#dad!5sos fic
bleachedhallways · 8 months
lullaby & goodnight. ⌇ lrh.
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A/N: i have a soft spot for dad!au’s & the idea of luke being a father makes me super soft, so i wanted to indulge in my silly little fantasies.
summary: in which, your daughter is having a hard time falling asleep & luke knows exactly how to center her.
word count: 1,000+ words.
“Ollie, baby, please–”
“No.” The young girl pouts, arms crossed over her chest with her favorite plush toy held in the grip of her tiny fingers. “No, no, no!”
“Ophelia, you need to sleep. How else will you have the energy to hang out with Daddy tomorrow?” A rhetorical question, yet you hope your five-year-old has the understanding and sense to answer it; Ophelia was incredibly smart for her age and seemed to be quite mature, however, she was a child and children will do as they please, no matter how old of a soul they already seem to be. 
The tiny blonde shakes her head dramatically before looking away from you. At this point, you’re ready to admit defeat and let her stay up for as long as she wants, or at least, until she tires herself out doing whatever it was that she wanted to do. However, you wanted to sleep and your husband was in your home studio, finishing up a tune that he’d been working on for days, so grabbing him to help with your stubborn daughter was, in your mind, out of the question. You couldn’t leave her unattended, you’d feel like a shitty mother if you did and Ollie was too young to be on her own. 
“Is there anything I can do to help you fall asleep?” You inquire, eyebrows knit together in hopes that there was a solution to this scenario. You’re met with large, doe-like eyes, the hue of them a replica of your own. Your daughter’s gaze is innocent, yet a hint of mischief lies in the depths of her irises. 
“No, but Daddy can.” 
Of course. Ophelia was a Daddy’s girl, through and through. She and Luke shared a bond unlike one you’ve ever encountered and had each other wrapped around their fingers. Whenever you three had family outings, there were moments where you felt like you were third wheeling; it was simply your husband and your daughter’s world and you were just living in it – happily, obviously. You don’t think you’d have it any other way. Sharing life with the two of them was one of the greatest gifts you’d ever received. 
“Ol, Daddy’s busy right now.”
Ophelia wasn’t having it. She would not take ‘no’ for an answer, “I can wait for him!”
You blink twice, unsure of what to say to the child in front of you. The sound of a door opening and closing gains your attention, footsteps getting louder as they come down the hall and stop. 
Luke pokes his head into the dimly lit bedroom your daughter occupies, a gentle, tired smile on his face. “Ladies,” He greets the both of you, “everything okay in here?” he adds, eyebrows raising slightly. 
“Ollie is having a bit of trouble getting to bed.” You reply, your gaze averting from your husband to your little girl, who looks very pleased with herself; she’s about to get exactly what she wanted. 
“Oh, yeah? Can I help?” Luke offers, fully entering the room. He sits on the edge of the twin sized bed covered in pale yellow sheets, stuffed animals crammed against the headboard. 
Ophelia abandons her plush toy, leaning into her father’s hold as he opens his arms and cuddles her into his chest. A lighthearted chuckle leaves your husband’s lips, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he looks at you, “Sorry, baby. I guess I’m what she needed.”
“Figures,” You sigh, a grin pulling at your lips. “She’s got you wrapped, Lu.”
“Definitely,” He agrees, before turning his attention back to your daughter. “Alright, miss. How can I help you sleep, hm?” 
Silence fills the room as your daughter thinks for a brief moment. She’ll milk Luke for all the time that he’s willing to give her, there’s no doubt about that. Doe eyes look up, blinking innocently to really make sure he’s ready to deliver. “Sing to me, pretty please?”
Luke doesn’t waste any time in giving in to her command. If a lullaby is what she wants? It’s what she’ll get. “I can do that for you. Anything you’re wanting to hear?”
“No- wait, can I get comfy?” She asks, pulling away from her father a bit. Luke nods, shifting from his space on the edge of the bed, which prompts you to also get up in order to allow for your daughter to get comfortable under the sheets. Once she’s settled, you and your husband snuggle in on either side of her, wrapping your arms around the girl you both love most. 
“Ready, sweetheart?” Luke hums, oceanic eyes peering down at your daughter. He always looks at her with so much love and so much pride, you swear that every time you see it, your heart swells up with affection. 
Ophelia nods, her gaze trained on her father as he begins to sing softly, “Take my hand, now and forever…” 
As he continues to sing, his melodic voice filling up the space, you watch as the melody flowing from Luke’s lips sends your daughter into a blissful, serene state. Her eyes get droopy as each second passes, the calm atmosphere and warmth provided by her loving parents causing sleep to overtake her. Soon enough, her head is slumped against the pillows, her face slightly buried in the Pink Floyd shirt your husband donned. 
Your eyes meet Luke’s when you’re sure that Ophelia is sound asleep, quietly mouthing a ‘thank you’ to him. If it weren’t for him and his incredible knowledge of what your child needed, you doubt she’d be asleep by now. He smiles, blinking sleepily at you before gingerly leaving the softness your daughter’s bed provides, holding out his hand for you to take in order to leave her room. 
With a flip of a switch, the dimly lit room is drowned in darkness, save for the pink hued night light plugged into the wall. Luke closes the door as you both exit, then wraps his arm around you and leads you to your own bedroom, sighing dreamily as the prospect of sleep draws closer with each step you take.
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calumance · 2 years
we’ve already established how logan doesn’t get much attention because he’s a middle child, so how about he gets suspended or something for fighting a kid who was picking on him and they all get into a blowout fight at home and logan says something like “you never cared before so i don’t see why it’s a big deal” or whatever you think is best and it kinda shocks cal into realizing like yeah i really haven’t been super present with him and then you can take it from there
Teenage angst is my absolute favorite thing. Especially when it comes to my little Logan. Enjoy!!
            Calum had been working in the studio when his wife busted through the door, surprising the absolute shit out of him. Quickly, he took off his headphones and questioned her silently. “Logan got suspended.”
            “I’m sorry?” Did he hear that correctly? It was only three weeks into the school year. It was the first year that Logan and Aiden were not in the same school. Aiden had graduated in May and was preparing to move up state for college. “He got, what?”
            “Suspended, we have to go pick him up.” Calum was still in shock, she was moving, but he wasn’t, “Now, Calum.” She said sternly, bringing him out of his thoughts.
            They didn’t talk their entire way to the school, or while they walked into the school, or while they were directed into the office where they found Logan sitting. Logan was sitting with his arms crossed against his chest, and he was looking away from his parents. The principle gestured for them to take a seat, and they obliged.
            “Thank you for coming on such short notice, Logan is being suspended for a week due to fighting with another student, but do not fret, both students have been suspended.” The principle laced his fingers together over his desk and smiled a closed lipped smile.
            That was absolutely the least of their concerns, fighting? Fighting about what? “I’m sorry, there was a fight? Like physical?” She asked while looking at Logan who continued to ignore both of his parents.
            The principle nodded, “Yes ma’am, it seems Logan got into a little bit of a tussle with another student today at lunch causing quite a stir in the lunch room. No one was hurt, but it caused quite the disruption so I think it is best to suspend both of them so they can calm down for a bit.” That’s where the conversation died. It was a silent agreement to keep Logan at home until next week.
            It was a silent drive home, it was almost eerie, that was until Calum decided to speak up when they got home. “Logan, what happened? Tell us your side of the story so we can understand.” That was the best thing he could’ve said. Could he have said it a bit softer, maybe, but he was confused and angry, so it came out harsher than intended.
            Logan tossed his backpack onto the floor and shrugged, “Didn’t the principle already cover that?” His back continued to be towards his parents.
            Calum looked at his wife for support, “Logan, we’re not mad, we’re just trying to figure out what’s going on, you’ve never acted like this, you’ve never gotten into trouble, so why now?” She took a step forward, reaching a hand out to her son.
            Logan spinning like a flash of lightning caused her to recoil, “You guys never cared before this, why should this be any different?” Again, he turned, but in the other direction and ran up the stairs to his room. Both Calum and his wife flinched when the door slammed shut.
            Hours passed, it had been almost silent in the house, aside from the occasional ‘what do you think happened?’ usually followed by a shrug from the other person. After another few moments of silence passed, they locked eyes and with a silent agreement, they made their way up the stairs towards to closed door.
            Silently, they argued over who was going to knock, Calum ended up being the one to knock after his wife pushed him into the door. He grimaced at her as he knocked a few more times after his noisy first announcement. There was a quiet voice on the other side of the door inviting both of them into the room.
            When they made it inside, Logan was slumped in his chair, a video game chaotically playing on the TV in front of him. Calum looked back at his wife and she nudged him forward and his cleared his throat before approaching his son. “Can you please tell us what happened today? Your mom and I are worried about you.”
            Logan scoffed and without tearing his eyes off the TV in front of him answered, “Why would you be worried? You’re barely home, it’s been like that since I was a kid.”
            It was at that moment that Calum and his wife looked at each other like they completely understood everything that was happening. Calum grabbed another chair and sat next to his son, “Aiden told us a few years ago that there were kids picking on you, were these same kids the ones that caused todays fight?” Logan aggressively pressed the buttons on his controller and Calum took that as a ‘yes.’ Calum sighed, he knew exactly what was happening. “Aiden wasn’t there to protect you, I’ve never been there to protect you, you think that no one cares about you.”
            Logan’s face visually dropped for a split second before he intently went back to his video game. Calum stood up and grabbed his wife’s shoulders, “Go downstairs, I’ve got this.” His kissed her cheek and shooed her away before turning back to Logan. Logan’s eyes darted towards his dads before he pretended that all of his attention was on the video game. “Do you remember the weekend Aiden went on the trip with your mom for school? It was before Bailey was born, before we even knew Bailey was going to happen.”
            Logan looked at Calum and pulled his eyebrows together, “Yeah, what about it?”
            Honestly, Calum couldn’t believe he remembered, it was nearly a decade ago, but at the same time, if Logan was dealing with Calum being gone then, then he’s still dealing with it now. “You felt the same way back then as you do now, and you were 5.” Logan paused long enough for his character to die in the game. Calum smirked before taking a seat next to him again. “You asked me then why I couldn’t stay home, and I told you that to take care of you and mama and Aiden, I had to be gone for work, do you still understand that?” Logan’s swallowed and Calum continued, “I know that being the middle child isn’t easy, it makes you feel like no one cares about you because suddenly everyone’s attention is on the baby, or whatever else, but, Logan, we still love you.” Again, his character in the game died. “I’m sorry it’s been rough without Aiden, maybe your mom and I can get you transferred to a different school.”
            “No,” Logan’s protest startled Calum, his head snapping towards his son, “I mean, it wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen. I am still getting picked on, I didn’t think you guys knew about it, you never made a big deal out of it.” Logan slunked back into his chair.
            “Logan, we never made a big deal out of it because Aiden told us he had control over it. It’s our faults for assuming that this year would be different. What can we do to help?” Calum rung his hand together and looked at Logan who was already shaking his head.
            It took a few seconds after he stopped shaking his head to form his thoughts, “These kids at my school make fun of me for having a dad who travels for a living, they tell me I basically don’t have a dad since you’re never here,” Calum’s heart sunk, “And I know that’s not true, because I know how you take the time to call me or FaceTime me, or take a red eye flight to be here for my band concert, or whatever, but all these…” he paused, “…Fucktards…” he looked at Calum apologetically, but Calum allowed it, “…see, is that you’re not always here.” Logan took a breath, “What happened today was one kid went as far to say that mom was cheating on you because who could be left alone that long, but I see what mom does without you, she cooks us dinner, she wakes us up in the morning, she makes us breakfast and lunch and then goes to work. She works her ass off, dad, and I just couldn’t listen to some kid who knows absolutely nothing about us talk that badly about my mom, and you too!” Logan was getting passionate at this point, sitting forward and dropping the controller to his gaming console on the ground, “I didn’t mean to hit him, it just happened!”
            It was hard, but Calum controlled his laughter as he pulled Logan in for the tightest hug he could’ve given the kid. “You’re not in trouble, you did the right thing, you stood up for your mom and that’s all that matters.” Logan nodded into Calum’s shoulder, “Why don’t you go downstairs and give your mom a hug and tell her you love and appreciate her?” There was little to no hesitation before Logan stood up and made his way out of the room. Calum sat back and ran his hands through his hair, proud of his son, and the kid he was becoming. 
taglist: @talkfastromance4
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talkfastromance4 · 2 years
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authors note: hello there! So so so so so sorry it’s been so long since I’ve written about our flower family. Life has been crazy, writers block has played a special part and the start of writing for Top Gun (and I had covid) but I had to write this! Halloween is my favorite and this family is my favorite to write. I still have other one shots to write so near the end of this one won’t make sense right now but I promise it will soon!
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: none
Luke&Lily masterlist
Feedback is always welcome! Happy Halloween!
Since Lily’s birthday fell on a Thursday this year, it was only the Hemming’s family that celebrated the day of. After school, the five of them went to dinner at Lily’s favorite restaurant, went out for ice cream and then finished the night watching a movie while eating the cupcakes you made for her. Posy sang the loudest for Happy Birthday.
Lily wanted to have a big birthday party with her friends from school and ballet and with her whole family so it was decided between you and Luke to host it on Halloween weekend. You love Halloween so in the weeks leading up to it you were constantly running to the store for decorations and to get all of your costumes.
Luke helped you decorate the house and picked up the cupcakes for the party, Lily accompanied him. The party was set to start at four o’clock and you were just finishing up with Lily’s face paint. She wanted to go as a witch and since you love dressing up as a family, you asked if she’d be okay going as the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz.
Oliver was already in his little lion costume sleeping in his crib for his nap, and Posy kept clicking her red shoes from her Dorothy costume all over the house. You could hear her talking to the stuffed dog Toto she carried around in her little wicker basket.
“I don’t have to be mean like the witch, do I mama?” Lily asks as you fan over the green paint on her face.
“No, it’s just a costume but you’re still you underneath it,” you smile. “Do you want to hold your flying monkey or have him wrapped around your waist?”
“My waist! I want to carry my broom!” she bounces on her feet and you grab the stuffed monkey animal. It’s the kind that has super long arms, she got it from the zoo at Posy’s birthday, and you wrap it around her waist. She grabs her broom.
“And the final touch…” you place her witch hat on top of her head and she smiles at you. “There! You’re the perfect witch!”
“You have to get dressed mama!” Posy announces, her ruby slippers clacking on the floor.
“I’m going, I’m going!” you say and they follow you into your room where Luke is changing into his scarecrow costume. He has the outfit on with tufts of hay sticking out of his pants and shirt and he’s staring at his reflection in your vanity mirror, a brush in his hand.
“I need help,” he spins around. “I can’t do the face paint.”
“Let me,” you smile taking the brush from his hand.
Lily and Posy stand on either side of you watching as you paint the face of the scarecrow on Luke.
“Do you think I could have some glitter on my lids?” he asks.
“I think I have some yellow glitter…” you shuffle through the Halloween makeup you bought and find the compact. “Close your eyes.”
He does as you say and you apply the shimmering glitter to his eyelids, it pairs well with the brown eyeliner you added.
“Woah…” Posy sighs when he opens his eyes.
“How does daddy look?” he asks her.
“You look just like him!” Lily exclaims with a bright smile.
“Okay, now I need to get dressed. People will be arriving soon,” you say and move to the closet where your Glinda dress and accessories are.
“I wanna help!” Posy skips in the closet behind you.
“Can you hold my wand for me?” you hand her the pretend wand, her eyes light up and she sits on the pouf you have in the closet.
You pull the dress out of the bag, it’s a pretty good mock-up of the original. It’s the same pink chiffon with lots of sparkles but the sleeves and skirt of the dress aren’t as bulky as the movie. You strip out of your clothes, put on the strapless bra and step into the dress. You’re aware of Luke and the girls watching you but ever since you had Lily, you’re not embarrassed to get undressed in front of them. Being a mom comes with no more privacy.
“Can you help me with the zipper?” you ask Luke.
He shuffles behind you and pulls the zipper all the way up to your back. You adjust yourself in the dress and slip on your shoes. Thankfully, you did your makeup earlier because you knew you’d be helping the rest of your family with their costumes. So all you had left to do for the costume was put on the crown and take your wand.
“Well,” you spin around and do a little pose, “what do you think?”
“You look like a princess!” Posy claps her hands. “Toto thinks so too!”
“You look incredible, lovie,” Luke shakes his head as his eyes take you in. “You should wear that all the time.”
“I don’t think so,” you scrunch your nose then hear the waking whimpers of Oliver. “Olly’s up–”
“I”ll get him. You relax, you’ve done enough for today,” Luke smiles.
“Lily, let’s make sure we have all your goodie bags ready.”
As you’re doing a final sweep through of the house and the backyard–there’s a large table decorated with pink pumpkins, a caramel apple station, games, and a bunch of other fun decorations–the doorbell rings.
“I’ll get it!” Posy sprints inside.
“Wait for your father! Luke!”
“I got her, lovie!”
Ashton and KayKay are the first to arrive dressed as Fred and Daphne from Scooby-Doo. KayKay has on an orange wig that Posy is absolutely obsessed with.
“Wow, y/n you look fantastic!” KayKay compliments when she sees you in the backyard.
“Thank you,” you smile and do a small twirl.
“Where’s our special birthday girl?” Ashton asks holding Posy in his arms. He searches the yard and then Lily jumps out from behind one of the bushes.
“Here I am!”
“No! You’re not Lily, last I checked she wasn’t green…” he peers at her speculatively and she giggles.
“It’s me Unca Ash! Mama painted my face!” she laughs.
“Oh! It is you!” he crouches down and pokes her nose. “Happy Birthday, darling.”
“Come see all the games!” Posy says tugging him along, Lily follows with her broom.
Calum and Rayna are next and they’re dressed as Mr. and Mrs. Incredible.
“You do look incredible in that outfit, Rayna,” you say. With her dancer’s body, the tightness of the suit really accentuates her curves and muscles.
“That’s what I told her,” Calum grins before kissing her sweetly.
“And your muscles look amazing in this,” she compliments him.
“Unca Cal!” Lily runs across the yard straight into Calum’s awaiting arms.
“Hiya Lils,” he smiles hugging her close. “I love your witch costume.”
“Thank you, I have a broom and my monkey,” she points out her props.
“I love your monkey, Lily,” Rayna says kneeling next to Calum.
“Thank you Miss Rayna,” Lily twirls in her dress.
Roman is the first to arrive of her friends from school and they immediately run off to play some of the games. Posy is their little shadow following them around. More and more little friends arrive. Luke is holding Olly while you make sure the kids are all right playing the games and decorating the caramel apples until you hear him crying.
“Go on, I can watch them,” Ashton appears next to you.
You lift up your skirt and jog to where Oliver and Luke are, they’re on the patio by some of the decorations you put up. One of them was a skeleton with red glowing eyes.
“I think the skeleton scared him,” Luke says bouncing Oliver in his arms. Tears are streaming underneath his glasses and upon seeing you, his arms are reaching for you.
“Oh, it’s okay honey, mama’s here,” you croon hugging him close. His arms are tight around you as he cries into your shoulder. You kiss the side of his head multiple times and he hiccups as he calms down.
“Sorry we’re late,” Crystal announces as you sway Oliver from side to side. “Chloe spit up on her costume and I had to clean it in the wash.”
“You guys look awesome!” Luke smiles at their costumes.
Crystal and Michael are dressed as Mary Poppins and Bert while Chloe and Maddox are in matching penguin costumes.
“Thanks,” Michael smiles then frowns when he sees Oliver is upset. “What’s wrong with my nephew?”
“The skeleton scared him,” you explain rubbing at Oliver’s back then you whisper in his ear, “your uncle Michael is here, baby. Do you want to say hello?”
Oliver lifts his head then smiles at Michael.
“Hi buddy! Let’s get away from the big scary skeleton,” Michael opens his arm and takes Oliver from you. “Let’s go show your cousin Maddox the apples over there.”
Michael shifts his arms so both boys are settled comfortably in them and walks away towards the other partygoers.
“y/n, this dress is to die for!” Crystal gasps at your outfit.
“Look at you! You look like you just came from the movie!” You laugh. “The twins are so adorable as penguins.”
“I thought so too,” Crystal smiles. “I’ll go find Lily and say hello.”
“Have fun.”
You and Luke watch everyone for awhile until the doorbell rings. The two of you go answer it together to find Cory, Ella and Violetta. Cory and Ella are dressed as Flynn Rider and Rapunzel and Violetta is Pascal.
“Oh my God, Violetta is the perfect Pascal!” you gush as she waves her arms at you in greeting.
“She has a little tail, too,” Ella smiles shifting her body so you can see the curled tail.
“That is the cutest thing,” you smile. “Come on in, everyone is in the back.”
Before dinner, you have all the kids play ‘pin the spider on the web’ game and Lily is the first one to go up. Luke spins her three times and she takes very careful steps towards the wall, Posy is trying to direct her from her spot on the floor. Lily places the spider way up above where the web is but when she took off her blindfold, she was still smiling.
At seven o’clock the parents’ of Lily’s friends arrived to pick up their kids so they could trick or treat in their neighborhoods. When they were all gone, Lily and Posy ran to get their pumpkins so you could all go trick or treating but before you did, you all took photos of your costumes.
Calum and Rayna volunteered to stay at the house so they could hand out candy and your big group were off in the subdivision to collect candy. Lily and Posy held hands as they walked up each driveway and Lily needed Luke or Cory to go with her a few times because the house was scary. By the fifth house, Chloe and Maddox were fast asleep and Oliver was asleep in your arms.
Back at the house you all sang to Lily and she opened her presents on the living room floor. Oliver and the twins were fast asleep in his room and you started to get uncomfortable in your dress.
“Are you okay?” Luke asks in concern. There’s chatter in the living room from Lily opening up a gift.
“Yeah, I’m glad I didn’t get a corset with this thing. My boobs are killing me,” you grumble and tug at the fabric over your breasts.
“They’re killing me, too,” Luke’s eyes widen as he gazes at your chest. “Your boobs look fantastic right now.”
“Shush,” you laugh bumping his shoulder. “The kids will hear you.”
“No they won’t,” he shakes his head still staring at your chest. Then his eyebrows furrow together. “Why do your boobs look so good right now?”
“Because of my bra,” you shrug, “It is a push-up but…”
Your sentence fades away then Luke’s eyes meet yours. One look and you share the exact same thought but before you can discuss it further, Lily calls for you.
“Look what I got, mama!” she runs up to you holding a box of an American Girl doll.
Luke kept looking at you for the rest of the night and when you finally put Lily and Posy to bed once everyone left, he asked you.
“Are you–?”
“I don’t know,” you say quietly as he helps unzip your dress. It falls in a big pink pile at your feet and you’re quick to remove the strapless bra. You took a deep breath as that fell down to the floor as well and Luke wraps his arms around you.
“What if you are?”
“I don’t want to get our hopes up,” you shake your head resting your hands on top of his.
“Okay,” he mumbles into your skin. “How late are you?”
“Now that I’m thinking about it…a few weeks,” you answer slowly. Luke sighs then kisses your neck.
“Let’s get ready for bed and we can figure it out tomorrow,” he says.
“Okay,” you nod.
The two of you wash your faces in silence in your bathroom. Your mind is reeling because of the last several months you and Luke have endured. From therapy and a loss and even more therapy because of that loss, you didn’t want to ruin the progress you’d made. Plus with Oliver still not talking…you can only tackle one thing at a time.
Luke pulls you to his chest once you’re settled in bed, he sings your song ‘Stuck in Gravity’ softly in your ear. It lulls you to sleep along with the gentle rubbing of his hand on your belly. His mind is reeling too, he barely sleeps because he thinks by rubbing your stomach will keep you and the possibility of a baby safe.
taglist: @calpalirwin @calumance @in-superbloom @karajaynetoday @wiiildflowerrr @sunshineeluke @littledrummeraussie @suchalonelysunflower @hoodhoran @fobodob @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @sunshineeashton @ashtonsunflower @mymindwide @itjustkindahappenedreally @seanna313 @mulletcal @pandaxnienke @hellasblessed @gwynethhberdara @in-a-world-of-fandoms @prentisswrites @princesslrh
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ghost of you | steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: steve harrington comes to the realization that he needs you more than anything. if only he had come to that realization before he lost you forever. 
warnings: breakup, angst, drinking, depression, hopeful ending
wordcount: 2.05k
author's note: this fic is based off ghost of you by 5sos, and i hope you enjoy it! i started writing this like back in february and just decided to finish it up now, so there might be random gaps in there just lmk lol. if you'd like a part two, let me know!
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Steve couldn’t sleep as well as he did before. Weeks of tossing and turning could no longer be blamed on a supposedly lumpy mattress. Dustin and Robin had told him time and time again that if he wanted a new mattress he could simply buy a new one. But the mattresses at the store were missing something. They didn’t come with the faint smell of your shampoo, or the wrinkles in the sheets from when you last slept over. 
Nearly two months had passed since you were here, yet everything remained the same in Steve’s bedroom. Your side of the bed was untouched. No matter how much Steve insisted he was getting over you, he still refused to sleep on your side of the bed. 
Steve rolled out of bed and dragged his feet down the stairs. The floors creaked with every heavy step until he made it down to the kitchen. Dust coated the countertop from lack of use aside from a plate of uneaten food here and there. Robin always made sure Steve had food - she’d stop by the local pizzeria at times and buy him a slice. But as soon as she’d leave, he’d push away the plate and go back to bed. 
Steve sat down on the barstool and sighed to himself. To his right sat a half empty cup of coffee. There was nothing special about the cup, it was just a blue cup with a faded “world’s okay-est dad” printed on it from the kids last holiday. But to Steve, it was your cup. Your lipstick was still stained on the rim, faint but still there. God, you didn’t live together officially back then, yet you had designated the left side of the bed and Steve’s yellow sweatshirt as yours, not that Steve minded, though. He loved you, adored you, even. 
If only he told you that when it mattered most. 
Steve wasn’t sure why he gave into Robin and Nancy’s idea. Perhaps it was because he was such a pushover for the kids, that nature transferred to them as well. Nonetheless, Steve was heavily regretting it. 
Now, all of Steve’s house was being deeply cleaned to a near perfect state. Nancy suggested throwing a party to get Steve “out of his funk,” as she put it. Anything to help improve his mood, but in reality Steve wanted to do anything but party. He couldn’t when you weren’t by his side, making sure he didn’t drink too much or that he had enough water and food in his stomach. Not when you weren’t pulling him to the middle of the room to dance like no one was watching, or whispering in his ear that you had enough socializing for one night. Those moments, he would look into your eyes and not break away when he called out to everyone that the party was over. Because you were everything to him and anything you said goes. That is until he broke things off with you. 
Why did he ever end things? 
Steve’s mind was racing as he absentmindedly swept the living room floor, dust accumulating at his feet. He didn’t hear Robin’s voice calling out to him until she was literally in front of him, shaking his shoulders. The boy snapped out of his thoughts, flinching at his friend’s rough shaking. 
“Jesus, Rob,” he shook his head. “What do you want?”
Robin rolled her eyes at his hostility and crossed her arms on her chest. “Nancy called,” she deadpanned. “She did the laundry and found a bunch of old crap. She wants to know if she can throw them out or donate them.”
Steve sighed, running his fingers through his uncommonly flat, greasy hair. He had forgotten to shower -once again- but he made a mental note to do so once he finished cleaning the house. “It’s probably my mom’s stuff. I’ll go down to check it out.” 
Handing the broom and dustpan to his friend, Steve casually walked downstairs to meet Nancy. And at that moment, he felt as though his entire world collapsed in front of him. In a way, his world really did. 
Nancy was crouched by the dryer, folding clothes and sorting them as she pleased. At her side was a lime green basket full of Steve’s old sweatshirts and jeans he once had haphazardly strewn across his bedroom floor. Sitting on top of the pile was a faded black Led Zeppelin shirt. The design was barely there anymore, and you could barely make out the words on it. But that didn’t matter to Steve. That was your shirt and not Nancy’s to touch. 
“Hey Steve,” she greeted without looking up from her work. “I set aside a pile of–” 
“What did you do?” Steve yelled, his voice raspy and broken from lack of use. He scrambled to the ground and reached for his band t-shirt. The worn material was thin and frail in his hands, almost to a point where he could pull a thread from the hem and the entire shirt would fall apart. 
Nancy shot up in alarm, not expecting his frantic reaction. “I-I did the laundry-”
“NO!” he cried out. He brought the article of clothing to his nose, desperately trying to smell you, find you, in the shirt but to no avail. All that he could smell was the stupid detergent from the convenience store. 
Tears streamed down his face and onto the cotton, quickly absorbing it and darkening the shirt color. “That was all I had of her,” he sobbed. “How could you, I-I” 
Robin ran down into the laundry room at the sound of Steve yelling. “What’s going on here?” she called, racing to meet her friends. “Nancy what happened?” 
The poor girl only shrugged her shoulders. “I was just finishing up the laundry and Steve flipped out. Something about a memento?” 
Robin stared down at the broken man before her. She could barely recognize him anymore. He was a wreck without you. “y/n’s shirt,” was all Robin could say. 
Closing his eyes, Steve could barely make out the image of you in the rain. You had yet another quarrel with your family and ended up at his doorstep. The fuzzy memory replayed in his head, how you were out of breath from running across town to him, looking for him. How he held you the entire night while you wore that shirt since your original clothes were wet and muddy. You clung to him as if he were your lifeline, and he held you with the same regard. They always said you two were too young to know what love felt or meant. No one understood or felt your hurt the way he did. That’s what made you perfect for each other.
And that’s what made you each other’s poison. 
The debacle was resolved once Steve had fallen asleep in his room, locking himself away for the rest of the afternoon until cleaning had completed. Robin had consoled Nancy after she kicked herself for her mistake, but there was nothing that could be done afterwards. Something Steve had forgotten was that they had lost a friend as well. If he wasn’t your person, Nancy was, the girl glued to the hip wherever you went. And Robin was a little sister to you, the kids, too. You were an essential part of your little group. And now you’re just gone. 
Soon enough, the party started and the Harrington Manor was filled to the brim with drunk high school students or popular has-beens. No one quite knew how they managed to get in, but no one stopped them or cared for that matter. It was a long shot, but Eddie, Nancy, and Robin were grasping at straws to get their Steve back. If a party to reminisce old times brings back his cheerful spark, then they were willing to buy all the booze Hawkins could supply. 
Steve stood by himself in the corner of the main room of the house, nursing his third can of beer of the hour. He was silent, despite the many people coming up in their drunken stupor to greet the supposed host of the party. All he could manage was a fake smile and nod to bore them off. 
All of a sudden, he caught a glimpse of a familiar color of hair. He whipped his head around to follow the shadow, only for it to disappear into the crowd. Steve hurried to push through waves of people dancing to music Steve could only describe as pure trash, to find what he was looking for. After all, could it be? After two months, could a party bring you back to him? 
“y/n!” Steve shouted out, his voice drowned out in the blaring music. “y/n!” 
The shadow did not stop, but neither did Steve. Steve followed it to the backyard, shouting and stumbling as the alcohol in his system began to take over. 
“Steve!” a voice shouted behind him. Steve finally stopped to turn around and see Max staring back at him in disbelief. “What the hell are you yelling about?”
Steve’s hands trembled as he grabbed Max’s shoulders. “y/n,” he whispered. “I saw her, I swore I saw her here. She was right there, I-” 
“Steve,” Max sighed. “She’s not here. She never was.” The teen pointed out at the garden and pool, seeing no one in sight. Truth be told, absolutely no one was there. Not in the party, nor the backyard. Steve’s grief had taken him by storm. Max feared the worst for him.
The party finally ended in the early hours of the morning. Steve woke up on the sticky floor of his manor to the sound of his doorbell ringing. The night was a blur to him. He could barely recall when the party started, much as when it ended. There were flashes of blaring lights and music in Steve’s intoxicated mind. His friends had tried to stop him from drinking himself stupid. At one point, Eddie had to catch him off the kitchen counter when he thought he could crowd surf. To put it shortly, his friends had gotten extremely upset with him and left not long after. Not that Steve cared, though. The alcohol in his system and neverending dread prevented him from caring. 
“I can’t keep doing this anymore, Steve,” Robin had yelled over the loud music. Their friends nodded solemnly behind her. “We can’t keep letting you sulk and drink yourself to death. But we can’t help you when you can’t help yourself.”
“Like I care,” Steve slurred, stumbling over himself. Trashy beer dribbled down his chin, onto his expensive sweater. “I didn’t ask you guys to help me. I didn’t ask you to wash her shirt, or clean her side of the bed. I didn’t ask you to help me forget her.” 
“We aren’t telling you to forget her,” Dustin sighed for the millionth time that night. “We just want you to go back to normal.”
Steve plopped down against the wall, his head creating a thud noise against it. “How can I?” he began to cry. “I see her everywhere. It’s like her ghost is still here, dancing through the house.” His friends stared down at him feeling absolutely helpless. The young teens watched pitifully. Steve was their rock throughout it all. He was the strongest person they knew, but now he was broken in a million pieces and there was nothing they could do. 
And now, Steve clumsily stood up and kicked around empty beer cans as he approached the door. 
“Alright,” he grumbled, thinking it was one of his friends. He knew he had to apologize for the things he said that night, but he was hoping he’d get a chance to get over his hangover first. 
The doorbell rang one more time, causing Steve to wince at the pinging noise. “I heard you the first time, for fuck’s sake,” he yelled out. Unlocking the door, the door swung open to reveal not Nancy, or Dustin, or even Robin for that matter. 
“Stevie,” you whispered, teary eyed. You were wearing his yellow sweatshirt and hadn’t changed a bit. From your hair to your stature. You were still his girl.
“y/n,” Steve gasped out.
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huckleberrykai · 1 year
°˖✧ huckleberrykai's masterlist ✧˖°
last updated: 22.10.2023 requests + suggestions: open! pls give me some i beg
tomorrow x together ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
ot5 headcannons + mini fics:
➵ crush crush crush ~ [what are they like when they have a crush on you?]
➵ our song ~ [mini scenarios based on taylor swift lyrics!]
➵ let's dance the night away ~ [prom with our fav boys!]
➵ call me baby ~ [nicknames you give them!]
➵ there's food at home ~ [txt as dads!]
➵ why's it spicy? ~ [txt vs your plumping lip gloss]
➵ squish ~ [txt reacting to their chubby gf in a tight outfit]
choi yeonjun:
➵ lost ~ [when yeonjun finds a lost child in the park while trying to clear his head, he goes on a quest to find her mom.]
➵ found ~ [after that day in the park, yeonjun decides he wants to keep you both around for a long time. - part 2 to lost!]
➵ i did something bad ~ [if you're on opposite sides, then why does it feel so good to be with him? - mafia au]
➵ dance with me ~ [trying to confess to your dance class partner on valentines day is more overwhelming than you originally thought.]
➵ are you still watching? ~ [after a long tour away from his baby, yeonjun doesn't wanna pay attention to the netflix show you were watching. - SMUT 18+ ONLY !]
➵ picturesque ~ [you go on a cute date with your boyfriend, who just so happened to bring his new camera.]
➵ never been kissed ~ [your new boyfriend just wants some smooches, but you aren't sure how to tell him you've never been kissed.]
➵ comfy cozy ~ [yeonjun gets a little handsy when you surprise him with an early autumn cozy getaway for his birthday. - SMUT 18+ ONLY !]
choi soobin:
➵ sacrifice ~ [you spill a drink on a very pretty man in a club ~ inspired by sacrifice by bebe rexha]
➵ superstar ~ [when soobin gets the opportunity to work with you, he can't help but feel nervous.]
➵ birthday bunny ~ [just two tired horny lovers messily helping each other out. - SMUT 18+ ONLY !]
➵ fight for you ~ [on your 21st birthday coronation day, you finally get to meet the knight you've been admiring for so long.]
choi beomgyu:
➵ not so secret ~ [secretly dating someone in a house of six people isn't easy - especially when you wander out of his bedroom wearing nothing but his shirt.]
➵ call it what you want ~ [when you and beomgyu start dating, you aren't sure how to tell your brother soobin.]
➵ i wouldn't ask you to take care of me ~ [after returning from your honeymoon, you already have to put your vows to the test.]
kang taehyun:
➵ tae-tok [when your boyfriend is always touring or busy, you settle for the next best thing. tiktok boyfriend edits that his fans make.]
➵ the virtue's in the verse ~ [you become a secret admirer to the boy who never responds to your flirts]
➵ missing you ~ [taehyun wanted to surprise you by coming home early, but it turns out he got home just in time. - SMUT 18+ ONLY !]
huening kai:
➵ here's to teenage memories ~ [you meet a cute boy on vacation ~ inspired by kiss me kiss me by 5SOS <3]
➵ i thought we were in love already? ~ [kai tries to think of ways to get you to like him, unbeknownst to him you've been in love with him the whole time.]
➵ you smell nice ~ [kai notices his hoodies going missing, and it isn't until he visits your apartment to stay for the weekend that he realises where they all went.]
➵ toaster strudel ~ [kai wants to frost his favourite pastry before he eats it <3 - SMUT 18+ ONLY !]
➵ pizza lover ~ [sick of playing cat and dog, kai gives you a little push to cross the barrier of best friends to more <3]
➵ can't keep my hands to myself ~ [your first time with your sweet boyfriend who can't help but think about your pretty hands - SMUT 18+ ONLY !]
➵ cat and dog ~ [despite being so different, your friends think your black cat and golden retriever dynamic with your boyfriend is adorable.]
➵ memories ~ [of course being best friends with your boyfriend's sister means premium access to his childhood videos.]
➵ video games ~ [gamer bf!kai x sanrio gf!reader ~ headcanons and texts]
➵ all mine ~ [kai never considered himself the jealous type. not until he met you.]
➵ laundry basket ~ [when kai finds his sweet precious girl with his dirty shirt in her face and her hand down her pants he has to teach her a lesson. - SMUT 18+ ONLY !]
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blueberry-ovaries · 9 months
thank you for the tag @grumpy-liebgott !!
Mads / Blue
She / They
Aquarius ♒️
1 younger brother! A fun fact about him is that he is a musician! he’s a really good drummer, and can pretty much play songs by listening to them once!
1 dog and his name is Cisco, after Cisco from The Flash TV show
Band of brothers (obviously!). But I love Marvel, DC, Star wars, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, COD… yeah i love a lot of things
Blue. So much so i’ve made it my theme and name :)
That’s tough because i have a lot of favourites… But one i’ve had on repeat a lot recently is Breakin’ dishes by Rhianna!
@malarkgirlypop @footprintsinthesxnd @next-autopsy @mads-weasley (plus all my other friends who write! (i just have shocking name recollection ))
Oscar Wilde! The picture of Dorian Gray
Holly Jackson! A Good Girls Guide to Muder
I love me a good “they’re both in love but don’t realise”… Like they both are so in love with each other but don’t think the other one is… and it’s just so fluffy
sunshine x grumpy???? that’s my shit right there
Can’t go past Christmas! now especially because i’ve been enjoying the people i’ve spent it with the last few years :))
i wish, i am literally the most awkward person in existence… i’m also like unable to tell when people are flirting with me
I play netball and softball! just socially, not competitively (any more) which also means my joints are shit.
I also love to read and bake! which are things my parents passed down, my dad loves to read an my mum loves to bake, and bakes with me a bunch!
- i’m not sure if this is a fun fact, but all my joints crack or pop. At some stage of the day i can crack any joint.
- i’ve seen one direction when 5sos opened for them in concert!
- i can sing the entirety of ‘baby got back’ by Sir-Mix-A-Lot… no i don’t know how i learned it
NON PRESSURE TAGS: @malarkgirlypop @mads-nixon @executethyself35 @whollyjoly @ronald-speirs @ronsparky
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joemamadotcoma · 2 years
My dad and eddie are pretty similar, like both grew up metal heads and in a trailer park. I’m pretty sure my dad and eddie are supposed to be the same age. As much as I love those fics where steve and eddies kids all share some mixture of love for each of their interests both metal and sports. But I need a fic where at least one of their kids hates “old man music” and loves one direction, 5sos, or og justin beiber. Eddie is forced to like this kinda music because what is he gonna do be a bad dad? No but if his kid calls his music taste one more time he might just lose his silly little mind. Steve finds it hilarious, until the kid makes fun of his music taste and tells him he’s basic. And then as his smart ass kid grows up and matures they grow an appreciation for old man music and the culture that grows from it, and even though eddie has grown to love his kid’s trash music taste (even going as far to appreciate some band called rainbow kitten surprise) he is glad he can enjoy his metal bands and even steves basic music taste with their kid.
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theemporium · 7 months
4 and can you tell us a bit about the plot/pairings? love ya
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
well i have seventeen wips that i am like...actively writing? if that makes sense? i am gonna put a wee read more so i don't clog up people's dash
formula one:
daniel x sunshine timeline: this is just a oneshot that explores the journey of their relationship and the most important moments that led to their relationship, including daniel almost retiring and sunshine being the one to help him find his love for racing before they even start dating
max and trouble's five stages: it's a oneshot that is split into the five stages of their relationship developing including their meeting, the pining, the acceptance, the confessing and the falling
lando x angel origin: it's the intro one shot into the angelverse that explores how lando found out about her camgirl job and how it led to them confessing their feelings (set before the angst of her job being revealed to the general public)
carlos x butterfly 5+1: it's a really bittersweet comfort fic on the five times over the relationship where carlos stood up for butterfly and the one time she really realises her own self-worth and stands up for herself
charles x blitz fwb: just a smut oneshot that starts their story with the friends with benefits dynamic because they are stupid and in denial
sugar daddy charles: this is the plot i spoke about ages ago where he needs someone to make his image look good and she needs money to pay for uni so they meet through a website. but of course they fall in love!
oscar x sainz!reader: this follows the story of how carlos' younger sister ends up in an enemies with benefits dynamic with the one driver that irritates her brother to no end. oscar always thinks she's a brat too but they come to realise how wrong they both are about each other
lando x piastri!reader: this is also the lando x black cat fic where he meets oscar's sister at the silverstone gp and becomes obsessed even if she doesn't seem so taken. based off 'english love affair' by 5sos
lestappen soulmate au: this is the fic where lestappen find out they are soulmates when they are young in karting but j*s verstappen and internalised homophobia keeps them apart. but there is a glitch and they have a third soulmate who is the reader, a famous singer they meet during a grand prix. it's how she helps bridge the gap formed between the two boys over the years and is quite max focused, showing his journey to accept the love his dad convinced him he didn't deserve from both his partners
lestappen x vettel!reader: this follows charles and reader dealing with the heartbreak when their partner (pierre) publicly cheats on them. max ends up being the friend that grounds them and slowly they all fall in love, but of course they act stupid about it and sebastian is a very tired father
charles heather fic: this is the fic based off 'heather' by conan gray. it follows charles pining after his teammate who is always falling in love with men who don't deserve her. and he doesn't understand how the whole world loves him except the one girl he actually wants
quinn x luke's bff!reader part two: this is a follow up from the original one shot, except it goes into how everyone finds out about the couple. luke is obviously the last one to find out but i think it's pretty fun that trevor ends up accidentally being the first
brat tamer nico: a smut fic that is based around nico closing off everyone so the reader pushing his buttons and being an absolute brat until he finally lets out the frustration he has been feeling over a disappointing season (but it's lowkey turning more sad than hot right now ngl)
nico x spanish love deception au: loosely based around the book but it follows nico being the reader's fake boyfriend/date to her friend's wedding where she knows her cheating ex is going to attend. overall, very cute and fluffy (and unfortunately, i did not finish it in time for valentines)
frat!nicojack: this is the fic where frat president nico definitely plays favourites and has a soft spot for new pledge jack. but it's fine because so does his girlfriend and all it takes is a few too many shots at a frat party celebrating their last win for all the feelings to come out and nico to fuck them both dumb
nico x medic!reader: in which an injury brings nico closer to the team medic who believes she isn't worth loving and is too difficult to love because of her past. instead, he shows her that her parents' mistakes do not reflect her and she is very easy to love if she lets him in
nico x writer!fic: this one is still (mostly) in the planning stages but follows an author who is experiencing a slump in her writing. who would have thought a six foot two swiss man would be the solution to her finding her inspo back? still to be decided whether it's set in jersey or in switzerland like a proper romcom moment
hockey!james: just a wee fic of james falling head over heels for lily's roommate at uni. however, his way in ends up being a really odd deal where he helps her in bed after she has troubles finishing and she helps him with a class (but sike, he isn't failing but he needed an excuse to get closer to her without outwardly admitting his feelings and scaring her away)
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Kinky/Smutty Fic Titles Masterlist
Beg (ao3) - FayeHunter michael/luke E, 3k
Summary: The first thing Michael hears when he opens the hotel door is a broken off desperate moan.
Or Michael and his boyfriend have a little fun
Be good for your daddies, boys. (5sos foursome) (ao3) - orphan_account ot4 N/R, 3k
Summary: 5sos have a foursome after realising how much they turn each other on.
Daddy’s little slut (ao3) - Sara_Hood calum/ashton N/R, 2k
Summary: Calum has been a bad boy that needs punishment
Dicks, Desks, & Lace Panties (ao3) - screamssetonfire michael/luke E, 2k
Summary: assistant!Luke likes to wear lace panties and show them off to his boss, ceo!Michael.
Do You Wanna Fuck? (Yes I Wanna Do These Nasty Things With You) (ao3) - Migs ot4 E, 2k
Summary: Calum was in a search of spatula but all he has found was Luke playing with himself.
Eager to Please (ao3) - howtotrainyourpup ot4, luke/ashton E, 5k
Summary: Ashton is Luke’s baby. His cupcake, his little lion. There is nothing in the world that Luke wouldn’t do for Ashton, he prided himself on being the best Daddy he could be when he was needed, and the best boyfriend he could be the rest of the time. Their relationship, while unconventional, is happy and safe and full of trust both spoken and unspoken. Calum and Michael understand, they’ve made a safe zone for the boys that could never be recreated and is worth more than gold.
or, Ashton slips and helps out all his boys instead of only Luke just this once? i don’t know
Fucking You Like I Should (ao3) - ComplexityIsTheOnlyWayToHaveSimplicity michael/calum, luke/ashton E, 3k
Summary: Calum’s feeling a little naughty but with Michael stuck in a meeting what’s the poor baby to do? If he has a little fun Michael can’t be mad at that. Calum won’t complain when Michael join’s the fun either.
good pup (ao3) - orphan_account calum/ashton E, 1k
Summary: calum doesn’t speak when hes in his headspace, so to show him what he wants, he leans forward to nuzzle his nose against ashtons crotch. ashton definitely knows what calum wants now.
I Love The Way You Talk On Top Of Me (ao3) - mukeftlashton Michael/Luke E, 3k
Summary: “You look stunning, princess. Absolutely beautiful,” Michael whispers against his lips, his fingers tracing over the lace trim, causing Luke to shiver. He brings them lower, brushing over the black garters before he pulls on one, letting it snap back against Luke’s pale thigh, causing the blonde boy to let out a low moan.
It’s Luke’s birthday, and all he wants is a pair of lace panties.
Kinky (ao3) - wastedheartmuke michael/luke M, 43k
Summary: While moving into their new apartment, Luke finds a list of kinks Michael wants to try.
Seems like vanilla sex isn’t enough for his boyfriend, but is Luke willing to try some kinky things?
Kitten (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton M, 4k
Summary: Ashton’s allergic to cats, so he decides to make Luke his substitue.
Knee Socks, Sweaters, & Kitten Boys (ao3) - KiribakuBabe michael/luke E, 5k
Summary: The one where Luke loves wearing stockings whenever Michael isn’t home and then he gets caught wearing them..
lay your hands on me (ao3) - cliffakitten luke/ashton E, 3k
Summary: Luke always liked them because they made him feel pretty, like he had always wanted to be but now he feels something else. Something he never thought he would ever get to feel until right now, right now when Ashton snaps the elastic of the panties against his skin. Luke feels slutty.
And he loves it.
Mikey’s kink (ao3) - Directioner_Jcats_5sosfam michael/luke E, 4k
Summary: Basically, Michaels want’s to try a few kinks, and Luke want to help.
Oh You Know That Tonight I’m Fucking You (You’re So Damn Pretty) (ao3) - Migs luke/ashton E, 6k
Summary: The one where Luke says “Daddy can you pass the salt?” and Ashton and Luke’s dad both reach for it.
Ride (On You Baby) (ao3) - bylime michael/ashton E, 3k
Summary: It’s a hotel night and Ashton has big plans for Michael and him.
rock out with your cock out (ao3) - reject_mikeyy ot4 M, 1k
Summary: the boys get assigned to do a project together, although not very much work occurs
she’s daddy’s favorite (ao3) - mashton luke/ashton E, 1k
Summary: “Have you been good today, princess?”
taste you on my tongue (ao3) - booksteaandcake michael/luke, michael/luke/ashton N/R, 2k
Summary: Mr Irwin has an unusual punishment for Michael’s bullying behaviour towards Luke…
Yes Daddy (ao3) - cinnamonhood ot4 M, 2k
Summary: Luke and Calum are caught breaking the rules and are punished by their daddies.
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monzabee · 7 months
i was wondering if you associate any songs with the drivers? other than the obvious ones like smooth operator or that one friday song. just more like “this is written about them” or “this song is their vibe”
there’s this song my boyfriend loves called CHERIE by darius and it reminds me of charles. also taylor swift’s sparks fly for some reason? i think it’s the green eyes lyric. plus feather by sabrina carpenter and karma by taylor. HES TAYLOR CODED TO ME??? and im honestly not even her HUGEST fan so idk why. anyways, these are more songs that remind me of him then ones he’d listen to.
adele reminds me of lando cause i can just fully imagine him knowing every adele song. also greedy by tate mcrae, never be like you (idk who that’s by), blame it by t-pain (i literally have no reason for this one😭), meet me halfway by the black eyed peas, and we found love by rihanna. oh and fireball by pitbull
dangerous woman by ariana, fetish by selena gomez, and moonlight by kali uchis for carlos
voulez-vous by abba and mamas boy by dominic fike (maybe cause it says maxa maxa million or maybe cause the sad tiktok edits) for max.
the real slim shady and without me for seb vettel
5SOS always gives me danny ric but i think that’s cause i accidentally mentally mashed all my fav aussie’s together. also life is a highway and this one rap song i actually got FROM him that’s so stupid but it’s like “i feel real good today.” paper planes by m.i.a and sunflower vol 6 by harry.
i have so many more but this is too long already. i’ll end it by saying i genuinely think the entire sport of F1 gives viva la vida and that “all the birds of a feather” rio song
i do totally agree that charles is taylor swift coded, but i was listening to folklore the other day and he's so mirrorball coded and it definitely breaks my heart, but i also feel like mirrorball can also be fitting for a lot of other drivers😭 he's also so fearless coded if you know what i mean😭 but i feel like adele is more charles' lane because he's a sad boy at heart and he said he does enjoy her music👀
GREEDY BY TATE MCRAE IS SO LANDO CODED AND I WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT IT EVER😭 for some reason i do associate a lot of olivia rodrigo's songs with lando, at least the upbeat ones, like i feel like he's just a teenage girl at heart and i love him for that. also, in a weird way unwritten by natasha bedingfield reminds me so much of lando, i guess he also gives me romcom vibes🫠
i've been saying this for months, i even have fic based off of it that i have to finish but maroon by taylor swift is carlos coded!! i do have to finish that fic but yeah😭 also, he's so lana coded?? like million dollar man, off to the races, lust for life... HE EXUDES OLD MONEY ENERGY FOR SOME REASON (probably because he kinda is)
there's this one song that my dad used to play for me called sun goes down by david jordan and i associate that song with seb a lot, but honestly he can be anything coded really?? taylor swift? fits. eminem? also fits because he used to be a little menace. i also kinda think panic! at the disco and seb could be a vibe🫡
to me daniel is definitely country coded and that's it😂 like i'm talking dolly parton😭 9 to 5? definitely his anthem. also, PITBULL😭
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allsassnoclass · 7 months
1, 7, and 10 ?
HI JESS!!!! :D
1. Which of your fics would you keep the basic plot of but rewrite completely? oooooo this is interesting.... oh wait it's probably Meet Me Under the Mistletoe. It's not a bad fic, but it's definitely not my strongest, which makes sense given that i wrote it over 3 years ago and i've grown a lot as a writer. Plus, it was my longest 5sos fic at the time and i rushed it because i wanted to get it out for christmas. it's fake dating so i'm not mad at the plot or anything, but the writing itself could use some work and i could write it a lot better now.
7. Your favourite ao3 tag. i really like fun, fandom-specific ones!!! "no beta we die like [insert dead character from the fandom]" is one that i like just because it feels like a little community inside joke, except the community is the entire fandom side of the internet. other ones that come to mind are "Christopher Diaz has Two Dads" from the 911 fandom and "Good Babysitter Steve Harrington" from Stranger Things, just as examples of two fandom-specific ones that have been standardized due to enough people utilizing them. i like seeing what trends are prevalent in each fandom's fanfics based on what ao3 tags are often used! i find it fun!
10. Top three favourite fic tropes. oh you KNOW that fake dating is coming up at number one! i go hog wild for fake dating stories. that's the favorite trope of all time for me. more a general trope than specifically a fic trope, but found family is another one that i absolutely love. give me a group of people who form an unbreakable bond of love and trust and deep, profound friendship! if it's a romance fic i hope that friendship still has a big place in it (especially for 5sos if it isn't a romantic ot4). for the third one, let's say hurt/comfort. i've been really liking that trope lately!
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twopoppies · 2 years
Hi! I'm looking for a fic and can't find it for my life. (TRIGGER WARNING) plot: they're in high school, Louis has a strict Christian family, Harry is with single mom and selfharms and alcoholic bc had past experience where he was hatecrimed, they get together, Louis' (step?)dad finds out and sends him to conversion therapy, some 5sos guy is there too (Ashton maybe), they get louis back and he's traumatized and then they get back together in a dramatic scene in abandoned church
Hmmmm. I don’t know if I’ve read this one. I can think of three fics that involve conversion therapy, but I don’t think any fit the other details.
Can anyone pinpoint this fic for us?
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nyoomfruits · 1 year
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask :
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
💞 Who's your comfort character?
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Thank you very much and have a good day 🧡
aaaah thank you!!! <3
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
i mean i tend to write pretty fluffy romcom-y stuff so not really? i did write a zombie au 5sos fic once that was pretty devestating but overall my stuff is pretty lighthearted haha
the most heartbreaking scene however (from my f1 catalogue specifically) is i think the 'jullie calls max dad' scene from you'll be alright like writing that just made me :((((((
💞 Who's your comfort character?
max i love max he is soooo easy to write to me i love himmmm
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
general dead dove do not eat stuff mostly? i mean i dont think i really have a trope that i hate specifically that i would never write.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
miscommunications i ALWAYS add miscommunications like in glitch i was trying so hard to for once not do a third act miscommunication like i always do and i sort of succeeded but also guess what happens in the last scene i just wrote??? a miscommunication. i will never escape this trope truly
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buck2eddie · 1 year
hiii simi!! thank you for sending these <33
1. What made you start the show?
ok so 911 is one of those shows i kept seeing on tumblr, but since i never really watch those types of shows and the fact that im very squeamish i wasn't too pressed to see it. but i did have friends over here that watched it and i knew some stuff about it!!! the thing though that really got me watching it is the fact that i just really wanted to read buddie fics!!! i heard from my friends that they're great and my other fandom was rather small in that department so i was like ok. i need to watch this show now (cause for some reason my brain will not let me read fics for stuff i don't know the source material). so the fact that @myfalsedevotion and @buckleyseddie already have been watching it, @pxrxmoore basically getting everyone in the 5sos fandom into this show by doing better promotion for it than fox ever could, and then also finding out @cowboy-buck started watching it i was like alrighty then it's TIME!!! peer pressure really does work <333 and here i was after binging 5 seasons (and a few episodes from s6) in two and a half weeks with a new side blog for a network tv series lmao!!! wouldn't have it any other way <3
29. Favorite season opener?
i think the s3 one is EXCELLENT!!!! whether we're talking only about the first scene with the kid in his dad's car that the breaks won't work and having IN THE AIR TONIGHT blasting the drums just at the perfect moment, or just all around that episode being amazing and ending with the fucking TSUNAMI reveal!!!!!! lives were CHANGED!!! nothing topped that one for me <3
send me weewoo asks <3
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
🍦 & 🎶
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
I truly don't know, I have a lot of fluffy fics... Maybe the whole Gender Reveal universe. Dad! Gavi is a really cute concept that we all love.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Yes, I do. Helps me get inspo. Me, Myself and I by 5SOS has been on my mind a lot these past weeks so much I'm doing a fic of it! I'm loving it so far
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