#cycad care
cselandscapearchitect · 8 months
Resilient Beauty: Cycad Species Thriving in the Low Desert Landscapes
Several cycad species can thrive in the low desert regions, offering a touch of prehistoric beauty and resilience to arid environments. Here are a few cycad species that are well-suited for the low desert: Dioon edule (Dwarf Dioon) Cycas revoluta (Sago Palm) Encephalartos ferox (Zulu Cycad) Zamia furfuracea (Cardboard Palm) Cycas panzhihuaensis (Panzhihua Cycad) Dioon edule Dioon edule,…
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qprsmackdown · 1 year
c dream and c punz from dreamsmp
if you’re trying to submit these characters, you’ll need to enter them into this here google form
if you’re looking for an opinion in the characters/pairings then. i mean i guess men who slay together stay together or smth
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akariuta311101 · 3 months
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Taxonomic Group: Maiasaura is a genus within the Hadrosauridae family, classified under the subfamily Saurolophinae. It is part of the group commonly known as duck-billed dinosaurs.
Size and Weight: Maiasaura was a medium to large dinosaur, measuring around 9 meters (30 feet) in length and weighing approximately 2 to 3 metric tons (4,400 to 6,600 pounds).
Time Period: This dinosaur lived during the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 76 to 74 million years ago.
Location: Fossils of Maiasaura have been discovered in North America, particularly in the state of Montana, USA.
Diet: As a herbivore, Maiasaura primarily fed on a variety of plants. Its dental structure, with closely packed dental batteries, was well-suited for grinding tough vegetation, including conifers, cycads, and flowering plants.
Distinctive Features: Maiasaura is known for its distinctive flat, duck-billed snout. It also had a robust body and a long tail that helped balance its weight.
Head Structure: Its skull was elongated with a beak-like structure at the front for cropping plants. The teeth were arranged in rows, forming dental batteries that allowed efficient processing of plant material. The nasal passages were relatively simple compared to crested hadrosaurs.
Movement and Behavior: Maiasaura was capable of both bipedal and quadrupedal movement. It likely moved on all fours while foraging and could rear up on its hind legs for speed or to reach higher vegetation.
Initial Discovery: The genus Maiasaura was described by Jack Horner and Robert Makela in 1979, based on fossils discovered in the Two Medicine Formation in Montana. The name Maiasaura means “good mother lizard,” highlighting evidence of parental care.
Skin and Fossil Finds: While skin impressions of Maiasaura are rare, skeletal remains are abundant. These include nearly complete skeletons, skulls, vertebrae, and limb bones, providing extensive information about its anatomy and behavior.
Social Behavior: Evidence suggests that Maiasaura lived in large herds and exhibited complex social behavior. Fossilized nesting sites indicate that Maiasaura engaged in communal nesting and cared for their young, providing protection and ensuring their survival.
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lovedrunkheadcanons · 4 months
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Chapter Contents
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Hannah would never forget the moment she first laid eyes on a ginkgo tree. 
It was shortly after she’d stepped off the plane from England. Amidst waiting with her entourage, she spotted the fan-leaved deciduous hiding within a rush of Japanese maple. Its green coloring stuck out like a sore thumb beside their purple foliage, then Hannah saw the unique leaf shape. At the time it was early April. When autumn arrived, the ginkgo’s matcha green would turn a vivid yellow not even the Temple of the Golden Pavilion could outshine.  
Charles Darwin once dubbed the ginko a “living fossil,” and indeed his description was appropriate. Ginkgos were one of the oldest surviving trees in existence, believed to date back some 200 million years, if not, longer. So much time and history passed down from seed to seed. Staring up at one was like staring at a cornerstone of creation; what came before us, what will be here after.
Hannah could list an encyclopedia of facts about ginkgos. For one, they were gymnosperms, which was a fancy-shmancy way of saying they were nonflowering and only reproduced via seeds exposed to pollen, rather than inside fruits. This placed them in the same division (clade) as cycads and conifers. However, because of their uniqueness and specificity, ginkgos belonged to their own nomenclature. You could also guess the age by its stem coloration; The greyer the branches, the older the tree.
A native species brought over from China, the ginkgo would become a popular symbol within Japanese culture, both in art and in politics. The first European to study the deciduous tree was a German naturalist and explorer by the name of Engelbert Kaempfer. Upon visiting a temple in Nagasaki around 1691, he enquired the name of the tree, having never seen one before. But the native dialect of his tour guide got lost in translation, and so, he wrote down “ginkgo,” much to the confusion of every modern day Chinese and Japanese, for the word did not exist. The true name of the ginkgo is the “maidenhair tree” (銀杏) pronounced “ee-tchō.” Kaempfer’s mistake has never since been corrected.   
Though for those not born in East Asia, ginkgos were a gateway to someplace more, a sign you had ventured outside the world as you knew it. For Hannah, this meant her impending marriage to Satoru, the clan leader of the noble Gojo family, one of the Three Sorcerer Families of Japan. It meant a different country. It meant change.
Maidenhair, she thought. Fitting that she’d spotted one so quickly, as she was set to be a maiden no more. 
In time, Hannah would grow fond of the fan-leaved tree. It would shed its foreignness into something reminiscent of home; The Gojo estate was flush with ginkgo, drenching the house in nature’s botanical gold come October.
Which so happened to be now.
Hannah inhaled a deep breath as she readjusted her blanket, fighting off the early autumn chill. She should really stop doing this. It wasn’t smart to keep shoji panels open when the weather was cold; lets out all the heat. But she couldn’t help herself.
When the morning sun hit the forest at just the right angle, the mountainscape was too beautiful to ignore. It had to be witnessed by one’s own eyes.
Ginkgos. Maples. Japanese larches and pines.
She could stare at them for forever if she wanted, forgetting her worries and her cares. There was no place on earth more magical than Mt. Takao. 
She heard a soft grunt immminating behind her and the rustling of bedsheets. Hannah turned around.
She saw the Berllini statue in the shape of her husband, sound asleep on her futon, a living artwork of sculpted abs and muscle. They had slept in her room again last night and had optioned the floor. He was butt naked underneath the covers, torso barely covered from alternating positions in his sleep. His exposed skin looked soft to the touch. She could hear his gentle snoring, snowy white hair strewn every which way atop the pillow. He’d be needing it cut soon.
Hannah smiled, thinking back to last night. If she closed her thighs together, real tight, she could still feel him there, pulsing and incessant. The love they made must’ve tuckered the poor man out. Not even the cold had awoken him. 
Perhaps she should put some clothes on and head down to breakfast. Today was sure to be a busy one.  
Satoru grunted once more and rolled over to his other side. His back was to her now, except the blanket hovering around his torso fell away, giving her a full profile of his arse.
Mind you, it was a pretty great looking arse. God must’ve taken His sweet time sculpting glutes like that, goodness.
Hannah suppressed a giggle from her naughty thoughts and rose from her perch along the opened shoji. Keeping quiet so as not to disturb him, she tiptoed toward the slumbering Adonis and draped one end of the blanket over to conceal his nakedness. There, bare arse no more.
As if sensing she was near, Satoru began to stir. “Mmm, Hannah,” he slurred loosely. 
“Shh,” she hushed, crouching down to plant a comforting kiss on his temple. “Go back to sleep, my darling.”
She had cast her spell, and the sorcerer drifted peacefully back to sleep.
And Hannah went back to staring at the golden ginkgos outside. 
She wouldn’t trade this life for anything.
This country. This beauty. Her darling.
Chapter Contents
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pokemoncaretips · 1 year
Is it ethical to resurrect fossil pokemon?
The answer to that is a solid: It depends.
For the most part, I would argue that yes, it's fine to take a fossil to a lab. The biggest worry most people have is that "if it gets out, what about the eco-system?" but in truth, the fossil pokemon is the one most in trouble for the simple fact that.
The eco system has moved on and the old niche is filled by pokemon with millions of years of natural selection against the resurrected one. For an example, lets look at lileep. Back in its time period, where the diversity of the eco-systems was still a new thing, lileep colonies stretched for miles. They were the dominant life form. You can't stub your toe in Hoenn without turning over a lileep fossil. Because they were the first really successful grass type, the ocean beds were theirs. Nowadays, though, the sea floors they used to rule are crowded with corsola, sea weed, kelp, shellder beds, etc. There's no room for the fairly basic lileep to get a foot hold.
Sometimes even the basic environment itself is an issue. Anorith struggle in modern oceans due to changes to the ocean such as pH and salinity.
One of the few exceptions to this is omanyte, which is becoming quite prevalent. However, a number of fairly smart water type pokemon are working out how to get into that tough shell to get the meat inside, and so its likely the eco-system may eventually resettle once its position on the food chain is established. Until then, omanyte meat is very slowly picking up as a delicacy. (Though frankly, you'd have a better time eating an old boot.)
Another reason they pose little threat to the eco system: most of their food no longer exists naturally. Aurorus, for instance, can just barely hold its own against rivals like tropius, but their natural diet of large cycads and ferns are hard to find or just plain extinct. Combined with the warmer temperatures of today, and a large pokemon that could have been destructive of the eco-system is rendered incapable of doing so.
However, these pokemon often thrive in human care, as we can use science to make supplements that fill in the nutritional gaps and provide care and enrichment to help them enjoy their new life. A well loved and looked after fossil pokemon is a fascinating window into a past so different it may as well be another world.
However, there is one more thing I must address.
"Professor" Cara Liss is a hack who got her PhD from the back of a cereal box.
Those poor pokemon she resurrects are travesties of science. Though it is our responsibility to provide the current specimens living today with the medical care they deserve, it is DEEPLY morally wrong to create more of them. A dracovish might have a good reputation as a battler but it can barely function without a diet that is almost half medication by volume (I exaggerate, but only slightly).
Fossil pokemon do need some thought, as there are extra elements to their care, but if you want to bring your lucky fossil feather back from the dead as an arceops, go forth and do so if you think you're ready.
Just don't give it to that fraud in Galar.
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dalle2 · 1 year
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“Of all the predators in the lush cycad forests of the Cretaceous, none was as feared as the king of the kittysaurs, the mighty Tibblesaurus Rex”
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arclundarchivist · 1 day
Spectember: Gymnosperm Endotherm
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Helora (Ambulocyclades sapiens), the Joybond is an interesting alliance of nations, united prior to their Arrival on Arclund amongst their neighbors, they counted the Isikhulu Humans, who had fled their home during the rise of the Primarchs, refusing to bow to the Tyrannical mages and their Destructive Master.
They were ferried from their home by the Primordial Herald known to Mortals simply as Joy, an inscrutable being whose true power has rarely been seen. The being brought them to many worlds, where they allied and rescued a number of other people from the Silicon-based Petreen to the Churchan-touched Shifters. Yet, the people that they knew the longest were the Helora, mobile, sentient plants, believed to be derived from a species of cycad, that adapted an endothermic vascular system, allowing them mobility and warmth as their original word cooled over time, letting them seek out living prey as the soil and sun become rarified resources.
Standing between five and seven feet-tall the Helora have adapted a form that on the basest level resembles most mortal life, standing on two hind legs with two main arms, yet their bodies are composed entirely of tightly intertwined “vines”, thick bark forming in osteoderm like patterns to protect their core structures, and their heads, which have adapted to mimic the shape and function of a human face are made entirely out of mobile pinnate leaves that shift in form and coloration to convey their emotions.
Some people find it somewhat eerie to look at a Helora and see a face looking back at them that is in truth hollow, lacking eyes, and a true mouth.
Helora speak through the usage of pheromones, and sign language, but are able to converse in other languages by fluttering their leaves, giving their voices a rustling, whispering quality.
Able to extend their limbs and reshape their bodies as is their want, Helora often change shape throughout their lives, better constructing their forms for their chosen profession, but some have been known to change appearances at the drop of a hat.
In private and amongst their Joybond allies, Helora often take on a much more basal form, and are notably some of the best hunters at the Joybond’s disposal, though in their new home many have returned to supping of the sun alone.
They have widely integrated across the Intlizyo jungle, often living amongst Lizardfolk villages and can occasionally be spotted within Last Sky, trading their kills for goods from across the sea.
Religion matters little to them, but they do offer thanks to Joy and a god of nature they insist is not Gaea, but do little to explain their ministrations.
Helora are able to produce offspring with a partner or on their own, producing a seed that must be incubated within carefully monitored earth for several months, and these nurseries are one of the most well protected areas in Joybond territory, with Shifters, Petreen, Isikhulu and Lizardfolk guards offering additional protection, while Helora parents root themselves to better care for their nascent child.
Helora are nominally a genderless ancestry, though some have been known to add masculine or feminine characteristic to their form as is their want, and they put no considerations on their children to be anything but who they desire to be.
Romantic relationships are rare amongst their kind, and it is almost unheard of for a Helora to fall for another ancestry but it has happened, though these bonds often stay in the spectrum of asexuality.
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mqsinfo · 3 months
What are some amazing facts about Africa?
Conservationists in South Africa are infusing a special red dye into the horns of live rhinos. The mixture renders the horn completely useless to poachers trying to sell it commercially, and is also toxic for human consumption.
The ‘loneliest organism’ in the world. A single, lone cycad tree, the dominant tree during the dinosaur era, was discovered in Africa in 1895. They have yet to find a mate to pollinate it.
In 2009 a pigeon named Winston raced Telkom, South Africa’s largest ISP, to see who could deliver 4GB of data to a location 60 miles away the fastest. By the time Winston arrived with the 4GB flash drive, Telkom had transmitted only 4% of the data.
In Rwanda plastic bags are illegal and carry with them a 100-$150 fine. In fact, at airport customs all plastic bags are confiscated which has resulted in Rwanda being one of the most litter free countries in Africa
South Africa is the only country to have ever developed its own nuclear weapons and then voluntarily dismantled them.
There are 4 million square miles of fertile land in Africa that can’t be cultivated because tsetse flies keep killing farm animals
When the world’s largest diamond was transported from Africa to England, an elaborate & secure journey by sea was publicized — as a rouse. The real diamond was simply posted by mail.
A man in Africa single-handedly stopped the desertification of his region by reviving ancient farming and irrigation techniques despite being ridiculed by his community.
Elephants killed 605 people in Assam b/w 1994–2006. In South Africa, 3 elephants killed 63 rhinos.
Biologists think increased elephant aggression is the result of species-wide trauma from poaching & habitat loss, and direct trauma for those who saw family members murdered before their eyes.
“AIDS orphan tourism” in Africa is a thing, where volunteers temporarily care for children who have lost their parents to the virus, and has left children with attachment disorders and encouraged orphanages to purposefully keep them in poor conditions to attract more volunteers.
The experience of hearing voices among schizophrenia patients is influenced by culture. In the US, patients typically report hearing angry/violent voices. In India and Africa, patients are more likely to report hearing friendly/entertaining voices.
Facts That Are Absolutely Mind Boggling
In 1972 a pocket of uranium in Africa was found to have undergone self-sustaining nuclear fission for over 100,000 years, making it the only known naturally formed nuclear reactor.
There’s a bar in South Africa entirely inside a 6,000 year old baobab tree, a species which naturally begins to hollow after it reaches about 1,000 years old.
“Beehive fences” (spaced along the edge of their property) in Africa help farmers ward off elephants without harming them, while also producing honey that they can sell in addition to other crops.
Facts And Knowledge info
Quotes in urdu
Facts in urdu
Knowledge in urdu
Information in urdu
12 African nations have come together pledging to build a 9 mile wide band of trees that will stretch all the way across Africa, 4750 miles, in order to stop the progressive advancement of the Sahara.
The Prawns in the movie District 9 are not called that because of shrimp, but are in reference to the Parktown prawn which is a cricket native to South Africa.
There is a frog from Africa, Trichobatrachus robustus, that breaks a bone in its toe pad, pushes the sharp broken bone through it’s skin, and tries to shank you with it if it feels threatened.
In Algeria, the largest country in Africa and 35th in world population, women make up 70% of the country’s lawyers and 60% of its judges, as well as dominating the field of medicine. Increasingly, women are contributing more to household income than men. 60% of university students are women.
interesting facts about South Africa — جنوبی افریقہ کے بارے میں دلچسپ حقائق اور معلومات
In 1962 the CIA tipped off South Africa’s intelligence service about the location of Nelson Mandela, leading to his arrest that put him in jail for 27 years
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berkiepalm · 1 year
Enhance your garden with the majestic Giant Dioon from Berkie Palms. Delve into the world of cycads, and bring home the grandeur of this unique plant. Expert care advice awaits.
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poisonhemloc · 1 year
misc and disjointed taco truck au stuff
You can get pretty much anywhere with public transportation- take a bus, train, subway, whatever. If you don’t want to, it’s really easy to bike places. Following that, there’s not a lot of call for having a driver’s license- so not a lot of people have them.
But. Taco truck is a truck. So everyone who actually works on the trucks needs a license (eventually). Hornfels is the only person who doesn’t- they don’t need one. Slate has one too since, mechanic. (Mica can drive! Not legally though.) This Granite finds out they need glasses when they go to get a license and is. Not. excited.
Graphite (Buddy’s hatchling who works at an aquarium) is very Friend focused, and got to know the truck crew just by trying to be friends with them. Feldspar and kinda Esker decided to be irresponsible older relatives, Gossan is the only responsible one, Slate took the longest to warm up, but Mica likes them- Mica was and still will weld fish together when they have free time and scrap (Slate sells that in the shop but all proceeds go to Mica)
Gabbro wears. Almost exclusively. Punk cherries. Yes that is a splatoon boot no I do not care. Riebeck does also wear boots.
...Due to, I’m writing bits of this including The Crash, Feldspar got a fun new freckle pattern- it’s one big freckle, surrounded by broken circles with other freckles in them, looking like the solar system. It’s also on their butt, so, they don’t. Tell people. Gossan knows (And Graphite, due to minor Gym Shower incident, but Feldspar doesn’t realize that)
Final bit. Porphy’s #2 at Sap... is a nebulous, idk right now. They might be, Cycad (a Nomai). They might be, someone’s hatchling, if someone wants their hatchling slotted into all this.
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silkysmooth456 · 2 years
Article University Of Pretoria
You conform to promptly replace your account and different data, including your e mail tackle and credit card numbers and expiration dates, in order that we will full your transactions and get in touch with you as wanted. • If you are transport an item over R 1 000, you need to consider using a trackable transport service or purchasing transport insurance. We don’t assure that we'll obtain your returned item. A research has revealed that virtually all components of South Africa will expertise limited entry to water fuelled by climate change...
Having a fireplace pit within the garden is one approach to prolong a night outside... Harvest all of your Green Sorrel plants earlier than two months of age. At this point it has one of the best taste and the very best dietary value. Growing Green Sorrel is zero effort with the help of our indoor herb gardens. I think greener plants our love for our plant infants, regardless of our motive has a optimistic influence on our lives and general well-being. So, whether or not we really love nature or love the aesthetic and power might not be the necessary part after all.
Although they can grow into monsters, their measurement could be managed and there are new mini monstera and philodendron varieties that match into smaller spaces but with the same impression. We have a wide array of climbers and creepers from the favored Bougainvillea to the Wisteria and Ivy. Green Houston is a develop shop located in Paarl, Western Cape. Local Orders have a risk to be delivered on the same day if the order placed is earlier than 1PM else it will be the next day. Orders placed before 1PM are given to our courier company at the finish of the day, otherwise the order will be handed over the next day.
This plant may be grown indoors and outside and it is a very water sensible plant. These conifers remind me of Tuscan and Mediterranean gardens where they are going to be planted in lengthy rows next to one one other. Perfect if you’re in search of a Sansevieria with all their easy-care qualities, but don’t have the space for one of many taller varieties.
Popular synthetic plants in our vary embrace Bamboos, Palms, Ficus, Cycads, Agaves, Ferns, and Orchids. This Crypt can tolerate plenty of variation in water quality, lighting, flow and nutrients. But CONSISTENCY is essential, so don’t make big changes very quick. DRASTIC Changes could lead to melting of the leaves and typically of the whole plant.
Low-maintenance evergreens that want full sun to light shade. The Green Drop Report paints a really bleak picture as only 23 of 850 (2,3%) sewage plants meet the green drop requirements. The cross fee for sewage works is 90%, however 334 sewage works (64%) achieved lower than 31% while the typical nationwide rating is 37%. The sewage works in the Free State achieved a median vertical gardens of 26% while the sewage works in North West achieved 30% and in Limpopo 29%. French impartial energy producer HDF Energy expects its green hydrogen power plant in Namibia, Africa’s first, to begin out producing electrical energy by 2024, a senior company govt said on Monday. This carnivorous plant grows best in sandy soil that is high in acidity and moisture.
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Plant Name - Cycas petraea
Cycas petraea is a rare and beautiful species of cycad that can be found in Thailand. This plant has bright green, shiny leaves and grows up to six meters tall in the wild. It can grow in full sun or partial shade and is very easy to care for. They make excellent house plants, but also look great as decoration outdoors.
< 20 plants available Now
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qprsmackdown · 1 year
what submissions have the most convincing propaganda: rather for being silly or being serious
hi anon. mod zazie here. i read through every single one of the submissions to answer this because i am insane. and the results are as follows ^-^
techno & phil fans are INSANE over "for you phil, the world!!" as they should be!! i, too, read bunfloras' phil & techno fics. but even if i didnt already know who emeraldduo was, you all have VERY GOOD propaganda. Immortal lifelong best friends... <3
dsmp fans i love you im holding out my hand to you in a gesture of friendship. hello. both mods are also mcyt fans and dsmp fans. we know abt characters vs ccs. we also despise cc!dream. you are safe here. im sorry that previous polls have traumatized you :((
c!tubbo/c!ranboo fans also fucking turned out you have VERY convincing propaganda
ive never read the locked tomb, know nothing of the characters, but to the submitters who sent in Camilla Hect and Palamedes Sextus youve convinced me. VERY good job. where can i find your media i need to learn more. no like fr
jrwi fans are you okay. good lord /pos. also youll be pleased to know WE HAVE NOT ONE BUT TWO SUBMISSIONS OF THE GREATER MANA POLYCULE
to the etho/skizz fan who submitted an essay. hi. i think youre so right for putting them in a httyd au. very convincing propaganda. also are you okay.
hi silmarillion fans. do you need hot cocoa.
jrwi fans are literally so not normal about their guys. sorry to call you out but oh my god not a single one of you is normal /pos. its great.
not a fnaf fan but "Theyre also both canonically queer, if that helps. That has nothing to do with the lobotomies or the dying and being revived as a soulless walking corpse, though." is the sentence of all time. i hope whoever wrote that is doing well.
good evening to the homestuck fan who wrote jake & dirk propaganda so convincing that for a moment i wanted to go check out their media only to remember its Homestuck and ONLY to the homestuck fan who wrote jake & dirk propaganda so convincing that for a moment i wanted to go check out their media only to remember its Homestuck.
we've been over the jesus christ/mary magdalene submission but did you know apparently there's actual evidence to back it up? lots of it in fact? i did not expect to read that tonight (for future reference slash in case you're curious i am an atheist & cycad is christian)
the little women fan has some SERIOUS propaganda. my respect o7
hello to the autistic sp (south park) fan who wrote a genuine essay on kenny mccormick and eric cartman. wish you well (and like, we got a voltron submission as well. i dont know either of those shows/fandoms at all besides vague knowledge that they're not great but eh we're here to have fun. who cares (this is in response to you mentioning you didnt know if sp was allowed (i dont know actually youd have to ask cycad but im like 95% sure its fine (can you tell i have adhd))))
GIGOLAS FAN SPOTTED. they didnt write a lot of propaganda but HELL YEAH WE GOT SOME LOTR FANS HERE. theyre so qpr to me you dont even KNOW
i didnt even think about link/zelda being a qpr before this but you have convinced me. youre so right. they Are
besties who drink poison together STAY together!!! (merlin and arthur). fuck yeah baby!!! i have never seen merlin bbc
oh moirails are a homestuck thing i saw those in our asks and was unsure what they were
CANON QPR IN FABLE SMP? oh i need to check that out. fable smp fans ik this is a long shot but if anyone wants to give me reccomendations for where to start watching.
hiya qsmp fans. no need to worry you have turned out in both numbers AND propaganda. wowzers.
we have One submission for q!quackbur but now im wondering why no one has submitted c!quackbur. theyre literally homoeretic business rivals whose relationship could be viewed as platonic or romantic. smh
Roman and Youngblood from Roleslaying with Roman have very dedicated fans.
divorce quartet the divorced qp polycule ever but also im very biased. (both scott/cleo and scott/martyn were submitted multiple times)
we have some very fun ocs & real life qp relationships and im so here for it.
oh hey lifesteal smp i know those guys. wow damn theyre kinda fucked up arent they.
Hi. Person who submitted both jesus/mary magdalene and now hamlet/ophelia. I love you. You are here to cause CHAOS and i for one applaud you for it. Can we kiss /j
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blue-opossum · 2 years
Opossum Buddha
        1 minute and 15 seconds to read.
        Sunday morning, 16 October 2022.
        Opossum Buddha
        Dream #: 20,390-s.
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        "Come with me see a brand new day...You see that cycad palm...That's the pure eye...Now you know for sure...That I really care for you...Only the eye can tell you why" - Yothu Yindi, "Yolngu Boy"
        Sometimes multiple coincidences come in long sequences for a long time. I came to Brisbane to be with Zsuzsanna on 9 February 1994. Her brother drove us through Claude (my first name) Road to Clarence (my middle name) House in Indooroopilly to stay before Zsuzsanna and I went to Maryborough.
        In my recent dreaming experience, there was a point that sometimes occurs between light sleep stages. I heard a vivid whistling in my left ear I knew was hallucinatory in my semi-conscious awareness. It is somewhat different from the hallucinatory auditory phasing that occurs in some stages of hypnagogia but similar. This time, the sound did not seem like a residual effect from real-world sounds as in some cases.
        A scene featuring a cycad palm seems to present itself with an "ancient" essence.
        An outdoor wall features a mural with an elaborate psychedelic painting of a Virginia Opossum as a Buddha. Its head reminds me of how I used to sign my name with an opossum head as a heart. This dream segment is a close two-dimensional perception. There is no sense of movement or defined depth. 
        Before Zsuzsanna and I started corresponding, she had an Australian possum. She sent me a photograph of her holding it with its face suggesting a heart and the lighter part of the tomato she held coincidentally being a heart shape. She had also sent me a photograph of her possum with her cats.
        An influence was seeing "The Electrical Life of Louis Wain," which featured a colorful and intricate psychedelic rendering of a cat's head.
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puppyexpressions · 3 years
Checklist for Puppy Proofing Your Home
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Congratulations on welcoming a new puppy into your family! As the owner (or soon-to-be owner) of a new puppy, you’ll start preparing for your new puppy by finding a veterinarian and purchasing all the necessities.
But, after the fun part of choosing a cute collar and getting a name tag engraved, it’s time to get down to business by puppy proofing your home.
Make sure your environment is as safe as possible by reviewing our puppy checklist for bringing a puppy home.
Keep your trash under wraps
Trash cans are a mecca of interesting and exciting smells to a curious puppy’s nose, so it’s important to keep them covered and secured. Left to their own devices your new puppy could consume something toxic (like xylitol gum), swallow an object that causes internal obstruction (like tissues or a bone) or even get their head caught in a snack bag, putting them at risk of suffocation.
Free of charge: cover and contain cords
Protect your new puppy from accidental shock, burns to the mouth, or worse, by using sturdy cord covers or deterrent sprays on electric cords, chargers, and power cables. Of course, a young pup should always be supervised when not contained in a crate or pen, but providing plenty of chew toys will also help to give your puppy a better outlet (pun intended) for their chewing energy.
Properly stow your bags
It’s very likely that your purse, backpack, gym bag, or diaper bag contains one, if not many items that pose a threat to your new pup. Xylitol poisoning is becoming more and more common as it creeps into more products, like sugar-free gum, hand creams, etc. See a list of 700+ products containing xylitol here. Unintentional poisoning is one of the most common pet emergencies, so be sure to store bags in a closed closet or on a sturdy hook that is high and out of reach. Don’t let family members or visitors off the hook either.
Create a drug-free zone
Human medications are the most common source of poisoning for pets every year, so be sure that all medications and supplements that might be sitting on nightstands or countertops are safely stored in secure cabinets or drawers. It is also wise to store pet medications separately from yours, and always dispense pills and liquids over a sink or bowl in case of spills.
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Watch out for poisonous houseplants
A houseplant may appear innocent, but it can cause serious problems, from mild irritation and digestive upset to organ failure and even death if your puppy decides to take a nibble. Some of the most dangerous plants for dogs include the Sago palm — pictured close to a puppy's crate in photo above — (and other cycads), Castor Bean, American Yew, and the Autumn Crocus. Beware of Poinsettia plants and Holly (leaves and berries) around christmas. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but you can see more on ASPCA Animal Poison Control’s list of poisonous plants and flowers.
Give them space
Whether it’s a crate, a pen, or a fluffy spot on the sofa in the basement, your pup deserves a “safe space” to which they can retreat and be contained if you’re not home. Getting your pup used to a crate will have many benefits; for example, when you travel, take your dog to the groomer, or when they have to stay at the vet for a few hours.
Pack your poisons
From household cleaners, detergents and glue, to yard and automotive chemicals, most homes are bound to have a few toxic substances that need to be locked up. Even a safety cap can’t stand up against those sharp puppy teeth. Antifreeze is especially enticing to pets, so take extra care when cleaning up spills and storing containers. Rat and mouse poisons as well as slug baits need to be kept out of reach.
Set limits
Curious by nature, your puppy is bound to explore as much as possible and test their limits. Set up baby gates or pens and close appropriate doors to keep your puppy from getting into (or out of) places that you don’t want them to.
Heights: keep your pup grounded
Puppies are clumsy and have fragile bones, so a seat on the couch or in a standing child’s arms puts them at risk of injury if they fall or try to jump. It’s best to keep your puppy off tall furniture and have young children sit when holding them until your puppy is less fragile and more coordinated.
Batteries are not remotely safe
Remote controls, electronic toys, key fobs, and any other devices that contain batteries should be picked up and kept well out of reach. Not only can small parts be chewed and swallowed, but a swallowed battery is even more dangerous because it can cause burns to the soft tissue inside your pet’s esophagus on the way down. Disc batteries are especially dangerous!
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6480n · 3 years
Looking for fellow creatives for a fantasy project!!
Hi all! I’m looking for other people who might be interested in collaborating on a hobby world-building project. !!Please help me find people by reblogging this post!!
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[ID: Sketch of someone waving cheerfully at the viewer. end ID]
This world is designed to be the basis for a magic-based, multiplayer platformer fantasy game similar in ways to Maplestory and Fantasy Life, where the player character travels throughout various cool and magical realms. If you want to learn more about the world, please check out the information under the “read more” (I didn’t want the post to get too long).
Some stuff about me: I’m a Thai-American genetics student/researcher with heavy interests in evolutionary biology and Southeast Asian culture. I like to draw/design in my free time. I’m looking for people who are interested in contributing (to any degree), especially those who have an interest in biology, ecology, or sociology/anthropology. I would love to be able to work with other people from cultures that are underrepresented in the fantasy genre (though ofc not a requirement). No skills necessary!!! I'm able to handle all the art and visual design load on my own, I'm just looking for anyone imaginative!
I tend to be very realism-focused, so I’m hoping that input from others will help this world blossom into a more fantastical, wondrous setting. You don’t have to commit to anything--if you want, you can just hang around a bit and see if it interests you, or just provide input once in a while.
This is currently just a fun side-project that I work on in my spare time. I want to make it clear that even though I’m designing it with a videogame in mind, there really is no guarantee that it would ever get to that point, and I don’t want anyone to join with the hope that it would eventually pay off monetarily. I’ll make sure that anyone who contributes heavily will get a say in where the project eventually goes, if it turns out to last long.
Please contact me on Tumblr or Twitter to get involved! I plan on making a Discord server to keep all our collaboration in one place, invites given by PM.
[All images described in alt-text]
The premise of the world is that flora and fauna are not separate beings, but instead that all animals start their lives as plants, turn into animals, and then at death they create seeds which sprout into new plants. People also go through this life cycle--when they start out life they’re the huge, slow-growing plants that provide the structure for complex ecosystems (pine trees, kelp, huge cactuses), and then when they become people, their community cares for the ecosystem in question.
--MAIN GOALS--       - To build a work in the fantasy genre that rejects the overwhelmingly common eurocentric and often colonialist setting, as well as incredibly popular westernized systems of fantasy morality (light v. dark, demons v. angels, etc)       - To portray fictional cultures in a way that highlights the incredible diversity of IRL cultures without stereotypes or homogeneity       - To show the interconnectedness of everything, including showing different groups of humans as being connected with each other and showing humans as part of the environment; actively rejecting contemporary notions of “mastery over nature”
!!Everything below here is subject to change!!
Since I’m heavily interested in evolutionary bio, I built the biology of this world on the premise that life evolved much like it did on our world, starting from a single organism and blossoming out into different branches. Humans, or rather “people”, evolved multiple different times whenever a complex, dense ecosystem arose. Here are the groups of people I’ve come up with. The player chooses which species they want to start out as, and the dominant weapons or magic style of that culture determines the combat style they first learn to use. (Each group of people has multiple different subcultures, but there would be one “main” subculture that players start out in.)
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Perhaps some of the earliest peoples, seafolk start their lives as kelp and inhabit the thick kelp forests that surround many coastlines. They have a love for exploration and discovery, but generally avoid encroaching on land. Their magic generally has to do with water, and the weapons they use are mechanical crossbows and heavy blunt weapons (blunt weapons integrated with controlling/redirecting the flow of water to lend force to blows). I haven’t figured out which real-world cultures to draw on for inspiration for seafolk societies, since nobody IRL lived underwater, of course. This is probably the most open-ended group of people. They’re visually based on fish and salamanders.
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These people start their lives as conifers and thus inhabit the taiga and tundra. Their magic mostly has to do with ice, cold, or wind, and their main weapon of choice is spears. In this group of people, I want to have different societies: a nomadic hunting/fishing society, a nomadic pastoral society, and a more sedentary river/forest-based society. They’re based visually on dinosaurs, specifically theropods, with perhaps more bird-like features.
(No name yet):
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Related to frostfolk but now geographically isolated from them, these people start their lives as cycads and live in the tropics, especially on chains of islands. Some subcultures would be highly seafaring, while some would be more sedentary and involved with metal-working and smithing. For the sedentary cultures, their magic would revolve around utilizing fire, and weaponry would be small blades made from obsidian. They are also based on theropods, but would have more vibrantly colored feathers like tropical birds.
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Based on carnivorous mammals, mainly cats, foxes, and coyotes, these peoples start their lives as succulent plants like giant cacti. They inhabit the deserts and canyons of the world and live a largely nomadic life. Their magic has to do with wind/sandstorms, and their main combat styles are focused on hand-to-hand combat, utilizing claw or knuckle weaponry.
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These people start their lives as deciduous trees, generally as part of savannas, or sparse forests on mountainsides. They are based visually on ungulates, mainly deer/antelope, goats, and pigs/boars. I plan to have a semi-nomadic subculture in the dry savanna, a more sedentary agricultural society in the tropical savanna, and a mountainous society. Their weaponry would use a combination of sword and shield, and they would utilize light magic by way of reflective metal or glass.
(No name here either... they’re humans):
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Finally, there would be a species of primate-based people that start their lives as broadleaf evergreen trees and inhabit the tropical jungles of the world. Many of their societies would be agricultural, with some fishing river-based cultures. Their magic would be related to monsoons and thunderstorms, especially lightning magic, and they would use long, thin blades for fighting.
In addition to the "main" cultures of the world, there would be many cultural centers where multiple peoples meet and trade food, goods, and technology. People will not be divided by nation borders or "species".
Currently, my idea is that combat is used to battle metaphorical representations of disease, malaise, generally bad and imbalanced things. I haven't developed this part of the storyline too much yet, I just know some thematic goals I might have.
In addition to combat (either physical or magical-based depending on the player's preference), players would be able to pursue a few different skills, like farming/breeding using a robust genetics system, tailoring/clothes-making, furniture/crafts-making, smithing, healing, cooking; as well as more "meta" hobbies like making maps and puzzles for other players to use.
Again, if you're interested in getting involved or have any questions, you can reach out to me here on Tumblr or on Twitter. If people do end up being interested, I'd like to make a small community on Discord to chat with! Edit: We do have a discord server now, you just have to ask to join!
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