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paracosm-draw · 9 days ago
Still howling at the fact that Obi-Wan named his eopie Akkani by the way
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enbyfallenfromthedeadstars · 9 months ago
(cut because this post is quite long, it continues after)
About the kind of person who gatekeeps band's merch and asks "name me 3 songs"
i hate you so much for several reasons, it literally eats me alive, and that's why :
sometimes, logos become a fashion thing and a part of a community culture, like grunge or skater (yeah, it's about nirvana here) and lose their original meaning. it happens, society evolves, as do what's in it. it's not a bad thing a drawing having a brand new meaning because some non-problematic social group claimed it. the visual survive the knowledge.
we can buy a T-shirt and just think it's nice (especially in a thrift store) without knowing that the drawing / words are linked to some music. i mean, AC/DC merch goes kinda hard.
we can inherit someone else's clothes, it's as simple as that.
the merch can be linked to a memory. i have a harry styles T-shirt. do i listen to harry styles ? never. but i went to one of his concerts with a friend of mine who's a big fan of him, and it was sooo cool. it was my first concert ever without an adult, and i was so hyped to do it with her. it could have been any other artist it wouldn't have made any difference for me, the important part was to be with my friend who enjoyed the show like it was her last day alive.
it's kind of a personal thing, but i rarely listen to english songs and albums independently. i can have a band in my ears every day, and not knowing what they're talking about. i'm french, so i don't necessarily understand what they're saying if i'm not concentrated or looking at the lyrics. i just put it on shuffle for vibes. i know that if i want an emo thing, it will be my chemical romance and bring me the horizon. if i need some hardcore shit that doesn't allow me to think i'll turn to dagoba or cannibal corpse. if i'm looking for beautiful instrumentals, adagio's perfect, etc etc... and that works for (almost) every english-speaking artist i listen to. for some bands, i know the lyrics and can tell you my favorite song or album, because i hyperfixated on them. but not being able to do it doesn't make me less legitimate to wear their merch. if i listen to them and like their songs, even in a never-ending loop style, i'll wear it. and you can fuck off.
anyways, thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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(feel free to save and use the image btw, i made it in 1min)
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postcard-from-the-past · 4 months ago
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Sacred dagoba in Kandy, Ceylon, modern-day Sri Lanka
British vintage postcard
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rexscanonwife · 2 years ago
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Also this convo I was having with my friend Jude makes me laugh cause this is smth I imagine my mha s/i talks about FREQUENTLY so I can imagine her saying these things and ppl responding to her in the same way 😂😂😂
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thethcministry · 8 months ago
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cherrwysx-music · 9 months ago
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♫ Dagoba - Different Breed ♫
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stonedcoast · 10 months ago
Deathstar, and for Star Wars Day I Wish You a Happy One.
HybridModerate THC (68% – 74%)Concentrate (Rosin) Happy May the Fourth, or if prefer you do, Happy Star Wars Day! My regular Monday post consider this, just early for the holiday it is.(For translation, here you should click) For this very occasion I saved Deathstar. Staring at it I have been for most of the Month of April as review after review I wrote, for this very sacred nerd holiday into…
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colectivorua · 1 year ago
Dagoba Introduces Organic Chai Drinking Chocolate
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harveykian · 1 year ago
Dagoba Introduces Organic Chai Drinking Chocolate
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andypantsx3 · 2 years ago
quick interlude from the bakugou barbarian-verse.
for @procrastination-artist bc your last drawing of feral bakugou made me go berserk 🙃
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"He's a prince?" you ask incredulously, gaping at Izuku. "Bakugou?"
Izuku nods that head of wild green curls, blinking guilelessly back at you. "The closest thing his people have to it, anyway. Their custom isn't quite like Yuuei's," he answers.
You glance over your shoulder to where Bakugou is wrestling Kirishima into the dirt, apparently trying his level best to gouge the dragon's eyes out while he's at it. It's only your knowledge that Kirishima is basically impenetrable that stops you from rising in concern.
"That? That is a prince?" you repeat, hopelessly lost, as you watch Bakugou shove a literal fistful of dirt into Kiri's face.
"His mother is their leader," Izuku tells you, a smile in his voice. "It's mostly a hereditary position, with some fighting necessary to succeed. Kacchan's next in line."
"And stay down you spiky-haired shit!" Bakugou's crow reaches you as you turn back to Izuku, mystified. Izuku's mouth is twisted up fondly in the firelight.
"Well he certainly won't have any trouble there," you say emphatically, moving to turn your sausage over the fire. Drippings of grease sizzle off the sides of it, hissing where they hit the flames.
"The fuck I won't," Bakugou growls from behind you, pointedly loud so you can hear it.
You feel your ears go hot, embarrassed that he's heard you discussing him. But it's only natural, considering you're now legally married, according to the customs of one deeply batshit village.
Not that either of you have acknowledged it, however, short of Bakugou snarling that you were his as he'd won the village marriage tournament. He'd hauled you into his arms, carrying you out of there, only to drop you the second you'd cleared the village sight lines.
And neither of you have spoken of it since. But you can't help but be more curious than ever, now, about the man who sort-of-is, sort-of-isn't your husband.
"I'll wipe the floor with anyone who tries for the seat," Bakugou says, stalking over, his booted stride heavy and sure. "Like those assholes in Dagoba."
You chance a look up at him as he drops onto the log next to you, running a hand through his ash blonde hair. He glows in the firelight, the hard planes of his chest glinting with sweat, and he swipes at a patch of dust high on his cheekbone with the back of his hand. The shadows pool in the divots of his arm muscles as he does so.
"So you really are some kind of prince," you echo disbelievingly, reaching back for your sausage skewer, just for something to focus on. "Who would have known."
Bakugou's smile is white and knife-sharp in the light of the flames as those scarlet eyes find you, hot and intent. Your cheeks heat despite yourself.
"Yeah," he says, sounding smug. "Guess that makes you a princess."
You startle. Your sausage goes flying into the fire, hissing and crackling, and your face flames even hotter than the campfire.
Bakugou's smile is far too self-satisfied in the dim.
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skellymom · 9 months ago
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Wrecker: Gonna fuck up a mofo ten ways to Dagoba. He's just ramping up.
Hunter: Grumpy. He needs a nap.
(No Hunter hate. He's my Hunky. But Wrecker just OWNS the crazy eyes!)
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cheemscakecat · 1 month ago
The old Jedi would not know what to do with Luke.
Anakin was seen as a handful, but the Jedi could still command and control him. He was only a little boy when he was cut off from seeing his mother, and when the Jedi started drilling it into him that his personality was a problem he needed to grow out of.
He respected them, they were the authority figures in his life. He just wanted them to see him as someone worthy of respect too, instead of a problem child.
But they still talked down to him, even after all he did in the Clone Wars. Anakin was susceptible to Palpatine playing the part of a kind father figure because the Jedi treated him so badly.
He was so depressed when he met Padme again and his mom dying was the final straw. Padme stuck with him, but believed they needed to keep their stations as a Senator and Jedi to make the galaxy a better place.
Neither of them were in the right headspace for Anakin to leave the Jedi and seek a different life. He still wanted to be a Jedi, and wasn’t he supposed to be the chosen one? Surely he had to keep trying, he had to prove that Qui Gon was right. Had to prove himself.
Luke wouldn’t have thrived either if he was taken to the Jedi as a child. But if he travelled back in time as an adult?
That man thinks like a good old moisture farmer. Some of the most moral, trustworthy folks you could find on Tatooine. And they don’t take nonsense from anybody.
He respects Obi Wan and Yoda. But he doesn’t agree with them all the time or take all their words as gospel. He was turning down Obi Wan about rescuing Leia, saying he had to go home and he wasn’t qualified to help. Left Dagoba to save his friends, because he can’t just leave them behind to train.
And he didn’t give up on reasoning with Vader, even when told nobody comes back from the dark side. He believes people can redeem themselves.
Luke isn’t set in the strict and cultish ways that the Jedi had in their last days. That’s something Disney didn’t understand.
He’s like the ancient Jedi, the ones who were normal people who happened to have the force. That’s how he operates. Who says you have to train since childhood, away from all your family, in this temple system?
He doesn’t have all the same information and training, but he has an outsider’s perspective. Luke Skywalker doesn’t put the Jedi in the same box they built for themselves before the fall. And he would make that known.
He would get along swimmingly with Qui Gon and Quinlan Vos. Vos operated outside of the Order and was looked down upon for it. I can see those two sitting and joking for hours, racing each other with Luke on a Speeder and Quinlan parkoring through the trees.
Qui Gon tried to be civil and work as a member of the Jedi, even when they looked down on him. He believed someone like Anakin could change things, so of course he’d be excited meeting Luke.
Wouldn’t it be a relief to hear another person call out the Jedi on their overzealous rules? This Skywalker, who spoke of Count Dooku potentially being redeemable and said he understood why the man left? Nobody else would have said it out loud. Mace Windu would find the man infuriating. An outsider with no right to speak about the Jedi’s ways. Do you know what he said, when Mace told him he was not fit to call himself a Jedi, much less a master?
“I’d rather not fit your definition of a Jedi. This” he gestured at the Council “isn’t something to aspire to. You’re all so high up you can’t see the ground. You can barely see the other Jedi who are a floor beneath you.
I prefer to have my feet back on solid ground, with the people who live there.”
“You said your name is Skywalker.” Luke shrugged and chuckled.
”I like to fly. I’m a decent pilot. But looking at a world from orbit only shows a fraction of it. Landing, seeing what’s on the ground is important. There are so many lights you can’t see from space. So many sounds that Air Traffic Control sees as a distraction.
The sound of a child singing along to a song, the sound of old locals bickering, the sound of animals in the trees. They’re best experienced in person. The Jedi haven’t gone down to listen in a long, long time.”
Mace could say Luke’s not a Jedi, but then what is he? He uses the light side of the Force and has good morals and does his best to work with the personality traits he has.
Maybe he does have that impatient streak and fierce anger, but he’s learned to manage them. Instead of repressing them and assuming they’ll lead to the dark side.
You can’t call Skywalker a servant of the dark side, even when you vehemently disagree about Sith being capable of redemption. And he knows enough, is skilled enough, that you can’t just write him off as part of the unwashed masses.
So what is Luke then? Living proof that Jedi can function without the Council and Temple and Dogma. Proof that Anakin could have thrived if he wasn’t raised separated from his old life and to think he was wrong for having the traits he was born with.
Would he fade away if he changed the timeline? Or would he create a new, separate timeline and wind up back in his version of the future?
Luke would probably try not to sound like a crazy man, talking about the Chancellor. Instead of being able to oust Palpatine, I believe he would change the timeline by making a difference in people’s lives.
Qui Gon was surprised to see Skywalker insisting that Anakin needed his mother; and if the Jedi were so set on isolating kids, he’d buy her freedom himself and train the boy outside of the Order. He’d never really questioned the virtue of separating parent and child, but when Luke called it out? Really made him think.
Nobody could deny that Skywalker and the small child with the same name hit it off. They were both from Tatooine and loved to tinker and loved to fly. Some even wondered if Luke was the father, which made him burst out laughing and point out the flaws in that theory.
Shmi still ended up marrying Owen’s father when she was freed, but let Anakin go with Skywalker to become a Jedi. Somehow she knew the two of them would come to visit, just like he promised.
Years later, Luke would find a way to return to his own timeline. And it would be time for him to go home, with precious memories with his father, grandmother, and uncle that he never dreamed he’d experience.
The Anakin Skywalker he left behind would be okay. He had learned how to deal with his emotions in a healthy way. He didn’t hang on the Jedi’s every word.
He was so much more calm and happy. He didn’t care what the Order said about him when he and Padme announced their marriage. Anakin had questioned why she’d deny herself happiness for her career, and she saw that he had a point.
Of course Luke stuck around for the ceremony, alongside many Jedi like Qui Gon who left the Order after seeing there was an alternative. He left an Obi Wan and Yoda who weren’t so stifled by the Order, and who made it better for it.
It would be much later that Anakin would realize the other Skywalker was his son. He grew into the same face and voice and powers. And he would find a hologram from his master, too.
Explaining that he was from a timeline where the Jedi failed the Chosen One and he fell to the dark. Reassuring Anakin that he redeemed himself in the end, and that the evil Empire was defeated. Calling him dad and saying he was glad they got to get to know each other properly.
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cryptids-and-muses · 2 years ago
I watched return of the jedi for the first time in 4 years and here are my thoughts:
I know the line between sci-fi and fantasy is already super blurry but Star Wars truly feels like a fantasy movie. It’s in the costumes, the worldbuilding, the vibe, the odd encounters, palpatine’s entire character. And while there is futuristic tech the world of Star Wars doesn’t feel particularly Futuristic™️, if that makes sense.
There’s this one imperial officer Bacar interacts with at the start of the movie who acts his ASS off. Seriously give this man an Oscar. The fear!! The subtly!! The little gulp he does before facing Vadar!!! The palpable terror at the idea of the emperor coming there!!! This dude single handedly sets up palpatine as a threat
PRACTICAL SETS!!! All the practical sets!!! There’s so many sequences, especially in jabba’s palace but they’re throughout, where the characters casually interact with the world around them, and it’s such a small detail but it means so much to me. They really feel like they’re part of the world. My favorites were the Hall of Horrors C-3PO walks through in Jabba’s palace and Luke interacting with his x-wing on dagoba
It’s not all this great though, the green screen to the sarlack pit was awful. I found it endearing.
Also I love how there’s so much this movie doesn’t explain to you. There’s this weird robot spider thing in Jabba’s palace that we see when R2 and C-3PO walk in!!! What does it do!!! There’s a guy who’s super upset when Luke kills that monster!!! Who is he!!! And a bunch of other weird little things that just aren’t elaborated on. On top of that there’s just all these strange aliens just chilling, living their lives, some of which I don’t think we see again. It all comes together to make the world feel so much bigger than what we see.
I’d heard the analysis that Luke wears black in return of the Jedi to allude to a possible fall to the dark side, but that analysis hadn’t really clicked for me until this watch through. Like dude’s introduction was him force choking someone
Honestly like has this kind of subdued confidence this whole movie and I love it. He knows he’s good but doesn’t need to flaunt it.
Like his grin when he says “you should have bargained jabba. It’s the last mistake you’ll ever make” I love it
Luke is actually really subdued this entire movie, which tracks with all the internal conflict he’s dealing with. The biggest displays of emotion we see from him are when he’s reuniting with friends or when he goes OFF on Vadar at the end for threatening leia
Chewbacca and Han’s reunion 😭, they care so much about each other, chewy pets his head
In general everyone is so happy to see each other in this movie, every time someone shows up after being separated everyone is so excited to see them. There’s so many hugs. You can really tell they care about each other.
Due to some of the framing, I don’t think leia slaughtering Jabba was part of the plan. I think she just saw an opportunity and took it. Girlboss.
I noticed Luke’s fighting style with his lightsaber is much tougher around the edges, it’s less elegant, which tracks with him having much less official training with it. I like it
Yoda trying to use dying as a way to avoid Luke’s questions. Iconic.
Yoda’s choked out dying words of “there is another skywalker” become so much funnier when you remember he becomes a force ghost. The man could just peacefully pass then come back 10 minutes later and continue the conversation, he doesn’t need to try this hard to get the words out. Then again that would take some of the drama out of it.
Han is just so great in this movie, he’s got a reputation for being this suave sarcastic outlaw, which to be fair he kind of was in new hope, but here he’s just so sweet. He’s the one telling Luke to be more optimistic! When lando gets his promotion to general he doesn’t tell him about his own, and looks genuinely bashful when it’s brought up in front of the group! He goes to check on leia after she talks with Luke! He gives lando the falcon because he knows it’ll help him even though the ship means so much to him and is scared of it getting destroyed! When he thinks leia has feelings for Luke he offers to step aside and not get in the way! This man cares about his friends!
Speaking of that moment with leia after Luke leaves, that’s the one moment we see him being a dick, he lashes out with “but you could tell Luke? Is that who you could tell?!” But then immediately apologizes and comforts her when she asks for it. He loves leia so much and it’s so obvious the entire time
My man thought he was in this love triangle and was doing his best, and was fully prepared to step aside and let leia be happy with Luke. And the face journey he goes on when leia tells him luke is her brother. It’s gold. It’s that math meme but even better.
For the mission to endor, Luke and leia are both in these camo space ponchos and helmets but apparently Han’s outfit was to iconic to change because he just puts on a camo trench coat over his usual outfit
The first speeder chase through the woods of endor struck me as much more low key then it would have been if it was made today. This isn’t a bad thing, but I know if it was made today it would have been much more dramatic, a set piece
When leia goes missing Han, Luke, and chewy immediately peel off from the group to go find her. Good friends but you are LEADING THE MISSION
Leia meeting the ewok is a fun sequence and it’s funny how she just rolls with it. She does not question it, just accepts this little guy is here now and starts following him. It’s funny to contrast this with when Luke, Han, and chewy rescued her in a new hope and she fought every step of the way
In general the Ewoks are such a strange and whimsical inclusion. Like this is part 3 in a space opera and a huge chunk of it has these little furry dudes who live and fight like the lost boys from Peter Pan that we’ve literally never seen before. It’s weird
Luke is so delighted by the Ewoks, from his little smile when the first surround them to trying to hide his laughter at them thinking C-3PO is a god
Also we should not ignore how hilarious his idea to scare the Ewoks into listening was. And the man knew it too, you could tell from his smile. The little shit.
The storytelling sequence!!! I love it!! I love how C-3PO uses the sound effects! I love how everyone is huddled together! I love how we the audience can tell what’s being said from context clues even if we don’t understand all the words!!
Luke peacing out like “it’s time to angst😔”
I do think the bridge scene between luke and leia could have been done a bit better but it wasn’t bad, just a bit flat for the gravity of what was being revealed. Leia and Han are great though
I love luke and vadar’s back and forths even if they can get repetitive
The writers really used “search your feelings” or “your feelings betray you” as shortcuts to avoid hard writing huh
The emperor was such a little gremlin, he did nothing but talk about how luke was going to fall to him, how he knew everything was gonna happen and it’s all according to his plan, he really didn’t do anything but talk shit until the very end with the force lightning
To be fair, Vadar didn’t do anything until the force lightning either
Neither of these points are complaints, palpatine is supposed to be a shadowy scheming villain that others do the dirty work for and the really pull it off. And vadar’s passivity in this movie I think demonstrates the conflict he’s feeling. Despite his words about how he must do his emperor’s will, he’s not really doing that right now, is he? He’s not really defying orders either but something is different
Something I noticed!!! When Han’s team first make it in to the back door, off in the corner as they go inside we see a storm trooper adjusting his armor and taking his position again. One of the rebels stole the storm troopers armor and took their place. This doesn’t lead up to anything but it’s SUCH a cool detail
The true hero’s of this movie are the Ewoks, palpatine had Han’s team captured and the air fleet on the ropes before the Ewoks stepped in and saved Han and co. Palpatine would probably have won if it weren’t for them. It’s great.
I really love luke so much, he’s just so compassionate. For his friends, for his father, for everyone. This is the trait that makes him a hero. It’s literally what palpatine tried to use to turn him, the anger he’d feel at watching his friends die because he loves them so much
“No, you’re wrong. I am a Jedi, like my father before me” not gonna lie, this was kinda hot. It’s that quiet confidence I was talking about earlier. Also the way he nods towards vadar when he mentions his father
“….so be it, Jedi” THIS!!!! THIS!!!! I love this so much!! Because the entire movie palpatine has been talking about how Luke is going to fall to him, how it’s inevitable, how Luke is foolish to think otherwise. But this moment right here, is him acknowledging he’s wrong. He won’t be able to turn Luke, he failed. Luke truly is a Jedi and even palpatine cannot away him. It’s so fucking good
When vadar lifts up palpatine to stop him, we get a reaction shot for Luke who just looks so confused. Appropriate reaction.
As luke is dragging vadar to his ship we see imperial officers and storm troopers running around to try and escape and I just want to know what the fuck was going through their heads when they saw Luke and vadar
I know the falcon surviving doesn’t make sense but it makes me happy
Something important I realized towards the end: AT NO POINT IN THIS MOVIE DID ANYONE TELL HAN VADAR WAS LUKE’S DAD
Presumably they were told later but holy fuck why is no one talking about this.
Again….those reunions, hugs all around, everyone is so happy and relieved and I love it
I know it doesn’t end here, which makes be kinda sad, because this is such a beautiful and hopeful ending
All in all, with all the Star Wars fatigue and what Disney has been doing, this really reminded me what I love about Star Wars. I felt like I could appreciate the movie a lot more on this watch through and had a wonderful time
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persistentplums · 2 months ago
U should infodump some of your Triana thoughts 👂👂🙏
Currently laying on my bed, on my stomach kicking my feet and twirling my hair. Thank you for the ask!!!
Also everyone please feel free to send Vbros asks it’ll take me a minute but I’ll always answer!
Triana to me is mixed i haven’t pinned down what mix but for now wasian. Although mixed middle eastern is also in my head the problem is I want to be specific but i can’t pull from anywhere specific right now.
I think if we got her New York look I flip around the thought of her going full goth stereotype (I really love the idea of her going trad goth black dress with jewelry) which would be cool but also a part of me would think it would be SICK if she shaved her head and had this buzz look leaning a mix of punk and goth. (More British inspo not in a racist white way)
She has magic jewelry, rings and necklaces, I think she gets into insect taxidermy which also influences the type of jewelry she has, I think she has a cool beetle broach that moves around and has magic! I think it would be cool!
I think she gets into Mind magic. And I mean this completely separately from telepathy, anything to do with the mind since it was Orpheus that messed with it. She becomes unintentionally fixed on making her mind a place that can’t be messed with. Her mom, dad and stepdad teach her a lot but Master and her click super well and she tells him what she wants to learn.
I think her relationship to Master is very very silly. Master has a LG slider so he can text her type of silly. I think now that she does magic they can gossip really it’s just Master telling her stuff she shouldn’t know but still fun stuff.
Triana is someone who is fun to be around and genuinely a nice kid, so it makes sense wherever she goes she gains friends. She doesn’t get along with Dermontt bc Dermontt is a little shit to be fair but I would also like to think if she met Sirena it would be rocky also.
Sirena is cool, there’s no doubt about it, but I think Sirena impatience which can turn into actions that hurt people+the want of a bottom line wouldn’t gel with Triana. Since VB hasn’t really developed any of the girls they’ve made with any moment of failure/hardship I have to use the CRUMBS given in the show.
Triana not outright telling Dean the day she moved out she is not into him then trying to put an idea in his head instead speaks to a quality of not wanting to get caught/rocking the boat. At first I thought it was classic rebellious kid lying to parent but I realize also in part of the writers under developing her, she shies away from parts of her self, hiding them to keep her life uncomplicated and moving. Funny enough a trait very much like her dad, both are different versions of the peacekeeper.
I think Triana big thing is she needs to be able to be herself even the parts that people think is bad. It’s not like the parts of her are a big deal if someone doesn’t like them. She isn’t worried about that, it’s the idea she needs to keep the peace. Fuck the peace girl let that shit fly.
Triana is very similar to Hank in the sense of she isn’t overtly hiding things but by doing so means things internally can be hidden to others. I think Triana is slippery in that sense, good at half truths, good poker face, strong values she believes in, a very loyal friend.
If I was to tie her into the main gang this is how I would’ve done it:
The limbo mind world is her training space, like Luke in Dagoba. She-with Master “teachings”-is figuring out how to control what she has and how to use it regarding the mind since at this point she can do magic but she’s basically trying to get her “diploma”in the mind. She’s going through all that and finds not just one Hank but multiple Hanks and goes “hm! That’s….not usual a thing that happens.” She does a dream call to Hank and they meet again.
They have a chat, catching up and getting semi personal, she ends up in New York to talk to her dad and gets swept in some adventure the boys are in and meets everyone else. I think the moment she clicks with the Mind is waking the remaining guys back, fully now in tune with her goal but she still needs to figure out what to do with it!
Extra stuff about Triana I personally hc:
Her and Sirena go out together first as a “get to know you” thing but it becomes tradition
Triana knows how to play drums, definitely could’ve been on Shallow Gravy
Triana is low-key trying to set Dean and Jared up by the most subtle comments ever bc interacting with Dean is like trying not to scare a deer still after all these years to her
Her jewelry range from basic rings to bug themed broaches all having a specific magical element (for my dnd ppl out there think magical items with charges or when you imbue an item with a spell) I think she gives them to her friends
Jared and Triana have mixed feeling only because she is trying very hard to respect his journey of being into Dean and vice versa but also she cannot stop going “this is gay.”
She has a gf, she’s bisexual at least, but in my heart lesbian. I love the idea of her gf being a powerful magical being that someone else thought of! Or
She watch romantic movies with Hank bc he’s the only one who appreciates them. Despite Dermontt constantly complaining about watching “chick flicks” Dermontt is also there
Dermontt and Triana beef so often that Dermontt ends up being like her shit head younger brother in the way they argue. And Dermontt doesn’t confirm or deny just says she needs SOMEONE or she’ll fall into only child disease. They aren’t nice to each other at all but they do have each other backs
Triana has the same weirdo mean streak as her dad sometimes but doesn’t take many things seriously so she really is doing stuff just to fuck with people bc she finds it funny. Example: Orpheus trying to get an arch and smacking the shit out of monarch then putting his feet on fire vs Triana doing that to Dermontt just because on a Sunday. Orpheus has a means to an end Triana just doing it for the love of the game
Speaking of, Triana is more inclined to be Guild only she doesn’t give a shit, she rides the new wave in the VB world of middle men. Not heroes not villains just kinda doing their own thing. I do think she has many Guild friends
Speaking of middle men, she is a headache to OSI/Protags/Arches bc she isn’t affiliated officially and doesn’t want to be. She is now accustomed to doing so much paperwork and this is a regular topic of contention for her and Orpheus. It’s not serious contention more like when there’s nothing happening he starts asking which annoys her bc in actuality she doesn’t know who she wants to be (jumpstarts her hanging out with Hank and Dean again)
Thats all I got for now! Tanks for the ask and for waiting!
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amberlin1 · 8 months ago
Tatooin Shopping District
Dagoba Municipal Beach
I'm just gonna be adding to these Star Wars refs
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rise-my-angel · 2 years ago
Bear with me, but I'm going to explain why I don't find Grogu running around in IG-11 like a suit funny. Droids are not portrayed as feelingless robots in Star Wars.
Multiple droids are shown with immense personality, and their losses given weight. Luke sees R2-D2 get lost under the murky swamp water on Dagoba, and his response is to desperately call out to him worried for his safety, and then runs to him and consoles him when he flies out of it. Poe treats BB8 like one might treat a beloved pet, and is relieved when they are reunited.
It's why people didn't like what happened to C3PO in Rise of Skywalker. C3PO has to do what is essentially a factory reset, and it will erase every bit of information and memories he has stored since his creation. It is a death, he treats it like a death but the other characters do not treat it that way. It's used almost like a joke for them, and people hated it because C3PO is more then a hunk of metal he is an ally, a friend. And what is a metaphorical death wasn't treated seriously.
K2SO sacrificed their own life to give Cassian and Jyn Erso a chance to get the death star plans and escape. His death is also given great weight and the framing of that like a human death and Cassian is devestated to lose him.
IG-11 was the same. Din had watched this droid become a friend, and ally and didn't want him to sacrifice himself. But he did, his death was given the emotional weight of a human charecter and Din and Grogu treat him as such.
So forgive me, for not finding Grogu's antics funny when it's framed that he is now riding in the dead corpse of a charecter that was framed to us as something worthy of love. He is wearing the dead corpse of a friend who died to protect him.
Droids in Star Wars are not just robots. They are things given emotions and emotional story weight. IG-11 isn't an Iron Man Suit and it's not funny to watch Grogu play around in it, because to Grogu, that was someone who was a friend and protected him with his life.
I'm sorry. I don't care if there was humourous moments there, the concept of the scene itself is not cool. You cannot tell us one episode previous that droids are trying to form a life for themselves because they want to be treated as individuals. And the next have a baby ride in the skin of a dead corpse that was a loyal friend who was given an emotional death scene.
The lack of consistency isn't fun, and the complete ignorance of any kind of appropriate tone or sensitivity is insulting.
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