asscrasher · 8 months
People keep hating on Boruto for using a bunch of flats instead of more detailed rendering but I’m never not thinking about trees
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Boruto: Two Blue Vortex #6
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freespiritlilith · 1 year
Where are there like any lilith devotees to be devilish with hellooooo S.O.S. Lilith worshippers idolaters et cetera baddies HELLOOOO lets b friendz<3
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lilpuki3 · 2 years
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Sirius Gateway 'The Egyptian Neters' Talon Abraxas
Symbolism’s almost Qabalah-like concept of the universe can be stated concisely as ‘That which is in Heaven, on Earth and in the Dwat’. This formula provides a framework of Three Worlds – the Celestial, the Terrestrial and an Intermediate World between Heaven and Earth, through which the Divine descended or emanated, the causal powers manifesting as the Neters. In the Terrestrial World, or Earth, the Neters manifest as Nature.
In addition, a Mystery element was further understood by the Egyptian initiates. The Neters were also within humanity – ‘the Kingdom of Heaven is within’. A conscious awareness/awakening of this Mystery could be achieved through an effective rite. This was one of the objectives of the priestly sages with their Temple neophytes.
The Three Worlds can be very roughly (and I emphasise ‘roughly’) parallelled with the Tree of Life:
The Three Supernals = The Celestial, or Heaven, World Da’ath = The Dwat (or Duat), the Intermediate World Malkuth = The Earth, or Terrestrial World
The Egyptian Neters:
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tenebrisdivina · 8 months
Lord Abaddon
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artist: Jang Yeunjae on artstation
Disclaimer: Lord Abaddon who I am connecting with and is my patron (as with the other demonic divine I mention on this blog) is from an outer realm multiverse (spoken about in more detail elsewhere on my blog.) This information and gnosis about Lord Abaddon is from the level that I am connecting with Him on. It is my belief that there are multiple individual beings who appear under the same “name” – especially with the demonic divine (also explained in more detail in other posts). So basically, who I am connecting with and the level that I do, is not likely who others are connecting with- since most practitioners or those working with demons connect with inner realm beings. There is a striking energetic difference among other things.
Side note on angels: Angels/angelic beings (especially in the outer realms- are not what humans typically think of) are not all aligned with light or such inner realm beings- like the earthen realm “yahweh” or even other gods. Angels often are aligned with a source well/point – as it was explained to me, not a deity in particular. It also may not even be so “distinct” as that. This is also true of outer multiverse Fallen Angels. This however is a complex topic and I digress
Lord Abaddon as I know Him is the Dark Lord and High Lord of the Abyssal Angels (species of dark angelic beings). Lord Abaddon is an angelic being. Energy wise He is at base an Abyssal Angel (this is not a fallen angel though) and does not carry at His core demonic energy. However, He is suffused with and often permeates and presents with a more demonic energy. There is an interesting mix of energies, but at His core Lord Abaddon is still an angelic being. He has no connection to Apollo either- especially since Lord Abaddon is an outer realm being.
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One of Lord Abaddon’s main territories is the Aether above the Abyss. The ethereal realm that resides over the watery abyss-which is Lord Leviathans domain. There are multiple “abyss’s” in existence- some more inner realm- which includes earthen and associated areas. The one I am speaking of here is the Outer Multiverse Realm area/world - which is basically vast oceans. In the Outer Multiverse where these demonic divine beings are- the nature of the environment where the different species/groups reside in- informs Their species energies, behaviour, and personal traits in quite a direct way. For example, generally Abyssal beings among other things; are known to have great emotional intelligence, interpretation, understanding and mastery. This is also the case with Lord Abaddon and the Abyssal Angels. Because They reside above the Abyss, They carry the emotional intelligence and mastery of the Abyssal beings, however there is also a more aerial intellectual aspect to this as well, then just pure emotional mastery and intelligence. Given the aetheric aspects the Abyssal Angels also culminate Knowledge and Wisdom and are very well learned and excellent teachers, as well as being formidable warriors. Most have especial interest in more forbidden and hidden learnings and mysteries.
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In the inner realms the Abyss can correspond to the internal abyss and emotional depths, an abyssal area and “journey/practice” as in “crossing the abyss” or the Qliphotic sphere of Da’ath among other things. Lord Abaddon can aid and be linked to all these areas; though the area He is most present with is Da’ath- and all that represents and entails. He is an excellent guide in crossing the abyss.
 Lord Abaddon is The Gatekeeper and The Destroyer. He is a very skilled and renowned Warrior Lord. While He presides over justice it is often leaning more towards the vengeful aspect of justice, then just reigning justice itself. Justice is also more complex than what humans understand of it. Given Lord Abaddon is angelic, He does carry the kind of righteousness of justice and the severity in this, that angelic beings often tend to have. Lord Abaddon is quite austere and can be very harsh. Energetically His energy is very vast and enveloping, watery yet aetheric, like all consuming fog above a black treacherous ocean. So, it can be quite overwhelming and disorientating for humans to connect with this level of darkness. His energy has a heaviness and a graveness to it. He can be very severe and is quite formal and stern.
Lord Abaddon is also associated with death- though a more sombre aspect of it. As well as destruction and war. Yet He is also a fierce protector of His people and those He claims as His own. He carries the Keys and Chains of Knowledge Bound. He is very capable and experienced with darker magic and occult mysteries. And He enjoys challenges. Lord Abaddon also has an interesting link with the Wormwood Star. I have yet to delve into the full reasons behind this though. But it is there and through this also has an association with wormwood the plant and its mysteries, poisons (though not as much as some others DLs are.) He is also linked subterfuge and plague death. Lord Abaddon is ancient though He doesn’t appear so. He is a Great Ruler and has much knowledge of the rise and fall of civilisations.
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artist: Dominik Mayer on artstation
(This is channeled from Lord Abaddon directly) “Everything has its Time and To Everything an End. But to Enjoy the Fruits of Labours Hard Won and Existence in Motion. Destruction has its Valued Seat at the Table of Pleroma, Do Not Forget This, To Do So is to Find Value in the Pantomime of the Unjust.”
Another of Lord Abaddon’s domains is the realm of the darkened mind and soul. He is excellent at aiding shadow work and inner child work. Though He may be quite severe with this, given His energies and nature. Despite all of this and what is often said about Him, Lord Abaddon (like all Demonic Divine Dark Lords) is balanced in His own way and is also understanding, if not necessarily sympathetic towards humans who connect. Though He is not especially looking to connect or work with people though.  He (in the more inner realm aspects as well) expects those who connect to do the work and be serious about this. He is quite an advanced Dark Lord to work with and I would not suggest beginners try it.
Some of the inner realm planetary energies Lord Abaddon is associated with are; Saturn, certain aspects of Pluto, somewhat of Neptune and darker Mercury. He can also be more Solar in His Justice aspect.
Praise Be Lord Abaddon!
Prodigious Da’athic Angel!
Master of the Abyss!
Gatekeeper and Wayshower!
You who Hold the Keys and Chains of Knowledge Bound!
Magnificent One, Alight among us,
Lead your select to the True Seat of Wisdoms Throne!
Dark Lord of the Aetheric Abyss,
Guide and Guardian of the Abyssal Journey,
Accompany us as we Walk the Blackened Road of Desolation
Towards Alchemical Rebirth!
Praise Be unto you Beloved and Mighty Lord!
Just Lord of Destruction, Fierce Protector
Embrace Your Kin in Favour and Guard Us,
Through the Vicissitudes of this Existence,
Let us Find Respite in Your Solemn Embrace!
Illustrious Warrior Lord, Great Abaddon!
May we come to Accept the Power and Value of Destruction-
Necessary and Otherwise,
Grant to us that we Know it Well,
and Engage with Wise Judgement.
Praise be unto you, Majesty of Abyssal Darkness
Ave Lord Abaddon!
Ave Lord Abaddon!
Ave Lord Abaddon!
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artist: Ramsés Meléndez on artstation
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tackypies · 1 year
Angela doesn’t have an associated color and is outlier of sephirah however she and Carmen to an extent does represent a sphere in kabbalah: The da’ath sphere which is all ten spheres united as one and doesn’t have a color instead is associated with shining divine light, The word “da’ath” means Knowledge in hebrew and who else is the most knowledgeable out of the sinners?
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how receiving this information makes me feel
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saganssorcery · 3 months
It's Sunday and time for another weekly Thoth reading for the followers of Sagans Sorcery:
Adjustment and Princess of Swords
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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘆𝗮𝗹
This week's focus revolves around balancing how we have been wronged with its opposite to remain in a state of harmony. While it is likely that we have been harmed, we need to remember that what has been done to us isn't always our fault. We could very well be completely innocent and still have people who wish to persecute us for things beyond our control. This is a warning to not lose yourself in what seems like rightful revenge and hatred for the acts of defilement against our character, instead we need to bring these experiences back into balance with what our true character is. If you were never cruel before, don't lose yourself by becoming cruel. It's important we understand who we are so we can balance these feelings healthily and not allow ourselves to fall into their traps.
©️Sagans Sorcery 🔥 🖋️
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Please check out my Thoth Tarot services below:
All readings will be delivered as a photograph and a detailed write up in your inbox or to your email account.
I can usually fulfil requests within 72 hours.
All readings are completely private and confidential.
Please DM me for any information you need to get your reading underway.
𝗧𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗵 𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘁
• 33 Card Qabalistic Tree of Life, Mirror of the Soul spread for £77.70 GBP
- This spread is designed to Mirror the Soul in the current moment.
It explores every sphere, the connected paths between them, and how they correspond to each other, to give the seeker an in-depth overlook at where they currently are in their spiritual journey.
I will likely fulfil the Mirror of the Soul spreads within a week after payment is received. These take longer than any other spread due to the larger workload and the more complicated nature of the reading.
• 11 Card Qabalistic Tree of Life, Mirror of the Soul spread for £25
- This spread is designed to Mirror the Soul in the current moment.
It explores the 10 Sephiroth and Da’ath to give the seeker an in-depth overview of where they currently are in their spiritual journey.
• 10 Card Celtic Cross spread £20
• 5 Card spreads for £11
- Simple cross spread
• 3 Card spreads for £7
- Past, present, future
- Situation, action, outcome
- Overlook
• 2 Card readings for £5
For a full list of my services and disclaimer please check out the featured posts pinned on the Sagans Sorcery page.
Thank you for taking interest in Sagans Sorcery ✨🙏✨
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dandydoodlebug · 2 years
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דעת - אדם קדמון - ספירות, דעת - אדם קדמון - קליפות
Da’ath - Adam Kadmon - Sephiroth, Da’ath - Adam Kadmon - Qlipoth
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infraredmag · 1 year
LUCIFERICON The Warlock of Da’ath LP/Picture Disc and SACRILEGIA Sold Under Sin MLP OUT NOW!
OUT NOW! Lucifericon The Warlock of Da’ath LP and Picture LP! Available on regular black vinyl, limited clear vinyl with black smoke and picture disc!!! “After opening the sorcerous gate through Al-Khem-Me-cal processes on the previous album, we have again embraced every atom of the blackest mass to conjure darkness from a more cabalistic perspective…” Indeed, LUCIFERICON’s Al-Khem-Me debut…
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philosophermattlee · 2 years
to survive da'ath
to survive da’ath
I gave a paper at the Manchester Metropolitan University conference on ‘Deleuze and the event’ that was held earlier this year and the organisers have videoed all the papers, a practice they have had for a while now as part of their online journal A/V (now defunct it seems).  A dvd came through the post this morning with copies of all the papers in video format, which is cool since I can now see…
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asscrasher · 8 months
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex #6
I see a lot of haters ripping on Boruto for using a lot of flats instead of the intensely detailed rendering of some of its contemporaries. Personally, I think it suits the story well and looks better than some of the often made comparisons that I might argue to be over rendered. But beyond that, when I read Boruto I see a lot of satisfying page layouts often featuring a sense soft symmetry or…
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deblala · 2 years
Cosmic Conflict and The DA'ATH Wars
Cosmic Conflict and The DA’ATH Wars
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Sirius Gateway 'The Egyptian Neters' Talon Abraxas
Symbolism’s almost Qabalah-like concept of the universe can be stated concisely as ‘That which is in Heaven, on Earth and in the Dwat’. This formula provides a framework of Three Worlds – the Celestial, the Terrestrial and an Intermediate World between Heaven and Earth, through which the Divine descended or emanated, the causal powers manifesting as the Neters. In the Terrestrial World, or Earth, the Neters manifest as Nature.
In addition, a Mystery element was further understood by the Egyptian initiates. The Neters were also within humanity – ‘the Kingdom of Heaven is within’. A conscious awareness/awakening of this Mystery could be achieved through an effective rite. This was one of the objectives of the priestly sages with their Temple neophytes.
The Three Worlds can be very roughly (and I emphasise ‘roughly’) parallelled with the Tree of Life:
The Three Supernals = The Celestial, or Heaven, World Da’ath = The Dwat (or Duat), the Intermediate World Malkuth = The Earth, or Terrestrial World
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chicagognosis · 2 years
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(Prophet Muhammad by Nicholas Roerich)
“In general, it is to the measure of one’s alienation from one’s own ego that one attains direct knowledge of one’s Lord… I heard Abu Ali al-Daqqaq say, ‘One of the tokens of the gnosis of God is the achievement of deep awe and reverence for God. If someone’s realization increases, his awe increases.’ And I heard him say, ‘Gnosis requires stillness of heart, just as learning requires outward quiet. If someone’s gnosis increases, his tranquility increases.’” ―Al-Qushayri, Al-Risalah: Principles of Sufism
The highest spiritual realizations cited throughout the world’s major religions are accessible to advanced practitioners well established within the most profound esoteric disciplines. Those who were prepared to work with the most expedient method for spiritual awakening were delivered the key from mouth to ear: the science of sexual knowledge, known in Arabic as marifah, alchemy or Allah-kimia: “to fuse with God,” otherwise referred to as gnosis in Greek and Da’ath in Kabbalah.
Building off the prior stages of ethical conduct and conscious love taught in this course, this lecture elaborates on the secret path and methods for knowing the most elevated, divine realities, especially as demonstrated by the exemplary life of Prophet Muhammad. Learn also the Arabic Kabbalah and Tree of Life, the three stages of religious practice and knowledge, the Sufi writings on witnessing the divine, the science of certainty within the Holy Qur’an, and the esoteric significance of Al-Miraj: the Ascension or Night Journey of the Prophet.
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demifiendrsa · 3 years
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[Rumor] Shin Megami Tensei V release date along with gameplay and story details was accidentally posted early on the official Japanese website. It’ll launch for Nintendo Switch on November 11, 2021 in Japan. Atlus had announced previously that the game would be given a simultaneous global launch release, so the date could be close for other territories.
The latest mainline title in the Shin Megami Tensei series! Since Shin Megami Tensei‘s first release in 1992, the series has gained in popularity for its dark world view, anarchic scenarios, and original combat systems with demons and deities as allies.
Shin Megami Tensei V combines the unique charm of the series with the high quality visuals of the latest hardware.
The game will deliver a new demon experience like never before.
Story / Character
The main character, a high school student living an ordinary life, wanders into another world called “Da’ath.” The hero fuses with a mysterious man and becomes a “Naobino,” a forbidden being, throwing himself into a battle between gods and demons.
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In the mysterious world “Da’ath,” where desert is found all over, various gods and demons are scattered about, including demons as large as mountains and giant birds flying in the sky.
As you explore Da’ath, you’ll face over 200 demons.
In addition to familiar demons, several demons newly drawn by Masayuki Doi, the character designer of this title, will also appear.
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D-at, an untamed land, is under attack by powerful demons. The protagonist clears his way through to pursue the truth. Make use of various means to advance, such as growing the power of Naobino and sometimes utilizing the power of the demons themselves.
The end of the game can diverge in many ways. What is the future you will choose?
Limited Edition
As this was only listed on the Japanese website, for now, there is no guarantee that this limited edition will be released outside of Japan.
Shin Megami Tensei V First Limited Edition “Forbidden Naobino box”
The first limited edition of Shin Megami Tensei V. This box condenses the game’s charm, packed with plenty of demons and music that embody Shin Megami Tensei V. It also includes an item resembling the hero Naobino, considered a “forbidden being” in the game.
List of Specs
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Genre: RPG
Release Date: November 11, 2021
Players: 1 person
CERO Rating: C (for ages 15 and up)
Standard Edition: 8,890 yen (9,878 yen including tax)
Limited Edition: 14,800 yen (16,280 yen including tax)
Digital version: 9,878 yen
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saganssorcery · 3 months
It's Sunday and time for another weekly Thoth reading for the followers of Sagans Sorcery:
The Priestess and Knight of Disks
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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻
Travelling across a desert we drop water, this water irrigates the path of the desert making it fertile and able to produce crops. This is the image these two cards bring to my mind's eye, the message I am seeing here is; when things look barren, we simply need to walk the path with nourishment and it will turn from barren desert to bustling agriculture. Working on that which brings nourishment to the body and soul will naturally nourish the path we choose to walk and work on. The mystery that is being revealed here might very well be that with perseverance through the hardship we will create everything we need.
©️Sagans Sorcery 🔥 🖋️
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Support me on Ko-Fi 💙☄️
Please check out my Thoth Tarot services below:
All readings will be delivered as a photograph and a detailed write up in your inbox or to your email account.
I can usually fulfil requests within 72 hours.
All readings are completely private and confidential.
Please DM me for any information you need to get your reading underway.
𝗧𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗵 𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘁
• 33 Card Qabalistic Tree of Life, Mirror of the Soul spread for £77.70 GBP
- This spread is designed to Mirror the Soul in the current moment.
It explores every sphere, the connected paths between them, and how they correspond to each other, to give the seeker an in-depth overlook at where they currently are in their spiritual journey.
I will likely fulfil the Mirror of the Soul spreads within a week after payment is received. These take longer than any other spread due to the larger workload and the more complicated nature of the reading.
• 11 Card Qabalistic Tree of Life, Mirror of the Soul spread for £25
- This spread is designed to Mirror the Soul in the current moment.
It explores the 10 Sephiroth and Da’ath to give the seeker an in-depth overview of where they currently are in their spiritual journey.
• 10 Card Celtic Cross spread £20
• 5 Card spreads for £11
- Simple cross spread
• 3 Card spreads for £7
- Past, present, future
- Situation, action, outcome
- Overlook
• 2 Card readings for £5
For a full list of my services and disclaimer please check out the featured posts pinned on the Sagans Sorcery page.
Thank you for taking interest in Sagans Sorcery ✨🙏✨
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