing to not have it greasy anymore. You could also smell the scent from the soaps, much better than its musty smell from before. “Thanks so much. This feels so much better.”
“Yeah, I bet.” He said. He walked around the bed, so he was in front of you now. He sat next to you, and tilted his hat back a bit. You knew what that meant, so you leaned in just as he did. But right as your lips were about to touch-
“Guys, we’re back. We got your burn cream, (name)-“ Lupin interrupted. His signature, cheeky smirk spread across his face once he saw the scene in front of him. “Ohhh~ well excuse me for interrupting.” He teased.
“Oh piss off, Lupin.” Jigen said, looking around for anything to throw at him.
You laughed, then remembered the hairbrush. You sneakily handed it to Jigen, which he smiled at. With one skillful throw, the brush hit Lupin in the head. “Owww.” He complained. “C’mon guys, I was just teasing.”
Jigen continued arguing, then Goemon eventually came in. “I suggest you all stop acting like children, and like men. Do not make me get out my zantetsuken. I do not wish to yet again cut something worthless.” He threatened.
Everybody stopped. “Anyway uh… thanks Lupin.” You said awkwardly, holding out your hand. Lupin gave you the burn cream, and headed out. Goemon followed.
You could hear Jigen grumbling something about Lupin being annoying, and you smiled. You placed a hand on his shoulder, which made him turn his head. His lips met yours, and you finally got that kiss.
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beginningobserver · 8 months
TTRPG with 02 Kiddos ft Rui-kun
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[AO3 Version]
• Canon compliant (KenMiya/Kenyako) + 02 group and Rui-kun (also includes DaiLui) • Comedy; Teen/Adult audiences.
Story: Takeru liked to read storybooks as a kid. He really enjoyed those stories from different places and cultures, myths and folktales. It’s not a surprise he was aiming to be a professional writer, and it was also working on his childhood memories alongside the digimon and the Chosen Children. It’s also not a big surprise that he would find fun in writing TTRPG sessions with friends -- yes, Hikari, Iori, Daisuke, Ken and Miyako. But this time he prepared something extra fun for their new friend, Rui.
The group of fearless warriors kept walking through the forest looking for the great evil who is trying to destroy their world and kingdom. In this group they had…
“Hey, Takeru quit narrating everything and hurry up! The kingdom won’t be saved if you keep doing monologues!!”
“Ah… But you see, I’m--”
“He’s right,” V-mon pouted, “Don’t you want to save the kingdom ruled by our king!?”
“Who was the king again…?” Patamon blinked.
“YOU FORGOT WHO’S OUR KING!?” Daisuke and V-mon gasped dramatically.
“... Did we mention a king before?”
“It’s Taichi-san,” Takeru explained, “Since he’s working in a Digital World-related department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs… Makes sense for him to be a king, right?”
“True,” Patamon nodded sagely.
“Y’ALL ARE WASTING OUR TIME!!” Daisuke interrupted them again, “Taichi-san will be mad if we don’t beat the great evil!”
“Huh, what’s ‘the great evil’ again?” Miyako popped in.
“The great evil, Ow the Edge. ”
“What?” Iori squinted his eyes, “I thought you would put Ichijouji-san as the enemy.”
“Excuse me…?” Ken looked at them, frowning, “My days of villainy have ended a long time ago, I don’t want to be the bad guy anymore.”
“Besides, I don’t want to date the villain!” Miyako pouted, “Unless you want an evil couple.”
“Here she goes, talking about her relationship status again,” Daisuke muttered in a growl. He hated the fact he’s still unable to confess his feelings for Hikari.
“What did you say, Dai-su-ke?” Miyako grabbed her guitar in hands, ready to smash it into Daisuke’s head.
“N-nothing??!” He babbled, wavering.
“I think we’re going off-topic,” Tailmon interrupted them, unamused.
“Who’s Ow the Edge, Takeru-san?”
“Ow the Edge…” Daisuke squinted, “Ain’t you making fun of Sh※d※w the H※dg※h※g, are ya!?”
“No, it’s definitely not related to Sh※d※w the H※dg※h※g. It’s just Ow the Edge.”
Daisuke’s brain couldn’t tell if Takeru was trolling them or being serious.
“Anyway, Ow the Edge is the evil guy and we’re going to beat him right now.”
“Wait a second,” They all looked at the seventh human there on the table, Rui.
“What is it, Rui-kun?” Hikari asked.
“I… I don’t understand why Takaishi-kun gave me this paper and told me to memorize it…”
“Oh I just made up something for you, to read. Don’t worry~”
Daisuke whispered to Rui, “When he says that, get ready for something terrible happening to your character. Trust me and Ken, we’re his favorite victims.”
Ken nodded in silence, agreeing with Daisuke. Rui was still not sure what that meant though….
“Where were we again?” Takeru said, then he cleaned his throat and proceeded with the story.
The group had the most loyal knight of the kingdom in the lead who wielded a glaive, a magician and a bard couple (the bard girl had an axe which was also her guitar, the magician boy a twin spear with the ability to turn enemies into allies when touched by its edges), a duo of archers wielding crossbows and a swordsman (the youngest of them!)
They were going into the Forbidden Forest and--
“One question,” Wormmon stopped the group, “Why is it forbidden?”
“You see, little familiar, the forest is forbidden because it’s off the kingdom’s domains.”
“So we would be violating by trespassing, am I correct?” Iori deadpanned.
“But we’re six people and six digimon,” Armadimon added, “To not be trespassing we should just let two people pass.”
“... Makes sense” Daisuke and V-mon mused.
“No, it makes no sense at all,” Ken sighed.
“Can you please let Takeru continue?” Tailmon stared at them.
“Ahem,” Takeru cleaned his throat again,
They were going into the Forbidden Forest and suddenly… It started raining. Then, the knight said…
“Alright, leave it to me, I’m a master of the lightning spells!”
“Is he really the right person for that?” Miyako whispered to Takeru, “Letting Daisuke play with fire is not a smart idea…”
“HEY, I have the Digimentals of Courage and Friendship!” Daisuke snapped, “It’s obvious I’d be experienced in fire and lightning magic!”
“True,” V-mon nodded, “It’s not like Daisuke had exploded things while cooking!”
“Yeah it’s not-- HEY!!” Daisuke stared at V-mon, angrily.
“I think I should use the power of my Digimental” Iori looked at his sword, “Why would we need The Digimental of Friendship if there’s no Lightnin--”
A strong lightning crashed into their direction, but the knight’s Lighdra-glaive’s spells protected the group.
“... Nevermind,” Iori blinked.
“Are you okay, Miyako-san?” Ken asked Miyako, who he was shielding with his own body.
“Y-yeah… I am, thank you Ichijouji-kun” she answered with a smile.
They were going to kiss, but--
“But you’re protecting us from the lightning, not from the rain,” Hawkmon corrected him.
“It’s Iori who is protecting us from the rain” Tailmon gestured to the boy using the Submari-Sword to keep them dry.
“But we’re not like third wheels for their romance!” Daisuke pouted.
“We’re six digimon and six humans, so we would’ve been the third, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten wheels” V-mon said as he counted in his fingers.
“I don’t mean it literally!! ”
“I don’t mind that,” Iori said, then he and the group kept walking in the rain, but the sword was generating a force field protecting them from the water.
“Fine, fine… But stop flirting while we’re working!” Daisuke growled, and then kept using his glaive to control the lightning away from them.
“But…” Rui interrupted them again,
“Was it, Rui?” V-mon asked this time.
“Wouldn't it be more effective if they could seek a place to stay and wait for the rain to stop?”
They looked at each other and then to Rui…
“Are you criticizing Takeru’s story?” Patamon stared at Rui.
“ANYWAY!!” Takeru said quickly, before they could get into a fight.
The group kept going through the dense and eerie Forbidden Forest,
“Why is it raining here though?” Wormmon asked, still on Ken’s back.
“Because of a spell casted by Ow the Edge” Takeru explained, “Human beings are not allowed in his territory.”
“Well, we should be closer!” Daisuke seemed fired up, then he pointed at the lair in the horizon, “THERE IT IS, THE… THE…”
The Lair of the Great Evil -- The LOGE.
“The Loge?” Hikari tilted her head.
“Are we going to a theater then?” Miyako blinked.
“No, the LOGE, not loge” Takeru corrected them, “It's an abbreviation of the ‘Lair of the Great Evil’.”
“Shouldn’t it be ‘LOTGE’ then?” Ken asked, unfazed.
“Lodge?” Daisuke frowned.
“No, it’s LOGE, we shouldn’t count ‘the’ there!” Patamon snapped.
“Why would you name it with a HARD abbreviation like that!?” V-mon complained.
“Oh I like to see your reactions” Takeru smiled.
While the knight, the magician and the aspiring writer who’s also an archer were in a heated discussion about the lair’s name and abbreviation…
The mysterious and nefarious Ow the Edge appeared in front of them!!
“...?” Rui looked at Takeru on the table, confused.
“Ahem, Rui-kun it’s your turn.”
“The paper I gave you, it’s your character” Takeru gestured to the paper in front of Rui on the table.
“Wait,” Daisuke squinted his eyes at Takeru again, “Don’t tell me you…”
Like, I said… The mysterious and nefarious Ow the Edge appeared in front of them!!
“Oh ho ho ho… I’m Ow the Edge, the villain of this game…” Rui was… reading the paper normally?!
“Ow the Edge is Rui-kun??” Miyako exclaimed in confusion.
“Well… I’m--”
“You’re not taking it seriously enough…” Takeru sighed.
“Not enough…?”
“No offense but you’re reading and not acting, dagya.”
“Yeah, you have to put some feelings on it!!” Patamon added.
“Hey guys, we shouldn’t go too harsh on Rui” Daisuke argued, “He’s still learning how to play!”
“True, I hate doing this but… Takeru-kun, can I simply give him an example?” Ken asked, politely and gently.
“Sure, you’re like a pro!” Takeru chuckled.
“Are you plannin’ to…” Daisuke raised an eyebrow.
Ken cleaned his throat and then…
“Huhu…HAHAHAHAHA, I’m the Digimon Kaiser, the one who controls the power of the darkness! I will dominate the Digital World and make you all OBEY me. CHERISH me. And LOVE me. Say, you dare to face me? HAH! Pathetic human beings, I’M THE PERFECT CHOSEN ONE! And ONLY ME can come here and PLAY this game!”
“Yeah, he just got overboard again…” Daisuke shrugged.
“Is he okay?” Rui was petrified by that 180º flip while the rest of the group was shaking their heads.
“Yeah, he got a little rusty since it had been like, 10 years since he was some edgelord throwing tantrums in the Digital World…” V-mon shrugged.
“Oh, that’s why Takaishi-kun said ‘like a pro’ when he asked permission to give an example…”
“R-rusty…??” Wormmon and Ken said, intrigued.
“I guess you unlearned how to be an edgelord, Ken…” Tailmon commented, shaking her head.
“I’m rusty…” Ken repeated it, quite disappointedly…
“Didn’t the Kaiser say ‘insects’ all the time?” Patamon mused.
“And he also used a whip,” V-mon added.
“He still uses the whip,” Wormmon and Hawkmon said out of the blue.
“Huh?” the others blinked. Ken and Miyako blushed awkwardly though.
“Are you sure this is the right hour to Talk about--” Daisuke squinted his eyes once again, this time at Ken, Wormmon, Miyako and Hawkmon.
“A-alright… I guess I can try again” Rui nodded.
Then, Ow the Edge appeared in front of them, laughing maniacally and stomping his cane-staff on the ground!
“...OHOHOHO! I’m Ow the Edge, the great evil of the world! You peasants are stepping on my yard and you will regret it.”
He looked at Takeru, “Is it better…?”
“Yeah, a little better 👌” Takeru smiled.
“I’m rusty…” Ken was still sulking in the corner.
The warriors wielded their weapons, ready for an imminent clash--
“Hold on, I don’t think it’s right to fight him,” Daisuke interrupted them all.
“? Why not?” Hawkmon asked, “Isn’t he the source of all evil?”
“No, I’m the great evil, not the source of all evil” Rui said, deadpanned.
“Isn’t that the same thing!?” Patamon babbled.
“I mean we can’t fight Rui, he’s our friend!” Daisuke argued back, “I can’t believe you did that to him, Takeru!”
“Daisuke, you're taking it too seriously now” Takeru chuckled nervously.
“No, you were just--”
“Or are you afraid of fighting me, Daisuke-kun?” Rui said it in a very seductive way with a smug smile.
“I… I don’t want to fight you, that’s all” Daisuke blushed and turned his face.
“Ok, I think he really got the spirit, dagya” Armadimon commented with the others, perplexed.
“Why not? You fought Ichijouji-kun in the past, didn’t you?” he scoffed.
“Yeah, but Ken was not our friend back in time!” Daisuke snorted, “So no, cut it out. I refuse to fight you!!”
“I guess you don’t care about your pathetic kingdom then,” Rui shrugged, “I’m the great evil, will you let your people perish only to spare me?”
“I’ll save you too then!” Daisuke stomped his foot on the floor.
“Where did I see this scene before…” Tailmon mused.
“Uh… It was when you confronted Ken-chan, I guess” Wormmon replied.
“So, will you accept defeat, Daisuke-kun?”
“No, I won’t!” Daisuke snapped, cupping Rui’s face “I will come after you no matter what you say, no matter what Takeru makes you do! You’re MY friend and I refuse to fight you!!”
“... W-what??” Rui blushed.
“HOLD ON!!” Miyako shouted, and interrupted their game.
“Daisuke, what’s wrong with you?” She looked at Daisuke, seriously, “This is just a game, a harmless game, no one is going to fight for real here!!”
“But I.. I… * ahem * I was also acting, yeah… Uh… yeah,” he immediately took his hands off Rui’s face, babbling.
Though Rui was… also blushing awkwardly.
“I guess someone is not into Hikari anymo--” V-mon had Daisuke covering his mouth again.
“Uh, what?” Hikari blinked.
“... Did I do something wrong?” Rui frowned.
“No, you just managed to beat Daisuke-kun without fighting him,” Takeru said awkwardly, “Don’t take it seriously.”
“Oh… Okay…?”
With the knight and his familiar out of the battle, Ow the Edge smirks and turns into the rest of the group and says:
“One down, Five left.”
“... You can touch me, really. I’m untouchable.”
“What do you mean?” Iori raised an eyebrow.
“... I’m cursed, remember? Great evil… We need an excuse for Daisuke-kun’s absence, sorry.”
“Ooh…” Armadimon exclaimed, “That’s clever.”
“We shouldn’t touch him then!” Hawkmon nodded.
“Alright,” Takeru said with a serious gaze, “if Daisuke is not here, the second-in-command is Ken-kun so--”
“... I’m rusty.”
Everyone looked at Ken, who was still sulking like a kid in the corner.
“Ichijouji-kun?” Miyako blinked, “What’s wrong?”
“You guys said I’m rusty… I don’t like to be the Digimon Kaiser anymore, but it’s still part of me… I created him and now I’m… I’m unable to be him even for a simple TTRPG sample!!”
“Y-you’re upset that you can’t do the Digimon Kaiser anymore!?” the five babbled, intrigued.
“... 💧” Rui blinked, still not sure what was going on.
“I guess we accidentally beat Ken,” Patamon shook his head.
“Two down…?” and yet Rui is still confused about this entire game.
“I think I need a break” Ken sighed, and then he and Wormmon left the table.
“Ah, wait…!” Miyako called him, but then she turned to the rest of the group, “I will calm him down and we will be back! Let’s go, Hawkmon!”
“Right, Miyako-san!”
Then Miyako and Hawkmon went after Ken and Wormmon. Rui frowned, he was thinking maybe he was just really bad at playing tabletop games…
Takeru sighed, “Well, I guess it’s only the four of us now… And our digimon partners, of course.”
“If you… want to stop I’m okay with it” Rui was feeling very awkward right now.
“Are you guys still up to it?”
“I’m curious about how it will end,” Iori mused.
“I don’t mind continuing it…” Hikari added.
“They might come back, didn’t they say it?” Armadimon asked, looking at the entrance of the apartment.
“Hmm… We’re at Daisuke’s house, so it would be odd if he just left” Tailmon replied with a shrug.
“I wonder where he went…” Patamon said, looking at Takeru.
With the couple down, our brave group was reduced into three members and their familiars. The heavy atmosphere of the heated battle against Ow the Edge and our heroes intensified second by second.
“I guess you can’t beat me.”
Said the great evil with a shrug. His cocky attitude and malicious grin were making the last hope of the Kingdom weaver, but FEAR NOT! The good guys had a trump card in their hands.
“Trump card??” Rui, Hikari, Iori and the digimon exclaimed, confused.
“Oh trust me, being an amateur writer means I need to make the story a little exciting.”
“But what’s that trump card, dagya?”
“It’s a secret.”
“What does it supposed to mean!?” Hikari and Iori exclaimed.
“So… To be sure,” Rui approached them, “What happens if I beat you three? Do I win?”
“Technically yes,” Iori explained, “But this is an ongoing game, we have sessions and turns, so you could say you would win a turn or session.”
“The others can come back, can’t they?” He was worried about Daisuke and Ken’s reactions to that game though…
“Yup,” Patamon nodded, “They’re not dead in this game, unless the Game Master kicks them off the game.”
“Oh… So I didn’t kill them in-game…” he sighed in relief.
“Yeah, but don’t worry about that!” Tailmon smiled, “Takeru will find a way to add them again once they’re back.”
“But what is that trump card, dagya??” Armadimon pouted.
The aspiring writer and archer then summoned… A jar of sugar.
“A JAR OF SUGAR!?” Hikari exclaimed.
“Isn’t Rui-san…” Iori looked at Rui.
“Uh… Am I supposed to… do some dramatic reaction at the fact he got a jar of sugar?”
“Wait, I thought you hated sweets,” Patamon blinked.
“Yes, I do.. So… Uh… * ahem *”
“NO, MY ONLY WEAKNESS…!! SUGAR!!” He dramatically knelt on the floor, using the cane as support, “I’M DYING… NOOOO!!”
“We haven't used it yet” Takeru looked at him, deadpanned.
“Oh… Ok.”
The aspiring writer and archer then showed the jar to Ow the Edge, and with a firm tone of voice he threatened:
“We will end your days of evil with the HolyAngemon Sugar Brand! UNLESS!!”
“Wait, are you sparing me too??”
“No, I’m proposing a deal!”
“Ah, I see… You want something in return…”
“We won’t use the sugar if you stop threatening the kingdom,” Iori explained.
“You will undo the evil deeds you caused to us,” Patamon added.
“What evil deeds…?” Rui then took the paper and started checking the text, “Uhh… Fine, fine.”
“And you will turn all the sweets you turned into dust back to normal, dagya!”
“Wait… Did I go this far before…? 💧”
“No, Armadimon is just doing an ad-lib right now,” Tailmon shrugged.
“I suppose it’s because you don’t like sweets,” Hikari added, “You would turn them into dust.”
“... I might not like sweets but I have no problem with them,” Rui shrugged, “It’s just… I don’t like it that much…”
“Oh… I’m sorry” Armadimon bowed his head awkwardly.
“It’s okay, no hard feelings.”
And then the warriors stopped the great evil and everyone lived happily after.
“So we--”
“AH CRAP, I REALLY OVERCOOKED IT!!” They heard Daisuke’s voice from the kitchen.
“Daisuke, are you okay--” Takeru said and he and the others ran to the kitchen.
“Noooooooo… MY RAMEN!!” he dramatically cried.
“He really left his ramen on the stove…” Patamon commented.
“You thought we were joking!?” V-mon snapped, “It was our dinner!! For the night of games!!”
“Oh… Oh no” Armadimon sniffed, “Our dinner…”
“It’s okay everyone!!” They heard Miyako’s voice from the entrance of the apartment, “Our girl Miyako and her boyfriend had brought some dinner for us all!!”
“Miyako and Ken saved our dinner, dagya!!” Armadimon chirped.
“Hmm… Yeah, maybe we can eat ramen another day” Daisuke smiled, "Alright folks! Let’s clean the table and eat!”
“Alright!!” They all said together.
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Original title: 魔力の暴走
Source: Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN Vol.1: Sakamaki-hen
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Kaji Yuki, Hirakawa Daisuke & Takashi Kondou
Translator’s note: It has honestly been so long since I translated this CD, I almost forgot what happened, haha. I do think it’s interesting how these provide us with one ‘canon’ scenario in which Ayato is the one to inherit Karlheinz’ powers. Then again, he has always been the poster boy of the series and the default ‘adam’. I also find Laito’s role in this very interesting, because he’s completely on board with Ayato blowing up the whole world, lol. Gotta love that chaotic energy.
You stumble as Subaru drags you along.
Subaru: Ah…
Subaru: Tsk…God. I had a bad feelin’ and seems like it was spot on too. 
You tilt your head in confusion.
Subaru: Don’t ‘eh?’ me! I noticed those guys were kind of on edge, so I figured that maybe you had gotten caught up in the mess. ーー And I was right. Fuck! …You’re to blame as well though! For lettin’ them do with you as they please! At least fight back a lil’! There’s plenty of ways to get away, right!?
Subaru: Your existence tempts us. 
You say sorry. 
Subaru: Ah, don’t apologize. …We’ve spent a considerable amount of time together so…I kind of understand how you think at this point. 
You thank him. 
Subaru: Che…Just when I thought you didn’t say ‘sorry’ for once, it’s ‘thank you’ instead? You really are too good for this world, aren’t you? Anyway, your neck…
Subaru: Those bastards really went to town on you, didn’t they? …Come here for a sec. 
You hesitate.
Subaru: Come on…
Subaru: I’m gonna do this…
He kisses along your neck to heal the marks. 
Subaru: Mm…Haah…A Vampire’s saliva has a healing effect…You know about that as well, right? 
Subaru: Nn…Haah…Why do I have to bother with this? 
You thank him.
Subaru: Shut up! Stop thanking me every two seconds. I’m the one pullin’ the short end of the straw here. If you keep on spoutin’ random bullshit, I’m gonna suck your blood as well, understand? 
You flinch.
Subaru: What!? Does that mean you don’t want to get bitten by me!? …I’m pissed now.
Subaru bites you. 
Subaru: Haahn…
*Gulp gulp gulp* 
Subaru: Hah…This is your punishment…
*Gulp gulp gulp* 
Subaru: Mmh…
*Flap flap flap* 
Subaru: Are those…familiars? They seem to be in quite the rush. 
Subaru gets up. 
Subaru: I have a bad feeling about this…Oi, you! Let’s get inside the house. Hurry!
Subaru drags you inside. 
Shuu: …Ugh. Right when I had finally fallen asleep. What kind of trouble happened this time? It better not be some random bullshit. 
Reiji: While some might categorize it as such, the Familiars have come to report on a situation which we simply cannot ignore as members of the Vampire Clan. 
Kanato: A situation we cannot ignore…? 
Ayato: Ugh…
Reiji: Vampires who had moved to this world, have been getting murdered one after the other. 
Laito: Nfu~ I guess that truly is something we probably shouldn’t ignore. Still, I also don’t think it was worth waking us all up and dragging us here to the living room? 
Reiji: Uncle…Lord Richter has passed away. 
Ayato: …!
Subaru: …!? He died!? Who did it? 
Reiji: By some kind of organization who calls themselves the ‘Ravens’. 
You ask who they are. 
Reiji: It would be nice if I could answer that question. Point being, uncle was killed by an unknown group of people and afterwards, they pierced his corpse on the peak of Kaminashi Tower. 
Shuu: To show off…or perhaps warn us for what’s to come?
Ayato: …!!
Shuu: So, what are you going to do, Ayato? Are you going to hunt down the culprit or…?
Ayato: Why are you askin’ me? 
Kanato: Well…You are the head of this family, remember? 
Ayato: Like I give a damn! Besides, I don’t remember ever taking on that position. Don’t push it onto me!
Laito: Eeh~ ? Oh come on, don’t say that now. You were the one who inherited that man’s powers, remember? In other worーー
Ayato: Shut up!!
Reiji: Haah…Well, if you want to leave this case untouched, then we will follow your lead. 
You grab hold of Ayato’s hand.
Ayato: …!? What’s with you, Chichinashi? You’re not gonna tell me to get my shit together as the Heir as well, will you? 
You shake your head. 
Ayato: Then what’s your problem!? 
You frown. 
Ayato: So what!? Don’t go quiet and give me a proper answer!
Ayato: All of you bastards just keep on goin’ on ‘bout me being the Heir or having these powers…Just shut the fuck up already!! These powers were forced upon me against my own will!! So…Why are you expectin’ so much from me!? It’s fuckin’ annoyin’...!!
His powers begin to charge. 
Subaru: …!! Ayatoーー!
Shuu: …! Oi, calm down!
Kanato: Kuh…Ayato…Not here! Stop!
Ayato: Shut up! Not another word!!
Reiji: …!! This is bad! …Don’t stand there spacing out, we have to run!
Reiji grabs hold of your hand. 
Reiji: Let’s go!
Shuu: Hey, you! Do you want to get sent flying by his powers? I’m sure you realize that would be meaningless, right!? 
Laito: …Nfu~ 
Ayato: ( …Everythin’ and everyone should just disappear…All of it!! This entire world…As well as these powers which were irresponsibly forced upon it…Every single thing! It pisses me the fuck off! Everythin’ should just…GO AWAY! )
ーー THE END ーー
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espectres · 7 months
THE HUMMING SOUND of early spring rains fades away as the minimal pouring comes to an end. The clouds polarize, almost losing their cotton-white look as they move apart, and the atmosphere bathes everything in deep relentless blue. It's the last few mintutes of sunset, and looking at the skies is almost overwhelming to the eyes. Two bright dots appear parallel to one another, suspended in an otherworldly dance, far away. Shou recognizes them as planets, but he isn't sure which ones, his knowledge quite limited, he vaguely recalls one being Jupiter. 
They're beautiful, for sure, a rare and breathtaking little thing that deserves tiring his neck to look up and admire the view, but they're so easily rivaled. Now don't get him wrong, stars and planets and a big, bright full moon were some of his best companions, their inspirational presence a constant theme for his creativity and every other good thing that came along, every other beautiful thing that came along, and felt like it doesn't belong in his hands. 
But these hands hold onto another's, and it doesn't feel wrong to be a safe place, to help take care of something precious. As the angles change and the point of view shifts, there he is, right here on earth, centering his vision and all of his thoughts, the star of his night wearing a heartthrob smile. And Shou believes is probably staring like he's never seen a human before in his damn life. He'd have felt pretty dumb for it if he were a little more self-aware, would've fussed and whined over his own embarrassment, but right now all he wanted to do was capture that smile and kiss it senseless.
It's a little selfish, a little stupid, considering he also wants to listen to Daisuke, and talk to him, and make him laugh ... and all these things and many other things couldn't go together at once. When has he gotten so greedy ? The idea is almost funny, how much he wants and how much he wants to give and how simple it all is ; how easy it is on his heart to love and be loved. But above anything, above all else, there is the profound desire to protect what he has, and the means to this end - to keep anyone safe - might not be as simple as the rest of his wishes.
What wouldn't I do to keep you safe ? 
It's rare that he worries about such things, if ever. And to speak of them out loud was a whole different matter, but he talks anyway, when the need to overwhelms him at the end, then he's an open book in ways he's never been to anyone else, mistrust and a deeply rooted, well-hidden sense of discomfort always standing between himself and finding a safe place. But Daisuke wouldn't dismiss him, wouldn't consider the topics at hand then look at him like he's grown a third head, wouldn't think that's it's odd or strange and ask him if he fell and hit his head when he was little or something. None of that, he shakes his head, none of that. 
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@dnangelic sent: 
“I’m safe right here.” AND dai's going to lean on shou's shoulder for good measure 
[ MEME. ] ...  ▬▬▬   accepting !
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The warmth of reassurance cuts through him like a knife through butter, curls pleasantly in his stomach and glows shyly in his cheeks. He turns and allows his face to be ambushed by the dense bristles of Daisuke's hair, smiling easily into it. His heart swells with trust offered on a plate of gold, and in his chest there is the sting of something blooming ; confidence that thrives on the edges of his limits and how they're not particularly easy to reach. Of course I'd keep you safe. Yet it feels false, knowing a promise of guarding from someone like him -bloody knuckles and cold eyes- is a promise of violence and apathetic cruelty, both of which hasn't yet been truly tested for their capability, for how far he'd go to achieve something he wants.
Even then, if worse comes to worst, if anyone as much as tries and plucks a feather from these wings that allowed Daisuke to soar and be free, defying the gravity of the dull laws and tedious lives Shou still couldn't accept-  if anything were to ever intend to harm him-  the esper's lips land a kiss on top of the thief's head, grateful and smitten, and he can only hope that Daisuke would forgive him. 
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dnangelic · 10 days
tsun what are ur top three fav insane random daisuke skills 🎤
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1 --- lockingpicking/hacking. this isn't an insane skill by itself, hell even i know it's criminal muse 101 but the sheer phantom thief mastery level of Opening Things Up that daisuke has is insane imo. he's canonically picked open a lock with just a random twig from the ground in a LN and always has a pin hidden somewhere in his hair in the manga for manual locks; he can crack electronic ones (which azumano is, contrary to its romantic european appearance, completely stacked and filled with) within as little as 1-4 seconds without even looking. he can crack and/or hack vaults, cameras, lights, vending machines, arcade machines, pachinko machines, phones, (which is really funny imo since he still has his flip-phone,) literally you name it and he can probably open or disable it. there's this really good light novel portion that i love describing daisuke (and daisuke alone!) as dark going through a heist: "the trajectory showed that dark was headed straight for the snow queen. it's always like that. no matter how much manpower or cutting-edge equipment you put in front of dark, it's as if it's completely meaningless, easily and freely invaded."
like it wouldn't matter if you put 24899535 locked doors and walls in front of him, he's going to go right a straight line towards whatever he wants. you can't possibly keep him out of anything, and you can't possibly keep him in; he can't and won't be stopped. THAT'S SCARY, DUDE!!! (though the lns are very firm on insisting he's never like this and forceful/invasive with people and their feelings, which is also so sweet 😭👍) even if he has nothing else on him dark also has his retractable claws/talons, so if a lock's big enough, dark/dai can even use those to quietly pick and click their way into someplace, which is a different kind of insane. lockpicking is something daisuke doesn't get to use much in rp but he has used his tech related skills and dexterity to actually fix some broken things for people. if you have the kind of muse that blows up electronics every other week daisuke's actually someone who's got a good chance at fixing it. he's even basically fixed everything that was going wrong during his school play (lights, sound equipment, etc...) because he was going all out for it lmao
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look at him go!!
2 --- daisuke's.... problem solving skills?? it's adjacently related to all a' that ^ up there and not really all that random on the surface but is still a top fav For Me, and can produce some really interesting random thoughts daisuke has every once in a while. daisuke gets assumed to be a clueless airheaded moron a lot and he even calls/believes himself to be stupid constantly, but the fact is he actually has really good problem solving skills and like..... phantom thief ultra instinct. i'm not talking about his duties as a magical girl therapist helping all the live arts through their struggling emotions, i'm talking about portions in the light novels like this:
'the reason for the "please do not lean over" warning on this fence is because the 3d light that is projected from the floor covering the mermaid's tears doubles as a sensor to detect intruders. the security device activates when the light is blocked. daisuke carefully listened as a security guard gave an explanation to two young women who were trying to touch the 3d mermaid.
that means we have to do something about security first.
reflexively thinking that, daisuke scratched his head and said 'no way, are even my thoughts turning into dark's?! i'm not going to turn into dark anymore!'
... and that was only from the first light novel, (hence him attempting to reject dark,) wherein he also basically immediately figures out how a certain sensor / chasing mechanism functions within a haunted house attraction. even when dark is in the one in control of the body and performing a heist, daisuke is still the one who constantly figures things out for dark; he stays quiet and calm and pays very close attention, which is the opposite of what most people assume daisuke and his perpetual freakouts to ever be capable of. although he does this in the first LN and the wink CDs, my favorite quotation is just this tiny portion from the third LN:
dark, who's tormented by the sound itself, may not be able to hear hiwatari's voice. wiz was also shaking his wings in pain on dark's shoulders. ---i have to be strong. daisuke carefully checked the information coming in through his eyes and ears. he wondered why hiwatari was able to remain calm while dark and wiz were suffering so much. daisuke felt something strange as hiwatari approached him. he was louder than usual. not only that, but something else was different.
^ even without full context, you get a feel for daisuke's attitude under pressure; he actually shapes up more and more rather than collapse and drop the ball or start shaking and give up like a lot of people think he would!!! also that 'i have to be strong' is just cute as hell too 😭 dark might be the 'face' of the heisting operations but honestly without daisuke dark would have been legitimately outright screwed over and probably captured a couple of times by now, hiwatari is that good, but likewise so is daisuke despite how disparate they seem as uhhh weird daytime friends and nightime rivals.
3 --- honestly whatever the hell this all is
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stop ripping your weird fake skins of people off!!!! IT'S CREEPY!!!
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princesscolumbia · 11 months
Ranma 1/2 Thoughts
One thing that always kinda makes me scratch my head in fannon is when the author/artist/creator decides to have Hiroshi and Daisuke just fade into the background (at best) or be absolute creeps (or worse) as Ranma accepts her/their femininity.
Like, don't get me wrong, I get the impulse. This is kinda what happens IRL for a LOT of transgirls as they come out and embrace more and more their femininity. By the time they look up and wonder where their old guy friends went to they've pretty much alienated anyone cis male in their circle.
But these two already know about Ranma's girl-side. Sure, they're a little skeevy, but they're pretty solidly ride or die for this dude/chick who could break every single bone in their body on accident. They aren't even remotely in Ranma's weight class (they're not even in Nabiki's weight class), but they're right there for Ranma, guy or girl, pretty much no matter what. Pretty much the only times they're NOT there is if the fight winds up, say, on an island or in China, you know, where a teenage kid can't easily go.
My personal headcanon (in case you hadn't guessed by my most recent fanfics) is these two knuckleheads are rough around the edges but provide the grounding and humanity that Ranma needs amidst his/her/their circle of increasingly god-tier martial artists, manipulators, politicians (and make no mistake, this is one of Cologne's roles, not to mention Soun), etc. Yeah, Ranma can crack a mountain and kill a god, but these two chucklefucks can roast them on their form and there aint a damn thing they can do about it, 'cause then it'd be picking on someone who can't really fight back.
Keeping in touch with their humanity for the low, low price of a wet t-shirt every so often. The boys know they can look, but never, ever touch. And s/he has to bop 'em every so often, but s/he knows they're there for him/her in a pinch.
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frostedlemonwriter · 6 months
No Context Tag Game
Rules: Post a snippet with no context--easy!
Well @that-cyber-writer didn't tag me but left an open tag. So, since I haven't been tagged in awhile. I am gonna do it.
Among them, only her twin brother Akai and his two best friends—Daisuke and Haruki—didn’t run off, their sheepish smiles tinged with guilt. Apologies flowed from his friends, who rushed off back to the fields to work. As they passed by, the familiar scent of earth mixed with the late summer air, a nostalgic aroma more than anything else, almost tinged with the sweetness of the wild berry bushes that lingered on the edge of the village. Their families, hard at work with kama in hand, stole glances at the trio’s late return. Kyu knew full well the weight of disapproving gazes which hung in the air, and on her narrow shoulders like a boulder. Which was why she stepped up to the tall young man, over two heads taller, yet the smaller teen showed no fear. Stood as broad as oxen, maybe even stronger than one. Smarter than one would expect, perhaps too smart for his own good—Kyu had that notion many times over the years about her twin. “You didn’t finish your chores for the day. Why are you out there?” Kyu asked, arms crossed over her torso. “I will not suffer for your foolishness.” Akai grunted in reply to his sister, shoulders slumped after a moment. “It’s always training, training, training. We have no fun. No nothing.” Kyu scoffed, turned and walked toward the large hill that their ryu sat upon. “We are lucky for our lot,” she said. “Come on now. Don’t be a child.” He didn’t protest, but his steps stomped alongside the muddy trail, each one exaggerated, like a petulant child’s stomps. Each footfall on the hard ground seemed to echo in Kyu’s ears, who shot him a piercing look, a mix of anger and disappointment clear in her eyes. With the heavy weight of her gaze, it spoke volumes about his sister’s anger, rendered words unnecessary. As he straightened himself to his full height, a heavy sigh escaped Akai’s lips. His breath carried a hint of resignation. There came a sudden determination which filled the air as they made their way towards their school and dojo. Akai’s demeanor shifted, his face adopted a more stoic expression, as if he had aged in a matter of moments. Finally, he headed off towards the kitchen, in a small outhouse next to the main buildings, left behind a lingering aura of persistence and resolve.
I will be tagging @veradragonjedi(as always lol) @csdarkfantasy @blind-the-winds @indecentpause @conkers-thecosy and an open tag for all!
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