#dadbot au
what1is1going1on · 6 months
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percyaugod · 10 months
Dadbot AU
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Remember this one? 2012 Separated AU where Donnie is raised by Professor Honeycutt.
The fugitioid and his time travel shenanigans knowing the turtles will be the only way he has a chance to make things right. He watches and waits to make sure nothing goes wrong because he needs them all together. So, of course, something goes wrong.
When Splinter is running from some threat he accidentally drops one of the young turtles and they get left behind. The professor tried to return the infant but Splinter, spooked from the previous threat and terrified of losing another child, kept running before Honeycutt could even get close. Curse his metallic body!
In the end, the fugitioid has to stop or risk the others' safety, but what to do with this one? All that matters is they're together in the end right, and he'll come for them when the time comes. So it looks like it's up to him to take care of this one until then.
Luckily Donatello is eager to learn so it's not too hard to find ways to entertain him. However, it is a bit of a problem when he tries to get into things he's not supposed to. Waking up without arms was a terrifying experience for the professor.
Honeycutt told Donatello stories about others like him. That one day during a time of great urgency they will reunite to save their home world. He loves seeing Donatello's eyes light up.
Donatello makes his own armor/suit to look more like a robot like the professor. The helmet also lets Donatello scan and display information in the visor. Let him make him a tech bō with alien tech. Donatello meets his brothers but doesn't remove the armor because he wants them to get to know him and him and not just their lost brother.
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icedmetaltea · 2 years
Possible demon au twist with a young demon y/n, where sun and moon have to deal with the unpredictability of a demon child (you don't have to answer this at all, just thought you might like it)
D'aww yeees, I love dad S/M AUs, even cuter (and chaotic) when child!y/n in question is trying to burn the pizzaplex down 🤣
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ask-sawtooth-and-co · 9 months
Sawtooth: Boot up computers
-He's not too sure why he's doing this. The memos give him plenty of updates to roll with, and Dirk often updates him on anything important. -Maybe the android is just getting bored in his old age? Could be that. He's like...how old now? -Sawtooth, proceed to not think about the fact that you're father fuckin' time at this point. -Let's just scroll some blogs, check the memos, and see what the day brings us before a certain little rabbit decides he wants to cause chaos on this fine day. ------- Sawtooth is one of Dirk's androids! In this AU, they were all thrown onto a fucked up almalgamation of a planet. It's like a sick joke from the game, a final *Fuck You* in the face of the players. This world is full of random alternates, portals and rifts in space, and most of the players are around the world trying to solve the riddle of who the fuck thought this was a funny joke, haha game fuck off. Sawtooth was thrown back as his normal self, an android from his timeline. Standing at a solid 7'1", this bot is tanky and intimidating but a huge softie. Loves kids, especially his (Alphas and Striders), and currently takes care of a human Lil Sebastian! No one knows why some bots and non-human entities are getting spat back out as human, but hey, he's gonna roll with it. He enjoys being a dadbot again. Makes him remember the good old days with baby Dirk. (Asks Are Open!)
- Mod Crow
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mxrtified777 · 1 year
same person from the dream here basically it was how you doodle yourself- that and finch was some sort of siren if I recall correctly? hacker I forget but I do recall Randy was this giant bot called 'DadBot'
tbh leviathan/pirate aus can be fun. i love marine animals
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spartanxhunterx · 2 years
Dadbot me had au idea: there were 3 missing miraculouses butterfly peafowl and fox, the fox ended up with Lila's ancestor though none knew it was magic, because Trixx's illusions kept them hidden. Eventually Lila gets the miraculous so when she approaches Adrien she's guinely curious, then the whole akuma thing, and in short it's a strangers to friends to lovers Lilanette slowburn
Ooh, interesting, sorry it took me so long to see this… life, ya know.
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claudehenrion · 4 years
  Essayons de nous échapper quelques instants du piège sinistre où nous avons été “confinés” sans trop savoir pour quelle raison –ce qui nous fait peu à peu perdre la nôtre–  par des dirigeants dont l'idéologie de refus de la mort ne peut être que mortelle. Ils nous laissent le choix entre accepter leurs non-solutions, toutes “pires”, pour le covid… et souscrire à leurs analyses erronées sur l'immigration –donc, même s'ils le refusent, sur l’‘islam, cet immense problème dont ils ne voient que le côté le plus étroit. Je ne dis pas que nous évader de ce dilemme va être plus rigolo, mais au moins on parlera d'autre chose que de pénurie de vaccins. On y va ?
  Savez-vous ce qu'est un “chatbot’' ? En volapük ’'geek” (autrement dit : dans le monde hermétiquement clos de ceux qui ne savent communiquer que dans dans l'incommunicable), un Chatbot serait “un agent conversationnel” (de “to chat” : bavarder, et la fin “bot” de robot). Vous ne suivez déjà plus ? C'est pas grave, moi non plus. Poursuivons : imaginez un programme de programmes qui a accès à des millions de données en un demi-clin d’œil, et qui va pouvoir “échanger” et discuter d'égal à égal… avec vous ou n'importe lequel de vos contemporains. Il sait vous accueillir, vous renseigner, vous indiquer la sortie (ou d'autres destinations, bien entendu), vous expliquer “la marche à suivre” (selon vos besoins), vous réorienter vers un de ses collègues Chatbots si vous vous êtes trompé de porte ou d'étage, vous demander de remplir (s'il vous plaît) le formulaire bleu n° 654321, en précisant bien en lettres capitales. Ça, c'est ou c'était un “chatbot” de la première génération.
  Mais comme rien n'est simple dans notre monde qui l'est de moins en moins, les progrès quasi-exponentiels en matière d'intelligence artificielle,“I-A”, pour ceux qui se croient dans le coup, (NDLR -dont personne ne parle, pour ne pas affoler les pékins, qui se tiennent tranquilles tant qu'on ne leur parle que du covid “24 / 24 et   7 / 7 sur les ondes : terrorisés, ils ne peuvent plus penser à autre chose ! Pas la peine d'en rajouter !), avancent à grands pas, jusqu'à atteindre des degrés de complexité où, lorsqu'une nouvelle boite de Pandore est enfin ouverte sur un sujet, il est trop tard pour que quiconque puisse faire quoi que ce soit. C'est dans ce cadre de bouleversements inattendus mais permanents que je voudrais vous parler de la dernière (à ce jour) génération de ’'chatbot”, qui dialoguent… avec les morts !
  Un “chatbot” est donc un système informatique qui sait et peut dialoguer avec un utilisateur… qu'on supposait vivant. Jusque là, ça va encore… Oui, mais voilà : Microsoft a déposé ce mois-ci, janvier 2021, le “brevet” d'un chatbot qui permet de “communiquer avec nos proches décédés”… Vous avez bien lu : j'ai bien écrit “brevet”, “déposé”, et “Janvier 21”. Nous ne sommes pas dans la science-fiction : c'est Microsoft qui le dit ! Vous comprenez pourquoi il y a tellement de guillemets dans ce Billet : aucun des mots utilisés n'est compréhensible sans un gros effort d'adaptation de notre cerveau…“mais pas que’' ! C’est ‘‘tout nous’‘ qui est secoué !
  Techniquement, il s'agit de rapprocher des modules d'intelligence artificielle, de reconnaissance des mots, d'interprétation du langage, et de les incorporer sur une ’'plate-forme” capable d'interagir avec les humains. Et de fait, une fois qu'on admet qu'on change de planète et d'époque… ça peut paraître tout simple ! A partir de montagnes de données personnelles sur le défunt, on “obtient” une  ’'version numérique’’ de celui-ci, qui peut à la limite ne presque pas présenter de différences avec le cher disparu : on cite l'exemple d'un journaliste américain passionné d’ I A, qui a obtenu un “dadbot” à partir d'enregistrements qu'il avait de son père… avec lequel il dit avoir des échanges pile dans la suite de ceux qu'ils avaient avant le décès du Papa. Et on peut être certain que des hordes de “volontaires” en plein chagrin vont se ruer sur ces “ex-morts pas vraiment vivants mais plus vrais que nature”, un peu comme se sont précipités tous ceux à qui on a “'retrouvé” en même temps des dizaines de “cousins” en Thaïlande, au Chili, en Angola et en Papouasie, grâce à l'analyse croisée de leurs ADN (moyennant quelques centaines de US$ !).
  Les détails techniques vont suivre, n'en doutez pas. Mais personne ne va parler des problèmes que cette “avancée” (sic !) va créer par sa seule existence, comme c'est toujours le cas… Nous parlons souvent des faux progrès d'une iso-science dévoyée qui, pensons-nous, représente un danger majeur pour le futur. Ici, nous le touchons du doigt, avec cette “co-révolution humain-machine” où c'est le second terme qui est le moteur, le vecteur, le facteur novateur, ce qui pose des problèmes éthiques que rien ni personne n'est armé pour aborder… et encore moins pour résoudre. Notre comportement face à ces “objets” numériques et face à leurs implications ne sont pas prévisibles : impact sur nos émotions, sur nos souvenirs (telle phrase m'a-t-elle été dite par ma mère ou par son chatbot numérique ?), ou sur nos capacités d'empathie, de rejet, d'oubli, de deuil, d'incompréhension, d'allocentrisme, d'amour, de foi, de superstition et même d'équilibre psychique…
  Comment va-t-on appeler, traiter et considérer les phrases et les scènes (car l'image “live” du mort va suivre dans les 2 ans, j'en prends le pari) sorties de ce “machin qui fait parler les morts” ? Quid de nos vieux principes, du respect, de l'intimité, de la dignité de la personne humaine, ou… de sa manipulation ? Quels comportements extrêmes (bons ou mauvais) risquent-ils de se produire ? Les “Gafam”, qui vont piquer la part du lion dans cette (bonne) affaire, vont-ils (ou elles) augmenter encore leur mainmise, qui est déjà insupportable, sur nos âmes ? Nos relations avec le réel, le possible, la connaissance, la vérité, l'objectivité (ce qu'il en reste) ou notre propre intimité pourront-elles résister longtemps à de si violents bouleversements ? Il était tout de même plus drôle et moins risqué de faire tourner les tables ou d'aller passer la nuit dans un château anglais en ruine, mais hanté…
  Ne nous le cachons pas : nous ne sommes qu'au tout début de la prise de pouvoir de l'Intelligence “artificielle”. La nôtre, d'ailleurs, risque de succomber très bientôt, car s'il est impossible d'anticiper tous les domaines où demain n'aura plus rien à voir avec hier et même avec aujourd'hui, il n'est pas possible non plus de prévoir les évolutions de technologies qui se croisent, s'ajoutent et se réinventent en permanence… Vous savez ce que j'en pense : je suis heureux d'aller vers mes 87 ans et de me dire que tous ces bouleversements (qui, dans ma culture dite “à l'ancienne”, sont autant de témoignages de la folie de l'humanité) se feront sans moi ! Même si, une fois –ou deux ? peut-être trois–, j'aurais bien aimé demander à mes parents comment ça se passe vraiment, “de l'autre côté du grand miroir du temps qui passe”… et en profiter pour les revoir, même si c’est “pour de faux’' ! 
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percyaugod · 6 months
is there anything different aboyt this version of honeycutt since hes a parent? i live him very much and would like to know pls and thanku
Thank you! ^ ^
He's very protective of Donnie. Is he a pacifist? Yes. Will he aim a laser at someone's face for looking at his son wrong? Also yes.
When the others find out about who Donnie is Casey notices the gap in Donnie's teeth. He tries making a "mine is bigger than yours" joke. Donnie didn't get it. Honeycutt was threatening Casey with a laser from behind Donnie before Casey could even start to explain it.
He's also more anxious. This happens when you look away from a child for two minutes and they're stealing something from/making friends with shady sellers in back alleys. The amount of highly illegal stolen tech Donnie owns…
He tries his best to be a mentor as well to Donnie. Helping him learn and grow. Teaching him all about space and technology, how to fight, and that if he failed what mattered is he tried his best.
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percyaugod · 6 months
I like your dadbot au [the one where Don got separated and fugitoid raised him]
and was thinking about if Don gust never revealed him self during the space arc. And sum time after part of the armor breaks and he reveals that he is there brother and starts ranting about how his dad (professor Honeycutt) was supposed to be with him and this isn't part of the plan and how he was gust waiting for the right time to tell them.
And donetello making friends with space people and learning all different things from them.
And Don would probably have a code name and I think he would choose astro.
Also for the time that's he on earth but still in descis master Splinter found out because Don was trying to eat in secret and he found him.
Also what thing do you think the armor has cus I think he should get wings for flight and shelds.
Anyway, thanks for reading this long rant.
Thank you! ^ ^
What I had planned for part of the identity reveal was Donnie being wanted as well, because of association with the fugitioid and his own more than slightly illegal dealings with shady merchants. Donnie being recognized and now people are after all of them. Him taking of the armor since that's all anyone knows but covering himself with something else. The others now know there's something under the armor but no idea what. Cue hijinks of the others doing everything possible to get a glimpse.
The armor is left behind as a distraction while they get away. It's also set to self destruct, which is an even bigger distraction. Donnie has several backups if his armor because this has happened before.
Oh Honeycutt is coming with them. Donnie knows his father enough to know he'd try something stupid like that. He also knows the head isn't needed to self destruct. He was more than prepared to snatch him on the way out. He's going to get such a lecture when they're not trying to stay alive.
Not gonna lie, never though of a codename. First thing that comes to mind is Metalhead since I keep imagining the armor as a futuristic, alien technology version of Donnie from mutant apocalypse.
Definitely shields. Was thinking one of those holographic, projected ones he wears on his wrist. At least a couple types of lasers, they're good for escaping by cutting through something or defending by cutting through someone. So many scanners and different readings in his helmet. Trackers, of course. Can't let the others just wander around in space.
Thanks for the interest in my AU. ^ ^
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percyaugod · 6 months
What are professor Honeycutt and dons opinions on the entire SI-FI (idk spelling) genre [are they banned?]
For the most part, personally insulted. Especially with all the killer/killed-off robots. No one mentions the professor's lasers and the literal bomb. The inaccuracies are going to make them riot, they swear.
The rare occurrence that Donnie and the professor do like something sci-fi cause even more problems. They usually like the concepts of some of the gadgets and try to replicate them in real life. It's always something dangerous too. The fact they had to stop the two from making a doomsday device is still mind-boggling.
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percyaugod · 6 months
In the dadbot au when everyone is picked up by Honeycutt and Don, do they still act the same way in Canon?
And do you think that Don would watch TV with the others?
When they're first picked up they act like what they are. Traumatized teenagers who literally lost their entire world. Donnie just met them and this already destroyed the multiple made-up scenarios he created when the professor told him he would one day meet his brothers. Donnie doesn't think cocoa can fix this…
Leo would be even more stressed since he doesn't have Donnie's genius to rely on to help solve problems. So as the leader, he has to come up with all the plans and solutions. This also distances Leo more from Raph and Mikey since he feels he needs to set a good example.
Raph gets angered more easily because he's tired of seeing Leo run himself into the ground. They're a team, they can help! He also doesn't have Donnie to banter and fight with to help relieve stress.
Raph is closer to Mikey because that's his only little brother and he refuses to push him aside. Unlinked some people! When Raph "quits" and storms off it's always Mikey that comes to find him. Raph can never express how much that means to him.
Mikey acts more or less the same but pushes fewer buttons because it's obvious his brothers already have a lot going on. That doesn't mean he's not going to pull a harmless prank or two now and then to help break the tension.
Donnie is banned from watching Space Heroes with Leo. All he does is complain about inaccuracies and insult Captain Ryan. Leo was almost in tears. Raph thought it was hilarious.
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percyaugod · 5 months
Dadbot au; how is Donnie's individual relationship with his brothers?
It's kind of strained with Leo. Leo was more focused on protecting his brothers and didn't pay much attention to the bots besides anything that helped save their world. Donnie pointing out things wrong with Space heroes and insulting Captain Ryan didn't help Leo like him anymore. Leo ended up acting pretty cold to Donnie for most of the adventure.
So now when Leo tries to get along with him Donnie feels like it's out of a sense of obligation since he's their brother. That or he wants something. Donnie hasn't failed to notice how ready Leo is to rely on someone else now that the option is there.
It's not like Donnie is complaining. A lot of it is pretty simple and he has his dad to help if things start to like up. Besides, a lot of it he was going to do anyway because this place really needed some upgrades. Now he just has a list of which to focus on first.
Donnie's relationship with Raph is pretty strong. Raph has someone else to fight with a temper like him. Sure he has Casey, but despite how Casey acts he's not nearly as durable as them, and holding back is a pain sometimes. After fighting and losing a few… dozen times he's finally starting to get a read on how Donnie moves! He'll win soon, just you see!
Raph also appreciates Donnie being there to help Leo. He doesn't know what it is about "space genius" which means Leo can rely on Donnie instead of him and Mikey, but at least Leo is finally relying on someone. It's nice seeing his older brother not stressed out of his mind 24/7.
Not to mention Donnie giving Raph and Mikey tasks so they can still help. Even if it's simple things like helping him carry stuff, watching the equipment when it's working, or helping him clean the lab.
Now if only Donnie didn't bring the bug with him.
Donnie adores Mikey. Right off the bat he was amazed by everything, including Donnie, and treated Albert like the precious creature he is. They talked for so long about their pets. Donnie still wants to know how Mikey accidentally mutated a cat into ice cream.
Mikey seemed interested in the "gremlin" fighting style Donnie uses with his long limbs and asked to be taught. It's adorable watching Mikey skitter around. Donnie is starting to understand why his dad is so quick to pull out a laser to defend him.
Mikey seems to have trouble remembering the names of substances and machinery but can identify them, which should and shouldn't go together, and in what order if told. So Mikey appears to be a genius in his own right. They bond putting something together. It just looks like bubbles and makes popping sounds when you poke it, but Mikey wanted it and Donnie couldn't say no.
Donnie helps Mikey with a couple pranks. After all, imaginative solutions have helped him out of more than a few tight situations when cornered. Have to keep those ideas flowing. No other reason. : )
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what1is1going1on · 5 months
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Lol Albert
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percyaugod · 6 months
There's no winning with Raph. He seemed to like to spar so Donnie fought him when no one else felt like it. Donnie won and Raph was upset, Donnie let him win and he was upset. What does he want!?
After spending more time with Raph they actually get along pretty well. Raph has a lot of Interesting, if not dangerous, ideas.
The start is Donnie snapping because he's frustrated that nothing is going how he thought it would? Who knew there was a fellow hot head under all that cold metal.
Know what I realized? Without Donnie in the mix, they go from tallest to shortest just like the Rise turtles. The absolute anarchy after Casey says Donnie is the oldest because he's the tallest and the others fight for their spot on the older brother ladder. Except Mikey. He's always been the youngest.
Donnie will accept any spot, he doesn't care, just please stop fighting! Now they're upset he isn't standing his ground. Oh, not this again.
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percyaugod · 6 months
Is dadbot donatello have a messed-up sleep schedule because of growing up in space and his dad being a robot who possibly doesn't need sleep?
Oh definitely. Didn't help that the professor completely forgot what sleeping was like or how long it lasted. Especially since babies sleep longer. He kept worrying Donnie was sleeping too long and woke him to make sure he was okay. Which always ended with a cranky baby and a guilty robot. Donnie hasn't had proper sleep in years.
This is something Splinter and the other turtles will not allow to continue. They will lock him in his new room if they have to.
This is how they learn one wanted criminal can't out-sneak three ninjas and their Sensei. Especially after the professor turns traitor once the others explain to him how much sleep Donnie actually needs. Donnie still can't believe his own dad caught him with a net launcher and dragged him back to bed.
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percyaugod · 6 months
So what is everyone's stance on the fude between professor Honeycutt and Splinter?
Donnie is, of course, on Professor Honeycutt's side. So is Raph just to spite Leo who is on Splinter's side. Mikey is on the side of whoever gives him the best stuff. So far that's the side giving him gaming systems and smoke bombs. April is perfectly happy with her dad and Casey refuses to choose between the giant rat and the guy that pointed a laser at his face.
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