#da sweetest smol
dino-boyo-agere · 1 year
Spider-Man headcanons for @dovey-luv-bug cuz he's da bestest superhero there is!!!
I'm going: Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy & Collectively ╰→ personally, I have the comic versions of them in mind
Peter Parker's Spider-Man -any one of them lol-:
He definitely has ADHD and is constantly stimming.
Also always has some stim toys at hand
Peter is a wild child, always running around.
Confident in his regression and pretty open about it, he actively tries to break the stigma.
Peter tends to get hurt, scraped knees, little cuts, etc. So his cg always carries Band-Aids.
LOVES to play "big brother" for other little ones and/ or kiddos.
He will get mad at you, if you forget to give his teddies a good night kiss on the forehead.
Prefers to read the good night story himself, instead of being read to.
When he's smaller than 7, Peter just makes up a story, that he think would fit the pictures in the book.. reading is hard.
Does not enjoy bath time, it's boring.
Miles Morales' Spider-Man:
Probably definitely autistic..
He is less hyperactive then Peter and prefers to chill and watch cartoons over actively playing.
HUGE cuddle bug!
Bad textures can ruin his whole day.
Gets overstimulated quite quickly, when smol and is prone to meltdowns.
Miles is way less confident about his regression. He tries to hide it because he's embarrassed about regressing.
Extra clumsy when little & needs all his boo-boos kissed immediately!!
The phrase "I'm a big boy 😤" gets repeated like a broken record.. It's not convincing anyone though.
Tends to get lost in "bad thought spirals" and needs his cg to pull him out of them.
Has a plushie he tells all his worries to. It's a dog with a zipper on the belly, so he can write down/ draw his worries and put them in the pouch if their to hard to talk about (yet) and puppy can eat them up.. His cg checks the notes every once in a while (with permission ofc). The plushie's name is "Therapuppy".
Really enjoys bath time, especially the extra attention from his cg.
Likes drawing & crafting of any kind.
Gwen Stacy's Spider-Woman/ Spider-Gwen:
Also autistic, definitely.
She is a flip and i see her slightly leaning to being a cg.
Just like Peter, Gwen talks openly about age regression, to break the stigma.
Also loves to help take care of "little sibbies" when small (just like Peter does).
Likes being called "big sis" when smol and "Ma" when in cg headspace.
Gwen likes to dance when & with little(s)
Definitely overprotective and overly cautious.. even when tiny, she worries quite a lot.
Likes to doctor her plushies and dolls back to health.
Enjoys to play pretend and go on adventures.
Collectively -all 3 Spider-Babs-:
It's a trauma response for all of them, but Peter & Gwen came to love it and like to regress just for fun and to relax sometimes. Miles will get there too, someday..
Sweetest little angels, so affectionate.
None of them have one certain cg, whichever trusted person is available will take care of the tiny ones! (often a Avengers member.. Though I personally especially LOVE Wade Wilson [Deadpool] as Peter's cg cuz I luv their comics together.. Aunt May is also an amazing cg!! Miles' Mom and Dad actually really enjoy to take care of little him & so does Gwen's dad with her.)
That's all I can think of right now, I might add to it later though! <3
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・».゚°・⁠✧ ↓ DNI ↓ ✧・° ゚.«・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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Tagging @pink-crayon-princess bc they said they'd love to hear some head canons aswell <3
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gojoest · 1 year
pokes u gently on da cheek
u r luved! mwuah! dontchu forget abt it ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა make sure 2 take smol breaks & sips of water evry now & then. dontchu be 2 hard on urself or else...!
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boops ur nose affectionately
nini my sweetest in the world !! thank you i will take care of myself i promise 🥺🩶 i just saw you’re going on vacation and hope you have the loveliest one and get the rest you deserve and enjoy every second of it ! ! LOVE YOU
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Saving the Orphan
((some ingame WoW rp with @datwolfmonraz that I decided to transcribe...which is my first time doing so if there are any mistakes in here well deal with it im tired xD))
It was a really long day and Jazali was barely keeping up. After having bailed Brugran out, Jazali treated the bruised orc to some meat (that she had to force into him after he requested beer...twice) After Brugran explained the situation as they walked through the streets, Jazali felt her heart sink for him. Well shit...it wasn’t like the little troll didn’t know that he had a history but to hear it from his own lips set it to a whole new perspective.
“O-oh…” Jazali stuttered slightly, not really sure what to say to the still-buzzed orc who wasn’t meeting her gaze “Dat...sound shitty..”
There was an awkward moment that passed between the two as Brugran continued to walk forward. Jazali blinked and hurried to catch up, not really wanting to finish off the conversation with that silence.
“B-but ya know life..still offer some pretteh neat stuff outside da heartache!” Jazali called out to the orc with a hopeful grin, tentatively placing a hand on his back as she added “Like...Like um…”
...Well shit, she wasn’t sure what orcs really upheld as higher standards of ‘neat’ and she didn’t want to risk offending poor Brugran. Still after a moment of stuttering, the little troll decided to speak from the heart and chirped sheepishly “Like..you!”
Brugran Beastrage deadpanned at Jaz but he started to laugh “I’m neat huh?”, the first real laugh all day as he shook his head at her.
“You’re alright Jaz.” He said wrapping his arm around her in a bro hug. Jaz let out a dorky snicker as she hugged the giant orc back. But as he did so he noticed the guards up ahead yelling at a young orc. Or rather the young orc was yelling at them.
“Hm?” He said looking ahead. It seemed as though the child was trying to run across the bridge and the guards wouldn’t let him.
“Shall we be nosy?” He said to Jaz, his hulking arm still around her shoulder as she gazed back with a blink before looking up at Brugran and nodding eagerly with a lopsided grin.
Brugran let her go and walked to the guards casually; once he got close enough, it was clear the orc was a boy and that he was very unhappy. The female guard wasn’t being tender either, rather brandishing her own tough love as she held the child by the shirt.
“You’ll die out there! Hyenas and lions would make quick work of you!” She barked at him but the boy wiggled relentlessly.
“I’d rather be out there then stay here!” He cried, tears starting to well in his eyes. The boy hit a spot Bru thought was long gone in his heart and he only watched for a moment before Jazali blinked at the loud scene in front of her and held out a hand as she called out “Ey holl’up der!”
She jogged over to the guard and tried to put on a friendly smile “No need fo’ all dis comotion, da kid be wid us! Right Bru?”
She turned to Brugran and nodded pointedly at the guard. He stared back, not sure what Jaz meant at first, but his quick wit caught up with him and he cleared his throat “Um ye-yes, my boss just...adopted him. As a yak handler for her caravan.”
He nodded to the kid to go along with them “He didn’t want to be at the orphanage anymore, but we told you to meet us inside the gates remember?”
The kid paused and just looked at them. Bru hoped they didn’t miss out on too much of the conversation to have this sound weird and even the guard at them in disbelief, but finally the kid nodded.
“Yea yea! I told her I don’t want to be there anymore and she told me I could go with them!” The orc child pointed at the two in question, but the guard simply deadpanned and looked back at Jaz. Honestly, the little troll didn’t blame these two guards being slightly suspicious of two random-ass strangers kidnapping a child.
But Jazali simply nodded along with Brugran and shrugged at the guard with an easy-going grin “Ey mon, I don’ make da rules, I just follow ‘em. Boss ladeh say she wanted da kid.”
As the Darkspear was trying to convince the guard, the little kid was looking between Jazali and Brugran hopefully with bating breath. The lady orc in armor however glared and scoffed “Oh yea? What’s the bosses name?” She turned her head to the little kid who blinked nervously.
However when he looked slightly to Bru, who was mouthing Zari’s name, the boy managed to say “..Za-rii?” and before the guard could notice Bru nodding quickly the kid smiled and chirped louder “Yea Zari!”
The guard of course knew who Zari was and looked at the two more deeply “Didn’t think she’d hire a kid..” And just when Jazali felt a drop of sweat slip down her forehead in a state of nervousness, the guard simply shrugged and tossed the boy at Brugran’s feet “Take better care of this one. He likes to run off.”
As the boy scrambled to his feet and slid to hide behind the two, Brugran nodded “Of course.”
Jazali finger-gunned the guard with a dimpled grin “Much obliged~” before she casually strolled up to the bridge in front of the exit. She paused in her walk and glanced back “C’mon den Bru an’...” ...her eyes widened in panic as she realised that she didn’t know his name. In a spur of the moment Jazali thought of the first Zandali word “Mem...ki...Lez go!” and she quickly speed-walked away before the guard could question the made up word.
The three hurriedly walked away until they finally stopped at the top of the bridge and away from the guard’s sight, Jazali finally letting out a long relieved breath.
Brugran glared slightly at the little troll “Okay can you tell me why..” he paused as the orc boy stared up with wide eyes at the massive orc with his big sword and armor, siding really close to him “...why..we decided to say Zari adopted him? She’s going to kill us.”
Jazali huffed and raised her arms up in a shrug “Well da kid was in trouble, what was I gonna do! Let da ladeh rough-house ‘im?” Halfway through trying to berate Jaz however, the kid poked Bru’s hand and looked deeply up at Jaz “Thank you for helping me..” and despite his gruff attitude, the words hit Bru’s heart.
The little troll blinked at the kid and her smile softened as she kneeled down and grinned “Well ju be very welcome mem’ki! Where be ya family, ya mama probably be worried eh?”Jaz’s welcoming smile didn’t help however, and the kid simply hung his head and kicked a rock.
“They died with honor fighting to get Orgrimmar back…” He said lowly, making both Jaz and Bru freeze. Bru’s long buried memories of his childhood had arisen slightly in sympathy for this child, while Jaz cringed and sheepishly scratched the back of her head as her smile melted.
“Well...now I feel like a dick.”
Bru rolled his eyes and placed a heavy hand gently on the boy’s head and tilted him to look up at him “Do not feel sorrow for them. They fought and died with honor. Stopping corruption and freeing our people is an honorable way to die. Feel pride. Not sadness.” He ruffled the boy’s hair and crossed his arms.
The young boy however was still worried about his current situation and looked back at Jaz with scared eyes “Don’t take me back to the orphanage! Please don’t take me back!”
Jazali looked back at the kid’s pleading eyes and felt her heartstrings get pulled slightly...maybe a lot. She knelt again down at the kid and placed a hand on his shoulder with a comforting smile “Okee den kid, we ain’ gonna take ya back..”
She stood up and gazed at Bru “Jus’ be a mattah now if we can keep ya…” before she sheepishly grinned at Bru and asked while clapping her hands together “ ...Can we?”
Brugran raised his brows and shifted away from the two pleading eyes while trying to get words out “I -er- well...Zari…” He coughed and finally said plainly “I am not the one to ask..but I’ll do my best to convince her..”
The kid smiled before moving closer to wrap his arms around Jaz’s neck and Bru felt his heart sink. It was like when he hugged Mai, his tauren mum, the first time. Jazali blinked and jolted slightly in shock..not really having dealt with a child in a while, she wasn’t used to this affection. Nonetheless, not one to leave a hug hanging, she grinned widely and hugged the child closer before picking him up and wrapping the boy’s legs around her hip. Deciding that this was the sweetest child she had met, the troll nodded determinedly “Okee I has made up my mind and Mem’ki bebe be stayin’ wid us.” The child clung on to Jaz and didn’t let go, although his big soulful dark eyes looked at Bru like a tiny lion cub and was making it harder for the orc to be hard on them.
He sighed and rubbed his temples “Okay. Fine. We keep him. But you’ll deal with Zari when the time comes!”
Jazali grinned triumphantly before she turned to the child “Ya got a name mem’ki?”
The child smiled “The matron calls me mem’ki but my name is Ukri.”
“Ukri huh..dat be an amazin’ name!” Jazali snickered as she booped his nose. She jutted a thumb at Brugran with a smirk “Da salty one der be Brugran” before she jutted a thumb at herself “An’ I be Jazali.”
The salty orc frowned irritably “I’m not salty. And it’s Brugran Beastrage.” making it a point to clarify his surname while Ukri ‘oo’-ed at the name and smiled.
Jazali snorted and rolled her eyes but didn’t comment as she looked back over her shoulder nervously however and grunted at Bru “...I gots a feelin’ we can’t go back to dat entrance widout lookin’ shady..”
“Yeah I think you’re right...Well let’s walk around to the front then.”
The boy darted his eyes between the two “So..I don’t have to go back?!”
Bru shook his head “No. We’ll make use of you.”
The boy slid from Jaz’s arms and bounced around the hulking orc as he walked while excitedly rambling “I can do whatever you want me to! I-I-I can clean your sword! Y-Your armor! Feed your steeds!” Bru just looked oddly down at the boy and back at Jaz as if to say ‘why did you let him come to me’, to which the tiny Darkspear simply grinned and winked at the helpless orc as she walked behind and observed; Bru however didn’t respond and they all walked along with the little boy until they came to a shallow point in a river.
“We can cross here easily. Then it’s not much further to Orgrimmar.” Bru grunted as he observed the depth of the river.
Jazali glanced at it as well before she shrugged with a grin “Fine by me!”, the little troll was always eager for any form of swimming. She lifted up her shirt and weapons in order to avoid them getting wet, when suddenly a mischievous sparkle lit up in her eyes.
Jazali grinned down at the kid “Ju know Ukri, it be pretteh deep for ju, ya oughta ride on Bru mon so he can carry ya!”
The orc in question whirled around “What?! No-I mean..”
The child just stared at the water nervously then up at Bru “One of the kids lost their sister to a crocolisk…”
Bru stammered and sighed, giving Jaz a death glare “I..will carry you so the crocolisks won’t eat you.” He growled deeply and before he could respond the boy sidled up to him and looked up eagerly to be picked up. He stared back and reluctantly picked the boy up and let him sit on the back of his neck. Ukri was thrilled.
Meanwhile Jaz snickered and looked up at the kid with a beam “View be nice der ain’ it Ukri!” The little troll strolled up beside her large orc friend and shrugged “See, it all worked out okee in da end!”
All three of them managed to walk through the front gates of Ogrimmar with no hassle and suspicion. Once Brugran made sure the coast was clear, he picked the boy and dropped him on his feet
“You walk from here” He said as he turned to Jaz “Okay so here’s the plan: you watch the kid and I’ll...talk to Zari about him..”
Jazali blinked and held Ukri’s hand before she asked “Ya sure..ya be fine askin’ Zari boss mon?” The little troll walked up ahead and grinned with a thumb towards herself “‘Cause ol’ Jaz can be persuasive when she wanna be!”
Brugran nodded to Jaz “I’ve known her longer...might be better if I talk to her first. Just take him to the shop.” Ukri held Jaz’s hand, worried that he’d not been accepted.
His eyes soulfully pleading with Bru “I don’t wanna go back..”
Bru however huffed “You’re not kid. Don’t worry.” and with that the orc went forward into the city, while Jazali grinned and waved at him “A’ight, good luck mon!”
The tiny Darkspear tugged at Ukri’s hand and nodded towards the streets “C’mon den Ukri, let’s go get us some sweets!”
~ to be continued ~
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namelesshdx · 3 years
Dsmp members and their Bf!
Well..This man Loves cuddles!
So when you two cuddle expect him to smother you with kisses and compliments!
"I love you M/N...~" / "You're so cute..~
He would say such things in between smol kissies..
He is a switch when it comes to spooning!
Like when he had a bad day he just wants to be hold by you!
But when you want to be hold by him?
My man's a Teddy bear and would absolutely hold you in his Bear grip!
Like once he is big spoon..And he has you in his arms?
Bro you're not gonna leave until its urgent..!
Well..He isn't the most affectionate person..
So the only type affection he can really deliver are smol cheek kisses or smooches on the lips!
But when you want to cuddle?
He will atleast try to make cuddling with you as affectionate as possible!
He will be little spoon no matter what!
If you feel sad He will cuddle into you're chest...Telling you how sweet you are and how much you mean to him
"You're so beautiful my love.." / "I want you to know that..you mean so much to me...~"
You wanna cuddle? This man got yo back!
He will NOT hesitate and launch at you with a bear hug!
Bro he will always be big spoon!
"My beautiful M/N!" / "My pretty boy!" / "You wanna cuddle? Ofcourse! C'mere!"
Bench Trio!
He is very clingy!
He won't admit to it, but he loves feeling you're heartbeat against his ear
He also won't admit to it, but he just loves you're cuddles!
Like you wrap you're arms around him and then he just melts~
(imagine you're taller than him)
He often tries to be big spoon but he usually fails
He just can't wrap himself around you fully!
And it makes him MAD!
He will give you some muffled compliments here and there..
"You...pretty..~" / "Love ya."
This man.
He gets flustered easily!
Like you just give him a simple compliment and he just..ascends~
But when you get physical with him!?
He just full on STOPS
When you guys cuddle he will try his best to be smol spoon!
But he is a switch when it comes to cuddling with ya!
He loves listening to you're breathing!
Like it's so calming to him
While cuddling, he will give you small and light high fives!
He will also leave some smol and quick pecks on you're checks!
Will try to compliment you..But it comes out like a question..?
You...You're C-Cute..?"/ "I..I love you.."
He's trying his best okay?
Just tell him how much you love him!
He will cuddle with you at any given point!
(again..Imagine ya taller)
He will snuggle into you're sides and fall asleep.
or he will talk about his streams and what stupid sh#t he did with da bois
When you guys cuddle and he isn't asleep, he will smother you in small kissies!
And then would probably try to tickle you..
"Why are you so amazing!?" / "M/N! I love youuu~"
My god he loves cuddling with you!
He will be big spoon most of the time
But when you want to hold him he will be little spoon!
When he is little spoon, he loves humming to you're heartbeat!
He will give you so many affectionate kisses!
His arms are always around you're waist! He holds you like it's his last chance!
Sometimes cuddling will end up in dancing.
And then dancing ends up in cuddling again
He will say the sweetest things to you~
"My Lovely M/N..~" / "My sweet boy~"
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soft-bunny-agere · 3 years
Hiiiii! I hope your day/night/afternoon was good whenever you see this :)
Think you can do a CG!Minx and CG!Niki x smol!Reader?
Maybe reader sometimes involuntarily regresses and one day they were streaming with Minx and Niki and involuntarily regressed and while that was happening Minx yells the f-word which makes reader cry?
(Also can I be 🔪 or ❣️ Anon?)
i am OBSESSED with this request! and of course, welcome 🔪 anon :D
WARNINGS: swearing, crying, you/yours pronouns and involuntary regression (let me know if there's anything else!)
Pairing: platonic!cg!minx and niki x little!reader
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
When you had started the stream with Minx and Niki you hadn't really been expecting to regress. But the two made you feel so safe and comfortable that it was hard not to. You were becoming a lot more hyper and giggly, your speech was also slightly slurred.
Niki and Minx hadn't noticed the changes in your behavior. So when Minx screamed "Fuck you" at you after some playful banter and you burst into tears they were confused, so was chat.
"Y/N? What happen?" Niki asked softly,
"Bad word! Loud!" You burst into tears yet again,
"How about we turn off the stream, love?" Niki suggested, Minx staying silent,
"Otay..." You mumbled and fumbled with your mouse but managed to end the stream.
"Hi angel..." Minx said gently,
"Mimi, you saids bad word ta me." You huffed and got a bit teary again, you just wanted to be mimi and bubba's good baby,
"I know, I'm so sorry sweet pea, can you forgive me? I promise you're the sweetest baby ever."
"me's good?"
"The best!"
"Bubba? Is me weally da best?"
"Yes! You are, you're bubba and mimi's good and sweet and kind angel."
"Otay, me forgibs you mimi." You say, brightening up,
"I love you bub." Minx says
"me luvs you too mimi! And bubba too!"
"I love you as well, angel."
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
Thank you for reading :]] I really do appreciate it <3
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alma-berry · 5 years
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There are 300 of you. HOW???
It might sound like a tiny bit for most of you… but for me it’s A LOT. Thank’s for reading my angsty poetry/fiction and for sharing my love for Kit (and Ty! I also LOVE Ty!).
You are absolutely awesome beautiful human beings ❤
So how shall we celebrate?
Send me an ask with
💙 and a Kitty hc and I will write a poem / drabble about it
💎 and your name / user-name for a costume made KIT’S ARMY BADGE
(These two might take a bit of time but I’ll make it worth the wait!)
🧢 and ask me whatever you want! I have literally no inhibitions 🙂
🥶 for a dumb GIF I think you’ll find completely unnecessary yet hilarious
There are no rules, just follow me! Though I won’t mind if you repost this 😉
Thank you all
But mostly to @elisial @thorndale (DA QUEEN) @dru-and-ash (THE MASTERMIND) @ash-kit (THE KITTEN) @samnherondale (THE MURDERER!) @hallowedthorns (THE REAL POET) @sherlockedkit (THE SMOL BEAN) @kit-lightwood (THE SWEETEST THING) You are my absolute favorite weirdos. I don’t talk to all of you much, but I love following you.
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oakella · 6 years
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Amare Harris for @simulationcowboy Bachelorette Challenge
Freelance Botanist-Cheerful-Art lover-Loves the Outdoors
literally the sweetest person you will ever meet
she is always trying to help people
she’s a bit taller than most girls and is v self conscious of the fact
though when dating she loves girls who are shorter
very close to her family
grew up poor
she has three older brothers who are v overprotective of her even though she only seems to date smol girls
gives da best forehead kisses
never wears makeup
likes baggy pants
would have many more piercings but she hates attention
v shy but once you get to know her she very obnoxious with puns and jokes
 def reads that gay shit on Wattpad
def writes that gay shit on Wattpad
100000% Gemini 
I’ll give you tray and cc if she is chosen!
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Discord chat is my family, i know I’m new on this discord app but every time i talk to each and everyone in the group chats i feel safe and happy because I’m so lucky that I’ve meet them. My life got so much better when I started talking on the chats. It felt like a new family for me is being created with all those accepting beautiful people. They all helped me a lot in terms of finding out my gender, making me feel good about myself, making me smile even though i was feeling down and basically encouraging me to look forward for the next day/week/year. I’m so glad i found this group chat on tumblr because without them i don’t know what will happen to me.
i'm not really close to anyone in this server tbh but everyone's so nice and funny and helpful and i just love all of them,, so,, shoutout to everyone especially mods y'all are amazing and ty for doing all this for us <3
Honestly everyone in here is so amazing and I wish that I could scoop you all up and hug you forever and take all of your pain away but I can't and that physically hurts me. I love you all so much. <3
Everyone!!! On!!! This!!! Server!!! Is!!! So!!! Hecking!!! Valid!!! I'm!!! Love!!!
Everyone on this server is so nice and supportive of each other??? You're all making this place a great environment and I'm so grateful for that??? I just want to thank you all???
Questioning people are so hecking valid, yall are great people and I hope you can find labels that represent who you are
Mods are so amazing? Y'all put up with us dorks even when we're asking you for loads of stuff and y'all are such great people? Yall are the people who make this server possible and I don't think I can ever say thank you enough??? Especially considering yall are doing this to let us awkward beans complement each other??? Thank you so much!!!!
The Angry Bees group is amazing and everyone there is great and i love everyone there and they are all so helpful in figuring out your identity (this is to everyone, all 120 something of you)
everyone you’re amazing n y’all deserve gay lov whether it’s platonic or romantic n to hav a great day
Mother Alex is such a good bean??? They're so nice and caring and supportive??? I'm literally crying thinking about how amazing he is??? They deserve the world???
Das!!! Is!!! Such!!! A!!! Good!!! Dad!!! Bean!!! So!!! Valid!!! So!!! Nice!!! 10/10!!! Would!!! Dad!!! Again!!!
Lulu is so pretty and nice, as pretty and nice as Eli!
Eli is so pretty and nice, as pretty and nice as Lulu!
Le is so awesome??? She's really nice to talk to, best satan we could hope for tbh
Alex: you're my favorite person
Vic is a wonderful human being who deserves more than he gives himself credit for. He's kind and lovely and very skilled.
le is so amazing and i love her 
le is actually the best and she gives me life
le is my favorite and i hope she has a great day
i love le
Lulu is amazing and pretty and just so so great and she is so supportive and i love her lots <3
Das is super funny and great and super friendly
Mom Alex is great and so lovely and very good at Moming
Lance is super nice and friendly and just great
Lee is just so expressive and i love how they type because it’s just so expressive and unique
Le (the void) is great and even though they’re quiet they are always there for people
Ollie is so smol and nice and lovely and just great
Leaf is a v nice bean and so smol and lovely
Watson is great at arting and is nice and great
Earios is the tol bean of the group and is v nice
Taylor is nice and lovely and pretty cool
Anna is great! at! singing! and also a very nice and welcoming and lovely bean
Stripes is a smol bean that is so nice and amazing
Karen is very pretty and she’s nice and also lovely
Lindsay: We never talk and I know that you aren't in a good place, but this is a reminder to be gentle with yourself
Mod Charlie is sweet and awesome and I love them so much!!!
Mod Ink's name is cool as hecc + long live the bi bob
Mod Rowan is coooolll and so is their aesthetic
I love Mod Ryan even tho he's not active lately <3
Mod Kai's answers are so short, sweet, and to the point while  still answering the question and honestly goals
Mod Kathy is the sweetest person ever and genuinely cares about everyone and is so supportive and is one of those people who asks how your day was and cares about the answer
Mod Owen is v friendly 
Eli is a gr8 caring friendo 
Das is a valid boi 
lulu is a blessed cat friendo 
Yael is a talented friendo 
Megan is really good at building with legos holy hecc The writings y’all paste in this server ARE LIT AND GAY 10/10 
Das’ philosophy is v interesting 
Phoebe is v pretty 
The void is a welcoming friendo (Especially to a shy bab like me) 
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dracaesanguinem · 7 years
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And why should I be calling you dragon eggs, again? I’ll explain: you were all bestowed on me as a VERY VALUABLE gift, something I cherish and love and hold dear in my heart. You’re more precious than rubies, just one could buy ‘a ship to take (me) back to the Free Cities’ and all three would leave (me) a healthy woman for the rest of (my) life; and still I would never give any of you away for the biggest price in the world. You’ve been here with me and Dany on this amazing journey and I cannot believe we’re growing so much with you all at our side.
This is a thank you post. Not because I reached a certain number of followers (which I can barely believe I did no matter how big or small the number of digits), but because I owe you some love in return for the one you’ve given us both.
I am grateful to each and every one of you for various and diverse reasons and love you all equally. But some of you have stood out with open arms, ready to have me and Dany enter into your lives. And to those, I want to give a little bit of individual attention (this is in no particular order):
Fil ( @killthebxy ): You Fil (ALL THE PUNS) my heart with happiness every time we talk or I see you on my dash. It was by pure causality that I came to form a bit of a bond with you, (PORTUGAL CAR*LHO) and embark on a lovely journey. I want to interract more with IC as we do OOC because I absolutely adore your vision of Jon and your understand of him. Also, you were one of the most supporting people here for me and I’ll never forget that. Vou guardar um espacinho no meu coração e no da Dany para ti e para o Jon. E nunca te esqueças, “mata o menino, João das Neves”.
Tati ( @rhaegxr​ + @vaedar​ ): You’re the biggest sweetheart I have met on this platform. There is not one single person that can disagree that you and Rhaegar (or any of your muses to be honest) are simply brilliant. On our little d/iscord verse, I’ve come to learn so much about my muse and how I, personally, want to portray her. And Rhaegar is simply the love of Dany’s life and their bond makes me want to cry each time because of how perfect it is. Thank you so much for putting up with me and writing with me and just being one of the genuinely sweetest, most supporting and loving partner-in-writing I know. Here’s to many more threads and tears to come!
Scarlett ( @cerseilionesslannister ): We’ve not written here, but nonetheless I feel like you deserve a bit of a spot in this post. Although our relationship did not start on solid ground, you’ve been incredibly supportive of me and that has, somewhat, helped me continue this journey with my muse. Also, I cannot go by without saying that your love for Cersei has inspired me to love my smol dragon queen as well. There’s not a lot of people that put the amount of work and dedication into their muse as you do with Cersei and I think we can all see the result of that in your beautiful portrayal. Thank you so much for being here each time I need to talk to you ♥ I’m really glad we met.
Sophie ( @rcseheir ): Thank you so much for allowing me to play in your little group verse. I cannot tell you how much it has helped me to come out of my shell with my muse and my writing ever since I sent that one message. I owe that to you: the people I’ve met, the lovely possibilities of what’s to come out of that story and pushing me to step out to the big unknown and just talk and meet people. It was a hard thing to do before the moment I got into this group, but thanks to you and your brilliant imagination, I was able to take that leap. Also, your Willas is simply… Amazing. Your portrayal and development of his story have breathed LIFE into him. He is YOURS, truly and completely. Your work and your passion reflecting on this amazing character. You earned all the love and praise you could ever possibly get! And, most of all, it inspires me, personally, a LOT.
Hash ( @mybigfatcock + @boaredtodeath​ ): I think that almost 90% of the people who have seen you on their dash before actually talking to you thought you were a p*orn blog ♥ and you have to admit it’s quite funny. In my case, I 100% thought I was too small and too green of a writer to write with you. Your love and passion for Euron is captivating, inspiring and so genuine. You just really LOVE your character and don’t sugarcoat him to appease to anyone’s tastings. And you’ve taught me to feel the same about Dany. You were the first person here to teach me to play Dany’s ‘darkest side’ and enjoy it for what it is. I can map out eons of theories and plot tons of crazy stories where things don’t quite go down the ‘hero’s journey’ theme and it makes SENSE and it WORKS because, ultimately, you have supported me to think outside of the box in that way — and I learn from the way YOU do it. I have not regretted, for one single moment, having met and developed a friendship with you. We are great partners in crime and I love to jokingly call Euron Dany’s “pirate hubby”. They(we)’ll conquer the world with ships and dragons and krakens and a lot of mutual understanding and support for crazy dark sides. ♥ I really like you
Ruth ( @shaenc ): (hey)  I JUST MET YOU (andthisiscrazy) and you’re already one of my favourite people here. You’re the big sister to my small Dany and I just adore Shaena so much already. Also part of the PORTUGAL CAR*LHO and “let’s taunt @killthebxy ‘s Jon” squad. I can’t wait to develop a friendship and write with you on our little Targaryen verse. It’s also so great I get to teach you more about the ASOIAF world while you teach me about Tolkien’s! Such a win/win.
But also, to all of you that I see on my dash every single that and have brought me smiles and reasons to want to come back over and over again (again, in no specific order):
♥ @saltveined : for writing such a heart gripping Theon && @theeldestsun : for your love of Doran and all of Dorne and being #1 in their defense squad && @wolfqueennamedstark : for making me love a character more than their canon version && @kisscdbyfire : for being such a sweetheart and writing the best wildling babes && @crowncdcrow : for being such an amazing writer and portraying such a perfect Jon && @hecantbekilled : for your awesome Robb and for bonding over coffee and berries && @taintedblccd : for putting huge smiles on my face and having such a great BIG heart && @theusurper + @griffinshand : for being best frenemies since the first minute we became mutuals and making me laugh in public and throwing JonCon at me (lords know I need him in Dany’s life) && @jbearmormont : for being the bear to my Dany and the Jorah I always want to run to, for having the most amazing understanding of one of my fav characters ever && @foreignaccent​ : because your love for Shae transpires and shines so beautifully! I love that you are so understanding and supportive and protective of such an amazing character. It’s inspiring and beautiful. && @akingslayerx​ : because your Jaime is amazing and you make him the justice he deserves! And there’s nothing wrong in loving the way you write him as well ♥ more power to you, honey! You DO write him beautifully. @ofblackfyre​: for creating such a sweet and genuinely great OC that I absolutely love. Lyanna is precious and Dany will forever protect her && @queenofkategat : for writing such a beautiful Lagertha and I can’t wait for us to play once you have your GOT verse settled && @keepfcith : for being the most amazing little and fierce bear and breathing life into Lyanna && @halvbjorn : for having one of the most amazing penned OCs in the fandom and being always so passionate about her && @oftarth : literally the first person I followed her and still one of my fav people && @rhacgal : for being the living fire and child to my Dany, the beautiful dragon Rhaegal && @earth-whisperer : for having Carlotta be such of the sweetest and most heartwarming characters I’ve played with as well as a mother-figure for Dany and just being such a sweetheart OOC && @ofgoldenwit : for your flawless and HUMAN portrayal of Tyrion, for breathing such an unique light into him && @neitherknightnorlady : for her wonderful Brienne and, possibly, the future captain of her queen’s guard && @motherofwolvcs​ : for being #1 in the Cat defense squad and writing so beautifully, inspiring us all, and being such a mother figure to all these babies && @thcbull​ : because even if I just met you, I’m always happy to see some love for Gendry and I hope we’ll be able to write some in the future. && EVERYONE ELSE I MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN, BUT LOVE ALL THE SAME!!
If you’re new here, as well, please never be afraid to contact me. I’m more than happy to meet new people, even if I haven’t followed you back, and possibly add you one day to my ‘dragon’s eggs’ baby list. ♥
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asketchysomebody · 7 years
Reapers character anaylsis: Ryoko
(yup, this is happening)
Name: Ryoko
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Occupation: huntress in training
Training school: Amberdeen Fight Academy
Height: 5'3
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Appearance: Ryoko is a short, skinny and lanky girl. She has light brown hair and big green eyes that change color with emotions.
Personality: Ryoko is a very likeable person. The sweetest person you're ever going to meet. She is quirky, funny, outgoing extroverted that loves to train. Day and night, all because she wants to be the best. Her skill is the same kind of awesome as her personality. She is a sweet smol cinnamon roll. But, here's some advice:
Don't. Fuck. With. Her.
That's all I gotta say.
Weapon (s) of choice: duel katanas
Backstory: Ryoko and her older brother were abondoned at the gates of Amberdeen academy. Her brother being 2 and her a newborn. She never knew about her parents, but she doesn't dwell on it. She spent years trying to be the best hunter ever, and improves everyday.
Noako: older brother
Jiro Junko: boyfriend
Shina Snobo: best friend/roommate
Akira Fumiko: best friend
Baku Fumiko: best friend
Nori Aoi: new friend/new girl
Instructor Eve Etsumi: adoptive mother/ head instructor
Her family (everyone she cares about)
Swords/weapons in general
Being crazy
Fruit juice
Shadow beast
Not sleeping
Horror movies
When Noako fights/yells at her
Bad surprises
I'll explain later, but here's a little sneak peek!
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kaaras-adaar-a · 7 years
The url thing for smol elf and I?
Send me your URL and I'll tell you
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Ahhhhh I love soooo muuuch. Honestly, Aylen is just a fucking DELIGHT okay. She is one of the purest ad sweetest and kindest and HAPPIEST muses I’ve ever Rped with, and to be honest, it’s really a breath of fresh air. I love that she is stubborn about always seeing he bright side of life, and tbh, it’s very infectious and I LOVE that, because it’s VERY helpful and easy for Kaaras to just feel the same way with her. So yeah, you have no idea how frigging much I love this girl. I really do. How they play them: Rofl, you mean “OMG SHE’S HORNY AGAIN!” I’m very sorry, but also not. XDDD I take great pride in the way Kaaras turns her on, and I also LOVE how easy it is for the both of them to get flustered, and then switch rolls entirely and are all dommy, lololol. These two. But seriously, you don’t play her, she just does her own thing, and apparently is VERY demanding at times :P The Mun: I love the mun
Do I:
RP with them:  Fuck yes! Want to RP with them:  Always! 
What is my;
Overall Opinion: I just love everything about you and your muse. You’re both delightful, and you’re an incredibly talented person. Also an incredibly sweet and kind person, and seriously, I’m not kidding when I say I value our friendship. There needs to be more people like you in the world. You’re one of those people who just make people feel nice about themselves, but hey, don’t forget about looking after yourself from time to time.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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