#dad seungcheol
tusswrites · 7 days
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(I hate pastel colors so the banner is icky even to me . Pardon)
Pairing: Seungcheol (S.Coups) x Female Reader (Est. Relationship) Genre: Pure Fluff. Dad Cheol. Pouty Cheol Word Count- 5k+. Now listen here- I had too much love to give. Master List is here Part 1 is here . Part 2 is here Summary: Seungcheol stays home with the kids and begins his descent into madness. One kid hates him, one kid dreams about confectionaries and one kid cannot stop licking their toes. One thought reigns supreme- he needs you and he needs you now. Could you perhaps buy tanghulus on the way back?
"Appa I am done."
'No you are not. Here, last bite."
"That's what you said the last time too."
"Oh so you do know the drill. Come on, open up."
Vigorous shake of the head.
"Choi Arin. You are not leaving the table till you are done. Or at least halfway done."
"Stop feeding me. I can feed myself.”
"Then why is the plate still full?"
And cue her tear filled eyes.
"I am a big girl. I don't need you"
Okay that stings. But his fathering experience has taught him to pick and choose his battles. Some war fares are better left alone
"Alright kid." He leaves the table and comes back with a small clock.
"Arin look up."
Her defiant eyes stare back.
"When the big needle reaches here, I want you to finish your food. Do we have a deal?"
"Can it wait till the big needle reaches seven?"
"I suppose that's alright. At 1:35 I will be back. I better see an empty plate."
"Oh Appa how about eight then? Eight is my lucky number."
"No bub. You were supposed to be finished when the clock reached 8 an hour ago."
"Arin." His voice was wagering on warning tone.
"Fiiinnne." A little too whiny and a little too on the verge of crying.
There's nothing worse than a child crying over a plate of food. One would think she was being denied her basic rights. How someone could refuse your kimchi fried rice was beyond him. He would never admit it, but your cooking did play a small part in him falling for you. Who wouldn't. Your skill was blessed by the gods indeed! Why your own kids don't acknowledge that never ceased to amaze him.
As if to diffuse the impending tantrum, he gives her a kiss on the forehead, brushing back the bangs from her forehead. She needs a haircut. Hopefully not from her mother whose last experimentation ended with a bowl cut Hansol. Thank God he outgrew that.
"Appa just wants you to be strong and healthy okay? Please eat at least a little. "
A shaky nod from her.
He goes back to the room, to check on his youngest. He worries these days he's not spending enough time with her. It doesn't help that she is a mama's girl, always clinging on to you and needs you to carry her around all the time. But on days like this, when he doesn't have competition he supposes he can finally get her to say "Appa". Hansol and Arin had said ‘Mama’ as their first word and he was beyond indignant both times. All that love and for what?
He enters the room and watches Hana, unbothered by her loud brother, fiddling with her thumbs and sucking on her toes.
"What an odd child."
Well if the kids are at peace and not in need of attention from him, who was he to bother them? Your advice to him was always "Don't trouble trouble." He supposed he could leave them alone for a minute to check on his socials.
He knows he's five minutes earlier than said time to check up on Arin but he can be sly about it. He could pretend to do something in the kitchen. Peripheral vision should assist with his snooping on the children agenda.
What greets him at the dining table however, makes his blood boil. He grits his teeth in annoyance. Arin was feeding Hansol her food. After she had skipped her breakfast and eaten only an apple?
"Choi Arin." The suspect in question jerks and looks at him in absolute shock. His son looks unphased, still opening his mouth awaiting the next feed.
"Sollie was hungry, Appa." Arin was quick to blurt out. He knew that was a lie. For one, Sol just finished not less than half an hour back, citing he was 'full'. Two, her voice was high pitched and reeked of lies.Three, Hansol's stomach was a dead giveaway that he was more than just full. He was bursting.
A lying child, a starving child and now a child who decided to change the time because he could swear it was 1:30 on his phone, when did it go back to 1:20? A glance over at the cuckoo clock by the wall proved she had changed the hands on the clock. Smart move.
Too many offenses to not be dealt with right now. He's got to solve this step by step.
"Hansol, are you hungry bud?"
Sol looks at him with his large eyes blinking owlishly.
"No Appa." he says promptly.
He saw that pinch. As subtle as Arin was trying to keep it, it was unmistakably a tweak of her fingers against her brother’s hand.
"I am hungry Appa." said Hansol pronto.
Great now he's got two lying kids. 'Are you lying to Appa bud?'
He looked torn.
"No Appa, he came to me asking for a bite. That's why I offered him my kimchi." That was Arin, a spokesperson even when she wasn't asked to be one.
Lying was fine, but lying to cover up more lies? He stared down at his son. He was weak, he'll break quickly.
"Hansol tell the truth. You know what happens when you lie."
Like clockwork, Sollie confessed while his elder sister furiously started scarfing down on her food. Well, too late for that. Even before he could confront her, the tears came out followed by the hysterical denying. He's been a parent far too long to tell apart crocodile tears from real ones.
 Give it a break Arin.
He couldn't fake the disappointed look even if he tried. He was beyond mad, provoking someone else to lie was a grave offense in his books. Thankfully she had managed to eat half her portions. He didn't want to push her, instead ordered her to wash her mouth and come back to talk to him in her room.
Finishing up the rest of her meal, wiping down the counter, he contemplated how to deal with this. They had dealt with her tantrums over being a picky eater for several years now, but this was new. Adding her brother to the mix. Is this the first time or was this going behind their backs for a long time?
Arin was such an extremely slow eater that after the first twenty minutes, they'd have let her eat at her own pace and come up to them once she was done. Having three young children denied them the luxury of sitting down with her till she was done with her food. Is that why she was mad? Because she needed attention? But wasn't she the one who told him she didn't need to be fed? Didn't that insinuate he leave?
He wants you right now. He had the day off and you had gone for work leaving him alone with the kids. Ten minutes later, and he knew she was stalling the inevitable, a teary Arin came and sat in front of him on the floor, right near the bed where he was at. Most of his anger had dissipated. Which was good, he didn't want to deal with her in a state of rage.
She looked upset and even if he wanted to get this over with, he decided to hug her. There was no parental book that advised him against a hug for your child. Lord knows how he would have fared had he been hugged by his parents once in a while instead of being dealt with a belt for every small offense.
Gently cradling her, he rocked her back and forth on his knees. Then set her opposite him, fixing her awry spectacles. She was a little cutie pie with her big glasses and the string tied around them to keep them from being lost. His little angel. That needed discipline.
"Arin". Full names come out when the punishments are coming. He let out an invisible  shudder remembering how he knew was in trouble with you when you called him by his full name. But the kids need stability. They can't always be coddled.
All his train of thoughts completely vanishes from his head when he hears those dreaded three words from Arin’s mouth.  He had in fact decided to cut the punishment to ten minutes once he had wrung out a confession from her for lying. Then why did his small reprimand get her screaming an "I Hate You"? 
It felt like a bucket of cold water had splashed onto his face, freezing his stance. Where had she learned those awful words from? Hate was a no - no word in this household. Dislike at best. It took everything in him not to break down having a seven year old scream at his face, with a vengeful tone, that she hates him. Was he a bad father?
It was an agreement between you both to never mask feelings when the kids said mean things to their face. Showing hurt when they said rude things, not hiding the pain when they were hit by tiny fingers. The goal was to show the kids that their words and actions mattered and they could hurt others.Except right now, he wanted to sit on the floor and bawl his eyes out. 
Because Arin kept going! She repeatedly kept chanting that she hates him and he didn't want to be here anymore. He needs to leave before actual tears fall out and he distresses her even more.
Kids were capable of such spite sometimes. Looking around, he takes note of Hana who had fallen asleep mid tumble and Hansol who was quietly playing with his helicopter. He was perceptive enough to recognize the mood. Picking up Hana from the floor, he places her in the bassinet shushing her distressed wail. Arin was sniffling now, the cries had died down.
He blew her nose, wiped her face dry, ensuring once again that all the kids were safe and sound, and left the room.
He will leave the disciplining to you later.
For now, he goes to your shared room, sits on the bed , muffling his anguish beneath his wet palm.
(Six Years Back)
Arin and he go way back, to six years ago when he first met her. A quiet baby, never one to fuss or throw tantrums, never hesitant to go to any stranger's arms, in which case he was fine because he was a stranger back then.Except, he was skeptical about holding any babies at all. He grew up as the baby in his house, even amongst all his cousins, he was one of the youngest. He had an irrational fear of being peed at or puked at, which, when confiding in you, was met with rolled eyes.
It was a wonder you loved him at all because how would anyone else excuse his sorry ass for how he was six years back? He had been disowned by his parents, his dad on the lookout for him- which was hilarious - he lived right next to the goons that were in charge of bringing him back to them, dead or alive.
It was a scandal that had his father losing millions, in wealth and face- the young ambitious Choi settling for a widowed mother? Atrocious! Your parents had stayed with you for a while, which is where he was offered shelter. 
While your dad and you toiled away for long hours, your mother, who was also working two jobs (the poor just works he realized. No retirement savings awaiting them) had to quit to take care of her granddaughter. He did feel guilty, he was staying in your apartment being an absolute slob of a person unable to find any job.But your family had grown to love him, your dad's dream about having a son finally came true, even if it was through someone like him. Someone to watch football with or share in some drinks. He might have missed out on a lot of family wealth, but your mothers cooking made up for all that, he warrants. No more cold pizzas or takeaways or empty dining tables. He loved family times like this.
He was loved and cherished and under your parents and your care, he thrived.
Except for one toddler. He could swear Arin hated him. He was terrified of her judgmental stare that never left her face when he stepped into the room. Which was why he had begged you to not let him be a babysitter. While your mother did the cooking, she would place Arin next to him in your room where he was supposed to rot away. If not for a judgy baby.
Under her scrutinizing gaze he sent out applications, started picking up the clothes he'd left around and thought twice before chucking a paper onto the floor.He knows deep down, you were conspiring with your daughter to keep an eye out on him.
One woeful day, bored out of his mind, the phone placed for charging, he sprawled on the bed, with no idea where to go from here. Reaching for the first object his outstretched arm caught on the nightstand, he retrieves a book- "The Three Little Pigs". Well he supposes he can always read a little something with pictures.
He feels the bed dip and looks on as your mother places an Arin on it, stating that the onion she was chopping was causing Arin to tear up. Makes sense, her little fingers were rubbing her eyes. He’d offer to take her hand and soothe the ache if he could get over his fear of a one year old baby.
He watches with bated breath as Arin, abandoning her stuffed toy, crawls across to him. This is the closest he's ever been with her without you in the room. Not that he didn't love her but he was a little scared okay.She leans against him and he's bewildered. She never comes this close to him voluntarily. Not wanting to scare her away, but unsure about how else to entertain her he begins to hold the book higher, reading the words aloud. 
He tries to turn the page and he sees a tiny, pudgy palm crossing over his much bigger hand, preventing him from changing the page. Is that her sign to get him to read again? He turns to see her sit criss-cross applesauce, expectantly waiting for him. What does she want? He sits a little higher , reading aloud, adding more feels to the words.
"So he HUFFED, and he PUFFED,-" He comes to an abrupt pause.
In a delicate breath, he hears it float across his ears. Baby giggles. Arin was giggling because of him! He wanted to scoop her up kissing those cherubic cheeks, tickling her, never wanting to stop hearing that musical giggling. She was squealing, hands on her chubby legs.
Not wanting this moment to ever end, he kept reading, this time with more fervor , more animations, fueled by her louder giggled followed by baby claps.
He didn't have to worry about this moment never reaching you because behind the closed door was his now mother in law, recording the whole thing with a proud smile on her face.
Baby steps indeed.
Despite having established that he was now officially the storyteller to Arin, their relationship hadn't progressed beyond that. He was slightly less scared but still unnerved by her judgmental stares. Why couldn't she just smile?
Except for one cold night, you had called him up from work  tearfully explaining that the rains were too bad, public transport was canceled and you had to lodge in with one of your friends for the night.
He began to panic. Your mother had gone out with your father to visit some relatives, leaving him to babysit Arin for a few minutes. Minutes that rolled into hours because the log that fell on the side of the road had blocked all traffic causing them to stay at said relatives for the night. His first babysitting stint and it was a huge disaster.
Well it's getting worse because Arin has woken up now ,crying. He supposes it's the thunderstorm that took her out. He's never held a crying baby before, what does he do? He can't do this, what were you all thinking leaving him alone with a baby. A baby whose cries were growing louder and alarming him further. He runs to the room in a state of panic and picks her up, by pure instinct. He has no idea what to do!
Arin, wailing the loudest he's ever seen, finally rests her eyes on him and he waits with suspenseful breath expecting a bigger storm, only to have his heart squeezed watching as her face relaxes immediately on registering that it was indeed him holding her. Immediately, the tears stop and she takes a deep sigh of relief, causing his heart to contract painfully again. He did that? A toddler looked at him and stopped crying?
She puts her head on the crook of his neck, at peace with herself now, her tiny finger tips silently thrumming his back, calming him down. "It's just you and me bud." Holding her tighter than ever, he takes her to the window, hoping the sound of the rain will calm her down. Imitating the actions he's seen you do, he walks around the room with her cradled to him.
In a few minutes she's fallen asleep and he holds her horizontally, in an infant stance, observing her peaceful features.This tiny bean, a fatherless child, had no idea how she had brought peace to a man who was unsure of where he should be in life. Her accepting his presence to hold and bring her comfort, entrusting her tiny life to his was promise enough that life can only get better from here.  And on that rainy day, Choi Seungcheol made the decision to step up to be her father.
 He had not chosen to be one, but she chose him and that's enough.
You decided to take a half day, already missing your little family. Plus your husband was home, Lord knows how much you craved being in his arms except for the obligatory good night kisses you share.
Something felt off in the air upon entering the Choi Residence today. Only a wild Hansol came to meet you, running under your legs to hug you. Arin didn't even bother acknowledging you which was fine, you were used to her being too engrossed in her books to miss anyone's presence, a bad habit you were trying to break her out of. But where was Cheol? Where was your husband who was always sweeping you up and giving you a loud kiss right in front of the kids, rousing up their groans , and thanking you several times for having blessed him with you?
Walking over to Hana's room, you  see that she is asleep. Good.  "Not troubling trouble."
Your pout deepened on entering your shared bedroom door and seeing Cheol hunched up over the study desk doom scrolling through his phone. Was that more important than you?
A not so quiet scratching of the throat emanates from your soul. He looks up and startles on seeing you. Clearly he was not expecting you this late. Seeing his face , you are taken aback at the puffiness and red rimmed eyes. Had he been crying?
You run off to where he was seated and he shies away from your curious fingers. You however, have a strong grip tilting his face to look up. You see him fight back the tears from his bambi eyes, giving you a watery smile and kissing your stomach, the closest place he can reach. Naturally , you take a deep breath.
"Nothing happened"
"Did I say something happened?" You smirked down at him.
"Don't be mean to me."
"Well then, what happened bubby?"
He shrugged dismissively.
Stroking his hair, you pulled his head to look back up at you once again. He was looking everywhere but at your face. 
"Are you gonna tell me or am I gonna have to ask Arin?"
Seeing his drawn out shoulders, it was obvious you had hit a sore spot. You couldn't place a finger on what exactly.
It was nearly impossible to believe that Arin and Cheol would ever have a falling out. Although not related by blood, they were closer than you and Arin were, something that had upset you before but you were slowly working over. It made complete sense with time. He was stuck at home all the time initially and even when he did get a job, he could afford staying indoors.
Arin followed him around the house like a little duckling, mimicking his every move. Your texts during those days were spammed with selfies of the two loves of your life, in different poses- Arin in a onesie, Arin in a romper, her walking first time, her spitting , her gurgling, her laughing at a cockroach while Cheol shrieked and hid behind your mother(that was from your dad). Eventually when your parents did move out, deeming Cheol capable of taking good care of Arin ,you saw no reluctance from his side, no begging you to come home quick before 'your demon child finishes him'.
There was a time when they both wouldn't fall asleep till they were in their right positions- him flopped out with her on his chest,a hand over her head  whilst she happily sucked on her thumb- a habit you had to gently break them out of.
He held her hand and cried into your arms for her first day of school, her first accident from the bike he taught her to ride and gushed with pride at every 'Parent Teachers Meet' when the teacher acknowledged that Choi Arin was indeed the topper in the class and well ahead of most of the kids. You both knew those genes came from her father.
So why did this man who loved her far more than her own father could ever have , flinch on hearing Arin's name? You choose to let the topic rest for now. He seemed reluctant to talk. You can wring it out of him later.
'It was Juria's birthday today". He flinched again and you smirked. Choi Seungcheol feared no person like he feared Park Juria. Except for maybe your mother. She was extra protective of you. Just like Juria. Thankfully his mother in law has fallen for his good charms but there was poor prognosis of a friendship being mend by Juria and him. You weren’t complaining. He was stealing all your people anyway.
"She bought doughnuts for everyone and sent me over with the extras."
His eyes lightened up. Juria had money that she never shied to use on her best friends. Case in point, you. Couture doughnuts were his weakness before life screwed up but by some mercy granted to him, your best friend loved them and never failed to gift you extras. His pride was never going to come with such luxuries.
"The Crème Brûlée ones?"
"Yeah, and a Strawberry Crumble "
He shot up from his chair running to the kitchen. He has to get a hand on them before his little gremlins take it away. Yes, sometimes food means war.
Dinner today was a quiet occasion, save for Hana burning her fingers by dipping them into a hot bowl of soup. In her frustration, she hurled the bowl with surprising strength, breaking it and spilling the soup all over the floor. Baby strength was no joke. You were both accustomed to this. What did surprise you was Arin finishing her bowl with no complaints whatsoever.
No whines , no tantrums , no tears. And no praises from her daddy except for a fake smile and a pat on the head. Somebody needs to start talking and if no one was going to, you were going to use the ultimate weapon.
A loudmouthed Hansol. 
No amount of pacifying could get Arin to sleep, who was still blinking guiltily at you from up her bed. You sit down to intervene and finally ask her what happened. But she refused to talk. Hansol had run away, seizing the opportunity, scampering to hug his dad goodbye. His dad who had refused to come say goodbyes stating he had some laundry to fold. Liar, he would never willingly agree to do chores unless nagged by you, pouting his eyes away from it.
"Sollie, come back to bed you rascal!" You run behind a pair of feet padding across the hallway, giggling cause this was fun to him.
You rush into the room to see your son giving your husband a bear hug, and Cheol tightly squeezing him right back.  "I wuv you Appa!"
The dam had burst. You could see your husband visibly hold back his sobs, shaking in your son's hold. Quickly, you run up to take Sollie, not wanting to let his son see him have a breakdown. Taking Hansol to the kid's room, gently setting him down, you ask what had happened. Everything came spilling down in terms of baby talk.
"I saw dream of tangloolo, Appa said noona to eat, buut noona said me to eat, I eat but Appa got angry, I play with helicopter, Hana lick her toes, Appa said no eww Hana , I saw dream of tangoolo, noona said I hate you Appa and Hana broke my toy car, Eomma can I have tangoolo please?"
You couldn't make head or tails off his wild collection of tales. When did your toddler ever have a tangoolo tanghulu?
And most importantly, did your daughter tell her father she hates him? Where did she hear that word from? Cheol was always warning you her advanced books were speed running her vocabulary. You looked over at Arin, staring guiltily at you, a woeful expression sporting her face. Patting your son down, promising him an extra story tomorrow, you look back up at your daughter.
"Come here baby, I am not mad, I just want to talk."
Cheol was angry cleaning or as you teasingly called it- 'sulky cleaning', rapidly folding baby clothes, throwing the odd sock together into a ball, calling them a pair, haggardly buttoning up the buttons to onesies when he was met with the voice of his baby girl, tearfully calling him.
Immediately, he stopped,dropping the sleepsuit , turning back to look at his daughter. Glasses too large for her small face lay askew on her nose, her fingers clenching and unclenching - a nervous habit he knew from years of experience. She had a wobbling lip on her remorseful face. You stood behind her ,arms tied up and watching the reunion with a gentle smile.
You proceed to clean up the kitchen and close it down for the night, shooing away Cheol when he offered to help. He needed this moment with his daughter. Besides washing the dishes with a pair of headphones, listening to music was therapy enough.
You come back to see a sight you were so used to seeing till up to three years ago. A sleeping Arin on her dad sucking her little thumb, whilst her dad rubbed her back, the old and torn book, well loved and stuck together "Three Little Pigs" strewn across the bed.Perhaps this is why she had acted out, maybe somewhere she was feeling neglected. You both tried to ensure each child received equal amounts of attention but kids- they can be unpredictable. Sometimes your best is never good enough for them.
But as Cheol and you had once said, as long as your kids were well fed, no tummy aches or snotty noses and well and truly in one piece, you guys were doing a decent job. This was no competition to being the perfect parent.
Coming out of the shower, leaving behind a foggy bathroom, you are greeted by Cheol expectantly waiting for you.
"Hey hot stuff!"  you call out.
"Hey pretty mama." he says with a cheeky grin
"There are more layers to me than just being a cow you know."
"Yes babe, continue twisting my words like that. I compliment you and you turn it over into an insult, the farthest thing from my mind by the way."
You chuckle and go over to peck him on the cheek, unable to turn because his hold on you had tightened. You groan exaggeratedly seeing his faux glare.
"What dry ass kiss was that? I want the real deal. Minimum six minutes, and that's without the tongue."
"Six minutes? Aren't you , I don't know, being a little greedy love”?
"Don't be mean to me, I have had a long day with your hooligans. Devil's little ones they are"
"Oh so they are your kids when they are angels and mine when they act out?"
"Glad we are both on the same page. Come sit. I will dry your hair, I know you've had a long day. Sorry I didn't greet you at the door."
You ask the question that's been burning in the back of your mind for some time while you await a towel on your hair.
"Has Sollie ever had tanghulu?"
"Funny you should ask because this morning when I went to wake him, he kept talking about 'tangloolo' in his sleep."
"So we literally did wish sweet dreams on our children didn't we"?
"Manifestation powers right there.We’re killing it as parents"
He was now patting down your head, fluffing up your hair causing several tangles.
"Stop." You warned.
Who were you kidding, this is the biggest baby you have ever known.
"Seungcheol stop, I am gonna get knots in my hair with the way you are-.
"Did you just call me Seungcheol? Take that you-" And before you could stop, his hands descended on you, messing your hair and when you went to stop him, resorted to tickling you, ultimately sending you into a spiral of giggles.
"Alright cut cut CUT!"
"You surrender?"
"You apologize?"
"For what?"
"You know what you did."
"I called you by your name?"
"Correction, my name is Cheol or baby. Who's Seungcheol, your side chick?"
You gasp- "How did you find out- no no no wait- I take that back- cease fire , CEASE FIRE-"
But it's too late, Cheol had thrown you onto the bed, rolling on top of you, tickling you everywhere.
Your peeled laughter had him in a chokehold, his twinkling eyes winking down at you. You see a tiny dimple pop out. You bite the urge to poke it. 
Hovering down, he placed your hands to the nape of his neck, wanting you to hold on to his curls while he ravishes you in an exhilarating kiss. You couldn't let go even if he tried, he had pinned you down with his full weight.
"Five more minutes please" he said , pecking you all over giving you some time to recuperate.
"You are still onto that?"
"Yeah, and I didn't hear a no from you so , good luck trying to resist these kisses bub" and in saying so, he dived right in making good on his promises.
"I'd like the ability to breathe, you know?"
Seriously, the man was at it for three long minutes. How can he keep up?
"You're the air that I breathe honey".
You begin to gag showing your disgust.
"Baby no", he pouted at you."I want to love you. I love you for three beautiful children, for this family we've build together, for this life we've started, for believing in me-"
"Where's this coming from Cheol?"
"Well, I was thinking about the the Three Little Pigs"
"The kids story book." You deadpan.
"Hey I'll have you know I've learned a good deal of lessons from there. I believe we are the third little piglet, we built our house with bricks and straw-"
"I am sorry I can't take you seriously after you just called me a pig."
"What's with you and taking everything out of context"?
"What's contextual about a children's fable and our lives.?"
"Yaaah, you take that back! This is a kid's world and we are living in it."
"Pray tell, what other kid tales do you associate with our lives?"
"Well for starters, we could be ummm-" he starts to scratch his throat.
"Shrek and Fiona?"
"Did you just call me an ogre?"
"The same way you called me a pig!"
"I said we are all piglets. They are cute. Ogres are not."
"But that's contextual is it not?" You were batting your lashes at him innocently.
"Fine then I will be Fiona, you be Lord Farquaad." Cheol exclaimed triumphantly.
"How come I am not the princess?"
"Alright stop whining. I will be Lord Farquaad. You are Shrek. You fit the part well"
"I know you are doing this to get a rise out of me."
"Alright if you want to be a princess, you can be Rapunzel."
"You think you are badass enough to be Eugene?" You smirked up at him.
"How are you allowed to bully me? '. His eyebrows were furrowed , lips jutted out.
You grin mischievously ."Because my love, I am your bully. A bully for life. Plus I love watching your cute face every time you pout. Makes me wanna smush your wittle face in my hands and just-"
Your cuteness aggression was getting the best of you, you topple over him biting his cheek with as much softness as you could muster.
A small flush was blooming on his face.
"Stooop" He whines.
You stop.
"No, why did you stop?" He whines cutely pouting up at you.
"I thought consent was sexy."
He gapes at you, eyes wide. “I—okay, fine. You want sexy? I’ll show you sexy.”
And in saying so, he flips you,  taking back the control that he had granted you for a few moments.
You have no choice but to humbly submit.
Fallen from grace, into your arms- his arms were now outstretched, cradling three young ones, who'd entrusted their lives into his, the man who stepped up to be a father.
A.N: All of this, just because I remembered me as a 7 year old kid furiously tell my dad I hate him and him hugging me and telling me that he is hurt, straight to my face. Never played with the man's feelings so bluntly like that again.
What inspired me for this fic
Please don't hate on any of the characters, this is what parenting looks like, trust me this is the good part.
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"Hurricane Hansol Hammers Havoc"
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cxffecoupx · 3 months
cheol as a girl dad
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girl dad! seungcheol fluff, a little smut (i tried) warnings: reader has a womb (obviously), mentions of pregnancy, body insecurity, sex (only a little) word count: 747 author's note: a little late but I had to do it for daddy cheol😔✊ very self-indulgent, not proof-read, made very hastily cause again, daddy cheol😔✊ hope you enjoy!! do lemme know what you think of it :) check out 'cheol as a boy dad' here.
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girl dad! cheol who absolutely melts in the hospital room when he sees his baby girl. who combusts into a puddle when he gets to hold his beloved baby in his arms. who pats your head and kisses you in your tired, exhausted, post-delivery state, murmuring how proud he is of you and how thankful he is that you gave him his most precious baby.
girl dad! cheol who whenever she cries at night, calmly tells you to go back to sleep and rushes over. you think he's allowing you your rest, and while that's true, it's mostly cause he gets to spend more time with his baby.
girl dad! cheol who spends so much time with his baby, it's concerning. you end up wondering if you even exist, but the simple truth is he just can't get enough of his babygirl.
girl dad! cheol who you find making out with you at the most random of times. when you're in the kitchen, cooking dinner. when you're working from home. when you're folding your baby's clothes. you both end up all over yourselves, he's kissing every inch of your body. the same body you cried over during and after your pregnancy. the same body you'd end up being so insecure about, about the belly, the extra fat, the breasts and hips, the stretch marks and the mood swings.
he kisses you to make up for all the time you couldn't because you both were taking care of your beloved baby. he kisses you to let you know how much he still loves you. he kisses you to tell you how he still finds you attractive, even with the stretch marks and extra fat and the lot. he kisses you, and you feel every emotion and every message of his that's being communicated silently yet surely.
girl dad! cheol who loves and hates it when his little babygirl starts to grow. watching his daughter start crawling, then standing and later walking, it suddenly dawns on him that she's growing up fast and isn't his baby anymore. that doesn't stop him from smothering all his love though.
girl dad! cheol who loves loves LOVES to tie your child's hair in ribbons and dress her up in cute dresses and make her wear sparkly shoes. who accidentally ends up taking away from you the joy of dressing up your child, but you don't mind as long as you get to watch them giggling and joking during those times.
girl dad! cheol who comes up to you at the most randomest of days and continues to thank you for bringing into this world someone who he cherishes so much. and although he apologises for not spending as much time with you, he promises to make sure you realise that there's no one else he'd rather do all this with.
girl dad! cheol who cries when your daughter has to go to school for the first time. probably more than the girl herself. you end up having to kiss his pout away. whether things escalate from there is upto how he feels at the moment.
girl dad! cheol who fucks you dumb some nights, a desparate need to put another baby in you. he moans stupidly about how proud he is of your first pregnancy and how he'd love to see another one too. you definitely don't mind cause the sex is obviously too good.
girl dad! cheol who swears he heard his heart shatter when his babygirl tells him about her crush. sure he understands, but to realise that she now has another man in his life??? he's speechless (and dramatic).
but he's also the one who loves to hear the little tidbits and gossips about her school, and who gets giddy along with her when she tells him how her crush finally noticed her. he's also the one who buys a tub of icecream in the middle of the night, when she's heartbroken. her best friend and her protector, all in one.
girl dad! cheol who's happy whenever he thinks about his two favourite girls. who's thankful for all that him and you went through, and for his little bundle of joy, who made him a thousand times happier, if that was even possible. who's forever proud of you for your struggles and of your daughter for basically everything. who realises with every father's day wish by his daughter and his partner that he wouldn't have this any other way.
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wifeyoozi · 3 months
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Girl dad!cheol headcanons cuz I am feral
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who has spoiled your daughter ROTTEN with how many dolls and toys he's bought her.
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who loves shopping for his baby girl and buying her new dresses and you had to scold him cuz your daughter's closet would really burst open at this point
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who knows all of his daughter's friends' names, her class, her teacher, and also all of her stuff toys' names
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who'd go to all of his daughter's parent teacher meetings and father's day at school and all of her matches or performances or shows no matter what.
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who you'll come home to on a random Tuesday just to seem him wearing sloppy "makeup" all over his face.
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who'll immediately come in to explain, "baby, (d/n) really wanted to play with your make up. I promise I'll buy you all of it again, okay? Please don't be mad at us!"
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol and your daughter who has a equally messed up face who looked wayyyy too adorable for you to be mad at.
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who would love to teach your daughter to ride a bike or skate board and would definitely love playing with her baseball or basketball or any sport she wants to play.
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who takes a crash course from you on everything he should know about women's menstruals as a dad as soon as his daughter turns 9
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who'd give "the talk" to any guy your daughter dates and just ends up intimidating the guy so much he's actually SCARED to even think of hurting your daughter.
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who only uses nicknames like princess or pumpkin or sunshine even after she "grows up" (which she never really will in seungcheol's eyes, will always be his little baby)
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who kisses you like a love-starved man once your daughter is put to sleep.
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who'd shove two fingers in your mouth as he fucks you so you don't make any noise and wake up your daughter with your filthy moans
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who whispers in your ear, "baby, don't you think d/n is lonely all by herself? Shouldn't we give her a little playmate?"
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who fucks a baby in your once again, filling you up to brim with his cum.
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who is ecstatic when he finds out you are pregnant and literally the happiest man in the earth a few months later when he finds aout he's having another daughter.
🍒 .ᐟ girl dad!seungcheol who'll be the best husband and the best father to his three favourite girls for the rest of the eternity
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ravvissante · 7 months
Overly shy | svt-reacts.
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𝘚𝘺𝘱𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘴 - 𝖲𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗁𝗂𝗉-𝗁𝗈𝗉 𝗎𝗇𝗂𝗍 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺 𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗅𝗒 𝗌𝗁𝗒 𝖽𝖺𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍𝖾𝗋.
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 - 𝗉𝗎𝗋𝖾 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿.
It was raining today so the sky was dark, seungcheol thought that it was the perfect time for a movie with his daughter.
Now they're sitting on the couch, watching a certain movie while snuggling on their own blankets.
Until seungcheol went and grabbed a jar of cookies and placed it on his lap, taking a piece and biting on it.
He knew for sure that he saw his daughters eyes gazing on the jar he was holding, He knew that his daughter had this 'holding back' personality.
So he tried to get her out of that cage, making a satisfied face before speaking. "This cookie sure taste so good." He said making sure she heard it.
A soft smile formed on his face when he saw her fiddling with her tiny fingers, gulping as her eyes kept going back and forth from the jar.
His daughter took a second before accepting it, mumbling, "th-ank you.."
Seungcheol couldn't just hold it anymore and chuckle before handling a cookie to her. "Here.."
He placed a kiss on top of his daughter's head as he caressed her hand.
He shook his head as he patted the space beside him so his daughter could sit closer to him, which she did.
"I know you're shy, d/n..but please don't be with dad okay?...." He said, making his daughter slightly smile and nod.
"Well.. Is the cookie as good as I said?" He said trying to lift up the mood.
Her smile grew as she nodded. "Yes dad, it has chocolate chips inside, my favorite!" She said more cheerfully this time making her father feel slightly proud.
"You can do it sweetie, daddy will be right here." Wonwoo comforted his daughter who was gripping on his waist, not wanting to let go.
"I'll buy you hundreds of that if it makes you act like that again.."
"... T-theres too many people out there daddy....i don't want to go out there.." His daughter gripped on him like a koala.
He knelt down and held both sides of her face, her cheeks getting squished.
"Sweetie..its okay.. I know you're scared but it's alright you will be amazing, people will go 'wow' when they see you dance there..c'mon.. I thought you said you will make your grandmother proud with this dance?" He reassured her with a soft smile.
Which caused her to lighten up a bit and look up at him, "yes daddy... I'll do it for gwanny.." She said.
And that, she walked in stage eyes still stuck on her father who was going back to his seat, mouthing 'you got this.'
She smiled before hearing the song start and while performing, she only had one thing repeating on her head.
' 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘨𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘺..𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘨𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘺..'
She performed perfectly, and just like that when she was done, she closed her eyes as she breathed heavily she was nervous whether what the audience's reaction will be.
Until she heard it, applause.
Opening her eyes and seeing the people clapping for her.. And her father was the loudest one, cheering for her the best.
She smiled and bowed, before running towards her dad and hugging him. "I did it dad..i was so scared.."
"You did great..perfect" wonwoo said placing a kiss on her cheek as he smiled at her.
"I made gwanny proud didn't I? " she said, hands interwined as she waited for her fathers response.
"You sure did."
Multiple cameras were in front of mingyu, taking photos of him while his daughter watched on the back.
Apparently it was mingyus photoshoot today and y/n was busy so he had to bring his daughter.
He wouldn't lie if he said it was already killing him just by watching his daughter silently watching him from afar, besides the make up room where no one was.
So before the last photoshoot could start, he had an idea and went and approached the photographer.
He knew she had an introverted personality, maybe it was a punishment for him being too loud.
"Hey ma'am? Can I have a request for this last photoshoot?" He said with a nervous smile, but he was relieved when the photographer nodded.
"In this photoshoot.. Can I be with my daughter?"
That request shocked the woman but she quickly smiled and nodded. "Of course! Where's the little princess?" She said excitedly.
Mingyu grinned before walking towards his daughter, who was sitting there playing with her teddy bear, smiling when she saw her dad approaching. "Daddy.."
"Yes baby.. I'm here." He said as he carried her, stroking her back as he spoke with a calm voice.
"Can daddy have a request?" When he said that, she looked at him in confusion before nodding.
"Can my little d/n....go take photos with me?" He said with some slight puppy eyes, knowing when he does that his daughter would accept because of how 'silly looking' he is.
But she hesitated for a second, looking away and blinking rapidly before calming herself and nodding.
Mingyu smiled widely before putting her down and bringing her to the main shoot. All eyes were on her. Making the little one nervous. "Daddy..why are-...
"Because you look pretty, baby.." He cut her off knowing what she was feeling, He's gonna make this a new thing for his daughter.
the photographer smiled at her and walked towards her kneeling in front of her, making her more nervous and scared but..
The photographer reached out for her hand as she shook it, smiling at the little girl. "I'm predicting you'll be like your father when you grow up little girl, you are gorgeous."
That's when d/n looked up to her dad, who was already smiling at her. She formed a shy smile and looked back at the woman. "Thank you so much!"
Both mingyu and the woman chuckled at her sudden loudness.
"She sure will.."
"But.. What if.. What if they don't like me, dad? " she said with a frown, Vernon piched her cheeks and shook his head. "They will princess, if they don't daddy will throw uncle tiger to them."
"Go on, princess." He said hand on his daughters shoulder as she looked at the kids playing on the playground.
"Uncle Hoshi? I mean.. What if-
"No more what ifs princess! If you don't approach them I won't buy you ice cream." And before he could even react, she was already walking towards the kids.
Wow.. This kid is really down for ice cream..
He watched her make her way to the kids as she bowed and shyly introduced herself, Vernon was already on guard, watching of what they will do to his princess.
But a smile formed his face when he saw the kids introduced themselves too and dragged his daughter to play with them.
He chuckled until his friend finally came back. "So? What happened? Did she make friends?" Soonyoung asked breathing heavily.
Vernon just shrugged and looked at him. "Let's just say... I won't be throwing you this time."
"Excuse me?"
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tinykittendelusion · 2 months
Scoups as a dad
a/n: thought I'll write something for me birthday boy
triggers: None
• He was overjoyed when you told him that you’re pregnant. Would instantly start preparing to be the father and the best partner to you.
• Would ask his brothers and his parents about how he was asking a child and wonder if his children would also behave like him
• When your daughter is born he starts sobbing out of joy. Treats you to sushi the minute you get discharged from the hospital.
• He would be changing diapers and tending to her as soon as she was born. He had prepared 9 months for this and read up every book on parenthood.
• Would take her out on walks and sometimes to the boys house to let you have some time to relax and rest.
• Jealous of how she likes jeonghan even though he’s literally her father.
• By the time she’s two years old she has wrapped him around her finger. He would give her piggy back rides and sneak her ice cream even if you said no.
• When she first went to nursery he cried more than her that at one point she would comfort him.
• Biggest Baby at home even your daughter babied him.
• Would ask you if you guys could have another baby now that your daughter goes to school.
• Would play sports with your daughter every weekend . He would be her biggest supporter when she joined her schools team. Never missed a single match.
• Would hate it when your daughter enters her bratty teenage phase. You’d find it funny cause the way she sulks would remind you of him.
• Would cry at her graduation and shed comfort him just like she comforted him when she first went to school. This memory would only make him cry more.
• Because he looks all intimidating he’d end up scaring some guys who are into her .
• All her girl friends have a crush on him
• He’d just be the most doting but responsible father ever.
a/n: I'll just be in my corner sobbing scoups as a dad sounds like a dream :'(
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milfgyuu · 11 months
choi seungcheol is a youtube dad in the way that he would prop up the iPad against the bathroom mirror and try to follow the styling tutorials as he does his daughter’s hair. little baby rubber bands are popping and flying through the air as he tugs them between his teeth because he can’t let go of her hair or the braid will be ruined and when it’s done it’s a little crooked but she loves it and he tries new hairstyles every day just to get better at it and it’s sweet bonding time.
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jjkgyu · 2 years
hiii,i loved your mingyu as a first time dad,if its possible can you make one for scoups 🫶 tysm<333
tyvm! sorry everyone for being ia uni has been crazy lately but i’m starting to write again! enjoy xx
seungcheol as a first time dad! ♡
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scoups would be so ready to be a dad, even before you were engaged or married. the thought of having kids with you was everything he ever wanted and he wanted it to happen as soon as possible
when he finds out you’re pregnant, scoups definitely cries. he’d pick you up carefully, tears streaming down his face asking if you’re being serious. when you nod with excitement, he would pull you into the tightest hug and promise to be the best dad ever
scoups would be the perfect husband while you’re pregnant. he’s already protective enough of you as it is, but since you’re carrying his child he wouldn’t even let you lift a finger during pregnancy. he would be ready to drop whatever he’s doing at any given moment to run to the store for you or be there to give you massages whenever you needed it, and he’d have his hand glued to your stomach at all times
when scoups meets his daughter for the first time, he’s honestly a mess. he’s overcome with love for his little girl as he holds her in his arms and tells her that he’s going to protect her and be there for her for the rest of his life. “you’re the most perfect little baby ever”, he’d whisper to her with the proudest smile on his face
he needs to be holding his daughter 24/7. you often have to put up a fight at times because he never wants to let her go. he insists you get more rest which in other words means he can spend more time with his little girl
so protective of her, even before she can stand on her own. even if she’s laying down right in front of him he won’t take his eyes off her for a second. part of him hates anyone but you or him holding her and he impatiently waits to take her back into his arms
she’s definitely a daddy’s girl since he spoils her so much. he buys her anything she lays her eyes on, and seeing her smile makes him the happiest man alive. scoups has a photo of her as his lockscreen at all times and he revolves his whole schedules around his daughter
he is definitely the type of dad to rush home from work if you text him that your daughter won’t stop crying. he’ll come speeding through the front door holding his arms out to pick his daughter up with a pout and ask her “what’s the matter, little one?”
scoups’ favourite thing to do is to run errands with his daughter, pushing her pram through the aisles in the grocery store and checking in on her every 5 seconds to make sure she’s okay. he also loves when strangers tell him how cute she is and he has to stop himself from going on and on about her
scoups honestly could talk about his daughter forever. his members tease him because he always finds a way to bring her up in conversations. but of course they don’t mind listening because they love her nearly as much as he does
he hates big milestones because it means she’s growing up. he almost wants to shut his eyes when she takes her first steps because he can’t accept the fact that she’s nearly a year old. but of course he’s the proudest dad ever and he’ll invite all his members over to celebrate his daughter’s milestone
when she does turn one, scoups is a mess. he can’t believe she’s all grown up and he holds her close to him the entire day trying not to burst out into tears
the day she starts preschool is very emotional for scoups. you question why he’s chosen to wear sunglasses to her first day of school before you see the tears on his face, and you can’t help stifle a laugh. he pouts at the sight of her huge backpack that’s twice the size of her, and he doesn’t want to let her go. “if anyone upsets you, make sure you tell your teacher to call me right away, okay?” he’d tell her seriously before finally sending her off.
when your daughter returns home one day talking about a boy in her class, you immediately move to block his ears. he always jokingly tells her to stay away from boys, but he honestly can’t handle his daughter growing up any more
he keeps the closest eye on her even when she’s playing on the playgroup or sitting with her friends. his biggest fear is something happening to his little girl so even if you tell him to relax, he won’t avert his gaze easily unless he’s convinced she’s okay and safe
scoups loves the matching pjs and outfits, but as she gets a bit older she hesitates to tell him that she’s embarrassed because it makes him so happy. “what, you don’t love your dad anymore?” he’d joke to her, but he’d open up to you in secret about how much he wants her to stay little forever
scoups is the kind of dad to stay up late watching hair tutorials so he can learn how to do her hair in plaits and pigtails and buns. he furrows his brows in concentration every morning before school as he attempts to tie her hair as neatly as possible, and is so proud of himself once he sees the finish product
he is kind of on the stricter side when it comes to school. he mostly only cares that she’s trying her best, but if he notices that she’s slacking off he doesn’t mind taking on the discipline role. scoups is the type of dad to help her with homework and projects and he takes note of due dates to keep her on track
his daughter has her dad wrapped around her finger. if she asks for a puppy one morning, she’ll come home from school to a new puppy at the front door. scoups cooks her favourite dinners if she’s having a bad day and he’ll pick her up from school with her favourite milkshake to cheer her up
as she grows up, scoups never stops spoiling her and he’s the most patient, loving, and protective dad ever!
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cuntycheol · 1 year
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To You :)
Happy Birthday Seungcheol!!!
WC: 744 words. We must protect this man :(
Hand in hand, you sat comfortably on the couch with your beloved baby Kkuma, and your husband, Seungcheol. Time usually races to midnight, but when you're eagerly awaiting its passage, it seems to drag. Nonetheless, you embrace the virtue of patience and immerse yourselves back into the movie that both of you had been thoroughly enjoying. The silence and occasional glances to the clock from Seungcheol made it evident he's anticipating something. It's hard for him to remain discreet about something he's excited for, or he's eagerly waiting. However, you pause the movie because of how boring the plot gets, and switch off the TV. "Kkuma's asleep, so is my leg" you whine. Seungcheol grabs her and lays her comfortable on her bed, while you slowly get up and get in the kitchen.
"Where to?" He inquires, voice deepening with the amount of seriousness in his tone. "Oh just for some water. I'll be quick" you take out a bottle from the fridge. He stands for a while, as you glance his figure from the corner of your eye, hoping he goes in the room. Soon he does, and you quickly take out your prepared cake, with the candles and lit it. Unable to control your ecstacy, you hold your gift, and party caps, and slowly get in the room. Seungcheol, who was seated on the bed with a huge pout, legs crossed by the ankles, immediately lightens up in a huge, huge smile.
"Happy birthday Husband! Looks like another year of putting up with me is in the books" you chuckle. He laughs a little, and you proceed to sing him a birthday song. Kkuma who tends to be awaken by slight disturbance, rushes into the room and jumps onto her dad's lap. You put the cap on his head, and take some pictures to capture this simple moment. Calm has always been the aesthetic of the two of you.
"Well, they say practice makes perfect. Thanks for giving me so much practice then! But seriously, I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you so much, love" he pulls you on the bed, and blows on the candle. You rip out a piece from the corner and feed it to the birthday boy himself and he swipes a fluffy peak of cream on your lips to help himself on the sugar rush. He couldn't be more happier.
You pull out the gift you've prepared for him; the perfect watch for a man who holds luxury. "Hopefully you'll keep track of time when you're late" you sneer. He holds the watch in his hands and thanks you, "oh darling I have all the time" and you share a chuckle. Smiling, you look in his eyes and ask him, "what did your dad call your grandfather?" He looks at you, confused but proceeds to tilt his head and say "well he'd call him dad or father"
"And what did you call your dad?"
"Tch, Aunty" he scoffs "ofcourse dad"
"And what if someone else calls you dad?" You ask, your heart now racing in your chest.
"Honey, who would call me da-" he stops mid sentence, to look you. He raises his eyebrows, surprise all over his face. You finally take out the ultrasound sonogram and hand it to your surprised husband. He puts Kkuma on the bed and gets up, pacing back and forward in the room, texting his friends in his groupchat, absolutely frenzy with happiness.
"I'm going to be a dad? Me? Father? Oh my god" he picks you up and twirls you around. "Oh my- Cheol stop I'll fall!!" Laughter filling the room, he's on the moon right now. Nothing could bring him down from his peak of excitement.
"Thankyou so much for giving me the BEST gift ever" he slowly gets teary-eyed, hands on your belly as he hugs you from behind. You hold his hands, feeling every inch of his warmth onto you.
"You know how you're always worried about being late? Well, get ready to be 'late' for diaper changes and feeding times"
"Wait, are you saying we're starting a new trend of fashionable lateness?"
"Exactly! Our little one is going to set the trend for parents who arrive fashionably late to everything."
"I guess I'll have to update my wardrobe to match our baby's schedule then!" Seungcheol laughs. Safe to say your child will have the best parents in the world, and quite an interesting father.
Thankyou for reading this and giving so much love to my fic!!
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yuniv-bluetea · 1 year
->first time meeting the boyfriend of their teenage daughter (Part 1)
-> d/b/n visits them at home to eat dinner together
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"... took him long enough"
he was well aware of this boy who dated his daughter for several weeks now
but having literally no information about d/b/n nearly killed him
if it wasn't for his s/o Seungcheol would have already hired an private investigator
he's very protective over his daughter
one wrong move and the boy can say his prayers
wouldn't be easy to impress either
wears a poker face throughout the whole dinner
will observe d/b/n closely
to his daughter's despair Seungcheol would interrogate the boy without mercy
making very clear whose daughter he is dating
and that breaking her heart was no option if he treasures his life
would give his daughter his honest first impression of d/b/n after he leaves
Seungcheol would try to say good things about d/b/n -if there was anything that he saw as a positive character trait-, but would not hesitate to tell his daughter about the things he views as problematic about d/b/n
"And it's not only me who thinks that way... Kkuma could also sense d/b/n bad vibes!"
wants no "gangster boyfriend" to break his precious daughter's heart
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"So she's that age now...huh"
having a younger sister he should have seen such a situation coming
but why so soon??
knowing how significant the first relationship can be for a teenager, he tries to not scare the boy away
would offer d/b/n a weak smile and introduce himself
his s/o would be the one to ask d/b/n some questions and start a conversation now and then
while Jeonghan would observe the boy infront of him quietly
how is d/b/n treating my daughter?
is he politely to s/o?
what does these answers tell me about him?
how is his body language?
"You like Monsta X?"
it was the first time Jeonghan spoke in a while this evening
"Uhm.. Who?"
"You don't know this K-Pop Group?..... I see, so you´re that kind of guy....Interesting"
he then would continue eating
knowing very well that d/b/n would be so confused now
nobody said anything about not messing with the boy a bit
would ask his daughter later in the evening if she was pleased with how the evening went
their conversation would be filled with honesty
Jeonghan would carefully listen to his daughter´s impression of the evening
"So... do you like him?"
" He seems... decent"
"Dad!? Do you just dislike him because he doesn't know the K-Pop Group Monsta X ?"
"Nooo! ...It´s more because I'm not sure if I will ever think that someone is good enough for you"
his daughter rolls her eyes while smiling
"But now that I'm thinking about it... Not knowing Monsta X... How did you manage to find such a person?"
"........I was honestly shocked too Dad !"
Which member(s) should I do next? Thank you for reading it <3
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tusswrites · 28 days
Fallen From Grace: Into Your Arms
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Pairing: Seungcheol (Scoups) x Female Reader Genre: Angsty Fluff. Purely Domestic. Purely Projecting. Warnings: Talks about being poor? Toxic family mentions. Daddy Cheol (Not like that you nasty) Word Count: 1,557 Part 2 here Part 3 here Master List is here
Clutching her hand firmly within his, he pulled her over to the nearest convenience store. In his other hand he jiggled the last few coins. He couldn't risk losing even one. Perspiration lined both their brows and he could tell she was exhausted. It was not an unknown fact that a 7 year old couldn't walk this much in the sweltering sun. He couldn't afford hailing a cab for fear of losing more money so he supposes he could carry her for now. Her eyes seemed to immediately be drawn to he the aisle selling dolls and he cringed. Hopeful eyes looked at him and he nudged her over. He supposes she could see the dolls at least for a small while. Till he was done shopping. In the meat section he's choosing between gizzard and livers. A5 wagyu was right there, tauntingly calling out to him and he mustered the strength to not look that way. In a secluded section of the store, away from where majority of the people were, he hunched over the trolley with the calculator open, his eyes darting nervously around. He needed to do his calculation pre-billing. He couldn't afford to have his card declined and have their pity eyes on him . Not in front of his daughter at least. Going to gather Aria from near the toy section he watched as her eyes were fixated over at one doll. He gulped as hopeful looked eyes in at his direction again. This was the worst part of being poor. Saying no to his own children.
With downcast eyes, she linked their fingers again, politely declining his offer to buy her candy instead. "It's okay Appa."
Fuck. She's seven. She shouldn't have to be this decisive over family finances.
The walk back home was weighing down in his shoulders literally. All these grocery bags and Aria was sleeping on his back, the sun offering no reprieve.
The elevator was under maintenance again. Just his rotten luck. Walking past the landlords apartment, he began to tiptoe, lugging grocery bags and a growing child. He didn't want Mr Hwang to find out they were actually home. He had fed into this idea that they were all at his parents to buy some time to pay up past two months rent. The whole family did the "Hide and Seek" game when the bell was rung. It was game for the kids who giggled and had to be hidden under fort blankets to keep the spirit going. Fat chance of him being out of town since his own parents had disowned him. You were way beneath their status levels, for a chaebol family such as his, and on his insistence on being married to you they had kicked him out. Served them just as well since his older brother was the next heir and they had no need of him in the first place. The last few steps back home, his sorrow keeps building knowing the predicament of a family awaiting him. The doorbell draws in loud excitement from the other side, possibly awaiting what he promised he would get for them. He could hear you hushing your son who was squealing behind your palm.
No sooner had the door been open than Aria jumped down, and Hansol tackled his legs. So she was not sleeping all this while? Well she might be way too mature for her age but at times he's happy to see her mischievousness creeping through. "Appa , Appa up uppppp" His son was pouting at him. His back was aching but that was never an excuse to deny his children of basic love. Crouching down to carry him he exchanged the groceries to your awaiting hands, never forgetting to 'kiss the missus'. Your blush proved that the romance was never dead. From behind your legs, a wild Hana appeared. As if some divine intuition had reigned on his son, he laid his head on his Appa's chest and Cheol ached. He loved moments like this. Hansol was a clingy baby and although they should be training him to be more independent , seeing as he was three and would start kindergarten soon, he selfishly clung on reluctant to let go.
Cradling his head, he bent down to give you one more kiss and smooch little Hana's head too. "Appa." Whined Hansol, "Tag pwees?"
"After dinner Sollie. " You chided him.
Shooting you a grateful look, he walked into the living room, the tiny area they had set apart as dining area housing a warm dinner. He set down Hansol who promptly began to run to play with Aria, a diaper bottomed Hana waddling behind him , catching up to play with them. "The kids have all eaten, dig in." "Did you eat love?" Although you nodded yes, a sudden grumble from your stomach had him raise an eyebrow at you. Upon unfolding the closed bowl, he could see why you'd lied. It was clear as day there wasn't enough for how much he would normally eat. Pushing you down on to his lap, against your will, he wound an arm around you, sending a warning glare your way when you whined that you were not hungry. "Open up." He shoved a steaming spoonful of tofu soup into your awaiting mouth despite your protests. "Feeding Hana is easier than you love." Chuckling, you took the spoon from his hands and reciprocated the action, feeding him.
You were both not full, but your kids were well fed and that's what matters. You offered to clean up the dining area and unload the groceries while he gave the kids a bath. They didn't have a built in tub but his brother had brought Aria a giant inflatable boat for her birthday and that's where they filled water and made their make do baths. Kids enjoyed it so it was a win win. Hana started crying after her bath and he knew she was hungry for milk, carrying her over to you. You exchanged kids- Aria was now in his arms as he took her to the bedroom, to play one round of tag with her and hopefully tire her out to sleep. They didn't make it past the first sentence of "Heidi" before Hansol promptly slept. Aria decided to call it a night too, wanting to let her brother sleep undisturbed and save the rest of the story for tomorrow. His heart ached. His little baby girl had grown into a wonderful noona. Stroking her hair he sent her to sleep, wrapping the duvet over both of them.
He came over to your shared room , to see you nearly passed out, Hana still in your arms held tightly, suckling away. He gently unlatched her and you jerked awake watching him with terrified eyes. "It's just me love." He began to giggle at your face and you slowly calmed down.
Taking back Hana, reassuring him that you were on it, you pushed him to the bed. He looked worn out of his mind. You put Hana in her bassinet - another gift from Seungcheol's brother for Hansol and walk back to see your husband has nearly passed out.
Very quietly so as not to disturb him you began to unbutton his shirt, silently massaging his shoulders and unbuckling his belt. He was letting out soft hums enjoying being taken care of like this. Father to three babies and he was still the biggest baby of them all . Chucking down his pants, you put on a pair of shorts after he declined the offer to shower.
He was dead on his feet and he feared he would crash any second rendering you unable to carry him back. "I can bathe you, I'll use that body wash we keep for good occasions, the one your hyung brought." "Not today love, I already took one in the morning. Why? Am I stinking that much?" he teased. " No no no." Thankfully your husband was one of those people who knew how to use a deodorant. As if to prove your point you began to lay on his bare chest, nuzzling on to him.
He clutched you tight to him. "My love?" "Hmm?"
"Aria's teacher called today. She said we need to get her eyes checked. She keeps squinting in class, asking if she could sit in the front to take down notes." "Oh?" "Yeah, I noticed it too you see. While getting her to read the book, she kept squinting at the letters." "Well I guess the money we had set aside for Hansol and my haircut can be used there. Aria's needs are more important."
"How about I cut your hair?" "Do you know how to love?" "Yes?" "Brad Mondo tutorial?"
........ "Are you laughi- oh my you are laughing Cheollie - how dare you?"
You began to punch his chest and he caught on, holding your fingers tightly around him, kissing your knuckles , placating you. Lucky for him, you were easily pleased. He gave one more kiss to your ring finger, where the promise of eternity had been sealed with you. Rocking gently, you both sailed off to dreamland.
One rocky evening five years back, he had fallen off from grace in a nationwide scandal that had rocked and uprooted his life. But lucky for him , he had fallen into your awaiting arms.
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cxffecoupx · 3 months
cheol as a boy dad
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boy dad! seungcheol fluff, requested warnings: reader has a womb, cheol being down bad for his baby boy word count: 705 author's notes: requested by anon (thank you so much!!) I hope you like it. i never really thought about boy dad cause cheol's definitely a girl dad for me but I loved writing this so much! Lemme know what you think :) check out 'cheol as a girl dad' here.
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boy dad! cheol who starts crying in the hospital seeing a junior version of him. his big boba eyes are yours, no doubt, but the little pout that finds home on his baby's lips are unmistakably his — even he can't deny it. his eyes start watering when his baby boy holds his index finger with his whole palm.
boy dad! cheol who litters gentle kisses on your sweaty face, murmuring the sweetest of praises on how you did so well and how your baby is a sweet healthy boy who looks like the best of them both. your tears melt into his as you both happily sob over this moment of joy.
boy dad! cheol who you always find around your baby, smiling and cooing at him, playing with him and his toys and always bringing a wide grin to your baby's face. the child's laughter fills your little home and you can't help but sigh in content.
boy dad! cheol who always traces the baby's features delicately: the eyes that reflect the same shine that yours hold, the lips that pout the same way he does, the little button nose and the cheeks that seungcheol withholds the urge to bite because they're so chubby and so.... biteable (the cuteness aggression is so real right now!!)
boy dad! cheol who loves to dress your child in matching clothes as his. you search for seungcheol as you browse through the women's section, only to find him approaching you with two same shirts in different sizes. everytime you all go out you stand out because you're walking around with two same people, just different fonts.
boy dad! cheol who wraps his hands around your waist and kisses your neck, surprising you as you make dinner. who always takes time to appreciate you about all the struggles you had to deal with during the pregnancy, and how you've made him more happy than any man in this world.
you turn around and start kissing him, but just as things were about to dive deeper, your little trouble-maker stumbles up to you both and starts tugging on your pants. seungcheol grabs the child and tucking him in between you both, gives you and your child a bone-crushing hug that ends up making your son giggle endlessly. cheol gently whispers how he's holding his world in his arms right now, and your cheeks hurt from smiling so hard.
boy dad! cheol who pouts and whines everytime your son ignores him and runs to you. you don't realise how, but your son takes more liking to you, running to you first whenever you return home from somewhere, or whenever he needs something. although seungcheol loves to see it, he lowkey hates how he's just left there, hands outstretched for a hug hanging in the air. he dramatically falls to the floor, kicking his feet and whining which makes your son run from your arms to fall onto his dad's chest, giggling with how cheol tickles him.
boy dad! cheol who gets so excited to take your son to the first day of his school. although having to leave him makes his sad, he's excited for his son's new step in his life and will be all ears to hear him talk all about whatever happened at school. he sneakily gives his son a sweet treat without you knowing (it's their little secret now) as he tells everything he learnt in class that day.
boy dad! cheol who always teaches his son to respect everyone he meets in his life. he hopes that his son learns from watching the way he treats you, his wife, with all the love and respect he could give. he hopes that one day, when his son grows up, he treats his wife the same way seungcheol treats you now.
boy dad! cheol who, even though secretly wished for a baby girl, becomes extremely elated with his precious little baby boy, in whom he sees both you and him. hes feels like the luckiest man on earth — with a wife he loves with every inch of him and a lovely son who he wants to keep happy for the rest of his life. his little, happy family.
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tacosandbitch · 11 months
svt thoughts - csc
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you met cheol as a working adult, and he was your upstairs neighbour. he seemed to be the rare few approachable people in the apartment complex. well, technically he didn't approach you. his daughter, somin did. (she bumped into your leg while playing with mr. donut, her labrador puppy)
'sorry about my daughter she's quite clumsy sometimes' 'no it's ok' 'are you new? i haven't seen your face around' 'yea i am actually, i just moved in to the 4th floor a week ago'
cheol decides to bring you around the neighbourhood with somin and seeing the way he interacts with somin, who wouldn't fall in love with this man?
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itsmahree · 3 months
why is seungcheol giving dad vibes in this? lol
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milfgyuu · 11 months
Seungcheol takes his daughter to ballet every Thursday - he helps her into her tights and little pink leo. He carefully pins her bun at the crown of her head. He carries her pink satin dance bag, and tries to record bits and pieces of the routine throughout practice but keeps getting distracted by the busy-body dance moms sitting behind him. They always try to rope him into conversation though he’d be more than happy to watch his little girl dance and go home but he’s always polite and now he is somehow signed up for a bake sale when he’s never made anything not from a box in his life. He’ll figure it out though - even if he has to watch a few baking videos online. Even if he and his daughter make a mess of the kitchen - dried batter and icing coating the countertops. 
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muujedesigns · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to our great leader s.coups🍒🍒
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svtswhorehouse · 4 months
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• sugar daddy or boyfriend? (the answer is both.)
• the definition of a REAL MAN. no one has ever treated you with as much respect or given you as much love as seungcheol has.
• you're his pretty little passenger princess and he's your personal chauffeur.
• mom and dad of the group, duhhhh.
• he would drop anything and everything just to give you his undivided attention, no matter how important it is.
• yes. he would still love you if you were a worm.
• he would definitely give you his bank card without a second thought. it would also be linked to your phone, he insists on you using it always and would throw a fit when you don't.
• you would also give him your card at times and he always takes it without a fight, but would never use it.
• would take you out on dates in which you can dress up pretty and maybe dine at a fancy and EXPENSIVE restaurant. don't be fooled though. he also pays attention to the little things so if you're into books, he's taking you to a library themed restaurant. if you like animals, he's booking a ticket to orlando and ya'll are going to the rainforest cafe or something.
• you would never have to lift a finger ever again.
• he would wash your car, fill it up with gas, and take it to go get serviced without any complaints.
• he would burn down the world for you.
• he always puts you first. if he had to pick between you or the company (if they ever made him choose) he doesn't even need to think, it would be you every time.
• also your body guard ! any social gathering ya'll attend, he always has his eyes on you no matter how far away you are from him.
• times in which you do drive yourself, ya'll are definitely the type of couple to have life 360 on each other. he would text you saying to slow the fuck down if you're speeding.
• no matter how much you insist he goes to sleep and no matter how late you're getting home — it could be 4 in the morning, he will ALWAYS wait up for you.
• he has the habit of buying you anything you even slightly mention. he also pays close attention to the things you look at when out shopping together and they would show up delivered to your apartment the next day. he would take the heat from you, but still would continue to spend his money on you.
• when you have a bad day, he is already there with open arms ready to give you the biggest bear hug and shield you from the rest of the world.
• whenever you two go out together, he always has a hand on your back to guide you through crowds or just so everyone knows that you're off limits.
• if you ever lose during game nights with friends or really anywhere, he would do the penalties for you!
• he always makes sure you're on the inside when walking near a street.
• if you ever doubt yourself or feel insecure, prepare for a long serious conversation with lots of tears because he WILL NOT be having any of that. no. not when he thinks you're one of the most beautiful, talented, and honorable people he knows.
• you have never felt so safe and secure than when he's around.
• he will constantly be saying "i love you." definitely the type to call you back immediately if you forget to say it and hang up.
• he has a personal agenda out for revenge against anyone who hurts or disrespects you in any type of way.
• he will be your designated driver for not only you BUT your friends as well during girl's night out.
• he may be competitive, but when it comes to you, he would let you win just so he can see a smile on your face.
• says he CAN'T (won't because he's stubborn) fall asleep if he's not cuddling you.
• he becomes the softest most kindhearted person in the world when it comes to you.
• he gets jealous easily, but he trusts you with his whole heart so he doesn't dwell on it for too long.
• when it comes to arguing, no matter if he was in the right or wrong, he is always the first to apologize. definitely the type to get you chocolate, flowers, and ALWAYS gets you a teddy bear after.
• would make you sit on his back when doing pushups or would give you a piggy back ride when he is doing pull-ups !
• he LOVES when you wear his clothes. you would always find his shirts or hoodies on your side of the closet and be like "hmm, how did this get here?" ask your boyfriend.
• rarely ever calls you by your name. always calls you baby or something cute. he also insists that you don't call him seungcheol. he will pout if you do.
• definitely impressed your parents right off the bat. your family absolutely adores him and your parents treat him like a son.
• he would tease you by giving you a hug when he's all sweaty after practice.
• he INSISTS on picking you up EVERYDAY after work.
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