#daddy subaru
fabunicorn · 2 years
How about interactions with each brothers in forced agre scenario
Oh boy anon your putting me through the wringer here
Gonna be short cuz idk I want it to be short
Forced agere
Strong language
Diaper usage mention
Self harm mention
“Come on baby time for a nap” reiji cooed down at you in your okay playpen.
You looked back up at him with a glare “fuck off you damn blood sucking mosquito from hell” reijis eyes widened in surprise “oh I didn’t know you wanted to be punished today, come on little one legs get this over with.”
“No no papa I’m sorry pls no” you pleaded only for it to fall on deaf ears “I’m Sorry little one but this is what brats like you get”
“Time for your bottle hun” shu said coming into his room with a baby bottle.
“I’m not drinking that shit” you said eyes narrowed at shu “I think you’ll find you will because you don’t get a choice in the matter” and with that he shoved the bottle in your mouth and pinched your nose so you have no choice but to drink “well guess I win” shu said with a mocking smile on his face.”
“Dollchan~ time for me to check your nappy, did my baby go potty like a good girl” Laito sang in a cheery voice.
“No I’m an adult don’t need diapers you freak.”you said turning your back to Laito. Laito laughed “really little one the state of your nappy says otherwise.” He chortled you rolled your eyes “I hate you.” “I love you too”
“Baby doll look at what daddy made for you, it’s a little puffy dress isn’t it cute?” Kanato said smiling creepily at you.
“I’m not wearing that I’m not a baby” you said crossing your arms. His creepy smile turned into a disturbing frown “you little brat, I spent time making this for you, you’ll wear it whether you like it or not” next thing you know you’re in the dress and kanato is showing you off to the others “aww babydoll your so cute.”
“Goddammit” you muttered under your breath.
“Baby girl look daddy has takoyaki don’t you want some.” Ayato said with a Soft smile strapping you into your high chair.
“I don’t want your octopus balls” you said in a sassy tone. With a glare he shoved the takoyaki in your face purposely making a mess “wow little one if you wanted it that badly all you had to do was ask.” He said with a smirk.
“Let’s go look at the pretty roses baby” Subaru says setting you on his hip.
“I can walk by myself and I don’t want to see your shitty flowers.” You said however Subaru just ignored you and carried you outside. “Look hun, these are called roses they have thorns so don’t touch” he said before putting one in your hand getting a thorn stuck in it and crying.
“Awe baby your just too little for flowers aren’t you” he cooed in mock sympathy.
“Come here sweets I’m gonna read you the story of Adam and Eve.” Said Ruki sitting in a comfy chair in the library.
“I don’t want to hear your annoying voice.” You said with a huff. Ruki simply smirked and shoved a pacifier on your mouth “and now I don’t have to hear yours, now where we’re we.” He said before continuing to read.
“Come on baby girl let’s go look at daddy’s garden” Yuma said putting you into your stroller before taking you outside.
“Wow a garden never seen one of these before oh look a strawberry never seen one of those before either.” You said sarcastically, Yuma clenched his jaw before picking a strawberry and putting it in your mouth “now you get to taste one for the first time how nice is daddy” he said before taking you back inside.
“Kitten daddy’s gonna take you to a fan meet won’t that be fun” kou said before packing up your diaper bag and putting you in your car seat.
“No there is no way I’m gonna let thousands of people see me like they especially if they’re as delusional as you.” You said in a panicked voice. Kou narrowed his eyes “well if you wanted that much attention you shouldn’t have just asked I’ll make sure they pay extra attention to you” he said and shut the car door.
He stayed true to his promise and let his fans hold and cuddle you the whole time gushing about how cute kous baby was.
“Little eve, it’s time you learnt about pain” Azusa said with a knife walking up to you.
“No! Please don’t hurt me I’m begging” you sobbed in fear Azusa quickly shushed you “no little eve I won’t hurt you I’ll show you the pleasure of pain.” He said before handing the knife to you.
“Come on baby, if you love daddy you’ll cut him.” He said with pleading eyes but you just kept crying “alright perhaps another day” he said disappointed.
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liquidstar · 2 years
being a re:zero fan means trying as hard as you can to not think about how kenichi and naoko are doing. like i really hope that someway somehow when the story ends, or at some point during it, they at least get somekind of closure. like it makes me so so so sad they love subaru so much they literally love their boy SO much please let them see their boy
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sunlitpizza · 1 year
This is now a blog where I post shitty pictures I took of the sky, probably from inside a Subaru Impreza (sport) named Tsukimi, sorry
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dia-souls · 11 months
Diabolik Lovers Dark and Horrific Facts (Based on HDB and MB Games and CDs) part1/part2
(⚠️ Violence, humiliation, torture, rape,... ⚠️)
Shu tied Yui's hands and feet with chains and tore her clothes with a knife in front of Ayato, stripping her completely naked. ( Versus I Vol.1 Drama CD )
Shu cut Yui's naked body with a knife to make it easier to bleed and suck her blood, threatened to stab her to death if she resisted. ( Versus I Vol.1 Drama CD)
Shu threatened Yui that if she tried to escape, he would trample all the wounded points on her body or even crucify her. ( Versus I Vol.1 Drama CD)
After Reiji lost his mind and killed Yui for having Cordelia's heart, he tried to kill his own father but failed and was killed by Karlheinz. ( MB Brute.End )
After Reiji found out Yuma's identity as Edgar, he tried to kill Yuma in front of Shu to torture him. ( MB Ecstasy.08 )
Reiji leaned Yui's body against the wall of the bathroom and pulled her hair with all his might. ( MB Maniac.02 )
When Ayato lost his mental health, he killed all his brothers to show his power and have Yui only for himself. ( HDB Manservant.End )
Ayato sucked Yui because of having Cordelia's heart until Yui was unable to walk, and then stabbed her to death with a knife. ( HDB Brute.End )
When Ayato got angry, he tied a chain around Yui's neck and pulled it tight, making it difficult for Yui to breathe. ( More,Blood Vol.01 Drama CD )
Kanato killed all of his brothers except for Yui by summoning his Fire power but killed her in a different way and turned her corpse into a wax doll. ( HDB Brute.End )
When Kanato wanted to keep an eye on Yui, he called Teddy by different name, and Yui was suprise to saw him walking. Kanato then said that he is Daddie, not Teddy, and that he is an familiar, not a doll. It shows that he was one of the people that Kanato killed before and now his soul is under Kanato's command. ( MB Dark.09 )
Kanato burned Yui's body in the torture chamber and collected her ashes and put them in a doll, claiming that it was only because he loved Yui and wanted to be with her forever. ( MB Brute.End )
Laito used an unknown device to torture Yui, which was revealed in the manga to be a device for sexual torture. ( HDB Dark.02 )
Laito let Ayato suck Yui's blood and then punished her for Ayato sucking her blood. ( HDB Ecstasy.09 )
In front of Subaru, Laito put a collar around Yui's neck and tightened it so tightly that it was difficult for Yui to breathe. ( Versus I Vol.2 Drama CD)
Laito rips off Yui's clothes so that Subaru can view her body and Yui is embarrassed and humiliated. ( Versus I Vol.2 Drama CD )
Subaru bit Yui very hard and while she was tired of Laito's punishment and was even struggling to breathe, he grabbed her hair and pulled. ( Versus I Vol.2 Drama CD )
While Yui's hands and feet were tied with chains, both Subaru and Laito began to suck her blood and torture her. ( Versus I Vol.2 Drama CD )
Ruki held Yui by the neck from the top of a tower and threatened her with death. ( More,Blood Vol.03 Drama CD )
Ruki threatens to kill Yui if she doesn't beg for his fangs. ( More,Blood Vol.03 Drama CD )
When a cat was injured and Yui was happily taking care of it, Ruki killed the cat. ( MB Maniac.08 )
When Kou stripped Yui to suck her blood, he dug his nails into Yui's wounds to deepen her wounds. ( More,Blood Vol.02 Drama CD )
When Kou cut Yui's body with a knife to suck her blood, he accidentally damaged Yui's heart and killed her. ( MB Brute.End )
Kou forced Yui to wear a dog collar and took her to the park, humiliating her in front of people. ( MB Ecstasy.03 )
Yuma kidnapped Yui and took her to a place where he tore off all her clothes to suck her blood. ( More,Blood Vol.05 Drama CD )
After Yui cried, Yuma taped her mouth shut and threatened to kill her with a knife if she resisted. ( More,Blood Vol.05 Drama CD )
After Yuma lost his mental health, he punched Yui, a girl much smaller and weaker than him, causing her to go into a coma. ( MB Brute.End )
When Azusa was upset about Yui running away, he stabbed and punched Yui repeatedly to express his love for her. ( MB Brute.End )
Azusa wanted Yui only for himself. Therefore, he quarantined her in a room. ( MB Manservant.End )
Azusa kidnapped Yui and stabbed her against her will to suck her blood, seeing it as a way of expressing his love. ( More,Blood Vol.04 )
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incorrect-shoujisquad · 5 months
aizawa as my mom's random outbursts
aizawa: up your fucking ass thats what
shinsou: woAh
shinsou: HI?
eri: daddy shinsou hit me
shinsou, who hasnt moved for the past 20 minutes: HUH?
aizawa: *puts eri in a blanket*
shinsou: UHM??
aizawa: *picks her up and throws her on the beanbag*
aizawa: lets see hitoshi hit that
aizawa: oh shit i just ran like three red lights thats probably not good
aizawa: uh oh here comes some jackoff subaru tryna cut me off
hizashi: please dont rear-end them i still havent recovered from the last time you rear-ended a dumb driver
the rest of the ua staff in the back of the car:
snipe: time for me to get out the car
aizawa: what the fuck is he doing
hizashi: its a random crackhead only god knows what
aizawa: itd be real damn funny if he ran into the road
shinsou: daddy STOP
eri: yeah thats not nice!
aizawa: well his face aint nice but i still have to look at it
aizawa, reading the name of nemuris rice cooker: cuckoo...
nemuri: whats wrong with it >:(
aizawa, just randomly(?): CACAW
masterlist <3
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maychorian · 6 months
Found Family Anime Recs
I recently reblogged a list of found family anime recs and was a bit surprised by how many reblogs and likes it got. I had really reblogged it just so I can find it later to watch the shows I hadn't already seen on the list, but apparently I have a lot of followers who are interested in this topic! Well, I've watched a lot of anime, so here are ten found family anime shows that I absolutely love. These are in no particular order.
Buddy Daddies
This show is similar enough to Spy X Family that you might be tempted to call it a rip-off. It's really quite different though. There's a lot less comedy (though there's still SOME comedy) and a lot more healing from past trauma. The animation is gorgeous, and the relationships really tug at my heart. It's more realistic than Spy X Family, in some ways, though it's still pretty ridiculous. The melodrama in the last couple of episodes did annoy me a bit, but it's still a very satisfying show. It's like a fanfiction I would write, which is really the highest recommendation I can give, haha, because that means it's exactly the kind of story I would like. 
2. Samurai Champloo
This show was made by much of the same team that created Cowboy Bebop, but for some reason it never got the same cult status, which is really too bad. I love Cowboy Bebop, but I love Samurai Champloo more. It's about two ronin and a teenage girl traveling through Edo-era Japan to find someone the girl is looking for. Throughout the series, the three form a very strong bond, despite all of their communication difficulties and past traumas. I've rewatched this show probably more than any other anime. It's brutal at times, but so very satisfying.
3. Natsume Yuujin-cho
Natsume lost his parents as a young child and was passed around from relative to relative, most of whom couldn't deal with him because his ability to see yokai (Japanese folk spirits) made him a freak in their eyes. As the series starts, he's finally taken in by an older couple in a rural village who actually want him, and he's finally able to start forming connections with other people and find a support system with his new caretakers, his peers, and the yokai he tries to help. It's a very sweet, sad series, much more sentimental than the first two entries on this list, but a very soothing and lovely watch when you are in need of some relaxation. Warning, though, the flashbacks to Natsume's past families can be truly gutwrenching. He was not treated well for a very long time, and it's hard to stomach.
4. Barakamon
Handa is a calligrapher who gets essentially exiled to a remote island after causing problems on purpose. He has a hard time connecting with people and is struggling with his art. Over the course of the story, he forms relationships with his neighbors, especially an adorable child with possibly the best child voice-acting I've ever heard, and slowly rediscovers his joy in creation again. It's cute and funny and beautiful, and it makes me want to live on a remote Japanese island.
5. My Roommate Is a Cat
Subaru is a young novelist who recently lost his parents, who were pretty much his only connection to humanity. While trying to recover from this massive loss, he adopts a stray cat who quickly becomes the most important creature in his life. Through the cat, he begins to form relationships with other people, as well. The show is unique in that the first half of each episode is from the human's POV and the second half is from the cat's POV. It's a very lovely and soothing show. Pets are family, too!
6. Haikyuu
Haikyuu was the show that opened my eyes to the aspect of found family in sports anime. I know a lot of tumblr enjoys Haikyuu for the shipping, but to me it's more satisfying to view it through the lens of found family. Each team is essentially their own found family, in their own unique way, and the relationships are particularly realistic and well-depicted by this mangaka. I love Tanaka being a big brother to the first years, Kuroo and Kenma's mutual protectiveness and support, all of it. 
7. Kuroko no Basuke
This is the silly basketball show, and in my opinion it's not as good as Haikyuu, but I love the relationships here as well. Especially between Kuroko and Kagami, of course. Their mutual protectiveness is just chef's kiss. But the whole Seirin team is really great. I love them so much. The teamy goodness is what makes the silliness watchable for me.
8. One Piece
What is there to say about One Piece? This is, like, the ultimate found family show. All of the pirate crews with any kind of goodness at their core are found families, but especially the Strawhats. Luffy is just going around looking at people and declaring, "Okay, you're in my family (on my crew) now." If you've never watched One Piece before, I'm going to make an unorthodox recommendation and suggest you watch the live action Netflix adaption first. It does a really good job of capturing the feel and aesthetic and just pure loveliness of this story in a much more compact and approachable way than the anime. However, if you like it, I do recommend that you watch the anime from the beginning, because there is a lot of expansion on the themes there, and the characterization is slightly different. Usopp in particular kinda got shorted in the live action, so you'll understand him a lot more if you watch his introduction arc in the anime. But honestly both versions are great. I'm on my third rewatch of the live action version already, and I will watch and rewatch the anime until I die, probably. One of my favorite stories of all time.
9. The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash
I found this one slightly annoying in how it was obviously carefully designed to tug at my heartstrings, but it's working, so I don't have much right to complain. It's about a little kid driven out of her home who gradually gathers a found family of both monsters she tames and adult adventurers and guardsmen who take one look at this lonely child and go, "Well, guess I have a baby now." The isekai element is very lowkey, in that she basically just has a voice in her head giving her advice, and I like that it's about fighting local corruption instead of a demon army or what have you. I want more shows like this and less shows like every other generic isekai, haha.
10. Dungeon Meshi
This show is blowing up tumblr right now, so you've probably already seen it a billion times, but I'm going to make one more appeal for you to watch/read this story. It is so, so so good. And in my opinion, it is much MUCH more about family, both born and found, than it is about shipping. I could write a whole essay about Marcille and Falin's relationship that has nothing to do with romance, as I could for any other two (or three or four) characters in the main party, plus those outside. There is a LOT going on. I've been playing RPGs and LARPs for twenty years, and one reason I love the hobby so much is for the joy of creating found families with my best friends in new and different worlds, over and over again. This is the first piece of fiction I've found that really captures that particular aspect of party-based fantasy stories, the relationships that form and grow, the tight-knit bonds that keep everyone moving forward despite the monsters you must face (and consume). 
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Boys Round 1 Matchups!
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Side A
L Lawliet (Death Note) VS Muichirou Tokito (Demon Slayer)
Gohan (Dragon Ball Z) VS Kiibo/K1-B0 Idabashi (Danganronpa)
Haruka Sakurai (Milgram) VS Seishirou Nagi (Blue Lock)
Satoru Gojou (Jujutsu Kaisen) VS Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Umetarou Nozaki (Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun) VS Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
Gin Gagamaru (Blue Lock) VS Taisei Yoshida (Assassination Classroom)
Itona Horibe (Assassination Classroom) VS Souichi Tanuma (Those Snow White Notes)
Light Yagami (Death Note) VS Tenma Matsukaze (Inazuma Eleven)
Shouto Todoroki (My Hero Academia) VS Sunny (Omori)
Broly (Dragon Ball Super) VS Kaworu Nagisa (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Yu Narukami/Souji Seta (Persona 4) VS Sechs (XBlaze)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa) VS Kento Nanami (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Nate River/Near (Death Note) VS Kyouya Ootori (Ouran High School Host Club)
Mash Burnedead (Mashle: Magic and Muscles) VS Noiz (DRAMAtical Murder)
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS Kabuto Yakushi (Naruto)
Lan Wangji (Mo Dao Zu Shi) VS Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai)
James (Pokémon) VS Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Yuusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5) VS Tsubasa Yuunagi (Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure)
Hitoshi-san (Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls) VS Illumi Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
Mikazuki Augus (Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans) VS Wakatoshi Ushijima (Haikyuu!!)
Homare Arisugawa (A3!) VS Kamille Bidan (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam)
Subaru Mikazuki (My Roommate is a Cat) VS Atsushi Murasakibara (Kuroko no Basket)
Tanaka (Tanaka-kun is Always Listless) VS Natural Harmonia Gropius (Pokémon)
Haru (Tsuritama) VS Giorno Giovanna (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Floyd Leech (Twisted Wonderland) VS Laios Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
Touma Akechi (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Trafalgar D. Water Law (One Piece)
Lotte “Roy” Carmine (BlazBlue) VS Gon Freecss (Hunter x Hunter)
Nahoya “Smiley” Kawata (Tokyo Revengers) VS Senkuu Ishigami (Dr. Stone)
Ash Ketchum (Pokémon) VS Mafuyu Satou (Given)
Alhaitham (Genshin Impact) VS Shichirou Balam (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Shintarou Kisaragi (Kagerou Project) VS Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Toshinari Seki (Tonari no Seki-kun) VS Takashi Natsume (Natsume’s Book of Friends)
Side B
Haruka Nanase (Free!) VS Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai)
Takeo Gouda (My Love Story!!) VS Karna (Fate)
Shintarou Midorima (Kuroko no Basket) VS Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece) VS Junpei Tenmyouji (Zero Escape)
Sig (Puyo Puyo) VS Kanata Shinkai (Ensemble Stars)
Kyoujurou Rengoku (Demon Slayer) VS Yugi Mutou (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Legoshi (Beastars) VS Gaien "Enkidu" Enkidou (Under Night In-birth)
Doppo Kunikida (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Hiroshi Odokawa (Odd Taxi)
Kusuo Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Katsuya Serizawa (Mob Psycho 100)
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa) VS Haruhito Yano (Odd Taxi)
Yotasuke Takahashi (Blue Period) VS Manjirou "Mikey" Sano (Tokyo Revengers)
Kyouya Onodera (Talentless Nana) VS Misumi Ikaruga (A3!)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) VS Shu Itsuki (Ensemble Stars)
Meguru Bachira (Blue Lock) VS Ren Mihashi (Big Windup!)
Ranpo Edogawa (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Kaito (Vocaloid)
Zero (Puyo Puyo) VS Masayoshi Hazama (Samurai Flamenco)
Genos (One Punch Man) VS Jotaro Kujo (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Vivia Twilight (Master Detective Archives: Raincode) VS Sora Harukawa (Ensemble Stars)
Satori Tendou (Haikyuu!!) VS Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic X)
Houtarou Oreki (Hyouka) VS Kabane Kusaka (Kemono Jihen)
Ghiaccio (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) VS Tenya Iida (My Hero Academia)
Malleus Draconia (Twisted Wonderland) VS Tetsuya Kuroko (Kuroko no Basket)
Kensuke Aida (Neon Genesis Evangelion) VS Goku (Dragon Ball)
Shinichi Kudou/Conan Edogawa (Detective Conan) VS Toya Aoyagi (Project Sekai)
Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies) VS Gin Ibushi (Your Turn to Die)
Jade Leech (Twisted Wonderland) VS Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3)
Xiao (Genshin Impact) VS Loid Forger (Spy x Family)
Souya "Angry" Kawata (Tokyo Revengers) VS Sabro Sabnock (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney) VS Tobio Kageyama (Haikyuu!!)
Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter) VS Saitama (One Punch Man)
Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear) VS Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity)
Subaru Natsuki (Re: Zero) VS Yusei Fudo (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds)
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seat-safety-switch · 11 months
We all do a little worshipping of historic brands, don't we? Maybe it's a beloved childhood toy company, a kind of candy you can't stop eating, or simply a type of hammer that isn't shit. Every single human being on earth identifies more strongly with one or more brands, than they do the other person in traffic.
Nowhere is this brand obsession more apparent than with cars. For my sins, I was raised in a "Ford family," where the idea of aligning with other products was altogether forbidden. Sure, my parents flirted with the occasional Chevy or Chryco product, but any failure on those cars, no matter how small, was a condemnation of the whole brand. Plymouth Voyager have a teeny-tiny electrical fire? Must be those lazy Mopar workers again, stealing bread right out of the mouth of FoMoCo employees. I knew I should have bought an Aerostar.
Even if you weren't firmly in the camp of a car when you bought it, the idea of having your purchase decision challenged will force you to adhere to the norms of the in-group. For instance, I once owned a half-dozen mouldering Subarus, and my attorney would like me to not finish this sentence with a comment on how I was implicated in the violent gang-swarming of a Mitsubishi Evo owner. In my defence, he was trying to buy the last flame-tipped titanium Tomei muffler.
Like in European royalty, though, brand loyalty gets real weird when you start mixing it up. My own Volare is putatively a Plymouth, sure, but virtually no part of it is original. There's no room for ideology when you have to get to work in the morning. All this desperate tinkering has installed things like Ford axles, Nissan electrical parts, and Cuban tractor engines running entirely off of waste vegetable oil and nitromethane that I occasionally spit directly into the intake.
And that's just the parts I can pronounce: Daddy AliExpress has stuffed my shitbox with hundreds of other components that I would need a Chinese-to-English dictionary and several hours on Wikipedia in order to approach a brand rivalry for. That doesn't mean you're off the hook, Changxi Heavy Industrial. I will remember your betrayal of Jinan PLK Self-Propelled Lift Corporation until my dying day.
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fabunicorn · 1 year
How would the diabolik lovers daddies (you can choose which family) react to a baby that BITES them when they’re upset or happy. It’s an uno reverse! The vampires are getting bit left and right because they’ve got a “teething” little one!
Hey everyone it's been a while I know and I apologise , for that I only lend to write when I am feeling extremely anxious but thanks anon for the ask and I hope you all enjoy
- Forced agere
- And idk let me know if I am missing something.
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I feel that the boys would be delusional Yanderes they truly believe you are A baby well... A baby vampire that is, so they are almost ecstatic about your biting, your fangs must be coming through!
Though that is not to say they wont be annoyed with you because they will, the first time you bit someone they were shocked was this an act of rebellion? No it must be your fangs finally coming through. Although you did give Laito a shock, he was sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden you crawled up to him and bit his hand " baby that was very naughty we don't bite daddy" he scolded with a soft glare.
After a while they begin to get annoyed at your constant biting, yes little one we know your fangs hurt but that is no reason to hurt your daddies, when the scalding and timeouts doesn't work they resort to more physical methods like paci gags so you cannot bite them anymore.
Good luck biting with your paci in little one :)
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uusercatt367 · 2 months
Your opinion on the Sakamaki brothers??
they all need to go see a therapist ASAP
That’s a good question cuz I hate all of them, as a Yui Stan it feels illegal for me to love them lol /Jk but I’ll have to say that they’re so funny when they act like actual siblings and some times they can be nice to her plus the reason I first got to watch the Anime is because I thought they looked hot 👹👹, but I’ll rank them from favorite to least favorite.
Ayato -
1. I know it’s pretty basic but I just can’t betray my 13 year old self cuz when I first saw him I instantly got a crush on him and he’ll always have a special place in my heart lol, Every time he speaks it instantly makes me crack up laughing, He’s such a narcissist I live for it, And yet sometimes he just annoys me Like bro stop making fun of Yui’s chest like he got bigger than hers 😟😟😟
Subaru -
2. Another favorite of mine is Subaru and it’s just because he’s actually so nice despite him having major anger issues, he’s game routes are my favorite out of everyone, I swear if he wasn’t a vampire he would be even nicer to Yui, And yes of course there were times that he was so cruel to her and it’s no excuse, but cut him some slack he got mommy and daddy issues 😾
Shu / Reiji -
3. It’s a tie between Shu and Reiji, I’m sorry I just can’t choose in my opinion they’re the prettiest along side Ayato, I’m just rlly into smart characters with mommy issues ( here referring to Reiji 👹 ) Also let’s talk about how much Shu describes my whole personality lol I also sleep and listen to music the whole time but I’m not cold like him and he’s actually really funny, their interaction together is really interesting / funny, I always love when they interact.
Laito -
4. I don’t have any major opinion about him, I’m not really into pervert characters but he is hilarious, I know he has some severe trauma ( well like the rest of them ) yet again there’s no excuse to anything that they did to Yui. If I’m being honest my first reaction to him was “ who is this Chuuya looking dude 💀💀 “
Kanato -
5. Now let me be honest and don’t come after me for this cuz I know a lot of people like Kanato but I hate him sm 💀, He is so annoying and my anger issues could never handle him, that one coffee scene with Yui in the Anime still pisses me off to this day, I swear if I was Yui I would start slapping the shit out of him, he acts like he either bullies or gets bullied by kids on Roblox. But I do like his aesthetic and his whole creepy vibe overall and maybe if he was taller I would’ve liked him more ^^ // Jk
Kino -
6. Can’t say much about him I just haven’t finished his route in LE yet but from what I’ve learned till now he’s an IPad kid and really into guava juice…
!!And just for the record if I said something that pissed you off I’m sorry but this is just an opinion.!!
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TKATB - Theories, wahoo.
This will contain spoilers for Days 1 and 2 of @fantasia-kitt 's 'The Kid At The Back', along with containing mentions of material found on her Twitter (https://twitter.com/fantasia_kitt).
This is mostly based off things I've picked apart and/or kinda pieced together. If you feel I'm incorrect, or am missing something; hell, if you have any theories of your own, please share!
Anyway, the actual theories (apologies in advance if the rambling is...uh...too rambly).
- Okay, so considering the fact Jess was moved into the ‘Lower Class’ school, it means that she either failed a class or got a ‘violation’ (those are the conditions for being moved down, according to Hyugo). Brittney mentioned how ‘confident and loud’ Jess is when she’s angry, and Brittney apparently was popular at some point, but lost it at the party (it was mentioned a few times by Deryl) 2 years ago due to an incident. I think maybe Brittney was being bullied and Jess lost her shit, maybe even got physical? And that led to the duo being sent to the ‘Lower Class’ school.
- Subaru (Geo) and Hyugo are mentioned to be brothers, but Hyugo says “Subaru! I wasn’t expecting to see you here!”, which could mean Geo (due to him being rich af) was moved down as well??? Hyugo and Geo are brothers but have different surnames, so I have a feeling (also because Geo is said to have daddy issues by Fantasia herself), that maybe Subaru Oogami and Hyugo Sugimoto aren’t related.
- Continuing that, Hyugo is the ‘traitor’ that the ‘Rough-Voiced Man’ was looking for in the cinema, so he’s obviously affilated with some dodgy people, and we know he hates injustice, so perhaps he is a mercenary or assassin of sorts (he did canonically kill somebody, with Sol witnessing it, check Fantasia’s twitter); and that could be why Geo avoids him? Hell, why does Subaru even go by Geo? Is it a codename, like Geo Sugimoto, is he hiding his real identity?
- With the person who threatened MC and their father with taking the farm, and the Marie Antoinette references, maybe the ‘handsome man’ is Crowe’s father? Hell, maybe even Eries, the fuchsia-eyed celebrity Jess loves. Along with that, the 'moral' I suppose of her biography was along the lines of: change is inevitable, either you deny it, or accept it. It'll happen anyway, what changes is your role and reaction to it (say you choose Crowe, Sol'll lose his marbles; if you choose Sol, Crowe might move on...unless he's also insane but I doubt it).
- Flowers seem to be important symbolism-wise, like the carnation and passionflower mentions made by Crowe (carnations can mean love for someone, or purity if white, or rejection/disappointment if yellow. Passionflowers mean renewal and hope I think). Brugmansia is also a poisonous flower, so it hints to Sol being a ‘poison’ that could kill us.
- I've seen this mentioned by @sweet-herbal-peach-tea (I'm sorry for tagging you anon, I wanted to credit you; also check their theories out as well anons), but I'll add it here anyway: With the prominence of Edgar Allan Poe's 'Annabel Lee', it could hint to Sol having loved us either in a past life...or...maybe we - the MC - look identical to a past lover of his, one who maybe passed; and he's deluded himself into thinking we are them?
Now for my favourite ones:
- The Hallow’s Ball, the event Deryl mentions on the groupchat, is on Friday. Assuming the game will be 7 days long and that Day 1 is Monday, that means Day 5 is crucial. It could be a catalyst, hell it may even decide what ending you get (Fantasia said there’ll probably be about 5, 1 true, 2 good, 2 bad; albeit that could change). Geo mentions he doesn’t want to go, neither does Brittney, but I think she will due to the fact Jess is. It may decide whether you choose Crowe or Sol, along with finalising relations with the other characters.
- Hyugo also mentions ‘taking care of Sol for him’, implying his absence…or even death. Hyugo pulls a gun on a person who seems to know him, maybe the boss of a crime syndicate? Hyugo hates injustice, so maybe the missing persons cases are being caused by people Hyugo knows, and he wants to stop them? I think if Hyugo vanishes (hell, it’s already known that he doesn’t always show up to class), it might be a way to get more info out of Geo.
That’s all I got off the top of my head lol, if it seems janky, I'm sorry. ;^
And uuh...yeah. This is my first Tumblr post so yeah. Love this Visual Novel and cannot wait to see more! (Especially of Geode lmfao).
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emwheezie · 8 months
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Who are you choosing if my characters were in a dating sim?
Gremlin mode
Daddy issues
Bad hair
Musical/Creative genius. Perfect pitch
Doesn't shower
Ate a lasagna once
Doesn't know how to use his words
Fights drywall
Movie watcher
Chicken addiction
Street smart
Closeted Weezer fan
Dunkin Donuts
Shoes on the bed
Green Day
Might be silly
Goes up the stairs on all fours
Stressed/depressed/poorly dressed
PBC singer and lead guitar
Crazy driver
Mall pretzels
Catholic school survivor
Emotionally smart/book smart
Stressed/depressed/dressed to impress
Afraid of getting old/ugly
Wants to fight the MBTA
Might be delusional
throws up from anxiety
Redbull and Taco Bell
Loves dogs
Green Day
Saw Moses (biblical) in the woods while high with Theo
Lactose intolerant
Finds meaning in everything
Always in a relationship
PBC bassist and "manager"
Might have killed a man
Man Bun
Posts on DeviantART
Loves dragons
whispers and shakes
Future tattoo artist
Movie connoisseur
Might be a furry...?
LOVES the Saw movie franchise
Protective and loyal
Street smart
Stays up all night in the dark
In an online relationship
Does what he wants
Doesn't waste time
Sparkling water enjoyer
Tea drinker
Never listened to a music in his life
Guitarist in a band (PBC)
From New Hampshire
Golden retriever personality 
Grew up with 8 siblings
Joined the military after High School
Eats Oatmeal?
Doesn't wear a seatbelt
Outdoorsy/hiking adventures
Works at a club/bar with his wife, Gia
Is a cinnamon roll
Emotionally smart
Saw Moses (biblical) in the woods while high with Tony
Calls music his "funky jams"
Forgets his shoes
Mtn Dew
Kidney Stones
His appendix exploded once
PBC drummer
Loves alcohol
Hates the government
Hates the IRS
Has never paid taxes
No sense of personal space/very touchy
Climbs things
Grilled cheese enthusiast  
Dunkin Donuts manager
Aliens are 4 realz
loves video games
Wicked smart
Goes to MIT for like space engineering or something idk
Makes monkey noises
"I have to be both the sexiest and most mentally challenged person in the room at all times"
Obsessed with skin walkers
Conspiracy theories
Graphic design
Urban Explorer
Abandoned things
Summer time vibes
Lives in sleeveless shirts
Black coffee drinker
health freak/gym rat
Smokes cigarettes (hey we all have our vices)
Secretly gay
Chronic complainer
Works at zumies
Does graffiti 
Runs from his problems
Travels for work
Drives a modded Subaru
Preforms unethical experiments in the sims 3
Loves cows
So many many plushies there's no room for her in the bed
weezer fan
Talks a lot
Lots of keychains/charms
Good listener
HAS to be the BEST at anything she does
Grew up with strict parents
Working too many hours at Dunkin Donuts
Former ballet/dancer
Likes to bake and really good at it!
Compulsive liar
"I have a twin sister who goes to another school"
Gets jealous easily
Body image problems/eating disorders :(
Emotionally Immature 
Spider eyelashes
A nose ring is "rebelling from my parents"
Currently in college
Afraid of change
Emotional support eldest daughter
Loves to sing
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gummidino1 · 8 months
Dungeons and Daddies Headcanons
*I will not take criticism I am sleep deprived
Darryl thinks Eminem and Slim Shady are two different people.
Ron does not like boba. The texture freaks him out to almost an extreme degree.
Glenn secretly enjoys the band Falling in Reverse but makes fun of their newer stuff.
Henry votes in/on everything. Every election; local, state, and federal. Every community thing, every HOA meeting, hell, even his own family votes on things in their own household.
Glenn does not vote due to his apprehensions about the government.
Henry and Glenn meet up once a month to smoke weed after their adventures. Henry has a specific outfit he keeps vacuum sealed in the Subaru for this so he doesn’t come back home smelling like weed.
Darryl advocated hard for Grant attending public school over private Catholic school when he and Carol were deciding what school he would attend.
Glenn’s apartment smells like weed and cheap scented candles.
Ron calls birth marks “angel kisses”.
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diabolik-art-blog · 11 months
Moni's Ships Ranking
Inspiration by @callmeklair and @its-irsaa-fyp
OK let's go with my ranking for all DL ships. All these ranking is my personal opinion and nobody have to be agree with it. So be respectful and don't impose your opinions to me. Thank you ^^
1_ Shu Sakamaki x Yui Komori
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This ship is my comfort ship. From all stories even out of DL fandom. Their relationship is so adorable. Shu is so loyal to Yui. And he improved a lot just because of Yui. He learnt to love and care for people who are important to him. And even when Yui was blind Shu didn't give up on her and continues his love to her. He afraid of fire but jumped into fire to save Yui. And even in Ruki's lost eden bad ending Shu protected Yui after she lost her mental health. This man is great. His love to Yui is so adorable.
2_ Ruki Mukami x Yui Komori
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I love Ruki so much and in my opinion he can be best boyfriend for Yui in some ways. Ruki and Yui both love books and I can see they spending their times on reading books and sharing their ideas together. Ruki really improved so much. When he found out that he doesn't want to be snake and he wants to love Yui and betrayed Karlheinz shows that he can change so much because of Yui. And I love how Ruki calls Yui Angel. Because she really is.
3_ Carla Tsukinami x Yui Komori
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I guess you all see that I have a soft side for older brother T_T . Carla is Victorian king to me and I really love historical and Victorian stories. Even though Carla started very rough but we see how much he improved. He always said that Yui taught him kindness and I really adore their ship. Carla learned to Love just because of Yui.
4_ Subaru Sakamaki x Yui Komori
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I think this ship is already enough popular. Both in Japanese and western fandom. After Shuyui this ship is second in Japan and I don't blame them. Subaru is so adorable and he really loves Yui to the point he can't live without Yui. His tsundere and soft side towards Yui always make me cry so loud T_T. Pure angel with another angel is best.
5_ Kino Sakamaki x Yui Komori
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After reading lost Eden I suddenly trapped by Kino. He is just a cutie and he needs more attention by fandom. When he said he loves Yui even more than his own life I felt my heart was going crazy. He is my baby boy. And I love his ship with Yui.
6_ Yuma Mukami x Yui Komori
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Baby bear with his tiny girlfriend. Shut up their relationship is God. They are so fucking adorable together I can't T_T and let's accept Yuma has saddest bad endings. Whenever he loses Yui, he apologize for failing to protect her. This boy is really angel and nobody can change my mind.
7_ Laito Sakamaki x Yui Komori
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Let me be honest guys. I have a very big dirty mind and Laito's completes it so well. TBH I didn't like Laito's HDB route. It was too cruel for my baby girl Yui. But let's accept Laito improved almost more than all characters.
8_ Kou Mukami x Yui Komori
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Well Kou is kinda like Laito. He was so sadistic at first. But he saw Yui as his blue sky and I adore it so much. If he tries more he can be a really good boyfriend.
9_ Shin Tsukinami x Yui Komori
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My feelings towards them is a little complicated. I need to know them more but still I like them so much.
10_ Reiji Sakamaki x Yui Komori
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Don't blame me. Reiji is always against my baby Shu so I can't love him that much. But his ship with Yui is so fucking hot. Really daddy.
11_ Azusa Mukami x Yui Komori
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Azusa is literally an angel. I almost love him as much as I love Yui. But you know his ship with Yui is so soft and cute. I can't help my dirty mind but I need sexy ships more. Still in my personal opinion Azusa is the only one who really deserves Yui.
12_ Kanato Sakamaki x Yui Komori
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Kanato is not my type. Most of the times he scares me and I think Yui has very hard time with him. Of course Kanato grows but poor Yui is really tired. I hope Kanato grows more.
13_ Ayato Sakamaki x Yui Komori
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Sorry not sorry but I even don't ship Ayato with Yui. Because I don't like him. He always gets on my nerves and he is not really my cup of tea. I still respect his fans and I know he has a lot and I ask them to respect me too. I think rejet completely forgot about other boys and everything is about Ayato just because they wanna make him look popular and big????? Sorry but Ayato really doesn't need this attention by rejet. He already has enough attention and rejet is making other boys to be forgotten. I really don't like it. His personality is not my type. Sorry.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 10 months
this is literally all i could think about on my drive to work today so i present to you
what cars would vox machina drive?
keyleth: you know she's a subaru girlie, olive green and dented (bc lbr keyleth would not be the best driver) and covered in just ALLLL the bumper stickers, for state parks and liberal politicians from like two decades ago and charities she doesn't even remember donating to (she has three different "who saved who?" bumper stickers and she doesn't know how she got any of them). there's a rattle that starts whenever she gets over 40 mph but she's choosing to ignore it.
percy: this is an old money bitch so you know he has a bunch of cars, mercedes and aston martins and bentleys, but i think his go-to is a brick of a rolls royce, dark gray bc black is too obvious
vax: an olllllllld black thunderbird that is absolutely falling apart, just a complete hazard to have on the roads, but vax pours any excess dollar he has into keeping the piece of shit running bc he loves it so much
vex: a sensible, clean honda civic sport (blue) that has every single bell and whistle offered but that she negotiated down to $10k below the sticker price. she will drive this thing into the fucking ground before she gets a new one. the back seat has a special protector/sling thing for trinket.
pike: just the most absolute unit of a gargantuan pick-up truck you can imagine. something that no self-respecting construction professional would even drive, just so fucking mammoth that the TIRES are taller than pike. she has special electric stairs that descend so she can get in. she has this because a) she is a monster and she deserves it and b)
grog failed his driver's test (both written and practical) six times before just giving up, so he just goes wherever pike goes
scanlan: a tricked-out cadillac he had specially painted the most gnarly shade of purple with sparkling gold rims and LED lights along the undercarriage that are linked to his illegal stereo that he is always bumping way too loud with the windows down. just a fucking pimpmobile of a vehicle. leather seats that you do NOT want to look at under a black light and special hidden compartments for the contraband he insists he has but absolutely does not.
tary: this twunk drives a gold porsche 911, and he hates giving his friends rides when they need one but when he does, he makes them take their shoes off. do NOT ask him for the aux, it is a waste of your time. he is an insanely reckless driver, and once he finally wrecks the porsche for good, he's shocked to learn how much they cost (this one was a gift), so vex drags him kicking and screaming to honda to get him a civic of his own (not as nice as hers bc without daddy's money he definitely can't afford it).
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the-great-empress · 1 month
Revival nostalgic
Part I:
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The first reverse harem anime and otome game I watched, so there is a lot of nostalgia here
Group songs 😏
Literally at that time I didn't know the meaning of "bitch", thanks to Laito I know, thanks son of a bitch ;)
The character songs 😏
Sadism and masochism, sadomasochism~
Before and Now: This is wrong, they are sick degenerates... I LIKE IT~!
I still like the color palettes and style of both the games and the anime.
Shuu vs Om! Belphegor vs Whb? Belphegor vs Leona Kingscholar
Kanato's “dolls” 💀
Kanato's route ☠️☠️
Kou vs Whb? Paimon vs Vil Schoenheit vs Om! Asmodeus
*Machoist mode* Shuu team, Subaru Team and Carla Team 😏
Karlheinz beats Diavolo and Om! Barbatos together
Subaru = Tsun-de-re-e-mo-kun~
Karlheinz the worst father, stepfather, brother-in-law, husband and brother, but good sugar Daddy
Karlheinz = Frankenstein
Karlheinz aka Zeus 2.0
Sakamaki brothers aka Mommy, Brothers and Daddy issues
Who is Kino?
Wtf? And that tree? *I see the context* Ahh...
Kino aka The illegitimate
Mukami Brothers aka The healthiest family in the franchise (in a good way)
Tsukinami Brothers aka Mommy, Brothers and Daddy issues 2.0 with procreation😏
Cordelia, queen of sluts
Karlheinz = Ketchup
The best songs of openings
Teddy 🪦
Motto Hoshiin Daro?
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When I saw these kinds of scenes again and listened to the songs again:
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