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skyloftian-nutcase · 11 months ago
Dadsquad meet Chain in during their separate travels while stocking up in a nearby down of an unclaimed Hyrule. They don't get a lot of time to explain things before a portal teleports the boys away
Abel, sitting at an inn grumpily because he was grounded by Rusl for not sleeping: *notices Wild* What the—how did—L—
Wild: *takes off after shiny thing alongside Hyrule*
Abel: Who is—HEY—
Fierce: *notices Time* *blinks* *is very confused as to why someone has the same aura as his little hero but looks partly like him* *realizes OH time travel! :D* and goes about his business because this isn’t the little hero he’s looking for, but he’ll keep an eye on him while he’s here to make sure he’s safe :)
Rusl: *spots Twilight* *tries to run after him and get his attention* *loses track of him in a sea of warriors, and—*
All the dads meet up in the town square to report their findings only to never see any of the heroes again. Rusl and Abel are beginning to wonder if they’re going insane. Fierce doesn’t comment because doesn’t everyone know that time travel is a thing?
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kidznbaby · 4 months ago
Kunert IVENTO GLAM because you and your little one deserve a stroller that’s as fabulous as you are ✨👶💛
#kidznbaby #babyessentials #babystroller #strollerlife #parentinglife #momandbaby #dadsquad #babygear #stylishparenting #babylove #babyshop #babyfashion #parenthoodunplugged #momswithstyle #dadlife #babyshopping #musthavebaby #newmomlife #babylifestyle #modernparenting #babiesofinstagram #cutebabies #babyproducts #mommymusthaves #strollinginstyle #beststrollers #kunert #kunertwózki
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hquest007 · 6 years ago
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‪It’s another month, which means another Guide To #FakeNews. From #chocolate curing depression to rat #organdonors to #drunk instagramming and so much more. Catch it here:‬ ‪.‬ ‪.‬ ‪https://singledadsguidetolife.com/guide-to-fake-news-volume-29/‬ ‪.‬ ‪.‬ ‪#humor #satire #comedy #laughter #dadlife #dadsquad #BillandTed3 @camerondiaz #instagram #funny #funnymemes #dadsquad #singledad #camerondiaz #keanureeves @billandted3 #walmart #carfire #gunfighter #xmen #igers #instagood #dadblogger #parentblog #hilarious https://www.instagram.com/p/B07fKFQgrtd/?igshid=mdrn0wlz35gl
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jseikel · 3 years ago
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It’s that time of year! Hoodie season! Don’t forget to grab your Dad Squad Hoodie! ⠀ ⠀ #bassfishing #angler #anglerlife #fishingislife #dadlife #survivingdadlife #bass #pondfishing #pondhopping #instafishing #fishinstagram #fishinginstagram #instagramfishing #fishing #outdoors #spillwayfishing #largemouthbass #oklahomafishing #dadsurvivor #dadsquad https://www.instagram.com/p/CVG1M-5Je_j/?utm_medium=tumblr
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slightly-strange-girl · 7 years ago
Sheriff Keller, FP Jones and Fred Andrews roll up and settle shit like #DADSUQAD
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signatureeventx · 4 years ago
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WANT TO WISH A HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO ALL THE AMAZING DADS OUT THERE!! It's always an honor to be in the presence of an amazing dad who inspires and builds to be a provider in the lives of many... Here at @signatureeventx we are chalked full of the greatest group of dads ever known💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾 So from us to you HAVE FATHER'S DAY!! #happyfathersday #fathersday #dadsquad (at Signature Eventx) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQWUoaWhHeF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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coachkai · 4 years ago
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10 Miles 2 Bridges & 3 Boroughs All before sunrise. @shawnlane30 and @runtowards are still out there completing their Virtual @nycmarathon s! Cheer them on! _ #dadsquad #therapysession #dadswhorun #runnersupportingrunners #marathonerssupportingmarathoners #fatherssupportingfathers #tcsnycmarathon (at 2020 TCS NYC Marathon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGugapPHo86/?igshid=4uy9ubk46yec
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jaymaqx · 6 years ago
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It's running season. Got these to help with the brutal shin splints 😊. Hopefully these help. 🤲🤞 . . . . . #fitteachers #teacherfitness #teachersofinstagram #teacherswhoworkout #teachersfollowteachers #fastingforhealth #dadsquad #runninglife #antidiet #onemealaday #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #niketeacher #intermittentfastinglife #icandohardthings #careforyourself #homefitness #fiteducator #healthyteachers #hotdayrunning #teacherswholift #teachergoals #summersoff #teacherworkout #teambeachbody #healthychoices #strongteachers #teachyourheartout (at Levittown, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0BTEzBl6kx/?igshid=19woiuftuqqbt
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mrnogijiujitsu · 6 years ago
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Swim time with my babies. #idaho #smile #swimming #pooltime #dadsquad #dadmode (at The Station Apartments at Gateway) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx8kQ4LnGGS/?igshid=1m8poq1g25xxa
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daycarehero · 6 years ago
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Don't lose today's strength just because you're focusing on tomorrow's problems. #momissues #dadissues #parentingissues #workissues #parenting . . . . . . . . . . #hangon #motivationalquotes #parentingquote #keepgoing #dontgiveup #parentingishard #dad #persistenceiskey #childcare #wellnessmom #dadstuff #dadsquad #dadswhocare #strongmama #fousontoday #postpartum #singleparenting #singleparents #breadwinner #workingmoms #northcarolina #newyorkcity #washingtonstate #texas #california https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu-MkpDgMzi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fvddtj4ulx9a
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 “Even though I’m pretty sure I could handle this on my own, I still appreciate the help moving into my new place. My dad wanted to clear his weekend to come and help but...work keeps him pretty busy. I particularly know he’ll be thrilled to hear how you guys made the creep down below piss his pants when he tried to flirt with me.” 
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ladybcar-a · 6 years ago
hey everyone , sorry I was largely absent yesterday and today. things have been hectic , I’m emotionally drained , and just overall I’m not in the best spirits. also , seeing as I won’t be able to catch the premiere till later tonight ( pst timezone ) , I’m not going to be on tumblr to avoid spoilers. so until then , if you’d like to plot or chat ooc , feel free to hmu on dis/cord.
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geineolai-blog · 6 years ago
sooo —— Imma try to get back into this tumblr rp thing. like for a smol thingy ???
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hquest007 · 7 years ago
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It’s another #Wednesday so while this isn’t exactly #Wednesdaywisdom, it is in fact #fakenews. With so much real depressing news out there, sometimes it’s necessary to #laugh, or cry laughing. And so we curate to you the #topten flakiest fake stories this week. As the Guide proudly presents The Single Dad’s Guide to Fake News: Volume 5. This week has the #eminem and @nickiminaj love fest. . . https://singledadsguidetolife.com/the-single-dads-guide-to-fake-news-volume-5/ . . . #funny #humorous #satire #comedy #laughter #jokes #dadjokes #dadlife #dadsquad #lifestyle #hilarious #nickiminaj #kimkardashian #khloekardashian #silly #dad #igers #instagood
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katribou · 5 years ago
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return of the Dadsquad™️
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sleepybutwriting · 5 years ago
Overwhelmed  |  DadSquad x Reader
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Pairing:  Hawks x Reader  |  Aizawa x Reader  |  All Might x Reader  |  Endeavor x Reader
Summary: After you get turned into a baby, you get overwhelmed by the swarm of fans and reporters that have no intention of leaving you alone.
Request: “Could I get an imagine with the pro heroes where yph has been turned into a baby and a reporter/paparazzi is trying to get pictures of them, because they obviously can’t miss this opportunity, and it’s upsetting baby yph. Baby yph’s lips quiver before they start crying and it’s basically the most heart wrenching thing. - Anonymous”
Notes: Your imagine is here, hope you enjoy!
[Part One]
“What should we do?” Hawks panicked, glancing at the now transformed version of you, who clung to Aizawa while tugging at his capture weapon.
They had just been a few seconds too late. When you got hit with the blast, they thought for sure they had lost you, but when they noticed there was still movement within your hero suit they rushed over to investigate, only to notice that you weren’t gone at all. Whatever quirk that villain hit you with, you weren’t injured. All it had done was turn you into a small defenseless baby. One that no one had any idea what to do with.
They planned to take you home, leaving one of them behind to care for you until they figured out exactly what this is, or how to fix it. However, the paparazzi had caught everything on camera and now they were stuck in a position where they had to clarify questions they don’t even know the answers to themselves.
“I’ll tell you what we’re going to do.” Endeavor spoke up, “We’re going to show them off, explain that they’re okay, and that they’ll be back to normal in no time.”
“But we don’t know that,” All Might panicked, “we don’t know if they’ll be back to normal. Or when that time may come, if it ever does! We’re clueless.”
“We have the guy in custody.” Endeavor explained, “the police are questioning him now, we won’t give specific details until we find everything out, but for now we’re showing that they’re alive, just… smaller.”
Aizawa sighed tightening All Might’s cape that they wrapped around you to keep you warm since your hero suit no longer fit. “Listen, I hate to say it, but those vultures won’t leave us alone until we give them what they want. So we’ll just make it quick.”
Everyone reluctantly nodded giving you one last look before they made their way over to the swarm of press and fans standing off to the sidelines. You seemed unaware of anything that was going on, too distracted by your surroundings, and giggling at the smallest things. It looks like you have no prior knowledge of yourself at all. You’re not acting aware. You’re just acting as any normal child would.
As soon as the crowd noticed that the heroes were coming closer, they immediately started shouting question after question at them. Asking what happened, if you were okay, how long will you be like this. All the questions they knew were coming.
“They’re fine.” Endeavor assured. “We’ll be working on returning them to their normal state as fast as possible.” As Endeavor motioned over to you, all eyes met yours, causing you to start laughing and flailing in Aizawa’s arms, who tightened his hold so as not to drop you.
Your little show, as harmless as it was, caused a frenzy. Everyone was desperate for a picture of ‘The Future Number One Hero,’ now turned baby. The flashes started going off all over the place, causing you to dart your head in all different directions, desperately trying to find the source of the bright light. But as one flash disappeared, two more reappeared, causing your eyes to water in frustration.
Aizawa felt your grip tighten and looked down just in time as you started crying out. The mob seemed unfazed by your reaction, and continued taking picture after picture even as you cried. 
Hawks and All Might both took steps infront of a very pissed off Aizawa, to shield you from any more pictures as Endeavor worked on drawing more attention to himself, allowing the other three men, enough time to take you away.
“No more press!” Aizawa stated sternly, once they were a safe distance away from the crowd. He was rubbing your back softly as you clutched onto his shirt, your tears soaking through the fabric. “I’m serious. We’re not putting them through that again. We should have known those senseless idiots wouldn’t have been able to help themselves.”
They all agreed simultaneously nodding in response. They were definitely going to have to do a better job of protecting you. The baby version of you is new to all of them, so there are bound to be some mistakes along the way. But regardless, they all plan to do their best so they don’t have to hear your little cry again.
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