#cyro x captain metal
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cyro-starfire · 4 years ago
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Metacy Week Day 3 - Mermaid and Pirate
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hawksmagnolia · 5 years ago
The Depths (Pt. 1)
Drunk Drabble prompt submitted to @the-ss-horniest-book-club
Request by: @marvelgirl7
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Summary: Because even a super soldier needs saving sometimes. 
Who: Bucky Barnes x mermaid reader
Word count: 2,341
Warnings: Swearing
Authors Note: So, this little drabble prompt has grown into a three part monster. Parts 2 & 3 will coming in the next week or so. I hope you like it Lacy- love your face! -xo- Allie Don’t forget to leave me feedback!
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The Depths part 1: The Cold Brine
“Be a
who doesn’t settle
for making a
small splash.”
   -Amanda Lovelace
I was born with fins.
No one was truly surprised. My mother liked to say I was half sea and half storm, created when the siren fell in love with a Russian fisherman she found in a hurricane. I didn’t even learn to walk on the land until I was three after which I spent half my life on land, the other in the depths.
After my father died, something in me shattered, that all too human heart that beat in my chest. Being a halfling child, I was something rare, belonging to neither world but after I lost my ties to land I refused to live only in the brine depths with my mother’s people. I made a promise to the ocean lords that I would save as many others as I could so that his spirit would find rest and not be trapped within the seas for eternity. I refused to drag men down, to sing them to eternal sleep in the dark cold silence.
I was not quite sea, not quite a storm. So I made my choice, I chose to save lives.
During the winter months, I would circle deep beneath the vessels, dodging their cages of rope and metal, the ones they used to catch the ocean’s harvest of crabs, gently urging the crustaceans into them. I did this to help the fishermen fill the steel bellies of their ships before the winter storms could grow into full strength behemoths capable of dragging men to their watery graves in the arms of the sirens.
Sirens are often called the monsters of the deep, but they are wrong. The storms are far more dangerous than I could ever be. The storms provide men like a buffet of lost souls to the creatures of the tides.
And then one day, the Americans came.
Their ships were smaller, faster than my country’s ships. Their crews laughed and sang as they worked, sounds unfamiliar on these waters.
They would work on the invisible lines that divided the ocean as if the currents obeyed any man. I was fascinated by them, I would watch them from beneath the surface, my enhanced hearing not hindered by the waves.
For six seasons I watched them. Every spring I would venture to their ports, where I would see them offload their bounty. The selkies, hostile at first until they realized I was not there to steal their lands, then welcomed me. They taught me the language of these men, how to blend into the locals. I would borrow their human guises, the sun touched skin, the onyx of their hair and eyes. How to blunt my teeth and nails. A siren among selkies, I found a new home. They knew what it was like to live in two worlds.
In the seventh season, the winds changed and the hurricane came.
The storm slammed into the fleet, leaving nothing behind, dragging men and ship to the dark before anyone could even get to their little orange life rafts. The water was simply too cold for them to survive longer than a few precious moments even if they escaped the sinking ships. Two ships in two days and no survivors.
On the third day of the storm’s fury, I pushed myself to go farther than I normally did, swimming deep to escape the riotous waves and howling wind.
I couldn’t hear anything but the pressure above me increased, actually forcing me down. Something very large had hit the water. I shot through the currents, pushing hard as the ship rolled over once, twice, and finally settled on its side. When I broke above the waves, the small lifeboat was already in the water and men were scrambling into it. I dove again, checking the water for anyone who had slipped but found no one but I saw the little blinking box fall from the rubber boat. I knew it would call for help, the selkies had taught me about it. I grabbed it and turned it on, watching as the little balloon inflated and rose where I tied it to one of the ropes dangling from their raft. As I returned to the surface I saw the last two escaping but before I could feel any sense of relief another wave hit hard and unexpected and the final man shoved his partner in before he fell and was swallowed by the sea. The men began to shout but their safe haven was pushed away from their friend.
So I dove for him.
Most men panic and thrash. He seemed almost peaceful as he descended. His hair was long for a man, some of it has escaped his holder and was drifting about his handsome face.
I wondered what color his eyes were.
I grabbed his jacket, my claws cut through the waterproof material, and the clothes underneath to flesh, drawing blood. It was enough for his eyes to fly open and his mouth opened in a scream only audible to me.
His eyes were blue, the same color as the skies in Russia when the spring finally arrives. I know what he sees but I don’t know if he believes.
A spectre of the sea, solid white from my hair to my tail. My eyes reflect any light in the murky water, giving me better vision but also giving me an unnerving glow to my eyes. My nails are sharp, my fingers webbed to the second knuckle. My tail alone is over six feet long, heavily muscled, and ends in delicate wisp fins that look like a human bride’s veil. He can’t see but each of my teeth ends in a point.
Sirens are carnivores after all.
His hand grabbed my wrist, fingers encircling it. Not made of flesh, but of metal. With my free hand, I point to him and then point up. He stares at me and I start to wonder if his heart has given out in the cold but then he nods slowly. Leaving my wrist in his hand but releasing his clothing I shot towards the surface, dragging him behind me.
We broke through at a point away from the sinking vessel, far enough away to see it but not close enough to be pulled under with it.
He gasped and his teeth immediately began chattering. I snaked the end of my tail around him and pulled him closer. He swears but released my wrist as I sat him just below my hips as a mother would her child.
“Hold on to my waist.” I felt him tentatively wrap his metal arm around me so I grabbed both and pulled him closer, locking his fingers together. My body runs hot, sometimes too much so, but at that moment I was grateful for it. My body heat should keep him alive long enough to get him to safety.
His eyes bored into me. “You’re Russian.”
“Once, yes. Hold tight. This will not be easy.” I cut through the waves, slicing through the middle of them where the water was easiest to penetrate. I held him against me with one arm while using the other to create a tunnel for us to pass through. When the little raft bobbed into sight I gave a small sigh of relief. I could hear the thumping drone of the rescue helicopters so I knew they were near.
With a final push, I grabbed the outer rope and hauled us closer.
“Call them. I won’t leave until you’re inside but they cannot see me.”
His arms still tight around my waist, he called out for them to help him inside. I gently pried his fingers apart and slid him down to the middle of my tail so he could sit on it as his companions cried out in surprised joy as they began to haul him in. I slid myself back into the water, preparing to sink out of sight when his face reappeared and he grabbed my hand.
“Thank you. How..can…I see you again?”
Baffled, I stared at him. No man who has faced a siren in her natural state would ever want to see her again. But this was no ordinary man, he had survived in some of the hardest conditions known. I don’t speak, instead, I pull my knife from around my neck and I sliced through my hair, right where a perfect silvery pearl was threaded. He watched me, not even shivering anymore. I pressed the knotted strand and the pearl into his hand before I vanished beneath the churning water.
Bucky sat in the Coast Guard helicopter, an emergency blanket wrapped around his shoulders. The other crew members were almost giddy with the relief that they had all been rescued. He ran his thumb over the hank of ivory hair and the perfect pearl braided into it as his thoughts swirled.
He’d come to Alaska after seeing a show about fishermen on tv once he’d broken free from Hydra and left Captain America…Steve…on the banks of the river. Alaska seemed like the perfect place to hide.
And it had been. No one here really asked about anyone’s past. He used an old forgotten Hydra identity and claimed to be a war vet. At least the second part of true. No one cared about what you did, only what you could do. And he was more than capable than holding his own.
Everything had been fine until that night. The captain and crew, while friendly, also gave him much needed privacy and respectful distance. But that storm, it had been raging for days but had made an abrupt turn almost as if it was hunting their boat. Two others had already sunk, so his captain had made changes to ensure their safety. When the boat had flipped, they’d all been in their bunks. By the time it had settled on its side, the crew was scrambling into the life raft. But one rogue wave had struck the raft so he’d chosen to shove the younger man, the one with a baby at home, inside and let himself fall.
He had already decided to accept his fate when the pain cut through the numbing cold. When his eyes had opened, he thought he was hallucinating. Or that he was back in cyro, dreaming as the cold took him away.
But he’d never dreamed of a mermaid before. His memory may be completely fucked but he would have remembered that. She was like someone had turned moonlight into a deadly sea maiden.
Her face was sharp angles and big eyes that gleamed like opals but it gave her an otherworldly beauty. There was a certain exotic appeal to her features. Her tail was gleaming white and nothing like any artwork had portrayed, it alone was longer than he was tall. Her body was powerful, muscles tensing as she kept herself upright.
When her hand had grabbed him, claws had sliced straight through to his chest. He grabbed her wrist, convinced she was going for his heart but instead she pointed up. Her hands were actually quite delicate with sheer webbing between her fingers but tipped with deadly looking claws. He couldn’t take his eyes off her face but he nodded. She released his clothing, choosing instead to use his grip on her wrist to drag him to the surface. She was built for speed, several powerful strokes of her tail and they were above.
When his face broke through he gasped and the frigid air rushing into his lungs was a shock to his system. He began shaking, his enhanced body trying to keep him alive. Her tail had wrapped around his core, pulled him to her side. Bucky swore at both the cold and the sensation of her settling him below her hips on that powerful tail. He couldn’t help but notice that the air around them seemed still, that no waves broke over their faces and that her tail didn’t feel like fish scales but like more like a snakeskin.
“Hold onto my waist.” Bucky stared at her. Perfect English but her accent was pure Russian. He didn’t want to hurt her with his weapon of an arm so he gingerly slid it around her. She took his arms and locked the fingers together firmly. The heat was pouring off her body, soaking into him despite his wet clothing.
“You’re Russian.” Bucky noticed the delicate slits on her neck below her pointed ear. Gills, he thought. They were flat, almost sealed against the air.
She glanced at him with her pale jewel-colored eyes, the sclera almost black. “Once, yes. Hold tight. This will not be easy.” She wrapped a muscular arm around him as if she was carrying a baby. With one push, they were off. Water should have been dragging him away but instead, it was as if she was created a tunnel through the waves. When the life raft came into his view she slowed until she was able to grab one of the outer ropes.
“Call them. I won’t leave until you’re inside but they cannot see me.”
Bucky hesitated but called out, yelling for help.
She gently pried his fingers apart and shifted until he was resting near the end of her tail. Enough that he would be able to be pulled inside but still not seen. After he’d been hauled inside he turned back around and shoved his head through the unzipped flap.
She turned back to him, her eyes curious.
He grabbed her hand, this time with his flesh hand. “Thank you. How..can…I see you again?”
Confusion softened her features and she hesitated before taking a knife made of what looked like an oyster shell from her neck and slicing the pearl and the hair holding it. She’d pressed it into his hand and then vanished from sight.
Bucky sighed and shifted again, making sure his glove was concealing his prosthetic. He shoved the prize deep in a pocket and leaned his head against the vibrating wall of the helicopter.
He needed a new plan.
@nano--raptor @cchellacat @eurynome827 @jobean12-blog @book-dragon-13 @aesthetical-bucky @marvelgirl7 @sallycanwait68 @buckys-broody-muffin @softpeachbarnes @godofplumsandthunder @azurika-writes @ikaris-whore @this-kitten-is-smitten @randomfandompenguin @bucky-plums-barnes @bugsbucky @littleredstarfish @emilylyoness @hailmary-yramliah​ @daughterofsteven​ @jewels2876​
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scarlettqueen98-blog · 6 years ago
You’re My Reason
Bucky Barnes x Reader (Endgame Spoilers ahead)
(Y/N/N) - you’re nickname
Summery: Steve and Bucky talk about Steve staying in the past and he asks Bucky to come with him but he says no for one reason.
Words: 905
A/N: Hello friends sorry it’s been a hot minute there has been some serious crazy stuff going on in my life and I haven’t been able to find the time to write very much. But me and a friend went and saw Endgame again last night and this idea popped into my head at like 4:30 this morning and I needed to write it. It took me about an hour so I just wrote it and said I would post it later today! So here it is! ⚠️It does contain Endgame spoilers so if you haven’t seen it don’t read it⚠️ Hope y’all enjoy!!
(GIF not mine)
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“You sure about this?” You asked Steve handing him a Pym particle for his suit.
“Don’t worry about me (Y/N/N), I’ll be fine.” He smiled reassuringly. You smiled back and turned back to help Bruce with the machine. Steve glanced at you before turning to Bucky as he walked towards him.
“You sure I can’t convince you to tag along?” Steve asked his friend and Bucky smiled.
“I would pal but,” he paused turning to gaze at you, helping Bruce key in numbers. “I’ve got a pretty good reason to stay.” He smiled and looked back at Steve. “You go get your girl man.” He smiled at Steve nudging his shoulder. Of course they had talked about this beforehand. He understood his friend wanted to live his life and Steve had tried to convince him to come back to the 50s where he could live his life out peacefully, but he had started a life with you at that point in time, he didn’t want to lose that.
“Well,” Steve started, “Don’t do anything stupid till I get back.”
“How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” They joked one last time before pulling each other in a hug. You looked over to see them and wondered what was happening, thinking do they really need to hug that tight, he’s only going to be gone 5 seconds for us. Once they were done, Steve walked up into the machine and gave you a nod. You gave Bruce the go ahead and he stared counting down from 3, then Steve disappeared. Another 5 seconds and there was nothing. Bruce and Sam tried to figure out what was happening and you noticed Bucky had turned away from the rest of you and was looking towards the lake. You started to walk towards him when he called out Sam’s name. Sam turned and joined Bucky and you stopped a few feet behind them. You noticed a figure on a bench not to far away from you.
“Go ahead.” Bucky said looking at Sam. He nodded and Sam walked forward towards the person. You couldn’t hear the conversation but soon the person opened the bag next to them and Sam picked up the red, white and blue shield. It was then you realized what had happened. Sam glanced back at Bucky who gave a nod to our new captain. You walked down to stand beside him and watched Sam and Steve talk a couple moments more.
“You knew.” You said after a moment of silence.
“Yeah, I knew.” Bucky replied. You simply nodded and looked back towards the lake.
“He asked me to go with him.” He said after a moment and you quickly looked at him.
“And you said no?” You asked confused.
“I did.”
“Why?” You knew Steve was his best friend and there as nothing the two wouldn’t do for each other, especially if it made the other happy.
“You,” He simply stated. “You’re my reason.” He finally looked at you and the tears started to pool in your eyes. “Ever since I met you, on that mission that had you hiding out in Romania and you knew exactly who I was and instead of turning me in you helped me to remember.” He turned towards you and grabbed your hand with his. You blinked back tears as you smiled at the memory, how he’d wake up in the middle of the night because he remembered something and would instantly want to tell you.
“70 years,” he continued. “70 years I’ve been in cyro and being the world's worst assassin. But you, you make me want to be better and I want to start a life with you, if you’ll let me.” He was closer to you now and he took his metal hand and brushed some of the hair out off your face and cupped your cheek. You leaned into his touch before looking up at him and smiling.
“Of course I want to start a life with you, Buck.” You placed your hands on his chest and played with the fabric before gripping it and pulling him closer to you. He leaned his forehead against yours and wrapped his arm around your waist keeping you close.
“I love you,” he whispered before tilting your face up to his and placing a soft kiss on your lips. You melting into him, moving an arm up to grip his hair to deepen the kiss before pulling away.
“I love you, too,” You replied smiling and he wrapped both arms tightly around you. You smiled as you laid your head on his chest and simply enjoyed this moment. You watched Sam and Steve finish their conversation, debating on if you should interrupt to ask if he had enjoyed his life. After a minute h you pulled away and made your way to Steve. He looked good, you could tell he lived an enjoyable life, and you were happy. You were happy you’d get that chance with Bucky. You sat beside Steve and simply talked for a while before Steve stated he needed to go. You and Bucky decided to stay on the bench for a while enjoying the sounds of the lake and just being together. You may had lost two important people but you were able to get the love of your life back because of them and you couldn’t be happier.
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evendeadlmthehero · 6 years ago
Reflection (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Summary: Bucky Barnes is living in the Avengers compound after Tony finally let him in. It’s all good until Hydra sends one of their best damn assassins to kill him in his sleep
Third POV
It was an easy task that was assigned. To ‘Kill the Winter Soldier’ and make him regret ever leaving HYDRA.
She didn’t know what year it was, how old she was, but that was the last thing on her mind. She was a robot, one with no emotions. Just killed when she was told to kill, eats when she’s told to eat and sleeps when she’s told to sleep.
“Kill or be killed.” She whispered to herself as she neared the window of her next victim; The Winter Soldier.
She resented the man. The man who did nothing but watch as she was tortured. Although he never saw her face, he always heard her screams. But she saw him. And boy did she hate him for acting like he couldn’t hear a thing.
But it was expected. It was Hydra. Why would they care if one was totured? Well, Y/N thought he was different. She thought he was the man that she visited in museums as a little kid with her father, when she used to be obsessed with superheroes, who’s screams were just as loud as hers when he was put into cyro.
But he wasn’t that man. He was one of them.
There will always be men like him, Y/N thought to herself.
She couldn’t remember a life before HYDRA. She couldn’t remember who she was, who her family was or even her name. But why would that be a surprise? HYDRA always wipes her memories.
She can’t remember the fact that she had sisters and brothers. She can’t remember that she was the most sweetest person in the neighbourhood. That she was the golden girl of the school. She can’t remember why she had a deep sense of hatred for The Winter Soldier, it was just there.
No. All she remembers is her target is. No questions asked. And her memories are wiped clean as the cycle continues.
Y/N slowly unlocked the window with little magnet balls that interferes with the security system Tony Stark has put into the tower. Quietly, she walked in, seeing the familiar figure of the once assassin laying peacefully.
“Kill or be killed.” Y/N whispered to herself, touching the necklace around her neck. The necklace that HYDRA gave her. The tag that reminded her who’s property she was, like a dog.
She then lifted up her gun, ready to shoot before Bucky got up from his bed suddenly, looking frightened. He was breathing heavily, the nightmare he experienced about his days at HYDRA taking a toll on him.
Y/N took an opportunity at his dazed and confused state, dropping her gun to fight the guy. She reached for her daggers that were in her boots and marched towards him, ready to stab.
Bucky’s arm went up, his mind still in in a phase, but his metal arm had grabbed the girl’s dagger and chucked it across the room.
The pair stared at eachother for a slight secound, before Y/N lifted her arm up, punching across the face, causing him to fly across the room.
“You’re a super soldier.” Bucky mumbled to himself, as he rubbed his jaw in pain. Y/N ignored this and marched towards him, grabbing the gun that she put down previously.
“The Winter Soldier. You have let down Hydra.” Y/N spoke in a monotonous voice that bought shivers to Bucky. “You are now sentenced to death by the Queen of Ice.”
Bucky had heard this saying before, he just didn’t think it was true. Back in his Hydra days, he partially remembered the so called ‘Queen of Ice’ that killed mercilessly without question.
But Bucky also remembered her screams. And although he’s never actually seen her till now, he still remembers her and how even today, he still regretted not helping her.
Y/N finger went on the trigger but before she could shoot, her senses buzzed that something fast was coming her way.
Dropping the gun from her hand, Y/N grabbed the shield that was flying towards her hand. She gave the blonde man that appeared a glare, before marching over to him, ready for a brawl.
Steve begun throwing punches at the girl, determined to help his friend, and soon after, Bucky had also joined the fight.
But they were no match for the Queen of Ice, as she threw them both across the room without breaking a sweat.
“Although I’d love to watch you kill Romeo and Juliet.” Tony begun, crossing his arms as he caught Y/N attention. She noticed the two girls stood behind the man, ready to intervene. “That carpet costs me millions.”
The man pressed the button on his chest, morphing into his suit. Y/N let out a puff of air, getting angrier by the secound.
Tony came at the super soldier, throwing a punch to which Y/N was able to grab. She got his arm, and begun twisting it, making Tony let out a little grunt.
She pushed the man against the wall, yet Tony lifted his arm ready to blast her. Y/N smirked beneath her mask, sensing he was going to blast her before he even lifted up his arm due to her senses.
She grabbed his suit, viciously breaking his blasters as Tony watched wide-eyed as she through him across the room with Captain America and the Winter soldier.
She had just broken vibranium without even blinking.
Y/N walked up to the two girls as they straightened up. Y/N was going to end this little brawl once and for all.
She grabbed Natasha by the throat, banging her head against the wall. The red haired woman was confused. She has met a lot of strong super soldiers but this?
This was different.
She yelped as she was thrown to the floor but before Y/N can do anymore damage, she felt power surge within her, unable to breathe.
“I think that is enough.” Wanda spoke as she held her with her magic. “Give up now or you will force me to do something I won’t regret.”
“Kill or be killed.” Y/N spoke in her monotonous voice. She put down her mask, before looking at Wanda directly in the eye.
Within a blink of an eye, Y/N had lifted up her arm, creating a surge of white power that struck Wanda right across her chest making her scream in agony.
The Avengers all looked at her in shock, Bucky being the most shock. He couldn’t believe HYDRA had created such a strong super soldier.
It wasn’t till now till he realised just how much HYDRA had evolved into. And how they will never stop.
Y/N lifted her arm, ready to kill the crying Wanda who hadn’t felt this much pain since her brother had died.
“Wait.” Bucky spoke, panting as he looked her in the eye. “We can help you. My name is Bucky Barnes.”
‘Bucky’ Y/N thought to herself as that name rung a bell. She suddenly remembered the guy as the person who didn’t do anything to help her.
She, however, didn’t remember him as the guy she visited in the museum everyday with her father. No, she would never remember those memories. HYDRA took them away permanently.
HYDRA took away all her happy memories and left her with the horrible ones.
She only remembers pain and agony. Not happiness.
“You left me to die.” Y/N spat out, glaring at him. Bucky’s heart dropped as he watched her. “You could never help me.”
Looking back at Wanda, Y/N was ready to strike before her senses buzzed again. She groaned internally, before looking at the hammer that was barrelling towards her head.
She grabbed the hammer, making everyone go quiet. Although Y/N was confused why everyone went quiet, it provided her with relief as everyone finally stopped talking.
Thor looked at the woman, surprise in his eyes. “How- How is this possible? You’re an assassin, you’re not worthy.”
Y/N didn’t think anything of what he said, chucking the hammer on a radio that sat on the bedside table, causing it to fall and hit the floor.
She lifted her arm for the third time, as Wanda accepted her death. There was nothing they could do. She was too strong.
She closed her eyes, ready to die, ready to be blasted once again. But nothing happened. She opened her eyes when she heard an agonising scream.
Y/N was now on the floor, hitting the ground ferociously as she was crying. Bucky stood up from his position, confused what was going on.
He looked around, to anything that may have caused her harm. Until his eyes landed on the radio.
“It’s the song.” Bucky said as he watched her finally collapse and faint on the floor. “The song that HYDRA must’ve used to control her.”
“Kalinka.” Tony spoke as he read the the tag around her neck. “They put the name of the song on her necklace.”
“They paired the song with the toture she probably received.” Natasha stated, rubbing her neck as she looked at the super soldier who was now unconscious on the floor. “Typical. But why?”
“Maybe after Bucky left they started getting more serious with how they control the super soldiers.” Steve spoke, crossing his arms as he stood straight.
“But how was she able to hold my hammer?” Thor asked, still astounished. “How is this murderer with no moral worthy?”
“Because that’s not who she really is.” Bucky spoke, looking at the girl who looked so innocent sleeping. “It’s what HYDRA made her to be. And we need to help her.”
“We can’t just take in who ever HYDRA makes.” Tony spoke, rolling his eyes at Bucky. “This isn’t an foster home for the misunderstood super soldiers.”
“You know what Tony-“ Bucky started but was held back by Steve.
“Look Tony, we know she’s worth saving because of Thor’s hammer.” Steve spoke in a proper tone. “And if anything bad happens, we now know her weakness.”
“The music.” Wanda finally spoke, her arm still around her body.
“Steve we cant force her to listen to the music whenever she’s in HYDRA mode.” Bucky spat out, standing in front of Y/N protectively. “I heard her screams and I didn’t do anything about them back then. But I’m going do something now.”
Steve stared at Bucky long and hard, before nodding at him. He knew his best friend was determined to bring out the girl that Y/N used to be, even though no one knew what that person exactly was.
“Fine, we’ll save her.”
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