#cy Oracle MC
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Would Nik still be obsessed with MC if they were just a regular citizen?
Yes indeed. What makes MC special to Nik has to do with a part of the MC that has been revealed already. That’s all I’ll say.
#criminallyyoursvn#criminallyyours#yanjam#yandere vn#indie otome#yandere#english otome#otome#otome game#criminallyyoursask#cy nikolaos#criminallyyours nikolaos#Nik#oracle#cy oracle mc
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Maddie the baddie fr! I love all the details of this character, tysm for sharing 🥺
My Criminally Yours Oracle, Maddie. "Wait, isn't that--?" Yup. Because all my VN player/reader/MCs are just poorly disguised self-inserts in different cosplays.
(I like to think they're all multiverse variants of the same person)
I wanted her costume to be the inverse of Chronos colorwise, but also since it belonged to her mom, it doesn't reflect her tastes or personality. Chronos' color scheme would be more to her taste (hence the blue glasses frames), but "Oracle" is a legacy to be inherited, not a path she can forge for herself (this TOTALLY isn't a source of any deep-seated resentment, what are you talking about?) And speaking of the glasses, no, she isn't Clark Kent-ing; girl is blind as a bat, can't see a foot in front of her face without them. She uses contacts as Oracle- colored ones (hence the yellow eyes) to further hide her identity.
(Oracle is mos def the least "Maddie-like" of all the visual novel MCs I imagine, tho, because I will never truly be able to gel with an insert-type character whose canonical favorite genre of music is anything but rock or metal.)
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My Oracle (I call Laurie) & Nikolas/Chronos Fanart Inspired by screencaps from the Re: Cutie Honey Opening
I plan in the future on doing a more updated or detail design on the Oracle costume, though I hope this version will do. 😅
#criminally yours#criminallyyoursvn#cy Oracle MC#Nikolas#Chronos#indie otome#yanderevn#cutie honey is honestly a hidden gem
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This morning, SSO releases a bunch of new options for first and second horse names. I've tried to sort through and pull which are new.
Did I find out when I was 70% done that SSO had already made the list public and that all of my time was wasted? Yes, but I refuse admit my efforts were in vain.
All Amaryllis Any Arcane Archer Ardent Arrow Aster August Aura Banana Bard Baron Baroness Bell Bill Bolt Boogie Box Bravado Briar Brittle Bulwark Captain Carousel Challenger Champion Charger Chivalry Cinnabar Circus Clash Conqueror Corporal Count Countess Covenant Cow Coyote Creed Crucible Daffodil Dahlia Dauntless Dear Destiny Dino Dryad Earl Element Emperor Empress Enchanted Enigma Epic Errant Eternal Euphoria Even Expedition Express Fabulous Fawn Fear Forest Foxglove Frenzy Frozen Gallant Gargoyle General Genie Glacier Glimmer Goblin Golden Grace Harmony Hazelnut Heart Heliodor Herald Hermit Hill Honor Hope Hyacinth I Impress Inferno Ink Innocent Iris Ivy Jadeite Jasmine Jester Jinx Jolly Joust Justice Karma Knightly Lace Lance Laurel Leaf Lizard Loyalty Mac Mad Maiden Malachite Mandrake Maple Marigold Mars Max Mc Memory Mercury Merry Minstrel Mocha Moose Muffin Musing Nephrite Newt Niccolite Nimbus Nixie Nougat O Oath Olde Oracle Oz Pancake Pandoria Papaya Paradise Patch Peanut Pegasus Peony Pineapple Pixie Pledge Pluto Polo Pony Precious Pretty Puff Puffin Queen Questing Radiant Reindeer Ring Rising Risk Rite Rover Sacred Safe Saffron Sage Shield Sire Slow Smoky Snap Snowball Soda Solar Sorcerer Sorceress Sour Space Sparrow Sprinkles Steed Stellar Super Swan Sword Tango Tanzanite Teak Techno Teddy Tektite Tempest The Tie Torch Tourmaline Tower Trick U Valiant Valor Venus Verdant Virtue Vow Wanderer Warm Watcher Wraith Wyvern Y Yoga Youth Yule Zeppelin Zircon Zoisite Zoom
Able Abyss al ala Alarm ana Arrow ax ay ba Badger Bard Baron Baroness Bearer Blight bo Bravado Brooke by ca Captain ce cha Challenger Charger Chivalry cie Circus City Claw co Coast Cone Conqueror Count Countess Covenant Creed Crucible cy da Dauntless Day Dear Delight Dinosaur do Doria Double Dryad Dutchess dy e Earl ed el Element Elf elle ember en energy enigma er es ess est et ette Euphoria eus Expedition Express ey Fable Flare Flip Forest ful Gallant Gargoyle Genie Giant Goblin Heliodor Herald Hermit ia ian ic ica id ille im ing Innocent ios is ist ite ive ix ja Jadeite jar Jarl Jester Jinx Jolly Joust Justice Karma Kelpie ko la Lace Lance Laurel let ley Lizard lot Loyalty Maiden Malachite Max Minstrel mir mo Moose mor Musing my n na Nephrite ness Newt Nimbus Nixie no Noble nom Nougat ny Oath on one or Oracle ox oz Papaya Paradise Pegasus Pixie Pledge Polo Pony Potato Puff Puffin Questing ra Radiant Reindeer rey ria Rite ro ros Rover Ruler ry s sa Sacred Sage Serpent Shield Soda Sorcerer Sorceress Squire Steed Stellar Sword ta Tale Talon Tango Tanzanite Teak Tech Teddy Thunder tie to ton Tower Trick Trot Trotter ty u us ute Valiant Vixen Vow Wanderer Warlock Well West Wraith Wyrm Wyvern ya yo yx za Zircon zo Zoisite Zoom zy
#sso#ssoblr#new horse names#sso guide#holy shit this took so long and im upset#look at all those suffixes
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Game master Jess shared lists of all First and Second options for names, that were added to the game, total of 439!

Written down under the cut ↓
First options (total: 211)
A - All, Amaryllis, Any, Arcane, Archer, Ardent, Arrow, Aster, August, Aura B - Banshee, Bard, Baron, Baroness, Bell, Bill, Bolt, Boogie, Boots, Bravado, Briar, Brittle, Buddy, Bulwark C - Captain, Carousel, Challenger, Champion, Charger, Chivalry, Cinnabar, Circus, Conqueror, Corporal, Count, Countess, Covenant, Cow, Creed, Crucible D - Daffodil, Dahlia, Dauntless, Dear, Destiny, Dino, Dryad, Duck E - E, Early, Eld, Element, Emperor, Empress, Enchanted, Enigma, Errant, Eternal, Euphoria, Even, Expedition, Express F - Fabulous, Fawn, Fear, Foxglove, Frozen G - Gallant, Gargoyle, General, Genie, Glacier, Glimmer, Goblin, Golden H - Harmony, Hazelnut, Heart, Heliodor, Herald, Hermit, Honor, Hope, Hyacinth I - I, Impress, Inferno, Ink, Innocent, Iris, Ivy J - Jadeite, Jasmine, Jester, Jinx, Jolly, Joust, Jupiter, Justice K - Karma, Knightly L - Lace, Lance, Laurel, Lizard, Loyalty M - Mac, Mad, Maiden, Malachite, Mandrake, Maple, Marigold, Mars, Max, Mc, Mercury, Merry, Minstrel, Mocha, Moose, Muffin, Musing N - Nephrite, Newt, Niccolite P - Pandoria N - Nimbus, Nixie, Nougat O - O, Oath, Olde, Oracle, Oz P - Pancake, Papaya, Paradise, Patch, Peanut, Pegasus, Peony, Pineapple, Pixie, Pledge, Pluto, Polo, Pony, Precious, Pretty, Puff, Puffin Q - Queen, Questing R - Radiant, Reindeer, Risk, Rite, Rover S - Sacred, Safe, Saffron, Sage, Shield, Sire, Slow, Smoky, Snap, Snowball, Soda, Solar, Sorcerer, Sorceress, Sour, Sparrow, Sprinkles, Squire, Steed, Stellar, Swan, Sword T - Tango, Tanzanite, Teak, Techno, Teddy, Tektite, Tempest, The, Tie, Torch, Tourmaline, Tower, Trick U - U V - Valiant, Valor, Venus, Verdant, Virtue, Vow W - Wanderer, Warm, Watcher, Wraith, Wyvern Y - Y Z - Zeppelin, Zircon, Zoisite, Zoom
Second options (total: 228)
A - a, able, abyss, al, ala, alarm, ana, arrow, ax, ay B - ba, badger. bard, baron, baroness, bearer, blight, bloom, bo, bravado, buddy, by C - ca, captain, ce, cha, challenger, chivalry, cie, circus, city, claw, co, coast, cone, conqueror, count, countess, covenant, creed, crucible, cy D - da, dauntless, day, dear, delight, dinosaur, do, doria, double, dryad, duchess, dy E - e, earl, ed, el, element, elf, elle, ember, energy, enigma, er, es, ess, est, et, ette, euphoria, eus, expedition, express, ey F - fable, flare, flip, forest, ful G - gallant, gargoyle, genie, giant, goblin H - heliodor, herald, hermit I - ia, ian, ic, ica, id, ille, im, ing, innocent, ios, is, ist, ite, ive, ix J - ja, jadeite, jar, jarl, jester, jinx, jolly, joust, justice K - karma, kelpie, ko L - la, lace, lance, laurel, let, ley, lizard, lot, loyalty M - maiden, malachite, max, minstrel, mir, mo, moose, mor, musing, my N - n, na, nephrite, ness, newt, nimbus, nixie, no, noble, nom, nougat, ny O - oath, on, one, or, oracle, os, ox, oz P - papaya, paradise, pegasus, pixie, pledge, polo, pony, potato, puff, puffin Q - questing R - ra, radiant, reindeer, rey, ria, rite, ro, ros, rover, ruler, ry S - s, sa, sacred, sage, serpent, shield, snap, soda, sorcerer, sorceress, squire, steed, stellar, sword T - ta, tale, talon, tango, tanzanite, teak, tech, teddy, thunder, tie, to, ton, tower, trick, trot, trotter, ty U - u, us, ute V - valiant, vixen, vow W - wanderer, warlock, well, west, wraith, wyrm, wyvern Y - ya, yo, yx Z - za, zircon, zo, zoisite, zoom, zy
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THESE ARE PERFECTIONNNNN- I am cackling! 🤣 the last line is also the realest thing I’ve ever read!
Criminally Yours as textposts (ft my Oracle OC Lola). I love Nik so much he is that perfect line between freak levels of Machiavellian plotting and the dumbest white boy alive.
#criminallyyours#criminally yours vn#criminallyyoursvn#yanjam#yandere vn#indie otome#yandere#english otome#otome#cyvn#Nik#Chronos#cy nikolaos#cy oracle mc#cy chronos#oracle#criminallyyoursmeme
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I found the ask about Nikolas as an ex interesting and remembered this form. Do you want to fill it out? :)

Sorry for the wait! Finally did it for our OC Delphi <3
#criminallyyoursvn#criminallyyours#yandere vn#yanjam#indie otome#yandere#english otome#otome#otome game#criminallyyoursask#cy oracle mc#cy delphi
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How would Nik be around oracle who has an ass ton of medical issues/has a disability? (Im projecting my "guess whos in the hospital for the 4th time this month" problems on oracle here lol)
would he be more careful? or would this not work on oracle at all considering the games plot?
He’d be the closest thing to a hero he’s ever been. He’d be with them every step of the way, and since quality time is his biggest love language it wouldn’t have any detriment on the relationship at all assuming you take him with you.
He’d be more careful for sure, but even so he knows Oracle’s strength isn’t just in their health or physicality.
I think this type of Oracle could work well! I think it’s important that heroes come from all sorts of backgrounds and ways of life.
Nik/Chronos would be weary of babying you or being too protective, but it would be hard for him not to worry about you more than he already does.
#criminallyyoursvn#criminallyyours#yanjam#yandere vn#indie otome#yandere#english otome#otome#otome game#criminallyyoursask#Nik#cy oracle mc#oracle#cy chronos
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Hihi! First of all, the Criminally Yours turned out to be very cool and comfortable! I don't know how to describe the feelings, but I watched the gameplay on YouTube and vn really lifted my spirits :)
I was wondering if you have any references for Oracle's superhero costume? I know it's up to the player, but I'm curious what aesthetic you envision for their costume. Ty!

Omg thank you for such kind words! 🥺
We are in the process of releasing an official art with Nik/Chronos and my cocreator and I’s OC Delphi rn, and this is the design they settled on.
The only things all the costumes have in common is: skin tight, purple, a mask of some sort, and a third eye symbol somewhere on the costume.
#criminallyyoursvn#criminallyyours#yanjam#yandere vn#indie otome#yandere#english otome#otome#otome game#criminallyyoursask#Nik#oracle#cy oracle mc#cy nikolaos#cy chronos#cy delphi
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Casts (Including Oracles mom) reaction to an Oracle that eats lemons like oranges nonchalantly?
I’m sure Mama Oracle would be used to this behavior (I’m Hispanic personally and this was just the average growing up experience for me lol)
Nik would be impressed, he’s a lot more sensitive to sour foods that’s for sure.
I think Wes could probably do the same, but hates the way it eats at his lips, teeth, and tongue.
#criminallyyoursvn#criminallyyours#yandere vn#yanjam#indie otome#yandere#english otome#otome#otome game#criminallyyoursask#wes#wesley#cy wes#cy wesley#cy nikolaos#cy oracle mc#oracle
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Is Nik one of those fan boys who has their favourite character/person *cough* oracle *cough* set as all of their devices wallpapers? And is their like…. Oracle merch? Like does he have limited edition figures, trading cards, shirts,*cough* ,body pillow *cough* Hidden away somewhere? and if so- how would he explain it to MC if they found it 😂
Oh gosh I think he would if he didn’t have to worry about MC actually discovering it. He might have some pictures in a folder somewhere on his computer.
He’d probably go more fanboy when Oracle is actually with him.
If he got caught the MC would probably not like him that much anymore and be scared like they were at the ending of CY. But Nik would do what he could to win them back.
#criminallyyoursvn#criminallyyours#yanjam#yandere vn#yandere#english otome#indie otome#otome#otome game#criminallyyoursask
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Multi fandom question here!: if BSH MC, Ray , Nik and CY MC were all going to a Halloween party would like- they wear costumes of each other? Like Ray and Nik swapping and the mcs swapping, Since they can’t dress as themselves. Also extra side question- would Nik Do a couples costume with mc where they are dressed as cronose and he’s dressed as oracle? Or just let wear mc wear the mask?
Oh super cute! I do like the idea of Oracle dressing up as Binary Star Hero hehe
Also Ray wearing Oracle’s seems fun! Equally skin tight for sure.
Mc of BSH wearing Chronos attire is pretty fun!
Though I know Nik would die to get MC in his attire and he’d be posing and trying to work the Oracle suit. He loves some dramatic irony.
#criminallyyoursvn#yandere#yandere vn#yanjam#criminallyyours#english otome#indie otome#otome#otome game#criminallyyoursask#bsh ray#bshvn#binary star hero
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Love this to pieces! The name is everything! We love Laurie Kastri in this house 😤

I am almost done with my revamp of my Oracle’s superhero costume, but I wanted to do this chart real quick. Making her Awkwardness level so high is just so endearingly hilarious because She constantly jumps whenever Nik sneaks up on her at her desk and she’s fumbling to play it cool. Not the best play it close to the vest, but she tries.
Also fun notes: Her name is closely related to Apollo and Delphi. “Laurie” refers to “laurel” or “sweet bay tree” which are one of the sacred symbols Apollo, while her last name “Kastri” is in reference to the Greek village that was formed above the ruins of the ancient site of Delphi.
( I am a Greek Myth nerd, so when I saw my chance I took it XD )
#criminally yours#criminallyyoursvn#visual novel#yanderevn#indie otome#criminallyyours#yanjam#yandere vn#yandere#english otome#cy oracle mc#oracle
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I’m simply in love with this! Super adorable art gosh 🤩 thank you for sharing, I love Laurie! 💖

My Oracle (I call Laurie) & Nikolas/Chronos Fanart Inspired by screencaps from the Re: Cutie Honey Opening
I plan in the future on doing a more updated or detail design on the Oracle costume, though I hope this version will do. 😅
#criminally yours#criminallyyoursvn#cy oracle mc#nikolas#chronos#indie otome#yanderevn#criminallyyours#yanjam#criminallyyoursfanart
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