#cynthia cyanide
aziebites · 1 year
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Void World Refs (Part 2)
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stellaex-art · 11 months
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I'd like you all to meet Poinsettia! Formerly known as Cynthia Cyanide! Since the release of the voice cast and release date for Hazbin Hotel, I figured it was time to start redesigning my Hazbin Hotel OCs too! So, I decided to start by completely remaking my first Hazbin Hotel OC, Cynthia! I felt like she was kinda unoriginal, as I based her a bit too much on Husk, so I figured I'd give her a whole new identity, making her a skunk sinner, naming her Poinsettia (after the poisonous flower), and basing her around flowers and aromas by making her a perfumer. I'm really proud of how she turned out, and I hope you all love her new look, cuz I poured my heart into her. EDIT: I no longer ship her with Husk (Huskerdust won my heart, and I fell out of love for Charlastor).
Name: Poinsettia
Nicknames: Aroma Queen, Lady of Fragrances, Smelly Skunk Bitch, Settia (by Nimbus), Miss Poinsettia (by Niffty and her employees), Toots (by Angel Dust), Darling (by Rosie)
Gender: Female
Age: Late 30's
Species: Skunk Sinner Demon
Sexuality: Bisexual
Sin: Poisoning her cheating husband and his mistress
Date of Death: 1980s
Cause of Death: Asphyxiation
Current Residence: The Hazbin Hotel, Pentagram City, Pride Ring, Hell
Personality: Sassy, Flirty, Short-tempered, Playful, Polite, Prideful, Vain, Sweet, Organized
Likes: Making perfume, Getting what she wants, Being a success, Singing, Shopping, Fancy clothes, Charlie's cause, Wine, Spending time with Alastor, Helping Rosie, Cooking, Flowers
Dislikes: Being insulted, Being called "smelly", Angel's sexual comments, Being touched without permission, Her ex-husband, Being lied to, Competition, Susan
Family: Unnamed ex-husband
Friends: Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Alastor, Husk, Niffty, Sir Pentious, Egg Boiz, Nimbus, Anastasia
Enemies: Exorcists, Adam, Lute
Others: Unnamed ex-husband (victim), Unnamed secretary (victim), Hazbin Hotel employees (acquainted), Lucifer Morningstar (acquainted), Staff of The Scent of Sin (employees)
Romantic Interests: Rosie (girlfriend), Unnamed ex-husband (formerly)
Status: Active
Occupation: Perfumer
Abilities and Skillset: Demonic Transformation, Flower Manipulation, Fragrance Manipulation, Typhokinesis, Musical Talent, Dancing, Bilingualism, Cooking
Voice Headcanon: Kazumi Evans (Rouge the Bat from Sonic Prime)
Theme Song: Paint The Town Red (Doja Cat) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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cogiita · 1 year
cogita’s yakuza verse expanded upon (thank u repo! The genetic opera)
all legendaries mentioned here will be humanized and thus have name changes, will post more when I’m more available.
for now have a mumbled incoherent mess from my brain:
Arceus is the one who suggested and subsequently nominated Volo to have patriarch family title. uses his house to continually smuggle drugs supporting his cosmetic business to create “the perfect specimen of humans”.
Arceus leads a religious cult promising people they can “attain heavenly beauty” by purchasing his illegally manufactured products that makes it easier to endure cosmetic surgery/organ transplants. Some organs have been transferred to an underground church where cultists congregate.
Arceus whilst on his travels finds cogita, infatuated with her; she marries volo instead. She sees right through Arceus—attempts to convince Volo out of being essentially his enforcer. arceus plans her death during her pregnancy with Cynthia. fails (obviously). doesn’t know she’s alive (yet). Manipulates Volo into believing he was the cause of Cogita’s near death experience.
Palkia and Dialga want to inherit Arceus’s cosmetic business but these two big bara idiots obviously won’t get inheritance. Because they are self-absorbed and entitled to their beliefs.
Giratina originally teams up with volo because fuck dad’s strict religious practices and beliefs. fuck yeah anarchy; also bc arceus is a general narcissistic asshole that doesn’t even give a shred of support for his disowned third and final son.
Giratina eventually goes to do his own shady business practices and constructs a “market” selling the same drug at discount to hookers. Where he and Mesprit first met encounter each other. He’s the “graverobber” of Repo! in this case.
Volo has to choose between Arceus and Cogita. Cogita persistently tells him to abandon Arceus’s ideal world—costing her left eye and subsequent altercation occurs. Months after, Cogita spikes Volo’s drink with cyanide. His death was ruled a suicide.
Cogita takes over Volo’s family stead. Has her own big bara masculine army. Pragmatic girlboss now. Still has to deal with Arceus’s nonsense. Like him trying plotting to hold Cynthia for ransom unless Cogita relinquishes her position and weds him.
Cynthia is a Japanese MMA fighter. Gets tangled up in all the family drama because Arceus wants her to take over the business.
Mesprit is hooked on Giratina’s drug that’ll nullify the pain for her constant need for body beautification to feel loved and appreciated by the world.
Cynthia meets Mesprit and Giratina. They get along (kind of).
Cogita just wants to live a quiet and content life with her hostesses and bodyguard, Enamorus. Thunderus, Tornadus and Landorus are also there as her big bara bodyguards.
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babsyballoons · 2 years
Ooh relationship goals💖💖 I kinda snapped lily-jane out of existence so this is Cynthia Cyanide.
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And yes Bubba with no mask
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canid-slashclaw · 4 years
The Outliers - A Guild Wars Love Story
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9,  Chapters 10 and 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16 , Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20,  Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23,  Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29 Chapter 30
Several months later...
"A little more to the right, darling. Oh wait. That just won't do. Nevermind!" Ariyana shouted as she directed several of her workers to re-hang some garlands.
Moments later, her mate Jestin arrived. "Cakes have arrived, dear. Where would you like them?"
She smiled at her husband then pointed towards two large banquet tables. "Put them right there."
"Wait. Isn't that where Ludrick's smorgasbord is supposed to be?"
Ariyana shook her head in frustration. "Gah! So many things to do and so little time to do them in. Use your imagination, my love. I'm sure you can work out something beautiful in that pretty little head of yours."
Daniel Grimwald and Ludrick Crushblow rode atop a wagon as the two of them headed towards the grassy meadow that was adjacent to the base of Thunder Falls. Brad, Cynthia, Navina and Krenesh were there to greet them as the wagon pulled into the pavilion area.
"The meat wagon has arrived," Daniel said as he reached over and pulled off the covers. "Thanks to Ludrick here, everything has been put on ice so it doesn't spoil."
"Crap! That thing must weigh a ton," Krenesh commented as he helped unload the contents.
"One and a half ton, to be exact," Ludrick stated while Navina and Cynthia helped him off the wagon.
Brad chuckled. "You gals got the easy part - helping two hansom males, while, Kren and I are stuck carrying a heap of slaughtered carcasses."
"Good and tasty carcasses at that!" Krenesh reminded him.
"Don't let your friend eat everything before you get to the banquet hall," Cynthia commented.
"Bah! With all the work we've been doing, I just might be tempted."
"She wasn't referring to you, numbskull!" Navina quipped.
"If I find Ama's blowtorch anywhere, I might just make an instameal outta this yummy good stuff."
"Do it and die, Brad!" Cynthia chided as she handed Ludrick his cane.
"Mom. This dress makes me look like a bloated quaggan," Rachel grumbled as her mother examined the outfit.
"It looks fine on you, sweetie. Now be a good girl and take those audiophones out of your ears."
"But my favorite band just released this single. I'm one of the first in Claypool to even hear these songs."
Her mother looked around for a styling comb. "Have you seen Katie anywhere?"
"Um. I think she's with your soon-to-be daughter-in-law."
"This blue flower looks so pretty in your hair," Katie said as she placed a blue violet in Amalthia's golden mane.
"Can you find me a mirror? I would love to see what it looks like."
The little Grimwald clamored off her lap then was off to find a shiny reflective object.
"Oooo. Shiney! I'm a skritt!"
Amalthia smiled at the precocious child as she coaxed her into holding up the mirror to her face. "Why that's lovely. You know that my people love to eat skritt and I'm going to do the same!"
She laughed then playfully nibbled on Katie's head with her large canine teeth. Kaleb's little sister adored the attention that his mate had showered upon her.
Moments later, Ariyana stepped in. "Darling! You look splendid!"
"Ari! So nice to see you!" Amalthia picked Katie up, carefully planted her on the floor then walked over and gave her friend a big hug.
"I see you have a little helper," the sylvari said, eyeing the little girl.
"Oh yes. I could not have done it without her."
Katie found the wedding veil and ran over to place it on Amalthia's head. Kneeling down, the bride-to-be accepted the gift.
"How's that!"
"Oh my. She is going to put me out of business if she keeps that up," Ariyana said with a laugh.
Shortly thereafter, Cynthia and Navina walked into the room each bearing gifts. After a round of group hugs, the presents were set aside and everyone began to get ready for the upcoming event.
"You really outdid yourself, Ariyana. If my man ever gets around to popping the question, you better believe I'll be paying you a visit," Cynthia smiled as she examined Amalthia's bridal gown.
"I still don't get these human rituals. but hey, if it makes the two of you happy then I'm all in," Navina said with a chuckle.
"Kal is gonna die from a serious boner after seeing you in this. Dang girl! Maybe I should find a wizard who can make me grow horns, fur and a tail. Cause you look drop-dead sexy in this getup." Cynthia jested.
"Oh. I'll be giving him plenty of those both on and after our wedding night," Amalthia said with a wink and a wicked grin.
"What's a boner?" Katie asked innocently.
Everyone was at a loss for words.
Kaleb wandered around carrying a half-empty stein of lager while eyeing the tent that his soon-to-be wife was residing in. He took another draught just seconds before Brad approached from behind then clapped him on the shoulder. "The man of the hour! How ya doin' bro?"
The slightly inebriated Kaleb shook his head. "Couldn't be better. It's too bad I can't steal a peak at the misses."
"Don't you know it's bad luck seeing the bride before the wedding?"
Moments later, Daniel, Ludrick and Krenesh made their way to greet the groom-to-be. The elder Grimwald looked at his son, shook his hand then took a carnation from his lapel and placed it though one of Kaleb's buttons.
"That suit fits you well, son. Think you'll be sober enough to say your vows?"
Kaleb nodded and smiled. "I'm just nervously tipsy, that's all. I'll be fine once the ceremony starts."
"You are looking well, Kaleb. I'm sure my cub will agree once she sees you," Ludrick said as he handed the young man a flask of herbal coffee. "This is a quick cure for any hangover. Trust me, I've used it plenty of times."
Krenesh stepped in and shook his head. "You and Ama have got to be the oddest couple on the face of Tyria. But even that is secondary to this even odder ceremony. Bah! This thing is so tight around me I can't even move properly."
Brad and Kaleb laughed.
"I can hunt down Ariyana. I'm sure she'll be able to modify the outfit a bit for ya," Kaleb said.
"Nah. I'll be fine. Besides, the sooner I get out of this thing the better."
Suddenly, Brad burst out laughing as he pointed towards a lone male charr who was dressed in what appeared to be a bridesmaid outfit.
Kaleb looked up and said. "Isn't that..."
"...Tovu." Krenesh buried his head in the palm of his hand and closed his eyes.
"A male charr in a woman's outfit. Now I've seen everything," came Daniel's response.
Ludrick clapped the elder Grimwald on the shoulder and said with a half-chuckle. "I think you and I are going to have to follow your son's lead and have a nice strong drink together."
Daniel nodded in agreement.
"Oh man! I'm never going to forget this day!" Brad said in between his uncontrollable bouts of laughter.
"I wish I could," grumbled Krenesh.
"I seriously wish I could."
"Tovu! Over here," Bogo shouted as he beckoned for his partner to come join him.
Being careful not to soil the gown, Tovu gingerly stepped over the tufts of grass trying not to trip in the process.
"You look ravishing in that outfit, Tovu."
His partner frowned. "You think so? Everyone looks at me funny. It's not like our females even wear these kinds of outfits anyway."
"Oh, pay them no mind, you silly furball. My suit is rather plain compared to yours," Bogo said somberly.
"Nonsense! That tie brings out the color of your eyes so well."
"You think so? I think it makes me look kinda drab."
Off in the distance, someone was shouting something about where the other bridesmaid was. Tovu's ears pricked out upon hearing the message.
"Sorry big boy. They're calling me. See you at the altar, you big snuggly beast!"
Bogo waved back and winked at his partner. "Give Ama my love!"
Amalthia busied herself putting on the finishing touches to her wedding gown. Everyone else had gone to their respective dressing rooms in order to prepare for the upcoming ceremony. As she was braiding the last lock of her long golden mane, she heard someone scratching at the other end of the tent door.
"Come in."
When she looked up, she saw the Grimwald middle child standing before her. She had a pair of audiophones plugged into her ears and appeared to be jamming out to some type of music.
"Oh. Hello, Rachel."
There was an awkward silence for a moment before the teenager responded.
Amalthia smiled then handed her a comb. "Mind helping me with this last strand? It's always a bitch to tame."
The teen was taken aback by the charr's crassness. "Uh, okay."
"I won't bite. I promise," Amalthia said with a noticeable display of her large teeth.
Rachel summoned her courage to speak.
"You don't have rabies, do you?"
"I got my shot yesterday. Doctor said the medicine should take effect within the next week."
"So you do have it."
"You assume much about me, don't you? I never said I did or did not have what you thought I had. Now are you going to help me with that braid or are you going to just stand there wishing you really could just tell your mother to screw off," Amalthia said with a smirk.
The girl was completely speechless.
"Oops. Did I let that slip? Oh well, it must be lagers in me," she pointed to an empty stein by her vanity.
"You really are a lush," Rachel said laconically as she slowly reached her hand towards the charr's golden mane.
"Eh. You can blame my mother for that. I sure do."
"So is your mom mean?"
Amalthia closed her eyes and grinned. "She is as sweet as cyanide in a wine glass and as pleasant as an acidic enema."
Rachel couldn't help but laugh.
"So your face is capable of cracking a smile," Amalthia said.
"Well, even though I don't like you, at least we have one thing in common. My mom pisses me off a lot," Rachel said angrily.
"So what is it about her that pisses you off?"
Rachel shrugged.
"She makes me attend church and tells me the music I'm listening to is made by a bunch of blasphemers."
Amalthia looked closer at the audio box that Rachel was listening to. She noticed the name of the band that was stamped on one of the removable cartridges.
"SynR J-TX. I know their music."
"You do? I'll bet you haven't heard their latest album. My friend knows a friend who knows a friend who works with the band. I was able to get a fresh cut of their latest release."
Rachel switched to another track and began jamming out on that. Amalthia reached over then clicked on the audio box, switching it to another track.
"Just listen. You've heard the extended release, right?" Amalthia asked.
The teen shook her head.
"They did a remix just recently. So recent, in fact, it hasn't even been cut yet."
"And how do you possibly know this?"
Amalthia gave the girl a wide grin. "I do live in a tavern. It's amazing what I hear sometimes."
"I like their fifth track. It's got a really cool beat."
"It does. Can you dance?"
Rachel nodded. "Well, yeah. Can you??"
The bride-to-be stood up then offered her hand to Rachel, inviting her to dance.
"Watch me!"
Both girls were dancing in sync. Rachel showed one of her moves while Amalthia mimicked her at every step. Soon, they were dancing like a pair of professionals in harmony with the rhythm of the beat.
"How much do you hate your mother?" Rachel asked as they were choreographing their moves.
Amalthia stopped dancing then beckoned for Kaleb's sister to come over to the vanity. She, then' pulled out an old parchment that featured an array of images that she drew when she was still a cub.
"When I was in my fahrar, we were asked to draw what we would do to our enemies once we were old enough to go into battle. Everyone else drew either, Flame Legion, humans, ogres or some other hideous creature," Amalthia smiled deviously. "I, on the other hand, was a bit more creative."
She handed Rachel the parchment that depicted a child-like drawing of one charr cutting off another charr's head.
"That was me beheading my mother with a broadsword. I colored the blade brown in order to depict the blade as being rusty and dull."
Rachel looked at the images, stunned. Amalthia pointed to another one that appeared to show a charr getting blown to pieces by an explosion.
"Oh. I drew that one hoping my mother would, someday, step on a land mine and blow herself up. See the bones and entrails?"
"Um. Dare I ask what this one is?"
Amalthia looked at the image of a darkened charr and laughed. "That one was Mother getting charbroiled by a flamethrower. Get it? Charrbroiled?"
"You are one sick kitten!" Rachel said in her characteristic monotone voice.
"If I am then why haven't you run away?"
Rachel shrugged. "I dunno. I guess you are like a shipwreck. Horrible to watch but I can't take my eyes off it."
"I have the suspicion it's something else. My guess is you resent your mother but are too afraid to tell her so openly," Amalthia stated.
"How would you know? You no nothing about me!" Rachel retorted angrily.
"Oh. I know a mother-hater when I see one. Trust me on this."
"I don't hate my mom."
"But you do resent her for what she's done to you. Always being obligated to live up to those expectations, while your brother doesn't seem to give a damn?"
"Well, maybe. Mom always did get on Kals case about doing things his way. I hate him for being able to resist our mom's authority," Rachel said as tears began to well up in her eyes.
"It's okay, Rachel. Let it out. That's what I did when I was a cub. I let out all my rage and anger through my drawings. Looking back, it was very therapeutic for me," Amalthia said as she rolled up the illustrations then put them back into the drawer.
"Okay, okay. I really think you aren't so bad now. I thought your people were always evil. But in talking to you like this, you seem almost human."
Amalthia smiled and gently reached for Rachel's face in an attempt to wipe her tears away. "I've learned that all intelligent races share the same basic emotions. Even though we each express them in different ways, all of us still feel love, sadness, apprehension and loneliness."
Rachel broke down then cried as she buried her head in Amalthia's chest. The charr gave her a gentle hug as she switched tracks to a more melodious song and began a slow dance with her future sister-in-law.
Ulfgar thumbed through the sermon, doing some last-minute revisions as needed. Daniel walked up to the massive norn as his son helped Ludrick navigate across the uneven ground.
"Ah. Three of the finest gentlemen I know. Are you ready for the big one, boy?" The old norn said with a hearty tone.
"When is anyone ever ready? I can't wait to see what Ama's dress looks like. Any idea where my sister's at?" Kaleb asked as he anxiously looked around for the ring bearer.
"Amalthia is giving Rachel the rings now. I think you'll like her attire, Kaleb," Ludrick said with a satisfactory nod.
"Father. Where's mom?"
"She's paying your future wife a visit. It's one of those mother-daughter sort of things." Daniel looked at his son with an air of pride and smiled.
"Take a deep breath, lad. This is supposed to be a legendary occasion, not a funeral."
"Sorry about that, Ulf. It's not the wedding itself that has me uptight so much as seeing so many folks here all in one place. I know that things started off very rocky for everyone, and this whole thing still feels so unreal. Never in a million years did I think we would ever come this far."
Ulfgar patted Kaleb on the shoulder. "And come far, you did. You and Amalthia are the first marital union in Tyira between human and charr. That is no small feat in and of itself."
His father gave him a reassuring hug as well. "Ulfgar's right, son. Through everything, you've never wavered in your conviction. This is as proud a day for me as it is for you and your bride."
Ludrick gave his future-son-in-law a pat on the shoulder as well then saluted with his fist to his chest. "Kaleb. Two years ago, you walked through that door in my butcher shop and everything I had ever known changed forever. You brought light into my cub's heart and hope to this old warrior once more. Even though you may not have fur, large teeth or horns, I feel that deep down you are as much of a charr as I am. If there is anyone on the face of Tyria who is worthy of my cub, it is you Kaleb Grimwald."
Everyone heard a noticeable sniffle coming from the mighty norn. "Baw! You've done and gotten me all sentimental ya old warbeast."
Kaleb gave the charr a tight bear hug as tears dribbled from his eyes and onto his future father-in-law's dark orange fur.
The usher called into Amalthia's tent letting her know that the ceremony would begin within the hour. As she was finishing up some last minute details, the usher also stated that Shirley Grimwald wanted to see her privately.
"She may come in."
The tent door opened and in walked Kaleb's mother, who was dressed in a conservative plain long dress. She approached her soon-to-be daughter-in-law then quietly pulled up a chair as she sat directly in front of her.
"That sylvari did an impeccable job making that dress," Shirley said as she began straightening out the pleats along the front.
Amalthia helped her with the hem. "That she did. I really like what she did to the backside. It doesn't bunch up around my tail at all. Not that such a thing is an issue with your people."
Shirley paused for a moment before responding. "About that topic Miss Steelblade..."
"Grimwald-Steelblade, if you don't mind. And Mrs please. It's a title we will all have to get used to," Amalthia said without looking at Kaleb's mother.
Shirley struggled to make conversation. "Please understand, Amalthia. I know you and I do not see eye-to-eye on a lot of things. But I also know that my son thinks the world of you, even though I have yet to understand what he sees that I don't."
"And your point, Mrs. Grimwald?"
Shirley could no longer contain her emotions. "Dammit! I still don't understand why my son picked a woman who is as rude and crass as you. If I were a man, I would object to this whole affair before either of you could take your first vows. That's what I would do, Miss Steelblade."
Amalthia shook her head then said in an unemotional tone. "But you are not a man, thank Pyreshot. I would like to like you, Mrs. Grimwald, but what you've presented me so far hasn't given me reason for changing my perception of you."
"So just what is your perception of me, Amalthia?"
"I think you are a woman who is deathly fearful of change. Look. I did not choose to intentionally seek out a human lover. My love for Kaleb just happened. Not everything that we are taught is necessarily the right path. There are some among us, of all races in fact, who travel to the beat of a different drum. Kaleb and I are such people. The sooner you accept that fact, the sooner you will feel a greater sense of happiness."
"I am trying to accept this, I really am. It's just so hard knowing that he is giving up his chance of having children who are his own. You are giving up your chance as well. Who's to say if this whole thing wears off you won't go..."
"Stop right there, Mrs. Grimwald. In case you were never informed, I cannot even bear children of my own. A war wound saw to that. Here, I'll show you. I developed an infection in my uterus that all but ruined my reproductive ability." Amalthia promptly lifted up her dress then showed Shirley the small scar that crossed her lower abdomen.
Stunned, Mother Grimwald said nothing as she reached out to touch the scar tissue.
"I... I'm soo sorry. I didn't know... Please forgive me for making such a cruel statement," she began to cry once more.
"Ignorant, yes. Cruel? No." Amalthia lowered her gown then reached out and held her soon-to-be mother-in-law by the shoulders, as she looked her in the face. "I don't hate you Mrs. Grimwald. You raised a fine son and I'm very honored to be his wife. Once you get to know me, I think you may actually grow to like me just a little."
The usher stopped by once more indicating that the ceremony was close at hand. Both Shirley and Amalthia waved him off as the two ladies smiled at each other for the first time.
"Be a good wife to my son, Amalthia."
She looked at her future mother-in-law in the eyes and said in a resolute voice.
"I will."
Ulfgar stood at the podium all dressed in his finest regalia. Below him, stood Kaleb who was anxiously waiting for his bride to come down the aisle. To his right stood his best men - Brad, Krenesh, Jestin and Bogo. Their outfits were designed to match in spite of the physical size and proportion difference between human and charr. To Ulfgar's right stood the bridesmaids - Cynthia, Ariyana, Navina and the most unusual of all Tovu.
The aisle was lined with soldiers from both the legions and the Seraph. Each one instructed to hold their swords aloft in criss-cross fashion when the bride walked down the aisle.
Moments later, the final wedding theme began to play. Katie began dropping petals of jasmine and lilac flowers as she walked by followed closely by her older sister, Rachel (who was the ring bearer).
Once the two girls found their places. The ode to the wedding march began. Soldiers from both Seraph and legions drew their blades and meshed them together in staggered formation. Kaleb could see the swords withdrawing as his bride drew closer.
Amalthia strode lightly across the pedal-laden carpeted aisle as the last blade drew back from either side of her. She glanced up at Kaleb then gave him a wink. For his part, Kaleb was awestruck by her beauty. The gown she wore accentuated her best features, and reflected the amalgamation of two vastly different peoples. In spite of his old injuries, Ludrick summoned strength to walk his daughter down the aisle.
She helped hold him steady his gait the entire time until he found his seat at the front row. Once she had helped her father to his seat she stood next to Kaleb as the both of them turned to face Ulfgar.
The old norn smiled upon the bride and groom just as he was about to deliver his sermon.
"Today a legend is born. For today, for the first time in recorded Tyria's history, we are gathered here today to unite two souls from two very different peoples. On this special occasion, a human and a charr will be joined, not in bloody combat with each other, but in sacred matrimony."
Ulfgar turned to Kaleb. "The young man standing before me is one whom I have known since he was a pup. Never have I met a soul who is more good-natured, witty and willing to go the extra mile than this young man. I have seen his courage, his generous heart and his willingness to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. Kaleb Grimwald was a boy who did not know what his future would be. He was brash, independent and in many cases, foolish. But all that changed when he met the one soul who gave him a purpose."
The old norn then turned to Amalthia. "This young lady is like no charr I've ever met. In spite of her rather small size, she has the heart of a norn. She is bold and completely unafraid to say whatever's on her mind. Only she could tame the heart of the wayward boy whom I've known since he was pup."
Ulfgar gestured for Kaleb and Amalthia to face each other while holding hands. He took the rings from Rachel then handed the first one to Kaleb.
"There are no words, no ceremonies, no rituals that can adequately express what is about to transpire this day."
"Kaleb Grimwald - will you swear to give Amalthia your heart, your soul and keep her well in sickness and in health? Will you be there to comfort her when she is sad or downtrodden? Will you be there to bring joy and happiness into each other's lives? And will you promise to do these things for the rest of your days? What say you, lad?"
"I do," Kaleb said as he looked lovingly into Amalthia's eyes then slid the ring onto her finger.
"Amalthia Steelblade - will you swear to give Kaleb your heart, your soul and keep him well in sickness and in health? Will you be there to comfort him when he is sad or downtrodden? Will you be there to bring joy and happiness into each other's lives? And will you promise to do these things for the rest of your days? What say you, lass?"
"Of course!" She smiled as her ears twitched and she slid the band onto his finger.
"Then by the power vested in me and the Great Raven Spirit, I now pronounce you man and wife."
Ulfgar, then, smiled and said with a wink. "You two know the rest."
Kaleb and Amalthia embraced in a passionate kiss as cheers erupted from the crowd. The old norn waved for the newly married couple to face the audience then announced in his resonating voice.
"Behold, Kaleb and Amalthia Grimwald-Steelblade. May they both share many happy years together!"
Shortly thereafter, both were given plenty of hugs and well wishes by various friends and family. Kaleb, then, grabbed his wife by the hand and said. "You know what comes next, right?"
Amalthia and her new husband said in unison.
"Get toasted!"
(All chapters have been posted to AO3. Chapter 30 is posted here.)
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pxyiyk · 2 years
Read Book American Mother: The true story of a troubled family, greed and the cyanide murders that shook the world EBOOK -- Gregg Olsen
EPUB & PDF Ebook American Mother: The true story of a troubled family, greed and the cyanide murders that shook the world | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD
by Gregg Olsen.
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Download Link : DOWNLOAD American Mother: The true story of a troubled family, greed and the cyanide murders that shook the world
Read More : READ American Mother: The true story of a troubled family, greed and the cyanide murders that shook the world
Ebook PDF American Mother: The true story of a troubled family, greed and the cyanide murders that shook the world | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD Hello Book lovers, If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook American Mother: The true story of a troubled family, greed and the cyanide murders that shook the world EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook American Mother: The true story of a troubled family, greed and the cyanide murders that shook the world 2020 PDF Download in English by Gregg Olsen (Author).
From the #1 bestselling author comes the shocking true-crime story of a mother and wife, her disturbing family secrets and how she became a cold-hearted killer. At 5.02 pm on June 5th, 1986, a call came into the local sheriff office in the small town of Auburn, Washington State from Stella Nickell. Her husband Bruce was having a seizure. As the officers arrived on the scene, Bruce was already dead.Forensics identified that Bruce had consumed headache pills laced with cyanide and in an attempt to cover her tracks, Stella saw to it that a stranger would also become her next victim of the cyanide-tainted painkillers.What would drive a seemingly normal outgoing and popular mum and wife to kill?As the investigation began to unfold, Stella’s daughter Cynthia notified federal agents of her mother’s crimes. But she didn’t reveal everything…
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Sprig Succession
By Cynthia Brian 
 “I’m grateful for the opportunity to live on this beautiful and astonishing Planet Earth. In the morning, I woke up with a sense of gratitude.” –Earl Nightingale
 In California, May reigns as one of the most colorful months of the year. Mother Nature has fully awakened from lingering winter doldrums to burst into bloom. The radiant combination of lush green lawns against cheerful vignettes of glowing, flowing flowers, trees, and shrubs is mesmerizing. Beauty, fragrance, and food beckon from every direction.
 With appreciation, I awake each morning and fall asleep each night to the lullabies from a multitude of songbirds. Pollinators are busy buzzing from nectar plants to other food sources signaling a healthy garden environment. The succession of blossoms changes daily from spring bulbs to robust roses; bright bearded iris to sprouted seeds scattered last fall. 
 May is the optimum time to plant annuals, vegetables, and herbs together in a potager garden. By combining a medley of edibles and florals, biological pest control is ignited providing plants to protect one another and be a shelter for beneficial insects. Nasturtium, calendula, and marigolds are the colorful workhorses attracting hungry caterpillars and blackflies away from brassicas and beans. Garlic planted between roses, lettuce, potatoes, or even fruit trees will keep the aphids, Japanese beetles, and ermine moths at bay. Parsley attracts pollinators and protectors of tomatoes. Mint deters ants and aphids but make sure to plant in a pot as mint can overtake an entire garden. Before planting, weed thoroughly, enrich the soil with compost or add new soil, and rotate crops to maintain vigor while producing greater yields.
 Jerusalem star, also known as go-to-bed early, vegetable oyster, or salsify is considered an invasive weed in some areas, but this dandelion-related plant is a forgotten beloved Victorian-era edible that tastes like an oyster and grows like a carrot. Its yellow-flowering relative is named goatsbeard. The taproot grows to twelve inches into the ground. Harvest with care to not break the root. In the kitchen, salsify is versatile and delicious in soups, stews, bisques, casseroles, or grated like beets in a salad for a fresh seafood/artichoke flavor. The entire plant has been used medicinally. 
 Be cautious of poisonous plants invading your vegetable garden. Poison hemlock is everywhere and is deadly if ingested. The pretty plant displays lacy and fernlike leaves with very delicate white flowers. A member of the carrot family, it is often mistaken for Queen Anne’s lace, a less- lethal specimen. The best way to identify poison hemlock is to look at the stems which have red or purple spots or streaks. Its most poisonous alkaloid is coniine which causes complete respiratory collapse. Only mechanical or artificial ventilation can save someone who has ingested poison hemlock. Wear gloves and a mask to dig out the root. Don’t weed whack it or burn it as small particles could be inhaled. Socrates drank hemlock tea as his preferred method of dying. 
 The yellow blooms of the elderberry tree signal spring’s arrival, and people need to be aware of the toxicity of this beautiful tree. The stems, seeds, leaves, bark, and roots are all poisonous to humans containing a cyanide-inducing glycoside. The blue-black berries are safe to eat only after boiling for at least twenty minutes. Elderberry jam and wine are popular and include major health benefits.
 Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea, a spectacularly beautiful biennial plant, is extremely attractive to children and every part of it is lethal to humans. Compounds from this plant are used in heart medicines. Since they grow tall, five to seven feet tall, plant them at the back of a flower garden and keep them out of your kitchen garden.
 Besides getting my potager and vegetable garden installed, my latest fun spring project has been creating a living wall garden by using a decorative frame from Nature Hills Nursery that features a built-in watering tray and a reservoir for drainage. This instant wall planter is a step up from the DYI picture frame with chicken wire-filled moss that I designed several years ago. I added potting soil to the portrait garden, arranged a variety of succulents, attached a found turkey feather, watered, and hung it on the exterior of my house in the sunshine as a growing art piece. 
 Every day I am immersed in gratitude for the wonders of Mother Earth as I watch the procession and succession of nature’s bounty. Walk gently through your garden to enjoy the miraculous magic of May. 
 The Goddess Gardener’s Gardening Guide for May
 ü  FERTILIZE: If you haven’t already, fertilize trees, shrubs, rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias, lawns, and ground covers while the days are warm, and the evenings are cool. 
ü  FEED indoor plants
ü  BAIT for snails and slugs that will damage new seedlings with organic Sluggo. The active ingredient is iron phosphate. Corry’s Slug and Snail Killer contains 5% sodium ferric Exceda that is safe for pets and people and can be used on edibles. After eating the bait, these gastropods slink to their hiding places to die. Because both male and female mollusks lay eggs, one slug or snail can contribute to thousands of these pests terrorizing crops if not eradicated. 
ü  SPRAY roses, crape myrtle trees, and ground cover susceptible to aphids and fungal diseases.
ü  DEADHEAD roses as the petals fade to encourage continuous blooming.
ü  PLANT annuals and perennials including zinnia, salvia, calibrachoa.
ü  ELIMINATE standing water from gutters, old tires, or saucers to reduce the breeding of mosquitoes.
ü  TRANSPLANT small trees, including fruit trees such as nectarine or avocado to the desired area. 
ü  MOW tall wild grass to three inches or less as a fire defensible space.
ü  COMBINE edibles and flowers in a kitchen garden with a variety of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, beets, squash, garlic, parsley, borage, nasturtium, calendula, roses, and marigolds.
 Happy Gardening. Happy Growing. 
Photos and more: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1606/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-Spring-succession.html
Press Pass: https://blog.voiceamerica.com/2022/05/12/digging-deep-with-goddess-gardener-cynthia-brian-in-may/
 Cynthia Brian, The Goddess Gardener, is available for hire to help you prepare for your spring garden. Raised in the vineyards of Napa County, Cynthia is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s StarStyle® Radio Broadcast at www.StarStyleRadio.com.
Buy copies of her books, including, Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, and Be the Star You Are! www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store. Receive a FREE inspirational music DVD and special savings.
Hire Cynthia for writing projects, garden consults, and inspirational lectures.
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clefaiiiry · 7 years
Pokemon, but Cynthia never calls Cyrus by his name, and instead replaces it with shit like “Cy Guy”, “Cilantro”, “Cyanide”, etc.
Idk about which version of dppt you played anon but this was 100% what happened
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jgfiles · 7 years
Synthia Grane’s character profile (Joker Game Universe)
Synthia Grane’s character profile (Joker Game Universe)
(Very tentative version as no translation for ‘Angō-mei: Cerberus’ novel version had been released.)
Surname: Grane - グレーン Name: Synthia - シンシア Full Name: Synthia Grane - シンシア・グレーン Nationality: English Codename: Cerberus (ケルベロス - Cerberus) Appearances: Novel: Vol. 3 Chapter 4 “Code Name: Cerberus” (First part) (暗号名ケルベロス(前編 - Angō-mei: Cerberus (Zenpen)), Vol. 3 Chapter 5 “Code Name: Cerberus” (Second part) (暗号名ケルベロス(後編) -Angō-mei: Cerberus (Kōhen)) Anime: EP 7 “Code Name: Cerberus” (暗号名ケルベロス - Angō-mei: Cerberus) Joker Game The Animation Manga: Chap 12, 13 “Code Name: Cerberus” (暗号名ケルベロス - Angō-mei: Cerberus) Voice Actor: Nakamura Chie - 中村 千絵(なかむら ちえ)
Brief introduction
She’s the wife of Raymond Grane and the mother of Emma Grane. She deeply loved her husband and when he died and she, by coincidence, ended up discovering his death was orchestrated by Louis McCloud, a family friend, she vowed revenge and became a German spy in order to kill him.
So as to carry out her plan she embarked on the Tokimaru as well, searching for him and carrying with herself her daughter and her dog, Frate. She knew he got through plastic surgery but she was sure he couldn’t change the shape of his ears so she was searching for a person with such ears.
When she found him she was almost discovered due to Frate getting close to that person but she managed to avoid it. Due to this though she got in contract with a man going by the name of Utsumi Osamu who thought she wasn’t feeling well, approached her in order to make sure she was fine and took care of her daughter.
Later, when Louis McCloud, who was now hiding under the identity of Jeffrey Morgan, was talking with Utsumi Osamu, she managed to poison him with Cyanide. Utsumi Osamu though, who in truth was a D Agency member (Amari in the anime), discovered what she had done. Due to this she decided to consign herself to authorities and leave her daughter and dog in his care.
Not much is known about her, expect that the loss of her husband due to Louis McCloud filled her with a wish for revenge that caused her to prioritize her revenge to her own country and living a safe, happy life with her own beloved daughter. This probably means she loved her husband a lot. Still she worried about her child so she was also probably a loving mother.
Physical appearance
In the anime she’s a young and beautiful woman with blond hair and blue eyes who wears a pale green dress.
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Raymond Grane
In the anime we don’t see them interact but Synthia Grane loved him so much she was desperate due to his death and willing to betray her country in order to kill the one who caused it. In the Joker Game The Animation in an extra scene we see the two seemed to get along well and that he would care for her, miss her and bring her presents as he feels guilty because, due to his work, he makes her worry for him.
Emma Grane
Synthia Grane is Emma Grane’s mother and she seems to love her and worry about her. She often carries her in her arms even though Emma knows how to walk well enough. However, as she grows obsessed by the idea of revenge over the man who caused her husband’s death, Synthia begins to prioritize this to a safe and peaceful life with Emma, and becomes a German spy just to avenge her husband. Once she had killed Louis McCloud, the one who caused her husband’s death, she seems to come to her sense and question the choice she took. In the end all she could do for Emma was to entrust her to Utsumi Osamu. As for Emma Grane she clearly loves her mother and trusted her, not having problems to fall asleep in her arms.
Though we don’t exactly see Synthia interact with Frate, it’s implied she cared for him as she carried him with herself in her travel and trusted him to keep the photo safe.
Louis McCloud/Jeffrey Morgan
Louis McCloud was supposedly a family friend for Synthia Grane as he seems familiar with her family and comes to her husband’s mourning ceremony, pretending to be there to offer his condolences and support. While he likely doesn’t harbor ill will toward her, he viewed her husband as a pawn and is likely merely pretending to empathize with her pain. Once Synthia Grane discovers his involvement in her husband’s death she does all she can to get a chance to kill him, ultimately managing to do so.
Amari/Utsumi Osamu
They meet on the Tokimaru. As Amari/Utsumi Osamu heard her screaming he went to check on her and seeing she was distressed, volunteered to take care of her daughter until she felt better. She seemed to appreciate this. Later on though he discovered she was responsible of McCloud’s death and confronted her about it. She admitted she murdered him and told him her reasons. As she will be now arrested for murder he volunteers to take care of her daughter and pet dog, which she’s grateful for… and, looking at him with her child, Synthia seems to see again her husband.
After seeing Synthia Grane distressed Hara worried for her. He volunteered to accompany her to her room and, when he saw her again on the bridge he went to check on her status. As far as Synthia Grane is involved, she’s polite with him but this is all there’s to say.
Although people prefer to transliterate シンシア as “Cynthia”, in the anime we see it’s transliterated as “Synthia”. This isn’t necessarily a Japanese mistake as “Synthia” as a female name exists, even if it’s considered a rare alternate form of “Cynthia”. Due to this I kept the spelling the anime favoured instead than the spelling the fans favoured and likely won’t change it unless it turns out some Japanese official source(artbooks, guidebooks, official pages, whatever) rectified which spelling should be used.
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sekinosemimaru · 8 years
Joker Game: The Animation Chapter 13
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Joker Game Manga Chapter 13 - 「Codename Cerberus Part Two」Translation
Read chapters here -> http://comic.mag-garden.co.jp/jokergame/
Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter 3 / Chapter Four / Chapter Five / Chapter Six / Chapter Seven / Chapter Eight / Chapter Nine / Chapter Ten / Chapter Eleven / Chapter Twelve / Chapter Thirteen / Chapter Fourteen (March 25)
Sorry for the long wait, I had some complications with my schedule, plus I had to apply for some extra classes to help beep up my portfolio. Prepare yourself for a small bittersweet Grane family moment later.
Page 1
Joker Game
file 13. Codename Cerberus (Part Two)
Page 2
Yuuki: Louis McCloud. He was employed by the British Secret Services during the last war in Europe and was the man who took an active part in decoding German encryptions. He has changed his face and is now planning on traveling across the Pacific from America to Japan.
Page 3
Yuuki: ….Don’t allow him to enter Japan.
Amari: …...Operation Gardening.
Page 4
Captain: Utsumi-sama. Are you implying that you know nothing of the late Mr. Morgan other than his name?
Utsumi: We just happened to meet on board. Surely that’s nothing unusual. So you happen to know the cause of death?   
Crew member: According to the autopsy of our ship’s onboard doctor, the cause of death is…
Page 5
Crew member: cyanide poisoning.
Captain: You mean he was poisoned!?  
Crew member: Well, it’s not certain yet….
Louis: You…. so you were…. Cerb-...
Utsumi: So, the life of McCloud, a central figure of the Enigma decryption team, was targeted by someone
Page 6    
Utsumi: whose codename is the guard dog of hell, Cerberus…?
Captain: As the captain, I would like to object to this. Your actions violate the international law. I would like a proper explanation for this.
English Captain: We have been informed that an Englishman who goes by the name of Jeffrey Morgan is being held under control on a stateless vessel.
Captain: An Englishman?
Page 7
English Captain: We consulted with the American authorities and thus are conducting unannounced investigations of suspicious ships. there shouldn’t be any problems as long as his safety is confirmed and he has been handed over to us. Now tell me, where is he?
Captain: ….He’s…
English Captain: What? It’s fine with me if you refuse to hand him over. I’ll just have to search ship myself.
Crew member: Are you feeling alright? Mrs. Grane.
Cynthia: Yes, thanks to you…
Page 8
Utsumi: …..! …..
[Looks through passenger list]
Page 9
English Captain: What!? He’s dead…? You must be joking what in the world….
[Sharp whistle]
Utsumi: Come! Frate Come here!
Captain: Utsumi-sama, what are you….!!
Page 10
Utsumi: Allow me to shall explain Mr. Morgan’s death. However, can you give me some time before that?
Page 11
Captain: Would that be fine with you?
English Captain: ...Very well. As long as I get a sufficient answer in return.
Page 12
Utsumi: So you are Cerberus, am I right?
Cynthia: ….
Utsumi: Since Frate doesn’t bear any resemblance of the guard dog from hell.
Page 13
Utsumi: Would you mind explaining this to me?
Page 14
Utsumi: How did you know it was him?
Cynthia: I recognized him the moment I first laid my eyes on him. Since I stared long enough to open a hole into that picture everyday. I heard that McCloud had changed his face. Although his features may have changed, the shape of his ears would remain the same, so I made sure to focus on that the most…
Page 15
Cynthia: After Emma, who fell ill the ship left port, finally recovered I began to search around the ship for ears that were the same as the ones in the picture. However at that moment… Frate just happened to be at McCloud’s feet when I spotted him and so I panicked. For this picture was in his collar.
Page 16
Cynthia: No!! Stop! ….Stay!
Utsumi: ...That’s why you raised your voice at that time. But surely you have accomplished your goal. If you have thrown this picture into the ocean, I’m certain there wouldn’t be any evidence held against you…?
Cynthia: This… picture is where Raymond looks the most handsome in. No matter how repulsive my foe standing next to him is, I cannot throw this away.   
Page 17
Cynthia: This man is my husband and this child’s father… and this man is the spy for the British Secret Intelligence Agency. This man had stolen my husband and my child’s father from us. No that I have killed, I have avenged my husband. I have no regrets.
Page 18
Utsumi: Raymond Grane was the first mate on the British cargo that was sunk by a German merchant cruiser about a year ago, am I right?
Louis: Please do not be disheartened Cynthia.
Page 19
Cynthia: Yes, I’m fine.
Louis: Raymond has accomplished his role as an English seaman… He was a good man.
Cynthia: Yes…. ...Emma? Please excuse me.
Page 20
Cynthia: Emma! Where are you Emma? Emma…
Man: This is too horrible!
Page 21
Louis: Wait, your voice is too loud…
Man: I won’t approve of this strategy. Using civilian ships as decoys like this…. You used a double agent to purposely leak intel.
Cynthia: …?
Man: Surely you would have known that the German army would have eradicated all evidence altogether with the freight vessel….  
Louis: As long as we cannot decrypt the Enigma cryptography, England has no chance in victory.
Page 22
Louis: And this plan that I’ve devised would surely destroy the impregnable Enigma. I will sow the seeds and harvesting the crop, I name this….
Cynthia: “Gardening”…
Page 23   
Cynthia: I’m certain that McCloud named his strategy that.
Utsumi: ….The German army used Enigma to encode the contents of stolen orders and telegraphed it to allied forces. The British then intercepted the transmission and through comparisons with the encoded Enigma message they gained a clue in decrypting the code. However, since he acted out of his own discretion, McCloud’s strategy was met with antipathy instead and so he was driven off from the British Secret Intelligence Agency. After altering his face, he probably set his eyes on Japan to find a new place for himself.
Cynthia: Just are are you...  
Page 24
Cynthia: ...You also burden your life with mysteries, don’t you. I became a German spy for the sake of my revenge. I was prepared for this. But whenever I look at this child’s face, I don’t know anything anymore. ..  
Page 25
Cynthia: Of what I have lived for, of what I should have lived for.
Page 26
Emma: Mama? What’s wrong?
Utsumi: Emma, would you like to see the dolphins again?
Page 27
Emma: Un.
[Utsumi picks Emma up]
Page 28
Cynthia: !
Utsumi: Come, Frate.
Cynthia: Raymond!
Page 29
Emma: Mama! I got a ribbon from Papa!
Raymond: I’m sorry that I couldn’t come home earlier. Did anything happen when I was away? What’s wrong? Could it be that you’re angry that I wasn’t able to keep in touch with you?
Cynthia: No, it’s just that you came back so suddenly that I was surprised…
Raymond: Hold out your hand for me.
Page 30
Raymond: Here’s one for you Cynthia. I feel back bad for making you anxious. My job as a seaman doesn’t allow me to come back home as quickly as possible, this may seem as an excuse to you but... ...I always am thinking of the welfare of my beloved wife and daughter. Oh! Frate, you’re also doing well? I also have a present for you too.
Page 31
Cynthia: Farewell… Emma.
Emma: Dolphins… are they napping?
Utsumi: You can see them tomorrow.
Emma: Un, with Mama.
Utsumi: Don’t worry Frate, you’re also included.
Page 32
Utsumi: Two people and one dog...huh. Well, it’ll somehow work out.
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stellaex-art · 2 years
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Here's my very first Hazbin Hotel OC, Cynthia Cyanide!
She was originally a wolf, but a bunch of my OCs were already wolves, so I changed her to a cat demon! And yes, she is also married to Husk, as I have shipped them from the beginning, and Niffty is also their adopted daughter in my AU too ^^. I hope you guys like how she turned out!
Info provided below ^w^
Name: Cynthia Cyanide Nicknames: Cynth, My dear (by Alastor), Hon' (by Husk), Whiskers (by Angel Dust), Babe (by Husk) Age: Late 40's Gender: Female Species: Cat demon Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Height: 5'7" Date of Death: 1970s Sin: Poisoning her friends Cause of Death: Cyanide poisoning Personality: Kind, Sassy, Flirty, Passionate, Polite, Prideful, Vain Likes: Singing, her family, dancing, Charlie's cause, fancy clothing, cooking, being paid, wine, the color magenta Dislikes: The veins on her arms, hecklers, being insulted, Angel's sexual remarks, being touched without permission, Thieves Friends: Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Alastor, Crymini, Rosie, Mimzy, Cloudburst, Krystal, Artemis, Brimstone Relations: Husk (husband), Niffty (adopted daughter) Relationship Status: Married to Husk Occupation: Club singer Abilities: Demon transformation, Bilingualism, Musical talent, Dancing Voice Headcanon: Susan Egan Theme Song: Come to Mama (Lady Gaga)
Bio: Cynthia Cyanide is a cat demon who works as a nightclub singer in Pentagram City and is the wife of Husk. During her life, she was a famous singer in the 70's, and was even married to Husk during that time, and she had a large circle of friends, but things changed when she found out that all her friends were talking shit about her behind her back, and even conspiring to steal all her jewelry for themselves when she would be performing. Furious, Cynthia decided to get revenge by lacing her friends' drinks with a medicine that would make them all sick, but she accidentally mixed up the medicine with rat poison, which ended up killing her friends. When she found out that her husband had died, she was filled with grief so much that it caused her to kill herself via cyanide poisoning. When she arrived in Hell, she saw that she had dark veins on her arms, which was her punishment as a sinner, so she decided to cover them with gloves so that no one would see them. She soon heard of the Hazbin Hotel, a place where sinners go to be redeemed, and she decided to try and stay there, in hopes of seeing her husband again. When she arrived, she saw Husk, and she instantly recognized it was her husband, and Husk was confused at first, until Cynthia explained everything, and they shared a tender moment together. Everyone was so happy for them, and Angel was lowkey salty because he thought Husk was single. Cynthia soon met Niffty, and she absolutely adored her, and saw her as a daughter she never had, and she proposed to Husk that they adopt her, and he was hesitant at first, but he can't say no to his wife. Cynthia soon took up a job as a nightclub singer, and soon, she was one of the most popular singers in the city. Cynthia is known to be kind and polite, but is also very sassy and flirty, as well as prideful and vain, as she takes great pride in her image and reputation. She loves to sing and dance, and often sings for her friends and slow dances with her husband. She also believes in Charlie's cause, as she also thinks that with enough hard work, everyone deserves a second chance to redeem themselves. She also loves cooking, and often helps Niffty & Alastor cook in the kitchen. Cynthia also hates Angel's sexual remarks, especially the ones towards her husband, so she makes sure to keep an eye on him. She is also bilingual and can speak fluent French. Her favorite type of music is jazz and soul music, and she listens to it during her break time. She also sometimes sings with her friends Niffty and Rosie, and often go clothes shopping together too. She also gets along well with Alastor, and even she doesn't agree with some of the cruel things he does, she does consider him a delight to be around when he isn't murdering people.
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methyllifeblog · 6 years
MTHFR: What is the Best Form of B12?
When supplementing the methylation cycle, it is important to consider which form of B12 is right for you.
Sounds easy, right?
Unfortunately, we’ve found that doctors do not necessarily have all the information about what the different forms of B12 are, which genes and genetic mutations benefit most from which forms, and how B12 gets converted within the body.
As part of our commitment to bringing you up-to-date information regarding MTHFR, we’re here to help you understand which form of B12 you may tolerate best.
The Different Types of B12: Methylocalamin, Hydroxocobalamin, Adenosylcobalamin, and Cyanocobalamin
There are 3 types of B12 that are considered extremely beneficial to the body: methylcobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, and adenosylcobalamin.
Yet, the most common form of B12 is actually a form called cyanocobalamin, which it is not very active or beneficial to the body because of its cyanide content and low absorption rate. The reason it doesn’t absorb well is that the body first has to convert it into hydroxocobalamin, which itself has to then be converted into both adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin. Especially if the body has genetic mutations, these conversions don’t happen well. As a result, the body cannot absorb or use the nutrient as effectively.
MTHFR: Choosing the best form of B12 based on your genetics
Because of their difficulty converting cyanocobalamin all the way through this process, it is often assumed that people with an MTHFR deficiency require supplementation of the methylcobalamin type of B12. But it’s actually a bit more complicated.
Your MTHFR status does not determine the type of B12 that’s best for you.
Here’s a well-known fact: methylfolate and methylcobalamin work together synergistically along the methylation cycle pathway. So, most doctors and nutritionists are currently saying that a methylcobalamin supplement would be beneficial for individuals with MTHFR deficiency. However, it doesn’t necessarily follow that if you tolerate methylfolate well you’ll tolerate methylcobalamin well.
What does determine the best type of B12 for your body is the status of genes like COMT, MTR, MTRR, VDR Taq.
So, what does this mean for you?
If you have your 23andme genetic test results, you can use those to guide you as you try the different B12 forms and see how well they do for you. For example, since our founder, Jamie, has a number of mutations in all of the B12 absorption genes (COMT, MTR, MTRR, VDR Taq), she actually need all 3 types of B12.
The table below, developed by Dr. Amy Yasko, helps folks determine their potential B12 needs based on their particular mutation status for COMT & VDR Taq:
COMT V158M VDR Taq B12 Types That Should Be Tolerated – – + + (TT) All 3 types of B12 – – + – (Tt) All 3 types of B12 with less Methylcobalamin – – – – (tt) Hydroxocobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin + – + + All 3 types of B12 with less Methylcobalamin + – + – Hydroxocobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin + – – – Hydroxocobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin + + + + Hydroxocobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin + + + – Hydroxocobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin + + – – Mostly Hydroxocobalamin
  According to Dr. Amy Yasko, the most well tolerated active form of B12 for folks seems to be hydroxocobalamin. Every single one of the genetic combinations she lists should be able to tolerate B12 in the form of hydroxocobalamin. This is why our methylation protocol suggests hydroxocobalamin as the B12 form to begin with.
Here’s a few more handy conclusions:
Folks with multiple COMT mutations tend to do very well with hydroxocobalamin (it helps mop up excess peroxynitrites, which can cause problems)
Folks with MTR & MTRR mutations may do well with methylcobalamin & adenosylcobalamin supplementation
 Methylation Protocol
Methylfolate: What’s the Right Dosage for me?
Sublingual, Mouth Absorption, or Shots? Taking Your Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 does not absorb well through the gut, so it’s best to take it under the tongue (sublingual) or through mouth absorption (holding it between the gums and cheek). Consider taking it in some form of liquid or tablet/lozenge that can be sucked on or dissolved in the mouth. Holding the B12 in your mouth for at least 90 seconds is good, and the longer the better.
Note: Different manufacturers use different terms for tablets that are meant to dissolve sublingually in the mouth. But “sublingual” is considered a pharmaceutical term by the FDA, so dietary supplements are moving away from using that term. That said, it doesn’t really matter what term or form you use (chewable tablet, lozenge, sublingual tablet, liquid, etc). For maximum absorption, the main idea is to hold it in your mouth for 90 seconds or more, if you can.
Another way to absorb B12 is through shots to your muscle. However, the research tells us that sublingual (or mouth) absorption is equally as effective as muscular absorption, and shots may cost significantly more money! You should also be aware that many doctors still give cyanocobalamin shots. While you may need higher doses of active B12(s) (like Jamie does), you may not do well when given the higher doses of cyanocobalamin that comes in a shot. Your body may not be able to do the conversions and you could have negative side effects.
How to interpret your B12 blood tests
When determining what form of B12 is best to help mitigate your MTHFR symptoms, it’s important to test your B12 blood serum levels. But it’s important to know what to make of the results.
What does it mean if your B12 blood serum level comes back high?
Don’t panic! Blood tests for B12 are highly inaccurate at detecting actual cellular levels of B12 (meaning the B12 that’s available for the cells to use). Studies have shown that people can have high or normal B12 levels in the blood and actually show virtually no B12 in the spinal fluid, meaning the B12 is not being transported from the blood stream into the cells where it should be absorbed and used.
What can you do if you have high B12 blood test results?
Dr. Amy Yasko and Nutritionist Cynthia Smith, both suggests you can consider taking low dose lithium orotate (Cynthia Smith suggests approximately 4.6 mg pulsed a couple times a week before adding the B12 form in that’s most likely best for you).
Vitamin B12 at Methyl-Life
At Methyl-Life, we currently sell B12 as
Hydroxocobalamin in a 2.5 mg lozenge (chewable tablet) All 3 active B12 forms in one 5 mg lozenge/chewable tablet dose as B12 Complete Methylcobalamin (together along with methylfolate) as our B-Methylated II lozenges/chewable tablets Methylcobalamin (small dose) along with methylfolate & other vitamins as our Methylated Multi chewable tablets
Want to learn about how Vitamin B12 benefits your brain and cognitive function!
  The post MTHFR: What is the Best Form of B12? appeared first on Methyl-Life.
from WordPress https://methyllifebl0g.wordpress.com/2018/07/26/mthfr-what-is-the-best-form-of-b12/
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cakesterre · 7 years
= heyo my dudes. if u were stranded on an island what would be the one thing youd bring with u. id bring ram ;-) -sincerely, friendly neighborhood greaser
Cynthia: “A boat. A boat that actually works.”
Stuart: “This question is kinda stupid, but I’ll answer it anyway, since you’re a piece of shit. Uh, a plane. Fly the fuck outta there.”
Juro: “I’d definitely bring my offspring with me. It wouldn’t hurt to bring some company over.”
Welly: “Can I bring my entire factory? That’s a thing, right?”
Ram: “What an interesting question to ask me, Cyanide. To answer your question, I’ll simply bring you over. We can have fun together. Just you and me by ourselves. Sounds lovely, doesn’t it?”
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tSE 044 - Kevin Davis, founder of Young Skeptics and Secular Voices!
The Science Enthusiast Podcast!
Just the right amount of not-a-science-podcast! It's not the worst, but thank you for listening (and we're sorry?)!
Hosts: Natalie Newell (Skeptical Parenting) and Dan Broadbent (A Science Enthusiast)!
Follow the podcast on Youtube at http://bit.ly/SciEnthusiastPodcast!
Sponsor: Ken Ham. Because Ken Ham. Here’s a link to the FB post Dan talked about: https://www.facebook.com/aScienceEnthusiast/photos/a.475346705827113.120684.475335342494916/1593480944013678 (YOU can sponsor the show at patreon [http://patreon.com/tSEpodcast] or by buying some merch at aScienceEnthusiast.com/store!)
God of the week: A story (as always, but this time told by Nat)
Interview: Tonight we are thrilled to be joined by Kevin Davis, the founder of Young Skeptics and the head writer of Secular Voices for Patheos. Kevin is also the author of Understanding an Atheist: A Practical Guide to Relating to Nonbelievers (Get it at http://amzn.to/2oeDlRJ). Kevin’s activism is focused on attacking the social stigma that accompanies being openly nonreligious, as well as advocating for children against the harms that aggressive indoctrination can cause.
Relevant links: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/secularvoices/author/kdavis/ http://www.patheos.com/blogs/secularvoices/2017/02/20/child-evangelism-fellowship-isnt-hiding-anti-science/ http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2017/02/21/in-response-to-christian-group-atheists-begin-young-skeptics-club-at-ca-elementary-school/ http://www.patheos.com/blogs/secularvoices/2017/02/10/stop-suggesting-school-satan-clubs-answer-good-news-club/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_News_Club_v._Milford_Central_School
Follow Kevin: https://twitter.com/YoungSkeptics https://www.facebook.com/SecularVoicesOrg https://www.facebook.com/YoungSkepticsClub
Why we love the internet: Because our favorite FFRF attorney, Andrew Seidel, continues to come on our show! He talked to us about the FFRF’s newest commercial, shot at Ken Ham’s Ark Encounter!
The commercial: https://youtu.be/1YHUD5-zW5I
Our live video record with Andrew: https://www.facebook.com/aScienceEnthusiast/videos/1594778050550634 Quote of the Week: Religion is not merely the opium of the masses, it's the cyanide. (Tom Robbins)
Next week:  Rob Sharkey, aka the Shark Farmer on Twitter (https://twitter.com/sf28430)! He also does *two* podcasts: http://thefarmerandthecitygirl.com/ and http://www.sharkfarmer.libsyn.com!
Follow the podcast on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SciEnthusiastPodcast!
Be like Trevor, Michael, Alice, Michael, Felix, Michael, Bruce, Amanda, Kris, James, Sarah, and Cynthia: Become a patron at patreon.com/tSEpodcast!
Full tSE archives: ScienceEnthusiastPodcast.com
Follow Natalie on Twitter as @ncnewell or Dan as @aSciEnthusiast!
The music you heard tonight was written and performed by Adam Johnson, and was used with his permission. You can contact Adam at [email protected].
Have feedback? Suggestions for a topic? Ideas for a new segment? Hate mail? Love letters? Contact us at [email protected]!
Check out this episode!
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