weeklysaimatsu · 6 years
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Saimatsu week Day 1: “do you even have a license?” 
ayy i loved this promt :D 
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cocotopo · 6 years
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Part 2 of my collab with @dailysaimatsu
She drew the lineart and I coloured it! Thank you for doing a collab with me!
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dillydallyings · 6 years
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commission for my dear friend jules / @keebokuun ! you can also find her lovely saimatsu blog @dailysaimatsu ! i meant to post this a little while back, but thank you jules for being my first commissioner, every penny counts and you were so generous to me!!
commission info [x]
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(DailySaimatsu has been requested fanart of Kaede and Shuichi working in Future Foundation and Kaede wants to adopt the WoH.)
(*finds and instantly likes it*)
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weeklysaimatsu · 6 years
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me like 3 hours ago: alright im done!
my dumbass brain: hey what if we colour it?? im sure it woNT TAKE LONG
anyways im dead bc of this so this counts an an excuse for not posting yesterday,, this is from the ed from kekkai sensen dance thingy
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weeklysaimatsu · 6 years
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 i’ve been pretty busy with school stuff the last few days so i only managed to draw some sketches for day 6 and 7
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weeklysaimatsu · 6 years
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saimatsu week day 5: Talent swap!
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weeklysaimatsu · 6 years
Can you please do a scenario where Shuichi comforts a crying Kaede? Kaede angst!
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weeklysaimatsu · 6 years
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just them,,being cute
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weeklysaimatsu · 6 years
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saimatsu week day 4: Theme park
 shuichi was trying to win something for her but failed and then she tried and got him this plushie :D
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weeklysaimatsu · 6 years
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weeklysaimatsu · 6 years
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i did the eye meme thing(?) with some saimatsu drawings! 
i realized while making this that i really simplified the way i draw eyes,, 
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weeklysaimatsu · 6 years
If you're cool with angst, then maybe an AU where Kaede gets killed in the seance during chapter 3?
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u want the angst you’ll get the angst 
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weeklysaimatsu · 6 years
It is essential to have some Saimatsu reunion after the killing game art every once and a while. Those two deserved better
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this turned out looking sad but those are happy tears!!
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weeklysaimatsu · 6 years
big pal gonta lifts the ultimate yelling couple
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weeklysaimatsu · 6 years
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saimatsu + my favourite clothes
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