#dad!malva AU
skekheck · 2 years
I couldn't finish the post I originally wanted to make for the Dark Crystal's 40th anniversary, but I am finally making stuff for one of my AUS lmao.
These are designs for Kira and Jen for my dad!MalVa AU
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(please excuse the sloppy coloring fvgbhjk)
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elitepoppy · 2 years
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Internal screaming because step-father is here...!
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3point14a · 3 months
au post over here because its not an actual drawing! but i think its cool info about our au lol :] older siblings!!!
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!!! one of these defenitelly looks more confusing than the others w o u p s ehm some extra schtuff under the cut
spring fox and meg, the classics, THE brothers, they love eachother they all just have issues and keep setting eachother offfff but they are so cool and epic. Anyways yeah, none of them 3 are biologically related at all, but Maggie IS Meg's bio brother, Meg sort of remembers?? having a sibling?? but trauma response will erase a lot from ur brain and the "sibling" role in his brain folder was already taken by Spring anyways.
Vincent and owynn!!!!!!!!!! Vincent is the "camarero" bg character and he still works as a waiter i promise, anyways Owynn genuinly despises the guy and his guts, and Vincent loves his baby sibling but its complicated, the little squiggles mean complicated, the fuck you brothers
Leti :D the "novia" bg character, anddd her brotherrrr theres not much to say, monty gator jumpscare, he doesnt have much of a character yet but we thought that since shes already an alligator she was a good gateway to making monty real lmao ToT, good siblings absolutely normal, plain bread of siblingism
worlds most complicated family, ok the big sibling isss robin!! Who is the "bibliotecario" bg character! she is a masc woman now hurrah. She is chicas older sister by both parents, then her dad died and after a while her mom remarried to Eaks dad, half siblings and all and then bam new kid, her name is gabi but chica calls her cupcake lol :9 fun fact none of them share a bird: Robin got her dad's bird (buzzard), Chica got her moms bird (chicken), Eak has his mom's bird (eagle), and Gabi got her dad's bird (to be determined)
Mica (oc) and golden! Golden has more siblings but we still have to establish them more so for now it's just mica, Uh he's a bit of a weirdo and likes Golden but is also tense and jealous and weird about it, Golden just sees him as a stranger they share blood with
Onnie, malva (usagi) and Bon. Mannnnn the worst set of siblings ever, Onnie ran away when he was 14 and was presumed dead!!!! so yeah! the twins have some complicated and messy feelings about it and then Onnie who is not dead wants those two dead because it thinks that now that it's gone suddenly their home life got better, so he's jealous and pissed off and making insanely incorrect assumptions, worlds worst set of siblings
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sarahlizziewrites · 2 years
15 OC Questions!
@vacantgodling tagged me, and actually, @mrbexwrites tagged me in the same game aaaaaages ago, and I've finally realised what OC I can do this for!
I'm going to answer as Sitora but for the modern AU - part of No Meet Too Cute - which I will be working on in the near future. The questions seem pretty contemporary so I'm going to answer as Commuter!Sitora
1. Are you named after anyone? My mom used to tell me that 'Sitora' means 'Star', but she never really told me anything else beyond that. I just asked Dad and he doesn't even know, just remembers she felt pretty strongly about it when I was born, and he wasn't gonna argue.
2. When was the last time you cried? I don't remember. Someone punched me in the nose when I did that boxing taster class and that made tears come to my eyes - does that count?
3. Do you have kids? I'm a little young for kids right now! Still got a lot to get done before then :) I love kids though, and I especially love it when kids invite me to play with their toys. It's the best.
4. Do you use sarcasm? Infrequently :P I'm generally pretty sincere, unless I know someone really well. Wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea about something I said.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? What their smile is like - whether it reaches their eyes. Also, if they seem like the kind of person that a kid would invite to play with their toys.
6. What's your eye colour? Blue. Dad says they're just like mum's.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? LOVE the adrenaline rush from a good jumpscare! And happy endings...well, the good ones are believable, most are pretty unrealistic.
8. Any special talents? Got the gym's record on the ninja course when I was sixteen - Đindic was pretty pissed at first but he got over it when I brought him one of those orcish hot water pies. Said it was better than the ones his grandma used to make, which I guess is also a special talent :)
9. Where were you born? Right here in Brightfield, never left :)
10. What are your hobbies? I'm pretty busy with school and work at the bakery, so when I'm not there I'm at the CrossFit gym. Sometimes, when I look after Malva's kids we play MarioKart on their old beat-up GameCube. Someday I'm going to beat those kids at it and it's going to be so great.
11. Do you have any pets? Nope, but I'm always chasing the damn neighbourhood cats off the back step. Do they think I have something they want? I HAVE NOTHING FOR YOU, KITTY.
12. What sports do you/have you played? Well, let's see. When I was a kid I was on the softball team, the soccer team, the hockey team - now I do climbing (bouldering, top rope, lead, I'd love to try some of that urban climbing but I'm pretty sure it's illegal), CrossFit, and I'm always up for a pick-up soccer or basketball game. I got banned from the roller derby league for 'excessive violence', which I've been told is pretty unusual.
13. How tall are you? 6'0"
14. Favourite subject in school? PE was the only class I was any good at, really. I always looked forward to History class though, Ms. Barleyvale was an amazing teacher and always told interesting stories.
15. Dream job? I'm at school for Non-profit Management, so when I graduate I'd love to start a charity, maybe a sports camp for kids who don't have a lot.
I'm going to tag @bethtriestowrite, @sleepyowlwrites, @words-after-midnight, and anyone else who would like to!
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
@salon-maiden-anabel okay these a very half-baked but Lisia thoughts
If I go with her being there for the Hoenn arc in my au, her and Anabel are besties. They give Tucker hell.
Took one look at Wally and went " ah yes. New Best Friend". She likes doing his hair regardless of age I have her be. She's insanely jealous of how smooth his hair is.
To her, Steven is on thin fucking ice. For what? No one knows. Not even Wallace. He just Is.
I think this is already canon but she takes up her mom's occupation as a news reporter as she gets older. She still does contests ofc. It's in her blood.
( kinda realizing the parallels of XY having a news reporter in red- Malva- that manipulated the media coverage and around the same year or after in oras, a news reporter in blue is....good? Idk, but I find that interesting)
Has a good relationship with her mom. Her dad, not so much( probably a commonality that Steven and her share).
XY/B2W2! Lisia is pretty much the same but is more of a menace now that she's the youngest of the cast. Still gets on Tucker's nerves.
I like to think she ends up knowing a lot about rocks thanks to Steven, but not because she was forced to but rather she likes shiny stuff and Steven was the closest person who let her see the shiny. Still on Thin Ice ( so she says). Probably how she got her mega stone for Ari.
Hoen arc! Lisia by SV is kinda Going Through It. Wallace helps her through it the best he can.
The first time Lisia went to Sinnoh she almost froze to death( lol no. She's fine just very very cold and complained a lot about it).
Okay that's it for now, I hope these are good hgvhvgvgvcg.
Edit: important addition. She knows multiple languages since she's an idol and shit. She likes switching things up every so often to confuse the hell out of people. Again, I think her and Iono would get along well hgvhvgvgvcg.
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 5 years
All Karen ships rated (update)
Original here 
I did this like a few months after making this account, and I thought it’d be fun to go back and re look at my ratings
Also since this one isn’t a dare to rate EVERY ship I am cutting out the protag/companion section since they’re all underaged and the original ratings reflected thus wiht them all being a no. Also getting rid of ones where she’s with a pokemon. 
Finally I’m gonna add some ones I like to the very end
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship * by ship name=Super random ships I find kinda wild ! by ship name=Dramatic change to original rating
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. 
Karen w/ a Villian:
! 180Shipping - Karen & Shelly -2 bad a ladies over here kicking butt and being fashionable heck yes, but also Karen is an awful swimmer so let the cute romance ensue 8/10
*AphoticShipping - Saturn & Karen-Karen would find it fun to mess with from time to time, and maybe could work. 5/10
*AtrociousShipping - Karen & Mars-I mean possible, but also Mars is really kinda child like so Karen may just want to protect her instead. 4/10
BarghestShipping - Karen & Lavana-I feel like it’d be like shipping Karen with a cheerleader…an evil cheerleader. 2/10
! DarkIntentionShipping - Giovanni & Karen-Tbh yeah I like it. Just depends though because again she grew up with Silver who she is like a mom (or older sis some days) to, so that would have to be worked out. Plus she’s kinda miffed he left Silver from seeing how much it hurt him. But also hateship to romance, basically I’ve been giving this one more thought and it could be heckin cute. 9/10
*IcePinkShipping - Karen & Lovrina-No too whinney and arrogant for Karen. 0/10
***ImperiousShipping - Hunter J & Karen-Oh dear gosh no, haaaard no, And before you ask about Twist!verse they’d be both too emotionally closed. -50/100
! KariShipping - Courtney (Magma) & Karen- Been thinking about this one too and the more i think about it the less I see it. Both are too closed/awkward. 1/10
LiaisonShipping - Petrel & Karen-Kinda cute in a way with them balancing each other out. It’s like obvious psycho with subtle psycho, and seems fun. 8/10
! PaybackShipping - Archer & Karen- Briefly had a little shipping with this and tbh really enjoyed it. If in an au just the dynamic of the couple in 101 Dalmatians would be these two. In main verse you could have them sneaking the romance and such to not get caught. Also evil Karen? Or good Archer? 9/10
PerishSongShipping - Proton & Karen-He’s a bit reactive for her, and cocky though maybe she’d balance him out? 5/10
! StrangeloveShipping - Domino & Karen-…I dunno why she makes me think of sailor moon, but she does Evil Karen? then ye this could work and be fun, maybe Twist!verse would even work. 8/10
TenebrousShipping - Ariana & Karen-I find it funny the team Karen was vaguely a part of, and now is a part of her life she works so hard to distance from is the one she’s shipped with ALOT. Oh and Galactic of all things is second most common for some reason. Also eh on this one. Ariana has that mom vibe, and Karen distances herself from that usually. 3/10
Karen w/ gym leader:
*BerthierShipping - Cress & Karen-I dunno because he seems like a 16 year old teen to me, but their personalities would work, so maybe. 5/10
BittersweetShipping - Karen & Whitney-Hm I can think of some interesting plots with Karen’s early elite four days as when they meet. Not sure what they’d have in common though. 4/10
! BracknellShipping - Gardenia & Karen-Karen likes grass tyoes and Gardenia has that somewhat wild side that Karen likes I can see them spending late nights camping after exploring all day. 8/10
***ChalcedoniteShipping - Karen & Roxanne-Isn’t she like 16? Also I feel Karen would just see her as a spunky kid 0/10
! CockroachShipping - Burgh & Karen-Can we appreciate the name please…..Ok cool. Ok but Karen trying to learn how to paint the normal way and showing Burgh how to do spray paint work or paint a motorcycle? Look I think they’d be cute. 8/10
! ColdNightShipping - Candice & Karen-Yes, double yes. Candice talking about the pressure of having the meeting point of dialgia, palkia, and giratina so close plus the regi temple, and lake acuity. Like the pressure of keeping all of these legendary places safe is alot of pressure. Then Karen knowing about ho-oh and wanting to keep them safe, anyways they can bond ina . cool way. 10/10
*DarkActShipping - Brycen-Man & Karen-Not Brycen, Brycen-Man. I really dunno because I feel like it’d be too close to the Masked Man for her to be comfortable. 2/10
DarkalleyShipping - Volkner & Karen-Hmmmmm maybe, but also I feel Volkner needs a more high energy person, so 3/10. As the toxic relationship their a part of in some hallmark like plot though 10/10
DarkGaleShipping - Karen & Winona-A possibility, but I kinda see them as friends just chillin watchin clouds. 3/10
*DarkHarvestShipping - Cilan & Karen-Didn’t know Karen was popular with the trio, but ok. Anyways if he’s alot like he is in the anime thats gonna be a hard no. otherwise, eh maybe? 4/10
DarkMarshShipping - Karen & Sabrina-Friends I think. Like they’d be comfortable around each other, but no spark in that way. 1/10
ElectricDarknessShipping - Elesa & Karen-I sort of want it just because while Karen dresses nice she is a tomboy meaning the clashes about fashion or manners would be great. 8/10
FightNightShipping - Karen & Maylene-If they were in the plot of a secret fight club, a hard yes. Otherwise, I don’t see it. 1/10
GabbroShipping - Brock & Karen-I want to see Brock do his whole freak out just to write Karen’s way to shoot him down. After all romance takes awhile for, and if aggressive is your first interaction it scares her. Though he does stand down after being rejected so she’d respect that, and maybe think about giving a chance. 5/10
GothShipping - Clair & Karen-Popular yes, but I like the Cynthia, Karen, Clair girl squad dynamic so much more. 2/10
ImpShipping - Karen & Valerie-Karen being vastly confused but fascinated by the antics of Valerie sounds cute.  7/10
InsectQueenShipping - Karen & Viola-The plots would be cute knowing Karen’s quirks with cameras. 8/10
LamentShipping - Flannery & Karen-Idk due to lack of things to connect on overriding if personalities would work. 3/10
LiptonShipping - Jasmine & Karen-I wanna say no cause I think she’d be too sweet for Karen, but also yes because she can get super intimidating and tiny Jas actually wearing the pants in their relationship sounds interesting 5/10
**MortelleShipping - Fantina & Karen-Naw…to much flash and show for Karen, but maybe contest mentor. Also Karen has a vendetta against Amity Square for it’s selectiveness of ‘cute pokemon’. 0/10
! NightsongShipping - Falkner & Karen-The name of this ship is amazing, but Falkner is like one of those characters who gets shipped aorund with EVERYONE like really it’s kinda ridiculous and I’m tired of him just beign thrown at everyone 2/10
! PaintedLadyShipping - Bugsy & Karen-How is this one not for Burgh?  Yeah no he’s just too much like a kid. 0/10
RafureShipping - Erika & Karen-…can their Vileplume’s fall in love instead? I’m 10/10 for that. Between them 2/10
RiddlesInTheDarkShipping - Blaine & Karen-…Eh…or we could not, and maybe they just are friends. I don’t really see romance blooming there. 0/10
SchwarzFlashShipping - Lt. Surge & Karen-Them both having PTSD? Maybe helping each other? I mean I wouldn’t mind giving it a shot. 7/10
ScotopiaShipping - Karen & Skyla-Maybe too much spunk like Rosa, but Karen would admire her determination. 4/10
SilkShipping - Janine & Karen-No pls. I see Karen as her unofficially adopted big sis, and find that adorable. 0/10
! UnderworldShipping - Morty & Karen- So far this has proven to be a hard no, and tbh I kinda like it better that way.  0/10
***WhiteMoonShipping - Pryce & Karen-Even in a verse he wasn’t The Masked Man imma give this a hard no. 0/10
Karen w/ an elite:
AphroditeShipping - Koga & Karen  -He’s like her dad…so…no. -50/10
BadRomanceShipping - Grimsley & Karen-Bad romance is a good title cause I feel it’d be a rough start. 10/10
*BlackGlacierShipping - Glacia & Karen-Tbh not sure if they have much at all in common. 1/10
BlackiceShipping - Karen & Lorelei-Ok maybe because they have some similarities, but tbh I like the older gal pal bond alot. 5/10  
DarkEliteShipping - Sidney & Karen-A more punk relationship in this elite match-up, but I could see it working. 10/10
DarkKnightShipping - Wikstrom & Karen-Again the title tho! I mean yeah I think I could see it from her finding him quirky, but in a good way. Although they have wildy different aesthetics so it’d depend on interpretations. Right now I do love the dynamicKaren has with a Wikstrom account.  8/10
DelilahShipping - Bruno & Karen-Eh maybe? I like the uncle and niece bromance they have tho. 4/10
! DementiaShipping - Lucian & Karen-I feel like they’d either clash or hit it off with no inbetween. I Still stand by this but I think they’d everntually fall for each other.  9/10
DisownShipping - Agatha & Karen-NOOOOO don’t make Gma relationship sexy! -50/10
! HellaFineEliteShipping - Karen & Malva- Ok so came back, and yeah I could see it, but depends on interpretations again because they could just more easily spark into a fight or if the first interaction went sour not give it another shot. 5/100
IntuitiveShipping - Siebold & Karen-Actually had a rp with them shipped, was Twist!verse tho giving Siebold that rescuer mentality which helped. In general though I kinda want to see it. 7/10
LambentShipping - Flint (elite) & Karen-Hm. Maybe? Like, ok the dynamic personality helps, but also would be a slow burn. 5/10
MasakudoShipping - Will & Karen- I love it in some ways, but I also feel as though they’ve see so much of each other’s absolute worst sides it wouldn’t work. ???/10
! NightmareShipping - Karen & Phoebe-Eh they’d be good friends but I can’t see them really hitting it off as far as things they have in common. 3/10
NoWeaknessShipping - Karen & Shauntal-Ok bumbling dork sounds cute, and her defending from Grimsley’s teasing sounds cute, and great now I find this cute. 8/10
RhymeShipping - Aaron (elite) & Karen-…ArE thEsE tWo ONly ShIPpeD cAUsE thEiR NAmEs RhYmE?! Jokes on you because imagine them working out together, or exploring the woods, or yeah let’s ship this! 8/10
ShootingStarShipping - Drake (Orange) & Karen-Hm, I mean I would like to see it before going anywhere with it. 4/10
SuckerPunchShipping - Marshal & Karen-…I see it more than Bruno, but also feel as though they could clash some how personality wise. I’d like to see a plot for it though. 4/10
TerrifyingShipping - Caitlin & Karen-They both have awful sleep schedules so I feel like trying to get a time they’re both awake would be a problem, and personality wise would clash. 1/10
Karen w/ a champion:
BoadiceaShipping - Cynthia & Karen-I like the best friend bond a thousand times better, but I see the appeal 7/10 BumpShipping - Steven Stone & Karen-If you asked me when I started this account I would of said,”in what world?” Now after having various interaction with multiple accounts I’m like 10/10 DreamTeamShipping - Alder & Karen-Eh…yes…and no? Like he did hit on Cynthia and she has qualities like her, so could maybe work.  6/10 NeoEliteShipping - Lance & Karen-Like yeah I can see it. It’d take flippin forever with Karen being a royal butt most of the time while adjusting to elite life, and then after that they’re both closed off with emotions so it’s take awhile. 10/10 I hate that my prediction was correct
Karen w/ a minor GAME npc:
BoxVirusShipping - Brigette & Karen-Could be interesting, but I’m not sold all the way 3/10 CassiaShipping - Karen & Sina-Very random, and tbh I say no because of what little they would connect on 0/10 ChicoryShipping - Cheryl & Karen-Cheryl is so sweet. I feel too sweet because Karen needs someone that will argue with her when she needs redirecting 0/10 ClosestShipping - Karen & Zinnia-I mean the rebellious streak, the slightly odd behavior? Karen would find it intriguing, and if the move was made she wouldn’t oppose it. 9/10 ! DarkMagicShipping - Eusine & Karen-Better watch out Morty, Ms. Steal Ya Dude is ova here! Yeah no no, they can only clash. Even without Morty beign the catalyst these 2 would clash. 0/10 DarkServiceShipping - Darach & Karen-Heh…the name alone tho. x3 (i am mature I swear) Ok kinda random, but possible. She isn’t one to look down on someone due to social status. 5/10 ! DarkShadowsShipping - Ingo & Karen -Him and his bro are so easy to ship to me, and yes she’d find his quirks cute while dragging him out of his shell while he’d keep her grounded. 10/10 DarkSpecterShipping - Riley & Karen-Like ok yeah, the mysterious vibe combined with a strong goal. I can see it. 7/10 ! GigabyteShipping - Bill & Karen-idk, Karen may not be a big science person but she finds it kind of interesting to listen to. Could work. 5/10 KurumiShipping - Karen & Lisia-Comin for ya girl Wallace! Tbh tho idk because I could see them having a cute mentee relationship if Karen did competition with the twist in dynamic of her mentor being younger. As for romance 3/10 NoirShipping - Karen & Marley-Karen’s inner thoughts as a person. Like could work, or maybe too similar. 3/10 SeventhJugglerShipping - Juggler (Trainer class) & Karen-Lol the title tho, like seventh juggler!? Boi has no name! I mean ok, sure. I love a relationship that keeps both parties guessing, and if Karen can handle WIll I think she’d be down to handle a second clown. XD 8/10
Karen w/ a minor ANIME/MOVIE npc:
BahamarShipping - Karen & Olesia-Don’t get at all, and I think she’s barely an adult 0/10 CamdenShipping - Karen & Michelle-Would make more sense with Lance 1/10 DarkMotherSocietyShipping - Delia & Karen-Why does everyone want ash’s mom? Also no. 0/10 DetoxicationShipping - Karen & Sakura-Aw naw, wholesome friendship. 0/10 FavoriteShipping - Lawrence III & Karen-Karen in twist!verse, yes. A hard yes. 10/10 Otherwise…eh…maybe? 5/10 GothicDJShipping - Karen & DJ Mary-Enemies 10/10, mostly Karen’s side. With her reporting on Karen’s past, and asking invasive questions wanting a scoop for her show. Romance -50/10 HazyShipping - Karen & Solidad-She’‘s down to earth, and I think her groove may fit well w/ Karen 6/10 LiminalShipping - Sir Aaron & Karen-Can we please just agree this is Riley but in his mega form? 7/10 MorriganShipping - Karen & Moria-I have no idea where this one came from, and I’m eh. 1/10
Karen w/ a Frontier brain:
AshikoShipping - Greta & Karen-Eh, I don’t see anything really 1/10 CapriShipping - Dahlia & Karen-Idk why I feel like they’re the same person, but I do, and eh. 4/10 DarkLuckShipping - Karen & Lucy-Her and Brock tho…also I feel like they’d fall into awkward silences often. 2/10 YorShipping - Brandon & Karen-Maybe as vigilantes together, that’d be a fun plot. Shipping though Idk. 4/10
TCG Characters: (All 0)
TaladasShipping - Felicity & Karen-Another news personality, but also with theatrics and I just don’t see it. 0/10 DarknessEnergyShipping - Mark & Karen-Not much on this guy. It’s a no cause she’s see him as a child, but look him up. 0/10 MoonSugarShipping - Karen & Mint-No iz too child, and also look the kid up. 0/10
OTHER MANGA Characters:
DarkGirlShipping - Karen & Rug-Turns out this is a real person, and not an actual rug. My bad. Also no she’d likely take the girl in as a mentee though. 0/10 MephistoShipping - Karen & Pauline-….eh. 1/10 RosarioShipping - Daisy (Cerulean) & Karen-I feel like it’s a possibility, but I’m not jumping full on board. 4/10
Karen and multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically because I don’t see Karen being poly, but I’ll give plot ideas)
DarkPathShipping - Brycen-Man, Grimsley, Sidney & Karen-Brycen is random….? Unless they do a movie where they’re all the bad guys and him as the ultimate villain maybe? Movie idea, 10/10.
DuskShipping - Karen, Houndoom & Skuntank-I can see Karen with a skunktank, and Garnet teaming with one for a double battle would be cool. 10/10
DystopianDarkActShipping - Brycen-man, Cyrus, Karen & Marley-Brycen-Man is everywhere with Karen, and I don’t know why…also sort of random combination…based on the name maybe a plot with them in a dystopian world. For some apocalypse theme plot though 10/10  
EcostasisShipping - Flint (elite), Volkner, Candice, Karen & Sabrina-So the name is about extra bone formation….people that should all join team skull? Ooooor lab experiment plot? I guess 7/10
ElitismShipping - Falkner, Morty, Will, Clair, Karen & Whitney-I feel like the title is implying them thinking they’re better than everyone. I see none of this from any of these people, and am confused. 0/10
EsotericShipping - Grimsley, Sidney & Karen-YAAAAS DARK SQUAD! The name does suit them, and I don’t need to list any plots they easily make their own. 100/10
FrostingShipping - Dawn, Karen & Lovrina-Pulling from all the verses here, and all I see is a gal pal adventure. An odd adventure. KInda down tho. 5/10
HaremTaroShipping - Gold (Special), Crystal, Jasmine, Karen, DJ Mary & Whitney-I’ve never watched the anime this one is referring to so ???/10
HeolstorShipping - Falkner, Morty & Karen-There is no meaning behind the name, but maybe they’d be good camping buds. 7/10
IndigoLeagueShipping - Bruno, Koga, Lance, Will & Karen-As really super good friends, heck ye! Imagine a prank war plot now! 10/10
JohtoHaremShipping - Jimmy (Kenta), Karen, Marina (Johto), DJ Mary, Sakura & Whitney-….Due to the title there is clearly only one intention for this, and please no. -1000/10
KinkShipping - Erika, Karen & Sabrina-If you’re kink is having a good time pokemon battling! C’mon they’d be another awesome girl squad! :D (The things I do to keep sex talk at a pg-13 level). As buds 10/10
KuroyukihimeShipping - Princess Allie, Candice & Karen-Karen would want to punt the princess. Plot of her and Candice babysitting this child, and holding each other back from strangling her 9/10
LooseShipping - Cynthia, Jessie, Karen & Misty-…As a Gal pal squad that sounds awesome, and I want them all stuck bonding in a high school detention together. You got sporty chic (Misty), Delinquente (Karen), Theater kid (Jessie), and Miss Perfect (Cynthia) 10/10
LoyalMaskShipping - Carl, Will, Karen & Sham-I WANT TO WRITE OR RP THIS CREW SO BADLY! AH! Like, PLEASE! 1000/10
MaskedChildrenShipping - Carl, Silver (Special), Will, Blue (female), Karen & Sham-AGAIN! I WANNA WRITE THIS CREW! Not as much as the LoyalMask, but I LOVE DIS CREW! Fear the children! 10/10
MaskedGirlsShipping - Blue (female), Karen & Sham-Evil girly child squad sounds great! 10/10
MatsuriShipping - Morty, Agatha & Karen-I am imagining Agatha mentoring both of them, and they’re competing to be stronger. Don’t know past that, but sounds interesting 8/10
MidnightGardenShipping - Gardenia, Karen & Roxanne-I actually want them to start a gardening group that only meets at night. Sounds fun tbh, and could have some quirky fluff plots. 8/10
NewLookShipping - Elesa, Karen, Sabrina & Shelly-Them all shopping together sounds amazing. For each other would be interesting, but for another person sounds like absolute chaos, and I love it. 10/10
QuirkyMoonSugarShipping - Greta, Karen, Mint & Whitney-lot of verses here. Um yes definaley all quirky, dunno how their dynamic would be though. 2/10
ShadowedShipping - Clair, Cynthia & Karen-Again gal pals. 10/10
SororityShipping - Flannery, Karen & Lily (Kanto)-Them in a sorority maybe fun. I’m sorta down 6/10
ThreatOnAlertShipping - Grimsley, Morty, Alexa (XY), Dahlia & Karen-Is this a group of the most paranoid people because if so yeah I agree. 10/10
XenonDarkActShipping - Brycen-Man, Paul, Wallace & Karen-Another movie with them all as bad guys maybe? Idk how Paul would fit tho so 8/10 ShitennouShipping - Aaron (elite), Bruno, Drake (Hoenn), Flint (elite), Grimsley, Koga, Lance, Lucian, Marshal, Sidney, Siebold, Wikstrom, Will, Agatha, Bertha, Caitlin, Drasna, Glacia, Karen, Lorelei, Malva, Phoebe & Shauntal (gen infinite)-…Ok so this is basically everyone, and sure yeah let’s make em all buds. Down w/ that. I’d like giant team up, but am not writing all of that alone. 10/10
Karen with….Karen….????: (I had no idea where to fit this in.)
PerkyGothShipping - Karen & herself-She would know what herself needs to hear, so good, but also she likes different things, and may get bored. I suppose it depends on portrayal. ???/10
Other ships 
BlackCatDog Shipping - Karen & Nanu They were shipped for a bit and I still think it’s a cute possibility. If nothing else just them talking about their pasts would be interesting. They’ve both been through alot. 8/10
MoonFlare Shipping - Karen & Lysandre If I could only choose 1 ship for Karen it’d be this one. I just really like the parallels that they have with each other, and how both of them have compassion for the opposite sides but due to roughly a similar reason. I’d have to go into alot to explain all that though. Basically I just really like how opposites attract here cause they’d both have to grow. 10/10
Aqua Moon shipping - Karen & Archie Again Karen’s awful around water and I just think these two would have a blast interacting with each other. They’d also both be able to have serious moments too,a nd could even talk about what it was like to leave Rocket. Also I have a really awesome idea for Deity!Verse. 8/10
BlackPaint Shipping - Karen & Mina  This combines Karen and art like with the Burgh ship, plus fairy shenanigans like with Valerie, and also the punk but soft vibe both of these gals bring to the table. I love it 10/10
MoonHearts Shipping - Karen & Sonia Sonia trying to figure out how to scientist, and Karen trying to figure out how to elite, and them both being dorks. I love it! 8/10
MoonHive - Karen & Professor Juniper Juniper being science nerd but also super deep and philosophical and just her and Karen spending late nights talking about anything and everything sounds cute. 7/10
NightWatchers - Karen & Looker Ye they’d picker sometimes and yes Karen’s bar might become a problem, but what if they have to work together and spy shenanigans ensue with these dorks insisting to themselves they need to stay professional. Cute af. 10/10
BlackSmog Shipping - Karen & Tabitha  Tbh I could see it. I’m not as firmly sold as some others but I can see it working. Besides Karen doesn’t care if someone’s an ex criminal or has humble beginnings. so ye could work! Although she’d def want to get Tabitha to work out with her. 6/10
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All the Evil Team leaders for the ship thing! (since I've always felt about half of them are difficult to ship)
You’re right, they are hard to ship, so apologies if this is a bit shorter than the other asks I’ve done. Giovanni- My NOTP for themNot the hugest fan of Gio/Cyrus (AbsoluteControlShipping) but that’s more to do with me not shipping Cyrus with anyone.  - My BROTP for themThis one is weird but I like the idea of him and Nanu knowing each other/being friends?- My OTP for them Giovanni/Angelo aka my crack pairing of Gio and Lyra’s dad whoop. They’re childhood friends in the fankid AU and are each other’s one true love~- My second choice pairing for themNo one.- My fluffy pairing for themGio/Angelo.- My angsty pairing for themGiovanni/Ariana (SilverSpawnShipping) since they were an unhealthy relationship in mine. Otherwise, unrequited Archer/Giovanni (SubordinateShipping).- My favorite poly ship for themNone.- My weirdest pairing for themGio/Angelo, by virtue of it being an OC/canon pairing.Maxie- My NOTP for themNone.  - My BROTP for themMaxie/Courtney. - My OTP for themMaxie/Archie (HardenShipping).  - My second choice pairing for themNone. If it’s not Archie it’s not anyone.- My fluffy pairing for themMaxie/Archie.- My angsty pairing for themMaxie/Archie, it’s my only ship for him so it gets all the fluff and all the angst and everything.- My favorite poly ship for themNone.- My weirdest pairing for themNone. Maxie/Archie is mainstream.Archie- My NOTP for themNone.  - My BROTP for themArchie/Matt. BROS.- My OTP for themArchie/Maxie.  - My second choice pairing for themArchie/Shelly (ShiverMeTimbersShipping)- My fluffy pairing for themArchie/Shelly is probably fluffier than HardenShipping tbh.- My angsty pairing for themArchie/Maxie, especially if it’s a love/hate type thing.- My favorite poly ship for themMaybe something like Archie/Shelly/Matt (AquadanShipping)?- My weirdest pairing for themNone, really. I only ship him with Maxie or Shelly and both I think are fairly mainstream for him.Cyrus (I hc him as aromatic so ….. this will be brief).- My NOTP for them None. (Excluding obligatory ‘they’re related in my headcanon’ squick ships Cyrus/Johanna and Cyrus/Dawn (AkatsukiShipping).)- My BROTP for themI think under different circumstances he and Cynthia could have become good friends.- My OTP for them None. I don’t ship Cyrus with anyone.- My second choice pairing for themNone.- My fluffy pairing for themCyrus/Happiness.- My angsty pairing for themCyrus/the Void. (But more seriously, unrequited Cyrus and any of his admins, especially Saturn.)- My favorite poly ship for themNone.- My weirdest pairing for themNone. (wow this was easy round)Ghetsis (I also hc him as ace/aro so this will be brief yet again.)- My NOTP for them  Since he’s not interested in relationships in my hc….. kind of anyone?- My BROTP for themDoes he even have friends. Maybe once upon a time he had a bro. Or some of the more fanatical sages.- My OTP for them None.- My second choice pairing for themNone.- My fluffy pairing for themNone.- My angsty pairing for themI guess any scenario where he’s forced to be in a relationship since he would hate that but don’t we want him to suffer.- My favorite poly ship for themNone.- My weirdest pairing for themNo ships for the nasty man.Lysandre- My NOTP for themNone, really.  - My BROTP for themI hc him as having been a father figure to Alain and Calem, so them I guess, but hopefully in a happier world where he didn’t try and kill everyone. - My OTP for them Lysandre/Augustine (PerfectWorldShipping).- My second choice pairing for themLysandre/Malva (BeautifulWorldShipping)- My fluffy pairing for themLysandre/Augustine in a happy AU.- My angsty pairing for themLysandre/Augustine and Lysandre/Malva in canon.- My favorite poly ship for themAugustine/Lysandre/Malva or something who knows.- My weirdest pairing for themHe hooked up with Bryony (RiskShipping) in the fankid AU if that counts.Guzma- My NOTP for themNone.  - My BROTP for themGuzma/Kukui or Guzma/Plumeria.- My OTP for themGuzma/Molayne. (SteelSkullShipping)  - My second choice pairing for themGuzma/Plumeria. (SkullShipping)- My fluffy pairing for themGuzma/Molayne.- My angsty pairing for themGuzma/Lusamine. (SyntheticRuinationShipping).- My favorite poly ship for themGuzma/Kukui/Burnet. (OsteologyShipping.)- My weirdest pairing for themGuzma/Molayne.Lusamine- My NOTP for themI’ve seen enough porn of her with her kids I feel like I should mention it here.  - My BROTP for themLusamine/Alola Mom- My OTP for them Lusamine/Mohn.(MeanBeanShipping)- My second choice pairing for themLusamine/Healthy Life Choices- My fluffy pairing for themLusamine/Mohn pre-bad things happening.- My angsty pairing for themLusamine/Mohn with amnesiac Mohn or Lusamine/Guzma.- My favorite poly ship for themNone.- My weirdest pairing for themNone. I only ship her with her canon husband.
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facadxs-moved · 7 years
dark-type specialist au?
send me an AU and i’ll tell you 5 of my headcanons for it
1. His starter Pokemon would not have been Slakoth or any of the Johto starters, instead would have gotten Seedot that eventually evolved straight into a Shrifty and becomes his ace. 
2. Eventually, Norman acquired an Eevee, whom built a tight bond after saving it from an abusive and toxic trainer. Evolving during the night time straight into a Umbreon, and eventually caught a Mukrow during his time traveling through Johto. 
3. While the position of gym leader had been given to someone else, Norman ended up becoming a member of the elite four in the Kalos region sometime after XY with Malva’s position became open due to her ties with Flare becoming known. 
4. Norman is still a dad and divorced, though teaches his kids not to judge by appearances and to look deeper into them. Saving them from being taken advantage of.
5. He is still pretty close and good friends with Karen and Sidney from Johto and Hoenn with a bit of a new friendship with Grimsley from Unova. He has not yet met Nanu yet, though. 
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skekheck · 2 years
What do you consider the most underrated headcanons over skeksis?
Most underrated? That's a tough question because I've seen so many headcanons that are all over the place.
But if I had to pin down one thing, it's that I don't see people often touch on how being a fractured soul affects them. Like, the whole "the Skeksis yearn the parts they lack [in the Mystics]" thing. It's a shame it's touched upon so rarely because that's one of the most important and interesting things about both Skeksis and Urru.
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skekheck · 2 years
Been thinking about my dad!MalVa AU again after some ages and I've been playing with the idea of Jen being raised by Podlings instead of the Urru but he's still destined to heal the Crystal.
I feel like that's a really fun way to see how much both Jen and Kira's characters have changed when raised in different environments.
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skekheck · 3 years
Some incorrect Quotes for my dad!MalVa AU because why not
Literally how the AU starts
[UrVa approaches baby Kira]
Kira: Daddy?
UrVa: Uh, yeah!
[Source: Vine]
SkekMal: Kira.
Kira: Yes, papa?
SkekMal: How old are you, Gelfling?
Kira: I am three, papa!
SkekMal: Take this knife. Go hunt rakkida. [hands Kira a knife]
Kira, low voice: Just one?
SkekMal: Oh ho ho!
[Source: Vine]
[UrVa killing multiple Crystal Bats and Garthim]
UrVa: Violence is not the answer, Kira.
Kira: Okay.
[Source: Unknown]
Kira: Of course I don’t run with knives! The Hunter taught me better!
Kira: I sprint!
[Source: incorrect-twdg-because-i-can]
[Toddler Kira sees skekMal's taxidermized Fizzgig collection]
Kira, pointing at them: PUPPYYY PAPPYY! : D
SkekMal: Those are dead puppies.
[Source: TikTok]
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skekheck · 4 years
Tumblr media
OKAY I know I usually post on saturdays but like I got a little too excited to share this so here we are. 
This is a concept of Kira in her Hunter disguise for my MalVa AU : O
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skekheck · 3 years
I'm seeing my art of Kira from my AU making rounds again and I realize I should make her look more like a Drenchen when I get the chance. Like giving her greener/bluer tints on her skin, webbed ears, and dreadlocking her hair (not sure about how to style it yet). Her eye color will be a lighter shade of brown to match Gurjin's too.
Another thing to add to my endless pile of projects asdfgh
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skekheck · 4 years
How do you think Jen's quest in the movie would have gone if the Archer were still alive?
That’s a good question I’m still thinking about how everything will go down. 
I don’t think it would be any easier, but at least some parts of the journey would be safer. In my AU, urSu advised Jen to go to urVa first before heading to Aughra’s Hill so the Archer would safely guide him there with Kira tagging along. Aside from the Garthim and Crystal Bats, they’ll be darkened creatures and other obstacles that they’ll have to deal with. And at some point, Jen and Kira get separated from urVa.
I’ve also played around with the idea of skekSil coercing skekMal to hunt down Jen. But in this version skekMal’s more on the fence about unification after spending time with urVa and Kira. I think he does go after Jen at first (probably out of fear of the unknown with what unification would bring), but ends up helping him towards the end whether or not urVa gets involved in that.
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skekheck · 4 years
SkekMal probably sneaks Kira jerky every once in a while. She's a growing girl! She can't live off of whatever vegetarian nonsense UrVa is giving her!
I feel like it would take a while for urVa to come around to the idea of Kira eating meat, but he’s still against her eating it raw. SkekMal still doesn’t understand why it’s a big deal.
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skekheck · 3 years
I feel ya when it comes to just having a bad month. I've been on the same boat :/ Hopefully this will be a good distraction :) I love your AU about Skemal and Urva raising Kira. Got anything more about this AU? :)
This is my birthday month it’s supposed to be great, damn it. And I’m sorry to hear you’re having a shitty month too. I hope it gets better for you! And thank you so much. I’m so bad at balancing out my projects. I’m still working on this one! Here’s some new ideas for the AU:
I changed a bit about how Kira eventually meets skekMal. UrVa gets very sick (which Kira eventually finds out it came from an infected wound Mal got during his hunts). Her healing powers aren’t powerful enough to treat severe infections like that so she’s been relying on herbs she ran out. They’re only grown in parts of the forest outside of their home. Normally urVa would gather them himself, but Kira  was getting worried about his condition and didn’t want to wait for him to get better. So she ventured outside of their glen (or grove: still debating on this), something she’s normally forbidden to do. The rest of the scenario is still the same.
The scar on Kira’s face came from a Garthim she was forced to fight by skekMal. It was his way of trying to get her to face and conquer her fears (father of the year, this one). She did manage to kill it and she wears a piece of it on her person as her trophy. But as you can imagine, she wasn’t okay after that. (And you bet urVa was angry at skekMal over this).
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