#da2 dragon age
demonic-dorito · 1 year
And I do wonder if Leandra subconsciously resents Hawke?? Like she was a young noble lady beloved by her parents and ended up running away with a mage for love, only to be forced to confront the reality of being a runaway. I wonder if leandra subconsciously projects her disillusionment onto Hawke as if it’s somehow their fault as a way to avoid confronting it herself. It would explain why Hawke is the expendable one, and why Hawke was expected to be the primary provider and take care of the family after Malcolm died, and why Leandra blamed one of the twin’s death on Hawke (bc if you believe Hawke is the expendable one, it should have been Hawke in the ogre’s grasp).
Idk if I’ve already said this before bc I’m obsessed with it but think about Leandra’s last words to Hawke. “I’ve always been so proud of you.” I wonder if this is Leandra actually saying that Hawke lived up to their role well. And this is heavily Hawke-dependent, but how does Hawke take this? Struggling their whole life with a mother who primarily views them through the lens of what hawke can do for the unit she actually views as being her family, only to have her last words to be about that. I wonder if there’s ever been a moment in Hawke’s life where they feel like they were loved by their mother. And how in Leandra’s eyes, saying that Hawke lived up to their role well could very well be her definition of love, and how heartbreaking that is for Leandra as a character (like grappling with being the golden child who also ran away from her family, tarnishing their reputation with scandal?? And then having her parents afterwards be so cold to her that she honestly believes they took her out of their will????? The guilt she must feel??????? How this would intensify the resentment she subconsciously feels for Hawke, not being able to grapple with choosing herself and the man she loves over following roles to the bitter end?????????????)
And of course this is highly speculative so if this doesn’t match your interpretation of Leandra that’s 100% okay
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yokelish · 4 months
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
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broke: everyone calls Hawke by surname bc the game can't get people to say your custom name
woke: nobody in Kirkwall knows Hawke's first name
(commission info // tip jar!)
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fuckusolas · 4 months
✔️ cursed production
✔️ last minute name change
✔️ focus on relationship with companions
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galacticsabc · 3 months
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I.... I don't know why I made this comic.
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shadovvheart · 4 months
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isabela sketches to get into the summer mood ☀️
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kirbles · 5 months
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wonder what's down here
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adactaaries · 2 months
It wasn’t going well, yes, Anders?
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beebundt · 1 month
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the only throuple. ever !!!
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albaharu · 1 month
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did you know if you support merrill in her act 2 mission you get rivalry points with everyone except isabela and varric. anyway merrill support team no one is gonna be mean to her on my watch
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swordbisexual · 2 months
God I love Dragon Age 2. You live in crime city. Your found family is bisexual and hates each other. There are no good endings. Game of all time and I’ve only just started act two.
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sparemoon · 3 months
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chanafehs · 19 days
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da2 posting again. I'm so normal about Merrill
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yakowo · 2 months
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silly flynn rider redraw with hawke
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sitoric · 3 months
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quick fenris cause i started to replay dragon age series
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arcane-gold · 3 months
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death • rebirth
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