#daddy!henry x black little!reader
mysunshinetemptress · 3 months
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Unseen, Unwanted, Indifferent
Leah Williamson x McCabe!reader
Warnings: Pure angst
Read part 1&2 here-You see me Wanted,Unwanted
The makeup wipe snagged on a stray eyelash, leaving a black streak against your cheek. Frustration bubbled up, mirroring the turmoil in your stomach. Leah's birthday party was in two hours, and doubt gnawed at you like a hungry rat.
The vintage Thiery Henry jersey framed in corner of your room, the one you didn't even debate on gifting to Leah, suddenly felt childish, a relic from a past life before Leah. A life where "pretty enough" wasn't a constant mantra echoing in your head.
What if she didn't like it," "What if she wanted you to buy her a fancy necklace...a ring...a bracelet, not a jersey that had been hanging up in your bedroom since you were seven." You shook your head "She'll love it her Mam said so."
You forced a smile, the reflection in the mirror unconvincing. Leah's Mam might have said it, but sometimes moms sugarcoated things, especially when it came to their precious daughters. You gnawed on your lip, the familiar metallic tang a grounding presence.
The jersey, a faded crimson with the legendary "14" emblazoned on the back, held memories. Memories of childhood afternoons spent glued to the TV, mesmerized by Henry's lightning-fast runs and audacious goals. It wasn't just a jersey; it was a symbol of a passion you shared with Leah, a connection forged over the love for a team, and the idolisation of the same player.
Taking a deep breath. Maybe it wasn't a diamond necklace, but it was genuine. You weren't some sugar daddy showering Leah with trinkets, you were her girlfriend, someone who understood the pure joy of a perfectly placed volley.
Suddenly, a different fear pricked at you. What if you weren't good enough to attend her party as her girlfriend, you were quite and happy to fade into the back with your small circle, Leah was a social butterfly, someone who didn't mind attention and fed off it well, were you good enough for her.
You rang out your hands shaking your head, of course, you were you had to be she wouldn't be dating you this long if she didn't think you were good enough for her, pretty enough for her, right?
"She loves me, she said so herself," you whispered to yourself as you looked at yourself in the mirror again before turning to the clock.
The pep talk you delivered yourself wasn't entirely convincing. You grabbed the frame, the crimson a little duller under the harsh light, and held it against your chest. It felt reassuringly familiar, the worn fabric whispering stories of epic matches and shared cheers.
Grabbing your phone, you scrolled through Leah's social media. Pictures of her beaming next to the girls, all perfectly styled and radiating confidence, filled the screen. Each one felt like a tiny jab of doubt. But then, tucked between selfies with the Arsenal, Lioness and Milton Keynes friends, was a picture of you two, arms linked, celebrating a goal during a recent match. Leah's smile was genuine, her eyes crinkled with laughter, focused solely on you.
"She loves you," you breathed, a mantra against the storm brewing inside.
Taking a deep breath, you messaged Leah. "On my way! Can't wait to celebrate with you." A heart emoji followed a small gesture that felt significant right now.
Arriving into the private room the music thumps loudly in your ears as you search for someone you might know, your sister or Leah preferably.
The door swung shut behind you, plunging you into a cacophony of pulsing music and excited chatter. Strobe lights cast the room in a dizzying array of colors, momentarily obscuring the faces in the crowd. The vintage jersey felt heavy against your chest, a symbol of your anxieties more than a birthday gift.
A knot formed in your stomach as you scanned the room. Faces blurred together – a sea of unfamiliar laughter and flashing smiles. Panic clawed at your throat. Where was Leah? Where was anyone you recognized?
Just as despair threatened to engulf you, a familiar figure emerged from the throng. Your sister, clad in a brightly colored dress that clashed spectacularly with the club's dim lighting, spotted you and waved enthusiastically, a beacon in the sea of strangers. Relief washed over you as you hurried towards her, the pounding music muted by the whoosh of returning confidence.
"Hey you!" Katie greeted you with a hug, her voice barely audible over the music. "There you are! I was starting to think you got lost."
"Almost did," you admitted, a nervous laugh escaping your lips. You cast a glance around the room again, searching for Leah amongst the dancing bodies. "Have you seen Leah?"
"She's over by the food table," your sister pointed towards the opposite corner of the room. "Looks like she's being swarmed by admirers." She gave you a knowing wink.
A pang of insecurity flickered within you. Images of Leah's social media feed flashed in your mind – the dazzling smiles, the effortless coolness of her friends. Would you be overshadowed by the crowd? Were you good enough for her world?
Taking a steadying breath, you squared your shoulders. You weren't here to compete. You were here for Leah, for the shared passion that transcended the glitz and the noise. With a newfound determination, you thanked your sister and weaved your way through the throng of dancing bodies, the pulsating music thrumming in your chest, a rhythm that echoed the beat of your own heart.
Katie nudged you "Come on, I've actually got a surprise for you." You looked at her brows pushed together in confusion. Surprise. What surprise ? it wasn't your birthday.
You smiled as you arrived in front of Leah, butterflies erupting as she turned to look at you her own smile seeming to grow ten times bigger, suddenly every doubt you'd had throughout the night had disappeared and was replaced by swells of butterflies lots and lots of butterflies.
Leah moved pulling you into a tight hug "I was starting to think you might never show." You shook your head "I wouldn't miss it for anything." Leah squeezed your hand looking down at the frame before looking at Katie as the Irish girl cleared her throat.
"Before Y/n gives you her present, I thought I would give you mine." Katie paused as Leah felt her heart sink, squeezing your hand to gain your attention you turned still smiling only for it to falter at the look on the older girl's face "Y/n..I...I'm so sorry." You titled your head slightly confusion written across your face as Katie began to speak again.
"I never thought you would go through with it mate, but the fact you have made Y/n fall so hard for you is impressive, what's even more impressive is the fact you've strung her along for this long., so without further a do, here the 100 pounds for holding up your end of the deal, and here's an extra 50 just for keeping it going for so long, fair play."
You flicked your head between Leah and Katie trying to figure out what was going on.
The air hung heavy with betrayal. The pulsating music seemed to mock you, a cruel soundtrack to your shattering world. Leah's hand, moments ago warm and welcoming, felt clammy and distant in yours. You fought the urge to yank it free, the familiar crimson of the jersey a burning reminder of your misplaced trust.
A million questions swirled in your mind, threatening to drown you. But all that escaped your lips was a choked whisper, "Leah?"
Her gaze wouldn't meet yours. Shame, or maybe something more sinister, flickered across her face before she mumbled an apology, its sincerity lost in the deafening silence that had descended upon the small group.
"What's going on, what is she talking about." Leah wouldn't look at you so you looked at Katie "Katie." Katie let out a laugh at the look on your face "Wow Le you really got her good, she looks so heartbroken."
The world tilted on its axis. The laughter you heard morphed into a distorted jeer, the music into a relentless cacophony. Your heart hammered a frantic rhythm against your ribs, mirroring the frantic beat of a trapped bird.
Leah's silence was an accusation in itself. The warmth of her hug just moments ago felt like a cruel mirage. You clutched the jersey tighter, a shield against the icy tendrils of betrayal that snaked their way through you.
Finally, forcing your voice past the lump in your throat, you rasped, "Leah, please... tell me it's not true." You yearned for her to deny it, to laugh it off as some elaborate, misguided prank. But the hollowness in her eyes confirmed your worst fears.
Shame burned hot on your cheeks. How could you have been so blind? The self-doubt that had gnawed at you all night morphed into a monstrous realisation – you hadn't been paranoid, you'd just been too trusting.
Anger, hot and fierce, bubbled up within you. Katie's smug laughter grated on your nerves. "A bet, You were a bet." The words tumbled out, laced with laughter and a humour that surprised you.
Katie's words hung in the air, a cruel punchline to a terrible joke. A hundred pounds. A bet. You weren't Leah's girlfriend. You were a pawn in some twisted game. The vintage jersey, a symbol of shared passion moments ago, now felt heavy with the weight of a lie.
Heat flooded your cheeks, a burning tide of humiliation. You wanted to curl up into a ball, to cry to disappear from Leah, Katie, and the entire room that seemed to be closing in on you. But there was no hole to swallow you up. All you could manage was a choked laugh, a pathetic sound that echoed your shattered heart.
Leah, her face now pale, stammered something, an apology maybe, but it was lost in the roaring storm of emotions within you. You didn't need to hear it. You saw the truth reflected in her eyes – a truth far uglier than any betrayal. Pity, perhaps. Regret, at most. But no love.
“I mean come on pal hardly you actually thought that.” Katie smiled at you "Why would she choose you, for crying out loud she didn't even know who you were till you came off your loan, that's how how unseen you are."
You straighten your back, the framed jersey suddenly feeling foreign in your hands. Mustering all your strength, you meet Katie's gaze, your voice surprisingly steady. "A hundred pounds? That's all I was worth to you, Leah?"
Leah flinches, her eyes welling up. You wait for a denial, an explanation, anything. But there's nothing. The silence stretches, punctuated only by the throbbing music that seems to mock your pain.
The familiar metallic tang of blood filled your mouth as you bit down on your lip. You needed to escape. The pulsating music, the flashing lights, the throng of oblivious dancers, it all felt suffocating. You couldn't breathe, couldn't think.
With a strength born of desperation, you shove the frame into Leah's hands muttering a small happy birthday before pushing past her, ignoring her outstretched hand, ignoring Katie's voice calling after you. Your vision blurred with unshed tears as you weaved through the crowd, the thumping music a dull counterpoint to the storm raging inside.
Reaching the doorway, you stumbled out into the cool night air, the sudden quiet a physical blow. Gasping for breath, you leaned against the wall. What were you meant to do now.
Inside Amanda came pushing through the Arsenal girls before reaching her daughter “Where is she off to then we are about to do the cake.” Leah turned to look at her mum cheeks blotchy and tears in her eyes “Mum….i.”
The words poured out of Leah's mouth like a waterfall as she explained the horrible bet to Amanda, who began to feel nauseous at the thought of her daughter being so cruel, to you, the girl who was so scared to meet them, you who felt to unimportant to sit in the living room with them you would prefer to hold up the doorway, her daughter had just broken the heart of the most genuine kind girl she had met, in the most horrible way possible.
"I'm sorry you did what." Leah's eyes dropped to the ground unable to look at her mother's disappointed face. "I.....Leah of all the things and to Y/n.....Y/n she god Leah she was it she was your one....she's the one we all wanted the one we were all gunning for how.....how could you be so cruel and to Y/n I'm so disappointed, I actually can't even look at you." Leah turned “Mum…I.” But Amanda was gone.
The cool night air slapped you awake, a stark contrast to the suffocating heat of the club. Tears welled up again, blurring the neon glow of the street signs. A hundred pounds. A bet. The words echoed in your head, a relentless drumbeat drowning out everything else.
Suddenly, a hand touched your shoulder. You flinched, expecting Leah, but it was your sister, Katie, a worried frown etched on her face. "Y/n, wait!"
You glared at her, the anger a hot coal in your chest. "Don't even try it, Katie."
"Look, I know this is messed up," she began, but you cut her off.
"Messed up? That's an understatement." Your voice trembled, but you held her gaze. "How could Leah do this? How could you?"
Katie sighed, her shoulders slumping. "It was stupid, a stupid bet. I never thought she'd actually go through with it."
You scoffed. "Right, because Leah is Miss Perfect, incapable of making bad choices." The sarcasm dripped from your voice.
"She is a good person, Y/n," Katie insisted, but the conviction was lacking.
You shook your head, the betrayal cutting deep. "No, she's not. Not if she can treat someone like a pawn in some sick game."
"You're supposed to be my sister, I thought when I finally got to Arsenal you might love me as much as the others, that we could be actual sisters." Katie looked at your face full of regret "I do love you Y/n." You shook your head "No you don't, if you loved me you wouldn't have ever done this to me, you would never do this to Ella, or Lauryn would you?."
Katie reached out, but you flinched away. "Don't touch me."
Katie felt the guilt begin to eat away at her "Let me at least bring you home." You shook your head stepping away from her a single tear running down your cheek "No need I already called Mam."
Katie's eyebrows pushed together in confusion "Mam's at home." You smiled sadly at her "No she's not she flew out last night, i thought it was time she meet my girlfriend."
Katie felt nauseous as she began to realise just how far this sick joke had gone, you really fell in love.
“You really love her.” Katie said surprised, you nodded as tears began to roll down your cheeks “She is the first person that saw me, in the chaos of our lives she saw me, She wanted me for the first time in my life I was wanted, picked by someone who wasn’t my parents or my siblings because the felt bad, or so I thought turns out she’s indifferent, I’m nothing to her but 100 pounds.” Katie went to step forward again but turned at the sound of your Mam shouting. “Leave her alone right now Katie McCabe or so help me god.”
“Mam.” Your Mother shook her head “I don’t want to hear a word from you do you understand.” Katie shut her mouth nodding as she dropped her head.
You threw yourself into her arms, the dam breaking as you sobbed into her shoulder. The betrayal, the humiliation, the pain – it all came pouring out in a torrent of tears.
Your mom held you tight, her voice a soothing balm. "It's okay, love. Let it all out."
Katie watched from a distance, the weight of her guilt crushing her. The prank that started as a harmless joke had spiralled into a devastating betrayal. She had hurt you, her own sister, and she knew she might never be able to make things right.
Your mother held you for what felt like hours, whispering reassurances as you choked out sobs. The city lights blurred through the veil of your tears, each flicker reflecting a shard of your shattered heart. Finally, your cries subsided into hiccups, leaving behind a raw ache and a dull throbbing in your head.
Pulling back, your mother cupped your tear-streaked face, her eyes filled with a fierce protectiveness. "Why they did this, sweetheart, is because they're cruel and shallow. But their actions don't define your worth. You, Y/n, are strong, kind, and deserving of real love. Don't you ever forget that."
Her words, laced with love and unwavering belief, were a soothing balm to your wounded spirit. You leaned into her touch, finding solace in the familiar warmth. Taking a shaky breath, you wiped at your eyes. "I just...don't understand. Why would Leah do this?"
Your mother sighed, a hint of disappointment flickering in her eyes. "Sometimes, people make terrible choices, honey. But Leah will have to live with the consequences of her actions, just like Katie."
You head straight for your room when you get home, ignoring the buzzing of your phone you mutter a quick goodnight to your Mam before shutting your door and crawling under the covers, before beginning to cry again.
Tears streamed down your face, hot and relentless. You should've known. The self-doubt that had gnawed at you all night wasn't paranoia, it was your intuition screaming unheard. A hundred pounds. A bet. You weren't Leah's girlfriend, you were a punchline in a cruel joke.
Anger, hot and fierce, flared within you, momentarily pushing back the tide of sadness. You grabbed your phone, the need to confront Leah burning in your gut. But what was there to say? The silence at the club spoke volumes.
Your thumb hovered over Leah's name, then hovered some more. Finally, with a deep breath, you deleted her contact. A small act of defiance in a night that felt like a complete and utter defeat.
Exhaustion settled over you like a heavy blanket. You curled into a ball, the hollowness in your chest a constant ache. Sleep, when it came, was a restless affair, filled with fragmented memories of flashing lights, pulsating music, and Leah's cold, emotionless eyes.
You awake the next morning to your Mam at your bedroom door saying there was a woman at the door who wanted to talk to you.
You let out a huff tearing off the covers before heading to the kitchen. You stop dead at the sight of Amanda sitting in your kitchen having a cough before your bottom lip starts to wobble.
Amanda jumps up from her seat before wrapping her arms tightly around you "Oh darling I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." You shake your head "I'm sorry too Amanda, I'm so sorry I wasn't good enough for her."
Amanda pulls back, cupping your face gently. "Sweetheart, you are more than good enough. Leah's actions are a reflection of her own shallowness, not your worth. You have a kind heart, a brilliant mind, and a passion that shines brighter than any trophy."
Her words sink in, a flicker of warmth battling the lingering chill of betrayal. You nod, wiping away a stray tear. "Thanks,Amanda."
"Can I get you some tea, love?" she asks, her voice laced with concern.
You nod gratefully, sinking into a chair at the table. As Amanda bustles around the kitchen, you steal a glance at the woman who, until yesterday, was your girlfriend's mother. The sight of her fills you with a mix of emotions – anger, sadness, and a flicker of curiosity.
Amanda returns, placing a steaming mug in front of you. You mutter out a small thank you before clearing your throat "How is she?." Amanda's face softens "Y/n we don't have to..." You shake your head "Please."
She hesitates, her brow furrowed. "She's a mess, to be honest. She told me everything last night, and I was… well, let's just say I'm not happy with her. Not one bit."
Relief washes over you, a small comfort amidst the wreckage of your heart. "What did she say?"
Amanda takes a sip of her tea, her gaze distant. "She said it was a stupid bet, that she never meant to hurt you. But frankly, intentions don't matter much when the result is this much pain."
"A hundred pounds. That's all I was worth to her?" Your words come out in a chocked sob.
Amanda reaches across the table, squeezing your hand. "Honey, you are priceless. Don't you ever let anyone tell you differently.
Later that day, your phone buzzes with a message from an unknown number. You open it cautiously, your breath catching in your throat when you see the name: Leah.
The messages are all the same, short and to the point: "Y/n, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."
You stare at the screen, a war raging within you. Part of you wants to unleash a torrent of anger, to make her understand the depth of your pain. But another part, a smaller, wounded part, aches for her.
The next few days are a blur. Ignoring your teammates who all seemed to know about the bet, you couldn't help but question if they had been part of it too in opening up and getting to know you, including you in things. Your mam becomes your rock, offering endless cups of tea, movie marathons, and fiercely supportive silences.
You're asleep on the couch when you begin to hear shouting, you sit up rubbing your eyes before going to stand before moving more quickly as you here your Mam let out a shout for someone to leave
Your heart hammered against your ribs as you bolted towards the front door. The shouting was unmistakeable - your Mum's voice laced with anger, and another, muffled voice pleading its case. Bursting into the hallway, you skidded to a stop, taking in the scene before you.
There, on the doorstep, stood Leah. Her eyes were red-rimmed and puffy, her hair a mess, a stark contrast to the composed figure she usually presented. Your Mam, arms crossed and face thunderous, stood blocking the doorway. Amanda stood behind Leah tugging on her arm trying to get her out of your driveway.
"Absolutely not, Leah!" your Mam boomed, her voice echoing in the small hallway. "You had your chance, and you blew it in the most horrendous way."
Leah flinched, tears welling up in her eyes again. "I know, Mrs. McCabe, I know. I was awful, and I deeply regret it. But please, just let me talk to Y/n. I need to apologise properly."
Leah's words die in her throat at the sight of you standing behind your Mam so small, so sad, so broken "Y/n" Your Mam turns immediately and Amanda's hands seem to grip Leah's arm tighter as she goes to step into your house.
You step back as Leah steps forward again "You haven't answered any of my texts...I..." You can't help but laugh internally at Leah's lack of words, but it also feels even more crushing than the night of her birthday party, that's all she can say, that you haven't answered her texts.
The cynical part of you snorts. You clench your fists, the anger threatening to bubble over. But before you can unleash it, your Mam speaks, her voice firm but laced with a hint of sadness.
"Leah, honey, I understand you're sorry. But actions speak louder than words, and yours spoke volumes. Y/n needs time to heal. She trusted you, and you betrayed that trust in a cruel way."
Leah hangs her head, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "I know, Mrs. McCabe. I was an idiot. A terrible person. But please, believe me when I say I never meant to hurt Y/n like this. It started as a stupid bet...a dare, really. But it spiraled, and I…"
"And you let it go on," your Mam finishes, her voice colder now. "You let it go on for who knows how long, playing with Y/n's affections. That's not a mistake, Leah. That's a conscious choice."
The truth hangs heavy in the air, a suffocating weight. Leah opens her mouth to speak, but no words come out. You see a flicker of something in her eyes – regret, maybe, or perhaps just a glimpse of the pain you're feeling mirrored back at you.
Amanda looks at you sadly as she tugs Leah's arm "Come on Le." Leah pulled her arm out of her mum's grip "I love you." You felt your heart sink as your eyes welled up with more tears, shaking your head you stepped out from behind your own mam, "No you don't." Leah shook her head "I do." you stepped forward this time within arm's length.
Leah doesn't hesitate to step closer before putting her hands on your waist and pulling you in, you don't fit it, you can't this is all you've wanted since her birthday so you sink into you wrap your arms around her as she rests her head on your shoulder.
Your voice, laced with a quiet strength that surprised even yourself, cut through the tension. "Love isn't a word you throw around after breaking someone's heart, Leah. Love is about respect, about trust, about building something real together. You built a house of cards on lies, and now you're surprised it crumbled?"
Tears streamed down Leah's face, her voice trembling. "Y/n, please. I know I messed up. I was stupid, and I let pride get the better of me. But the time we spent together, the way you made me laugh, the way you understood my passion for the game... that was real. I never meant for it to go this far."
You scoffed, a humorless sound. "Convenient, isn't it? To pick and choose what parts were real and what were just a game. Because let's be honest, Leah, that's all I ever was to you, wasn't I? A pawn in your little bet."
Leah flinched, but you pressed on, your voice gaining momentum. "Maybe you never meant to 'hurt' me, but you did. You shattered my trust, made me question everything I thought we had. And for what? A hundred pounds and a cheap thrill?"
Silence descended once more, heavy and suffocating. You pulled back seeing the flicker of shame in Leah's eyes, but it did little to ease the ache in your heart.
Leah's lips trembled, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I... I care about you, Y/n. I really do."
"Care isn't enough, Leah," you said, your voice steady despite the storm raging within. "You had a chance at something real, something special. You threw it away for a hundred pounds and a cheap laugh. How can I ever trust you again?"
Leah opened her mouth to protest, but your mother's hand on her shoulder silenced her. Amanda gave you a sympathetic smile before ushering a defeated Leah towards the car. As they drove away, you retreated back into the house, the weight of the confrontation settling heavily upon you.
You stood there for a long time, the weight of the encounter settling on you. The betrayal still stung, before you could turn to your mam and begin to cry into her shoulder once more you felt another hand on your shoulder turning, you didn't hesitate before throwing yourself into Mary's arms.
The tears came again, a torrent of hurt and confusion released into Mary's embrace. Mary held you tight, whispering soothing words that did little to penetrate the fog of pain.
"It's okay to cry, love," she murmured. "Let it all out."
You clung to her, the familiar scent of her lavender shampoo grounding you amidst the emotional chaos. The image of Leah's tearful face lingered, her declaration of love a discordant note in the symphony of your heartbreak.
Pulling back slightly, you wiped your glistening cheeks. "Do you think she really cares?"
Mary sighed, a deep breath that spoke volumes. "Honey, sometimes people say things in the heat of the moment, especially when they're trying to win someone back. True remorse takes time and action, not just empty words."
Her words were a balm, a dose of reality amidst the swirling emotions. You hadn't expected Leah's sudden appearance, nor the raw vulnerability she displayed. Part of you ached for the connection you thought you shared, the spark you felt whenever you were together. But the other, more sensible part, echoed your mother's sentiment. Actions spoke louder than words, and Leah's actions had spoken volumes.
You don't return to Arsenal, instead, you attend a meeting with your agent, Jonas and the board at Arsenal, you inform them of your wishes to be transferred this summer and when asked why you tell them everything, from the unwelcoming atmosphere your teammates have had from the start to a stupid bet that destroyed two relationships you really thought you had made since joining.
The air in the sterile conference room was thick with tension. Jonas, your agent, sat beside you, his jaw clenched tight. Across the table, the Arsenal board – a group of stern-faced men in expensive suits – listened intently to your story. You spoke with a quiet strength, your voice betraying a tremor of lingering hurt as you recounted the events of the past week.
From the initial awkwardness with your teammates to the cruel betrayal orchestrated by Leah and Katie, you held back nothing. You even explained how the constant feeling of being an outsider, someone tolerated but not truly welcomed, had chipped away at your confidence.
When you finished, a heavy silence descended upon the room. One of the board members, a man with a salt-and-pepper beard, finally broke it. "This is a serious allegation, Ms. L/N. Do you have any proof of this 'bet' you speak of?"
You shook your head. "No, sir. It was a private conversation. But the way Leah and Katie acted, the way they looked at me… it all adds up."
Another board member, a woman with a sharp bob and piercing blue eyes, leaned forward. "And you believe this… bet… is the reason behind the strained relationship with your teammates?"
"It could be a part of it," you admitted. "Maybe they knew, maybe they didn't. But the overall feeling was… unwelcome."
Jonas cleared his throat. "Look, Ms. L/N has a very successful record on the pitch. But a player also needs to feel comfortable off it. This situation clearly isn't working for her."
A murmur of agreement rippled through the board members. The man with the beard steepled his fingers. "We understand your concerns, Ms. L/N and Mr. Hernandez. However, a transfer is a significant decision. We need to explore all options."
The next few minutes were a blur of discussions – potential solutions, alternative clubs, and the financial implications of a transfer. Finally, the woman with the bob spoke up.
"Here's what we can do. We'll launch a discreet investigation into these allegations. If your claims are substantiated, we'll take appropriate disciplinary action against those involved. Additionally, we'll work with the coaching staff to ensure a more inclusive environment for all players."
You exchanged a surprised glance with Jonas. This was more than you expected.
"As for the transfer," she continued, "we understand your desire for a fresh start. We're willing to consider loan offers from reputable clubs, provided they meet our financial requirements."
Relief washed over you. A loan deal wouldn't be ideal, but it would give you a chance to escape the toxic environment at Arsenal and prove yourself elsewhere. You looked at Jonas, silently seeking his advice.
He gave you a quick nod. "That sounds like a fair compromise."
A tense negotiation ensued, with Jonas expertly navigating the complexities of transfer fees and loan agreements. Finally, a deal was struck. You would be loaned to a top-tier Spanish club for the upcoming season, with an option to buy included in the contract.
As you shook hands with the board members, a sense of closure washed over you. This wasn't the fairytale ending you'd envisioned when you signed for Arsenal, but it was a new chapter. A chance to rewrite your story, a chance to rise above the betrayal and prove your worth on the world stage.
You disappear after the meeting, your house is empty you aren't in London or in Dublin, turning down the opportunity to play for Ireland, instead you hide out in Manchester at Mary's, attending solo training as well as Mary's solo training, you don't answer your phone to anyone on the Arsenal squad, Ireland squad, Katie or Leah's no collar id.
When the transfer/loan list is made public your phone blows up once again, you don't answer it until Katie's name flashes up on your screen, you hadn't spoken in weeks but you also knew this was important.
"You're leaving, you're leaving Arsenal, you're leaving." you sigh heading out to sit on the back step "I am." Katie stops for a second before you hear her voice crack "Y/n, I never wanted this, I never wanted you to leave." You shake your head "What did you think was going to happen, that I was going to sit back once again, I've been hurt enough, I have done everything for everyone even if it hurt me and this time I decided not to, I need to stop putting everyone else happiness, their comfortability over my own, I'm done."
There's a small pause before Katie speaks again "Y/n...I never meant for this to happen the way it did, you have to know that." You brush your hands through your hair "I don't, I didn't I'll say the same thing i told you the night of Leah's birthday, you wouldn't do what you did to me to Ella or Lauryn, or any of our other siblings, so I still don't know what I must have done for you to do it to me, what I must have done for you to hate me so much that you thought this would be funny." Katie tried again "Y/n." your bottom lip quivered "I'm tired Katie, so so tired of feeling like this, I don't want to feel like this anymore, I want to be happy, can you just let me go on this loan and let me be happy?" Katie could hear the hurt in your voice and she thought back to every time you finally spoke up and yet still pushed aside for something else, someone else. "Ok." you nod "Where are you going to go." you wiped your tears off your cheek. "I don't know yet, I just need to get out of England." Katie let out a small Oh "You're leaving the league." You smiled softly "If I'm going to give myself the best chance, I need to."
"I'm proud of ya." you laugh slightly "For what." Katie stops "I...I..." You smile softly wiping the stray tear "It's ok, I think I've finally made my peace with that, with this."
Shame burned in Katie's gut. She thought the prank would be harmless, a way to lighten the mood, had backfired spectacularly. You weren't Ella or Lauryn, or any of her other siblings, the ones who could shrug things off. You were Y/n, the quiet observer, the one who carried the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Seeing your vulnerability, the raw pain in your voice as you spoke of wanting happiness, chipped away at the last vestiges of Katie's justification. The truth, stark and ugly, stared back at her. It hadn't been a prank, it had been a cruel act fueled by a childish need to be funny, a way to lash out at the feeling of you constantly wanting to follow her around, do everything she wanted to do, now she realised you did it for comfort, you idolised her so much you wanted to do everything she did like Lauryn had done, so why had it irked her so much that you did the same.
The silence stretched, punctuated only by the ragged sniffles escaping your nose. "I need you to do me a favour, you at least owe me that." Katie nodded franticly before nearly bursting your eardrum accepting "Anything." You wipe your cheeks again cursing internally at how emotional you were.
"When I leave, Leah can't know until I'm gone, she...she can't know until then 'cause I'm not ready to talk to her, please Katie promise me this." Katie agrees, You are right it is the least she can do. "I promise, just go smash it yeah." You let out a small laugh "I'll try."
Arsenal's Y/n McCabe joins FC Bayern Munich.
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jokeringcutio · 9 months
Stepdad!William Afton x (f) Reader - Telephone Cable (WARNINGS, SMUT)
Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, stepdadxstepdaughter, while mom is away, (slight) choking kink, cockwarming, daddy's girl, unprotected s*x, creampie, daddy kink, praise kink, secrecy, Modern Day AU!, Henry giving William a call. AN: The first two paragraphs are a decoy. Underneath the read more is the real stuff. Based on this post
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Sunlight peeped through the blinds, creating stripes of gold on the two intertwined figures. It was William’s favorite chair, so naturally, he’d sat down on that, drink in his hand, while the clock behind him ticked as he waited for your mom to go out.
The distant sound of her car became fainter and fainter. And then you and him were alone.
A smile spread on his face, showing straight teeth in a joyful but perverse way. A silent promise. And all he needed to do was pat his hand on his lap, and you came over to him like an obedient little pet.
~ * ~ You could feel the heat of his body against your back, the way his hairy hips rested against you from below. Your pussy squelched delightfully with each shallow thrust, and a low hum escaped his throat.
"You’re a real daddy's girl, aren’t you?" He whispered into your ear, his hot breath sending goosebumps over your skin.
You’d been on your stepdad’s cock for a little over an hour. Just there to function as a warm cocksleeve around his shaft, until his cock had grown hard inside of you and your body thrummed with desire for more.
You bit your lip and tried to nod, but the movements made it difficult. So instead, you answered by moving your hips against his own, lifting yourself a little further off his cock before you sat back down again. Your hands were on his legs, near to his knees.
You could see your reflection on the inky black television screen.
"So nice,” William’s low voice sounded, his hands tightening on your hips before this grip loosened again. He kept your hips deliberately still, making sure he had full control again. The thrusts he gave were shallow, as if he wanted to draw it all out, making the pleasure last as long as possible.
“Still so tight," he grunted, The gentle thrusts were not enough to bring you to the brink, but deep enough to make you shudder and your walls flutter around him. You could feel the ridges of his veins, the hot flesh of hard erection as it was buried inside you, the head pressed snugly against your cervix, kissing your womb and leaking the first drops of cum.
“Think I can make you come before your mom is back?” you heard your stepfather ask, his voice hoarse with delight. His hand squeezed your right breast, hidden underneath yoru sweater.
His hips still only moved leisurely.
“I think I’m gonna fill you up before she comes home. Have you carry all my seed inside your womb while she prances around, not knowing Daddy filled up her little girl good,” the mental image sent shivers down your spine and you bit your lip again. “Would you like that, huh? Keep Daddy’s secret?”
Your heart raced, the threat of him coming inside you while your mom was away only made the moment more exhilarating. Still, his hips only moved slowly and shallowly. The itch inside your core begged for more. And so did you. "Harder, Daddy," you pleaded, unable to contain your desire as you tried to move your hips. But his hands tightened on your hips, keeping you firmly pressed against him. He stopped moving fully now.
“Do you think you are in a position to make demands?” came the rough voice of your stepdad. William let go of your right hip to push his glasses back on his nose, the frame pressing against the skin around his eyes.
You whimpered sadly, wishing he would pick up his pace and let you come. Your eyes went to the clock. Not long before your mom would arrive home. You’d been on your stepdad’s cock for a little over an hour, cunt sopping wet and his shaft coated with your juices. Yet, he never let you properly ride him or come.
You just hoped he would have mercy on you and decide to make you come before your mom arrived home. You wanted to have your fill. No. Needed it.
He might love edging, but you loved it more when your pussy throbbed around him and pleasure washed over you. Nothing weird about that, right? You thought you deserved it with all the things he made you do.
“Didn’t I ask you a question?” he wondered, though the teasing in his voice was evident. He just wanted you to acknowledge his filthy desires.
“Yes, Daddy,” you moaned, eager to move your hips. He stilled them again, smacking the flat of his hand against your right ass cheek for good measure, an indication for you to keep still. Yet, your pussy squeezed around his cock, eager for more. You heard the gasp that escaped his lips -  he wasn’t left unaffected.
“I’ll keep your secret Daddy. I won’t tell anyone that you filled me up. Won’t tell Mom. Just, please, make me cum.”
“Well,” William drawled, the fingers of his hands gently stroking past the soft flesh of your hips. “Since you ask so nicely…”
You bit your lip, prepared for the ecstasy that was about to come. But just as William tightened his grip on your hips again and the muscles in his hips tensed, his mobile phone lit up with an incoming call.
You growled in annoyance, throwing the screen a glare. The name that lit up on the screen was a familiar one and your heart sank. It was his business partner, Henry. He would never deny Henry. It might be something important, especially as Henry was at work today at the restaurant they both owned.
As predicted, your stepdad picked up the phone, still holding you close, and you were just incredibly grateful that Henry hadn’t started a video call but a normal audio one.
“I’m sorry, Henry, could you repeat that again?” you heard your stepdad say, frowning while he pushed the glasses back on his nose again. His other hand, still on your hip, forced you slightly up from his cock only to guide you back down again with a squelch. You bit your lip to keep from moaning. Suppose if Henry heard…
“It’s really hard to hear you,” a pause. “Could be… Henry, can you call the landline instead?" he asked.
Another thrust, deeper this time, hard. His cockhead bumped against your womb’s entrance, involuntarily slickening your core.
And then William put his mobile phone down, screen facing the table. You could see just in time how the call had ended and glanced at William over your shoulder to try and measure his reaction to it all.
His eyes were hidden behind glinting glasses, his expression hard to see. But then he frowned and grabbed your hips harder. Your stepdad snarled in your ear: "You better keep quiet. This is an important call."
Your heart pounded in your chest, the anticipation building as the landline phone rang. William picked it up, and you noticed how the cable of the phone brushed against you, sending another shiver down your spine. Glancing over your shoulder you saw he must have noticed it as well, eyes focused on the cable.
He hooked the phone between his chin and shoulder, using both hands to guide your hips up and down until he found the right pace and angle.
"Hello, Henry," William said, his voice steady despite the situation. Your mind swirled with thoughts of what might happen next, the danger of being discovered only heightening the thrill. But you knew you had to keep quiet, not wanting to ruin this moment or jeopardize his work.
"William, we've got a problem at the pizzeria," Henry's voice crackled through the phone. "One of the arcade games is on the fritz again."
Thrust. You brought your hands up to your lips, covering your mouth with both of them as your stepdad decided that this was the perfect moment to properly start fucking you.
After being inside of your warm cunt for so long, this was the time. When you had to be quiet.
You silently cursed him inside your mind as he picked up a pace. The position in which you were in enabled him to hit you deep inside.
"Which one?" William asked, his voice steady even as he wrapped the telephone cable around your neck, surprising you. Your eyes flew open wide, hands darting from your lips to the cable. His strong hand pulled, tightening the cable around your neck, cutting off your flow of oxygen ever so slowly. You gasped as he forcefully made you ride him, guiding your movements with his hips and the grip on the phone cable.
"Whack-a-Mole," Henry replied. Slick sounds came from where your hips met, where his cock moved in and out of you with force. "It's been acting up all week, and I can't figure out what's wrong with it."
"Did you try resetting the system?" William inquired, gently tightening the cord around your neck. You struggled to keep your breaths quiet, focusing on the sound of their conversation.
"Of course I did," Henry sounded exasperated. Your cunt clamped down on William’s cock and you bit your tongue from crying out. Behind you, William transferred the cable of the phone to the same hand he was holding the phone in – not only tightening the cable around your neck but also leaving his left hand free.
That free hand circled you to rub against your clit, making you writhe on top of him as you tried to suppress a moan. Your walls started to flutter helplessly around his shaft, and he closed his eyes and nibbled on his bottom lip in reply.
"It worked for a while, but then the problems started up again."
"Sounds like a short circuit," William suggested, a wicked grin playing on his lips as he watched your eyes widen. "You'll need to open it up and check the wiring."
Thrust, squelch, thrust. Your breasts bounced underneath your shirt as he picked up the pace – no bra as requested. You felt your face flush in embarrassment, praying that Henry did not hear the wet noises that filled the room, and grateful that phone calls with smell hadn’t been invented yet. The room smelled heavily of musk, of raw intercourse and hot slick.
His fingers against your clit roughened, increasing the pace until his index finger slipped forth and bumped against your slick hole and his cock. And then his touch subsided, just in time to prevent you from coming.
You subdued a groan in annoyance. Nearly there, you thought. But the promise that he would make you come still lingered.
"All right, I'll give that a shot," Henry agreed, though there was a brief pause in which William’s hips didn’t move forth, but instead circled, stirring his cock - like a wooden spoon in soup - inside of you.
You gasped at the sensation, your hands loosening the grip on the cable and grabbing air instead as you threatened to fall forward. The cable pulled you back, the only thing holding you upright on your stepdad’s lap.
And then, with a devilish grin, your stepdad pressed his hips against you again with a loud squelch. His cockhead bumped against your cervix, eliciting a yelp from your lips. Although not loud, it obviously had been loud enough.
"Is everything okay over there?” Another pull on the cable took your breath away, preventing any more sound. Somehow, the suffocation was just enough to tip you over the edge. Stars started to cloud your vision, your walls clamping down hard on your stepdad’s cock.
Tears formed in your eyes as your stepdad humped his hips against yours, cock pressing against that delicate spot deep inside while you came.
You actually came.
The grip on the cable loosened and you brought your hands to your lips again to keep from crying out, walls trembling around William’s cock as your body was submitted to wave after wave of orgasm.
It felt so good.
And he didn’t stop or show mercy. He just kept fucking you as if he wanted you to betray your secret tryst.
“It sounds like there are some...odd noises. Are you playing with one of the new animatronics, hmm?" Henry said, indicating that William had promised to work on a new animatronic for their enterprise.
William grinned. “Perhaps,” he teased, another particularly hard and deep thrust. It betrayed that he was near now as well. That, and the hoarseness that crept into his voice.
"But you will have to wait and find out," William lied smoothly, giving the cord a playful tug. Your body reacted accordingly. "Don’t worry. My day off is well spent."
"Okay, if you say so," Henry said, still sounding a bit suspicious. "I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for the help, William."
"Anytime, Henry. Good luck," William replied before hanging up the phone.
As soon as the call ended, he removed the cable from around your neck, leaving behind a faint red mark. His hands went down to your hips, forcing them up and down. Your tight walls were forced up and down his shaft, clamping down like a vice. His breathing increased.
You muttered nonsensical things, all soft whispers as the overstimulation was getting too much.
“Almost,” your stepdad mumbled, “almost, there, baby girl, almost,” and with a loud groan he came with one firm thrust deep inside.
You felt your body tremble as you came down from your high, breath returning to you as your pussy pulsed softer and softer around his throbbing cock.
Hot liquid coated your walls. And then there was silence. Just the ticking of the clock.
You moved gently on top of him, turning to face him over your shoulder and placing a petite kiss on his lips. His blue eyes were fixed upon you, following your gaze with affection. You knew he would deny it if you asked him, but he truly cared about you. This was more than just a primal hunger for sex. Your stepdad loved you, and you were starting to feel the same.
More and more with each day.
"Thank you, Daddy," you whispered, flushed and breathless from the exhilarating experience. He leaned down to press a tender kiss to the top of your head, his touch surprisingly gentle.
"Get dressed," he ordered firmly, his eyes glinting with a hint of danger. "Your mom will be home soon."
You obeyed without hesitation, standing up on trembling legs. His cock, for the first time in nearly two hours, slipped free from its confines: you.
It felt odd after having been filled for so long. You knew your stepdad loved to be close to you and to enjoy your warmth for as long as possible. And quite often that wasn’t long enough. It was why he wanted you to sit naked on top of him – whether just with your pants off or skirt flipped up, or perhaps naked in full. It didn’t matter, as long as he would be inside of you.
At first, you had thought it weird, but exciting. Now, you’d grown used to it, and you loved the feel of his stretch. You missed him when he was gone.
Slipping your panties back on, you made sure that William could see the evidence of his actions. The sticky cum that slipped out of you was dripping on the fabric of your panties, coating the crotch of your panties like paint. You left them deliberately halfway up your knees, waiting for all of the sticky liquid to have left your folds. Once the dripping stopped, and most of it had collected in your panties, you slowly pulled them up and pressed William’s hot cum against your core once more. As if your body could absorb it like this a second time.
Once your mom would be home, those panties would still be on, and your stepdad would still be inside and against you. He growled appreciatively, a predatory smile curving his lips.
"Daddy's good girl," he murmured, just as the sound of a car pulling into the driveway reached your ears. Both of you glimpsed outside, hidden by the blinds, to see your mom step out of the car, a bright smile on her lips. Your stepdad turned to you, flicking a knuckle of his fingers gently past your cheek; an affectionate gesture.
His blue eyes slid down to your now-clothed cunt, knowing his cum was still there. Then, William quickly left the room. You hurried to make yourself presentable, running a hand through your disheveled hair before retreating to your room, pretending as if you'd been there all along.
When your mom opened the door, you were behind your desk working on an assignment that needed to be finished soon. You smiled up at her, innocently. “Hi Mom, how was your day?”
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AN: For @likoplays 8) Might do a different approach to the same prompt later on. Not betaread etc.
Taglist: @likoplays @2pacl0ve
AN: For more, follow me (:
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mrcavill88 · 1 year
My night in Hollywood
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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Chris Evans x Henry Cavill x Male reader
Summary: Your first film role definitely has its ups and downs. A large pay check? Good. A kickstart to your career? Even better. But a night with three of Hollywoods leading men? The absolute best
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, daddy kink, pet names “little boy, baby, doll”, ass slapping, stripping, nipple playing, breeding kink, dick sucking, handjob, unprotected sex
Who knew being famous was so tough?
I’m constantly being bombarded by fans desperate for an autograph. The Hollywood life seems glamorous, and that it is, but not without its downside. The upside? All the hot actors in Hollywood, oh how I loved seeing a sexy man on screen. I recently landed a role on a film with some of Hollywoods leading men and holy cow was it a joyride. I walked into the hotel I would be staying at for the shooting of this film and who do I see as soon as I walk into the elevator? Henry Cavill, Sebastian Stan, and Chris Evans.
The scarlet color on my face is noticeable as I instantly start fanboying over the three buff men. “Hello there, you’re y/n right? I’m Henry, pleasure to meet you love”. He stuck his thick hand out and I shook it with much ebullience. I took my spot in the elevator, right in between Sebastian and Chris, feeling so small next to the 6 feet men.
What was in reality 30 seconds felt like 3 hours in the elevator. Sweat building up on my forehead as the men continued to spark conversation with me. My words fumbled and completely shaky. We reached my floor and I bolted out the doors and hastily walked to my room and instantly shut the door. I was a mess. My chest popping in and out of my body, a noticeable bulge in my tight pants. But as I went to change my clothes, a small envelope slid through my door.
“Reservation at Giovanni’s Italian cuisine for two, 7:30 pm at the luxury suite.
My baby y/n, please join me tonight for dinner, I would love to get to know you. See you soon, Sebastian”
I was fucked. Butterflies pacing through my stomach as the feeling of love and affection enveloped my soul. But was I gonna pass up this opportunity? Hell no. I checked the clock and it was currently 6:00, “how the hell did he reserve the place so quickly?” I thought. I rushed into my luggage and picked out a loose blue and white striped button up and white kakis which kinda showed off my ass.
I got into my car, put my sunglasses on and started driving to the restaurant. “What if he doesn’t like me?” “What if this is all a joke?” Thoughts filled my head as I headed to the restaurant, making me more nervous than I already was.
I walked in and it was the most classy restaurant I have ever been to. Red velvety floors covered the place with beautiful floral arrangements and classical music. “Reservation with Sebastian at 7:30, in the luxury suite,” I said to the hostess. “Right this way please,” she replied as we walked up the extravagant stairs into the luxury suite. She opened the door and
There he was
Waiting for me in a tight black polo shirt that complimented his rippling biceps, and jeans that were definitely, tight. “H-hi Sebastian,” I said with a trembling voice. He walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “Hey y/n, I’m so happy you came tonight, I hope you like this place cause I really wanted to have a great time tonight, please sit.”
I sat down in the expensive chair and couldn’t help but notice the beautiful view from the window. “Wow! This place is so nice, I can see the whole city from here!” Sebastian grabbed my hand. “Yeah it’s nice but I think I like what I see from here more,” biting his lip. I instantly started blushing, biting my lip to try and calm it down but the redness of my cheeks just got more obvious. I was completely fucked, in a desperate way to change the subject, “So, I wanna try this ravioli they got here, I heard it’s amazing”, I said trying to change the subject. “Yeah let me order, I already know what I’m getting”.
Sebastian ordered our food and I was set for the best date, and the first date, of my life. Who knew a celebrity could be so down to earth and so cordial? But of course, the physical and, sexual appeal was crazy as the Romanian man was extremely romantic.
“Oh, well I’m stuffed, we should get going. This food is pre-paid so don’t even worry about it. Should I take you home?” “Oh thanks but I drove here so I think I’ll be fine,” I answered. “Are you sure?”, he asked with a serious somewhat dour look on his face. “Uhm, actually, maybe you should,” I said nervously hoping he wouldn’t be offended.
We cleaned up and left the restaurant, he took me into his expensive car and started driving back to the hotel. Something felt off, he was being extremely seductive and touchy, grabbing my thigh and rubbing my chest. Did I like it? Of course.
I walked into the hotel and entered the elevator with him just to see two familiar faces once again, Chris and Henry.
“Oh y/n! Great to see you again! Looks like you’ve had some fun with my friend Seb huh?” Chris said with a funny expression. I couldn’t help but nod and gulp as I entered the elevator with the three men.
We were going up and all of a sudden, Sebastian presses the emergency stop button. I was completely confounded, not knowing what was going on. I tried to push the button again but the three men cornered me in this godforsaken box.
“What does this little boy think he’s doing?” Henry asked as he stroked my hair. I started to sweat, and slightly panic. “W-why’d you stop the elevator?” I said hoping this just was some kind of stupid joke. I reached for the button again until Sebastian covered my mouth with his large hand and pinned me up against the wall.
I didn’t even have time to say anything before my clothes started coming off. They started kissing and biting my body relentlessly and I couldn’t help but moan and whine. “Oh baby I wanna fuck you so bad,” Sebastian said as he and Chris started removing my shirt and pants, leaving me in my tiny little spandex.
“Lay in my lap doll,” Henry said gesturing toward me. I felt so exposed and fragile in the moment. “Count” he said as he smacked my ass cheek. I screamed and jolted a little at the surprising pain and arousal that came from it, “o-one” *SMACK* “t-two” *SMACK* “t-three”. One slap quickly became 15 as Henry continued slapping my ass cheeks until they were bright scarlet and my cheeks were soaked in tears.
“What a good boy you are, now let daddy make you feel good,” Sebastian sad as he grabbed my and gagged my mouth. I was in heaven. Henry started twisting and teasing my nipples as Chris shoved his fingers in and out of my hole. Sebastian rubbing up against my body and his dirty talk made me more aroused than I should’ve been. Cock twitching and my skin soaked in sweat. “Daddy!” I whined as my body was being violated by three sexy men. “Oh the things you do to me baby, now open up for daddy”.
Sebastian whipped out his 10 inch cock and teased my hole making more unholy noises leave my mouth. And all of a sudden, *THRUST* his dick was sliding in and out my hole at a rapid pace. Henry shoved his dick into my mouth and started fucking my face. I moaned on his dick sending vibrations up his cock. “Ugh f-fuck baby you’re so naughty. In the midst of all this sexual pleasure, Chris shoved his dick in my hand. “Come on baby, make me cum,” he said as I started jerking him off.
I was gonna lose it, my body completely drowned in pleasure. “D-addy, I c-can’t take it! I’m gonna c-cum daddy!”. “C-come on baby, w-wait for your daddies, don’t be a s-selfish little b-boy”. At those words, my cock shot a load of cum onto Sebastian’s broad chest. Sebastian felt my hole tighten around his cock and came in my hole, filling my walls with his warm and sticky baby batter. I was completely cum drunk. I collapsed onto Henry’s chest. The three men held me in their strong embrace as the night neared its end, nothing could have ruined this night, except the fact that we were in a damn elevator.
Thanks for reading everyone hope y’all enjoyed it! (I know it kinda sucks)
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f10werfae · 1 year
Daddy’s babies
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pairing: Lumberjack!Henry x shy!mom!reader
summary: Daddy!Henry takes his babies to Disneyland and engages in some soft kissy sex with his baby bun (Dilf!Henry) (softdom!Henry)
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated/Disclaimer 18+
Lumberjack Masterlist, Henry Masterlist
“P-please daddy, we want to g-go, don’t we lovebugs?” Y/n cooed sitting on the floor of their living, her baby girl Iris nursing soundly on her breast, the soft suckling sounds and baby gurgles filling the room. Henry sitting behind her, his fingers playing with the loose straps of her vest, peeking over at the sight of his baby princess so close to her momma, his baby boy Beau sat on his boppy across from them; clearly milk drunk from his feeding.
Y/n had spent the past few days begging and begging her husband for a trip to Disneyworld, wanting nothing more than to take hundreds of pictures of her tiny tots in their costumes, buying them all sorts of souvenirs and of course the family costumes. Henry would be lying if he said his attention was fully on her words right now, all he could think of was how huge her breasts had grown these past few months from breastfeeding. God almighty it took him an arm and a leg to keep from squeezing them like a stress ball, even being caught by Y/n herself.
“Sugar butt, they won’t even remember goin’ there, Beau over there doesn’t even remember who I am half the time” Henry chuckled looking to meet his wife’s eyes as she huffed and scooted out of his hold, shuffling over to her baby boy who was near enough asleep after being burped. “F-fine then, you don’t care about us” She whimpered giving him those big doe eyes of hers, even turning around her baby Iris, who she had now given a pacifier to. Her cute little mouth bopping up and down as she suckled on the Disney themed dummy, her big eyes she got from her momma staring right at her daddy. Henry swore his heart clenched right when he saw his baby princess looking at him.
“Y’all n’ your damn eyes, fine”
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“H-hen look at the baby c-cots they’re old west themed!” Y/n giggled holding baby Iris to her hip whilst Henry carried Beau on his, sliding in the suitcases with his free arm. “Is it everythin’ ya wanted sugar cube?” He hummed finally locking the hotel room, his arm coming around her waist to bring his daughter and wife closer to his warm broad chest.
“W-we love it, it’s so cute and reminds me of our house” Y/n smiled tilting her head up to press a small wet kiss onto her man’s lips, both babies also reaching for each other cutely, they were absolutely inseparable so thankfully the cots were right by each other. Seeing both of their eyes start to lid, their small voices cooing tiredly, it only seemed right that they put their tots down for the night after a long day of driving and gas stops.
“C’mon over ‘ere momma, ya need your sleep n’ so does daddy” Henry whispered tugging on his wife’s belt loop, pulling her against his chest as they looked over their beautiful miracle gems. “Missed you today ya know” Inhaling her soft fresh scent deeply, he slowly waddled them both towards their huge king size saloon themed bed. “Y-you were with me the w-whole day though” Y/n laughed as Henry softly set her on the sheets, already tugging off her denim flares and black polo crop top. His smile widening as he saw all the new stretch marks she had gained, evidence she had carried their family, their baby gems; a proof of their love.
“Doesn’t fuckin’ matter, didn’t have your sweet pussy wrapped around my cock or anythin”
“A-and you still can’t, t-this is a family friendly zone” Y/n scolded shimmying herself up the bed only for her to be dragged down by Henry’s hand on her ankles, her puffy pussy coincidentally coming face to face with his eager lips. “We can worry about the family friendliness tomorrow, right now it’s me n’ my gorgeous wife. Think she misses my kissies no? As long as you’re quite n’ don’t wake up the monsters then it’s okay bun”
Slowly peppering small onto her second set of lips, his tongue coaxed through her folds to taste her sweet self; baby bun’s little gasps and stifled moans reverberating through their bodies. “M’already close H-hen, kissy t-too good” Y/n whined knowing how sensitive she was, both emotionally and physically after the journey of a pregnancy she had. “I know you are sweet pea, go on, give your man his treasure”
Within seconds her body was writhing in his hold, her hand over her mouth to make sure she wasn’t being too loud, Henry’s hands clamped around her waist as he slurped up all of her juices. “Y-your turn?” She breathed out sitting up on her elbows, “No baby bun, we can do that another time, time for you to get some sleep” He smiled crawling up on her to kiss her lips softly, with a twinge of tongue just to hear her hum in pleasure.
“You sure?”
“Hundred, now turn over n’ let me spoon my sugar cube”
Both of them now nude under the covers, Henry’s hands skimmed up over her sides and curves, moving up to cup her breasts strongly; hoping to teasingly coax some of her milk out but he knew she’d have been emptied out just from the twins on the road trip. “You did so good today momma, took care of our gems so well you know that? My precious baby bun such a good woman, my woman”
“I L-love you so much H-henry, you’re such a good daddy to t-the babies”
“I love you too Y/n, swear my life on it”
Throughout the night Henry slowly and gently humped his hardened cock against his sleepy wife, hearing her whine and groan until he finally released all over her bare ass, letting her shift back against him before finally drifting off for the rest of the night.
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“a-aren’t you two just f-freaking adorable, m-my little chip a-and lumiere” With the two tots propped up on some pillows, in their chip and lumiere costumes from beauty and the beast, Y/n in her pretty yellow dress as Belle and Henry in a blue suit as the beast. The perfect fairytale family in Henry’s words.
“H-Henry get in beside them, now please” Picking up each 8 month old onto each knee, Henry smiled with his canine smile into the phone, both babies showing their gummy smiles in their tiny costumes like the absolute cuties they were. The perfect mix of Henry and his Y/n. “Ok now go put it on a timer n’ get in here sugar butt”
“mhm comin’” Setting up her phone against the table she ran over and perched herself behind Henry, her arms coming around his neck from behind, her red painted lips planted onto his cheek. “Should we get ‘em into the pram and get goin to fantasyland? Get you your well needed pictures n’ souvenirs” Nodding excitedly they strapped both twins into the two seater pram, their costumes thankfully suited to the hot summer weather, with Henry pushing the pram protectively as Y/n linked her arms with his.
“I-isn’t it just magical? Oh wait! We need to g-get them pictures w-with Mickey Hen” Redirecting the stroller to the queue for Mickey, the couple stood in line in each other’s arms, “you alright ma? You look absolutely gorgeous” Swaying their bodies side to side, Henry felt her giggle and laugh against him, twisting her head to the side to press a sweet kiss to his neck. “Y-you’re only sayin’ that cause i-im dressed like Belle”
“Nah no way, I prefer you naked than in a dress and ya know that baby bun” Chuckling they finally moved to the picture spot, with Iris in Y/n’s arms and Beau in Henry’s, each twin cooing happily with their sun hats on with the white sunscreen making their face look painted.
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“Baby bun, I- I have a proposition, you can say no if you want but”
“b-but what?” Y/n asked tilting her bead to the side like a happy little puppy, taking off her costume after the long day, Iris and Beau already tucked into their sleep snuggies and in their respective wooden bassinets.
“This is out of the blue, but my uh my mother’s here, she’s seen somethin’ about us bein’ here and she wants to meet Iris and Beau. Well- actually take them off our hands for a few hours to give us some time”
“W-what like now? I-i’ve only met her a few times a-and that was before I was pregnant”
“I know that’s why I wanted to ask you first, we’re a team baby bun, you say no then thats fine, you tell me what you want sugar” Nuzzling his head against hers he felt her exhale before raising her head, that same soft kind look in her eyes.
“I grew up a-always loving my grandparents, I-i’d hate to rob I-Iris and Beau of that. Your m-mother’s lovely, I-I just wish we saw her more often so she k-knew them more” Y/n explained nodding her head with each word, showing that she completely trusted Henry’s mother, she knew how attentive she was with her other grandchildren and she didn’t doubt her for a second with Iris and Beau. Although this would also mean this would be the first time she would be away from her babies for more than an hour, already feeling the dreaded mother’s guilt.
With it already being 5PM and time for dinner a rhythmic knock sounded throughout the room, the newly awoken babies’ eyes curiously looking around the room, their hands wandering in the air frantically. “It’s her sugar, you ready for me to open the door?” Nodding Y/n stood up, wiping her sweaty palms onto her skirt, watching on as Henry’s mother gleefully walked into the room. A pair of purple mickey ears on her head as she instantly reached for Y/n, bringing her in for a hug and an affectionate kiss to the cheek.
“My beautiful daughter in law, you’ve only gotten more beautiful, how I wonder how my son met got you” Henry scoffed muttering a ‘thanks mom’ watching his mother then turn her attention to the two cuties surrounded by pillows on the bed, the both of them looking at her happily almost as if they could feel the love radiating off their grandmother.
“Oh my word, is this my little ittle Iris and Beau, my two precious grandbabies, they are the carbon copy of you Y/n, thank God nothin' like Henry. With that scowl always on his face" Marianne whispered tickling their little stomachs, quickly taking out the mini mickey ears she had gotten just for them, a pink and blue sequinned set.
“Aww t-thank you, t-though I’m thankful they g-got the cleft chin from H-henry” Y/n laughed seeing Henry pick up Beau and Iris, letting her have her fair share of snuggles of each baby Cavill, the newest additions so far to the family. “Ma are ya sure you’re able to handle these two little monsters, they can be quite a handful but we’ve already packed everythin’ ya need in this baby bag” Buckling them into their stroller, Henry tucked the baby bag into the underneath of the stroller, his mother excitedly clapping and exclaiming how excited she was to spend the next few dinner hours with her grandchildren.
“Henry boy, av’ raised 5 boys I think I can handle two more angels, especially if they’re like Y/n”
“Well most of the time they are, curious little things really, but deprive ‘em of the booby milk and it gets scary” Henry laughed as Y/n scolded him, hugging his mother one last time as she brought the babies to her hotel room, deciding the easiest option was to order in room service since all they had was simple baby foods and milk.
Meanwhile Y/n had a new feeling in her stomach, a feeling of guilt for simply letting her “newborn” babies go despite them edging the ninth month. Her goosebumps wouldn’t let down, her legs shaking as Henry shuffled around the room to prepare a hot warm bath for them both, a well deserved one at that. “Baby bun ya ready to come in n’ join me?” Henry called in from the tall ceiling bathroom, waiting eagerly to watch his nude wife in all her glory.
“a-am coming now” She called seeing her husband engulfed in a multitude of purple and pink bath bubbled, his hand outstretched to help her into the tub. His hand tightly wrapped around her wrist as she sat between his legs, the water sloshing once she sat back against his snug wide chest. “What’s goin up in that pretty mind o’ yours beautiful, you look busied”
“D-Do you think i-it’s bad that I let t-the babies go w-with your mom so easily? I f-feel guilty for being away from them for so l-long”
“what? Is that what you’ve been tinkerin’ about? You’re the best wife n’ mother on the goddamn planet, the way you pour your love and affection into everythin’ you do, no one could ask anything more from you. You’re absolutely perfect baby bun, my little sugar cube is the best” Henry whispered against her ear, his voice growling towards the end as his lips attached to her neck and shoulders, kissing it passionately while her head rolled back onto his shoulder. His strong burly arms wrapped around her midsection, one of his hands sneaking up to circle her nipples with his finger, eyes staring as he watched them harden.
“Y-you really think so?” Bun replied looking up at him, her doubting thoughts quickly dissolving once he pecked her nose adorably, each of her breasts in one of his hands. “I know so, now sit your pretty little self back n’ let daddy take care of everythin’ alright momma?”
Settling herself back comfortably basking in his radiating body heat, his hands reaching under the water to touch her sensitive clit, his soft hoarse voice hushing her anytime she let out anything louder than a squeal.
“This ok baby?”
“mhm f-feels so freakin’ good” Henry’s lips stayed pressed to her temple as his palm rubbed on her clit, his ring and middle finger already teasing her hole with soft pillowy thrusts, just enough for her hips to thrust themselves upwards clearly wanting more. “I can feel you gettin’ close bunbun, ya wanna finish here or in the bedroom, or both?”
That was all the confirmation Henry needed for his fingers to thrust his fingers in frantically, her sensitive nub consistently making contact with his palm to bring her to finish, his other free hand that was holding her up was now holding her jaw to turn her head towards him. His lips pursing onto hers, to suck her tongue into his mouth, tasting her cherry lipstick. “God I love kissin these lips of yours, so beautiful n’ sexy”
Not even letting her reply as her orgasm washed over her, his finger repeatedly fucking her entrance while his other hand now reached down to rub her clit like a feral beast, her body shaking crazily as she rode out her high. “Aww my pretty sugar butt, you always get me so fuckin’ hard whenever you look at me like that”
His thumb brushed under her lips, her eyes looking dazed and happy as she happily nuzzled back up straight to sit closer to him.
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“This okay? Or do you want it tied up as well?” Turning off the hairdryer, Henry continued to softly brush through bun’s hair as best as possible, trying to alleviate her head of worries about their babies (even though his mother just sent them a picture of them suckling on their pre-made bottles)
“I-I want it in-in a braid” Nodding Henry got the strands of hair ready, looking at her lovingly through the mirror, her eyes closed peacefully with her wearing nothing but one of his white vests. Taking his time to get the braid perfect he tied it off with a little tie and carried her up to the top of the bed, pulling back the covers to help her get settled in before he slid in beside her.
This would be their first night without the babies’ interruption.
“You wanna jus’ go to bed sugar? or-“
“No. I-I want this” Confidently she reached down and started stroking his hardened cock which was already laying against her thighs, biting her lip she shuffled forward to hook one arm around his neck as he took some of his precum and used it to lube up her pussy, small gasps leaving her at the erotic act. None of them speaking any words but the amount of love and passion in their eyes was obvious, her tits popping out from the sides of his vest as it was clearly ten sizes too big.
“Just gonna take it slow with you sweetpea, make love with ya until my pretty sugar falls asleep”
With her arms now wrapped around his torso, her head directly above his heart, Henry slipped in his cock into her warm wet pussy, both of them gasping out at the amazing sensation. “So soft n’ warm” He whispered kissing her pouty lips passionately, their tongues meeting in a wet kiss as both their hips rolled against each other. Henry’s hand lifted up her thigh to place it over his waist, his fingers tracing over the stretch marks now littering her thighs and lower stomach, even her breasts. Henry couldn’t even put into words just how much it made her look like an absolute Goddess that gave him his two precious miracles.
“D-don’t touch ‘em”
“Why not bun? They’re proof of the amazing journey you took for our family, and they look so fuckin’ sexy” Henry rebutted shutting her up with a sharp thrust which sent her mewling back into his chest, her palms flat on his back as his slow rhythmic thrusts helped her reach her orgasm quicker, each throw of his hips hitting another angle of her G-spot.
“S-sleepy Henry”
“You take all the rest you need baby, take what you need my pretty girl” He whispered pecking her lips thrice more, his hips still softly rolling against hers even after they had finished, the wet sloshy sounds of their juices filling the room as Y/n found herself falling asleep with her husband’s cock inside of her.
PSA: Lumberjack!Henry is back!! Meet his lovely momma who raised this beast, although he definitely got his possessive attitude from his dad who we are yet to meet, and his brothers. Hope you guys enjoy this Disneyland snippet 🫶
library blog: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
Taglist: @helenaellie @pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @kebabgirl67 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @aerangi @alina02 @alexxavicry @hp-hogwartsexpress @angelmather1 @acornacre @ggmimitf @thebaileybugle @thoughtsofreid @theekyliepage @cookielovesbook-akie @elenavampire21 @hoya122 @rosiesluv7 @yaminax @esposadomd @meyocoko @disaster-rose @severewobblerlightdragon @kemillyfreitas @adoreyouusugar @buckybarnessweetheart @sweetybuzz25 @k3ira13 @shecamedowninabubble @ridingthehotmessexpress @animez96 @angelic-dreams13 @squishyturtle @keenduckfury @mxnnana-blog @namjoons-t1ddied @frittelligliegia @realm-of-azrael @lina505 @marvelloki23 @livesinfantasyland @slut4henrycavill @luxeydior
See you guys at the next update, lots of love 🫶🫶
3K notes · View notes
Henry Cavill Masterlist
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Here you will find all of my Henry Cavill works, arranged by character and type of work.
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Forever And A Day - Explicit - Geralt x Black!OFC - Geralt and Lavinia share a passionate reunion.
You're Mine | Geralt of Rivia + Female Reader + Daddy Kink + “Can you feel how much I want you?” + Darkfic (Sweet Treats Events 2024)
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Bright Like The Moon (ongoing)
Touch and Go (possibly ongoing)
The Howling in Claw Creek Forest (ongoing)
Get My Pretty Name Outta Your Mouth - Explicit - Walter Marshall x Reader - You hate everything about Detective Walter Marshall. He feels the same about you. Now, kiss!
Fifteen Minutes - Explicit - Walter Marshall x Unnamed Black!OFC - What Walter does with 15 minutes of his time.
A Little Fresh Air | Walter Marshall + Female Reader + Public Sex + “Hmm, you’re not very patient, are you?” + Smut (Sweet Treats Event 2024)
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Hold Me Til I Scream For Air To Breathe - Explicit - Sub!Clark Kent x Domme!Reader - Clark needs to give over to his submissive urges, specifically he yearns to be tied up and owned.
Some Things You Just Can’t Refuse - Explicit - Dom!Clark Kent x Sub!Reader - A collection of first times with Clark Kent, and one last time.
Don’t Kill My Vibe - Explicit - Clark Kent x BestFriend!Black!Fem!Reader - You help Clark ease the pain of his broken heart.
Happy Birthday, Cupcake - General - Clark Kent x PlusSize!Reader - Clark surprises you for your birthday.
Praise You - General - Clark Kent x Insecure PlusSize!Reader - Clark Kent loves everything about you, especially what you think are your flaws.
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What Are You Doing, StepBro? - Explicit - Humphrey x Stepsister!Reader - You and Humphrey don’t have the best start, but before long you will reach an arrangement.
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Doing Something Unholy - Explicit - Charles Brandon x Reader - This is a prompt fill for some teasing of Charles Brandon and then him taking over.
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Scrapbook (finished) - Side characters include Walter Marshall, Evan Marshall, Syverson, and Gus March-Phillipps
Make That Kitty Purr {DARK FIC} - Explicit - Mike x Reader, August Walker x Reader - Hellraiser: Hellworld x Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Crossover AU - Uncle August doesn’t give a shit that you’re Mike’s girlfriend.
Make That Kitty Purr [Director’s Cut] {DARKER FIC} - Explicit - Mike x Reader, August Walker x Reader - Hellraiser: Hellworld x Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Crossover AU - Uncle August doesn’t give a shit that you’re Mike’s girlfriend. This is the darker pre-edited version.
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Love, Napoleon (ongoing)
I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl - Explicit - Napoleon Solo x Reader - Napoleon wines and dines.
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Daddy Knows Best (possibly on hiatus)
Make That Kitty Purr {DARK FIC} - Explicit - Mike x Reader, August Walker x Reader - Hellraiser: Hellworld x Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Crossover AU - Uncle August doesn’t give a shit that you’re Mike’s girlfriend.
Make That Kitty Purr [Director’s Cut] {DARKER FIC} - Explicit - Mike x Reader, August Walker x Reader - Hellraiser: Hellworld x Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Crossover AU - Uncle August doesn’t give a shit that you’re Mike’s girlfriend. This is the darker pre-edited version.
Treat Me Like A Slut - Explicit - August Walker x Reader - August has had enough of your antics, and you’re going to pay for it.
Executive Temptation - Explicit - CEO!August Walker x Employee!Reader - You’ve caught the eye of CEO August Walker. What happens when he asks you to go to his private office?
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Sometimes The Silence Guides A Mind - Explicit - Sherlock Holmes x Reader - As you were getting close to Sherlock, he stops visiting. You pop over to Baker Street and share an eye-opening moment.
The Paganini Problem - Mature - Sherlock Holmes x Wife!Reader - Being Sherlock’s wife proves to be difficult when a case stumps him.
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The Howling in Claw Creek Forest (ongoing)
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out - Mature - Syverson x Reader - When an unexpected pregnancy rocks your already uncertain world, you decide the best option is to run. Apocalypse AU.
Shape-Up - Explicit - Syverson x Black!Reader (Peaches) - Syverson and his girl, Peaches, try and trim his beard without causing a ruckus. Spoiler alert: they fail.
My Little Strawberry - Mature - Syverson x Black!Reader (Peaches) - A follow-up to Shape Up. Sy has a conversation with his baby girl while she’s still in your stomach. 
Say It Again | Captain Syverson + Female Reader + Phone Sex + “Hmm, you’re not very patient, are you?” + Smut (Sweet Treats Event 2024)
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Nothing More Than An Animal - Explicit - Henry!Wolverine (Cavillrine) x Female!Reader - After entering a dangerous biker bar alone, you’re almost assaulted. You are saved by a mutant with metal claws who might be more animal than man.
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Walter Marshall (Night Hunter)
Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher)
Clark Kent (Man of Steel, BvS, Justice League)
Humphrey (Stardust)
Charles Brandon (The Tudors)
Mike (Hellraiser: Hellworld)
Napoleon Solo (The Man from U.N.C.L.E.)
August Walker (Mission: Impossible - Fallout)
Gus March-Phillips (The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare)
Will Shaw (The Cold Light of Day)
Sherlock Holmes (Enola Holmes films)
Captain Syverson (Sand Castle)
Evan Marshall (Blood Creek)
Melot (Tristan and Isolde)
Thomas Apreas (Hotel Laguna)
Chas Quilter (The Inspector Lyndley Mysteries)
Stephen Colley (I Capture the Castle)
Henry!Wolvie AKA The Cavillrine (Deadpool & Wolverine)
89 notes · View notes
crazyunsexycool · 7 months
My Little Love
Chapter 32
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader
Word count: 5.7K
Warning: Some tears, little bit of angst, Sad Henry, Some seperation anxiety, some fluff
A/N: Our favorite family is back. Also it's the first official introduction to Steve's Honey. Although it's only for a brief moment. This also happens before all of the holiday one shots for this series.
Series Masterlist
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There was fire in your veins. It traveled from the top of your head to your toes. The burning sensation wouldn’t stop even as you begged for some mercy. Leather straps dug into your flesh, cutting your skin and drawing  blood. The more you struggled the worse it got. 
A voice, familiar, cold and harsh made impossible demands. You begged some more. The only response you received was that same voice, mocking you and a stinging sensation across your cheek.
You couldn’t place the voice no matter how much you tried to remember. Where had you heard it before? A choked sob escapes you as the group of people around you move to ‘work’ on you. 
Shallow ragged breaths fill the otherwise quiet room. Slowly a voice calls out to you. Dripping with love and innocence and concern. It pulled you out of the deep dark memories that were weighing you down.
“Mama, is kay now. No cwy.” Charlotte’s reassurance was spoken in a calming manner. 
“It’s just a nightmare.” You heard Henry say as you finally opened your eyes. 
Your body ached, your muscles were tense and sore but you realized that you weren’t in the living room anymore. At some point someone, most likely Bucky, moved you to the master bedroom. Immediately your mind went back to the nightmare, a memory really. You couldn’t shake that feeling of knowing who that voice belonged to. 
“Mowning mama.” Lottie’s sweet sleepy voice pulls your attention as she gently caresses your cheek. She wipes away the tears that had fallen. 
“Morning sweet Angel. Morning my sweet boy.” 
It was a delight for them to hear those nicknames. They sat at either side of you and when you opened your arms they didn’t hesitate to snuggle up to you. You kissed the tops of their heads and just enjoyed being with them again. It was obvious by the sleepy looks in their eyes that you had woken them up. The door opens slowly and you manage to look over to see Bucky pop his head in. His smile is breathtakingly soft as he watches the three of you all cuddled up in bed. 
“Daddy come on.” Henry patted the empty space beside him.
Bucky’s smile widened as he walked in and closed the door. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and gray sweatpants which meant that he had just woken up too. He had no problem taking up the empty spot next to his son. Instinctively Bucky’s hand finds yours, your fingers intertwine with his. Soon enough Henry starts telling you about the video games he and uncle Sam and uncle Josh played. Lottie tells you about her sleepovers with Olivia. You listen and ask all kinds of questions and for those few minutes you forget about the hell you lived through and the three months you had been separated. The four of you joke and laugh, share cuddles and kisses. Your heart feels light and it erases any memory of your nightmare. 
There’s a knock on the door and when it opens it’s your dad. He informs you that your siblings are here. Reluctantly you let the kids go and got up, sitting at the edge of the bed. Henry took Charlotte’s hand and led her out to the living room, you could immediately hear your siblings greeting them. 
“How are you feeling?” Bucky asked. He knew from experience that asking if someone was ok after a traumatic experience wasn’t the best way to get them to talk. 
“Tired.” You murmured. “I had a nightmare, a memory really. I hate remembering.” 
He shuffled around and sat next to you. Bucky’s arm moved behind you until it settled around your waist. 
“I know Sugar. I hate to say it but it won’t always be easy. But I’m right here with you. I’ll do whatever you need me to do.” 
You gave him a sad smile before resting your head on his shoulder. The two of you stay like that for a few minutes before you get up and head to the bathroom to freshen up. 
Bucky had already joined your family in the living room. He’d advised them that you had woken up from a nightmare, that from the events that happened the day before you were probably still on edge and that it would be better to not get too excited or loud around you just yet.  
“Hey.” You said as you stood at the edge of the living room. Unsure of what to do next. 
Luke got up first and he made his way towards you. It was slow and cautious, almost as if he was afraid to scare a wild animal. 
“Can I hug you?” He asked, although he kept his hands in his pockets instead of holding his arms out and not really giving you a choice. 
“Yeah, that would be ok.” 
Gently Luke pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head. You clung to him. The moment felt all too familiar. It brought you back to your childhood when you would get in trouble way before you had been alienated from your siblings. You realized you were crying harder than you meant to because Luke was swaying side to side and reassuring you that you were safe. 
Next came Josh and Sofia, followed by Molly. All of them telling you how happy they were that you were safe. Olivia was the last to come up to you. Still shy around you but you couldn’t blame her, you had barely spent any time together. 
“Hi auntie Y/N.” She says shyly, halfway hidden behind Molly’s legs. 
“Hi Oli. Lottie told me you had a lot of sleepovers.” You had gone down to her level and she loosened her grip on Molly’s leg and shifted a tad bit closer. 
“Yeah, she was sad a lot because she missed you.” 
“I missed her too, but thank you because you kept her company.” 
“I missed you too.” She reveals as she walks even closer to you. “You’re fun.” 
“Yeah? I missed you too.” 
Olivia is finally standing in front of you, her hands behind her back and she squirms around a bit. You play with her curls and smile at her.
“Can I hug you too?” 
“I would really love a hug from you.” 
She gives you a toothy grin and then her small arms wrap loosely around your neck. You pull her in and pick her up. 
“Thank you for helping Charlotte and Henry while I was gone. You are the best cousin ever.” You whisper in her ear and she giggles. With a kiss to her temple you set her down. 
There’s an awkward silence. You knew that they wanted to ask you about what you went through. There was no way you’d tell them. Some of it you didn’t even really remember. 
“What do you need from us?” Luke asks as everyone settles down. 
You blinked at him, confused at his question. 
“We don’t want to overwhelm you.” Molly adds. “So whatever you need us for, we're here, just let us know.” 
You nodded but you were at a loss for words. It was a lot to take in, in the last few hours. It hadn’t even been a full 24 since you were found so suddenly having so much control of yourself and freedom you didn’t know what to do. 
“Shouldn’t you be meeting with Shuri?” Ed offered.
“Yeah we should. Are you ok with waiting here?” 
“Of course, whatever you need.” 
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The information Shuri had for you was worse than you thought. There were several microchips implanted in your brain. Those along with a chemical component were being used to control you. Half of the issue was resolved when Yelena sprayed the antidote in your face a few hours ago. The other half was going to be complicated. You were going to need literal brain surgery to be completely free of hydra’s hold. 
Bucky took you aside and for a while he just held you. It was overwhelming. The decisions you’d both have to make were difficult. 
“Look at me Sugar.” Bucky murmurs as he pulls back. Your red rimmed eyes meet his bright blue ones. “I know it’s a lot more to ask of you. You’ve been through hell, I get it. But we have to do this. We have to go back to Wakanda and make sure those things are out of your head. I promise I’ll be right there with you. Then this will all be over.” 
“What about the kids?” 
Bucky sighs. 
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“But you just got back, you can’t leave mama.” Henry argues, he’s on the verge of tears. 
“I know, sweet boy. I don’t want to go but the bad men hurt me and I have to go to Wakanda to get better like you, daddy and Lottie did.” 
“But we were gone for so long.” 
“Shuri thinks that it will take less time, bubs.” You tried to soothe him and run your hand up and down his arm but he pulled away. 
“Why can’t we go with you? You went with us last time?” 
“Bubba, mama needs to get bettuh.” Lottie speaks up for the first time. You had noticed she had been lost in thought, you’re sure she was having a vision. 
“But daddy is going.” 
“I’m going to be there to watch over mama during and after her treatments.” Bucky added.
Henry threw his arms around your neck and cried. He pleaded with you to take him but in reality you weren’t sure if your memory would be affected after the surgery or worse if you’d die because of it. You didn’t want either of them to see that and Bucky wouldn’t be able to watch them and take care of you at the same time. That’s what you tried to explain to Henry but he wouldn’t accept it. After going back and forth he just stepped away from you. 
“Fine leave again then. I don’t care.” He all but yelled before running away, turning invisible as he did. 
His reaction had you crying. He had been anxious while you were gone and now that he had you back you were leaving again. Henry’s reaction was completely understandable but it still hurt you. Lottie stood in front of you and offered you a smile. Her hair was much longer and she had it swept over her shoulder to one side as she played with the ends. 
“Is kay mama. Bubba just scared. I make him not scared.” 
“You’re gonna take care of him while we’re gone?” 
“Mmhmm.” She nods as she places her arms and crosses them over your legs propping her chin on one of her free hands. “No be scared mama.” She taps her temple. “Mama be kay. I see it.” 
You make a sound between a laugh and a sob before you pick her up. Lottie smiled at you and leaned into your chest. Leaving them again wasn’t going to be easy. In fact you were sure that the tightness in your chest had everything to do with being away from them. 
Shuri and the Dora Milaje that stayed to protect her were already on their jet. You and Bucky would be leaving with them. There was not a lot of time from when you told the kids to when you’d actually leaving so you weren’t able to talk to Henry again. You didn’t want to leave things like that with him but the clock was ticking and you weren’t sure what hydra would be able to do to you. After you said goodbye to your family you and Bucky were at Bruce’s lab, getting some last minute information. 
“This is a very awkward conversation to be having.” Bruce sighed. 
“Is something wrong with Y/N?”
“No, not exactly.” Bruce cleared his throat but was going slightly red at the mere thought of having to discuss this. “I think you should um not- do certain things for the next three weeks.”
“What things Bruce?” You look at him confused. “No training or using guns?”
“No. I mean you shouldn’t do those things either.”
“Then what?” Bucky was getting irritated.
“Don’t have sex.” 
You and Bucky turn to see a woman walking up to you.
“I’m sorry what? Who are you?” 
“I’m Dr. Banner’s new assistant.” She offers you and Bucky her name. “I started a few weeks ago. Anyways, while running some tests on your blood samples we found high doses of medication used for fertility treatments.” 
The reality of what this meant sat heavy in the air. They were preparing to use you for another winter soldier child and who knows what they would have done to you once you gave birth. 
“She’s right. I’ll have Shuri monitor your levels but from now until you get back it’s best if you abstain from those activities. Unless of course you’re ready for more kids.”
“Bruce, just tell us not to have sex.” Bucky shakes his head and holds back a chuckle. 
“Fine, don’t have sex. Now get out of my lab.” He chuckles. “I know you’re in very capable hands but good luck.” 
“Thanks Bruce.”  You also thank his assistant before heading out.
“So brain surgery, upset kid and now no sex. Things can only go up from here.” You tell Bucky as you sit back in the jet. 
Bucky chuckles and shakes his head. 
“They will. They have to.”
“I haven’t had the chance to say it but I’m glad you’ve let your hair grow out. I always wanted to play with your hair when you had it long like this.” 
“You’re welcome to play with my hair as much as you want.” 
You sigh and lay your head against his shoulder. 
“What’s wrong, Sugar?” 
You take a moment and tell him what’s bothering you. That voice in your dream and how you felt that you were supposed to recognize it. That there were things that you didn’t remember but that it was more than that, it felt that there was a wall blocking those memories. Bucky takes your hand and reassures you that everything will be ok. That most likely you just need to remove those microchips in your brain and everything will fall back into place. You can only hope that he’s right.
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For days Shuri worked tirelessly to undo what hydra had done. It was difficult the first time you woke up to find out that the surgery was being done in sections. After two weeks of going between surgery and recovery, Shuri was finally done. It was complicated to say the least but it had been successful. You took one week to fully recover thanks to the serum.
It was a brisk night in Wakanda. The nightgown you had on did little to keep you warm but with all of the memories coming back to you it was a welcomed change. Some peace and quiet was exactly what you needed as you thought about how you would tell Bucky who had been hurting you and what you had learned and remembered.
“Sugar? Everything alright?” Bucky’s gravelly voice cuts the silence. 
“Yeah, just another nightmare.” 
“Mmm.” Bucky walks up and places his hands on your hips. You can feel his body warmth against your back. “Want to talk about it?” 
Turning around you look up into his concerned blue eyes. You knew you had to tell him but you were scared at his reaction. Bucky pulls you into his chest, his hand running up and down your back in a soothing manner. 
“I remember everything.” You mumble while blinking back tears. “I don’t even know where to start.” 
“It’s ok Sugar. I know this part is difficult, remembering any part of it. Just tell me what you want, if you want too.” 
“I remember the voice.” You start by saying. “I remember everything she told me, it was horrible.” 
“She?” Bucky racked his brain trying to remember any high ranking female hydra officers but he couldn’t. 
You pulled back to look at him, the truth was on the tip of your tongue but the weight of it kept you from talking. Bucky cupped your face and tilted your head so that you would look at him again. Your gaze was starting to unfocus and he called your name softly. One warm and one cold hand grounding you in reality. You weren’t strapped to that table anymore. There wasn’t a room full of men ripping you apart and figuring out the best way to put you back together. No, you are safe now. In the arms of the man that loved you and who might despise you in a moment. 
“You’ll hate me.” 
Bucky’s brows furrowed in confusion. There was a chance you weren’t coherent due to the surgery and medications. 
“I could never hate you, Sugar.” 
You blinked up at him owlishly while studying Bucky’s face. It might be the last time that he looked at you with so much love. With your hands wrapped around his wrists you take a deep breath. It was now or never. 
“My mom.” Bucky tilts his head but waits for you to continue talking. “She’s the voice. She was the one in charge.” 
You felt him stiffen.
“Your mother is hydra? Is your father? Your siblings?” A bit of panic in his tone.
You shook your head as he pulled away. He paced back and forth on the balcony. 
“How? Why? I don’t understand.” 
“Apparently all of the family on her side was hydra. But that’s not all.” You started crying then. Bucky stopped and looked at you. 
“My great grandfather and grandfather they were both-“ you struggled to get the words out. It hurt to think that two of the people you loved the most were created at the hands of your family members.
“They what?” 
You flinched slightly at the sharpness of his tone. 
“They were both part of the winter soldier program and of developing the program for Henry, Charlotte and the boys.”
Bucky stared at you with slight horror. He takes a step away from you and then another. 
“She was horrible. The things she told me.” You start to sob. “What she did to me as a kid was nothing compared to what she did this time.” You turn away from him and lean on the railing again. “The plans she had for me were evil. Having me hurt Charlotte and Henry was a fail safe plan. She knew it would kill me if they were hurt.” You hide your face in your hands and continue to cry over everything. 
The sight of you crying over the things your family has done breaks Bucky’s heart. You flinch when you feel his hand on your back.
“Sugar, it’s over.” 
“It’s not.” You shake your head. “She’s still out there. It’s not over until she’s dead.” You turn to look at him again with a pained expression. “As long as she’s alive we’ll never have peace.” 
“We will. I promise you we will.” 
Bucky pulls you into his chest and lets you cry until you can’t anymore. He had to put his feelings aside for the moment, this wasn’t about him and it wasn’t your fault. Deep down he knows you aren’t like the monster that your mother is, and neither is your family. 
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From the moment you told Henry you had to go to Wakanda he had been anxiously awaiting your return. He felt bad for not saying goodbye. It didn’t help that Charlotte called him out on ‘being mean to mama’ when you were already scared. All he wanted now was for you to come back so he could tell you that he didn’t mean it. He was scared too.
It also happened that he was sad at the thought that you would miss his first official birthday. It’s not that a party was the most important thing to him but Henry wanted to spend it together as a family. 
So on the actual day no one could coax him out of his room. Not Eddie, Luke, Molly or Steve and Sam. Not even Lottie could convince him to go up to his party. 
“But bubba is so nice. You habe fun.” Lottie rubbed his back in a comforting manner as he lay facing the wall. 
“I don’t want to have a birthday party. You go and have fun baby.” 
Lottie huffs in annoyance. “Kay.” She says as she walks out and closes the door. 
A few minutes later there’s another knock and the door opens. 
“I said I don’t want to go to the party.” Henry’s tone is stern.
“That’s ok sweet boy. What if we do something else, just the four of us?” 
Henry sits up, his eyes wide and mouth hanging open as he turns towards the door.
“Mama, you’re back.” He says between choked sobs. Henry hops off the bed and runs into your waiting arms. “I’m sorry mama, I didn’t wanna be mean.” 
“I know bubs. We were both scared.” 
“I love you mama.”
“I love you too.” You kiss the top of his head and hug him for as long as he needs too. Pulling back, you cup his face with both of your hands. “Happy birthday.”
Soon he pulls away and moves to hug Bucky. 
“Happy birthday bubs.” 
“Thanks. Did you know they were coming back today?” Henry turns to look at Lottie who is giving him a mischievous smile. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” 
“Is a suwpwise. Duh.” Lottie rolled her eyes. 
“When did she learn how to do that?” You whisper to Bucky. 
“She spent way too much time with Nat and Sofia.” 
“Oh great.” You mutter. “So what do you say sweet boy, party or family hang out?”
“I don’t know. Shouldn’t you rest?” 
“I had all the rest I needed for now. Besides your dad and I made sure to pick a good theme for your birthday. Are you sure you don’t want to go see it at least?” 
“You picked it?” Henry asks while looking at both of you wide eyed. 
“Of course. Well it was your dad’s idea. I wish I would have been able to plan it though.” You gave Henry a sad smile.
“I wanna go to the party.” He says excitedly.
“Let’s go then.”
As always Tony out did himself. The largest of the shared living rooms had been turned into a fully functioning arcade. All types of retro arcade games were set up around the room, one of the bars had been turned into a prize booth and even the lighting was perfect. Anything you could find in an arcade you found here and there were even some of Henry’s favorite things available too.
There were banners hanging up that said ‘gamers don’t age, they level up’. Henry was wide eyed as he looked around and found that all of his favorite people were there including Sam’s nephews and Clint’s older son. Still it wasn’t packed with people which you greatly appreciated.
“Can I go play?” Henry looked up at you and Bucky.
“Of course bubs, it’s your birthday.” Bucky nods. 
“I’ll find you later. C’mon baby let’s go.” 
Bucky slips a hand around your waist as you watch the kids run further into the room. He leads you a bit further in but you stop him and nod in the direction of the bar.
“What in the world is going on there?” You were referring to Steve talking with Bruce’s new assistant. 
They looked like complete opposites. Steve was animated and smiling while she was a bit more guarded, a bored expression on her face. Still there was a bit of lightness in her eyes as she looked at Steve. You wondered how it started and what it was in the first place. 
“Don’t worry Sugar, we’ll find out soon enough.”
“You can’t tease him about it.” 
“I won’t make a promise I don’t intend to keep.” Bucky says with a chuckle.
Just then Steve turns around just to take in the room and his whole face lights up when he sees you. You watch as he excuses himself and walks over to you.
“When did you get back?” He asks as he gives you both hugs. 
“A few minutes ago. We wanted to surprise Henry.”
“So I’m assuming everything went well.” 
“Yeah. I remembered everything. There’s-“ you sigh, your features darkening for a moment. “There’s someone from hydra still out there.” 
“You sure? We haven’t gone through all of the files yet.” 
“Trust me, there’s someone missing on the list of detainees.” Bucky adds. “But we’ll worry about that tomorrow. Right now we are here to celebrate.”
You smile up at him. Although the serum had healed all of the surgical incisions your body was still exhausted from the three months of hell you lived through, the surgery and the emotional rollercoaster too. So you decided on taking it easy. You walked through the room, finding your family or the team and talking. Sitting and just enjoying being back home. 
“I’m going to win you a prize Sugar. Pick whatever teddy bear you want.” Bucky says with a smirk. 
“I want that teddy that looks like you.” You point at the stuffie that had a black and gold arm. 
“You got it.” 
Bucky heads to the basketball game and shoots nothing but net. He ends up getting so many tickets he can get you the bear. 
“Is this how you used to woo the girls you dated back in the 30s?” You asked as you hugged the bear to your chest. 
You smile and kiss his cheek. “Thanks for my new sleeping buddy. I’m sure he’ll keep me safe.” 
“What? There’s no way a stuffed bear is replacing me.” 
“But he’s so cute and cuddly.” 
“Sugar.” He gave you a halfhearted glare. 
You kiss his cheek, laughing before you disappear between some of the arcade games with Bucky grumbling behind you. Charlotte and Olivia run past you, each of them holding some cotton candy and giggling. Henry is sitting at a racing game with Sam in the seat next to him, both of them competing for first place. 
“You can’t use your own hammer, Point Break.” Tony tells Thor. 
“But the objective is to hit these creatures.”
“You’re supposed to wack, not obliterate.”  
You chuckle and shake your head as you walk past them and find your dad hanging out in the lounge area with a drink in hand. He pats the empty seat beside him and you take it, immediately resting your head on his shoulder. After making sure you’re ok, Bucky leaves to find Steve and challenge him in a game of pool.
“How are you feeling, kitten? Do you need to go up and rest? I’m sure Henry wouldn’t mind if you went and had a nap.” Eddie said.
“No, I'm ok. As long as I’m not pushing myself physically I’ll be fine. I’ve already missed so much.” 
The two of you sit there for a while just watching everyone enjoy the party. Eddie just says something once in a while but mostly you sit in silence. It was nice but it felt surreal. Now you had a better understanding of why Bucky hated crowds. The space felt suffocating, as if all eyes were on you and every whispered conversation was about you. Maybe they were waiting for you to break. But it wouldn’t happen tonight. This night was reserved for Henry and he deserved a good birthday.
“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you.” Everyone stood around the birthday cake which was made to look like a huge video game controller, singing. 
Bucky held Lottie while you had your hands resting on Henry’s shoulders. 
“Happy birthday dear Henry, happy birthday to you.” 
“Blow out your candles and make a wish.” You whisper.
Henry looks back at you with a smile. An innocence you’d barely seen in him since he was rescued. There was pure joy on his face as he turned to look at his dad and sister. He turns back to the cake and blows the candles out. Everyone cheers and you kiss the top of his head. You pull him back as Molly and Wanda begin to cut the cake. Soon enough everyone has a piece.
“You have a mess on your face sweet angel.” You say while trying to wipe Lottie’s face clean with a napkin. 
“No mama.” Lottie pulls away, sticking her tongue out to try and lick away the frosting around her lips. Then she takes another spoonful of cake and shovels it in her mouth. “Habe some, mama.” She takes another spoonful and holds it up for you.
“No thank you, baby. I already had some.” 
“Is kay mama. Habe some, is so yummy.” 
You huff a laugh and accept the spoonful Lottie had offered you. She smiles before turning her attention back to her slice. This was very reminiscent of the night she called you mama for the first time. She was sitting on your lap yet again with a huge mess on her face. Everyone sat around talking and having a good time. This time though, Henry sat next to you and your family was here. Memories like this is what you would cling to in order to keep the nightmares at bay.
After a while the party calmed down. People were still playing video games but the atmosphere was more relaxed. You couldn’t fight the exhaustion anymore so you went to find Henry. He was waiting his turn to play dance, dance revolution. 
“Hey birthday boy.” You tousled his hair to get his attention.
“Hey mama. Do you want to play this?” 
“No it’s ok. I am going to go upstairs and lay down. I’m tired.”
Henry looked at the game and back at you unsure of what to do. 
“I’m not saying you have to leave the party, baby. I’m just letting you know so you don’t think I left you, ok?” You caress his cheek and smile. 
“Are daddy and baby going with you?”
“No,” you shake your head. “I’m just going to lay down for a little bit. Your dad and Lottie will still be running around. I’ll try to come back down later.” 
“It’s ok mama.” Henry gives you a hug. “Thank you for coming back for my birthday.” 
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” You kiss his forehead. “I’ll see you later.”
“Ok mama.” 
You watch as Henry gets up to select what he wanted to dance to before looking for Bucky. You find him with Luke, Olivia and Charlotte on the balcony. The girls were admiring the twinkling lights of the city as night fell while Bucky and Luke had a conversation. You go up to them and let them know you’re going to be leaving the party. Bucky takes your hand and gives your knuckles a quick kiss before watching you walk away.
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At some point after you had fallen asleep Bucky  joined you in bed. The weight of his arm around your waist and the soft rise and fall of his chest against your back brought you comfort. You couldn’t, however, fall back asleep. As quietly and quickly as you could you slid out of bed and out of the room. You needed some fresh air so you slid the door to the balcony open and stepped outside. 
“Mama?” Henry asks from the door. 
You turn, surprised to see him awake at whatever time it was. He walks towards you, rubbing the sleep out of his eye with the back of his hand. You open your arms for him. 
“I was calling you, didn’t you hear me?” He asks as he leans into your warm embrace.
“I’m sorry sweet boy, I guess I was just thinking too much.” 
“It’s ok. Why are you out here? Aren’t you cold?” Henry presses himself closer to you.
“Not really but let's go inside.”
You head to the living room and get comfortable on the couch. Henry lays down and rests his head on your lap. Immediately you start playing with his hair while he holds your free hand. 
“When do you know if a birthday wish worked, mama?” 
“Well I think it depends on what you wished for. If it was something big then it could take some time.” You look down at him. “Why?” 
“I just want my wish to work fast.” 
“What did you wish for, sweet boy?” 
Henry sits up and faces you. “I wished for you to not feel scared like I was when I got here.” 
“Oh baby, you didn’t have to use your wish on that. I’ll get better little by little I promise.” Henry’s revelation made you tear up just a bit.
“I know. I just wanted to help you like you and daddy and baby always help me.” 
You smile at him then pull him in for a hug. 
“You are helping me, sweet boy. Just by being here with me right now and giving me some cuddles.” 
“I can do that.” 
“I know you can. I love you so much my sweet, sweet boy.” You kiss the top of his head before getting comfortable on the couch. 
“I love you too mama. I missed you so much.” Henry whispers.
“I missed you too.” 
Henry ends up cuddled up on your lap. His face is buried in the crook of your neck. Soft snores fill the quiet room. Your hold on him is strong and you struggle to not think about the things he must have gone through now that you have experienced some of them. 
The two of you stay on the couch until the morning when you’re woken up. Charlotte, wanting to be included in some cuddles, hopped up on the couch and found a spot on your lap before practically falling asleep again. For the next few weeks it’s the same routine. You wake up due to the nightmares and someone always finds you. The kids comfort you by cuddling on the couch, Bucky by letting you cry on his shoulder. 
It was true what Bucky had said, it wouldn’t be easy but you would manage. Your life would be slightly different now but you had a reason to keep pushing forward. You had good days and you had bad days but you pushed through it all. There was lost time you needed to make up with the kids and you intended to do just that. 
Ch. 33
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oftenwantedafton · 8 months
A New Afton - Stepfather Steve Raglan/William Afton x Stepdaughter Reader
Rating - Explicit
Warnings - sexual content, daddy kink, praise kink
Also available on AO3
taglist @yellowbunnydreams
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You’re seated in your stepfather’s car outside of his vacant restaurant.
Steve—no, William, apparently—has slotted the keys in the ignition. The white rabbit’s foot keychain swings gently back and forth, the momentum dissipating until it eventually halts.
“I want to tell you a story,” he begins quietly. “I still remember that night eighteen years ago like it was just yesterday. Torrential rain. So rare around here. Your half-sister Charlotte was playing inside this building. Only three years old. But mature for her age. Precocious. She often got bullied for it. Henry was at the bar with your mother. Creating you.
We began searching for Charlie—that’s what we called her—as soon as we realized she was missing the next day. We never found any trace of her. We kept telling ourselves she must’ve been hiding somewhere, afraid to make an appearance after being missing for so long, maybe thinking she was going to be in a lot of trouble. Getting law enforcement involved. So much commotion over one little girl. Of course, your father wouldn’t have been upset. He just wanted his daughter back home safe and sound. Maybe that’s why he tracked your mother down later on. Seeking to make amends, as it were, since he’d failed his other child. Grief makes people behave strangely.” He rubs at an invisible spot of dust on the dashboard, his features pensive. You continue to listen raptly. It’s your origin story, as inglorious as it is. The real reason behind the pizzeria closing. The fate of your half-siblings.
“The police seemed suspicious of foul play from the start, even though they never found any evidence. But the damage was already done. The first black mark on the name of the business. On me and your father.” William exhales a heavy sigh. “And then it just compounded from there when more children went missing. We couldn’t explain it. The authorities continued to press. Nothing. By then we were completely tarnished. There’s no salvaging a reputation once it’s lost. Your father went on a camping trip with the remains of his family. Thinking it would be good to take time off, to get away from all of this negativity. That vacation ended in tragedy when his youngest son went missing. After that, your father was different. Broken. Too much for one man to bear. He tried anyway, for your other half-brother’s sake, but his heart just wasn’t in the partnership anymore and I…I gave in to the pressure. Everyone wanted our business shuttered. The press. The parents. The police. A veritable lynch mob. We had no choice but to close.” His fingers slide off of their grip on the steering wheel and settle on his lap. “The only way to start over was to truly begin again. New name. New career.”
“New wife,” you add softly.
He looks at you. “Yes. I thought what I wanted was simple companionship. Someone to fill the emptiness at home. Someone to share the tedious responsibilities of a quiet day to day existence. And that’s all it would have ever been. Existing. Not really living. Not what I needed. I didn’t realize that until I discovered you, sweet girl.” His hand reaches for yours.
You look at that joining. Large calloused hand and your small smooth one. “No one else knows who you really are,” you murmur.
“No one except you. And it needs to stay that way. I need you to promise me you won’t tell anyone,” he urges, squeezing your clasped fingers.
“I promise, Daddy.” You pause. “You really don’t know what happened to those children?” Your voice sounds so small. A child’s voice. Maybe much like your half-sister’s.
You want to believe him. The alternative is just unthinkable. If your real father was involved somehow, or—somehow even worse—if your stepfather was.
“I’m going to be with you, baby girl. Like we are meant to be.” He leans over and kisses you. “Spoil my Princess and give her everything she deserves. Make you so happy. My sweet daughter.” His kisses become more aggressive. His hand releases yours, resting over the heart pendant at the base of your throat. “Mine.”
You realize you’re going to be getting home later than you’d originally thought.
William Afton under the guise of Steve Raglan sits at his desk at the office, his hands folded beneath his chin.
He’d announced his desire for a divorce earlier that morning, as soon as his wife had woken up beside him. He wasn’t going to pretend that her reaction triggered anything in him. He’d never had feelings for her before. He was hardly going to start now.
That’s how he had broken the news to her, his announcement cold and devoid of any emotion. As if he was a newscaster dispassionately delivering the highlights of the day. He’d told her he was unhappy. Incompatible. The trip and her brief absence had made him realize this. He’d reassured her she’d done nothing wrong, an overly generous act of kindness on his part, he thinks. He doesn’t really care how she feels. Certainly doesn’t harbor enough passion to want her dead. She’s hardly worth giving up this alias for. So no, no killing to remove his problem this time. No attention drawn to himself. Just a tedious wait of several months for things to be finalized. It’ll go more quickly since he’s willing divide their assets, he doesn’t care about any of that. He doesn’t want anything from her.
Save you, of course.
He looks at the framed photo of his current family on his desk. So different from his first failed attempt. He very carefully has left you out of the equation when he’d mentioned the divorce. Your mother doesn’t need to know. She assumes it’s a boy at your school that has you acting so strangely. He’s letting her think that.
He’d pushed her reaching hands away; left his wedding band in the tray on the bathroom sink. He will not be pretending anymore. Not about this, anyway.
He’d told you some of the truth. Bits and pieces of his former best friend’s tragic story. Avoiding his own responsibility in that tragedy. Failing to mention anything about his own ex wife and children and the fates they had met. It was just enough truth amidst a sea of lies. As much as he was willing to risk.
The rest are dark secrets that he’ll take to the grave.
Your mother is crying when you get home from school that afternoon.
It’s not difficult to guess the reason. William had obviously announced his intention to divorce her.
You hug her and let her cry against your shoulder. She apologizes repeatedly and the irony of that is not lost on you. She keeps saying she’s made a mistake. You think about how you yourself were a mistake, how she’d lied to you about your real father for your entire life, and the guilt about your affair with her husband lessens slightly.
You’re doing homework at the kitchen table when your stepfather returns from work. He sets the briefcase and his car keys down on the counter, very slowly and deliberately.
“Where’s your mother?”
You set your pen down. “Upstairs. She said we’d have to manage dinner without her. She’s been crying all afternoon.”
The bearded man sighs. It doesn’t sound sympathetic; more like annoyed, if anything. He moves to stand behind you, bending near your face to whisper in your ear. “I did it for you, baby girl. For us.”
You nod. You’re not sure how you’re supposed to feel. You want him, more than anything. The thought of being his, only his, the two of you alone together at last, bonded…it helps to push away the doubts. This is what you both want. You need each other.
You keep trying to justify it in your mind. It was so much easier when your mom was away. Now that she’s back you’re continuously forced to confront the ugly feelings directly.
You know it’s unfair to your mother. You love her. You don’t want to hurt her. But her staying married to someone that’s wrong for her isn’t the answer.
Don’t think about that. Think about being with him.
“What are you feeling for dinner?” You’ve picked up your pen again to begin writing. You honestly aren’t that hungry, merely asking to make conversation. Establish some sense of normalcy.
“I can’t be in this room and not think about you. About you on the island spread out in front of me. Taking your virginity. The taste of your blood and your cum lingering in my mouth. I need that pussy in my mouth, baby girl. So, so badly,” he rasps beside your cheek. You drop the pen again. Your heart is pounding.
Your stepfather kneels in front of you, shoving at the uniform skirt and reaching for you panties patterned with little red roses.
Your mother is upstairs. Heartbroken. She’s lost her husband. Because of you.
William’s face moves between your thighs, kissing the soft skin inside of each leg. Your underwear is pooled at your ankles. Your eyes keep darting nervously to the doorway. What if your mother walks in?
The kneeling man seems to sense your reluctance and distraction. “I love you, Princess.” He says it so rarely. Far less than you do. It makes you wonder. You want to believe in the truth behind the words. That he does feel something.
He’d told your mother he loved her, and look where that has gotten her.
Your body is responding of its own accord. Spreading for him. Exposed. His tongue begins stroking. It feels amazing, like always. Sharp little flicks. A knife striking flint, trying to start a fire. You’re already burning. He knows your body so well. His lips are greedy, kissing you everywhere. Your fingers rest in the graying crown of his head. “Cum in my mouth.” His breath is hot against your skin. You can’t deny him. You’re his. Melting. His hand rests against your lips to mask the moan of your surrender.
No dinner. Your bring your homework to your room. You sporadically hear the shaking inhales of breath one has after crying for an extended amount of time from the master bedroom.
You’re seated on the couch beside William. A horror movie is on that your mother doesn’t care to watch. She declares she’s going to bed early.
Your stepfather doesn’t sleep beside her anymore. You’re seated in what now serves as his bed.
You know exactly how many steps there are leading upstairs. You’ve counted them several times to make certain. Fourteen. You think William knows this as well. You can almost see the hand draped so casually on the armrest tallying each step with a slight dip of his index finger. A heartbeat past that, he’s reaching for one of your hands and shoving it inside his pajamas.
Your fingers curl around his erection and you begin to stroke him. “That’s it, sweet girl. Rub Daddy’s cock,” he encourages in a low voice. On television there is a man chasing a woman. He’s carrying a wicked looking butcher knife. You see your stepfather’s eyes glued to the screen. The increasing rise and fall of his chest. The man in the movie has caught up to the fleeing victim. The knife slices through her flesh, painting her pale skin red. William worries his bottom lip. Precum has spilled from the swollen head of his cock and you massage it into his skin, drawling circles around the frenulum. Your lax fingers tighten. Move faster. Roll over the top of his dick. Sneak down to massage his scrotum. Work along the shaft. The woman on the screen still clings to life, but barely. The final killing blow, the blade sunk to the hilt. The eruption of blood. The man beside you groans softly, spilling semen over your fingers.
You visit William at work again, at the job where he’s known by his alias Steve Raglan. You kneel at his feet and he pushes his cock into your mouth. Leaves it there through a lengthy phone call. Your jaw is getting tired. Saliva oozes over your bottom lip. He manages to maintain his composure throughout the conversation.
You hear the call disconnect, the dial tone humming before the phone rests on its cradle. “You’re so fucking pretty, baby girl. Such a good girl coming to see me.” The praise makes you tingle like always. You gag yourself on his prick enthusiastically. “Look at you. So hungry for Daddy’s cock. For my cum. I’m going to give it to you baby. Just keep going like that.” His breath is dragged through clenched teeth. The swivel chair he’s seated in creaks. His hips piston against your mouth. “Fuck, here it comes. Swallow it, Princess. Every last drop.” The bitter liquid fills your mouth. You manage to send it down your gullet in one go.
The carpet’s fibers are imprinted on your bare knees.
Night. You can’t sleep.
You’re glad William is no longer sharing a bed beside your mother, but you hate having him so far from you, on another floor. Your body has gotten so conditioned to being intimate with him daily. It has been a few days without statisfying those desires. He’s told you that you need to be more careful. You’re so close to your end goal. He doesn’t want to risk getting caught.
You’re craving him. An addict suffering withdrawal.
You toss and turn and look at the shadowed shapes of the plush animals lining your shelf. The yellow rabbit he’d won for you in the crane machine. The large white plush with the pink bow that you’d used in front of him. Washed and ready for another time if there would be such a thing. The space between your legs aches.
You fling back the covers and pad barefoot downstairs. You’re wearing an oversized tshirt and panties. One of the newer printed ones William had gotten you during your shopping trip. Scalloped waistband. Tiny lavender satin bow.
He's too long for the couch. You can just make out his ankles crossed over the arm rest. You’re beside him now. “Daddy.” A whisper of sound. The title has you throbbing already. You need him, badly.
The man awakens immediately. “Princess.” He shifts positions, sitting upright, legs swinging around. His voice is low, urgent. “You shouldn’t be down here. We’ve talked about this.”
His hands reach out in the darkness to cup your face and his body lifts so that his mouth crushes yours. You can’t stifle a whimper. You feel like you haven’t kissed him in ages. “Baby girl, you have to be quiet.” His voice is barely audible.
“I know, Daddy. I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I need you.”
“You want Daddy to fuck you? Fill his little girl up with cum?”
“Yes, Daddy, please,” you gasp between kisses.
“Come ride Daddy’s cock.” You feel him leaning back against the cushions and you straddle his thighs, pulling his erection out of his pajama pants and briefs. His hands are already underneath the hem of your shirt, running over the fabric covering your sex before he tugs it to one side and positions his cock against your drooling pussy. “Push down, baby. I’ve got you.”
He immediately has to clamp a hand over your mouth, barely able to mute his own sound of pleasure at the feeling of being inside of you again. Your cunt sucks his member eagerly each time you lower yourself down. Your fingers rest on his shoulders, run through his hair. He kneads your ass cheeks. You control the pace until he gets impatient, his hips jerking upwards to shove into your leaking hole.
It ends very quickly. You’ve been on edge for so long it doesn’t take much to shove you over, the contractions around your stepfather’s cock milking out his own release. You feel it inside of you. So much. So warm. Oozing back down. His breathing so harsh. He finally removes his fingers from your lips. You rest your forehead against his.
Climbing off William’s lap leaves you feeling empty. You miss him already. You’re still leaking his seed. It drips down your thighs. He kisses the inside of your wrist. “Go get some rest, baby girl.”
“Yes, Daddy.” You climb back up the stairs and settle under the covers, falling asleep immediately.
“I got you something.”
You look at your stepdad. You’re meeting in the rear parking of Freddy’s again, nearly a month and a half since your last visit. Still trying to be cautious. Your mother has quit her job at the social services department. She seems a little more content now that she’s started working somewhere else. There’s a strange kind of placid truce at home. Waiting. Biding time. The house will be sold soon. You’ve already got a dorm room waiting for you in the fall at the local college. Your stepfather has been seeking a new apartment. It will be another place for your clandestine meetings. More opportunities to be intimate. Closer to what you both want.
William had left work early today. You’d just gotten out of school. “What did you get me?”
“You remember I said I was going to get you a toy once I’ve had you?”
You nod. Your pussy tingles in anticipation as he presents you with a small rectangular unmarked black box. You lift the cover. A purple vibrator in the shape of a penis. Not quite your stepfather’s length or girth. Molded veins. A protruding portion with twin extensions that you think are called rabbit ears. A pair of buttons on the base. A small printed insert that claims it’s rechargeable and water proof. Five different settings for your pleasure. Guaranteed to stimulate your clit and g spot simultaneously. Another pulse in your cunt. It’s interested.
“You want to go try it out, baby girl?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“That’s my good girl.”
You’re the one to lead him once you’re inside. You already know where you’re heading.
“Take everything off, Princess. Mmm, except the knee highs.” You know he has a fetish for those. You obey and remove your blouse and bra and skirt and panties. He bunches your clothing up to make a makeshift pillow and indicates you should lie on top of the desk. “I can’t wait to get my own place. Going to do it soon, baby girl.”
“I know, Daddy.”
His calloused fingers stroke over your nearly nude body. Breasts, ribs, belly, hips. Your legs unfold and bend and he pushes them back, then dips between the pink petals of your labia. You’re wet. Always so wet for him. He licks that wetness. You keen, writhing. It’s so much better when you don’t have to keep silent. One finger inside. Two. You grind yourself against him. He removes the pair of digits and sucks them clean.
“I’m going to keep it on the first setting and lowest speed to start with, okay?”
You nod. There’s pressure at your entrance. He pushes the dildo into you, easing gently. The rabbit ears rest against your clit. You hear the button click softly.
Your body instantly reacts, jerking in surprise. The vibrations are intense against your clit, an echo of it inside of you. You bite your lip and squirm. William withdraws the vibrator and you get a brief reprieve from the stimulation on your bundle of nerves. Back inside again. You hear your pussy squelching around the fake cock slotting inside of you. The feeling is so strong that you almost can’t tolerate it. Pleasurable, but on the verge of being nearly too much. You can’t keep still. Your body alternates between trying to get away from it while simultaneously sucking it back in.
“You look so gorgeous, baby girl.” William’s eyes are black, watching heatedly as his hand pumps the purple synthetic device in and out of your pussy. Your clit feels strange. More swollen and harder than usual. You’re starting to enjoy the sensation, finding a kind of rhythm. He increases the pace and lets the rabbit ears linger for extended periods of time. “Want to take over? I would really like to fuck your mouth right now. Top button to change the speed when you’re ready, baby girl.” Your hand reaches for the base while the vibrator is fully plunged inside of you. Your stepfather unfastens his belt. The button and zipper are undone. He pulls his flushed, leaking cock from his briefs. Your mouth waters, your head turning to take him between your lips while you push the vibrator more firmly against your clit.
“Oh, baby girl. I’ve missed that mouth on me.” He knots a hand in your hair and begins fucking into that wet opening gently. You depress the button on the dildo by mistake and moan at this new intensity. Almost too much to take, but you decide to stick with it. “Look at you. So fucking hungry for it.” His thrusts are rougher now, bruising your throat. You gag around him as he pummels you. He abruptly jerks your head off of him and you gasp for air. His cock is completely soaked in a layer of your saliva. “You like sucking Daddy’s cock, don’t you baby girl?”
“Yes, Daddy,” you pant as you find a new angle with the vibrator that feels especially good. It just takes practice. You can see why people find these appealing. The artificial cock hums against your pussy as the real one is rammed back inside your mouth. The pressure inside of your core is building. You’re going to achieve orgasm any moment now.
“Let go, baby girl. I want to see my daughter cum.” You moan around his cock and your body shakes violently. Your cunt massages the vibrator as if it was a real cock, trying to draw seed up into it, your nub pulsing. You finally fumble to switch the sex toy off, removing it from your body. “Good girl. You’re such a good girl.” His cock slips from your mouth and is replaced with his tongue as he bends to kiss you. “I’m going to make you cum again in my mouth. And then on my cock.”
You can still feel the residual effects from the vibrator use, a kind of phantom sensation that you’re still in contact with the device. You’re overly sensitive when William’s mouth finds its way between your thighs, sucking your swollen clit into his mouth, his fingers back inside you. You’re surprised when the feeling builds again so quickly and you climax against his relentless tongue.
You’re dragged closer to the edge of the desk when your stepfather enters you. You’re so sloppy wet. His thumbs dig into your abdomen. You wrap your stockinged legs around him. He fucks you hard and fast, impatient for his own release. The vibrator is now seated against your clit, the tip of the fake cock resting there pulsing against you and reaching through to William inside of you. “You’re going to make me cum, baby girl.”
“Daddy, yes, I want it, fill me up…”
“Fuck, take it Princess.” You feel him flood you. Your body surrenders to another wave of pleasure.
William’s barely glanced at the file folder in front of him.
He’s looking instead at the little countdown calendar he’s created, the moment of freedom from his second marriage rapidly approaching.
The start of his next chapter with you.
The social worker’s next client disturbs his reverie as he gently knocks on the door before entering his office, looking a little sheepish and uncertain. Short, young, probably around mid twenties. Brown curly hair and brown eyes. The business casual attire looks second hand. He appears very uncomfortable, as if he’s unaccustomed to wearing it. Nervous. He slouches uncertainly in the seat across from the career counselor.
The older man now glances through the file folder. This man’s track record was atrocious. He could barely hold down a job for more than a few weeks before he’s fired and moves on to the next. A history of violence. His most recent employment venture had concluded when he’d attacked a man in front of his own child at the local shopping mall.
“I’m going to be perfectly honest here with you, Mike. Your options are extremely limited.” He looks up at the young man, adjusting the glasses that have slipped down the bridge of his nose.
“I’ll take anything. I have to work,” the younger man pleads.
“I don’t see how anyone would be willing to hire you after all of this. You’re not giving me much to work with, here.” He begins reading the employment history out loud, noticing the droop of the other man’s shoulders as the offered protests and excuses fall on deaf ears.
William’s eyes flick back down to the paper in front of him. He’s about to shut the folder and seal the man’s destiny when the client’s surname suddenly stands out to him, practically leaping off of the page towards him.
So. This was the eldest son, then.
How interesting that fate had brought him his way.
The Emily girl cowering in the rain, looking so lost.
The youngest brother, standing so small in the cluster of tall trees around the campsite.
Henry’s secret daughter. Now you were his own. He’d taken each child one after the other. He’d lost track of this one after the last name was changed. How ironic that they both were using aliases. An effective way to hide Mike from him. Well, it had been. Not anymore.
William hears it, then. For the first time in a long while. That strange humming frequency. Blood calling.
Mike starts to rise from his chair. “Ok, well, I appreciate you taking the time to see me.”
“Not so fast. Get comfortable. I’ll make us coffee. It seems I have a job for you after all,” Afton says, grinning.
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romanscoming · 2 years
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picture you a busy working woman, who travels most of the time, you better famous, and popular but not as popular as the family you met on the airplane,, and not just that the pretty faces you get to speak to and numbers you've given to the little ones.
nothing I think, small talk, children (toddlers)?, airplane, mentions of being famous and stuff, hookup(not rlly) flirting, the little girls being adorable :) blonde haired baby = Callie and Brown haired baby = Autumn.
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YOUR BUSINESS HAS BEEN FLOWING HEAVENLY GOOD, you been traveling around a lot, keeping your fans updated on instagrams and twitter, going to meet and greets and other famous stuff the people go to.
You were in California right now, and in the airport to fly to New York to attend some business, but lucky enough you didn't even notice a curly headed male and two toddlers coming along on the same airplane as yourself.
It were so busy, and trying to take focus you didn't notice them at all, but hey work needed to get done.
You sat by the open walkway while you allowed the other person sat by the window.
You'd been on about five different phone calls, three different papers you had written on and about 7 different times you opening up your laptop and connecting your camera to it and viewing, sending and saving photos from the camera.
You were so focus, wanting and having to get this work done you didn't even notice the whispering right across from you and the looks you were given on the other side of the plane.
"That right there is a famous photographer named, Y/N Y/L/N.., isn't she pretty?" Henry whispered to the two little ones siting next to her.
The blonde headed one turned her head fast as hell to get a good look like the pretty lady her father was talking about.
The brown haired one laughed as she pointed at you and said "Th-tat won..? da-addy.. th..tat won!?"
Henry's face full of embarrassment as he choo'd at the young girl for her to stop being loud, "Oooo daddy got a b-big fawt cruwsh on a jiiirl"
Henry looked at the blonde pointing a finger at her to shush as they laughed a giggle even more which caught her attention.
You made eye contact with the brown haired girl as she smiled and giggle at you which exposed a big sweet looking smile from you towards her.
She motioned her hands to you, a heart and pointed at her father which made you pay more attention as her dad brushed her off, "Stop that Autumn.. you going to freak her out."
You just laughed at the girl not even noticing her father just as you turned you head away.
You finally finished more of your work as you were hearing the two little ones babbling around about something,
You figured out to ignore it and mind your business as you used the tv on the seat and picked out a movie, finding dory which was you new favorite Disney show.
Before you could press play, the blonde haired toddler was in the walkway right by your knee..
You smiled at her as you questioned and asked, "Hello there princess, can I help you..?"
She just started up at you for a while before looking back at her sister and then at you.
"Daddy's innn-the t-t-toilet and.. mwe and swissy can-wt!" she complained, dragging her works before stomping her feet as she was embarrassed but trying her best.
You figured she was only about 1or close to 3, still needing speak lessons but was trying her best, you just talked to her as she was a normal child oldest to speak proper, ignoring all the mispronounces and the stuttering.
"You can't what sweetheart?" you said in a smoothing voice wanting to calm her down a bit.
She looked down at you lap for a moment seeing the route for the tv seat, but didn't say a word just pointed at the screen and back at you.
You smiled at you and question, "You and your sissy can watch finding dory?"
She nodded with a adorable pouty lips as you hand out to see if she'll let you carry her, which she gladly accepted snuggling into your embrace and laying her head on your shoulder.
You got to their original seats as you were introduced to the brown haired baby who looked quiet familiar,
You ended brushing it off and greeting the child, "Hi there sweet pea.. your sitting over here all alone like angel, could me and princess.." you paused looking at the toddler in your arms
"Mmm-my nawe iws caw-collie" she says in small pauses, which makes you proud.
"Right, Ms. Y/L/N, and Princess Callie has request to sit with you, madam." you cheered to the chubby toddler,
As she clapped her hands and nodded, "C-callie.., Aw-Autummmn!" she slurred as she point at the toddler in your hands and then at herself.
You sat in their fathers sit with Callie between your legs with the brown headed girl, Autumn was in her own seat.
Not for long tho, you quickly got on Disney plus, searching for something to put on for the both of them just as you heard babbling and cries coming from them both.
"Stawp!.. no! Stawpppp ii..it!" one called out, "nooooo youuuu stAWP!" the other yelled out right after louder
You looked down at both seeing the blonde pushing her sister off of you, trying to keep you all for herself.
You chuckled which caught their attention as they pouted loudly.
The chubby toddler had wet tears coming from out her eyes, a silent sob coming him her as you watched her puffy cheeks turn a bright red,
You put your hands out for her to grab ahold of you as you choo'd at her to not cry, "Oh no.. no need to cry sweet girl,"
"They're enough of me to go around to both of you, okay?" They both just stared at you for a while before you smiled and tickled them both.
"That's the lesson for today, sharing is caring, okay we're on the same level right?" they finally got it with the small giggles that were still coming out of their mouth, they nodded their heads at your question,
You settled Callie back between your lap again, and Autumn on your thigh as she laid her head on your breast relaxing herself.
You were surprise on there attachment on you, which caused you to wonder did they a female figure or even a motherly figure in their life to provide them.
You got your answer quickly as you felt how clingy they were if you only moved a little inch, it was as if they thought you were going to be leaving them very soon,
They ended up calming down, stop whining, clinging on to you as if you were their own mother for them to keep, but you didn't mind.
You guys problem were watching the movie for about a half of 30 minutes when you figured that their father was maybe busy with a phone call.
That thought left you mind as you felt a device slap across your thigh and stopped the young girl from trying to do a password for a phone,
You laughed, "Can I see that Callie.. I'll give it back-I promise."
She gave you the phone just as you opened it you were presented to the lock screen which was a picture of a celebrity.. but not any celebrity the celebrity whose attention you've been wanting for a while, the CELEBRITY YOU WERE CRUSHING ON FOR A WHILE NOW.
You see the picture of Henry Cavill, with Callie clinging to his chess as he held her, and Autumn's legs hanging on his shoulders as she had her head laid on top of his,
They all looked identical by the face, Henry and Autumn looking alike the most by them both having that brown curly texture hair while Callie stood out a little with her dirty-blonde but curly hair.
You were particularly drooling over the picture.. he was such a dilf, like some kind of geek god.
before you knew it, and before you tried,,
You opened your mouth to ask the girls a question just as the brown haired twin called out, "Daddy! hewwooooo daddy!"
The shock-ness written all over you face as you quickly turned your head meeting Henry's eyes as he is staring at you.
"I foo-found cruwsh dada.. see!" You eyes were turning toward him and then the children in you lap, you were all shaken and nervous.
You were trying to from sentences but nothing was working at all, you were so embarrassed-"Sorry.. fuck- this is a mistake.. uhh., I didn't even know they were yours!" you bit your lip,
The girls in your lap were laughing and giggling with those adorable toddler voices and giggles, you could feel your heart racing and your brain melting in seconds.
"It's fine, Y/N.. we seen you when we first arrived on the plane you know, I told them about you." He said as he walked more towards the seat exposing what he had in his hand, "Snawk!!"
You looked down at his hand seeing a bag of Cheetos puffs and two of the baby food puffs.
Just as you felt something missing on you lap, Autumn was about to fall as she was sliding down you lap and pass he sister.
You quickly grabbed her cradling her in your arms as you started to feel a increase in your breath, "Jesus Christ, you almost scared me princess, you got to be careful."
Autumn nodded and apologized, "Sowwy,"
Just as you felt a body slide in next to yours it was Henry, he was so close to you, most likely could even hear his breathing.
"You really good with kids."
You smiled at his words and hummed as you turned the hand with his phone to him, "Callie was close to disabling it.. so I took it."
He claimed it was fine before he unlocked his phone and gave it to the young girl who smiled and mumbled a small "Thank you daddy!"
Which made you and him smile as Autumn pouted a little puffing out her cheeks as she looked back up at you guys.
"Hi Auttie, would you like to play on my phone?" you asked move her hair before her ear as Henry punch her cheek making her move a little as she looks back up at you and nods.
You smile at her before pulling you phone out and doing you password and giving her the phone on YouTube.
You intend to look around and the two kids in your lap, you adore them, just as a voice broke your thoughts, "So, how have you been?"
You looked up at Henry who was already staring at you, smiling as you looked back into his eyes with fiery cheeks.
"I've been okay you know, this whole famous stuff is new to me but I'm working my way though you know." you replied back removing you eyes from and looking out the window.
Henry cleared out his throat before mumbling, "You very pretty."
Which snapped you right out of your thoughts, "Huh,?"
You both turned, facing each other as he tried to avoid your eyes as they were staring down at him, "I said.., your very beautiful and pretty.."
You let out a small laugh and blinked at him before smiling even harder, "Im sorry, sorry-Your an attractive man as well.. all big and strong-which!, Which is a good thing of course!"
Before he could reply back, the babies on your lap were tapping your thigh and hip like crazy to get your attention.
"Y..Y/N, looka!" one started shoving the phone in your face so you can get a better look, "You-cawn have daddy's nwumber!" Autumn called out as she showed you,
your phone on the contacts app..
Callie giggled up a storm as she showed her daddies phone with a random contact and a picture that was really recently.
A picture of the 4 of you, Callie and Autumn in your lap and Henry looking at you loveably and you looking at the Children with a very kind heart.
"Oh Jesus!", you called out as you spotted the phone, "Cal, Auttie.. that isn't Y/N's number girls."
You called to them as Henry watched you, transform into a parental figure for his sweet girls.
"There that's my number okay, you guys are going to call me whenever you can right?" you smiled at the girls in your lap.
They quickly nodded and cheered, "suwccesful mi..mmisson!" they said in sync
"Sorry about that, you can delete my number later."
"No, no it's fine, I'll keep it for whenever they want to be near you, honey." Henry said quickly as you were in shock as he kissed your cheek and let you kiss his daughters forehead.
Before you knew it the plane was landing, you left from their seat shortly after the announcement, and grabbed your lounge which you were helped by Henry as he came in right behind you.
He even helped you find a cab, and place your bags in the trunk, him and his girls were all to sweet and kind to you,
you were most definitely going to miss it, and hoped they'd call you soon.
Once you got home and gotten settled in, you notifications went off on your phone, a message from 'Dada-Henry' you smiled at the contact name before opening the message,
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^ ‘the girls said they miss you already, I miss you also.’
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You smiled at the message before falling onto your bed and hitting the FaceTime button.
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justjams2003 · 2 years
Uh, good evening... I am kinda tired of writing smut, so tired that I like, left, for a month... Anywho, here is some fluff. Also I’m writing this in such a funny order. Most of my Henry Cavill stories are like part of one universe, and like the last I wrote of them they just found out about the pregnancy. At some point I will write of the birth and what not. Also, the child’s name doesn’t have to be Sophia, If you want it to be something else just ignore the name I guess. Request are open :)
Paring: Husband!Henry Cavill x Wife!Reader.
Warnings: Fluff, use of she/her pronouns. No description of body type, race ect.
Summary: You and the interviewer make plans to surprise Henry while on his busy press tour.
640 words, unedited
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Press is part of an actor, it is a part of being a celebrity. Many enjoy it, it lets them travel the world to all types of fun place. And yes, Henry does enjoy it. What he also enjoys is staying, in bed, with his beautiful wife, all while his little daughter worms her way under the sheets. She would giggle and laugh as the both of her parents would tickle her wildly.
Henry is quite active on talking about them whenever he has the possibility. “What has been the most difficult thing, for you, during all this press?” Ali, the interviewer asks, already knowing the answer but just wanting to hear him ramble. The bigger man chuckles, his cute canines glimmering.
“I feel that answer is too obvious, my family of course.” He smiles, just thinking about the two of you. Little did he know, you and Ali have been talking, making plans behind the scenes. It’s finally school vacation after all. “Yes, I heard your little girl just turned four, congratulations.” He smiles to him, peaking at his notes to every next move.
“Yes, I can’t believe it. She is such a vibrant little girl. And I’ve always wanted a family and to share that with someone as amazing as Y/N, I don’t think someone could be more spoiled than I am.” He chatters on, to be honest, if someone let him, he could talk on and on and on.
“Kal’s even been missing them too, I can tell,” he chuckles, petting the pupper’s head sitting by him. “I’m sorry, I’m rambling,” he blushes ever so slightly, realising he’s done it once more. Even his brother’s had started to tease him on his babbling.
Ali, shakes his head, “No, no, I wanted to talk about Y/N actually because when have something that might help with your longing.” The man with glasses turns over his shoulder, Henry’s eyes follow to the door which he entered from. Expecting for some silly puppet or toy that might have some resemblance of them.
But no, his heart hammers in his ears and his eyes light up when he sees you, with your daughter enter through the door. “Daddy!” Their little girl calls out, running full speed to her father, not caring for any wires or expensive cameras. “Sophia, hello my little angel,” He smiles wide, getting up from his seat to pick up his little girl.
She giggles wildly when Henry showers her with kisses. Not to mention, Kal, even if well trained, jumps up with excitement too. Smelling and licking her cute little booties. Her untamed black curls tied up in cute purple bows. Exactly like her dad’s.
And when you reach him, he can’t help but pull you closer by the waist. Wanting so to kiss you passionately, but deciding against it, for everyone else’s sake. “Hello, my dear,” he whispers in your ear. Settling for sweet kiss on the cheek. Kal already twirling circles around you.
A seat already pulled up for you, next to Henry, you both sit down. Sophia comfortably sat in her father’s lap. Her little mind occupied by the shiny ring on Henry’s finger. He’s notice it to be a habit of hers. “What are you doing here?” He asks, taking your hand in his, the one not keeping Sophia in place.
You give that bright smile of yours, the one he loves so much. The one that still causes him butterflies to this day. You smirk to Ali and give a shrug, “We planned to surprise you,” you say, tucking a stray curl behind Henry’s ear. “By God, I love you,” he mutters under his breath.
His schedule was cleared for the rest of the day and he treated you both to your favourite allergy friendly ice-cream and anything else you could possibly want.
878 notes · View notes
cardierreh15 · 2 years
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I posted 2,608 times in 2022
That's 1,651 more posts than 2021!
80 posts created (3%)
2,528 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
(care not to add that person)
I tagged 894 of my posts in 2022
#henry cavill - 403 posts
#the witcher - 113 posts
#geralt of rivia - 106 posts
#august walker - 69 posts
#daddy - 38 posts
#henry cavill fanfic - 35 posts
#witcher geralt - 32 posts
#henry cavill x black reader - 32 posts
#enola holmes 2 - 28 posts
#superman - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#if you have to go for a lung transplant and your surgeon is a black lesbian are you gonna tell her youre sick of them being forced down your
My Top Posts in 2022:
Unexpected Outcomes
Hey everyone! Decided to do something a tad different with the chapter photos. Now, they’re still a work in progress and I have to tweak them a bit, but I hope y’all like the uniqueness of it anyway! Here’s Chapter 3, Company.
**I do not give anyone permission to copy or repost my work!!!
Warning 18+: Cursing , Mentions of Abuse , Mentions Of Sex , Mentions Of Violence & Infidelity
Description: Anya & Amadeo discusses the future of what is suppose to be.
Word Count: 2.3K
Listen, I'm sorry.
Please answer me.
Pick up so we can talk about this?
Read at 09:32am
'You should talk to him,' Nadine said softly, peaking over her shoulder, glancing down at the blue text messages sent from Joseph the previous night before. She walked around her daughter and sat down in her seat, bringing her hot cup of Americano to her lips. Anya looked up at her from her phone after clicking the power button. She didn't want to talk to him. She really didn't know what to say to him. 'I have nothing to say to him... urr, really don't know what to say.'
Her mother finished her drink and placed her mug down, 'Yeah, I could see that but,' she paused as if she was hesitating to tell her something grim. 'When i was a little older than you, years after your father and I got married, he lost his mind and hit me.'
Anya's head snapped over to look at her mother. She looked pained, and she was shocked really. With the way her father loved her mother, never in a million years would she have thought he would've beat her. 'Mama-' Nadine lifted her hand, stopping her daughter from continuing on, 'I don't need your pity. And there's no need to apologize, it wasn't your fault. But, i can guarantee my life... he never hit me again after that.' She gave her daughter and devious snicker before pulling her mug back up to her lips.
The young woman's eyebrows tugged into one, confused yet, intrigued- 'Well?' she leaned in, placing her arms on the table comfortably, 'What did you do?' A smile tugged on her lips. She was so much like her mother, so she knew her mother got her payback. Nadine stared at her for a brief moment before she glanced to her left, 'Your company is here.' She pressed her lips together, giving her a gentle smile.
Anya listened for a moment, the soft sound of a foreign car engine had been shut off. Amadeo was early. 'Forget about him. I'm not concerned about him,' She stood up and walked around the table to meet her mother, 'How did you handle the situation?' Her mother pressed her lips together, 'I made your father pay in the worst possible way. But it was a lesson for the both of us. I learned to forgive him and we moved past that. I will tell you more about it another time. But for now, try not to kill your fiancé? Hmm?'
Anya cringed at the word. Fiancé. She imagined being happy with the word. Being in love with the idea of being someone’s bride. Being Joseph’s bride. Her eyes diverted to the side.
‘I’m already regretting this,’ she looked back up at her mother with a sigh, ‘Can we just pretend we’re married and live in separate homes and live separate lives?’
Nadine laughed a hearty laugh before shaking her head and walking away.
Anya’s eyes followed her mother as she stride gracefully across the stone patio. Her laughter traveled throughout the estate and it caused her to grit her teeth together in annoyance.
Good morning, son. How are you?
I’m hanging in there. How is she— handlin’?
Mmm, she’ll come around. Just like you. She’s out in the garden waiting for you.
Anya’s ear’s twitched at the conversation that occurred in the house between Amadeo and her mother. She rolled her eyes in annoyance. As if her mother knew if she’d come around or not.
She grumbled, mumbling to herself, ‘she thinks she knows me? She doesn’t know me. I have to figure out how to get out of this—‘
‘Good Morning, Anya.’
See the full post
33 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
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Phoenix: Story of the Lost Fire Princess
Y’all are going to be getting a lot more Geralt content because our baby won’t be playing him anymore. I’m only trying to help keep dreams alive. Happy Halloween Everyone 🎃
**I do not give anyone the permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Sparring . (Innocent, no bloodshed)
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Phoenix (Curvy African American Woman)
Description: Just a friendly sparring match 😈
Word Count: undetermined
Chapter 5: The formidable Opponent.
TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP!’ The repetitive sounds and the forced grunts caused Phoenix to toss and turn all morning. Thankfully, she had gotten plenty of sleep last night and it felt so good to be sleeping on something other than the ground for once. She sat up, groaning a little bit as she felt the sting in her hip. It had been sometime since the werewolf attack, but she was still human at the end of the day and if she wasn’t careful enough— it would never truly heal properly. So she carefully pulled herself from the bed and stretched out her body. Relaxing her muscles and bones so she could go about her did with little to no straining.
After she was done, she looked up at the chest that was by the door. There was a brush sitting on top of what had seem to be trousers and a blouse. She reached behind herself pulled at one of the corset strings and untied it. She then quickly got dressed. The button down blouse was a crème colored with flared, ruffled wrists. A tad bit tight at the waist to define her curves, and it had flared, ruffles at the hem. The trousers, were made of fine leather. Slightly scuffed from the previous wearer, but she was grateful for how comfortable they were. These gave her a nice contour to her thighs, hips and rump. Hmph, she’d have to come shop at Motel Kaer Morhen a lot more.
Phoenix walked out of her chambers, pulling her hair back into a sleek curly ponytail that fell down her back like waterfalls. Her boots clicked down the hall happily as she approached the gruff mumbling of Vesemir’s voice.
As she walked into the dining hall, she took notice how the men didn’t take notice of her this morning. That was kind of refreshing to say the least. They were talking amongst themselves, chuckling and sharing witty jokes. But Geralt was no where to be found. She walked over to Vesemir who was stirring something in the cauldron, ‘Good Morning Vesemir.’ Her voice slightly tired but still liberating and pleasing to the ears.
‘Good Morning, Phoenix. I trust you slept well!’ He didn’t turn to look at her, he just kept his eye on that food. ‘Yes. Someone told me before that if there are in rats around… it’s warm enough.’ She giggled and glanced down at the pot. ‘I slept fine, thank you. Where are Geralt and Ciri?’
To be frank, this was probably the first time in weeks that she hadn’t awakened to the sight of Geralt’s face. It was like her routine was disturbed! Finally, Vesemir turned to look at her, ‘They’re outside in the training yard. You should go with them? There’s no such thing as too much training. I’m sure they’ll be pleased to have you.’
Phoenix nodded and gave him a soft smile, ‘Sure. Thank You.’ She gave him a simple bow and walked towards the back doors, that opened to a world of mysterious contraptions and training tactics.
She stood there on top of the stairs as tiny snowflakes fell on top of her and instantly melted. She watched as Ciri stabbed and swung at that dummy over and over again. Well, that’s where the tapping and grunting came from. ‘What a relief.’ She thought. ‘Again, Ciri.’ Geralt called out, leaning against a destroyed statue with his arms folded across his chest. ‘Yah! Hugh! Urgh!’ She grunted out, swinging and stabbing harder, faster.
The woman glanced at Geralt for a brief moment then back at Ciri. She was starting to notice how frustrated Ciri had become, so she spoke up. ‘I think that’s enough!’ She raised her hand as she descended from the few stone steps. Geralt looked over his shoulder and Ciri turned around. She smiled at the sight of her new friend. And her eyes clearly thanked her for cutting a training session that was going nowhere. ‘I think the girl is tired of the doll. I think she will learn better if she had another moving part.’ She placed her hands on hips as she stood next to him.
Geralt narrowed his eyes, looking down at her, ‘you’re suggesting her go against me?’
‘No. Of course not. Sure you have your patience, Witcher but you Witcher’s are—‘ she walked over to the wooden swords, ‘Sloppy.’ She teased with a smirk. Cirilla tried to hide her giggle from her father by looking away. But he’d caught it anyway.
‘Come Cirilla. Let’s see what the old man had taught you hmm?’ And she stepped forward.
Cirilla looked up at Geralt with pleading eyes, ‘May I?’
Geralt looked down at her and then back up at Phoenix. He didn’t say a word, instead he just jerked his over. And Ciri flashed the happiest grin anyone had ever seen, then she skipped over to Phoenix.
Phoenix took a second to look her over. She stood in a protective yet, striking stance, ready to attack or shield. ‘Hmm, good stance Ciri.’ She complimented and took a chance to swing the wooden sword. But Ciri was fast! She blocked the attack then parried it with a push back.
Stumbling back, ‘Oof!’ Phoenix caught her balance and raised a brow. ‘Not bad, Cirilla!’ Could she really say she was surprised? Geralt smirked in pride.
Phoenix stood up straight before she took her stance. ‘OK, I won’t be stopping this time. Try to fend me off ya?’ Ciri nodded, taking a deep breath, ‘OK.’ And she took her stance as well.
Phoenix swung at her side and she blocked it beautifully. This time, the girls didn’t stop. They pushed one another. Swinging harder and faster, trying to simply keep up with one another. But it wasn’t until Ciri found herself getting too comfortable. She took her eyes off of Phoenix for a mere two seconds and Phoenix was able to kick at her wrist to disarm her, and point the tip of the wooden sword at the side of her neck. The girls stared at one another, breathing heavily. ‘Never. Get too comfortable. Complacency can become a weakness. And your opposer won’t hesitate to gut you if you aren’t quick enough.’
Phoenix glanced over at Geralt. He had stared; intrigued about what he had just saw. But then, Ciri quickly smacked the sword out of her hand and pulled her dagger off her hip. She then rested the blade right beneath Phoenix’s chin. ‘Sorry, you were open and distracted.’
Phoenix stared at her for a little bit until a giggle had left her lips. Then Ciri had joined her, placing her dagger back into her holster. ‘Good Job, sweet heart,’ she placed her warm hands on Ciri’s cheeks, ‘I am proud of you.’ She then dropped her hands, ‘Go inside. Quench your thirst, you must be dying by now!’
‘I will,’ she sighed heavily, ‘Are you coming inside?’
‘Shortly darling, shortly.’ And she gave Ciri and slight bow before the girl turned away and walked back inside of the miniature castle.
See the full post
42 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
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Phoenix: Story of the Lost Fire Princess
Hi everyone! I’m back! Here’s Chapter 4 of Phoenix! Enjoy ❤️‍🔥
**I do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Drinking , Violence , Nudity , Mentions of Loss , THE FEELS 🥺💔 , Angst ,
Pairing : Geralt Of Rivia x Phoenix (Curvy African American Woman) (With Guest Stars: Coën, Lambert, Vesemir)
Description: Days after their ambush, Phoenix & Geralt make their way back to Kaer Morhen where she meets those who helped change his life.
Word Count: 3.9K
Chapter 4: Kaer Morhen
The two of them rode in a comfortable silence. Phoenix was to busy taking in her surroundings as, she had never been on this side of the continent before. Even though everything was pretty much the same, having a new companion, made everything seem all the more — different.
‘Hmm, you’re rather chatty today.’ He said softly, with a slight bit of playfulness. He glanced back over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of her looking down at the shimmering snow.
‘Perhaps I do not have much to say today Witcher. You should pay attention to the path before you get us lost.’ She argued back, her own little playful taunt.
Geralt smirked at her remark, ‘Lost? I know this Terrain better than I know the bestiary of this Continent,’ he looked back, ‘You should put some trust in me Princess.’ And he looked ahead once again.
Phoenix rolled her eyes as a smirk curled on her lips, ‘Hmph.’ She breathe out. Her caramel eyes once again found that sparkling white snow again. This time in the trees. And the way the sun shone down on it, — it was breathtaking. It was like looking at diamonds! It was so white and — untouched! As if no one had ever traveled this far before.
It was unfortunate that she never got to take in this bustling and beautiful world around her. She was always on a time limit. Always on her toes. Minding the twins and running from those who wish to seek her harm. Or worse— bring her back to her kingdom, defenseless.
Riding from the protection of the trees up above, Geralt and Phoenix had finally come to a stop in a open field that turned into snow covered mountains. And hiding in plain sight, a place she had thought she’d never see in person, was sitting there awaiting their arrival.
Phoenix clutched the reins tightly in her palms as her chest shook with shock and anticipation. She finally opened her mouth, and a small cloud of fog disappeared before her.
‘Phoenix, this is—‘
‘Kaer Morhen.’ She stared up at the fortress as if it were to burst into flames! It was old as time, (or it had seem to be) destroyed by the trials of time and weather. Or maybe—
Geralt looked over at Phoenix. Watching as her emotions shown like a picture book on her beautiful features. ‘Home.’
She looked over at him with her plumped lips pressed together in approval. ‘After you. I am your guest, after all.’
He had given her a simple nod and kicked at Roach’s side, taking off towards the path that lead up to the fortress. And Phoenix had followed suit.
After pulling their horses to a stop and dismounting them, the both of them made sure to tie them up, and remove all of their equipment to bring inside with them. Phoenix was enthralled to learn more about this place! Things that the books wouldn’t tell or her father’s Golden Knight, Levy, refused to explain. She looked around, noticing more debris lying about. Large rocks, broken statues, and one thing that caught her eye in particularly. The remains of a.. Griffin?
‘Geralt is that a—‘
Geralt smirked and looked over at her with slight confusion, ‘A Griffin? Yes.’
Phoenix had dropped everything that she held. Her weapons, her travel kit, her knitted blanket— EVERYTHING— and quickly rushed over to the icy bones. She dropped to her knees, fast breaths leaving her lips. She popped the button on her wrist and removed her her glove.
With the warmth of her hand now gone, she shuddered at the brisk feel. She could have used her power to warm up her palm, but she wanted to feel all of this. This whole moment, she wanted to remember how everything felt. So she placed her palm on the skull of the skeleton and she had never felt so enlightened before. Phoenix let out a scuff, with thick tears filling her eyes. All of this was like a dream to her.
Geralt had picked up her valuables and walked over to her, ‘decades ago. A father, seeking the revenge for his mate and offspring. When Griffin’s mate, they—‘
‘Mate for a lifetime.’ She said softly, loud enough for him to hear but so softly. Phoenix looked over her shoulder, up at him with wet eyes. ‘He only wanted justice. Were there any innocent lives slain?’
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46 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
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The Guy Next Door
It’s been a while yall 😏🚩
Pairing: Henry Cavill(Ronan) x Curvy African American Woman(Amunet-POV)
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Mentions of Sex , Angst , HeartBreak , Mentions Of Loss , Angst , Mentions of Abortion .
Description: After finding out something that would change Amunet’s life forever, she comes across something that would change how she looks at Ronan.
Word Count: 2.6K
Chapter 7: Reflections
She was looking at herself in the mirror; glaring at her curves as — she felt like she was a bit more different than she was when she started seeing Ronan. She had a glow to her, one that she recognized but, clearly in denial about. She wouldn’t even know what to think or say to herself if what she had believed it to be true. Hell, she wouldn’t even know what to say to… him.
Amunet was lost in the artistic curves and swirls of her stretch marks when he swiftly wrapped his arms around her body and pressed kisses against her head. It caused her to gasp suddenly in surprise; but she didn’t dare fight that smile that was growing on her lips. ‘Hey, what are you doing— we’re going to be late.’ He mumbled against her flesh.
‘Nothing just— nothing.’ She turned around and tightened her towel around her chest.
Ronan gave her a concerned look, ‘Are you OK sugar? You haven’t been yourself the past few days.’
She placed her hand on his chest and her chestnut eyes lingered there for a moment before they looked up into his deep blue depths. ‘I—…’ she didn’t even know where to start. Her nervousness got to the best of her. The quieter it grew, the more anxious she became and now her stomach begun to turn.
Ronan grabbed her hand gently, ‘Whatever it is that’s bothering you Netty you can tell me.’
She finally felt a great weight being lifted off of her shoulders when he reassured her. ‘Can we stop by the store on the way to the meeting? I have to pick something up.’
— Amunet stood there in that aisle alone as she squeezed her purse handles in her palm, staring down at the medium sized pink boxes. She didn’t want to believe the changes she saw in the mirror. Perhaps it was just her own mind playing sick games on her. But: ‘It wouldn’t hurt to be sure…’ she said softly before snatching up the pink box and hurrying to the front to pay for her belongings.
‘Thank you. Where’s your restrooms?’
‘Straight to the back ma’am. There’s a big sign, you can’t miss it.’ The young lady said gracefully to her.
‘I probably still would. Thank you.’ She gave her a gentle smile and swiftly turned around to walk away and the young girl shouted, ‘Good Luck!’
It caused Netty to stop in her tracks. She truly didn’t know how to feel about all of this. She was between: “how could you allow yourself to get pregnant by a stranger? Get rid of it if you are.” Or “You’ll have what you’ve been needing. What you’ve been missing. Keep your baby.” The girl had no idea what she was going through, so she just looked over her shoulder and said, ‘Thank you!’ And started to walk again, ‘I’m going to need it.’
Are you OK in there?
Baby Girl?
Netty do you need me to come inside?
She glared at the text messages as she paced back and forward in the handicap stall. Then she glanced back at top of the screen to look at the time. It had been ten minutes after she had taken the test. Filled with so much anticipation and dread, she could feel her hands start to sweat and her chest begin to tighten. ‘OK. Breathe— what’s the worse that could happen right? You could be pregnant? —‘ No. it would be him not wanting the baby. Nor her.
Pushing those thoughts behind her head, she walked over to the sink where the covered stick sat in. It was flipped upside down on purpose so she could brace herself. And with a bit of hesitation, she finally picked up the stick and looked at it.
2 bright pink lines.
Netty felt like she had been hit with a freight train. Her eyes filled with tears, ‘Oh God.. Oh God.’ Was all she could muster out. She continued to stare down at the stick as if she was hoping if the first line would disappear. Until she finally felt her phone vibrating. Pulling it up into her view with her shaking hand, it read: “Ronan” with a Green and Red button. Her breathing had become hitched and shallow. She was starting to have an anxiety attack. ‘Fuck!’ She begun to sob harder, covering her mouth as she tried to concentrate on her breathing.
Eventually the phone had stopped vibrating and his name had disappeared. But her vision was blurred with thick tears. ‘Breathe Netty— Breathe!’ She held her chest as her other hand gripped her phone tightly. Her chest hurt, and she could feel an oncoming headache. So she closed her eyes, and took 3 deep, and slow breaths. She looked at herself in the mirror before her brown eyes glanced down at her belly. She tried to think about the positives in her situation. She would have her chance at being a mother again. She would get to smell that addicting baby scent and hopefully, Ronan would be happy and they could be a family. Then, there was the buzzing again. This time, she didn’t allow it to ring through, and she just picked it up.
Sniffling, she answered the phone, ‘Hello?’
‘Hey are you— Netty are you alright?’ He sounded concerned.
‘Ye—yeah.’ She looked down at the stick once again, ‘I’m OK. Hey, do you think we can pass on the meeting tonight? I’m not feeling well and I have to talk to you about something.’
See the full post
49 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Lmao I had this dream last night.
Henry came into my apartment, used his key and everything “Honey I’m home.” I’m confused as hell cause I recognize that voice but my husband is sitting in our bedroom. So I’m like “who the fuck just walked in my house?!” So I get up and go see what the commotion was and this mf is in my KITCHEN PULLING SHIT OUT OF THE REFRIGERATOR AND ALL LIKE THIS HIS HOUSE! So I’m like “excuse me?? What are you doing?!” This mf turns around and is like “Baby? You having amnesia again?” And my husband comes out of the bedroom and is leaning against the counter, “Yeah. She’s been having it all fucking day. Maybe you can deal with it?”
My alarm woke me up, YALL I AM PISSED 🥲
98 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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stargirlfics · 3 years
Being in littlespace and Henry bouncing you on his wide ass lap while drinking from a sippy cup 🥺 a need
Not me feeling little at just the thought of this omg I adore this!
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Can we just take a moment to think about how sweet it would be tho
Henry can see it written all over your face, you’re feeling small and in need of your favorite juice and to be in his arms
You’d been coloring for the better part of an hour sitting at his feet between his legs while he watched boring adult stuff
He’d glance down every now and then to see your progress on the coloring page, smiling to himself as he noticed you sinking deeper and deeper into your littlespace
Until eventually you were giving him pouty glances, your cheek rubbing against his knee like a cat
Yeah, your daddy knew exactly what you needed
Henry hushed your mild whines of protest gently as he got up from the couch
“Shh, I’ll be right back, little one. Be a good girl for me and wait patiently and I’ll let you have another fruit snack before dinner.”
That did just the trick
He grabbed your favorite sippy cup, the one with cherry blossoms and My Melody stickers across it, filling it with some juice and returning to your eager form
It was so hard not to bounce on your knees and make grabby hands for him to pick you up and even more so when you saw your sippy cup but you wanted more fruit snacks so you sat very still
Your eyes sparkled with all the excitement your sweet self couldn’t express and it made Henry smile once more, you were too cute for your own good
But no matter, once Henry got settled back down he held his arm out in a gesture for you to climb into his lap and you wasted no time at all
Being in your daddy’s arms and especially getting to snuggle in his wide lap was your most favorite thing, it had all the toys and coloring books and tea parties beat
“Can I has my juice, please, daddy?” you made sure to ask very politely, knowing Henry was a strict daddy about minding your manners and to your delight he handed it to you with a kiss to your cheek, his arms wrapping around your body
“Very good girl, let’s put on some cartoons to watch.”
You slip further in littlespace as the animated characters on the tv dance across the screen, Henry bouncing you in his lap lightly as you took careful sips of your juice and snuggled into his chest even more
This was exactly what you needed and wanted
Henry made you feel safe and loved and protected and you knew that as long as daddy was there, you’d be just fine! 💓
750 notes · View notes
Sugar Daddy
Into The Bucky-Verse
Pairing; CEO+Dad’s Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary; Bucky acts as your Sugar Daddy for the day. Whatever princess wants, princess gets ft. some fun in the changing room *wink wink*
Word Count; 3492
Warnings; NSFW, 18+ Only, Minors DNI, undefined age-gap, “cheating”, language, cursing, pet names, semi-public sex, daddy!kink, oral (male receiving), cum swallowing, teasing, clit play, unprotected vaginal sex, multiple orgasms, mention of bodily fluids.
Authors Note; This has been sitting in my drafts for months and I finally managed to finish it :) sorry if there are any mistakes.. enjoy!
Main Masterlist || Into The Bucky-Verse
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“Get dressed, princess. I’m picking you up in an hour.”
That was the text Bucky had sent you. It was always exciting when Bucky would take you somewhere. Bucky hadn’t specified where he would take you, so you only wore your regular clothes; it was the middle of the day after all.
When you walked out to the car, you were surprised to find Bucky sitting in the driver seat. This was very out of character for him. You had never seen him drive before. He never drove unless it was necessary. His driver always drove him, and now you, around.
“Wheres Henry?”
“I gave him the day off; it's just you and me today, baby.”
You didn't think much of it and sat in the passenger seat. You watched Bucky out of the corner of your eyes. He had his signature cocky grin on his face that he always displayed when he was up to no good. He had his black sunglasses on and your favourite suit he owned, a black suit with white checkered lines.
The car window on his side was rolled down slightly, letting some of the cool breeze into the car. You didn't have to worry about anyone seeing you in the car. The windows were tinted black, so it was almost impossible to determine who was sitting in it.
Bucky's hand was placed on your thigh at all times. Once in a while, he would move upwards till he got to the inside of them, caressing your inner thigh before he moved back to their original place.
“Bucky… where are you taking me?”
“You'll see, baby girl, be patient.”
After 30 minutes of driving, you finally reached your destination. Bucky parked right in front of a clothing shop. You knew this place. You had never been to it, but it was a well-known store, for the rich and powerful at least. They had everything; clothes, shoes, lingerie, purses and jewellery. The prices ranged everywhere from a few ten thousand dollars to several million.
Bucky opened the passenger door for you and presented his hand for you to take. You hesitate. You and he were still sneaking around, and you didn't think going here was the best idea.
“Bucky, I don't think this is a good idea. What if someone recognises us? It will ruin my dad's reputation and yours as well.”
“Relax, baby. I know the owner of the store. She won't tell a soul. It's only going to be us. We are perfectly safe here, I promise. Do you trust me?”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before you took his hand in yours, “I trust you, Bucky.” Bucky kissed the back of your hand, “you are amazing, doll.”
Once you entered the store, a woman was waiting for you. You looked her up and down. She looked like she was a few years older than Bucky. She looked beautiful in the dress she wore, and she had a kind and warm smile on her face.
“Mr Barnes, it's lovely to see you again.”
“Rose,” Bucky greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, “it's good to see you as well.”
“Ah, and this must be the lovely young woman you were talking about, Mr Barnes.”
“Yes, this is my beautiful girlfriend.”
She gave you a hug that left you a little taken back, but you accepted and hugged her back.
“It's lovely to meet you, dear,” the next part she whispered so only you could hear, “James speaks so highly of you.” You had the biggest smile on your face when you parted.
“It's nice to meet you as well, ma’am.”
“Please, call me Rose.”
This was a little odd. This was the first person, except for Bucky's driver and good friend Henry, that knew about your relationship. You knew you and Bucky needed to keep your relationship under wraps for obvious reasons, but it felt so good that another person knew about the two of you; it made the relationship feel a little more real.
“Well, I’ll leave you guys to it. I’ll be in the back room. If you need help with anything, let me know.”
“Thank you, Rose,” Bucky replied politely.
The whole store was for you to explore in privacy. There was no need to worry about other people disturbing you.
Bucky came to stand behind you. His hands gripped your upper arms, and his head leaned on your shoulder. His mouth was inches from your ear as he spoke.
“Take a look around, doll. Take all the time you need. Buy whatever you want. It’s all on me.”
“So you’re my sugar daddy for the day, Bucky?”
He groaned at the name, excited to hear those words leave your lips. One of his hands came to rest around your throat. His actions had you part your lips.
“Daddy just wants to spoil his beautiful princess. She deserves anything she wants,” his lips caressed the shell of your ear. “Now go and have a look around. I’ll be waiting in the changing room for you. I want to see what you picked out.”
You swallowed hard under his hand. He wanted you to have a fashion show for him? You couldn’t deny that the idea excited you immensely.
He left your side so you could explore for yourself. You walked around the expensive store for a few minutes, looking at all the different garments that picked your interest. You cringed when you saw the ridiculous prices on some of the pieces.
The least you could do, for Bucky, was pick out a few items to try on.
You picked out a beautiful long dress, a necklace and some earrings to go with it. You calculate the prices of the items, and all together, they cost thousands of dollars. You owned expensive clothing, but nothing like this. It made you slightly uncomfortable to hold such costly items, but you would try them on for Bucky's sake. You knew he would love it, and you knew you would feel so beautiful with it on.
After searching for a bit, you found the changing room. It was only one of them, and it was massive. There were several seating areas and more mirrors than what was necessary. It was more of a showroom than a changing room.
Bucky was waiting for you on one of the sofas. His arms rested on the back of it, and his legs were crossed. His tongue peeked out to wet his lips when he saw you.
“You pick something out, princess?”
“Yeah,” you held up the dress to your body to show him as well as the necklace and earrings.
“That looks beautiful, but I want you to try these on first,” he held up a set of lingerie. It was a deep purple colour, and the lace details were out of this world. “Can you do that for me?”
You swallowed the massive lump that had formed in your throat. Oh, so he wanted you to have THAT kind of fashion show. He saw you hesitating, so he tried to persuade you some more.
“Please, darling, it would make me the happiest man right now.”
You nodded. You wanted to try them on for him. It was just that little voice in the back of your head telling you that it wasn’t such a good idea, you knew what the results of this show would be, and you can’t deny that it excited you.
You placed the dress and accessories to the side before you approached him, taking the pieces he held in his hand.
“There’s a small room over there,” he pointed to the corner of the room, “where you can change for me.”
You looked over, and sure enough, there was a door to an even smaller changing room, a changing room within a changing room.
You changed into the garment, stood for a few seconds and looked yourself up and down in the mirror. You looked fucking hot. The fit and colour complimented your curves to perfection. Bucky would go feral when you showed it to him.
A few minutes later, you walked out and came to stand a few steps from him. Bucky was in awe when he saw you. His eyes changed into a darker colour, and he had to adjust himself where he sat.
You weren’t sure what to do now, but Bucky encouraged you to come closer. “You look incredible, baby girl, so mouthwatering. Come here, let me have a closer look.”
Once you reached him, he took a grab of the back of your thighs, which had you gasp out, to pull you closer until you were standing between his now parted legs.
His hands caressed your sides, and his eyes took their time to scan every inch of your body in the lingerie set. You loved when he touched you. It was the greatest feeling in the world, so intoxicating, and it had you forget everything else that was happening outside of your secure bubble.
Once he was done looking you over, one of his hands palmed his growing bulge through his dress pants. His other took a firm grip on one of your ass cheeks.
“You like it, daddy?”
“Fuck,” he muttered. “You are going to be the death of me, kitten. Are you going to be a good girl and get on your knees for me?”
“Yes, daddy.”
When you got comfortable on your knees in front of him, your hands caressed his clothed thighs before one of them palmed his bulge through his pants. His mouth parted as you took a firm grab on him through the material.
“I need to feel your mouth on me.”
“What about Rose, Bucky?”
“Don’t worry. I told her not to bother us.”
Trusting his words, you undid the buckle of his belt, and with the help of Bucky, you pulled down his pants and underwear. A satisfied gasp left you as his dick sprung free.
Your hand took hold of his base as you peppered open-mouth kisses on his shaft before you licked at his slit. Bucky hissed out when you took the head in your mouth and suckled, your tongue teasing him with every suck.
You released him from your hold so you could run your hands all over your exposed skin, knowing how much he loved it when you touched yourself. You palmed your breasts through the bra and your legs closed to give some friction to your pussy.
“Shit, baby.”
He wrapped his hand around his dick. He had not been able to contain himself when you looked so beautiful and submissive on your knees for him. His hand focused on his tip where you had just sucked him a moment ago.
“No, daddy, let me.”
Bucky groaned at your comment and let you retake him. You licked the underside of his length, running the tip of your tongue on his protruding vein before you took his head in your mouth again, sucking and swirling your tongue on his tip, which earned you a deep groan from Bucky.
When you felt like he had endured enough teasing, you took all of him in your mouth till he reached the back of your throat.
You wrapped your hand around his base and focused on moving your hand on his shaft while your mouth gave all its attention to Bucky's sensitive tip, sucking and licking. Your hand and mouth moved in perfect sync on his dick as you gave him all the pleasure he could ever want.
His soft moans escaped him now and again as you did wonders on his cock. You looked up at him through your lashes and watched his face contour in pure pleasure, his eyes struggling to stay open to watch how you worked on him.
A moan from you was sounded against his dick, making it twitch in your grasp. He was ready to burst any second now.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum, baby.”
As much as you would love for him to empty himself with his delicious seed in your mouth, your pussy was begging to be filled up by him. What more could you do than grant its wish.
You bobbed your head on his whole dick now, letting his tip tickle the back of your throat before his dick left your lips with a pop. You gave his head a few licks and kisses before you got to your feet again.
“Take your panties off.”
You took them off, and then he motioned you to turn around so you could sit on him. One of his arms wrapped around your torso, just underneath your clothed boobs, so he could pull you flush against his clothed chest, while his other grabbed hold of his dick so he could tease your entrance.
“Please, Bucky, fill me up.”
He granted you your wish, allowing you to line his dick with your entrance. He filled you up until he was situated entirely inside your needy pussy. Your mouth parted, and your eyes closed at the feel of him between your walls.
“Shit, so warm and tight for me, doll.”
He didn’t let you move on him right away. He took his sweet time in running his hands all over your exposed flesh. You fussed on top of him, becoming impatient.
“Please, Bucky.”
“Shh… be a good girl.”
Bucky looked straight ahead, and his dick twitched at the sight in front of him. The mirror on the wall gave him a perfect view of the two of you. Your body was on full display for him while his dick was buried deep within you.
“Fuck, baby,” his hand wrapped itself around your throat hard, “look at you. Fuck, you look like a work of art, princess.”
Your gaze shifted to the front, and now you saw what he saw. The view of him and you tangled together, in the best way possible, was so intoxicating and intimate.
“Come on now, baby girl, ride my cock. Take what’s yours.”
You lifted yourself till only his tip was inside you before you slowly pushed down on him again, letting him once again fill you. You did this a few times, moaning and whimpering as you did. Bucky was becoming impatient and encouraged you to pick up the pace.
“Show me how good you ride me; I want to see.”
You picked up the pace on his dick. One of his hands came around your throat again and squeezed hard. His eyes never left the mirror as he watched how you bounced on his cock; your clothed boobs followed in beat with your hips.
“You feel so good on me, baby doll.”
You were all noise, no words. His dick was brushing your sweet spot with each stroke. The earth-shattering feeling had your whole body shudder in delight. You were in pure heaven.
“F-fuck, it’s so g-good, Bucky. I love your cock.”
“Yeah? You love my cock in your tight pussy, don’t you, sweetheart?”
“Good girl.”
Your orgasm was building up with each thrust of your hips. You focused on the way his length penetrated you and his fingers toying with your clit. You moved faster on him, wanting to reach the release you so desperately needed and craved for.
“I’m gonna cum.”
“Come on, baby girl, let me feel you.”
All you needed was his encouraging words and permission to let yourself go all over him.
You came around him. Your body convulsed as the pleasure travelled through your body. Bucky helped you move your hips on him in a steady rhythm to maximise your enjoyment. Your tight and warm walls fluttering around Bucky's dick teased his own orgasm, but he didn’t cum, not yet.
Once you had ridden out your orgasm and calmed down a bit, Bucky returned his fingers to your clit, teasing and playing with your sensitive nerve. His dick was still buried deep inside you.
You caught his glimpse in the mirror. You looked like a fucked-out mess. A thin layer of sweat coated your body, and your chest heaved as you struggled to control your breathing. Bucky wet his lips at the sight of you, satisfied that he had made you a mess, and by the looks of it, he was not yet done with making a complete mess of yourself.
“Aren’t you gonna cum, Bucky?”
“I’m not finished with you yet. I want one more orgasm from you before I spill my cum in your mouth.”
His fingers picked up their pace on your sensitive clit. Your second orgasm was approaching slowly. Your head lay on his shoulder as you basked in the sensitive pleasure. Bucky left sloppy kisses on your exposed neck and shoulder before they found your lips. His tongue moved against you in perfect sync as you tasted one another.
“Come on, baby. One more for me, yeah? You can do one more. I want to feel you all over me.” His rough voice was only a whisper against your lips as he said those sinful words.
“Bucky,” his name came out as a needy moan. You tried to close your legs; he wouldn’t let you, the pleasure so intense from the orgasm you had just a few minutes ago.
You came hard around his dick once more. Your body convulsions as pleasure took complete power over your body. A mix of moans and scream-like noises that you had no control over escaped you. Your walls clenched around Bucky as his dick was begging to cum as well. Bucky watched you in the mirror. He was in awe at the sight of you losing it.
“That’s it, my good girl. You’re so good for me, kitten.”
His movements on your now overly sensitive clit came to a stop once you had calmed down. He gave you a few moments to catch your breath and get your bearings before he tapped your leg, signalling you to get up.
As you came of him, you hissed out as your hole was way too sensitive from his dick being buried inside you.
Bucky got up from his seat and made you turn around to get on your knees for him once more. His hand was pumping his aching cock, his movements quick as he desperately needed to cum in your mouth.
You took his balls in your mouth, sucking and licking them for that extra added stimulation. Your actions had Bucky grip your hair, and not a second later; he pulled you away so that he could cum in your warm and awaiting mouth.
“Open up, baby.”
You stuck your tongue out, ready to receive all he had to give you. Your eyes begged him to fill up your mouth, your tongue so desperate to taste him.
His loud and heavy grunts filled the room as his cum burst out of his red tip and landed on your awaiting tongue. He didn’t stop until all of him decorated your tongue like an expensive artwork. He took a few moments to admire the work he had done, proud of his masterpiece.
“So pretty, baby girl. Now be a good little kitten and swallow all of it for me.”
With no hesitation, you swallowed his whole load. It has become like second nature to you at this point. You showed him your empty mouth, which made him let out a satisfied groan of approval.
“Fuck, you’re the best.”
He helped you to your feet, taking you in his arms to hold you close to him. His hand stroked your back as your face was nuzzled in his clothed chest.
“Look at me.”
You put your head up, your face inches from him as he cradled your face in his hands.
“You are so amazing, babe.”
His lips found yours, kissing you passionately as he held your waist.
“Come on, doll, let’s get cleaned up and then I’ll buy what you picked out.
“Shouldn’t I try on the dress?”
“You will look amazing in it no matter what, my beautiful girl.”
You both got dressed again and fixed yourself up in the mirror to try and hide the fact that you had just fucked in the most sinful way possible. You walked out with the dress, accessories and the lingerie set Bucky had picked out for you.
“Find anything of interest?” It was Rose. She was already by the cashier, waiting on you both.
Bucky handed her his card, “we did. Thank you so much, Rose, for having us.”
“Anything for you and your beautiful lady Mr Barnes.”
When you were done paying, you walked out of the store hand in hand, quickly before anyone recognised you outside. Once you got in the car, you thanked Bucky for the beautiful items he had bought you.
“Thank you, daddy, for all the pretty things.”
“Anything for my baby doll.”
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f10werfae · 1 year
Milf and Cookies
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pairing; Lumberjack!Henry x Pregnant!Shy!Reader
summary: Henry’s wants his shy wife’s titty milk and pussy, a gender reveal, and baby Marly the Cat goes missing. (Lactation!Kink)(Dilf!Henry)(Dom!Henry)
(short story 🫶)
Likes, Comments and Reblogs are appreciated🫶
Lumberjack Masterlist, Henry Masterlist
“H-Hen, I-I can’t find b-baby Marly” Y/n whined plopping herself onto her grumpy husband’s lap, his hands instinctively reaching around to grope her ass, clad in some soft cotton shorts. “Shh s’okay sugar cube, ‘m sure our baby hasn’t toddled off too far” Henry grumbled moving his hand up to smooth over her 8 month bump, feeling his little miracle squirming inside their momma.
“B-But she isn’t i-in her cat h-house, o-or the bed a-and not even the nursery!” Y/n whined blowing her nose as Henry held the tissue for her, her fingers fiddling with the hem of his white vest, his new tattoo on his chest being exposed slightly. “baby bun don’t worry your pretty lil head alright? We can go find baby Marly together, now have you checked everywhere in the house?”
“Mhm even u-under the bed”
“How on hell did you get onto the ground?” Henry quirked knowing damn well she struggled to even get clothes on or lotion up after a shower, leading to him having to lather her up in her coconut body butter, and helping her get her clothes on (that’s on the odd occasion she didn’t sleep in the nude) “I-I used my stool t-to help me down”
A sharp squeal immediately left her pouty lips as his hands made contact with her ass, grabbing onto it, “aw sugar pie, if you need help ya call daddy, don’t ya momma?” He growled through gritted teeth as she nodded, it wasn’t surprising that now he had knocked her up, his possessive and protectiveness had increased by ten folds. Helping her to slip on some shorts, he held her hand tightly as they both slipped on their matching fluffy crocs (ones she again insisted they buy at the market)
Her mood instantly lightening up at the sight of all the flowers and fruits starting to bloom, with her giggling at simply nothing and everything; Henry swinging their hands and bringing it up to kiss her knuckles every few minutes. “W-what if w-we can’t find b-baby?” She whimpered remembering why they were out there in the first place,
“I’ll find her momma don’t you worry, in fact a’ think I can see her from ‘ere” Henry stopped looking in between the tall grass to see their tiny white flur baby, mingling with a larger black grumpy looking cat, how ironic. “Looks like Marly got a boyfriend” Henry chuckled bending down to see both of the cats cuddling together, their tails interlinked as the black cat licked up Marly’s fur.
“O-Oh my! They’re so cute” Y/n squealed looking up to Henry, with that same sparkle in her eyes, he already knew what she was about to ask, “Fine yes okay, we can take him home, as long as we don’t find a collar on him or anythin like that, sound okay sugar cube?” She nodded eagerly picking up Marly, watching as the black cat walked alongside them to the log wood cabin.
“Now come on momma, let’s leave these two in their bed while I tend to my baby, we still have to cut the box remember?” He whispered, seeing the sugar cube shaped cupcake sitting waiting for them, it had only arrived that morning; in it contained the gender of their little miracle and God could he not wait. With Y/n wanting Marly to be with them for the whole experience. “O-Oh yeah, I f-forgot”
“S’okay baby I know you’re dumbed out, can’t help it with your condition” He smiled sickly rubbing over her stomach as he sat them both onto the couch, the box sitting on her lap as she giggled and nodded along to his insult. His hands combing back her hair gingerly, her nose wrinkling every so often. “C-can we cut i-it now? m’ excited” She whispered wiggling on his lap, watching intently as he took the cupcake from her hands, peeling back its covering.
“Open wide bun” He whispered watching her take a bite, showcasing that she would be bringing a precious baby boy and baby girl into the world. The perfect mix of them both, a tiny Henry and an even tinier Y/n, both of them cocooned away in their momma’s stomach all safe and sound. “I-It’s both? Does that m-mean twins Hen?” She said shocked, feeling Henry smirk and chuckle as he licked up the cream from her lips and chin; not only did he manage to knock her up, but he managed to double it.
“Aww baby I could fuck you till the sun goes down, my little petal givin’ me two miracles at once, your pussy really musta milked my cock for all its worth” His hands patted her stomach as tears rushed to her eyes, she finally knew what she was having, her own little boy and girl; if anything this was a dream to her. “S-stop it, y-you’re ruinin’ the moment, tell y-your dads to s-stop it” She sniffed putting her hand on too of Henry’s, feeling the strong kicks following their touch everywhere they moved, their babies were here right now.
“You better not take her away from me squirts, Cus a’ swear my woman is-“
“Y-you gotta l-learn to share” Y/n huffed crossing her arms, “Yeah sure, one tit for them and one for me” Henry chuckled leaning down to press a kiss onto the exposed part of her chest, cupping underneath it and squeezing the swollen flesh softly, watching as her shirt dampened due to her milk coming in earlier than normal. He maintained eye contact with her as he licked over her hardened nipple over the thin fabric, the sweet milk streaming into hid mouth ad he started to suckle gently, a habit he had picked up to help her fall asleep and him at the same time. Sometimes with him waking up due to her nipple popping out of his mouth, or with her when she realised the pressure in them was building up again. Either way it was a new bonding experience for them both
“I wan’ go to b-bed, m’ tired” She whispered kissing the top of his, her eyed lidded while she watched him press kisses onto her tits, taking his sweet time with each one of them. “Alright sugar, I’ve got ya, get ya all nice n’ snuggled in” He grunted picking her up, carrying her to their shared marital bedroom, their pictures littering the room in pink fluffy photo frames she had chosen.
Sitting slightly upwards with an extra pillow underneath her head, she shuffled towards Henry’s side, letting him lay his head onto her puffy chest; sighing out in relief as he started kissing and sucking at her nipples. Lifting his head up he spat some of her own milk into her mouth, letting her taste it as he licked wetly into her mouth, drool and excess milk dripping from the sides of their lips. His babygirl’s sweet milk was the best thing he had tasted, and he’d rather die before sharing it with someone else but he knew better than to mess with his woman and their babies. Their baby boy and baby girl, their miracles
PSA: I know this is short, but tomorrow I’m posting a full fic on how Shy!Y/n lost her virginity to Lumberjack!Henry :)) So if you would like tagged in that tomorrow please let me know🫶
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asonofpeter · 3 years
All I Want For Christmas
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Pairing: Dad!Ex!Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: After divorcing Peter, Christmases weren't the same, but there's something you both want this year.
Warnings: Smut 18+, fingering, infidelity, some angst but Peter being a dad makes up for it
Word Count: 1862
A/N: hehe this was fun to write, also decided to post before the no way home hype gets even more real. Enjoy! 💕💕💕
The long row of the same style of brownstone never bore you, all similar, yet when it came to the holidays, you could tell each one apart. From the ones that hung Christmas lights over each inch of the house to the ones that felt empty and dark even under the twinkling snow that laid on the sidewalk.
But none of those mattered as you shut the door of your boyfriend’s car, eyes set on the black door that had a single wreath hung on it. Simple. Didn’t draw too much attention. Something your ex always avoided. After all, it’d be dangerous if people found out where Spider-Man lived.
You trudged up the steps, thankful that they were salted. The hard rocks rub against the sole of your boots, bringing you the ease of security, something you needed these days. You were pressing your gloved fingers against the doorbell.
The cold weather caused your breath to be foggy, your teeth shuddering as you hid your face in the scarf wrapped around your neck while you waited for the door to open. Even with your ex’s superhearing, knowing he heard you just as you were making your way up, he seemed to take his time with coming to the door, the snow falling a lot heavier.
Reaching to ring the bell again, the door abruptly opened to reveal your sweet eight-year-old girl, Mia.
“Mom!” she hugged you and you sighed in delight. “You missed out on so much fun today!” she exclaimed, pulling you inside. “We had a gingerbread contest and I won, Dad made hot chocolate and we watched Home Alone! AND he let us open the gifts he got us!” she dragged you through the house, the pompom on her Santa hat bouncing around.
The wrapping paper littered all over the floor in the living room right under the tree made you squirm, along with all the junk food spread around the coffee table right in front of the tv.
“Don’t worry, I made sure they ate all their vegetables during dinner,” your ex-husband, Peter, came through, holding onto a five-year-old, Gracie, in his arms. Her little Santa hat on her head.
You made eye contact with him, noticing that he was wearing a matching hat like the girls. It made your heart warm and clench at the same time.
“I’m glad you all had fun, but now it’s time to go,” you smoothed your hand over the top of Mia’s head. “I’ll help you with your gifts, did you tell Dad thank you?” you asked, squatting down to collect the presents.
“They loved their gifts, didn’t you girls?” he spoke up, setting your youngest down before he helped you out, your fingers brushing for a quick moment.
“Daddy always knows what to get us,” Gracie smiled, hugging her new favorite stuffed animal, a frog she decided would be named Dave.
“Do we have to go, Mom?” Mia stopped you, a frown on her face. “You can stay with us, we could have Christmas as a family again this year, and Dad won’t be alone tomorrow,” she pleaded, staring between you and Peter.
You paused as you processed her words. This Christmas was your second as a divorced couple and it really hit hard with Mia. Somedays you really wanted to tell her the truth, but now wasn’t the time, so you needed to stick with the way things are.
“Don’t worry about me, M, I’ll be busy watching over New York,” Peter cleared his throat, kneeling as he squeezed her cheek, reassuring her before sending a look your way.
“Besides, tonight we’re meeting Henry’s family, isn’t that exciting?!” you tried to lighten the mood, but it didn’t work one bit.
“His mom’s gonna be there and I don’t like her,” she pouted.
“Aww, Mia, I know, she’s not the best person, but it’ll only be for a little while,” you offered a smile. “Just say bye to your father,” you pinched her little cheek before you straightened up.
“Bye, Dad,” Mia frowned, not wanting to say goodbye, but she was sure to give him the biggest hug she could manage. “I’m gonna miss you,” she rested her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her small frame.
“I’m gonna miss you too, M, but be on your best behavior, and I’ll see you in two weeks, okay?” he rubbed her back, squeezing her gently.
He hated saying goodbye too, his heart panged anytime a frown fell on his daughters’ faces and he had to do his best to not cry in front of them or else it would make things worse.
“Bye, Daddy,” Gracie wrapped her tiny limbs around his neck, pressing a sloppy kiss to his cheek that caused him to chuckle. “Mwerry Cwistmas,” she grinned as she gazed up at him.
“Aww, Merry Christmas, Gracie,” he cooed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “I love you so much, girls,” he cupped both of their cheeks before he pressed a loving kiss to their foreheads.
“Bye, Dad,” Mia waved before she grabbed the bags of presents from your hands and led her and her little sister outside to the car.
You stayed behind, not looking at Peter directly until you heard the front door click shut.
“You’re really going to put our daughters through the torture of going to a stranger’s house on Christmas?” Peter crossed his arms over his chest, the first to say something. “No wonder they were begging to stay,” he scoffed.
Although he was proud that the real reason the girls wanted to stay was because of him, it still angered him that you were taking them to your boyfriend’s family. Oh, how he loathed that man.
“You look really cute in that Santa hat,” you smirked, taking a step forward, instantly distracting him. “Did you have fun with the girls?” you played with the pompom of his hat, gliding your finger underneath the trim to smooth his hair.
“You know I always do,” he softly spoke, eyes gazing into yours. “Tell me you’ll be thinking of me while you’re there,” he uncrossed his arms, placing his hands on your hips.
“You know I always do,” you cocked a brow, a knowing look plastered on your face. “I’m always thinking of you,” you confessed, sighing in content when his arms wrapped securely around you, forehead resting against yours
He smiled as he leaned in, pressing his lips against yours, and that same rush of adrenaline coursing through you.
Kissing your ex-husband while your current boyfriend was out waiting in the car was thrilling. At any moment, your girls could walk in, but right now, it didn’t matter. You just wanted Peter.
After moving back to the city, you and Peter saw each other much more, and then one thing led to another and you found yourself having an affair with your ex-husband.
But, it didn’t matter. Peter made you feel good, he made you feel alive, and there was no denying the sexiness it came with him when you saw him being a dad. He just loved being a father and he was so amazing.
“How much time until we most likely will be interrupted?” he spoke in between each kiss, your hands holding onto his face as he lead you to the couch, the back of your head thanking the curtains Peter has.
You meshed your hands between his curls, his hair pressed down from the hat, which you threw across the room before you were tugging on his locks, urging moans to come out of him.
“Three minutes give or take, you know how Gracie is,” you muttered, resting your body on the pillows, your hands running down the sides of his torso, missing the way he felt. “Gives me just enough time to make you feel good,” you grinned, hands flying to his sweatpants.
“I don’t think so, babe, gotta show you how good I make you feel,” he stopped you, his hand going towards your jeans.
“Peter, we don’t have time though,” you tried to stop him, thinking he wanted to take off your clothes but he only shook his head at you when he dipped his hand inside.
“Did you happen to forget I made you cum with just my fingers in under two minutes?” he cocked a brow, his middle finger finding your clit before he began to rub small circles. “I had your eyes rolling in the back of your head,” he chuckled, head dipped down to kiss the exposed skin of your low-cut top.
“Fuck,” you sucked in a breath, the sensation growing and you felt a fire ignite inside of you.
“Can’t wait till I’m inside you again,” he mumbled, nipping at your ear.
Even with months of your affair, you and Peter never seemed to find the time to fully go all the way. You felt like teenagers all over again. It was only one time back in October that Henry offered to pick Mia up from ballet and Gracie from soccer after he got off work. With a quick text to Peter, you drove to his house, finally divulging in each other.
You haven’t had a day like that since.
“No more sneaking around, no more quickies, no more lies,” he increased his pace. “Just us, together again, with our beautiful girls,” he pushed some hair out of your face, your hand scrunching the fabric of his shirt together as you moved your hips to match his pace.
“Yes,” you whined, begging for the fantasy to become real.
“Maybe we can even start trying for baby number three like we always planned,” he smirked, your eyes opening in shock as you quickly nodded, your legs parting more. “I always wanted a boy,” he added, feeling you get wetter before his finger spread your slick around and you had your eyes rolling back when he toyed with your bud.
“Yes, Peter, fuck yes!” you threw your head back, legs convulsing as you came undone.
He slowly kissed back up your neck, your deep breathing filling the room while he lazily rubbed your clit, your body shivering at the overstimulation. He truly knew what he was doing, your eyes remaining heavy as you lay there while he coaxed you back to reality.
Soon you felt his hand slip from you, peering your eyes open. He always left you with that feeling of wanting more, wanting him. You caught sight of him admiring you from beneath him, your cheeks heating up thinking how much of a mess you looked right now.
Next thing you know, he brought his fingers up to your lips, your mouth widening before you were sucking his fingers dry. His stare was kept on you, making your cheeks warm even more but it didn’t stop you from getting wetter.
Once you were back on your feet, your legs a bit wobbly, you were making your way to the door when Peter placed a hand beside your head, stopping you.
“Break up with him, tonight.”
The last words slipped from his mouth before he opened the door for you.
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cevansbrat0007 · 3 years
Don’t Keep Secrets
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Title: Don’t Keep Secrets 
Summary: You learn the hard way that you don’t keep secrets from your men. Ever. Mafia!Stucky x Black!Reader
*Warnings: Jealous Steve and Bucky, Angry Steve and Bucky, Daddy Kink, Smut, Possessive Behavior, Cursing, Sexual Harassment, Unprotected Sex, Punishment, Spanking, Bratty Reader, Frightened Henry Cavill, Violence (mentioned), Kidnapping, Forced Voyeurism, Minors DNI
A/N: I’m nervous about this one, so please send your feedback. Anyway,this fic takes place a few months after Watch Your Hands. And it, uh, turned out a little darker than I initially planned. Be sure to heed the above warnings. Thanks for reading, liking, commenting, and reblogging. Semi-proofread. Not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A few weeks ago, you’d made a mistake. And you’d been paying for it ever since. You’d went out to a work lunch expecting to meet with a colleague to discuss a potential partnership between your two respective businesses. Except, instead of meeting with a lovely young woman named Molly, you’d ended up meeting with her business partner, Henry. 
Henry, the charming man he was, had quickly explained away the mix-up, stating that he was usually the one who took the lead with these kinds of things. You’d simply shrugged and smiled, taking him at his word. Your initial first meeting had gone well. Henry had proved to be witty and intelligent, not to mention incredibly easy on the eyes. Oh, and his British accent was positively dreamy. 
But you were already in a relationship. A happy, although kind of unorthodox relationship, with two men who had opened your eyes to a whole new world. With two men who, in their own special way, absolutely adored you. With them, you wanted for nothing. While you still struggled with some of the more interesting aspects of your overall dynamic, you had well and truly fallen for Steve and Bucky. For your Daddies. Boy, that particular change had definitely taken some time to get used to…
When you’d returned home later that evening, your men had inquired about your meeting with Molly. And, like an idiot, you hadn’t bothered to correct them. They weren’t exactly fond of you being around other members of the male persuasion when they couldn’t be there to stake their claim. And at the time, you hadn’t wanted to deal with the explosion you were sure was waiting for you around the corner. So, you’d just decided to let it be. 
You’d continued to have meetings with Henry in a professional capacity. But it soon became evident that he wanted more. He’d flirted with you at every opportunity, constantly invited you out for drinks. He’d sent texts, left voicemails…even after you’d made it clear that you were involved with someone who was not him. 
But that man lived for the chase. Which was annoying as hell. He’d sent flowers to your office. Tried to hold your hand many times, no matter how often you awkwardly swatted him away. He’d even tried to kiss you. Granted, it had taken you a hot second to realize the nature of that single intention. You’d stumbled in your heels and he’d caught you, like a gentleman. And then he’d leaned in. 
Okay, that was a hard “no”. Pushing him away, you reminded him yet again that you were seeing someone. He made it clear that he did not care in any way, shape, or form. What the hell?
But it wasn’t like you could tell Steve and Bucky. Then you would have to admit that you’d lied. And that would not be good for you at all. Plus, you were a big girl who was totally capable of fighting her own battles. You could and would find a way to handle Henry without anyone finding out about it. 
A Few Weeks Later…
Just as Steve is wrapping up a business call in the living room, he notices your phone vibrating at the opposite end of the couch. Leaning over, he picks it up only to be surprised when the screen reads: 
*2 Missed Calls From Henry* 
‘Who the fuck was Henry? And why was he calling you on a Saturday night?’ 
Another notification pops up. 
*2 New Voicemails*
‘Huh. Seems the fucker left a message.’ Steve’s finger swipes at the screen and proceeds to enter your passcode. ‘Let’s see what this bullshit is all about.’ 
Incorrect Passcode 
‘That’s strange.’ Convinced he must have typed it wrong he tries again, only to be met with the same message. 
Incorrect Passcode 
Confused, he tries once more. 
Incorrect Passcode
“What. The. Fuck.” Steve growls under his breath, just in time for Bucky to stroll into the room. The brunette proceeds to peel off his navy blue suit jacket and drapes it on the neighboring couch.  
“Yo, Punk. How’d things go with Zemo–” He trails off when he gets a good look at his best friend’s face. “That bad, eh?”
 “What? No, it’s not that.” The blonde responds with an absentminded wave of his hand. “Buck…did Y/N change the passcode to her phone?”
Bucky pauses with a frown, wracking his brain for an answer. “Uh, not that I’m aware of. At least she shouldn’t have, especially not without telling us first.”
Steve nods before tossing the phone to the other man. “Then we’ve got a problem, buddy.” He watches as the brunette’s upper lip curls into a sneer when another notification appears.
*3 New Text Messages*
“Who in the motherfucking fuck is Henry!?” 
Steve leaned back against the couch and smiled, enjoying the delightfully violent thoughts dancing through his head. Your Henry, whoever he was, was a dead man.
“Dunno, Buck. But I think our Princess has some serious explaining to do.” 
Stretching your arms and over your head, you slide back from your desk. Having been working on these documents for hours, you had officially reached the point where you couldn’t think straight anymore. What time was it?
Your hands rifle through the papers on your desk in search of your phone. Hmm…where could it be? You quickly check the pockets of your jeans. Okay, not there either. Where could you have left it? Shaking your head in an effort to clear out some of the brain fog, you decide to venture to the kitchen for a glass of iced tea and to search for your missing phone.
As you make your way out of your study, you can’t help but notice how quiet the house seems. You hadn’t seen much of Bucky or Steve the last few days. They’d been out and about dealing with club business, as they often put it. It still rankled you that even after a little more than a  year together, you still didn’t have a full grasp of what that meant. Your boys hardly ever took you with them, preferring to leave you in the secure confines of their mansion. And they rarely ever discussed their dealings whenever you were in earshot. 
‘Were they even home right now?’ You wondered. ‘After all, you’d had dinner alone for, like what, the fifth night in a row?’ 
You promised yourself that as soon as you were sure that this issue with Henry was taken care of, you’d sit them both down. It was past time for a much needed chat. You wanted to be able to navigate at least certain parts of their world with them. But in order to do that, you all had to be on equal footing. 
You move around the kitchen, checking miscellaneous drawers, cabinets – even the freezer. “Argh!” You huff. You stand by the stove, mentally retracing your steps. It had to be somewhere down here. Maybe in the living room? You take a moment to pour yourself a refreshing glass of raspberry iced tea before padding your way towards the living room. Perhaps you’d left it on the coffee table or something.
Unaware of the drama unfolding in the next room, you unwittingly waltz right into the chaos. So lost in your own thoughts that it takes you almost a full minute to register that both Steve and Bucky are indeed home. You can’t help but smile as you drink in the sight of them. You’d missed those two peaches more than you realized. And then you notice that they’re hovering over your phone. 
“Hey,” you nudge your way in between them. “I’ve been looking for that.” You manage to pluck it out of Bucky’s fingers, surprised by his tight grip. Tucking it into your back pocket, you resist the urge to groan when you feel it start to vibrate. Please don’t let that be who I think it is…
Instead, you choose to focus on your men. While you really were happy to see them, their faces seem to tell a different story. “When did you two get home?” You attempt to keep your voice light and breezy. “I’ve missed you both so much this week!”
You wrap your arms around Steve, placing a smacking kiss on his cheek, only to be confused when his body remains incredibly stiff. “Stevie, what’s wrong?” The man says nothing, which makes you step back. Keeping an arm around his trim waist you press your small hand against Bucky’s chiseled jaw. “Buc–Daddy, is everything okay?” 
Still, nothing. Alright then…apparently they were going to make you guess. 
“Are you…hurt? Did something happen while you were out...taking care of things tonight?” You fight the urge to shrink away from them both. “Somebody please say something. You’re making me a little nervous here.” 
Steve clears his throat. “You hear that, Buck?” His voice is rough, his eyes filled with an emotion you can’t quite name. You give in to your urge to pull away. “Our sweet girl is nervous.”
“Yeah, I heard her. Can’t help but wonder why. Must have something to do with Henry.” His unexpected statement makes your face pale. You take a step backwards, and then you feel your phone vibrate again. From the look on their faces, they could hear it too. Goddamnit!
“It’s not what you think.” You try to keep your voice as soft and placating as possible. “Henry is a colleague, okay? From work…obviously. And he just…umm…is a little…” You struggle to find the right word. “He’s a little, um, overzealous about certain things.” That certain thing being you, of course. 
Bucky cocks a brow at you. “Is that so?” His metal hand reaches up to lightly trace the curve of your lower lip. Your head bobs enthusiastically. The last thing you wanted was your two lovers to be upset with you. “But I’ve–I’ve got it under control.”
“Oh good, Princess.” Steve sits down on the couch, patting the seat next to him. Bucky follows suit, sinking into a nearby armchair. “Then you won’t mind telling Daddy Buck and I all about him.” The steel in his voice immediately has you on high alert. Telling them anything about your interactions with Henry was most definitely a bad idea.
Instead you choose to remain standing. “Actually Daddy, I’d prefer not to discuss it – I mean him.” You take another small step backwards just to make sure you were out of snatching distance. 
“I don’t recall us giving you that option, Y/N.” Bucky grouses, resting his chin on his hand. “Why’d you change your passcode without permission, Doll?”
You could feel yourself starting to sweat, unsure of how to navigate your way out of this. “I didn’t know I needed permission to change the settings in my phone, James.” Your own boldness surprises you. And based on their reactions, you can tell that you managed to surprise the hell out of them too. 
“What did you just call me?” The danger in his tone is soft and silky. You knew you needed to tread lightly here…
“Your name. I called you by your name.” You spit back before mentally facepalming. You were, without a doubt, royally fucking this up. “Is that a fucking crime or something?” Oh, Christ. And now you’d just let a curse slip. Your teeth nervously sink into your lower lip. You don’t even bother glancing over at Steve, knowing that the fury in his eyes would make you wilt where you stood. And now was sooo not the time for wilting. You had a life to protect.
“Buck?” Steve’s rasps, you know how hard he’s working to keep his voice low and measured. “When was the last time we spanked our girl?”  
“Been about three weeks, if memory serves.” The blonde grunts and shakes his head. How had all of this turned into a train wreck so quickly?
Pursing his lips, he scrapes his large hand over his beard. “I think that’s too long, pal.” 
“Hmm.” Bucky reclines in the chair, crossing his legs at the ankle. “I’m inclined to agree. Y/N, go upstairs and bring me your paddle. The pink one.” You remain frozen in place, silently clinging to your defiance. “Now, Princess.”
Not the paddle. You feel yourself cringe. Anything but that wretched paddle.  
“Y/N, Daddy Buck just asked you to fetch your paddle. So why don’t I see your legs moving?” Your eyes drop to the floor, your bare toes gently nudging the carpet. “Look at me when I talk to you.” His stern tone makes your stomach drop, but you do as he asks. And you instantly regret it.
 “You’re really starting to piss me off.” You flinch when you hear Bucky hum in agreement. “Now, unlock your phone and hand it over. Then go upstairs to our room and get your damned paddle.”
“And when we’re through with you, you are going to sit down and explain to both of us why our naughty little girl is suddenly keeping secrets.” Bucky flashes you a feral grin.
You square your shoulders and sigh, feeling resigned to your fate. You pull your phone out of your pocket, prepared to hand it over. And then you think about the man at the heart of all this madness. Phone still in hand, you turn and sprint up the stairs – taking them two at a time.    
Making it to your shared bedroom, you lock the door and lean your body against it and attempt to catch your breath.   
It’s not that you were trying to hide things from your men. Well, you were, but also you weren’t. And once they settled down you could and would tell them everything. But only after you’d seen to Henry’s safety. 
Just because he was an idiot didn’t mean he deserved to be maimed, or dismembered, or killed. Did Steve and Bucky kill people? Were they fans of breaking kneecaps? Why did love always keep you from asking the important questions? You keep yourself pressed against the door, cursing inwardly when you hear the jiggle of the knob.
Typing in your passcode, you quickly read through your many, many messages from Henry. They range between apologies and him begging you to meet with him, telling you that he just wanted a chance. A real chance with you. You opt not to bother with the voicemails, knowing that it would just be more of the same. Frantically, you begin texting him.  
You: Henry, stop texting. Stop calling. My boyfriends, Steve Rogers and James Barnes, know about you. Recognize their names? And they are pissed. You really, really need to leave town for a bit. Take a long fucking vacation. Sent: 10:23pm 
“Unlock this door, Y/N. Right this minute.” Steve bellows. “Or Buck and I will break it down!” 
“I’d say go right ahead, but I think I should let you know that I’m also leaning on it.” You call out. “You knock it down and you knock me down.” You hear the boys muffled curses through the door. 
“Move away from the fucking door, Y/N!” Bucky seethes as his metal fist pounds the wooden barrier. “I swear to god when I get my hands on you..!”
“Not happening!” You shout back, hitting the door with your fist. Your phone buzzes when the man texts back. 
Henry: Wait, what? I need to leave? Received: 10:25pm
You: If you like your teeth and your kneecaps, then yes moron. Sent: 10:26pm
Henry: Do I need to call the police? Received: 10:27pm
You: They can’t help you. I doubt they’ll even try. Just go. Visit your mom in England or something. And quit messaging me. You’ve caused me enough trouble already. Sent: 10:28pm      
Your men are still banging away at the door. One of them throws a shoulder into it. And then you hear Steve growl out something about finding a key. 
Henry: You win. Booking a ticket now. Not telling you where I’m going. Sent: 10:30pm 
Thank goodness. You breathe a sigh of relief. Well, it was official. You were definitely screwed. Disobedience and running from your men was a big no-no in this household. But you’d had a good reason, even if they didn’t agree.  
You take a quick moment to remove the passcode from your phone entirely. And then you go to sit on the bed. If they still wanted to use that paddle on you after you’d explained your side of things, then fine. But you weren’t going to grab it for them.
You cringe at the sound of a key turning the lock. Steve and Bucky barge into the room a second later, their chests heaving, hair mussed. You cross your arms and lie back on the bed. “Before this goes any further, you need to know that I don’t agree with this punishment and I would like to discuss it before we proceed. Please.”
Twin growls reach your ears. Undeterred, you keep going.“Also, I’m sorry for running away. But I didn’t want you to kill Henry. He’s been a pain in my butt for weeks and I know I probably should have said something, but trust goes both ways in a relationship. As long as you continue to handle your business without including me, I’ll do the same.” You hear a loud thump as one of them punches the wall. 
“That’s unacceptable, Y/N.” Steve hisses through clenched teeth. “We won’t tolerate your keeping secrets from us.”
“You keep them from me. So, those are my terms. Take ‘em or leave ‘em.” Your tone is flippant and dismissive – and it’s the one you know they both hate. One of them, you’re not sure who, walks out of the room and into the closet. Damn. Were they searching for your paddle? Tears prick your eyes.
“Sit up, Y/N.” Steve whispers. Taking a moment to collect yourself, you do as you’re told. Bucky walks back in holding your dreaded paddle. “She…our girl may have a point, man.” He gestures toward you. “The three of us clearly need to have a conversation.” 
His words are aimed at Bucky, who rolls his eyes in response. Steve takes the paddle from him and sits it on the nearby dresser. “And in exchange for telling us about this Henry dipshit, we’ll answer any questions you have.”
“Within reason.” Bucky swiftly interjects. “We don’t want to overwhelm you. Understand?”
“Yes, Sir. As long as you promise not to kill him.” While you were sitting on pins and needles, you were still grateful that Henry had agreed to disappear for a bit.  
“Fine, fine. We promise.” Bucky grates out, sounding unhappy. Steve scoffs at that, prompting the brunette to give him a look. “Promise, Stevie. I don’t need you going rogue on me.” 
“Sure. Whatever.” He grumbles, looking like he wants to hit something. “You have our word.”
You can’t help but offer your men a genuine smile, which they return. They move to settle on the bed beside you, sandwiching you between them. Steve drags you into his lap before leaning against the headboard. Bucky begins to sweetly massage your left calf. 
“Alright baby, it’s time to start talking.” So that’s what you all did. For hours. And it was wonderful.
And when you were through, you’d still ended up face down on Bucky’s lap, crying out as he wielded your paddle against your bare ass with authority. Of course, Steve had been sure to lecture you the whole time about not keeping secrets and locking doors. Not that you had been able to focus on much of it anyway.     
Two Days Later…
You wake up in bed alone, which is more than a little odd. If ever either one of them, or both of them, had to leave while you were asleep they were always sure to let you know. You roll over on to your back, wincing when your still very sore bottom makes contact with the plush mattress. That’s when you notice the note sitting on the nightstand. You lean over to grab it.
Hey Princess,
We’re so sorry that we had to leave you all alone in bed this morning. When you wake up, come join us down in our study. We’ve got a special surprise for you. And be sure to keep on that lacy green nightie we love so much. See you soon, baby. 
Your Daddies   
Curious about what the surprise could be, you hastily climb out of bed. You only pause long enough to throw on your robe and brush your teeth. A few moments later you find yourself in front of Steve and Bucky’s shared office. You proceed to knock on the closed door. 
“Come on in, Y/N.” Steve purrs. Smiling from ear-to-ear, you open the door and practically dance into the room, excited to see the men you loved.  
“Good morning, Daddies! I–” Your words are cut off by the sudden sound of a third person’s pained groan. Your head whips to the right, shocked to the core when you see none other than Henry bound to a chair, his face bloody and bruised. “What…why…why is he here?” You stammer out, which elicits a decidedly devious laugh from your men. 
“Aww. What’s that face for, Princess?” You watch in a mix of confusion and horror as Steve removes a pair of brass knuckles from his right hand. “You don’t like your surprise?” He wipes off his bloody hands before tossing the rag to Bucky, who proceeds to do the same. 
Bucky pouts as he flexes his fingers. “That’s such a shame, isn’t it, Stevie? And after we worked so hard to get him here, too.”      
Your shaking hands fly to your face, positive that you were going to pass out. You jump when you hear Henry again. “Y/N…so sorry.” He slurs, his voice hoarse. 
“Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit!” Steve barks. “We didn’t say you could speak.”
Bucky strides towards you, enveloping you in a warm embrace. His hands tenderly rub your back before making their way to your ass, giving it a not-so-gentle squeeze. You cry out in pain as your hands fly to his shoulders. Still wrapped in his arms, he turns you so that your back is to Henry. 
“You promised me you wouldn’t kill him. You both gave me your word.” God, your whole body was trembling now. Steve chooses that moment to join you both. He gently takes your chin in his hand. Turning you towards him, he takes possession of your mouth. His sinful lips and tongue effectively devouring your protests. When he finally breaks the kiss, he turns your face to Bucky’s, who swiftly leans down to capture your kiss-swollen lips with his own. 
“Oh, Sweetheart,” He says when he finally pulls away. “We may have promised not to kill him, but we never said we wouldn’t fuck him up for harassing our best girl.”
“But…but…you can’t…” Steve grips your hips, holding you in place when you begin to struggle.
“We can. We will. And we just, uh, did.” The blonde replies as he reaches one warm hand down to cup your bare pussy, his eyes closing in pleasure as his fingers easily slip between your wet folds. “He should have known better than to chase after what’s ours, especially after you turned him down.”
You instinctively rise on your toes when two thick fingers enter you. Lazily fucking in and out of you while you helplessly cling to Bucky’s blood-stained shirt.  
“That’s right, Y/N.” Bucky’s sharp teeth nip the tip of your ear. “And now, he’s going to pay. We’re gonna to fuck you right here in front him.” All your breath leaves your body at his words. “And he’s gonna watch us take you, as a reminder of what he’ll never have.”
Steve removes your robe. It falls to the floor, leaving you clad in nothing but a scrap of skimpy lingerie. “And then we’ll ship this useless prick off to Siberia or something.” He mumbles under his breath. “Now go and bend over the desk for us, baby. Make sure you’re facing Henry.”           
Bucky follows behind you. You obediently lay your body across the large desk. You softly cry out when you hear the sound of his zipper. And then you feel his thick cock prodding your dripping core. 
Steve takes his place beside the wounded man. He fists his hand in his hair, aggressively yanking his head back so that his eyes are now trained on you and Bucky. “Her pussy takes us like a fucking dream. Always so tight, and hot, and wet. Best we’ve ever had.” Henry whimpers at his words. “Not that you’ll ever know. Because she’s all ours. Ain’t that right, Y/N?” 
Bucky is really fucking you now, hard and deep. His heavy balls rhythmically slapping against your sopping cunt. Enjoying Henry’s obvious discomfort, Bucky winks at Steve. “Tell Henry here how much you enjoy being split in two by our cocks.” He quickens his thrusts, forcing a strangled moan from your lips.
“Oh, god! Yes!” You sob, burying your face into the desk. “Unngh! Love it so much, baby. Love it when my Daddies take my pussy. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Bucky’s hand cracks against your ass hard. “Who’s pussy?” He snarls. “Sor-sorry, Daddy. It’s your pussy. Belongs to you and Daddy Steve!” Your eyes roll back in your head as your orgasm wracks through you. “Oooh, yes! Filling me up so good!”
Steve painfully wrenches Henry’s head backwards when the man attempts to avert his gaze from your quivering, sweat slicked body. “Pay attention, buddy. Don’t want you to miss a moment.” Your pleasure-filled cries are like music to his ears. 
“Now hurry the fuck up, Buck. I’m ready for my turn with our Princess.” 
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wolferals · 2 years
good girl**
henry cavill x reader
warnings: heavy smut!, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, choking, finger sucking kink, daddy kink
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Henry stood up to open his belt in a rapid motion. You on the other hand were working on opening the buttons on your little flower dress. He looked down at you all hungry.
He turned you on so bad even though you were aware of the fact that this person was not you in any way.
„Fuck." he groaned as you pulled down his pants for him and with that his black boxer briefs as well.
You bit your lip staring at this monster right in front of you. His dick was not only long and thick, it was pulsating in front of your face.
„Come here." he moaned and picked you up on your legs just to carry you to his bedroom.
There he basically threw you on the bed, spread your legs rather harshly and settled inbetween.
„Hmm you’re soaked baby." he licked his lips.
You leaned back against his soft mattress and enjoyed how he was placing kisses on your thighs before he pulled your panties down and slapped your left ass cheek.
„On your stomach come on, please."
You smiled, he had asked you, not demanded it.
So you did what he had told you and opened your legs.
You were still wearing half of your dress, he simply pulled up your skirt and grabbed onto your butt.
„You're so fucking wet y/n." Henry groaned deeply.
Right after that you felt his kiss on your ass cheek.
„Be quiet, okay?"
You nodded.
And before you could say anything, his tongue was already working wonders on your pussy. He was kitten licking your clit and occasionally stuck his tongue into you.
You were officially in heaven. Your nails clawed into his mattress and you bit into his pillow to not scream out loud.
Henry seemed to enjoy giving you the pleasure you had been seeking for for too long.
I mean, you werent a virgin at all but your ex wasnt as serious with you as you were about your guys' relationship.
It just overwhelmed you how much time and energy Henry put into making you feel good.
„Shh baby, i got neighbors." he chuckled and stopped for a second.
You couldnt help but have moaned out.
You spread your legs even more but Henry seemed to have other plans. He slapped your hips and said:"On all fours baby."
As he said, you did.
You got on all fours and waited for his further actions.
Suddenly you felt his stomach hit your back and he brought his right hand to your throat, lightly pressing you up.
„Tell me what you want."
You could feel your juices run down your leg from how much he was turning you on.
Never had a guy done that to you. Made you beg.
They were mostly too horny to wait.
„Fuck me please." you pleaded but you just felt him shake his head.
„No baby, what do you really want?"
He was just as horny as you, it was very visible in his voice. His abs rock hard on your back.
„I want you to fuck me up, destroy my pussy, make me feel good." you choked out. You were embarrassed to say such things out loud but Henry seemed to love it because he spent no time slowly slipping his cock in you. He was too thick for your little hole.
„Ahh fuck yes baby." He moaned out and held onto your back for support.
You could barely hold yourself up from how good it felt.
Henry noticed and spoke:"Face down ass up bebe."
He pushed your face into the pillow and took a handful of your hair.
He gave you a little to get used to his size before you reassured he could move.
And he drew out.
„Yess please." you moaned and closed your eyes in pleasure. His cock was bigger than what you had been used to but it felt too fucking good to think about the pain he was giving you.
Henry didnt waste any time and kept going faster and faster, he fucked you like never before.
You had never heard a man really moan. Like really moan. The deep groans, occasional whimpers, heavy breathing.
The angels were singing for you that moment.
The pleasure had taken over you and it was hard not to think about how bad you wanted this to last forever.
„Y/n, fuck. Harder come on. You can take it.“
He was so hot.
You then took all the energy you had left and went up on all fours again, moving against him as well. He seemed to be freaking out according to the noises that were leaving his mouth.
„Y/n i cant, fuck this.. too good." He suppressed while still slamming into you as hard as he could.
You were so going to be sore the next day.
And you were so fucked once this was over. In the sense of regretting sleeping with him.
But that thought left your mind immediately and you moaned out his name loudly.
His name was like a mantra to you.
It was all you wanted to say for all eternity.
„Bebe no..." He threw you off and leaned forwards against your back.
„Hen dont stop." you spoke and stared at the mattress beneath you to focus on not coming right away.
As if he had read your mind, he pulled out and slapped your ass again.
„Back." he sounded harsh now.
You turned around and fell onto the bed again.
„Open up." Henry spread your legs and lied inbetween.
He slipped inside again and immediately started fucking your already tired pussy again. Missionary was even hotter to you. Seeing the pleasure in his face, how his mouth opened and his eyes rolled back, it killed you.
While he was pounding you, he suddenly stuck two fingers in your mouth, making you circle them with your wet tongue.
He moaned out as you started sucking on them.
„Baby, it’s too much.“
Henry shortly after removed his fingers from your mouth again and placed his hand around your throat.
You were thrown off guard by his actions, you had never been choked. And to be fair, you had never wanted to.
He just lightly pressed and observed your facial expression.
You then pulled him down by his neck to kiss him again.
His tongue loved playing with yours while his cock was still deep inside of you.
Getting closer and closer to your own orgasm you got louder as well. He loved it when you were vocal, at least his face told you. Everytime you moaned his name or something like „yes please" or „harder" he smiled. Genuinely.
He noticed his own high coming so he took all his energy together to fuck you as hard as never before. His cock was going in and out of you that you could barely see it at all.
Suddenly you felt his entire body twitch and he screamed out loud. He thrusted a couple more times before grabbing your neck again, making you moan.
„Cum for me babe. Cum on my cock. Squirt for me."
You couldnt help but cry out when your own orgasm hit you. Hard.
You in fact did squirt on him, the bed was soaked.
He grinned while looking down at the mess you had made.
„Such a good girl.“ he cooed and gave you another kiss on the lips before laying down next to you.
You both had to catch your breath.
This had been the wildest you've ever been or done it.
And the choking? Loved it.
The dirty talk? More please.
Henry? All of him.
It didnt take you long before you drifted off and you didnt even notice how Henry put your panties back on you and changed the sheets underneath your much too exhausted body.
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