#cyber core - Willow
theotherrookie · 6 months
@foxedthecards continued from here
Willow eyed the shorter man at her side, carefully considering for a moment if he was trying to mess with her. People usually had some idea of where they were when they walked into bars, unless they were already intoxicated.
She raised a gloved hand to motion to a poster nearby indicating some sort of open mic event was scheduled for the evening. That should give him a good enough idea of what was going on. "Are you one of the people performing tonight?"
Something told her the answer would be a negative, but that served her right for attempting casual conversation with strangers.
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runemyth0 · 2 years
You know what, let's see if I can collate all the fic ideas that have been infecting my brain as of late...
- Let's Play 'The Owl House'!
Cole Lector is a human learning magic from Eda the Owl Lady at the Owl House. He attends Hexside with his friends, Jerbo and Viney, and is completely oblivious to the advances of the popular girl Boscha. Everything is going great... Except it's all fake.
Post S2 finale fic, featuring the Collector playing the role of Luz while he plays Owl House.
- A Chorus of Me
After Hollow Mind, Hunter begins to see bits and pieces of the previous Grimwalkers' lives, culminating in their spirits living in his head. Together, they confront Belos on the eve of the day of unity.
Canon-divergence fic where Hunter gets the spirits of the past golden guards stuck in his head and they stand up to Belos (and probably get wrecked).
- Post DoU Fic
Gus learns the human swears. Amity bakes a cake with Camila. Willow fights a tree. Hunter gets a new outfit.
Post S2 finale fic of the Owl Crew adjusting to life in the human realm.
- TOH Digimon AU
Instead of Owlbert stealing her book, Luz clicks a pop-up ad that says it'll make her a hero, then she ends up in the Digital World. Literally what if the owl house, but it has a cyber theme instead of a horror theme.
- Round Two
When Luz falls through the door at the end of S2, she gets Peggy Sued back to before she came to the Demon Realm. She decides to try and fix everything with her knowledge of the future. Time loop shenanigans/angst ensue.
- The Truth AU
At the end of S1, Belos reveals his true identity to Luz and gaslights her into joining his side by promising hidden knowledge and to show her 'the truth' of the Demon Realm. Inspired in part by Tag Team AU, because I can't get enough of that Luz/Hunter sibling interactions.
- Double Swap AU
Luz and Gus role swap AU. Also possibly Amity and Willow role swap at the same time? Alador is divorced, Amity is a dork, the core friend group is Gus, Luz, and Amity, with Willow coming around eventually.
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berfometalpha · 4 years
Legacy of Eternity Chapter 5 part 1: Unravel the Mystery
With Vega’s people left to die in the hands of the High Glaives and the Dragon-wolf kingdom’s Strike Fleet New Hope. Many marines and knights had deployed to the ground and assessed the situation and provide what medical aide and food for the people.
Kent reported to Commander Charlotte, the Circle of Knight Lords, the council of Elders, and the High Priestess of Ren’veil  Folsa Kyron of what had transpired in Vega though some were pleased to hear that the fleet was decimated and might not cause problems for the Frontier.
“So 82% of Vega’s Fleet had been decimated or had surrendered correct?” Victor asked.
“Yes Father, though they surrendered it still troubles me that some of them managed to escape during the fight... The Storm Raider is trying to find their jump trail as we speak it will take time.” Kent reported.
“Then my son what of the Vai’len and Priestesses of Ren’veil how many were rescued?” Charlotte asked.
“We managed to rescue 631,000 Vai’len citizens including over 500 priestesses though some of them had been mentally broken, We will do what we can to help them.” Kent answered.
“By the wolf Father.... How could people do this... Do they not fear the repercussions of enslaving and killing innocent people?” Folsa asked.
“Unfortunately Lady Folsa, some Human species think of themselves as the apex of their kind and all others are nothing more than an ant to a boot.” Victor answered with grief.
“I see... Still I want to thank you Kent and your men for saving my sisters and every enslaved Vai’len that you could.” Folsa said with a grieving smile.
“No thanks is needed my Lady... My men and I had agreed to pursue the escaped science facility and rescue everyone from such a tragedy... No one deserves to be turned into a slave...” Kent replied with fire in his eyes.
“Very well my son, your fleet is already on stand by here on Ren’veil return here... re-arm and regroup... then pursue your prey... Do not let them get away with their crimes.” Victor ordered.
“Understood Father... We will be home soon.” Kent saluted.
Just before the conference ended Folsa prayed for their safe return to Ren’veil and their journey shall bare them great fruit. A blessing from the High Priestess is a great gift to receive in troubled times with a smile he bowed before the priestess and vowed to help them as much as possible.
The young knight made his way to the Medical hospital located at level 42 in the west wing of the Storm raider. Since the 14 legions prioritize in just one aspect of ship building and not prioritizing in certain areas such as defense, power usage, and crew management.
Each ship of the Dragon-wolf though few in number are considered as miniature arc-ships able to house over 1.75 million to 20 million Zerrohnians each depending on the class. 
The Storm Raider is considered as a Arc-Requiem class battleship only 3 were ever made of said class the first one belonging to the young knight’s Father known by the name of Bull Raider well known for its heavy armor, massive trinity shields and rotary plasma cannons. It is also known for ramming through enemy lines and destroy any ships with its heavy armor.
While the other sister of the Arc-requiem class has fallen into grave disrepair after the final battle and was in New Dawn’s Arc-ship dry dock to rebuild it. While the newest ship the Storm Raider was more of helping people as it has over 4 class 7 hospitals with the best medical facilities available, weapons factory, agricultural facility, self-renewing resource blocks and facilities to train, produce and make knights and marines. 
Though severely undermanned the ship still operates at top efficiency having only 2.1 million personnel available with most if not all working as medical and other civilian personnel managing the food and resource blocks.
Kent passed through a medical screen to avoid any unneeded bacteria that might had latched onto his skin. The young knight was later greeted by several doctors who had been assigned to take care of Willow.
He bowed before the doctors and a firm hand shake the doctors were pleased to see the young knight. 
“Good Day Lord Anthony I am Doctor Markai Sovereign senior medical doctor for bio-mechanical research and development.” Markai saluted.
“Thank you for meeting me Doctor... I want to ask for a status report of my Lieutenant?”Kent asked.
“Ah yes... Lieutenant Willow she is a piece of work I would say Lord Anthony... Who ever did a number on her is psychotic sir... Msot of her internal organs were forcefully removed and preserved some were even coated in a mild acid damaging their core functionality and her lungs were forced to breath ash... And you know the effect of ash when it comes into contact with the human lungs Lord Anthony.” Markai reported.
“But can she be brought back to her former state?” Kent asked.
“We can technically speaking but it would take years of surgery and bathing constantly in bio-nano healing fluid and bio-cyber augmentations sir.... She will also need to be hooked up to life support sir... It will be a painful way to live sir...” Markai reported.
“Is their no other option left?” Kent asked.
“We are still looking into it sir but we will continue to help her.” Markai saluted as he went back to work.
Kent walked to the intensive care unit rooms where the marines and Knights who were rendered disable due to many military operations all across the Frontier who had their limbs destroyed, minds broken and much worse. 
Here knights and medical staff who had taken an oath to save the lives of their kin and others no matter the risk. 
The young knight entered the room where Willow was being kept alive though she was awake the team was their to check on her. They all looked at the young knight with smiles on their face despite what happened to her.
“Commander...”“deep breath”“ Sorry to cause you trouble...” Willow said as she exhaled.
“Boss it’s not her fault...” Clayton stated.
“I know Clay... I am upset with you Willow just a little for not letting us know what you were doing and returning to Vega on your own... It was suicide and now... Need I say more?” Kent said.
“I am... Sorry...” Willow cried.
“No need, what’s done is done... Your work actually saved billions of lives so congratulations are in order... But their are some news about your condition Willow.” Kent stated.
“What is it boss man?” Clayton asked.
“Her condition is reversible but she will be put on life support for many years.... It will be a long and painful process... Most of her internal organs are damaged but can be healed with a lot of nano cell baths... This wont be easy...” Kent explained.
“Then...”“deep breath”“ Commander.... I am already broken...  Take care of my brother... That is my only request...” Willow said as she cried.
“General... Their must be another way right?” Rex asked.
“Yeah Boss man We can’t just give up on her!” Clayton said.
“Big bro is right... He hasn’t even gotten to date her yet let alone plow?” Genji stated.
“Really Gen? This is not the time for that right now but I agree we can’t give up on them just like that?” Marky asked.
The young knight was moved by their determination to see the two siblings brought together he smiled and told them of another way.
“Their is one... It’s suicide... Their is less than .00000000000001% chance it will work.” Kent stated.
“What is it... Oh shit...”Marky thought out loud.
Kent walked to the emergency medical kit next to Willow’s bio tank and took out the syringe and extracted a small portion of his blood. The team were deeply surprised that his blood instead was bright red it was black. 
As he removed the veil and interlocked it into Willow’s bio tank with a heavy look knowing what monsters lie inside his blood.
“Boss why the fuck is your blood darker than space itself?” Clayton asked.
“Clay... My blood is not exactly blood... It’s the two greatest saviors or destroyers of Creation... A long time ago me and my brother Chimera Zero were kidnapped our blood was changed... My little brother had minor changes to his blood which caused him to turn into a dragon while mine...” Kent said as he looked into the veil. 
“Your shitting me right boss? Their is no way someone like you or anyone can survive with those monsters inside you?” Clayton asked.
“You mean your blood contains the Vestroyer virus?” Marky asked.
“Not just the Vestroyer... The Reweaver virus as well all 99 strains... are my blood...” Kent confessed.
“Wait 99 I know the viruses only have 98?” Marky asked.
“No 99 because they are being regulated by the Black Queen.... A Viral Nano-machine  made to regulate the absurd strength of the viral strains... If my Grand Mother did not make her I would be unable to control my abilities that I am right now...” Kent explained.
“So your going to inject Willow with your monstrous blood?  Wont that kill her and turn her into a Foresworn?” Clayton asked.
“Willow... This is your choice... My blood could save you or destroy you... If you take this risk I will bare full responsibility... Should you live you might not be the same person as you are now... IF your will is stronger than the viral strains then... I will inject it into your tank...” Kent said.
Clayton protested that the viruses can and will destroy her if she agrees it will kill her. Willow closed her eyes and thought of living again a peaceful life again with her brother finally free from the fear of battle. 
“If it’s to save my brother... I’ll take the risk...”“Heavy breathing”“ Commander please do it... I won’t blame you...”WIllow said.
“Clay... You should say something before I inject it...” Kent said as he prepared the room for a bio-hazard breach. 
“Everyone out... Lets give them a minute...” Rex ordered.
“Agreed... Right on boss cap... Boss man wait up!” Marky stated while Genji followed Kent out of the room.
The two were given a moment to themselves though awkward Clayton was not good with words. He got off from his seat and gently tapped the glass that separated him from Willow. 
“You... I am... Not that good with words... But... I... you... Yeah...” Clayton said as he was at a loss for words.
“It’s alright... I know... But If... Anything happens to me... Get my brother... Save him and give him a better life than I could...” Willow pleaded.
“Count on it... Boss we’re ready!” Clayton shouted.
The young knight entered alone as the room was pressurized as Knights prepared their heavy Plasma flame throwers or Ionizers in case the virus goes on a rampage. 
Kent personally injected the veil of the black blood into Willow’s tank Clayton was asked to leave the room before the situation gets ugly. The promethian stood his ground and asked to stay as he will stay to see her through to the end.
As the black blood began to swirl and devour the nano-machine cells into more viral strains. It moved and swirled like a snake encroaching on its prey as it tasted Willow’s blood the Virus began to do it’s work. It blacked the glass the last thing they saw was Willow twitching as her sensory nerves were beginning to overload. 
Her screams began to echo inside the medical facility as the virus was either destroying her or reviving her. 
“BOSS WE HAVE TO BREAK HER OUT!” Clayton shouted.
“We can’t if the glass breaks the virus will destroy this entire medical wing!” Kent replied. 
Willow’s screamed out in pain as the glass was slowly breaking when several tendrils broke through the glass and latched on to several metals and bio-matter available in the room and devoured other components broken down into usable bio-matter.
As the tendrils retracted back into the tank the screaming stopped the black blood like goo hardened like a cocoon around Willow. 
“Okay I think it’s clear...” Kent said as he approached the cocoon.
He used his magna claws to carefully cut open what was left of the medi-tank when he touched the surface of the cocoon it was hot. Clayton saw the cocoon cracking open as it began to heat up in the room though the knights outside did not open fire. The cocoon began to crack and shake as a hand broke out to see Willow or at least the new and improved version of her. 
They saw a pale skinned girl with white long hair and most of her arms and the rest of her legs were changed with black scales and claws. Her teeth were razor sharp eyes was white as the stars but was later changed back to blue as the sea at the side of her head was small horn like dreadlocks.
“RAGH!!!!” Willow screamed in pain.
“WIllow!” Clayton shouted.
He tried to approach her when the young knight stopped him as the Virus was  somewhat active on her skin and if anyone were to touch the active virus it would tear them apart. 
The Lock down was lifted as doctors and hazard knights contained Willow lucky for the rest of the ship that the virus did not escape the room or else it would have been a repeat of the Black Blood plague all over again. 
After several hours of checks and constant screening and several cleansing procedures in the medical wing the virus was safely contained and purged. At the same time the Hazard Knights and Doctors did several hours of tests and screenings on Willow although she was infected the virus seemed to have retreated into a purgatory state. 
It was as if the virus itself after completing its programmed task it disappeared into thin air not even in a sub-atomic scale did the virus remain. Though the doctors do not wish to clear Willow without further testing she was cleared from the virus until they reach new dawn for further testing.
Inside Willow’s room the team celebrated Willows rapid recovery as she as taking her time to get used to her new body.
“Wow... I never thought of having fingers again could feel so good... It feels like I’m a baby again!” Willow said as she flexed her fingers.
“According to the doctors it seems like your body was reverted back to the time you are a new born so technically speaking your body is that of a baby... But your mind and experience is that of a 21 year old girl.” Kent explained. 
“General... If I may... I keep hearing things around the ship and my vision is a bit... out of focus I would say.” Willow said.
“In all honesty I am not the best person for the job to explain it but... Lily I’ll leave it to you.” Kent asked.
“Sure Kent, So Willow to start things off a little bit of trivia... Your body is now an Enhanced so too speak first off does anyone know what an Enhanced is?” Lily asked.
“You mean a person with Cybernetic enhancement and bio implants surgically grafted into said person’s body?” Marky said.  
“That is the standard term for enhanced... But for Willow is what we would call Deus Ex Machina meaning man inside the machine... Your body was broken down and rebuilt from the ground up using the converted bio-material found in the nano-med tank converting it into your flesh and blood... But not only is your body build still the same you now have enhanced abilities for example... Kent if you would.”Lily pointed.
Kent took out a knife and threw it at Willow so fast not even Marky the resident sniper was able to see it. Willow was able to catch the handle of the knife before the blade made contact with her eye.
“Boss what the shit!” Clayton shouted.
“Easy Clay it’s okay... That was weird... Normally no one is able to keep up with the General’s knife throws let alone catch it?” Willow asked.
“Exactly my point... Your body is now enhanced all your senses had evolved to the point it exceeds human capabilities. Unlike Kent who is near god like because of the strains inside him... Yours is only a single form evolution which only focuses on the physical enhancements like hearing, enhanced strength, speed, reaction time the whole shebang.” Lily stated as she was writing it on a piece of white board.
“First off that is amazing... Second where did you get that white board?” Clayton asked.
“I have my ways....” Lily winked.
“Okay then now that we have a lot of things out of the way Willow we will need time to find the scientist and the Vega prime minister Olson and the rest of the escaped ships once we do we will mount up and rescue everyone.” Kent said as he sat down.
“Okay General, What about Vega and her people?” Willow asked.
“Their fate is to be decided by the high council of New Dawn but the High Glaives will take responsibility for them I cannot say for sure what will happen but I will ask some people to keep you up to date if you want?” Kent asked.
Willow nodded as she enjoyed the time with the team as the Storm Raider made it’s way back to Strike Base New Hope. The young knight made his way to his room when the ship started to shake as if the ship was experiencing an earth quake. 
“All hands prepare for Yellow alert Level 3... I repeat all Hands prepare for Yellow Alert Level 3 this is not a drill!” Admiral Karen shouted over the intercom.
“Karen what the heck is happening?” Kent asked over his communicator.
“Kent, we are getting sucked into a large gravity well our engines are already trying to push out but we are being pulled in! Kent Get everyone to!” Karen shouted.
The Storm Raider was slowly drifting off it’s hyper lane course as it was forcefully pulled out of hyperspace. The ship spiral out of control as everyone hanged on to their very lives as the ship was trying to stabilize itself.
 As the ship spiraled out of control everyone inside barely managed to stay in their seats as the gravity was being thrown out the window.
The Storm Raider fired it’s rotation and side thrust engines slowly bringing the ship into a slow halt. 
With the ship returning to stable conditions the crew and most of the marines checked the civilian blocks. When he made his way to the Hangar it was a mess cargo boxes and some of the mechs were thrown into the walls some heavily injured from the unsecured physical munitions but none life threatening.
“Boss you okay the ship was just thrown like a spinning top!” Clayton shouted.
“I know I am surprised no one vomited from all that spinning.” Kent stated.
“Dizzy yes but vomit not so much.” Marky stated as he tried to get his balance.
“HERK BLEGH! Boss... I’m okay... Wait... Nope... BLEGH!!!” Genji said as he kept vomiting on the nice clean floor.
“Well their goes the floor... Lily can you take Genji to the infirmary?” Kent ordered.
As the two walked away from the rest of the team the storm raider tried to identify where it got sucked out of the hyper jump lane. The ship was unable to make contact with New Dawn or Trinity Nexus station or even Strike Base New Hope.
With communications down the Storm Raider deployed its 4 reserve frigates and scouted out the area. It seemed as though their is just one giant mass above them due to the blinding light outside the ships they had to lower the blast shields to prevent the personnel inside the ship from being blinded.
“Karen any news yet?” Kent asked over the radio.
‘Communications are still down, we are working on getting the ship’s dimension range communicator up and running, most of the power is being diverted to the plasma reflection shields, some parts of the Storm Raider lost power and engineering is working round the clock to get everything back in order, we lost our navigation and on our end, and we are trying to locate the control system of the mass we detected earlier.”Karen reported.
“Keep me posted please and how about casualties?” Kent asked.
“We are still getting reports from medical, but most of our Marines are down but nothing in the D-bend.” Karen reported.
“Okay that’s good at least as soon as something comes up tell me right away!” Kent ordered.
“Roger that Kent... and by the way We managed to get the name of the thing over head.” Karen stated.
“What is it then?” Kent asked.
“We couldn’t make it out at first but we managed to decipher it as Ancient Neo-Xhe-razh language... It is called the Apocalypse... We don’t have any more data other than that but we are looking into it.” Karen reported as the transmission ended.
The young knight went to the engineering hall many tech-knights and engineers worked around the clock to get the propulsion of the ship in full speed and the power back into some levels.
Tech Knight Mako has been working to hack the heavy cyber defenses of the Apocalypse. 
“Captain Mako, any news for me?” Kent asked.
“Ah Lord Anthony, sorry sir we are still trying to get the power back on the ship’s auxiliary systems, most of the agriculture blocks lost power and most if not all the civilian blocks had lost communications sir... What ever pulled us out of the Hyperspace lane needed to be as strong as a singularity sir.” Mako reported.
“Then what are your theories on this?” Kent asked.
“Their are two... One is we got dragged into a pocket dimension with a singularity generator that pulls ships in and don’t let them leave... And another theory is we are in the Gravity space of a mass as big or bigger than Ren’veil and or New Dawn that It needs it’s own Pocket Dimension to stay un-noticed.” Mako explained.
“Hmm, I wonder... Can you pull up the Apocalypse in the ship’s historical archives for me and reference a word Apocalypse?” Kent ordered.
“By your will!” Mako saluted.
As they searched through many of the older archives of the ship including the collective history of the Zerrohnians before the start of the 1st Great War. 
Only one name was referenced to the Apocalypse as said in the old records the name Apocalypse is one of the 15 Noah’s Ark class ships ever made during the bygone era of the Ancient custodians who destroyed some section branches of creation to make the life boats. 
Each Ark-ship was built housing millions if not quintillion amount of Xer-razh or many other civilizations worth of people, culture, and resources and sent them through the original 77 roots of the sea of stars. 
Though 3 Ark-ships were found before the end of the 2nd Great war many of the remaining  ships are being searched for as we speak. Their are only 3 possibilities why an Ark-ship is found one is by complete accident, two something went wrong with it’s cloaking beacon and the last one is by faith’s will.
“Their is no way this thing is the Ark-ship of Legend Lord Anthony it’s just impossible!” Mako protested.
“We can’t rule it out... by the way good work now... send the data to my holo-pad I’ll look into this a little further... Something tells me this is going to be a long night ahead of us.” Kent said as he gave him a shoulder tap.
The young knight began reviewing the data in his private quarters in the Night Hawk’s data room. It was already night time on Ren’veil at least 1 hour before midnight Kent had burned through 4 bottles of carbonated drinks already with many paper print outs of the Ark-ships of old and other information about them.
He leaned back and read some of the historical files of his people and found no leads on how to unlock this puzzle.
“Argh why is this so hard... Faith’s beautiful lips I should have brushed up on my history... Why didn’t I join Chimera for that history roam when he offered it to me weeks ago Damn it!” Kent shouted in frustration.
“My son Language, and yes this is very difficult to decipher but knowing my people they may have put a security lock over ride with a specific pass code... Knowing who headed the construction and programming of the Apocalypse... He didn’t want anyone to find this big baby,” The black queen stated as she looked into the data herself.
“Wait how do you know about that when most if not all the data we have is just salvaged from Requiem’s destruction?” Kent asked.
“My my you silly boy... have you forgotten who I am originally? I am Sarah Archaena first line lineage to the ancient custodians and I happen to know how to unlock the secrets of the apocalypse.” The Black Queen bragged.
“Okay then... Mother please help us out so we can all go home.” Kent pleaded.
“Sure but I have one condition... When you get back home I want you clear your thoughts and I want you also to not take any military activity for 3 months and get off your butt and start dating your are a 21 year old boy!” The Black Queen asked.
“first off Mother I am already dating Aisha, second... I am 21? Didn’t my body stopped aging when I entered Hell’s gate?”Kent asked.
“I had been keeping track besides Hell’s gate stops your body from aging and it took me about a year to get you back together... But this time I am not letting you go anywhere else without having a good social life with your new home/family!” The Black Queen protested.
“Okay, fine... I’ll do it... Getting back... How do we get out of all this?” Kent asked.
“You might want to write this one down...” The Black Queen replied.
As she explained each ark-ship was specifically designed by an ancient custodian and each hyper-trinity computer nerve center of each ship is protected by millions of firewalls and data-crypt walls that it’s impossible to hack through from the inside and out. 
It would take years or even millenias to get through one fire wall and the data system will only update the security measures when the first fire wall is breached. The only way to communicate with the Ark-ship was through sound frequencies emanated at a sub-sonic level with a specific code that was made by the original founder of said Ark-ship to even be able to unlock it.
Blasting the ship with the Storm raider’s 12 plasma cannons and the proton plasma rail gun is suicide as the Ark-ships hull was made to go through singularities and dis out enough damage to even destroy one. 
Since the black queen’s ancestor was one of the ancients who made the Apocalypse she entered the frequency into the ship’s long range echo transponder. The code translated to I am Sarah Archaena the last descendant of Archibald Archaena Heed my word and aide us to our home show us the light that blazes the trail home.
The ship started shaking again the young knight rushed outside the gunship as the blast shields were lifting to their surprise the blinding light turned was gone as a massive hangar was pulling in all the ships into it’s massive 5000 kilometre sized Hangar bay. 
Each ship tried to fight off it’s tractor beam burning their engines in the process as the doors behind them closed hundreds if not thousands of drones came out of the walls. Each drone inspected and repaired each ship upgrading their components, weapons, and other factors with fresh supplies the team and many other marines and tech knights inspected the inside of the massive hangar bay as it had life support.
“Okay so now what?” Kent asked.
“Now I re-rigged your communicator with a binary frequency generator so you can freely command the ship... This is my gift to you my son... Welcome to the apocalypse...” The Black Queen smiled.
The young knight ordered most of the marines and some of his best knights to settle in the hangar bay while they went to the command bridge. 
With one thought the Apocalypse transformed the platform that he and his team was standing into an elevator and took them 500 levels up from the central platform into the command hub where the AI’s of the ship are converging to talk with the young knight.
The elevator was moving too fast as it reached the top Clayton and marky got thrown up the ceiling and slammed down the floor hard.
“Is everyone okay?” Kent asked.
“I think I am General...”Rex said as he vomited. 
“I’m good Kent.” Lily stated.
“I think I’m good... “”standing up”” AGH! I think something popped in my back.” Marky said as he was in deep pain.
“Clay you okay?” Willow asked as she helped him up.
“Thanks I think Im okay... I landed on the worthless part of my body anyway.” Clayton stated.
“Which is?” Willow asked.
“My Ass.” Clayton answered as he was smacked at the back of his head by Willow.
“OUCH WHAT DID I DO!” Clayton shouted.
“Guys enough and Lily check on Marky and get him to med-bay I will handle the talking.” Kent ordered.
Kent walked away from the platform as the command bridge lit up and a total of 12 AI’s appeared before him one of them stood at the center acting as the voice of said AI council who took care of the Ark-ship.
“Apologies for your friend... I am AI number 91202041-201Z Of Ark-ship number 007 designation Apocalypse... Inquiry, you deployed a coded sequence signal from ship designation Storm Raider with Subfrequency number 106912434 alpha numeric. Question How did you come by this code?” Th AI asked.
“My Grand Mother gave me the codes and the frequency access to the Apocalypse should we find it.” Kent answered.
“Curious, This code can only be attained and even broadcast with Custodian based technology, question which legion do you belong to?” The AI asked.
“My Entire fleet belongs to the Dragon-wolf Kingdom of the Frontier... I think you might know it better as the 15th Legion Chaos Knights.” Kent answered.
“Inquiry, Who is your current Legion Archon?” The AI asked.
“Legion Archon is my Father Victor Redridge.” Kent answered.
“Incorrect... Question WHO IS YOUR LEGION ARCHON!” The AI asked as several auto turrets aimed at Kent’s head.
“Wait... my Dad is the current master... Who could... maybe... Tallis Bloodkane Redridge?” Kent said.
“Inquiry confirmed... Playing message...” The AI said.
The Ai’s dissappeared as another AI appeared before them this one was about 8 foot and 3 inches tall with knee long brown hair tied in a braid. Pinkish fair skin with red eyes and a mole on the lower half on the right side of her neck.
Her arms and legs were replaced with cybernetics and her feet ware claws and have gravity wheels. She wore a brown sleeveless jacket with a white tank top, brown short shorts with a pair of chains attached to the sides of her belt. 
“Hello, I am Tallis BloodKane Redridge... I believe you must be Kent Redridge my distant newphew?” Tallis asked.
“Wait how did you?!” Kent asked.
“You mentioned it earlier... No Im just kidding... The Ai’s copied my brain and created an AI version of me in case something happens... And I believe I am dead now technically speaking correct?” Tallis asked.
“Yes, You were killed by the 1st Legion Archon Zeryuoh during first days of peace after the 1st war.” Kent reported.
“Then It happened huh... Damn it I warned them a long time ago... And now is Requiem gone?” Tallis asked.
“Yes the ancient home of the 15th Legion is gone now... I am sorry... But i am terribly confused right now... But more importantly what happened and how did you come by the Apocalypse?” Kent asked.
“I see... So they really did it... Okay... Kent... I am giving you and ONLY YOU full control of the Apocalypse... Since this ship only recognizes me as it’s true master and since I’m dead I am no longer considered as a Legion Archon... AI Siegfried authorization code 0012 transfer full master control to my Nephew Kent Redridge Recognize override code number 9120!” Tallis ordered.
“ORDER CONFIRMED Transferring controls of the Ark-ship to Kent Redridge... Request, please present dominant hand over the bio-metric scanner for confirmation!” The AI requested.
The young knight placed his hand over the biometric scanner as the ship recognized and over-ride Tallis’s control of the ship and surrendered it to her Nephew. After some time and a blood bag’s worth of blood taken out of the young knight the Apocalypse now recognizes Kent as it’s new master.
After some time Kent talked with Tallis regarding the current state of affairs of the 15th Legion and how they came to be in the frontier. The ship reconfigured it’s portal cannons to Ren’veil though much was still needed to be done Kent could not wait to get back home.
After many hours of preparations the guns were ready and opened a portal to Ren’veil. over 500,000 Zerrohnians marines and Knights stayed behind and study the Apocalypse while the rest went home. 
“Everything is all set Kent... We are ready to head home.” Karen stated.
“Good... Prepare for take off Karen we are heading home... But Grand Mother are you sure you want to come with us in your AI form?” Kent asked.
“Oh no... I have a body ready... Just give me a moment.” Tallis replied as she disappeared.
“Where is she going?” Rex asked.
“I have no Idea...” Kent replied.
“It feels like we have been having no clue to what’s happening lately huh...” Marky added.
 “Yeah... Not looking good...” Kent stated.
Kent’s communicator started buzzing after answering the communicator he saw Tallis already inside the Night Hawk’s operating computers and ready to leave.
“I guess we are ready to go!” Kent stated out loud. 
“Alright then Helmsmen take us out... Gently please.” Karen ordered.
“Aye aye ma’am.” The Helmsmen saluted.
As the Night Hawk pulled away from the hanger as it pulled away the other frigates followed the ship out and entered through the portal leaving the Apocalypse for a short while.
At the same time back on Strike Fort New Hope it was a slow night at the tower nothing of great significance to report when the sensory array near the southern hemisphere of the planet triggered an Alarm.
 The marine in charge of the radar was confused at the time and tried tapping the monitor which never works on some cases. As the computers calculated the arrival point the alarms were triggered in sea city as the ground began to shake heavily as a massive portal opened right before the sea city’s port main gate.
The knights and marines even the high glaives began mobilizing to meet the threat head on. The city’s defenders mounted up as they saw a familiar friend going through the portal. 
“Wait Commander Gaile isn’t that the missing ship?” The trooper asked.
“I can’t believe it the Storm Raider... It’s back! Just to be sure...” Gaile shouted.
Gaile asked the pilots to perform a holding perimeter around the returning ships as he asked.
“Storm Raider this is Commander Gaile of the Sea city defense force lower down your shields and prepare to be boarded.” Gaile said over the intercom.
At the same time in the bridge.
“Commander we have a problem we are being stopped by our own people...” Karen reported.
“Commander Gaile this is Kent Redridge of Strike fleet New Hope, Authorization code number 0777-7. Recognize!” Kent said over the intercom.
After a brief moment and running the code through the data matrix it was later confirmed that it was their lord had returned.
Later that day after the Storm Raider docked at sea city’s specialized harbor many knights and marines including civilians who were affected by the hyper jump pull. 
Early that morning Kent convened with his family at New Hope Village including the mage and the priestess who were deeply surprised to see him. Though his family was happy and eager to see him Aisha and Arra sat next to him as he was surprised to what had transpired. 
“Wait... I have to sit down... We were gone for how long?” Kent asked.
“You were gone about 2 weeks? We sent out ships to find you through the same route you took we feared the worst.” Charlotte said.
“We were only gone for about a day and a half? How did this happen... and what happened while we were gone?” Kent asked.
“I think I can explain this Kent please remove me from your intercom I want to speak with my Grandson...”Tallis said.
Kent nodded as he removed his intercom and plugged it into the meeting room’s central computer. 
“My son what are you doing?” Victor asked.
“Ugh... I think you might want to take a seat for this one Father.” Kent said as he sat down.
“Hello My Grandson.” A familiar voice said.
“Wait this voice... Grand Mother?” Victor asked.
After a brief moment a direct hologram of Tallis appeared before the two Victor could not utter any words as his heart was beating rapidly to see his own Grand Mother so too speak. The only thing he could ever do was kneel down before her the only time an Archon will ever bow before anyone is when they are humbled by the presence of another or they wish to remove a burden that lingers in ones heart.
“My Grandson, You need not bow before me anymore...” Tallis said.
“Forgive me Grand Mother but I don’t understand how do you tie to my son finding you?” Viktor asked.
“Faith has other plans for Kent Redridge like what she did for me... I stumbled upon the Apocalypse when I was still alive and before the height of the Shatter wars... When I found the Apocalypse Faith allowed me to take control of it allowing me to make the Shadow Avalon the oldest of the 3 Ark-requiem ships... Then came your Bull Raider and then the Storm Raider which takes up both traits of our capital Ark-ships combined.”Tallis explained.
“You mean the legendary Noah’s Ark class ship... The only ship that was built to be impossible to find unless ordained by Faith herself to be found?” Victor asked.
“That is the one... And Faith brought your son to the Apocalypse for their is much to be done... When she heeded my request I did not realize that so many things had happen after my death... But that is all in the past now... I have much to discuss with you Victor... Please send the kiddies out I believe he needs some rest...” Tallis stated. 
Victor nodded as he sent the three out the meeting room with a sigh his work day finally ended as exhaustion finally caught up to the young knight.
“““Yawn””Finally the work day is over...” Kent said as he rubbed his eyes.
“When was the last time you slept anyway Kent?” Aisha asked.
“About 6 days ago...” Kent replied.
““”Eyes wide open”“ WHAT! You haven’t slept for that long you need to sleep right now no buts!” Aisha shouted.
“She is right Kent... you need rest even if you have the stamina of a thousand well trained warriors you are still human after all. Dont push yourself too hard please do it for us?” Arra asked.
“I... Will...” Kent whispered as he fainted.
“KENT!” The two shouted.
As his body was about to collapse Aisha used her magic to catch the young knight Chimera showed the two to his room and asked to look after him for a while.
The young knight slept for almost 18 hours straight as his body shut itself down to repair the used up energy and the damaged brain cells during the war on Vega and his time in the apocalypse. 
To their surprise their was nothing too much in his room that made it unique only a weapon rack, engineering bench, a bookshelf filed with human culture and some romance novels. 
“Wow his room looks really bland... Wait a minute what is this?” Aisha stated.
She looked at Kent’s personal work table to see a note book Aisha opened the notebook she found out that it was his personal journal. 
“Oh looky here!” Aisha said as she grabbed a chair.
“Wait Aisha what are you doing that is Kent’s personal journal you should not be reading it is an invasion of privacy!” Arra warned when she was taking a peek at it.
Aisha was reading the first part of the journal she could not take her eyes off what was inside it as she read one section out loud.
April 2 of 4109 time date 7:01 AM
- A day after Graduation in New Dawn Academy my brother, Lily, Rex and Karen were going out to celebrate since we graduated with high remarks. As for me I would rather go to the park and paint up a sketch of the oak tree their and maybe spoil myself a little bit with buying a cold carbonated drink. I think  Mother would not mind at all to give myself a treat every now and again.
- While in the park I saw some kids playing with a ball and some knights who were on patrol at the time were asked to play with the kids in a sporty game of kick ball. How nice it must be to be just a reg. But I would never want things to change any other way. 
- I sat down on the same park bench and took out my holo-sketch book and started drawing the oak tree. It was a hot day to be honest I guess I should have brought a change of clothes next time I am going for a more casual clothing. 
- While drawing the oak tree I must have dozed off at the time but I could vaguely see some people over the distance. I saw a girl with long Violet hair and that was about it and the word Veil something. I don’t know what that means I also saw the planet had 2 moons one like silver starlight and the other one was a brim green like color. 
- I don’t know what that means but It means but I’ll look into it right away.
April 21 to august of 4110 time date 9:41 PM
- Though the maiden voyage of the Storm Raider had come to pass and my ship had finally left New Dawn. We had been assigned to find a world worthy of the Zerrohnian Kingdom this is a big task ahead of us.  Everyone aboard the Storm Raider was very happy and eager to be a part of a big change in the destiny of our people.
- I too am happy to be with so many of my friends, brothers and family that openly asked to serve under me as part of the new Fleet. Though it’s a lot of pressure on my part to make sure that everyone under my care will not feel sad leaving our home behind is a burden all on it’s own. I’m just glad the tech knights agreed to my request to create 4 agricultural blocks and 4 market blocks inside the Storm Raider so everyone wont get bored.
- As moral was at an all time high I used the Silver falcon to scout out the neighboring star systems to find the world in my visions. I found nothing close to my vision though their are many worlds with the potential to be our new home but it wasn’t good enough. 
- Every day after refueling and restocking on some food I flew out of the Storm Raider and tried to find this planet in my dreams. Every night I could see that dream repeat itself over and over again I could paint a picture of it now but the word Veil still bothers me to a great degree.
- Everyone says that our exploration mission is more than a success with over 15 worlds discovered and converted into colonies with peace treaties with the locals. It was more than enough for the Zerrohnians I told Karen to head back to the colonies and have them all progress so they can be a worthy home for the Zerrohnians. 
September 12 4113 Time date 8:12 Pm
 - So many months of searching and I stumbled on a world similar to my dreams As part of the expedition force I infiltrated the planet and studied the locals from a far. not engaging in talks as much as possible. I did manage to decipher most if not all of their language it’s hard but worth it.
- I finally found the world in my dreams now I just need to call for the fleet but before I could I managed to translate the words destruction and hope lost.
- I broke the rule of the expedition fleet not to interact with the locals until the representor knight can come to Ren’veil. But I couldn’t wait for them as they were days away from reaching Ren’veil I went to ask one of the locals disguised as an old man finding out that Ren’veil was facing a demonic invasion of their own.
- Unlike the stories I heard in the 2nd Great War these were a lesser form than those faced by the legions. But one thing is certain I need to stop the demon lord Azmodaius from taking this planet and enslaving the populace. 
- After much deliberation I decided to go for the one eyed Knight mask and robing myself to make sure I was not exposed. Following the trail of stories and reports from the local guards I red lined it to the demon lord’s castle where the Hero’s party was barely holding their own against the demon lord.
- I arrived at the demon lord castle to see a massive battle between humans and demi-humans against the demons It was a losing battle for the united front I believe was the name. I had to intervene I am going to get reprimanded for this for sure but screw it. 
- Managing to clean up the demons outside I needed to deal with the demon lord next. After crashing through several walls though painful was well worth it the heroes were fighting the demon lord.
- At first the demon lord looked at me with disgust when he realized I wasn’t of this earth he offered me a place along side him and wanted to enslave humans for sport and copulation. It is surprising he knows about me despite me not uttering a single word. 
- I saw the party of heroes were already beaten but what caught my eye is the girl with Violet hair. I remembered the dream I had it would seem that she was the one that called out to me I will assume that is right and take it as a reason to fight. 
- That was more than enough to give me a reason to kill the bastard it wasn’t that hard since I tore him apart with only my bare hands. After killing him I had to make sure it looked like one of the heroes killed him so I grabbed one of their weapons and stabbed him in the chest and just to be sure I also cleaved his jaw to make it look like a bloody battle.
- I rested them on their backs up against the pillars and wall to make it look legitimate hopefully they did not notice. 
- Though most if not all the party members were okay and not in life threatening danger. The two priestess looking girl and the violet haired girl were badly injured the girl with the long black hair had a spear stuck into her lower left waist missing her left kidney just by a hair’s inch. Forgive me Goddess Faith for what I am about to do But I have no choice. I had to remove the spear from her and immediately apply the bio-med gel to save them.
- I gave the two of those girls a memento two medal emblems shaped in the legion’s logo. A wolf surrounded by a crown of thorns as three dragons bite the circlet of thorns this way when we meet again I can formally introduce myself.Maybe I would be lucky to find a romance like my brother did at the academy.... 
Maybe when I am ready to lead and become a true hero
After reading a major section of the young knight’s journal they realized one truth the one eyed knight they saw that day was no lie. It was the young knight who saved them it was not a lie what the soldiers said about a silver dragon that flew over the battle field with thunder and lightning as its side it destroyed the battlefield with fire and flash.
Aisha took out the pendant from her coat and compared it to the logo on his computer and it was a match. 
“No way... Kent was already here on Ren’veil even before the rebellion... I can’t believe it...”Aisha stated.
“Not only that sis but the year 4114 to 4115 entry is missing an entire year missing in his journal... It takes place right after the one eyed warrior saved us.” Aisha stated.
“Curious I want to know more but this feels so wrong.” Arra said as she took a deep breath.
“Look here sis the one eyed Knight was of the same build and he didn’t speak but his mask will prove it all... But where do we...” Aisha said as she kept reading.
The priestess sat down trying to process all the information they had learned from his journal and saw a strange looking box under the young knight’s bed as she took it out and opened the box. It was full of the young knight’s mementos from his adventures across the Frontier and many photos that he had kept hidden from anyone some from different worlds that they saved.
And others were of old friends from his time in the academy of New Dawn and that of the hellish academy that molded him into a knight. The Priestess noticed one thing before his time in the academy his smile was full of life and vigor after that it seemed to be forced and nothing more than a shadow of its former.
Despite Arra’s curiosity she felt complaisant of what they are doing but a lingering guilt inside her knowing they are invading Kent’s personal space and even reading his journal. She sighed and asked Aisha to stop and leave it for another time the girl did not listen as she kept on reading something caught her attention. 
The log in his journal showed only the dates 4114 to 4115 their was an entire year missing from the journal it seemed like it was left out purposely and knowing Kent. He never left any detail missing in his journals which brought about a great curiosity. 
Aisha became curious she used her magic to replicate the journal and hid it in her Item bag.
“Sis, aren’t you curious why Kent is like this now and why did he save us the first time?” Aisha asked.
“I am but this is not right... Aisha please once Kent wakes up we can ask him then for now I implore you to bare with it until then...” Arra pleaded.
“““SIgh”“ Okay sis...” Aisha nodded. 
“Then let’s leave before we disturb him.” Arra said.
The priestess left the room first though she looked back and closed the door behind her to give Aisha some privacy.
He reached out his hand just a little as his mind was dreaming of a better time and returned to sleep. 
She made sure her sister was not outside as she went back to Kent side Aisha took the moment and sat next to him and secretly kissed him on the fore head thanking him for saving her not long ago.
“Lets meet again... my Hero...”Aisha whispered as she left the room. 
A smile could be seen in the young Knight’s face as his mind drifted into the sea of dreams resting his body after many days of battle. The next day early morning Kent received a summons order from his own Parents in the study.
“Father, Mother... may I come in?” Kent asked.
“Of course my child... You are always permitted to come into the study.” Victor said.
Kent came in to see his Father not in his Ark-zero battle armor for once since he is the current King of the Dragon-wolf It is always a must for the current Archon to wear their armor at all times as many would try to attempt and assassinate them to take the throne for their own.
The young knight Kneeled down before the Archon and the Queen as a sign of respect Charlotte immediately asked him to stand as it was not needed since they are at home. 
“My son I want to congratulate you on your fleet’s recent success in rescuing the slaves at Vega Prime... Though our allies of the High Glaives had taken responsibility of the planet and sent all the captured slaves back to Ren’veil to have a psychological debrief and receive medical treatments. i understand also that you used the Angelic armors of the Eternal knight... Knowing the risk you used the armors and saved more lives than any of us can count... Though you earned the respect of many knights and marines from the other factions... You have earned your fleet’s reward but not without punishment... I declare the Strike Fleet New Hope to be suspended for 3 months with pay... For the act of not informing us or the upper echelon of the use of the Angels... They could have killed you if not careful... They may judged your worth but if you use it again without the proper rights it would have killed you regardless of your regenerative abilities...” Victor ordered.
“I have to agree... The Angels are not to be messed with... Lady Tallis in her lifetime had never bothered to use the angels as they would have easily killed her... That is why it is forbidden to use those suits that is why they were hidden in the Night Hawk... Please my son be more wary about what you do... A life is a precious gift and must be cherished as you are only given one life do not waste it...”Charlotte said as she walked towards her son.
"I understand Mother, Father... I only risked it once to save my friends and others who needed help... I have no other excuse.” Kent stated with no other response.
“Very well Kent I had made it official your fleet are to stay away from any major military operation and only limited to civilian duties... You are not authorized to leave the vicinity of Ren’veil sector space for the next 3 months. I officially passed the order to your admiralty they are already aware... If their is nothing else my son... You are dismissed.” Victor said with a smile.
The young knight saluted both of them and left the study he sighed and returned to his room and ordered a conference call with his chain of leadership.
“SO everyone I understand you recieved my Father and Mother’s memo?” Kent asked.
“Yes sir... I never realized that the entire fleet would be affected but anyway we are officially suspended for 3 months with pay hopefully nothing comes up that need us to take action...”Karen stated.
“not that I needed money anyways but you lot get my point let’s not cause trouble for the next three months and enjoy a bit of R&R... Also my team please meet me at New Hope if you are on Ren’veil if not then it is fine I want to discuss something in private with everyone.” Kent asked.
“Yes Sir!” Everyone saluted as the transmission ended.
He then looked out the window with a sigh he and his team can finally get a decent rest and relaxation time that they deserve and it was the perfect time for him to get in touch with his human half. 
As the day started a new Kent finally wore his civilian clothing a plain white shirt, silver shorts, with black slippers and a blue sleeveless jacket. He then grabbed the trail Blazer and made his way to a tomorrow that never came but will finally start today.
0 notes
maneaterwithtail · 4 years
Why the resistance to "fan girl" Ms. Marvel?
highlights of the discussion
Popesize1 day ago (edited)
For me, i guess it was the overexposure, and you must like her-attitude, that made me say no. Same with Captain Marvel as the new flagship. Her origin and faith never really mattered to me. I remember finding Dust in one of the young x-team (was it Hellions?) interesting. The obsessive nerd and fan-girling was a bit annoying, i can agree on that. Mostly because the fans i have come to know, never really behaved like that. But it might be more common with girls. What do i know? -But never the big tick-off
Dakina Demino1 day ago
I don't think its the character itself, but rather the relentless media worship of her as some kind of new age comic book Jesus that really took off five years ago. If you said anything that the pros and the media took as negative, you'd get called the usual things like nazi, racist and so on. You'd also get bot blocked on twitter and smeared in a closed community chat room. This has the side effect of reflecting back on Kamala who gets the reputation of being a progressive garbage character. A second point is that less than a year ago, the pros and media were still running smear campaigns against their own consumer bases, painting them as some vast army of zombie nazi kkk Trump voting hate mob made up of Russian cyber bots that wants to gun down immigrants. Kamala is polarizing in that game as she represents two things a lot of Marvel fans hate. One they got attacked by people claiming they are evil, anti minority, gate keeping old white fans and two, the character represents the catalyst of Marvel telling its own consumer base to f**k off in more of less that precise wording. As for me, I'm not angry at Kamala. I'm pissed off that an awesome cyperpunk game series like Dues Ex got axed so the studio could make a game that seems designed from the ground up to start shit and trigger outrage.
Nioh Arcadia1 day ago
As the Target Audience for Kamala I want to like her but (as of right now) I really fucking hate her 😡 She feels like the living embodiment of a subreddit and after G Willow she's Only written as a hyper Melenial 😒. Also like you said she feels like "hey you can see yourself can't you nerd?" It's pretty insulting and lazy. Also her being a mage fan of other Superheros makes her character less interesting because she lacks her own Agency. Now-a-days she's pretty boring and I or anyone else really couldn't give a shit
Raheil Rahman1 day ago
As a Muslim, the comic was groundbreaking. Grant Morrison's "Vinamarama" was the first book that spoke to my experience in my lifetime, but this was a pop extension of that. Her family life, her need to hide her identity from her conservative family, was a great update on Peter Parker. She was a nerdy fangirl, which was fun, and she was a very bubbly and enthusiastic character, which I found entertaining. For a time.
 I was turned off by the comic due to the very decompressed pace (obviously to pad a story and sell more issues) and the constant reboots. I haven't read the issues later when she was pushed into Avengers, but that's because all Marvel and DC comics are wearing thin with me. It's all reboots and re-mixes of familiar characters to push some marketing that has nothing to do with comics. I agree with [Comics, by Perch] on this.
 Kamala Khan was forced down the fans throats, but there were many fans of her that have nothing to do with her comics (which is the future of all IPs in this business, I think). The market isn't for comics, which I get is your focus, but she was made to be bigger than comics, like or not. 
 But I don't care, because Kamala Khan has allowed all of us to know and discuss things and issues that we have never done before. Particularly, the arc where they discuss Partition, the division of India into Pakistan and Bangledesh, a tragic event that my father experienced personally, was worth all the over-exposure of this character alone. This was a huge historical event that almost no one has heard of, and this book put a focus on it even among older people of the sub-continent who had never read a comic in their lives, the pages were being shared by email and on Facebook by people my father and mother's age.
Did it sell the comic? Hell no.
 But it was a good thing for the comic world, for the Pakistani world, for the American fans, on a whole.
 And to be honest Perch, I love your channel, but this very rant plays into the idea OG fans will reject this new character based on her background. Many people say her powers are boring, her character is mediocre, and they're all right, but they, and you, miss the point. I get she's been pushed down our throats and I agree that she isn't the best, but the fact that you relate to the kid who acts like a jerk, saying he represents the average comic fan (I don't relate to him, I relate to her, which might be the point of what I'm saying), while that scene is an over-exaggeration, like all superhero melodrama is, I have experienced exactly that kind of situation, being talked down to, and I've seen this happen a lot when it is a young girl and especially if it is a person of color. The fact this irks you is acceptable, but I see a lot of truth in it, even if it is over the top soap opera dialogue.
 I know you are going to say that you were only discussing how the industry, the fans of comics themselves reacted to it and her forcibly increased profile in the universe of comics, and as a fan of comics for almost 30 years, I see all your points. But I think you're reaction is an over-reaction, Kamala Khan is a small part of the Marvel universe, and if she is being artificially being pushed to the top, I personally, have no problem with that. I don't buy the comics, and no one else has to either. And if her inclusion in comics causes people to stop buying the comic, well, I have no problem with that either. Honestly, a lot of those books were never going to be bought no matter which version of Captain Marvel or Spider-Man you put into the book. 
you know nothing jon snowden1 day ago (edited)
It is somewhat insulting the bullying of her as some sort of crucial element of her origin. “What’s her pathos?” “Oppression from comicbook nerds.”
Eric D.1 day ago
Two of the best marvel titles - Daredevil and Immortal Hulk - have one very important thing in common. Consistent creative teams that are telling good stories within a larger story arc that is being told simultaneously. The issue with Kamala Khan is the same issue that Marvel has with a lot of their characters - creative teams on a revolving door and overuse of cross over events. In that shuffle, the core of a character gets lost and we end up with flat, uninteresting characters exactly like the version of Ms. Marvel that's presented in the new Avengers game. A lot of the "problems" in comics could be corrected if the industry returned to a consistent creative team model instead of this six-issue-expiration-date on creative teams and constant title cancelations and reboots that we see now.
KelpieTales1 day ago
Pretty much what others have said before: Kamala has/had potential, her concept is solid and has been done elsewhere so it can work, her early series wasn't bad but come Civil War II things started going downhill for her sadly especially with politics becoming all the more obvious of a driving force.
 What didn't also help was overexposure and the "You must love her or else!" Mentality behind her marketing and some fans as well being directly tied into two other franchises with the same problem: Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel and the Inhumans being made into knock-off X-Men. Since Disney got the rights to X-Men and shelves the Inhumans after the damage done to them I can see why they're quiet on Kamala being one. You also got a point on her surface traits being over exaggerated by other writers most specifically her being a Muslim and a Fangirl, with the rest kind of varying. One example is Waid's version of her is known for being so upset with how the Avengers wouldn't personally rebuild buildings destroyed in battle she left to form the Champions. First issue of her new series by Ahmed had her accidentally destroy a store and came off bratty to the justifiably angry owner. Some will see it as writers not doing their research which sadly happens quite a bit or worst case the character seen as  a hypocrite to some especially if they're a fairly new characters with other factors going against them. One thing that personally bothers me about her is how Marvel and certain media praise her as their "best thing since Spider-Man" when she hasn't really done much to earn that title in terms of personal accomplishments. She's made from a similar mold as Peter and there's nothing wrong with doing that kind of "ordinary kid becomes a superhero" with a different cultural twist to it but it felt like they handled Kamala (and other modern hyped, young characters) with kid gloves compared to their predecessors. I don't think she should see all her loved ones murdered in front of her but maybe at least building a rogues gallery that challenges her more other than simply "fascism" and "Islamaphobia" or something. Then again, this could be because her writers are afraid of getting called "bigots" if something bad happens to her even if it's something white guys routinely deal with I.e. recent Star Wars comic had Boba Fett kill a black woman, just like he killed so many others before, and suddenly SWHatesWomen is a trending tag. Kamala's books also seem more geared to a YA for nerd girls and maybe younger like other books out there like Squirrel Girl so I can see that as a rift between her series and the usual comic fanbase that tends to be teen boys and men. 
 Also, no qualms about the costume but I get how stretchy powers can be a little weird for some to get over or have a character be fun and creative with it.
 Also, that scene with the "real fans" bullies was eye roll worthy. I'm not denying fan elitism exists and I've seen it first hand from people of all walks of life. However, here it feels like it plays into the narrative of "fanboys are bigots who hate sharing their hobbies with girls/PoC/LGBT+" and of course, if you don't like characters like Kamala for any reason you're just like them. There's also how a lot of comic fans tend to just be super awkward, or even autistic, and just get carried away talking about their hobby while unintentionally coming off rude. I'll admit I've been there trying to talk to someone who acted like an authority on the comics when they didn't seem to ever read them and seemed to just watch the shows (while ironically talking down about others who watch superhero shows and don't read the books). Not to mention, the concern of hobbies being re-tooled to be more "inclusive" for people who never cared about them before while alienating the older fanbase.
Gabriel Hernandez1 day ago
Here's an anecdote that somewhat backs up your theory. Disney XD came out with Black Panther's Quest just after the release of the film. I remember hearing about it and thought it would be some light, fun entertainment. When the first episode came out (you can legit watch it here: https://youtu.be/0B9JOAX99pc), Ms. Marvel had as much dialog as Black Panther, certainly more than any other Avenger, and she was at the front of the team during the big fight scene in the first 5 minutes. I remember thinking "Why is this person here? Why is she getting so much attention in a Black Panther cartoon? Where's the Hulk? Why is Ms Marvel doing so much of the talking and in the same timeframe you have nothing from either Capt. America or Black Widow? What is this?" In other words, Ms Marvel was being shoved to the front and treated as a co-leader of the Avengers when - and here's the key - her canon and her powers weren't established enough to earn that spot. That's the difference. She didn't earn her place at the table, and it just comes off as forced and fake. Just my opinion.
Cole1 day ago
When I was in Washington DC last summer we visited American History Smithsonian and they unexpectedly had an exhibit on superheroes where they had some comics in a case and there was a Kamala khan Ms Marvel #1 next to a bunch of classic issues and first appearances. It puts things into perspective beyond a small internet troll bubble. That clip was kinda lame lol but the character has a large audience.
Ibena8271 day ago (edited)
I do disagree on the idea that people weren't ranting about her character when she first debut because they're were literal blogs and videos dedicated to bashing her character and her faith, and even those people who claim her comic was failing always forget to mention that while single issues weren't selling alot, her first volume actually sold remarkably well, making it the best selling series in that year. Although her character came from the all new and all different line-up there is a reason why unlike others like Riri Williams, America Chavez or even Nova she was able to go into other media so easily and it's simply because her character was able to appeal to new readers of comics with a young protagonist who held a more optimistic outlook on the Marvel universe as it was going into so much change at the time, it also helped that her story focus less on action and more on her daily life and how it involves into her heroic life. I could understand if people just don't like Ms. Marvel because she's just not their favorite type of hero but it would be weird to criticize the character for being comparable to her multiple relaunches "mentor" or with her being responsible for the decline of Marvel comics
Comics, by Perch1 day ago
I didn't say there were none... but if you look at the volume it was easily 1/20th of the volume of what occurred later in her run. For a period of time there were more articles condemning the insults than the insults themselves. Of course, that did change.
Horizon Brave1 day ago (edited)
I despise...DESPISE the fandom at times... This shouldn't even be a thing... I can guarantee you...promise you.... if Captain Marvel was not a teen girl, this conversation, this "agenda" that everyone spouts, this constant push back of anything about this character would not exist. Find it funny that all of the characters that create controversy and and bring out the cliche descriptors like SJW and MarySue are all women.  I have yet to hear anyone whine and bitch about male characters 'ruining' the story or pushing politics etc
inotaishu11 day ago
Ms. Marvel wasn't even the first muslim girl in the Marvel Universe. DUST came years before her. I think the problem with the character is that she was so long connected to something that looks like an agenda instead of having the character stand on her own.
Once upon a time there was a online conflict called gamergate
 it was an outgrowth of the increased mainstreamification with it greater demographic Alteration of fandom. Where they were a vehicle for major studios putting things out as well as trying to chase different demographics and markets. 
alongside this is in fact a long-term attempt to make fandom much more female friendly. with, yes, pre-existing issues of sexism. With the sudden influx of this social capital some factions happily hook their train up either for validation, advancement, but especially social power. This all comes to a head through three major actions.
 you probably heard names like Zoe Quinn or Anita Sarkeesian.  needless to say fandom isn't just one thing. 
Stuff that happens in the game sphere creates an attitude because there are members who share multiple hobbies but especially with comics people wanted to act like they were social activists and one way they did that was by creating the bunch of traits that they knew what piss people off and then attack a group that they knew had less social capital.
 so in order to combat what was perceived as negative feelings for Muslims and girls with interest in geeky hobbies and or science fiction they created the polemic fangirl. Especially to the counter the nasty statements against then popular brown hair girls such as Bella Swan and Katniss Everdeen.
This was addressing a very real issue, much as was pointed out in the book Lovecraft Country
We had genre fiction that had, on its basis, racist assumptions ideas and so on whether that was Tarzan, John Carter of Mars, and yes Lovecraft. but much like the creation of Miles Morales and several other characters you couldn't help but feel, much as you noted with this latest version, that the point of the character wasn't to be a character to celebrate and build a relationship with audience and this genre, but to brow beat the audience. 
 This is especially with fangirl interests being lionized as a social good even when in many ways just as venal Petty and low-key  messed up. Something that nobody would own up to until it was socially advantaged to do so.  
As an example people constantly pointing out how mean male nerds are to female or anything that's associated with female or progressive or gay  fashions. Until suddenly they want to beat on those people then suddenly they can acknowledge the exact same traits those accused bigots with people were mad about as existing let alone allowing to be judged as flawed It's hilarious because I can point to things like people flipping out about the last Jedi and how people jump the gun on a character like admiral holdo. But then turn around and prosecute the in their name reylo fandom because they're all fighting against patriarchy. In short it's very clear when someone makes a character and they're meant to be a learning lesson for the audience
. And very deliberately from conception that was the point of Miles Morales and Kamala Khan. The only positive thing you could say at least with KK is that she was deliberately meant to be empathetic to that kind of girl. the problem is much like [Perch] said when they start saying she was the future it very much came with an implicit “you guys are the past and you guys sucked until we came here”
 It's with this attitude along with that, even though I don't have a problem reading the first three or so  of her trade, she's associated with the push of the inhumans which was very much more mandated by the fox marvel Disney pissing match; To the fact that she has Loki guest star along with agents of shield thus meaning that she was very much part of the then media tie in and fangirl gasm of pushing Loki which also fed into the idea of Loki as the best queer boyfriend; and they made it clear that this was going to be the future. basically they were going to be as Petty as they always were just aiming towards fangirl. as opposed to males’ preference  
 and then they were going to tell us how we were monsters for not going along with it. 
 And again those first three trades pretty well written and okay ish. They're all about character. which makes them kind of interesting but that doesn't change the fact that you can easily see what they're trying to do with having the literal villain called the inventor who's also Thomas Edison who's all about demoralizing and exploiting the younger generation, who all turn out to be super geniuses anyway,  All this and a wolverine cameo.
Added in like [Perch] noted that people who were not about comics couldn't shut up about praising her as the future of comics as if everything was crap until she showed up and it just hurt a lot. especially as you noted it was all this other mess going on but she was part of the initiative of streamlining marvel towards the media Disney push. and very deliberately made in order to push out everybody who would come before even down to the likes of the audience to push for a different audience who they said was a more moral audience 
So whether she was a hit outside of the morass of Marvel determined whether she’d be the new centralizing focus for it.
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theotherrookie · 13 days
Having spent her formative year in the outskirts of the Citadel, Willow knew well how to disappear and find a quiet spot to wait the commotion out. It was child's play, even. However, it wasn't a mere matter of stealth– Anybody could carry an unconscious guy around. You also had to look like you belonged in a given place.
While she was dressed to impress, her style wasn't the kind that worked with the crowd who typically wouldn't be renting a room in a place called 'Vinland Suites'. Then again, punks weren't welcome in most places. But she had her looks, her pride and all the money in the world. And a pair of bloodied gloves she couldn't use anymore.
But at least she had accomplished what she had been meaning to do all along in this rollercoaster of a day off. It just so happened that fixing up a phone was a far more pleasant activity than patching up a human was. Willow leaned to rest her head against her hand as the device occasionally ticked when a component snapped back into place, or was repaired. Nanotechnology was truly a wonderful thing and having suffered no wounds so far, she was happy to spare some for her door to the sensible information of the enigmatic guy she had left to rest as comfortably (and as far away from her) as possible on the bed.
The cyborg hummed, pondering once again the many questions going through her mind.
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theotherrookie · 1 year
@mysandersmysandersandme continued from here
"Kevlar armor would be more appropriate, actually. But you're welcome."
So either she was a massive weirdo, or just someone very committed to an aesthetic (whatever that might have been).
Willow pushed her hair back, standing with her hands folded behind her back as she looked expectantly. Returning items usually warranted some kind of reward, right?
This is what happens when she gets bored.
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theotherrookie · 2 years
There was hardly anything strange about Carthage holding an electronic expo every once in a while. What made this occasion special, however, was the location. After years of silence, the company had decided to open up its doors to the world again.
Or at least the doors of the Citadel. Few around the island could say to have ever seen something like this. All convention centers were packed with representatives and the streets were flooded with tourists pretending to know they knew what was going on. The press hurried about like headless chickens chasing Carthage's representatives and even the capsule hotels were fully booked.
That was going to do wonders to the island's economy. But more importantly, it'd allow the entity overseeing this all to catch up on the competition's latest exploits. One would think industrial secrets would be closely guarded. But some of their esteemed guests simply enjoyed flexing inside somebody's home.
Alas, she didn't have time to waste in such gaudy theatrics; Carthage had the ground they were standing on as proof of its power. Though Willow was hardly going to sit at home waiting for the outsiders to get off her lawn. No, this was the perfect time to visit the outer ring and its neon lit alleys, where the more interesting deals were being discussed.
The Panthers' leader couldn't pass up an occasion like this. She had to give it to the other gangs. Giving out information of how to tell each other apart was an impressive attempt at PR. There was a truce going on. So all she was left to do was to sit on a bench out in the open and wait for business to come to her.
Or anyone, really. It was a public space, she couldn't care less.
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theotherrookie · 1 year
❝...❞ For Willow and/or Rook
Not many know that Willow has a vocal implant that can alter her voice whenever she needs to impersonate someone. She, of course, would never sound exactly like Shade, being small. But she can nail the tone quite well.
"Surely, you aren't missing the irony of such a request. Yes, I will concede that the two of us share some traits. However, for all the talk about how great, amiable and talented I am, my plans for world domination are rather feeble in comparison."
Rook joins in, because of course she won't turn this down. "I'm ancient but I'm always this close to realizing that other people have feelings and sometimes take a long time to deal with them. Which is something, seeing how I'm huge!"
You two better hope Shade doesn't hear you.
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theotherrookie · 1 year
@two-black-leviathans continued from here
"Oh, everything is going according to the simulations on our end, thank you for the interest."
Maybe she could stop for a chat. She folded her hands behind her back as she tried to take a peek at what the two were doing, "You're always welcome to visit. At least I can trust you will be subtle when doing so."
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theotherrookie · 2 years
Tumblr media
"Now it's time to be naughty."
*cocks gun*
"Hand over your candy."
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theotherrookie · 1 year
✂ Did the mun ever do something to make you jealous? (for Rook), ⚡ What is the mun’s favorite weather? (for Lucien), 🔥 How would you spend one day with the mun if you could? (for Willow)
✂ Did the mun ever do something to make you jealous?
"Well, for instance, she never draws me while Willow gets all the cool cosplays and is literally her avatar everywhere. It's not fair!"
⚡ What is the mun’s favorite weather?
"I believe this question has already been answered here. However, I shall add that her favorite weather qualifies as such for the simple reason that it allows her to keep the window open to listen to the birds singing. It hardly relates to the weather itself, I know, but I approve of this method of measurement."
🔥 How would you spend one day with the mun if you could?
"Well, the first part of the day would be spent attempting to drag her outside. Afterwards, I could tell you that ice cream would definitely be involved, both as a treat and a due reward for testing my patience in such a way."
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theotherrookie · 1 year
✌: What is the easiest aspect of playing this muse? ((For any muse of your choice!))
I think what makes Willow easy to write is that we share the same taste in memes. Sure, she speaks in a very specific way and language barriers can be a pain sometimes. But I've been able to fit this Tom Cardy song in a thread once, there's just no way I can get tired of writing her.
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theotherrookie · 1 year
send 🌸 or ‘RANDOM’ for me to use a random number generator a d8 to determine which one of my muses you’ll receive a starter from. (still accepting)
Roll result: 2 = Willow
"What is the meaning of this?"
The light reflected off the pink blade of her katana. The cyborg stood, eyes narrowed and body ready to spring into action at the first sign of danger.
"Whatever you may have in mind, I shall warn you it won't end well for you."
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theotherrookie · 2 years
Rook gives Willow a cupcake. "Happy birthday to me!"
She then gives Fae a new sleeveless denim jacket, properly ripped and faded already. "Happy birthday to me!"
"Ladies, you know what to do."
Rook has one more gift, but the box is dropped as she finds herself stuck in a group hug.
Erica purrs. Rook got her a new beanie. "Happy birthday to me!"
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theotherrookie · 2 years
Lucien adjusts his hat. "I must say, Rook, you really outdid yourself this time. I might just adopt Alucard as an alias from now on. I only have one question, did you just have to dress up as Integra tonight?"
"See, the joke is that you can't get rid of me or ignore me." Rook grins, "Did you bring the plushie?"
"One Galar Zigzagoon for your friend— Hold on, I sense a fairy nearby."
Fae promptly slaps Lucien's butt. "Hello, darlings!"
Lucien looks outraged. Another Rook? And she's a fairy?! "I want that back, Piers."
"Yeah, yeah, you'll get your trash panda back. Now, where's Erica?"
"I used her hockey stick to lock Miles in his room. She'll need it if she wants to really nail Casey Jones." Rook says, "However, that means that we'll be haunted by Jake Shears' loser cousin."
"Come on, Birdie. Miles looks great in spandex!"
"When I thought he couldn't be any louder..."
"Alas, few will be looking at him as I will be stealing the scene tonight."
"Willow, tell me you didn't strap real guns to your shoes."
"You will never know~"
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theotherrookie · 2 years
@hopeoverdespair continued from here
The Citadel was an ambitious project that got out of control then somehow settled into a mostly functional community. The settlement itself was huge, stretching from the coast all the way within the factories at the center of the island. Every single person living there suffered from a bad case of terminally online and their collective timelines were about to be shaken up.
Up on one of those majestic glass buildings, propped on a solar panel was Willow, who looked all but pleased to see Hacker. Not that she didn't want him on her island, she simply would have done without whatever was going on.
"I am beginning to wonder whether you're simply unable to enter any place the way it was intended. What on earth led to this and why did you feel the need to destroy our maintenance robots?"
Those poor, poor robots. The drones could soon suffer the same fate and so she attempted to call them to her. Yep, it was totally it and not because she liked the design or anything,
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