#cyrus rom
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agent-toast · 8 days ago
revenge of magic redesign sketches cause i'm back on the rom grind (but also too lazy busy to render this)
tw bright!
left to right: fort, jia, rachel, cyrus
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justarandomidiot1 · 9 months ago
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James Riley Appreciation Week!
Theater / Beach
You know, I didn't mean to take this prompt and turn it into symbolism. Enjoy the blue curtains! (They're actually yellow in here but I like using that Tumblr phrase lol)
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sharpeylogic · 5 months ago
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Octopath Traveler in GBA Fire Emblem: Cyrus Albright
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supatroopa · 1 year ago
Okay but This and the First one are so cool but I feel this one could be so awesome
Like Hikari is the lord (or Myrmidon but like he’s literally a lord) Agnea is the dancer which are the obvious ones, but like having Oswald as a mage who you like rescue from a dungeon level, Throne the thief you have to recruit while being an enemy whose robbing the stage as you play, Temenos the early healer, Ochette as an archer (or fighter because the Warrior promote has her weapon types), Castitti kinda works as cleric but modded class makes more sense, then Partitto definitely has to be a modded class but I could see him as a sick halberier (the spear class that’s in every GBA rom I forget it’s name that one radiant dawn unit Nephanre? Is)
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Eight more travelers. Eight more adventures. Octopath Traveler II Fire Emblem GBA-styled Portraits.
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xtltokio · 2 years ago
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queereads-bracket · 20 days ago
Queer Fiction Free-for-All Book Bracket Tournament: Round 1C
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Book summaries and submitted endorsements below:
Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar
Kaveh Akbar’s Martyr! is a paean to how we spend our lives seeking meaning—in faith, art, ourselves, others—in which a newly sober, orphaned son of Iranian immigrants, guided by the voices of artists, poets, and kings, embarks on a search that leads him to a terminally ill painter living out her final days in the Brooklyn Museum.
Cyrus Shams is a young man grappling with an inheritance of violence and loss: his mother’s plane was shot down over the skies of Tehran in a senseless accident; and his father’s life in America was circumscribed by his work killing chickens at a factory farm in the Midwest. Cyrus is a drunk, an addict, and a poet, whose obsession with martyrs leads him to examine the mysteries of his past—toward an uncle who rode through Iranian battlefields dressed as the Angel of death to inspire and comfort the dying, and toward his mother, through a painting discovered in a Brooklyn art gallery that suggests she may not have been who or what she seemed.
Electrifying, funny, wholly original, and profound, Martyr! heralds the arrival of a blazing and essential new voice in contemporary fiction.
Literary fiction, contemporary, experimental, existentialist novel, lyrical, adult
Endorsement for above from submitter: "(spoiler for the book but) the main character is a bisexual man who stops being suicidal when he accepts that he loves his (gay) roommate, and said roommate loves him too! His mom was also bisexual and the book talks about the life changing relationships she had with two women"
This Is Kind of an Epic Love Story by Kacen Callender
Nathan Bird doesn’t believe in happy endings.
Although he’s the ultimate film buff and an aspiring screenwriter, Nate’s seen the demise of too many relationships to believe that happy endings exist in real life.
Playing it safe to avoid a broken heart has been his MO ever since his father died and left his mom to unravel—but this strategy is not without fault. His best-friend-turned-girlfriend-turned-best-friend-again, Florence, is set on making sure Nate finds someone else. And in a twist that is rom-com-worthy, someone does come along: Oliver James Hernández, his childhood best friend.
After a painful mix-up when they were little, Nate finally has the chance to tell Ollie the truth about his feelings. But can Nate find the courage to pursue his own happily ever after?
Romance, contemporary, young adult
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pinkhairswagtourney · 1 year ago
Maybe some brief introductions to everyone in your system? If you’re comfortable of course :)
below the cut !!
i am a bit low energy atm but here is a quick rundown of everyone and some general info . if u have more questions feel free to send a follow up ask !
shroom - 24 - any pronouns - host . i run this blog most of the time . i like math and zombies and mushrooms . huge huge horror fanatic !
cyrus - 15 - 18 - they / them - protector + co - host . big into coding and 2000s tech . biggest music fan in the system by far
quinn - 26 - it / its - persecutor + co - host . loves going to the library and loves reading in general . tchotchke collector and craft maker
petunia - 10 - she / her - child alter . loves squishies and ball joint dolls . also loves to bake , she especially enjoys cookie decorating !!
lola - 21 - she / they - sexual alter . loves to paint . she also loves reality tv and rom - coms . loves tinkering / working with their hands
vee - ~18 ? - she / he / they - ??? . reading + writing are their fave hobbies . loves traveling / visiting new places . into outdoorsy stuff
izzy - ~23 ? - she / they / it - ??? . newest member of the system !! really into fashion and art and architecture . i'm excited to learn more about them [:
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flowers-n-flight-risks · 2 years ago
cyrus rom is definitely ghostkin. or at least he totally has those same vibes
something abt being lost in time, a part of time itself, knowing yourself at different times as a different person, forever seeking a home, knowing you’ll never have it, time and its relation to death, just idk i think it suits him. lil ghost boy
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bisonomy · 2 months ago
I feel like something that people forget when it comes to cheap tat holidays- holidays that have been infected by low taste and workplace acceptable crappy decorations and objects of holiday significance- that there are other ways to enjoy them, and that if they so choose, they can make it theirs in ways that are beautiful that don't automatically mean they're capitulating to the Mars company and Big Plastic.
Holidays are supposed to be fun, or for making time for deep meaning and connection- to others, to your past, to your plans for the future, to the numinous that makes your soul ring deep and low in the center of your being. So instead of sneering at Valentines, or letting it make you fell bad, how about one of these?
Dance (or fuck) your brains out
make a ceremony over remembered loves past, either to cherish the good, or give thanks for the escape
take a leaf out of Miley Cyrus' book and create a perfect date that is peculiar and perfect for you and no one else
blow the money on the vibrator or sex toy you've been coveting but think is too expensive
take the 6 hours to make that Fantcy dessert
colorbound your wardrobe for the week by wearing all the pink and red and purple you can feasibly fit into your outfits
Write the most deranged PWP 500 words about your OTP you can think of
Send silly Valentines cards to 20 friends like you are in 3rd grade, bonus points for the worst puns you can think of
Write postcards to the couples in your life that are doing it right, letting them know what you admire specifically about their relationship
Be like OP and savor the silly gimcrack of it all, take a second and appreciate the shininess of the red plastic, as if you are a magpie
Disliking how Others do it is fine, but giving up a chance at a holiday, at making a fuss and occasion for yourself on your terms, that is poverty indeed. Adulthood can suck on many levels, see being the animal and the zookeeper at the same time, but taking time to make meaning for yourself, through the lens of a semi traditional holiday, that can be so fun, or so special, or so satisfying, that it ceases to matter how others play the game. What do you do at your house? Because making it just another day, in FEBRUARY no less, the worst and longest of the months, strikes me as worse than putting up whatever weird decorations Target had in their little deal grotto.
dont understand people who "don't like" valentines day... I personally dgaf that its "made up" and "commercialist"... i love heart shaped things and i love everyone in my life. Its really simple
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lizzievelnias · 6 months ago
Songs to Describe Lizzie
Brick by Boring Brick - Paramore
Harpy Hare - Yaelokre
Pumped Up Kicks - Foster The People
Where Is My Mind? - Pixies
99 Red Balloons - Goldfinger
Songs Lizzie Listens To
Big Bad Wolf - In This Moment
Caramelldansen - Carmella Girls
Decisions - Borgore (ft. Miley Cyrus)
The Coffin is Moving - ICE NINE KILLS
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agent-toast · 10 months ago
biblically accurate cyrus?
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(aka: me messing around with a timeless one ver. of cyrus)
this was originally going to be a sketch at first, but then. i coloured it.
also! i know this is probably unintentional, but 'cyrus' means sun, and 'merlin' looks a lot like moon, soo i made the colour scheme like a sunset to show emrys, the in-between :)
the halo is very random. but i think it's cool
here's a white background version:
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you can see the torn wing on the right a bit better, i think it's supposed to symbolise something but i forgot
the lines sort of dripping down are supposed to be like sand grains because time = hourglass = sand = sun = cyrus hehe
i'm not the greatest at character design, but i kinda like this!
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justarandomidiot1 · 1 year ago
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thank you @lanihaluki for commissioning me!! this is a scene from the latest chapter of her Revenge of Magic fanfic Every Second Counts!! Go check it out! (Spoilers for the Revenge of Magic series in it though)
If you're interested in commissioning me, please check out my info here!!
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lanihaluki · 1 year ago
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don’t ask why I made this…. there is literally no significance to this but somehow there is
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lord-here-i-am · 1 year ago
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Hl. Sophronius von Jerusalem
Gefeiert Am 11. März
Hl. Sophronius von Jerusalem Patriarch von Jerusalem * um 550 in Damaskus in Syrien † 11. März 638 in Jerusalem
Sophronius war Lehrer der Rhetorik. Dann wurde er Mönch im Theodosius-Kloster in Jerusalem, dort wurde Johannes Moschus sein Lehrer und lebenslanger Freund. Nach 578 gingen sie zusammen nach Ägypten, um dort Klöster zu besuchen und lebten dann selbst zehn Jahre lang auf dem Sinai. 602, zur Einsetzung von Patriarch Amos, waren sie wieder in Jerusalem, reisten aber wegen der drohenden Invasion der Perser nach der Ermordung von Kaiser Mauritius bald schon nach Alexandria weiter. Dann gingen sie nach Rom, wo Johannes Moschus starb; Sophronius überführte seine Gebeine in ihr Theodosius-Kloster.
Um 628 traf Sophronius in Nordafrika mit dem Mönch Maximus, dem wichtigsten Theologen seiner Zeit, zusammen. Um 633 bekämpfte er in Alexandria die Formel von der einen gottmenschlichen Energie, mit der der Streit um den Monophysitismus beigelegt werden sollte; Sophronius hielt fest an der Unabhängigkeit der beiden Naturen Christi und wandte sich gegen den Monotheletismus.
634 wurde Sophronius zum Patriarchen von Jerusalem gewählt. 637 verzichtete er auf sein Amt und übergab die Würde an Kalif Omar.
Erhalten sind theologisch bedeutsame Predigten von Sophronius über die Geburt Christi, seine Kreuzerhöhung, den Palmsonntag und über Johannes den Täufer. Auch als Dichter und als Verfasser von Lebensgeschichten von Heiligen trat Sophronius hervor, so verfasste er die - verlorene - Geschichte von Johannes dem Almosengeber, oder die von Cyrus dem Armen und Johannes dem Armen.
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tvrundownusa · 2 years ago
tvrundown USA 2023.08.24
Thursday, August 24th:
(exclusive): "The Hustle of @617MikeBiv" (AllBlk, documentary), Caught Up (BET+, romance dramedy mini-series, all 4 eps), Baki Hanma (netflix, anime season 2B/3 available, next 14 eps), Ragnarok (netflix, season 3 available, all 6 eps, series finale), "Who Is Erin Carter?" (netflix, limited series "Palomino", all 7 eps)
(streaming weekly): Harley Quinn (MAX), And Just Like That… (MAX, season 2 finale), I Love You and It Hurts (MAX, teen romance drama, first 6 eps), All the Queen's Men (BET+), Makeup x Breakup (AllBlk), Dark Winds (AMC+), Destined With You (netflix, Korean fantasy rom-com, 2nd day)
(original made-for-TV movies): "Hiding From My Husband" (LMN, 2hrs), "Secrets on Greek Row" (LMN, later, 2hrs)
(specials): "Britney Spears: Divorce & Despair" (FOX, TMZ Investigates), "Endless Summer Vacation" (ABC, updated Miley Cyrus "Backyard Sessions"), "Explorer: Lost in the Arctic" (NatGeo, Sir John Franklin 1845 voyage documentary)
(hour 1): Fight To Survive (theCW), Generation Gap (ABC), Mountain Men (HIST, reality season 12 opener, ~95mins)
(hour 2): Fboy Island (theCW), Big Brother (CBS), Project Runway (BRAVO, 90mins), Nick Cannon presents: Wild 'n Out (VH1), The One (TVOne, season 1 finale/reunion special)
(hour 3): Tacoma FD (truTV), What We Do In The Shadows (FX), "The Challenge: USA" (CBS), Project Runway (BRAVO, contd) / . / The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning (BRAVO, personal organizational advice, cable premiere)
(hour 4 - latenight): My Adventures With Superman ([adultswim], part 2/2)
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wildestdreamcatcher · 2 years ago
When Lola was dating Cyrus, she thought it would be like a high school rom com. She was a cheerleader and he was captain of the football team. She didn't see how creepy their relationship was considering she had just started high school and he was about to graduate. Cyrus was abusive, cruel, he cheated on her constantly, forced himself on her, he was the worst person ever.
Lola wanted to tell her parents about it but she felt like she couldn't't. She knew her parents would kill him and she didn't want that to happen. That's why Lola felt kind of relieved that Cyrus died that night, she knew he could hurt her or anyone else again.
@sadlonelyyogurt @lyn-winston @80stacos @fromrussiawithlove-maddie
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