nico-no-talk · 4 years
Psychological Analysis #1.3
Mikami Ryouta
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I’ll admit it, Mikami’s analysis will get a bit heavy cause it involves his issue with women and he has every right to be this way and I will go ahead and say this that this boy needs to seek therapy for this issue in some way or form because it is gonna have to go into the world and deal with women. Let’s start.
Mikami is a drop-dead gorgeous, hottie who hates women with a passion.
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He is a very skilled fighter and does struggle in school with his grades and such, possible due to how he gained his extreme hatred of women. If you piss him off enough, he will react violently and be raised in a dojo so that’s where he got his skills. Like Shiro, nothing is said much about his interest and likes either, other than his main dislike/hatred: women. The author has already declared him as a gynophobe which means fear of women. 
Diagnosis Part 1
I’m going to be splitting into 2 parts for a bit. It’s already canon that Mikami is afraid of women, but none from his family (thank god). But I am going to go ahead and rip the bandaid off and say he might have some variation of PTSD (will discuss the possible development of it in background). During the Cafe Competition Arc,
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Mina, Shiro, and Mikami were hired to be bodyguards for the cafe they went to in chapter 2. After they caught the culprit, the guy started to act like someone from Mikami’s past, which resulted in a violent reaction from Mikami himself and attacked the stalker.
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This shows that obsessive behavior for someone else is one of Mikami’s triggers and causes him to want to fight the demons away. The other obvious trigger for him is women, especially ones who deem him attractive which causes him to verbally abuse them in order to get them away from him.
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As I said before, Shiro and Mikami’s issues with women are similar BUT Mikami is a lot more severe than Shiro’s and a lot more violent. They are not one in the same, but the same variation of anxiety towards them, but the levels differ greatly. 
Canon Background (I will not provide photos in this section since this one is a good chunk of Mikami and it’ll only be longer if I do add photos to this one)
Shiro grew up with 3 older sisters and one younger sister, making him the only son in his family.
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During his middle school days, not hating women, a lot of the guys were jealous of his face and the girls loved him. His best friend, Taki, fell in love at first sight of a girl from another school, Tsukishima. While Taki was asking her on a date, Mikami and her eyes met. On the day of the date, she left Taki after 10 minutes and went straight to Mikami’s house, saying how it should’ve been just them two but concluded that he was just shy, then left. Mikami was left wondering how she knew where he lived. Next day after school, Tsukishima was waiting there and ran to Mikami first, breaking Taki’s heart even more. Soon, almost every single day, Tsukishima had waited for Mikami to hang out and ignore Taki completely. Soon, Taki heard a rumor that Mikami and Tsukishima are dating and just decided to cancel with him last minute. Mikami started to dwell on the fact that Taki has been avoiding him lately and remembering the day the two became best friends. The memory trip ended by Tsukishima putting her number in Mikami’s phone, saying it’s weird that she doesn’t have his number yet despite being his girlfriend. Mikami rejects this delusion of hers and she just laughed, saying that he’s teasing her. He keeps rejecting her delusions and confesses on Taki’s behalf that the one interested in her is Taki, not him. She straight up insults Taki and says that Mikami does love her and says that Mikami used Taki to be with her, saying how he only belongs to her. He pushes her away and threatens her due to the fact that she insulted Taki. The next day, everyone already was giving him the cold shoulder and soon ran off from the school, running into Tsukishima’s friends, telling him to go to hell. He kept running then ran into Tsukishima herself. Her plan is that since she’s unable to have him, she decided that it’s best that he’s hated by everyone. She starts faking that she’s in pain, and in came Taki. Mikami tried to explain what's going on to him, but Taki won’t listen to reason so Mikami just ran away, wallowing in pain from being disowned as Taki’s friend and that some stranger ruined his life, simply because he wasn’t interested in her. 
Diagnosis Part 2
Time to dive more into this. I’m going to be continuing Mikami’s possible PTSD but this time with the now explained backstory of his. During the time we were given this story, Mikami had been kidnapped by an old friend of Tsukishima’s who believes that if she brings Mikami back, then her and Tsukishima will be able to be friends again.
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I would like to point out that this friend started to look like Tsukishima, with the difference that this new person has freckles instead.
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Mikami fully believed that Tsukishima appeared before him and almost had a panic attack, but was told by ‘her’ that she promised to leave him alone but then got tazed in the process by this girl.
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I believed that girls with long black hair in twintails are one of his triggers, but that doesn’t seem to be the case since two of his sister’s has long black hair,
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with the youngest keeping them in twintails,
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so he might’ve been able to get over it thanks to his sisters. He most definitely kept his distance from everyone when he moved to his current school to get away from his hometown and kept his distance away from the other boys, even from Shiro and Mina at the start. But when Shiro stood up for him, admitting that he struggles talking to women,
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Mikami must’ve started to grow a dependence on Shiro cause he kind of sees his old self in him: a middle school boy who’s somewhat shy around girls. The fact is that Mikami’s violent tendencies come from women who start to show attraction from him, he immediately starts being rude and threatens them to get away from him. He has grown to fear women because of Tsukishima. Tsukishima ruined a single life simply because he rejected her. This part shows how men aren’t the only stalkers out there who can’t take no for an answer, there are women as well who are just as bad as men. Mikami must’ve grown depressed during this time as well since he also lost his closest friend in the process, but possibly was able to recover thanks to his sisters, who all deeply cared about him, and probably grew even more care for him since what happened.
Mikami’s Relationships
It’s pretty obvious that Mikami is a major tsundere 
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and cares a lot about his friends. As I already explained, he deeply cares about Shiro the most and just cares about Mina as much, but Mikami thinks that a lot of Mina’s ideas are stupid and shouldn’t be brought to life but if Shiro gives a vaild point, Mikami will agree to do it.
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I kind of already explained his relationship with the others so this part is kinda pointless other than saying that he is a tsundere.
At the end of the day, I am in no way certified to give these diagnoses, after all, I’m just a guy on the web who enjoys over-analyzing everything (not). Dadadadan was one of those manga that I read for the chemistry between all of the characters. (another example being Naze Da Naitou aka Why Naitou pls give me volume 3 translations) My top favorite being Mina and Shiro has my least favorite but all 3 of them are still good boys and deserve the world! The series ended with another dilemma involving a woman, so it ended in classic Dadadadan fashion.
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Do I believe my diagnoses are correct? No way in hell, but I do believe that some characters are coded to fit a certain role. (i.e shiro being the feminie-appearing shy one, mina being the otaku-2-D-only one, and mikami being the hot-head hot guy who hates women) But this series took those description of them and answered why they became this way, but only 2 of which we got a proper explanation for, while Mina’s is just he isn’t interested in anything else but 2-D. Thank you for reading this really long post! I ended writing much longer than I planned to! Sweet Dreams!
Part 1
Part 2
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halfunbreak · 6 years
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favorite obscure manga/anime couples || i. mina and calico from dadadadan
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reninabavi · 7 years
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nyrator · 8 years
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random manga searching found me this
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I don’t know if I enjoy this or not but I’ll keep reading
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worstofchefkoch · 5 years
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Ich glaub Homer hat ein bisschen viel vom LSD genascht. Das könnte den Gesichtsausdruck erklären. Auf eine Art fordert einen das Rezept regelrecht dazu auf, sich auch ein paar Pappen reinzufeuern. Dann ab auf die Couch, Fernseher an. Es ist ein x-beliebiger Tag in den Neunzigern, 18 Uhr, ProSieben. Da dan dan dadan dan dan daa dadadadan dadadadan daa dadadadan. Haha, der gelbe Mann hat ein Alkoholproblem. Niemand kümmert sich um die Kinder, haha. Du versuchst dich auf die Handlung zu konzentrieren, aber vor deinem inneren Auge siehst du immer wieder den abgetrennten Ananaskopf von Homer Simpson. Näher. kommend. Das Flehen in den Augen, die vom Alkohol angekettete Angst. Du schmeckst Kiwi, Lakritze, Ananas, Litschi. Du schreckst hoch. Vor dir der Kopf Homers. Jemand hat eines seiner Augen gegessen. Es klebt Ananassaft an deinen Händen. Aus dem Ananasstumpf beginnt langsam, aber beständig, Blut auf deine Couch zu sickern. Ein Flickern im Fernsehen, noch eins. Eine Bildstörung, dann schwarz. Nach und nach manifestiert sich das Rezeptbild vom Homer Simpson-Ananaskopf auf dem Bildschirm. In der Ferne Sirenen. Welcome to Hell. Guten Hunger (Sabrrrrrrrrina)!
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Dadadadan (Manga)
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a story so comedic yet full with mystery!
the summary according to me: three boys who live in a dorm, each with their own personality that - basically makes you wonder how the three of them even friends - shock every human being they meet. They face a lot of situations that make others question their sanity, morals, and beliefs. But really, those three just drive people crazy( all kinds of people)
I am fan of this boys, they are absolutely funny and cute, yes they are very cute 10-10
those three have a very dynamic relationship, it explodes with weirdness but hilarious.  
The manga is on-going and it is currently 14 chapters!
ANNdddd I am just going to leave this info hope you enjoy!
Please do support the translator and the creator!
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animemakeblog · 2 years
“Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life: Dai-2 no Shokugyou wo Ete, Sekai Saikyou ni Narimashita” The TV and PV
The ending theme song "Gohan dayo! Dadadadan!!" by the series' supporting cast as the unit Sura-chans is used in the second promotional trailer for Revoroot's anime adaptation of Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life: Dai-2 no Shokugyou wa Ete, Sekai Saikyou ni Narimashita. In the summer of 2022, the television anime will premiere.
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nico-no-talk · 4 years
Psychological Analysis #1.2
Shiro Kisaragi
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Time for our middle man! Shiro is one of the most timid characters and the one I consider with less issues than the other two.
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Unlike Mina, we don’t get a lot of Shiro’s likes, dislikes, and interests due to that since Mina is somewhat coded on the spectrum, the other two don’t get to shine as must with what they’re interested in, but in an extra chapter it is shown that Shiro is deeply scared of cockroaches
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but mostly for gag (but I related to the fear of bugs). It is shown that Shiro has great memory and is able to put the pieces together when things start to look strange to him. He is perceptive and clever and I believe he has average grades at most, but he is quite smart when it comes to deductions, as shown in the first chapter.
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His issue with women is that he is shy around them to the point of non-verbal speech/straight up panicking.
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His issue is similar to Mikami’s, but Shiro is on the scale of where it’s manageable. Once his thoughts are clear and there is a goal, he is able to talk to women just fine
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(luckily he’s able to talk to his mother
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just fine and normally). I diagnose him with anxiety/social anxiety because he's somewhat anxious around everyone
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and is usually seen as the one mostly scared with every situation he and his friends get into. It’s revealed during Shiro’s arc that he was extremely introverted as a child and didn’t have friends due to his weak body so he stayed home a lot.
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I relate to Shiro to a social anxiety level cause I get shy around people too, but once I calm down I’m able to hold a somewhat decent conversation like him. During his own arc, he started to panic over the fact that he’s having a harder time remembering his late father, as far as panic the most about how he can’t remember his voice anymore (more like he started to have an emotional breakdown).
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He wants his mom to remarry and be happy, but he’s afraid that he won’t be able to remember his biological father due to how close they were since Shiro was already a shy kid back then. As I was reading this arc, it broke my heart to see Shiro panic like this cause it is a scary thought of forgetting someone so dear to you, especially a father who has always been sick and was the only source of proper socialization you ever got since Shiro learned so much about stars from him.
Canon Background
Shiro’s family is the most normal of the 3.His mother works a lot and his father (bio) had passed away 9 years ago, promising that he and Shiro would go see the meteor shower,
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but his father had passed away from having an extremely weak body. During this time, Shiro had withdrawn in himself and a coworker of his mother had both fallen in love and planned to marry, but Shiro is struggling to accept it because he wants to keep his father in his memory. He and his father buried a time capsule together with pictures and letters to their future selves, but his father secretly hid a recording of him wondering what Shiro is like when older because he himself suspected that he wasn’t going to last much longer.
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the scene when the recording started showed a shattering effect,
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meaning that Shiro must’ve unknowingly started to block his memories of the past so that he doesn’t keep wallowing in self-pity but as his father’s death anniversary nears, the desire of wanting to remember him grows, especially since during present time is the meteor shower that the two promised to go see. Shiro’s story is a heart wrenching one and made me tear up again as I was going back to double check my resources.
Shiro’s Relationships
Shiro is considered the mom and baby of the group. With Mikami extremely protective of him while Mina enjoys hanging out with him since Shiro goes along with his shenanigans the most. Since he and his mother are very close, the two’s relationship is very stable and healthy and all he wants is for his mother to be happy, so he was able to bless his mother’s remarriage. 
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Mina was able to salvage the father’s recording and let him listen to it, which in my opinion, made Mina higher on Shiro’s Best Friend Tier List. He does rely on Mikami a lot when it comes to confidence-related things or just running into someone’s arms to hide in. My favorite bond out of the 3 is Mikami and Shiro because of how well they balance each other out, cause Shiro is able to cool his hot-headed friend down while Mikami is able to protect Shiro when he gets put into danger. I’m not saying that Mina hasn’t shown care for Shiro, just these two’s chemistry works extremely well together and it made me happy when Mikami said that if he was a girl, he would ask Shiro to be his boyfriend (though it was a class vote)
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which in itself is funny but it does show how much Mikami cares the crap out of Shiro and Shiro in turn cares deeply about his friends and won’t stand for them to get insulted.
Part 1
Part 3
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hiloooooooooo · 2 years
Postlarin isteklerin olduğunu varsayıp fazlasını yapacağımdan emin olmanı istiyorum ;)
Dadadadan hosgeldin nitelikli taciz suçu bebek fjxjjcjcjcj
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reninabavi · 7 years
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sakary-chan · 3 years
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gatchabert · 5 years
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DAN DADADADAN DADANDAN DADAN DAN DADADADAN DADANDAN - Guess the Super Robot. #superrobot #nikeaf1react #airforce1react (at San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9-7LMoHp3q/?igshid=fv8qpnphgzr3
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Weekly Manga Update
week 4
Machida-kun no Sekai ★★★★★★/5 incomplete
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I gave this manga six stars because it is one of those manga that everyone could and should read because it the main protagonist is an angel, and the plot will give you faith in humanity.
Yuusha-sama ni Ikiinari Kyuukonsareta no Desu ga ★★★★/5 incomplete
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The exposition in the beginning of the manga is a bit much, but the comedy certainly makes up for it. This manga’s plot makes light of cliche plots in stories and other manga. 
Eohwadungdungnae Boreumi ★★★★/5 incomplete
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I was in-between giving this manhwa 3 or 4 stars, but I gave it 4 because the story has improved. The main male and the protagonist’s father are both annoying characters, especially in the beginning, but I can tell (and there already has been) that there is going to be character development. Other than that it is a good read, but not a MUST read. 
Dadadadan  ★★★★★/5 incomplete
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This is a comedic manga about the relationship between three friends. It is really funny, and a great manga to read to pass the time. 
Sumika Sumire ★★★★★/5 incomplete
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Great manga, but it is one that will leave you an emotional wreck. More chapters on Otakumole.
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mangaredditdotcom · 4 years
Alternative: ダダダダン; ダダダダン。(Japanese); Dadadadan; Dame Dasa Daru Dansi
Description : One is super shy around girls. The second just hates them. The third could give a care unless she’s 2-D. Welcome to Dadadan, a slapstick school life comedy following the antics of three fail males and their troubles with the enemy – females. Though the trio can’t stand to be near the opposite sex (either out of hate, disinterest, or difficulty), the girls themselves have no problem migrating to them! Join these boys on their crazy misadventures ~ #MangaReddit.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline Read Free Manga Online at MangaReddit.com: https://mangareddit.com/p/dadadadan_1584423537.html
Read more.
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nico-no-talk · 4 years
Psychological Analysis #1.1
Hey (great start)
So, y’all must be wondering what the hell is this. Well, this is something that suddenly got into my head just today and it just turned midnight just now so it’s next day, so I shall rephrase that this idea came to me since yesterday and it’s something I’ve been wanting to do cause I kinda enjoy analyzing especially if it involves something I’m familiar with.
Just as a warning, I’m in no way a psychology major nor therapist or any kind of human being with a degree. I’m just a guy who enjoys the psychological genre thanks to a certain game that has pink blood. And these topics I’m going to be discussing here are topics I’m a bit familiar with cause I had to research these topics myself and two of which I’m very familiar with but only one of them I am officially diagnosed (according to my mom). This is also a spoiler zone! If you wanna read the manga yourself, go ahead and come back here with a funny story in your head! Without further ado, let’s get into this and start with what I am analyzing.
The characters I’m going to be analyzing are the 3 main characters of a manga that almost no one heard of: Dadadadan or Dame Dasa Daru Dansi. The story is about 3 boys who live in the same dorm room together and all have some form of issue with women: One is shy around girls, one straight up hates them and will start insulting them when his eyes lay on one, and the last one couldn’t care less about them unless they are 2-D. So we have a shy boy, a gynophobe, and a hardcore otaku. So, why on earth am I analyzing a slice-of-life manga about 3 guys with issues with women? Well, due to the fact that this manga (to me at least) is somewhat rich in the psychology of these boys. I’m going to break them down to who each of these boys are, what I might think their diagnosis is, their backgrounds/speculating backgrounds (one of which left somewhat vague the most), explain their relationship with each other, then conclude. I’ll also attempt to provide evidence as I go. Let’s start!
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Mina Ayashiro 
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I’ll be starting with the easiest one then work my way down. Mina is an otaku who’s only interested in 2-D girls
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and a computer wiz plus a hacker.
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He likes snacks such as pocky and enjoys collecting figurines,
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especially anything relating to his wife, Nagul, a made-up character for this universe. At the start, it seems to be that’s he’s just an otaku guy who gets really into roleplaying when it’s involved and then it’s revealed early on that he’s a son of a CEO of a big company and just changed his name, which explains how he is able to afford all of the figurines, posters, cosplay, and anime he has. 
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Right at the start, it’s obvious that this guy has no issue with women whatso-ever. Just a guy who likes 2-D only,
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but he gets really hyperfiated about it and forgets that other people exist and is able to talk to people just fine, only that he has no interest in interacting with other people except for the world of 2-D
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 Right off the bat, I’m going ahead and diagnosing him with autism. I am on the spectrum myself and while I was reading this manga series, all I could think was that I relate to him so much that I might as well kin him. His lack of need to socialize with others and his special interest only 2-D, with a special skill in computers/hacking
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sort of makes him a somewhat textbook definition of someone who is autistic but high functioning. He does miss some social cues,
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and never misses the chance of making each situation twisted to his liking: trying his best to involve a lot of roleplaying as possible.
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Canon Background
Mina was raised with a life of luxury from his very doting father,
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being the one who introduced Mina to the world of 2-D. While on the other hand, his mother wants him to take over the company one day,
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so only wanting the best. Due to his upbringing from his father’s influence, the parents constantly fight over him
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and what’s best for him: the father wanting Mina to live happily and letting him do what he wants; the mother wanting Mina to think about his future, to take things more seriously, and him to grow out of his love of 2-D. I’ll go ahead and give my opinion on which I support: the father. As I mentioned in the first few paragraphs, out of the 3 character’s backgrounds, Mina’s is the most vague cause his main issue is about his future and nothing from the past is hurting him, unlike the other two, so I’m going to start to give my theory on how he grew up.
Speculated Childhood
When Mina was born, his father was on cloud nine while the mother was already trying to secure her newborn son’s future. Both parents must’ve noticed as Mina was growing, his lack of interest in his surroundings. The father, being the more emotional one, must’ve been worried since he did agree with his wife that little Mina will be the next CEO, but a child who rarely speaks and shows no interest is concerning. So, he took Mina in to see a doctor and the professional speculated that Mina must be on the autism spectrum, but it is up to the parents whether or not they want to get him tested. The mother, against it since it’ll give them bad public eye, and the father agreeing with his darling wife, only wanting the best for his son and with heavy worry that his son would have possibly been bullied if he was diagnosed. So, the father researches the topic and concluded himself, all the while agreeing in the end, that his son must be on the spectrum and promises that he will not reveal it to anyone for his son’s safety. So, he starts to expose Mina to different hobbies, shows, practiced skills, anything that his son can latch on to for him to have some motivation in his life. One day, his father showed him an anime, involving Mina’s all time favorite female character, Nagul. Mina instantly fell in love with her and demanded anything involving the show, especially Nagul. His father, delighted to see his son so happy for the first time, got anything Mina wanted. His mother, on the other hand, is fully against this behavior that she knows will affect him greatly in the future (which she’s not wrong). As the years go on, the Ugagami couple divorced: the mother gained custody of him and will allow his father keep visiting, and then Mina’s name changed to Mina Ayashiro.
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His father continues to dot and give him spending money for anything he wanted, as a way to keep himself under his mother’s radar. This concludes my speculation of his possible background. 
Mina’s Relationships
Mina’s relationship with his roommates impacted his life greatly. At the end of the Mina Rescue Arc, his mother is looking over a flash drive that he gave her, full of pictures with him and Nagul, but as she scrolls more, she discovers pictures with him and his friends,
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showing that he did in fact change and has opened the gate to his world a little and welcomed two people, the most important people in the world to him, going as far to hack security cameras to find evidence that Mikami did not in fact steal the answer sheets. To him and Mikami, both are very protective of Shiro who is the weakest out of the 3, so during the later chapters, listening on a conversation that Shiro is involved and getting insulted, the two teamed up to ruin the guy but plan failed when Mina decided to incorporate that Shiro is God’s child.
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 Mikami and Shiro changed Mina’s life by just being there and supporting him every step of the way, indulging him in his fantasies and interests of common anime tropes.
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Part 2
Part 3
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