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triflingthing · 5 years ago
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prague from above
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t00muchcaffeine · 4 years ago
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Repost @karolina_sev with @get_repost ・・・ A runaway, rebel blood in her veins, a renegade, never to be tamed . 📷 @zuzka_the_seal . #voyageandhighheels #defendergirls #dametraveler #outdoorwomen #wearetravelgirls #radgirlslife #wildernessbabes#sheisnotlost #girlsLOVEtravel #ikoktejlcz #loudavymkrokem #czechexplorers #czechroamers #minveciviczazitku #cestolidi #earthgirllifestyle #backpackerstory #ourcamplife #dobrodruzstvineceka #objevsvet #vscocze #bloggersre #travel_regram #travelgram #travelgirl #czechtravel #chasingseagulls #cesinacestach #youthgoals #smecestovatelky https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ4u8PMhifK/?igshid=1uuau4ijbzyd0
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madatravelstory · 6 years ago
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🇬🇧Kavarna 7 stitu. Cafe 7 gables in the oldest house I. Vrchlabi Is such a great place to have a meal and coffee. Super cosy and cute interior, atmosphere and very nice staff make you want stay there forever. MadaTravelStory highly recommend it 💖 🇵🇱 Kavarna 7 stitu. Czyli kawiarnia 7 szczytów. Mieści się w najstarszym budynku Vrchlabi, domu o siedmiu szczytach. Miejsce bardzo przytulne, z przemiłą obsługą. Czysta przyjemność. MadaTravelStory Poleca 💖 #vrchlabi #czechrepublic #czechy #cafe #tearoom #kavarna #kawiarnia #krkonose #glutenfree #oldhouse #historickedomky #czechroamers #polkiwpodrozy #travelgram #cider #coffee #winter #magic # (w: Kavárna 7 štítů) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuCnwerH7jc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nigcuoqvl3lh
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berryontheroad · 3 years ago
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Lake Tekapo and Church of the Good Shepherd, New Zealand 5D3, Sigma 14mm f1.8 Ioptron SkyGuider Pro #newzealand #landscape #longexposure #southislandnz #nightsky #canon #sigma #ioptron #explorer #wanderlust #longexponz #destinationlaketekapo #czechroamers #wildernesscultures #wilderness_culture #wanderlust #wanderlustmag #nzmustdo #theglobewanderer #the_folknature #earth_visuals #earth_shotz #longexpoelite (at Lake Tekapo, New Zealand) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY8cyY5F6IJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kullych · 4 years ago
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Náměstí... . . . . . #zonerphotostudio #czechroamers #czech #czechphoto #czech_vibes #czechtravel #czechtraveler #iglifecz #igerscz #ikoktejlcz #krajina #visitcz #visitczechrepublic #vscocze #megapixelcz #cestujemeczsk #cestolidi #cestovani #czechia #ceskakrajina #dnesfotim #dnescestujem #fotimecesko #fotkukazdejden #priroda #turistika #vylet #vyletypocesku #neseddoma #jecozazit (v místě Kralupy nad Vltavou) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSOzL3ILMkS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Spišský hrad západ slnka 🥰 #slovakia #spisskyhrad #slovakianature #castle #castlephotography #sunrisephotography #abovetheclouds #hellofrom #thisisslovakia #igersslovakia #puresvk #insta_svk #slovensko #spisskepodhradie #czechroamers #fotoskoda #dji #litamvtom #unesco #sunday #sunsetlovers (na mieste Spišský hrad) https://www.instagram.com/p/COODGiYBA-D/?igshid=1vmn10jifeo2i
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rosta-bouda · 4 years ago
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Zámek Mikulov - Mikulov Castl následujte prosím mé LINK BIO komentujte, sdílejte, následujte, Fotografuji na zrcadlovku NIKON Starší fotografie z letošního roku z výletu na krásný zámek Mikulov. Krásné prostředí, lavičky ve stínu, úžasná atmosféra please follow my LINK BIO comment, share, follow, I'm taking pictures on a NIKON SLR camera Older photos from this year from a trip to the beautiful Mikulov Castle. Beautiful setting, benches in the shade, amazing atmosphere #skodatonechytit #megapixel #dnesfotim #peakdesignczsknacestach #fotolabcz #czechroamers #fotimcanonem #canonczsk #mycanonnature #canoneosrp #morava #visitmoravia #fotkukazdejden #ceskakrajina #cestujemczsk #milujememoravu #fotimoravu #uzasnamorava #mikulovzamek #nasemorava #krajina_domova #moraviatuscany #mikulov #moravsketoskansko #moravskeslovacko #jiznimorava #ceskojekrasne #zamekmikulov #mikulovcastle https://www.instagram.com/p/CFHRmmeI1M3/?igshid=1dpinrhx746cx
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mihau-travel-exp · 5 years ago
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How near is home?❎ 🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿 During Corona exploring your own home region became trendy. I personally am a great fan of exploring towns and places near my home, but the cancellations of our planned trips to Italy🇮🇹 and Georgia🇬🇪 still make me feel a little weird.😕 🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿 It just feels so good to visit another country and travel and (as a #borderhopping fan) just saying "I visited xxx country". 📸 🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿 Nevertheless I'm not sure if visiting another country should make me feel good or guilty. How do you fell about that topic? ⭕️❌ 🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿 Besides the Corona factor the trip to Prague was a blast! It was a present I've got from @kriskrossy_traveltime years ago and I am so happy we were finally able to make this trip happen! Thank you so much☺️☺️❤️ . . . #prague #praha #prag #prague🇨🇿 #prage #czechrepublic #visitczechrepublic #myczechrepublic #igerscz #iglifecz #photooftheday #moodygrams #discoverczechrepublic #fotimecesko #likeaczech #czechvibes #czechroamers #czech_vibes #neverstopexploring #corona #hiddengems #modernoutdoors #urban #cities #architecture #architecturephotography #architecturelovers #trip #giftfrommylove (hier: Prague, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEetdNJKBG2/?igshid=1mtz81w69ta2t
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marikasmerk · 5 years ago
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Občas věci prostě nevýjdou podle plánu. To se stalo aj nám na cestě domů. Dopadlo to tak, že jsme v Liberci jsme měly něco málo přes hodinu než nám jel autobus. A co stihneš za takový čas. My se vydaly ke kostelu sv. Máří Magdalény, kde se také nachází bývalý kapucínský klášter. Cestou tam se udála taky jedna vtipná situace a to když vedle nás v jedné ulici pod nádražím z ničeho nic zastavilo auto. Stáhlo se okýnko, moje mamka nechápala a já na řidiče: "Ahoj Vojto". Byl to totiž náš kamarád, se kterým jsme, plus s několika dalšími, byli na běžkách v Jizerkách a četli Mílu Nevrlího. Nojo svět je malý. A ten měsíc. Ten jsem vyfotila v neděli v jednu ráno před tím než jsem šla spát. ~ (English transcrip soon) #dreadsmeonjourney #cestolidi #objevujucesko @frieco_cz #mangofolk #loudavymkrokem #t4yourlife #dnesfotim #wildvisuals #vyletujsrdcem #world_photography_hub #czechroamers #zitnaplnygule #daybyme #travelgoals  #_vop #goexplorecapture #zastavaprozivej #folkcreative #stayandwander #travelerdeeper #travelandlife #earthpix #moodygrams #jecozazit #dnescestujem #tonevymyslis #svetjemaly (v místě Liberec, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBF8TsXHfMP/?igshid=1ugs9snjepuld
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dogsintheworld3142016 · 5 years ago
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Felix Breed ➡️Kooikerhondje From @michal.hurnik . #dogsthathike #hikingdog #dogs_of_world #dogphotography #hundeleben #dogportrait #dogphoto #portrait #czechdog #dogoftheday #cute #love #excellent_dogs #sonyalpha #SonyGangCZ #meowandwoofs #czechroamers #dog #dogsofinstagram #instadog #excellent_dogs #bestwoof #thestatelyhound #dogportrait #hundeportrait #hund #hundeliebe #kooikersofinstagram #kooiker #kooikerhondje#sonygangczsk https://www.instagram.com/p/B-X72YAqgWw/?igshid=1em91nohit7vl
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kullych · 4 years ago
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Botanická zahrada... . . . . . #zonerphotostudio #nikoncz #botanickazahrada #praha #trees #stromy #priroda #krajina #visitcz #ceskakrajina #turistika #vylet #vyletypocesku #kvetina #kvetiny #rostliny #czechroamers #czech #czechphoto #louka #slunce #mlha #neseddoma #igerscz #cestolidi #cestovani #czechia #fotimecesko #fotkukazdejden (v místě Prague, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSHLcmKMGQ2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nelsonmochilero · 6 years ago
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▪️GOLDEN HOUR▪️ Salir a cazar puestas de sol es toda una aventura y la recompensa vale oro. No por nada es la hora dorada.😅    Quiero compartir algo útil para la gente que me sigue: Dos aplicaciones me han servido mucho en estos días son "Golden Hour" y "Sun Surveyor"  que me indican las mejores horas y posiciones del sol para hacer fotografías. (gracias Laiza por el tip) A veces las nubes o los momentos posteriores a la lluvia ayudan pues dejan arco iris o curiosos rayos a su paso que en lo personal me encantan.   Si mezclas todo esto con un lugar que esté en las alturas tendrás una combinación maravillosa. !Publica tus mejores puestas de sol con el hashtag #MochilerosOrg para verlas! Nelson ⭐ Mochilero . //🇬🇧ENG Going out to hunt sunsets is an adventure and the reward is worth gold.  Not for nothing is called the golden hour.😅 I want to share something useful for sunset hunters: Two applications that have helped me a lot these days are "Golden Hour" and "Sun Surveyor" that show me the best hours and positions of the sun to take pictures.  (thanks @withlai for the tip) Sometimes the clouds or the moments after the rain help because they leave rainbows or curious rays of light that I personally love. If you mix all this with a high place, you will have a wonderful combination. Publish your best sunsets with the hashtag 'MochilerosOrg' to see them! Nelson Mochilero . . . . . . . . . . . #hallazgosemanal #primerolacomunidad #mochileros #mochilerosgram #mochileras #viajeros #passionpassport #vscocze #czechroamers #ceskakrajina #czechexplorers #republicaCheca #fantasyportrait  #portraitgames #portraits_vision #portraitphotography #portrait_perfection #portraitsociety #visitjizerky #jizerky #regionliberec #visitcz #jizeramountains #goryizerskie #wildculturecz #stayandwander #beautifuldestinations #czech.roamers #tajemnejizerky @regionliberec @czech.roamers @visitczechrepublic_de @visitczechrepublic_nl @turisticke_cesko @ceskakrajina @visitcz @visitjizerky (en Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Egjz_IPaf/?igshid=n9pirgel2j1
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@arley_us PRESENTS ********************************************** • Charles Bridge is a stone Gothic bridge🌉 that connects the Old Town and Lesser Town . It was actually called the Stone Bridge during its first several centuries.👑 *********************************************** • ▶ Photo Credit 📸:  @kuba_marek_photos . ▶ Location 📌: #Czechrepublic • ************************************************ 🎇Congratulations on this brilliant capture 🎆 Thank you for sharing your image and tagging us! Be sure to take some time to visit this talented artist's gallery and share some likes & comments ************************************************** • ▶ @kuba_marek_photos You rock¡¡ 🎸❤◀ • ************************************************* To be featured🔖 on our page please tag your pics to ▶ #arley_us   OR ▶@arley_us **************************************************. #czechrepublic #visitczechrepublic #igerscz#iglifecz #photooftheday #moodygrams#discoverczechrepublic #fotimecesko #instagood#republicacheca #czechvibes #instadaily#czechroamers #dron #droneoftheday#dronestagram #skysupply #aerial#landscapelovers #landscapehunter #czechspring#destinochequia @visit_europe @ournextflight @best.europe.photos @europe @exploringeurope @perfect_worldplaces @ig_world_colors @travel.escape @BEST_WORLDPLACES @visionofpictures @amazing_world_destination #incredibledestinations #europestyle_ #lifestyletravelluxury (at Prague, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx0-YLwh2xy/?igshid=1t54b0b55jz69
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marikasmerk · 5 years ago
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Zkroucený šíp. Lukostřelecký závod, kde jsem oslavila své 18. narozeniny a kde jsem si minulý rok byla vyčistit hlavu před pondělní maturitou. Letos maturovala moje mamka. Před několika lety změnila práci a rozhodla se, že si k tomu dodělá další vzdělání. Jsem na tebe hrdá mami. ~ Archery Race Twisted Arrow. Two years ago, I celebreted my 18th birthday in this place. Last year I spent here last calm moments before school leaving exams which I had on Monday. In the same situation was my mum this year. After work changing she decided to get next education in current profession. I am proud of you, Mum. #archery #race #mymum #mum #prouddauthter #jizerkylove #objevujucesko #travelgoals #travelerdeeper #t4yourlife #dnesfotim #wildvisuals #world_photography_hub #zitnaplnygule #wildculturecz #cestolidi #jizerky #czechroamers #robinhood #green (v místě Jizerské Hory) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEO3cvHYle/?igshid=h8vtq2gn7ear
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adolrivera · 6 years ago
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Repost @martinrakphoto with @make_repost ・・・ Summer vibes from gorges in the Bohemian Switzerland 🌱🌳 . . . . #moodygrams #roamtheplanet #ceskesvycarsko #wildlifeplanet #earthfocus #discoverglobe #awesomeglobe #bohemianjourneys #exploretocreate #mountainstones #discoverearth #ourplanetdaily #cabinporn #igerscz #beyondthelands_ #awesomeearth #naturegeography #czechroamers #winter #folkvibe #agameoftones #earthpix #nationaldestinations #artofvisuals #czechia #tentree #nakedplanet #elbsandsteingebirge #bohemianswitzerland (en Bohemian Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvd7J8_gfhG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t598s6b70af
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vladimirsimages-blog · 6 years ago
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Každý máme svůj příběh | We all have our story | Tutti hanno una storia 🌏 . . . . . . . #streetphoto #streetphotography #friendship #purelove #canonphoto #canonbwphoto #pribeh #pratelstvi #story #life #canon70200f4l #zivot #cestovani #streetlife #igerscz #czechroamers #fotografie #reportaz #chytniokamzik #svet takový, jaký je #emoce #emotion #bwphotography #benicetopeople #people #lide #tellingstories (v místě Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvTJhxkH01R/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=llpo5lp4tb83
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