#dagger marvel
loonymeowny · 9 months
dagger: nat, i think there's something wrong with moon knight and daredevil
nat: oh yeah, they're dating
dagger: there's no way, they hate each other
nat: just watch
*nat approaches matt*: hey hornhead, quick question, what do bees make?
daredevil: honey?
*marc across the hq*: yes, sweetheart?
*nat to dagger*: told you
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spaceshiprocket · 2 months
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Cloak & Dagger by Rick Leonardi and Terry Austin
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solidsmax · 4 months
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Marvel 97'
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
In the possessed doll au, Bruce is definitely a creepy kid.
This is, after all, a haunted au.
He looks like a 'murdered victorian child' kid. Even before he watched his parents die.
Like, very big pale blue eyes. Significantly more striking /pos as a smiling adult than a perpetually blank faced unblinking child. He looks like he knows how you die. Pale skin, ink black hair traditionally styled, big dark lashes to frame those uncanny eyes. Just the hint of eye bags.
Alfred in any timeline has a spine of steel, but there must have been at least once when he was woken up in the night to a tiny shape staring unblinkingly deep into his eyes and thought 'I am going to die'. Normal kids are absolutely terrifying to wake up to, as any parent will attest, but imagine being an ex military spy now butler living alone on the most cursed land you've ever imagined, taking care of the only kid after your employers, his parents were brutally murdered, and suddenly you jolt awake in the middle of the night to see two enormous eyes less than a foot from your face, two engorged dots for pupils, staring, still as stone into your very soul.
Bruce, hushed because it's bedtime: Mr Alfred I threw up :(.
Alfred, trying to calm his thundering heart and not reflexively shoot his ward, dizzy from the sudden adrenaline from deep sleep rush, not letting himself freak out in front of the boy:.............................. Oh dear. That's not good.
Bruce, still not blinking or looking away: :(((
Wayne manor is a setting from a murder mystery at night, and it's not Bruce but Alfred that's the main character.
Perhaps, he thinks, it was always going to end this way. Not because of fate, but because the characters of the play would not know themselves to act otherwise.
@puppetmaster13u may I present?
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comic-covers · 2 months
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mobius-m-mobius · 8 months
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Hey! Change of subject. I thought of an answer. To what? Your question.
Lokius + reflection for anon
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thebestcomicbookpanels · 10 months
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Dagger by Tony Salmons from Marvel Age
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why-i-love-comics · 3 months
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Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #4 (2024)
written by Iman Vellani & Sabir Pirzada art by Scott Godlewski & Erick Arciniega
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sassypossumm · 6 months
Daggers and Coffee
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You just wanted to be left alone to finish some work, when into you life walked a creep and two gorgeous Asgardians. Who'd have thought that your local coffee shop would just be having ALL of the drama today?
“Really, brother, I don’t see why you dragged me all the way to this dismal establishment.” Loki sniffed, folding his arms and throwing his brother a look of disdain. Thor merely chuckled and clapped Loki soundly on the back.
“You must learn to live for a different kind of adventure, Loki.” Thor clapped him on the back again, causing the slimmer man to stumble forward a step.
“None of our adventures ever included dreary coffee shops inhabited by a lower class of life form.” Loki hissed, brushing Thor’s hand off his shoulder and taking a step back. With another chuckle, Thor moved to stand at the back of the growing line to place his order. Clasping his hands behind his back, Loki moved to stand next to his brother, studying him out of the corner of his eye. “You have a motive for bringing me here, don’t you?” Thor’s eyes flickered to Loki before flitting back to the menu options. Loki narrowed his eyes. “Thor?” The taller man shifted nervously, clearly fighting the urge to meet his brothers heated stare.
“Sir, are you ready to order?” The bright voice of the barista at the register broke the tension of the moment, and Thor rushed towards the employee with a relieved smile.
“Ah, yes! What would you recommend,” Leaning forward he planted his hands on the counter and squinted to read her name tag. “Tessa?” The barista in question flushed at his attention.
“Well, sir,” Loki rolled his eyes and let his attention wander away from the barista that was now fawning over his brother. Turning his head, he regarded the patrons with an impassive expression. A pudgy balding businessman chewing some poor soul out on his phone, another man at a window table reading a book, and two other people sitting at the counter on the taller bar stools. Nothing of note caught his attention.
“Loki?” He turned his head to see a non-descript brown cup being shoved into his face. Loki looked from the cup to Thor’s expectant face.
“Thank you.” He said dryly, gingerly taking the beverage from his brother’s extended hand. Catching an unfamiliar pungent scent wafting from the partially opened lid, Loki eyed Thor suspiciously. “What is this?” Thor rolled his eyes.
“If I’d wanted to poison you, Loki, I would have chosen a more discreet method.”
“Could you have managed to think of something more discreet, brother?” Loki gave his brother a wry smirk. Thor chuckled again and shook his head.
“It’s simply a black coffee, Loki, nothing more.” With a shrug of his shoulders, Loki took a small sip of the ‘coffee’. Pungent, slightly bitter, stronger than some of the Midgardian beverages he’d sampled. He liked ‘coffee’, and he was just about to say as much to Thor when the movement at the counter caught his attention. The two people who had passed under his notice before were quickly becoming more interesting. “Are you ready to go, Loki?” Thor boomed into his attention. Loki held up a finger and motioned for Thor to be quiet.
“Just watch.” He said quietly, glancing over his shoulder at Thor. Turning back, he focused first on the woman, unassuming to his eye as Midgardian women went, busy typing away on her laptop minding her own business. It was the man’s action that really had caught his attention. He was steadily shifting and sliding so that his stool was slowly inching towards the unsuspecting woman. He had now positioned himself directly next to the woman.
“Hey.” The man tried. No response. Loki saw why, she had those little ear plugs in her ears he’d seen so many of the other Midgardian’s wearing. If he wasn’t mistaken, Thor called them ‘ear buds’. “Hello!” The man tapped her shoulder this time. She flinched. He pulled back slightly and chuckled as she pulled one of the buds from her ear.
“Can I help you?” She shifted away from the man’s hand that sat precariously near her arm.
“Hi.” The man leaned forward and gave her what Loki guessed he thought was an appealing smile.
“He knows nothing about wooing a woman.” Loki commented dryly taking another sip of the ‘coffee’.
“Can I help you.” She reiterated. The man ran a hand through his hair and, in a rather vulgar manner, let his gaze rake over her physique from head to toe, coming back to rest on her chest before letting his eyes meet her face again.
“My names Luke, and I’d like to buy you a cup of coffee.” The woman rolled her eyes.
“That’s very nice of you, Luke, but no thank you, and if you don’t mind, I’m kind of busy.” Motioning towards her laptop, she gave him a tight smile and moved to put the bud back in her ear. The man reached out and stopped her hand with his. Loki wrapped his fingers more tightly around the cup.
“Actually, honey, I do mind, I’ve given you my name now it’s your turn to give me yours.” The woman raised a brow at the way the man, ‘Luke’, had arrested her hand and had it pinned against the counter.
“I want you to release my hand, now, sir.” She said in a low voice, looking at ‘Luke’ with darkening eyes. Loki could sense Thor tensing behind him and reached out a hand to stop him from stepping in with his hero theatrics.
“Not here, brother.” He whispered. In truth he was intrigued to see how she planned to get out of this predicament. Would she call for help? Perhaps sense the presence of the ‘all powerful’ Thor and seek assistance?
“Now, honey-“
“My name isn’t ‘honey’, and I told you to get your hand off me.” She fairly hissed at the man. It didn’t take an observant eye to see the way ‘Luke’s’ fingers were biting into the skin of the woman’s hand.
“Loki, enough is enough.” Thor grumbled, moving to round his brother to confront the offender.
“Just another moment, Thor.” Loki had turned to stall his brother when a cry pierced the air. He whirled around just in time to see the woman calmly place the ‘bud’ back in her ear.
“You stabbed me!” ‘Luke’ shouted, clutching his hand.
“You can keep the pen.” The woman glanced at him blandly before turning back to her laptop. Loki chuckled. His eyes flickered to ‘Luke’, and he narrowed them when the worm took a step back into her space. Loki snapped his fingers, disappearing.
“You’re a-“
“That’s enough.” Loki reappeared in front of ‘Luke’ and grasped his shoulder. Leaning towards his ear he lowered his voice. “And I wouldn’t attempt to involve the authorities if I were you.” Pulling back, he brushed the mans shoulders off and gave his cheek a pat before Thor firmly grabbed the back of his jacket and steered him towards the doors. Turning, Loki looked down at the woman who was now staring at the pen.
“He forgot his pen.” She sighed, pushing the offending instrument away with a notebook. Loki bit back a chuckle and motioned towards the stool.
“Might I sit, warrior maiden?”
“Gopher it.” She shrugged and began reaching for her laptop, when she paused. “Did you seriously just call me ‘warrior maiden’?” Turning, she looked at Loki with a bemused expression. He smirked and folded his arms on the counter.
“Since I don’t yet know your name, it seems more fitting than what that worm attempted to call you.”
“Oh, that’s nothing, I’ve been called worse.” She chuckled, waiving off his comment.
“Midgardians.” He grumbled, reaching for his long-forgotten coffee. Taking a sip he hissed at the lukewarm liquid.
“Let me order you a new one.” She smiled, reaching for her purse.
“That’s not necessary.” He said, wincing internally at how sharp it had come out.
“I insist.” She narrowed her eyes at him and then paled a little at how harshly that had come out. “As a thank you.” Her features softened and she gave Loki a sheepish smile. “Don’t think I didn’t notice your whole knight of valor routine, you and your friend I mean.” She motioned towards Thor who had taken up residence on the other side of Loki at the counter. Loki glanced at his brother who was beaming at her. Catching his brother’s intense glare, Thor quickly became interested in an invisible bit of lint on his jacket. Pulling out her wallet and giving it a small shake, she gave him a playful grin.
“If you insist, a plain coffee for me, but nothing for my brother, he’s on caffeine restrictions.”
“You got it!” As she headed towards the register, Loki ignored Thor’s scowling face.
“Not a word, Thor.” He muttered, keeping his eyes glued to the back wall until she returned.
“Here you go, plain coffee.” Setting down the coffee, she also slipped Thor a bear claw. “Sugars not caffeine, right?” She gave him a wink and rounded back to her own stool.
“Thank you, lady,” Thor paused for her to fill in her name.
“Y/N.” She returned his smile with a genuine one of her own. Loki couldn’t help but feel a sting of some unnamable emotion.
“Lady Y/N.” Thor dipped his head before tucking into the bear claw, leaving the two acquaintances to their own devices.
“I am hailed as Loki, god of mischief, and the oaf stuffing his face is my brother, Thor.” Loki remarked dryly taking a sip of the fresh coffee. Y/N stifled a grin at the satisfied sound Loki made when the coffee hit his taste buds. Opening her mouth to respond, Y/N paused when her eyes flickered towards the clock on the back wall.
“And I am hailed as Y/N, fired from my job if I don’t get back to the office.” Rolling her eyes, Y/N gave Loki a warm smile as she quickly gathered her belongings. “It was nice of meet you, Thor.” Nodding at Thor, she turned towards Loki and her grin widened. He wasn’t even going to think about what that did to his insides. “And it was fascinating to meet you, Loki.” Slinging her bag over her shoulder she turned to go.
“Wait, Lady Y/N.” Loki turned around on the stool and beckoned her to come closer. Tugging on the bag again, she shuffled closer to him and glanced at the clock quickly before catching his eye. “What shall you do if another individual attempts to molest you?”
“Well, I’m fresh out of pens, so I guess I’ll scream bloody murder.” Y/N chuckled, shifting the bag again.
“I have a better idea.” Loki shot her a mischievous grin, and with a flash of green and ornate dagger appeared in his hand. Flipping the blade in his fingers, he held it with the handle facing her, and he didn’t fail to notice the flicker of excitement in her eyes.
“Oh, I couldn’t.” She murmured, all the while slowly reaching for the dagger. Loki chuckled and placed the handle firmly in her hand.
“Yes, you can, I insist. Consider it payment for the coffee.” Gripping the dagger, she turned the blade back and forth slowly to examine it before meeting his eye.
“I’ll take good care of it.” Blinking once, she swallowed.
“I’m counting on that.” He gave her a lopsided smile and nodded. Thor coughed and began reaching for Loki’s coffee. “Thor, don’t you dare.” He hissed, turning to smack Thor’s hand away.
“Thanks again, maybe I’ll catch you around!” He turned in time to see the door swing shut and sat in stunned silence as she made her way towards the subway.
“I’m counting on that.”
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browsethestacks · 6 months
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Amalgam: Crow And Dove
Cloak & Dagger + Hawk & Dove
Art by Luis Valero-Suarez
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bad-comic-art · 2 months
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submitted by @scrambler
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comics-are-dumb · 23 days
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Junkies ARE people!
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jiarkives · 8 months
julia’s favorites ! (i)
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♡ - fluff ; ♤ - angst ; ☆ - series
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harry potter / marauders
♡ new romantics - james potter
↳ @pretty-little-mind33
♡ chosen sister - fred weasley
↳ @potter-imagines
♡ please don’t touch the artwork - fred weasley
↳ @writesowhatnext
♡♤ after all this time - fred weasley
↳ @twelvegods
♤♡ sick of the silence - theodore nott
↳ @iloveinej
♡ untitled - james potter
♡ untitled - marauders
↳ @theemporium
♤ i’ve got plans, sorry (i) - james potter
♤ i’ll reschedule (ii) - james potter
↳ @livinginshambles
♤ secrecy - james potter, remus lupin
↳ @wolfmoonmusic
♡♤ what was i made for? - james potter
↳ @once-upon-an-imagine
♡♤ end up here - theodore nott
↳ @priniya
♡ untitled - sirius black
↳ @ddejavvu
☆ winter in the shade - marauders
↳ @willowbleedsonpaper
♡♤ only you - steve rogers
↳ @sunvmars
♤ obsession - bucky barnes
♤♡ graveyard (i) - bucky barnes
♤ sacrifice (ii) - bucky barnes
↳ @wkemeup
♤ heart of glass - bucky barnes
♤ nothing breaks like a heart - bucky barnes
↳ @buckybabesonly
♡ how could they not know? - druig
↳ @saintlike78
♡ sunshine - druig
↳ @itsapeterthing
♡ sushi and fun mugs - bucky barnes
↳ @lovelybarnes
♤ no questions asked - steve rogers
↳ @pellucid-constellations
♡ you have a girlfriend? - bucky barnes
↳ @antiquarianfics
jujutsu kaisen
♡ scent of a flower - geto suguru
↳ @jabamin
♡ family sleepover - choso kamo
↳ @potter-imagines
♡ no heart - gojo satoru
♡ i’m afraid that’s just the way the world works (but i think that it could work for you and me) - geto suguru
↳ @saetoru
♡ cats & compromise - fushiguro megumi
↳ @augustinewrites
♡ weight - gojo satoru
♡ to protect - gojo satoru ft. fushiguro megumi
↳ @tender-rosiey
♡ untitled - gojo satoru
↳ @goroujo
top gun / top gun: maverick
♡ hollywood’s angel - javy ‘coyote’ machado
↳ @averagewriter-inthedark
♡♤ untitled - bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw
♡ a glimpse of them - bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw ft. pete ‘maverick’ mitchell
↳ @bradshawsbaby
criminal minds
♡ untitled - aaron hotchner
♡♤ untitled - spencer reid
↳ @luveline
♡ untitled - aaron hotchner
↳ @ddejavvu
♡ out of the spotlight - spencer reid
↳ @sometimesiwritebadly
♤ back to me - aaron hotchner
↳ @the-bau-quinjet
♡ a well-kept secret - spencer reid
↳ @astrophileous
genshin impact
♤♡ “i’ve got you, i swear. nothing’s going to happen to you when i’m here.” - diluc ragnvindr
↳ @lucluvr
♤ not enough - diluc ragnvindr
♡ mortal customs - platonic!xiao, zhongli
♤♡ i promise - shikanoin heizou
♡ solace - lyney
↳ @averageallogene
♤ replaced - diluc ragnvindr
↳ @littlequackerman
♡♤ strawberries and wolves - diluc ragnvindr, platonic!razor
↳ @uselsshuman
♡ papa of the melusines - neuvilette
↳ @i23kaz
♡ mischief & melusines - neuvilette
↳ @itadorey
♡ untitled - neuvilette
↳ @auratux
♡ another woman claims to be his girlfriend? - lyney, wanderer
↳ @gfmima
call of duty
♡ untitled - simon ‘ghost’ riley
↳ @rileyslibrary
♡♤ whatchya got, boy? - john ‘soap’ mactavish
↳ @roosterr
♤♡ as long as i’m here - task force 141 + alejandro vargas
♡♤ no one can hurt you - task force 141 + alejandro vargas + rodolfo parra
↳ @krypticcafe
♡ reunion of sorts - anthony bridgerton
↳ @ijustwant2write
attack on titan
♤ all too familiar - levi ackerman
♤♡ onwards past to eternity - levi ackerman
♡ and so it begins - levi ackerman
♡ it’s a wrap! - levi ackerman
↳ @jayteacups
♤♡ i want you with me - jean kirstein
♤♡ my love for you is endless - mikasa ackerman
♤ tell me i’ve been lied to - levi ackerman
☆ cherry - reiner braun, jean kirstein
↳ @damn-stark
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♕ divider — @bunnysrph
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themarvelproject · 5 months
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Marvel house ad for the launch of the bi-monthly Cloak and Dagger series featuring art by Rick Leonardi and Terry Austin (1984)
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lands-of-fantasy · 7 months
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Titular Women in Live-action Superhero Media
Cathy Lee Crosby as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman in Wonder Woman (1975)
Lynda Carter as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman in Wonder Woman (1975-79)
Helen Slater as Kara Zor-El / Linda Lee / Supergirl in Supergirl (1984)
Teri Hatcher as Lois Lane in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993-97)
Ashley Scott as Helena Kyle / Huntress, Dina Meyer as Barbara Gordon / Oracle, Rachel Skarsten as Dinah Redmond in Birds of Prey (2002-03)
Halle Berry as Patience Phillips / Catwoman in Catwoman (2004)
Jennifer Garner as Elektra Natchios in Elektra (2005)
Melissa Benoist as Kara Zor-El / Kara Danvers / Supergirl in Supergirl (2015-21)
Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter in Agent Carter (2015-16)
Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones in Jessica Jones (2015-19)
Gal Gadot as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman in Wonder Woman (2017) and Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
Olivia Holt as Tandy Bowen in Cloak & Dagger (2018-19)*
Evangeline Lily as Hope van Dyne / The Wasp in Ant-Man and The Wasp (2018) and Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania (2023)
Brie Larson as Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel in Captain Marvel (2019)
Sophie Turner as Jean Grey / Phoenix in X-Men: Dark Phoenix
Ruby Rose as Kate Kane / Batwoman in Batwoman Season 1 (2019-20)
Margot Robbie as Dr. Harleen Quinzel / Harley Quinn, Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Helena Bertinelli / The Huntress, Jurnee Smollett-Bell as Dinah Lance / Black Canary, Rosie Perez as Renee Montoya, Ella Jay Basco as Cassandra Cain in Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
Margot Robbie as Dr. Harleen Quinzel / Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
Brec Bassinger as Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl in Stargirl (2020-22)
Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch in WandaVision
Javicia Leslie as Ryan Wilder / Batwoman in Batwoman Season 2–3 (2021-22)
Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane in Superman & Lois (2021-)
Scarlett Johansson Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow in Black Widow (2021)
Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop in Hawkeye (2021-?)**
Kaci Walfall as Naomi McDuffie in Naomi (2022)
Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan / Ms. Marvel in Ms. Marvel (2022-?)
Tatiana Maslany as Jennifer Walters / She-Hulk in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022-?)
Letitia Wright as Shuri /Black Panther in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Brie Larson as Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel, Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau, Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan / Ms. Marvel in The Marvels (2023)
Alaqua Cox as Maya Lopez in Echo (2024-?)*
*While not directly reffered as such in their shows, "Dagger" and "Echo" are, respectively, Tandy's and Maya's codenames in the comics.
**This also goes for Kate and the "Hawkeye" codename, but in her case the show implies she will use it in the near future with the blessing of Clint Barton (the original Hawkeye, who also stars in the show).
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cgbcomics · 3 months
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